IWD eNewsFebMarch2016


IWD eNewsFebMarch2016
LWML Iowa West District
February / March 2016
eNews, Issue 31
We’re on the web!
2016 LWML Iowa West District
June 23-25, 2016
Make your plans to attend now.
See the registration form on page 5.
Harvest update
The final issue of the “Harvest” was sent out to our churches in December. The district has decided that the publication will be discontinued. Thankfully the LWML had the foresight to get the eNews in
place and on the website of LCMS Iowa District West. So, if you
know of a society or an individual that is not receiving the eNews
there are a couple of options. They can contact Christine Schultz at
christinefayeschultz@gmail.com to have the eNews delivered right
to their email or check out www.idwlcms.org website, go to Ministry
Partners tab, LWML, LWML news and events.
The LWML Iowa West District will continue to provide you with the
most current information from national, district, zone and local level.
If you have stories that you would like to share please feel free to
do that. Those can be submitted to Julie Coy at lwmljulcoy@yahoo.
com. The eNews is a blessing since the other publication had a
space limitation. The eNews does not have that problem!! Please
feel free to submit your articles and let everyone know what is happening in your society or zone.
Inside this issue:
President: Ann Carrick
Pastoral Counselor
Thank yous and news
from the field
Lutheran Family
Society News
YWRs Needed
Officer List
The April/May
eNews articles will
be due to Editor Julie
Coy by March 20th.
Send articles to
com. (NOTE– new
email address).
Page 2
From our IWD President
Vacation Plans?
Are you making summer vacation plans to see
family that you have not seen for a long time?
Maybe you will be going south for the winter and
get involved with friends and family that you do
not get to see that often. What would it be like
to only get to see these family members and
friends only once every other year? I would like
to recommend that you make time in your busy
schedule to come to Camp Okoboji June 23
through 25 to meet and join together with your
sisters in Christ. This will be the LWML convention with the theme “Generations of Grace”. We
will be seeing old friends that are just like family
and making new friends that will be part of our
heavenly family.
The Sac and Storm Lake zones have been busy
making plans, meeting and discussing, brainstorming and visualizing. Just so that our theme
of “Generations of Grace” will come through for
each and every one of you that comes. The
scripture verse chosen was Psalm 100:5 – “For
the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”
We will also have a birthday party for LWML of
Iowa West, going strong for 70 years!
Does everyone that you know go to the district
convention? The scripture verse refers to all
generations, so this would be the time to invite
the young mother from your congregation that
would be able to learn more about the work of
the LWML. Or maybe the
grandma that would love to be
able to go but the ride might be
a little long by herself. If not,
this might be the year to consider asking a friend to join
you – it will make the drive more
pleasurable as you go through
the countryside and talk and
take time to get to know each
other better. My hope would be
that you might consider doing
that this year.
Ann Carrick,
LWML – Iowa
West District
The speakers will be Rev. James Lamb, former
director of Lutherans for Life and Rev. Michael
Salemink, the current director of Lutherans for
Life. See where this is going?? We will have
Bible study, choose new mission grant projects,
devotions at the Point, hear from some mission
grant recipients and we never know who will be
surprising us with their humorous interruptions.
We will be entertained on Friday evening by the
group “Higher Power”. We can and hopefully will
make new friends and see old friends. There
will be lots going on. You won’t want to miss out.
So, make sure to keep updated through the Enews and the Iowa West LCMS website.
God bless you all in your work for the LWML
and the church to bring more people to Him!
In His service,
Ann Carrick, Iowa West District president
Mites and Memorials
Reminder– All mites and memorials should be sent to Ruth Downey at
2801 EP True Parkway #102, West Des Moines IA 50265. If you have any
questions, you may call Ruth at 515-224-0767. Society Mite donations
should be sent to your zone treasurer. Thank you!
eNews, Issue 31
Page 3
Pastor Chad Dietrich
I am the pastor of a dual parish, Trinity, Knierim
and Immanuel, Rockwell City. Both of my congregations are out in the middle of a cornfield,
at least a mile from the nearest town. We refer
to ourselves as Churches In The Country. Our
mission focus is from Luke 8:5-8, Together,
Sowing the Seed of God’s Word.
As you can image, my two congregations like
most congregations in Iowa District West, are
rural. And like most congregations, whether urban or rural, we worry about declining populations and diminishing budgets. But a hymn that
we often sing at the end of our Sunday morning
services is, “On What Has Now Been
Sown” (TLH #46, LSB #921). The words of this
hymn give us comfort as congregations whose
purpose is to preach and teach the Word of
God in all of its truth and purity and administer
the Sacraments according to Christ’s mandate.
It also encourages us as Lutheran Women in
Mission who desire to study God’s Word daily,
discover our unique Spirit-given gifts and share
the message of salvation in Jesus Christ with
The first verse of the hymn sings, On what has
now been sown Thy blessing, Lord, bestow;
The power is Thine alone To make it sprout
and grow. Jesus is the Sower of the Seed, He
has blessed His Word, and it will produce a
crop one hundred fold. Jesus Word will do exactly what He sent it to do, extending His kingdom in this and every place. No matter what
birds, or weeds, or people
get in the way and try to destroy God’s Word, Jesus will
bless it. No matter the size
of the congregation nor the
desire of our hearts, Jesus
will accomplish what He
wants with it. Jesus will
Rev. Chad Dietrich
gives us His Holy Spirit, so
that by His grace we will beJr. Counselor
lieve His holy Word and lead
godly lives here in time and there in eternity. The
Word of God will bless us to grow in faith toward
Him and fervent love toward each other. The Word
of God will break and hinder every evil plan and
purpose of the devil, the world and our own sinful
nature which do not want us to hallow God’s name
or let His kingdom come. The Word of God will
strengthen and keep us in faith toward Jesus until
we die. And because of the Seed being sown, because we hold it sacred, gladly hearing it and
learning it, as the hymn concludes, We will follow
Jesus to heaven our home. Even so, amen, Lord
Jesus, come! Jesus’ Word proclaims the power of
God for our salvation. By it, we will receive a
blessed end and be taken from this valley of sorrow to be with Jesus in heaven. This our confidence. This is our hope. This is our strength. As
ladies of the LWML, this is what we make known
wherever and whenever God has need of us.
The Reverend Chadric A. Dietrich, Pastor
Immanuel Lutheran - Rockwell City, Iowa
Trinity Lutheran - Knierim, Iowa
Thank You
Thank you for the opportunity to be your LWML Iowa West District financial secretary. I have truly
enjoyed my time while serving, and have become closer to God in this journey. My family and I
have started a new adventure in our lives, as God has led us to northwest Arkansas. Please pray
for my family during our time of transition. My hope is that God will allow me to serve Him in the
LWML of Arkansas. You can continue to keep in touch with me via email.
God's Blessings & Praise the Lord!
Jennifer Clark
Page 4
Wanted: Young Woman Representatives (YWRs)
YWR FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Who can be a YWR?
Any mature young woman, preferably 22-35 years of age, who a member of the LCMS and has not
previously attended district convention as a YWR. She must have a deep love and devotion to her
Lord Jesus Christ and be willing to participate fully in the convention.
What will be expected of YWRs at convention?
She is will attend all sessions of the convention, sitting with her zone president, though she will not be
eligible to vote. YWR’s will stay together in the same building at Camp OkoboJi and will be given a
schedule to follow which will include devotions, fellowship, and special activities.
What will be expected of YWRs after convention?
YWRs will be asked to report on their convention experience, either orally or in written form, to their
zone. A YWR will commit to being involved in her local LWML as well as encourage other young
women to be active in LWML.
What is the deadline for YWR selection?
Each zone is responsible for selecting their own YWRs and then submitting their information to the
district Leader Development Committee by March 31st.
Where can I get a YWR application for someone at my church?
Applications can be found at http://www.lwml.org/young-women. Click on the "Joyfully United in Spirit"
PDF and the application is on page 4. If you have trouble finding it online, ask your zone or society
president to get you a paper copy.
Thank you. Kate Kaiser, Leader Development Chair
Christmas in June
Christmas in June? Certainly, the story of Jesus birth is wonderful anytime. And in June at the LWML
Iowa West District Convention Christmas cards will be assembled into “Jesus Birth Story” booklets for
use by our missionaries. Many of you already are familiar with this project and through the years have
provided cards and even made booklets.
Now with a goal of at least 100 booklets (each using 10 cards) more cards are needed. They are
needed ahead of time to be trimmed and organized into packets. Please give the cards to your Zone
President to bring to the Spring Board of Directors meeting on February 13th.
These are the specific cards that are needed:
Cover - Open Bible
Page 1 - Mary, Joseph and donkey (no baby)
Page 2 - Bethlehem
Page 3 - Holy Family (always include Joseph)
Page 4 - Shepherds hear the Good News (only a few show angels)
Page 5 - Shepherds worship Jesus (always include Jesus)
Page 6 - Wisemen follow the star
Page 7 - Wisemen worship Jesus (always include Jesus)
Page 8 - Holy Family flees and returns from Egypt
Page 9 - Jesus grows in favor (church bulletins work well)
Thank you. If you have any questions, you may call me at 712=582-3228.
Elaine Christensen
Page 5
GENERATIONS OF GRACE 37TH Biennial LWML Iowa West District Convention
Camp Okoboji – Milford, IA -- June 23-25, 2016
(Please type or print clearly)
ADDRESS___________________________________ TOWN __________________________ ZIP ___________
PHONE (_____)_______________ CELL PHONE (_____)_______________ LWML ZONE _________________
CHURCH/Location ________________________________________ SOCIETY___________________________
___Voting Delegate ___Alt. Voting Delegate ___Gen. Registration ___Pastor ___Dist. Board Member (voting) ___Dist. Board Member (non-voting)
___Past Dist. Pres. ___ Zone Pres. ___YWR (#Children attending with YWR ) ___Host Zone Worker ___Request Couple Housing
REGISTRATION FEE before May 14, 2016 ……............................ $ 25.00 _________
Postmarked after May 14, 2016 ……............................ $ 30.00 _________
MAIN PACKET (does not include registration fee) ................... $118.00_________
*Includes only meals and lodging from Thursday noon through Saturday noon.
MEAL PACKET (does not include registration fee) .................... $ 58.00 ________
*Includes only meals from Thursday noon through Saturday noon.
Daily meals and/or lodging may be purchased by those only attending part of the convention.
WEDNESDAY .......................…………….............................. Supper $10.00 ________
WEDNESDAY .................................................................Lodging $30.00 ________
THURSDAY .................................................................. Breakfast $7.00 ________
THURSDAY (Noon and Evening) ...................................... Meals $18.00 _________
THURSDAY ..........................................................…........ Lodging $30.00 ________
FRIDAY ................................................................….…...... Meals $25.00 ________
FRIDAY .......................................................…….............. Lodging $30.00 ________
SATURDAY ....................................................... Breakfast/Lunch $15.00 ________ TOTAL $__________
The 2016 LWML IWD convention begins at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 23 and adjourns at noon on Saturday, June 25.
You will be housed by congregation/zone. If you wish to be housed with anyone out of your zone, please list their name/s.
If you are in need of special handicap-accessible accommodations, dietary needs, please list. YWR's ~ please list needs for children attending with you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Check if you wish to: ___ Participate in Mission Mile Walk (Sat. AM.)
Please send registration & make check payable to:
LWML IWD CONVENTION 2016 - Diane Gotto
3560 300th Street
Sac City, Iowa 50583
Any questions? Feel free to call Diane @ (712) 466-2488
Registration form
Pre-addressed stamped envelope
Check for the correct amount
Reminder: ALL convention attendees MUST REGISTER.
**Enclose a stamped, pre-addressed envelope for your receipt.**
Your receipt is NECESSARY for registration at the convention!
There will be NO refunds for meals & lodging after June 4, 2016.
There will be NO refunds for registration fees.
• Registration receipt and medical form
• Bedding-pillow, sheets/sleeping bag/blanket, towel/washcloth, fan,
• Something purple to wear for “PURPLE” Friday
• Jacket/sweatshirt, walking shoes
• Items for ingathering
Your Bible
Page 6
Update from Hope Ministries
In the past, we have been able to receive scrap quilting materials and stained clothes and smelly textiles, because we could always recycle them. Not anymore! The new overall guideline can be summed
up as …
“It should be wearable or repairable”
Clothes and linens should be what a typical person wears for personal use, or uses in their daily life in
the bathroom or bedroom (sheets, towels etc.), and they must be clean, dry and free of mildew,
grease or grime, stench or water.
Items we can’t receive:
NO Dressmaker and quilting, cuttings
No uniforms of any kind
No Industrial work wear such as aprons, smocks, mill clothing, or other industrial cloth and work
No Commercial textile trimmings
No Burlap bags
No Shop rags
No Stained clothes or materials
Not torn beyond easy repair
No Boots – EXCEPT Men’s work boots (steel tipped Caterpillar boots etc.) and men’s and
women’s’ cowboy boots in good condition
No shoes that are torn, damaged, peeling, sticky and patchy, deteriorating, has broken soles or
cracked heels
No high heels or wedge shoes with longer than 3 inch heels. Another way to say this is, the heel
cannot be longer than the length of your thumb
No slippers, warm moccasins etc..
No rubber boots
2016 Spring Rallies
Apr 9
Immanuel, Adair
Pastor Timothy Fitzner, Bible st
Apr 9 @ 9 a.m.
Christ, Bouton
Charlie Kiersch – LCMS missions
Apr 16
Zion, Manning
Doug Kading
Council Bluffs
Apr 3 @ 2 p.m. Timothy, Council Bluffs
Rev. Emad Tawadrous & wife Shireen
Des Moines East
Des Moines West
Mt. Olive, Des Moines
April 28
St Paul’s, Emmetsburg
Fort Dodge
Aprl 16 @ 8:30
Good Shepherd, Fort Dodge
Rev Max Phillips & Brenda Dryer
April 13 @ 9:00 Holy Trinity, Farnhamville
Rev Paul Beisel, teaching efforts at Luther Sem in Sudan
Apr 9 @ 8:30
First Lutheran, Kingsley
Sam Lee
Apr 21
St Paul, Garner
Apr 27 @ 9
St Paul’s, Hartley
Pastor Vogel
Sac City
Apr 18
St Paul, Sac City
Jill Feilmeier
Sioux City
Immanuel, Spirit Lake
Apr 9 @ 9:00
Mt Calvary, Villisca
Rev. Max Phillips
Storm Lake
Apr 3 @ 1:30
Zion, rural Storm Lake
Great Lakes Lutheran School
eNews, Issue 31
Page 7
Please keep the family of Dorothea Bochmann in your prayers as she has
received her crown of glory. The funeral service is Thursday, Feb 11, at
2:30 pm at St. Matthew in Mapleton. Dorothea served as the Archivist /
Historian for the LWML IWD for many years.
The address for cards is: 201 N 6th St, Mapleton, IA 51034.
Turn To The Web Page For A Wealth Of Resources
The web page for the LWML is www.lwml.org. This web page is loaded
with information we women can turn to and look to for resources and motivations
for the work of the LWML. Today, I went to the web page and saw the icon on the
home screen about the material available for the prayer service for 2016.
I clicked on the icon just to see what I would find. I found that the service is written
by Pastor John Heckman past LWML Pastoral Counselor. This is how the service
is described:
The 2016 LWML Prayer Service expands on the themes of “Sow ● Nourish ●
Reap” from the Des Moines LWML Convention. Whether it is the thousands of
acres farmed in Iowa and other states, our own backyard, or the field our Heavenly
Father allows us to tend and nourish with and through His means of grace, this
service offers a time of worship revolving around the various tools needed to bring about a bountiful
Sharon VonQualen
VP Organizational
Resources & CL
The service offers opportunities for:
learning a little bit about farming practices through the
Confession and Absolution;
very small group discussion; and
All the material is on the web page at no charge. Included are the prayer service script, any worship
folder artwork, and even a power point of the full service.
Traditionally in my zone, the first Friday morning of March is designated as World Prayer Day and
the women of the zone gather to participate in the prayer service at one of the congregations. The
number continues to dwindle each year and it is sad we don’t always use the material that is written
for this event. Maybe you will not be able to attend a group gathering of this service but take the
time and read the prayer service script by yourself or use it as Bible study opportunity with a small
eNews, Issue 31
Page 8
Behind the Wrapping
By Pastor Max Phillips
All of us have just come through another Christmas season that involved not
only the worship of the newborn King of Kings, but also the giving and receiving
of presents. One of the key aspects of our giving was the hiding of the present
inside a decorated package. I know of many a weary parent who spent the wee
hours of the night sneaking around wrapping presents for their expectant children.
Rev. Max Phillips
Sr. Counselor
Gift wrapping is big business. In 2014, Americans spent over $3 billion on it and
all done just to create a moment of revealing when surprise and joy would come
together to make a wonderful Christmas experience for both the giver and the receiver.
Gift wrapping is big business but Epiphany is not. In fact, in many homes (most I would guess)
Epiphany is never celebrated or observed, perhaps not even known. One of the meanings of the
word Epiphany is “revealing”. It makes sense. January 6 every year is the appointed date when
the church celebrates the revealing or Epiphany of the Christ Child to the Gentiles, all of us represented by the visit of the magi or wise men as they are traditionally known. For centuries, the
church also used the day of Epiphany to celebrate the baptism of Jesus and his first miracle of
turning water into wine at that wedding party in Cana in Galilee. In each case, the visit of the magi,
his baptism and that first miracle of Jesus, that ordinary true man package was opened to reveal
true God.
The magi come to worship the long promised Messiah in Bethlehem who had been revealed to
them by prophecy and a guiding star. God the Father speaks from the heavens at Jesus’ baptism
in the Jordan and reveals him to be His Son. At the wedding party in Cana, his divine powers are
revealed as the most ordinary water becomes the best wine.
Today, I invite you to consider your own revealing. Not as divine, but certainly as holy. Not as all
powerful, but certainly as most blessed. In your baptism, God revealed you as His own child and
an heir of the best and mightiest kingdom. To the world this revealing doesn’t look much different
than ordinary. Baptism doesn’t shine us up with an external supernatural glow or wash good
sense into us. It reveals us as the one for whom Christ Jesus came to die and rise again in order
that by his defeat of sin, death and devil we might be raised to eternal life.
This life, your life, is a present from God wrapped up in human blessings and joys, smudged with
struggles and sin. At our death the revealing that began at our baptism continues more vividly than
ever. The package of our human frailties is opened at our funerals and the best part of us is revealed, our salvation won by Christ and bestowed on us by grace alone through faith alone. What
a blessing to hear about that Gospel revealing!
And one more thing…we people of the LWML often wear purple. It’s part of our package and when
we let the Holy Spirit open us up through love, care, witness and mites, we do what we do best.
We reveal Christ the Savior, who lives in us!
Blessed Epiphany! See you in church.
Pastor Max
eNews, Issue 31
Page 9
April 14
January 15
January 16
Mite Goal
25% National (-)
10% Inreach (-)
District Goal
Excess Mites (+)
Legacy Gift (+)
Available for Grants
$ 47,002.47
$ 14,100.74
$ 10,213.39
$ 2,724.01
District Goal
Mission Walk (-)
Mite Box (-)
Purse Auction (-)
Quilt (-)
Balance to Raise
Per Month (24 Months)
$ 2,250.06
$ 1,358.04
$ 1,558.00
$ 5,067.00
Fiscal Biennium 2014-16 (24 Months!)
as prepared by Ruth Downey, LWML IWD Financial Secretary
eNews, Issue 31
Page 10
Gospel Outreach
Mites in Action:
Usually, I take this time to let you know what one or more of our district grant recipients have been doing with your mites. It’s always
great to see how far and wide the Gospel message can reach. However, this time, I want to let you know of a couple of great ideas, from
national, which help you to learn and reach out to those missionaries
Morris, Viceserving in the field. I found this information on lwml.org, move the cur- Jane
President of Gospel
sor on the “Missions” tab and when the drop box comes down, click on Outreach and Mission
“Gospel Outreach.” Once there, you can find ways to look up many
missionaries, find ways to pray for them, send them care packages or
cards, and even Skype (video call) them. Great rally ideas: care package ingathering and
cards as a servant event activity. Let’s help give our missionaries some encouragement!
Here are some quick links:
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4).
And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are
few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out
laborers into his harvest" Luke 10:2.
Mission Grant Update
2012-14 Grants with open balances
Grant Amt
Operation Barnabas Campership Program 14,000.00
Requested & Paid
2014-2016 IWD LWML Grants:
Mission Central Funding Assistance for Two Missionaries- $10,000 PAID IN FULL
Financial Aid for Iowa District West Seminary Students- $25,000 PAID $12,500
Camp Okoboji: Ginny DeWall Dining Hall Updates- $20,000 PAID IN FULL
Orphan Grain Train Iowa West Branch- $20,000 PAID $10,000
Mercy Meals of Siouxland- $20,000 PAID $13,732.50
Family Ministry Retreat Center, Ft. Dodge- $25,000 PAID IN FULL
Tanzania Sewing Center- $5,000 PAID IN FULL
Deaf Ministry in Iowa District West- PAID $1,750
Phil’s Friends- $7,844.06 PAID IN FULL
**All updates and totals are as of January 18, 2016
**All updates and totals are as of September 18, 2015
eNews, Issue 31
Page 11
Resurrection Cookies: To be made the evening before Easter.
You need: 1c. whole pecans, 1 tsp. vinegar, 3 egg whites, pinch salt, 1c. sugar, zipper baggie,
wooden spoon, tape, Bible. Preheat oven to 300 BEFORE BEGINNING.
Place pecans in zipper baggie and let children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into
small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested He was beaten by the Roman soldiers. Read
John 19:1-3.
Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. vinegar into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus
was thirsty on the cross he was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19:28-30.
Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life.
Read John 10:10-11.
Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl.
Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our
own sin. Read Luke 23:27.
So far the ingredients are not very appetizing.
Add 1 c. sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves
us. He wants us to know this and how to belong to Him. Read Ps. 34:8 and John 3:16.
Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that
the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by
Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3.
Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each
mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matt. 27:57-60.
Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF.
Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed.
Read Matt.27:65-66.
GO TO BED! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight Jesus'
followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22.
On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie.
Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Easter Jesus'
followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty! Read Matt. 28:1-9
Important Stamp Information
10 Rules of saving stamps for Mites for Missions
Commemorative Stamps &
High Value Stamps &
Foreign Stamps - all sell the best
Include any unusual stamps
No common, Christmas or LOVE stamps
6. Stamps must be as perfect as possible
7. No damage to sides or backs
8. No dirty stamps
9. No heavy cancellation
10. Trim 1/4 inch on all sides
Use any unused stamps for LWML mail or give
to your church secretary. They cannot be sold for face value.
Questions about stamps can be asked at your local Post Office which also has a poster of
the yearly commemorative stamps. You can also see and order the commemorative stamps
from usps.com. Begin to use these stamps so others can collect them.
Do not mail the stamps to me.
Elaine Christensen
eNews, Issue 31
Page 12
Page 13
Dates to Remember
2016 Dates to Remember
Feb 12: Spring EC Meeting– Denison, IA
Feb 13: Spring Board of Directors Meeting– Denison
March 20: April/May eNews articles due to Editor
May 20: June/July eNews articles due to Editor
June 23-25, 2016 LWML IWD Convention at Okoboji, IA
2017 Dates to Remember
June 22-25, 2017: LWML 37th Biennial Convention, Salt Lake City, UT
2019 Dates to Remember
June 27-30, 2019: LWML 38th Biennial Convention, Birmingham, Alabama
Light That Endures
Our God is giving and generous and He created us in His image – to give and be generous. Through the district LWML we are
Iowa West District LWML
blessed to have the Light That Endures Fund as its official ministry
Light That Endures Fund
whose purpose is to help LWML women in our district understand the
benefits of remembering the Lord’s work through well-planned, prayerfully-considered lifetime charitable gifts and Christian estate plans.
Through your estate plan discover how you can leave a statement of
faith and include gifts to your favorite ministries. For more information
you may contact Jim Schroeder, IDW Gift Planning Counselor
The light shines in the darkness, and the
darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5
Do you know someone who is not
receiving the LWML IWD eNews?
Have them send their email address to
Christine Schulz at christinefayeschultz@gmail.com and ask to be
put on the distribution list. Do you know
someone who does not have email but
would like to receive it? Print it for them
or print it and post it on your church’s bulletin board. We want everyone to have
access to the latest LWML IWD news.
Page 14
LWML Iowa West District
Mission Statement
Schedule of Zones hosting
the LWML IWD Convention
Sac City and Storm Lake
Adair and Southwest
Boone and Carroll
Cherokee and LeMars
Council Bluffs and Denison
Des Moines East & Des Moines West
Emmetsburg and Northeast
Fort Dodge and Humboldt
Mapleton and Sioux City
The Mission of the Lutheran
Women’s Missionary League
Iowa West District is to assist
all women in discovering and
using their God-given gifts
through LWML in Thanksgiving
and Service to our Lord.
Elected Officers
Ann Carrick
VP Organizational Resources & CL
Sharon von Qualen
VP Gospel Outreach & Mission Svts
Jane Morris
Patty Treimer
Financial Secretary
Ruth Downey
Deb Rouse
Senior Counselor
Rev. Max Phillips
Junior Counselor
Rev. Chad Dietrich
Nominating Committee Chair
Nancy Bruns
Christian Life Chair
Jane T. Shever
Christian Life Vice Chair
Sharon Hamann
Mission Servants Chair
Kim Meyer
Mission Servants Vice Chair
Julie Carstens
Leader Development Chair
Kate Kaiser
Leader Development Vice Chair
Brenda Dryer
Marilyn Kuehnast
Julie Coy
Information Technology Chairman
Christine Schultz
Annette Gebert
Marilyn Schroeder
YWR to Des Moines
Breanna Wetzler
YWR to Des Moines
Sarah Sunderman
Appointed Officers