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HARNESSING THE POWER OF PACKAGING COSPAK PTY LTD AUSTRALIAN PACKAGING COVENANT ACTION PLAN 2010-2016 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 2 2 COMPANY BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................. 3 2.1 2.2 3 AUSTRALIAN PACKAGING COVENANT PROGRESS (2010-2015).............................................. 5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 Product Range ................................................................................................................................................................7 Types of Packaging Used ...........................................................................................................................................8 AUSTRALIAN PACKAGING COVENANT COMMITMENT .................................................................. 9 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 Action Plan .......................................................................................................................................................................5 Annual Reports ..............................................................................................................................................................5 SPG Assessments ...........................................................................................................................................................5 Ge n era l Prog re s s ....................................................................................................................................................6 SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING GUIDELINES ....................................................................................... 7 4.1 4.2 5 San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation (SMYPC) ............................................................................3 Cospak ................................................................................................................................................................................3 Covenant Contact Officer ...........................................................................................................................................9 Senior Management Endorsement ........................................................................................................................9 Our APC Team.................................................................................................................................................................9 ACTION PLAN TABLES ............................................................................................................... 10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Design .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Recycling ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Product Stewardship ................................................................................................................................................ 15 APPENDIX 1 – COSPAK ENVIRONMENT POLICY .................................................................................. 18 i APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 1 Executive Summary Over the last five years Cospak, as a brand owner and a member of the packaging supply chain, has met our APC obligations by: - Progressing three SPG assessments, representing 95% of the packaging types which are placed on the Australian market. Working collaboratively with companies to identify takeback opportunities for wooden pallets and plastic skids for re-use by Cospak. Using a secure online system that allows us to conduct SPG reviews in a systematic and compliant format, retaining all information flows between Cospak and suppliers in a single medium. Having an Environment Policy, endorsed by our Managing Director, that references our commitment to sustainable procurement. As our existing APC Action Plan has expired, the purpose of this transitional APC Action Plan is to address the extension of the current version of the Australian Packaging Covenant to June 2016. Given that the existing Goals, Strategies and Key Performance Indicators are to remain in place over the next twelve months, this Action Plan will enable us to continue to meet, and build on, our signatory obligations. As well, it should place us in a strong position to develop the necessary plans and activities in response to the new Covenant when it comes into force in the second half of 2016. 2 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 2 2.1 Company Background San Mi gu el Yama mu ra Pa c kagi n g C o rp o rati on (SM Y PC) Cospak Pty Ltd (Cospak) is a subsidiary of San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation (SMYPC), which is a joint venture between the San Miguel Corporation and Nihon Yamamura Glass Co Ltd, the largest glass manufacturer in Japan. SYMPC provides total packaging solutions across the globe: a wide range of quality products - glass, plastics, metal, flexibles, PET, molds and paper - and reliable services and technical expertise. Its plants and facilities provide a dynamic, strategically accessible, and world-class supply base, creating a sustainable competitive advantage in our global business. SMYPC traces its roots to the opening of the first brewery in the Philippines, La Fabrica de Cerveza de San Miguel, in 1890 to answer the need for packaging containers in the beer, dairy products, and carbonated drink businesses of San Miguel Corporation. From there, SMYPC has expanded its business to provide not only glass packaging products but other formats like metal, paper, composites, plastics, and PET requirements of a wide variety of industries, including the beverage, food, pharmaceutical, industrial, personal & household care industries. The company has also evolved to provide packaging services like package research & testing, creative solutions, PET recycling, contract filling, trading, distributorship, and other logistical services. As SMYPC's product portfolio and clientele expanded, it has also expanded its market reach spreading to as far as Southeast Asia, Australia, Middle East, Africa, United States of America, and Europe. 2.2 Co sp ak Established in 1969, Cospak provides a comprehensive range of rigid and flexible packaging to the wine, beverage, food and pharmaceutical industries. Over the years, strong growth has been achieved through the provision of superior quality and unsurpassed customer service. Cospak has accelerated the growth process through acquisitions, selecting those packaging companies that exemplify our innovative spirit and high quality. Cospak also offers product and support from substantial quality suppliers located in Europe, UK, the Middle East and Asia. We own state-of-the-art mould gear and tooling for specialty products that enable us to commission proprietary products on behalf of customers. This complements our existing range of stock and standard products. Our export business includes clients in Singapore, New Guinea, Pacific Islands and the Philippines. Cospak is 100% owned by the San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation (SMYPC). The involvement of SMYPC, along with its range of manufacturing facilities, will 3 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 complement and enhance our supply options and capabilities. Valuable long term partnerships with our existing range of quality suppliers will continue. Our manufacturing facilities provide access to a great depth of experience and a multitude of materials. These range from more traditional moulding materials to newly developed resins such as bio-sourced and compostable plastics. Our in-house experience has even been utilised in the development of innovative new resins alongside prominent internationally recognised research institutions. Our key strength lies in the expertise and professionalism of our 200 strong staff located at offices and warehouses in all Australian states and New Zealand. Our warehousing facilities use cutting-edge technology to assist with identifying and tracking stock. We are committed to maintaining market leadership through the supply of consistently high quality and competitively priced products. This is achieved by our ability to maintain sufficient stock holdings and providing our customers with technical support, flexibility and excellent service. 4 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 3 3.1 Australian Packaging Covenant Progress (2010 -2015) Acti on Pl an Cospak had an Action Plan in place, over the period 1 July 2010 until 30 June 2015, which we reported annual implementation progress in line with our signatory obligations. 3.2 An n u al Rep o rt s In recent years, Cospak has significantly improved our score from 2012 and was above the average score for all signatories in both 2013 and 2014. Task Cospak Annual Report Annual Report average – All Signatories 2014 3.3 2013 3.3 2012 2.0 2011 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.8 The table below provides a comparison of the average KPI scores for Cospak against the KPI scores across all 709 signatories in 2014. Cospak performed close to, or above average against each KPI score in 2014, with particularly good scores in both KPI 3 and KPI 6. All Signatories (709) KPI Average Rating 2014 2014 2013 2012 2011 KPI1 3.3 3 4 2 5 KPI 3 3.4 4 3 2 4 KPI 4 2.8 3 3 2 3 KPI 6 2.9 4 4 3 3 KPI 7 3.0 3 3 1 3 KPI 8 Average Rating 2.7 3 3 n/a 0 3.0 3.3 3.3 2.0 3.0 Across all Signatories 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.8 Average Rating 3.3 Cospak Rating SP G A ss e s sm en t s Cospak has undertaken Sustainable Packaging Guideline (SPG) assessments for approximately 95% of our packaging, based on the different lines of products that we supply. Year SPG assessments (% of packaging reviewed)* *Target 100% 5 2014 2013 2012 2011 95% 95% 90% 85% APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 3.4 G e ne r a l P r o g r e s s Cospak uses a secure online system that allows us to conduct SPG reviews in a systematic and compliant format, retaining all information flows between Cospak and suppliers in a single medium. Cospak has a documented purchasing procedure for procuring packaging which includes environmental questions to which potential suppliers need to respond. We continue to collaborate with our major customers to deliver a closed loop process that will greatly reduce the amount of single trip packaging that arises on our customer’s premises. This, together with collecting the used LDPE shrinkwrap for recycling at our premises, ensures that our client has zero waste onsite from our activities. This initiative has multiple commercial and environmental benefits for both Cospak and our customer. In May 2014, an updated Environment Policy was signed off by our Managing Director which states (in part): As a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant, Cospak is committed to the principles of environmental sustainability and protection. Throughout our operations we strive to minimise our impact on the environment, via sustainable procurement and the efficient management of resources such as energy, transport and waste. More broadly we continue to meet our APC obligations including: Make annual financial contributions to the Covenant Fund. Implement policies or procedures to buy products made from recycled materials. Take action, where appropriate, to reduce litter. Assist the Covenant Council to respond to complaints (should they arise) from the public about the design and use of packaging materials. 6 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 4 4.1 Sustainable Packaging Guidelines Pr o du c t Ran g e Cartons and Dividers Flexible Packaging Glass Bottles and Jars Plastic Containers 7 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 Tin Products Closures and Caps 4.2 Typ e s of Pa ck agi n g Us ed Cospak’s main place in the supply chain is as a wholesale distributor and importer, receiving product from packaging manufacturers. Cospak then stores and distributes to customers who use them to pack their products – usually in the outer packaging provided by the original manufacturer. Cospak also manufactures plastic jars, bottles, jerricans and cubes. In New Zealand, Cospak also manufactures plastic caps. The main packaging items used by Cospak for transporting our packaging products are cartons for repacking and stretch wrap for stabilising and protecting loads. More broadly, Cospak uses the following types of packaging for distributing our packaging products to customers: Corrugated cardboard boxes/shippers Bottle dividers HDPE carton liner bags Pallet stretch wrap film Packaging tapes Pallets – reusable Pallets – disposable Plain labels (laser printed on site as required) Invoice enclosed self-adhesive envelopes Packaging is a cost to us and to our customer so we always strive to keep it to a minimum within the constraints of ensuring that it does an effective job of protecting its contents. 8 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 5 Australian Packaging Covenant Commitment Since 2010, Cospak has consistently allocated senior management resources and support in meeting the Australian Packaging Covenant’s requirements including: 1. 2. 3. The preparation of our initial Action Plan; Development of four Annual Reports submitted to date; Assignment of resources, and circulation of our Sustainable Packaging Guidelines Assessments; and Support for and input to this updated Action Plan to reflect the progress made since the first APC reporting period. 4. 5.1 C oven an t C on ta ct O ffi c e r Leanne Di Bartolo, Quality Manager, is Cospak’s Australian Packaging Covenant contact officer and is responsible for Cospak’s overall response the Covenant obligations. Leanne’s contact details are as follows: Cospak Pty Ltd 1 Culverston Road Minto NSW 2566 Tel: 02 8796 2731 Email: 5.2 Sen i o r Man a g em en t En d o r s em en t Leanne reports directly to the Procurement Manager, Mrs Noelle Bakirtzidis, on all issues relating to the Covenant. This Action Plan has been endorsed by Mrs Noelle Bakirtzidis. 5.3 Ou r AP C Te am Cospak has identified the key departments and individuals who, as the APC Team, will co-ordinate all tasks required to meet our ongoing APC obligations by implementing this Action Plan. Name Responsibility Noelle Bakirtzidis Leanne Di Bartolo Procurement Manager Quality Manager 9 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 6 6.1 Action Plan Tables In t ro du cti on The purpose of this Action Plan is to show how Cospak intends to continue to contribute to the achievement of the Covenant’s goals and to meet Cospak’s obligations under the Covenant. The Three main performance goals of the Covenant are: 1: Design – Optimise packaging to achieve resource efficiency and reduce environmental impact. 2: Recycling – The efficient collection and recycling of packaging. 3: Product Stewardship – Demonstrated commitment to product stewardship. In turn this Action Plan addresses all the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) associated with the Covenant performance goals. While milestones have been set against specific actions within each KPI section, Cospak will continue to report annually on many of these Actions, even when the initial Milestone date has been passed. At the start of each section, we highlight specific outcomes achieved since 2010, resulting from the implementation of the previous Action Plan (July 2010 – June 2015). 10 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 6.2 D esi gn Since 2010, in response to our APC obligations, three SPG assessments have been commenced, representing 95% of the packaging that we supply. When procuring packaging, Cospak has documented policies and procedures, available via our Intranet, which include environmental questions to which potential suppliers need to respond. Cospak holds Certificate No: FS 520611 and operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 for the following scope: For the procurement, manufacture, warehousing, supply and distribution of glass, rigid plastic, paper and associated packaging products. 11 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 * Where an initial action Milestone date has been met, but requires ongoing implementation, Cospak will continue to report annually on this action. Covenant Performance Goals Actions Responsibility Baseline Data and Key Performance Indicators 1. Design Goal: Optimise packaging to achieve resource efficiency and reduce environmental impact KPI 1. Proportion of signatories in the supply chain implementing the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines for design or procurement of packaging.1 1 Revise and update documented policy and procedure for evaluating and procuring packaging using the SPG APC Team No documented procedure in place. Targets Documented policy and procedure revised and updated Milestones Evidence March 2012 – Achieved* Documented policy and procedure SPG assessment documentation Review all new products using the SPG No SPG assessment procedure in place 100% reviewed. June 2015 Achieved* Review all existing products using the SPG No SPG assessment procedure in place 100% reviewed. June 2015 Achieved* SPG assessment documentation Revise and update new product development (NPD) process Existing NPD process in place. NPD process revised and updated March 2012 – Achieved* NPD documentation Implement an adequate tool to record and share the results of the SPG reviews with various parties across the organisation. No system in place. System in place to manage APC compliance requirements. Dec 2011 – Achieved Centralised data base in place. Document and report any actual or attempted changes to packaging identified as part of reviews or otherwise, where possible including quantifiable data. No formal review documentation in place. Document quantifiable changes to packaging. June 2016 Review documentation. Target: 70% of Covenant signatories with documented policies and procedures for evaluating and procuring packaging using the SPG or equivalent Target: 70% of Covenant signatories assessing 100% of new packaging and 50% of existing packaging against the guidelines 12 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 6.3 Re c ycl i n g Recycling facilities are provided at all sites around the country. Wooden pallets and plastic skids used to make deliveries to one of our large clients are returned to Cospak for re-use. Our main cardboard product which we manufacture contains up to 90% recycled material, resulting in both commercial and environmental benefits. Cospak’s Environment Policy, which was endorsed by our Managing Director, references our commitment to sustainable procurement. * Where an initial action Milestone date has been met, but requires ongoing implementation, Cospak will continue to report annually on this action. Covenant Performance Goals Actions Responsibility and Key Performance Indicators 2. Recycling Goal: The efficient collection and recycling of packaging KPI 3. Proportion of signatories with on-site recovery systems for recycling used packaging. Maintain baseline data for on-site waste and identify opportunities to increase the amount of waste that can be directed to the recycling stream. Formalise employee education about recycling and waste reduction. Work with customers to implement a program where packaging and pallets can be reused. APC Team Baseline Data Targets Milestones No baseline information available. Annual information compared to the baseline on a continuous basis. March 2012 – Achieved* Annual Reports Existing Manual in place. Include in induction training. Dec 2011 – Achieved* Induction Handbook Programs put in place and maintained. June 2011 – Achieved* Annual Reports No programs in place. Evidence Install and manage on-site recycling facilities in all staff office areas. No facilities in place. Facilities in place and being used. July 2010 Achieved* Recycling facilities in place Identify items of secondary and tertiary packaging which have Existing procedures in place to re-use packaging. Ongoing implementation of June 2011 – Achieved* Warehouse procedures 13 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 potential for reuse as protective packaging and utilise as such. KPI 4. Proportion of signatories with a policy to buy products made from recycled packaging. procedures. Recover recyclable packaging from obsolete products prior to disposal, and recycle. Existing procedures in place to recover packaging. Ongoing implementation of procedures. July 2010 – Achieved* Warehouse procedures Develop a Buy Recycled Policy for implementation throughout the organisation. No policy in place. Develop and implement a policy. May 2014 – Achieved* Policy Document Purchase recycled materials for our manufacturing processes. Purchasing process in place. Purchase materials with recycled content. July 2010 – Achieved* Review process included as part of SPG assessments. July 2010 – Achieved* Conduct a review of glass and cardboard suppliers to determine the level of recycled product used, with the aim of identifying improvement opportunities. 14 No review process in place. Purchasing procedure SPG assessment documentation APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 6.4 Pr o du c t St ewa rd sh i p Cospak have documented policies and procedures, which include questions related to environmental considerations, to which potential suppliers need to respond. Cospak collaborates with a major client to ensure that the pallets and plastic skids used to deliver our products to the customer’s premises are made available for Cospak to pick up and return to our plant for reuse. In terms of our broader product stewardship commitments, we continue to make financial and stock donations to a number of charity organisations each year. As well, two of our logistics companies have a strong commitment to minimising their environmental impact of their operations and this will be reflected in the transportation of our goods around the country. One of our third party freight providers is committed to the continuous improvement of its environmental performance. Its Environmental Management Framework includes energy and resource use, emissions and waste management, with the aim of meeting and exceeding its goals in all these areas. Another logistics company is aiming to become carbon neutral through efficiency measures and carbon offsetting initiatives. 15 APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 * Where an initial action Milestone date has been met, but requires ongoing implementation, Cospak will continue to report annually on this action. Covenant Performance Goals Actions Responsibility Baseline Data and Key Performance Indicators 3. Product Stewardship Goal: Demonstrated commitment to product stewardship KPI 6. Proportion of signatories that have formal processes for working with others to improve packaging design and recycling. KPI 7. Proportion of signatories demonstrating other product stewardship outcomes for packaging. Formulate a documented policy to review all packaging against the SPG and develop a suppliers questionnaire to assist in answering the questions raised in the SPG No policy or questionnaire in place. Documented policy and questionnaire in place and being implemented. Investigate opportunities to formalise supply contracts that require take back and recycling of packaging No formal take back clauses in contracts. Continue to work with customers on take back opportunities. Instigate regular meetings with suppliers to discuss packaging options, including responding to the SPG assessment requirements. Regular meetings in place. Regular meetings in place which include SPG assessment considerations. Investigate other product stewardship Opportunities Opportunities in place but not being reported. Product stewardship opportunities in place. 16 APC Team Targets Milestones March 2012 – Achieved* March 2012 – Achieved* Evidence Documented Policy and questionnaire Take back procedures documented June 2016 Packaging changes recorded June 2011 – Achieved* Annual Reports APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 * Where an initial action Milestone date has been met, but requires ongoing implementation, Cospak will continue to report annually on this action. Covenant Performance Goals Actions Responsibility Baseline Data and Key Performance Indicators 3. Product Stewardship Goal: Demonstrated commitment to product stewardship KPI 8. Reduction in the number of packaging items in litter. Targets Milestones Evidence Site litter management in place. Maintain litter management process across the site. July 2010 – Achieved* Site litter management in place for accreditation requirements Manage litter in staff areas at all sites. Identify waste and recycling bins for staff break and office areas. Maintain and manage waste and recycling bins for staff break and office areas. Advise clients about adding the appropriate recycling and litter disposal logos and phrases on its packaging. Review of existing logos and phrases. Include relevant logos where practical to do so. July 2012 – Achieved* Communication about logos and phrases Maintain litter patrol as part of landscaping activities Include litter management in landscaping contract. Maintain litter management activities in contract. July 2010 – Achieved* Review grounds at NSW site. Identify areas/activities on all sites that have the highest litter potential and initiate, improve or maintain litter management systems in those areas. 17 APC Team July 2010 – Achieved* Site litter management in place for accreditation requirements APC Action Plan 2010 - 2016 Appendix 1 – Cospak Environment Policy COSPAK Environmental Policy Statement As a signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC), Cospak is committed to the principles of environmental sustainability and protection. Throughout our operations we strive to minimize our impact on the environment, via sustainable procurement and the efficient management of resources such as energy, transport and waste. Environmental responsibility is the cornerstone of Cospak’s environmental policy. In order to honour this commitment, we shall continue to: Meet or exceed all our obligations with regard to environmental legislation; Strive for environmental best practice internally and throughout our supply chain; Investigate opportunities to improve energy efficiency and minimize waste generated; Promote environmental responsibility amongst staff; Monitor our progress towards best practice. We recognize that the successful implementation of this Policy depends on cooperation at many levels and I would like to thank all staff, partners and suppliers for their support thus far. Rene Cabrera Managing Director Signed: Date: 20 May 2014 18 Signatory Name: Cospak Pty Ltd The question numbers in this report refer to the numbers in the report template. Not all questions are displayed in this report. Status: Complete The content in this APC Annual Report is hereby endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer, or equivalent officer of the organisation. Yes 5. Industry sector (please select 1 only): Brand Owner / Wholesaler / Retailer Packaging Manufacturer Waste Management Other - Commercial Organisation Community Group Industry Association Government Raw Material Supplier Other: 7. Please indicate your organisation's reporting period: Financial Year: 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2015 Calendar Year: 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015 8. Was your action plan extended or updated to cover the APC transitional year (01/07/2015 -30/06/2016)? Yes No If yes, what is the period of your extended or updated action plan? Start Date: 01/07/2015 End Date: 30/06/2016 Goal 1: Design KPI 1: % of signatories with documented policies and procedures for evaluating and procuring packaging using the SPGs or equivalent. 9. Does your company have documented policies and procedures for evaluating and procuring packaging using the SPGs or equivalent? Yes No Provide details of policies and procedures The relevant policies and procedures are contained on the staff intranet under procedures and forms, with the following sections available through the purchasing document: 2.1 – LOCAL PURCHASING 2.2 – OVERSEAS PURCHASING 2.7 – NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 2.10 – PROCUREMENT 10. Of the types of packaging existing at the beginning of the reporting period, what percentage had been reviewed using the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG) by the end of the reporting period? 95 % 11. Have any new types of packaging been introduced during the reporting period? Yes No 12. If yes, of the new types of packaging introduced during the reporting period, what percentage have been reviewed using the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG) by the end of the reporting % 13. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 1 Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set out to do? Actual: What did you achieve? 1. Revise and update a documented policy and procedure for evaluating and procuring packaging using the SPG. Cospak has documented policies and procedures, available via our Intranet, which guide our procurement of packaging. These include questions related to environmental considerations to which our potential suppliers must respond. 2. Review all new packaging using the SPG assessment process. There was no new packaging introduced in 2015. 3. Review all existing packaging using the SPG assessment process. Three SPG reviews were commenced in 2012 and 2013 bringing to almost 95% the total products covered. In 2016, we will make contact again with the relevant packaging suppliers, requesting that they complete and return an SPG questionnaire as part of the SPG re-assessment process. This will be done so that we can update the SPG information available to us. 4. Revise and update new packaging development process. Various sections in our purchasing document, located on the company’s intranet, have instructions for potential suppliers to respond to specific environmental considerations related to the packaging being purchased. This includes consideration of the use of recycling materials in product packaging where possible, when dealing with our suppliers. 5. Implement an adequate tool to record and share the results of the SPG reviews with various parties across the organisation. Cospak uses a secure, cloud based, database tool to manage our information requirements related not only to our broader APC obligations, but also specific SPG packaging information. This tool is accessible to relevant personnel within Cospak for sharing information across the organisation. 14. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI Current practice is to use the purchasing document located on the company’s intranet to ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account when procuring packaging from suppliers. This includes a Purchasing Checklist and Procedure which asks suppliers to respond to a number of environmental questions regarding manufacturing processes, materials, etc. In 2016 we will approach relevant suppliers with our SPG questionnaire seeking updated responses to the packaging that we place on the Australian market. All documentation relating to this approach will be stored on a secure, online database, access to which is available to relevant staff members as required. Goal 1: Design KPI 1: % of signatories with documented policies and procedures for evaluating and procuring packaging using the SPGs or equivalent. Rating Rating Comments 4 Great job on having a policy in place for evaluating packaging using the SPGs and reviewing 95% of existing products. You are progressing well in this area by having a cloud based system to manage work related to the SPG reviews. Consider using the findings from these reviews to structure targets and measure year on year performance. Goal 2: Recycling KPI 3: % signatories applying on-site recovery systems for used packaging. 15. Do you have on-site recovery systems for recycling used packaging? Yes at all facilities/ sites Yes at some, but not all facilities/ sites No 16. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 3 1. Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set out to do? Actual: What did you achieve? Maintain baseline data for on-site waste and identify opportunities to increase the amount of waste that can be directed to the recycling stream. Four registered contractors, one of which is a member of the APC, are engaged to manage our waste and recycling streams. Quarterly reports from these registered contractors, containing information on tonnages of cardboard, glass and plastics removed from site for recycling, is held in-house due to the sensitive commercial nature of these figures. However, these reports can be made available for audit purposes. In line with our stated environment policy, we continue to strive to improve on the average ratio of total recycling (Tonnes), to total waste (Tonnes) removed from site which was 65% last year. 2. Formalise employee education about recycling and waste reduction. An induction manual is issued to all new employees starting work at Cospak which includes waste and recycling operating procedures. 3. Work with customers to implement a program where packaging and pallets can be re-used. Cospak reuses a significant number of pallets which arrive with goods inwards for the delivery of goods outwards. As well, with one major customer we deal with, the wooden pallets and plastic skids used to make deliveries to this client are returned to Cospak for reuse. The LDPE stretch film used to secure our deliveries to this client is also returned for recycling. Detailed records are kept of the pallets, skids and LDPE returned for re-use or recycling. In instances where pallets are unsuitable for re-use, we engage a contractor to remove the pallets for recycling. By doing this we have recycled 21,000kgs of wood in 2015. 4. Install and manage on-site recycling facilities in all staff office areas. At all our sites we have separate recycling and waste only bins in all staff areas. 5. Recover recyclable packaging from obsolete products prior to disposal, and recycle. Cospak removes obsolete product from the packaging prior to disposal and recycle the packaging wherever possible. 17. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI We have in place a re-use loop for wooden pallets and plastic skids used for deliveries to a major client. This results in both financial and resource use savings in the delivery of the packaging. The LDPE used to secure these packaging deliveries is also returned to Cospak for recycling. We engage 4 registered contractors, one of which is a signatory to the APC, to remove waste and recycling streams from our facilities. Goal 2: Recycling KPI 3: % signatories applying on-site recovery systems for used packaging. Rating Rating Comments 4 Well done, your responses in this section are very thorough and you are clearly committed to recycling and reuse of packaging materials. To support ongoing improvement, consider setting targets to reduce total waste generated and increase the proportion of recycling. KPI 4: Signatories implement formal policy of buying products made from recycled packaging. 18. Does your company have a formal policy of buying products made from recycled packaging? Yes No Provide details of policies and procedures (including names of policies/ procedures) In May 2014, an updated Environment Policy was signed off by our Managing Director which states (in part): As a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant, Cospak is committed to the principles of environmental sustainability and protection. Throughout our operations we strive to minimise our impact on the environment, via sustainable procurement and the efficient management of resources such as energy, transport and waste. 19. Is this policy actively used? Yes No 20. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 4 Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set out to do? Actual: What did you achieve? 1. Develop a Buy Recycled Policy for implementation throughout the organisation. The Environment Policy, endorsed by our Managing Director, references our commitment to sustainable procurement. 2. Purchase recycled materials for our manufacturing processes. Our main cardboard product which we manufacture contains more than 90% recycled material, resulting in both commercial and environmental benefits. Most plastics that we manufacture have varying levels of recycled content depending on the end use of the packaging. 3. Conduct review of glass and cardboard suppliers to determine the level of recycled product used, with the aim of identifying improvement opportunities. Glass and cardboard packaging we purchase have varying levels of recycled content, which will be confirmed when we receive updated SPG questionnaire responses from our suppliers. 21. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI Our current environment policy highlights the importance of undertaking sustainable procurement practices in the company. Cospak continues to supply plastic, cardboard and glass products with recycled content which provides both commercial and environmental benefits to the consumer and for Cospak. At our plastics manufacturing site, plastic off-cuts (tops and tails) are collected and then fed back through the grinder and re-used in the plastic production of bottles and jars. However, we must continue to manufacture jars and bottles with virgin plastic material for clients in the food industry, where the plastics will come into direct contact with the food product. Goal 2: Recycling KPI 4: Signatories implement formal policy of buying packaging made from recycled products. Rating Rating Comments 3 Well done for having a Procurement Policy that is actively used. You are demonstrating commitment to this KPI by purchasing cardboard materials with 90% recyclable material. To support further improvement, consider setting targets for increasing the proportion of procurement which includes recycled content. Goal 3: Product Stewardship KPI 6: % signatories with formal processes to work collaboratively on packaging design and / or recycling. 22. Does your company have formal processes in place for collaborating with other companies or organisations on improved packaging designs and/or recycling which aims to reduce or eliminate waste? Yes No Provide details of policies and procedures (including names of policies/ procedures) Cospak continues to collaborate with one of our major clients to deliver a closed loop process that will greatly reduce the amount of single trip packaging that arises on our client’s premises. This, together with collecting the used LDPE shrinkwrap for recycling at our premises, ensures that our client has zero waste onsite from our packaging supply activities. This initiative has multiple commercial and environmental benefits for both Cospak and our customer. 23. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 6 1. Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set out to do? Actual: What did you achieve? Formulate a documented policy to review all packaging against the SPG and develop a suppliers' questionnaire to assist in answering the questions raised in the SPG. Cospak has documented policies and procedures to guide packaging procurement. These include questions related to environmental considerations, to which potential suppliers must respond. In 2016, Cospak will write to all its relevant suppliers again to obtain updated SPG information via a questionnaire. As we receive responses from suppliers, these will be reviewed and then stored on our online database tool. This information in the database can be accessed by relevant staff throughout the organisation. 2. Investigate opportunities to formalise supply contracts that require take back and recycling of packaging. We have formal contracts in place with our waste and recycling contractors. Cospak has collaborated with a major client to ensure that the pallets and plastic skids used to deliver our product to the customer’s premises are made available for Cospak to pick up and return to our plant for reuse. At the same time we also collect the LDPE shrinkwrap for return to our premises for subsequent recycling. 24. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI In 2015, we managed our supply chain responsibilities by: 1. Meeting with our suppliers, both overseas and in Australia, during contract negotiations, including discussing our SPG requirements for the packaging that they supply. 2. Assisting a major customer to work towards a zero waste outcome from the packaging we supply. A significant number of wooden pallets and plastic skids are returned to our premises for reuse in the delivery of our products. As well, LDPE shrink wrap is also collected from this customer’s premises to be placed in our recycling facilities. Both the reuse and recycling initiatives result in commercial and environmental benefits to both parties involved. Goal 3: Product Stewardship KPI 6: % signatories with formal processes to work collaboratively on packaging design and / or recycling. Rating Rating Comments 4 Well done on incorporating stewardship initiatives up and down the supply chain. It is recommended that you set more specific targets around achieving measurable outcomes from working with your supply chain. KPI 7: % signatories showing other Product Stewardship outcomes. 25. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 7 Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set out to do? Actual: What did you achieve? 1. Investigate other product stewardship opportunities. We continue to make financial and stock donations to a number of charity organisations throughout the year, the number and level of support changing from year to year. 2. Identify broader sustainability opportunities implemented by our third party freight providers. One of our third party freight providers is committed to the continuous improvement of its environmental performance. Its Environmental Management Framework includes energy and resource use, emissions and waste management, with the aim of meeting and exceeding its goals in all these areas. Another logistics company is aiming to become carbon neutral through efficiency measures and carbon offsetting initiatives. 26. Since the beginning of the reporting period, has your company had any other outcomes related to product stewardship? Yes No If yes, please give examples of other product stewardship outcomes Cospak’s environment policy, endorsed by the Managing Director, continues to commit the company, as a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant, to the principles of environmental sustainability and protection, including the efficient management of resources such as energy, transport and water. Two of our logistics companies have a strong commitment to minimising the environmental impact of their operations and this will be reflected in the transportation of our goods around the country. We continue to make financial and stock donations to a number of charitable organisations throughout the year. 27. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI An environment policy statement, endorsed by our CEO and issued in May 2014, commits Cospak to the principles of environmental sustainability and protection. Two of our main freight providers have both stated strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and minimising the impact of their operations on the environment. These practices will be reflected in the transport of our products throughout the country. Goal 3: Product Stewardship KPI 7: % signatories showing other Product Stewardship outcomes. Rating Rating Comments 4 You have demonstrated a number of key stewardship initiatives, which has resulted in strong performance in this KPI. In It is recommended that you consider ensuring that the key sustainability activities your organisation is involved in outside of packaging are captured within your action plan and reported against. Some examples can be found here: KPI 8: Reductions in packaging items in the litter stream. 28. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 8 1. Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set out to do? Actual: What did you achieve? Identify areas/activities on all sites that have the highest litter potential and initiate, improve or maintain litter management systems in those areas Operating from our Head Office, plastics manufacturing and main warehouse facilities in NSW, with smaller offices and warehouses in each state, Cospak ensures that all premises are clean and presentable for our staff and visitors. In addition, as part of our ISO 9001 accreditation, we undertake audits and monthly OH&S inspections of these sites, to ensure that good housekeeping practices are in place providing a clean and safe working environment for our staff. We have had no complaints from neighbouring properties with regard to any litter originating from our sites. Nor have we been approached by any local councils where we are located with respect to our sites ever causing a litter issue. 2. Advise clients about adding the appropriate recycling and litter disposal logos and phrases on its packaging. Cospak will encourage our customers to consider including relevant environmental logos or “dispose of responsibly” information on their packaging where applicable. 3. Manage litter in staff areas at all sites. At all our sites we have separate recycling and waste only bins in all staff areas to ensure that litter and waste is minimised or eliminated. 4. Maintain litter patrol as part of landscaping activities. At our main warehouse and manufacturing site at Minto, NSW, we employ a gardener to undertake site landscaping activities, which includes ensuring litter is minimised on site. 29. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI As part of our ISO 9001 accreditation, we ensure that our premises presents a clean and safe environment for our employees to work in. This now includes monthly OH&S inspections of our sites across the country to ensure that good housekeeping practices are in place, providing a clean and safe working environment for our staff. As well, for our main NSW site, we employ a gardener for landscaping duties, which also includes picking up litter should it occur on site. For all our sites across the country, we have had no complaints from neighbours or local Councils with regard to litter management issues, but would obviously respond to any such issues should they arise. When responding to our customers’ packaging specifications, we shall advise them of our involvement in the APC and, if information around recycling and responsible disposal of the packaging is not included in the specification being quoted for, we shall highlight these issues to our customers. Goal 3: Product Stewardship KPI 8: Reductions in packaging items in the litter stream. Rating Rating Comments 4 Well done on ensuring your products are labelled and maintaining good practises to avoid and remove litter from your site. You could improve your score in this area by participating in litter reduction activities in your local community. Your Experiences This section lets you share with us any achievements, good news stories and areas of difficulties in making progress against your plan and the Covenant goals and KPIs. 30. Key achievements or good news stories We have completed a transitional Action Plan in response to the extension of the APC to the end of June 2016. We anticipate that this transitional Action Plan will enable us to build on the signatory obligations achieved over the past five years, as well as putting us in a good position to respond to the new Covenant when it comes into force in the second half of 2016. Cospak has documented policies and procedures, available via our Intranet, which guide our procurement of packaging. These include questions related to environmental considerations to which our potential suppliers must respond. We have in place a re-use loop for wooden pallets and plastic skids used for deliveries to a major client. This results in financial and resource use savings in the delivery of the packaging. The LDPE used to secure these packaging deliveries is also returned to Cospak for recycling. As part of our ISO 9001 accreditation, we ensure that our premises presents a clean and safe environment for our employees to work in. This now includes monthly OH&S inspections of our sites across the country to ensure that good housekeeping practices are in place, providing a clean and safe working environment for our staff. Cospak continues to consider product stewardship issues in response to its APC obligations through implementation of its Environment Policy which states: As a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC), Cospak is committed to the principles of environmental sustainability and protection. Throughout our operations we strive to minimize our impact on the environment, via sustainable procurement and the efficient management of resources such as energy, transport and waste. 31. Areas of difficulties in making progress against your plan, Covenant goals or KPIs Summary of ratings: 2016 Rating (0-5) 2015 comparison 2014 comparison 2013 comparison 2012 comparison KPI 1 4 3 4 2 5 KPI 3 4 4 3 2 4 KPI 4 3 3 3 2 3 KPI 6 4 4 4 3 3 KPI 7 4 3 3 1 3 KPI 8 4 3 3 n/a 0 3.8 3.3 3.3 2.0 3.0 TBC 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.8 KPI Average rating for this signatory Average rating across all signatories Well done on you performance against set targets this year, you have continually improved your policies and processes year on year to achieve set targets, continue the good work. You may find it valuable to record yearly performance in recycled content and litter reduction to track achievements and inform setting of future SMART targets. A resource to help you is available here: To improve your score further, you may find it valuable to consider contacting the APC for information on ways to go beyond the basics and work with your peers on achieving improvements in packaging design, sustainability, recycling, and litter reduction.