July, 2006 - Colony Olivenhain


July, 2006 - Colony Olivenhain
Newsletter of the Olivenhain Town Council
July 2006
From the (New) President — Cindy Brandenburg
Without much by way of an introduction, I’d like to say I’m
honored to have been selected by my friends and colleagues on
the Olivenhain Town Council Board of Directors as your
President for this next year. This will be my fourth year on the
Board, and with a lot of help, it has been a productive three
Collectively, we’ve come a long way in our quest to not only
preserve a sense of community here in Olivenhain, but to build
on what we’ve always had. As our village grows and develops
into a rural yet prosperous community, sometimes it seems the
sense of involvement with neighbors and community is slipping
away as more homes are built, more new people move in, and
as families get busier keeping up with a fast-paced life. But
seeing the faces of our children and talking with folks at our
many OTC events, I’m always grateful for what we have here.
In my three years as Community Events Chair, I have worked
hard with fellow Board members and faithful volunteers to bring
more families to our existing events, and to develop new events
that bring neighbors together while raising funds to maintain the
Meeting Hall and restore the Germania Hotel. With your help, as
President I hope to reach out even more to our residents for
involvement in keeping our hometown atmosphere.
Not exactly an Olivenhain “old-timer,” I grew up in Solana Beach
in the same house from birth until I left the nest – where my
mother still lives. I used to play at a friend’s house in Olivenhain
when I was little and loved the openness of her unfenced yard,
complete with Shetland pony and shaggy pooch. In my teens, I
joined 4H and spent a lot of time at my 4H leader’s house on
Lone Jack Road and a 4H friend’s house on Fortuna Ranch
Road. I’m not even sure if those homes are still there any more,
so much has changed that, if they are there, I can’t recognize
them. Growing up around here, I’ve driven by the old Meeting
Hall hundreds of times and always felt drawn to it - so much so,
that I chose to be married there. Now I am proud to be a part of
its present, its future, and its history. I love watching my kids play
there, feeling safe and secure, as much a part of it as the rope
Whether we are volunteering in the classroom, driving on field
trips, being soccer moms and dads, or any one of a hundred
other family, business, and volunteer activities, I know how busy
we all are. As a mother of two O.P.E. students and a retired
business owner, I share in all this. But the Olivenhain Meeting
Hall and the colony of Olivenhain need our vigilance and support
to keep it from fading into concrete sidewalks and tract suburbia.
Our events are the best way to stay current and get to know your
neighbors, hopefully for a lifetime of friendships.
My point: our Meeting Hall and what it represents are an
important part of where we live. It is the centerpiece of this
historic and treasured community. OTC volunteers are a
precious thing, and we need more of them so that our “regulars”
don’t burn out. As many of you know, along with the gratifying
feeling of supporting the OTC comes an incredible sense of
belonging, friendship, and community. I have made many dear
friends through my time on the Board. And it has not been a
thankless job! I have received heartfelt thanks for my efforts and
in turn I am thankful for everyone’s help and support in making it
Another thing: it always takes money to keep our projects going,
mainly the Germania Hotel renovation. You may have noticed
that we are increasingly seeking and accepting business
supporters to underwrite our events. We do this not to
commercialize the OTC and its events, but to 1) make these fun
events possible, and 2) make them successful fundraisers for
money-intensive projects. If we did not do this, most of our
events would be break-even enterprises at best. We work hard
to keep these events affordable for families. What many do not
realize is that the OTC Board has been trying for years to obtain
501(c)(3) nonprofit status, which would permit individual donors
to make personal donations while taking a tax benefit. To qualify
as a 501(c)(3), we would need to open up the Meeting Hall to
use by the public, not just to Olivenhain residents and members.
We have not been willing to commit to this, believing that the
general membership (you, the residents who have joined the
OTC) would be averse to sharing the Meeting Hall openly. For
this reason, we are always grateful for the support and
generosity of our sponsors and volunteers.
As President, I ask for your continued support by joining us at
the events. Your support is critical to our success. Step forward
and volunteer – just for one small part of one event. I ask as well
for your support in applauding our sponsors for underwriting our
events, as they do it in the spirit of giving back to their
community. And I thank you for allowing me to share in and be
part of this wonderful community.
Olivenhain Task Force News — Bruce Ehlers
A Committee of the Olivenhain Town Council
continue to check monthly to see if the City has received an
official application for proposed development to upzone
approximately 20 acres surrounding 7-11 and Postal Corner in
Olivenhain. It was almost five months ago when Randy
Goodson of Accretive Capital Partners said he was planning to
submit his General Plan Ammendment (GPA) application in the
next couple of months. We continue to monitor the situation and
anxiously await the official submittal. The official submittal
should contain a definitive proposal containing proposed
densities, added roads and intersections. A summary will be
digitized and emailed to the "Olivenhain Alert" email list as soon
as available.
email to Bruce Ehlers at Bruce@Ehlers-Online.com with the
word "Subscribe" in the subject line. The email list is used very
sparingly (once every month or two or slightly more often in case
of a significant local issue) to notify and inform Olivenhain
residents about events or issues affecting our community. The
list is only used for issues of interest and pertaining to
Olivenhain residents.
Community Events — Jeff Day
On Saturday, June 10th, the 3rd Annual Encinitas Fire Department and Olivenhain Town Council Pancake Breakfast and Rummage
Sale took place on the meeting hall grounds. Sponsored this year by Cheri Luckhardt of Prudential California Realty, approximately
200 people enjoyed the all you-can-eat pancake and sausage breakfast prepared by several off-duty Encinitas Firemen. With the
proceeds from this event, we were able to contribute $400 to the Encinitas Firefighters Association Charities, and apply a similar
amount of money towards the Baecht Hotel/Germania Hotel restoration. The Olivenhain Town Council would like to thank our
community for making the Pancake Breakfast such a success.
Join your neighbors at the annual Fourth of July Picnic at the Olivenhain Meeting Hall from 12:00 pm until 5:00
pm. In the tradition of the original German colonists who settled Olivenhain in the late 1800’s, the Olivenhain
Town Council will be hosting a potluck style family picnic. Stan and Lynwood Cole will have the fire pit ready, so
please bring your own meat to grill and a side dish, salad or dessert to share with others. Beginning at Noon, to honor America’s
independence, there will be a flag raising ceremony by local Boy Scouts, which will be followed at 12:30 pm by the decorated Bicycle
Parade. The Grand Marshal for this year’s parade is Hon. Tony Brandenburg, and all kids who participate will be awarded medals
courtesy of a generous contribution from Bev Christianson.
Then it will time to sign up for the 4th of July “Olivenhain Games.” Beginning just before 2:00 pm on the dance circle, our newest board
member, Michelle Twardowski, will be conducting the Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest. Come over and say hello to Michelle and
then attempt to surpass the course record of 43 feet for men and 29 feet for women. The Sack Race will be the second event,
followed by the Egg Toss, the Cow Chip Toss, the Obstacle Course Relay, and finally the Beer Chugging Relay. Last year, Tammy
Valley’s team lost the Obstacle Course race by 6/100ths of a second, and I’m told they have been training for months in an attempt to
reclaim victory this year. As usual, winners will be awarded prizes in both the Youth Division (no beer) and the Men’s and Women’s
Open Divisions. So come on over to the Olivenhain Meeting Hall this Tuesday, the 4th of July, and plan on spending a fun filled
afternoon with your friends and neighbors.
The Olivenhain Town Council is pleased to announce that for the third consecutive year, Debbie McCauley and Susie Nancarrow of
Coldwell Banker, in partnership with Ron Greenwald and Jonathan Jerotz of Countrywide Mortgage, will be the Presenting Sponsor
for this year’s Olivenhain Outdoor Cinema. Debbie and Susie have been long-term loyal supporters of the Town Council and our
Germania Hotel restoration endeavor, and once again, proceeds from this year’s Cinema Series will be devoted to the hotel
renovation. Thank you, Debbie and Susie!
Since our last newsletter, the dates for this year’s Olivenhain Outdoor Cinema Series have been slightly rearranged in order to avoid
conflict with the beginning of the school year and the Ice Cream Social at Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School scheduled for
Friday, September 15th. So here what you’ve been waiting for … the Olivenhain Town Council and Debbie McCauley and Susie
Nancarrow proudly announce the following movie dates:
Friday, August 25
Shrek 2
Friday, September 8
Friday, September 22
Back To The Future
Friday, September 29
E.T.-The Extra Terrestrial
No General Meeting or Building and Grounds Meeting in July
Come to the Picnic!
“Colony Olivenhain” History Book
In 1981, Richard Bumann, descendent of one of the original colonists, published a local history book titled
Colony Olivenhain. The original printing sold out long ago, but thanks to a very generous donation by
publishers Kristina and Reid Tracy, the Olivenhain Town Council has made this book available once again,
and will be able to use all the proceeds from the sale for renovation and repair of the Germania Hotel. You
can order using the order form on the cover sheet, or stop by and pick one up at the Postal Corner in
Olivenhain Platz, on the corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Encinitas Boulevard.
Olivenhain Cookbook
The Colony Olivenhain Cookbook compiled by Debbie McCauley has over 500 recipes collected from
members of the community! All the proceeds from the sales of this cookbook go to renovate the Germania
Hotel. The cost is $25 (including tax), and you can pick them up at Coldwell Banker in the Harvest Ranch
shopping center (next to Meritage), at the Postal Corner in the Olivenhain Platz at the corner of Rancho
Santa Fe Road and Encinitas Boulevard, and at Olson's Car Wash on El Camino Real.
Beer Steins
Colony Olivenhain
Beer Stein are
available at Postal
Corner for $13 plus tax
for a 25 oz. Stein.
These are the best
Beer Steins ever!
License Plate Frames
Chrome license plate frames have are available at the
Postal Corner in the Olivenhain Platz. The price is $30
plus tax, and proceeds go toward maintenance of the
Meeting Hall, the Germania Hotel, and the Meeting Hall
grounds. Don’t miss out!
City Council and Commission Schedules
Regular Schedule
Encinitas City Council
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday at 6:00 PM, Council Chambers
Planning Commission
1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6:00 PM, Council Chambers
Traffic Commission
2nd Monday, 4th Monday optional at 5:30 PM, Council Chambers
Parks and Recreation Commission
3rd Tuesday at 5:00 PM, Council Chambers
Senior Citizen Commission
3rd Friday at 1:00 PM, Council Chambers
Commission for the Arts
1st Monday at 5:30 PM, Council Chambers
Youth Commission
1st Wednesday at 4:30 PM, Council Chambers
City of Encinitas Contact Information
Christy Guerin, Mayor
Jim Bond, Deputy Mayor
Dan Dalager, Council Member
Maggie Houlihan, Council Member
Jerome Stocks, Council Member
Kerry Miller, City Manager
Bill Snow, Olivenhain Planning Commissioner
Pat Klaus, Olivenhain Traffic Commissioner
Doug Goad, Parks and Recreation Commissioner
858-756-8575 wilsnow@aol.com
858-756-8247 pat@klausfamily.com
760-942-4052 thegoads@aol.com
Visit our web site at www.olivenhain.org!
Newsletter Advertising
Advertise your business in the Olivenhain newsletter. 3 months
for $30 for a business card-sized ad (add $10 for each
additional month) or $60 for a double-sized ad (add $20 for
each additional month). For a three-month trial period, we’re
offering a 1/2 page ad for $120 for 3 months ($40 each
additional month). Send a JPEG format file, business card, or
your ad copy (or email your JPEG file or text copy to
newsletter@olivenhain.org) with a check payable to: Olivenhain
Town Council, P.O. Box 3005, Olivenhain, CA 92024
Many thanks to Olivenhain Self Storage
for their continued donation of a storage unit
for the Olivenhain Town Council.
Many thanks to Van Slyke Landscape, Inc.
for their donation of monthly grounds
maintenance for the Olivenhain Meeting Hall.