New Welcome Package
New Welcome Package
MISSION: The Bracebridge Business Improvement Area Association is an organization of businesses and property owners who, with member and community input, are dedicated to working together create a vibrant, commercially successful, physically improved neighbourhood. __________________________________________________________________________ BIA Office 35A Manitoba Street Bracebridge , ON P1L 2A9 Facebook: Downtown Bracebridge BIA Twi,er: BracebridgeDtwn TEL: 705 646-5590 BIA CHAIR: Mae Campbell Campbell Sports Tel: 645-3131 VICE CHAIR: Cindy Rushton CR Flower’s Tel: 645-9990 TREASURER: Glenn Gordon Gordon, Gingrich, Harris & Flemming Tel: 645-5255 A BIA is a designated geographical area that is designated by a municipality collected levy on businesses, managed by a volunteer Board of Directors Mandate: • To oversee the improvement beau2fica2on and maintenance of municipally owned land, buildings and structures beyond that provided by the municipality • to promote the area as a business and shopping district BIA Activities: • Streetscape improvement • Seasonal Decora2ons • Special Events • Marke2ng DIRECTORS: Beth Kelley The Crea,ve Cook Tel: 645-0027 Chris,ne Marshall Your Home Interiors Tel: 645-6451 Ed Daponte Signature’s Eatery Tel: 645-1919 Lindsay Alexander Li2le Black Bow Tel: 645-7734 Appointed by the Town of Bracebridge Cheryl Kelley Director of Planning and Development Tel: 645-5264 Liam Cragg Councillor Tel: 646-2075 ABOUT THE BIA BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: The BIA Board of Management is voted into posi2on by their fellow members. The elec2on takes place in November of the year that the Municipal Elec2on takes place and is a term of 4 years. If you are interested in becoming involved, there are commi,ees that the membership is encouraged to join. Please contact the BIA office to find out how you can become involved. Have your say, its your Downtown!. If you need to contact any of the BIA Board of Management please do not hesitate o call them. However, you can contact the BIA office at 705 646-5590 with any ques2ons , problems and/or concerns. We will be sure to direct your inquiry to the Board. Board of Management Mee,ngs The Board of Management meets on the third Tuesday of every month. Mee2ngs are held in the Council Chambers at the Town of Bracebridge Office at 1000 Taylor Court. All members are welcome to a,end and share their input. If you have an issue that you would like added to the agenda, please contact the BIA office in advance. OFFICES HOURS MONDAY—FRIDAY 9am—5pm The Bracebridge BIA is supported by the members of the BIA. The office staff support and act as the liaison between the membership, the Board of Management and the Town of Bracebridge. Our Role includes; Event Planning and Implementa2on The BIA Office has an open door policy so please drop in any2me. Beau2fica2on • • I am always happy to see members and to hear how your business ventures are going. • • • Seasonal Flowers Seasonal Light Displays On street Signage Lampost Banner’s Enhanced Snow Removal Program Facade & Signage Improvement Program Informa2on Tracy Larkman BIA Administra2ve Coordinator Marke2ng Other Administra2ve and Community development projects .as directed by the BIA Board of Management. General Members Mee,ngs General Members Mee2ngs are held quarterly. To discuss all BIA ini2a2ves. It is important that we all try to a,end these mee2ngs as it is a great opportunity to share ideas and/or concerns Loca2on and start 2mes will be provided in upcoming newsle,ers and can also be located under the members sec2on of the webpage. We ask that you please RSVP if you are able to a,end these mee2ngs as it assists us in planning. You may do this by sending us an email at or by contac2ng the BIA office (705)646-5590. PLEASE VISIT US AT DOWNTOWNBRACEBRIDGE.COM Located at the bo2om of our page is a members sec,on for further informa,on. Informa,on Services: Town of Bracebridge—705 645-5264 Muskoka Small Business Centre—705 646-9021 Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce—705-645-5231 Be,er Business Bureau 1-416-766-5744 Crime Stoppers 1-800-461-8477 Simcoe County District Health Unit—705 684-9090 Emergency Services: General Inquires: Police / Fire / Ambulance (emergencies only) 9-1-1 Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Rela2ons 1-800-268-1142 Ambulance—705 645-5000 Ministry of Health 1-800-268-1153 Bracebridge Fire Department 705 645-8258 Ministry of Revenue 1-800-267-9745 Ontario Provincial Police—705 645-2211 Ministry of Labor Recorded informa2on on - PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL OPP DETATCHMENT AND PROVIDE THEM WITH THE KEY HOLDER INFORMATION. THIS WILL ALLOW POLICE TO REACH YOU IN AND EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. Bracebridge Detachment: 705 645 2211 Termina2on of Employment 1-800-387-5495 Public Holidays 1-800-387-5496 Minimum Wages 1-800-387-5497 Over2me Pay 1-800-387-5498 A Business Improvement Area: • • • • • • • • Builds the image of a Downtown and promotes it in an effec2ve and coordinated manner; A,racts and maintains customers for the area; Provides a greater spirit of co-opera2on and enthusiasm within the business community; Generates greater community interest and pride; Increases municipal involvement in the Downtown; Provides a secure source of funding for undertaking short and long term projects in a planned and orderly fashion; is an informa2on and resource centre for business related issues; Make the Downtown a more a,rac2ve place to shop, work and do business! During the grand opening of your store or special events at your store you may wish to contact various newspapers, radio sta2ons, and / or television networks to help promote your business ventures. However, don’t forget that these media contacts are also useful at any2me of the year in promo2ng your business. Below is a list of media contacts from a variety of mediums around the Muskoka Area. We hope that they will provide you with the services and the support you need. LOCAL RADIO STATION MOOSE FM 99.5 Office Hours: 8:30a – 5:00p, Mon – Fri Address: 50-2 Balls Drive, Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T1 Phone #: 705 – 645 – 2218 Fax #: 705 – 645 – 5798 MOOSE 105.5 Office Hours: 8:30a – 5:00p, Mon – Fri Address: 7 John Street, Huntsville, ON P1H 1G1 Phone #: 705 – 789 – 4461 Fax #: 705 – 789 – 1269 MUSKOKA INFORMATION RADIO— 102.3 Television: TV Cogeco Telephone : 705-789-9801 OTHER RADIO Local Print B101—101.5 (Barrie) 705-726-1011 Metroland North Media KICX 106 FM Phone: (705) 326-3511 Fax: (705) 526-3060 34 EP Lee Drive, Box. 1049 Bracebridge, ON P1L1V2 Phone: (705) 645-8771 Fax: (705) 645-1718 ROCK 95 Phone: (705) 721-7842 Fax: (705) 721-7842 CHAY FM Phone: (705) 737-3511 Fax: (705) 722-5631 THE DOCK 104.1 FM Phone: (705) 720-1991 Fax: (705) 526-3060 SUNSHINE 89.1 FM Phone: (705) 325-9786 Fax: (705) 325-2600 • Bracebridge Examiner • Muskoka • Muskoka Life Magazine SunMedia Group Phone: 705 646-1314 Fax: 705 645-6424 • What’s Up • Muskoka Magazine • North Country Business News Dockside Magazine Phone –705 681 0709 Also note, that many of the above media sources may provide the community with FREE public announcements. Therefore, when you are inquiring about the various adver2sing that each source provides, be sure to inquire about public service announcements if you’re hos2ng a community event. We are very excited that you have decided to open a business in Bracebridge and we would like to make you aware of some of the grant and loan programs that are available through the Town of Bracebridge Community Improvement Plan. Town of Bracebridge Community Improvement Plan Programs The Town of Bracebridge has developed a financial incen2ves program to s2mulate and encourage development and redevelopment in key areas of the Town. Loan and grant packages are available for industrial, commercial and mixed-use projects that increase the func2onality of exis2ng buildings, promote the development of vacant and underu2lized sites, and improve or restore exterior building facades and signage. Façade Improvement Grant/Loan Program • • Signage Improvement Program • Housing Rehabilitation Grant/Loan • Building Improvement Grant/Loan SIGNAGE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Town of Bracebridge you can qualify for the Signage program which will provide a grant up to $1500 for the cost of having your business signs designed. This Grant Qualifies for both tradi2onal signs and “perpendicular signs”. In order to qualify you must first apply for the program and provide two quotes. If approved you can qualify up to $1500 back in grant money. Turnaround 2meframe to receive approval for the program is 5 business days. BIA BLADE SIGN HANGER INCENTIVE: Downtown is becoming more colourful with the introduc2on of specialty Blade Signs providing increased which will increase your store front adver2sing and visibility to on-coming vehicular and pedestrian traffic. These signs will greatly enhance the appearance and visual presence of businesses in the downtown. FAÇADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM: The Façade Improvement program will help you make improvements to the your façade. Its mission is to assist with the renova2on, restora2on and preserva2on of building exteriors within the BIA. The program FAÇADE PROGRAM is designed to achieve the most architecturally a,rac2ve, unified and historically maintained downtown as possible. If you are looking at upda2ng your façade contact the Town of Bracebridge for further informa2on on the program. Building Improvement Grant/Loan Program This program offers grans and loans to property owners for improvements made to exis2ng commercial, industrial, ins2tu2onal , or mixed building use in the Central Business District. The purpose of the program is to finance property improvements that would otherwise be considered cost prohibi2ve by the property owner. The program will also promote improvement of the physical condi2on and visual aesthe2cs of a private building. For further informa2on on this program contact the Town of Bracebridge. To received informa,on on all the Grant and Loan programs available or to inquire about Permit, Zoning and Signage requirements contact the Town of Bracebridge—Planning and Development Department 705 645-5264 The events listed here are organized, promoted and sponsored by the Downtown Bracebridge BIA Management Board to help promote the Downtown as a place where things are happening. If you have any special event ideas, please contact the BIA office. JUNE 15th FATHER’S DAY CAR SHOW 8am—3pm JULY 1st CANADA CELEBRATIONS (NEW) 4pm—Dusk AUGUST 1st MIDNIGHT MADNESS 6pm—Midnight August 9th ART IN THE HEART 9am—6pm SEPTEMBER 27TH COLOURFEST 9am—5pm DECEMBER 5TH Santa’s Moonlight Shopping Party Featuring Fes2val of the Lights 5pm—10pm The following events are not directly implemented by the Downtown BIA but we encourage every Downtown Business to par2cipate in the events in the events or promote them while visitor’s are in the area. JULY Canada Day Fireworks—Hosted by Rotary Club—July 1 at the base of the falls. Muskoka Pioneer Power—Forest and Farm Show - July 11—13 JD Lang Ac2vity Park Muskoka Art’s and CraO Show—July 18—20 Annie William’s Park AUGUST Griffin Session Muskoka (Muskoka Beer Fes,val—August 2nd Annie William’s Park Muskoka Model Railway Show—August 9-10 JD Lang Ac2vity Park Co2age Country Comedy Fes,val - August 15—16 Bracebridge Highland Games—August 15—16 JD Lang Ac2vity Park Check out www.bracebridgefes, For further event details. BRACEBRIDGE VISITOR’S CENTRE Summer Hours— 7 days—9 am to 5 pm We offer maps, brochures, accommoda2ons info, things to do, event info. and public washrooms! They are located at 1 Manitoba St., right beside the silver bridge in the same building as Riverwalk Restaurant. PUBLIC WASHROOMS The Downtown core has several public washroom loca,ons that you can direct visitor’s too. • Visitor Centre—1 Manitoba Street • Senior’s Centre—54 Dominion Street • Bracebridge Public Library—94 Manitoba Street • Bracebridge Arena—168 James Street Timing of these washrooms will depend on the hours of opera2on. The Downtown BIA recommends the following Standard Hours of Opera,on during the summer months. Mid—June / July / August and December Monday—Thursday 9am—6pm Friday—9am—8pm Sunday - 11am—4pm Benefits for you as a merchant: Uniformity for customers and co-opera2ve adver2sing opportuni2es GARBAGE COLLECTION IN THE DOWNTOWN PICK UP DAY—FRIDAY’s In the Downtown core Garbage must be placed against your building no later than 7am. WEEKLY COLLECTION—May 1st o November 1st BI-WEEKLY COLLECTION - November 1st—May 1st You will be responsible to remove your garbage from the curb if your garbage not on the curb in 2me or if you place it out on the wrong cycle when Bi-weekly collec2on is in place. A clean town is not only a ma,er of pride, it’s a key measure of the town’s livability and is directly connected to its economic and business success. While some things in life are out of our control, we can control the cleanliness of the place we work, live and play. Lets all do our part and ensure our streets stays clean. If there is an issue with garbage bags on the street or the garbage bin near your business is overflowing please contact the BIA office—705 646-5590 or Quinn Michelle—Public Awareness Representa,ve—705 645-6764. CURBSIDE COLLECION RULES Two (2) Bags of Garbage—secured in a standard size garbage bag—during weekly summer collec2on. Four (4) Bags of Garbage—secured in a standard size garbage bag—during bi- weekly winter collec2on. Bags cannot weigh more than 55lbs Bluebox—Unlimited year round collec2on HAZARDOUS WASTE Bracebridge— Brendar Enviromental 1122 Rosewarne Drive, Bracebridge (Just past landfill site) Monday—Friday 9am—5pm h,p:// for further informa2on. Bracebridge Landfill Site 1062 Rosewarne Drive If you exceed your weekly bag limit you may take up to 3 bags a week to the landfill for free and is tracked by you licence plate. Members Personal Informaon Sheet Please provide the following details to the Bracebridge BIA to ensure we have accurate informa2on on all its members. You may email the details back to the BIA office at or provide the informa2on on the below sheet and we can pick it up. Business Name: ________________________________________________________ Business Owner: ________________________________________________________ Business Address:________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________ Contact Name ___________________________________________________________ Business Contact Informa,on: Telephone Number: ____________________ FACEBOOK ____________________ Fax Number: ____________________ TWITTER ____________________ Email Address: ____________________ WEBPAGE Informa2on: _____________________________ Would you like to receive the Newsle2er and other monthly updates via Email? Yes No (Please Circle) Addi,onal informa,on required: This is private Confiden,al Informa,on will not be shared without permission. Do you Rent or Own the Building (Please circle) Rent Own If you are ren,ng please provide your building owners Name and Contact informa,on this allows us to ensure our records are accurate. Building owners are also members of the Bracebridge BIA and to ensure we have an accurate list of everyone we are asking for your assistance in providing us with their informa,on. This informa,on is private and will only be used for the BIA to contact them if needed and will not be shared with any other par,es. Current Building Owner Name: _________________________________________________________________ Contact Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________ Email Address of landlord: (if Available) ___________________________________________ Building Details: Square Footage: _____________