castra : c luster a ero


castra : c luster a ero
Lifelong Learning Programme
WP3: Training needs assessment
1. Name of RDC…........................................................................................................... ......... 3
2. Focus area of research and technological development: …............................................... 3
3. Aim(s) of RDC ............................................................................................................. ........ 3
4. Exploit knowledge through renew portfolio of activities: .............................................. 4
4.1 Exploit research to develop new products and services and the access to new and
emerging markets……………...................................................................................................... 5
5. RDC partnership................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Research institutes............................................................................................................. 6
5.2 Private Sector Enterprise(s) ............................................................................................... 7
5.3 Public Government partner (in case of triple helix RDC) ................................................... 8
5.4 RDC intermediary or facilitator:………………………………………………………………………….. .......... 8
6. Sectoral characteristics ..................................................................................................... 10
7. Geographical coverage of the partnership ........................................................................ 10
8. RDC orientation / Typology of the cluster.......................................................................... 11
9. RDC management team ..................................................................................................... 14
10. Staff training (employees of cluster companies and project teams) ............................... 16
11. Information and communication..................................................................................... 16
11.1 Development of a communication platform.................................................................. 16
11.2 Regular stakeholders visits ............................................................................................. 16
11.3 Regular events (workshops, expert round tables, specialist events) ……………………….…17
12. Press clipping services ..................................................................................................... 18
13. Supra-regional competitive situation .............................................................................. 18
-Export specialisation, comparative advantages and disadvantages in foreign trade …....... 18
-Market shares, international direct investments /............................................................... 18
14. Internationalisation ......................................................................................................... 18
14.1 Access to international networks and participation in international projects .............. 18
14.2 Set-up of network activities between different clusters: ………………………………………..... 21
15. Excellence in research ...................................................................................................... 29
16. SWOT analysis of RDC ...................................................................................................... 31
16.1 Strengths of RDC ............................................................................................................ 31
16.2 Weaknesses of RDC ........................................................................................................ 31
16.3 Opportunites of RDC ...................................................................................................... 31
16.4 Threats of RDC ................................................................................................................ 31
2. Year of establishment: 2010
Budget / Turnover: N/A - newly created
6 Moskovska Str.
P.O. Box 799
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone/Fax: +359 -2-873-6733
Registration Nr.: 176002325
3. Focus area of research and technological development: CASTRA is a non-governmental
body for public benefit among business, academic institutions and non-governmental
organizations with activity and capacity to develop aero-space technologies and their
application in innovative products and services, part of “knowledge and innovations
economics”. The following research institutions and universities are CASTRA members:
Space and Solar-Terrestrial Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
University Faculty of Physics University Centre for Space Research and Technologies Institute
for Criobiology and Food Technologies- SSA, University of Shoumen with its Faculty for
Technical Sciences, Technical University of Sofia, through its Aeronautical Engineering
Department, University of Burgas Prof. Assen Zlatarov, the Computer systems and
technologies Department, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of
The focus area of CASTRA is knowledge development, education and technology transfer in
the aerospace field and their implementation in industry and other spheres of social life:
- Research, development and operation of Remote Sensing Systems for investigation
of the Earth and the Solar system planets by designing and precise multispectral systems,
design of geo-information systems as well as automatic processing of data and images
received from space and airborne platforms.
- Design, production and exploitation of onboard and ground placed automated
systems for data exchange and data processing in the aerospace field. Studies related to
design and transfer of aerospace instruments and technologies for space communication
and navigation, control systems and diagnostic systems for human psycho-physiological
status under extreme conditions.
- Development and investigation of computer management systems with aerospace
application and formal methods of programming. Development of methods and tools for
study of human operator’s behaviour as an essential element of aerospace systems
- Validation of experiments and thematic interpretation of applications, needed for
agriculture, forestry, environmental monitoring, etc.
The RDC pools the assets of its members and partners for cultural values and civil society
development. It supports personal and professional integration and implementation of
human capital in the field of the cluster. CASTRA supports free exchange of information and
ideas with organizations of similar area of activities. It provides financial and material
resources for RDC aims and objectives implementation. It contributes to the build up and
maintenance of infrastructure and equipment, neaded for research, production and other
activities in the value chain. It supports development of training programmes and training to
Master and PhD students, and experts in the field. CASTRA fosters cooperation with
municipalities, NGOs and business partners contributing to sustainable regional
-R&D specialization: Design, development and transfer of methods, instrumentation and
technologies for remote sensing of the Earth, regional and global monitoring of the
environment and security, Medico-biological studies, space biotechnologies, heliobiology,
telemedicine, research in the field of obtaining and application of new superhard materials,
wide range of formal and non-formal education and training activities
-Research contribution to the RDC: Development of innovative aerospace instrumentation
and technologies, as well as their transfer to economy. Strengthen cooperation between
businesses, R&D institutes and higher education institutions by supporting the creation of
regional and trans-regional connections; to support R&D activities also by enabling SMEs to
access R&D services; to support regional cross-border and trans-national initiatives that aim
at strengthening R&D collaboration and capacity building in priority areas of EU research
policy; Creation of physical, operational and forecasting models in space weather and space
climate, also development of corresponding ionization, electromagnetic and chemical
mechanisms of processes in space geophysics and solar-terrestrial physics. The Space
Weather and Space Climate Prediction Center (SWSCPC) ensures short-term and long-term
forecast for the solar and geomagnetic activity state: disturbances, storms (SSC) etc. SWSCPC
prepares and publishes warnings, alerts and detailed analysis of conditions in the
Earth's environment and in the space. The analysis and prognoses are provided operationally
by means of satellite and ground based measurements.
3. Relation of the research areas and topics of the unit with the research policies and
programs approved by the General Assembly (GA) of BAS, and with national and/or EU
research priorities.
Application fields related with the research priorities adopted by the GA of the BAS:
• Study of the Earth, monitoring of the environment with integrated use of remote sensing
of the Earth technologies, geographic information systems (GIS), and conventional groundbased methods. Development of strategies and methods for monitoring of environmental
electromagnetic pollution using ground-based, aerial, and satellite data.
• Study of man and animate nature by space biology and medicine. Based on the Institute’s
long-lasting activity in the field of space biology and medicine, a new generation of space
green house is being developed and a miniature Holter system to monitor astronauts’ health
and psychological condition has been designed which is used on pilots and in hospitals in the
country and abroad.
• Information technologies and communications: Research tasks are implemented, related
with techniques and instrumentation for high-precision control of movable objects; use of
satellite systems for navigation purposes; radiolocation systems for traffic control (mainly,
under contracts with the Ministry of Defense of the Rep. of Bulgaria).
• New methods and technologies: Production of composites by detonation pressing of
metal powders and studying the phase transition mechanisms of carbon-containing
compounds at pulse loading. The successful results in this research field and their high
appreciation by the scientific community in the country and abroad led to the Institute’s
participation in projects and contracts under EU Programmes and bilateral agreements with
• Advanced aerospace equipment spin-off technologies are the subject of a number of
Contracts with Bulgarian aviation firms and industrial enterprises.
4. Aim(s) of RDC:
4.1 Exploit knowledge through renew portfolio of activities (explain): CASTRA carries out
fundamental and applied studies in the field of Space Physics, Remote Sensing of the Earth
and Planets, and Aerospace Systems, Cryobiology and Mathematics. It is engaged with
research and development, innovation management, education and training, exchange of
information, consultancy, transfer of technologies, study of economic opportunities,
providing positive feedback in the field of aero-space technologies and applications.
4.2 Integration of technologies in existing product or service lines (explain):
CASTRA supports creation of stimulating environment for training, professional qualifications
and staff development. It fosters establishment of joint education centres and development
of contemporary curricula in the sector of aerospace technologies and applications and
realted spheres of knowledge.
CASTRA will develop a joint platform for exchange of information, coordination of initiatives
and activities in the sector of aerospace research, technology transfer and applications and
raising of its competitiveness. Its ambision is to build up a national technology platform in
the aerospace sectror
CASTRA will stimulate positive public interest to the image of Bulgarian aerospace research,
technology transpfer and implemantions.
CASTRA will develop and support the implementation of contemporary policies and
strategies, priorities, measures and instruments for regional and national economic
development in the field of aerospace research, technology transfer and applications.
Development and support of cluster data base, concerning Bulgarian economic and
resources potential in the field of aerospace research, technology transfer and applications.
Development, coordination and implementation of national priorities and measures,
scientific and operational programmes and other national and cluster instruments,
development, ccordination and implementation of projects and programmes for regional
economic and social development, funded by national, European and international
Measures development, coordination and support to national institutions, representing
reaserch, educational bodies, business and NGOs in European and international programmes
and initiatives (7FP, etc.)
Project and programmes implementation in support of the European integration and
Organizing workshops, seminars, discussions, training courses and programmes to raise the
stakeholders’ awareness and staff qualifications, employed in sector Aerospace research,
technology transfer and applications .
Pooling the efforts of all cluster members for foreign direct investments attracting.
Membership in similar national and international organizations in support of planned
activities implementation and representing all players in the sector.
Organizing and participation in regional, national and international events (conferences, air
shows, exhibitions, etc.)
Joint efforts and coordination in logistics, production, marketing, procurement, CASTRA
products sales.
Cooperation with public administration and all stakeholders’ devdeloping and implementring
the National Space Programme
Support for full memebership of Bulgaria in the Europan Space Agency, European and
international technology platforms in the field of aerospace research, technology transfer
and aplications.
4.3 Exploit research to develop new products and services (explain):
Development of fundamental and applied research in mathematics and informatics in
compliance with the national and European priorities, CASTRA integration into the European
Research Area. Scientific research in the fields of mathematical structures, modeling and
informatics, and leading to innovative applications in other sciences, in information and
communication technologies, industry and society. Application of research results in national
educational programmes at all levels of education and training in the country.
4.3 Access to new and emerging markets (explain): Many technology products and services
have reached a point of saturation in mature markets, while in emerging markets demand
for IT and purchasing power are on the rise. By researching and implementing the new
obtained knowledge about how the solar radiation influence the IT and communication
systems they can be improved, made more precise and build stronger.
4.4 Other (explain): In compliance with the European priorities and scientific research
programmes and the world trends in the development of mathematics and mathematical
informatics and in the context of the international agreements and the necessity of socially
significant applications for Bulgaria, the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics set out the
following high-priority strategic research fields:
CASTRA can provide advisory services related to the development of business plans,
projects and programs, conducting market research and analysis of cooperation at
regional, national and international level, and consulting services on imports and exports,
management, information services about funding programs for research and industry,
organizing and conducting of conferences, exhibitions, training, technical services,
translation and legalization of documents, publishing, software and hardware development,
analysis and testing.
5. RDC partnership (number of members):
5.1 Research institutes(s):
Space and Solar-Terrestrial Research Institute (SSTRI),
As part of the Bulgarian Academy of Science SSTRI is primary in charge of long-term
planning and elaboration of space research programmes in close connection with national
The field of activity of SSTRI ranges over fundamental and applied investigations in space
physics, astrophysics, image processing, remote sensing, life sciences, scientific equipment,
preparation and conduct of experiments in the region of space investigation and
use on board of unmanned and manned spacecraft, investigation of control systems, air- and
spacecraft and equipment for them, development of space materials and technologies and
transfer to the national economy, education of post-graduate students and MS students.
The SSTRI works in close cooperation with similar institutes from Bulgaria and
abroad. It takes active part in cooperative studies with various foreign and multinational
establishments and organizations such as COSPAR, IAF, IAU, INTERCOSMOS, SRI-RAS,
The scientific results of these projects were presented in great number of publications and
congress papers.
Subject matter:
Solar-Terrestrial and Space Physics (solar wind, magnetosphere-ionosphere physics,
high and middle atmosphere physics, space weather);
High-energy astrophysics, galactic space rays;
Medico-biological studies, space biotechnologies, heliobiology, telemedicine;
Design, development and transfer of methods, instrumentation and technologies for
remote sensing of the Earth, regional and global monitoring of the environment and
Research in the field of obtaining and application of new superhard materials.
Development of innovative aerospace instrumentation and technologies, as well as
their transfer to economy
Research fields:
• Space Physics: Probe methods for ionosphere studies; Study of ELF/ULF waves and
currents; Study of the ionospheric effects above seismically active areas;
Establishment of a database of satellite measurement data, methods, and analysis
algorithms; High energy astrophysics.
• Remote Sensing of the Earth: Design, development, and transfer of techniques,
instrumentation, and technologies for remote sensing of the Earth.
• Space Technologies: Aerospace control systems; Biotechnologies; Onboard optic range
systems; Antifriction materials and covers; Composite materials based on glass carbon;
Design of aviation and space materials and technologies and their transfer;
Nanotechnologies etc.
The above-mentioned research fields are covered by the activity of the SSTRI’s departments.
Link to the web-site of SSTRI – page SRI Structure:
Space Physics Department
The scientific work of the Department is centered mainly on the following problems: largescale structure of the density in earth plasma, electromagnetic structures in the
magnetosphere, dynamics of the sub-Auroral ion drift, relationship between the parameters
of the ionospheric-magnetospheric plasma and some large-scale ground-based phenomena;
earthquakes, volcanoes etc.; study and improvement of the space sensor methods and
techniques and their application in other fields. Some of present-day projects include
investigation of super-large satellite charge in the presence of interaction with ionospheric
plasma. A device for measurement of the surface charge of the International Space Station
has been developed.
Astrophysics and Synergetics Department
Its activity is focused on investigating the dynamics and structure of accretion flows and
their stability. For this purpose, it attempts to:
- Find the analytical descriptions of the physical flows driving these flows;
- Create numerical simulations showing structural formations and their evolution;
- Investigate the stability of the flow and the results of arised instability;
- Explain the origin of some kind of quick variabilities, observed from close binaries as a
result of previous processes.
It aims to show that accretion flow is a live system with intricate structure.
Remote Sensing of the Earth Department
The major research task of the Department is related with monitoring and acquisition of
remote sensing (aerospace) data which is used to study natural resources and ecological
disturbances, make an inventory of agricultural objects, and study modern geodynamical
processes and natural ecocatastrophes.
So far, the Department has accomplished more than 30 research projects concerning
Bulgarian territory. By parallel use of remote sensing and ground-based data,
morphostructural partitioning of the country was made; the major neotectonic structures
are studied; ring and lineament morphostructures of various origin are identified, bearing
different ores and minerals (ores, minerals, oil, fresh water etc.); and the glacial and
fluvoglacial forms in the high Bulgarian mountains are studied.
Aerospace Information Center
The Department was created in 2006 and the main area of investigation, development and
design is:
- onboard and ground-based automated systems for measurement, acquisition, processing
and collection of aerospace data;
- receiving, processing and collection of aerospace data for monitoring of environment and
Space Biotechnologies and Vacuum Studies Department
The basic aim is to develop an automated system for precise measurement and control of
environmental parameters in order to provide optimal biotechnology for higher plant
growing under microgravity. Higher plants are a key component (food source and air
purification) of a Biological Life Support System (BLSS) - a link of vital importance for the
space crews during future long-term manned missions (first to the Moon and Mars).
Research connected with improvement of technology and technical devices developed for
plant cultivation: closed plant growing chamber with maintenance of air parameters and
effective lighting system.
Vacuum Studies Laboratory for research of processes, materials and devices with space
application in the conditions of high vacuum, flux of charged particles and ultraviolet
radiation. Antifriction alloys for friction details working in vacuum are created.
Aerospace Engineering and Technologies Department
Investigations for development and transfer of aerospace techniques and technologies in the
following major fields: space communications and navigation; systems for control and
diagnostics of psycho-physiological state of the person in extreme conditions; nonstandard
equipment for aerospace application; chaotic processes in nonlinear and parametric
Aerospace Control Systems Department with Avionics Applied Research Laboratory Research
in the field of computer control systems with aerospace application and formal methods of
software development. Development of computer devices and methods for investigation of
operators of complex aerospace systems. Study and repair of avionics (gyroscopes and other
Aerospace Control Systems Department
The Department conducts theoretic and applied studies in the field of on-board aerospace
objects and ground-based control systems in the following fields:
- Carrying out scientific research intended to develop methods, algorithms, and program
facilities to examine operators of complex technical systems – study and research of the
modern approaches for complex decision-taking in the control of ergatic systems, allowing
mathematical formalization and solution of the optimized tasks.
- Dedicated electromagnetic complexes for study of ion spherical-magneto spherical plasma
and lithosphere phenomena – design of equipment for measurement of electrical and
magnetic fields in wide frequency range for conducting of space and ground-based
- Establishment of CCD-based technologies of optical systems and processing of aerospace
information – study of modern technologies and equipment for acquisition and processing of
space information.
- Mathematical modelling of aircraft and satellite missions – investigation of the orbital
parameters of Earth satellites taking into account various disturbing factors, such as
modelling of Unmanned Aircraft Missions.
Space Materials and Nanotechnologies Department
The main task of the Department is synthesis and research of new materials and
technologies. Methods based on detonation for the synthesis of nanostructures are
developed and patented. Six modifications of Ultradisperse Diamond Powders (UDDP) with
different grade of purity and specific density are ready for use. Currently working on the
application of UDDP in the following fields:
- Deposition of chemical coatings, containing UDDP based on nickel, chrome, zinc;
- UDDP containing additives for lubricants and greases;
- UDDP containing polymer composite materials;
- Introduction of UDDP in special purpose paints.
The obtained scientific results have been the base for the successful participation in EU
FP6 networks and projects.
The Technology Transfer Office within the SSTRI was established in with the support of the
PHARE program. Its strategic aims include:
- Act as interface for technology transfer between the academic, public and business
- Make visible the innovations and the scientific output of the institute’s researchers
and the new technologies demand of the business and to provide a two-way
information flow
- Contribute (in co-ordination with the scientific departments of the institute) to the
commercialization of innovations and scientific output
- Assist the process of intellectual and industrial protection of the scientific output and
the technological services of the institute
TTO main activities include intellectual property rights protection, patents and licenses,
providing consultations and services in the field, support of spin-in companies and
international co-operation
Participation of the unit in different education activities
Almost all universities in Sofia and all over the country have preference for the SRI scientists
and experts as lecturers and tutors in seminars and practical exercises. The experts of the SRI
have established many educational programmes and courses on topical scientific subjects in
the field of aerospace research, ecology, nanotechnology and more. They are also authors of
university textbooks and manuals on these subjects.
During the reported period, more than 15 scientists and experts from the SSTRI-BAS have
delivered 1,700 lecture hours in over 10 universities in the country and abroad.
29 MS students from 6 universities (including from foreign ones) have conducted their
pregraduate practice at the SSTRI-BAS and have been directed in their studies by scientists
from the SSTRI. Scientists from the SSTRI-BAS have also led specialized training and
qualification courses for experts from institutions of national significance, such as the
Aerospace Monitoring Centre at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Military Academy
and more. This activity of the SSTRI has been rated highly.
A) Operation of national, state and governmental institutions:
A considerable part of the SSTRI’s efforts in the period under review was directed
atimplementation of projects for the needs of State institutions – ministries, agencies,
municipalities etc. Four contracts were signed and performed for the Ministry of Defence.
Beneficial collaboration was established with the Ministry of Emergency Situations –
contracts on four projects were signed and accomplished. Representatives of the SSTRI-BAS
participated successfully in the international drill Defense against Terrorist Act
Consequences Management in South-East Europe - EU TACOM SEE carried out in the town of
Montana in 2006 and hosted by the Rep. of Bulgaria, and the Ministry of Emergency
Situations in particular.
B) Different regional contracts with Municipalities in the country :
-Updating of dimensions and positions of green areas in the region of Plovdiv Municipality
based on photorevision;
-Web-based monitoring investigation of atmospheric pollution in the region of Stara Zagora
Municipality on the base of satellite data;
-Pilot investigation of part of the lakes in the territory of Tundja Municipality on the base of
satellite and GPS data;
-Pilot ecological monitoring investigation of the region of Kardjali Municipality on the base
of satellite and earth-land data;
-Pilot monitoring investigation of the forests and agricultural areas in the territory of Kardjali
Municipality on the base of satellite and Ground-Based data;
-Pilot web-based monitoring investigation of atmospheric pollution in the region of Bourgas
Municipality on the base of satellite and Ground-Based data.
Institute for Criobiology and Food Technologies (ICFT)
Director: Prof. Dr. eng. Valentin Batchvarov tel: +359 2 868 13 63; +359 2 955 64 71;
ICFT was created 1-st of January 2001 by integration of the Institute of Cryobiology and
Lyophilization (founded 1973), the Institute for Cereal Foods and Forage Industry (founded
1956), the Institute of Brewing and Hop Industry (founded 1956), the Facility for
Development and Implementation of Ionizing Emissions, the Facility for Development and
Implementation of Biologically Active Substances and the Institute of Meat Industry. The
ICFT is an organization for scientific investigations, applied research, extension service and
auxiliary activity in the field of cryobiology and lyophilization, food and beverage
technologies, foods and beverages quality and safety , foods irradiation and biologically
active substances for plant-growing, in the frames of the competence of the Agricultural
Academy. The research and investigation are carried out by 4 sections with own
laboratories, 2 separate laboratories and 2 sectors.
In the field of Cryobiology and lyophilization carries out biophysical and thermo-physical
investigations on a cellular and molecular level for establishment of the mechanisms related
to the stability of plant and animal organisms in cases of cryogenic and low temperature
treatment, studies the mechanisms of cryoprotection and implements new types of
cryoprotectors to increase the quality and prolong the preservation term of the lyophilized
biological materials, develops, tests and implements technologies for production of
biopreparations for the medical and the veterinary-medical practice, develops prescription
formulas, technologies, indexes and technological documentation for lyophilized and specific
foods and functional bioproducts for healthy, prophylactic, protective nutrition and nutrition
in extraordinary conditions, carries out lyophilization of sample food lots, bioproducts and
biopreparations for various purposes, including such of external consumers.
In the field of Irradiation of foods carries out scientific, development and implementation
activity in the area of application of the ionizing radiations (gamma-rays) and laser radiations
(helium-neon lasers) for stimulation and prolongation of the preservation capacity of the
agricultural produce and foodstuff; for decontamination of foods, carries out gammasterilization of raw materials, foods, medical and veterinary-medical materials, consumables,
preparations and others under requests of contracts
In the field of Biologically active substances for plant-growing develops technologies based
on biologically active substances for stimulating the growth and bio-protection of cultivated
plants, increasing of the yields and the quality of the agricultural cultures, accomplishes
extension service for innovation and implementation of biologically active substances into
agriculture, gives consultation to the firms, enterprises, cooperatives, farmers on the subject
of growth regulation, yields, biological protection.
The ICFT is granted an institutional accreditation for Ph.D. education for six scientific
subjects: Heat physics and hydrodynamics, Technology of fish and meat products,
Technology of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, Refrigeration technology of foodstuffs,
Technology of biologically active substances and Technology of processing and storage of
grain, grain products and mixtures
The Institute has substantial contribution for the development of modern food
technologies, quality and safety of food and drinks in Bulgaria. ICFT elaborated the space
menu for the missions of Bulgarian cosmonauts, which made Bulgaria the third country in
the world, in possession of such technology. More than 60 lyophylized functional foods have
been developed for improvement of the healthy status of population, lyophylized
biostimulants dedicated for sportsmen, healthy and sick persons, for prophylactic and
medication of metabolite diseases, lyophylized foods for patients with gluten enteropaty,
inhibitors of cancerogeneses, medicinal drinks. More than 50 technologies have been
created for ordinary, original, special, luxury, low alcoholic, non alcoholic, herbal and wheat
beers. Technologies and new brands sterilized, dried, frozen, dietary and functional foods,
technologies for grain storage, technologies for processing of special flours and ray-wheat,
dietary and prophylactic breads, technologies for special meat delicacies, semimanufactured poultry products have been created. A series of medical and veterinary
medical products and biologically active substances for plant-growing have been developed.
Many of them are patente
University of Sofia with its Space Research and Technologies Centre
The Degree Course in Physics and Mathematics starts at the Higher School in the 1899/1900
academic year. It covers a four-year course in mathematics, experimental and theoretical
physics. This marks the beginning of university education in natural and mathematical
sciences in Bulgaria. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was founded in 1904, after the
adoption of the Law on Higher Education. It had towed major profiles - industrial and
pedagogical. The Faculty of Physics of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” becomes an
independent structure in 1963.
Founders of university education in physics are Prof. P. Bahmetiev, one of the founders of
biophysics; Prof. A. Hristov, specialist in surface phenomena in liquids; Prof. N. Pentchev natural radioactivity; Prof. Karamihailova - nuclear physics and natural radioactivity; Prof. N.
Stoyanov and Academician K. Popov - theoretical astronomy; Prof. N. Bonev - cosmogony;
Academician L. Krastanov - founder of Bulgarian meteorology; Prof. E. Dzakov - physical
electronics; Academicians Datsev and Hristov - theoretical physics. Special tribute must be
paid to G. Nadzakov, Full Member of the Academy of Science, who set the foundations of
solid state physics. We must also mention the contribution of Prof. E. Nadzakov in the field
of nuclear physics and experimental nuclear physics, and Prof. M. Borissov in the field of
solid state physics, acoustic optics and acoustic electronics.
Center for Space Research and Technologies is contact partner of Faculty of Physiscs and
University of Shoumen with its Faculty for Technical Sciences
Faculty of Technical sciences
Dean: assoc. Prof. Ivan Tsonev
Tel: 830 495 вътр. 159
The Faculty provides research and training in the following majors:
Communicationsa and computer equipment
Communication and information systems;
Radiolocation equipment and technologies;
Security equipment and technologies
General engineering
Engineering logistics
Architecture, construction and geosurveying
National security
Security systems
The Astronomical center (AC) is established as a structure of Shumen University in 1997. Its
main activities are: realisation of the education of students in astronomy and popularisation
of the astronomy. In 1999 astronomical dome for the 15-cm telescope was built. The new
equipment provided a possibility to observe the total solar eclipse during the same year.
The staff of the AC carries out scientific investigations in the area of the variable stars which
results are published in the main astronomical journals. It participates in the work on 2
international and 6 national scientific projects. Especially useful and successful is the joint
work (since 1987) with astronomers of the Pedagogical Academy and Jagiellonian University
in Krakow.
The staff of the AC carries out regularly photometrical observations at Mt. Suhora
Observatory and spectral observations at NAO-Rozhen.
The AC was host of the Scientific Conference of the Association of the Bulgarian astronomers
in 2002.
The AC of Shumen University is the third institution for education and scientific investigation
in the area of astronomy in Bulgaria (after Institute of Astronomy of the Bulgarian Academy
of Science and the Department of astronomy of the Sofia University).
The staff of the AC looks forward the building of astronomical dome for the doubled 40-cm
telescope on Shumen plateau.
Partners of the University of Shoumen:
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Military Technical Academy, Bucurest, Romania,
Bionics Association, Riga, Latvia,
Теchnical University, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Russe University, “Angel Kanchev”, Russe, Bulgaria,
Теchnical University, Varna, Bulgaria,
Military Academy „G. S. Rakovski”, Sofia, Bulgaria, etc.
Technical University of Sofia, through its Aeronautical Engineering Department
The Technical University of Sofia is a major educational research and production complex
offering highly qualified trainers, engineers and technical staff, with modern laboratory
facilities and considerable capacities for experimentation and production. It is the largest
higher engineering school in Bulgaria with long years of experience in training engineers.
Contemporary engineering trends in mechanical and electrical engineering, electronics,
power generation, transport, automation, computer science and telecommunications, textile
engineering, industrial management are taught at the TU. It also offers its students the
opportunities of taking a degree course in engineering in a foreign language (German,
English, French) and, in addition, a second degree course at the respective faculty; as well as
further training at the Open Faculty. TU carries out post-graduate training for additional
Master's degree in mathematics, electronics and robotics.
Under the conditions of market economy R&DS, Small Batch Production Units (SBPU) and
Training and Experimental Pilot Plants (TEPP) have enormous impact on the development of
science and applied research of the lecturers, engineering and technical staff with the
Technical University - Sofia.
As per the internal regulation norms, the R&DS is an autonomous unit through which all
contracted research and its complementary activities are implemented. They are carried out
by the scholars and lecturers, aided by the technical personnel of the TU as well as external
scientific consultants and free-lance collaborators.
In 2010, trough the intermediation of R&DS more than 450 contracts has been implemented.
More than 600 members of the teaching staff have taken part in contract imlementation as
principal executives or leaders. R&DS also realized a significat amount of international
research activities, primarily under the auspices of the EU Programs: COPERNICUS, Sixth and
Seventh Framework Programs etc.
The TU - Sofia has created structures and favourable conditions for the development
of scientific research, production and applied research implementation activities on contract
basis with industry.There follows a presentation of the areas in which R&DS, TEPP and SBPU
develop their activities. It is evident that these activities are linked to the specific profile of
the Technical University and are used for the training practice of students and the
preparation of doctoral dissertations:
safety of nuclear power stations;
technological processes and automation of metallurgy production;
technologies and chemicals for production of printed-circuit boards and
electrochemical coating;
automation of transport;
software products for the cadastre of land reform;
induction systems for measurement and non-destructive control - flaw detectors,
callipers, electric meters and transducers for them;
strain gauges, limit induction switch, level gauges for liquid and bulk materials;
technologies and installations for plasma surface treatment in vacuum chambers;
medical equipment;
automated electric power supply for technological purposes and electric drive;
computer systems and networks, software products;
heat technology systems for refrigerating, ventilation and heat-and-power supply
TU participates in CASTRA through its Faculty of Transport and Department of Air Transport
Department of Air Transport is a centre of research and trainig in avionics and exploitation of
avionic equipment. Main areas of research are theory of flight, aero navigation, flight
control, construction of airplanes, theory and practice of airplane operation, flight secfurity
Higher school “Aviation” for training of airplane and helicopter pilots is part of the
Department. The programme meets the Joint Aviation Requirements - Flight Crew Licensing
(Aeroplane) (JAR-FCL 1) and Joint Aviation Requirements - Flight Crew Licensing (Helicopter)
(JAR-FCL 2). Currently the department reads 21 courses. Its members have authored or coauthored 32 coursebooks and 2 monographies.
University of Burgas Prof. Assen Zlatarov, the Computer systems
and technologies Department
Faculty of Social Sciences
University .Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov“
1, Prof. Yakimov blvd
Burgas 8010, Bulgaria tel.: (+ 359 56) 86 00 19,
(+ 359 56) 858 101 e-mail:
Burgas Prof. Assen Zlatarov University is a state institution, founded in 1963 as Higher
Institute of Chemical Technology. It was transformed into Burgas Prof. Assen Zlatarov
University in 1995Students are trained in 27 subjects in 3 faculties and 3 colleges and obtain
Bachelor (4 years of study), Master (5 years of study) and PhD (3 years of study after Master)
degreesA staff of high skilled professionals works in the University, including 86 professors
and 120 PhDs. The University has a foreign students training section, a postgraduate
qualification department and research centres
Major areas of research of Faculty of Social Sciences which is CASTRA contact partner:
- Effectiveness and management of production, business planning, accountancy,
finances, market research;
- Management of sales, study of market behaviour, advertising, public
- Industrial technologies and protection of the environment;
- Numerical methods and information technologies in education and
- Current issues of training and modern educational techniques and methods in
nursery and primary school;
- Early foreign language teaching;
- Social adaptation and integration of the young;
- History, philosophy, ethics and aesthetics;
- Modern Bulgarian language and Bulgarian literature
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Stefan Dodunekov – Director
E-mail: director(at)
Phone: (+359-2) 979-38-91
Mission of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics:
1. Development of fundamental and applied research in mathematics and informatics in
compliance with the national and European priorities, integration of IMI into the
European Research Area;
2. Scientific research in the fields of mathematical structures, mathematical modeling
and mathematical informatics, enriching the theoretical foundations of mathematics
and informatics and leading to innovative applications in other sciences, in
information and communication technologies, industry and society;
3. Application of mathematics and informatics to the national educational programmes
and educational processes at all levels in the country;
4. Establishing the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics as a leading research
centre in Bulgaria in the field of mathematics and informatics.
Priorities of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics:
In compliance with the European priorities and scientific research programmes and the
world trends in the development of mathematics and mathematical informatics and in the
context of the international agreements and the necessity of socially significant applications
for Bulgaria, the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics set out the following high-priority
strategic research fields:
Mathematical structures:
o Discrete mathematical structures and applications;
o Differential equations;
o Analysis, geometry and topology.
2. Mathematical modeling:
o Stochastics;
o Operations research;
o Numerical methods and scientific calculations;
o Approximation theory and foundations of mathematical models.
3. Mathematical informatics:
o Mathematical foundations of informatics;
o Mathematical linguistics and knowledge processing;
o Modeling of software and cognitive processes;
o Modeling of information processes.
4. Modeling of educational processes in mathematics and informatics.
Research and development in the fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics and Informatics as
well as their applications to education, science, business, government, industry, etc. The
scientific research in the Institute of Mathematics is concentrated primarily on current
problems in:
Mathematical Modelling;
Informatics (Computer Science and Applications)
Artificial Intelligence
Complex Analysis
Differential equations
Mathematics and Informatics
Education in Mathematics
and Informatics
Geometry and Topology
IMI Library
Information Systems
Mathematical Linguistic
Mathematical Foundations of
Mathematical Linguistics
Mathematical Physics
Computational Mathematics
Operation Research
Probability and Statistics
Real and Functional Analysis
Software Engineering
Tempus projects
Topology Atlas Bulgarian
5.2 Private Sector Enterprise(s)
Information management company specialized in the field of information and
communication security
Telesys offers high quality services and equipment in the field of communications and
Novorell Ltd.
ElectroStatic discharge reliability for integrated circuits and electronic systems
Lumicomp design Ltd.
Design, prototyping and production of LED emitters and LED mixtures, DMX and wireless
control, drivers and power supplies for it.
Sim Soft Ltd.
Design, manufacturing and representative of foreign manufacturers, providing solutions for
simulation, training and flight control
Anataris Trade Service 95 Ltd.
Distrubuter of cars and spare parts
R&D, engineering, implementation, production, commercial applications and maintenance in
the field of consumer video and audio equipment for reception and reproduction of
programs with civil application, communication devices fro defense, Identification friend or
fow (IFF) systems.
Software distributor and IT solution provider
Point L- Bulgaria Ltd.
Industrial process control systems with distributed logic embedded in intelligent devices
with LonWorks standard networks
Мicroplus – Apostolov Ltd. e-mail:
Design and production of precise equipment
Electroninvest group Ltd.
Supplier of electronic and electrical components and modules
System integration, distribution, engineering, outsourcing, development software, internet
delivery, production, transport
-Role of Enterprises in the RDC: The role of the private partners in the CASTRA cluster is to
support the research activities of the research institutes and universities which are members
of the cluster. They implement and further develop the new technologies and services
provided b researchers.
They are engaged in intellectual capital management (ICM) and knowledge management
(KM) which are vital for sustainable development. Companies provide important
approaches and tools. The enterprises contribute to renewing the research equipment and
widen the value of intellectual assets.
They are part of the value chain of high technologies and innovations, needed for strategic
programs of the European Union like GALILEO (for satellite navigation), GMOSS (Global
monitoring of environment and security). Their innovation and production support economic
growth, national competitiveness, environmental protection, safety, security and crisis
management. They are part of national infrastructure in these high technology fields.
5.3 Public Government partner (in case of triple helix RDC) not presented
-Web site:
-Main activities:
-Role in the RDC:
5.4 RDC intermediary or facilitator (in case different than 5.3)
Remote Sensing Application Center (ReSAC) http://www.resac-
Since 1998, ReSAC applies Remote Sensing and GIS in decision making for agricultural and
environmental management, land cover/land use, soil and forest inventory, water
resources, environmental hazards, urban planning, infrastructure, participation in
regional and international projects and cooperation. ReSAC maintains a qualified
specialist covering a wide range of RS/GIS applications. ReSAC offers services in the area
of earth observation applications, GIS, orthophoto mapping as well as consultancy for
projects and tasks within this scope.
The Agency for sustainable development and eurointegration - ECOREGIONS /ASDE/ is a
non-governmental organization. All activities of ASDE are realized with governmental,
municipal and public support with the aim to foster the sustainable development of Bulgaria
and the successful integration in the European Union. These activities are in correlation with
the national economical, environmental and social interest and with the priorities of the
Agenda 21 of the United Nations Organization, the Strategy for sustainable development of
the European Union.
Role in the RDC:
- Development and implementation of Unified national spatial data base and
integrated management of territory, population and resources, as a base for the
sustainable development and the strategic forecasting.
- Implementation of best practices for the development of the civil society, including
the support and participation in development and realization of municipal and regional
policy of sustainable development (Local Agenda) in Sofia and other cities.
- To undertake the implementation of the Local Model for Sustainable Development
and Eurointegration-Ecozone "Sofia-East", its enlargement for the city of Sofia as well as
the accompanying pilot projects in the frame of the 7-th frame programs of the EU.
- Support and participation in the formation and development of the Euro-integration
process on local level and international cooperation in building the information society
through research&development initiatives.
- Establishment of a Regional Information Centre, promoting a GIS based managing
practice for the so called “Ecozone” model in Sofia, the region and other cities.
- Transfer and dissemination of knowledge and know-how for environmentally friendly
and energy efficient innovative technologies.
- Elaboration and development of investment and monitoring mechanisms in support
of the sustainable management and EU integration process.
Bulgarian Modeling and Simulation Association,
Bulgarian Modeling and Simulation Association (BULSIM) promote simulation methods and
techniques in research and education, in civil and military societies, in state organizations
and business. BULSIM facilitates transfer of experience and knowledge among people and
organizations, interested in specific applications of simulations and modeling. BULSIM pools
the experience of Bulgarian universities and research institutions.
Role in the RDC:
- Design and development of decision-support systems for crisis management
- Design and development of virtual simulators
- Modeling and simulation of hazard events
- Design, deployment and conducting computer assisted exercise and training
- Business simulations
6. Sectoral characteristics.
CASTRA is a multi sector RDC.
Under the general theme of development and implementation of aerospace research and
technologies several sectors of CASTRA activities emerge:
Sector 1: Remote Sensing of the Earth
It comprises design, development and transfer of methods, instrumentation and
technologies for Remote Sensing of the Earth, regional and global monitoring of the
environment and security, medico-biological studies, space biotechnologies, heliobiology,
Sector 2 Cryobiology and Lyophilization
It carries out biophysical and thermo-physical investigations on a cellular and molecular level
for establishment of the mechanisms related to the stability of plant and animal organisms
in cases of cryogenic and low temperature treatment, studies the mechanisms of
cryoprotection and implements new types of cryoprotectors to increase the quality and
prolong the preservation term of the lyophilized biological materials, develops, tests and
implements technologies for production of biopreparations for the medical and the
veterinary-medical practice, develops prescription formulas, technologies, indexes and
technological documentation for lyophilized and specific foods and functional bioproducts
for healthy, prophylactic, protective nutrition and nutrition in extraordinary conditions,
carries out lyophilization of sample food lots, bioproducts and biopreparations for various
purposes, including such of external consumers.
Sector 3: Aerospace Systems and Technologies
Developing and supplying of EDA tools for design and verification of IC reliability;
Investigations in ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) Reliability-physics, technology
characterization and optimization; ESD test structure design (at component, library cell
and IP module levels) and performance benchmarking; ESD domain valid compact model
development for ESD circuit simulation of the technology components physics, TCAD simulation, circuit simulation, parameter extraction, model calibration
Sector 4: Space Materials Science and Nanotechnology
-Describe the rationale of interception of sectors within the RDC:
7. Geographical coverage of the partnership.
-Regional/ National/International (describe): National, all RDC members are local Bulgarian
legal entities, excellent geographical coverage of the whole national territory, balanced mix
of research institutions, companies and NGOs.
Each university and research institute maintains formal and informal bilateral and
multilateral co-operation relations with other research establishments:
The SSTRI has active cooperation with the following Institutes from the BAS:
- Acad. Lubomir Krastanov Geophysical Institute (GPhI);
- Institute of Astronomy (IA);
- Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography (CLMC);
- Institute of Botany with a Botanical Garden (IBBG);
- Institute of Electronics (IE);
- Acad. Georgi Nadzhakov Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP);
- Institute for Metal Science (IMS);
- Institute of Geography (G);
- Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB);
- National Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology (NIHM);
- Institute of Oceanology (IО);
- Central Laboratory of Solar-Terrestrial Influences (STIL);
- Central Laboratory of Higher Geodesy (CLHG);
- Center for National Security and Defence Research (CNSDR);
- Institute of Mechanics (IMeh);
- Institute of Plant Physiology (IPP)..
At national level SSTRI supports active cooperation with the following institutions:
- St Kliment Ohridsky University of Sofia;
- Technical University – Sofia;
- N. Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Varna;
- Higher School of Transport – Sofia;
- Мinistry of Defence;
- Ministry of Emergency Situations;
- Bitova Electronika - Veliko Tarnovo;
- ARCUS Ltd. – Lyaskovets;
- Dendrit Ltd., Sofia;
- Geoproduct Ltd., Asenovgrad;
- Technocontact” Ltd., Rousse; - Bimeks Ltd., Sofia;
- Nicom Ltd., Varna;
- NANO-SS Ltd., Smolyan;
- STUME – Sofia.
In Europe and worldwide SSTRI participates in many projects and, some of them are:
- SCHEMA - Scenarios for Hazard-Induced Emergencies Management, FP6 – Portugal,
Morocco, France, Italy, Alger, Turkey, Great Britain, Greece, and Bulgaria. Coordinator:
Richard Guillande, Geosciences Consultants, France;
- Development of Strategy and Methods for Monitoring of Electromagnetic Pollution in the
Environment of the Western Balkans. EU Programme, SEE-ERA.NET, INTAS – Slovenia,
Croatia, FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria;
- ESINET - European Space Incubators Network;
- OSNET – Realization of Thematic Network on Ornamental Stones. Coordinator: Prof. Dr.
Ioanis Paspaliaris, National Technical University in Athens, Greece;
- NAVOBS - A support measure to boost the business prospects of GMES and Telecom
satellites through focused and innovative RTD work involving SMEs. Coordinator: Florance
Girone, WSL, Belgium, 17 countries;
- NAVOBS+ - Participation of small and Medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) in Research and
Technology Development (RTD) activities related to the development of innovative services
based on space infrastructures, worked parts of EU and ESA;
- SMART WIRE - Co-operative Research Project under the Craft Programme;
- I-Stone - Re-engineering of natural stone production chain through knowledge based
processes, eco-innovation and new organizational paradigms, Coordinator: Prof. Dr.
Paspaliaris, Athens, Greece;
- X-Gear - Development of Gear drive-trains based on new materials and novel gear systems,
Coordinator: Donato Zangani-D’Appolonia, Italy, 9 countries –23 partners.
SRI has 20 projects in collaborations in Central and Eastern Europe (Annex 1, V) in the frame
of Academy’s bilateral agreements, 13 of them - on Fundamental Space Research (FSR) with
the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) for the period 2004-2010, including:
Volna – R; Аvrora – R; Resonance; BalkanSat; Shuman; Biodegradation; Greenhouse – Mars;
Charge; Accretion; Chaos; Potential Action; Geoecolog; Photocurrent.
The Institute is a partner of the European net for innovative politics (EBN-I).
8. RDC orientation / Typology of the cluster:
-8.1 Bottom –up, CASTRA was initiated as an emerging need of the partners. They joined
their efforts to develop and implement aerospace research and offer high tech products in
the field.
-8.2 Top-Down, initiated through a policy or programme (describe): N/A
9. RDC life cycle status (selects one and describe):
-9.1 Pre- and emergence phase:
-9.2 Setting up phase:
-9.3 Growing phase: CASTRA is looking for areas and markets where it is possible to
implement the investigations results and technologies developed. At this phase cluster
management fosters activities in the following three steps:
1. Explore what may happen (thinking the future): detecting internal and global
factors and driving forces of change, and understanding their implications.
Identify the key challenges to be faced and elaborate possible futures
2. Discuss in a broad stakeholder dialogue (debating the future) the future
developments identified and agree on a shared vision of a desirable future
3. Develop recommendations and options for action (shaping the future): elaboration
of a common implementation strategy and concrete actions to achieve the goals set, and
subsequent implementation of these activities.
SPI tools such as Foresight, Technology Assessment (TA) and Roadmapping are applied to
conduct forward-looking activities and help to:
- Identify, analyse and understand global trends – technological, social, political,
environmental, etc. - which could affect the further development,
- Bring stakeholders together to debate the future and develop new ideas, to agree on
ashared vision and possible options for action, and thus generate the commitment to act,Assess the implications of adopting particular options and agree on concrete actions inorder
to shape the future development in line with the shared vision.
Foresight exercises are an important tool to support future thinking and debating, and thus
toset the basis for shaping the future. Technology Assessment and Roadmapping focus more
onthe latter aspect of shaping the future by prioritising options for actions and detailing
policies, strategies and programmes by developing concrete steps to best realise the aspired
Generate and
options for
action, Shape
Debating the
developing ideas.
Figure: Forward-looking activities
Cluster foresight:
A shared vision and a common long-term strategy are key success factors of strategic cluster
development. Especially in today’s fast changing and uncertain market environment,
longterm commitment and visionary thinking are more important than ever. However, due
to the (latent) competition and varying interests in many clusters, it is a challenging task to
engageall the relevant stakeholders in joint initiatives. As this is usually easier when longertermtechnological and more general regional issues (relevant for all stakeholders) are
discussed, foresight elements are especially useful to show the advantages of cooperation,
and building trust and understanding between competitors.
-9.4 Sustainability phase:
-9.5 Adaptation or exhaustion:
10. RDC management team:
CASTRA is managed by the General Assembly of all cluster members and the Management
Chairman of CASTRA Management Council is Prof. Petar Getsov, PhD
Education: MSc in avionics, Years of experience: 38
Prof. Dr. Petar Getsov, Director of the SSTRI graduated Higher Air Force Military Academy
(1969-1974); PhD in Avionics Engineering, Prof. Zhoukovski Moscow Higher Air Force Military
Engineering Academy (1975-1978), Assoc. Prof. at the G. Benkovski Higher Air Force Military
Academy (1974-1982), Res. Fell. at the Military Research and Development Institute, MoD
(1983-1985), Chief of the Aviation Department at the Military Research and Development
Institute, MoD (1983-1985), Leading Engineer of the mission of the second Bulgarian
astronaut on board the MIR Orbital Station (1985-1988), Head of the Aerospace Control
Systems Department of the SRI (1985-2008), Member of the Interinstitutional Committee on
SpaceIssues at the Council of Ministers of the Rep. of Bulgaria (from 1999 to present),
Strategic Course at the G. Rakovski Military Academy (2000), Professor in the Space Research
Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2002), Member of the Dedicated Scientific
Committee on Military Engineering at the Higher Testimonial Committee (from 1998 to
present), Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Space Research Institute, Chairman of the
Bulgarian Astronautical Association (from 1996 to present); Major scientific and applied
contributions: Research articles - 165, Citations – 45, International projects – 18 ,
Implementations - 11, Inventions – 18. Memberships: Board of Editors of the Aerospace
Research in Bulgaria journal, Member of the Board of Editors of the Observation from Space
journal, Russia.
-Other staff: Executive Director - Veselin Vassilev, PhD
11. Staff training (employees of cluster companies and project teams) (please describe in
terms of the following) – not organized till the moment
Each university or research institution in CASTRA has long term tradition in providing
education and training to students and own staff. All of them are accredited to train PhD
students, they are engaged in intensive exchange of scholars at national and international
level, including vocational training sessions, workshops and seminars, study trips for
One year after its registration CASTRA management has not announced particular joint
initiative for staff training. In its policy documents it envisages to contribute to adequate
locally and internationally trained human resources needed for innovation and to face the
international challenges. Potential Fields of joint activity include (but are not limited to):
- Defining zones of mutual trust for vocational and academic training in the aerospace
industry in order to encourage and facilitate mobility among skilled people and
- Mapping of European excellence of vocational and academic training institutions in
order to achieve synergies and complementarities.
- Support for development of joint European master programmes in aeronautical
Potential Funding Sources are LEONARDO DA VINCI Programme, SOKRATES Programme and
Research Framework Programme
12. Information and communication (please describe in terms of the following)
-Development of a communication platform
-Regular stakeholder’s visits
-Regular events (workshops, expert round tables, specialist events) Newsletter and network
update - monthly meetings between participants and weekly network update of cluster
-Cluster’s database development/updating
-Homepage development/updating contents
13. Growth potential of RDC (please describe in terms of the following)
-Job and turnover growth in relation to regional/national level
-Productivity, shares of value added
-Trend analysis of future market development (market and branch trends) – participation in
euro space market, ;
Envisaged development in the short and long term
Internationally, the main strategic goal of CASTRA management is to become member of
the European Space Agency (ESA). This is quite logical, taking into account that the majority
of projects under EU FP7 in the fields of Environment and Climate, Transportation,
Agriculture and Food Resources, Security and Space will be run jointly by the ESA, which is
assigned the task to develop a European space segment and invest in specific space
programmes of importance for the whole of Europe. Accounting for this and for the fact
that in the future Bulgaria will emphasize on the development of applied research directly
related to our country’s problemsand opportunities, CASTRA participation in ESA is
becoming an objective of primary importance.
This can be seen from the projects and tasks included by the SSTRI in the National Space
Research Program (NSRP), proposed to the government. The Interinstititional Committee on
Space Research at the Council of Ministers held a number of meetings to raise the
awareness of Bulgarian state institutions and researchers interested in ESA membership. At
these meetings, the representative delegation of the Agency was acquainted with the results
of the Bulgarian Space community and Bulgaria’s intention to join ESA’s Plan for European
Cooperation State (PECS).
The recently adopted political decision to start negotiations for Bulgaria’s joining the PECS
Programme and the adoption of the National Space Research Programme is a step towards
joining the European Space Association. The five-year National Space Program Research
ensures funding of the CASTRA members participation in PECS and consolidation of space
science in Bulgaria by implementing two major projects of the program:
- Association of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Space Agency and its
participation in research projects.
- Establishment of a National Monitoring System including the airspace segment and
terrestrial infrastructure program (Global System for Environment and Security)
The intentions of the European space community to use Space for solving the
problems of climate change and anthropological security mark the future plans of CASTRA.
Issues of personnel policy
The staff of the universities and research institutes in CASTRA is ageing. It is urgently needed
- Encouraging the qualification of the young specialists through activities like young
researcher’s schools and courses based on international networks, organized under
frameworkprograms and scientific projects;
- Raising the social status of the specialists by offering stimulating incentives,
accommodation and recreation facilities;
- Providing scholarship to PhD students and prospective career development.
- The outdated infrastructure and equipment does not attract new research and young
people and needs urgent updating in order to keep young people in science;
Sources of funding of R&D:
Budget subsidy – The budget provided by the State is extremely insufficient mainly for
procurement of scientific equipment, software products and consumables. It is not sufficient
to provide adequate payment to Research Fellows which makes it hard to recruit young
Additional sources – Universities and research institutes develop and implement local and
international projects, which generate nearly 40% of the total funding. The international
cooperation in space research is impeded by the fact that the country is not member of the
ESA, and lack of appropriate licenses complying with the European standards.
The private sector in the country is still not interested in investing in scientific projects and
technologies, because it is just starting functioning and there is no clearly defined national
policy in this direction.
CASTRA financial plans for the period to Year 2015 are as follows:
- budget – 40%;
- EU programme projects– 40%;
- business projects – 20%.
Potential joint activities of CASTRA members in the field of funding include:
- Developing guidelines and supporting frameworks for the preparation of project
- Collecting and documenting of knowledge for the acquisition of venture capital
- Monitoring and listing of potential funding sources
- Supporting in the funding application for specific projects
The future policy will be associated with decreasing the number of scientific themes and
scientific structural units in order to strength the researchers’ teams in priority and
prospective lines, which receive pretty good current funding, such as: Remote Sensing of the
Earth, Space Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Aerospace Systems and Technologies,
and Cryobiology and Lyophilization which will based on the fundamental and experimental
research in Space Physics, Astrophysics & Synergetics and Space Biotechnologies.
CASTRA Innovation potential
As result of scientific and scientific- applied activities on different projects the lead member
in CASTRA – SSTRI has created 14 new products ready to be implemented in industry. In the
period under review, the scientists and experts from SSTRI have applied for 20 patents for
inventions and useful models. 15 of them were approved - some received patent rights and
other are waiting for fee payment. Another 5 applied patents are being considered and most
of them are likely to get a positive resolution. The SSTRI’s scientists have been awarded
patents in the USA, Russia, Ukraine, etc.
Some of the patents have been awarded with medals and honorary diplomas on a number
of prestigious international and national innovative and inventive forums. Problems are the
long lasting procedures of patent investigations and the raising patent fees.
The CASTRA members should use effectively the Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
established in SSTRI under the pre-accession PHARE Programme to increase the
effectiveness of their work and to shorten the time needed for innovations implementation.
The fundamental-to-applied research ratio is about 30% to 70% and the CASTRA
management intends to keep this proportion in the future.
National Space Research Programme (NSRP) was developed by the Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences and adopted by the Interinstitutional Committee on Space Research of the Council
of Ministers. Its implementation will contribute to:
- inclusion of the Republic of Bulgaria in the five-year program of the European Space
Agency - Plan for European Cooperation State (PECS), created specifically for the new
Member States of the European Union and consistent with their economic condition;
- creation of a national space segment on the basis of micro-satellites platforms and
construction of the terrestrial infrastructure system - Global Monitoring for
Environment and Security (GMES);
- creating opportunities for participation of Bulgaria with the national high-tech
developments in current and future projects of the European Space Agency and the 7th
Framework Program of the European Commission;
- initiation of new national research programs and projects and developing the
required apparatus system resources for its implementation;
- creating opportunities for rapid technology transfer of space methods, equipment,
data, results and technologies in various fields of economy and practice and the needs of
businesses, including SMEs;
- providing access to a wide range of users to data and results from space programs
and research;
- establishing the National Space Geo-Information Center in an integrated
information system for GMES data reception, processing and dissemination of information
to interested agencies, institutions, businesses, local authorities and others.
14. Supra-regional competitive situation (please describe in terms of the following)
-Export specialization, comparative advantages and disadvantages in foreign trade
research and development services:
One of the comparative advantages of CASTRA is that its members offer wide variety of
products and services in the field of high technologies and research. CASTRA is that it is
dynamic organization, founded on the basis of effectiveness and value adding in the
interactions between its members. CASTRA pools the knowledge, resources and energy to
realize community projects of national importance.
Serious disadvantage is the relatively old research equipment which impedes development
and implementation of new technologies and services. CASTRA management team lacks
business vision for development and servicing the growning local and international markets.
This may turn into a disadvantage compared to the other clusters in the same niche.
CASTRA has to prepare and support members to increase their international
competitiveness in the context of global market competition. Potential fields of joint
activities include:
- Market access in particular for SME.
- Acquisition of funding through EU programmes such as the 7FP
- Access to information about international market opportunities.
- Skills & training of students (exchange of fellows, mutual recognition of diplomas and
- Harmonized “branding” and “communication” activities such as joint presence at
international air shows and/or business events.
- Exchange of mapping and SWOT analyses of national and foreign clusters.
Potential Funding Sources: The network activities between all (or some) CASTRA members
can be financed through European funding sources; essentially through EC DG Enterprise &
Industry (PRO INNO EUROPE programme).
15. Internationalisation (please describe in terms of the following)
-Access to international networks –
CASTRA participates in ESINET - European Space Incubators Network, OSNET – Realization of
Thematic Network on Ornamental Stones, partner of the European net for innovative politics
-Participation in international projects –
CASTRA members have rich experience in development and implementation of international
projects. Some exapmples of international projects include:
FP7 - "Problem-Oriented Processing and Database Criation for Ionosphere Exploration"
Acronym: POPDAT Call Spa.2010.2.2-03
FP7 - “Cooperation of space NCPs as a means to optimize services”- Acronym: COSMOS.
Contr act No. № 218813
FP7 - “Aerocapture for future space transportation” - Acronym:AEROFAST. Contract №
EU COST Project ESO803: Developing space weather products and services in Europe.
Theme: Interaction of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles with the system
magnetosphere- ionosphere-atmosphere. The work on the project is accomplished in cooperation with scientists from Switzerland, Finland, Israel, Russia etc. with development of
theoretical and operational models for space weather and space climate
TeleSCOPE Project - ЕC Program Health for all: "The Telehealth Services Code of Practice for
Project “Zaryad” – "Investigation of the surface close processes polarisation of space crafts"
Project “Magnetoplasma” - "Investigation of the Processes Populating the Earth
Magnetosphere with Plasma, Based on INTERBALL and CLUSTER Data" - (2011-2015).
Project "WAVE - R” - Study of electromagnetic fields and interactions of waves and particles
in the inner magnetosphere of the Earth. (2011-2015).
Project “Liulin-5” - “Investigation of dose and flux dynamics in the tissue-equivalent
phantom on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS) by Liulin-5
instrument data of the international experiment Matroshka-R” - (2011-2015).
Project “Liulin-Phobos” - “Radiation monitoring on the root Earth-Mars during the PhobosGrunt Mission” - (2011-2015)
“Development, calibration, space flight measurements, and data analysis of the LiulinPhobos instrument onboard the Phobos- Sample Return Mission”. Joint project with IMBPRussia and NIRS-Japan .
Project “Heliobiology”- “Medic-biologycal problems connected with solar activity” - (20112015).
Project “Balkansat” – "Development of microsatellite platform for research of sciences" (2011-2015).
Project “Аccretion” – Nonlinear dynamics of accretion flows in binary star systems” - (20112012)
Blast waves physics in astrophysical objects. In the subject it works in the cooperation with
scientists from USA, Italy and Russia using data from the X-ray observatories Chandra (NASA)
and XMM-Newton (ESA). Theoretical models are developed too.
“Study of ULF magnetic disturbances and its relation with Lithosphere-AtmosphereIonosphere (L-A-I) processes, based on satellites and ground based measurements” International scientific project between SSTRI- BAS and Institute of Atmospheric Physics,
Czech Academy of Sciences IAF-Czech AS - (2011-2013)
Project “Shuman”- "The joint analysis of the satellite and ground based data on registration
of ULF electromagnetic fields for diagnostics of effects of solar and seismic activity in a nearEarth space" - (2011-2012)
Research of electromagnetic radiation – conrtact of SSTRI-BAS and Institut GAPE –
Skopie,FRY Macedonia
Testing PROBA-V and VEGETATION data for agricultural applications in Bulgaria and Romania
(PROAGROBURO). Contract Ref. No CB/XX/16 financed by the Belgian Federal Science Policy
Office (BELSPO), under the PROBA-V Preparatory Programme. The partnering organizations
are: Space and Solar-Terrestrial Research Institute–Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National
Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology–Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Romanian National
Meteorological Administration,
“Development and Research for New Composite Biocompatible Ceramic Material, with
Nano-Carbon Coating Intended for Endoprothesis”, Contract No. DO 02-234/2008 - (20082012)
SSTRI scientists have carried out 36 international projects in the framework of the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences bilateral agreements (of them with: Czech Republic – 5; France – 3;
Greece– 1; Hungary – 3; Macedonia – 1; Norway – 1; Russia – 18, Ukraine – 3), using a total
quota of 419 days.
The visits abroad for participating in scientific events (congresses, conferences and etc.)
amount to 29 visited countries with 106 scientists. On the other side, the number of foreign
scientists who have visited the SSTRI amounts to a total of 166 persons.
- Network activities with other clusters still are not established.
16. Excellence in research (please describe in terms of the following)
-Regional patent analysis
-Bibliometric analysis
-Third party funding in universities
-Private and publicly funded – all activities of cluster are defined and funded by private and
public organizations.
Relationship with the national and EU priorities:
The CASTRA is an interdisciplinary RDC which is engaged in almost all scientific priorities of
the EU utilizing high aerospace technologies. It relies on the EU programmes (mostly in the
FP7 priorities such as Space, Security and Nanosciences) to get access to funds for its
research work. In parallel with this, the CVASTRAstrives to raise funds for scienctific research
participating in the thematic competitions organized by the National Scientific Fund at the
Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria. Applied activity is another development line
of the CASTRA members aimed to benefit the State institutions (Ministry of Defence).
Scientific Priorities
Europe (FP7)
1. Health
2. Foods, agriculture
(farming), and
3. Information and
4. Nanosciences,
materials science, and
5. Energy
Bulgaria (strategy)
1. Biotechnologies, food,
and health
2. Information and
3. New materials,
nanosciences, and
4. New and renewable
BAS (Problem Councils)
1. Medico-biological
2. Bioeconomics,
and foods
3. Information and
4. New materials,
nanotechnologies, and
physical technologies
5. Energy sources and
sources and energy saving
5. Ecology, biodiversity,
biological resources
6. Cultural-historical
national identity, and
6. Environment (incl.
7. Social-economic
sciences and
human potential
8. Security
9. Space
6. Ecology, biodiversity
biological resources
7. Cultural-historical
heritage and
national identity
8. Natural resources, risks,
and climatic changes
9. Knowledge-based
economy and
10. Security
11. Space sciences and
10. Transport (incl.
Important scientific achievements of CASTRA members
1. Energy deposition into ionospheric cusp region using the first magnetically conjugated
ionospheric (EISCAT, MIRACLE) and high-altitude (Cluster) observations. Showed that the
particles seen at about 9 Re in the exterior cusp carry an earthward energy flux that
corresponds to the observed heating of the F-region. The earthward Poynting flux is more
than enough to account for the Joule heating in the E-region. These results are published in
Geophysical Research Letters.
2. Investigation of the quasi-static electric field anomalies in the upper ionosphere
associated with the seismic activity during August–September 1981 by use of the in situ data
from the INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 satellite. Showed that ionospheric anomalies, as
phenomena accompanying the seismogenic processes, could be considered eventually as
possible pre-, co- and post- earthquake effects. A case study of the giant Sumatra
earthquake, using DEMETER and DMSP data has shown an increase in H+/O+ ratio in the
topside ionosphere prior to and after five events preceding the main shock. The results are
published in Advances in Space Research and Natural Hazards in Earth System Science.
3. Study of the impact of environmental parameters on the growth and development of
higher plants, simulating space conditions. Development of new key systems for a third
generation space greenhouse: for light diode illumination, for monitoring of the leaf area,
and for automatic maintenance of preset climatic conditions (temperature, air humidity, and
СО2 content) in a closed chamber.
4. Study of the processes and phenomena related with the change in the electric potential of
the modules on-board the International Space Station. A flight set of the DP instrument has
been produced, which passed successfully all acceptance tests.
5. Analysis of the X-ray spectra obtained by data from NASA’s Chandra Observatory was
completed. The temperature distribution of the hot plasma amount responsible for the
formation of the examined objects’ X-ray emission was obtained. New data about the ‘born’
residue of the super-nova Large Magellanic Cloud SN1987A was obtained. The performed
preliminary analysis confirms the basic model of X-ray emission formation as a result of gas
heating in shock waves.
Important applied results of CASTRA members
1. Project for a National Telemedicine System. The system will be targeted at the mass
consumers and will provide comprehensive information on the recorded vital signs. The
project was adopted as a pilot project of the TTO at the SSTRI under the PHARE Programme;
it was reported and defended before experts in the field. Techniques and instrumentation
for recording of physiological signals were developed and tested, complying with the
project’s specific. A number of concrete instrument versions are available, which may be
used as a basis for the System’s Personal Diagnostic Instrument.
2. In the field of Remote Sensing, new techniques and equipment for studying natural
processes and ecological risk were designed and protected by patents. A national
geodatabase was created based on NDVI imagery from NASA’s satellite NOAAAVHRR, as well
as phenological data derived from the observational network of the NIMH-BAS for 1997–
2008. A methodology for monitoring of vegetation cover was developed and tested for the
territory of the Rep. of Bulgaria. As a deliverable, a series of assessment maps were
produced based on referent images. Strategy and Method for Monitoring of Electromagnetic
Pollution in the Environment of the Western Balkans were developed (SEE –ERA.NET Pilot
Joint Call).
3. A national system entitled Ground-Based Identification “Friend or Foe” Systems complying
with NATO’s requirements was developed. The developed devices were adopted for use by
the Bulgarian Air Force in the recent years.
4. A new self-lubricating composite material of the IPM class was developed, with built-in
structural MoS. The friction surface of the material features highly heterogeneous structure
and optimized phase composition. It boasts greatly improved antifrictionproperties at dry
friction in high vacuum, which makes it fit for continuous and reliable operation in space
conditions. The material is suitable for ground-based use as well, since the toxic solid lead
component has been avoided, thereby achieving great ecological effect.
5. A technological solution was found to replace carcinogenic cobalt in the production of
stone-cutting segments made of composite material based on tin and ultra disperse
diamond powder. The segments synthesized after this technology feature a threefold
greater cutting speed (60 m/s) compared to the conventional details.
Total number of citations appeared in the period 2004-2008 in SSTRI - more than 270.
17. SWOT analysis of CASTRA
- Strengths
- CASTRA is a centre for advanced aerospace technologies with core competences to design,
develop and coordinate research activities in the aerospace field, with special interest in
conveying the Academia results to the Industry.
- Leading research institutions are members of the cluster.
- Balanced mix of cluster members - universities, science research centers, private
companies and NGO.
- High qualification of the research personnel.
- All of the research institutions have traditions and experience in this field.
- The cluster is positioned in high-tech and perspective field of activity.
- Research potential for large projects participation.
- Do not have the capabilities to participate with self financing in large projects.
- Mangers of the cluster do not have sufficient basic economic knowledge and qualification.
- Not enough support by the government.
- Low level of coordination and communication between the cluster members.
- Lack of vocational training programmes at cluster level.
- Underdeveloped system of stimuli for improvement of professional personnel
- Absence of career development strategy.
- No promotion of join initiatives to improve cluster competitiveness, including SMEs joint
ventures, technology transfer projects and the creation of an electronic enterprise network
to synchronise the supply chain in the cluster
- Imbalance between strategies and organizational policies
-Operating in a new for Bulgaria market niche without local competitors.
- Access to EU funding through joint projects
- Expanding the cluster value chain attracting new members
- Presence on a high tech fast growning EU market
- Strong completion form global research driven clusters in the same field, well positioned on
the market and heaviely supported by local governments
- Clusters support sector in Bulgaria is underdeveloped and cannot provide sufficient help to
CASTRA growth phase to reach sustainability

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