The alabama choir school


The alabama choir school
2 t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estr a
Letter from the President
Letter from the Executive Director
Officers, Board of Directors and
Advisory Committee
Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra
Individual Donors
Cultural Partnership of Business
and Civic Leaders for the TSO
Did You Know?
Corporate Partners
Young people who participate in the arts
Upcoming Concert Programs
for at least three hours on three days each
Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 20001
Tuscaloosa, AL 35402
Phone: (205) 752-5515
Fax: (205) 345-2787
Jessica Davis,
Executive Director
David Bradley,
Operations Manager and Librarian
Marcelyn Morrow,
Patron Services Manager
This program has been made possible
by grants from the Alabama State
Council on the Arts and the National
Foundation for the Arts.
OnStage Publications
937-424-0529 | 866-503-1966
This program is published in association with
OnStage Publications, 1612 Prossser Avenue,
Kettering, OH 45409. This program may not be
reproduced in whole or in part without written
permission from the publisher. JBI Publishing is a
division of OnStage Publications, Inc. Contents © 2013.
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
week through at least one full year are:
• 4 times more likely to be
recognized for academic achievement
• 3 times more likely to be elected
to class office within their schools
• 4 times more likely to participate
in a math and science fair
• 3 times more likely to win an award
for school attendance
• 4 times more likely to win an award
for writing an essay or poem
letter from the president
ear Friends:
Welcome to the Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra 2013-2014 Season.
A few years ago a good friend gave me a book called What Music
Means to Me. In it various musicians describe how they found their
passion and followed their dreams. Music can mean many things—
joy, sanctuary, and release—but most of all it is a “universal language
where language needs no words.”
As you listen to your Tuscaloosa Symphony make beautiful music
tonight please know that not a single player on the stage chose music.
Music chose them.
Gay Burrows
President, TSO Board of Directors
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letter from the executive director
o My New Friends:
As I begin my first season as Executive Director of the Tuscaloosa Symphony
Orchestra, I find myself discovering a vibrant, growing community and a truly
astonishing orchestra. The TSO family has welcomed me with open arms, and
I have never felt at home in a new city so quickly. What a blessing to move to a
new place and discover so many true neighbors!
Tuscaloosa has a wonderful sense of community. With rising support from
local businesses and an incredible breadth of individual contribution, I am
thrilled that so many take the success of the orchestra as a priority, and choose
to become part of the large community that works to improve it. With a strong
organizational foundation and such a collection of artists onstage, I believe that
with your help, the TSO is poised to become one of the best orchestras in the
Southeast United States.
It is traditional to insert a quote in such a letter as this, and in a happy coincidence, the quote that has been on my heart recently just happens to come from
the composer of the flute concerto that will help open our season:
Music is the social act of communication among people, a gesture of
friendship, the strongest there is.
- Malcolm Arnold
Malcolm Arnold was speaking to the way music binds us together—as a cultural family, as members of a society,
and as human beings. May the music tonight remind us all of our ties to one another and inspire us to reach out
and connect to Tuscaloosa.
With warm regards,
Jessica L. Davis
Executive Director
Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra Association, Inc.
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t usc aloos a sy mphon y orc he st r a 9
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10 tu s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estr a
“Angels We Have Heard”
34th concert season
monday, december 9, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Adam Flatt, Music Director
Featuring: The Alabama Choir School
Doff Proctor, Artistic Director
Prentice Concert Chorale
Leslie Poss, Conductor
2 0 1 3- 2 014 S E ASO N
John Rutter
Star Carol
G.F. Handel
“For Unto Us a Child is Born” from Messiah
Adolphe Adam/
arr. John Rutter
O Holy Night
Leroy Anderson
Sleigh Ride
Kirsten Hicks, guest conductor
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
“Waltz of the Flowers” from The Nutcracker
William Mathias
Salvator Mundi VII “Welcome Yule”
Gary Fry
My Dancing Day, On Christmas Night
Jerry Herman/
arr. John Kuzma
Need a Little Christmas
Sid Tepper and
Nuttin’ for Christmas
Roy C. Bennett/arr. Gary Fry
Victor Herbert
“March of the Toys” from Toyland
Todd Hayen
Maltese Winter
arr. John Kuzma
Christmas Sing-Along*
Donald Fraser
This Christmastide (Jessye’s Carol)
Gary FryJoy!
(Total program duration is approximately 2 hours, including a 15-minute intermission)
This evening’s concert is sponsored by:
Special thanks to our co-sponsors:
AlabamaOne Credit Union
Hampton Inn, University
t usc aloos a sy mphon y orc he st r a I
christmas sing-along
Arr. John Kuzma
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very
shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it, you would even say
it glows.
All of the other reindeer used to laugh and
call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph join in any
reindeer games.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came
to say,
“Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you
guide my sleigh tonight?”
Then how the reindeer loved him as they
shouted out with glee:
“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you’ll go
down in history.”
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Jack Frost nipping at your nose,
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir and
folks dressed up like Eskimos.
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
help to make the season bright.
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find
it hard to sleep tonight.
They know that Santa is on his way.
He’s loaded lots of toys and goodies on
his sleigh.
And every mother’s child is going to spy to see
if reindeer really know how to fly.
And so I’m offering this simple phrase
to kids from one to ninety-two.
Although it’s been said many times, many ways:
“Merry Christmas to you.”
Silver bells, silver bells,
It’s Christmas time in the city.
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring.
Soon it will be Christmas day.
II t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estr a
You better watch out, you better not cry,
better not pout, I’m tellin’ you why:
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He’s making a list and checking it twice,
gonna find out who’s naughty and nice,
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He sees you when you’re sleepin,’ he knows
when you’re awake,
he knows when you’ve been bad or good,
so be good for goodness sake.
Oh! You better watch out, you better not cry,
Better not pout, I’m tellin’ you why:
Santa Claus is comin’ to town.
Oh! The weather outside is frightful, but the
fire is so delightful.
And since we’ve no place to go, let it snow!
Let it snow! Let it snow!
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth,
my two front teeth, my two front teeth.
Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth,
then I could wish you “Merry Christmas.”
It seems so long since I could say, “Sister Susie
sitting on a thistle.”
Gosh oh gee, how happy I’d be, if I could
only whistle.
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth,
my two front teeth, my two front teeth.
Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth,
then I could wish you “Merry Christmas.”
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the
ones I used to know,
when the treetops glisten and children listen to
hear sleighbells in the snow.
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas with every
Christmas card I write.
May your days be merry and bright, and may
all your Christmases be white.
guest artists
Doff Procter,
Artistic Director / Principal Conductor
Karen Nicolosi,
Founder / Conductor
Freida Jacobs,
Executive Director
Laurel Procter,
Administrator / Artist in Residence
Donald Given,
he Alabama Choir School was originally
founded as the Tuscaloosa Boychoir in 1985
as a community organization for talented boys
ages eight through fourteen. The boychoir name
was changed to the Alabama Boychoir prior to
its first international tour in 1992. With the
addition of the Children’s Chorus in 1993 and
the Girl’s Chorus in 1995, the organization’s
name was changed to the Alabama Choir School.
The Chamber Choir was added in 2006 and
consists of high school students in grades ninetwelve. In early 2010 ACS introduced the Young
Singers, a brand-new beginners music class for
first and second grade boys and girls. Our focus is
to provide quality, after-school music education
to young musicians in West Alabama from
grades one-twelve by teaching teamwork with a
positive spirit. Our students learn to read music
and also music theory and history by studying
and performing the finest choral repertoire
available in one of the Southeast’s most beautiful
concert halls, the Moody Concert Hall at the
University of Alabama’s School of Music. Our
staff has performed and taught all over the world
and is now available for young singers right here
in Tuscaloosa!
off Procter holds Bachelor’s and Master’s
Degrees in Vocal Performance from the
University of Alabama and the Cleveland
Institute of Music respectively, plus an Artist
Diploma in Vocal Performance from the
Conservatory of Music in Geneva, Switzerland.
Over the last thirty five years he has sung over
ninety leading lyric baritone and tenor roles from
opera, operetta and musical theatre on stages
across the United States and in Europe. Still in
demand as a performer, Procter’s most recent
appearances have been as the title role in Sweeney
Todd, Captain von Trapp in The Sound of
Music, as the baritone soloist for Orff ’s Carmina
Burana and the bass soloist in Bach’s B-Minor
Mass. Formerly on the voice faculty of the
School of Music of the University of Alabama,
he is now the Director of Music at Christ
Episcopal Church and is now in his fourteenth
year with the Alabama Choir School. In April
of 2013, Procter was awarded the 20th Druid
Arts Award for the category “Music Educator.”
t us c aloosa s y mphon y orc he s t r a III
the choirs
alabama boychoir
Ellison Allen
Brandon Byrd
Thomas Harper
Timothy Holt
Santez Hudson
Brennan Krebs
Jeremiah Lowther
Semetrius King
Diego Tate
Peter Vander Wal
Noah Woodruff
Haida Yu
Beau Burkhalter
Quay Finch
Dakotah Fuller *
Chris Guaraldo
Thomas Hicks
M.G. Hudson
Matthew Meyer
Jed Reece **
Jayden Riley
James Yang
* = Head Chorister
** = Assistant Head Chorister
girls tour choir
Kathryn Banks
Taylor Cooley
Aereal Cousette
Kayleigh Edge
Rachel Farabee
Merrill Fitts
Heather Rose Hampton
Alexis Heins
Marianne Lollar
Lilli Pardo-Long
Emma Tolbert
Hannah Urban
Meredith Vaughn
Alta Willaert
Soprano 2
Samantha Black
Crystal Bolden
Anna Cain
Gracie Lang
Sara Lang *
Mallory Merriam
Sara Stipe
Natalie Thompson
Ashton Anthony
Jamya Blakney
Ainsleigh Campbell
Alexa DeCaro
Lauren Dorrill
Olivia LeComte **
Sarah Martin
Tai Moses
Courtney Rembert
Emma Schaetzle
Jerzi Thomas
Yana Thompson
Lexxie Whitmer
* = Head Chorister
** = Assistant Head Chorister
chamber choir
Soprano 1
Jazymon Balous
Caitlin Diano
Kaili Edgar
Ginny Grace Gibbs
Victoria Jones
Megan Sputh *
Soprano 2
Mary C. Chambliss
Taylor Miles
Kellie Ramdeen
Molly Sputh
Sarah Williamson *
IV t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estr a
Alto 1
Jordan Given
Lauren L’Etang *
Tenor 2
Bailey Herring
Bradley Vaughan *
Alto 2
Taylor Burge
Aubrey Parrish *
Batrina Reid
Chloe Washington
Ryan Anthony
Jacob Cargile
Spike Howard *
Tenor 1
Alex Freeman
James Urban *
Ross Kizziah *
Andrew Parrish
Alexea Prince
* = Section Leader
guest artists
Leslie S. Poss, Conductor
Brad Baker, Accompanist
rentice Concert Chorale is an auditioned
choir of professional and amateur singers
joining to perform major works of choral
literature, original compositions by local
composers (including commissions), and
classic choral music of all genres. Prentice
Concert Chorale is actively engaged in the local
Tuscaloosa and West Alabama communities.
This season alone Prentice Chorale performed
at: Merrill Gardens Assisted Living, Capstone
Village, Brewer-Porch Children’s Center in
Tuscaloosa and also presented free concerts in
Greensboro and Brent, AL. Prentice Chorale
is strongly committed to musical partnerships
as demonstrated by this season’s joint concerts
with the Shelton Singers and Tuscaloosa County
High School choirs and with Shelton State’s
Jazz Combo.
r. Leslie S. Poss is an active soloist,
conductor, and music educator. As a soloist,
she has performed with the Alabama Symphony
and the Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestras. Her
solo performances include Handel’s Messiah,
Mozart’s Requiem, Vaughn Williams’ Hodie,
and the premier performance of Gunther
Schuller’s The Black Warrior. Dr. Poss holds a
Master’s in Church Music from Southwestern
Seminary and a Doctorate in Choral Conducting
from the University of Alabama. Dr. Poss is a
member of Shelton State Community College’s
music faculty and is interim music director at
University Presbyterian Church. She also serves
as Theatre Tuscaloosa’s resident music director,
where her efforts garnered her the 2013 Theatre
Artist of the Year honors from the Tuscaloosa Arts
Council. In a review for the Mississippi AGO,
Dr. Royce Boyer remarked “Guest conductor,
Dr. Leslie Poss must not be overlooked…I was
impressed by her understanding of the work,
her clear conducting skills and interpretations
of tempi, dynamics, and the balancing of the
large forces in front of her.”
t us c aloosa s y mphon y orc he s t r a V
the chorale
Prentice Concert Chorale
Katelyn-Perkins Babb
Raye Blumthal
Nancy Bonner
Catherine Chen
Jacqueline Currie
Katherine Gates
Christina Gimenez
Nanette Glaus
Linda Grote
Cindy Housel
Sharol Jacobson
Syble McDaniel
Judy Miller
Claire Nichols
Beth Riggs
Kayla Robinson
Erin Schmidt
Diane Schwab
Shannon Templeton
Sonya Thomas
Lindsey Turner
Linda Wooten
VI tu s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estr a
Dora Alexander
Martha Bace
LaTorea Brooks
Glinda Blackshear
Linda Conklan
Selinda Drewry
Susan Goddard
Melissa Green
Rebecca Johnson
Felecia Linton
Robin Maughan
Janis O’Donnell
Kim Carver Palm
Ann Powers
Jennifer Sheppard
Lawanna Thomas
Emily Winslett
Denise Yanaura
William Brandon
David Cantrell
Chris Gaskill
Justin Kelly
Wheeler Kincaid
Terry Moore
Marcelyn Morrow
Ben Porter
Joseph Robinson
Leslie Sheppard
Mike Spalding
Wilfred Yeargan
David Ainsworth
Bruce Burrows
Robert DuPree
Bill Engelke
Matthew Eubanks
Abe Fields
Michael Gimenez
Steve Krotzer
Paul Looney
Robert Nicol
Clay McCollum
Andrew Nalley
Henry Pope
Kurt Porter
Wesley Rorex
Tom Sawallis
Matt Smith
Hoyt Winslett
tuscaloosa symphony orchestra
Jenny Gregoire,
Felix Farrar
Gosia Leska
Sarah Nordlund
Alan Pearce
Serghie Tanas
Michael Yusko
Joe Ortiguera,
Yoonhee Chun
Kristina Handler
Alison Konopka
Tramaine Wilkes
Dan Sweaney,
Travis Baird
Wendy Richman
Gabriel Schlaffer
Carlton McCreery,
Hovhannes Alanakyan
Ariana Arcu
Heiki Palm
Brooks Popwell
Sarah VanderWal
Michael Johnson,
Samuel Dahmer
John Dowd
David Mazanec
Eric Yates,
A. G. Harrell Endowed Chair
Bart Jones
Joseph Ardovino
Diane Schultz,
Sandra Wolfe
Kim Felder-Scott
Jonathan Whitaker,
Mary Avis Todd
Endowed Chair
Dan Drill
Jeff Koonce
Shelley Myers,
Osiris Molina,
Kate Curran
Jenny Mann,
Bill Davis
Ben Maclay
Kenyon Wilson
Larry Mathis
Tim Feeney,
Roger Duvall
Charles Snead,
David Bradley
Brenda Luchsinger
t usc aloos a sy mphon y orc he st r a VII
VIII t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estra
music director
TSO was reflected in the TSO’s first musical
collaborations with the UA Opera Theater, the
Alabama Choir School, as well as with Alabama
composers and soloists.
Adam enjoys a very busy career that reflects
his versatility and demand. In addition to his
deepening relationship with the Tuscaloosa
community, Adam is devoted to the Oregon
coast where he is Music Director of the Newport
Symphony, and to his base in Denver where he
holds the same position with the Colorado Ballet.
As time allows, he is also a guest conductor for
many symphony orchestras, opera and ballet
companies across the United States. He has
appeared with the major orchestras of Dallas,
Houston and Saint Louis as well as dozens
of regional ensembles. Adam brings not only
musicianship but a tireless artistic advocacy and
engaging stage presence everywhere he works.
fter Adam Flatt made his TSO debut in
April of 2011 with works of Ravel, Glazunov
and Tchaikovsky he was immediately invited to
become the Symphony’s sixth music director,
marking the end of a search that began with
over 150 candidates. His first performance as
Music Director came a few months later at the
Tuscaloosa Amphitheater with the TSO and the
band Alabama in a sold-out benefit performance
for Tuscaloosa tornado relief. Adam’s eventful
first season culminated in April of 2012 with the
“Tuscaloosa Remembers and Rebuilds” concert.
In his first year as Music Director the TSO
performed with a widely-recognized musical
vibrancy and commitment that has marked the
success of the new partnership between Adam and
the orchestra. His commitment to broadening
the reach and deepening the local roots of the
Adam’s professional career began as Apprentice
Conductor of the Oregon Symphony. Marin
Alsop invited Adam to come next to the Colorado
Symphony as Associate Conductor, where he
led over 250 performances in his successful
five-year tenure. Concurrently he served as
Music Director of the Denver Young Artists
Orchestra, one of the finest such ensembles in
the United States.
A native of Sacramento, California, Adam has
his bachelor’s degree in music with honors from
the University of California at Berkeley, and
his master’s in conducting from the Indiana
University School of Music. He also studied
in Austria, in Germany, and at the Aspen
Music Festival. He lives in Denver with his wife
Jenny and baby son Edgar.
t us c aloosa s y mphon y orc he s t r a IX
tuscaloosa symphony orchestra association, inc
Gay Burrows, President
Kirsten Hicks, President Elect
Skip Snead, Vice President
Camilla Huxford, Secretary
Bruce Burrows, Treasurer
Omer A. Baker
Donna Boles
D. Wayne Childress
Weldon Cole
Jo Ann Cook
Brad Cork
Michael A. Faerber
J. Michael Hardin
Alistair Harding-Smith
Luvada A. Harrison
Terri Hibbard
Candace N. Hocutt
Hallie Hull
Robin Maughan
Anne Moman
Anne Monfore
Laine Moore
Robert A. Morgan
John A. Owens
Tim Parker, Jr.
Paul Rand
Kellee Reinhart
Edgar Sherwood
James E. (Ed) Shotts
Cynthia Stephenson
William A. Tate
Jonathan Whitaker
Elizabeth Winter
Lana Wyers
advisory committee
Lifetime Honorary Members:
Rosemarie Childress
Katherine Fitts
X t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estr a
Madeline Hill
Gloria Narramore Moody
t us c aloosa s y mphon y orc he s t r a XI
individual donors
e would like to offer our sincere thanks
to the following individual donors:
Ms. Camilla Huxford
virtuoso circle Dr. and Mrs. Omer Baker
Dora H. Going
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael
Dr. and Mrs. James E.
ovation circle
Mrs. Sherry Allison
Ms. Gloria Blackburn
Ms. Donna Boles
Ms. Diane Breth
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Brazil
Gay and Bruce Burrows
Virginia Cade
Mr. and Mrs. D. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Susan and Brad Cork
Barbara and Charles
Dr. and Mrs. John
Ms. Katherine Fitts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitts
Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks
Ms. Madeleine Hill and
Dr. William Winternitz
T. Wayne and Candace
N. Hocutt
Mr. and Mrs. David
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mr. Steve A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Brock Jones
Shelley and Tom Jones
Jane Joslin
Drs. Ralph and April Lane
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Lee, Jr.
Miss Emily L. Baker
Jenny and Adam Flatt
Kellee and Steve Reinhart
Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillip
Dr. and Mrs. Warren
Dr. and Mrs. John P.
D. James Tagg
The Honorable and
Mrs. Wade Drinkard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Roland and Virgene
Charlotte K. Gattozzi
Ms. Betty Jo Goldstein
Ms. Kathy R. Grissom
Mrs. Richard W. Gurich
John B. and Gail S.
Ms. Elizabeth C. Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kyle
Mr. and Mrs. William
Betty and Kenny
Jimmy and Elaine Moore
Mr. Thomas W. Moore
Dr. Jerry Nelson
Barry and Nancy
Dr. and Mrs. George W.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald T.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Phelps
Judy Phipps
Ms. Lois Pyle
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Sayers
Norman and Anna
William A. and Joyce
M. Tate
Elizabeth and Bryan
Ms. Lana C. Wyers
sonata club
prelude club
Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E.
Moman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin D.
Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Parker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Houston
Mr. Paul H. Rand
Dr. and Mrs. Carlisle R.
Stephenson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thor
Dr. and Mrs. Joab L.
Anne Trawick
Mrs. Willita Zoellner
concerto club
In Honor of the
TSO Board of Directors
In Honor of Dr. Omer
Baker, Anonymous
Mr. Lacon Carver
Dr. Carl B. and Patricia
Drs. Robert and Joan
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
XII t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estr a
Dr. Robert and
Ms. Christel Bell
Dr. and Mrs. John C.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
Burton, Jr.
William and Jolene Davis
Mary Anne S. Findlay
Babs W. Hart –
The Hart Insurance
Group, Inc.
Justice and Mrs. Robert
B. Harwood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Dr. and Mrs. C.G. Hull
Dr. and Mrs. Mark
Dr. Joseph E. Lammers
Mrs. Edna F. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Dara and Leah
Ms. Francine Marasco
Dr. Barry Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meherg
Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Ms. Valery Minges
Rob and Ginger Moore
Mrs. Rosa P. Morrow
Carol Culpepper Myers
Drs. Jerry and Isabel
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parker
William and Mary Petty
Ms. Beverly C. Phifer
Ms. Mary Elsie Pow
Drs. Elizabeth and
Richard Rand
Kay and John Robb
Mr. and Mrs. John
Dr. and Mrs. Donald
J. Salls
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen
Libby and Bob Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Claude N.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Mrs. Clark O. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Don
Edward and Karen
The Rev. and Mrs. Hoyt
Winslett, Jr.
Dr. Anne C. Witt
corporate, foundation and in-kind gifts
Create a legacy and preserve
Tuscaloosa’s cultural gem.
orporate and foundation donors demonstrate
a commitment to TSO’s continued success and
a philosophy of enhancing the communities in
which they operate. We thank you for your support.
major benefactor
The City of Tuscaloosa
diamond baton
The Caring Foundation
of Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Alabama
The Daniel Foundation
of Alabama
Jamison, Money,
and Farmer
Mercedes-Benz U.S.
Regions Private Wealth
platinum baton
Alabama Power
Full Moon Bar-B-Que
McFarland Blvd.
Hampton Inn,
gold baton
AlabamaOne Credit
James I. Harrison Family
Hudson-Poole Fine
Lyle Aitken-Ameriprise
Morgan Stanley Wealth
Nucor Steel
Tuscaloosa, Inc.
Reese Phifer Memorial
SM Agency
silver baton
Bank of Tuscaloosa
BFGoodrich Tire
Bryant Bank
Capstone Bank
David and Iris Hinton
Doug Hollyhand
Realty, Inc.
Duckworth Morris
Property Management
First National Bank of
Central Alabama
Greene Beverage
Jessup, Ingram, Burns, &
Associates, LLP
McAbee Construction
Randall-Reilly Publishing
TotalCom, Inc.
Tuscaloosa Ear, Nose,
and Throat
University Orthopaedic
Clinic, P.C.
bronze baton
Fitts Agency
Price Construction
Co., Inc.
Southland National
Insurance Corporation
Tuscaloosa Title Co., Inc.
University Orthodontics/
Dr. Robert C. Haraway
Donald, Randall, &
Donald, Attorneys
at Law
Ellis Architects, Inc.
Hull and Associates, Inc.
Kyle Office Solutions
Lakeside Dental
The Radiology Clinic
Taco Casa
Wilson Family
Foundation, Inc.
Pam Allison
t usc aloos a sy mphon y orc he st r a XIII
XIV t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estra
t us c aloosa s y mphon y orc he s t r a XV
upcoming concert programs
peter and the wolf family discovery concert
FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2014 – 6:00 PM
Watch this composition by Sergei Prokofiev come alive onstage, with special appearances by the
Tuscaloosa Community Dancers and Tina Turley, Executive Producer of Theatre Tuscaloosa.
the last dance
MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 – 7:00 PM
John Harbison, Remembering Gatsby: Foxtrot for Orchestra
Walter Piston, The Incredible Flutist: Suite
Antonín Dvořák, Cello Concerto, op. 104 in B Minor
Wendy Warner, cello
XVI t u s c a lo o s a sym ph ony orch estra
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Morgan Stanley Smith Barney is proud to sponsor
the Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra
Michael Warr
Senior Vice President
Portfolio Management Director
Branch Manager
Rex Zeanah
Relationship Manager
Alistair Harding-Smith, CFA®
Senior Vice President
Senior Portfolio Manager
Wealth Advisor
M. Scott McClanahan, CRPS®
Senior Vice President
Financial Advisor
1657 North McFarland Blvd., Suite G3E
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406
© 2012 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.
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President: Donna Boles
Secretary: Amy Ahmed
Treasurer: Betsy Graham
Education: Fifth Grade Concert– Regina Noland
Education: Petting Zoo- Dan Drill, Laura Hess,
and Anne Trawick
Orchestra Hospitality: Harriette Crunk
Special Events: Trudi Anders, Nancy Humphreys,
and Carol Myers
Join by contacting the Tuscaloosa Symphony Guild:
Box 135 1655 N. McFarland Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35406
or by calling Guild President Donna Boles at (205) 758-1318.
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