October Crier 2013.pub - College Hill Lutheran Church and
October Crier 2013.pub - College Hill Lutheran Church and
Newsleer of College Hill Lutheran Church and Brammer Student Center When Did the Lutheran Faith Begin? Volume 12, Issue 9 October 2013 Dear Family in Christ, Recently, I was approached by a couple in a nursing home who handed a piece of paper to me when I explained to them that I was a Lutheran pastor (I was wearing my clerical collar…). The paper contained an ar"cle that suggested that the Lutheran “religion” began with Mar"n Luther. The point of the ar"cle was that Lutherans (and many other Chris"an denomina"ons) have no connec"on with the apostles or the early church (or even Christ!) and therefore must be a sect. Evidently the author of the ar"cle was completely ignorant of what Lutheranism is! Inside this issue: Student Section 2 Activities 3 Evening Guild/LWML 4 Pastor Wegener ‘s article cont. 5 Learning the Liturgy 6 Library Browser 7 Catechesis Corner 8 October Volunteers 9 10 Calendar Detail from the Lucas Cranach Altar in St. Mary Church, Wittenberg shows Martin Luther pointing to the crucified Christ. Let’s make one thing absolutely clear: The Lutheran faith is the one, holy, Chris"an and apostolic faith. It is not a sect and it was not invented by Mar"n Luther. He did not begin a new religion. Rather, by God’s grace, he (along with others of his day) reformed the church. He recognized the false teachings that were being spread abroad by the Roman papacy. Luther restored the apostolic doctrine of jus"fica"on which had been nearly demolished by the heresy of purgatory and the selling of indulgences. Today we proudly and unashamedly call ourselves Lutheran with the convic"on that the Word of God is absolutely true and the Lutheran Confessions are in full agreement with Scripture. The "tle “Lutheran” iden"fies our confession as the orthodox (correct teaching) faith of the apostles and prophets (the Old & New Testament Scriptures). The "tle “Lutheran” is equal to saying, “Christ-Centered, jus"fica"on by grace through faith in Christ alone, sacramental, creedal, confessional, liturgical, apostolic, orthodox, catholic (universal), historic, reverent, Law & Gospel, Sin & Grace, Heaven & Hell, using the full catalog of "meless Chris"an music and hymnody, and absolutely, posi"vely in accord with the Holy Scriptures!” (cont. on page 5) College Hill Lutheran Church & Brammer Student Center 2322 Olive Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Church 266-1274 Center 268-9094 Pastor’s cell phone 427-3098 chlc.lcms@cfu.net www.college-hill.org Page 2 FROM THE STUDENT SECTION Meet… Kristin Eckman What is your hometown and congrega"on, year at UNI, and area of study? I grew up in Iowa City, Iowa where I a<ended Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. I am a junior this year studying elementary and early childhood educa"on with a literacy emphasis. How did you find out about College Hill Lutheran Church? I found out about College Hill at freshmen orienta"on and was encouraged to a<end services thanks to TJ Cowell, who was the president of the running club I am in. Have you been a Lutheran your whole life? If so, what makes you so convinced to remain in the Lutheran faith, especially having been exposed to new worldviews on campus? If not, when and why did you become a Lutheran? I was raised in an LCMS family and have always considered myself a Lutheran. However, I have not always known what that "tle meant un"l the past few years. During my freshmen year of college I started ge>ng really involved in other campus ministries such as the Navigators and Prairie Lakes Church. A<ending church services there led me in a different direc"on, encouraging you to do more to become a “be<er Chris"an” and really “feeling God in your heart”. I ended up working at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca that summer, an LCMS camp in Solon, Iowa. There, I learned a lot more about Lutheran beliefs and started a<ending LCMS services again. While I was there I made some really strong connec"ons with great friends who encouraged me to go back to College Hill. Ever since then I have remained grounded in the Word. What are your plans aBer you graduate? Where do you see yourself in five years? ABer I graduate I hope to teach kindergarten or first grade in a low income school where I can ins"ll a love of learning in young students. Eventually, I would like to go back to school and get my masters (probably in literacy?) and then end up teaching in a Lutheran school. (Cont. pg. 3) Page 3 What is your favorite thing about College Hill? My favorite thing about College Hill is the preaching of Christ Crucified. I am so grateful to have Pastor Wegener and the rest of the congrega"on and LSF group to provide support and answer ques"ons. Pastor is so great and even though he drinks a lot of coffee and may seem a li<le bit too enthusias"c some"mes - just kidding Pastor - he is always available to talk to and so willing to help with anything you need. Overall, College Hill is a great place to meet people who have similar values and beliefs as you. Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you? Favorite hobbies? Well, there are tons of things I could tell you about me, but that would take too long. But here are a couple of my quirks: I always eat grapes two at a "me, I eat my sandwiches in the shape of a house, I have great sound effects, I am an awful story teller, I don’t like chocolate, I have dimples in the back of my shoulder, and I am a runner. I choose to occupy my "me with volunteering, running, kids, and anything that involves being outside. LWML Fall Zone Rally Ladies, we have received an invita"on from Concordia LWML to a<end the Fall Zone Rally on Saturday, October 26, 2013 A light breakfast will be served from 8:309:15. Program will include devo"ons, informa"on about LWML Iowa East District, and program by Sandra Lingard who will share her experiences on her Service Mission Trip to Migori, Kenya. A door offering will be received for the church in Migori, Kenya. Sounds like an interes"ng morning. Let’s plan to a<end. THE DOUBLE EDGED SWORD THE DOUBLE EDGED SWORD is a new radio Bible Class that Pastor Wegener and Pastor Knox of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church have just begun. It can be heard on KXEL (1540 am) from 8:45 – 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. You may also hear it on the College Hill website – www.college-hill.org . SUNDAY SCHOOL FALL FAMILY FUN Join us on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 4:00 p.m. for some fall fun! We will meet at the church and have games, food and pumpkin carving or pain"ng, whichever you prefer. Pizza and pop will be provided. Please bring your favorite fall side dish and des- sert to share and your own beverages if you don't want pop. Also, if you will be carving or pain"ng a pumpkin, you will need to supply your own pumpkin, carving tools and pain"ng tools. If you have any ques"ons, please ask Heidi. Hope to see everyone Page 4 Ladies, Evening Guild, LWML MARK WELTY SHARES ORGAN MUSIC OCTOBER 3, 2013 Yes, Mark Welty has agreed to share his talent playing the organ and broad knowledge of the instrument with us all on Thursday, October 3, 2013 at 7 p.m. Believe me, you won’t want to miss it. Mark makes our church organ sing as we seldom get to hear in a tradi"onal worship service. I remember s"ll, how lovely the music was when Mark favored us with a special concert once before. So, back by popular demand, Mark Welty at the organ ……… Just a “heads up” Thanksgiving Eve we gath- lec%on of calendars for 2014 and small gi*s er gallons of canned goods for the Lutheran for the 61 residents at the Nursing Home. Home in Vinton. That’s followed by our col- More informa%on to follow. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Ladies, the Thursday morning Bible study meets at 9:30 a.m.. Why not join us? We have a social "me with chat and coffee from 9:30-10 and we study diligently from 10-11. We have plenty of study guides and would welcome anyone who would like to join us. OCTOBER POTLUCK HOSTED BY LWML Yes, October 13th is LWML Sunday and in honor of the event the Evening Guild will host the potluck. The entrée will be furnished as well as the drinks and table service. Congrega"on members are requested to bring vegetables, salads or desserts. We invite you all to be there to enjoy our "me together. Ladies, reserve December 5th for our Women’s Christmas party. It’ll be a treat Page 5 (cont. from page 1) In an introduc"on to the Lutheran Confessions, the editor reiterates: Lutheranism is not a new faith, but a con%nua%on of the historic, Chris%an faith of all %mes and places. In this sense Lutheranism is catholic, a word that comes from two Greek words, meaning ‘according to the whole.’ With Chris%ans of all %mes, and in all places, we confess what God’s Word teaches—nothing more, and nothing less… Neither Mar%n Luther nor any of his colleagues ever claimed to be star%ng a new church. Such a thought was the farthest things from their minds. They regarded those on the sectarian side of the Reforma%on as radicals and revolu%onaries. They con%nually condemned almost everything these radicals stood for. Lutheranism is not about revolu%on, but reforma%on. It is not about throwing away the past, but about retaining and preserving the best, while filtering out whatever covers and contradicts God’s Word” (Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions; 15). To be a Lutheran does not mean that we worship Mar"n Luther either. Luther didn’t even want his name to be used, unless the name “Lutheran” iden"fied a person or church as Chris%an: “I ask that men make no reference to my name; let them call themselves Chris%ans, not Lutherans. … But if you are convinced that Luther’s teaching is in accord with the gospel … then you should not discard Luther so completely, lest with him you discard also his teaching, which you nevertheless recognize as Christ’s teaching. You should rather say: Whether Luther is a rascal or a saint I do not care; his teaching is not his, but Christ’s” (Luther’s Works, American Edi"on; Vol. 45; 70-71 and Vol. 36; 265). Former atheist and author of the book, “On Being Chris"an,” Henry Hamaan remarked, “I am a Lutheran because I am a Chris"an.” This simple statement shows that the confessing Lutheran does not believe he/she is a part of some sect that was started in the 16th century. The confessing Lutheran believes he/she belongs to the one, holy, Chris"an, and apostolic Church. Therefore, it is our understanding that the Lutheran faith began when the Chris"an faith began. The Lutheran faith is the Chris"an faith. Ever in Christ Pastor Wegener The Word of the Lord Remains Forever- 1 Peter 1:25 Page 6 Learning the Liturgy Why does the Saluta,on precede the Collect? Immediately before the Collect in the Divine Service, the pastor turns to face the people, and says, “The Lord be with you,” to which they reply, “And with your spirit.” This, along with the Collect itself, is in prepara"on for the hearing of the reading of the Word of God. The pastor’s words, “The Lord be with you,” are an adapta"on of the words of the risen Christ to His disciples, “Peace be with you.” These words, which are the first words Christ said to the disciples when He appeared to them in the upper room, indicate the pu>ng away of their sins, even as the Resurrec"on itself demonstrates this. When the pastor says the words of the Saluta"on, he is repea"ng the pa<ern set by Christ Himself. These are the first words he says to the people as pastor (since the preparatory service is not part of the Divine Service itself). As the first words from the mouth of Christ’s ambassador to His people, they reestablish the fact that their forgiveness has been obtained by His resurrec"on and is therefore rightly granted at once. When the people reply, “And with your spirit,” they are not merely responding in kind, but are praying for their pastor, that the Holy Spirit may rest upon him, for now he will speak to them as bearer of the office of the Holy Spirit. Therefore grace is required, that the pastor may be faithful in the carrying out of his duty, that is, that all of the words he speaks, including the words of the sermon, might be words fitly spoken as coming from God’s ambassador to them. X This is adapted from Why? A Layman’s Guide to the Liturgy by Burnell F. Eckardt Jr.; p. 34-35. Page 7 THE LIBRARY BROWSER “No effort or expense should be spared to provide good libraries or book repositories… For if the Gospel and the arts are to be preserved, they must be set down in books and wrings (as was done by the prophets and apostles themselves…)” – Mar%n Luther (Luther’s Works, Vol. 45:373) The MUST Read Book of the Month Lutheranism 101 Senior Editor, Scot A. Kinnaman Concordia Publishing House, 2010 312 pages. paperback. Lutheranism 101 examines Lutheran beliefs and heritage in a fresh way. If you are a lifelong Lutheran searching for more informa"on or new to Lutheranism looking to understand what we believe, this book will be your guide. It is wri<en in an easy-to-read conversa"onal style with short ar"cles, side-bar features, and some humor. Lutheranism 101 helps create a solid founda"on of reference upon which a life"me of sound teaching can be built. Explore the basics of Lutheran theology by digging into the history of Lutheranism and making connec"ons between what Lutherans believe and what Lutherans do. What you'll learn about: • God and His Son • Faith and Belief • Heaven and Hell • Church and Fellowship • Sin and Forgiveness and much more! The book is currently on display on the table below the bulle"n board in the narthex and will be available to check out on November 1st. Thanks! Enjoy About Our Library+ Loca%on: Lower level of the Brammer Student Center in the middle classroom on south side of building. + Check-out and return policy: You will find simple direc"ons on a blue plas"c box on the “library cart” located upstairs in the narthex or on a tan plas"c box on a shelf in the library. + Hours: The library is open for browsing whenever the Brammer Student Center is open. Usual hours are 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. The Word of the Lord Remains Forever- 1 Peter 1:25 Page 8 Catechesis Corner Ten Commandments + Creed + Lord’s Prayer + Baptism + Confession + Lord’s Supper THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT You shall not give false tes,mony against your neighbor. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputa%on, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way. Learn the Terms related to the Eighth Commandment false tes,mony (or false witness) To lie in any way, to withhold the truth or remain silent when our neighbor’s good name is being a<acked, to use the truth for the purpose of injuring our neighbor, to pass judgment against our neighbor when we have not been appointed to do so. gossip The spreading of informa"on about someone, whether true or false, that a person has no God-given right to speak about. It includes the telling of rumors or hearsay, idle talk, and ta<ling about someone. slander A malicious statement that is intended to hurt someone’s good name or reputa"on. It includes the failure to defend a neighbor from the a<acks of others by not “pu>ng the best construc"on on everything” he has done or by not “explaining his ac"ons in the kindest way.” good name A person’s standing or reputa"on in the eyes of other people. the law of love The summary of the Law’s demand upon us in rela"on to God and our neighbor: “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself’” (Luke 10:27). (Peter Bender, Lutheran Catechesis: Catechumen Edi%on, Second Edi%on; 308) October 2013 Volunteers GREETERS 6 13 20 27 FINANCIAL RECORDERS Doris Mauer & Miriam Krallman Bob & Betty Boomgarden Madeline Bruce & Ruby Wegener LSF Members USHERS 6 13 20 27 Page 9 6 13 20 27 Christa Boileau & Johanna Baedke Douglass Lilleskov & Macayla Rasmusson Nancy Neessen & Johanna Baedke Keith Macomber & Tammy Nicholson SOCIAL TIME HOSTS Tim Tjarks & Zach Viggers Jim Boileau & Bob Bolte Marv Brewster & Doug Lilleskov Ervin Dennis & Tim Gamble 6 13 20 27 Doris Mauer Potluck—Evening Guild/LWML TBA TBA COMMUNION ASSISTANT 6 & 20 Kevin DeVries ACOLYTES 6 & 20 TBA ALTAR GUILD 6—13 20—27 Janet Fort & Nancy Neessen Penni & Danielle Lilleskov Thank you for your help in serving the Lord and College Hill Lutheran Church October Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries 3 Denise Tjarks 6 Ervin Dennis 20 Marvin Farr 4 Tim Gamble 8 Hunter Herold 27 LaVada Dennis 4 Jake Haugen 11 Patricia Farr 28 Rodney Brewster 5 Pastor Tom Wegener 11 Daniel Kane 29 Lauren Boileau 6 Samuel Belser 19 CJ Ackles 31 Charles Williams 6 Carla & Roger Christensen 34 years 8 Carolyn & Keith Macomber 24 years Flora & Marvin Brewster 53 years 23 4:00 p.m. SS Fall Family Fun 11:15 a.m. Refreshments 10:00 a.m. Divine Service 9:00 a.m. LYF Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Bible Study & Sunday School REFORMATION DAY (OBSERVED) 11:15 a.m. Refreshments 6 20 13 27 10:00 a.m. Divine Service with Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. LYF Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Bible Study & Sunday School TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11:15 a.m. Potluck –LWML 10:00 a.m. Divine Service 9:00 a.m. LYF Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Bible Study & Sunday School NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Thrivent Dinner 11:15 a.m. Refreshments 10:00 a.m. Divine Service with Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. LYF Bible Study Mon 2:30 p.m. Bible Study at Windsor 9:00 a.m. Matins 2:30 p.m. Bible Study at Windsor 9:00 a.m. Matins 5:30 Lay Ministry 2:30 p.m. Bible Study at Windsor 9:00 a.m. Matins 2:30 p.m. Bible Study at Windsor 9:00 a.m. Matins 2013 9:00 a.m. Bible Study & Sunday School EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Sun 28 21 14 7 1 15 9:00 a.m. Matins 9:45am Greek Grammar 10:30am Greek Text Study 11am Ger. Luth. Conf. Study 29 9:00 a.m. Matins 9:45am Greek Grammar 10:30am Greek Text Study 11am Ger. Luth. Conf. Study 22 7 p.m. Bd. Of Directors 9:45am Greek Grammar 10:30am Greek Text Study 11am Ger. Luth. Conf. Study Pastors Conference 9:00 a.m. Matins 8 9:00 a.m. Matins 9:45am Greek Grammar 10:30am Greek Text Study 11am Ger. Luth. Conf. Study Tue 8:00 p.m. LSF Reformation Party 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice/Halfy Hour 7:00 p.m. Vespers 9:00 a.m. Matins 6:00 p.m. Parish Ed 8:00 p.m. LSF Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice/Halfy Hour 7:00 p.m. Vespers 9:00 a.m. Matins 6:00 p.m. Parish Ed 8:00 p.m. LSF Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice/Halfy Hour 7:00 p.m. Vespers 9:00 a.m. Matins 6:00 p.m. Parish Ed 8:00 p.m. LSF Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice/Halfy Hour 7:00 p.m. Vespers 9:00 a.m. Matins 6:00 p.m. Parish Ed 8:00 p.m. LSF Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice/Halfy Hour 7:00 p.m. Vespers 9:00 a.m. Matins 6:00 p.m. Parish Ed Wed 30 23 16 9 2 31 24 17 7pm Reformation Party LSF Table Talk Noon 3 10 9:30am Women’s Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Evangelism LSF Table Talk Noon Women’s Bible Study 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Matins LSF Table Talk Noon Women’s Bible Study 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Matins LSF Table Talk Noon Women’s Bible Study 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Matins 7:00 p.m. Evening Guild LSF Table Talk Noon Women’s Bible Study 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Matins Thu 9:00 a.m. Matins 9:00 a.m. Matins 4 11 25 18 9:00 a.m. Matins Noon Newsletter Deadline 9:00 a.m. Matins Fri 26 19 FB Away LSF Food Bank 8:30 a.m. Waterloo Zone LWML Fall Rally FB USD LSF BBQ 5 12 UNI Homecoming FB Away Sat