Countdown to Construction
Countdown to Construction
Strong foundations to empower families in Orange County BE INSPIRED Neighborhood News........3 Construction Corner .......4 Family Success Stories ...5 Women Build News ..........7 Countdown to Construction Top le and center photo: More than 30 business leaders gathered on Leaders’ Build Day to build the frames and raise the first walls for a new home in Huntington Beach. Far le photo: Aer they finished building the frames for a new home, Leaders Build participants wrote upliing messages to the family who will build and live in the new Huntington Beach home. Photos: Tonia Collinske Walls for new home in Huntington Beach framed and waiting Business leaders from all over Orange County traded their laptops for tool belts to spend a day building frames for one of two new Habitat homes. e frames will be used in Huntington Beach when construction begins on a site near the Five Points Shopping Center at Beach Blvd and Ellis Street. Please check our website for the exact framing date. Why do families need Habitat for Humanity of Orange County? TA L K T O U S ! Please let us know how we can make Cornerstone – or any part of the Orange County Habitat affiliate – better. Please send your comments to In Orange County, the average monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment is $1,506 (1st Quarter 2011). In order to afford this level of rent and utilities – without paying more than 30% of income on housing – a household must earn an hourly wage of $30.46. Families served by Habitat OC typically earn at or slightly above the minimum wage of $8 per hour. In order for them to afford the average monthly rent, their household must include 3.8 minimum-wage full-time workers at 40 hours a week year-round. Annual Income needed to afford two-bedroom apartment in OC $63,360 Annual Income earned by an OC Habitat family of four (50% of median) $46,150 1 C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . oSources: r g HUD, National Low Income Housing Coalition, e Orange County Register, RealFacts. Habitat for Humanity of Orange County Transforming lives and communities by helping families in need build and purchase or renovate their own homes. A MESSAGE FROM SHARON… EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR S HARON E LLIS (714) 434-6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS CHAIR M ARK M ATHEWS Toshiba America Business Solutions Sharon Ellis, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, and Glenn Gray, CEO, Sunwest Bank, spent the day working alongside 32 other “Leaders Stepping Up for Habitat” at Habitat OC’s third annual Leaders’ Build Day. Photographer: Tonia Collinske VICE CHAIR F. S COTT J ACKSON Jackson | DeMarco | Tidus | Peckenpaugh e Redevelopment Agencies as we currently know them have been dissolved as part of the State’s budget agreement. We are now working on a way to maintain funding for the affordable homes built by the 49 Habitat affiliates throughout the State of California. Since 96% of the Habitat homes in Orange County have been built with Redevelopment funding and/or land, a favorable resolution of this issue is crucial for our affiliate. In collaboration with the other California Habitat affiliates, we are developing a more consistent statewide message as we work with elected officials to help them be more informed about the real value that Habitat brings to the communities and families we serve. SECRETARY M ARK H OOVER First American Title BOARD MEMBERS D AVE A LBERT Stanley Black & Decker D AVID B ANDUCCI Harvard Card Systems, Inc. F RANCISCA G ONZALEZ B AXA Law office of Francisca Gonzalez Baxa E RIC B ELL Bank of the West R OBERT C ORBIN Windes & McClaughry K IM D ENGER Community Volunteer E DIE F EE iNPOINT Advisors F RANK F ERRARA Hyundai Motor America G LENN G RAY Sunwest Bank J EFFREY J OY Greenberg Traurig, LLP B OB L E F EVER Consultant K EN L ICKEL VP & GM, Alcon (Retired) J IM L IGHT C.J. Light Associates B RETT M ANSFIELD Union Bank R OBERT M EAUX Thrivent Financial for Lutherans D ON M OE Community Volunteer R OB M ONTGOMERY HOM Real Estate Group K ELLY M OORE Moore Benefits, Inc. H UGO N UÑO First Foundation Bank J OE P ERRING Community Volunteer M ARK R OGERS TRG Land R.B. W EDEL Brown-Forman ! D L SO Despite this somewhat unsettling situation, we are happy to announce that we are moving forward. Over the last few months, our volunteers have: ■ Built frames for one of two new homes to be built in Huntington Beach later this year, ■ Remodeled and sold two of our four Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP2) homes to first-time low-income homebuyers, Our first NSP2 home in Mission Viejo was purchased by a family who was overjoyed to finally find a home they could afford. Photo: Chris Eissenstat ■ Completed the first three Building United projects as part of our new partnership with United Way OC, ■ Replaced roofing on two homes through our recently launched A Brush With Kindness program, and Performed weatherization and accessibility improvements on three homes in Rancho Santa Margarita as part of the City’s Housing Maintenance Assistance Program. We welcomed two new board members: Frank Ferrara, Executive VP Customer Satisfaction at Hyundai Motor America, and Ken Lickel, retired Vice President and General Manager at Alcon’s Irvine Technology Center. And, we said goodbye to board member Jeff Dickerson who relocated to Seattle. We are so grateful to Jeff for his years of service. ■ With all that is happening around the world, it’s sometimes difficult to remember that we have families right here in Orange County who are living in unsafe garages, over-crowded homes and unhealthy apartments. ank you for continuing to keep them in mind and for reaching out to offer them a hand up – not a handout – through your generous donations and your volunteer service. Blessings, BOARD EMERITUS PAT K APP JP Kapp, Civil Engineer 2 Sharon Ellis, Executive Director (714) 434-6200 | News from the Neighborhoods San Juan Capistrano Heroes Among Us San Juan Capistrano homeowners happy to live in a city that cares about military families BY DAVE S OLT Gunnery Sergeant Joe Morales, USMC, returned from Afghanistan in early May, delighting his wife and two daughters along with his neighbors and the citizens of San Juan Capistrano. e Morales family purchased a home in the neighborhood Habitat for Humanity of Orange County named Habitat for Heroes and Foundations for Families.TM Before his latest deployment, Joe was presented with the flag of the City of San Juan Capistrano and asked to take it with him to Afghanistan. When he pulled the flag out of his pack, the Afghan troops with whom he was embedded were impressed and thanked him for the gi. Joe quickly explained he was expected to bring the flag home again as it was a symbol of the support he was receiving from the folks back home. e Afghan soldiers understood and said they were pleased to help fly the flag honoring Morales’ “tribe, clan and village.” Joe brought back photos of the flag flying in contested areas along the Afghanistan–Pakistan border. At a special ceremony in City Hall, Gunny Morales returned the flag and received the heartfelt thanks of the people of his hometown. Wife Katia says having the flag with him helped reassure her that Joe would remain safe so he’d be able to bring it back. Gunnery Sergeant Joe Morales, USMC and former San Juan Capistrano Mayor Lon Uso. Photo: Dave Solt Costa Mesa A Place to Call Their Own Family calls Costa Mesa home aer 11 moves in 2 ½ years BY R ACHEL P UGH When Chrishelle Dempster was in high school, she volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and enjoyed helping others build homes. But in 2008, she realized that she needed a helping hand and applied for a home through Habitat for Humanity of Orange County. During the two-and-a-half years of the application process, Chrishelle moved ten times with her seven-year-old daughter. Now that they have a place to call their own, Chrishelle feels blessed that her daughter can have her own room, which is decorated with butterflies and Justin Bieber posters. “Stability is huge. We are getting our family values back together and I am not as stressed anymore. We even started our own garden in the back,” stated Chrishelle. She now has time to focus on her daughter, and is going back to school to acquire the skills that will help her provide a better life for her daughter. e Dempsters are happy to have finally found a place to call home. Photo: Rachel Pugh C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g 3 Photo: Gladys Hernandez Photo: Gladys Hernandez Construction Corner Currently serving 2,761 women, men and children. Coming Soon! New homes in North Orange County! New Homes in Orange County 169 new homes serving 845 people ■ 167 for low and very-low income families:* Anaheim, Brea, Costa Mesa, Cypress, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Stanton, Westminster and Yorba Linda. *Includes 5 Women Build-OC and 6 Thrivent Builds homes. ■ 2 for moderate income families (workforce housing): Yorba Linda. Homes Built After Hurricanes 23 Operation Home Delivery (OHD) homes serving 115 people in: Covington & New Orleans, LA; Beaumont & Dallas, TX. OC Tithe Builds Homes Around the World 355 homes serving 1,775 people built by OC tithes: Romania, Northern Ireland, Mexico, Bangladesh, Egypt and Nepal. Renovated Homes ■ NSP2 Homes in partnership with Neighborhood Housing Services of Orange County: 4 homes renovated, and 2 sold serving 5 people Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Anaheim, Rancho Santa Margarita Maintenance/Home Improvement Programs ■ 3 homes in partnership with the Rancho Santa Margarita Housing Maintenance Assistance Program serving 12 people in Rancho Santa Margarita ■ 2 homes with A Brush With Kindness Program serving 9 people in Orange, Lake Forest 4 Thank you to our Superstar donors! ank you to our generous donors of $5,000 and more from January 1, 2011 through March 31, 2011. Your gis help build homes for families in Orange County. $100,000+ $10,000 to $24,999 (continued) e Estate of Frank J. Novarro $50,000 to $74,999 Greenberg & Traurig Stephen Edward Mead Revocable Living Trust Sunwest Bank Toshiba America Information Systems rivent Financial For Lutherans $5,000 to $9,999 $25,000 to $49,999 Astech Engineered Products, Inc. First American Title Company Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haske Orange County Association of REALTORS® $75,000 to $99,999 California Bank & Trust, WISH Program Opus Community Foundation $10,000 to $24,999 DSEA Wong Foundation ank you to Antis Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc., Irvine, for donating their roofing services for our first Building United project at Casa Youth Shelter in Los Alamitos, and for our first A Brush With Kindness project for a family in Orange. Many thanks to the 647 donors whose gis of $4,999 or below during the first quarter of 2011 also helped Orange County families. If you feel that your name should have been included in this list, please contact Change lives today – leave a lasting legacy for tomorrow Your gi of any size can help you leave a lasting legacy while you help Habitat for Humanity of Orange County meet critical needs and change lives.To learn more, please contact Heather McKenzie-Densmore, CFRE, 714-434-6200 ext. 232, or Learn More about Habitat’s Work in OC Conducted twice a month, a one-hour “Building Dreams” tour will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about Habitat’s work in Orange County and around the world. To learn more, please visit our website, or contact Paula at 714-434-6200 ext. 206 or HfHOC board member Brett Mansfield wrote a message of hope on frame he built during Leaders’ Build Day. Photo: Tonia Collinske Families wanted for homes to be built in North Orange County. Visit our website for more information and new-family orientation dates. Family Partners needed for new families to be selected this summer. For more information, please contact Family Success Stories Placentia Dreams of Being a Nurse Come True A stable home and loving neighbors make all the difference BY R ACHEL P UGH Maria Nungaray is all smiles and ready for finals aer completing her first year at California State University, Long Beach. With the help of financial aid and good grades in high school, Maria is currently studying to prepare for the nursing program and is eager to start this new chapter in her life. She and her parents used to live in one poorly insulated room, which they had to share at her grandmother’s house. en they moved to Placentia and became a part of the Habitat family! She always dreamed of having her own room when she was younger, and thanks to Habitat, this dream became possible. Maria Nungaray has just completed her freshman year of college and is studying to become a nurse. Photo: Rachel Pugh Living next door to Carla Ortiz, and Carla’s twelve-year-old son Luis, has also helped her reach her goals of becoming a nurse. Carla encouraged Maria to pursue her education and work hard to make her dreams come true.“We are practically one family. We even spent Christmas together,” says Maria. She admires Carla for her ability to embrace change and her dedication to her students at the preschool where Carla teaches. On June 30th, Maria entered a Licensed Vocational Nurse program – the next step towards her goal of becoming a Registered Nurse. She would like to thank the donors for providing the opportunity for her family to purchase a Habitat home … a home that is now the strong foundation from which she can accomplish what she always wanted. Luis dreams of a home funded by children BY G LADYS H ERNANDEZ & A IMEE S IBET Twelve-year-old Luis Ortiz and his mother, Carla, moved into their Habitat home in Placentia in 2006. Since then, Luis has been on a mission to raise enough money to build a Habitat home in Orange County funded by children. From garage sales to recycling, Luis has been hard at work. On April 19, 2011, Placentia Mayor Scott Nelson presented Luis with a Certificate of Appreciation, during a City Council meeting, in recognition of his work. One of Luis’ many fundraising ideas involves Luis Houses – little house banks that can be assembled by children. Last May, the San Juan Capistrano Habitat families had a community garage sale. Homeowner Lisa Varela didn’t have anything to sell, so she and her daughter decided to sell Luis Houses and have some of the neighborhood kids build and decorate the houses at her place. e Luis Houses were a big hit, and the money raised will help make Luis’ dream of a home funded by children come true. C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g Above: Sharon Ellis, ED, HfHOC, joined Luis Ortiz as he received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Mayor of Placentia. Photo: Gladys Hernandez Le: Children all over Orange County are building “Luis Houses” to help raise money to build a home funded by children. Photo: Aimee Sibet 5 DISCOUNT HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTERS | | Donation Hotline: (714) 434-6202 Shop Donate Volunteer Save at Habitat ReStores in Orange County Today Appliances | Doors | Windows | Hardware | Lighting | Bath and Plumbing | Tile | Paint | Carpeting | Counter Tops | Kitchen Cabinets Photo: Robert Rooks Designer merchandise hitting the ReStore Shelves Habitat ReStore News Free Electronics Recycling now available at ReStore Garden Grove Sinks, bathtubs, and faucets offer upscale choices to ReStore shoppers You can now recycle your electronic items at the Garden Grove ReStore. We’re open seven days a week to accept your computers, monitors, printers, cell phones, televisions, VCRs, DVD players, scanners and more – for free! DeConstruct Services is looking for: Appliances, kitchen cabinets, exterior and interior lights, windows, doors, vanities, molding and more. To donate, please call Janet at the donation hotline at 714-434-6202. For more information, please visit our website ReStore says thank you to… ■ ■ Habitat OC board member Dave Albert for his leadership role in making the Orange County ReStores so successful. Albert has recently stepped away from his advisory role with the Habitat ReStores in order to accept a promotion at Stanley Black & Decker. We congratulate him and offer our sincere thanks for his guidance and direction as we moved forward to make the Garden Grove and Santa Ana ReStores bigger and better. BY G ABE M EDEIROS Caption: Eurobath and Tile’s extravagant faucets currently on display at the Santa Ana ReStore. Designers and Do-It-Yourselfers should not pass on these. Eurobath and Tile has served Hollywood stars, producers, and even Saudi royalty. e Costa Mesa company has also been a key partner with Habitat for Humanity of Orange County. Aer 33 years of service to Southern California, Eurobath and Tile president Hans Rindfleisch is retiring and donating his Photo: Gabe Medeiros remaining inventory to the Habitat for Humanity of Orange County ReStores. Instead of liquidating his remaining stock, Hans is donating brand new designer sinks, bathtubs, and faucets as a final gi to honor his seven-year partnership with Habitat’s OC ReStore. e final inventory was valued at over $500,000. ReStore shoppers got a sneak preview of the Eurobath and Tile merchandise in late July, with the majority arriving at the Santa Ana ReStore by early August. “ese beautiful special order designer items are great for home remodelers and designers, and we are selling them at deeply discounted prices,” explained Noe Rivas, Acquisition Manager, Habitat for Humanity of Orange County. “For example, we have a Robern bath mirrored cabinet and sink set that retails for $9000.00 that will sell at the Santa Ana ReStore for only $1,999.00.” New and gently used home improvement materials at discounted prices. NEW ITEMS ARRIVE EVERYDAY – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! If you would like to receive e-mail notifications of upcoming Habitat ReStore-OC sales, please e-mail GARDEN GROVE RESTORE 12827 Harbor Blvd. (between Garden Grove & Lampson) Phone: (714) 590-8729 Mon- Fri: 9 am - 8 pm Sat: 9 am - 6 pm | Sun: 11 am - 5 pm All the volunteers who served on the ReStore marketing committee. Your devotion to the OC ReStores has been so appreciated and so valuable. SANTA ANA RESTORE N E W B A R G A I N S E V E R Y D AY ! 2200 South Ritchey (Between Warner & Edinger) Phone: (714) 434-6266 Mon. - Sat.: 9 am - 5 pm Recycle. Reuse. Reduce. Rebuild. 6 C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g Women Build OC News News Briefs Women Build conquers Lake Forest A Brush With Kindness Project Raising the roof during National Women Build Week 2011 BY J ENNALEE W RIGHT, A MERI CORPS M EMBER National Women Build Week 2011 was a fabulous week filled with training clinics at Lowe’s Hardware in Tustin, a 5k fundraiser with the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation, and a build day at our A Brush With Kindness site in Lake Forest. AmeriCorps member Jennalee Wright helped to replace a roof as part of National Women Build Week 2011. Photo: Ellis + Lane HfHOC volunteers kicked off our Building United partnership by completing a variety of repairs at the Casa Youth Shelter. Photographer: Christina Garcia ■ Our training clinic included lessons on interior painting, removing wallpaper, and performing patching, texturing, shadowing, and faux finish painting. anks to our favorite Lowe’s employee, Jason Murray, many of us le feeling confident about being able to use these skills in our own homes. Fieen of us participated in e Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation’s 5k Race fundraiser as an innovative way to promote Women Build’s efforts, and some even joined in the 5k Walk right aer racing. Our last event was re-roofing Linda Grammatico’s home as part of our A Brush With Kindness home repair program. As Grammatico led us around her property, it was clear that our efforts would make a big impact. ere wasn’t one woman at our site who didn’t want to be on the roof, whether they were operating a nail-gun or using a power tool to secure our plywood baseboards. Actually, the ground was the place they avoided. It was a great week and a real honor for me to work with our team of motivated, energetic Women Build-OC volunteers. Women Build volunteers helped a Lake Forest homeowner by replacing her badly leaking roof. Photo: Gladys Hernandez If you’d like to get involved with Women Build-OC, please contact C O R N E R S T O N E | w w w. h a b i t a t o c . o r g ■ Building United Habitat OC has formed a brand new partnership with United Way OC. rough our Building United partnership, Habitat OC volunteers will perform repairs for small nonprofits in Orange County. Costs for the materials needed for these repairs will be shared by United Way OC and the nonprofit receiving the services. We have completed our first four projects, and are looking forward to using our construction skills to help more nonprofits make needed repairs to better serve their clients. Play Golf! You’re invited to play in the Charity Classic Golf Tournament to benefit Habitat affiliates in Southern California. e Charity Classic will be held on September 2, 2011, at Pelican Hill. For more information, please visit 7 Women Build volunteers have fun as they learn how to use a variety of tools. Photo: Gladys Hernandez Get Involved! They did it! You can make a difference! Rancho Santa Margarita Celebrates 20th Anniversary! Pioneering families pay off their mortgages ■ Attend Habitat Night new volunteer orientations at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month at St. Joseph Center, LaVeta & Batavia, Orange. is year, Rancho Santa Margarita is celebrating the 20th anniversary of this 48-home community, Habitat’s first neighborhood in Orange County.. Photo: Courtesy of Habitat for Humanity OC BY R ACHEL P UGH ■ Volunteer to build and/or work on a committee or at the ReStore. Contact It takes a special family to be among the first to finish paying off the mortgage on their home. And today, that is an accomplishment that several Rancho Santa Margarita families are celebrating! ■ Get your faith community involved. Contact e families making their final mortgage payments this year are among the first to break the cycle and provide a decent home for their families. ey are thrilled that their dreams of paying off a mortgage have finally come true. ■ Join the WomenBuild-OC team of volunteers. Fun, exciting, and no experience necessary. For more information about WomenBuild, please contact ■ Visit our website and keep up with all the Habitat OC news or make a donation to help build more affordable homes for families in OC: ■ Shop at the ReStore and find great bargains. Proceeds build more affordable homes in OC. ■ Take a “Building Dreams” tour at our Santa Ana office. For more information, please contact Paula at 714-434-6200 Ext 206 or Donate your vehicle through Habitat’s Cars for Homes program. Contact: Paula Neal Reza, CFRE, (714) 434-6200 x206, Blanca Lara sees this opportunity as being lucky. “I count every blessing in this home and now I have a roof over my head for the rest of my life,” she says about owning her home. e Tello family is eager to finish paying off by the end of the year as well. Rosa Tello claims, “Habitat saved our lives. We would like to thank the donors and Habitat when we were facing hard times in our lives.” Rosa went back to school aer they moved into their home and is now a teacher’s aide at a local school. Her daughter is also a teacher and volunteers with children. ey feel good about giving back to the community because they appreciate everything that the community has done for them. Once the families finish paying off their homes, they plan on hosting a party to celebrate this long journey. e Oseguera family is excited to celebrate this accomplishment, and they look forward to showing their children that the struggle to pay off their home has been worth the effort. Farewell AmeriCorps Our 2010-2011 AmeriCorps members have finished their year of service and are winging their way back home. From the construction sites to the DeConstruct sites, and from the family services, volunteer services, and construction/land acquisition offices to the ReStore, these dedicated people made a huge impression and many valuable contributions. We wish them much good luck wherever their life’s journey takes them next. ey will definitely be missed. Photo: Jaymie Fisher Cornerstone is a publication of Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, 2200 S. Ritchey Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705 T (714) 434-6200 | F (714) 434-1222 | Email | Editor: Joan Dolan Ziegler. Staff Writer: Gladys Hernandez. Contributing Writers: Gabe Medeiros, Rachel Pugh, Dave Solt, Aimee Sibet, Jennalee Wright. Photographers: Tonia Collinske, Chris Eissenstat, Ellis + Lane, Jaymie Fisher, Christina Garcia, Gladys Hernandez, Gabe Medeiros, Rachel Pugh, Robert Rooks, Aimee Sibet, Dave Solt. Graphic Design: Trixie Design, San Clemente. Special thanks to Amy Gregory.
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