President`s Message - Nanaimo Kennel Club
President`s Message - Nanaimo Kennel Club
NKC CANINE NEWS February 2012 Purpose of the Club: Promoting the welfare and development of all dogs. Providing training classes for owners and dogs, and information on dog care and training. Holding shows, trials and other activities for dogs. Nanaimo Kennel Club Box 554, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5L5 Building phone: 250-756-4122 On the Web, at: <http://> General Meetings: 4th Monday, monthly except July, August, December Beban Park, Room 8, 7:15 pm Newsletter deadline: 15th of each month. Email to NKC Executive 2010 President Del Beaulac 716-1701 1st Vice-President Doug Savory 268-0588 2nd Vice-President Carole Ann Brown 714-0772 Secretary Sandra Wilson 245-5664 Treasurer Tricia McCheyne 667-0109 Directors Maggie Henigman 756-0268 Diane Brown 751-1202 Sandi Malcolm 729-9920 Lorna Craig 758-0653 Sherry Drebnicki 722-3757 Ren MacGregor 468-0176 Membership Sabine Blackburn AIOC Rep Margo Banks 248-8768 Newsletter Carolyn Solsbury 754-5464 President’s Message I would like to thank all those well meaning people who have posted to my wall or given me a face plant of people training their dogs. I have seen some of the most amazing results from what essentially is a little extra effort and personal discipline to work with the dogs. Spring is here and we are about to award our own members for their extra efforts and discipline in the past year. Once again I will not be accepting any awards. The CASADELORA is beyond my reach as is the STAN DYDE. Can't even consider the DARKISLES or MEADOWMIST one either. But when I watch the achievements of the people accepting these awards every year, I am not jealous. I don't begrudge them or make an excuse. I revel in their glory, and am inspired by their results. I am inspired and motivated to get out and try harder (almost). So to all those well meaning people who share the videos and their triumphs with me...I promise I won't feel like you are rubbing it in my face, or let it make me feel guilty. I will continue to recognize the possibilities in my own dogs if I would just put in the effort and develop a little more personal discipline. BY Page 1 DEL BEAULAC WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE President’s Message Page 1 Editor’s Message Page 2 Upcoming Events Page 3 Show Stuff Page 4 Brag All about it! Page 5 Sea to Sky Earth dog Club HSUS Info Page 6 Page 7 Rainbow Bridge Page 8-9 Calendar Page 10 * Deadline for submissions for the newsletter is the 15th of every month! * Send your stories, humour, photos, brags, events and news in to Carolyn at Events should have contact names and phone numbers, if possible, as not everyone is online. Please include “newsletter” in the subject line. Please send photos as attachments, even if they’re also in your document. Many thanks!! Editor’s Message Thank you to the folks that are contributing to the monthly newsletter and I hope you will keep sending me news, puppies, memorials, and anything you think would be good to put in! I have added a new page that I thought would be good to have… it is a calendar for the following month, so if you could please email any events for NKC, please do. And also let me know if it’s a good idea and send me any comments about it. Subject line: Calendar I know it is getting close to puppy season so I know soon there will be lots of puppy pictures!! I’m looking forward to that as my own Boston Terrier is expecting a litter on Easter weekend! One of my favorite things in life? PUPPY BREATH!!! Submitted by Carolyn Solsbury Page 2 UPCOMING EVENTS Please send Events notices to the Editor at (Please include the word “newsletter” in the Subject line.) Obedience March 17 to March 18,2012 Cloverdale, BC (Indoor) GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Rally March 18 to March 18,2012 Kamloops, BC (Indoor) FIVE STAR DOG TRAINING Conformation March 2 to March 4,2012 Saanichton, BC (Indoor) VICTORIA CITY KENNEL CLUB Agility March 4 to March 4,2012 Pitt Meadows, BC (Indoor) TEAM CANADA AGILITY MATCH March 9 to March 11,2012 Victoria, BC (Indoor) CAPITAL COMETS Junior Handling March 2 to March 4,2012 Saanichton, BC (Indoor) VICTORIA CITY KENNEL CLUB Full information for events available at and and individual clubs’ websites. NKC General Meeting Dates March 26th April 30th * Note Stat holidays require a move from the 4th Monday of the month. The events in this listing are coming up in the near future. Check the websites for Canuck Dogs, the CKC or our own club website for information on how to obtain a premium list/closing dates etc. Also look for the flyer posted on our notice board in the Centennial building. Also, do not forget if you are entering trials on the island, to apply for the NKC prize, which goes to the NKC member with the highest score in the trial. We offer a cash prize which needs to be claimed at the trial and submitted at the next NKC meeting to the Treasurer. Page 3 Starting a new column for all members to keep you in the picture as to how the show is progressing to final plans – June looms large! As I told the membership at the last meeting our judges for conformation and obedience/rally-o have been contracted. In the show ring this year we will see Lawrence Stanbridge and Martin Doherty from Ontario, Sandra Goose Allen from Florida, and B.C. judges Terry Gains, Jack Kilgour and Brenton Wright. In the Obedience and Rally-O rings Bruce Fraser from Surrey, and Marilyn Wray from Oregon will be making the all important decisions. For those of you who enjoy sweeps the Puppy Sweeps judge is Lisa Tremblay and the Veterans have Marilyn Bernard, both from our neighbouring Kennel Club of Port Alberni. As always the Breeders Classic Judge is a closely guarded secret until he/she enters the ring! Your committee is working hard for the club. Once again Colleen Doll has stepped up to become landlord of the RV Village, and the worst job of the whole show, taking on Garbage Detail! Watch for Colleen flitting about the site on her golf cart putting it to work doing things golf carts rarely do. Assisting Colleen with recycling is a member of the First Cedar Scout Troop who will be using the bottle return funds to assist in a trip with the Scouts in 2014. We will have bins for bottle recycle and we encourage using them and helping a worthy cause. We are looking for help from the general membership as we are a small crew and simply are not able to pull off this busy weekend without you. First – For the Raffle – Please remember to bring a few unscratched scratch tickets at the general meeting There will be a bucket by the door to drop them in, please be generous! Second – Please mark Thursday – June 14th 5 P.M. on your calendar – we need willing hands to help put up the fencing and tents – there will be Pizza!!!! Lastly, keep in mind that on Sunday, June 17th Barb Gillen and her crew will be holding the CKC Canine Good Neighbour Testing and that you do not have to be entered in the shows or trials to put your dogs thru their paces. Successful completion does bring those coveted initials CGN after their name! Linda Fraser – 2012 NKC Show Chair P.S. If anyone has a contact phone number for Miss Poutine, please call me or send me an e-mail. 1- 250248-2379 Page 4 Brag All About It!! Rowdy, Terahz Aspen A star All M Life has CGN ,CD, Vi and Sieger title Brutus DEls puppy.. Loves a frames and boxes ..Look out he is afraid of nothing..but loves kids..and is very friendly.. THANK YOU DEL we love him.. Amber who needs an alarm system when you can have the Schnauzer Security System!!!! Sandy MalcolM’S SchnauzerS TaKe charGe !! Page 5 Sea to Sky Earthdog Club As we move forward with our expanded area of operation, it is our intention to become more active on Vancouver Island. This will include practices and the opportunity for more tests for the Club. In order to make that happen, we are looking for a permanent site on Vancouver Island to be able to ‘dig-in’ the liners and offer tests. We currently have 2 potential sites that I will be looking at, one in the Duncan area and one Port Alberni. If anyone has any leads as to other potential sites, possibly in a more central location for everyone (mid-Island Nanaimo to Qualicum would be great), please let me know and I will look into it. We are basically looking for an unused piece of field that does not have animals walking over it. It can have weeds and some brush, but we have to be able to dig in the liners, bury them and leave them undisturbed. If you have an area, about the size of a large back yard that might be suitable please contact our earthdog judge in Parksville. Chris Roberts Home: 250-586-5434 Cell: 250-947-5434 Page 6 9 Things You Didn’t Know About HSUS 1. The Humane Society of the United States scams Americans out of millions of dollars through manipulative and deceptive advertising. An analysis of HSUS’s TV fundraising appeals that ran between January 2009 and September 2011 determined that more than 85 percent of the animals shown were cats and dogs. However, HSUS doesn’t run a single pet shelter and only gives 1 percent of the money it raises to pet shelters, and it has spent millions on anti-farming and anti-hunting political campaigns. 2. HSUS receives poor charity-evaluation marks. CharityWatch (formerly the American Institute of Philanthropy) reissued HSUS’s “D” rating in December 2011, finding that HSUS spends as little as 49 percent of its budget on its programs. Additionally, the 2011 Animal People News Watchdog Report discovered that HSUS spends about 43 percent of its budget on overhead costs. 3. Six Members of Congress have called for a federal investigation of HSUS. In April 2011, six Congressmen wrote the IRS Inspector General showing concerns over HSUS’s attempts to influence public policy, which they believe has “brought into question [HSUS’s] tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) status.” 4. HSUS regularly contributes more to its own pension plan than it does to pet shelters. An analysis of HSUS’s tax returns determined that HSUS funneled $16.3 million to its executive pension plan between 1998 and 2009—over $1 million more than HSUS gave to pet shelters during that period. 5. The pet sheltering community believes HSUS misleads Americans.According to a nationally representative poll of 400 animal shelters, rescues, and animal control agencies, 71 percent agree that “HSUS misleads people into thinking it is associated with local animal shelters.” Additionally, 79 percent agree that HSUS is “a good source of confusion for a lot of our donors.” 6. While it raises money with pictures of cats and dogs, HSUS has an anti-meat vegan agenda. Speaking to an animal rights conference in 2006, HSUS’s then vice president for farm animal issues stated that HSUS’s goal is to “get rid of the entire [animal agriculture] industry” and that “we don’t want any of these animals to be raised and killed.” 7. Given the massive size of its budget, HSUS does relatively little hands-on care for animals. While HSUS claims it provides direct care to more animals than any other animal protection group in the US, most of the “care” HSUS provides is in the form of spay-neuter assistance. In fact, local groups that operate on considerably slimmer budgets, such as the Houston SPCA, provide direct care to just as many or more animals than HSUS does. 8. HSUS’s CEO has said that convicted dogfighting kingpin Michael Vick “would do a good job as a pet owner.” Following Vick’s release from prison, HSUS has helped “rehabilitate” Michael Vick’s public image. Of course, a $50,000 “grant” from the Philadelphia Eagles didn’t hurt. 9. HSUS’s senior management includes a former spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a criminal group designated as “terrorists” by the FBI. HSUS president Wayne Pacelle hired John “J.P.” Goodwin in 1997, the same year Goodwin described himself as “spokesperson for the ALF” while he fielded media calls in the wake of an ALF arson attack at a California meat processing plant. In 1997, when asked by reporters for a reaction to an ALF arson fire at a farmer’s feed co-op in Utah (which nearly killed a family sleeping on the premises), Goodwin replied, “We’re ecstatic.”Want evidence? Vist: www.ConsumerFreedom .com * www.HumaneWatch. org * www.ActivistCash. com Revised February 2012. Complete sources and documentation available upon request. PERMISSION TO CROSS POST Gale Gordon Mystique Cockers Page 7 RAINBOW BRIDGE Ch. Madselin Wynter Blu, CGN, went to the Bridge in October 2011, just shy of his 13th birthday. A brown-eyed, blue merle Shetland Sheepdog, he had a coat like spun silver, a full white ruff and matching paws, and an adorable freckled face. Standing a mere 14.5 inches tall, he was easily the most beautiful Sheltie I've ever owned. Shortly after he came to live with me, he won best graduate in match at our first sanction match together. We did some conformation together and tried both agility and obedience before concluding that his real talent lay in being a love bug to the world. He participated in multiple NKC demos at Vi-Ex and elsewhere, most recently as one of the friendly dogs in the children's educational program in 2010. It is a tribute to the sweetness of his character that he performed brilliantly throughout the weekend, despite his age, the noise, multiple strangers petting him, the hot sun -- and the abcessed tooth which I only discovered late in the day on Sunday when I felt an unfamiliar lump on his jawline. The photo is from an NKC demo in Parksville, where he showed off some of his agility tricks. He never quite mastered weave poles or the teeter, but he loved to jump. This is my favourite photo of him - he was full of joy throughout his life and it radiates from this image. Keep well, Valorie Lennox Page 8 RAINBOW BRIDGE Flash - Ch. Madselin Star Flash, CGN, PCD - went peacefully to the bridge January 25 at the age of (almost) 15. My final gift to him was hiring a vet who did euthanasia at home, so he went to sleep in his own bed, nestled against my chest and hearing what a good boy he was. He's been snoozing on the couch for the past couple of years, as befits an elder Sheltie statesman, so I'm not sure if many people in the club remember him. But he was on the other end of the leash when I first joined the Kennel Club. We tried agility, obedience and rally, participated in numerous demos, and he earned his PreNovice at an NKC June show and his CGN in Victoria. After a few years, I accepted that he was not going to be an obedience/agility dog, so I retired him to couch 'n cuddles. Flash was a striking blue merle with a wide white blaze, giving him an almost white face. His facial markings suggested he'd gotten into the eyebrow pencil and eye shadow. His eyes were amazing...a blue so light they appeared silver. In temperament, he was always the perfect gentleman affectionate and well-behaved in all circumstances. He's the only dog I've ever owned who would not touch food left on the floor until he had received clear permission that he was allowed to eat it. One of my funniest memories of him was our first obedience class together. As a show dog, he was firmly convinced that a good dog NEVER sat in the ring. He was therefore HORRIFIED - as was hilariously obvious from his expression - when I asked him to sit at heel. He sired three champions. I was fortunate to own one Ch. Madselin Wynter Blu - who passed away last October. Although Flash and Blu are both at the bridge, I still feel as if a part of them remains in my bi-black boy Shade, who is Flash's great-great grandson and Blu's great-grandson. Sleep in peace, Flashy-boy. - Val Lennox Page 9 March 2012 Sun Mon Tue 6 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 Awards Dinner Tally Ho Banquet Room 4 5 11 12 13 Janice Gun 1 Day Workshop Centennial Building 14 15 16 17 St. Patricks Day 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NKC Meeting 27 28 29 30 31 Page 10