Hikurangi Bulletin August 2013
Hikurangi Bulletin August 2013
HIKURANGI BULLETIN AUGUST 2013 F/House Open Hours: Mon & Fri 9.30 am - 3.00 pm Tues & Thurs 9.30 am - 12 noon Closed All Day Wednesday. PHONE 4338452 Email: friendship@slingshot.co.nz Bulletin Deadline 15th of each month The opinions expressed in this Bulletin are the writers, and are not necessarily shared by the Bulletin. The Editors. Hukerenui School & District 125th Reunion LIONS REPORT LABOUR WEEKEND 2014 Big thanks to McKenzie Contracting who levelled the dirt for us up at the Lake, a little bit more fill is required and Darrell Croft has said he may be able to provide some more. This area is starting to look quite good and we are now looking for topsoil. If anyone has any please let us know. Planning is under way for our 10th Christmas Carnival/ Parade. Start planning your floats, entertainment or anything else you might like to do on this day. The Hikurangi Golf Club’s annual Daffodil Day Tournament is on 30th August and Lions will be helping out with this. Please support this day as it is a great cause. This month we made donations to Opuawhanga Hall, North Haven Hospice and Hikurangi School Kapa Haka group for new outfits. One of our more enjoyable jobs this month was the new Bridge opening. It was great to see so many people especially families enjoying the entertainment and parade. Our next project will be phone book deliveries during late August. If you haven’t had one by September please ring Robbie Brydon Acting President. John Wilkinson Projects Chairman. Hikurangi Museum Open Hours Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays From 10.00am to 11.30am. Call in and see us we would be delighted. (FRIDAY 24th - SUNDAY 26th Oct) For more info contact Steph 4339985 PUBLIC MEETING SEPTEMBER 16TH @ 7PM TO BE HELD IN THE HIKURANGI WAR MEMORIAL HALL TO MEET THE PROSPECTIVE MAYORAL CANDIDATES AND THE HIKURANGI/COASTAL WARD CANDIDATES. All welcome and encouraged to attend. Contact either Friendship House 4338452 or Shayn 4338471 The Hikurangi Businessman’s Association Has created a local Business and Community Web Site aimed at promoting local businesses and community organisations. On the site you can join, advertise and make comments. Visit the site @ www.hikurangi.co.nz HIKURANGI LIBRARY BOOK WEEK SEPTEMBER 2ND - 9TH 50+ New Books will be on display for your easy reading selection Call in check them out. FATHER’S DAY Bruce Vendt Rural Delivery Daily Service To the City SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST Have a Safe & Happy Day ********************* DAYLIGHT SAVINGS COMING SEPTEMBER 29TH WHAKAPARA WOMENS INSTITUTE MEETING Held at Hikurangi Masonic Lodge Hall, Alfred Street at 11p.m. 8th. August 2013. The meeting opened with a warm welcome from President Marie Evans, who led the Women’s Institute Aspirations. Janice Harrison our secretary read the Prayer; followed by the minutes of the last meetings. Notices: Mangawhai Group Meeting on Monday 9th September at Mangawhai Library Hall. Morning Tea at 10a.m. Competitions: Decorative small spring flower arrangement. Cooking: Three savoury muffins Handcraft: Article of knitting. Hikurangi/Kamo Group meeting on Thursday 19th. September at 10-15 a.m. at Ruatangata Hall. No competitions. On behalf of our members a card was sent to fellow member Did Morgan at the loss of her husband Jack Morgan. It was noted that his passing was the end of an era in the Hukerenui District. Roll Call was a favourite book. Mentioned were “High Country Woman” by Iris Scott, “My Life on Rees Valley Station” and “A River Rules My Life.” by Mona Anderson. Country themes or hand books for embroidery were popular. After a shared lunch we visited the Hikurangi Library and found it most welcoming and well set out, encouraging us to take some books home! You are most welcome to visit our friendly group. Next Meeting will be on September 12th at the Masonic Lodge Hall at 11a.m. Contacts: Marie at 09 4339 900 or Janice at 09 4339 303. Hikurangi Golf The Second Round of Top Dog matches was played on Sunday August 11th. Results are as follows: Brian Rose & Neil Croft beat Paul Moseley & Phil Mete. Wirihana & Tony Williams beat Graeme Attwood & Greg Meara. Adam Billington & Brett Attwood beat Wayne Moselen & Casey Attwood. Red Courtney & Miles Stewart beat Larry Drake & Ken Thomson. Flights: Hugh Tennant & Grant Ferris beat John Jordan & Stu Rogers. Ross Cole & Robbie Brydon beat Peter Lenssen & Colin Billington. The Club now has 9-hole golf on Tuesdays at 10.00am. Phone Mary Vogt on 4339595 for more info. Club Days: Tuesday 9.00am Ladies Wednesday 9.00am Mixed Sunday 9.00am Mixed Subscription discounts available. Also Summer Subscriptions will be available at the commencement of Daylight Savings. New members welcome. Ph 4338055 SUN CITY TAKEAWAYS 59 KING ST. PHONE 4338 448 New Chef Cooking CHINESE, FISH & CHIP FAMILY MEALS BUFFET BAR FROM 5PM Mon 44-9.00pm TuesTues-Sun 11am11am-9.00pm LETTER TO THE EDITOR Hundertwasser I have seen many many letters opposed to this eyesore I have seen a few letters in support. I have even heard the cry for a referendum. Well, we have a referendum of sorts now with a Mayoral Candidate Greg Martin standing up and saying he is opposed to this white elephant. He has even said that he wants to see a cleaner harbour and an upgraded infrastructure. Which is more important to you! I am opposed to this massive financial burden on us, the ratepayers. If you are opposed then 3 term Councillor Greg Martin is the Mayoral Candidate to vote for. Make your voice heard, make your vote count. Neil Crowther Hikurangi HIKURANGI MASONIC LODGE Can you help us raise funds for Lake Waro Project? There will be a Sheep on a Spit Saturday Oct 12th at 12.30pm in the Hikurangi Hall. Full main and sweet. $10 per person. Non alcoholic drinks available. Tickets will be available from Friendship House or at the door on the day. The Hikurangi Masonic Lodge in support for the Hikurangi Lions, are fundraising for improvements to the Waro Lake and surrounds. Our immediate aim is more permanent outdoor tables and seating. Another project under consideration is for Doggiedoo Bag dispensers to be placed at each end of the walkway, and an approach be made to the Council to provide rubbish containers to be placed alongside. We held a similar meal to help purchase a Defibrillator for the Whangaruru First Response. That was well received by all who were there and we will make sure this will be just as good. DON’T MISS OUT. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE For more details/offers of assistance etc please Contact Don MacDonald 4351216 or Steve Bailey 4355601 LOVELY BUBBLY LAUNDROMAT Winter Special Mink Blanket Wash & Dry Small from $10 - Large from $15 Hikurangi - 02102795480 Open: Tues – Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat 8am – 12 noon Kensington Croquet Club 41 Mill Rd Croquet starts Thursday August 29th Club Days Thursday/Saturday am Phone Lynn 4338509 HIKURANGI PANELBEATERS For Free Quote Contact Snow Buckton Ph/Fax: 09 4338498 A/H: 09 4354301 Mobile 0274 979930 ONE STOP DOES THE LOT Insurance or Private Repairs. All Makes And Models. All Work Guaranteed SPRING FESTIVAL GARDEN COMPETITION UPDATE This issue of the Bulletin includes entry forms for the garden competition. We have 5 categories this year so let’s get busy planting folks. This is an opportunity to reap the tangible benefits of exercise, fresh air and fresh food. Most kids love to play in the dirt, so gardening has a built in advantage as a fun activity. To get young children excited about having their own special garden, start small. • Let them pick out what they will grow: radishes, baby squash, tomatoes, strawberries—kids, like birds, love bright colours • Show them how to plant the seeds • Encourage them to gently water their plants—an empty tin can with holes in the bottom works well. Make gardening fun and accessible for your children. For more information contact Paulette 433 8537 AH. My wife, Carol, and I were visiting her 95 year old grandfather when he asked us to take him to a shop to buy a hat. Carol took me aside and said, “I’m worried that he hasn’t got enough money and he’ll be embarrassed.” So I asked the salesperson to tell my wife’s grandfather that whichever hat he chose cost $15. I would pay the difference. Grandpa picked out a $60 hat and was charged $15. After he left, I paid the other $45. Later he said, “What a bargain! The last one I brought there cost me $60.” HIKURANGI BOWLING CLUB The winter season is fast drawing to a close and our last Open tournament will be held on Sunday 25th August. The official opening for the Summer program is scheduled for Sunday 1st September with the official bit getting underway at 10.30am. We would like to welcome our seven new members (all bowlers) to the Club. We hope that you enjoy taking up the game and we are all there to support you. Congratulations to Savanna Lauder who has been invited to compete in the Auckland Regional competition with Queensland. She has been selected in the under 18 team. The competition will be in December and in the meantime she is playing as much bowls as she can and training well to succeed in this competition. Well done Savanna! Come October our Twilite club night will begin on a Wednesday evening. All of you are very welcome to come and join us and have a go at the game. Six o’clock kick off, bowls are supplied and the game is followed by a sausage sizzle, all for the cost of $6. Don’t forget that now the weather is getting better, Friday night is a great night to join us at the club, meals available and a good social get together. Hope to see you here! Gwen HOUSE FOR SALE - 1 PARK ST HIKURANGI 3 BEDROOM, FIREPLACE, DOUBLE GARAGE, FULLY FENCED. VIEW BY APPOINTMENT ONLY PHONE 4338509 OR 0272815534 CALL IN FOR OUR INSTORE SPECIALS WINTER IS NEARLY FINISHED We have Firewood, Kindling, Firelighters, Logs etc. Other winter lines like Socks, Slippers, Gloves, Fleece/Electric Blankets Singles, Doubles etc. DEPO FOR PRESCRIPTION PICKUPS MONDAY TO FRIDAYS 4.30pm ONWARDS Gift Ideas, Toys, MANY ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 2011 RUGBY WORLD CUP MEMORABILIA So call in and see us GEE VEE ELECTRICAL WHANGAREI LTD Industrial-Commercial-Farm Domestic Grant Voullaire Computer Repairs & Sales 69 Lauries Dr R D 1, Kamo Mobile: 021 498 248 Phone: 435 4054 Fax: 435 4054 Email: cheryll4@slingshot.co.nz J.C. GODFREY PLUMBER drainlayer and digger work ph 4338 858 or 027 4976632 Printer Cartridges & Toners Priced from $10.00 Buy 2 or more cartridges and we’ll deliver for free! Phone Paul Eady 09 433-5518 Email:sales@megabitz.co.nz ABACUS FOR UPHOLSTERY & CANVAS WORK 39 HEREKINO ST. WHANGAREI GREG AND SHERYL MEARA Ph 4300038 A/H 4350485 Qualified Drainlayer on Staff HIKURANGI PHYSIOTHERAPY Mrs Robin Taylor MNZSP Plunket Rooms Memorial Hall Mon, Wed & Fri 8.30 am to 12noon Phone 4338211 Hikurangi Volunteer Fire Brigade Kia Ora Hikurangi It’s been a busy month for us with a quite a few varied callouts keeping everyone busy. I’m happy to report nothing too serious, and none involving people’s homes which is always pleasing. Some people must be getting in a bit of early spring cleaning as there have been a few back yard fires lately, which are allowed at this time of the year. But please folks, nothing too big which creates a smoke nuisance and is bound to end with a visit from us, some common sense and courtesy goes a long way. Do you really need to burn that rubbish? It’s always nice to think of the environment too before burning rubbish. ( and the neighbours washing!) Do you or anyone in your household know CPR? It is an invaluable skill that is easy to learn. All the members of our brigade are first aid trained, including, of course, in CPR and we are called to a number of medical calls when an ambulance from town is unavailable immediately. But, as regular readers are aware, we do struggle to crew the truck at times, and when a person is not breathing, time is so critical. Even more so if you live further out, when emergency services take even longer to reach you. St John and Red Cross have regular First Aid courses, so please think about it. It may be a skill you will hopefully never have to use, but if you do, well, I reckon the word “life saver” is bandied about too easily. The act of LITERALLY saving someone’s life, now that’s something to be real proud of ( and great bragging rights!) As I mentioned earlier, the siren has been busy, with 12 callouts in the past month. First up (15/07) medical call to Helena Bay, ambo’s just beat us, so left in their hands (19/07) backyard fire, extinguished by brigade (21/07) smoke in the vicinity Puhipuhi, no action needed (24/07) mva, car vs bank Hukerenui, patient helicopted to Hospital. (26/07) truck carrying hay, on fire (27/07) hay on fire again (01/08) mva car in ditch, no one injured (07/08) medical call (09/08) our tanker called to assist at a fire in town (11/08) mva van rolled and on fire (14/08) backyard fire (14/08) trees on fire Towai Until next month, enjoy the nearly-springtime weather and take it easy out there QFF Crawshaw 27 KING ST HIKURANGI 4338748 OPENING HOURS: Monday Closed. Tues 12.30pm-4.30pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 10am-6pm Friday 10am-2pm HEALTHY HIKURANGI REPORT September is a great month to get started in the garden! It’s the first month of Spring and time to get busy in your gardens. If you are interested in starting a great adventure with your family a vege garden could be just the thing. Healthy Hikurangi is supporting the Spring Festival Garden Competition again this year. We have seeds available. Contact Paulette 433 8537 AH. Interested in learning to sew? Contact Helen 433 8922. Modified Tai Chi—Wednesdays 1.30pm—2.30pm in the Hikurangi Hall. Ph Robin 433 8211 for more information. Check out our Facebook page: facebook.com/HealthyHikurangi As always, the Healthy Hikurangi Trust meets in the old WDC Service Centre on the second Wednesday of each month @ 6.30pm and anyone is welcome to come along. Mauri ora! Kia ora! DAVID CARSE BUILDER LTD Alterations, Extensions, Decks etc All sorts of work done to a High Standard of workmanship by a Certified Licensed Tradesman. Phone David 433 7493 Innocence is Bliss and perhaps Bliss is innocence. Little Robert, not long started doing sums at school. “Do you like your teacher?” his Mother asked. “Oh, yes,” was the reply, “and she likes me.” “How do you know that?” “Because she puts kisses all over my homework.” More Museum Memories Tar Town by Knocker Wells’ Hikurangi My first job in Hikurangi was delivering Newspapers, probably the Herald, as a 10 yr old in 1930 and received 2/6d ($0.25) per week. The job was for Charley Gager who owned the toy and stationers shop next to the Hikurangi Dairy Factory. The shop was later bought by Sid Amies who ran it until it was closed and demolished to make room for the extensions to the Dairy Factory. Charley Gager also built the shop on the corner of King St and Valley Rd and Mr Pomfrett used to manage it for him. That shop was sold to Cliff Reynolds who then sold it to Stan Temple who ran it as a toy and stationers and newspaper agents. My paper run was View Rd to Mountain View Rd and through Wilsonville to ‘Tar town’ on a black horse named ‘nigger’. ‘Tar town’ was a cluster of small batches erected for some of the 100 plus miners that were employed at a mine called the ‘Shaft’, a mine on the edge of the Hikurangi swamp below the area that is the quarry now. It was called ‘Tar town’ because the exterior cladding of each of the batches was covered with some material heavily coated with tar, the same material that was used in the mines to build the air vents. The coal was carried in skips on an endless rope from the ‘shaft’ across Mountain View Rd at Wilsonville to an area close to where the refuse collection area is today. It was there that the skips were tipped and reattached to the endless rope for the return trip. It was always a great place to get a ride back to the shaft for us kids. I remember a couple of the minors who lived in ‘Tar town’/ Taffey Lewis was one and he was the uncle of Roy Nurse who played League for New Zealand. Another was Bert Farrimond a big man with a huge moustache who was always playing the fiddle when I saw him. Mr & Mrs Laybourn ran the cook house that feed the men that lived in ‘Tar town’ and they were the parents of Tress whose wife Harriet was well known for her catering in Hikurangi and Grandparents of Bob, Eric & Aileen. Castle Contractors Builder Additions & Alterations No Job Too Small Phone Dave 021 543 044 Or 099460310 (free phone #) PHONE: 4338313 39 King Street, Hikurangi Main Office – Reception Social Worker / Community Worker Phone 4338338 SERVICES PROVIDED ARE AS FOLLOWS: Counsellor available weekly call office for appointment. Legal Advice Provided by 155 Community Law Centre: Phone 4594924 for an appointment. Kuia Kaumaatua Monthly Forums: Forum held monthly for a get together for lunch, Guest speakers, sing along, line dancing & other activities. Social Work for Individuals/Whanau/Families Budget Advice Service Family Violence Programmes Please feel free to enquire about any of our services JUST A THOUGHT Never be afraid to start something new. Remember, Amateurs built the Ark, Professionals built the Titanic!! ****************************************************** Couples hopeful for a happy marriage will do well to remember that in “wedding” the “we” comes before the “I” BULLETIN DONATION Your $5.00 Donation would be appreciated Plus $8.50 for postage if posted to your address. Pay at: Friendship House, or post to 10a King St Hikurangi. Name………………………………………………… Address……………………………………………... Donation $……………... Postage $..…………….. Thank you for your support HIKURANGI COMMUNITY LIBRARY RAINFALL INTERNET AVAILABLE. WE ALSO DO PHOTOCOPYING. Hours Open: Monday – Friday 10am to 4pm JULY HUKERENUI mm PH 4338773 Volunteers are Needed MARUA 82 mm If you can do 3 hours per week please call in and see us at the Library, otherwise we will have to shorten our hours due to lack of volunteers. HIKURANGI 128 mm Prayer Clinic Thanks to Did Morgan Rob Roest Mark Laybourne (Hik Quarry) For the rain readings. Every Monday 10am to 1pm We will be holding a Prayer Clinic in the Hikurangi Christian Fellowship Hall for those who would like a special prayer for anything, confidentiality is a top priority. An appointment is an option but not necessary, just call in and see us. Contact Andrew on 4338003 The Bulletin Editors would like to send our condolences to Did Morgan and her family for the loss of Jack. We would like to thank Jack and Did for our Hukerenui Rain readings over the last many years. Jack will be sadly missed. Rain unavailable this month for Hukerenui. Hikurangi Community Notices. HERMAN TIMBER LTD Badminton Club: Wed Morn in the Hik Hall 9-12noon cost $2.00. Seniors: 6.30-9.00 pm Hik Sch Gym Robyn 4338718. Businessman’s Association: Meet 2nd Wed of each month, 7.00pm at the Miners Rest Cafe in King St. All Welcome. Children’s Lighthouse Playgroup: George St Open Mondays & Wednesday 9.00 am-12 noon. All mothers and children welcome. Ph/Text Lisa 021 298 7749 Educare: 18a Park St Brand new childcare centre for children aged 3mths - 5years. Ph 4337980. Fire Brigade: Training Mondays 6.30 pm at Station, Alfred St Come along volunteers needed. Freemasons Lodge No 140: Meetings 7.30pm 1st Fridays each month (not Jan.) Contact Graham 4351139 or Steve 4355601. Friendship House Trust: meets every 4th Tues of the month at 4.30 pm in the library. All welcome. Healthy Hikurangi Sewing Classes: Held in the old Hikurangi Service Centre. Ph Helen 4338922 Hikurangi Golf Club: Ph 4338590 or 4338055. Hikurangi Indoor Bowls: Monday Nights at the Hikurangi Hall, starts 7.15pm. Contact Alan on 4338517. Healthy Hikurangi: Meet 2nd Wed at 6.30pm at the old BNZ building (Hikurangi Service Centre) . Ph Neil 4338537 Hikurangi Hall: For Hire. Ph 4338452 Jack Morgan Museum, Hukerenui: Open 10am-4pm daily. Kindergarten: 5 Park St, Phone 433 8535 Library Hours: Mon to Fri 10 am - 4 pm. Ph 4338773. Lions: Meet 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month. Contact Lindsay 435 6355 or John 433 8987 ALL OUR PRODUCTS ARE MANUFACTURED HERE IN HIKURANGI Market Day: Saturday SEPTEMBER 14th Contact Paulette 4338537. Mainly Music: 2A George St Friday 10.00-11.00 am, 0-5 yrs $2 per family per session. Ph Denise 4338380 Museum: Hours are: Tues, Thurs, Sat 10am-11.30 am, & by appointment. Contact numbers 4338062, 4338757. Museum Committee: meet in the Museum every 3rd Saturday of the month at 9.30 am. Ph Linda 4338062 Plunket: Home visits every Tuesday pm & Thursday. Clinic Tuesday 9.30 am-12.00 pm Ph Jenny 021 778 126 Red Cross Shop: Phone 4338702. Volunteers needed. Senior Citizens: Union Parish Church Hall, 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1.30 pm. All welcome. Ph Linda 4338062 Shim Jang Taekwondo: Self Defence for all age groups. Hik Sch Hall, Tues & Thurs 6pm-7pm. Russell Rawiri 4337032. Tai Chi: Wed 1.30-2.30pm Hikurangi Hall. Robin 4338211 Tornado’s Youth Group: Contact Andrew Gurney 4337463 Transfer Station Hours: Opens each day 7.30 am - 5.00 p.m. Whakapara Pony Club: Fiona 4337101 or 0274747255. Whakapara Women’s Institute: Contact Marie 4339900. Whangarei District Council: Phone 430 4200. Yoga for Everyone: Classes $5. Ph 4339578 or 0212084167 Zumba Dance & Fitness Classes: Monday Nights held in the Memorial Hall at 6pm. Contact Adele 0220413671 Church Services in Hikurangi Hikurangi Village Church 2a George St every Sunday at 10am. Shared Lunch last Sunday. All welcome. Ph 4338003. Anglican Church Services Ph Betty Fyfe 4338808. Hikurangi Catholic Church Valley Rd, Sundays 8am. Mass 1st & 3rd Sun, Liturgy 2nd & 4th Sun. Ph Minnie 4338481. Hikurangi Christian Fellowship Sunday Service at 10am. Contact 4338654 and please leave a message. DECKING, FENCING, POST & RAILS, LANDSCRAPING, SHELVING, FENCE BATTENS, TREE STAKES, RETAINING WALLS. ROUGH SAWN OR MACHINED TREATED OR UNTREATED Phone 4338555, Fax 4338666. Or email: noelherman@xtra.co.nz THE HIKURANGI HOTEL 18 King St Hikurangi Our Annual Wild Boar and Fishing Contest is on again from Friday 6th to Sunday 8th Sept Good Prizes, including a $1000 Tire Draw Saturday Night, plus Musical Entertainment each night Tickets $30 each For more info ring the Hotel on 09 4338701 HAPPY HUNTING!!!! LAMINATING Friendship House now does this for A4 paper size @ $2 a sheet.