- Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research


- Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) was established in 1967 by the Arabian
Oil Company Limited (Japan) in fulfillment of its obligations under the oil concession
agreement with the Government of the State of Kuwait. The Institute was established
to carry out applied scientific research in three fields: petroleum, desert agriculture
and marine biology. KISR was organized by an Amiri Decree issued in 1973, under
which it be came directly responsible, via its board of Trustees, to the Council of
Institute for
The main objectives of the institute, as specified in the Amiri Decree, were to carry out
applied scientific research, especially related to industry, energy, agriculture, and the
national economy, to contribute to the economic and social development of the state
and to advise the Government on the country's scientific research policy.
An Amiri Decree in 1981 (law No. 28) formally established KISR as an independent
public institution. The revised objectives of the Institute to include carrying out studies
relating to the preservation of the environment, resources of natural wealth and their
discovery, sources of water and energy, and to advise the government on scientific
matters and on scientific policy issues. The law entrusted the Institute with undertaking
research and scientific and technological consultations for both governmental and
private institutions in Kuwait, The Gulf region and the Arab World.
KISR have five research programs which are the Environment and Urbanization
Program, Water Resources Division, Food Resources and Marine Sciences Program,
Petroleum Resources Program, and Techno-Economics Division.
Jaroslav Jakes
Michael Quinn
Shaker Ebrahim
Anfal Jeraq
Sahar Ghoraishi
P.O. BOX 24885
First Edition
His Highness
His Highness
Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
Crown Prince
Amir of Kuwait
In recent years, many countries have changed their outlook and policies towards
energy, in favor of nuclear energy and the increased application of ionizing radiation
in the fields of medicine, industry and research. Consequently, this has also attributed
to a surge in the interest of the impact of ionizing radiation on the environment and
human lives, primarily due to concerns raised on the potential hazards of radioactivity
and radioactive contamination of the environment. Kuwait has always been in the
forefront in seeking to contribute to the welfare and protection of its people, and
thereby established a protection system that aims to keep the risks as low as
reasonably achievable.
In keeping with the trend of the State, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research initiated
a vital research program, integrating all aspects of terrestrial, marine and atmospheric
environments, to address sustainable control of radiation-related hazards. The primary
objectives of the program focused on determining the levels of ionizing radiation in
urban and industrial areas, mapping the concentration of radionuclides, identifying
the main sources of radioactivity and formulating remedial measures to meet the
national radiation protection and waste management strategy.
The main component of the first phase of KISR’s comprehensive program addressed
radiological aspects associated with outdoor and indoor gamma rays and exposure
to radon and cosmic rays, finally resulting in the ‘Radiological Atlas of Kuwait’. The
generated data on radionuclide concentrations in terrestrial environment were spatially
referenced and assembled into a Geographical Information System (GIS) database.
It provides the baseline reference for radiological data for assessing exposure to
terrestrial gamma radiation and for future assessment studies on the consequences
of potential risks of nuclear energy on the environment in Kuwait.
Kuwait’s extensive program associated with the measurement of ionizing radiation
was implemented in coordination with IAEA, Ministry of Defense and Kuwait Oil
Company. The contributions of national institutions have significantly contributed
to the successful implementation of the project and the valuable efforts of the
researchers are also gratefully acknowledged.
Dr. Naji Al-Mutairi
Director General
International Atomic Energy Agency
VIC - Vienna
KISR Management as well as the research team would like to convey a sincere thanks to Kuwait
Foundation for Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
the Ministry of Defense (MOD) and the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) for providing vital funding,
expertise and fields logistic support that contributed majorly to the successful execution of the
project and production of this radionuclide atlas for that State of Kuwait.
Table of Contents
Natural Radioactivity..........................................................................................................................................................................................1
Anthropogenic Radioactivity...............................................................................................................................................................................2
Changes to the Natural Exposure Levels............................................................................................................................................................3
Need for Radiation Monitoring............................................................................................................................................................................4
General Methodology.........................................................................................................................................................................................5
Sampling Procedures . ......................................................................................................................................................................................5
Laboratory analysis............................................................................................................................................................................................8
In Situ Measurements......................................................................................................................................................................................10
Implementation of Quality Assurance Procedures.............................................................................................................................................13
Summary of Findings.......................................................................................................................................................................................16
Appendices . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Appendix 1: Average Concentrations of Radionuclides per Adminsitrative Regions...........................................................................................20
Appendix 2: Average Absorbed Dose Rates in Air per Adminsitrative Regions...................................................................................................30
Appendix 3: Absorbed Dose Rates in Air in Urban and Suburban Areas.............................................................................................................40
Table of Maps
Sampling sites of topsoil layer…………................…………………………………......................................…………………...7
In situ measurement sites in Kuwait City............................................................................................................................................10
In situ measurement sites west of Kuwait City and in Jahra...............................................................................................................11
In situ measurement sites south of Kuwait City and in Ahmadi...........................................................................................................11
Average Concentrations in the soil of U-238......................................................................................................................................21
Average Concentrations in the soil of Ra-226.....................................................................................................................................22
Average Concentrations in the soil of Pb-214.....................................................................................................................................23
Average Concentrations in the soil of Th-232.....................................................................................................................................24
Average Concentrations in the soil of Ra-224.....................................................................................................................................25
Average Concentrations in the soil of Bi-212 ....................................................................................................................................26
Average Concentrations in the soil of K-40.........................................................................................................................................27
Average Concentrations in the soil of Cs-137.....................................................................................................................................28
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of U-238......................................................................................................................................31
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Ra-226....................................................................................................................................32
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Pb-214....................................................................................................................................33
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Th-232....................................................................................................................................34
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Ra-224....................................................................................................................................35
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Bi-212.....................................................................................................................................36
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of K-40........................................................................................................................................37
Average Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Total Dose Rate........................................................................................................................38
Absorbed Dose Rate in air of U-238 series..(Urban/Sub
(Urban/Sub Urban)
Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Th-232 series.......................................................................................................................................42
(Urban/Sub Urban)
Absorbed Dose Rate in air of K-40.....................................................................................................................................................43
Absorbed Dose Rate in air of Total Dose Rate..(Urban/Sub
Natural Radioactivity
Life has developed on the Earth under conditions of
permanent exposure to ionizing radiation. For billions of
years, this exposure was caused by natural sources of
radiation, namely, primordial radionuclides, cosmic rays and
cosmogenic nuclides. All life on earth has evolved with not
only a natural defence against this natural ionizing radiation
but also a natural dependence. Significantly increasing
or decreasing ionizing radiation levels with respect to this
natural background can have detrimental impacts on living
Primordial radionuclides have existed from before the creation
of the Earth and have half-lives at least comparable to the age
of the universe. The most important group represent members
of three naturally occurring decay series of heavy elements uranium and thorium namely, 235U, 238U, and 232Th, commonly called parent nuclides. Every
parent nuclide decays to a stable isotope of lead through a sequence of radioactive daughter products that differ in chemical nature and physical
properties. Therefore, every series ends up as a stable isotope of lead. Every series also contains a decay product in a gaseous state - the noble gas
radon. Under natural conditions, each of these series attains a state of secular radioactive equilibrium. In addition to the natural radioactive series,
there are singly (non-series) occurring radionuclides of terrestrial origin. Two primary single radionuclides contribute to the radiation background,
namely, 40K and 87Rb; the remainder are not significant in background calculations. All non-series radionuclides decay directly to a stable nuclide. The
physical properties of common primordial radionuclides are listed in the following Table (Wahl, 2004; Eisenbund, 1999).
Major Primordial Radionuclides
Major Radiation
Alpha, gamma
Parent radionuclide
Alpha, gamma
Parent radionuclide
Alpha, gamma
Parent radionuclide
Alpha, gamma
Decay product of 238U
Decay product of 238U
Beta , gamma with
Single occurring
Single occurring
The radiation field at a particular location and consequent external exposure depends on the
radionuclide composition of soil and surrounding environment, the latitude and altitude of the location,
the solar cycle, and some other minor factors that, in principle, also contribute to the total exposure. The
average effective annual radiation dose due to external exposure is given in the following Table (UNSCEAR,
Average Radiation Dose from Natural Sources
External Exposure
Worldwide Average Annual
Effective Dose (mSv)
Typical Range
Major Factor
Cosmic rays
Latitude and altitude
Terrestrial gamma rays
Nuclide concentration
Anthropogenic Radioactivity
It has only been during the last century that man’s activities have become a significant factor in increasing the outdoor radiation levels. The main
anthropogenic sources of radiation are radioactive materials for nuclear fuel and weapons cycles, fission products, radioactive debris from fission
and fusion weapon tests, and radionuclides produced for industrial, medical and other purposes. Radioactive fallout, caused by an uncontrolled
dispersion of radioactive fission and decay products from nuclear tests and major nuclear accidents, and the air pollution caused by radioactive byproducts of fossil-fuel-energy production have unavoidably changed the radiation environment and contributed to the total environmental radiation
levels. The power production cycle, based on conventional fossil energy sources, is a permanent contributor of radioactivity by producing and
releasing into the environment significant amounts of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). Radioactive contamination by enhanced
concentrations of NORM and potential exposure of field workers and the general public to radiation increased the concern of environmental
authorities in oil-producing countries (Smith et al., 1996) and resulted in the Safety Report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, 2003)
that provides guidelines on issues associated with radiation and waste safety.
The changes to the radiation environment by human activities were both qualitative, by adding new radionuclides to naturally occurring ones, and
quantitative, because the total radioactivity was increased. Most anthropogenic radionuclides are short-lived, but some have half-lives of many years
and are of concern from the radiological point of view. Principal anthropogenic radionuclides of concern are listed in the following Table (Wahl, 2004;
Eisenbund, 1999).
Major Anthropogenic Radionuclides
Major Radiation
30.2 yr
Beta −, gamma
from 137mBa
Fission product
28.5 yr
Fission product
10.8 yr
Fission product
Changes to the Natural Exposure Levels
The natural and anthropogenic sources of radiation create the radiation field that humans are exposed to. Changes to this radiation field, predominantly
man’s activity, resulted in an increase in radiation exposure, which has a direct impact on risk related to radiation-induced health problems. Nuclear
events in the nuclear fuel cycle and/or nuclear weapons tests, resulting in the release of radioactive materials, are significantly changing the radiation
environment on a global scale. The Chernobyl accident was a notable example of a major nuclear event that resulted in a significant environmental
contamination and related radiation exposures. The release to the atmosphere of huge amounts of radioactivity caused contamination measurable
over most of Europe and indeed throughout the northern hemisphere, including Kuwait. A major fraction of radioactive pollutants was deposited
within the former Soviet Union itself. Despite this fact, the extent of radioactive contamination outside of its territory raised justified concern in many
countries and international institutions, like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and resulted
in the acceptance of countermeasures to face the consequences of this catastrophic accident. The earliest studies on Chernobyl depositions have
demonstrated that many urban and suburban surfaces and the outermost layers of soil have a considerable potential for intercepting and retaining
radiocesium fallout (Karlberg, 1990; Jacob et al., 1990).
The primary man-made environmental exposure of the world’s population has come from the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere. The
world’s average annual effective dose from this source of exposure reached a peak of 150 μSv in 1963, and has since decreased to about 5 μSv
in 2000 (UNSCEAR, 2000). The pollutants released during nuclear emergency events (e.g., Chernobyl accident and the Three Mile Island accident),
and/or some industrial activities (e.g., nuclear fuel or weapon cycle and the oil industry) have continental, regional and local impact. The annual
doses arising from such activities vary from very low doses of 1 to 10 μSv to doses with a potential for significant health consequences.
Air view of nuclear power plants
Need for Radiation Monitoring
The release of enhanced natural radioactive contamination resulting from expanding industrial
activities associated with mining and exploitation of fossil energy sources on a large scale, anthropogenic
contamination events such as the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island accidents have triggered alertness to the
need for implementing and/or upgrading national monitoring networks for controlling the radiation situation in the
country and for a fast exchange of radiological data on an international level. At present, radiation monitoring networks
have been established or substantially upgraded in countries concerned about the impact of radiation, particularly radiationrelated risk. Such networks rely on a working database containing radiation background in each country to provide regulatory authorities
with information on the current radiological situation in the country. These data bases provide baseline radiation levels against which continuous
input data can be compared in order to efficiently implement a national emergency system in the case of a nuclear or radiological emergency.
Kuwait, like other countries in the region, is concerned about potential elevations of anthropogenic radionuclide activity, particularly because of the
ongoing developments regarding exploitation of nuclear power in neighbouring countries and its own oil production activities that may result in
technically enhanced levels of naturally occurring radioactive materials. With the help of the IAEA, Kuwait is developing its technological infrastructure
for monitoring and assessing radionuclide activity in the country, improving its legal system regulating the application of radionuclide sources and
developing the national response system to radiological and nuclear emergencies whether in-country or cross-border. These activities are being
carried out by the national authorities and supported by the IAEA within the framework of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Program. In addition,
KISR is implementing a program of research projects to establish a radiation data base essential for monitoring and interpretation of radionuclide
dynamics in Kuwait’s atmospheric, terrestrial, and marine environments.
The first project resulting from this program has focused on the measurements of concentrations of gamma emitting radionuclides occurring in the
uppermost horizontal layer of soils that nourishes the terrestrial ecosystem. The concentrations of radionuclides in this horizon represent the final
outcome of complex physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in both atmosphere and terrestrial environment. The secular equilibrium,
established among the decay products of natural series, may be broken up by leaching of one of the decay products, by dynamics in the uppermost
horizon, by diffusion of radon that results in decreasing concentrations of radon decay products, by deposition of carried soil that can occur as a
result of resuspension in even remote areas or rain splash. In addition, radionuclides that occur naturally in soil such as Ra, Pb, and K can be
incorporated metabolically into plants and removed in this way from the surface soil. Some anthropogenic radionuclides such as isotopes of caesium
Cs and Cs behave in a similar manner.
Monitoring of potential contaminated spots
General Methodology
An integrated analytical procedure consisting of the developed sampling strategy was used in identifying measurement and sampling sites,
performing the laboratory measurements, analyses of raw experimental spectra and data evaluation. Special attention was given to establishing
gamma ray analytical capabilities by building up the necessary technical infrastructure and expertise in line with the project technical needs.
Sampling Procedures
Sampling sites were selected with respect to the surroundings, topsoil classification, meteorological factors, and accessibility.
The sampling strategy that has been implemented in this atlas was based on procedures recommended by the Environmental Measurement
Laboratory of the United States Department of Energy (USDOE 300). For the site selection, basic criteria were used for representativeness of the
sample site with respect to the surroundings, topsoil classification, meteorological factors, and accessibility. This generally requires that the site be
at the centre of a large, flat, open, and undisturbed area.
In order to achieve an even spatial distribution covering the entire country for the measurement and sampling sites, a grid consisting of 12x12 km2
squares was laid over a geographical map of Kuwait. The sampling followed a regular spatial grid except in controlled areas and areas with a limited
access. The geographical map, a map constructed from satellite images, and the map of dangerous sites were used to find optimum access to the
sites and to identify areas suitable for sampling. Based on the dominant type of soil throughout the square and the convenience with which a location
could be reached, choices were made as to the potential measurement and sampling sites.
The areas in the north-western, south-western, and southern parts of the country were affected by military activities during the last wars when
Iraqi defensive systems were heavily bombed by the Allies using different types of cluster bombs. Mine fields, bunkers, trenches and pits of various
types and purposes were also present in these areas. Residuals of these activities can still be found. For this reason, a detailed map of Kuwait giving
basic information on dangerous areas was used for preparing every mission, and a metal detector was applied prior to sample collection. Sampling
was not performed in areas in which the mine fields are indicated on the map
of dangerous areas. The research team was taking into account that explosives
have been known to be buried by carried sands and re-surface during windy
The northern part of the country recently served as a base zone for an intensive
military activity. Building up military camps and the high concentration of
military machinery of various types and its movement imprinted its pattern on
the environment, mainly on the topsoil horizon. In some areas, it was difficult
to identify undisturbed places. Such areas, still bearing marks of movement
of heavy military machinery, are relatively large with respect to the sampling
pattern and have already been partly covered by carried sand and dust. They
are becoming a part of Kuwait’s environment. Therefore, such large areas,
which were affected by recent military operations and were left undisturbed
since these activities were suspended, were considered to represent a new
environmental reality and were also included for sampling.
Geographical Positioning System (GPS) instruments were used for the fieldwork.
The GPS instruments included a handheld device set to record locations using
the geodetic coordinate system, and were also utilized to navigate to and from
the measurement and sampling site.
In case of remote and/or unknown areas or following heavy rains, reconnaissance
(scouting) trips were carried out prior to the field missions in order to investigate
on the spot accessibility and practicability of a particular segment. Main features
of the segment were photo-documented and used in decisions concerning the
field missions.
Once at the site, the GPS device was used to determine the geodetic coordinates.
This data along with radiation background readings, site description, and the
type of soil were recorded in the field-mission logbook, and detailed pictures in
south-north and west-east directions were taken and downloaded.
The field-mission logbook also contained schematic drawings of access routes
including geographical coordinates of key waypoints that navigate to the
sampling site.
A sampling method has been adopted that consists of combining samples
collected through two probes for each soil sample, thus representing a larger area
rather than a single sampling point. The collected soil was mixed thoroughly, and
then an aliquot of a size suitable for analysis was taken. Two samples 10x10x10
cm3 of the topsoil horizon were taken, at one meter distance from each other.
For the sampling, a sampling kit was used that had been developed by the IAEA.
The kit consists of special tools made of stainless steel, for collecting template
and core samples.
Photo-documentation of a sampling site.
Sample collection using a special tool kit developed by IAEA.
A volume of the mixed sample, usually around 1.5 to 2 l, was collected in plastic containers. The typical weight of the collected sample was slightly
over 2 kg. Each container was labelled with identification codes according to the laboratory’s procedures based on ISO/IEC 17025 and taken to the
laboratory for further processing and determination of radionuclide concentrations.
Sampling sites of topsoil layer.
Laboratory analyses
Sample Processing.
All sample processing performed at the laboratory was carried out according to standard procedures for good
laboratory practices according to ISO/IEC 17025. The laboratory for the sample preparation is separated from the
measurement area to avoid contamination of the analytical system. All water used for sample processing in the field and in the
laboratory was deionised. All lab-ware was rinsed in deionised water and dried in an oven, the field tools were washed after every use. All reagents
were of analytical grade.
The samples were logged in a laboratory log-book, dried, ground, sieved, homogenized, and weighed. The processed samples were sieved using a
sieve with a 2 mm grid. The less than 2 mm fraction was homogenised in plastic containers and closed in Marinelli beakers for three to four weeks
in order to reach the secular equilibrium between Ra and Ra and their decay products Rn and Rn, respectively.
Collected samples were processed and analyzed in the labortory
Sample measurement, analyses, and evaluation
A portable gamma spectrometry system, provided with conventional shielding and an extended range (XtRa) high-purity germanium detector, 40%
rel. eff. at 1.33 MeV, was used for measurement of experimental spectra. This detector is featured with exclusively thin entrance window and with
a cryostat window made of beryllium. With the XtRa type detector, low-energy gamma rays can be measured. Therefore, the XtRa detector offers
all the advantages of conventional standard coaxial detectors such as high efficiency, good energy resolution, and moderate cost along with the
extended energy response of the more expensive Reverse Electrode Ge detectors.
The measured raw spectra were energy calibrated, analyzed using the Genie 2000 software code and evaluated in terms of radionuclide concentrations.
Absorbed dose rates in the air at a height of 1 m above the ground from external gamma radiation were calculated from the concentrations using
the dose rate conversion factors given in (Saito and Jacob, 1995). The total dose rates were calculated by using the absorbed dose coefficients for
U and Th series given in (UNSCEAR 2000).
There are several methods of presenting the available data cartographically, namely contouring, grid square maps, and administrative regions. The
use of administrative regions has been chosen because this format is more relevant to the needs of government and other decision making bodies
and other data like the population statistics, infrastructure development, urbanization and environmental impact studies are also available in this
format that is familiar and more comprehensible to the general public. For these reasons, the arithmetic means of the concentrations and dose
rates were calculated over the administrative regions and integrated in the GIS system that is implemented in Kuwait. The results are presented
in relevant maps in the Appendices.
Gamma energy spectra measured by the laboratory system
In Situ Measurements
The system of choice for in situ gamma spectrometry was an InSpector 2000 portable workstation based
on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology equipped with a High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) Detector. Most
significant for field operations is the significantly improved temperature stability of this system, which results in
superior peak gain stability and practically eliminates the zero drift. The dynamic range of a DSP-based system allows
analysis of a wide range of count rates from natural background to high concentrations encountered in contaminated areas.
The field application of the mobile workstation consisting of InSpector portable unit, tripod, detector, and field accessories can be seen in the photos.
To cover the most densely populated regions, 44 man-made sites were selected in urban and suburban areas of Kuwait City, Jahra, and Ahmadi
region and in situ measured by the mobile station including public beaches, football stadium, parking places, etc. Additionally, one site was selected
at the western part of Kuwait desert. These sites, along with a site at KISR, were chosen as reference sites for decision-making in case of future
major radiological or nuclear emergencies.
In situ measurement sites in Kuwait City.
In situ measurement
sites west
in inJahra.
In situ measurement
of Kuwait
In situ measurement sites south of Kuwait City and in Ahmadi.
In situ measurement sites south of Kuwait City and in Ahmadi.
Mobile gamma spectrometry workstation used in the western part of
Kuwait desert and in public zones of Kuwait City.
The spectra of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides were acquired at the height of
1 m above ground level using 8192 channels of the MCA full dynamic range. The
dose rates in the air were derived from measured spectra and arithmetic means
per administrative regions are presented in maps given in Appendices.
Implementation of Quality Assurance Procedures
Because of the nature of this project and the importance of the radionuclide
data being generated, the implementation of strict quality assurance and quality
control measures were rigidly applied.
Quality Control
Quality control measures designed for this project are based on IAEA guidelines
and were discussed with the Agency prior to the project implementation. The
efficiency of the quality control program was ensured by means of inter-laboratory
inter-comparison exercises. Measures included the following:
• Carrying out an initial set of quality control background measurements,
conducting energy calibrations and detector efficiency curve determinations,
in line with IAEA guidelines. These measures were applied in the laboratory
for laboratory measurements and in the field for in-situ measurements.
Certified point multi-nuclide calibration sources and radioactivity
concentration standards, prepared in a certified laboratory, were used for
these measurements.
• After the laboratory system was installed, it was involved in the Radiation
Measurement Cross Calibration (RMCC) Project initiated by Sandia National
Laboratories (SNL), in collaboration with the IAEA. Arrangements have been
put in place for conducting a laboratory inter-comparison exercise between
KISR’s gamma spectrometry laboratory and an IAEA accredited laboratory.
The comparison was based on measurements of reference samples.
• Results of the in-situ measurements were verified by measurement of
radioactivity concentrations under field conditions, within the framework
of an International inter-comparison exercise. KISR’s mobile spectrometry
system took part in an international inter-comparison exercise organized
by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection of Germany. The field
measurements of enhanced natural radioactivity by KISR took place in
November 2006 in the area of ex-uranium mines in the north-eastern
part of Germany. KISR took part in this exercise along with 67 European
institutes as the only non-European research institute.
International intercoparison exercise in elevated radiation levels
of exuranium mines in Germany.
Laboratory practices were carried out according to ISO/IEC 17025. This standard sets out criteria for
a quality management system for laboratories. Radioactive standards and reference sources were
identified with respect to the size and geometry of the samples and radionuclides to be analyzed. The
sets are maintained in the library of standards and sources, and are used routinely within the quality
control program to calibrate the spectrometry system. The standards have been duly certified by accredited
institutions. A special set of reference sources was used for calibration and quality control measurements.
The sources were produced and certified for radioactivity at the Physikalisch Technische Bundesantstalt (PTB) at
Braunschweig, Germany.
Quality Assurance
The most important requirement for the success of a quality assurance program is the commitment of the research team. This requires both a degree
of dedication of the staff and absolute honesty in data preparation (USDOE, 1997). An indispensable part of this approach takes the form of proper
An effective quality assurance program has been implemented and is being further developed in order to ensure that all of the work carried out by
the team will be of high quality. Tasks and relevant responsibilities were assigned to all members of the research team for the field missions, sample
processing, measurement, and evaluation of experimental data. Quality control tests are carried out routinely. A mixed radionuclide standard was
used for routine energy and efficiency calibration.
Prior to every mission, the field researchers were informed of the procedures to be used, the task assigned to every team member, site description,
and the nature of samples to be collected. A quality control check of team readiness is carried out, based on a checklist designed by the field team
and further developed on basis of the team’s experience.
At the time of sample collection, samples and resulting data are given code numbers that serve to identify them during subsequent stages of pretreatment (drying, grinding, sieving, homogenizing, and weighing), measurement and data reporting. The same coding system is used for the sample
collection and the analysis stages. The coding system is distinctive enough to distinguish each set of samples and data and yet simple to minimize
the probability of errors associated with the transfer of data. During the sampling, the code number and information on the site location, time of
sampling and site description were logged.
Summary of Findings
Radionuclide energy spectra have been measured for topsoil samples collected from 162 of the selected
sites. In situ-measurements were also conducted at 45 selected sites from urban and suburban areas. From
these measurements, the concentrations of the key primordial radionuclides
Pb and man-made radionuclide
Cs were determined. From the databank of radionuclide concentrations, dose
rates in the air at the height of 1 m were calculated. In general, the level of radioactivity of natural soil in Kuwait is low compared
to the world average. It is mainly due to the fact that the average concentrations of the parent radionuclides uranium 238 and thorium 232, and
their decay products, are two to three times lower than the global average.
The results obtained have shown that the concentration of
K in soil is an order of magnitude higher than that of
from 75 to 465 Bq/kg, 4 to 17 Bq/kg, and 8 to 40 Bq/kg for K,
(decay product of 238U) despite the fact that
may occur between its parent
Th, and
Ra in the chain of
Th and
U. The values range
U, respectively. A similar result was expected and confirmed for
U may have slightly different concentrations than
U, because separation
Th and uranium and because radium has greater mobility in the environment. The mean values of concentrations
for Western Europe suggested in the UNSCEAR 2000 Report are 430, 39, and 32 Bq/kg for
U, and
Th respectively. The concentrations
measured in Kuwait show lower values compared to the Western European average namely 288 Bq/kg, 14 Bq/kg, and 11 Bq/kg for
U, and
Th respectively.
Absorbed gamma dose rates in air outdoor from terrestrial gamma radiation were calculated from concentrations of
Contributions of other radionuclides including
Th, and
Cs was found insignificant and has not been included into the total dose. Comparing the results
with the world published data, the results obtained show the same tendency as concentrations of radioactivity in soil. Expected low values in Kuwait
are comparable with lower values of the average data published for around 25 countries that range from 18 to 93 nGy/h (UNSCEAR 2000). A typical
range of variability for world measured absorbed dose rates in air is from 10 to 200 nGy/h. Of the values reported in (UNSCEAR 2000) for the mean
values of the absorbed dose rate in the air, the lowest are in Egypt, Cyprus, the United Kingdom and some other countries, all less than 40 nGy/h. For
example, the values range from 8 to 93 nGy/h, 9 to 52 nGy/h, and from 8 to 89 nGy/h in Egypt, Cyprus, and the United Kingdom, respectively. The
range of variability for data measured in Kuwait is from 18 to 29 nGy/h. The mean value of total absorbed dose in air is 25 nGy/h.
Eisenbund, M. 1999. Environmental Radioactivity, Academic Press, 4th edition.
HASL-300, 28th ed. 1997. Environmental Measurements Laboratory, United States Department of Energy, New
York, NY 10014-4811.
IAEA Safety Report. 2003. Radiation and Waste Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry.
Jacob, P.; R. Meckbach; H. M. Muller; and K. Meimberg. 1990. Abnahme der Abgelagerten Kunstlichen Radioaktivitat
in Stadtischer Umgebung, GSF-Bericht 17/90 (GSF Forschungsentrum fur Umwelt und Gesundheit,
Oberschleissheim, Germany), Germany.
Karlberg, O. 1990. In-situ Gamma Spectrometry of the Chernobyl Fallout on Urban and Rural Surfaces, Report
Studsvik/ NP-89/ 108, (Studsvik Nuclear, Nykoping, Sverige), Sweden.
Saito, K. and P. Jacob. 1995. Gamma ray fields in the air due to sources in the ground. Radiation Protection Dosim.
58(1); 29-45.
UNSCEAR 2000. 2000. Report to the General Assembly, Annex B, Exposures from natural radiation sources, United
Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, ISBN 92-1-142238-8.
Wahl, W. 2004. αβγ-Table, Radionuclide Handbook for Laboratory Workers in Spectrometry, Radiation Protection and
Medicine, Institute for Spectrometry and Radiation Protection, ISuS, Schliersee, Germany.
• Dr. Jaroslav Jakes graduated from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences (FNS), Czech Technical University of Prague in 1972
(M.Sc. in nuclear sciences) and 1981 (Ph.D.). For twenty years, he was lecturing for the FNS basics in health physics,
neutron physics, and dosimetry and radiation monitoring in nuclear power plants. He was responsible for research
projects related to the application of spectrometry in determining radiation exposures to individuals exposed to mixed
neutron and gamma fields produced by nuclear and thermonuclear destructive devices. He spent almost seven years
at GSF Neuherberg, Germany. He was responsible for implementing personnel neutron and radon dosimetry based
on plastic detectors. As a senior scientist, he was engaged in European Research Projects on determining radiation
exposures from cosmic rays at civil flight altitudes and on spectrometry and dosimetry in realistic radiation fields of
neutrons and gamma rays. Before joining KISR, he worked for the Ministry of Health, Kuwait implementing protective
measures against consequences of Chernobyl accident and residual activities from the use of depleted uranium on the
territory of Kuwait. He joined KISR in 2002 and is currently leading the team implementing KISR’s research programme
on environmental radioecology. During his carrier, he carried out experimental research in nuclear installations including
nuclear reactors in Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, at the high-energy accelerator at CERN, pulsed reactor in Dubna,
Russia, at a special neutron source in Cadarache, France. He is author and co-author of more than 40 scientific papers
and research reports.
• Dr. Michael Quinn graduated from London University in 1968 (BSc) and from Queens University Belfast in 1972 (PhD).
He specializes in lasers and their applications and has been an active researcher for more than 35 years. From 1972 to
1978 Dr. Quinn led a research team at a College of Technology in Dublin developing nitrogen, dye and TEA carbon dioxide
lasers. He joined KISR in 1978 and since then has led a research group specializing in laser applications including the
control of photochemical reactions using lasers and remotely sensing terrestrial and marine environments using lasers.
The research team led by Dr. Quinn has developed an airborne laser fluorosensor system for detecting and identifying oil
spills in the marine environment and a laser induced fluorescence probing system for in-situ detection and quantification
of petroleum related contamination in surface and subsurface soils. Since 2001 He has been involved in development of
key proposals associated with KISR’s environmental radioecology programme. More than 50 papers have been published
in scientific journals and conference proceedings relating to the work done at KISR and a number of other publications
relating to the work in Dublin.
• Shaker Ebrahim, M.Sc. graduated from the Kuwait University in 1992 (B.Sc. in Applied physics) and from Herit-watt
university-U.K in 1996 (M.Sc. in Optoelectronics and Laser Devices). He joined KISR in 1992 as a research assistant in
the Environmental and Urban Development Division. While working at this Division, he was engaged in projects related to
thermal imaging applications in detection of mines and screening of building structures. In 2005, he joined the research
team implementing KISR’s environmental radioecology programme and since then has been involved in national and IAEA
research projects. He specializes in gamma spectrometry with a special focus on in situ measurements and development
of software support. He is upgrading his professional level by taking part in training courses organized by KISR and in
long-term courses in in situ gamma spectrometry in selected European institutes.
• Anfal Jeraq, B.Sc. graduated from Kuwait University, college of science in 2005 (B.Sc. major
field in physics). At the same year, she joined KISR. She specializes in the application of spectrometry
of gamma radiation for environmental studies with a special focus on ultra-low background systems and is
working in national projects and projects implemented within the framework of a technical co-operation programme
with the IAEA related to the protection of the general public and environment against ionizing radiation. She is upgrading
her professional level by taking part in training courses organized by KISR and in long-term courses on environmental
applications of gamma spectrometry at the IAEA laboratories at Seibersdorf, Austria. At present, she is completing her
M.Sc. study at the KU in the field of natural radionuclides occurring in the atmosphere.
• Sahar Ghoraishi, B.Sc. graduated from the Isfahan University of Technology in 2005 (B.Sc. in physics) and joined KISR
in 2006. She specializes in the radon dosimetry and application of in situ gamma spectrometry for environmental studies.
She has joined the research team working in national projects and projects implemented within the framework of a
technical co-operation programme with the IAEA related to the protection of the general public and environment against
ionizing radiation. She took part in specialized training courses on gamma spectrometry, radon monitoring and dosimetry
organized by KISR in co-operation with the IAEA.
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Depository No.: 375/2007
ISBN: 978-99906-41-79-0
All rights reserved for Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
(KISR). No part of this book may be reproduced without the
written permission of the publisher.
P.O BOX 24885
Tel: +965 4989140
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Web-site: http://www.kisr.edu.kw
E-mail: hqasem@kisr.edu.kw
First Edition
The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research is implementing a complex research
program focused on the terrestrial, marine and atmospheric environment in kuwait
as an integral contribution to the effort for sustainable control of radiation related
hazard. The main component of the program is addressing radiological aspects
associated with outdoor gamma rays, indoor gamma rays, exposure to radon and
cosmic rays.
This “Radiological Atlas for Kuwait” present results of the research project that was
aimed at determinig gamma-ray emitters’ concentrations in the ground (outdoor
gamma rays) and relating distributions of outdoor gamma ray dose rates. The results
were gained by two basic methods namely by laboratory analyses of soil samples
and by in situ measurements using a mobile spectrometry workstation. Soil samples
of the topsoil horizone were collected from 162 sites and in situ measurements
were carried out in 45 sites in urban and suburban areas of Kuwait.
The radiological atlas covers the territory of kuwait and contains maps, by
administraive area, of terrestrial concentrations and dose rates in the air of naturally
occurring gamma-ray emitting radionuclides. data was included on anthropogenic
(man-made) 137Cs.