St. Cornelius Church August 31, 2014


St. Cornelius Church August 31, 2014
St. Cornelius Church
August 31, 2014
Fr. Mike Gleeson, Pastor
Fr. Pat Sheary, S.J., Associate Pastor
Fr. Joseph Kennedy Savarlyar, In residence
Dr. Richard Boucher, Permanent Deacon
Sr. Kathleen Burns, SND Parish Sister
5500 E. Wardlow Rd.
Long Beach, 90808
Phone: 562-421-8966
Fax: 562-421-5096
St. Cornelius Catholic School
Principal ~ Nancy Hayes Phone: 562-425-7813
Monday, September 1 is
Labor day.
Our Mass schedule is:
9: 00 am
There will be No 5:00pm Mass.
Parish Ministries
Internet Inspiration
Which is worse: Ignorance or apathy? Who knows?
Who cares?
I’ve never invented a sin, but I’m trying to perfect
Who are these kids and why are they calling me
You are only truly in control of your life when you
accept that you are not.
You can do more with a kind word and a smile than
with just a kind word.
You can observe a lot just by watching.
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is
You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish.
You don’t need a parachute to skydive. You only
need a parachute to skydive twice.
You don’t have to explain something you never said.
You don’t learn anything the second time a mule
kicks you.
You may have to fight a battle more than once to
win it.
You never achieve success unless you like what
you are doing.
You’re driving a car. It isn’t a telephone booth, a
beauty parlor or a restaurant.
You’re just jealous because the little voices only
talk to me.
You’re never too old to learn something stupid.
You’re only young once, but you can be immature
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest
source of learning.
Your true value depends entirely on what you arecompared with.
Siempre Adelante,
Fr. Mike
Mass Schedule
Saturday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
12 noon & 5:00 p.m.
Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Confession Schedule
Thursday & Friday after 5:00 p.m. Mass
Saturday after 8:00 a.m. Mass
Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Mass
Parish Rectory Office
AOH ~ Daniel McGowan
Altar Servers ~ Mike & Irene Moretine
Altar Society ~ Rita Gengler-Engel
Bereavement ~ Nancy Himes
Boy Scouts ~ Stephanie Prien
Choir Director ~ Joe Patolo
Cursillo ~ Joe & Audrey Hamamoto
Detention Ministry ~ Sr. Teresa Dougherty 429-0033
EM & Lector Coordinator ~ Tricia Mora 434-5085
Hospitality ~ Rectory Office
Hospital Ministry ~ Frank Schmidt
Italian Catholic Federation ~
Stephanie Hardy
Steve Dipietro
Knights of Columbus ~ Victor Magana
LB Young Adult Ministry ~
Sr. Val Roxburgh
Marriage Encounter ~
Elva & Lorenzo Cavazos
Music Coordinator ~ Kathy Clay
Parent Board ~ John Martinez
Parish Sister ~ Sr. Kathleen Burns, S.N.D 496-3224
People for Others ~ Jenny Davidoff
Project Achieve ~ Kathy Cabral
RCIA ~ Sr. Kathleen Burns
Religious Education ~ Caren Rios
Respect Life ~ Sylvia Aimerito
Sacred Heart Retreats ~ Pam Branch
St. Vincent de Paul
Safeguard the Children ~ Pat Reyes
School ~ Nancy Hayes, Principal
Seniors Group ~ Rectory Office
Serra Club ~ Richard MacDonald
Sick & Elderly ~ Sr. Claire
Ushers ~ Sam McCarthy
Wedding Coordinator ~ Marie Allison
Youth Ministry ~ Kim Amaral
St. Vincent de Paul
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Religious Education News
Registration has begun!
Today, Sunday, August 31, 9:00 a.m.-12:00
noon, Registration begins. Registration packets for
new students may be picked up in the RE Office or
from the parish website: Reregistration information may also be downloaded
from the parish website:
Proposed Schedule for Fall 2014—Spring 2015
Meet and Greet @ coffee and donuts, Sunday, October 5, 2014, 11:00 a.m. (after the 10:00
a.m. mass). Meet with the teachers at coffee and donuts in the Pavilion.
Junior High Classes: Tuesday, October 7,
2014 through May 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Elementary Classes : Thur sday, October 9,
2014 through May 21, 2015, 3:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Parent/Caregiver meeting at 4:00 p.m.,
Thursday October 9, in the Church.
Early Childhood Classes begin Sunday, October 12, 2014 through May 17, 2015, 10:00 a.m. ~
11:00 a.m. (subject to change.)
Catechetical Sunday,
September 14, 2014
The theme for 2014 Catechetical Sunday is
"Teaching about God's Gift of Forgiveness".
Even before anyone of us can consider seeking forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance, we know God
is already at work in our hearts. God the Father pursues us down the byways of our life, intent to restore
and share with us in greater measure a life of grace
and union with him, which was secured at so great a
cost through the saving death of his Son. (Read “The
Hound of Heaven” by Francis Thompson.) The Spirit helps us to discern where sinfulness has wounded
and enslaved us, and creates in us, the penitents, a
readiness to embrace ongoing conversion of life
through sorrow for sins, sacramental confession
through the ministry of the priest, and a firm purpose
of amendment.
Italian Catholic Federation
Join Italian Catholic Federation for an afternoon Italian movie and gathering. Drinks, popcorn,
and snacks will be provided. We will also have a
movie for the kids to watch. We will gather in St
Cornelius' small hall at 1:30pm. If you have any
questions please contact Stephanie Hardy hardy or 562-544-2222.
Virtus Training:
Protecting God's Children
St. Cornelius is hosting the Virtus child sexual
abuse prevention workshop/training session Saturday, September 6 , 9AM - 12Noon in the Small
Hall. All adults who work with children of the
school/parish and have not yet taken this awareness
training are required to do so as mandated by the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops. Lectors, choir
members, ushers, and Eucharistic ministers are
now required to attend. Anyone wishing to attend must register online at:
Keeping the Promise Alive,
We will also be hosting the Virtus recertification wor kshop, " Keeping the Pr omise
Alive," Thursday evening, September 4 , 7:00pm 8:30pm. (Large Hall) This workshop recertifies anyone who completed the three hour Virtus training
before 2010 and has not recertified through the Virtus website. Please call Caren 562-420-7613 to reserve your spot for the recertification session.
Connecting the Dots
Spirituality Book Club
We will meet September 18
with a new book Shattered Lantern, by Ronald
Rohlheiser. Please read the introduction and first
two chapters of Shattered Lantern. Books are
available at Paulist Bookstore in Costa Mesa or
We will meet at: Norma Duffy’s home,
5408 E. Pavo St., Long Beach, CA 90808
Please call: Deacon Rich Boucher at
420-9520 or Norma Duffy at 429-1094
for more info.
Soda Drive
Your chance is here St. Cornelius holds an annual soda drive to collect donated soda that will be
sold during Fiesta. . Soft drink donations of cans of
Coke Pepsi, Sprite, 7-Up and other brands: Regular
or Diet, can be dropped off at the Rectory garage
door on the following date: August 30-31 after all
St. Cornelius Bible Studies
The Prophets and the Book of Revelation
Facilitated by Sr. Kathleen
The classes will be offered 3 times a week on
the following days beginning the week of September
8th through May. Monday Evenings -7:15-8:45
p.m. (Grade 8) Thursday Mornings - 6:30 - 7:45 a.m.
(Holy Family Rm) Thursday Mornings - 8:45 - 10:15
a.m. (Holy Family Rm) Contact Sr. Kathleen at 562496-3224 or A $15 donation is
appreciated for course materials.
Please feel free to join at any time!
Youth Ministry
Confirmation Year 1:
The 1st class will be Sunday, September 21st please email Kim Amaral for a Registration Form.
All forms must be turned in BEFORE the 1st class.
Please contact Kim Amaral with any questions: / 562-760-3066
Prayers for the Sick
Please pray for: Helen Whitwell, Bob
Foley, Wayne Hawkins, Emilie & Fiona Victor, Michael George, Victoria Falealili, Ellen Bollinger,
John Cunneen, Martin Metz, Alexis Teodosio, Jason
Taylor, Michael Perez, Andrea Boyles, Donna Williams, Marilyn North, Sarah Irvine, Maureen Walsh,
Michelle Stevens, James & Alma Woods, Lori Garcia, David Wheeler, Karen Rigney, Adam & Carla
Mars, Mary Larkin, Alan Wells, Raul Suarez, Harper
Deaton, Niko Greco, Antoinette Uthoff, Michelle
Carranza, Jake Kasten, Fran Kelly, Brenda Erickson,
Tim Ginnett, Skylar McFadyen, Olivia Alvillar,
Sandy Bradley, Marge Hengehold, Jim & Ursula
Hall, Pete Tisei, Mercedes Gonzalez, Rivaldo Family, D.J. Barwick, Clara I. Jimenez, Ricardo Fernandez, Francis Fernandez, Tom Hogan, Denise Easley
Pearson, Sherri Stillwell, Albert & Olivia Howard,
Bob Early, Peggy Hassett, Luis Barreto, Dolores
Lounsbury, Peggy Boylan, Connie Gutierrez., Randy
Kunkel, Roger LaPorte, Sam McCarthy, Karen Keb
Will, Mary Cascio, Patricia McMonegal, Judith Gerphiede, Mary Maguire, Jennifer Perez Carey, Marta
L. Rodriguez, Julienne Aoga, Danny Castaneda, Jeff
Newon, Eric Fairchild, Antonette Utahoff, Barbara
Bain, Helen Whitwell, Mary Jaduls.
Sunday, August 31
8:00 a.m. People of St. Cornelius
Mathew Underwood (RIP)
10:00 a.m. Bob Hart (RIP)
Dorothea Jakubouski
12:00 p.m. Gloria and Sandy Martinez
Edgar Librinca (RIP)
5:00 p.m. Joe Raymont (RIP)
Monday, September 1
9:00 a.m. Fr. Edwad Broom & all priests.
Michael Perez
Tuesday, September 2
8:00 a.m. Fr. Larry Darrell & all priests.
Michael Perez
5:00 p.m. Emilie Victor
Ed & Jane Quest
Wednesday, September 3
8:00 a.m. Kenny Starks (RIP)
Phyllis Foster (RIP)
Ginger Whitesell (RIP)
5:00 p.m. Adelaida Asumbrado (RIP)
Mary Rogan (RIP)
Thursday, September 4
8:00 a.m. Fr. Vincenzo Antolini & All Priests
5:00 p.m. Nella Cepero (RIP)
Margaret Smith (RIP)
Friday, September 5
8:15 a.m. Helen Whitwell
Darren Fouquette (RIP)
5:00 p.m. Audrey Longaberger
Frank Longarberger (RIP)
Saturday, September 6
8:00 a.m. Amparo Miguel Hernandez (RIP)
Pete Madrid (RIP)
5:00 p.m. Tom Moxley (RIP)
Arsenia Runas
Sunday, September 7
8:00 a.m. John G. Weisenborn (RIP)
Julienne Regina Aoga
10:00 a.m. People of St. Cornelius
Nick Rivado (RIP)
12:00 p.m. Barbara Heatherman-Hogan (RIP)
5:00 p.m. Sr. Nan Zeimet
Sam Fenn (RIP)
Respect Life News & Notes
Rosary and Mass for Life is
Sunday, Sept. 7, beginning at 4:30 p.m.
Save The Date!
Babies Saved
The 2014 St. Cornelius Fiesta will be held
96 - the number of babies saved from being
aborted (so far this year that we know of!) at the
Family Planning Associates in Long Beach. Thank
you for your continued prayers for our unborn brothers and sisters, and moms in crisis pregnancies.
Saturday night is Alumni Night! See you there!
Like us on Facebook @ St. Cornelius Fiesta and
follow us on Twitter @ StCFiesta
Save the Date!
We're celebrating our 5th anniversary! For 5
years you've stood with us for LIFE, helped us raise
money for diapers, ultrasound machines, cribs and
car seats, held diaper drives for us, donated baby
items, prayed with us during 40 Days for Life, joined
us at pro life events, and attended on monthly Rosary
and Mass for Life.
You helped save the lives of over 600 babies now THAT'S a reason to celebrate! And we will celebrate on Sunday, Oct. 5th! Join us for our Rosary
and Mass for Life, Garden Dedication, and Celebration of Life party in the Pavilion. It all begins at 4:30
with for Life!
Black Madonna Icon
If you missed the Black Madonna icon during it’s
time at Holy Innocents in Long Beach, You have
another opportunity to make the Defense of Life Pilgrimage with the icon. This Tuesday, Sept 2, 7pm, at
Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church in Anaheim. For more info call the church at (714) 5336292.
For more information about our pro life ministry: / 562-429-1965 Like us on
Facebook. Twitter @AudioGirlM.
Stay bold. Stay fierce. Stay strong.
Craft Fair
Join us for our 5th annual craft show!! There
will be jewelry, knitted items, handmade bags and
MORE. This is a great opportunity to get your
Christmas shopping done early! The craft show is on
Sunday, September 28th from l-6pm in the large
hall. There will also be additional booths outside
along Bellflower Blvd. If you are interested in selling at the show please contact
Amy at or the
school office at 562.425.7813.
September 26th, 27th & 28th.
We really appreciate your support!
Silent Auction
The Fiesta Silent Auction committee is getting
ready for another successful year!
Once again, we are requesting everyone's help in
collecting a variety of different items. Please remember
Silent Auction this summer as you clean out your closets
and garages. We appreciate any new or handmade items
and no item is too small. Examples include toys, gift
items, kitchen products, tickets to sporting or entertainment events. (Please no used clothing or shoes.) If you
own a business or have any contacts with any professional services would also be a great donation. We are
also in need of a variety of different sized baskets.
Please feel free to drop off all donations to the
school office and label them "Fiesta Silent Auction."
If you have any questions or need assistance, please
feel free to contact Silent Auction Co-Chairs Sonia Johnson (562) 984-7308 email -orStacey Morrison (562) 230-1480 email
Hourly Drawing Booth
Summer Greetings!
In preparation for this year's upcoming Fiesta and
due to the HUGE success of our Hourly drawing booth
we kindly request your donations of Never Used Gift
Cards (cards you've been holding on to but never used)
or gently used cash! We'll use the cash to purchase Scrip
gift cards which benefit our school two fold! You can
send your donations of gift cards or cash for Scrip gift
cards directly to the school office, or in a separate envelope marked "Hourly Drawing" deposited in the church
basket. We thank you for your generosity in supporting
our school and the children - the future of our parish!
Please contact Rose Letson 562-755-0862
with any questions.
Like us on Facebook @ St Cornelius Fiesta and
follow us on Twitter @StCFiesta
Weekend Liturgies
Saturday, September 6
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Pat Sheary, S.J.
Don Allison
Sunday, September 7
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12 noon
5:00 p.m
Fr. Pat Sheary, S.J.
Michele Bradley
Joseph Kennedy Savariyar.
Regina Willett
Fr. Mike Gleeson
Joe & Audrey Hamamoto
Fr. Mike Gleeson
Annabelle Gordon
Faith and Fiction
St. Cornelius Book Discussion Group
The next meeting of the book club will be held
on Monday, September 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the school
The book we will be discussing is:
Mrs. Pollifax Unveiled
by Dorothy Gilman.
We meet on the third Monday of every month.
You are welcome to join us.
For further information, call
Katy Ellis at 607-1100.
Did You Know?
WOMEN'S Bible Study
Join us for a new study... Shine brightly
as you study 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, with
Beth Moore presenting this fantastic, nine
session study ~ Children of the Day.
"“You are all children of the light and
children of the day. We do not belong to the
night or the darkness." 1 Thessalonians 5:5
This is an interactive, personal study with
group discussion from your learning guide.
There is nothing to lose but much Scripture to
gain and apply to our every day lives.
We meet Thursday evening from 6:30 9:00 p.m. in the 8th grade classroom, starting
September 4th. For more info, please contact
Dianne Jahn at (562) 431 -5682 or email
We ' re B a c k ! !
You are invited to join us on Wednesday,
Sept. 10th (7 - 8:45 p.m.) in the Holy Family
Room for the St. Cornelius Bible Study. We
will begin our 10 week study of the book of
James For more information or materials,
please contact Erick or Barbara Fischer at (562)
425-5542 or email
The Wednesday night Bible study
is open to all!
There are easy-to-use child safety resources to help protect children.
Nearly 800,000 children are reported missing to law enforcement each year. By working
together we can help reduce the incidents and
exploited children across the United States. The
commitment to help our children transcends
ethnicity and reflects the American spirit. The
National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children offers easy-to-use safety resources in
English and Spanish to help parent and guardian protect children. For more information, visit
the NCMEC website:
For particular help, please call the Victims Assistance Ministry, (213) 637-7650.
Bereavement Support Group
Bereavement—the loss of a significant
person—is a universal human experience. Grief
is a natural emotional response to bereavement
and is characterized by loneliness, sadness, fear,
guilt, even anger, and a sense of numbness and
confusion; grief reactions are highly individualistic and vary in intensity and duration.
All who are facing life changed forever by
the loss of a loved one through death or divorce
are welcomed to attend a six week bereavement
support group beginning September, 21 at
3:00pm in the Convent Chapel, (west of the
Rectory). Come and draw upon the mutual support and spiritual strength of others each Sunday afternoon as our group finds comfort and
learns coping techniques. If you wish to attend,
please call Nancy Himes (562) 928-2474.
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It is with Father Mike's blessing that your St. Cornelius Respect Life Team and AudioGirl Ministries
are pleased to present to you……..
Memorial Garden of Life
Dedicated to the children whose innocent lives were lost due to abortion, illness, accident, or miscarriage, we
pray grieving hearts will find comfort here, knowing their little one is wrapped in the loving embrace of Jesus.
The M em or ial G ar d en of L ife will be built in the fr ont of St. Cor nelius, r eplacing the ivy ar ea. Completion is set for the Fall, 2014. Soon parishioners will be invited to sponsor a garden paver which can be inscribed
and dedicated to the memory of a child, or the paver can be inscribed with a family name.
We are currently looking for businesses, organizations or families to sponsor the fountain and seating area. If you would like more info please contact: Sylvia Aimerito at 562.429.1965.
We'll keep parishioners updated throughout the process.
Eucharistic Minister
Lector Meeting
September 11, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Please note the date has been changed.
Potluck in the Pavilion!
Knights of Columbus
On behalf of the American Red Cross and the
Knights of Columbus, we wish to offer our heartfelt “Thank You” to the people of St. Cornelius
Parish for the donation of their time and blood during the blood drive held Sunday, August 17, 2014
Eagle Scout Project
My name is Jacob Lemmon. I am working on my
Eagle Scout Project, a meditation area for St. Cornelius
and a memorial for Karen Roffers. She was a great
woman that helped St. Cornelius and Boy Scouts. I met
her through her son, who was my classmate from Kindergarten through 8th grade. She died two years ago from
The meditation area will be located next to the Convent and the school garden. It will remind people to be
thankful for the food God provides and the people He has
brought into our lives.
My project includes installing a Celtic Cross, fountain, lights, benches, plants and resurfacing the meditation area and outside classroom. The project will cost
$3,000. I’ve currently raised $1,250. I am asking for
your prayers and financial support, a tax deductable donation to meet my goals.
Please make checks out to Troop 205. Donations
can either be sent to St. Cornelius or mailed to 1524
Marshall Pl., LB CA, 90807.
Thank you for your support.
Jacob Lemmon