July Newsletter


July Newsletter
For period July 1—31, 2013
Mailing Date: June 27, 2013
Rediscovering Our Foundation
On Sunday June 9, Janie and I went to York, South
Carolina in order for me to preach at the homecoming
celebration of the third church I ever served. This was
the 185th year for this celebration and the marquee out
front read: “Beth Shiloh Presbyterian Church: 185th
Homecoming featuring the Return of John Roper.” I
wondered if visitors might think that I had been their
pastor 185 years ago. Homecoming is a day sponsored by the cemetery association. I don’t think the
sign was intended to capitalize on zombie craze
prevalent in the media these days; it might have been
merely a reference to the fact that I look like the
walking dead.
At any rate, it was a wonderful day with a lively
worship service followed by an incredible church
dinner. The day is an opportunity for past members
who have moved away and relatives of members to
return and renew friendships and share old stories.
The stories they told about me were all quite kind.
I sometimes hope that past congregations’ way of
remembering me as their pastor might be a foretaste
of God’s grace and mercy. Churches are a culture
within the larger culture. As such they have the
power to shape us and give our lives direction.
The text I used for the sermon that Sunday was Isaiah
51:1-3. It reads, “Listen to me, you that pursue righteousness, you that seek the Lord. Look to the rock
from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from
which you were dug. Look to Abraham your father
and to Sarah who bore you; for he was but one when
I called him, but I blessed him and made him many.
For the Lord will comfort Zion; he will comfort all
her waste places, and will make her wilderness like
Eden, her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and
gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the
voice of song.”
Bonnie Johnson, formerly Bonnie Greer, was in
worship with us on Sunday. She grew up here at
Harvey Browne. She had been going through
some old files and found her Sunday school
workbook from 1953. On the cover is a picture
of a little boy and girl headed up steps to the
church door. Next to that picture we read “This
is my Church and Home Book.”
In 1953, the rock from which we were hewn,
and the quarry from which we were dug would
have been found in church and at home. It still
is, but what has changed is that this is no longer
the first place we look in times of trouble.
When the relationship crises come, bringing
with them divorce and problem children, where
do we go? When our lives are suddenly not at all
what we want or expected, where do we look? A
few years ago we might have rushed off to the
self-help section of the bookstore. These days
we would be more likely to seek the answer on
the Internet or, perhaps, from friends on Twitter
or Facebook. The problem is that none of these
would be likely to lead us back to the foundational stories of our faith. None of these is
likely to lead us to Abraham and Sarah, who
remind us of our hope in a God who keeps
promises. None of these will lead us back to
the God who created us and shaped us.
We cannot go back to the ’50s, as appealing as
that may be to some of us. But God is not stuck
in the ’50s. Our moving forward when we are
stuck in those “lost places” best begins not with
Google but with God. To paraphrase an old
Beatles song, we need to “get back to where we
once belonged,” not in order to stay there, but in
order to move forward. A new future begins
with rediscovering our foundation, the quarry
from which we were dug.
311 Browns Lane Louisville, Kentucky 40207, (502) 896-1791, www.hbpres.net
Sunday Worship
Chapel 8:30 a.m.
Sanctuary 10:00 a. m.
8:30 a.m. Chapel
10:00 a.m. Sanctuary
July 7
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20; 2 Kings 5:1-14
“The Hard Way!”
Rev. John Roper
8:30 a.m.
July 7 & 14
Jerry & Martha Scott
Bob Smith
Frank Anderson
July 14
Luke 10:25-37; Amos 7:1-7
Rev. John Roper
July 21
Luke 10:38-42; Amos 8:1-12
“Due Date”
Rev. John Roper
July 28
Colossians 2:6-19; Hosea 1:2-10
Rev. John Roper
Lay Readers
July 7
8:30 a.m. Bill Percival
10:00 a.m. Nancy Pollock
July 14
8:30 a.m. Doug Mann
10:00 a.m. Jonathan Sutphin
July 21
8:30 a.m. Eric Lehmann
10:00 a.m. Bill Bliven
July 21 & 28
Dick & Sharon Blayney
Rebecca & Mike Braden
10:00 a.m.
July 7 & 14
Jack & Margo Shadle
Allyn Schadt
Mike Schmied
Sherryl Schmied
Janie Roper
Zenet Schissler
Penny Stewart
July 21 & 28
Barbara Stephens
Jane & Rich Sodano
Sandy Strapp
Michael Strapp
Missy Turner
Billie Valla
Chris Addington
Calling All
For a while now, the Holy
Grounds coffee cove has been
featuring the artwork of Harvey
Browne members on Sunday
mornings. Due to its popularity,
Harvey Browne will be having an
art fair on Saturday, August 3.
Members can sign up to have a
booth (indoors or outside) to sell
their arts and crafts with a minimum of 20% of the proceeds
going to the general church
If you would like to have a booth
at the art fair, please visit the
coffee cove and fill out a registration form. Registration forms
must be returned to the coffee
cove no later than Sunday July 14.
Registration form can be found on
page 9 of this newsletter.
Coffee Cove
July 7– Missy Turner
July 14 - Joanne Heumann
Welcome Center
July 21-Marina Guiterrez
July 28
8:30 a.m. Glenna Henkenmeier
10:00 a.m. Scott Blake
July 7-TBA
July 28-Beth Kolodey
July 28 - Jeanne Luhr
July 14 - Sara Sutphin
July 21– Kelly Burke
July 7 - Chris & Jeanne Ward
July 14– Sally Craxton
Linda Garrett
July 21– Jack & Margo Shadle
July 28 - Carolyn & Doug Holm
Page 2
July 1, 2013
Hymnal Celebration
Great news is that through the generosity of Harvey
Browne’s family of members, we were able to order
copies of the new Presbyterian hymnal, Glory to God
that will be delivered in the fall!
The Session last month approved an official
“nickname” for the church—HBPres. The
name was recommended by Harvey Browne’s
Marketing Team, which has been working for
more than a year on a long-range strategy for
promoting the church and increasing
Additional great news, Harvey Browne has been chosen to
be one of six locations throughout the nation to host
publication celebrations. The celebrations include workshops and worship and one will be held at Harvey Browne
March 14-15, 2014.
Registration for the Louisville Hymnal Event is ready to
go live. Please visit the website http://events.signup4.com/
lvlhymnalevent to find out more information and to
As March approaches we will be looking for HB members
to help with different aspects of the event. Please contact
Anne Hughes, hughestaaj@insightbb.com, if you have
problems registering or questions regarding this event.
Notes from Session
The Session of HBMPC met on June 4, 2013 for a stated
meeting. Following the devotion given by Myra Earley,
the following business was handled:
All Session members will wear lanyards with an “Ask
Me” card attached to help visitors on Sunday
Members of the Board of Deacons gave an overview
of the Board and presented a copy of its operating
A report was given on the purchase of the new hymnal,
Glory to God. Through the generosity of the congregation, we were able to purchase more hymnals than
originally and to have them imprinted with the
church’s name.
The Marketing Team presented and the Session
approved a new nickname and logo for Harvey
Browne. (See accompanying article.)
The Session also approved a new logo that
will incorporate the nickname surrounding a
cross. The logo will be officially introduced
at the start of the new program year.
The nickname will not replace the church’s
legal name—Harvey Browne Memorial
Presbyterian Church. It will, however, be the
way we present ourselves, both to our
members and the community, on our website,
stationary, newsletter and in other ways.
The Marketing Team has spent much of the
past year studying trends and behavior
patterns that have affected church membership
and attendance over the past 50 years. The
findings were the basis for the team’s
recommendation of a less formal name to
better reflect the times.
Be watching for more information about the
name and its formal introduction a few months
from now.
The next stated meeting will be August 6, 2013.
July 1, 2013
Page 3
Meet Harvey Browne’s 2013
High School & College
Joshua Zirthang Puia has graduated from
Louisville Male High School. He will be
attending the University of Louisville this
fall and plans to major in biology. During
his time in high school, Joshua was concert
master in his chamber orchestra class for all
four years, was selected for the All State
and All County competition from 10th to
12th grade, and was a part of a trio that went on to the
state level every year from 10th grade. He has also gotten
distinguished ratings at the state level for his solos
during Solo and Ensemble competition. Joshua played
varsity tennis, has been an Honor Roll student, and was
part of the National Honor Society. Joshua is very thankful for the home Harvey Browne has been during his
childhood and is grateful for all the love and support the
members of the congregation has given him over the
Summer 2013
Backyard Bible
Our study of When You Pray: Daily
Practices for Prayerful Living by Rueben P.
Job continues Sunday’s through July 28. Potluck at 6:00 p.m., Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.,
Dessert at 8:00 p.m. Please bring your Bible
and a lawn chair.
July 7 - Host: Jim & Jean Shangle,
104 Towne Creek Ct.
Leader: TBA
July 14 - Host: TBA, Leader: Jim Guinn
July 21 - Host: Jim & Kitty Boswell,
Lincoln Giesel graduated from Tufts University in
4424 Greenbriar Rd.
Boston with a double major in international relations and
Leader: Jim Boswell
anthropology. He will be teaching in Boston next year
July 28 - Host: Adrian & Lynn Cole,
with the City Year Boston Program.
2900 Petty Jay. Rd.
Adam Casson graduated in May from the University of
Leader: TBA
Louisville Speed School of Engineering with a bacheContact Jean Shangle at 245-6650 for more
lor’s degree in civil engineering. He will be continuing
his education at the University of Louisville by pursuing information.
an MBA from the College of Business’ Entrepreneur
MBA program this fall.
Laura Garrett graduated from Centre College in May.
Brittany Wyatt graduated from the University of Louisville in May and will begin attending pharmacy school
this fall at the University of Kentucky.
Page 4
July 1, 2013
Mission News
A Little Southern
When responding to a lady, a child is taught to
Answer politely, “Yes, Ma’am” or No, Ma’am.”
At Harvey Browne Presbyterian, we learned 41
years ago to acknowledge our community with
“YES, MAM!” We know St. Matthews Area
Ministries by that familiar acronym, St. MAM.
Forty-one years ago our church joined with
neighboring churches, Beargrass Christian and
St. Matthews United Methodist to launch St.
MAM. It is difficult to estimate how many
hundreds of thousands (if not millions) have been
touched or helped in some manner through
St. MAM. This source of help within our community, which Harvey Browne continues to support,
continues to address the needs of families and
individuals daily.
We will hear from Executive Director Dan G.
Lane on the morning of Sunday, July 21. Serving
In that role since 1994, Dan will remind and
challenge us that, now more than ever, Harvey
Browne is instrumental in saying, “Yes, MAM” In
2012, St. MAM rendered 10,360 emergency assistance services, addressing 2,590 families, and
allocating $72,767 in financial assistance. When it
comes to A “bang for the buck”, consider that
St. MAM leverages $490,000 of in-kind support
($117,163 in volunteer hours) and donations per
year. Harvey Browne continues, after forty-one
years to Say, “YES, MAM.” You can learn more
about St. MAM at www.stmam.com and by
hearing Dan Lane on Sunday, July 21
Micro-Mission Calendar
July: Cabbage Patch Family Party
Contact: Cynthia Hilyerd
August: Presbyterian Habitat House
Contact: Brian Pollock
September: Wayside mats/fleece blankets
Contact: Adrienne Earley
October: Touched Twice Clinic
Contact: Mary Alice Grover
November: Project Warm
Contact: Dave & Jane Doehnert
December: Cabbage Patch
Contacts: Linda Garrett & Mariners
January: Churchill Downs
Contact: Emily Brown
Outreach and Mission Committee
Children’s Micro-Mission
and Family Fun Night!
The July Micro Mission is the Cabbage Patch
family fun night. Dinner is at 5:30 p.m. and bingo
with fun and prizes to follow. All ages are welcome and encouraged to come see what Cabbage
Patch is all about and to enjoy fellowship with
those we assist. Cabbage Patch is located at 1413
S. 6th street, 40208. The dinner is being provided
by Southeast Christian Church and we need to have
a rough head count so they know how much food
to make.
Please contact Cynthia Hilyerd at 553-6916 or
meercat13@hotmail.com to RSVP or with
Due to the abundant generosity of donations at
Christmas time, Harvey Browne members are able
to provide Cabbage Patch families a “Christmas in
July” by using the excess funds to purchase school
July 1, 2013
Page 5
Turning the Tables Schedule
Thursday, August 1
1:00-3:30 pm: “Turning the Tables”
Pre-conference and Film Review
An interactive viewing of a food justice film,
marked by guided conversation about the film's
relevance for our ministry and daily lives.
7:30 -9:00 pm: Our Shared Table
Beach balls, sharpies, and a fun time together
exploring our collective knowledge of food justice.
Turning the Tables is a hands-on conference that will
focus on food justice and how it relates to other broken systems in our society and will provide:
Visits to local community gardens and environmental justice sites
• Community organizing training
• Creative worship service
• Interactive workshops
• Art and play
• Skills to take back home
Register: pcusa.org/bigtent
Scholarships available through registration
“Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all
who were selling and buying in the temple, and he
overturned the tables of the money changers and
the seats of those who sold doves…”
Matthew 21: 12-14
Friday August 2
12:00-3:30 pm: The Tables that Need Turning:
The Intersectionality of Food Justice
This interactive workshop will begin with overviews of food justice, U.S. food policy, international food systems, and community change.
4-6 pm: Bringing Faith and Creativity to
the Table
Explore justice through song, art and Communion.
Music and leadership provided by: Jorge SayagoGonzalez, Associate Pastor at 2nd Presbyterian
Church Louisville, KY.
8:00-9:30 pm Having Fun at the Table with
Faith, Justice and the Arts: Open Mic Coffee
A time to get to know one another, drink coffee,
and share justice-centered music, spoken word,
prayer, and other self-expressions. Bring something to share
Saturday August 3
8:00-11:15 am How to Turn Tables for Jesus:
Community Organizing Training
Explore the methods, strategies, and skills of
community organizing, engaging in conversation
about power, privilege, assumptions, and why
activism often fails.
11:45 am-1:45 pm Setting Tables of Justice
in the World Around Us: Site Visits &
Local Action
Visit and participate in local justice initiatives: the
Refugee Agricultural Program Partnership, the
People’s Garden, and an Environmental Racism
Page 6
July 1, 2013
Wellness Brief
Discover a Presbyterian Church that is more
exciting, more faithful, and more diverse than
you have ever imagined. Big Tent will inspire
you and make you proud to be a Presbyterian.
The event will be celebratory, diverse, and
participatory, with intergenerational activities.
Volunteers are needed to help with:
Information Kiosks/Assisting Attendees
Exhibit Hall Set-up/Take-down
Workshop Assistance
Worship Preparation/Ushers
Children and Youth Programs
Street Party Attendants
Visit the Big Tent Web Site- http://www.
and click on “Register Now.” If you have an account on the PC(USA) website, log in using this
account. If you do not already have a user name
and password for the PC(USA) website, you will
be given the opportunity to create one. Register
as “Volunteer” and choose when and where you
would like to volunteer.
Questions? Email Andrea Trautwein at
July 1, 2013
The Alzheimer’s Association has several good and
helpful programs of family education for the month
of July. All programs require registration and a $5.00
donation is suggested. Also, these are designed for
the family caregiver, no professionals please.
To register, call 1-800-272-3900 or e-mail infokyin@alz.org.
July 9, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Special Topic
Series: Communication & Relating. This program
deals with behavior changes for the patient and how
the caregiver can deal with these changes and ways
to connect with and care for a loved one, whether at
home or in a facility. Held at the association's office,
1600 Dutchmans Ln, Suite #401.
July 16, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Special Topic
Series: Activities & Safety at Home As the disease
progresses the needs and ability of the patient will
change. This workshop will give tips and strategies
for adapting the home for their safe care. Held at the
association’s office, 1600 Dutchmans Ln., Suite #
July 19, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Family Caregiver
Workshop. Experts in the field of aging and
dementia will discuss legal and financial concerns,
research updates, and medications. Held at Clark
Memorial Hospital, lower level, 1220 Missouri Ave.,
Jeffersonville, IN. (lunch provided)
July 29, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Living with
Alzheimer’s: Younger-Onset. Hear from those who
are directly affected and learn what you need to know,
what you need to plan, and what you can do to ease
the impact throughout the course of the disease. Held
at the association’s, 6100 Dutchmans Ln. Suite # 401.
Page 7
Horizons Bible
Study Preview
The Rev. Janice Catron will present the Horizons
Bible Study Preview on Saturday, August 10 at
Second Presbyterian Church. The Bible study this
year is An Abiding Hope: the Presence of God in
Exodus and Deuteronomy by Janice herself.
We are so fortunate to have the author of the
study to lead us in a preview of the lessons.
The registration fee is $25. More information will
follow in the August newsletter.
Women’s Retreat
Planned for the fall
There will be a women's retreat on Saturday, September 28 sponsored by the Presbyterian
Women and all women in the church are invited to
attend. It will be held in Brescia Hall on the Ursuline
campus on Lexington Road. Our guest speaker will
be the Rev. Sally Hughes, who is currently the pastor
at the Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church in
Franklin, Tennessee. She received her D.Min. from
Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia
in 1983. The theme of the retreat is “Walk a Mile in
Her Shoes: Biblical Stories of Women.” This topic
promises to be very engaging for all.
Grocery Cart
School is just around the corner, so
please help fill the Grocery Cart with
School Supplies for St. Matthews Area Ministries
(St. MAM) during the month of July. Items
needed are: pens (black, blue, red), pencils, small
pencil sharpeners, erasers, markers, colored
pencils, crayons, yellow highlighters, spiral
notebooks, composition notebooks, 3–subject
wide-ruled notebooks, steno pads, loose leaf
notebook paper, pocket folders, rulers, Elmer’s
glue, glue sticks, Fiskars blunt-tip scissors,
For questions/concerns, contact Wilma Bennett
Deacons Corner
Happy Summer to all. Remember, Deacons to
contact your flock whether by card, letter or a
quick how-do-you-do. Also, if you're going out of
town, please inform a Deacon Board member in
case a person in your flock needs care.
Our Deacon Fall Retreat is Saturday, September
The retreat is from 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. We will
have sign-ups at church in the foyer after the service
on August 18 and 25 and September 1 and 8. The
cost of the retreat is $12. Please plan to attend. Your
retreat planning team is very excited about the event
and we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Page 8
July 1, 2013
Harvey Browne Art Fair
Saturday, August 3, 2013
9:00 – 3:00
What will you be showing?___________________________________________________________
Inside or Outside set up?____________________________________________________________
Will you provide your own table? Yes________ No________ Tables requested______________
Registration must be received by July 14. Please turn in your form to the Coffee Cove.
The set-up and clean up is your responsibility. Individuals participating should be there by
8:00 a.m. on Saturday. (May be able to set up Friday – TBA)
You will be responsible for handling your own money. A minimum of 20% of your sales are to be
given to the church. These funds will be added to the general church budget.
July 1, 2013
Page 9
Youth Launch New
Mission Project
DO-IN Committee
Needs Volunteers
The youth will be making sleeping mats for the homeless by crocheting plastic grocery bags as an ongoing
mission project, which will begin at Do-In. There are
many ways all HB members can participate in this
project. We will be taking plastic grocery bags, flattening them, cutting them into strips, connecting the
strips into plastic yarn, and crocheting the yarn into
mats. We will begin accepting the grocery bags in
July. Please leave them in the drop closet. If you want
to take the additional step of flattening them and putting them in a box, that would be extremely helpful.
If you want to be even more involved and cut the bags
into strips, make the yarn, or even crochet your own
mat please look for instructions in the foyer.
Do-In is the annual kick-off for the Harvey
Browne Youth program. This amazing weekend
of fun, community building, faith and worship is
something you simply need to see to believe. Not
only do the youth love this event, but adult volunteers return year after year to help make it a
success and to share in the experience. We are in
need of volunteers who can spend the Labor Day
weekend (or part of the weekend) with our youth
at Cedar Ridge Camp.
Please contact Adam or Adrienne Earley
kyearleys@earthlink.net if you have any questions or
want to help. If you would like to join us at Do-In
working with the youth to make the mats, please let
Adam know. Here is a link to a You Tube instructional video that explains how to prep the bags and
make the mats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Do-In 2013: Escape!
Among the volunteer positions we need to fill are:
cabin counselors, small group leaders, cooks, arts
and crafts instructors, photographers, activity
directors and general administrative help. Volunteers from all age groups are helpful and you don’t
have to have a youth participating to volunteer.
When: Friday August 30, through Sunday
September 1.
If you are interested in helping or would like
more information, please contact Candyce
Gordon, Candyce.Gordon@sodexo.com, or
Missy Turner, missyturner27@gmail.com.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Do-In is our fall youth retreat. It marks the beginning
of the year for the Harvey Browne Youth Group and,
more importantly, is an incredible amount of fun. DoIn is a retreat for anyone who is in the 6th-12th grade.
The theme for Do-In this year is Escape! Youth will
be exploring the things that bind us in life and prevent
us from being fully alive. We will talk about how our
faith sets us free and practice the Sabbath as a means
of revitalization and escape from the pressures of the
world. Come to Do-In 2013: Escape! and be set free!
A large portion of the weekend retreat is dedicated to
small groups, keynote discussions, and worship. We
do also have a lot of fun with dances, games, crafts,
and a Do-In surprise! If you are a youth, set aside
August 30th - September 1st on your calendar and plan
on coming to Do-In. You will not be disappointed.
The registration form for the weekend is included in
this newsletter.
Page 10
July 1, 2013
Harvey Browne Memorial Presbyterian Church
Do-In 2013: Escape
Youth Registration
Deadline for Registration is Monday, August 11, 2013
City/State_____________________________ Zip_______________________
Phone__________________________ Birth Date_______________________
E-Mail Address_______________________________ T-Shirt Size__________
Current Age_______
2013-2014 Grade________________
Do you have a Facebook page? _________
Have you joined/liked the Harvey Browne Youth Page on Facebook?____________
Cell Phone Number____________________________________
What do you think about when you hear the word Sabbath? If you don’t know what it
means, look it up and then share your thoughts.
Describe a time when you felt you were able to escape from the stress of the world
and really feel the presence of God. Where were you, what happened and how did it
TOTAL COST: $80 or $120 for both you and a friend
if you bring a friend who is new to Harvey Browne
Please do not let the cost of the weekend prevent you from joining us. We have an excellent work
study/scholarship fund available to make sure everyone can attend.
Please ask Adam Fischer for more information.
Please give completed registration form and check (payable to Harvey Browne) to Beverly Quick.
July 1, 2013
Page 11
Harvey Browne Book Clubs in the News
Below is the article about the HB Book Clubs in the latest edition of Today’s Transitions,
which is available for free at all Kroger stores and other outlets.
Page 12
July 1, 2013
Did you know…
One option in paying your HB pledge is to use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). With EFT, your monthly
pledge is automatically deducted from your bank account and sent directly to HB. Some of the advantages of EFT:
• There are no more checks to write.
• Your pledge is automatically transferred the 20th of each month from your bank account.
• Your record of giving is on your bank statement each month.
• You can provide HB with steady giving, even during the months when you’re out of town.
• You may give more at any time through your pledge envelope.
If you’d like to know more about EFT, please contact Beverly Quick, HB Business Manager, at
896-1791 or complete the form.
How to Get Started with the EFT Giving Plan
1. Fill out the form below with your name and signature authorizing the charge to your account.
2. Indicate the amount you want deducted each month from your checking account for your giving gift to
Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church
3. Return this form with a voided check. This will give us the necessary information needed to
begin automatic deductions.
1. You will receive a letter confirming that you are a part of the EFT giving plan. A record of each deduction will appear on your monthly bank statement and giving statement.
2. Your automatic deduction will continue until you notify Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church in writing that you would like to discontinue.
Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church
311 Browns Lane
Louisville, KY 40207
Electronic Funds Transfer Giving Plan
I hereby authorize Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church to debit my account $____________________
on the 20th of each month as indicated below:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Effective Date
$_______Operating Fund
$_______Building Fund
$_______Total Amount to Debit
Please attach a copy of a voided check
July 1, 2013
Page 13
Cards of Thanks
The family of Jay Heishman want to express our
sincere thanks for all your prayers and support since
Dad's passing. He loved singing in the choir and
serving Harvey Browne in many ways over the years.
Steve and Pam Heishman
Dear Harvey Browne Family,
Thanks so much for your prayers, calls, visits and
support during my pregnancy- especially during the
bed rest.
We’re so excited to finally have Baby Graham in the
world. We look forward to introducing him to his
Harvey Browne Church Family very soon.
Thanks Again,
Leslie, Rob & Graham Koenig
Donate Used Cell
You may have a new cell phone. If so, remember all
old cell phones can be recycled. By donating these
phones and accessories, you are not only helping the
kids at Kosair Children’s Hospital, but also safeguarding the environment through proper recycling. Please
bring the cell phones to church and place them in the
designated box located in the Drop Closet.
August Newsletter
Please note that the deadline for the August
newsletter is Monday, July 22. Please have your
articles in by 5:00 p.m. They can be e-mailed or
dropped off.
The deadline for the monthly newsletter is
the 20th of each month, with the exception
of November and December. Please email to
Annette Ford at annetteford@bellsouth.net or
Cheryl Granger at cherylgranger@bellsouth.net.
Harvey Browne
“Hot Browne—A Second Helping”
cookbooks are available at the reduced price of
$5.00 each from the church office. The proceeds
will benefit the youth programs at Harvey
Browne. These make wonderful birthday,
wedding or graduation gifts, and include great
recipes from members of the church.
The recipes are practical, easy and use items you
likely have in your pantry.
Thanks for your support.
Eat well!
Sponsored by TWIGS # 6
Mary Alice Grove
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July 1, 2013
Prayer List
We extend Christian sympathy to:
Toni Roberts, Jessie White, Earle Brown,
Marie Clark, Holly Popeck, Sue Johnson,
Becky Van Buren (Bill & Priscilla Becker's daughter), Faye Jackson (Carol Grigg’s Cousin),
Emma Marie Fischer (Jean Doelling’s Sister).
Donna Jones and Jennifer Howard on the death
of their sister and aunt, Barbara Hardesty who
died on May 25.
Natalie Healy and Alexandria Healy on the
death of their mother and grandmother Ruth
Roberts on June 1.
We extend congratulations to:
John and Barbara McCarver will be celebrating
their 65th wedding anniversary on July 23.
Currently Deployed in the Military
Donn Hill (son of Dee Pregliasco)
Men’s Book Forum
Will meet on Monday, July 22 at
1:00 p.m. in Room 206. We will be
discussing “Night Comes To The Cumberlands” by
Harry Caudill. This book was recommended by
Don Chasteen.
For more information, contact Gary Faltin at
326-5069 or email glfaltin@yahoo.com.
We extend congratulations to:
Leslie and Robert Koenig on the birth of their
son, Graham Tyler, who was born on May 24.
Recycle Aluminum
Ladies Book Talk
Will meet on Tuesday, July 30 at
11:30 a.m. at the Bistro at the Olmsted.
We will be discussing “Calling Invisible Women”
by Jeanne Ray.
For more information, contact Mary Faltin at
326-5069 or email maryfaltin@yahoo.com.
Our Boy Scout Troop 315 has many
exciting plans and would appreciate your help in
making those plans achievable by recycling your
aluminum cans in the troop’s trailer, located
conveniently in our parking lot next to the troop
July 1, 2013
Page 15
Session Members
Pastors and Program Staff, Phone & E-mail
Anne Hughes—Clerk of Session
Ann Burge
Kelly Burke
Peggy Campbell
Larissa Cargal
Jack Crutcher
Dave Doehnart
Doug Earley
Myra Earley
Tom Frentz
Allen Gilfert
Will Hilyerd
Gail Hudson
Marianne Humphries
Jeanne Luhr
Doug Mann
Lynn Overstreet
Nancy Pollock
Mike Schmied
Penny Stewart
Sara Sutphin
Missy Turner
John Roper, Pastor, ext: 105 johnroper@bellsouth.net
Adam Fischer, Associate Pastor for Ministry to Children & Youth,
ext. 117 adamfischer@bellsouth.net
Kimberly Cabrera, Associate Pastor for Discipleship & Ministry
Coordination, ext: 109 kcabrera@bellsouth.net
Larry Brandenburg, Minister of Music, ext: 110
Bill Williamson, Parish Associate, ext: 112 billwilliamson@insightbb.com
Beth Brandenburg, Director Children’s Choir
Kathleen Yager, Children’s Choir Associate
Timothy Baker, Organist/Assistant Director of Music, ext: 108
Barbara Bailey, Director Weekday Preschool, 895-2577
Julie Rousseau, Director Nursery and Parents’ Day Out, ext: 119
Beverly Quick, Business Manager, ext: 104 bevquick@bellsouth.net
Fax: (502) 895-1824 www.hbpres.net
Harvey Browne Memorial
Presbyterian Church
311 Browns Lane
Louisville, KY 40207-3983
Office: (502) 896-1791