Griffin Network Today Summer 2012 Edition


Griffin Network Today Summer 2012 Edition
Saint Joseph/Monsignor Donovan High School
Network Today
Summer 2012
Saint Joseph / Monsignor Donovan High School
“Growing in Faith, Academics and Service”
Network Today
A newsletter for the alumni, parents, and friends
of Saint Joseph/Monsignor Donovan High School
Inside this Issue
3 Welcome Father G. Scott Shaffer
4 A Message from Dr. Gere
5 Alumni Relations/Reunion Thank You
6 Hall of Fame
7 Endowment
8 Faculty Focus
10 Curriculum Spotlight
11 Senior Specialty
12 Graduation 2012
15 Reunion News
16 Class Notes
17 Alumni Athletic News
18 Around the Campus
20 Griffin Athletic Highlights
22 Student Spotlight
23 Future Griffins
24 Into His Hands
Century Club Gala
The Saint Joseph Century Club held its annual dinner gala Friday,
May 4, 2012 at the Holiday Inn, Toms River. Century club provides
scholarships for students from Saint Joseph Grade School who wish
to attend Monsignor Donovan High School. entury Club honorees were the Very Reverend Douglas Freer, Vicar
of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Trenton, Mrs. Genie Amabile
of Toms River; and Kevin and Rory McCormick of Point Pleasant. Mr.
John Steigerwald, Class of 1972 was Master of Ceremony for the
evening. Musical Entertainment was provided by Ms. Sarah Bacani,
Class of 2012 and the evenings main address was given by Century
Club Scholar, Natalie Dabrowski, Class of 2012.
T he evening was a wonderful time to celebrate Catholic Education,
volunteerism, and service to the schools and Saint Joseph Parish.
Madeline Kinloch
Director of Alumni
and Public Relations
Erin Lesperance
Alumni Event Coordinator
Father G. Scott Shaffer
Edward G. Gere, Ed. D.
Eileen McCullion
Assistant Principal
Kathleen D’Andrea
Vice Principal
Bill Vanore
Director of Guidance
Michele Lassiter
Director of Campus Ministry
Kimberly Sandomierski
Dean of Students
Joseph Gomulka
Athletic Director
Donna Milana
Director of Student Activities
Welcome Father G. Scott Shaffer
Fr. G. Scott Shaffer has been appointed the new
pastor here at Saint Joseph Parish. Fr. Scott
was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Trenton
in 1989. His first assignment was as a curate here
at St. Joseph. Father has served as pastor at Holy
Innocents in Neptune, Saint Monica and Saint
Aloysius in Jackson. We welcome Father Scott
back into our fold and look forward to celebrating
liturgy with him.
A Message from Fr. Scott
Dear Friends of SJ/MDHS,
Greetings to you all. It does not seem that long ago, but it has been nearly twenty-three years since I first stepped onto the
grounds of this great parish of St. Joseph’s as a newly ordained priest. I clearly remember my first day here: I moved in
and before I knew it, Monsignor Casey brought me to Rita Kearney’s house for a faculty Christmas party. By the end of that
evening, I knew that Bishop Reiss had assigned me to a place that I was going to love!
After five quick years and loads of memories of great times with the students of Monsignor Donovan High School and
St. Joe’s parishioners, I left on a journey that has taken me back and forth across the state a few times until I landed in
Jackson 12 years ago. My time as Pastor of both Saint Aloysius and Saint Monica’s churches brought many blessings, as
well as some challenges. However, in my heart I knew that someday I would probably return to Toms River. Well — it has
happened! I am very excited and delighted to return to my first priestly assignment as the Pastor of a great parish and the
Director of an outstanding school!
I look forward to seeing familiar faces from years ago and welcoming many new faces of the school and parish
communities. What a wonderful time to return to Toms River as we enter The Year of the Golden Griffin! I am very excited
and honored to be a part of the celebration with you as St. Joe’s newest pastor. The Alumni of SJ/MDHS are very important
to our school’s tradition of excellence. Let us work together to build a strong future in educating our young people in the
knowledge and love of our God.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. G Scott Shaffer
A Message from Dr. Gere
Dear Alumni and Parents:
September 2012 has finally arrived - the
50th Anniversary of this outstanding
educational community, once known
as Saint Joseph High School, now
Monsignor Donovan High School. I
am honored to be the principal as we
come together to celebrate this Golden
Anniversary. We also take time to look
back and remember the many students,
parents, teachers, clergy and religious who made this fine
institution what it is today.
If I were granted one wish, it would be to sit down with
Monsignor Lawrence Donovan and say, “What do you think?
Is this school everything you dreamed it would be?” I am
confident that his answer would be a resounding YES!
Those who knew him best would say Monsignor Donovan
would then ask me, “And now, where are you taking “my
kids” from here”? We are at a crossroads in Catholic
Education. Today’s tough economic times create a challenge
for those of us who truly believe in Catholic Education. Just
as in the corporate world of today, we need to be bold, to
take chances, to think outside the box. Our students and staff
are doing that each day through extracurricular activities
such as Project Go, Operation Smile and Operation Jersey
Shore to serve our community. The curriculum affords
a variety of course selections like Media Arts, Dance
Appreciation, and Senior Thesis to provide our students with
options for their future.
I encourage you to support your alma mater financially
through the Annual Appeal, and ask you to become a part of
our Endowment family. SJHS/MDHS is here and thriving in
Ocean County because of the support of gifted and caring
alumni and parents. Most of all, I invite you to come back and
celebrate with us the 50th Anniversary of your high school!
God Bless,
Calendar of Events
14th 11:00AM–Opening School Celebration Mass
24th 6:30PM–Lori Long, Class of 1989
Scholarship Soccer Game
28th 6:30PM–Endowment for Catholic Education Gala
11th 6:30PM–Evelyn Gere Soccer Game
Honoring the 2002 Shore Conference
Championship Team/Pre-game tent
19th 5:30PM–4th annual PTA Harvest Gift Auction
2nd 6:30PM–Homecoming-Football Game
& Alumni Hospitality Tent
30th 6:30PM–Hall of Fame Gala
5th 7:00PM–Giving Tree
28th 8:30PM–Alumni Christmas Party
10th 7:00PM–Academic Challenge Reunion
and Competition/Reception to follow
19th 6:00PM–Cheerleading Spirit Reunion Dinner
25th–26th –Basketball Reunion Weekend
25th 5:00PM–Varsity Girls Basketball Game
6:30PM–Boys Varsity Basketball Game
26th 12:00PM–Alumni Basketball Game
6:30PM–Basketball Retired Jersey Night
Reception to Follow
3rd 12:00PM–Catholic Schools Week Closing Mass
MARCH 2013
7th–10th –Spring Musical
TBD –Musical Cast Reunion
Reception to follow
APRIL 2013
13th 1:00PM–Baseball Game and Dedication
of New Baseball Field & BBQ
MAY 2013
Dr. Edward Gere
2nd TBA –Monmouth-Ocean PTA Conference
3rd 6:30PM–Century Club Gala
14th 7:00PM–PTA Installation
TBD –Alumni Spring Weekend
Alumni Relations
From the Office of Alumni Relations:
Dear Alumni:
As you read this issue of the Griffin Network Today, I hope you sense the deep pride our staff and students have in each other and in
Monsignor Donovan High School. You know the old saying “a family that prays together, stays together.” We pray, we learn, we laugh,
and we live, just as you did when you were here. Some things change over the years, and some things never change. This community
may be MDHS, but in reality, it is and always will be SJHS. Starting with Father Donovan’s dream, all of us have contributed in some
way to this outstanding school. Therefore, this 50th Anniversary Celebration encompasses not only the present staff and students, but
also all of us who have walked these halls regardless of the decade in which we attended SJHS/MDHS.
The 50th Anniversary Committee has worked diligently to plan many activities for our school community. Included in the year of
celebration are the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Homecoming, as well as athletic, music, and academic reunions. We are also
planning a special alumni weekend. As Alumni director and one who remembers the “ins and outs” of this special place, I invite you to
come back, walk the halls, sit a spell in the quad, shoot a basket in the gym, cheer at a football game, and celebrate liturgy together.
Now is the time to Live, Laugh, and Love who we were and what we have become.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
So Griffins - Let Us Unite!
Madeline Westen Kinloch ’73
Director of Alumni and Public Relations
50th Anniversary Committee
Needs your help!
The committee is looking for memorabilia for the 50th Anniversary to be used at several venues throughout the year.
Perhaps females, you still have your old one-piece gym uniform, or summer pastel uniform dresses;
prom programs or favors; school blazers; or sport jerseys; etc.
We promise to be real careful with all items and return when we are finished. Please mark the item
with your name and phone number. Items can be drop off at the school office.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
Reunion Thank You
Class of 1974
Special thanks to the Class of 1974. SJHS/MDHS purchased two
school flags from the $1200.00 donation made by the Class of 1974
One flag (SJHS/MDHS Golden Griffin 50th) will be used for the
50th Anniversary Celebration this coming school year. The MDHS
Griffin flag will be used as the official school flag. The design for
the MDHS school flag was done by student Thomas Mc Hale ’13.
Balance of the donation to go towards scholarships for students
of MDHS. Once again, the entire student body and MDHS school
community thanks the Class of 1974 for their continued Alumni
2012 Hall of Fame
Monsignor Donovan High School is proud to announce the
2012 St. Joseph/Monsignor Donovan
Hall of Fame Inductees
Guests of Honor
Msgr. Casimir Ladzinski
Msgr. Sean Flynn
Alumni for Distinguished Professional Careers and Community Service
Joseph Boland
Tim Hamilton
Joseph Lebel
Dedication to Catholic Education and Community Service
Maureen Maroney
Alumni for Outstanding Athletic Achievements
Randolph Nanna ’68
Thomas O’Brien ’75
Jilene DeFilippis Orman ’88
June Cuiba Ring ’79
Maureen McShea Yarnevich ’85
The 1976 Football Team
John Schroepfer ’78
*Jeff Vogel ’79
David DelPizzo ’77
Edward Sidley ’77
Jim Burke ’78
Anthony Sidley ’79
*George Freudenburg ’78
Jeff Finley
Vince Cannella ’79
Chris Schroepfer ’77
Salvatore Baglio ’78
Robert Taylor ’77
Timothy Riel ’77
Peter Lodato ’79
Craig Cuiba ’78
William Thompson
Greg Fleckenstein ’78
*Dan Cameron ’79
Joe Witterschein ’78
Greg Corbutt ’77
Steven Fleckenstein ’79
John Walter ’79
*Nicholas Tuyahov ’79
Paul Bernard ’79
Steven DeFeo ’78
*Victor Basinski ’77
*Mark Vanella ’78
Bob Kernosovic
*Eugene Rice ’77
Sean Cosgrove ’77
*Kevin Maher ’78
*Mike Kakascik ’79
Rich Johnson ’79
Chuck McMahon ’79
Bill Vanore ’78
Tom McDonough ’78
*Joel Havens ’78
*Tim Quense
Charlie Cook ’78
*Daniel Duffy ’79
*Terry Robinson ’77
*Dan McCallum ’77
Robert Stuerze ’79
Thomas Thees ’78
John Sandusky ’77
Donald Remaniak ’77
Bob Cassidy ’77
-CoachesDennis Toddings
*Ken Scott
*Ed Rosen
-ManagersRobert Abatemarco
Ken Stocco ’77
Tom Yacovino ’77
Dennis Smith ’79
Thomas Kosica
Glenn Taranto ’77
Charles Tully ’77
Robert Livingston, Coach
Alumni for Outstanding Academic Achievements
2000 Academic Challenge Team
Monica Zuck ’00
Jennifer Stires ’00
Michael Giordano ’00
Mark Calaguio ’00
*Christopher Hughes ’01
Nicholas Werner ’00
Michael Himes ’00
Christopher Maisano ’00
* Help us locate these missing alumni. If you have any information please contact the Alumni Office at the email or phone listed below
For ticket and ad journal information please go to our website
and click on the 50th Anniversary link
or email or
or call 732-349-8801 ext 2435
Friday, September 28th, 2012
6:30 PM
Eagle Ridge Golf Club
Lakewood, NJ
July 2012
Dear Friend of the St. Joseph’s Endowment Committee:
I hope all is well with you and your family as we enter the wonderful
summer season. On behalf of the Endowment Committee, I am pleased
to invite you to attend our Fifteenth Annual Fall Reception to benefit The
Endowment Fund for Catholic Education at St. Joseph’s Grade School
and Monsignor Donovan High School. This year’s event will take place
on Friday, September 28,2012 at Eagle Ridge Golf Club, beginning at
6:30 p.m. with a cocktail reception (two hour open bar), followed by
a three-course butler-service dinner at 7:30 p.m. The evening will be
spectacular and your presence will make it even more special.
We are very proud of our 2012 honoree, Coach Bob Hurley of
St. Anthony’s High School in Jersey City, N.J. Coach Hurley is an
extraordinary supporter of Catholic Education and has been an
essential benefactor of St. Anthony’s High School. His success as a
coach is second to none, and accordingly, he was recently inducted
into the New Jersey Hall of Fame Class of 2012 at the NJPAC along with
other esteemed individuals such as Wellington Mara, Michael Douglas,
and Christopher Reeve to name a few. His commitment to Catholic
Education is admirable and an excellent example for us to follow.
This year’s event encompasses some special milestones, including
the 80th Anniversary for St. Joseph Grade School and the 50th
Anniversary for Monsignor Donovan High School; the latter will be
celebrated throughout the year with several events to be announced.
Additionally, we extend farewell and appreciation for the efforts of
Father John Bambrick, our pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish for the past four
years, and wish him well in his studies in Rome, Italy.
We warmly welcome Father Scott Shaffer, our newly appointed
pastor (July 1, 2012) from St. Aloysius Parish in Jackson, N.J. Indeed,
this exciting year boasts many things to celebrate, making the
Endowment Reception a wonderful event for us to enjoy. I look forward
to seeing you there and greatly appreciate your generous support.
Your previous gifts have made a significant impact upon the future of
Catholic Education for our two wonderful schools. I have enclosed
an ad journal sponsorship form and would appreciate if you would
complete it and return it with your donation and ad copy as soon as
possible. Your time and consideration are truly appreciated and I can’t
wait to thank you personally at the reception.
Warm Regards,
Paul J. DeMartino, M.D., FACG
Chairman, Endowment Committee for Catholic Education
Ad Journal and Sponsorship Opportunities
☐ $3,000 — Reception Underwriter
Entitles donor to ten (10) dinner reservations, a Full Page Cover Ad in the
event journal, recognition during the program, sign prominently displayed at
the event , and recognition in all printed materials.
☐ $1,500 — Cocktail Underwriter
Entitles donor to five (5) dinner reservations, a Gold Lettered Full Page Ad in
a prime location in the event journal, recognition during the program, sign
prominently displayed at the event , and recognition in all printed materials.
☐ $1,300 — Ad Journal Underwriter
Entitles donor to four (4) dinner reservations, a Gold Lettered Full Page
Ad in the event journal, recognition during the program, sign prominently
displayed at the event , and recognition in all printed materials.
☐ $1,000 — Gold Sponsor
Entitles donor to three (3) dinner reservations, a Gold Lettered Full Page Ad
in the event journal, and recognition in all printed materials.
☐ $750 — Silver Sponsor
Entitles donor to two (2) dinner reservations, a Silver Lettered Full Page Ad in
the event journal, and recognition in all printed materials.
☐ $650 — Contributing Sponsor
Entitles donor to two (2) dinner reservations, a Full Page Ad, and recognition
in the event journal.
☐ $500 — Full Page
☐ $300 — Half Page
☐ $200 — Quarter Page
☐ $100 — Patron/Greeting Listing
Please check one:
Ad Size: 4½" x 7½"
Ad Size: 4½” x 2”
Ad Size: 4½” x 3¾”
Contact Name:_____________________________________________________
Please e-mail artwork/information to:
or return this form, artwork and check payable to:
St. Joseph’s Church Endowment Ad Journal
685 Hooper Ave.
Toms River, NJ 08753
Questions? Call 732-349-0018 x2238
Faculty Focus
Rev. John Bambrick
Fr. Bambrick arrived as pastor of Saint Joseph Parish in June of 2008. He has
served as director over Saint Joseph Grade School and Monsignor Donovan
High School for the past 4 years. Fr. Bambrick will be leaving us this July
to travel to and study at the Institute for Continuing Theological Education
of the Pontifical North American College in Rome. The students and staff
of Monsignor Donovan High School wish Father a safe journey and many
wonderful days ahead. Thank you Father Bambrick for your time and sharing
yourself with our school community.
We say Good-bye to several distinguished and dedicated teachers and staff.
We thank them for their many years of service to Monsignor Donovan and truly wish them
For a special presentation Mary Beth DeBlasio asked members of the community to comment on what
particular spices best describe our retirees. Excerpts from that presentation are included below each entry.
John Navarro
John Navarro began his tenure at Monsignor Donovan High School in 1990. John
has taught Physics Honors, CP, and AP classes as well as Intro to Astronomy. His
physics lab has always been a room full of energy, with students demonstrating
how to sit on a board of nails or how to swing a pendulum. John excelled at helping
students become independent critical learners. John also served as curriculum
coordinator for the Science department and was inspirational in establishing
independent study classes at Mon Don.
Mike Taris said, “John was like honey…soothing.”
You are a quiet presence, a deep contemplative, an angel of peace.
John’s spirit of peacefulness is something we will miss most.
Dennis Toddings
Dennis Toddings came to Monsignor Donovan HS in 1976 as a Physical Education and
Driver Education teacher and Head football coach. His first year as Head football coach
won him a state championship title. In 1993, Denny became Athletic Director; only the
2nd AD in the school’s history. When the “Gepper” left, Denny had rather large shoes to
fill, and he filled them well. As a teacher, coach, and mentor Denny always gave more
than 150% of his time and talents to the Donovan community. We acknowledge and
thank Denny for all his time, effort, and dedication to Monsignor Donovan.
Naomi Beuchner said, “you were like oregano; it has many uses and it surprises you.”
It fulfills the need that it is called upon to fill in each situation...just like you…your presence
over the years at retreats, in the cafeteria, at every possible game, at Mr. Mon Don…wherever;
whenever you are needed…you are there. And you add whatever is needed at the time…hospitality, clean up, an
impromptu retreat talk, You lead subtly..reminding us all that it is never about’s always about the kids.
You have taught us about the power of being present. A loving presence.
Josephine “Cookie” Cervino
Josephine “Cookie” Cervino has been a member of the school secretarial
staff since 1980 working in the Guidance Department finishing up her
31st year. We all know how stressful the college application and selection
process can be. Over the years, Cookie has helped well over 6400 students
get ready for college; tracking down applications, getting recommendation
letters, registering grants and scholarships. When something needed to
be done, or money donated to help a colleague, Cookie was always one
of the first to step forward. Your motherly concern, your patience and
understanding will be missed by students and staff alike.
Many staff members said, “you are most like garlic”.
Ah yes, an unmistakable spice…and like you, garlic cannot be substituted by anything else…
it is strong, it makes its presence known. Whether it is in the guidance office, going to Seaside for Big Brothers, Big
Sisters; your presence is powerful.
Ms. Danielle DeVincent
Danielle was a member of the English Department at Monsignor Donovan for two and a half years teaching
freshmen and sophomore English. She instituted the new, lively and creative Dance Appreciation Class. Danielle
was moderator of the Dance Club and coached JV Tennis. She will be teaching next year in the Wall Township
School District as a middle school language Arts teacher. We wish her all the best in all future endeavors.
Mr. Joseph Gomulka
Joseph has been named the new Athletic Director for Monsignor Donovan High School. Joe is no stranger to
Monsignor Donovan Athletics. He has coached at Monsignor Donovan for many years as both the Girl’s Varsity
Cross Country coach and distance track coach. Joe comes to Donovan from the Middletown School District
where he was a guidance counselor. Many have probably seen Joe throughout Seaside Park where he has
served as captain of the beach patrol for many years. We welcome Joe and wish him well in his new position.
Curriculum Spotlight
Dance Appreciation/Dance Club
Dance club began as a small group of girls that met once a week after school for a shared passion. It has now expanded to a group
of eighteen girls that do a lot more than practice just once a week. Griffin Dancers participated in Rutger’s Dance Day this year,
which gave the girls the opportunity to experience dance at a college level. The girls also took a once in a lifetime trip to see the New
York City Ballet’s performance of The Nutcracker . The dancers participate in the Ocean County Teen Arts Festival each year. The
participants are encouraged to enter in solos, duets and groups using genres of their choice. The competition is designed to help
dancers improve on their performance skills. Kelly Faxon, a veteran Griffin Dancer, was honored this past March for her performance
at the Teen Arts Festival at a special ceremony for students that received an award of Excellence. Dance club also inspired a Dance
Course to be added to the Monsignor Donovan elective course selection. Dance Appreciation works hand-in-hand with Dance Club.
Both the Dance Appreciation Course and Dance Club hosted a charity showcase, “The Dance Experience” this past January. The
showcase comprised of cultural dances, solos, duets and group dances of all dance genres. The showcase raised $500 for a Griffin
Dancer’s brother, who is battling a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. Both the Dance club and the Dance appreciation Course came
under the direction of Ms. Danielle DeVincent, English Department.
Media Arts/MDTV
Good Morning Mon Don! These are your morning announcements!” These are the cheerful words Monsignor Donovan students are
greeted with each and every morning in their first block class. Monsignor Donovan Television, more commonly known as MDTV, is a
morning and afternoon news show run by students under the direction of Mrs. D’Anton. The broadcasts bring their peers up-to-date
information about the happenings around Donovan. Various announcements and segments, such as the daily club meetings and Sports
Desk, reach the entire school and inform a captive audience. However, not just anyone can run a successful newscast like this: a
group of students, members of the Media Arts class and club, work tirelessly to keep the show up and running with as little stress and
errors as possible. These students run under the direction of Mrs. JoAnn D’Anton, and learn the intricate duties of running a show.
In the MDTV Studio, the crew operates behind the camera on the Title Maker, Sound Board, Switcher, Live Scroller, Chroma Key, and
Teleprompter. In front of the camera are two jovial news anchors and a friendly meteorologist. Outside of the studio, the Media Arts
class uses their studio talents to plan, film, and edit various projects. Students’ projects vary from intros to the daily show, to how-to
videos, short films, and 30-second commercials. Media Arts is a favored and enjoyed class among all who have taken it. Numerous
Media Arts alumni have pursued careers in Film, Media, and Broadcast Journalism, and are delighted to share that their interest
sparked in MDTV. “Well, that’s all for your morning announcements, signing off. Have a great day Mon Don!”
Senior Specialty
Mr. Mon Don
Mr. Mon Don contestants and their ladies entertained the audience with
an evening filled with style, beauty, poise and talent. Special guest Fr. John
Bambrick joined in the fun dancing the opening act with all the gentlemen.
By the end of the evening only one contestant stood out from the rest, Mr.
Football/Jazz choir, Sean McGovern was crowned Mr. Mon Don 2012.
Prom 2012
Senior Prom was held at the Ocean
Place Hilton in Long Branch.
Samantha Bienkowski was crowned
senior prom queen and prom king
was Tyler Stamberger.
Senior Picnic
Seniors enjoy burgers and dogs,
cooked by faculty members at the end
of the year senior picnic.
Graduation 2012
The 47th graduating class became the newest class of alumni of Monsignor Donovan High School with a graduation
ceremony held June 4, 2012 at Saint Joseph Church. Baccalaureate Mass was offered by Bishop David M. O’Connell and
was followed by the presentation of diplomas and awards by Dr. Edward Gere and Fr. John Bambrick, Pastor of Saint
Joseph Parish.
Class Valedictorian Catherine Moresco offered the Honors Address to the graduates and guests. Salutatorian Richard
Roberts delivered the Farewell Address to the 210 member class at the Senior Awards Ceremony held on May 31, 2012. The
Class of 2012 was awarded $15.7 million in college scholarship and grant money.
Michelle Douvris was the recipient of the Bishop George W. Ahr Medal in recognition of outstanding commitment to
Christian values. Emily Raleigh and Adam Vanore were the recipients of the Reverend Monsignor Donovan Spirit Award.
Alexis Harrison and Timothy Mindnich received the Griffin Award. The Spirit of Saint Dominic Award was presented to
Amanda Cialino and the Rev. John Wessel Memorial Award was presented to Kevin Hrycenko.
God Bless the Class of 2012. Best wishes for a bright future.
Salutatorian, Richard Roberts,
Dr. Edward Gere and
Valedictorian, Catherine Moresco
Alumni Parents
Twenty-four members of the Class of 2012 with their
proud parents who graduated from Saint Joseph/
Monsignor Donovan High School.
Teresa Russo Lyncheski ’83 with son Joseph, Michael Lacy ’81
with daughter Michelle, Richard Ensor ’71 with daughter Colleen,
and Chiarina LaRue Fanara ’77 with son Christopher.
Alison Philbin Correra ’89 with daughter Kari Regan,
Kerri Wasielewski Davenport ’82 with daughter Carly, Marilyn Bladt
Andrews ’73 with son Keith, Richard ’80 and Patricia Statowski
Martin ’82 with daughter April, and Maureen Kelly Covone ’78
with daughter Jena.
Emily Schiano Klimakowski ’87 with son Brian, Joseph Lebel ’80 with
daughter Carly, Mark Babuschak ’85 with daughter Justine,
Robert Rowek ’81 with daughter Lauren, and Anne Lyons Hay ’84
with son Rufus.
Cathy Edenfield Brown ’79 with sons Timothy ’06 and Thomas, Joseph
and Laurie Baglio Gulli ’81 with daughter Amanda.
Lauren Brittain Scimeca ’76 with son Tyler, Jennifer Morris Hill’83 with
son John, and Catherine McCloskey Gomez ’83 with son Andrew.
Bill Vanore ’78 with sons John ’09 and Adam.
John Ward ’84 with daughter AnnaMaria,
and Debbie Battaglio Papa ’86 with daughter Angelica.
Glenn and Linda Guempel Groh ’86 with son Taylor.
Brian Hanifin ’86 with son Garrett
Reunion News
20 years of the “Big Blue Singing Crew”
“Magic, Music & Memories” filled Gepp Gym & our cafeteria on May 19, 2012 that rivaled any Broadway production, as the Music
Department celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Big Blue Singing Crew & its founder and director, Cindy Wald-Hardyal. It certainly
was an enchanted evening overflowing with joy, amid the sounds of friends, parents and children…truly sights and sounds to behold!
The concert featured performances from “Big Blue-Old & New”, spoken memories, a wonderful slide presentation of photos through
the years and a procession of gold with the countless trophies & awards from our competitions. Following the concert, everyone
danced into the cafeteria for an after party with music by Mr. Frazee’s band, The Longview Crew.
It is no wonder that Ms. Cindy said, “It was one of the very best nights of my whole life!” Congratulations Ms. Cindy and the Big Blue
Singing Crews for twenty amazing and astonishing years.
Class of 1973
Several classmates got together at the Beachcomber Bar and Grill on June
23, 2012 and are looking forward to planning their 40th class reunion in 2013.
Check in with classmate Joe Weber at
Class of 1975
We apologize to the Class of 1975 who celebrated their 35th reunion at Doolan’s over Memorial Day weekend, 2011. We did not have
pictures from their reunion at the time of our last publication.
Nanette Anfuso, Geraldine Farrell,
and Linda Coughlin
Lois Vitale, Sharon Kelly,
and Patti Crowl
Frank O’Hara, Patti Miller, Jim Freudenberg, Jeanne Polo, back; Terry
Callow, Diane Troeblinger, Tom O’Brien, Craig Hediger
Save the Date
Linda Coughlin dancing
with Dave Froysa
Jay Cortese, Robin McMahon,
Frank O’Hara, Bill Coda, Liz Quinn, and Elaine Stallings
In the Planning..
Class of 1967
Class of 1973
August 4, 2012
Quality Inn, Rte. 37 E. Toms River
CONTACT: Joe Weber •
Donna Adelizzi •
45th Reunion
CONTACT: Andi Stephan •
Class of 1972
40th Reunion
Date:Fri-Sat August 3-4, 2012
Place: Heisler’s
CONTACT: Jeanne M. Heisler
Phone 732-920-6500 x112 •
Class of 1992
40th Reunion
Class of 1984
30th Reunion
CONTACT: Sean Assay
Class of 1987
25th Reunion
CONTACT: Michael Gottschalk
Class of 1993
20th Reunion
20th Class Reunion
CONTACT: Erin Jacob Cosentino
CONTACT: Cheryl Pettinato (DeFalco) • 732-295-0298
10th Class Reunion
CONTACT: Candace –
August 25, 2012
Riverview Pavilion Belmar
Class of 2003
Class Notes
Class of 1967
Alice Phipps Booth welcomed her 5th grandchild 8/27/2011, a granddaughter Lucy Elizabeth. Lucy joins 2 other granddaughters & 2
grandsons. Alice has completed 24 years with Cigna Healthcare of Arizona. Alice’s email is
Class of 1980
Phil Hueston, co-owner of All-Star Sports Academy, recently joined with a select group of the world’s leading health and fitness
entrepreneurs to co-write the fitness book titled, The Definitive Guide to Youth Athletic Strength, Conditioning and Performance. The
book was released March 29th, 2012 by CelebrityPress™ - a leading fitness and health book publisher. On the day of release, The
Definitive Guide to Youth Athletic Strength, Conditioning and Performance reached best-seller status in two Exercise and
Fitness categories - reaching #1 in both the “Injury Prevention” category and the “For Children” category.
Phil Hueston will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of
the leading independent best-seller lists. He can be reached at All-Star Sports Academy, 1740 Route 9, Toms River, NJ, by phone at 732597-3725 or through the website at
Class of 1991
Michelle Ward Ballecer is a family physician working for Banner Health and living in the Phoenix, AZ area for the past 8 years with her
husband Conrad and two girls, Madison & Emma.
Class of 1995
Joseph Dunn received his BA from Saint Peter’s College and was employed by the State of New Jersey (DYFS). In 2004 he entered the
NY Fire Academy. Upon graduating the academy Joe was assigned to Ladder Company 114 in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn.
On March 13, 2011 , Ladder co. 114 responded to a third alarm fire. As a result of Joe’s and fellow fire fighter Kevin Hogan’s efforts,
11 people were rescued from the burning apartment building and were subsequently named, “Heroes of the Month” by the New York
Daily News. On June 6, 2012, Joe was awarded the prestigious Hugh Bonner Medal and the “World Trade Center Memorial Award” in
recognition of his valorous performance of duty. Joe resides in Staten Island and can be reached at
Class of 1997
Chad Dougherty and wife Kristen announce the birth of their second child Giovanna Nicole Dougherty - Born: November 22, 2011;
Weight: 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long. Giovanna was welcomed into this world by big sister Ava.
Shawn Lennon graduated Syracuse University with a Masters of Business Administration and a Masters of Public Administration in
August 2011. Shawn and wife Marie welcomed their first child Dylan Matthew Lennon on December 20, 2011. Shawn now works as a
Budget Analyst for the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) in the Pentagon.
Class of 2001
Albert Blackstone made his Broadway debut in 2010 in the musical Wicked. He recently was awarded the Capezio A.C.E. Award
for his creation and choreography of a musical dance piece, “Brown Eyed Girl”. Al will be teaching classes in Musical Theatre and
Storytelling in Class and Choreography at the Dance Teachers Summit in NYC this summer.
Joe Stefanelli and Jess Berger ’03 performed as Don Quixote and Dulcinea, respectively, in “Man of La Mancha” at the Jersey Shore
Arts Center in Ocean Grove
Class of 2003
Emily Heerema is in her second year of the Master’s of Occupational Therapy Program at Stockton College. She is also a Graduate
Assistant in the Office of Student Development and resides in Galloway, NJ.
Laura Chapman and Shawn Dougherty ’00 were married on April 14, 2012 at St. Joseph Church.
Jennifer Mease has been employed at Hahnemann University Hospital since 2007, after receiving her Bachelor of Science Degree
in nursing from Widener University and her Master’s of Science in Nursing Leadership and Management in 2010. Jennifer recently
accepted the position of Clinical Manager of the 19th Floor at Hahnemann University Hospital.
Class of 2004
Janette Lopez was recently promoted to Brand Development Manager at ARAMARK located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
She is responsible for development and project management of business dining brands along with supporting accounts nationally with
implementation of brand strategy and marketing growth initiatives.
Nicole Piela, has been offered an Emergency Room Physician residency position at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in center
city Philadelphia, Pa. She will start this July 1st. Currently, she is working in a research position of the Emergency Room Department at
Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, Pa.
Thomas Trembulak and Meredith Heim both of the Class of 2004 recently got engaged while on a trip to London. Tom is a 7th grade
teacher at Veterans Middle School in Brick, and Meredith is a 6th grade teacher at Saint Joseph Grade School, Toms River. A June
2013 wedding is planned.
Class of 2006
Amber Lee Gesslein received her BA in Government Studies from Suffolk University in Boston, MA (2010) where she was on the Dean’s
List and inducted into Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science National Honor Society). Recently, she attained her Master’s Degree in Political
Science from Kean University on May 15, 2012. Amber is also a Brick Committeewoman (2010-2014), a member of the Brick Township
Young Democrats (2010 to present) and has just finished her Internship at the NJ Democratic State Committee in Trenton.
Class of 2007
Andrew Longo ‘07 and Meghan Mende ‘08 are pleased to announce their engagement. They plan to wed in June 2013.
Class of 2009
Brian Gregory Sedillo presently is the weekend radio voice and sound of Magic 101.1. Brian’s show airs on Sunday and Monday
mornings from 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. As his bio states, true “Jersey Boy” living his dream.
Class of 2010
Franklin Thelmo was accepted to the Thomas Jefferson University Summer Training
Program in Cancer Immunotherapy.
Katie DeTuro, sophomore soccer player at Virginia Tech accompanied nine other
student athletes to the Dominican Republic as part of a university-designed study
abroad course about leadership and putting leadership initiatives into practice. Katie
and the group will be visiting poorer parts of the country to work with underprivileged
children and help kids within different communities. These student-athletes will be
coordinating sports camps to expose kids there to different sports.
Alumni Athletic News
Alex Lorenzo ‘11, a freshman at Cabrini College played in the NCAA Division III Championship game against WisconsinWhitewater. Cabrini fell to Wisconsin-Whitewater 63-60.
Conner Yatauro ’11 plays lacrosse at Hartford University. He worked his way on to the field as a second line midfielder as a
freshman. Connor has 9 goals, 5 assists in his career at Division I Hartford. This season vs. Stony Brook in a must win game,
Connor tied the game with under a minute left to send the game into overtime. Hartford won and went to the playoffs
Russ Gilliam ‘09 a junior lefty at Neumann University was named to the Colonial State Athletic Conference weekly honor roll as
a pitcher. Russ allowed three runs (all unearned) on four hits, struck out eight and walked none in 6 1/3 innings in a 5-4 win over
Samantha Parlow ‘09 of the College of New Jersey, was named first team All-New Jersey Athletic Conference in the 400-yard
individual medley in women’s swimming.
Michael Bodden ‘09 is captain of the Drew University Baseball Team. The Drew University baseball team won their first ever
conference tournament title in school history. Michael hit .571 for the week with a .647 on-base percentage over three games,
reaching base 11 times in the tournament games. He knocked out eight hits, including a 4-for-6 performance in the team's first
game of the postseason, and also scored five of Drew's 17 runs. He also drove in a pair of runs over the course of the week, and
had one extra-base hit. Michael was named Landmark Player of the Week.
Briana Crowe ’08, Marist Senior, was named first-team CoSIDA/Capital one Academic All-District selection in cross country
and track. A Biology major and team captain, Briana was on two school record indoor track and field relay teams, 4x800 meters
(9:20.43) and distance medley (11:54.75). She owns the second-fastest time in school history in the 800, a personal best 2:15.94.
Around the Campus
“Discover Your Talents”
was a day of fun and interactive workshops offered
for students in fifth through eighth grades from all
neighboring schools. Students selected three sessions
to attend from“Broadway, Here I Come!”, “Quiz Bowl”
,“Chemistry and Physics Playground”, “Marine Biology”,
“Let’s Dance!”, “Digital Arts”, “Basketball Skills”,
“Wrestling Skills”, “Soccer Skills”, or “Weight Training”.
Operation Jersey Shore Vacation (OJSV) is a community project that was started by Monsignor Donovan
graduate, Lexi Sinor, who came up with the idea of providing deserving military men &
women that had recently returned from or are about to embark on deployment in Iraq or
Afghanistan on a free vacation with their families at the Jersey Shore. This was a way to
give back to the military men, women and their families for all their sacrifice and dedication
to our country. This year Lexi’s sister Aimee and friend Paige Laurence took over the reins
of OJSV and met with Colonel John Wood, the Air Base Commander for all of McGuire AFB,
Ft. Dix and Lakehurst, O Terrence Greene and CMSgt Michael Ferraro to see how the base
could help with OJSV.
Academic Challenge Competitions:
The Decathlon team qualified for the State playoffs in March by placing 3rd in Region 3 of the N.J. Academic Decathlon held
February 4, 2012. The team as a whole took 3rd place in the visual Super Quiz and placed in the top 10 at the state competition.
The team was crowned Ocean County Consumer Bowl Champions and during the History Bowl competition the team qualified
for the National Finals.
Decathlon Team
Unsung Student Dinner
Consumer Bowl Competitors
History Bowl Competitors
is a very special night held each spring to honor those students nominated by their teachers
for exceptional participation and effort in their class. It is an evening where the teachers serve the award winners and their families
with dinner and awards.
Almost Anything Goes is the most competitive contest of the school year. With the grade levels in their class
colored t-shirts. The tests of skill commence each February during Spirit week. The senior class won once again.
Annual Art Show was held in the lecture hall April 19th and 20th. It showcases the exceptional work of our budding artists.
Art classes are taught by Mrs. Florence Bush and Mrs. Caren Stichter.
Junior Prom was held at the Holiday Inn in Manahawkin on April 20, 2012.
Junior prom queen was Lexi Hay and the prom king was Lawrence Alesio.
Spring Musical was held March 22 through March 25. A large talented cast came together
to perform the musical “Once Upon A Mattress”.
Griffin Athletic Highlights
Winter Sports
Girls Track
Alexis Harrison was a double winner at the New Jersey Catholic Track
Conference Indoor Track championship at the Jersey City Armory. Alexis won
the 55 meter dash, shattering the school record with a blazing time of 7.32
seconds. The time was the 2nd fastest in the history of the meet and ranked
her as the #1 - 55 meter runner in the Shore Conference this season; # 10 in the
state. Alexis also won the High jump with a season best jump of 5' 2”.
At the NJSIAA Group A State Championship, Senior, Alexis Harrison became
the State High Jump Champion and Sophomore, Claudia Dabrowski was
named the State Pole Vault Champion.
The Girls team finished 3rd overall in team scoring.
Boys Bowling
For the second year in a row and the fourth time in five years, Mr. Joe Romano has
led the bowling team to the 2012 New Jersey South Sectional Group I Championship.
Team members are Giovanni Testa, Vinny Colantuoni, Captain Joe Picone, Matt
McCarthy, Mike Kilkenny, and Brandon Toro.
Senior Bowler and Captain
Joe Picone was the B-South
Individual Champion. His high
average of 210 led all others in the division.
The Monsignor Donovan Competition Cheer Squad
accumulated several titles throughout the season. They won the
Liberty Lions Cheer Challenge and the Battle of the Boardwalk
Nationals along with taking home the Sportsmanship Award.
They ended the season becoming the 2012 Cheersport National
Girls Indoor Track» Alexis Harrison – 2nd Team All Shore
Boys Swimming»
Brain Suatengco – 2nd Team All Shore
Boys Bowling»
Joe Picone – 2nd Team All Shore
Girls Basketball » Dana Carbone – 1st Team All C-Central
Kelly Milana – finished at the top of the leader board for rebounds in the Shore Conference
Girls Swimming
» Finished the season ranked 8th in the Shore Conference.
Girls Track and Field
NJSIAA South Jersey Group “A” State Sectional Champions
Team finished ranked #9 in the Shore Conference
Senior Alexis Harrison broke school record at Ocean County Championships in the 100 meter dash with a time of 12.15
and won the event
• Shore Conference 100 meter dash Champion • State Sectional Champion – 100, 200, HJ
• Group “A” State Champion – 100
• 1st Team All Shore-Sprints
Sophomore Claudia Dabrowski
• Sectional State Champion and meet record – Pole Vault
• Group “A” State Champion and meet record – Pole Vault
Senior Carly Lebel broke school record in the triple jump at the Ocean County Championships with a jump of 35’6
New school record Shuttle Hurdles 1:05.71 at Ocean County Relays and Champions – Carly Lebel, Claudia Dabrowski,
Rachel Rogers, Claire Testa.
Marielle Nwana – 3rd Team All Shore-Sprints
Boys Volleyball
C Central Champions –first time in the history of the school.
• Coach Tom Trembulak – Shore Conference Coach of the Year
• Will Garry – 2nd Team All Shore-Middle Blocker
• Chris Ingraham – 3rd Team All Shore-Outside hitter
Team finished ranked #7 in the Shore Conference and C-Central Champions
Girls Lacrosse
Erin Ruddy – 100 career goals during the girl’s lacrosse match up against Pt. Boro High School
on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. (Featured in Student Spotlight!)
Boys Lacrosse
Mitchell Hall – 1st Team All Shore-Specialist and Coaches All Division Team
Boys Tennis
Dylan Thompson-Sevick and Antonio Merone – Ocean County Champions 2nd doubles
Girls Softball
The Team made it to the 2nd round of the State playoffs losing to Camden Catholic.
• Courtney Tyluki – 3rd Team All Shore-pitcher and Coaches All Division Team
• Rebecca Drake – Coaches All Division Team-Infield
Boys Baseball
The team competed in the State playoffs. They defeated Norte Dame High School to advance to the 2nd round only to
lose to Bishop Eustace.
• Rich Power – Coaches All Division Team – Pitcher • Nick Panissidi – Coaches All Division Team – DH
Varsity Sailing
Congratulations to the Varsity Sailing Team who traveled to St. Mary’s College of Maryland and competed in the MidAtlantic Scholastic Sailing Association’s 2012 Baker Team Race Championship. The team finished 7th overall out of 12
teams from Virginia to New York. Saturday’s racing saw Monsignor Donovan’s three boats sailing in light winds making
for a tough day of sailing and on Sunday, the team went 5-0 beating all the teams in the consolation round ending the
regatta with a 7-4 record. Great job by Joe Paggi, Emily Raleigh, Courtney Brooks, Matt Brooks, Alex Paggi, Kelly Imfield
and Heather Hawkes.
Student Spotlight
Catherine Marie Moresco was named a Finalist in the 2012 Competition for National Merit Scholarships. She was one of
8,400 Merit Scholarship winners from a group of 15,000 finalists. Miss Moresco is only the 13th student in the history of MDHS
to earn this prestigious honor.
Three students receive Eagle Scout Award:
Tom Brown, (senior) achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in November.
Tom designed and constructed a fitness trail at Barnegat
Middle School for his project.
Thomas Seifert (junior) achieved the rank of Eagle Scout on January 10, 2012.
He improved the conditions of the parking lot of St. Thomas Lutheran Church in
Brick for his Eagle project.
Brian Pizzo, (senior) achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in
March for his project of organizing Troop 36 to design and
construct 8 benches to be placed along the paths at Cattus
Island Park, here in Toms River.
Alexandra Marschall, Class of 2016 is The
2012 Miss High School New Jersey. Alexandra
competed in the Miss High School America
Pageant in March.
Three Seniors Sign NCAA Letters of Intent
Amanda Gulli a four –year varsity soccer player was named 1st Team
All Conference every season and made the All County Team as a junior.
Amanda led the team in assists and became the 7th girls’ soccer player to
earn 100 career points on Oct. 10, 2011. She finished her high school soccer
career with 32 goals and 42 assists. Amanda will be playing soccer for the
“Bonnies” at Saint Bonaventure University, New York.
Julia Gembry played varsity
soccer all four years. When
not playing for MonDon,
she plays club ball for NJSA
04. Julia finished her high
school career with 9 goals
and 4 assists. Julia will play
this fall for the “Red Flash”
of Saint Francis University,
Loretto, Pennsylvania.
Mitchell Hall signed a letter of intent to play lacrosse at Sacred Heart
University in Connecticut.
The Junior USA Women’s Team Handball squad has named Kamila Pawka and Natalie Dabrowski to the roster for the 2012
Pan American Championships in Dominican Republic scheduled for March 15 through 19. This is the qualifying event for the
IHF Junior Women World Championships in Czech Republic in July.
Sean McGovern, a senior and two-sport
athlete was honored by Sports Faith
International, a Chicago based organization
that honors Catholic athletes for spirituality
and leadership on and off the playing fields.
Sean was honored with the “Virtues of
Saint Paul” award and was inducted into
The National Catholic High School Hall of
Fame. Patrick McCaskey, the owner of the
Chicago Bears, introduced him and gave
him his award at the tradition rich Halas
Hall on the grounds of the Chicago Bears
football facility.
Erin Ruddy of Toms River, a junior lacrosse player scored her 100th career goal
during the girl’s lacrosse match up against Pt. Boro High School on Wednesday,
May 2, 2012.
Future Griffins
Noah Leonis Pena
July 11, 2011
Jennifer Baer-Pena ’93
We live in Staten Island, NY
Giovanna Nicole
Dylan Matthew
Weight: 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches
7 pounds 9 ounces and 20.5
Daughter of Chad Dougherty ‘97
and wife Kristen,
and big sister Ava.
Son of Shawn and Marie Lennon
November 22, 2011
December 20, 2011
Into His Hands
It is with sadness that the community of Saint Joseph/Monsignor Donovan High School
mourn the loss of the following special people from our community.
Saint Joseph High School
Father Joseph W. Hughes, 67
A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated March 10 by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., in St.
Ann Church, Keansburg, for Father Joseph W. Hughes, Lakewood, who died March 7 in Riverview
Medical Center, Red Bank.
The son of the late Albert and Helen (Long) Hughes, Father Hughes was born in 1944 in New York
City. He attended St. Ann School, Keansburg, and high school in St. Charles Seminary, Catonsville,
Md. He completed his studies for the priesthood in St. Mary Seminary and University, Baltimore.
He was ordained by Bishop George W. Ahr in St. Ann Church, Keansburg, May 30, 1970. Following
early assignments as parochial vicar in Our Lady of Mount Virgin, Middlesex and St. Phillip and St.
James Parish, Phillipsburg, between 1970 and 1972 and St. Joseph Parish, Toms River, from 1973
to 1974, Father Hughes was named principal of Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville. Father
Hughes served in that capacity until 1988 when he was named to his most recent pastorate, shepherding the community of Holy Cross
Parish, Rumson.
Vicki Ross Cosgrove ‘78, wife to Sean ‘77
Ronald Kromer ‘85, brother to Gary ‘86, Theresa ‘87, and Richard ‘89
Frank DelPizzo ‘75, brother to Carl ‘73, David ‘77, Paul ’81, brother-in-law to Donna Juranich DelPizzo ‘73
and Donna Scardillo DelPizzo ‘77, and uncle to Carl ‘98, Nicole ‘00, Terese ‘01 and David ’05
Jack Cassidy ‘78, brother of Mary Ann Cassidy-Hayes ‘79 and Kathy Cassidy-Heiler ‘80
Michael Nichols ‘86, brother of Tom ‘83, Mary ‘88 and Christopher ‘90
Gary Washburn ‘84, brother to Michael ‘83
James Browne ‘77, brother of Tina ‘68; Aileen ‘71; Patrick ‘74; John ‘75 and Jacinta ‘80
Wesley Mulrean ‘04, Private in the US Army
Paula Fraraccio Mezak ‘75, sister to John Fraraccio ‘72
Jeffrey L. Werth, past president of the Monsignor Donovan HS PTA, father to Kellyann Werth Murphy ‘83, Mary Werth Russo ‘84,
and Kathleen Werth Nesteriak ‘88, and Grandfather to Kati Werth ‘08, Shannon Murphy ‘14, and TJ Murphy ‘15
Dr. Alfred C. Pietrangelo, MD, father to James ‘73, and Alfred ‘75
Donald Ling, grandfather to Ashley ‘09, Christopher ‘12, and Shawna Ingraham ‘13
Denise Poulillo, wife of Richard Poulillo ‘81, sister-in-law to Francis ‘76, Maria ‘83 and aunt of Francis and Staphanie’ 14
Natalie Rae Bennett-Marzarella, infant daughter of Alexandra Marzarella’09 and Michael Bennett
Mary C. Pasquale, mother to Marianne Pasquale Hingston ’72 and Patricia Pasquale Murglo ‘73
Carlo “Charlie” DelPizzo, grandfather to Gerard ‘13 and Lawrence Aliseo III ‘15
James Patrick Paris, father to the late David Paris ‘78, Paul ‘81, Maria Paris Newill ‘83, Douglas ‘84, and Claire Paris Gilsenan ‘88
John Burns, father to John and Mary Moore Burns ’71, James ’74, Janet Burns Collinson ‘74, Jacquelyn Burns Flanagan ‘79
and grandfather to Corrine Collinson Bailey ‘04, Kimberly Collinson ‘08 and Matthew Flanagan ‘10
Betty Coronato, grandmother to Joseph Coronato ‘04
Margaret D. Larkin, mother of Susan Larkin Gilius ‘69, Nancy Larkin Taylor ‘ 70, Al ‘74, mother-in-law to Berndaette Caproni Larkin
‘74, and grandmother to Alessandra ‘04, Elizabeth ‘09 and Albert “Hank” Larkin 2014
Mrs. Jenivia C. Wright, mother to Brianna Wright 2013
Jennie Sepanski, grandmother to Heather Sepanski ‘01, mother to former SJGS teacher, Joseph Sepanski
Michael E. O’Shaughnessy, father of Joanne O’Shaughnessy Lewis ‘82 and Liz O’Shaughnessy Cuozzo ‘85
William Balletto, father of Anthony 2013 and Austin 2014
Robert Edward Sexton, MD, father to Brian Sexton ‘ 73
Louis A. Weber, father to Mark ’85, Anne Weber-Main ’86, Carolyn ’87, and Suzanne ‘89
Mary Driscoll, grandmother to Nick Scerbo ‘08, Tom Scerbo ‘11, and Chris Scerbo ‘13
Biagio ”Ben“ Amato
Apologies to the Amato Family, we did not include grandfather to Kenneth Adams ‘99
Antonnio Carmine Nanna, father to Randolph ‘68 and Marlene ‘71
Elizabeth Hynoski, sister to Zach ‘11 and Noah ‘14
Glen E. West, Sr., father-in-law to Mary Ann Crilly West ‘70, grandfather to Maura ‘93, Kathleen ‘94, Christopher ‘95, Annie ‘97,
Bridget ‘01, Amanda ‘02, and Claire ‘05
Jack W. Stone, father to Jane Stone, ‘73 (deceased)
Pay It Forward!
These Alumni businesses, and those found on page 27, proudly support The Griffin Network Today.
We encourage our readers to patronize these establishments.
Dave Manzo ’96, Mike Mundry ’96, Roland Rodriguez ’96, Mike Manzo ’93
Pay It Forward!
These Alumni businesses, and those found on page 26, proudly support The Griffin Network Today.
We encourage our readers to patronize these establishments.
Timothy J. Buckley, Esquire, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 71, 256 S. White Horse Pike
Hammonton, NJ 08037
(609) 270-7646 phone
(609) 270-7643 fax
“Pristine Adirondack Homes
& Vacant Land”
Corey Iaria
Licensed Salesperson
2573 Main St Lake Placid, NY
Monsignor Donovan High School
711 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, NJ 08753
P: 732-349-8801 • F: 732-349-8956
Nonprofit Organization
US Postage PAID
Toms River, NJ 08753
Permit Number 146
Ocean County’s Catholic High School
“Modern Excellence, Rich in Tradition”
Mission Statement:
The Catholic Community of Monsignor Donovan High School
educates its students to live their faith, respect and serve others,
and pursue academic excellence in a college preparatory environment.
Network Today