stena international sa
stena international sa
STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. ANNUAL REVIEW 2014 CONTENTS CEO STENA AB COMMENTS 2 STENA LINE SHIPPING AND FERRY OPERATIONS 6 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 45 46 STENA DRILLING 16 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SUSTAINABILITY8 STENA BULK 20 ADDRESSES48 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. GROUP STENA RORO 24 NORTHERN MARINE GROUP 26 – THE ORGANISATION 10 STENA SPHERE – THE ORGANISATION 11 CASE MARITIME TRAINING CENTERS 28 STENA TEKNIK 30 CASE IMOIIMAX32 STENA REALTY 34 STENA FINANCE 36 VESSELS 38 PROPERTIES 43 2 20 12 24 CARE, INNOVATION & PERFORMANCE BUSINESS IDEA By using our competence in, above all, service, trading and ships, to make money in the business areas ferry operations, offshore drilling, shipping, property and finance. To create new companies for the future. To take care of our most important asset in the long term, our customers, in such a way that we contribute to their development as well as that of society. RESPONSIBILITY IN OUR BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS By building long-term relationships with our customers, suppliers and subcontractors, we are committed to d elivering high quality and best-value services. We will meet the highest safety standards. Trust is the basis of all our relationships in society. We are committed to meeting our customers’ expectations in respect of sustainable business practices. We have high standards of corporate social responsibility, which we share with our business partners. We may withdraw from a business relationship if we feel that the stand- CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS ards we uphold are not being met by a business partner. Always the customer’s first choice Leader in quality and quality-assured partners Always efficient and effective with our own and others’ resources Clearly delegated business responsibility We have committed to comply with the standard formulated by the Logistics & Transportation Corporate C itizenship Initiative of the World Economic Forum. 28 32 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 1 CEO STENA AB COMMENTS ABILITY TO COMPETE IS BUILT ON ABILITY TO PERFORM Our business can only be sustainable if we every day, through effective performance, contribute to our clients’ success. The successes this year for our clients, partners and society include our commitment to safe operations, which continues and our dedicated crews have managed to decrease Lost Time Incident Frequency (LTIF), further in most business areas from already low levels. Our officers and crew on board the ships that Northern Marine manage for Stena Bulk have delivered a fine result for safety and performance. The yearly average number of observations per vetting inspection was 2.6 – a record low. In October Stena Drilling could celebrate 12 months straight with zero Lost Time Incident (LTI) for their whole fleet; the remainder of the year was also LTI free. They also delivered best in class operational performance of 98% for the year, ensuring always to be our clients’ first choice. One example is our client Hess, who chartered our drillship Stena Drillmax and stated “we are amazed the unit could drill a well with zero Non Productive Time”. Through several innovative projects our shipping and ferry operations have increased their energy efficiency and decreased the environmental footprint. Overall fuel consumption (measured in metric ton per kilometer) was this year reduced by an average of 15% for the whole fleet. Stena Property’s target is to reduce energy consumption in their properties by 20% over ten years. Since commencement in 2010 electricity has so far been reduced by 9.1% and heating by 8.1%.. 2 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 The annual Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Stena Line once again showed that 51% of travelers gave us the highest grade possible (very satisfied) while freight customers rated our services 4.2 out of maximum 5. As one freight customer puts it; “I represent the ‘small customer’ who do not travel so frequently, but always feel welcome and always get a friendly and professional treatment”. No wonder the Stena Line network of 22 lines increased their freight volumes by 5%. In effect Stena Line is developing into a very important part of sustainable European infrastructure. Stena Property continues to improve their service index and they are now among the best within their segment of companies with more than 9,000 apartments, a proof that caring for our tenants by close dialogue and mutual projects – “Relationship Management” is working very well. Innovation is a way to constantly improve. Since commencement our internal innovation programme in Stena Line has generated 11,000 proposals for improvements of which 1,700 have been put into action. When it comes to cost cutting Stena Line reduced their costs with MSEK 200 and the rest of Stena AB cut their administrative costs with an additional MSEK 135. ”The mantra for each of us is education, education” STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 3 CEO STENA AB COMMENTS Competence development Our business is expanding. At present for instance 386 sea- cadets are undergoing our education programme and we spent MSEK 160 last year on education. Northern Marine Group, who provides ship management services, were trusted to open an advanced joint training center of excellence in Glasgow on behalf of their clients Chevron Shipping. First class instructors and simulators will enhance knowledge and safety at sea – the combined investment in this venture is in excess of MUSD 20. Affecting Stena as everyone else the digital information and communication technologies are radically changing the way we produce, transport, trade, consume and train ourselves. It is evident that technology creates new products and companies as well as new ways of doing business. New options for products and services are developing. It gives us the chance to sell especially our travel services more cost effectively. It gives us also the chance to remain in constant contact with our clients and the chance to immediate communication between ourselves and our business partners. Although the transaction cost is cheaper over the internet, not everything will happen via the web. We still need to be in personal contact with each other in many cases. Many interesting combinations based on old businesses are developing. The common denominators though are more efficiency, more transparency and contact 24 hours a day seven days a week. Knowledge develops fast at the moment and is in principle open for everyone, who is searching for it. The mantra for each of us is education, education, education. Every year everyone, especially Stena employees, must in addition to consistently acting adequately consider how to improve in order to keep abreast of their work. Apart from developing functional education with our employees, we are undertaking intense courses in leadership in a systematic way for 120 selected talents. It is our hope this programme for effective leading and managing effective teamwork can include more people over time. Every-one of our employees is this year undertaking exercises in care and results, we call it we-learning, one objective being to understand people´s feelings and help each other professionally and often with empathy to improve our business-performance. Markets Who had expected the oil-price for Brent to be under USD 80/barrel? Now it has happened with dire consequences for oil-companies and the oil-service industry. With five out of seven drilling units on long term contracts we are better placed than most companies to weather the storm, provided we pay consistent attention to everyday effective performance. Luckily the tanker market develops substantially better with rates at its highest for many years. Our ferry business is helped by the European economy doing better. Thanks to increasing volumes the results of our ferry business is now breaking even. With the acquisition of ten ships in the past three years, we are well placed to expand our business. With most of our property business invested in residential houses we have a steady income in our Swedish business area. Our commercial investments in the Netherlands are suffering from a bad market, whereas we are doing well in London, Sofia Antipolis in France and Houston. Stena Adactum, our area for new businesses, has now a cash flow representing one tenth of our consolidated cash flow. It is of course positive that our properties increase in value. As their cash flow does not increase proportionately and we want to keep and develop our assets instead of selling them, we are not completely happy with the development. Since year end we have sold three RoPax ships with profit and are happy that this market is stabilising. HIGHLIGHTS 2014 STENA AB GROUP Revenues1) SEK 33.6 billion – 10% increase Strategic expansion Healthy balance sheet1) EBITDA SEK 9.9 billion – ”all time high” Total investments in 2014 of SEK 5.7 billion. Mainly SPS1) and BOP2) for Drilling, 1 new RoPax vessel and new construction for Stena Property Book value of vessel- and rig fleet, SEK 46 billion A vailable cash, unused credit facilities and financial investments SEK 17.7 billion2) Newbuilding projects: – 4.5 IMOIIMAX vessels – Two drilling units N et debt excl. property loans, SEK 39 billion A vailable cash, unused credit facilities and financial investments SEK 22.0 billion3) 1) Special Periodic Service 1) Income before tax SEK 2.8 billion Strong liquidity and credit profile C ash Conversion Cycle 19 days Positive cashflow in the group – MSEK 1,500 1) Incl. net gain on sale of assets and net valuation on investment property 2) Per 31 December 2014 3) Per 28 February 2015 4 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 2) Blowout preventer Market value property portfolio, SEK 29 billion with loan to value of 43% N et debt to EBITDA excl. property loans 5.0x Equity incl. deferred tax, SEK 42.8 billion 1) P er 31 December 2014 Profit, equity, net worth and liquidity Values This year’s profit before tax increased to MSEK 2,053 in Stena GAAP and to MSEK 2,799 in IFRS terms and increase with MSEK 450 and MSEK 650 respectively. Our total equity including deferred taxes amount to MSEK 42,842 in IFRS terms excluding surplus values in ships. The marine side of our business today account for 57% of our assets while real estate and Adactum accounts for 43%. In 2018 due to relatively fast depreciation of marine assets we expect the marine side to equal the non-marine side of our business, asset wise. Excluding Properties and Adactum the marine side of our business this year generated an EBITDA of 14% to book value of our net assets and 9% to original investment. To operate in several industry segments insures stability in today’s world with so many global economic, political and environmental uncertainties. It is an important task not only for now but also for the future to secure our company´s total resilience and at the same time implement leading ambitions in everything we do. Normally we have liquidity to weather a three year storm. With more than SEK 20 billion in liquidity at present we feel secure to weather any storm for the next five to six years. Trading outside Sweden we meet more cost-conscientious cultures. Our strength is capacity to see concepts and to foster long term relations by living up to set standards. Our delegated system giving authority to and following up by objectives is good provided it is checked and supported by impeccable financial control and education in the trade. It is important to keep the trading or action style element of our culture alive and at the same time base our acts and performance on facts. Care, innovation and performance are the lead-words for our organisation. It does not harm to repeat our beliefs. Our performance is measured by technical availability, safety, customers´ accolades, repeat business, costs and profit. Innovation is measured in terms of number of proposals by our employees and the proportion being implemented. In short we try to transform mindfulness into action. Care is about being the best in terms of our financial success, our customers´ success, our employees’ success, our partners´ success and our societal success. The words of our employees are: Strategy Pay attention to and transform mindfulness into action is one of our mottos. Another one is – Small enough to care and big enough to cope. Regularly we follow up on our success factors namely Financial success factors, Customer related success factors, Strategic success factors, success factors related to Collaboration and success factors related to Communication. Our visions extends normally over five years, with three year objectives and one year objectives. Our foremost strategy though is to be equipped and well prepared for opportunities, if and when they do arise. Lately we ordered with partners seven Suezmax tankers and ten IMOIIMAX-product tankers at the lowest prices quoted so far. We have bought ten RoPax vessels on the second hand market. We have ordered two MidMAX semisubmersible rigs, with an option to cancel one unit, to replace very old midwater units by far better performance criterions. We bought and sold two real estate properties in London. Beginning of 2015 we sold our line Helsingborg–Helsingör and in the past year we acquired the line Rosslare–Cherbourg. A company that is not developing its activities will eventually have to close them. Our ambition is to keep on developing. We believe forecasting prices is not really doable. Securing competitiveness by effective performance we can control and we concentrate on that. •Caring leads to Sharing – it is spelled Sustainable Development and Working Partners both inside company with visible employees and visible suppliers. •Caring creates a commitment to Service and Customers´ personal satisfaction fitting to customers’ systems with KPIs and technical solutions. • Care drives excellence – Excellence is not an act; it is a habit. •Care for Financial Results is Caring for Profit, Cash and Asset Maintenance •Care for Competence Assurance and Reassurance by training and education. • Care is much more than just four letters in a document…. Consequently one person is responsible to see to it that we live up to our soft values in form of style, skills and staff, while my deputy officer is responsible to secure that systems, structures and strategy are in place and adhered to. So – Take Care! With these words I would again like to thank everyone for their support and mindful contributions during 2014. As 2015 seems to be a better year for everyone except for Stena Drilling we have good reasons to continue living in hope. Gothenburg 3 March 2015 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 5 SHIPPING AND FERRY OPERATIONS STEADY COURSE IN CHANGING CONDITIONS Who could have anticipated that oil prices would fall by 50% at the end of year 2014? We had it in one of our business scenarios, but it was certainly not our base case. Six months ago it was hardly possible to find anybody who was speaking about an oil price around the USD 50/barrel level. Currently it is difficult to find an analyst that envisages high oil prices in the short term perspective. Most of our businesses are both volatile and unpredictable, but we have to use that to our advantage. For Stena it is less about trying to anticipate the future and more about having financial and intellectual ability to act, adjust and adopt to change. With falling oil prices our strategy of having a diversified portfolio of activities is put to the test. The falling oil prices is positive for our ferry activities and we are currently seeing strong tanker markets, even though its correlation with oil prices is less evident. Overall the performance of our shipping businesses improved during 2014 and we anticipate the trend to continue during 2015. Our drilling activities have, in terms of financial returns, outperformed other shipping activities in Stena for almost ten years. The strong performance in the drilling segment has enabled us to invest counter-cyclically. Over the past few years we have taken significant positions, for example the world’s two largest RoPax ferries now trading between Hoek of Holland and Harwich. Another example is that Stena RoRo successfully acquired ten second hand vessels, at favorable prices, over the past three years. Yet another example is the ten IMOIIMAX product tankers, acquired together with partners and to be operated by Stena Weco, that are being delivered with three-month intervals from early 2015. We were able to take these positions, at attractive prices, despite that the underlying businesses themselves did not warrant such investments. Now the tide has turned and these assets will surely carry us through the next part of the cycle. Irrespective of whether markets are up or down, our focus and ambition is to be “best in class” when it comes to opera- 6 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 tions and business execution. The transportation of goods will never stop, and if we continuously are our customers’ first choice we will always have employment for our vessels. Operational excellence, through high quality, high service level, reliability and being very close to our customers, is therefore our strategy. Through the network of 22 ferry routes in Stena Line, by way of Stena Sonangol, the world’s best performing Suezmax pool, and Stena Weco/Golden Stena Weco, now operating about 60–70 MR and Intermediate tankers, we have platforms that give us scale and reach to be able to manage our assets better than any competitor. Further developing these platforms by enhancing our ability to create value for our customers and reducing our costs are the key priorities for the next years. The age profile of our fleet and the capabilities our vessels represent, give us the opportunity to avoid larger new investments in the medium term. We are in good shape. But we must never rest or relax. Operational excellence requires constant vigilance and focus on every detail. With over 150 large vessels trading around the globe, we carry significant operational risk and our crews are our most important asset. The shipping industry is continually improving its track record when it comes to emissions, spills and accidents. However, every incident is a failure and the consequences can potentially be significant. Further increased focus on safety and adopting best practices across our different companies will, all going well, lead to a year without fatalities, with no discharges to the sea and no collisions. Our ability to improve ourselves and to set a standard for our industry is crucial for ”We are in good shape. But we must never rest or relax.” our long term success. In northern Europe the whole shipping sector is being put to the test by the new rules on sulphur emissions, the SECA. We continously have to be able to demonstrate that we are the most environmentally friendly and cost effective way of transporting goods. In 2014 we connected the ferry Stena Danica to the district heating grid (“fjärrvärmenätverket”) in Gothenburg, powered by 100% green energy. In 2015 Stena Germanica will be the world’s first v essel to be powered by methanol, a quantum leap when it comes to reducing emissions. Fuel efficiency, sustainability and safety are issues that traditionally have been hallmarks of Stena and they will, to an even larger degree, be part of our future. EMISSIONS FROM FUELS IN RELATION TO BUNKER OIL WITH 1% SULPHUR CONTENT Index 400 300 200 100 0 Bunker oil Bunker oil Gas oil (sulphur (sulphur (sulphur content 3.5%) content 1.0%) content 0.1%) Carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide Liquefied natural gas Nitrogen oxide Methanol Particles The graph shows emissions of different fuels in relation to bunker oil with a low sulphur content (1%), which is index 100 on the scale on the left. Carl-Johan Hagman CEO Stena Line STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 7 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY FOCUSING ON SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Stena Care is about creating value and success in every part of the Stena companies’ activities and in all stakeholder relationships. Stena’s sustainability work is based on three pillars: economic, environmental and social responsibility. The Stena Group contributes to the development of society in various ways. Shipping and ferry operations carry freight and private passengers, as well as oil and gas, thereby helping to increase trade and meet global energy needs. Stena also helps to secure energy supply by producing renewable electricity and providing many people with safe homes in the Group’s properties. The environment, safety and community involvement are the sustainability issues identified as most important for Stena. Continuous improvement measures Shipping is the most energy-efficient mode of transport in relation to cargo volume, and about 90% of world trade is conducted over the oceans. Technological development is important – one of Stena’s newly built tankers uses about 25% less fuel than previous generation vessels of a comparable size. There are major environmental and economic gains in improving handling. SUSTAINABILITY AT STENA IS BASED ON THREE PILLARS: •financial responsibility, with the aim of contributing to e conomic development; •environmental responsibility, where the goal is to reduce the Group’s impact on the environment; and •social responsibility, where the fundamental approach is to act ethically in everything the Group does. More than 200 projects have been completed under Stena Line’s energy-saving programme since it was initiated in 2006. These include installation of frequency-controlled equipment for pumps and fans, improvement of combustion in engines and optimisation of cargo. Stena Bulk has come a long way in fuel efficiency measures in recent years, and the focus in 2014 has been on simplifying the work of the operators, thus facilitating saving measures. Each trip is undertaken with an energy budget, which is monitored and compared with statistics from other trips on the same route or with the same type of vessel. Speed, consumption and weather forecasts are included in the planning, in order to achieve optimum effects in terms of both economy and environment. Fuel consumption for the entire fleet in 2014 increased by 3% in absolute figures as a result of an increased fleet, volumes and distances. At the same time, fuel efficiency improved by 14.7%, measured in tonnes/kilometre, and 2.2%, measured in tonnes/nautical mile. VESSELS’ CO2 EMISSIONS 2014, % Stena Line 42% Stena Bulk 31% Stena RoRo 10% Concordia Maritime1) 9% Stena Drilling 8% Total 3.2 million tonnes CO 2 1) Concordia Maritime’s majority owner is Stena Sessan AB 8 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 THE SULPHUR DIRECTIVE – AND A WORLD FIRST On 1 January 2015, a new sulphur directive came into force for shipping in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the English Channel and the coasts of North America. Under the directive, the maximum permissible sulphur content for marine fuels is reduced from 1% to 0.1%. The consequences for the shipping industry have been significant, as vessels sailing in these areas have either had to switch to more expensive low-sulphur fuels or invest in various types of exhaust cleaning systems on board. However, this also means a further reduction in the already low emission levels, particularly sulphur oxides (SOX) but also dust and particulate matter (PM), which will allow shipping to consolidate its position as the “green” transportation option. To meet the new directive in the best way for each vessel, Stena uses several alternative solutions. An exciting project involves evaluating a brand new fuel for shipping. In 2014, it was decided to convert the ferry Stena Germanica to run fully on methanol, which will substantially reduce SOX, NOX and PM emissions. Following the conversion, she will be the world’s first methanol-powered ferry. High safety level Community involvement beyond the norm Safety is of utmost importance in all activities within the Stena Sphere. Stena Line works systematically on safety issues. Despite this, a tragic accident occurred during the year in which an employee died during the unloading of a ship in Frederikshavn. As a result, procedures have been reviewed and safety has been particularly improved in the interface between ship and quay. During the year, Stena Drilling introduced training for senior crewmen on drillships and rigs. The aim is to improve their ability to see the root causes of why accidents occur, which will make them more adept at avoiding accidents in the future. The rigorous safety work is also producing effects. In October, Stena Drilling celebrated a year without any LTIs on all seven units. For more than 12 years, Northern Marine has worked in accordance with a method called Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) to prevent work-related accidents and injuries. By reporting unsafe conditions, actions or near-miss situations, a proactive and positive safety culture is created on board. In 2014, a total of 5,948 potential incidents were reported which could then be dealt with before they led to actual incidents. This is an increase of 17% compared with 2013, and is clear evidence that the system works. Stena Property’s sustainability work is firmly rooted in the business concept of long-term ownership and development of attractive residential and commercial premises in good locations. To a large extent, this is based on community involvement in the property portfolio areas. Through its own Relationship Management concept, the company develops sustainable residential and workplace environments. The purpose is to create involvement and increased responsibility for tenants by allowing them more control over their living environment. In concrete terms, Relationship Management means that Stena Property engages in a number of projects and activities that provide safety, well-being and stability in the residential areas, with a focus on children and young people. The projects include summer jobs for 300 young people in the residential areas, work experience, homework help, arts and cultural activities, environmental stewards, planting days and “library in the laundrette”. Learn more about Stena’s sustainability work in the sustainability report at STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 9 ORGANISATION STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. GROUP THE ORGANISATION Stena International S.A. is the Stena AB Group’s international holding company situated in L uxembourg. The Stena International Group is the owner of Stena’s Drilling and Ferry operations, various vessels that form part of the Bulk, RoRo and RoPax fleets as well as an international ship management company and international investment property company. The Stena International Group of companies shares many resources and has a high level of cooperation with the other companies that make up the Stena AB Group.The Stena International Group’s 2014 result before tax amounted to EUR 206 million and as at 31 December 2014 equity stood at a robust EUR 3 billion. STENA AB (PUBL) STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. Stena (UK) Ltd Stena Holland BV Stena Drilling Holdings Ltd Stena Line Holding BV Stena Switzerland AG Stena Maritime AG Stena Royal Sarl Northern Marine Management Ltd Stena Realty BV Stena Investment Sarl Stena Ferries Ltd 10 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 Stena Holding (Cyprus) Ltd STENA SPHERE THE ORGANISATION The Stena Sphere consists of Sten A Olsson family’s three wholly-owned parent companies Stena AB (publ), Stena Sessan AB and Stena Metall AB, and wholly and partly-owned subsidiaries of these companies. The partly-owned company Concordia Maritime AB (publ) is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm and 52% of the company is owned by Stena Sessan AB. The Stena Sphere generated total revenue of MSEK 55,968 in 2014. Income before tax amounted to MSEK 2,832. STENA SPHERE BUSINESS AREAS STENA AB (PUBL) STENA SESSAN AB Ferry operations Revenue MSEK 12,246 Income MSEK (60) STENA LINE Offshore drilling Revenue MSEK 8,425 Income MSEK 758 STENA DRILLING, SHUTTLE TANKERS SHUTTLE TANKERS Shipping Revenue MSEK 3,572 Income MSEK 14 STENA BULK, STENA RORO, STENA TEKNIK, NMG CONCORDIA MARITIME (52%) Property Revenue MSEK 3,139 Income MSEK 1,578 STENA FASTIGHETER, STENA REALTY New business Revenue MSEK 6,696 Income MSEK 331 STENA ADACTUM Finance/other Revenue MSEK 65 Income MSEK 251 Recycling, environmental services and trading Revenue MSEK 23,724 Income MSEK (39) STENA FINANS STENA METALL AB MEDA (20.7%) BEIJER ELECTRONICS (29.8%) STENA METALL FINANS STENA METALL STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 11 STENA LINE STENA LINE AN EFFICIENT LOGISTICS NETWORK FOR THE FUTURE At year-end 2014, Stena Line operated 22 routes in Northern Europe, with 42 ferries. Stena Line also owns five ports and is an important part of Europe’s trade and infrastructure. Managing this business in a cost-effective, safe and environmental friendly way is a daily challenge for our dedicated employees at sea and on land. In January 2012, Stena Line launched its change programme for meeting the challenges that the European shipping industry faces. This work has been successful in many aspects during 2014. This applies particularly to the company’s efforts to increase freight volumes. larger tonnage on the Holyhead–Dublin route. The success is also a result of Stena Line having expanded its efforts to identify new customer segments. Contracts secured include for instance AB Volvo and Volvo Cars on the Gothenburg–Kiel route. Stena Line also purchased the vessel Stena Superfast X during 2014. Freight By offering one of Europe’s most comprehensive transportation network, Stena Line has increased freight volumes by 5%, despite a lack of growth in the underlying economies. One reason is intermodal expansion, with new trains from Poznan in Poland and Verona in Italy to Kiel and Rotterdam, which has been very successful. The logistics network was developed during the year through a partnership with Mann Lines, giving our network a west–east link from Harwich to Turku. In response to increased demand from freight customers, Stena Line has expanded the fleet, adding two new vessels to the Irish Sea and North Sea routes and replacing a vessel with Travel On the travel side, Stena Line has been successful in establishing new and appealing customer concepts. One result has been lower shop prices, which is a competitive advantage, particularly in Scandinavia where shopping is an important part of the travel experience. Stena Line has launched an updated digital booking platform, which has had an increasing number of visits and a high conversion rate. The platform provides the basis for further development in digital media. 12,200 MSEK REVENUE 36% SHARE OF GROUP REVENUE 12 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 5,500 EMPLOYEES 14,800 MSEK CAPITAL EMPLOYED DAY/NIGHT FERRIES/HSS RORO FERRIES ROPAX FERRIES 8 6 28 “Passenger safety and security is always in focus” CARL-JOHAN HAGMAN > CEO Stena Line continues to be in a challenging situation, with the new tough sulphur emission legislation implying additional costs of about MSEK 500, general cost increases and increased competition from tunnels and bridges. However, the goal is not to have to deliver a negative result in 2015. To ensure the company’s long-term success, Stena Line must be able to provide competitive logistics solutions for our freight customers, and offer enjoyable experiences to our passengers. Professional and dedicated employees is our most important asset. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 13 STENA LINE During the spring 2014, Stena Line acquired a route between Great Britain and France. This has given Stena Line an important foothold in the French market and further expanded its logistics network. the year. The most important aspect of the company’s operation is that it is always carried out with a high level of safety. The two large sister vessels Stena Hollandica and Stena Britannica, which were taken into service in 2009 on the North Sea routes and have a capacity of 5,500 lane metres, have improved from a low utilisation rate of 30% to a high 50%. In Scandinavia, Stena Line is challenged by the weak economy, particularly in Denmark. Management must develop the company’s market position to ensure long-term profitability for these important routes to Denmark. The measures Stena Line has implemented have increased revenue. In addition, the company has reduced costs by just over MSEK 200, which has improved the overall result for 2014. The company is optimistic that it will be able to continue to strengthen results in the coming years. Operation Stena Line’s efforts to coordinate purchases and reduce the number of suppliers has continued in 2014, and these have been optimised and systematised through a coordinated approach to purchasing. One example is the collaboration with the Spanish winery Francisco Gomez, where a large purchasing volume of the organic wine Casa Galvis makes it possible to offer customers high quality at a low price. Great progress has been made in optimising the route network in the form of timetables and capacity. Where it has been considered appropriate, the company has introduced standard tonnage, creating a higher degree of flexibility, while new ships have been placed in service where a sustained increase in demand is expected. Environment Stena Line’s environmental work is centred on reduction of emissions into air and sea, and has focused on measures to reduce energy consumption for some time. The target is an annual reduction of 2.5% in bunker consumption per nautical mile. The target was exceeded in 2013, but a higher cargo intake, increased displacement and unusually severe weather in the Irish Sea in the first quarter meant that total consumption was only reduced by 1.4% in 2014. When the threshold value for sulphur emissions in the SECA area was reduced to 0.1% in January 2015, Stena Line was well prepared. The main solution was to switch fuel to MGO (marine gas oil). Another option was to use scrubbers, which clean the exhaust gases. Stena Line will be installing scrubbers on one of its ships in autumn 2015. Perhaps the most exciting measure is the conversion of Stena Germanica to become the world’s first ferry to run on methanol. The conversion was completed in March 2015. Low cost operator Systematically improving our operational excellence is a goal that we have worked on since 2012. High-priority areas in 2014–2015 are development of expertise in terminal handling, purchasing, optimisation of on board staffing and simplified shore-based administration. This is a long-term and systematic process aimed at providing Stena Line with an operating model that is cost-effective and delivers reliable and high quality. Passenger safety and security is always in focus for all Stena Line employees. Safety is developing in the right direction in terms of both lost time incident frequency and the number of observations during inspections and work on safety must never cease. Even so, a tragic fatal accident occurred during VOLUME TREND, THOUSANDS Passengers Cars Freight units1) 12,000 2,800 2,000 9,000 2,100 1,500 6,000 1,400 1,000 3,000 700 500 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 1) One freight unit is a truck, trailer or railway wagon 14 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 0 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14 The new warehouse at the Germany Terminal in Gothenburg handles many of the items offered on board. “Purchasing used to be decentralised. Now we have a coordinated range. We have moved from purchasing many different products from a large number of suppliers to purchasing large volumes from fewer suppliers. Where previously we could have more than 20 different brands of coffee on different ships, we now have one. Large volumes and our own transport provide high quality at low cost,” says Per Ola Jönnerheim (right), who is Head of Onboard Services at Stena Line. MSEK 6,000 REVENUE PER ACTIVITY 4,500 3,000 MSEK 6,000 1,500 4,500 0 10 3,000 11 12 13 14 Passengers 1,500 Onboard sales Freight 0 10 11 12 13 14 Passengers Onboard sales Freight STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 15 STENA DRILLING STENA DRILLING FOCUS ON SAFETY ROUND THE CLOCK, ALL YEAR ROUND Stena Drilling is one of the world’s leading independent drilling operators. The company operates globally from its head office in Aberdeen, Scotland, with four drillships for ultradeep water and three semi-submersible drilling rigs. With several successful new newbuildings and refurbishment projects, Stena Drilling has been a pioneer in several areas of technological development and innovation in the offshore industry. In South Korea, work is progressing on the drilling rig that Stena Drilling ordered in 2013. The contract signed with Samsung Heavy Industries covered two semi-submersible rigs, with an option to cancel one unit. The option has been extended and means that Stena Drilling can make a decision in the spring of 2015. Stena Clyde was employed on several short contracts during the year, the last with CAL Energy, expired towards the end of 2014. At the end of 2014, the drilling rig was at a shipyard in Singapore for its SPS. This is a mandatory inspection every five years to ensure that high safety standards are met. During an SPS, the unit’s propellers and drilling equipment are removed and maintenance work is carried out on them, while the hull is also examined. During the coming year, Stena Forth will go into dock for an SPS lasting 60 days starting in May 2015. Stena Don will undergo an SPS later in 2015. The contracts for Stena Spey, Stena DrillMAX and Stena IceMAX are continuing. Stena Drilling had a longer contract with Statoil for Stena Carron, which lasted until the third quarter of 2017. Statoil decided to cancel this contract in 2014 and pay a cancellation fee. Stena Drilling believes that there are good opportunities to sign a new, favourable contract for the drillship. 8,400 MSEK REVENUE 25% SHARE OF GROUP REVENUE 16 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 1,100 EMPLOYEES DRILLSHIPS 30,700 MSEK CAPITAL EMPLOYED DRILLING RIGS 4 3 Stena Spey is a semi-submersible drilling rig, built in 1983 at the Daewoo shipyard in South Korea. The drilling rig is contracted until the end of 2016. TOM WELO > CEO 2015 will be a special year, with reduced investments in many markets. Our customers are very happy with what we deliver, which gives us a good position despite the slump in oil prices at the end of 2014. The next few years will be marked by considerable uncertainty about macroeconomic factors. Some of this is associated with the US presidential election in 2016, which may affect international demand for oil. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 17 STENA AB DRILLING > STENA BULK Rigorous safety work is carried out on a daily basis on board Stena Drilling’s units. In 2014, the company was pleased to report twelve consecutive months without a single lost-time incident. 18 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 Safety in focus Stena Drilling has had a very successful year, particularly from a safety perspective. In October 2014, the company was pleased to announce that Stena Drilling’s seven units had completed twelve consecutive months without any lost-time incidents. The reason for this successful result is Stena Drilling’s far-reaching and tangible safety work. Safety is not the responsibility of a separate department, but is an integral part of the line organisation’s operational responsibility. Management of the drilling units plan and conduct the day-to-day work, and ensure that safety is given the highest possible priority. Any deviations from normal are documented and evaluated at safety audits seven days per week. Personnel Through its operations, Stena Drilling employs about a thousand people on the seven units. The challenge lies in recruiting the right people to work on board. As employees spend a month at sea, they need to have the understanding and the right attitude to be away from their family for a long period. Since 2007, Stena Drilling has had a low employee turnover of 6% per year. Almost 50% of people who leave the company return. This is largely because employees see themselves as part of the company, in that they are given responsibility and authority to participate in the business. Future development of the industry For a number of years, international oil companies have invested large amounts in the business. This trend has slowed, while unrest in the Middle East and uncertainty in Russia have led to reduced activity in these areas. In Brazil, the petroleum industry continues to be very important for the region. The contracts that Stena Drilling has remain positive. The company has a good reputation and a very high utilisation rate for its units, which reached 98% in 2014. With our best in class operation, we guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction and the company is therefore well equipped to respond quickly to a changing market. FLEET UTILISATION DRILLING CONTRACTS1) 100% Unit 75 Stena Clyde 50 SPS Q3 2015 Statoil Q4 2017 Stena Spey Enquest Q3 2016 Tullow Q3 2018 Stena Carron 0 10 11 12 13 14 Operational use as a percentage of total available days. Expiration2) Stena Don Stena DrillMAX 25 Customer Warm Stacked N/A Stena Forth Hess Q2 2018 Stena IceMAX Shell Q2 2017 1) A s of 31 December 2014 2) Including options STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 19 STENA BULK STENA BULK EXPANSION PLANS AND A GROWING FLEET Stena Bulk is one of the world’s leading tanker operators, offering safe and cost-effective transportation of crude oil and refined petroleum products by sea. This requires a holistic perspective – from development and construction to crewing and chartering of first-class tankers. The results for 2014 were significantly better than expected and the strongest since in 2008. The main reason is a positive development for the company’s Suezmax and Aframax class crude oil tankers, although our product tankers also showed a positive trend. Freight rates for our crude oil tankers rose by over 60% during the year. Stena Weco’s MR market for clean petroleum products had a weak start to the year, but made a strong recovery at the end of the year and Stena Weco reported a profit above expectations. The recovery was largely attributable to new refineries, longer transport distances and falling oil prices. Both Stena Sonangol Suezmax Pool and Stena Weco continue to be prominent in terms of triangulation (efficient logistics system). Stena Bulk’s three LNG tankers Stena Blue Sky, Stena Clear Sky and Stena Crystal Sky are employed on time charters. Particularly notable was their extremely high utilisation rate and the fact that they were in operation every day during 2014. The high utilisation rate is a result of our safe and efficient operation of the vessels, which places the company in a good position to meet customer expectations. These factors ensure that Stena Bulk’s offering in the LNG segment is still attractive to the market. Fleet expansion Stena Bulk’s fleet consists of vessels owned by the company itself and vessels owned with partners. There are also vessels that are chartered for short or long periods and commercially managed vessels. The total fleet comprises about 115 vessels, which is an increase of about 20 vessels since 2013. Within this expansion, the Stena Weco system has been expanded by an average of ten vessels, which means that it consisted of about 60 ships at the end of 2014. Stena Weco is planning roughly the same fleet increase in 2015, and this will 1,800 TANKERS MSEK REVENUE 5% SHARE OF GROUP REVENUE 300 EMPLOYEES 6,700 LNG TANKERS MSEK CAPITAL EMPLOYED SHUTTLE TANKERS 20 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 107 3 6 ERIK HÅNELL > CEO Stena Bulk is measuring up well to its defined goals and the business has delivered significantly better results than expected. For 2015, the goals have been made even higher. We expect to maintain or increase our market share in a growing market. Demand for transportation of crude oil is expected to increase by 2% and for transportation of products and chemicals by 5%. Stena Bulk is well placed to deliver stronger results than in 2014. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 21 STENA BULK include four of the IMOIIMAX vessels scheduled for delivery to Stena Bulk and its partners in 2015. Golden Stena Weco is a joint venture between Stena Weco and Indonesia-based Golden Agri-Resources, which produces and trades in vegetable oils. Golden Stena Weco, which carries chemicals as well as vegetable oils, has shown very positive growth in earnings and volumes during the year. In 2014, Golden Stena Weco took delivery of the five vessels purchased in 2013. In addition, the company has expanded its fleet by contracting a number of vessels on time charters. This brings the total fleet to 15 vessels, compared with the seven to eight vessels the company had available the previous year. Golden Stena Weco’s aim is to continue its growth through freight contracts and favourable logistics. The size of Stena Sonangol Suezmax Pool has varied between 20 and 25 vessels and had largely the same number of vessels in 2014 as in 2013. Stena Sonangol Suezmax Pool is one of the most energy-efficient pools in the world and has the highest income of all comparable competitors. The aim is to continue the growth so that the pool encompasses 30–35 vessels. During the year, we sold our 35% ownership share in Paradise Tankers, which had comprised co-ownership of three Panamax vessels. In connection with the transaction, we acquired one of the tankers. In early 2015, we sold Stena Calypso. Extended operation in Asia A joint office for Golden Stena Weco’s operations was established in Singapore in 2012. The partnership has developed 22 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 very positively and Golden Agri-Resources’ promised freight volumes have also materialised. The total increase in freight volumes is 20%. Golden Stena Weco’s expansion has enabled the company to extend its operations, resulting in further recruitment. Business at Stena Bulk’s Singapore office has also increased as a result of changed trade patterns. Now that the United States has reduced its imports of oil from West Africa and Venezuela, increased volumes are turning to Asia, bringing more business to the Singapore office. Impact on society With bunker consumption accounting for 40–80% of shipping costs, a reduction in energy consumption has a major impact on the overall economy. Stena Bulk has succeeded in improving its annual energy efficiency by up to 12% over the last two years. An important reason for this success is the company’s continuous improvements to technical solutions. Other explanations are energy management, optimisation and the individual energy budgets that are produced for each vessel before every trip. Overall, costs have been reduced by MUSD 8 during 2014. In 2014, a school was opened in Angola as part of a joint initiative of Stena Bulk and Sonangol. The purpose of the initiative is to share the expertise that Stena Bulk possesses and its long-term outcome may be an increase in the local supply of well-trained seafarers. Learn more on page 26. The IMOIIMAX tanker Stena Impression was christened in Singapore in early 2015. The ship’s godmother is Jesslyne Widjaja, Director, Corporate Strategy & Business Development, Golden Agri-Resources. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 23 STENA RORO STENA RORO EXPERTISE IS OUR COMPETITIVE EDGE Stena RoRo provides vessels, innovative solutions and project management. Its customers are operators and shipping companies around the world. The company’s expertise, dedication and financial resources create customer value, growth and profitability, and make it an attractive place to work. The European RoRo and RoPax markets have been challenging for a number of years. Stena RoRo, which charters out vessels to other companies mainly in Europe, is naturally affected by these market conditions, but is standing up well against the competition. Due to the weak market, Stena RoRo has been able to invest counter-cyclically in ten vessels during the last three years. The company buys ships when demand is low, renovates them in order to charter them out and eventually sell them when the market improves. The RoRo segment is still affected by oversupply of vessels. A large number of ships were ordered before the financial crisis and delivered around 2010. The RoPax market is in better balance. The market has virtually no newbuilding to speak of and we are also seeing scrapping of smaller and older vessels and a rearrangement of vessels – ships that were previously operated in European waters now being employed on Asian routes, for example. This means that ships on charters outside Europe are strengthening the European market, while older ships are phased out in Asia. Renovated ship chartered out Part of Stena RoRo’s business concept is to establish charter operations in markets where there is growth. With this in mind, the company chartered a RoPax vessel to the Chinese shipping company Bohai Ferries in June 2014. The vessel in question, Hoa Sen, had been laid up for more than two years when Stena RoRo bought it from the Vietnamese state shipping company Vinalines. After five months of extensive renovation, the vessel is now on charter between China and South Korea, under the name Stena Egeria. Stena Alegra will again be chartered out to the state shipping company Interislander of New Zealand. The prelude 600 MSEK REVENUE 2% SHARE OF GROUP REVENUE 24 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 400 EMPLOYEES RORO FERRIES 2,900 MSEK CAPITAL EMPLOYED ROPAX FERRIES 7 11 to the deal was a damage to one of Interislander’s ships in late 2013 leaving Interislander in great need of a replacement vessel. Stena RoRo’s response meant that the companies were able to quickly agree on a six-month charter contract, and a month later Stena Alegra was delivered to Wellington in New Zealand. The new and longer arrangement means that the vessel has to undergo an extensive upgrade and refurbishment to meet the customer’s requirements for the route. The ship will have stabilisers installed and new customised interiors. These works will be completed in a shipyard in Singapore. This is a good example of Stena RoRo’s long-term ambition of delivering optimised vessels to our customers. Another major event of the year is the purchase of D ieppe Seaways, now renamed Stena Superfast X. Stena RoRo negotiated and completed the transaction on behalf of Stena Line. The acquisition was made at favourable terms. Before the ship was taken into service in February 2015, it underwent an extensive upgrade and customisation for Stena Line’s Irish Sea routes. To secure Stena Line’s tonnage requirements on the Irish Sea, Stena RoRo was commissioned by Stena Line to renego tiate two long contracts for Stena Superfast VII and Stena Superfast VIII. The Mercy Ships Foundation provides advanced free medical care on board the world’s largest civilian hospital ships in some of the poorest countries in the world. At the end of 2013, the Foundation ordered another ship and Stena RoRo was commissioned to carry out the transaction on a commercial basis. Stena RoRo has designed and procured the ship and is responsible for project management and supervision during the c onstruction period. PER WESTLING > CEO Over the next two years, the RoRo market is expected to remain challenging, although the outlook appears somewhat brighter for the larger ice-class RoRo tonnage with scrubbers installed. In 2015, new stricter sulphur regulations are being introduced within the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) and will affect the entire industry in the areas where the new directive applies – for our o perations this is particularly the case in northern Europe. For RoPax vessels, we see a balance between supply and demand, and we are of the opinion that the market will strengthen in the future. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 25 NORTHERN MARINE GROUP NORTHERN MARINE GROUP ANOTHER YEAR OF SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT Based in Glasgow, Scotland, Northern Marine Group (NMG) provides ship management services to the Stena Sphere and selected external clients through our global network of offices in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Houston, Manila, Mumbai, St. Petersburg, Shanghai and Singapore. In recent years the shipping industry has been characterised by slim margins and low profitability in general. The focus on cost control remains a priority for vessel owners, on the premise of no deterioration in the standards or quality of onboard operation. Despite these challenging conditions, a number of clients have experienced fleet growth during the period, and Northern Marine welcomed the opportunity to provide technical management services for these additional vessels. Additionally a new subsidiary company, Northern Marine Ferries Ltd, was established in January 2014 as part of the wider Northern Marine Group restructure, to consolidate the experience capability in managing RoPax and RoRo vessels into a standalone company, thereby enabling greater focus on the specific requirements of the vessel type. During the year we have also implemented a new Safety Management System (SMS) to better support the particular requirements of RoPax and RoRo vessels. Center of Learning and Development The construction of the Chevron Center of Learning and Development within the grounds of the existing Northern Marine headquarter in Glasgow continued in 2014. The new building, Scotia House, was fully completed by the end of September 2014, and was officially opened in late October by Stena CEO Dan Sten Olsson, Carl-Johan Hagman, Shipping Director of Stena AB, and Mike Carthew, President of Chevron Shipping Company LLC. The Center has been established to deliver and maintain the highest standards of safety and operational excellence on the Northern Marine and Chevron fleet of v essels. With the help of advanced simulators the Center is dedicated to the training of all mariners sailing in these fleets. These facilities will assist both companies in meeting the training requirements of the maritime and offshore industry. The combined investment in this venture is in excess of MUSD 20. 450 MSEK REVENUE 1% SHARE OF GROUP REVENUE 7,700 EMPLOYEES 1) O f whom employed on: Stena vessels 2,500, external vessels 4,700, shore based 500 26 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 1) 300 MSEK CAPITAL EMPLOYED Corporate Social Responsibility The overarching priority for Northern Marine is to ensure the health, safety and security of all staff, thus providing a reliable and efficient service for clients whilst minimising the impact on the environment. The welfare and development of all employees is paramount to achieving this objective, and the company strives to support the enhancement of skills already existing within Northern Marine. This ongoing investment will allow personnel to meet the increasingly diverse requirements of the client base, and achieve a sense of personal development, as Northern Marine seeks to ensure the highest quality of dedicated professionals available in the industry. Sustainability Energy efficiency as well as other environmentally friendly solutions can create a competitive advantage for clients, generating better fleet utilisation and a better commercial outcome for each voyage. Northern Marine has always been at the f orefront of developing engineering solutions to improve energy efficiency management. This proactive approach has ensured that the Group is in a position to take advantage of advances in technology for the benefit of their clients and the environment. Objectives 2015 Northern Marine’s approach is always to be proactive in every thing we do, never more so than in the mission to excel in health, safety and environmental performance. Focus to reach energy targets and to follow best management practices to achieve the defined goals is priority. The continued focus on process safety and further development of the Behaviour Based Safety programme to prevent accidents and incidents will extend throughout 2015, supporting the objective to provide the safest possible working environment for all employees. HUGH FERGUSON > MANAGING DIRECTOR The financial pressures on companies operating in the shipping industry show no signs of decreasing, indeed the cost of meeting the increasing regulatory requirements of our industry each year prove an additional challenge. Shipping tends to be exposed to cyclical e conomic changes. However, for 2015 as in every year, the safe and efficient operation of the vessels must remain stable and sustainable. This must be achieved with equally sustainable cost efficiency, all of which can only be achieved by professional staff providing first class management services. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 27 NORTHERN MARINE GROUP > CASE MARITIME TRAINING CENTERS NEW TRAINING CENTERS ON THREE CONTINENTS With the opening of multi-million dollar Maritime training centers in three different continents in 2014, Stena once again demonstrated the company’s long term commitment to seafarer training at the very highest level. 2014 was a year of significant achievement in the training of Stena seafarers, with the opening of multi-million dollar Maritime training centers in Scotland, Angola and the Philippines. The Clydebank Training Center in Glasgow incorporates a 100 seat Auditorium and greatly enhances the induction of all new UK Northern Marine and Stena Line employees to the Stena Group. The adjacent newly opened innovative and state of the art Simulator Center, shared with Chevron Shipping, is designed to provide quality teamwork training to our officers, develop and enhance their operational performance and equip them with the skills necessary to lead the seafarers of the expanding Stena fleet. The new maritime campus in Angola, Centro De Formaçã Maritima de Angola (CFMA), is a superb example of international partnership and vision, and will play a significant role in developing Angolan seafarers for the future in co-operation with Sonangol. In the Philippines more than 2,000 seafarers will receive the highest standard of maritime and offshore safety training at the new Maritime Safety Training Center. These achievements demonstrate the long term commitment of Stena in equipping our present and future seafarers with the education, skills and individual talent development to crew the expanding Stena fleet and continue to compete at the very highest level. CFMA IS ADAPTED FOR 200 STUDENTS A YEAR The first year of study is in Angola, the second in Glasgow. 28 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 THE SCHOOL'S AREA IN ANGOLA IS 70 HA Equivalent to 90 football fields. I have come a long and difficult way to achieve my goals. I intend to continue pursuing them until the result is satisfactory. I am happy and honored to be part of the first group of cadets studying at CFMA. I feel very excited to see what the future holds and for the possibility to make a difference in helping the Angolan economy. The staff are very welcoming, and there are many highly skilled teachers who open our vision and our minds to the outside world. Thus having the opportunity to further develop my English skills, that is the international business language, especially in the shipping world. I am proud of Stena's investment in Angola so that students get the opportunity for career progression like I have been gracious to get. Last but not least I am excited for the opportunity to learn about team building and aquire the skills I will need to do my job. Jisilda Felicia Nguli, CFMA Deck Cadet Although Angola has a vast coastline of over 1,000 miles; sailing is still a new adventure and challenge to the young generation. With the establishing of the CFMA, trainees have the opportunity to learn a combination of educational and professional skills for the maritime sector. One of the advantages of being part of CFMA staff is to have the opportunity to interact with international maritime training institutions and international shipping companies such as Stena, which in turn provides a positive synergy that I believe can be productive and very useful for all parties involved. CFMA is making a significant contribution to the promotion of the maritime industry in Angola that will lead to accreditation and be part of the IMO "White List". Amarildio Vicente Manuel, CFMA Lecturer STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 29 STENA TEKNIK STENA TEKNIK TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE Stena Teknik is a technical resource for the marine parts of Stena. Thanks to the vast and broad-based knowledge of its employees, the company can develop solutions that make the business areas more competitive. In Guangzhou, China, the construction of ten IMOIIMAX product tankers, which started in 2013, is continuing. Stena Teknik has staff on site to monitor the construction process and ensure that the vessels are delivered with the right quality. The IMOIIMAX vessels will be 25% more energy-efficient than previous generations of vessels of a comparable size. This is because the hull, propeller design and main engine have been optimised for the vessels' intended use. These vessels also offer significantly higher cargo flexibility than comparable vessels, which brings major competitive advantages. The first four vessels are being delivered to Stena Bulk, its joint venture partner Golden Agri and Concordia Maritime in 2015. At the end of 2014, the first of these vessels, Stena Impression, underwent sea trials in the South China Sea and was delivered in January 2015. Another four vessels will be delivered in 2016 and the final two in the series in 2017. For Stena Drilling, work continues on Stena MidMAX, a semi-submersible drilling rig designed to withstand the North Sea's harsh weather conditions. The North Sea has the strictest regulations in the world in terms of safety and working conditions on board, and Stena MidMAX will easily meet all of these requirements. Delivery of the unit is scheduled for 2016. 18 EMPLOYEES 30 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 12 NEWBUILDINGS ON ORDER Development projects and environmental benefits On 1 January 2015, new restrictions on sulphur emissions in the SECA areas were introduced. Stena Teknik has worked closely with Wärtsilä to develop methanol as an alternative fuel. Wärtsilä has converted an engine for methanol operation, and tested it in Trieste with successful results. Stena Germanica is being converted to run on methanol and work began in late January 2015. The vessel is expected to be able to run fully on methanol in autumn 2015. Another area of development Stena Teknik is working on is the All Electric project. The company is working with Scandlines to examine the feasibility of converting vessels on the Helsingborg-Helsingör route to electric operation, thereby eliminating emissions and reducing noise. The technical challenges are primarily in recharging the batteries during the short period when the ferry unloads/loads and finding a solution that supplies the port with sufficient power. Battery costs are still a very large item in the calculation and EU funding has been applied for in order to complete the project. Energy-saving system Stena's overall target is an annual reduction of 2.5% in energy consumption per nautical mile. Stena Teknik is responsible for the Stena Energy Efficiency Group which meets once a quarter. The project involves Stena RoRo, Stena Bulk, Northern Marine Group and Stena Line, and its purpose is to collect and share experiences and ideas between the companies about how to save energy. Stena Teknik is running a programme with Stena Line to monitor fuel consumption on board. The system shows every moment of a vessel's consumption and provides information to the vessel's management who can then more easily adopt measures that will allow a reduction in the vessel's energy consumption. The new IMOIIMAX series has been developed in collaboration between Stena Teknik and Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI). A total of ten sister ships are being built at the shipyard in China. HARRY ROBERTSSON > TECHNICAL DIRECTOR We continue our efforts to develop and improve maritime safety. Stena Teknik will examine how other industries’ systems can be adapted for shipping. An interesting area of study is how the support systems being developed in the automotive industry can be implemented to further increase safety on board. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 31 STENA TEKNIK > CASE IMOIIMAX CASE SHIPYARD COOPERATION CREATES COMPETITIVENESS Stena Impression is the first IMOIIMAX class vessel, the latest generation of fuel-efficient product and chemical tankers. She was christened in February 2015 and during the next two years will be followed by nine sister ships from the Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI) shipyard in China. The cooperation between Stena and GSI has worked well, even when Stena has set high standards. JACOB NORRBY Project Manager Stena Teknik 32 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 "It is a known fact that GSI has a management team that sees responsiveness as a competitive advantage," says Jacob Norrby, Stena Teknik's Project Manager for the construction of the IMOIIMAX vessels. "The yard is different from many others. They listen and have made every effort to meet our requirements in both the design phase and during the actual construction." To ensure the vessel type measured up to Stena's high requirements, Stena chose to extend the design phase by one month in order to take advantage of the very latest technology. "We were, for example, able to install the very latest model for the main engine, developed for higher efficiency, thus allowing lower bunker costs. IMOIIMAX has world-leading low energy consumption," says Jacob. "In addition, the design with 18 cargo tanks makes the vessel very cargo-flexible. As well as being able to transport everything from heavy oil to light chemicals, IMOIIMAX is optimised for a maximum intake of vegetable oils. The actual cargo system is very effective, leading to high capacity for loading, unloading and cleaning of the tanks." During the construction period, Stena Teknik is staffing an inspection office at GSI. Lars Pennman has been the site manager, leading the process of daily inspections. The team has included 13 inspectors and a secretary. The vast majority of inspectors are from China. "Working with GSI is enjoyable. Although we and GSI may have different views, a laugh is never far away. However, it is a hard and focused job from the first round of negotiations before a contract is signed until the delivery date – particularly during the construction period – to ensure the quality of work is just as high as we expect," concludes Jacob Norrby. 18 CARGO TANKS PROVIDE INCREASED CARGO FLEXIBILITY EACH TANK HOLDS 14 STENA TEKNIK'S TEAM IN GUANGZHOU WORLD-LEADING LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION 3,000 25% CUBIC METRES MORE ENERGY-EFFICIENT than previous generations of vessels of comparable size. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 33 STENA REALTY STENA REALTY CAPTURE UPSWING Overseas investment needs and the lack of alternative high yielding product led to increased real estate pricing in various regions, yet global fundamentals remain drivers. Overseas investment needs and the lack of alternative high yielding product led to increased real estate pricing in various regions, yet global fundamentals remain divers. Stena Realty is Stena Property’s international property company of the Swedish Stena Group. Focusing on commercial properties, it operates in the Netherlands, France, the UK, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg and the US. Stena Realty also owns interests in two separate real estate funds. In Sweden, the portfolio of the Stena property company Stena Fastigheter, mainly comprises residential units complemented with CBD offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö. The growth of business confidence in 2014 came from the availability of capital. Interest was shown in both prime and secondary real estate as a result of greater liquidity and the need to deploy capital in this asset class. In many of Europe’s main markets, growth in values has far exceeded any rise in occupier activity. Across the Eurozone, in particular, rental growth is not proven throughout. Especially core properties are perhaps overpriced in almost all markets. In this respect, influences from equity-rich (sovereign wealth) funds, pension funds and insurers from overseas 47 EUR MILLION REVENUE 571 EUR MILLION 14 EUR MILLION INVESTMENTS PROFIT ON SALES 80% DIRECT 20% INDIRECT 34 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 helped to drive the price of core assets in “gateway” cities such as London, Paris, Milan and Berlin. Consequently this had a side effect on pricing of assets in direct vicinity of prime real estate as well on better quality secondary assets. The latter due to the considerable yield spread and higher risk-acceptance with investors. This has led to the decision from the Stena Realty management to acknowledge the potential of this market circumstance and capture the substantial value upswing. 100 Leman Street in London, which was acquired in late 2011 and almost to become vacant in 2015, was sold mid 2014. The very profitable sales return was considerably outperforming the expected longer term hold and refurbish strategy. This success also triggered the discussion on our other London assets, especially on our core-plus building 20 Red Lion Street. At year end a start was made for potential exit for this building too. We have also looked into new acquisitions but due to price expectations no new file was executed. The above stated very positive results were offset against the challenging Dutch market results where predominantly leasing still proved to be difficult. Not only the number of 251,000 54 SQM PROPERTIES transactions, also rents remained pressured and incentives steep. Consequently values of vacancy show negative trends. On the other hand our various investments in our buildings are appreciated and show first leasing results. Further strategies on modern and alternatives uses are progressed and implemented with positive signs for 2015. Concrete conversion plans are drafted for The Hague buildings which will be most likely lead to implementation next year. Houston proved to be a market with two faces. The general economics show positive trends with continuing job growth and consequent office take up in 1H 2014. When global oil prices dropped by 50% in the second half of the year, especially large corporate energy companies reacted by being careful in taking up new office leases in the final quarter. We anticipated to lease more in our existing buildings to these corporate groups in our 2014 budget, yet that target was difficult to achieve in the changing sentiment of the oil sector. Our Phase I development of approximately 17.500 m2 Class-A office space was timely and on budget delivered to our anchor tenant for a 10 year lease. Construction of our 100% preleased Phase II office building at Wood Branch (also 17.500 m2) to the Sasol Corporation started as planned in Q2 and was fully on schedule at year end for a delivery in April 2015. France continued to perform very well. The last year created new business center concept is almost fully occupied throughout the year and generating splendid returns. We have been able to welcome HP as new large tenant in our Marco Polo site where we also upgraded our restaurant facility to accommodate more people and better service to our clients. The construction of our new World Trade Center (6) building faced a minor delay in the beginning as extra hard rocky ground needed to be removed. This had no negative effect on leasing as we successfully attracted a 100% GE Healthcare subsidiary as new anchor tenant for 60% of the development. At year end discussions were ongoing with tenants for the remainder of the development. Management believes to have captured the development upswing at the right moment where others remained still in this interesting and special regional market. Luxembourg remained in a stable good position where we have made investments in our building in close cooperation with our strong single tenant to improve the building. The relative small market keeps performing well and vacancy rates especially in the inner city remains at an internationally low level of around 5%. Although a strong economic player in the EU, Germany had a pale year as a region. Germany is performing stable albeit not very profitable. Our assets might require an adjusted strategy going forward due to location and age. In Hungary the Budapest market is bottoming out with some positive political and economic indicators. We have started to plan for building refurbishments and various upgrades to main lobby area and some floors to re-market the building next year as the Budapest market is showing positive signs on recovery. Management will target to benefit from this trend. Our overall investments in our existing portfolio were an approximate amount of MEUR 53 to construct, upgrade and fit out according to latest regulations and market wishes, where possible in a sustainable manner. On various parts of our portfolio refinancing was performed successfully with various international banks ensuring a healthy financial position of our company for the upcoming medium term. The Stena Realty group's net result for 2014 amounted in MEUR 16,6 with a strong cash position for future acquisitions and other investments. RONALD VISSCHER > MANAGING DIRECTOR 2014 was a year of recovery in major markets in EU and the US. The Nordics kept performing well attracting foreign investors trying to get some of the market besides the domestic investors. London clearly was leader in deployed real estate funds from overseas and seen as “safe haven”. Simultaneously yield targeting equity players also diversified substantially in the higher yielding EU regions and assets like Ireland, Spain, The Netherlands, taking position for anticipated economic growth in coming years. The financial market improved and lenders showed more faith but are still cautious in some of their terms. Other banks are still downsizing real estate allocation and trying to improve solvability. In oversupply markets like The Netherlands redevelopments to different asset use is dominating over new build developments. This is an integrated part of the Stena Realty strategy; invest in the quality our portfolio to innovative market needs of our respective clients and care about sustainable relationships now and for the years ahead. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 35 STENA FINANCE STENA FINANCE FINANCIAL STRENGTH 0FFERS FLEXIBILITY Stena Finance’s main task is to manage the funding requirements of the Stena Group, both short and long term. Stena Finance also manages the operational business units’ financial risks in the interest rate, currency and oil markets. In addition, Stena Finance manages the Group’s liquidity and financial investments. Another important role is to act as a resource for the operational units when identifying and analysing new business deals. The global economy continued to climb further during 2014, mainly led by the United States. Activity in the US economy has been steadily expanding and continues to show much strength. Households financial situation has become stronger thanks to debt deleveraging and growing wealth. An increasingly strong labour market will probably lead to gradually higher wages and the first US increase in Interest Rate in many years is now approaching. The euro zone, on the other hand, is suffering from weak demand as well as weak growth and structural problems, which is why the European Central Bank has cut policy rates to zero and is signaling that additional monetary easing can be necessary. There is good potential for a solid growth in most Asian emerging markets. Strong labour markets are helping to drive domestic demand. An important issue for the Asian economies is how big deflationary effect the weak Japanese yen will have. LIQUIDITY1) Cash & cash equivalents 20% Equities 14% Fixed income 16% 1) S tena AB Group as of 31 December 2014 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 Liquidity and financing Stena Finance’s task is to optimise the Group’s loan and bond profile and to manage liquidity in such a way that there are sufficient resources available when the loans and bonds mature. To achieve this, Stena Finance maintains a high level of liquidity, which ensures that the group’s cash flow requirements would be safeguarded if access to international capital were to be cut off. INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES1) Unutilised credit lines 51% 36 During 2014, the eastern European economies were hurt by the Russian decelerating growth, its import ban and a sharp fall in oil prices. The Swedish economy is showing a healthy performance led by domestic demand offset by flattish trend in export sector as well as that Riksbanken lowered the interest rate close to zero. Sweden has a solid financial position and expects further growth acceleration during 2015. Other bank loans 56% Real estate loans 21% Leasing liabilities 1% Bond loans 22% INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS1) Adactum (listed shares) 13% CDO’s/CLO’s 9% Fixed income 39% Long Term equity 15% Other equities 24% In January 2014, Stena issued a ten-year MUSD 600 unsecured note in the US to extend its amortisation profile and reduce debt under the revolving credit facility. In February 2014, Stena International S.A. issued a ten-year MUSD 350 note and a MUSD 650 seven-year term loan with a low capital repayment rate. The bond and the loan are secured by the vessels Stena DrillMAX and Stena Carron. This transaction was also designed to extend Stena’s maturity profile and free up more liquidity. In 2013, Stena Drilling contracted two semi-submersible drilling rigs for MUSD 800 each with option to cancel one unit. In July 2014, the financing (MUSD 574) arrangement was concluded for one rig. Liquidity also opens up good, long-term investment opportunities in equities and bonds. Stena AB is funded largely through the banking system and the European and US bond markets. Together with credit f acilities and vessel loans, this generates good financial strength and flexibility. Total available liquidity as of 31 December 2014 was SEK 17.7 billion. Thanks to successful new financing, the Group’s financial position continues to be very strong. Portfolio management During the year, Stena reduced its exposure to the oil and gas sector which helped to prevent the losses from falling stock markets in this sector. Management of financial investments experienced a modest result in 2014 with an average return of 3%. Bonds and other alternative investments performed well, with a return higher than comparable index. The equity portfolio consisted of around 50 companies which are listed on Nordic, European, U.S. and Asian markets. The total value of Stena Finance’s equity and bond portfolio was SEK 6,4 billion as at 31 December 2014, compared with SEK 5,7 billion on 31 December 2013. PETER CLAESSON > CEO We are very pleased with the capital market activities we conducted in spring 2014. The extension of our amortisation profile and strengthening of our liquidity further consolidates our financial position. The investment activity is planned to be reduced, while our strong liquidity increases our financial flexibility. Our new bond issues, long-term financing and locked-in future cash flow leave the company very well equipped for the future. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 37 VESSELS VESSELS STENA LINE VESSELS OWNED AND CHARTERED AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2014 All vessels below are owned, partially owned or chartered by Stena International Group companies. Name Route Vessel type Passengers Lanemetres Stena Saga Oslo–Frederikshavn Night ferry 2,000 1,032 Stena Carisma Göteborg–Frederikshavn HSS 900 151 cars +10 buses Stena Danica Göteborg–Frederikshavn Day ferry 2,274 1,640 Stena Jutlandica Göteborg–Frederikshavn RoPax 1,500 2,100 Stena Scanrail Göteborg–Frederikshavn RoPax 36 1,000 Scandinavia Stena Nautica Varberg–Grenaa RoPax 900 1,265 Aurora af Helsingborg Helsingborg–Helsingør Day ferry 1,250 539 Hamlet Helsingborg–Helsingør Day ferry 1,000 553 Mercandia IV Helsingborg–Helsingør Day ferry 385 290 Mercandia VIII Helsingborg–Helsingør Day ferry 385 290 Stena Germanica III Göteborg–Kiel RoPax 1,300 3,800 Stena Scandinavica IV Göteborg–Kiel RoPax 1,300 3,800 Skåne Trelleborg–Rostock RoPax 600 3,295 Mecklenburg–Vorpommern Trelleborg–Rostock RoPax 600 3,100 Trelleborg Trelleborg–Sassnitz RoPax 848 1,189 Sassnitz Trelleborg–Sassnitz RoPax 1,000 1,071 Stena Vision Karlskrona–Gdynia RoPax 1,300 2,214 Stena Spirit Karlskrona–Gdynia RoPax 1,300 2,214 Stena Baltica1) Karlskrona–Gdynia RoPax 210 2,188 Scottish Viking2) Nynäshamn–Ventspils RoPax 880 2,250 Stena Flavia Travemünde–Ventspils RoPax 880 2,255 Ask Travemünde–Liepaja RoPax 186 1,598 Urd Travemünde–Liepaja RoPax 186 1,598 Stena Hollandica III Hoek van Holland–Harwich RoPax 1,200 5,500 Stena Britannica III Hoek van Holland–Harwich RoPax 1,200 5,500 Severine Rotterdam–Harwich RoRo 12 1,760 Capucine Rotterdam–Harwich RoRo 12 1,760 Stena Transporter Hoek van Holland–Killingholme RoPax 300 4,056 Stena Transit Hoek van Holland–Killingholme RoPax 300 4,056 Stena Scotia Rotterdam–Killingholme RoRo 12 1,692 Stena Adventurer Holyhead–Dublin RoPax 1,500 3,400 Stena Nordica Holyhead–Dublin RoPax 405 1,950 Stena Superfast X Chartered to DFDS RoPax 1,200 1,924 Stena Explorer Holyhead–Dun Laoghaire HSS 1,500 1,100 Stena Europe Fishguard–Rosslare RoPax 1,400 1,120 Stena Horizon Rosslare–Cherbourg RoPax 970 2,244 1,924 Germany Baltic Sea North Sea Irish Sea Stena Superfast VII Cairnryan–Belfast RoPax 1,200 Stena Superfast VIII Cairnryan–Belfast RoPax 1,200 1,924 Stena Lagan Belfast–Liverpool RoPax 970 2,250 Stena Mersey Belfast–Liverpool RoPax 970 2,250 Stena Performer Belfast–Heysham RoRo 12 2,166 Stena Precision Belfast–Heysham RoRo 12 2,166 Stena Hibernia Belfast–Liverpool RoRo 12 1,692 1) B areBoat Charter 2) TimeCharter 38 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 STENA RORO VESSELS OWNED AND CHARTERED AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2014 All vessels marked * are owned or chartered by Stena International Group companies. Name Built Passengers Lanemetres RoPax Norman Asturias * 2007 800 2,250 (+ 195 cars) Blue Puttees * 2006 1,000 2,800 Highlanders * 2007 1,000 2,800 Stena Feronia1) * 1997 536 2,150 Etretat * 2008 800 2,250 (+ 195 cars) 1,800 SNAV Adriatico2) * 1986 1,200 Stena Alegra * 1998 399 1,950 Stena Egeria * 2001 950 2,050 Trinacria * 2002 950 2,040 Partenope * 2002 950 2,040 Stena Baltica ex Cotentin3) * 2007 210 2,188 Mont Ventoux 1996 12 2,250 Ark Forwarder * 1998 12 2,715 Stena Foreteller 2002 12 3,000 Stena Forecaster 2003 12 3,000 Stena Forerunner * 2003 12 3,000 Stena Freighter 2004 12 2,715 Stena Carrier 2004 12 2,715 RoRo 1) S old January 2015 2) Sold through hire-purchase 3) Chartered to Stena Line STENA DRILLING DRILLING UNITS OWNED AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2014 All units below are owned by Stena International Group companies. Name Type/Generation Water depth Position Stena Clyde Stena Don Semi, 3rd generation1) 1,640 ft Singapore DP (dynamically positioned) semi, 5th generation 1,640 ft Norway Stena Spey Semi, 3rd generation 1,500 ft North Sea Stena DrillMAX Deepwater DP drillship for harsh worldwide environments, including Norway, 6th generation 10,000 ft Ghana Stena Carron Deepwater DP drillship for harsh worldwide environments, including Norway, 6th generation 10,000 ft Canary Islands Stena Forth Deepwater DP drillship for harsh worldwide environments, including Norway, 6th generation 10,000 ft Gulf of Mexico Stena IceMAX Deepwater DP drillship for harsh world-wide environments and ice infested waters, including Norway, Polar Class 5, 6th generation 10,000 ft Gulf of Mexico Stena MidMAX I 2) DP & moored semi for harsh worldwide environments, including Norway, 6th generation 6,600 ft TBD Stena MidMAX II 2) 3) DP & moored semi for harsh worldwide environments, including Norway, 6th generation 6,600 ft TBD 1) U pgraded semi 2nd generation semi-submersible 2) N ewbuilding 3) Cancellation right STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 39 VESSELS STENA BULK VESSELS OWNED, CHARTERED AND MANAGED AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2014, INCLUDING NEWBUILDINGS All vessels marked * are owned or partially owned by Stena International Group companies. Name Built Dwt Class Suezmax Stena Superior * 2011 158,000 Stena Supreme 2012 158,000 Stena Sunrise * 2013 158,000 Stena Suède * 2011 158,000 Sonangol Cabinda 2013 157,500 Sonangol Huila 2012 157,500 Sonangol Kalandula 2011 157,500 Sonangol Rangel 2011 158,000 Sonangol Kassanje 2005 150,000 Sonangol Luanda 2000 150,000 Sonangol Kizomba 2001 150,000 Sonangol Namibe 2007 150,000 Sonangol Porto Amboin 2012 157,500 Princimar Pride 2012 158,000 Princimar Integrity 2012 158,000 Princimar Courage 2013 158,400 AST Sunshine 2013 158,000 Montestena 2012 158,000 Almi Explorer 2013 157,800 Almi Navigator 2013 150,000 Yasa Polaris 2009 158,500 Yasa Southern Cross 2010 158,000 Yasa Scorpion 2010 158,500 Shuttle Nordic Rio * 2004 152,000 DP Class Navion Gothenburg * 2006 152,000 DP Class Stena Spirit 2001 149,995 DP Class Stena Alexita 1998 127,535 DP Class II Stena Sirita 1999 126,671 DP Class II Stena Natalita 2001 108,073 DP Class II Stena Arctica * 2005 116,500 Ice Class 1A Super Stena Atlantica 2006 113,600 Ice Class 1A Aframax LNG Stena Clear Sky * 2011 96,890 LNG, 173,000 cbm Stena Crystal Sky * 2011 96,890 LNG, 173,000 cbm Stena Blue Sky * 2006 83,668 LNG, 145,500 cbm 2004 72,825 Panamax Stena Chiron * 40 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 Name Built Dwt Class Medium Range, MR Stena Paris 2005 65,125 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena Performance 2006 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena Perros 2008 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena President 2007 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena Progress 2009 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena Provence 2006 65,125 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena Primorsk 2006 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena Penguin 2010 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1A Stena Polaris 2010 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1A Stena Premium 2011 65,200 P-MAX Ice Class 1B Stena Conqueror * 2003 47,400 S-47 Class Stena Concert * 2004 47,136 S-47 Class Stena Conquest * 2003 47,136 S-47 Class STI Regina 2014 49,990 Stenaweco Energy 2014 49,737 ST Katharinen 2013 50,259 49,990 Exelsior Bay 2014 STI St Charles 2014 50,265 STI Wembley 2014 38,464 STI Yorkville 2014 50,265 STI Mayfair 2014 50,265 STI Milwaukee 2014 49,999 Silver Gwen 2014 49,855 Silver London 2014 49,855 STI Finchley 2014 38,464 Aldebaran 2013 37,571 STI Battery 2014 49,990 STI Soho 2014 49,990 Crystal Bay 2014 49,990 STI Poplar 2014 38,734 Ridgebury Cindy 2008 17,527 Gan-Triumph 2010 49,999 Amalienborg Ex Su 2004 40,059 Kronborg 2007 40,208 Atlantic Breeze 2007 47,128 Grazia 2010 50,308 Istra 2012 51,824 Kastav 2009 52,610 Maersk Magellan 2010 51,556 Navig8 Strength 2009 49,999 Pula 2006 46,927 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 41 VESSELS Contd. Stena Bulk Name Built Dwt Pomer 2011 52,579 Velebit 2011 52,554 Vinjerac 2011 52,554 Stenaweco Spirit 2012 49,995 Stenaweco Venture 2012 49,995 Star Eagle 2007 49,906 Star Kestrel 2008 49,930 Stenaweco Julia L 2013 49,600 Stenaweco Marjorie K 2013 49,600 Stenaweco Gladys W 2013 49,600 St Marien 2007 51,218 Resolve 2004 46,048 Klass MR Pat Brown 2009 50,096 Torm Gertrud 2002 50,000 Torm Mary 2002 50,000 Stena Impression1) * 2015 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Imperial1) * 2015 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Important1) 2016 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Imperative1) * 2016 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stenaweco Impulse1) * 2016 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Imagination1) * 2016 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Immortal1) * 2016 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Immaculate1) * 2017 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Impeccable1) * 2017 49,400 IMOIIMAX Stena Image1) 2015 49,400 IMOIIMAX 2002 9,996 Golden Adventure 2009 9,599 Golden Avenue 2009 9,599 GSW Future 2009 17,527 17,527 Coaster Stena Calypso * Intermediate GSW Forward 2008 GSW Fighter 2008 17,527 GSW Frontier 2009 17,527 GSW Fabulous 2008 17,527 Vestholmen 2009 15,527 Oceanic Cobolt 2008 13,224 Oceanic Cyan 2008 13,241 Global Vika 1999 16,408 Ji Xiang 2011 16,863 Ece Nur K 2009 19,988 1) Newbuilding 42 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 C-MAX PROPERTIES PROPERTIES OWNED AND MANAGED AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2014 All properties below are owned by Stena International Group Companies. Country HOLLAND City Address Type of building Rentable area, Sqm Almere Rooseveltweg 11 Office 2,935 54 Almere Rooseveltweg 15 Office 2,871 40 Amstelveen Burgemeester Haspelslaan 45–83 Office 3,465 64 Amsterdam Keizersgracht 125–127 Office 2,268 10 Amsterdam Stadhouderskade 6 Office 6,037 31 101 Parking Amsterdam ZO Hogehilweg 3 Office 4,486 Amsterdam ZO Hogehilweg 6 Office 3,142 75 Hoofddorp Marsstraat 1–43 Office 6,688 154 Leiden Schipholweg 70–128 Office 4,606 53 Lijnden New Yorkstraat 21-23 Warehouse 256 4 Oude Meer Breguetlaan 2 Warehouse 4,200 47 Rijswijk ZH Veraartlaan 4 Office 2,433 24 Rijswijk ZH Volmerlaan 20 / Polakweg 13 Office 4,204 87 Rotterdam K.P. van der Mandelelaan 30–38 Office 2,703 63 Rotterdam K.P. van der Mandelelaan 80–84 Office 1,273 31 Rotterdam K.P. van der Mandelelaan 120 Office 1,798 45 Rotterdam Kiotoweg 201–221 Warehouse 7,577 74 Rotterdam Lichtenauerlaan 2–20 Office 2,132 38 Rotterdam Max Euwelaan 21–29 Office 2,845 64 Rotterdam Westblaak 155–189 Office 6,162 32 Schiphol-Rijk Cessnalaan 2 Warehouse 4,148 52 10 The Hague Eisenhowerlaan 156 Office 1,980 The Hague Koninginnegracht 10 Office 2,017 17 The Hague Koninginnegracht 12 Office 2,268 25 The Hague Koninginnegracht 12b–13 Office 1,800 19 The Hague Koninginnegracht 14 Office 2,202 15 The Hague Koninginnegracht 23-24 Office 2,161 15 The Hague Parkstraat 20 Office 4,000 22 53 The Hague Paviljoensgracht 1–3 Office 6,271 The Hague Scheveningseweg 80–82 Office 2,162 45 The Hague Zeestraat 98–100 Office 3,182 34 Utrecht Koningin Wilhelminalaan 3 Office 4,710 100 Utrecht Archimedeslaan 61 Office 4,484 85 Utrecht Atoomweg 77, Fermiweg 95 Warehouse/Showroom Utrecht Euclideslaan 101-149 Office Utrecht, De Meern Burgemeester Verderlaan 9 Office 2,017 63 Utrecht, De Meern Burgemeester Verderlaan 15 Office 4,010 111 14,628 — 3,078 75 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 43 PROPERTIES PROPERTIES PROPERTIES PROPERTIES OWNED AND MANAGED AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2014 All properties below are owned by Stena International Group Companies. Country City Address Type of building Rentable area, Sqm Parking LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg Rue J.P. Brasseur 14a Office 4,516 68 FRANCE Mougins 790 Ave du Dr. Maurice Donat Office 12,777 554 Mougins 694–732 Ave du Maurice Donat Office 4,794 165 Valbonne 1800 Route des Crêtes Office 6,063 271 Valbonne 1300 Route des Crêtes Office 10,826 391 Valbonne 955 Route des Lucioles Office 5,638 182 Biot 485 Route du Pin Montard Office 7,715 401 Duesseldorf Schiess-strasse 55 Office/ 7,128 120 Warehouse 7,128 120 4,630 50 HUNGARY Budapest Andrássy út 70 Office 2,931 14 UK London 1-4 Bury Street Office 4,534 3 London 33-34 Bury Street Office 484 0 London 20 Red Lion Street Office 2.948 5 Houston 12121 Wickchester Lane Office 10,885 457 GERMANY USA Houston 12141 Wickchester Lane Office 10,970 448 Houston 12120 Wickchester Lane Office 15,914 680 Rentable area, Sqm Parking PROPERTIES BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION All properties below are owned by Stena International Group Companies. Country 44 City Address Type of building USA Houston Woodbranch 4 Office 15,939 FRANCE Valbonne WTC Les Cretes No 6 Office 1,904 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr Chris Fay – CBE Chairman Dan Sten Olsson – CBE Deputy Chairman Fredrik Lantz Managing Director Peter Claesson Steve Clarkson Vivienne Cox Jerker Johansson Ernst Krause Ray Miles Hans Nützi STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 45 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 All amounts in million EUR 2014 2013 Fixed assets Intangible fixed assets 130 135 Tangible fixed assets 6,120 5,601 Financial fixed assets 1,540 893 7,790 6,629 Current assets Stocks Receivables and prepayments Securities 28 27 560 674 15 20 771 849 1,374 1,570 9,164 8,199 Short-term debt 412 490 Other current liabilities 489 378 901 868 8,263 7,331 Long-term debt 3,214 2,583 Other long-term liabilities 1,765 1,677 4,979 4,260 241 248 12 12 NET ASSETS 3,031 2,811 SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY 3,031 2,811 Cash at bank and in hand Total assets Current liabilities Total assets less current liabilities Long-term liabilities Provisions Minority interest 46 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR 2014 All amounts in million EUR Turnover Result from sales of fixed assets 2014 2013 2,511 2,352 14 5 Total turnover 2,525 2,357 Direct operating expenses (1,511) (1,460) (233) (235) Selling and administration expenses Operating result before depreciation Depreciation Income from operations 781 662 (455) (409) 326 253 Financial items Interest income Interest expense Other financial items 34 36 (183) (182) 29 146 (120) 0 206 253 Taxes (12) (34) Net result 194 219 Financial net Result before taxes The financial statements in this report are solely meant to give a commercial insight into the Stena International S.A. Group. These financial statements are unaudited and do not meet the requirements of the statutory accounts that Stena International S.A. has prepared under Luxembourg law. On request all interested parties can obtain the statutory accounts, according to Luxembourg law, which have been filed with the Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg. STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 47 WWW.STENA.COM STENA AB (PUBL) Masthuggskajen SE-405 19 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 BALLINGSLÖV INTERNATIONAL AB (PUBL) STENA RORO AB Jungmansgatan 12 SE-211 19 Malmö Telephone +46 (0)40 627 08 00 Masthuggskajen SE-405 19 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES LUXEMBOURG STENA TEKNIK Masthuggskajen SE-405 19 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 AB STENA FINANS Masthuggskajen SE-405 19 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 STENA ADACTUM AB Rosenlundsgatan 3 Box 7123 SE-402 33 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 S-INVEST TRADING AB Box 36056 SE-400 13 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 755 73 00 ENVAC AB Group Head Office Fleminggatan 7 SE-112 26 Stockholm Telephone +46 (0)8 785 00 10 STENA RENEWABLE AB Stena Renewable Energy AB Box 7123 SE-402 33 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 Stena International S.A. 26b, Boulevard Royal LU-2449 Luxembourg Telephone +352 26 48 67 00 NETHERLANDS Stena Holland B V Burgemeester Haspelslaan 61 NL-1181 NB Amstelveen Telephone +31 20 426 16 16 SWITZERLAND Stena (Switzerland) AG Bahnhofplatz CH-6300 Zug Telephone +41 41 728 81 21 UNITED KINGDOM Stena (UK) Ltd 45 Albemarle Street GB-London W1S 4JL Telephone +44 20 74 09 01 24 CHINA Stena Rederi AB Beijing Representative Office 66 Fen Xiang, 100081 Xin Xiang Beijing 100081 P R China Telephone +86 10 8447 6572 CYPRUS Stena Holding (Cyprus) Ltd Lophitis Business Centre II 28 October street 4th floor, office no. 401 CY-3035 Limassol Telephone +357 25 871 207 HUNGARY STENA BULK Stena Hungary Ady Endre utca 15 H-2724 Ujlengyel Telephone +36 29 385 676 SWEDEN Stena Hungary Dohány utca 12, 2nd Floor H-1074 Budapest Telephone +36 13 28 69 51 SOUTH KOREA Stena Korea Ltd 2 nd fl. Alpha Bldg, 44 Teheran-ro 8-gil Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-935 STENA DRILLING UNITED KINGDOM Stena Drilling Ltd Ullevi House Greenbank Crescent East Tullos GB-Aberdeen AB12 3BG Telephone +44 1224 40 11 80 Masthuggskajen SE-405 19 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 48 STENA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 2014 US Stena Bulk LLC 2727 Allen Parkway, Suite 760 US-Houston, TX 77019 Telephone +1 713 874 5960 SINGAPORE Stena Bulk AB Singapore Branch 6 Temasek Boulevard, Unit 44-01 Suntec Tower 4 SG-Singapore 038986 Telephone +65 6336 5953 DENMARK NORWAY Stena Weco A/S Rungsted Strandvej 113 DK-2960 Rungsted Kyst Telephone +45 45 177 700 Stena Drilling AS Kjøpmannsgata 24 C Postbox 194 NO-7501 Stjørdal Telephone +47 74 84 03 70 NORTHERN MARINE GROUP UNITED KINGDOM US Stena Drilling – Marketing office 2727 Allen Parkway 14th floor US-Houston, TX 77019 Telephone +1 713 973 77 11 OTHER COMPANIES IN THE STENA SPHERE CONCORDIA MARITIME AB (PUBL) Stena Bulk AB Masthuggskajen SE-405 19 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 STENA METALL AB STENA SESSAN AB Fiskhamnsgatan 8 Box 4088 SE-400 40 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)10 445 00 00 Rosenlundsgatan 3 Box 2181 SE-403 13 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 50 00 Northern Marine Management Ltd Alba House 2 Central Avenue GB-Clydebank, G81 2QR Telephone +44 141 876 3000 Northern Marine Ferries Ltd 6 Murdoch Drive, Clydebank Business Park GB-Clydebank, G81 2QQ Telephone: +44 141 876 3200 US RUSSIA Northern Marine Management USA LLC 2727 Allen Parkway Suite 760 US-Houston, TX 77019 Telephone +1 713 874 6100 Stena Marine Management LLC Italyanskaya str 6/4, office 8, St. Petersburg Telephone +7 812 570 0546 AUSTRALIA Northern Marine Australia Pty 14 Kearns Crescent Applecross AU-Perth, WA 6153 Telephone: +61 8 9317 9019 PHILIPPINES Northern Marine Management (Manila) c/o Philippines Transmarine Carriers Inc. First Maritime Place 7458 Bagtican Street San Antonio Village PH-1203 Makati City Telephone +632 898 1111 INDIA Northern Marine Management (India) Pvt Ltd 301/302, Delphi, ‘B’ Wing Orchard Avenue Hiranandani Business Park Powai IN-Mumbai – 400 076 Telephone +91 22 6751 5200 SINGAPORE Stena Marine Singapore Pte Ltd 78 Shenton Way #12–01 Singapore 079120 Telephone +65 6323 2066 CHINA Stena Marine Shanghai Co Ltd Room 2906, United Plaza 1468 West Nanjing Road Jingan District, CN-Shanghai 200040 P R China Telephone: +86 21 6230 6773 STENA PROPERTY SWEDEN Stena Fastigheter AB Stena Fastigheter Göteborg AB Box 31157 SE-400 32 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)75 241 50 00 Stena Fastigheter Malmö AB Stortorget 9 SE-211 22 Malmö Telephone +46 (0)75 241 50 00 Stena Fastigheter Stockholm AB Box 16144 SE-103 23 Stockholm Telephone +46 (0)75 241 50 00 NETHERLANDS Stena Realty BV Burgemeester Haspelslaan 61 NL-1181 NB Amstelveen Telephone +31 20 426 16 16 FRANCE Stena Bureaux SARL WTC – Les Crêtes Sophia Antipolis/Nice/ Côte d’Azur 1300 Route des Crêtes Parc de Sophia – Antipolis FR-06560 Valbonne Telephone +33 (0) 4 93 95 89 96 STENA LINE SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM Stena Line Stena House, Station Approach Holyhead, Gwynedd GB-Wales LL65 1DQ Telephone +44 1407 60 66 66 Stena Line Scandinavia AB Danmarksterminalen SE-405 19 Göteborg Telephone +46 (0)31 85 80 00 Stena Line Travel Group AB Bredgatan 5 Box 1324 SE-251 13 Helsingborg Telephone +46 (0)42 37 85 00 Stena Line Onboard Services AB Galoppgatan 4 SE-213 77 Malmö Telephone +46 (0)31 85 89 50 DENMARK Stena Line Denmark A/S Box 723 DK-9900 Frederikshavn Telephone +45 96 20 02 00 Stena Line Limited Suite 4, First Floor Pluto House 19-33 Station Road Ashford, Kent UK, TN23 1PP Telephone +44 1233 64 86 28 Stena Line The Ferry Terminal 4 West Bank Road GB-Belfast BT3 9JL Northern Ireland Telephone +44 28 90 88 40 40 IRELAND Stena Line Alexandra Road Dublin Port Dublin 1 Telephone +353 1 855 32 77 NORWAY Stena Line Norge AS Akershusstranda 53 Postboks 764, Sentrum NO-0106 Oslo Telephone +47 02010 LATVIA Stena Line 4a Gredu Street LV-1019 Riga POLAND Stena Line Polska SP Terminal Promowy ul.Kwiatkowskiego 60 PL-81-156 Gdynia Telephone +48 58 660 92 00 NETHERLANDS GERMANY Stena Line GmbH & Co. KG Zum Fährterminal 1 Überseehafen DE-18147 Rostock Telephone +49 (0)381 20 35 54 55 Stena Line BV Stationsweg 10 P.O.Box 2 NL-3150 AA Hoek van Holland Telephone +31 174 38 93 33 Solberg. Photos and images: Katja Andersson, Dan Ljungsvik, Peter Mild, Per-Anders Hurtigh, Johan Palmborg et al. Care Innovation Performance Stena International S.A. 26b, Boulevard Royal LU-2449 Luxembourg Telephone +352 26 48 67 00
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