THE OPEN DOOR - Saint John`s Cathedral


THE OPEN DOOR - Saint John`s Cathedral
Life at your Cathedral Parish
August / September 2013
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The Very Reverend Peter Eaton
Rector and Dean, Ext. 7721
The Reverend Robert Hendrickson
Sub-Dean, Ext. 7706
The Reverend Jadon D. Hartsuff
Canon, Ext. 7732
The Reverend Elizabeth Marie
Melchionna, Canon, Ext. 7731
The Reverend Charles LaFond
Canon Steward, Ext. 7711
The Reverend Elizabeth Costello
Curate, Ext. 7704
The daily sip blog
Kim McPherson
Director of Religious Education
Ext. 7729
Mike Orr
Communications Director
Ext. 7730
Stephen Tappe
Organist and Director of Music
Ext. 7726
Tara Williams
Director of Finance and
Ext. 7720
Wartburg Update
Tom Stoever, Senior Warden
Frank Scott, Junior Warden
Mary Ellen Williams, Treasurer
David Abbott, Clerk
Class of 2016
David Ball, Kat Challis,
Jen Courtney-Keyse,
Amanda Montague
Class of 2015
Susan Chenier, Larry Kueter,
Ned Rule, John van Camp
Class of 2014
David Abbott, Newt Klusmire,
Jim East, Mary Ellen Williams
Family Ministries at
Saint John’s Cathedral
There is no point in the Christian life at which we can say “I have arrived.” The Christian life
is always one of movement – a movement of the mind, the heart, the spirit, and the body. It
is movement in the first place nearer to God, but movement also nearer to our fellow human
beings in compassion and solidarity. The entire human family shares a common future toward
an ancient destiny – a destiny that has been restored to us by Jesus’ resurrection from the dead
– and learning to be with each other for eternity begins in this life.
If we understand fairly easily that the Christian life is about the movement of our souls toward
a deeper union with God, we also can grow to understand that our bodies become vehicles for
our spiritual growth when we give them over to worship. We laugh that Episcopalians love “pew aerobics,” but there is
truth to the observation that our bodies can point us Godward. Our participation in worship, therefore, moves us along
the path of union with God; not just in what we say and sing, but also in how we hold ourselves in that time of worship.
There is also the movement of the heart; a movement prompted, fed, and healed by love. The truly human heart is
made, it is not born. Or perhaps it is better to say that the truly human heart is forged on the hard anvil of human living.
Living can make us bigger people, more able to love; or living can make us smaller people, less able to love. We have
some choices here, and nothing is determined.
A great deal of our formation in the Christian life is going to happen when we gather with other Christians in attentive
and hopeful learning. Classical Christianity, especially a tradition like ours that values both its catholic and its reformed
heritages, has always understood that faith must seek understanding. “I do not understand,” wrote Saint Anselm, a
great Archbishop of Canterbury, “so that I may have faith; rather I have faith so that I may understand.” Anselm also
reminded us clearly that a faith that merely believes what it ought to believe is dead.
Here at the Cathedral, we take all these types of formation – the movement of the Christian life – seriously. Every
ministry is shaped to encourage, to broaden, to deepen our formation as individuals and as a community. Whether
that formation comes from giving ourselves over to the rhythms of our daily and weekly worship, or from sacrificial
giving of our talents and resources for the well-being of others, or from learning what it might mean to live a more
authentic Christian life in the way we work, the Cathedral is a community for those who want to be on this moving
cycle of the Christian life.
The reformed Catholic faith that we live as Episcopalians is a rich tradition that demands a great deal from us. There
are reasons why we do what we do, think the ways that we think, believe the ways that we believe, and we need to
learn all this. If our worship is our faith “in motion,” then our learning is our faith “in exploration.” All of this movement
is gathered up in lives of integrity that are held together in tension by the cross that is traced on our foreheads at our
As we look to a new program year, we begin this month with our Cathedral Retreat at Cathedral Ridge, a wonderful way
in which to engage in the movement of formation with our fellow Christians here. On Sundays and on Wednesdays at
Cathedral Nite from September onwards, there will be renewed opportunities for formation in worship and learning
that will help us to grow and become more and more the human beings and the Christians that God calls us to be.
Join us in this great movement of the Christian life. Come to the Cathedral Retreat in August. Join the Catechumenate
if you have not done it already, or one of the other formation groups on Cathedral Nite. Commit to attending one of
the new Sunday morning groups. Try the Dean’s Bible Study on Wednesday mornings when it resumes in September.
Think about EFM. Make being present at the beautiful candlelit service of Compline in Wednesday evenings part of
your life.
To paraphrase a line from The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: “There is so much to do. Why do you not come out?”
• We are hosting 20 homeless women
weekly at Saint John’s.
• Over 150 participants have gone
program in the past 3 years.
• Saint John’s hosts 4 addiction groups
weekly with over 100 participants.
52 campers, 5 gappers, 12
counselors, 2 interns, and 5 adults
attended Cathedral Camp, June 23
- 29.
• Saint John’s contributed over 4,500
pounds of food to Metro CareRing
in July last year.
Are you on our eNewsletter list?
Receiving weekly e-newsletters is a great way to find out what is
going on in your Cathedral Parish. Email your contact information
to or register online at!
Contact us at with any question you may
have. We’d love to help!
• Saint John’s has celebrated over
150 baptisms in the past 2 years.
• Saint John’s parishioner-gardeners
have donated well over 36 lbs of
produce to Metro CareRing this year.
Over 2,500 people receive the
weekly eNewsletter, The Voice.
• Volunteers give over 1,325 hours of
service to the music program each
The 20’s & 30’s group is a great way to get to know peers at Saint John’s
Cathedral. The Cathedral 20’s & 30’s group welcomes those who are single,
couples, married, and with or without children. Many group gatherings
will happen throughout the program year, some events with childcare and
some just for us adults.
Some upcoming events will include Sunday brunches, Foyer Dinner Groups,
and service projects in our community. Watch your weekly eNewsletter for
upcoming dates!
If you are interested in being involved in the 20’s & 30’s group and helping
to organize upcoming events, please contact Mother Elizabeth Marie at
“The retreat was a great time to bond with other cathedral parishioners.
Many of the smiles and waves I share after services are due to spending
quality time with others at the retreat last year. A whole new group of
people has opened up to me now! I can’t wait for the next retreat at
Cathedral Ridge.” -Amy Davis
“I bunked in a bunkhouse and expected to rough it a bit. Was
astonished how pleasant, clean, and convenient it was! It was fun
bunking with other additional chance to chat and get to know
other parishioners!” -Micaela Larsen Brown
The Catechumenate: Practicing the Way
Cathedral Nite, September 11 through May 14
Location: Dagwell Hall
Leader: Dean Eaton
The Catechumenate (pronounced “kat-uh-KEW-meh-nut”) is for those who have never been part of a church,
those who are returning to church after a long absence, or those who have been members of another tradition. It
is the heart of our formation process for adults, an exploration of what it means to be a Christian in the Anglican
tradition, and serves as the principal process by which we welcome newcomers to Saint John’s Cathedral, the
Episcopal Church and the Christian faith. Each week, class members gather in the chapel following supper for
brief devotional introducing classic Christian disciplines, then return to Dagwell Hall for a presentation and table
conversation. For more information, please contact Michael Koechner at
The Bible in a Year
Cathedral Nite, beginning September 11
Facilitated by Clergy
Most vibrant and growing churches share something in common – they have a strong commitment to teaching
and reading the Bible. There is a vast difference between attending church and listening to a portion of the Bible
being read aloud and reading the Bible on your own. Understanding how the entire Word of God coheres and
what God is saying to you daily through Holy Scripture is a transformational experience. It also makes worship
come even more alive. It is the difference between riding in a car as a passenger and not paying close attention
to the route being taken versus driving the car and learning the roads that get you to your destination. We will
read the Bible in short daily selections over the course of a year. When we meet each week, we will have the
opportunity to reflect on what we are reading and how God is speaking to us through the Scriptures. If you have
been wanting to start reading the Bible, this is a great opportunity for you and if you have read it through and
through, this is also an opportunity to delve even more deeply into it with friends.
Life Consecrated: Living the Eucharist
Cathedral Nite, September 11, 18, & 25
Leader: Father Robert Hendrickson
Jesus commanded his followers to share in the Eucharist as an act of service and worship and they have done so
ever since – across ages and continents (and even on the moon). Christians witness and love take their shape from
the form of this shared sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. How can we find the shape of our lives as individuals
and a community modeled and renewed in the encounter with Christ that is the Mass? This three week course,
led by Father Robert Hendrickson, will look at the share of the liturgy, its development, and ways we can open
ourselves in devotion and prayer to the Presence of Christ.
Financial Peace
Cathedral Nite, September 11 through November 13
Leaders: Mike Orr and Tim Dunbar
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through
video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, Financial Peace presents biblical, practical
steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid
of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! Financial Peace classes meet for around an
hour and a half each week for ten weeks. Register and purchase class materials at
Cathedral Nite Formation Groups (continued)
Living the Call: Responding Authentically to God
Cathedral Nite, October 2, 9, 16, & 23
Leader: Mother Elizabeth Marie Melchionna
Throughout the Old Testament, people like Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jacob, and Samuel all respond to God’s call:
“Here I am!” How do we respond to God’s call in our lives? Vocational discernment is relevant to us at all ages.
We will draw from the work of Frederick Buechner’s book, The Hungering Dark, to examine our sense of call,
identify our core values, and explore ways in which we might realign our life practices to follow God’s call more
Living the Church Year: Feasts, Fasts, and Seasons of Intention
Cathedral Nite, October 30, November 6, 13, & 20
Leader: Father Jadon Hartsuff
Each year, the Church lives out a series of days and seasons with different meanings, moods, and purposes –
from liturgical seasons like Advent, Epiphany, and Lent to a variety of feasts and holy days. How did this calendar
develop? What do all these seasons and days “mean?” How are we formed by observing and living into the
Church’s calendar, and what are some ways that we can do that? Join Father Jadon Hartsuff for this four week
exploration of the tradition and spirituality of the church year.
My Soul Magnifies the Lord: Hearing the Blessed Mother Today
Cathedral Nite, December 4, 11, & 18
Leader: Mother Liz Costello
Dorothy Day once said, “Advent begins with Mary who presents to us the infant Christ.” Come reflect on what
Mary’s life might teach us about the Christian life. Mary, who followed Christ from cradle, to grave, to empty tomb,
is commonly considered the first follower of Jesus. Historically, the Church has viewed her life as the pattern for
grace and hope in Christ – a model for discipleship. To learn more about Mary’s life and what we might learn from
it, we will look at the Magnificat in depth, with some reference to “Mary Grace and Hope in Christ,” an agreed
statement produced by The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC).
“Catechumenate” may be hard to pronounce (kat-uhKEW-meh-nut) and harder to spell. The name comes from
Greek words meaning “teach by telling” and “learn by
hearing” and ultimately from the word “echo.”
Once again, a new Catechumenate goup will begin in September. The Catechumenate is a
way into deeper engagement with the life of faith, and is especially helpful to newcomers to
the Cathedral and newcomers to adult Christian faith. We encourage all those who are new
to Saint John’s or who are exploring their Christian faith as adults to be a part of this lifechanging experience.
But the Catechumenate is also a wonderful exploration for those who have been members
of the parish for years, or who have been Christians for a long time, who would like to renew
their engagement with questions of faith and life. The Catechumenate flourishes because
both the “old” and the “new” in faith are part of this community.
If you are interested in joining the Catechumenate, speak to one of the clergy, or just show
up on Cathedral Nite on September 11 at 5:30 for the Eucharist, followed by supper at 6:15
pm. At 7:00 pm, we shall have an introduction to the Catechumenate, and answer all your
questions. At 8:30 pm, we go to the chapel for Compline by candlelight.
Life-long learning and formation are a normal part of life, and a normal part of the Christian
life. Join us for the Catechumenate, and grow!
Sunday Morning Formation Groups
Bible in a Year
Beginning Sunday, September 15 at 10:15 am
Facilitated by Clergy
Most vibrant and growing churches share something in common – they have a strong
commitment to teaching and reading the Bible. There is a vast difference between attending
church and listening to a portion of the Bible being read aloud and reading the Bible on your own.
Understanding how the entire Word of God coheres and what God is saying to you daily through
Holy Scripture is a transformational experience. It also makes worship come even more alive.
It is the difference between riding in a car as a passenger and not paying close attention to the
route being taken versus driving the car and learning the roads that get you to your destination.
We will read the Bible in short daily selections over the course of a year. When we meet each
week, we will have the opportunity to reflect on what we are reading and how God is speaking
to us through the Scriptures. If you have been wanting to start reading the Bible, this is a great
opportunity for you and if you have read it through and through, this is also an opportunity to
delve even more deeply into it with friends.
The Curate’s Corner: Everyday Spirituality
Beginning Sunday, September 15 at 10:15 am
Join our Curate, Liz Costello, each week this season for informal conversation about personal
practices of prayer and piety for everyday life. Liz will begin each week by exploring a written
prayer from the Anglican tradition, focused on topics such as hospitality, pregnancy and
childbirth, desert and dessert times, death and dying, and other topics from our everyday lives.
The specific prayer or reading will focus a more general conversation about the topic and how
we might interact more spiritually with all that we encounter in day-to-day life.
Monday Night Formation Group
Education for Ministry
Mondays: September 9 to May 2013, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Location: Common Room
Leader: The Rev’d Stewart Jones
EfM, or Education for Ministry, is a world-wide Adult Education program developed by the School of Theology of the University
of the South. It holds that the foundation for bringing Christ to the world lies in a Church empowered by an active, theologically
articulate laity. The objective of EfM is to help lay men and women deepen their theological foundation, strengthen their ability
to minister to others, and to support them on their spiritual journeys. EfM seminar members commit to one year at a time as they
explore the basics of theological education: Old Testament (Year 1), New Testament (Year 2), Church History (Year 3), and Liturgy
and Theology (Year 4). The full course entails four years of study, and each year consists of approximately 34 sessions. You will be
asked to commit for one year at a time. For more information, please contact Father Robert at
In September, we shall have a series of congregational conversations about formation, community, and how we
understand our common life together. Please join us, beginning Sunday, September 15, in Dagwell Hall at 10:15
am for the Dean’s Forums.
September 8 – Saint John’s Day: Ministries Fair and Block Party
After the 10:00 am Eucharist, join us on the West Lawn for a Block Party and Ministries Fair where you will learn
about many of our activities, and be able to see how you can participate more fully in our parish life.
September 15, 10:15 in Dagwell Hall – Growing Up Again in Christ
Christians are born again in baptism, and are called to grow up again in the Christian life. In the journey of
growing up again, our formation is crucial. Today, we shall consider the many ways in which Christians are
formed in their life and faith in response to our Baptismal Covenant and to our mission “to know Christ and
make Christ known.”
September 22, 10:15 in Dagwell Hall – It’s All About Community
Join us as we reflect together on our Cathedral weekend, “Cathedral Under the Stars,” and hear stories of our
rich life as a community of women and men, young and old, new Christians and those who have been on the
journey for longer.
September 29, 10:15 in Dagwell Hall – Resonate: What Resonates with You?
Our new Canon Steward and members of the Resonate Team will lead us in a conversation about the life of our
Cathedral community, and the imaginative ways in which we can both understand our common life and think
about our future together.
by Father Charles LaFond
July 2013
Since the great cathedrals
first rose out of the Dark Ages,
they have offered protection,
healing, preaching, leadership.
They have been centers of learning,
political discourse, worship, and ecclesial
administration. The cathedrals offered hospitality in an
inhospitable world. Hospitality is in fact is at the heart of what
we do and who we are at Saint John’s.
‘Hospitality’ is derived from the Latin hospes (host) or hostis
(stranger, enemy), from which the word ‘hostile’ derives. So the
very notion of hospitality is rooted in the ancient expectation of
welcome. Hosts welcome not only those who are like them but
also the needy, hostile-seeming stranger.
Although they are fluid places, cathedrals have resilient resident
communities of regular worshipers, parishioners, and staff people.
Saint John’s is no different. I am getting to know our community
of regulars and to recognize the many new faces—so much so
I now see strangers flowing through our doors. They find the
cathedral while here on business or on their way to places far
flung. As it happens, I met two such strangers this past Sunday
evening, at the dinner that follows the
Wilderness service. They were
passing through. They needed
a place to worship. And they
found Saint John’s.
The new Chapter of
canons—Robert, Elisabeth
Marie, Jaden, Liz, and
I—are all strangers to you
now. We bring new, and
even strange, ways from faroff places. Virginia. Michigan.
Pennsylvania. North Carolina. New
Hampshire. New Haven. New ways can
be fresh, exciting, and effective, of course. But they can also be
strange, even hostile, to comfortable custom and tradition. But
ours is a living faith, fed by the new, and the cathedral is a living,
ever-changing place. As you extend your hospitality—as you
host us and welcome us as strangers—my sure hope is that we
will grow to recognize each other as friends and colleagues in
As a Canon Steward, I am responsible for raising money and
people to strengthen the mission of the Cathedral through
empowering that mission with resources. Having been a fund
raiser for 25 years, a monk for three, a priest for 12, and an
Anglican for 40, I am glad to be doing work I know and love.
And although I work to raise the funds we need to be the church,
I also play an equal role among the chapter as pastor, teacher,
spiritual leader and even, occasionally, prophet.
My new work here reminds me very much of my role as Cellarer
at the Monastery of Saint John the Evangelist in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. The Cellarer—like the canon steward an ancient
office—cares for the temporal aspects of monastic life. He makes
sure the cellar is stocked, that meals are prepared, and that the
herb and vegetable gardens are productive. The Cellarer provides.
As steward and cellarer of the Cathedral, I am charged with the
task of leading us into a deeper understanding of the many ways
in which we are each providers—for each
other, for this place, and for this planet—
with our money, our time, our talent,
and our joy.
The cathedral is yours. It is not
mine. It is not the chapter’s. The
cathedral belongs to you: the
longtime members and the new
members and everyone in between.
You are Saint John’s. We the clergy are
here as your pastors. You, not we, are the hosts.
My job as canon steward is to remind the congregation and
chapter that our calling is not to eke out an existence nor to pay
our bills. Our calling, like that of every church, is to manifest
the great hope we have in God. Few churches rise to this calling.
My job as priest is to shepherd the conversations we have around
money, time, and resources. My job as Christian is to model
good stewardship of my time, my love, my money, and my selfcare. And my job as prophet is to wander past the ordinary, to
skip past “the way we have always done it,” to run past “that
sounds difficult,” and careen into the impossible, wonderful,
extraordinary dreams God has for this Cathedral, this city, and
this planet. If the impossibly extraordinary scares you, then pray,
take a deep breath, grab someone’s hand, and run toward the
Holy Spirit’s longings for you and for this place until we see those
things we can together accomplish. We will tumble from time to
time. We may fall. But what a great adventure we will have had,
A Daily Blog by Father Charles La Fond, Canon Steward
Every morning, my routine includes feeding Kai, making about this long or shorter and will take 1-3 minutes to
some good, rich coffee, and sitting in the garden to watch read. They will cover various subjects but will focus on
the sun rise over the trees. I drink deep of this time of the stewardship of our lives. Some posts will include a
day. My dog, Kai, plays with sticks, wanders the fence biblical verse or a line of poetry. Others will quote and
line, and then sleeps by my chair until it is time to go to comment on an aphorism from a great thinker while
morning prayer at the Cathedral. This is a time of deep others will simply remind us of things we knew but had
stillness in which I can listen for God’s “still, small voice” need of remembering. The photos with each blog entry
and in which I can be mindful of my life. How are things will be from area gardens in Denver or from details of the
fabric of the Cathedral such
going? What do I regret
as a window or a carving;
from yesterday? What are
How are things going? What do I regret from
and the photos will often
my hopes for today? What
yesterday? What are my hopes for today? What
be a launching point for the
are my longings? Whom
are my longings? Whom have I wronged? To what
have I wronged? To what
am I being called? What do I want? t
am I being called? What do
Readers can read a bunch on
I want?
a day off or grab one every day for a sip of inspiration and
With each deep sip of Sumatran Dark Roast coffee with encouragement. They can even search for topics when
heavy cream, I consider my life, those I love, and those I they need a certain kind of “prescription.” These blogs
am trying to love.
are a reminder that stewardship is not just about raising
money. Stewardship is about gratitude for the life over
The Daily Sip is a new blog on the website of the which we have each been appointed a steward. If you
Cathedral. Readers can either go to the blog and read it are like me, there are days I am full of gratitude and can
or they can subscribe to have each daily writing emailed see life for all its wonder. And then there are other days
to them. It is called The Daily Sip because it is just that – a when life seems sticky, heavy, obscured by a fog of grief,
daily sip of spiritual encouragement about the life of a fear, or boredom. It is on those days when I especially
need a brief pick-me-up. We hope this blog will provide
steward of aliveness.
that daily sip needed to move you into a mindful day –
Every day from Monday through Friday, a short meditation aware of God, others, and the Hope which is our celestial
will be posted with a photo. Most readings will be home.
Subscribe today at
The People Behind the Presents
Knowingly or unknowingly, you have probably helped
them. If you have put cash in the collection plate,
volunteered with a ministry or purchased a gift for the
Giving Trees at Christmas, you have touched their lives.
They are the people behind the presents.
From time to time, your gifts and donations may feel
intangible or unrelatable, but they couldn’t be more
personal. Behind every present you give is a person.
They have hopes, dreams, families, fears, hurts and
smiles, just like you and me. Some may be ill, may have
struggled and suffered most of their lives or maybe they
have temporarily fallen on hard times.
Over the next few months, we’d like to introduce you to
some of the organizations who serve the people behind
the presents, those who benefit from your kindness,
compassion and generosity.
CHARG Resource Center creates a partnership among
individuals who live with mental illness with mental
health professionals and the Denver community. CHARG
offers resources not otherwise adequately available,
empowers the mentally ill with new skills and advocates
for those with chronic mental illness.
CHARG helps its guests express themselves and
create connections through art. Brian, a creative artist
challenged with various disabilities, has been able to
use his lifelong passion for drawing as a positive outlet.
Another project, Starfish on Broadway, produces a
compilation CD with music written and performed by
mentally ill and homeless musicians living in Denver.
The Delores Project provides safe, comfortable overnight
shelter for single women without children, a homeless
population that is too often overlooked. The organization
welcomes female guests into a peaceful, hospitable and
respectful environment with 50 beds for transitional or
emergency shelter.
Delores Big Boy, a Lakota woman who often slept on
Denver’s streets, suffered from health, developmental
and substance abuse issues, in addition to physical and
sexual violence. As a single homeless woman, Delores
fell through the cracks of the system and ultimately
passed away. The Delores Project was founded in her
honor to help the many women in similar situations.
Caring Association for Native Americans (CANA) brings
comfort and assistance to Native Americans with chronic
illnesses and life-threatening conditions who must travel
to Denver from Western Indian reservations for medical
treatment. CANA also provides emergency food, shelter
and clothing for accompanying family members.
In February, CANA asked its members to pray for Chief
Oliver Red Cloud, who arrived in Colorado from Rapid
City, South Dakota. Once he was in stable condition,
volunteers were able to visit and offer support. Denver
is one of the nation’s major medical treatment centers for
Native Americans like Chief Oliver Red Cloud, and these
services are critical for the health of the Native American
This winter, The Giving Trees will once again be presented
by the Urban and Social Concerns Commission at Saint
John’s. Many adults, children and families associated
with these agencies and those we will introduce in the
next few months will be the recipients of your generosity.
USCC represents Saint John’s community outreach
ministries, and in its work includes the Loaves and Fishes,
Habitat for Humanity and the Giving Tree programs.
If you are interested in information about the USCC
agencies, please visit us at the Saint John’s web site
Serving in the Community page or email Rob Vock at
Landmark Judgment
in Favor of Saint John’s Cathedral Upheld
On Monday, June 10, the United States Supreme Court denied a
petition from a fundamentalist Christian group to hear an appeal
of a judgment entered in favor of Saint John’s Cathedral by the
Denver District Court. This brings a final and conclusive end to
the litigation in which the Cathedral has been involved since
2005. The result is a landmark First Amendment judgment on the
relationship between the freedom of speech and the freedom of
Wartburg College West
Wartburg West’s Urban Semester in Denver
is designed to give Wartburg students
experiential learning in an urban setting,
where they clarify their vocational goals
and values and develop personal and
professional skills. 13 students will arrive
for Fall term on August 18.
During the Fall and Winter terms, Wartburg
West participants receive academic credit
both for their internship and for classes
taught by the program directors.
The directors, the Reverends Nelson and
Bonita Bock, are committed to finding and
facilitating quality internship placements
for Wartburg West students. They work
closely with students to identify and
secure placements that meet their needs
and objectives. The directors welcome
suggestions from students regarding
companies and agencies to investigate.
They would also welcome interest in hosting
interns by members of the Saint John’s
Cathedral community.
Fall term courses include 1) The Metropolis:
Participation in, analysis of, and reflection
on urban life and issues from cultural,
perspectives. 2) Immigrant Communities
and their Religious Traditions: The primary
objective is to understand the importance
of religious identity and beliefs in the
development of human society and its
impact on culture. 3) Elements of Leadership:
Explores theories of leadership while
engaging in a leadership project. 4) Living
in a Diverse World: Diverse cultures and life
styles unpacked.
For many years, a small fundamentalist Christian group, led by local
street preacher Ken Scott, conducted demonstrations outside the
Cathedral on many occasions. They had come to focus on Palm
Sunday and Easter Day, when the Cathedral community conducts
religious services and activities outdoors. Their demonstrations
significantly disrupted worship and clearly upset parishioners,
especially children.
Over time the Cathedral had tried a number of ways to discourage
this interference, but without effect. Then in 2005, a new
parishioner and attorney, David Ball, along with the then SubDean, Stephen Carlsen, were so disturbed by the demonstration
that they resolved to try to obtain a restraining order. The petition
for a temporary restraining order was heard four days later, on
Good Friday, and granted. Subsequently, that restraining order
became permanent.
Since the granting of the permanent order, Mr. Scott has been
appealing the judgment through the legal system. The judgment
in favor of the Cathedral has been upheld through a series of
appeals, and now cannot be challenged further. Mr. Scott and
his group may still demonstrate, but they must stand in a specific
area across the street and down the block in a place where the
interference with the Cathedral’s religious worship and activities
will be minimal.
“We are of course delighted with the final outcome of this case,”
said the Dean, the Very Reverend Peter Eaton. “Both Mr. Scott’s
freedom of speech and our freedom of worship have been
upheld, and we now have a ‘buffer zone’ between us and the
Eaton added, “This case now also stands as a significant precedent
that other religious institutions can use in similar circumstances.
I am pleased that the outcome of this case helps not only us, but
other congregations that may not have the resources that the
Cathedral has to see a process like this to the end.”
Two well-known Denver law firms where several Cathedral
parishioners work, Bryan Cave HRO and Faegre Baker Daniels,
took on the Cathedral’s case on a pro bono basis. “We could not
have accomplished this,” said Eaton, “without the considerable
generosity and help of many people, especially our attorneys and
their colleagues.”
Two Important Feasts in August
From the liturgical point of view, the summer is a “slow” time.
Intentionally the Church gives us time to grow in our lives of faith by
focusing not on the excitements of various feasts, but on the everyday
commitment of following Jesus. Our Sunday readings focus on the
“basics:” faithfulness, generosity, love of neighbor, self-sacrifice, and other Christian practices and attitudes
that accomplish what we call the “conversion of life.”
However, in August there are two great feasts. The first is the Feast of the Transfiguration on August 6. We
know this story well enough, but it has deep religious and spiritual significance for each of us.
And then on August 15, we keep the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is traditionally
the feast on which we commemorate her death, and throughout the Christian world this is her greatest feast
We shall celebrate the Eucharist on both these feasts in the Chapel at 5:30 pm.
Feast of the Transfiguration - August 6
Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 15
Saint Martin’s Chapel
by Robert “Woody” Woodward
1931-2007, Cathedral Archivist for over 30 years
Published January 1990, Open Door
The inscription over the main door of Saint Martin’s
Chapel reads, “My house shall become of all nations a
house of prayer.”
In 1894, Marion Grace Hendrie,
Anne Evans, and Elisabeth Spalding,
daughter of Bishop Spalding,
founded the Artists Club of Denver,
an organization which later was
charterd as the Denver Art Museum.
In 1921, Marion Hendrie and
Elisabeth Spalding persuaded the
Diocese of Colorado to constitute a
Commission on Church Architecture
and the Allied Arts to encourage
and guide parishes and missions in
obtaining the best possible design
in buildings and furnishings. When
Saint John’s Cathedral undertook
the building of Saint Martin’s
Chapel and the parish building in
1926, Dean Dagwell placed the
responsbilitiy for its design in the
hands of Marion Hendrie and the
Art Commission.
The little booklet prepared shortly after the chapel’s
completion states, “Appreciation of art lies in the
ability to understand the spirit in which it has been
created. Because the members of the Commission
of Architecture and the Allied Arts of the Diocese
of Colorado feel strongly that work planned by an
individual artist for a definite place has a greater
spiritual content than work produced in quantity, they
have sought cooperation with artists in the building of
Saint Martin’s Chapel. Denver is unusually fortunate
in having artists of international recognition, and it is
conceded that their thought and effort have created
a chapel of great spiritual and artistic beauty.” This
booklet provides an excellent description of the many
art works incorporated in the chapel.
The most dominant work is the reredos for “The Children
of Saint John’s Cathedral,” given by Mrs. Hendrie. The
artist was Arnold Ronnebeck, who came to Denver in
1923 from Prussia in northern Germany. Mrs. Ursula
Moore Works, a present member of the Cathedral Arts
and Architecture Committee, is Arnold Ronnebeck’s
daughter. The carving was executed by John Robert
Henderson, who taught wood carving in Denver schools
for 30 years and later worked on the Mount Rushmore
sculptures. The 1928 booklet erroneously credits this
work to a William Henderson. When completed, the
Rocky Mountain News reported that this was among
the largest church wood carvings in the world. The gold
leaf was added to the halos in 1989 when the reredos
and ceiling were cleaned.
The altar cross, from a design
of a 10th-century cross in the
museum at Ravenna, Italy, and
the candlesticks were executed
by the artist Joseph Hurlburt.
These candlesticks were stolen in
1976, and identical replacements
were carved by Al Aspenwall, a
retired Navy man and teacher
of woodworking in Jefferson
County. In May, while this project
was in progress, the altar cross
was also stolen. Mr. Aspenwall
carved the candlesticks and
a new cross from the photos
provided from the archives by the
late Louisa Arps.
Three mural panels by John
Edward Thompson are on the
south wall. It was decided that
a rival attraction might destroy
the importance of the altar. After
much study and experimentation, three separate
panels, to be rich and low in color and contrast, were
decided upon. It is interesting to note that part of this
experimentation were two panels by the artist Albert
Olsen. These panels now form the reredos behind the
altar at Saint Andrew’s Mission (observe Saint John’s
Cathedral in the corner of one of the panels). Other
experimentation evidently involved the lighting;
you can see that at one time there were six, not four,
chandeliers. The vestry minutes of December 17, 1928,
include a resolution that “the sale of six electric lighting
fixtures taken out of the Chapel and sold to Saint Mark’s
Church for $90.00 to be ratified and approved.” No
evidence of these lights can now be found at Saint
Mark’s. All of the lighting in the chapel was updated and
brightened in 1989 in memory of Watson A. Bowes, Sr.
Library News
During the summer months we have been conducting our
annual inventory of the library collection. We now have
over 4,500 books on the shelves, and we are delighted
that so many of our parishioners have found the scope
and variety of the collection to be helpful, whether
looking for Biblical studies or materials on prayer,
meditation, social issues, or Church history. All the titles
and topics are available on the Saint John’s website—
just look under Resources/Library. If you would like to
reserve a book, or if you have a book checked out that
you are still reading and would like to renew, please
call the library at 303.577.7728 or emailus at library@ We understand that it often takes quite
a while to “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” a good
book, and we want to give you plenty of time to do so.
As we draw closer to the start of our new program year,
we are looking forward to the opening sessions of the
Catechumenate, the Dean’s Forum, EFM, and Adult
Education classes. The library will be providing displays
of available materials, and there is computer access to
lists of resources for the various topics to be covered
in each of these programs. We will also be encouraging
visits—and checkouts—from all the members of Saint
John’s congregation throughout the year.
Our annual celebration of Saint John’s Day in September
is always a joyous occasion and, as always, the Library
will be represented following the Sunday service on
September 8. We look forward to greeting everyone and
we also hope to entice a few parishioners to sign up as
volunteers to help keep the library open during the week.
We would appreciate a three-hour commitment once a
week, with the opportunity to read or study in the peace
and quiet of our beautiful library. Perks also include
getting to meet our growing cadre of dedicated readers,
the ability to check out lots of books, with generous
renewal privileges, and the opportunity to read the new
books first!
Online Library Access
Saint John’s Cathedral houses over 4,300 books in our collection! To view titles, authors, and book information in
our library conveniently online now, please visit
It’s 6:00 am
at the Saint Francis Center
A long line of men and women has already formed along Curtis
Street and Park Avenue. Many are leaning against the wall, tired
from walking the streets all night or stiff from being curled up
in a corner somewhere. Last night, some were lucky enough to
have pulled a number that got them into a shelter. Many wear
too many clothes for this hot morning, knowing the rules of the
street, “wear it or lose it.” Feet are tired and sore from too many
hours in ill fitting shoes, and socks are doubled up for better
But they feel fortunate too. As soon as the door opens at the
largest day time homeless center in the Western US, they will
be greeted by a volunteer who calls them by name. They’ll find
a seat at the long rows of tables, read a book or play cards in the
quiet of the room that will fill with several hundred people, many
recently homeless. They’ll use the newly expanded restroom
facilities that do not require them to stand in another long line.
They will shower, maybe pick out some clean clothes...other
people’s clothes, but clean clothes that feel and smell good. Mail
delivery will be checked, the message board scanned, and calls
will be made on the center’s phones. A volunteer will help them
replace their stolen driver’s license or birth certificate. Some
will speak with the mental health and social workers. Many will
check in with the employment office for an hourly job, or receive
counseling on preparing resumes for long term jobs. And,
permanent housing possibilities will be explored, for a place
that will give them the stability to get their lives going again,
become productive citizens, help their families and others, just
as the Center has helped them.
This is the Saint Francis Center, established by the Episcopal
Diocese in 1983, with Canon Bert Womack as the first Executive
Every Fall, the Saint Francis Center hosts their major fundraising
event, a silent and live auction and dinner at the Marriott
Downtown. Over 500 guests will come together on the 30th year
clebration to raise money that will make an enormous difference
in the daily lives of people who are hoping to see that light at the
end of the tunnel.
Please join in this effort on October 12 by planning to attend this
enjoyable and informative evening and donating items for the
silent and live auction. Tami Door of the Downtown Partnership
will be honored.
For information on tickets and to donate auction items, please
contact Nancy Wiseman at or
“God said, ‘See, I have given you every plant
yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth,
and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have
them for food.” —Genesis 1:29
Hands-on Hunger Prevention at Saint John’s: The Cathedral Co-Operative of Gardeners (CCG)
The Cathedral Co-operative of Gardeners (CCG) supports our partner agency Metro CareRing by providing parishionergrown produce for the hungry. The need for fresh, nutritious fruits and vegetables is great, and we can help those
most in need out of our abundant co-operative of backyard gardens.
Metro CareRing targets the root causes of hunger by providing effective emergency and wraparound services to its
guests in addition to offering a fresh-food market on site.
It’s easy to give: Come to church each Sunday with your washed, garden-grown produce (including fruit from
your trees and berries and grapes from your vines) and drop it off in the CCG collection coolers in the Children’s
Garth. CCG volunteers do the rest by delivering your produce to Metro CareRing. We keep a running tally of
produce donations and report monthly totals. We also partner with Yard Harvest for parishioners who would
prefer for volunteers to harvest (and donate) the fruit from their vines and trees to our neighbors in need.
For more information about the Cathedral Co-Operative of Gardeners and for further information about food donation
for Colorado gardeners, please visit
Nursery Summer Sunday Hours (through September 8)
9:30 am - 12:00 pm, ages 0-3
5:30 - 7:30 pm for The Wilderness, any age
Nursery Fall Sunday Hours (starting September 15)
8:30 am - 12:45 pm, ages 0-3
5:30 - 7:30 pm for The Wilderness, any age
Nursery Fall Wednesday Hours (starting September 11)
4:00 am - 9:30 pm, all ages
Summer Children’s Chapel, ending August 18
10:00 am in Room 103
A Liturgy of the Word for children, ages 3+, where they experience the lesson, a meaningful activity, and then join the
congregation for Communion.
Sunday Christian Formation, beginning September 15
9:00 am- Children’s Chapel (ages 3 & up) St. Francis Chapel, 2nd floor
Children’s Chapel is a time for children to be welcomed and engaged in this first part of worship in very ‘kid-friendly’
fashion that includes a lesson with activity, confession, prayers, hymns, and songs. When you visit us, please sign in and
make a nametag for each child. (Chapel goers come to the Cathedral at the Peace, in time for Communion.)
10:15 am- Godly Play (Ages 3 - 3rd Grade)
In Godly Play, we create a safe and beautiful place for children, where their ideas, opinions, and gifts are deeply respected.
Children will be greeted at the door and invited to join the circle, where they will see, hear and wonder about one of the
stories from the Bible or another part of our Episcopal tradition. We tell the stories and parables of the Bible using handson materials, then use “wondering questions” to reflect on the story together. Children then choose from a wide variety
of materials—art supplies, building materials, books, or the hands-on story materials themselves—to make their own
creative responses, and to help make the stories truly their own. Prayers and a feast (snack) round out the session. Parents
are asked to sign up to bring the snack one Sunday.
• 3-4 year olds: Preschool Godly Play, Room 101
• K-1st Grades: Godly Play Class, Room 103
2nd-3rd Grades: Godly Play for Older Kids, Room 107
10:15 am - SOWhAT (4th - 5th Grade) Room 204
SOWhAT stands for: Stories, Outreach, Wonder, Arts & Theology. The core of our faith is to be found in our stories, and our
children are writing these stories on their hearts in their years of Godly Play, as a means to make connections, find comfort,
and figure out answers to life’s problems—as the guides that help them to be the followers of Jesus. As they mature and
can retrieve the stories from memory, they can also begin to delve more deeply into their meaning, and to learn ways to
respond that are more sophisticated. This is exactly why we created the SOWhAT class! This year, SOWhAT will work with
the creation story, delving into the mystery and meaning contained in each of the “days.” From creating pinhole viewers to
a meditation on thirst, from experimenting with the art of Andy Goldsworthy to exploring the stars, this class will deeply
engage in wondering, finding meaning, and reaching out to people in need.
Wednesdays, beginning September 11
4:15 – 5:30 pm- Godly Play, Room 103
If you missed Sunday’s class, or if your child is in the children’s choir and you would like to come on Wednesdays for
Christian formation, this time slot is perfect for you! Director of Religious Education, Kim McPherson, will share stories,
wonder with the children and invite them to respond to the stories of our tradition through play, art, and other experiences.
(Younger children may stay in the nursery, and older children attending choir may be signed in to the nursery in advance by
parents who wish to attend yoga classes from 5:30 - 6:45 pm. Choir members will be escorted to rehearsal following class.)
(“kid + acolyte”) Any students entering 4th-12th grade can be part of the SJC Acolyte team! Sign up at Saint John’s Day or
contact Liz Costello at Training is provided so everyone knows just what to do and feels comfortable.
Join this visible service and experience Holy Eucharist in a brand new way!
Would you like to help with chapel? Lead or greet and lend an extra pair of hands. Please contact Kim McPherson at
303.577.7729 or at
Note to Parents:
Check the Family Life Newsletter for youth events and to sign up for them. We must have a signed release form in order
for your child to attend any events that are either away from the Cathedral or an overnight. You can mail them back to the
cathedral, fax them (303-831-7119) or scan and send them back via email to Please download the
forms at (children and youth tab).
The goal of our youth program is to help our teens journey into adulthood to become the best possible people they can
be. Our hope is to give them a love for the Episcopal Church, a relationship with God through Christ, and opportunities to
experience this community in loving service to others. “Belonging” is what we hope they will experience here, belonging
as “a circle that embraces everything…{it} is deep…It is the living and passionate presence of the soul.” (from Eternal
Echoes by John O’Donohue.)
10:15 am, Room 300
This is a community based on trust, faith, love, generosity, and courage; one where deep friendships are being formed.
After the 9:00 am service, all youth gather in room 300 for refreshments and consideration of a topic, sometimes
separating into middle and high school groups (in rooms 208 & 209) for deeper conversation relevant to their age group.
We encourage questions and conversation in a trusting atmosphere, and the year will be a wonderful mix of Scripture,
spiritual practice, service, fun, and community building activities. We are looking forward to a program of mission trips in
2014, to broaden their experience and help them to become the people who will follow in the footsteps of Jesus to make
this world a better place for all.
Youth Special Events
September 29
Burrito Sunday (7:30 am prep starts in Cathedral kitchen) Youth make and sell breakfast burritos to raise funds for our
youth mission trips.
October 4 - 6
Youth Retreat at Cathedral Ridge. We will again join with Saint Michael’s and invite some other youth too. Come to
enjoy a weekend of retreat, which includes both prayer and fun! Please see the weekly Family eNewsletter for more
information and registration.
Volunteering and Involvement
Youth participate in our 9:00 am service as ushers, acolytes, readers, & choir members. To be involved, contact:
Deanna White
Liz Costello
Stephen Tappe
Billy Baker
Confirmation for Youth
Youth in our diocese may be confirmed at age 15. Classes will begin in the fall, so please contact Kim McPherson for more
information at
BBQ at the Deanery
Saturday, September 14, 4:30 - 7:30 pm at the Deanery. As we begin another program year at the Cathedral, the
Dean & Kate invite you to a barbecue in the Deanery garden. Food and drinks will be provided. Register online
Saint John’s Day
Saint John’s Day is a great day for families. There will be games for children, great food, treats, and prizes to win.
Bring friends and join us for the fun!
Have a Heart for Children?
Make a difference in the lives of our young ones in our Nursery, in our children’s classrooms, or even during the
week with projects in the office. Please call Kim McPherson to find out more about this great need at 303.577.7729
or email at
Yoga for Every Body
Saturdays from 8:30 to 9:45 am and Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:45 pm in Room 101. Registered
Yoga Teacher Jan Bernstein offers classes to the Saint John’s community. Come to stretch, breathe, relieve
tension, and enjoy relaxation. $5 minimum suggested donation goes to charity. All are welcome!
Fall Choir Season
The fall choir season has begun! All choir information for our children, youth, and adult choirs is available online at Here, you will find information about our Choir School, including rehearsal days and times. As
always, please feel free to call the Music Office at 303.577.7717 for more information.
Youth Choirs start up again!
Saint Cecilia, Saint Nicolas, and Probationer Choirs will begin rehearsals again on Wednesday, August 21. Holders of dark
blue ribbons or higher will join the Cathedral (Adult) Choir rehearsals on Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:15 pm starting on
Thursday, August 22 at the invitation of the Director. Saint David Choir rehearsals begin on Wednesday, September 11.
Saint John’s Parish and Cathedral Choirs
The Adult Choir is divided into two distinct groups, the Parish Choir and the Cathedral Choir. Both are semi-professional
ensembles for adults and advanced youth, and both are auditioned.
The Parish Choir is for everyone who likes to sing! It is perfect for families (Youth members have separate rehearsals) and
singers who are less experienced or unsure of their abilities. The rehearsal time is less – Thursday evenings usually from
6:45 to 8:30 pm throughout the academic year – and this choir provides music for the 9:00 am Sunday Eucharist only. All
volunteers start out in the Parish Choir and begin by helping the Choir lead hymns and service music; based on individual
ability, newcomers sing more complex material as familiarity with the repertoire and sight reading skills allow, and some
move to the Cathedral Choir by mutual agreement with the Director.
Many members of the Cathedral Choir sing at the 9:00 am service also, but the Cathedral Choir alone provides music for
the 11:15 am Eucharist, Evensongs, and other special occasions throughout the year. The Cathedral Choir rehearses on
Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:30 pm. Rehearsal on Sundays is at 8:25 am for the 9:00 am Eucharist and at 10:15 am
for the 11:15 am Eucharist.
Both these choirs are part of the Diocesan Choir, which provides music for occasional Diocesan services. They are both
closed (with rare exceptions) to new members from the Feast of All Saints (November 1) through the Feast of the Epiphany
(January 6), and from Candlemas (February 2) until after Easter.
If you have experience singing in choirs, can read music, and are willing to commit to the choir schedule, please consider
joining one of these groups. As any experienced choral singer knows, our work together is incredibly rewarding. Please
contact Organist and Director of Music Stephen Tappe at 303.577.7726 or
Saint John’s Cathedral Music & Worship
Sunday, September 15, 3:00 pm – Pre-Evensong Music: Joel Bejot, organist
Please join us for this free Pre-Evensong offering, featuring organist Joel Bejot of Faith Lutheran Church in Castle
Sunday, September 15, 3:30 pm – Evensong
Please join us for this Choral Evensong in the English Cathedral tradition, featuring music by William Smith,
Herbert Brewer, Francis Jackson, and Peter Philips.
Sunday, September 22, 12:30 pm, White Garth – Saint Cecilia Music Guild luncheon
The Saint Cecilia Guild is a volunteer group of members and friends of Saint John’s Cathedral who give time,
talent, and treasure to support and enhance Saint John’s music program in a variety of ways – from serving as
concert ushers, to maintaining the music library, to assisting with administrative tasks. These contributions help
significantly in making it possible for our musicians, as well as visiting concert artists, to offer music of the highest
quality. At this luncheon, we will honor those who already serve and welcome those who would like to learn more
about the various volunteer opportunities within the Music Department. We hope you will join us this year in
making our music program even greater! Please let us know you’re coming by signing up in the Welcome Center.
Mark your calendars for the first concert of the season!
Friday, September 27, 7:30 pm – St. Martin’s Chamber Choir
Echoes from Twenty Years: Conductor’s Choice
St. Martin’s Chamber Choir kicks off its 20th anniversary season with a program of favorite works the choir has
sung, chosen by Artistic Director Timothy Krueger. The concert will begin with the first piece the choir performed
in its first concert in Saint Martin’s Chapel (from which the choir takes its name): Sweet Day So Cool by C. H. H.
Parry. Also featured are Mass for Double Choir by Terry Schlenker (written for SMCC’s tenth anniversary) and Cecil
Effinger’s Four Pastorales for solo oboe and choir.
Dean attends Enthronement
of Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem
On June 4, the Dean of Saint John’s Cathedral, Denver,
who is a member of the Standing Commission on
Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations of The
Episcopal Church, attended the enthronement of
the new Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.
“I have always been warmly welcomed at the
Armenian Patriarchate, and have a number of
friends among the priests in the Brotherhood and
among the Armenian faithful in that community,”
Eaton said, “so I was delighted to be able to be at
the Enthronement. The Christian community in the
Holy Land faces pressures of several kinds, and on
these occasions we can express our support of each
was elected by the
Brotherhood of Saint
James last January, and
is the 97th incumbent in
a succession that dates
back to the 7th century. Manougian had previously
held the second most senior position in the
hierarchy of the Patriarchate as Grand Sacristan, and
he succeeds the late Patriarch Tarkom Manoogian,
who died in October 2012. The Patriarch, who is 64,
is elected for life.
“The Patriarch speaks warmly of the relations
between the Armenian Church and The Episcopal
Church,” remarked Eaton, “and his English is
excellent.” Eaton got to know the new Patriarch
on a previous visit to Jerusalem, and was delighted
to receive a personal invitation to attend the
Changes in Leadership of Two Important
The Dean is pleased to announce that he has appointed
David Rote to succeed Janet Thompson as chair of the Arts
and Architecture Commission. David assumes his new
duties immediately. Janet has served as chair for several
years, during which time a number of important and visible
projects have been successfully completed, from the
restoration of the Rood Screen, to the Stations of the Cross,
to the Wellspring Center, to several others. Janet will remain
on the commission, and she hands over a ministry in good
heart and strength, with splendid plans for further projects.
The Dean has also appointed Kaye Kotzelnick to succeed
Brad Case as the Dean’s Verger, and he has appointed
David Barr to the position of Deputy Dean’s Verger. Brad
has served three years in the position of Dean’s Verger, and
hands over to Kaye a crucial role in our worship life. The
precise responsibilities that Kaye and David will exercise
have yet to be outlined, but they will assist the Dean and the
Curate in the oversight of much of our liturgical ministries.
We shall thank Janet and Brad formally for their service, and
bless David, Kaye and David in their new responsibilities, on
Saint John’s Day in September.
1350 Washington Street Denver, Colorado 80203 303.831.7115