From heartbreak to happiness!
From heartbreak to happiness!
Strong foundations to empower families in Orange County Upper le: e last five homes in the 11-home Fullerton Revitalization Development were dedicated in January. Photographer: Lauri Reveles Le: Westminster homeowner Rosa Martinez (right) served as family partner to the Mendiola family, and was on hand to welcome them to their new home in Fullerton. Photographer: Robert Rooks What started in 2007, as an ambitious partnership with the City of Fullerton, dozens of sponsors – including rivent Financial for Lutherans, family partners, hundreds of volunteers, and countless other supporters, is now a dream come true for these families. BE INSPIRED Construction Corner .............3 Five new Fullerton homes – a story in every picture....4-5 Family News: The Secret Library.................6 Global Village trip to Botswana..................................7 Being green just takes a little common sense...........8 From heartbreak to happiness! Final five homes dedicated in Fullerton BY C INDY T ULLUES TA L K T O U S ! Please let us know how we can make Cornerstone – or any part of the Orange County Habitat affiliate – better. Please send your comments to Habitat for Humanity of Orange County volunteers wrapped up construction of the final five homes in Fullerton, and celebrated with the new homeowners at a much anticipated dedication ceremony on January 8, 2011. e ceremony honored and welcomed the Islas, Chavez, Larson, Mendiola and Alvarez families to the neighborhood that now consists of 11 Crasman style homes on West Valencia Drive. Most of these families have suffered heartbreaking hardships and have struggled for a place to call home. Some temporarily lived in their cars, while others rented a single room for a family of four. Moving into this beautiful new Habitat community signals a momentous change in their lives – a change that will provide the opportunity for the families to grow stronger, and a change that will spark a passion for success in their lives and in their children’s lives. Welcome home to these wonderful new homeowners! “ank you to the City of Fullerton for the opportunity to live here. I think my neighbors will be my new family.” DAVID M ENDIOLA , 1 C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g NEW F ULLERTON HOMEOWNER Habitat for Humanity of Orange County “Home isn’t just the structure…it is the family who lives in that home.” Transforming lives and communities by helping families in need build and purchase or renovate their own homes. R OBERT M EAUX , T HRIVENT F INANCIAL FOR LUTHERANS & H F HOC BOARD MEMBER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR S HARON E LLIS (714) 434-6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS CHAIR M ARK M ATHEWS Toshiba America Business Solutions VICE CHAIR A MESSAGE FROM SHARON… F. S COTT J ACKSON Jackson | DeMarco | Tidus | Peckenpaugh As we go to press with this newsletter, we are facing some unique challenges. While the state of California grapples with its budget for the coming year, they are looking at eliminating redevelopment agencies, and with them the only stream of state funding for affordable housing. Since 96% of the homes we have built in Orange County have been built on land funded by local redevelopment agencies, this could have a disastrous impact on the future of our mission. SECRETARY M ARK H OOVER First American Title BOARD MEMBERS D AVE A LBERT Stanley Black & Decker D AVID B ANDUCCI Harvard Card Systems, Inc. F RANCISCA G ONZALEZ B AXA Law office of Francisca Gonzalez Baxa E RIC B ELL Bank of the West K EVIN C LOYD White Van Real Estate Services, L.P. R OBERT C ORBIN Windes & McClaughry K IM D ENGER Community Volunteer J EFF D ICKERSON Holland Construction, Inc. E DIE F EE iNPOINT Advisors G LENN G RAY Sunwest Bank J EFFREY J OY Greenberg Traurig, LLP B OB L E F EVER Consultant J IM L IGHT C.J. Light Associates B RETT M ANSFIELD Union Bank R OBERT M EAUX Thrivent Financial for Lutherans D ON M OE Community Volunteer R OB M ONTGOMERY HOM Real Estate Group K ELLY M OORE Moore Benefits, Inc. H UGO N UÑO First Foundation Bank J OE P ERRING Community Volunteer M ARK R OGERS TRG Land R.B. W EDEL Brown-Forman BOARD EMERITUS PAT K APP JP Kapp, Civil Engineer 2 Sharon Ellis, Executive Director, HfHOC, welcomed more than 150 guests and Habitat families to the dedication ceremonies for the last five homes in Fullerton. Photographer: Robert Rooks As we work with our elected officials to preserve this funding stream, we’re looking at a wide variety of other options that will enable us to continue our work and increase the number of families we serve. Our volunteers are currently involved in rehabilitating foreclosed homes, modifying owner-occupied homes to improve weatherization and accessibility, and providing maintenance assistance to homeowners who simply can not afford it. We are also one of the first affiliates in the U.S. to be involved in Habitat International’s Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, which will include construction of new, energy-efficient homes, and rehabilitation of vacant and foreclosed properties. We’re energized by this challenge and we are working hard to make sure that it has a positive outcome. Please check our website regularly for the latest information. And please continue to keep the families we serve – and those we seek to serve – in your prayers. Blessings, Sharon Ellis, Executive Director (714) 434-6200 | FAMILY NEWS ■ Families wanted for homes to be built in North Orange County. Visit our website for more information and new-family orientation dates. ■ Family Partners needed for new families to be selected later this year. For more information, please contact Photographer: Robert Rooks HfHOC board member R. B. Wedel (le) joined the Islas family at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new home in Fullerton. WHY IS HABITAT NEEDED IN ORANGE COUNTY? $410,000 $1,476 $63,000 $46,450 median OC home price average monthly OC apartment rent income earned by an OC Habitat family of four (February 2011) (4th Qtr 2010) annual income required to afford an OC starter home – at $409,000 (4th Qtr 2010) Sources: MDA DataQuick, RealFacts, California Realtors Association, HUD & The Orange County Register (50% of median) Construction Corner Dreaming about a brighter future as they look out the window of their new home in Fullerton. O UR T RACK RECORD Photographer: Robert Rooks Currently serving 2,735 women, men and children. NEW HOMES ■ Changing Communities 169 new homes serving 845 people in Orange County - 167 for low and very-low income families* Anaheim, Brea, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Stanton, Westminster, & Yorba Linda. *Includes: 5 Women Build-OC homes and 6 Thrivent Builds Homes - 2 for moderate income families (workforce housing) Yorba Linda. ■ 14 Operation Home Delivery (OHD) homes serving 70 people built by OC donors & volunteers Covington, LA; Beaumont & Dallas, TX. ■ 9 OHD homes serving 45 people built by Texas Roadhouse/Camp Pendleton Marines/ Coca Cola/Grainger New Orleans, LA. ■ Photographer: Jaymie Fisher 355 homes serving 1,775 people built by OC tithes: Romania, Northern Ireland, Mexico, Bangladesh, Egypt and Nepal. REHABILITATED HOMES ■ HfHOC’s AmeriCorps volunteers take a break from sessions at the National Leadership Conference in Alabama. 4 NSP2 Homes in partnership with Neighborhood Housing Services of Orange County Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Anaheim, Rancho Santa Margarita. Local clergy gather at faith leaders luncheon “Helping people in need is at the very roots of Habitat,” said Jonathan Good, Director of Global Faith Engagement, Habitat for Humanity International, in his address to an audience of Orange County’s faith leaders on March 17. “More than building houses, we seek to build communities.” Good encouraged clergy leaders to let Habitat OC help their congregations serve “beyond the four walls of the church.” (le to right: Robert Meaux, rivent Financial for Lutherans & HfHOC board member; Mark Mathews, Toshiba America Business Solutions & HfHOC board chair; Jonathan Good; Sharon Ellis, ED, HfHOC.) Longtime volunteer Mary Kay Wise joined other guests at the faith leaders luncheon to sign messages of hope on blocks of wood to be used in future Habitat homes. C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g AmeriCorps members give from their hearts ank you to our 2010-2011 team of nine AmeriCorps members currently serving in our construction, DeConstruct, volunteer and family services departments, and in our Garden Grove ReStore. ese dedicated volunteers are committing a year of their lives to supplement our affiliate’s small staff. Every day they contribute their incredible energy and talents to our work with local families. We simply could not do what we do without them! eir term of service ends in July, so if you haven’t met them yet, please stop by and say hello. For more information about how you could become an AmeriCorps, please email 3 Together We Finished the Fullert Thank you to our Fullerton Donors & Design Team Five homes dedicated January 8, 2011 DONORS Photographer: Clay Williams Photographer: Clay Williams F UNDING L AND FOR City of Fullerton Redevelopment Agency A MERICAN D REAM S PONSOR $150,000 TO $249,999 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans “Fullerton is delighted to have you here. Congratulations!” M AYOR P RO T EM D ON B ANKHEAD, F ULLERTON “e many volunteers and employees of Habitat for Humanity have not only restored our faith and hope in the future but have also welcomed us in a loving and caring family where we now have a chance to grow and prosper. ank you!” L ORENA L ARSON , F ULLERTON HOMEOWNER C ARPENTER S PONSORS $25,000 TO $49,999 Photographer: Robert Rooks Archstone Communities, Inc. Change A Life Foundation Hands of Christ Lutheran Partnership S.L. Gimbel Foundation Union Bank Foundation A DDITIONAL S PONSORS Beckman Coulter Foundation Edwards Lifesciences, LLC Fullerton Interfaith Ministerial Association State Street Foundation Photographer: Clay Williams Photographer: Clay Williams M AJOR I N -K IND D ONOR Antis Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES D ESIGN T EAM & C ONSULTING S ERVICES Architect: William Hezmalhalch Architects Civil Engineer: Adams-Streeter Civil Engineers Energy Consultant: Heritage Energy Group, Rudy Sains Environmental Consultant: John Westermeier - WQMP Landscape Architect: EPT Design, Julie Larsen Soils Engineer: Associated Soils Engineering Structural Engineer: Structures Design Group, Inc., Phil Soma Surveyor: Stiles Surveying, Bus Stiles L EGAL Photographer: Lauri Reveles Fullerton Neighborhood Revitalization Development Just completed: Five homes in Fullerton BY THE NUMBERS TOTAL number of homes built 11 Number of VOLUNTEERS 5,000+ COST to build $2.7 Million New HOMEOWNERS 11 Families SERVICES Jackson|DeMarco|Tidus|Peckenpaugh Dedications: ■ 2 homes January 5, 2008 ■ 2 homes January 10, 2009 ■ 2 homes January 23, 2010 ■ 5 homes January 8, 2011 4 Photographer: Dave Solt Thank you to our on Development! Thank You!! Superstar donors! ank you to our generous donors of $5,000 and more from October 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. Your gis help build homes for families in Orange County. “We seek your blessing to rest upon and abide in these five newly completed and stocked houses that we’ve come together to dedicate. …ey are to be, and become, havens of rest and renewal for the families who will dwell in them.” DR. EDWIN LINBERG, ASSOCIATE PASTOR, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, FULLERTON $50,000 to $74,999 Department of Housing and Community Development Hyundai Motor America $10,000 to $24,999 Photographer: Robert Rooks Photographer: Robert Rooks “I want to know what it is like to have dinner as a family.” J OSE I SLAS , F ULLERTON H OMEOWNER Applied Medical Resources Archstone Communities Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Change A Life Foundation Edwards Lifesciences Ms. Diana B. Gondon Joe MacPherson Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mathews Miracle Foundation Fund Parker Aerospace Air & Fuel Division S.L. Gimbel Foundation Richard & Elizabeth Steel Fund Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. $5,000 to $9,999 Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company e Cashion Foundation e Dhont Family Foundation Fulop Roston Burns & McKittrick Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Jackson Kra Foods Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Lickel Mariners Church Mr. Michael R. H. Post Mrs. John Sewell Photographer: Robert Rooks Many thanks to the 1,846 donors whose gis of $4,999 or below during the fourth quarter of 2010 also helped Orange County families. If you feel that your name should have been included in this list, please contact West Valencia Drive, Fullerton C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g Photographer: Jeff Ellerbrock 5 Volunteer News ink you need to swing a hammer to be a Habitat volunteer? Not true. Habitat OC offers many different kinds of volunteer opportunities Family News e Secret Library BY DAVE S OLT Meet Ron De Felice, Volunteer Extraordinaire Two little boys created a very special “Secret Library” in their new San Juan Capistrano home. As a Habitat family partner and San Juan Capistrano resident, I am oen asked: “what kind of families did we get in San Juan Capistrano?” I’d like to tell you a story about one of the families who purchased an affordable Habitat home in San Juan Capistrano. e mom and dad who moved into house number 7 have three children. On the third night in their new home, Dad’s return from work was greeted by his two boys acting in a very guilty manner. Photographer: Dave Solt BY L INDA S HEPARD AND J AYMIE F ISHER Photographer: John Carrillo Nearly four years ago, Ron De Felice offered his services as a volunteer. Since then, he has helped us streamline a complex escrow process…and much, much more. He asks pertinent questions to ensure he understands what we are trying to accomplish, provides us with opinions and contacts his vast resource of legal experts. He has helped this affiliate blaze new trails and strengthened the sustainability of this organization even in a difficult economy. His legal counsel is par excellence and we thank him for his years of service and his invaluable contributions to making the dream of homeownership come true for families in Orange County. For more information about the many ways you can volunteer, please visit our website 6 “What’s up, boys?” Dad asked. “Oh, nothing,” was their reply. Aer some minutes of the boys still having guilty looks on their faces, Dad sat them down at the kitchen table and said, “there is something going on here, and it is time for you two to come clean.” e boys shot glances back and forth at each other, and then let it out: “We found a secret room here in the house nobody knew about.” “A secret room?” said Dad doubtfully, and then continued. “Still, finding an unknown room would not explain the guilty looks on your faces. Out with it.” “Well, Dad,” they explained, “Since nobody else knew about it, we made it our own.” “You’d better show me.” he said, and the boys led him into the living room. ere they opened the door to the closet. It is under the stairs with a sloping ceiling, and a switch that turns on an overhead light. e boys had brought down all of their children’s books and their two little kid-sized book shelves. At the low end of the small room, they positioned a child-sized bean-bag chair. “It’s our Secret Library!” they exclaimed. “We’ve been coming in and out all day sitting in here reading! Can we keep it?” “Yes!” said the father. “If you want your own special place to read books, you’ve got it!” is is the sort of family new affordable housing has brought into our community. Congratulations to Habitat families: ■ Ken Wiggins (San Juan Capistrano) recently named ReStore Garden Grove volunteer of the year. ■ Rosa Martinez (Westminster) and Catalina Gomez Garza (Fullerton) for serving as family partners for three new families in Fullerton. It was heartwarming to see these seasoned homeowners mentoring brand new families through the sometimes scary process of buying their first home. e Wiggins family, San Juan Capistrano homeowners Photographer: Robert Rooks C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g We’re grateful that these families are choosing to stay involved long after they finished their sweat equity. Global Village News By yourself or with a local team, Habitat’s Global Village trips offer life-changing opportunities Changing a Community in Botswana Karen oms (second from le) poses with her new friends in Botswana. Photo provided by Karen Thoms ReStores Director Karen oms uses vacation time wisely in Botswana BY C HRISTINE L E How many of us have used our vacation time to help others in need? Our director of ReStores, Karen oms, has. Instead of traveling to getaway hot spots, relaxing at home, or taking a break from Habitat work, Karen chose to travel to Botswana to build homes. Her selflessness helped change the lives of two families. irty percent of the Botswana population lives below the poverty line. Botswana is known to have one of the world’s highest HIV/AIDS infection rates and it is a threat to their economic security. is is a country in need of help from Habitat for Humanity. For 14 days in September, a Habitat team traveled to Botswana to help. Karen joined 24 other volunteers from all over the world to build two cinder block homes that made the dream of homeownership a reality. Building homes in Botswana was very different from building homes in Orange County. “ere was no running water, no cement truck. We had to mix the cement on the ground to build the home,” Karen explained. Karen worked in uncomfortably hot weather, and did without the resources to which we are accustomed. But she will never regret her choice of how to use her vacation. She gave of her time and talent, and today two families in Botswana are grateful… and forever changed. Top: Karen oms traveled to Botswana where she joined a group of Habitat volunteers from all over the world and spent two weeks building homes. Above: Typical Habitat home in Botswana. For more information about how you can join a Global Village trip, please visit or Photos provided by Karen Thoms Get Involved! You can make a difference! ■ Attend Habitat Night new volunteer orientations at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month at St. Joseph Center, LaVeta & Batavia, Orange. ■ Volunteer to build and/or work on a committee or at the ReStore. Contact ■ Get your faith community involved. Contact ■ Join the WomenBuild-OC team of volunteers. Fun, exciting, and no experience necessary. For more information about WomenBuild, please contact ■ Visit our website and keep up with all the Habitat OC news or make a donation to help build more affordable homes for families in OC: ■ Shop at the ReStore and find great bargains. Proceeds build more affordable homes in OC. ■ Take a “Building Dreams” tour at our Santa Ana office. For more information, please contact Paula at 714-434-6200 Ext 206 or Change lives today – leave a lasting legacy. Charitable gi planning, in concert with your long-term financial and estate planning, offers many benefits. Your gi of any size, pooled with others, can help you leave a lasting legacy while you help Habitat for Humanity of Orange County meet critical needs and change lives. To learn more, please contact Heather McKenzie Densmore, CFRE, 714-434-6200 extension 232, or C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g Donate your vehicle through Habitat’s Cars for Homes program. Contact: Paula Neal Reza, CFRE, (714) 434-6200 x206, 7 DISCOUNT HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTERS | | Donation Hotline: (714) 434-6202 Shop Donate Volunteer Save at Habitat ReStores in Orange County Today Appliances | Doors | Windows | Hardware | Lighting | Bath and Plumbing | Tile | Paint | Carpeting | Counter Tops | Kitchen Cabinets Luis recycles for Habitat OC Eleven-year old Luis Ortiz (Placentia) is still raising money for a house funded entirely by children. “We’re not just helping Habitat – we are helping our environment,” said Luis as he donated $70 he raised by recycling bottles, cans and paper at his school. “I’m finding more ways I can help.” If you know a child who would like to help Luis build a home in Orange County, please contact Photographer: Heather Rollins Habitat ReStore News Free Electronics Recycling now available at ReStore Garden Grove A common-sense solution to “being green” Satisfied customer tells why she loves Habitat OC’s DeConstruct Services BY J EN F RENCH “It’s about common sense. Why have these things end up in a landfill, when someone else can use them?” is is what Jan DeConstruct Services removed Jan Shomaker’s kitchen cabinets, furniture and art and sold Shomaker, a local realtor, broker and Green Chairman of the them through the OC ReStore. Orange County Association of Realtors (OCAR), explained as her Photographer: Jan Shomaker reasoning behind using HfHOC’s DeConstruct Services. As an avid believer in conservation-friendly living and the green movement, HfHOC’s DeConstruct fit perfectly into the remodel of her home. You can now recycle your electronic items at the Garden Grove ReStore. We’re open seven days a week to accept your computers, monitors, printers, cell phones, televisions, VCRs, DVD players, scanners and more – for free! She is quick to state that she’s not a “Birkenstock kind-of-girl” or hippie but just an average American advocating for rational re-use and educated conservation, especially with the added benefit of being able to contribute to Habitat for Humanity’s mission. Spring cleaning? Donate to the ReStore! “It was truly phenomenal!” she said, without hesitation. Jan also received Mission Viejo’s Certificate of the Green Home Award in 2009, explaining that HfHOC’s DeConstruct “played a big part” in her award and was “paramount” in her effort for a green remodel. Appliances, kitchen cabinets, exterior and interior lights, windows, doors, vanities, molding and more. To donate, please call Janet at the donation hotline at 714-434-6202. For more information, please visit our website Cornerstone is a publication of Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, 2200 S. Ritchey Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705 T (714) 434-6200 | F (714) 434-1222 Email Editor: Joan Dolan Ziegler. Staff Writer: Gladys Hernandez. Contributing Writers: Jaymie Fisher, Jen French, Christine Le, Linda Shepard, Dave Solt, Cindy Tullues. Photographers: John Carrillo, Jeff Ellerbrock, Jaymie Fisher, Lauri Reveles, Heather Rollins, Robert Rooks, Jan Shomaker, Clay Williams Graphic Design: Trixie Design, San Clemente. Special thanks to Amy Gregory. Jan explains the entire DeConstruct process took “less than three hours,” with the crew being able to salvage everything from kitchen cabinets, furniture and art to toilets, granite and bathtubs, without leaving any damage to her home or the items. When asked if she would recommend HfHOC’s DeConstruct Services to friends, she responded with a resounding “YES, absolutely!” For more information about Habitat OC’s DeConstruct Services, please visit our website at and watch the video, email or call 1-866-433-2666. New and gently used home improvement materials at discounted prices. NEW ITEMS ARRIVE EVERYDAY – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! If you would like to receive e-mail notifications of upcoming Habitat ReStore-OC sales, please e-mail GARDEN GROVE RESTORE 12827 Harbor Blvd. (between Garden Grove & Lampson) Phone: (714) 590-8729 Mon- Fri: 9 am - 8 pm Sat: 9 am - 6 pm | Sun: 11 am - 5 pm SANTA ANA RESTORE N E W B A R G A I N S E V E R Y D AY ! 2200 South Ritchey (Between Warner & Edinger) Phone: (714) 434-6266 Mon. - Sat.: 9 am - 5 pm Recycle. Reuse. Reduce. Rebuild.
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