Outword`s Best Of 2011
Outword`s Best Of 2011
Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 • February 24, 2011 • outwordmagazine.com Outword’s Best Of 2011 page 20 Polka Spot, the Llama, Returns page 14 Sac G&L Center ED to Step Down page 7 Don’t Miss Oscar Night Sacramento page 11 The local health plan that keeps City Bicycle Works in top form. Jess Polakoff, owner of City Bicycle Works, credits Western Health Advantage with service that pulls ahead of the pack – and away from all other plans. Customer service is par t of being a Western Health Advantage member. Western Health is the local health plan staffed by local, friendly customer service professionals who answer the phone in under thirty seconds. So, keep the costs down, the access high and the service great. Have More Options westernhealth.com (916) 563-2250 Offering special health benefit plans to Rainbow Chamber members. Everyone’s watching their savings grow with S.T.A.R.T. Join the savings movement that makes saving money easy and rewarding. 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Certain conditions apply to U.S. Bank Packages. Credit products are subject to normal credit qualifications and approvals. Other conditions and restrictions may apply. Program is subject to change. See the S.T.A.R.T. Program Agreement for detailed information. The U.S. Bank Rewards Visa Card cannot be reloaded with additional funds, nor can it be used at an ATM. Terms and conditions apply and fees may apply to Rewards Cards. For complete terms and conditions see the U.S. Bank Rewards Visa Card Agreement available at www.myusbankcorporaterewards.com. Deposit products offered by U.S. Bank, N.A. ©2011 U.S. Bancorp. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Letters Fundraiser For Sacramento LGBTQ Homeless Youth & Young Adults Sacramento is experiencing a growing problem with homeless LGBTQ youth and young adults, and while attention is paid to the overall homeless population in our area, little has been done to face the needs and challenges facing LGBTQ homeless youth. Recently, a couple of young people have been very lucky to find stable housing with local families, but there are many more young people in our community who need our help. This will take time, funds and resources. The Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center, in cooperation with other community groups and individuals, is establishing a specific program called the Sacramento LGBTQ Homeless Youth Initiative. To launch the program, a fundraising reception, chaired by Wendy Rae Hill, Executive Director of the Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Reader Phone Camera Pic Center, and local activists Paul Curtis and Mary Hernandez, is planned for Tuesday, March 8. We need your help to make this fundraiser a success and to expand photo by Michael Promes For more information, visit SacCenter.org or call 916-442-0185. We still plan on having vendors, demos, etc., but it will center around Sacramento gay bars, restaurants and businesses rather the programs and services needed than a hotel. to help homeless LGBTQ youth Further details will be Dear Outword, and young adults in our forthcoming. Costs for all Just a note to everyone that community. concerned will be much lower, so Sacramento Valley Heat will occur We are seeking corporate more can participate and have a on July 8, 9 and 10, though the sponsorships and hosts. All good time. format will be a bit different this donations will be held by the All clubs, groups or businesses year. Center in a restricted fund interested in participating, either as It will be geared at being a FUN specifically for this initiative, and vendors or sponsors, or to sponsor weekend to relax, meet, socialize, are tax deductible. The event will be held at Beatnik network and have a FUN time for a reception or underwrite a meal event, please contact me. Studios, 2421 17th St. on Tuesday, all persons interested in Leather/ Robert B. Hamm Levi or BDSM. March 8, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. and 2011 Valley Heat Co-Chair So, put the dates in your calendar tickets are only $50, $25 for sacramentosir.hamm@gmail.com and plan on attending!! students and seniors. SVL Ready to Crank Up the Valley Heat It’s not just what you ride, it’s who you ride with. When the road calls, I’m there with great rates and custom service. For a quick quote, call me today. Stephanie Slagel CLU, Agent Insurance Lic. #: 0C34763 www.stephanieslagel.com Bus: 916-485-4444 Fax: 916-485-5629 steph@stephanieslagel.com P090185 4 Outword Magazine State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company • State Farm Indemnity Company • Bloomington, IL February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com outwordmagazine.com February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 5 Representatives Call to Restore Benefits to DADT Dischargees F ive U.S. Representatives have written to the Secretaries of Defense and Veterans Affairs to ensure that gays and lesbians discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” get the benefits they earned. DADT was an incredible victory for our nation and strengthens our armed forces, but the fight is not yet entirely over. As we fully implement the repeal of DADT, we must take action to ensure fair requested a plan that moves repeal treatment for the many soldiers The letters, written by Gwen forward and recommends Moore (D-Wis.), Barney Frank who, despite bravely serving our (D-Mass.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), department policy changes. country, were discharged under this “Even after we have Jared Polis (D-Colo.) and David policy. They have earned it.” ceremoniously repealed ‘Don’t’ Ask, Cicilline (D-R.I.), and dated Feb. 3, Full text of the letters can be Don’t Tell’ we know there are still 2011, ask Secretaries Gates and found on Congresswoman Moore’s consequences,” said Shinseki to address the issue of web site. Congresswoman Moore. “For some discharge characterizations in the Also signing the letters were: gays and lesbians the policy might repeal process. as well have been – don’t ask, don’t Representatives John Yarmuth, Some gay and lesbian service members discharged under “Don’t tell, don’t provide veterans benefits Henry Waxman, Luis Gutierrez, Ask, Don’t Tell” or previous policies they earned. We need to get rid of Shelley Berkley, Pete Stark, Bobby Rush, Ed Markey, Anthony Weiner, were discharged in a way that may that silent part because we can’t leave anyone behind as our nation Lois Capps, Mike Doyle, Betty block access to health care for McCollum, Betty Sutton, Barbara veterans, education through the GI moves forward. Lee, Edolphus Towns, Danny Davis, “All the men and women who Bill and other benefits, the letter Maxine Waters, Eleanor Holmes wear the uniform of this country noted. Norton, Russ Carnahan, Chellie deserve not only our deepest Late last year, President Obama Pingree, Al Green, Gregory Meeks, respect, but also our unwavering signed legislation authorizing the repeal of DADT. These letters come support regardless of whether they Bob Filner, Jan Schakowsky, Keith Ellison, Jim Moran, Karen Bass, are straight or gay,” said at a crucial time in the repeal Donna Edwards and John Lewis. Congressman Polis. “Repealing process as Secretary Gates has Transgender Tax Victory Finalized Commentary by Boyce Hinman E arly last year, a federal tax court issued a ruling that was a major victory for transgender people. The court ruled that people who undergo sex reassignment surgery may, with certain limitations, claim the cost of the surgery as a tax deductible medical expense on their federal tax return. February 7, 2011 was the deadline for the government to appeal the decision, and it did not do so. So the decision is now final and binding on the federal government. It appears now that others can claim sex reassignment surgery, and hormone therapy, as a deductible medical expense on deducted as a medical expense on federal income tax return. The court said Gender Identity Disorder (GID) is an actual disease, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. It also said hormone therapy, and sex reassignment surgery, are valid their federal tax return assuming forms of treatment for that they have the documents to support condition, and the costs of such their need for them. care are deductible under the The court said that, if a patient is Internal Revenue Code. experiencing gender identity Boyce Hinman is the founder disorder (GID), and there is a clear of the California Communities medical record that the surgery is United Institute. He can be needed to treat that condition, then reached at b.hinman@calcomui. the costs of the surgery may be org or calcomui.org MCC Reverend Named to White House Council T he Reverend Elder Nancy Wilson, Presiding Moderator of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, has been named by President Barack Obama to serve on the White House Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The White House Advisory Council brings together leaders and experts in the fields of faith-based and neighborhood organizations to work in the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which mobilizes and coordinates community organizations, religious and otherwise, to provide effective 6 Outword Magazine the religious and social service communities, and an opportunity to transcend lines of religious and political affiliation as we seek sustainable solutions to the needs of the vulnerable.” Visit ufmcc.com social services to address the needs of low-income and underserved populations at home and abroad. “I am deeply honored and grateful for this opportunity to serve,” said the Rev. Wilson. “This is a wonderful opportunity to seek common ground and shared purpose with a broad spectrum of February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com Quote Worth Repeating Think They Just Hate the Gays? “In all the discussions about the European settlement of the New World, one feature has been conspicuously absent: the role that the superstition, savagery and sexual immorality of Native Americans played in making them morally disqualified from sovereign control of American soil,” Bryan Fischer, spokesperson for T he American Family Association wrote on the web site, “Rightly Concerned” a project of AFA. Sac G&L Center ED to Take Position With State Assemblymember T he Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center’s Executive Director Wendy Rae Hill will leave her post in March to join the staff of Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-13AD) as a Senior Legislative Assistant. “I have such a passion for serving the community combined with a passion for public policy and this is an opportunity for me to do both,” said Hill. “I value the strength and diversity of our community and I have been honored to participate in that and look forward to continuing to work with the Center.” Hill will continue as Executive Director of the Center through March 17. “Wendy has done a phenomenal job as the Center’s Executive Director since she took the reigns last May,” said Center Board President Gail Mancarti. “During that time she has moved the Center forward in the key areas of fund development, membership and programming. Because of her tremendous work the Center stands stronger and more secure than it has for some time. The Center’s Board of Directors joins me in thanking Wendy and wishing her the very best in her new endeavor.” Hill will continue to work with the Center as a member of the Board of Directors’ Advisory Council. Celebrating 25 years, the Sacramento Gay & Lesbian Center is the oldest and largest LGBT community Center in California’s Central Valley. Hundreds of volunteers and donors contribute to the strengthening of the Center’s mission of being a safe gathering place for the LGBTQI community and a conduit for change and leadership. For more information about the Center please visit saccenter.org. Letter to the Community from Wendy Rae Hill: I t is with a heavy heart that I announce the joyous news that I have accepted a position in the California Legislature as a Senior Legislative Assistant for Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-13AD). This was a very difficult decision as I have truly enjoyed my time as the Executive Director of the Sacramento Gay & Lesbian Center. It has been an honor and privilege to lead the Center into its next 25 years. Together, in 2010, we achieved the best financial year in Center history. We strengthened all our peer-support programs and implemented an improved demographic survey to get a glimpse of the community we serve. Lavender Angels, our late-night outwordmagazine.com guide program, was launched and is helping to keep our Lavender Heights visitors having a great experience. So far, in 2011 we are launching our Homeless LGBTQ Youth Initiative, completing our first session of Peer-to-Peer Sexual Health Education and planning the best Queer Youth Prom ever! We have achieved this success by forming coalitions and through our amazing diversity, drive and compassion as a community. Assemblymember Tom Ammiano is one of seven openlygay legislators in California. My first charge is to staff AB 9, a bill to prevent bullying in California schools. As the only lesbian identifying staff member in Ammiano’s Capitol office, I will work hard to ensure that our community is well represented. I am sad to leave the Center, but very excited to continue serving our community from the State Capitol. I have graciously accepted a position on the Center Board of Directors Advisory Council and will continue to work closely with staff and volunteers on a smooth transition. I look forward to our continued work together to strengthen our community, and again, thank you! All my love and appreciation, Wendy Rae Hill February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 7 Prop 8 - The Supremes Decide To Decide Still No Wedding Bells Commentary by Boyce Hinman T statement agreeing to deal with the he California Supreme Court has agreed to question sent to it by the Ninth U.S. answer the question posed to it by the 9th Circuit of Appeals, the California U.S. Court of Appeals. That question is, do Supreme Court said it hopes to those who put Proposition 8 on the ballot have legal have oral hearings on the matter coming September. It set the standing, under California’s laws and constitution, to this following deadlines between now appeal a court decision overturning Prop 8. and then: • March 14, 2011: Opening That decision is crucial. A U.S. One drawback of that scenario is written briefs must be submitted to District Court has ruled that Prop 8 that it would apply only to the Supreme Court. violates the U.S. Constitution. The California. If this case did go • April 4, 2011: Written responses proponents of Prop 8 have forward, and the U.S. Supreme to the opening briefs are due. appealed that decision to the Ninth Court eventually ruled that bans on • April 18, 2011: Written replies U.S. Court of Appeals. However, in same-sex marriage are to the responses must be order for the appeals court to unconstitutional, then all such laws consider such an appeal, those making the appeal must have legal standing to do so. If this case did go forward, and the U.S. The judges dealing with the issue for the Ninth U.S. Court of Appeals Supreme Court eventually ruled that bans on have suggested that, if the same-sex marriage are unconstitutional, then proponents of Prop 8 do not have standing, then the appeals court all such laws in the nation would be void. will not be able to make a decision in the case. They can only do so if someone who has legal standing asks them to do so. in the nation would be void. submitted. Thus, if the supporters of the However, it could go the other • May 2, 2011: Written request Prop 8 do not have standing, the way: The U.S. Supreme Court could for permission to submit an appeals court will make no ruling rule that bans on same-sex Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) in the case. This will mean that the marriage are constitutional. brief along with the actual Amicus lower court’s overturning of Prop 8 At any rate, the supporters of Curiae brief must be submitted. will stand. Same-sex couples will same-sex marriage will have to • May 9, 2011: Deadline for be allowed to marry in California. wait for quite a while again. In its submitting written responses to any previously submitted Amicus Curiae briefs. Many supporters of same-sex marriage will be frustrated with this drawn out schedule. However, the Supreme Court announcement says this schedule represents putting the case on the fast track. If, indeed, hearings are held in September we will probably not have the Supreme Court’s decision until at least the end of the year. We have no choice but to be patient. Boyce Hinman is the founder of the California Communities United Institute. He can be reached at b. hinman@calcomui.org or calcomui.org 8 Outword Magazine As she has for the past several years on Valentine’s Day, Sacramento County Clerk Donna Allred sadly explained to lesbian and gay couples applying for marriage licenses that because of state law, she could not process their applications. About 50 people showed up at an event sponsored by Equality Action Now in Sacramento, and held on Monday, Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day, mirroring similar events at clerks offices across the country. February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com Word on the Street Tony Moraga Acai Amar It tastes amazing and I invented it. outwordmagazine.com Jerry Seeber Vodka Cran It gets me there fast. Emilio Contreras Vodka Cran No hangover. What is your favorite Drink / Cocktail & Why? Diego Sack Absolute & 7 It doesn’t give me a hangover. February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Hector Fernandez Jack & Coke It’s bold & tasty. Outword Magazine 9 Don’t Miss Oscar Night Sacramento A t press time, there were still tickets available for the fabulous Oscar Night Sacramento event, to be held on Sunday, February 27. This year’s all new experience will unfold at the sophisticated 2020 Gateway Tower just off I-5 via the West El Camino exit. Quality California Listings Cap City AIDS Fund has secured the entire 12th floor penthouse of the Gateway Tower, a 24,000 square foot venue that offers a spectacular 360 degree view of the city. Plus, there’s plenty of free parking right out front. The California Auto Museum will be displaying classic cars from the heyday of Hollywood as part of the festivities — weather permitting. Another reason to get there early is for the pre-show performance by special guest Debora Iyall and members of her former band Romeo Void. Doors open at 4 p.m., and arriving guests will be greeted and interviewed on the red carpet by News10/Sacramento & Co. hosts Melissa Crowley and Guy Farris. The Academy Awards telecast will be presented live from the Kodak Theater beginning at 5 p.m. with celebrity red-carpet coverage. Guests in the 12th floor penthouse will discover a multimedia experience with plasma TV screens in all areas, nightclub style lighting and even a separate theater for serious Oscar watchers. You can also visit several bars sponsored by Absolut Vodka and Hoppy Brewing Company and bid often on great items in the spectacular silent auction area. General admission Lounge tickets are $75 and include passed hors d’oeuvres and a dessert buffet. Dinner tickets are $125 and include passed hors d’oeuvres and buffet style dinner in the dining room. All proceeds will benefit local HIV/AIDS agencies and programs in the Sacramento region. With HIV infections on the rise and government budget cuts to local programs increasing, your support is needed as never before. For more information, or to purchase tickets, please call 916-448-1110 or visit CapCityAidsFund.org. 2401 H and 721 24th Historical Distinction • Coming Soon Be a part of Boulevard Park and Midtown’s storied past and dynamic future! The circa 1898 Blackjack Mansion and Carriage House (on adjoining separate parcel) exudes original charm while offering modern creature comforts throughout. Oversized lot is a gardener’s delight. Call today for a private tour. Mark Peters - Coldwell Banker 916-600-2039 www.livedowntownsacramento.com 7340 Marani Way: Pocket Area Cutie! Almost 1100 sq. ft. of meticulously maintained perfection. Large easy care lot, personal spa, covered patios, newer windows, roof and HVAC. Just move in and start living. 2 BR / 2 BA. Affordable and managageable... you will love this fantastic property. Listed at $199,900. Mark Peters - Coldwell Banker 916-600-2039 www.markpeters.biz Take the GLBT Oscar Quiz Heart Of Elmhurst! Near UCD Med Center and all that East Sacramento has to offer. Freeway and downtown close, yet the epitome of a walkable, idyllic neighborhood. Didn’t think you could afford to live near the T Street Parkway? Think again. Just listed at $315,000. T he countdown is on for the 83rd annual Academy Awards, to be presented on Sunday, Feb. 27, and while fans within the GLBT community will be rooting for The Kids Are All Right, it’s also the perfect time to remember past nominees and winners of GLBT-friendly films. Entertainment journalist Ed Karvoski, Jr. invites everyone to take the free GLBT Oscar Quiz at www.edkarvoskijr-author.com. The trivia test is available now or you can save it for a party game on the big night. Here are three of the questions in the quiz. 1. The Academy Award for Best Costume Design in 1995 was won by The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, which features two drag queens and a transsexual as the main characters. The film’s advertising tag line read, “Finally, a comedy that will change the way you think, the way you feel, and most importantly, the way you …” (a) dress (b) accessorize (c) travel (d) lip-synch 2. Peter Finch, who was the first actor to be nominated for an Academy Award in 1972 for portraying an openly gay role in Sunday, Bloody Sunday, was asked by a reporter from The Times of London how he could possibly kiss a man in the film. Finch’s response: “I just closed my eyes and thought of …” (a) my first girlfriend (b) my paycheck OSCAR continues on page 27 outwordmagazine.com Mark Peters - Coldwell Banker 916-600-2039 www.markpeters.biz Attn. Realtors and Mortgage Brokers! List your Hot Property With Outword Magazine! Only $99/per issue - includes full color ad, provided photo and 30-word description. s Out! Don’t Mis e Next issu ! 0 March 1 Call Fred at 916-329-9280, Space is limited. February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 11 Outword Night at the Rivercats Returns to Benefit Sac L&G Center O utword Magazine is teaming up with Dinger and the Sacramento Rivercats for another great night of AAA Baseball at Raley Field, and as a special offer, you could win a chance to take the field! Outword Events is producing the annual night to benefit The Sacramento Gay & Lesbian Center, and the game will be played on Thursday, June 30, against the Tucson Padres. Last year, over 350 fans joined Outword at the game where we all got to sit together in our own section. Making it even more fun this year, the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus will be singing the National Anthem. To help make this year’s Outword Night at the Rivercats an even greater success, the Rivercats and Outword are offering a special promotion that may just get you out on the field. “We are looking for people to commit to being a Team Captain,” said Outword Publisher Fred Palmer. “Just sell 10 tickets at $15 each and be entered to win a chance to go on the field during the 7th inning stretch and lead the crowd in singing ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame.’ Sell 20 tickets and get your name on the scoreboard during the game.” Tickets for the game are $15 per person and $3 from each ticket sold will be donated to the Center. Tickets are available at the Center, located at 1927 L St. or online at saccenter.org/index.php/calendar/ outword-night-at-river-cats. For more information, call the Center at 916-442-0185. Some of the fans at last year’s Outword Night at the Rivercats. UOP Professor Honored for 25 Years of Inspiring Law Students U niversity of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law (Pacific McGeorge) will celebrate Professor Larry Levine’s 25 years of distinguished teaching at a campus reception coinciding with the annual Jeffrey K. Poilé LGBT Civil Rights Memorial Scholarship fundraiser. Largely due to Professor Levine’s efforts, Pacific McGeorge is one of only a handful of law schools in the country that has an endowed scholarship expressly for the betterment of the LGBT students. Since 2002, approximately $260,000 has been raised, with nearly $60,000 awarded in 12 Outword Magazine scholarships to 36 Pacific McGeorge students. Professor Levine has committed his career to educating generations of leaders and has focused his personal attention on ensuring the LGBT community is treated with respect, dignity and equality. He has served on February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 the California State Bar’s Committee on Sexual Orientation Discrimination and the Law School Admission Council’s Subcommittee on LGBT Issues. With Eileen Gillis, he founded Sacramento Lawyers for the Equality of Gays and Lesbians (SacLEGAL) – Sacramento’s first LGBT bar association. Kate Kendell, Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), will participate as the event’s keynote speaker. Pacific McGeorge will also recognize the law firm of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP for its pro bono work in the LGBT community and their commitment to fostering a work environment that reflects and embraces diversity. The reception will be held Friday, February 25, at 5:30 p.m. in the Pacific McGeorge Student Center, 3200 Fifth Avenue, Sacramento. Tickets are $75, contact Carissa Crail at ccrail@pacific. edu or 916-739-7288. outwordmagazine.com Fresh Powder Arrives on Time for Lake Tahoe’s G&L Ski Week G rab your poles, wax your boards and get ready to hit the slopes with the friendliest skiers and boarders from the U.S. and around the globe at this year’s Lake Tahoe WinterFest Gay and Lesbian Ski Week. Nature has been working overtime to make this one of the best skiing seasons in many years, blanketing the Sierra in record snowfalls and fresh powder just in time for the annual G&L Ski Week, plenty of Barefoot Wine Receptions and the WinterFest Luau Night during the week. Individual travelers always feel welcome with the friendliness and true camaraderie of the WinterFest that begins on Sunday, March 6 and runs through Sunday, March 13. Skiers and non-skiers alike will have many options at Lake Tahoe for an exciting week on the mountains or a fun filled weekend by the fireplace, including many events that have become staples. WinterFest has planned exclusive parties for the GLBT community, including a private Dinner/Dance Cruise Party on Lake Tahoe, a Chocolate Martini Party, a comedy night featuring Jason Stuart and nightly après ski events. A private Dinner/Dance Cruise Party on Lake Tahoe will be held on Friday, March 11. This very popular cruise aboard the Tahoe Queen is truly the “Gayest Night on the Lake” with the entire boat booked for WinterFest. Enjoy complimentary wine as you step aboard the Tahoe Queen for the sunset sail and then sit down to an exquisitely prepared dinner followed by a DJ dance party on the upper level. Tickets are on sale now at www.LakeTahoeWinterFest. com. Harrah’s Lake Tahoe will be hosting a Chocolate Martini Party for WinterFest Guests and VIPs on Thursday, March 10 and there are guest and hosts. Jason Stuart, one of the most successful openly gay male comics in the country, will headline the WinterFest Comedy Night on Saturday, March 12 at Tep’s Villa Roma. Stuart has performed at most of the major gay events and is touring with his new stand up comedy show, “Jason Stuart: Making It to the Middle” (www. jasonstuart.com). WinterFest VIP Party Packages are available for full week, midweek or weekend arrivals and outwordmagazine.com guarantee admittance to all events. You may customize your trip based on your schedule and individual party, and discounted Heavenly Lift tickets are also available. With so many winter activities to choose from and daily receptions, everyone experiences a true winter vacation. WinterFest provides great attention to detail so you can relax and enjoy the beauty of Lake Tahoe. Lakeland Village is the ideal Lake Tahoe beachfront host resort. Perfect for the single traveler to Lake Tahoe WinterFest or small group of friends and family, Lakeland Village offers every size from a deluxe studio with kitchen, fireplace and balcony to a Lakefront five bedroom luxury condo. Book your accommodations using the WinterFest discount rate code 47952Y by calling 1-800-8225969. Enjoy the year-round heated pool, Jacuzzi, on-site gym and massage. Meet your ski buddies each morning for a prepared deluxe continental breakfast in the lodge before hitting the slopes. Then, all week long, catch one of the shuttle buses, provided complimentary to Lake Tahoe WinterFest Guests, to all lifts and nightly WinterFest parties. Diamond Resorts International is offering an unbeatable deal of under $40 per night for a one bedroom condo from Wednesday to Sunday (March 9-13) and you need to call 1-866-831-0656 for the WinterFest Special Rate details. Hot casino action teamed with the beauty of Lake Tahoe’s scenic South Shore will make Lake Tahoe WinterFest the hottest Winter Party. For tickets and information: www.LakeTahoeWinterFest.com February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 13 The Tube The Beekman Boys Are Coming Back for Season Two P lanet Green has announced the greenlight for season two of The Fabulous Beekman Boys, the docu-series following urbanite couple Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell in their attempt to become “gentleman farmers.” The second 10-episode season will air during the first half of 2011, with Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato’s World of Wonder again producing for Planet Green. The first season of The Fabulous Beekman Boys originally premiered June 16, inside Planet Green’s VERGE primetime block. The initial season followed Josh, a best-selling author and advertising executive, and his partner, Brent, a physician and former vice president at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, as they left Manhattan behind for the country life at the Beekman 1802 farm. Season two will follow them — along with viewer favorites Farmer John and Polka Spot the llama — as BEEKMAN they juggle continues on page 27 their 14 Outword Magazine February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com Music New CD’s by Adele & Joyce DiDonato T wo powerful female singers released new discs recently. One is a young British soul singer named Adele, and the other is the popular opera star, Joyce DiDonato. Adele 21 Columbia Records After the stunning 2008 debut that was 19, Adele offers her follow-up, the older and wiser 21 (she’s actually all of 22 now.) While the new CD contains no single cut as remarkable as “Chasing Pavements” or “Hometown Glory” from 19, it is outwordmagazine.com nevertheless another winner from an artist whose singing and songwriting have a maturity and intensity beyond her years. Things begin with a bang thanks to “Rolling in the Deep,” a fiery up-tempo number that provides a perfect showcase for Adele’s bluesy, gospel-tinged vocal. On 19, Adele had more success with ballads, but this time out she favors more rhythmic material, such as the standout “Set Fire to the Rain” and “Rumour Has It.” The singer also scores with a few of the slower songs, especially an interesting cover of The Cure’s “Lovesong” that sounds nothing like the original and the heartbreaking final cut, “Someone Like You.” Joyce DiDonato Diva, Divo Virgin Classics Joyce DiDonato celebrates the rich dramatic variety of the mezzo-soprano voice in this collection of arias for different characters, of both sexes, from a single opera — or from different operatic treatments of the same story. Accompanying DiDonato in this tour de force is the Orchestre de l’Opera National de Lyon under the company’s Principal Conductor Kazushi Ono, another artist who successfully embraces a diversity of musical idioms. The program features several roles that February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 MUSIC continues on page 27 Outword Magazine 15 Movies by Chris Narloch I Am Number Four at IMAX I wasn’t able to preview it before deadline, but I will be there with bells on for the latest blockbuster to be digitally remastered and given the IMAX treatment. I Am Number Four, starring hottie Alex Pettyfer and Glee’s Dianna Agron opened on February 18 at Sacramento’s Esquire IMAX Theatre on K Street. Extraordinary teen John Smith (Pettyfer) is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events: his first love (Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to others who share his incredible destiny. Visit www.imax.com/sacramento. I Am Number Four 16 Outword Magazine February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com Local Theatre Poughkeepsie Porn Returns in Battle Against Velvet Mafia T he boys from Poughkeepsie are back and hotter than ever! Last summer’s sold out run of the hit comedy Poughkeepsie Porn Co. had audiences begging for more and so like every good perky little porn star, they’re delivering. cast, it’s non-stop naughty fun and huge belly laughs.” Reprising their roles are Michael Hedges as the loveable Herbie Handcock, Brian Judd as the smooth-talking idea-man Jack Mehoff and Clint Vigen as the Norwegian porn star with a heart of gold, Tor. Bethany Hidden-Cauley, Steve Lozano and Eric Olsen take on the roles of Ms. Kitty Vinditti and her goons Steve and Angelo, members of the Velvet Mafia. Steve Thompson, Dharrell Clark and Peter Giovanni round out the cast of porn stars in this farcical comedy. “It’s been quite an experience,” says Matthew Burlingame, co-writer and director. “Audiences Michael Hedges, Brian Judd and Bethany Hidden-Cauley in a scene from are going to love it as much as the Poughkeepsie Porn Comapny 2: The Velvet Mafia playing through April 2 at first one, if not more.” the Lambda Players Theatre. Poughkeepsie Porn Co. 2: The This time out the porn stars of Players,” says Tom Swanner, the Velvet Mafia is for adults only due PPC find themselves in a new theatre’s Artistic Director as well as to nudity and adult situations. The adventure as Poughkeepsie’s gay the play’s co-writer. “When Matt show will play at 8 p.m. every mafia (who knew?) takes over the [Burlingame] approached me with Thurs., Fri. and Sat. through April company looking for a stash of the idea for a PPC2, I was hesitant. 2, at the Lambda Players Theatre, hidden cash. Sequels, especially in theatre, are located at 1127 21st St. Tickets are “The original production was an hard to pull off. But this production $15 in advance at lambdaplayers. overwhelming success for Lambda is amazing. From the script to the com. NOW PLAYING The Esquire IMAX® Theatre is located at 1211 K Street. Reserve your seats AND print your tickets at home! IMAX.com/sacramento Info: (916) 443-IMAX Groups: (916) 446-2333 x200 outwordmagazine.com IMAX-Outword-4C-IAM4.indd 1 Receive a special offer plus parking validation from BREW IT UP! Brewery & Restaurant when you print your tickets. February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24PM• Issue 4 • No. 427 11-02-11 4:26 Outword Magazine 17 Out & About 18 Outword Magazine Outword Magazine and Premier Benefit Solutions hosted the Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Mixer on Tuesday, Feb. 15. In addition to some great networking and appetizers, there were also some Tarot Card readers on hand to help everyone find the blueprints to their future success. Photos by Larry Lauzsus, Photography by Larry. February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com Entertainment by Chris Narloch One Day in the Life of Rufus Wainwright & Jake Shears F ollowing the success of One Day in The Life of Daniel Radcliffe, New York-based photographer Tim Hailand continues his popular book series with music icons Rufus Wainwright and Jake Shears. Jake Shears of the band Scissor Sisters. Each book in the One Day in The Life of … series provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of celebrities through a unique insider’s perspective, exposing the daily lives of famous artists, musicians, athletes and others in the public eye. One Day in The Life of Rufus Wainwright follows the singer-songwriter from New York to Boston for his performance at the Boston Opera House, which featured his sister Martha Wainwright as a special guest. Elton John provides the introduction and Kylie Minogue provides the afterword for One Day in the Life of Jake Shears, which follows the pop icon and Scissor Sisters frontman in London before the group’s performance at the 02 Academy Brixton. Please visit www.onedayinthelifeof.org. outwordmagazine.com February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 19 Nothing But the Best! W e know Outword readers are always on the lookout for the best – for everything from a great vacation resort to the best place to get a good burger. We also know that when it comes to finding the best, nobody does it better than you – so we did the obvious and asked you “What’s the best … ?” Here’s what you voted for: Best Meal for Two Under $50 Best Mexican Food Ernesto’s Tres Hermanas Ernesto’s1 Cafe Bernardo2 1 2 Best Local Fundraising Event Best Americana Food Hamburger Patties1 Jack’s2 Drag Queen Bingo1 Sacramento Pride2 Best Meal for Two Over $50 Lucca1 Ella2 Best CA Gay Pride Event Sacramento1 San Francisco2 Best Local Day Spa/Retreat Best Italian Food Blue Sky Day Spa1 Face & Body Emporium 2 Paesanos1 Il Forniao2 Best Local, Small Performing Arts Group Best Pizza Zelda’s1 Luigi’s2 Best Place to get a new Doo Face & Body Emporium Trendsetters Lambda Players Sac. Gay Mens Chorus 1 2 1 2 Best Breakfast/Brunch Cornerstone1 Fox & Goose2 Best Place for a NIce Glass of Wine Best Lunch Stop Azul1 Hamburger Patties2 Best Place for a Gay Weekend Getaway San Francisco1 Russian River/Napa2 20 Outword Magazine Best Place for a Cheap Cocktail Mercantile1 Depot2 L Wine Lounge1 Taylor’s Kitchen 2 Best Place for Cocktail (any price) Badlands1 Head Hunters 2 February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com Calendar Feb. compiled by Charles Peer Ernesto’s Mexican Food, 1901 16th St. Info: 916-441-5850 www.ernestosmexicanfood.com Thursday, 24 OPEN ART The Africanist Aesthetic in Performing & Visual Arts, a talk by Dr. Halifu Osumare. $12. 7 p.m. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St. Info: 916-808-7000 CrockerArtMuseum.org Friday, 25 NCLR’S KATE KENDALL Professor Larry Levine’s 25 years of teaching at Pacific McGeorge will be celebrated at the Jeffrey K. Poile LGBT Civil Rights Memorial Scholarship Reception, with special guest speaker Kate Kendall, ED of NCLR. 5:30 p.m. Saturday, 26 SNOWSHOE ECHO LAKES See some terrific winter scenery and a get good workout. About 5 miles up the ridge tops for views of Lake Tahoe, and down to Echo Lake. We’ll get an early start to ensure parking. G&L Sierrans. Info: 916-379-0724 THE JOKES ON ME — AGAIN Humorist Jack Gallagher shares the funny side of life in Sacramento, plus the Dick Bright Band. $25, two shows, 5 & 8:30 p.m. 24th St. Theatre, 2791 24th St. Info: 916-457-7553 SwellProductions.com Come Hell or High Water An epic exploration of the forces of a flood, using the structure of an oratorio built from song, dance, story and character. Based on Faulkner’s Old Man abut a man jailed for 85 years for impersonating Jesse James . March 3 -13, Main Theatre, Wright Hall, UC Davis. Tickets: 530-7542787 MondaviArts.org Wednesday, 2 VALLEY BEARS MEETING Join the Sacramento Valley Bears for their monthly meeting. Say hi to old friends and make some new ones! 7 p.m. Lambda Players Theatre, 1127 21st St. SacBears. org Saturday, 5 FOOTHILLS CELEBRATION Over 60 Nevada County wineries and restaurants host a fine wine and food stroll through the quaint shops and streets of downtown Grass Valley. Live music and entertainment. 1- 4 p.m. $40. ($30 in advance.) Info: 530-272-8315 historicgrassvalley. com Patricia Tao perform works by Shostakovich, Beethoven, and Mieczyslaw Weinberg, to complement the exhibition Gottfried Helnwein: Inferno of the Innocents. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St. $12 3 p.m. Info: 916-808-1182 CrockerArtMuseum.org BLOOMIN CRAZY Bring your little red wagon and take home beautiful spring bulbs LEATHER 101 and a whole lot of ideas from The Sacramento Valley Leathercorps hosts a class BDSM professionals and garden clubs at the Zoo’s 6th Annual Plant Fest. 9 and The Law by Master Rick, a retired sheriff. 18+ open to all. $5 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sac Zoo, Land Park. HOMELESS LGBTQ YOUTH AID A fundraising reception to launch Info: 916-808-5888 SacZoo.org suggested donation. 7:30 - 9:30 a new program to help homeless p.m. The Geery Theater, 2130 L LGBTQ youth in Sacramento. St. Info: svlclub.com 5:30 p.m. Beatnik Studios, 2421 17th St. Info: 916-442-0185 SVL COMMUNITY BRUNCH FILM FRAME SacCenter.org Cooked to order omelettes, The Silence of Innocence—The biscuits and gravy, sausage, Artist Gottfried Helnwein, is a two pancakes and more, and coffee year bio-pic of the artist’s life. $12. 6 p.m. Crocker Art Museum, and juice are now included and 216 O St. RSVP: 916-808-7000 the bar is open! $10, with CrockerArtMuseum.org proceeds benefitting local nonprofits. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. The Bolt Bar, 2560 Boxwood St. Info: 916-649-8420 SacBolt.com SVL MEET & GREET SVLClub.org Meet members of the Sacramento Valley Leathercorps and find out CLASSICAL CONCERT what the club is all about. 7:15 Violinist Jasmine Lin, cellist p.m. Info: SVLClub.org Marina Hoover, and pianist Thursday, 3 Tuesday, 8 Sunday, 6 COWBOYS/COWGIRL SOCIAL Join Capital Crossroads Gay Rodeo for a social and soda/beer bust. 7 p.m. The Bolt, 2560 Boxwood St. Info: 916-649-8420 capitalcrossroads.org Wednesday, 9 DRAG QUEEN BINGO Join Hamburger Patties and Outword for a night of very fun Bingo for Charity. Eight games, $15. Come early for cocktails and dinner and to get a great seat, first game at 7 p.m. Hamburger Patties, 1630 J S. Info: 916-4414340 OutwordMagazine.com Friday, 4 Sunday, 27 OSCAR NIGHT SACRAMENTO News10/Sacramento & Co. hosts Melissa Crowley and Guy Farris host this tribute to the Oscars at a new venue with an all new attitude to benefit the CCAF. 4 p.m. 2020 Gateway Tower just off I-5 via the West El Camino exit. Info: 916-48-1110 or visit CapCityAidsFund.org. Mar. Tuesday, 1 OUTWORD SUPPER CLUB Dinner with friends is on the menu - along with some great Mexican food, as Outword launches its Supper Club. 6 p.m. outwordmagazine.com February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 21 Out & About 22 Outword Magazine La Danse du Valentine Jamminn’ Jo hosted an early Valentine’s Day Dance on Saturday, Feb. 12 at Club 21. The club was packed with women getting down to the tunes Jo was spinning, and Outword’s photographer James Dusch was their to capture all the fun. February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com Business Directory ACCOUNTING MARCIA FRITZ & COMPANY Jason Russell, CPA Lic. 99177 Jason@fritzco.net 916-966-9366 ADULT STORES L’AMOUR SHOPPE 2531 Broadway, 916-736-3467 ATTORNEYS JEAN C. GIFFORD 916-447-1947 M. JANE PEARCE 1430 Alhambra Blvd., 916-452-3883 SACPRENUP.COM SacPreNup.com SUZANNE J. SHEPHARD 2775 Cottage Way, Suite 13, 916-484-3929 www.sjshephard.com AUTO REPAIR STEPHAN’S AUTO HAUS 3950 Attawaw Ave., 916-456-3040 StephansAutoHaus.com BANKING WELLS FARGO BANK WellsFargo.com BARS / CLUBS BADLANDS 2003 K St., 916-441-6823 SacBadlands.com THE BOLT 2560 Boxwood St., 916-649-8420 SacBolt.com THE DEPOT 2001 K St., Sac, 916-441-6823 TheDepot.net FACES 2000 K St., Sac, 916-448-7798 Faces.net FRESH AT RUBY SKYE 420 Mason St., SF. FreshSF.com HEAD HUNTERS 1930 K St. Info: 916-492-2922 HeadHuntersOnK.Com BANKING WELLS FARGO BANK WellsFargo.com MEZKAL MEXICAN RESTAURANT 1119 21st St., 916-443-1537 TAYLOR’S KITCHEN 2924 Freeport Blvd., 916-443-6881 TEN 22 1022 2nd St., Old Sacramento, 916-441-2211 ten22oldsac.com EVENT PLANNING ROYAL EVENTS Jacob M. Rowe, 916-709-7692 Jake@ARoyalEvent.org VIZCAYA PAVILION & MANSION 2019 21st St, 916-455-5243 VizcayaPavion.com EYEGLASSES STYLEYES 23rd & J, 916-448-2220 Styleyes.biz FINANCIAL PLANNING MIDTOWN FINANCIAL 1330 21st St., Ste. 201, 916-447-9220 FLORISTS RELLES FLORIST 2400 J St., 916-441-1478 801 Howe Ave., 916-920-4911 RellesFlorist.com GARDENING SUPPLIES GROW PLANTS AMERICA 6670 Elvas Ave., Suite 200, 916-452-1912 HEARING UNIVERSITY AUDIOLOGIC ASSOCIATES Deborah Powell, M.S., 1325 Howe Ave., Ste. 101, 916-927-3137 THE PAMPERED CHEF Rich Malboeuf, 916-743-8723 sacprepchef@gmail.com outwordmagazine.com KITCHEN & HOME LANDSCAPING DEMETRE LANDSCAPES 916-648-8455 LIBRARIES LAVENDER LIBRARY 1414 21st St., 916-492-0558 LavenderLibrary.org LIGHTING SESTAK LIGHTING DESIGN www.SestakLightingDesign.com MASSAGE BODYWORK BALANCE Robert Head, 916-764-6014 BodyworkBalance.net MEN’S CLUBS STEVE’S 1030 W. 2nd St., Reno 775-323-8770 www. stevesbathhouse.com MORTGAGES COMSTOCK MORTGAGE Geoff Black, 916-486-6558 www.ComstockMortgage.com OPTOMETRY www.outwordmagazine.com POWER OF TWO PROMOTIONS 916-985-4187 www.PTwoPromo.com REAL ESTAT E COLDWELL BANKER Mark T. Peters, 916-341-7794 www.MarkPeters.biz SPAS FACE & BODY EMPORIUM 5050 Folsom Blvd., 916-455-5050 www.FaceAndBodyEmporium.com SPECIALTY MARKETS CA COMMUNITIES UNITED INSTITUTE www.calcomui.org b.hinman@calcomui.org LUCCA RESTAURANT & BAR 1615 J St., 916-669-5300 PROMOTIONS Jim Sours, 2801 J St. 916-541-9775, www.JimSours.com KEVIN KNAUSS INSURANCE Kevin Knauss, 916-521-7216, InsureMeKevin@gmail.com STATE FARM INSURANCE Stephanie Slagel, 916-485-4444 StephanieSlagel.com ENOTRIA 1431 Del Paso Blvd., 916-922-6792 Enotria.com ERNESTO’S 1901 16th St., 916-441-5850 HAMBURGER PATTIES 1630 J St., 916-441-4340 HOT ITALIAN 1627 16th St., 916-444-3000 HotItalian.net OUTWORD MEDIA•MARKETING•EVENTS Fred Palmer, 916-329-9280 OutwordMedia.com WRITEAWAY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Bonnie Osborn, 916-212-9110 bonnie@writeawaycommunications.biz LYON REAL ESTATE CHANEY CHIROPRACTIC & REHAB 1614 X St., Ste. B, 916-326-4466 www. ChaneySportsChiro.com HEALING TOUCH CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Darrick Lawson, www.FixMyBack.com Midtown, 2020 Capitol Ave., 916-447-3344 DINING/BEVERAGES PR & MARKETING TRENDSETTERS 1221 21st St., 916-455-0514 www.Trendsetters.net INSURANCE MADDERRA DENTAL Dr. Garrett Madderra, MadderraDentistry.com 2020 Hurley Way, Ste. 290, Sac., 916-929-0969 2370 Market St., S.F. 415-552-9200 PHOTOGRAPHY BY LARRY 916-645-8447 photos@psyber.com www.1-800-916-foto.com/rainbow HAIR SALONS CHIROPRACTORS DENTISTS PHOTOGRAPHY Joan Dunn, 916-716-5584 joan@joandunn.net JACKSON RANCHERIA 12222 New York Ranch Rd., Jackson, 800-822-WINN JacksonCasino.com KATE MACKENZIE, C.S.W. Lic. LCS13330, 1731 I St., 916-447-0350 NICOLA SIMMERSBACH, PsyD, M.F.T. Lic. MFT33458, 902 21st St. 916-952-8594 www.drnicola.net GO FETCH 916-505-4375 GoFetchPetSitting.com GRATEFUL DOG 430 17th St., 916-446-2501 GratefulDogDayCare.com URBAN FITNESS & WELLNESS CENTER 2525 J St., 916-492-2526 UrbanFitness.com VIZCAYA PAVILION & MANSION 2019 21st St, 916-455-5243 VizcayaPavion.com BRUCE GUNN, M.F.C.C. Lic. MM19480, 418 Alhambra Blvd., 916443-7171 DONNA REED, M.F.T. Lic. MFC39535; 2501 I St., 916-492-2368 www.safediscovery.com PET SITTING GYMS & FITNESS HOT ELS COUNSELING BROOKS PAINTING INC. 1-888-COLOR-08 BrooksPaining.com BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Brian McMartin, 916-402-4160 brian.mcmartin@bhghome.com CASINOS CIVIL RIGHTS PAINT ERS CAMERON YEE, O.D. 6407 Riverside Blvd., 916-395-0673 DrCameronYee@aol.com TAYLORS MARKET 2900 Freeprt Blvd., 916-443-6881 TAX SERVICES KILLICK FINANCIAL SERVICES 2321 Lloyd Ln., 916-486-8985, fax: 481-3224 THEAT ERS B STREET THEATRE 2711 B St., 916-443-5300 BStreetTheatre.org BROADWAY SERIES 1301 L St., 916-557-1999 www.sacBroadwaySeries.com CALIF. MUSICAL THEATRE www.californiamusicaltheatre.com LAMBDA PLAYERS 1127 21st St. 916-444-8229 www.LambdaPlayers.com MONDAVI CENTER UC Davis, 530-754-ARTS www.MondaviArts.org SACRAMENTO THEATRE COMPANY 1419 H St., 888-4-STC-TIX SacTheatre.org TRAVEL AQUA HOTELS & RESORTS 1-866-767-4528 AquaResorts.com/diversity IGLTA www.LGBT.travel OLIVIA 1-800-631-6277 Olivia.com/Outword2010 RSVP VACATIONS 1-800-328-RSVP www.rsvpvacations.com VACATION RESORTS SANTIAGO PALM SPRINGS www.SantiagoResort.com VIDEOS - ADULT L’AMOUR SHOPPE 2531 Broadway, 916-736-3467 LIST YOUR BUSINESS! Directory of Advertiser listings are free for all advertisers - or $15 per issue February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 23 Catering Professionals SIGLFF Chooses New Board "Bringing quality cuisine to satisfy your appetite using fresh locally grown ingredients." Marlena Creasy & David Menzie 916-595-2319 The Sacramento International G&L Film Festival held a board and volunteer retreat on Saturday, Feb. 5. Along with discussing plans for this year’s festival, they selected new board officers. Pictured clockwise are: J. Todd Lohse, President; Michael Dennis, Program Director; Lou Camera, Film Selection; Dawn Deason, Secretary; and Patty Barcena, Film Selection. Not pictured is Paul Curtis, the new treasurer. This year’s Festival is scheduled for October. For more information, visit siglff.org Assemblymember Lara Addresses Stonewall Assemblymember Ricardo Lara (50th Assembly District) attended the Sacramento Stonewall Democrats monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 14, discussing his campaign and election as an openly-gay man in a poor district that adopted Prop 8 by 70 percent. He also discussed his priorities in the Legislature and the future of the LGBT Legislative Caucus. Visit www. sacstonewall.org. Pictured are Mike Mendez, Stonewall PAC Chair, Lara and Chris Moore, Stonewall President. Photo by James Dusch. Legislative LGBT Caucus Honored at Reception Members of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus were honored at a reception held in the 15th floor rotunda of a downtown Sacramento office building on Monday, Feb. 7. About 200 people attended the reception, including Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, other Senators and Assemblymembers, many lobbyists, friends and families. Pictured are: Assemblymember Toni Atkins, 76th Assembly District; Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez, 46th Assembly District; Senators Mark Leno, 3rd Senate District and Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair, 39th Senate District; and Assemblymembers Richard S. Gordon, 21st Assembly District and Tom Ammiano, 13th Assembly District. Not pictured is Assemblymember Ricardo Lara, 50th Assembly District. 24 Outword Magazine February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 outwordmagazine.com outwordmagazine.com February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 Outword Magazine 25 Lance Navarro Assumes Mr. Bolt Title T he Bolt Bar has announced that for personal reasons, Jeremy Willis, Mr. Bolt Leather 2011, has stepped down from his position, and will not complete his term as Mr. Bolt Leather 2011. Willis was chosen Mr. Bolt Leather 2011 at a contest held at The Bolt in October 2010 and was scheduled to hold the title through October 2011. Effective immediately, FirstRunner-up Lance Navarro is Mr. Bolt Leather 2011. “The Bolt would like to thank Jeremy for his service,” said Kenny Yerkes, owner of The Bolt. “We also welcome Lance Navarro as the new Mr. Bolt 2011 and wish him success at events here in Sacramento and Northern California, as well as at IML in Chicago, where he will be representing The Bolt and Sacramento’s leather community.” International Mister Leather is the premiere leather contest in the U.S. and will be held this year from May 27 – 30 in Chicago. “I am very excited to be taking over the title of Mr. Sacramento Bolt Leather and I would like to thank Jeremy Willis for his support of the community and hard work during the past few months, and I wish him the best as he begins his new job in San Diego,” said Navarro. “I believe that all things happen for a reason and am excited that the fates have bequeathed me with this title and an opportunity to serve the Sacramento community.” As Mr. Sacramento Bolt, Navarro hopes to bridge the gap between the leather community and other organizations and groups, and blur the lines between “us” and “them.” 26 Outword Magazine “I remembered my hesitation when I first began to understand the leather community and my feeling that I didn’t want my individuality stripped by conforming to a standard of dress or behavior,” said Navarro. “For me, leather is a metaphor for selfexpression and masculinity. Leather is an extension of my sexual being, it doesn’t define me, rather I define it.” Navarro works almost entirely in the sex and wellness industry. In addition to being a porn star and working with companies like Raging Stallion, Hot House and Titan, he is also a Certified Massage Therapist, stage actor and model. “All the elements of my life and work are rewarding for various reasons, but the most is when I can help people to transform themselves and embrace more love February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 into their life,” Navarro said. In addition to bridging gaps as Mr. Bolt Sacramento, Navarro wants to address and draw attention to the alarming rate of HIV infection in the Sacramento community and the lack of funding for organizations that are trying to help this cause. He also wants to bring attention to the less discussed issue of crystal meth abuse and addiction and the formation of a support group, catering to the special needs of the LGBT community in dealing with this problem in a welcoming, non-religious environment. Navarro would also like to see the formation of activity groups and social clubs for the LGBT community so that recreational options aren’t as limited as they are now. “I see around me a gravitation toward a sexual awakening and part of that is an interest and desire to explore leather-wear, leatherplay, bondage, BDSM, role-paying, etc.,” said Navarro. “This awakening excites me. We are all sexual beings, and sex, even on the most base level is about two people (or more) connecting and sharing in an intimate experience. Intimacy is so much deeper than just sex though, and that is what I enjoy — exploring through leather-play, BDSM and fetish.” The Bolt Bar is located at 2560 Boxwood St. In addition to hosting the Mr. Bolt Contest, it is also the home bar of the Sacramento Valley Leather Association, and host to the Sierra Stampede/Capital Crossroads Gay Rodeo Association and the Sacramento Valley Bears and other groups. The Bolt can be reached at 916-649-8420 or SacBolt.com outwordmagazine.com Oscar continued from page 11 Beekman Music (c) England (d) the Queen 3. Openly gay actor Rupert Everett portrays George, a gay man who is the best friend of Julianne, played by Julia Roberts, in My Best Friend’s Wedding, which was nominated for an Academy Award in 1998 for Best Musical Score. While pretending to be Julianne’s fiancé, George leads a restaurant full of patrons in song. What song does he sing? (a) “Wishin’ and Hopin’” (b) “The Way You Look Tonight” (c) “I Say a Little Prayer” (d) “What the World Needs Now Is Love” Easy Right? Well, the correct answers are: 1) Dress; 2) England; 3) “I Say a Little Prayer.” Karvoski is the author of five books including the best-seller A Funny Time to Be Gay (Simon & Schuster), recently released in e-book edition and available at his website above or at Amazon. com. relationship, along with a This all leads up to the world burgeoning home business and a premiere of The Fabulous Beekman rapidly expanding working farm. Boys season finale at 9:00 p.m. From raising a barn to hosting a Sotheby’s auction to shopping for sheep with Martha Stewart, season two will offer complete access to Brent and Josh’s second year at Beekman 1802. “It’s official — Polka Spot’s 15 minutes of fame will continue in 2011,” said Laura Michalchyshyn, President and General Manager of Planet Green. “Brent and Josh both possess huge, endearing personalities that America is falling in love with. The Fabulous Beekman Boys has quickly established itself as a cornerstone franchise for Planet Green and our VERGE block—we can’t wait for season two.” Viewers who missed parts of season one — or those eager for an encore — will have an opportunity to catch up on Wednesday, August 11. Planet Green will air episodes one through nine in order, beginning at noon. and then again at 4:30 p.m. DiDonato has sung on stage – such as Rossini’s Cenerentola, Bellini’s Romeo and Mozart’s Cherubino. The ‘flip sides’ of those characters outwordmagazine.com continued from page 14 continued from page 15 are roles that have not featured in her repertoire, such as the Prince from Massenet’s Cendrillon and the Nurse from Berlioz’s Romeo et Juliette. We love what we do and it shows. 2007 thru 2010 Experienced Pet Sitting Fully Licensed Insured • Bonded February 24, 2011 - March 10, 2011 • Volume 24 • Issue 4 • No. 427 916.505.4375 gofetchpetsitting.com Outword Magazine 27 Diana DeGarmo as Doralee and Joseph Mahowald as Franklin Hart Jr.. Photo by Joan Marcus. Remember when dictation led to happy hour? 4 Tony Award and 15 Drama Desk nominations including BEST MUSICAL! “HILARIOUS!” -The New York Post March 9-20 Sacramento Community Center Theater 1301 L Street Discounts for groups of 12 or more call (916) 557-1198 www.BroadwaySacramento.com Tickets available at the Convention Center box office ADVANCE TICKETS: Wells Fargo Pavilion Box Office, 1419 H Street (916) 808-5181 or (916) 557-1999
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