the 10-20-11 Penny Press
the 10-20-11 Penny Press
Penny Press Nevada, USA Volume 9 Number 6 OCTOBER 20, 2011 THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 2 Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors: Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Chuck Muth John Getter Pat Choate Tom Mitchell The Penny Press is published weekly by Far West Radio LLC All Contents © Penny Press 2011 Letters to the Editor are encouraged. They should be sent to our offices at 335 W. 4th Street Winnemucca, NV 891445 They can also be emailed to: pennypresslv@ No unsigned or unverifiable letters will be printed. 702-418-0433 Fax: 702-920-8215 Penny Press WINNEMUCCA, NEVADA 16 PAGES VOLUME 9 NUMBER 6 OCTOBER 20, 2011 Smoked Bear: No Fuel No Fire By THOMAS MITCHELL Contributing Editor Smoked Bear: Before 1980 less than 25,000 acres burned in Nevada wildfires each year. Now that number’s gone up to 600,000. That’s an increase of 24 times as many acres. Commentary Jimmy: That’s a lot of rabbits and deer and birds. What can we do? Smoked Bear: Write and call the Forest Service. Ask them to reduce the wildfire fuel on the land. Jimmy: What’s fuel? Smoked Bear: It’s grass and plants that cattle and sheep used to eat. The Forest Service could reduce the fuel by allowing cattle and sheep to burned. The creator of Smoked Bear, graze before it burns. — Radio commercial at Elko attorney Grant Gerber, grew up in a ranching family and has worked on countless land and water That’s no typo. The protagonist use issues across the country for of this and six other radio spots decades. “One morning I woke up: being played for the past two years in Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico Smoked Bear! Just change one letter,” Gerber says of his cartoon is Smoked Bear, not Smokey. And his message is not that alter ego, who is depicted on the “only you can prevent wildfires” — website as a since more than half of wildfires in muscular, shovel-wielding bruin Nevada are started by lightning — in tattered jeans and scorched fur but that increased grazing by cattle with a squirrel on his shoulder, a and sheep on public lands could cottontail under one arm and a quail decrease the size of wildfires and on the other. In December 2009 Gerber the number of wild animals killed by them — probably well more than 1.5 started running radio spots featuring Smoked Bear and estimates as many million this year alone. More than 500,000 acres have as a half a million people have heard burned in Nevada this year and in the ads and the message of saving 2006 more than 1.3 million acres wildlife by allowing grazing on land controlled by the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and other federal agencies — approximately 90 percent of Nevada. “Pre-1950, so far,” Gerber says, “we have been unable to find even one instance of a large rangeland wildfire.” Gerber estimates the number of cattle in Nevada is down by well over 50 percent and the number of sheep is down by over 95 percent from the early 1900s, with the biggest reductions coming since the 1950s, coinciding with the increased size of fires. Coincidentally, the Nevada Department of Wildlife estimates the deer population in Nevada was nearly 250,000 in the 1950s, but due to various factors, including wildfire, the population has dropped to less than 100,000. Continued on page4 The Conservative Weekly Voice Of Las Vegas Inside: Smelly And Naked Not A Change Agent See Editorial Page 6 Penny Wisdom You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes. —Pooh's Little Instruction Book FLOYD BROWN FRED WEINBERG DOUG FRENCH AL THOMAS DISTRICT MAPS CHUCK MUTH PETS OF THE WEEK PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 14 PAGE 15 THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 4 Continued from page 3 That's Mr. Bear To You, Mr. Ranger But Jeanne Higgins, the forest supervisor for the Humbolt-Toiyabe National Forest, says the problem is a little more complicated than just reducing fuel by grazing. “A lot of livestock grazing is concentrated in areas where the grass is green and there’s water sources. So, it is possible grazing can reduce the amount of fuel if it is targeted,” she says. While some have blamed the increase in fires on invasive non-native cheatgrass, which crowds out native foliage in the spring and tends to dry out in the fall, Higgins says the Forest Service is actually experimenting with using sheep to reduce the cheatgrass in the Carson City area. “Both the Forest Service and the BLM have increased staffing of fire personnel the last 10-plus years to try to increase our success with what we call initial attack,” Higgins said, a point Gerber readily concedes and applauds. “We had a fairly good success rate of catching most fires. The success rate is in the 95 percent plus percentile.” She said the service is also acting to reduce the continuity of fuel with firebreaks and prescribed burns. Grazing, measured in animal unit months or AUMs, has actually increased on Forest Service land in the past decade, Higgins says, though over the past few decades is down from about 300,000 AUMs to 240,000. Meanwhile, the BLM reports grazing on public lands it controls has declined from 18.2 million AUMs in 1954 to 8.2 million AUMs in 2010. In addition, to the animals killed by wildfire, Gerber’s son Zachary, a law student, writes in an article on, “Wildfires are spewing pollutants into the air in quantities that are many times greater than all of America’s industrial pollution combined.” To further the education process, Smoked Bear is offering $70,000 in scholarships, prizes and books to Nevada children and young adults in an essay and poster contest. See the website for details. (Next week: How Nevada’s wild lands have changed over the years.) Thomas Mitchell is a longtime Nevadan. You may share your views with him by emailing Read additional musings on his blog at THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 5 Commentary: Floyd Brown Occupy Wall Street A Menace, Prepare For Violence Prepare for violence. We remember this crowd. The year was 1999 and the anarchists descended on Seattle to stop a meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). We lived there at the time. Floyd was working as a host at Hot Talk 570 KVI, located in downtown near the “peaceful protests” of the meeting of WTO ministers. Seattle was excited because it was an opportunity to show the new high tech Seattle of the 1990’s that replaced the industrial Seattle of the 1970’s. The City was on the world’s stage. Early pictures of the protests reminded us of what you see currently camped in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park. And as in the fall of 1999, the media is there to catalogue the strange beliefs of those involved. The Seattle protests were called a peaceful group of human rights leaders, students, environmental groups, religious leaders, labor rights activists’ etc., wanting fairer trade with less exploitation. Sounds like the group down on Wall Street. Liberal political leaders of the late 90’s were giving encouragement to the protesters in a fashion similar to the current leaders Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore and Barack Obama are carrying water for the current park based protesters. But there is a darker side to these crowds as there was to the Seattle crowds in 1999, and that is why we are predicting violence to break out soon if it hasn’t when you read this. The Seattle protests started peacefully, but they ended in a hail of tear gas and rubber bullets. The KVI office windows were smashed in, and the steel and glass structures that defined the high tech city were laying shattered for blocks. The protesters laid waste to blocks of glass windows, and some looted stores for extra “capitalist goods.” Over 600 protesters were arrested and the battle in the court rooms lasted for years as protesters made allegations of police brutality against the thin blue line that was attempting to protect the property of the “capitalist pigs,” as the protesters called them. Norm Stamper, the police chief of Seattle during the 1999 WTO protests, resigned soon afterward. He was singled out and scapegoated for the police response. But what are police to do when a peaceful protest morphs into a riot? Zuccotti Park is privately owned. The owners have leafleted the squatters and asked them to remove the illegal tarps and other structures that have been erected as part of the protests. Urine, feces and other bodily fluids are now making the park an unsanitary mess. These owners have a right to ask police to clear their private land of illegal squatters. We believe in peaceful protests, and Floyd was arrested in 1983 protesting communism in front of the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC. But squatting on private land is not speech and protesting. It is an illegal act and if it is ignored it will embolden the protesters to break more serious laws. It is time to send these young socialists home to mom and dad before they start smashing windows and starting fires as they did in Seattle in 1999. FLOYD and MARY BETH BROWN The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To: The IRS and the Metropolitan Las Vegas Police Department. Whatever their other failings, they took one of Las Vegas' most notorious pimps,, Micah Duncan, off the streets using the tax code. Granted it's only for 18 months because this guy could afford Oscar Goodman's former law partner, but then there's three years of Federal supervised release. Presumably the Federal parole system will make sure he doesn't go back to his cold ways. The three Special Masters who did a creditable job of coming up with four congressional districts despite the misguided yelping of Republicans. This state would be a great place for a Republican Party if only it could find leaders with an IQ over 60. The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To: Wells Fargo Bank and the Bank of America for being totally tone deaf and adding charges for the use of their debit cards. We're not saying that they can't do it. Just that they are incredibly stupid for doing it. They want to encourage trust for the banking system, not disgust. And the clowns who run these two "fine" institutions can't see beyond next quarter's earnings. What will they do when this stupid move results in fewer customers? OPINION THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 6 From The Publisher... Smelly And Naked Is No Way To Get Things Done At the time a smelly, unkempt mob (no, not Harry Reid’s 600,000 acres. The additional toll in pollution and animals killed Washington “tourists”) descended on New York, presumably to is phenomenal. change the way Wall Street does business, the Shovel Brigade 2 Enter the shovel brigade. is starting to take shape in Elko, Nevada. The Shovel Brigade isn’t a sexy movement like reforming Wall Years ago, the Forest Service started closing roads on “its” land to motorized travel. Street for the benefit of “the people”. Its advocates don’t show up naked and sleep among feces and The Original Shovel Brigade was formed 11 years ago by local urine in a private park in New York City. And they don’t call the citizens who used shovels (and the occasional Nye County owned Cat D-8) to re-open those roads. police “pigs”. The mainstream media, with very few exceptions, give them very The battle against the Forest Service and the BLM had been joined. little coverage. Unlike the clowns in New York, these folks are ranchers, But if you live in Nevada, you should be aware that much of your lawyers, businesspeople, housewives, outdoorsmen, hunters, life is controlled by two relatively obscure Federal agencies, the your neighbors. Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service. Under the Obama administration, the black hand of the Forest What’s happening in Elko is very important to Nevada. The fact Service and the BLM has become particularly arbitrary and that the Federal Government controls more than 90 per cent capricious, although even Republican Presidents have not acted of the state’s landmass means that it also can stop economic to curb these agencies. development dead in its tracks. In Elko County, the local Forest Ranger arrogantly told the County Commission that he was going to close hundreds of miles of roads And, more often than not, it does. and it was his sole decision. Even when there is economic development, the Federal hegemony of the state distorts business patterns and the ability of businesses His boss “temporarily” reassigned him to Clark County and has promised a meeting with the County Commission. Seeing that, to take advantage of the state’s abundant natural resources. similarly upset rural county commissions from Eureka, Lander and Gold skyrockets in value? Great. That should allow companies Nye counties now want to be at that meeting as well. like Newmont, Barrack and lots of smaller guys to get mines in With a Presidential election campaign in full swing right here in production. Nevada, it is only a matter of time before Nevadans make this a Not so fast. Federal rules make it almost impossible to get a national issue. mine permitted, up and running in less than five years. In fact, it is easier to open a brothel in Nevada than a mine. No Federal If we nominate you and you get elected, who are you going to appoint Secretary of Agriculture (Forest Service) and Interior permitting of brothels is required. (BLM)? Are you going to get them off Nevada’s back? How about letting the counties do the permitting? Influx of people? Need some subdivisions built? You need to find the land somewhere and the Federal Government’s Memo to the clowns in New York: thumb on the scale totally distorts the actual, functional value of a home in Nevada, leading to overpriced houses and an eventual You want to change Wall Street? Smelly and naked is no way to get things done. Elect people to office who will get things done. bust. Start with your County Commission. Beef and wool prices high? Increase the size of the herds. They did that in rural Nevada and you’re about to see how it Not so fast. For some inexplicable reason, the Federal Government works. doesn’t like cows and sheep grazing on “its” land. That has two effects. First, fewer cows and sheep, less beef and wool, higher FRED WEINBERG prices for both. Second, no grazing means more fuel for fires and we have gone from less than 25,000 acres a year of wildfires to THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 7 Commentary: Doug French The Folly of Forecasting President Obama’s mostly forgotten jobs package would reportedly create 1.9 million new jobs, a one-percentage-point drop in the unemployment rate, and goose GDP by two percentage points. That was the prediction of Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics. You see, he has a model. He did a simulation, and presto — 1.9 million jobs! Zandi practices what one of my undergraduate economics professors told our class: “Predict often. That way, when you occasionally get lucky, you can take credit for it.” But the Moody’s man is on a cold streak. Zandi has predicted the bottom of the housing market every year since 2006. And QE after QE was supposed to right the good ship USS Economy. Zandi and Alan Blinder figure the 2009 fiscal stimulus created 2.7 million jobs and added $460 billion to gross domestic product. Unemployment would be 11 percent today if the stimulus hadn’t been passed and 16.5 percent if neither the fiscal stimulus nor the banks’ rescue had been enacted, according to Zandi and Blinder. “It’s pretty hard to deny that it had a measurable impact,” Zandi said. What must be hard for Zandi is deciding what numbers he will pull out of the air to make such preposterous statements. But math is the modern economist’s stock in trade. Anyone wanting to be a PhD economist must endure semester after semester of high-level math. The late Larry Sechrest wrote that at the University of Texas Arlington, “There were four semesters of econometrics and two semesters of mathematical economics. Moreover, virtually every class in the Ph.D. program required that the student write an econometrically based term paper.” An economics PhD student at North Carolina State posted on reddit economics the courses in math he or she took to prepare: three semesters of calculus and differential equations, linear algebra, upper and lower real analysis, topology, optimization theory, probability theory and statistics theory. A student needs that entire math training to build robust models that will produce quality predictions similar to those produced by those at the top of the profession, like Mr. Zandi. Math dominates the economics field, as Murray Rothbard explains, “because of the pervading epistemology of positivism. Positivism is essentially an interpretation of the methodology of physics ballooned into a general theory of knowledge for all fields.” Physics is believed to be a real science, Rothbard continues, while “the “social sciences” are backward because they cannot measure, predict exactly, etc. Therefore, they must adopt the method of physics in order to become successful. And one of the keystones of physics, of course, is the use of mathematics.” But now physics, which is good at predicting the movements of unmotivated particles, is itself being turned upside down. Einstein’s theory of relativity claims that nothing can match the speed of light — until a couple of weeks ago in an underground laboratory in Gran Sasso, Italy. Neutrinos fired 454 miles from a super collider just outside Geneva reached the lab 60 nanoseconds faster than light. Charles Krauthammer writes that the Gran Sasso scientists immediately put out the call for others physicists to replicate the experiment: “This is not a couple of guys in a garage peddling cold fusion. This is no crank wheeling a perpetual motion machine into the patent office. These are the best researchers in the world using the finest measuring instruments, having subjected their data to the highest levels of scrutiny, including six months of cross-checking by 160 scientists from 11 countries.” Just imagine, if Einstein’s relativity — a theory on which all of physics has been built for a century — is upended! Well, a long series of theoretical dominoes get tripped. Krauthammer mentions astronomy and cosmology. But, what happens to the whole mathematical edifice that the current economics profession rests on? How will the Mark Zandis of the world offer predictions with a straight face? Incredibly, Rothbard foresaw the prospect of speedy neutrinos many years ago: “As much as we may progress in the knowledge of the laws of physics, our knowledge is never absolute, since the laws may always be revised by more general laws and through further empirical testing.” In economics, Rothbard explains, we know that human action is motivated, while the “behavior” of stones is not. “Therefore, we may build economics on the basis of axioms — such as the existence of human action and the logical implications of action — which are originally known as true.” While from these axioms, laws can be deduced as true, there are no “facts” in human action that can be tested. Rothbard explains that mathematics is useful in physics “because of the axioms themselves, and the laws deduced from them, are unknown and in fact meaningless.” While cause is known in economics — human action using means to achieve ends — cause in physics tends to, in Rothbard’s words, be “fragile.” He explains that positivists replace cause with mutual determination, with mathematical equations suited for depicting “a state of mutual determination of factors, rather than singly determined cause and effect relations.” To judge the value of mathematical economics one must assess the assumptions embedded into the myriad of equations that these mainstream prognosticators manipulate to produce their forecasts. Invariably these assumptions “are few in number, simple, and wrong,” writes Rothbard. In his 1974 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, entitled “The Pretense of Knowledge,” F.A. Hayek said that monetary and fiscal policies like those championed by Mr. Zandi are the product of what he called the “scientistic attitude,” but in fact is unscientific in that it “involves a mechanical and uncritical application of habits of thought to fields different from those in which they have been formed.” Mises wrote in Human Action, “There is no such thing as quantitative economics” and unlike the particles in physics lab, Hayek believed, “such complex phenomena as the market, which depend on the actions of many individuals, all the circumstances which will determine the outcome of a process … will hardly ever be fully known or measurable.” So neutrinos or no neutrinos, the mathematical games economists play are just so much flapdoodle being dished out to an eager audience of those craving to know the future. The future is uncertain, except for knowing that government interventions, based on some economist’s modeling, will make matters worse. DOUG FRENCH THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 8 THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 9 THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 10 Commentary: Albert Thomas The Death Cross Whenever the market has a serious break there is always an “expert”, usually more than one, who proclaims it is a bear market. It has only been very recently that a decline of 20% has been pretty much accepted as being a bear. To those who own stocks it certainly feels like one. Our recent break of 20% has been proclaimed by some as a bear, but the bear only lasted a few minutes before it took off to the upside for more than 300 DOW points from the low of the day. And for several days thereafter new daily highs were made. Is this a bear or not? What the investor needs to know is the long term trend. No market goes straight down – or up. If the trader looks only at the daily closing price it looks more like a stair step in one direction or the other. The experienced trader knows there are many methods of determining market direction. Those who look at “valuations” find this does not work. The direction of a stock is 60% influenced by the overall market direction and 20% by the movement of the sector. That means valuation only has a 20% influence. Another thing is the time horizon for the trader. Is he a long term or short term trader? Floor traders like I was for 17 years only look out a few days at the most. The Buy N Holders are not found there For the investor who has a 401K or similar long term strategy he needs to know a timing method that will show when to buy and when to be in cash. Any fool can buy. It is the smart investor that knows when to sell. Bear markets are usually 3 times faster going down than bull markets going up. Being out of the market in cash is a position. No broker will ever say that. A slow but reliable method for exiting stock market positions is called the DEATH CROSS. When that signal is shown it means the market is headed lower. There will be times when using this strategy the client will lose money, but over the long run it has an excellent profit record. He will always be out during 30, 40, 50% declines. It is very simple. Any investor may implement it. It is not subjective. The signal is “buy” or “sell”. Anyone can see it. On the computer the investor displays 2 moving averages: 200-day and 50-day. Plot these against any major index such as the S&P500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average or Sector. During a bull market the 50 line is above the 200 line. When the 50MA line turns down and penetrates the 200MA line that is the time to exit all positions. That is the Death Cross. So simple even a cave man can do it. Don’t let your portfolio be buried under the Death Cross. AL THOMAS Al Thomas’ new book, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!”, 3rd edition, has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. The method made 10% during 2008. Read the first chapter at and discover why he’s the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 11 Special Masters Release District Maps By SEAN WHALEY Nevada News Bureau CARSON CITY – The three special masters appointed by Carson City District Judge James Todd Russell to redraw Nevada’s political boundaries wasted no time on the charge, filing their report and proposed maps with the court last week. The proposed maps show that the masters opted to draw a congressional district for urban Las Vegas, an area with a high Hispanic population. Attorneys for the Republican Party wanted such a district. Attorneys for Democrats had proposed districts that divided this area up among three congressional districts. The district as drawn is 42.8 percent Hispanic. The proposed boundaries for urban Congressional District 1 are sure to provoke strong reaction from Democrats. In their report, the special masters – Carson City Clerk-Recorder Alan Glover, Las Vegas attorney Thomas Sheets and former legislative Research Director Bob Erickson – said: “The special masters in creating a map with four United States Congressional districts carefully considered the issues associated with treatment of minority groups. The Special Masters considered the facts presented, testimony, argument and the law as they understood it. “The Special Masters to the extent practicable have drawn the districts to avoid dividing groups of common social, economic, cultural, or language characteristics where it was not otherwise necessary to do so,” they said. The special masters also released proposed maps for Nevada’s 63 legislative districts. The map for the state Senate reflects the shift of population south since the 2000 census. The maps include detail of the Las Vegas area. The maps for the 42 Assembly districts show a similar shift. The masters also provided detail of the proposed Las Vegas area Assembly districts. In filing their report, the special masters noted that: “The state’s Supreme Court will likely ultimately determine legal, jurisdictional and procedural requirements and whether the work that has been done by the special masters is of assistance in seeking that redistricting issues were expediently considered.” The panel wasted no time. Public hearings on the redistricting issue just concluded on Tuesday. The proposed maps were not due to Russell until Oct. 21. Russell indicated in a previous order he would decide by midNovember on whether to accept the maps as proposed or send them back for refinement. But a new order says he will hear the matter on Oct. 27. The Nevada Supreme Court is already involved in the redistricting controversy. It has scheduled oral arguments for Nov. 14 on questions raised by Secretary of State Ross Miller on whether it is the responsibility of the Legislature to draw the political boundaries, not the courts. THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 12 THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 13 THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 14 Commentary: Chuck Muth Occupying Loserville, USA Well, I didn’t make it to the Occupy Wall Street or Occupy Las Vegas protests, but this week I did venture through the Occupy Inner Harbor in Baltimore and Occupy McPherson Square in Washington, DC. And I had to break out the ol’ Thesaurus to come up with all the appropriate words to describe the “massive” (had to be at least 3-4 dozen “occupiers” at each location!) contingent of protesters I witnessed at each venue. Let’s see… Losers. Riff-raff. Misfits. Hippie wannabes. Epic fails. Dorks. Morons. Boobs. Schlemiels. Schlimazels. Fools. Lamers. Duds. Failures. Flops. And Stooges. Then again, I’m sugarcoating it. On the other hand, God bless them. These folks are unwittingly doing more to help make Barack Obama a one-term president than…well, Barack Obama himself. Heck, we already know Republicans and conservatives are united in their desire to defeat The Chosen One next year, but this rag-tag team of unhappy campers is helping cement in the minds of the all-important “independent” voters that having a Community Organizer-in-Chief ain’t gonna create jobs or prosperity. I crossed paths with the “occupation” in Baltimore while taking my 11-year-old daughter and her 7-year-old cousin on a “Girls Day Out” to the Baltimore Aquarium. The first yahoo we encountered was holding a sign reading “My family is almost bankrupt.” I tried (no, really, I did) to hold my tongue, but I just couldn’t help myself. “Um, maybe if you’d look for a job instead of standing here on a street corner holding up a stupid sign your family wouldn’t be facing bankruptcy.” “I’m in construction. There are no jobs.” “Um, how about bussing tables?” “Bus tables? I’m a skilled carpenter. I ain’t bussing no tables.” “Then I ain’t feeling sorry for you.” It went downhill from there. So we just kept walking through Loserville – past the pony-tailed guy playing with his hula-hoop, the bongo guy, the rocket surgeon crayoning hand-made signs attacking corporate greed, and other assorted circus-like performers. But those guys were pikers compared to their DC brethren. Now, to be fair the DC crowd might have been uglier and smellier simply because the tent-city occupiers” were camping out on territory usually reserved for the capital’s homeless (formerly known as “bums” before PC ruled the roost) and the lure of free food – even though it appeared to be “organic” – helped make allies out of, well, natural allies. Losers of a feather flock together. Now, if it seems I’m being harsh, tough. Class warfare whining, bellyaching, kvetching, moaning and groaning about freebies and entitlements may be a God-given free speech right, but it’s not a trait most productive Americans choose to support. And if next November’s presidential election is a choice between these “occupiers” and the “tea partiers,” I’m liking our chances. CHUCK MUTH Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of He may be reached at chuck@citizenoutreach. com. THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 15 Pet Of The Week Adopt This Pet ! SAGE Call 702-672-7204 Sage was found wandering in the desert. This sweet, abandoned Doberman deserves a better life! She is a mature red and tan lady about 8 years old, but active, playful, full of life and wanting desperately to have a family. She is very social and gets along well with other dogs. She is spayed, up to date on all of her shots and microchipped. If you are interested in giving Sage a forever home, fill out an application. BILLY Call 702-672-7204 Billy is a sweet blue Doberman about 3 years old. His expressiveness is punctuated by a striking wrinkle in the middle of his forehead. Just watch the dreamy look on his face when you rub his ears. This active youngster weighs 70 pounds and will need obedience training that his previous owners neglected to provide. He is eager to learn and once his high energy is properly managed, Billy will be a loving addition to any family. Billy gets along well with female dogs and could easily share his home with one. 702-4180433 THE PENNY PRESS,OCTOBER 20, 2011 PAGE 16 October 2011 Northern Nevada Life and Homes NOW AVAILABLE FREE ON NEWSSTANDS Winnemucca • Battle Mountain • Lovelock • Surrounding Areas