Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd
Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd
Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 1 2011 It was not long ago that the Mediterranean Model Forest Network (MMFN) was officially launched at the 2008 International Model Forest Network (IMFN) Global Forum held in Hinton, Canada. However, it has taken important and firm steps forward, such as the declaration of two new candidate Model Forests in Ifrane (Morocco) and Yalova (Turkey), which join the 2007 Model Forest initiative in Urbión (Spain). The MMFN continues growing enthusiastically and at a constant pace with new additions such as the Toscana and Venetto regions in Italy and territories that are starting out with us, such as Jordan and Syria or the Model Forests of the Dehesa Charra, in Salamanca (Spain) or the Serranía in Cuenca (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain). The European Union's INTERREG "Forêt Modèle" project continues advancing in order to consolidate model forest processes in several territories and to draft strategic actions for the common interest. 2010 and 2011 have been full of important meetings, such as the MedForum 2010 held in Ifrane (Morocco) on June 2010, which involved the yearly meeting of all the model forests being developed in the Mediterranean. In 2011, the MedForum will take place in November in the PACA region of France, and will be an important gathering for all Mediterranean agents working towards sustainable forest management and rural development. The IMFN Global Forum held in Burgos in March 2011 was a great success that provided a glimpse of the contributions that the Mediterranean network can make to the international model forest community. And so, I invite you to read our Newsletter, where you will find the advances that have taken place in the MMFN, important events and news of the Mediterranean and some sketches of the events that have taken place this year in the IMFN. Alvaro Picardo Nieto, Junta de Castilla y León (Spain). Red Mediterránea de Bosques Modelo. Member of the: International Model Forest Network 2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 2 2 Members of the MMFN MedForum 2010 Annual Meeting Mediterranean Model Forest Network The MedForum 2010, which was recently held in Ifrane (Morocco) has been an outstanding success with over 70 professionals attended the event representing 12 between countries and regions and over 20 active Entities of the forestall sector of the Mediterranean basin. The Secretariat of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network is very pleased with the organization of the Forum, which was a good meeting point of ideas and projects for the future, especially in the proposed themes. During the first day of the MedForum 2010, Ifrane Model Forest was officially nominated, and during the act the Canadian Ambassador to Morocco, His Excellency Christopher Wilkie, handed the representative of the HCEFLCD (Morocco) the certificate of such candidates. The candidate Ifrane Model Forest will be the second Model Forest in the Mediterranean basin since the first Model Forest, Urbión (in Castilla y Leon, Spain), started its activities in 2007. Members After an initial capitalization of work results, I am pleased to inform you that the technical issue of the Forum is available on our website in the "File manager" of the web, where you can download all the documents presented during the MedForum 2010. of the MMFN 1. Castilla y León (Spain) 1.1 Urbión Model Forest The Monte Modelo Urbión Association (MMU) held their General Meeting on Saturday the 17th of April. In this meeting they showcased the work carried out during 2009 and the actions in progress and planned for 2010. From the different activities of 2009 we can highlight the creation of the work commissions, which developed the strategic plan that laid down the current schedule. Thanks to the grant awarded in late 2009 by the Biodiversity Foundation, the Association was able to carry out the following activities in 2010: - Application for the Urbión Biosphere Reserve. The First Draft of the resources inventory is now available. The issues of territorial scope, management and participation workshops were studied during the month of May 2010. The first seminars on Biosphere Reserved were held and the program will be further developed during the summer to inform the entire population of the proposal and to build between us all a common vision and an inclusive process. The Biosphere Reserve Participation Seminar was held on the 17th, 18th and 19th of June 2010 at the Casa de la Madera. It also received visits from several delegations of the Toscana Region (Italy), Turkey, and the Region of Murcia (Spain). The Global Forum held the National Tree Day in Revenga (Burgos) and attendants were taken 12:51 PÆgina 3 3 Members of the MMFN Castilla y Leon", ASFOSA organised an event to present the region targeted for the sustainable management model: the Dehesa Charra. Many potential participants attended this meeting and offered their different points of view on the initiative. Later, a first group of 8 strategic actors declared their intention to start a Model Forest in the Dehesa Charra. This group of actors is widely represented in the territory and was defined as a "driving group". Recently, and after forming work groups coordinated by ASFOSA, some priorities have been chosen for the future strategic plan of the Model Forest, which is still to be defined: through the Urbión Model Forest and were explained the forest management carried out there. By visiting different companies and towns in Soria and Burgos they were also shown how economic, social and cultural interests are integrated with the preservation of natural resources in the area. 1.2 Initiative “Dehesa Charra” Model Forest Work has been carried out in Salamanca throughout 2010 in order to launch the creation of a Model Forest in the Dehesa area (Southeast area of the Castilla y Leon region). Cesefor, within the framework of the "Forêt Modèle" Med project, has invited Pablo Martín, Salamanca's Forest Association's (ASFOSA) Forest Engineer, to participate in the consortium's activities in order to get this company involved in MMFN activities. With support from the Department of the Environment of the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon and with the agreement of ASOFA's Management Board, the Model Forest concept was introduced in the province of Salamanca at a meeting held on 22 July 2010. On 9 September 2010, on the occasion of the "27th International Farming Trade Fair of 2011 25/10/2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 1. Long-term ecosystem conservation. 2. Improving the profitability of the land (in uses and products). 3. Information, communication and training in life in the Dehesa. 4. Institutional organisation ASFOSA is currently coordinating the drawing-up of the Terms of the Dehesa Charra Model Forest, which is in its draft version and will be discussed and reviewed by the driver group in a workshop in September 2011. Later, in October 2011, they shall receive an evaluation visit from the Secretariats of the International and Mediterranean Model Forest Networks for a possible appointment as an official candidate for a Model Forest. 2. Murcia (Spain) Background meetings were held to present Model Forests, consisting in meetings from the 1st to the 4th of March 2010 with the social agents involved in the Model Forest project and with representatives of the International and Mediterranean Model Forest Networks. In these meetings, the proposal of the Model Forest of Sierra Espuña and Hills of Mula, Cehegín and Bullas was presented, as well as the importance and benefits involved in belonging to the Mediterranean Model Forest Network. The Bylaws of the Model Forest of Sierra Espuña 2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 4 4 Members of the MMFN and Hills of Mula, Cehegín and Bullas were also drafted, defining the general articles of association, the activities and purpose of the association and its members, its operating criteria, its management structure and its internal, financial and asset regulations. A document for the Analysis and Comparative Study of all Model Forests comprising the Mediterranean Network within the "Model Forest" Med Project was also drafted, and a Comparative Study was performed between the Sierra Espuña Model Forest and the rest of the Model Forests to be implemented in natural areas in the Mediterranean. The objective is to analyse the ecological and socioeconomic context of all these territories in order to ensure that these structures contribute effectively towards the conservation of the species and the spaces they protect. As part of the process of developing the future Model Forest, we have finished drafting the Strategic Plan for the Model Forest of Sierra Espuña and Hills of Mula, Cehegín and Bullas for the 2010-2015 period, which is still to be by the IMFN. To do this we chose the proposals with the greatest acceptance amongst all those submitted by the Model Forest partners in a meeting held on 28 May 2010, in which the actors involved in the future Model Forest of Sierra Espuña and Hills of Mula, Cehegín and Bullas voted on a series of proposals previously chosen in different work groups (corresponding to the 4 commissions established: Public Use, Promotion of Territorial Participation, Infrastructures and Management and Conservation) from which the Work Plan plan for the coming years was developed, establishing the relevant objectives and goals for the 2010-2015 period. A series of articles has also been published in the media to promote all the activities that are being organised, on online journals, scientific magazines, newspapers, web pages, etc. Articles and news reports are published in different media such as web pages, digital dairies, newspapers, journals, brochures, etc. in order to inform about the events and meetings held, the people attending, the agreements reached and the strategies to be followed. The "Umbría de Espuña" race was held on 20 June 2010 within the Model Forest to raise the awareness of the general population to the future Model Forest of Sierra Espuña and Hills of Mula, Cehegín and Bullas. In 2011 they are still working on developing the Strategic Plan and giving the finishing touches on defining the partnership. In October of 2011 they shall receive an evaluation visit from the Secretariats of the International and Mediterranean Model Forest Networks for a possible appointment as official candidates to Model Forests. 12:51 PÆgina 5 5 Members 3. Corsica (France) On the 24th and 25th of March 2010, a meeting of the "Model Forest" MED Project was held in the region of Corsica (France) to define the characteristics of the Mediterranean Model Forest. In this meeting a document was drafted that will define such characteristics and will become a guide for the development of Model Forests in the Mediterranean. On the 26th of March 2010, ODARC organised a regional event on the sustainable management of forests. The issues discussed were: The fundamental principles of sustainable forest management and examples of general tools. Local forest management and examples of suitable tools. The Corsica Model Forest project, as well as presentations on the Model Forest concept by the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network and other network members. Almost 70 people attended this meeting: land owners and forest administrators, civil servants, elected leaders, academics, teachers and students. After the presentations there was a debate on the application of the Model Forest concept in Corsica, including the choice of the site. The importance of the coordination of local actors for the success of sustainable local development was highlighted. The next steps are those of continuing communication with local forestry actors and a study to identify the areas that best meet the Model Forest criteria. 4. Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur (France) The MMF Secretariat was invited by the PACA Region to participate in a series of meetings (2226 February 2010) with potential local partners in order to explain the Model Forest concept, as well as the basic characteristics shared by all Model Forests, i.e. governance, association and the strategic plan. The end result was the planning of a strategic workshop following the standard schedule: presentation of the concept, local networks and the project for creating a Model Forest. About thirty people attended, including a of the MMFN representative of the Ministry of Agriculture (PACA Regional Office) and the President of the AIFM (International Association of Mediterranean Forests). In general, the message was delivered effectively and the experts observed positive technical and political reactions towards the Model Forest system. On the 9th of November 2010, a meeting was held with the local consortium for the creation of work groups dealing with specific issues and to identify the first lines of action for the future Model Forest. 3 work groups were defined by subject matter: Towards a new forest economy Multifunctional management of peri-urban natural areas. Evolution and control of landscapes considering natural risks. Other meetings of the different work groups have been planned for 2011, and a Workshop extended to the entire potential consortium in order to launch the drafting of the Strategic Plan. 5. Sardinia (Italy) Within the project of creating a Model Forest in the Region of Sardinia, the MMFN Secretariat received an invitation from the Region to participate in a series of meetings with potential local partners that were held on the 4th and 5th of March 2010. The agenda of this visit started with a visit to the territory included in the Model Forest: the new "Arci-Grighine" forest district, consisting of 21 forest areas. The rest of the visit was dedicated to raise awareness between the different attendees by offering a vision of the Model Forest concept, as well as the basic characteristics common to all Model Forests, which are governance, association and the strategic plan. On the 9th of June 2010 another meeting was organised in Cagliari to confirm the Regional Government's determination to create the Model Forest, inviting other Authorities with regional competences in the chosen territory. On the 20th of July an informative meeting was held in Gusana, inviting all Public, Regional, Provincial and Local Authorities, Associations and Private 2011 25/10/2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 6 6 Members of the MMFN Organisations to attend. On the 16th of November 2010 another meeting was held for the 14 City Councils of the "ARCI" Area. Participation in this meeting was quite low (5 City Councils), but intense. The Mayors understood the concept and supported the decision of continuing the process and creating the Model Forest. In the end, the Regional Government confirmed its intention of using the Model Forest tool to increase its contact with the territory and to test the best practices at the chosen site in order to use these results for a better understanding of the objectives of the Forest District, for which it must draft a Management Plan. 6. Tuscany (Italia) The Tuscany Region sent a delegation to Castilla y Leon consisting of a representative of the Tuscany Region, a representative of the State Forestry Department, 3 representatives of the "Montagna Fiorentina" Mountain Community, a representative of the Caentinesi Forest National Park and 2 representatives of logging companies based in the "Montagna Fiorentina" Mountain Community, to discuss how to proceed effectively in the creation of the Model Forest (late April). The meeting was also attended by a representative from an important agricultural region. In the months of May and June several meetings were held with the logging and/or wood-processing companies in order to broaden association and participation in the experience of creating a Model Forest in the Region. Therefore, the territory for the creation of the first Model Forest in general terms will coincide with the "Joint Valdarno and Valdisieve City Councils", whereas the partnership currently consists of the Toscana Region, Joint Valdarno and Valdisieve City Councils (which will also operate as the coordinator between the partners), the "Foreste Casentinesi" National Park, the SOFEA Woodcutter's Association, the Frescobaldi farm, important sawmills in the area, and the Ivalsa NRC. The diagnostic mission of the MMFN Secretariat took place between the 6th-10th of December 2010. After the visits to several local actors involved in the project, a conference was held to present the process of the creation of the "Montagna Fiorentina Model Forest" with the participation of Alvaro Picardo from the Castilla y Leon Regional Government and Sonia Martel from the Urbión Model Hill Association. More than 100 people attended the conference, during which the Environmental Councillor of the Toscana Regional Government confirmed the Region's interest and its intention to create a Model Forest. Considering the success of the first initiative due to its high local participation, some weeks later (on the 20th of January 2011) a workshop was held to create the Strategic Plan for the Model Forest, held by a representative of the MMFN Secretariat. Once again, many representatives of the public and private sectors were present, and sharing theme-based work groups they expressed several opinions and points of view on the future activities of the Model Forest. Currently, the personnel in charge of the Joint Valdarno and Valdisieve City Councils is reviewing the results of the workshop in order to draft a proposal for the Strategic Plan. 7. Istria (Croatia) A meeting was organised on 12 July 2010 with representatives from several organisations responsible for the territorial management of the Istria Region and potential actors for the future Model Forest. 12:51 PÆgina 7 7 Members The diagnostic visit to the site chosen for the Model Forest, the "Mirna River Basin", took place from the 16th to the 20th of November 2010. Representatives from the International and Mediterranean Model Forest Networks participated in this visit. A workshop was organised in June 2010 to draw up the Strategic Plan at the Local Council of Motovun (Croatia). All the local actors visited were present. They were all very excited about the value of the Model Forest tool and many opinions were stated on future actions to be taken. Amongst the activities carried out by this development initiative in the month of June 2011 is that of combining art with nature, joining other IMFN Model Forests in an attempt to bring both these aspects together. Nine young artists from Croatia, Slovenia and Italy were invited by the Pazin city Art Museum, as part of the future Model Forest, to express their ideas of the old chestnut trees in the City of Motovun (Istria, Croatia) from a different perspective using environmentally-friendly paints. of the MMFN 2011 25/10/2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 8 8 Members of the MMFN A meeting of the "Forêt Modèle" MED project was held in June 2011, during which they visited and held meetings with interested partners. To finish off the visit, a letter of intent was signed in which the interested actors expressed their commitment to the initiative. the first Greek Model Forest (despite the critical economic times that make for a very difficult situation throughout the country). 8. Magnesia Prefecture (Greece) They have published several press releases explaining the Model Forest concept within the framework of the Forêt Modèle MED project and they have also informed all local actors interested in the project. Both official and non-official meetings were organised with the Magnesia Prefecture. A technical meeting of the "Forêt Modèle" MED project was held in Volos on 21 September 2010. The Magnesia Prefecture organised a field visit to the Pelion Mountain, the site that has been pre-selected to test the Model Forest tool. A Conference has also been organised inviting all the Local Authorities, who have confirmed their intention to continue with the project to create 9. West Macedonia (Greece) The region has contacted the Forestry Department of the region and certain actors of the chosen area, Krania forest. The actors were informed about the project mainly by telephone. More information was sent by mail and the interested parties sent in questions that were then raised in the meeting held in Kozani in December 2009 within the framework of the "Forêt Modèle" MED project. A visit was organised by the project consortium in Krania Forest (Grevena Prefecture), explaining the main activities in the territory. 12:51 PÆgina 9 9 Members of the MMFN 10. Turkey The Yalova Model Forest has been officially declared a Candidate during a ceremony held on the 16th and 17th of February 2011. Representatives of the International and Mediterranean Model Forest Secretariats also took part in the ceremony, as well as the Canadian Ambassador to Turkey, who officially claimed that the Yalova Model Forest is a "candidate member" to the International Network. There has been much local satisfaction, especially due to the new President elect, Doctor Mehmet Ozdemir, for whom the MMFN Secretariat wishes all the best for the future. With respect to the creation of the Yalova Model Forest in Turkey, representatives of the International and Mediterranean Model Forest Networks participated during the first week of June 2010 in a workshop consisting in the joint assessment of the Strategic Plan. All potential local partners for the Yalova Model Forest attended this workshop, and the two representatives of the networks observed the advances in this Turkish project. Moreover, a Turkish delegation visited the Urbión Model Forest in order to complete information for the creation of their Model Forest in the region of Yalova. They shall receive an evaluation visit in September 2011 by the Secretariats of the International and Mediterranean Model Forest Networks for a possible final designation as a Model Forest after working for some months as a Candidate Model Forest. 2011 25/10/2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 10 10 Members of the MMFN 11. Tunisia Within the framework of the AMFI Program, the IMFN and MMFN Secretariats visited the territories of Kroumirie-Mogods in Tunisia from the 8th to the 12th of February 2010 in order to participate in the local development of processes and to help draft the corresponding strategic plans. During their visit to Tunisia, the group of experts held meetings with the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is responsible for the creation of the Kroumirie-Mogods Model Forest. Finally, the work of drafting the strategic plan for the future Kroumirie-Mogods Model Forest was carried out with the Temporary Committee. They are currently writing the Strategic Plan and choosing the government model for the future Kroumirie-Mogods Model Forest. The external Consultant has finished their consulting work on the legal form of the Tunisian Model Forest and the results have been presented in a meeting of the main parties involved. The official creation of an Association and the resulting start of activities to establish the Model Forest should start soon. 12. Marruecos The Ifrane Model Forest was declared a candidate to the IMFN and the MMFN during the 2010 MedForum, after the creation of the Ifrane Model Forest Association, approving its articles of association and its Strategic Plan. There has been a public call to find the first workers, who have now been selected. The new Association can now start the first activities laid down in the Strategic Plan. As background preparation, within the framework of the AMFI Program, the IMFN and MMFN Secretariats visited the territories of the candidate Model Forest, the Ifrane Model Forest in Morocco, from the 1st to the 5th of February 2010 in order to participate in the local development of processes and to help draft the corresponding strategic plans. During their visit to Morocco, the group of experts played an active role in the preparatory meetings with the work groups created for this purpose in October of 2009. The work carried out during this period was focused in particular on the creation of the Articles of Association of the Ifrane Model Forest, which led to the Incorporation Meeting held on 13 February 2010. Several activities have been performed in 2011, of which we may highlight: a seminar on Amazigh poetry (forest conservation: culture and behaviour), forestry and pasture management activities such as the distribution of cantons (profit generation for the inhabitants of the mountain areas in the province of Ifrane), more efficient furnace distribution, valuation of products such as medicinal plants and wool, and awareness-raising actions on the value of the environment. All these activities are aimed at improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of the work area of the Ifrane candidate Model Forest. 12:51 PÆgina 11 11 Members of the MMFN Conclusions International Symposium highlights importance of the ecosystem approach The March 21-24 International Symposium on Ecosystem and Landscape-level Approaches to Sustainability brought together close to 400 delegates from over 65 countries in Burgos, Spain to discuss sustainable approaches to forest ecosystem and large landscape management. With a mix of keynote speakers, case study presenters, panels and small working group discussions, participants had an opportunity to both learn about current approaches and engage in discussion and debate on the Symposium themes: ecosystem goods and services, inventory and monitoring, governance, and future directions. The principal conclusions for the event include: Forests are essential for the economic, social and cultural well-being of communities in addition to their ecological value in conserving biodiversity and ecological services The ecosystem approach is critical in advancing the sustainability of our forests 2011 25/10/2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd Initiatives and approaches such as Model Forests and biosphere reserves promote and contribute to the sustainable management of forest-based landscapes All the approaches (and the organizations advancing them) to ecosystem and landscape-level management need to be linked more effectively to facilitate the sharing of information and experiences The event organizers and co-organizers will be inviting delegates and others to participate in ongoing dialogue on the Symposium themes in the coming months. Stay tuned for more information on these opportunities. As well, Symposium proceedings will be available soon. In the meantime, presentations and videos from both events can be downloaded from the link below. For More Information: News 2011 Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 12 12 Activities IMFN The African Model Forest Network is expanding. In pursuing their goal of developing a pan-African network of Model Forests by 2013, the AMFN Secretariat (based in Cameroon) has been actively encouraging the establishment of Model Forests in neighbouring countries. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), up to three new sites are being considered, and potential sites are also being explored in the Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville). The Secretariat has established contacts in the Central African Republic, Rwanda, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, and has held meetings with political authorities and NGOs in Ghana, Senegal and Sierra Leone, where the interest and demand for information on establishing Model Forests is significant. During the coming year, the AMFN Secretariat will focus on holding workshops in many of these countries to provide guidance on Model Forest development. + Info: New agro-forestry project in Ulot Watershed Model Forest, Philippines The Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has allocated P155 500 (USD 3 625) to support a 10 hectare agro-forestry project within the Ulot Watershed Model Forest to aid in reducing poverty and deforestation in the region. Located in Taft, Eastern Samar Island, the project will be implemented by the San Rafael Integrated Farmers Cooperative, Inc. (SRIFC), a Model Forest partner. DENR will provide technical assistance to the SRIFC including the selection of site-appropriate crops as well as the market potential of the commodities. In exchange the SRIFC will prepare the site, cultivate the vegetable crops and build a nursery shed. As many local communities currently rely on the charcoal production for income, this project will provide an alternative source of income and aid in reducing deforestation in the area. + Info: Fundy Model Forest promotes diversifying the forest economy through non-timber forest products The Fundy Model Forest has produced a field guide to help landowners identify opportunities to earn additional income from their woodlots through non-timber forest products (NTFPs). "Our Atlantic Woods: A Photo Guide to Non-timber Forest Products," can be used to identify trees, small shrubs, mushrooms, and other plants that could be developed into marketable non-timber forest products. The examples selected are among the most common found in the Acadian forest region. Based on his 15 years experience in researching NTFPs, Dr. Ron Smith developed the guide to not only aids the user in identifying NTFPs in the forest, but also provide an overview the marketing possibilities for each species. For example, bunchberries have a number of traditional uses and research highlights their potential medicinal use in combating heart disease and some forms of cancer in addition to their use in beverages and landscaping. + Info: Successful wrap-up of KEDLAP project The Knowledge for Effective Learning and Development (KEDLAP) Project (November 2009 to March 2011) was a joint effort of CUSO-VSO and the Iberoamerican Model Forest Network to examine how knowledge management and sharing contributes to development processes. A learning network was built with six Model Forests to deepen and share knowledge on topics of importance to the Model Forests such as governance, land use management, sustainable production. Funding and other support was provided by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the IMFN. During the three year project period, six workshops were held - three in Costa Rica and one each in Chile, Bolivia and Guatemala. These brought together Model Forest representatives from across the region to share ideas and lessons learned on knowledge management and sharing. The workshops strengthened ties between the Model Forests which has led to an increase of activities both within individual Model Forests and across national boundaries. The project improved participant capacity for systematic knowledge management and sharing-and consequently better and more relevant strategic planning and implementation-though the systematization of best practices. As well, Model Forests across the IAMFN engaged in more systematic annual reflection and reporting with more focus on lessons learned. With financial security a key issue across the entire IMFN, another key outcome was the development of Model Forest sustainability plans as the result of online training in resource mobilization carried out through the project. The IMFN Secretariat, in collaboration with CUSO-VSO and other partners are examining approaches to transfering the lessons learned from this pilot to other IMFN regions such as Africa and Asia. + Info: Vilhelmina Model Forest action plan for preserving biodiversity in River Ångermanälven, Sweden The loss of habitat continues to be a globally important factor affecting the extinction of species both in terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Connectivity (allowing free migration 12:51 PÆgina 13 Activities IMFN of species within aquatic habitat networks) is a key issue, but there are often many obstacles to migration. For example, the large dams at hydropower plants where fish passage is not often maintained. Swedish environmental legislation favours the use of renewable energy sources and it is often possible to minimize the negative effects of hydropower development with the establishment of fish passages. The Vilhelmina Model Forest, Sweden, initiated a pilot project in 2010 to study the feasibility, biological effects and costs of establishing fish passages at four dams in the upper part of Ångermanälven River, the third largest in Sweden. The project group consisted of local, regional and national experts. The work resulted in precise plans for establishing a fish passage. A manual for local inhabitants and communities was produced to guide them through the legal documents for water court processes, and to advise them on what measures could be recommended to enable fish passage for biodiversity conservation and local fishing. Creating a fish passage was shown to be highly cost effective as only a fraction of the annual revenue of the hydropower facilities would be enough to achieve good ecological status. The Red Bird Houses During the Global Model Forests Forum held in Burgos, an event that takes place every 3 years, the Bergslagen Model Forest (Sweden) raised a question: how can the world's Model Forests keep in contact? How can we establish a permanent and continuous relationship if we only meet in person every three years? This led to the following proposal. Five members from different countries and regions were invited to participate in the "Red Bird Houses" project. Each member was given a International Model Forest Network traditional bird house, and they each committed to place them in a visible place in the Model Forest and send reports on the number of birds that nest in it and on the social impact of the project. The bird houses would thus become a symbol for the horizontal cooperation between the Model Forests and would maintain a common work relationship. The first house has already been placed in the Bergslagen Model Forest in Sweden, with the 13 cooperation of Olle Ytterberg, the Mayor of Arboga. During the ceremony, an impatient blue tit inspected the red bird house… The Model Forest of Urbión held an event in June 2011 to place its own bird house and strengthen its relationships with other International Model Forests. To see how the project progresses and to find out about events in other Model Forests, follow it on-line on Facebook (The Red Bird Houses). IMFN confirms strategic directions at 2011 Global Forum On March 25-26 immediately following the International Symposium on Ecosystem and Landscape-level Approaches to Sustainability, over 150 Model Forest representatives from around the world held their tri-annual business meeting. Hosted by Cesefor and the Urbión Model Forest, the 2011 IMFN Global Forum provided IMFN members with an opportunity to share experiences and knowledge, to explore opportunities for collaboration, and to provide input into IMFN Strategic Initiatives. A key area of discussion during the two-day event focused on development of a Members' Charter designed to provide a foundation for the institutional development of the IMFN. Discussion on the Charter will continue in the coming months with the goal of finalizing the document by the end of the year. Participants also provided input into the development of three Strategic Initiatives focusing on key themes relevant across the IMFN: Climate Change: Two main priorities were identified:1) adaptation to climate change, and 2) mitigation/monitoring/REDD+ Ecological Goods and Services: Three main sub-themes: 1) examine methodologies for measurement, valuation and payment for ecological services, 2) capacity building, knowledge sharing and integration of policy and practice, and 3) landscape and watershed management Community Sustainability: Two focal areas identified were 1) commercialization of local products and services, and 2) investment and capacity building of local human resources and leadership Working Groups are being established for each Strategic Initiative to continue the discussions started at the Global Forum and to focus on implementation of activities in the coming months. Additional information on how Model Forests can participate in the Strategic Initiative working groups will be distributed shortly. Additional information on the 2011 IMFN Global Forum and the IMFN Strategic Initiatives can be found on the IMFN website (link below). + Info: 2011 25/10/2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:51 PÆgina 14 14 Human Profile Fidel Soria, Former President of the Urbión Model Forest What do Model Forests mean to you? Model Forests involve bringing together the different actors in a territory to achieve a common goal. At Pinares we have managed to achieve this unity to work on all the issues affecting the rural environment and in particular the specific problems of pine forest areas: logging, tourism, mushroom-picking, etc. A Model Forest means to come together for the benefit of the local population. What advantages or contributions has the Model Forest achieved in the territory? Our greatest achievement to date has been to bring together the towns and other local actors in the territory to draw up a common vision; there is a lot of work yet to do regarding awareness-raising amongst the population. Ideas and expectations for the future. The idea is that we may work together in all sectors. For example, in the tourism sector, to create our own image and let the resources be known as a whole, so that visitors may appreciate the entire territory. This will facilitate distributing the pressures created by tourism in the area. Another project that we support is the development of regulations that allow secondary exploitations such as mushroom picking to really benefit the local population. Are all Model Forests the same? Not at all. In fact, there are no two alike. The Model Forest was born as a method for conflict solving and working with an environmental, social and economic commitment. Model Forests share the principles I have just mentioned. Let's say that they set the rules of the game; From there, each territory has its own peculiarities, its own local problems, its own resources and its own way of associating and working, and each one finds its own way to achieve common solutions and to move for- ward. Canadian forests have nothing to do with Latin American or African jungles or with the large forests managed in Sweden. This is exactly what makes this network so interesting, the exchange of experiences, the lessons learned from other territories, which must be adapted to the characteristics of each forest. The Model Forest of Urbión is one of these forests. When was it created and what are its goals? Where is this forest? The Model Forest of Urbión was first thought of in 2006, and the association was finally established in 2007. The Model Forest of Urbión is in the Pinares area, midway between Burgos and Soria. It is the largest continuous forest area in the Iberian peninsula. It is a territory with a very characteristic culture, linked to forest exploitation. In the 13th Century, the first Royal Ordinances granting rights for felling pine trees to people who came and settled in the territory were granted in this area. This meant that many people came to settle the area and this gave a boost to the local economy, which was stimulated. Finally, the forest became the basis of the economy, of tradition, of festivals and local camaraderie. Therefore, it is deeply respected: More than 100,000 ha are currently certified by the PEFC and have the Soria Burgos Pine Tree guarantee label. And our goals are the following: the goal of the Model Forest of Urbión is to achieve the sustainable and multifunctional management of its natural resources through a participatory method, and ultimately to connect all the agents involved in the management and exploitation of the resources and to invite them to search for common solutions. However, even though you create a Model Forest, an association is also created as a legal entity. Could you explain to us how this is possible?. A Model Forest is the recognition of past work and of 12:51 PÆgina 15 15 Human Profile a commitment for the future. Undertaking the work that such commitment entails requires a solid organisational structure, with clear, transparent and effective decision and execution mechanisms. Therefore it seems necessary for there to be a management system that assumes this commitment, by working according to specific methods and with specific objectives. Why an association? When studying the figure that best suited the Model Forest requirements we compared several legal entities: informal associations, associations, foundations and companies. We were searching for a simple structure that would guarantee horizontal levels between the members and transparency in its actions and that could represent the territory and have access to public tenders. We found associations to be the most suitable entity to suit these criteria. There have been different commissions created in this association. Tell us what they are and what functions they have.. The first step to be taken after establishing a Model Forest is to define its work plan, and the first premise to start working is to gather all interested parties together. To start, the General Meeting proposed three lines of work: Forest uses and resources (including timber and non-timber resources, and also recreational and tourism use); Climate Change and Promotion. Each of these commissions was responsible for developing this line, analysing its strengths and weaknesses and proposing actions that would allow improving some of the aspects involved. The work commissions are created to deal with specific issues, and as many work commissions can be created as necessary to respond to proposals from the partners. There is a main objective, "to create a system that promotes trust and boosts the wood market", would be a true help to the wood sector in the region... How do you think this could be achieved and how the project is advancing in this respect. . This project was created from the beginning based on forest use and exploitation. When this project was defined we were still unaware of the impact of the collapse of the wood industry, and therefore this project, which was important and representative, has now become even more relevant. The collapse of the sector has been brought about by two events: the reduction in building, which leads to a reduction of the demand of forest products, and the Klaus tornado, which knocked down a large area of pine trees in France, which forced it to remove it quickly and brought about a great drop in sale price. Conclusion: there is a great increase in wood supply (with a great negative effect on the City Councils, whose income depended here on wood sales and on its market price; many have chosen not to sell); but there is no demand for manufactured products to cover. The aims of this project, on the one hand, to improve the demand for growing stock through information (a web platform will be created that will publish the resources in the region and all useful information to facilitate access by the City Councils and auctions will be held on certain days at a certain place in order to increase competition). A second aim is to adjust the growing stock to market prices by collecting real prices in the territory and a commitment to meet ordinance plans by the town councils. Finally, a single bidder registry will be established to simplify administrative procedures for sale managers and businesspeople. How has the mountain changed since it was declared a Model Forest? and how have people's lives changed? ? It is still too early for there to be any obvious changes. There is still a lot of work to do. Recognition by the International Model Forest Network was the result of intense organisation and certification work and the creation of a brand offering guarantee, not because this was a basic requirement, but because the region is proud of its resources and wanted to show it. This was the first process carried out by the Model Forest and which has made our forests become an example of management and local involvement. A sociological study was also performed, and we worked a lot with the local people of the territory. For these people, the Model Forest is proof that they can be proud of their ancestral traditions and that their commitment is the basis of future work; the people here are more concerned about environmental problems, they comment on management methods, they research on climate change and propose new projects. They are more involved, or seem so, and that is fantastic. + Info: You can visit us on our website,, where you can download our newsletter or ask us to send it at email address We are also on Facebook and Twitter (@UrbionBM). If you have any specific questions you can call the association on 610 636 902. 2011 25/10/2011 News Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd Boletin RMB_2011_ENG.qxd 25/10/2011 12:50 PÆgina 2 Mare Nostrum MedForum 2011 Ramatuelle (Département du-Var, PACA Region, France) The PACA Region and the MMFN Secretariat are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2011 MedForum that will take place in France. November 22, 23 and 24 2011. The Mediterranean Model Forest Network (MMFN) was officially launched at the 2008 International Model Forest Network (IMFN) Global Forum held in Hinton (Canada). The first MedForum of the MMFN took place in Valladolid (Castilla y León, Spain) in March 2009, and the second in Ifrane (Morocco) in June 2010. Following the candidature of Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur (PACA) Region and in conjunction with the project timeline of the MED "Forêt Modèle" Project, the MMFN Secretariat proposes that the 2011 MedForum be held in France in November.Representatives from other countries, regions and organizations that are not part of the MMFN but interested in our activities will be invited to participate. In combination with the MedForum, a Meeting of the MED Forêt Modèle Project and the second Steering Committee of the Collaborative Partnership for the Mediterranean Forest (CPMF) will be organized (22/11/2011). During this week the first Workshop for the preparation of the Integrated Strategy on Mediterranean Forests, to be presented to the members of Silva Mediterranea Committee by the end of 2012, will be also organized in Ramatuelle (24/25 November 2011) with the financial support of MAAPRAT. A field trip on the proposed PACA Model Forest is also expected to take place (23/11/2011). For further information, please read the document of Terms of Reference of the event that you can download here: dForum_2011_Eng.pdf Otros eventos en el Mediterráneo Cork Forest Management and quality of cork October 17, 18, 19 - 2011 - Jijel (Argelia) The University of Algeria represented by the University of Jijel and industry of cork in the region in collaboration with research laboratories (Tlemcen and Jijel), the General Directorate of Forestry and the National Institute of Forestry Research have celebrated this year , the International Year of Forests, 2011, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 61/193 of 20 December 2006, by organizing the second meeting of Mediterranean cork forests management and quality of cork. This event offers another opportunity, after the meeting in Tlemcen in 2009, for Mediterranean national actors to work together on challenges to promote sustainable anagement, conservation and sustainable development of this forest type but also to upgrade the industrial cork and other forest products for the benefit of present and future generations. Usages, biodiversité et forêt méditerranéenne 17th and 18th November 2011 Foresterranée'11 Domaine départemental de l'Etang des Aulnes (Bouches-du-Rhône) (France) Para más información: Mediterranean Model Forest Network Plaza de la Universidad, 4 - Entreplanta 1 47002 Valladolid | Spain Tel.: +34 983 304 181 Fax: +34 983 308 671 e-mai: