The 5M1 Pride News


The 5M1 Pride News
The 5M1 Pride News
Keeping District 5M1 Lions Clubs Informed
Number 11
June, 2005
MD5M Convention Highlights
By PDG Dudley Parsons
Twenty-two brave souls from district 5M1 made the
long journey – about 1300 miles round trip – to
Brandon, Manitoba, for the 86th Annual MD5M
Convention, and a great time was had by all. PDG
Vern Dockter and Lion Gloria, and PDG Dudley
Parsons and Peg were among those that attended.
The convention started with a business meeting on
Friday afternoon, at which many committee reports
were read. The memorial service followed shortly
after the business meeting. Lions that have served
and passed on during the last year were remembered
as their names were read and their pictures were
Friday evening concluded with
entertainment by the Fantasy Fiddlers and a Human
Rodeo in which Canadian “cowpersons” were pitted
against those from the USA in several events. The
events included cow pie tossing, steer roping, mad
cow milking and a couple of horse races. You
really had to be there to know that no real live
animals were involved, but a lot of fun was had! I
believe that the USA won the overall contest, but
the lead changed hands a couple of times.
Saturday’s schedule included seminars in the
morning, a nice luncheon, the MD5M Hall of Fame
awards, the business meeting in the afternoon and a
banquet in the evening. Past Council Chair Jim
Morcomb (Houston Lions) was elected to the Hall
of Fame from district 5M1, and Past District
Governor Gil Wagner (Rochester Morning Pride
Lions) was honored posthumously.
PID Ross Thorfinnson presents PCC Jim Morcomb with his
MD5M Hall of Fame Award.
At the business meeting, the most important
business was the unanimous endorsement of PID
Ross Thorfinnson to run for the position of second
vice president of Lions International. This meeting
also unanimously voted to raise the MD5M dues by
$2.00 per year for the next three years. This
temporary increase will help to fund the campaign
for the vice presidency. Another dues increase (this
one permanent) of 50 cents per year was also
approved. That money will go to the MD5M
administration fund to make it possible to pay
Executive Secretary Bob Harms a better salary. See
a summary of the dues increases inside.
Human Rodeo. DG Julie, DGE Al and his partner in service,
Randi, on her trusty steed.
MD5M Convention continued on page 4…
Thank you, for sharing your success with me!
By District Governor Julie Carlblom
I never thought it would be
so hard to put into words
everything that this past
year has meant to me. A
year ago, I was looking
forward to this chapter of
my life with anticipation
and more than a little bit of
apprehension. While I was,
and have been, very
honored to be your district
governor, I wasn’t sure that I was up to the task.
Without your help and support, I’m sure that I
wouldn’t have been, but every club meeting that I
have attended has been a warm, wonderful and
unique experience. I have learned so much about
people, ingenuity, perseverance, generosity, hope,
enthusiasm and teamwork just from listening to
Lions as they share their experiences and discuss
upcoming events.
I have also learned that when you speak from the
heart to supportive, caring people, your knees won’t
always knock together, and that it gets easier the
more that you do it. Through talking about success
and what it means, and through my sharing it with
you, you have brought it back to me one-hundred
fold! There is so much satisfaction that comes with
success – the success of using your gifts and talents
(big and small) to reach out to others. As you share
that feeling of success with your family, your fellow
Lions, your friends and your communities, your
entire world becomes a better place. I am so
grateful that you have allowed me to view and be a
part of your world this year.
I’d like to offer a special “Thank You” to all of my
cabinet members. You’ve worked hard and been a
great support to me throughout the year. I hope
you’ve also had some fun along the way. Our final
cabinet meeting of the year will be on June 4, at
8:30 AM at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Pine
Island. I hope to see you all there so that I can
thank you in person for all that you have done for
the Lions of southeast Minnesota and for me as
your district governor.
As we move forward to next year, I can’t help but
be excited about the opportunities and challenges
that await us. First, DGE Al will make a wonderful
governor! We’re finally moving forward again with
our Habitat for Humanity project in Red Wing. We
have a number of great opportunities for growth
with the USA/Canada Forum in Peoria, our own
5M1 leadership forum in the fall, a lot of
knowledgeable cabinet members to share ideas, the
mid-winter convention, and then our multiple
district convention coming to Rochester next
We also have some challenges.
Membership has dropped this year, and while it
hasn’t been a huge drop, it means that there are
fewer Lions serving their communities, and that
makes me sad. I think everyone should have the
opportunity to feel the success as you and I do!
Back on the opportunities side, I’m very excited
about PID Ross Thorfinnson’s bid to become
International 2nd Vice President! His candidacy can
only help to promote Lionism in this area, and his
commitment to helping others and to ensuring that
this organization is run effectively and efficiently is
unparalleled. I hope that those of you who are
asked to help with promoting his campaign will
agree to do so enthusiastically – for Ross & Lynda,
for yourself, and for the entire Lions organization!
Thank you again for a wonderful year. I hope to be
seeing you soon as we all keep on serving…
Jaunting with Julie….
June, 2005
Vision Screening w/Rochester Host Lions
Wykoff Club Visit
5M1 Cabinet Meeting
DG get-together in Bird Island
Stewartville Morning Lions Awards Night
Winona Sun-Up Branch Officer Installation
Red Wing Lions Officer Installation
July 1, 2005: DGE Al becomes DG Al –
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 2
A Successful School of Instruction
By District Governor Elect Al Fravert
The District 5M1 Officers’ School of Instruction –
WOW, what a great turn out! With a total of 155
Lions attending, this is by far the largest school
After a steak dinner, the Golden Lion Awards for
last year were presented by Lion Tim Richie. We
then broke into the training sessions for the evening.
Sixty Lions attended the session for presidents, vice
presidents and directors instructed by DG Julie
Carlblom and DGE Al Fravert.
Membership. Lion Larry Stryker leads a session on
membership drives.
Treasurers. Lion Greg Larson leads the session for treasurers.
Region and Zone Chairs. VDGE Jack Krage and Zone Chair
Maureen Gorman instruct the region and zone chairs. L to R:,
Barb Ernster, Jolene Schuldt, Gale Bruessel, VDGE Jack,
Maureen Gorman, John Augustine.
I again would like to than everyone for preregistering, as it made the planning of the evening
events quite simple. When we all work together,
the task can be made a lot easier. With cooperation
like this, next year will be a record setting one for
District 5M-1.
Secretaries. Lion Randi Fravert leads the session for
secretaries at the School of Instruction.
The region and zone chairs were instructed by
VDGE Jack Krage and Zone 1 Chair Maureen
There were 28 Lions that attended the session for
secretaries instructed by Randi Fravert. The other
Lions attended sessions for treasurers instructed by
Greg Larson and Mark Marreel, a session on tail
twisting that was led by Jim Muckenhirn, and a
session on Successful Membership Drive led by
Larry Stryker.
Tail Twister. Lion Jim Muckenhirn, left, leads the tail twister
I want to say a special thanks to all of the presenters
for taking time to share their talents and knowledge
with the Lions who attended.
I am looking forward to being your DG next year.
Together, “We Serve.”
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 3
Convention Highlights from page 1…
The Banquet on Saturday evening was a fine meal
of steak or chicken, complimented by a great
dessert. Following the meal, Past International
Director Dennis Tichenor spoke about ordinary
heroes – the kind that attend Lions meetings all the
time. His time at the podium was concluded as he
gave out various awards. Lion Clair Mrotek of the
Stewartville Morning Lions was given the
President’s Leadership Medal for his work in
starting that club.
New Leadership Team. DGE Al and partner in service, Lion
Randi, stand with VDGE Jack Krage and his partner in
service, Lion Sue.
Leadership Medal. Lion Clair Mrotek accepts the
Presidential Leadership Medal from PID Dennis Tichenor.
The 5M1 delegation. Standing, L to R: Vern Docker, Clair
Mrotek, Roy Larson, Art Dubke (hiding), Dudley Parsons,
Darrel Carlblom, DGE Al Fravert, Arnie Usem, Greg Larson
(hiding), VDGE Jack Krage, Mel Brand, Jim and Lois
Morcomb. Sitting, L to R: Gloria Dockter, Carol Mrotek,
Margaret Larson, Peg Parsons, DG Julie Carlblom, Randi
Fravert, Harriet Usem, Sue Krage, and Anita Brand.
This might be a good time to remind you all that the
next MD5M convention will be held in Rochester.
The dates are April 28, 29 and 30. PDG Vern
Dockter and I are co-chairing this event, and we
will need all the help we can get on those three
days, so mark your calendars.
Fantasy Fiddlers. Shown at the right, the Fantasy Fiddlers
met every Tuesday evening for 15 years to practice. They
provided great entertainment at the Friday night social event.
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 4
And a Great Time Was Had by All at the Camp Clean-up
Pictures by Lion Gale Bruessel
Some of the work was outside. Lion Cindy Bushman ,
Stewartville Morning Lions, works on a chair.
From the Web. The entrance to Camp Winnebago gives you
a hint of hills and trees.
Clean-up crew. DGE Al, Lions Gale Bruessel, Julie Arney
and Camp Director Theresa Burroughs at the camp.
Working on the fireplace. DGE Al and PDG Roy Larson
admire their work on the CW fireplace in the new dining hall.
Food crew: Lions Marion Johnson and Randi Fravert test the
sloppy joe mix.
Clean-up crew. Stewartville Morning Lions Diedre Pickett,
Sharon Moehke, and Kimberly Finley, and Lion Richard
Shields, Winona Sunset.
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 5
Support These Great Club Activities!
Adams Pool Benefit
Pancake Feed
By the Adams Lions Club
Where: Adams Fire Hall
When: Saturday, June 11th, 2005
Serving: 8:00 AM – 11:00AM
Pancake, Sausage, Milk, Coffee
Free Will
Proceeds go toward the Adams Town
and Country Pool.
Annual Adams Lions Silent
Many items to bid on! Crafts, household items, gift
(This year featuring a $100 Cabela’s Gift Card)
Proceeds go toward local and district
Thank you for your support!
Lions Trailer for Rent
The Chatfield Lions Club has a Lion
trailer for use in events and parades.
They ask only a small donation to use the
trailer. Contact Lion Jerry Baudoin at:
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 6
Minnesota Lions All-Star Baseball Tournament
The 31st Annual Minnesota Lions All-Star Baseball Tournament is scheduled for Friday and Saturday,
June 24-25, 2005, at the Chaska Athletic Park!
The all-star tournament is sponsored by the
Minnesota Lions Eye Bank and the Minnesota
High School Baseball Coaches Association and
features 80 players and 12 coaches from across
the state. The two-day round-robin competition
is great fun for players, coaches, and spectators.
The Lions of Minnesota can support this
exciting event by purchasing tickets to the
games. Adult tickets are $3.00 and student and
senior tickets are $2.00. All proceeds go to the
Lions Children’s Eye Clinic.
If you did not see Joe Mauer at the 2001 Lions All-Star Tournament (no surprise, he won the homerun derby),
don’t miss a glimpse of the next potential Twins star. He could be someone from your home town!
Your club can:
™ Organize an outing and come to the game.
™ Sponsor a local sports team by giving them tickets to attend.
™ Give tickets to the family or teammates of a local all-star player.
All proceeds go to the Lions Children’s Eye Clinic.
In the 31-year history of the tournament, more than $220,000 have been raised for the Lions Children’s Eye
Clinic at the University of Minnesota. The clinic is the second largest and best-staffed clinic of its kind in the
country. Over 4,000 children visit each year.
To purchase tickets or make a donation, send to:
Minnesota Lions All-Star Baseball
7462 Spring Lake Rd
Mounds View, MN 55112
Donations from charitable gambling funds must be made out
to the Minnesota Lions Eye Bank with “All-Star Baseball” in
the memo line.
If you have any questions, please call Lion Bob Wharton at
(763) 784-5040.
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 7
Attention all Club Presidents and Secretaries
By PDG Dudley Parsons
PU101 Forms are overdue.
DG Julie is getting a little frustrated. Currently,
there are several clubs (five Lions, three Lioness,
and a LEO club) that have not sent her information
about their new leadership teams.
Why is this important?
™ DG Julie must provide this information to
MD5M Executive Secretary Bob Harms so
that he can create that wonderful directory
of clubs, cabinet officers, and MD5M
program chairs.
™ Lions International needs the information so
that they can communicate effectively with
the presidents and secretaries of all Lions
™ The newsletter editor (me!) needs this
information for the database that is used to
send newsletters to the appropriate Lions,
Lioness and LEO’s in the district.
Please include the name, address and phone
number of the president, secretary, treasurer and
membership chair. LCI wants those four, and we
would like to also get the name and address of your
newsletter editor.
We also need to know the days of the month that
you meet and the time and the place of the
Who gets the newsletter?
The governor’s newsletter is sent free to all club
presidents, club secretaries and club newsletter
editors. In addition, the newsletter is sent to all
cabinet members, and all new members get a free
subscription for one year.
Can anyone else get the newsletter?
Yes! Some clubs elect to pay $10.00 per year per
person for either selected officers or the whole
membership to get the newsletter. Should you
decide to do that, send a check made out to District
5M1 for $10.00 for each subscription. Mail that
check to the newsletter editor, along with the names
of the additional recipients. My address is:
Dudley Parsons, 2607
Rochester, MN 55901.
District Governor Elect Al Fravert encourages you
all to buy subscriptions for your membership.
International and multiple district
dues increase.
Since this is a time when clubs are starting to
prepare budgets for the upcoming year, I thought it
would be a good idea to review what the dues will
be for the two entities above.
At the 2003 Lions Clubs International Convention
in Denver, Colorado, there was a big dues increase
passed to be phased in over three years.
$28.25 per member (+$4.25)
$33.20 per member (+$4.95)
$39.00 per member (+$5.80)
Lions International will bill you for 1/2 of the total
in July, and again in January. This bill will be sent
based on your membership in June and in
December. Bottom line is that your bill will go up
by $2.90 per member in the July billing.
At the MD5M convention that was just held in
Brandon, Manitoba, two more dues increases were
The multiple district administration fund was
increased by $0.50 per member, and the
campaign fund was increased by $2.00 per
member, to bring the new MD5M dues to a total of
$8.30 per year, or an increase of $2.50 over the
previous year.
Finally, it might be a good time to remember that
some of the recent MD5M dues increases are
temporary. The most recent $2.00 per member
increase is due to be rescinded at the end of the
2007-2008 Lions year. It was voted in to be used
specifically for the campaign that will elect 2nd
International Vice President Ross Thorfinnson.
The same is true for a $1.00 per member increase
that was enacted at the 2003 MD5M convention. It
has written into it a “sunset” provision which will
make it go away at the end of the 2008-2009 Lions
year. It was enacted to help fund the obligations of
the 2009 Lions International Convention in
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 8
Pine Island Pancake Breakfast Benefit is a Success!
The pancake breakfast and silent auction that was sponsored by the Pine Island Lions as a benefit for Judy
Meilke was a success, raising about $1,100 after expenses. This money will be supplemented by an additional
donation of about $500.00 from Thrivent Financial. Lions in 5M1 set a goal of $5,000 in the district, so with
this benefit the total is around $4,600.
The Meilke family was there in force to meet and thank the Lions for the money that they have raised so far.
Judy Meilke’s specialty dog, Ben, will cost about $11,000 in all. Ben has special training to be a companion to
Judy, who is not only blind, but suffers from seizures as well.
Pancake breakfast benefit. Pictured above, front: Carolyn Mielke (mom), Judy Mielke, Judy's dog Ben, Jeffery Mielke (brother),
Mike Mielke (dad). Second row: 5M1 Lions Governor Julie Carlblom, Lion Mike Haider, Lion Mike Lunde, caterer Cal Fulton
(black T-shirt), Lion Roy Larson (blue cap), Lion Ken De Boer, Lion Wes Moreland. Third row: Lion Dennis Bailey (blue cap), Lion
Tom Pralle (hidden behind Tom is Lion Mike Magnuson), Lion Fred Knudsvig (in second blue cap)
Habitat For Humanity Update
By Lion Todd Otteson, Red Wing Lions Club
The Habitat for Humanity House project approved by
district 5M1 is moving right along. Construction manager
and Red Wing Lion, Paul Drotos, is putting forth
tremendous effort in order to have this project completed.
There have been some minor issues regarding the housing
project, but it is a go, with full steam ahead. Paul is
working on getting the building permit and then
construction will begin. He hopes to have the permit
within a week. Keep in mind that the clubs within the
district will be asked to volunteer to help build this house.
This project has taken longer then anticipated, but with an
energetic construction manager it will get done
successfully. If you have any questions about this project,
contact Paul at 651-388-1042.
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 9
PDG Gil Wagner Honored
Picture contributed by DG Julie Carlblom
At the district 5M1 mid-winter convention, PDG
Gil Wagner was elected posthumously to the
MD5M Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame awards
are given out at the MD5M convention, which was
recently held in Brandon, MB. District Governor
Julie Carlblom accepted the honor on behalf of
PDG Wagner’s daughter, Lion Claire Johnson of
the Rochester Morning Pride Lions. DG Julie was
able to attend the Morning Pride Lions meeting
recently and presented the Hall of Fame plaque to
Lion Claire.
Life Membership Awarded
Contributed by Nancy Benson, Rushford Lions
The Rushford Lions Club recently awarded a Life
Membership to Lion Earl Johnson.
Lion Earl -- Proudly wearing his new Life Membership pin.
Lion Earl has been the club president from 1961 to
1964, has been club secretary, club treasurer, and
newsletter editor, and has served on the board as
Lion Earl served as the chairperson of the White
Cane Days fundraiser, helping to raise over
$4,000.00 to support the Minnesota Lions Eye
Hall of Fame Award. Lion Claire Johnson accepts her
father’s MD5M Hall of Fame award at the Rochester Morning
Pride Lions Club meeting.
In addition, Lion Earl has served as a member of the
program and entertainment committee, the parade
committee, membership committee and the
environmental services committee.
Have you asked someone to be a
Lion today?
Do you wear your Lions pin every
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 10
Check Out These Lions Club Projects!
2nd Annual
Morning Pride
Lions Charity
Golf Classic
MONDAY, JUNE 6TH, 2005, AT 1:30PM
but get your entry forms in early, as we will max out our field
(maximum of 80 golfers in 20 foursomes). Only 48 carts
are available, so first paid will guarantee cart rental!
Benefiting the
of Southern MN
JUNE 6TH, 2005, AT 1:30 PM
IF APPLICABLE:_________________________
Cart rental____Own cart_____Walking_____
Mail registration forms to:
Lewiston Lions
Dan Bjork
195 Benson Drive N.
Lewiston, MN 55952
Sponsored by the
Outback Steakhouse
$75 per person
July 13, 2005
Eastwood Golf
Rochester, MN
8:00 AM Shotgun
18 Holes of Golf
with Cart.
Outback Sirloin
Steak Meal.
Golf Prizes
Door Prizes
Gift Bag
Meal Only, $25.00
Participants are encouraged to get pledges to raise the
$75 registration fee, plus any additional donations.
Prizes awarded to top solicitor.
Registrations with
payment may be 4 Person Best Shot
sent to:
Regular Tees will
be used.
Rochester Morning Pride
Lions Charity Golf Classic
Gold Tees –
1426 Cityview Ct NE
seniors (age 62 &
Rochester, MN 55906
Fax to: 2868510
Email to:
Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < > -- Page 11
Lion Julie Carlblom
District Governor 5M1
3331 Terri Court SW
Byron, MN 55920
Please feel free to copy any
or all of this newsletter