PICO RIVERA`S BEST!!! - Generation 1st Degree Pico Rivera
PROFILE Vol. 42 · No. 1 FEBRUARY 2015 CITY COUNCIL Mayor Gregory Salcido Mayor Pro Tem David W. Armenta Councilmembers Bob J. Archuleta · Gustavo V. Camacho · Brent A. Tercero EXPERTS TO DISCUSS FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR COLLEGE EXPENSES school students will also benefit from this informational event. Hosted by Generation 1st DegreePico Rivera, the evening features specialists from area universities, financial institutions and scholarship foundations providing parents with information on how to plan and prepare to pay for their children’s college expenses. Topics include what parents can do now to reduce the financial strain, why starting early is important, how to navigate through financial aid applications and loans, and what to look for when applying for financial aid assistance. P ico Rivera parents are invited to attend a free College-Bound Financial Aid Town Hall on Thursday, February 26 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Raul P. Salcido Gym Free childcare and Spanish language translation will be provided. at El Rancho High School. Families with young children and pre-teens are especially encouraged to attend, though parents of high For more information about the event, log on to www.g1dpicorivera. org or call 562.273.2489. PICO RIVERA’S BEST!!! INSIDE THIS ISSUE Local resident and El Rancho High School Alum Cristian Roldan is pictured right taking part in a morning training session with his new Major League Soccer team, the Seattle Sounders FC. The Sounders FC recently drafted Cristian Roldan in the Major League Soccer SuperDraft held in January. Cristian, who is a Midfielder, has earned numerous awards for his soccer talents including being named 2012 Daily News Player of the Year, 2013 Gatorade National Player of the Year while attending El Rancho High School and while he attended the University of Washington he earned the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) Third Team AllAmerican honors and was named to the NSCAA All-Far West Region Team and named to the All-Pac-12 First Team. ANNUAL 5K FUN RUN SUPPORTS EL RANCHO TRACK AND FIELD PROGRAM Runners, joggers, and walkers are invited to participate in the 6th Annual Pico Rivera Fun Run on Saturday, February 21. Proceeds from the event benefit the El Rancho High School Track and Field program. The event gets under way with pre-race registration at 6:00 a.m., followed by the 5K Run, Jog and Walk for all ages at 7:30 a.m. A special 1K Kids Run for children age 12 and under starts at 8:30 a.m. In addition to the races, there will be refreshments, awards, and a raffle immediately following the 5K event. You can register at the Parks and Recreation Department Office, 6767 Passons Boulevard, or online at www.pico-rivera.org. Early registration fees are $15 for the Kids Run and $25 for the 5K race. Fees are $5 higher if you register on the day of the event. Deadline to register is Thursday, February 12. Those who do not wish to run but would still like to support the Track and Field program are welcome to make a donation. For more information, including the Fun Run route, call 562.801.4430 or send an email to selliot@erusd.org. PHOTO CREDIT: Sounders FC Communications NEW MEETINGS TO RECREATION CLASS BE TELEVISED LIVE REGISTRATION NOW TAKEN AT CITY HALL ON CTV3 Planning Commission and City adds newest location ERUSD School Board join to sign up for Parks and Recreation classes. City’s TV schedule. p2 p3 SCHOOL DISTRICT SECURES $7 MILLION IN GRANTS El Rancho Unified to use four grants district-wide over the next 2 to 5 years. p4 PROFILE P. O. Box 1016 · 6615 Passons Blvd. · Pico Rivera, CA · 90660-1016 Postmaster please deliver by Monday, February 9 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2244 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA POSTAL PATRON PICO RIVERA, CA 90660 Distributed to Pico Rivera residents and businesses as an educational service. For information, contact the Marketing and Communications Division at 562.801.4217. “Have A Heart” Pet Adoption Event What better way to share your love on Valentine’s Day than by adopting an older dog or cat. On Saturday, February 14, you can adopt a dog or cat that is one year or older and pay a special reduced fee of just $14. This one-day-only adoption event is being hosted by the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Animal Control Office, 9777 Seaaca St. in Downey. Adoption fee includes spay/neuter, microchip, first set of vaccines and flea treatment. For more information about this special adoption event, call SEAACA at 562.803.3301 or log on to their website at www.seacca.org. Relay For Life Kick Off Meeting Scheduled Preparations for Pico Rivera’s 12th annual Relay for Life get underway with a Kick Off Meeting on Wednesday, February 25 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the El Rancho High School cafeteria. Everyone interested in helping make the event a success is invited to attend; new teams and old teams are welcomed as well as volunteer workers and supporters. This year’s Pico Rivera Relay will take place on Saturday, June 27 and Sunday, June 28 at El Rancho High School. Relay for Life is a 24-hour event during which teams of people take turns running or walking around the athletic track. It is the world’s largest and most impactful fundraising event to end cancer. It unites communities across the globe to celebrate people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost and take action to finish the fight against cancer once and for all. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times to symbolize the fact that cancer never sleeps, so most of the teams camp out overnight inside the stadium. Planning Commission and School Board Meetings now on CTV3 Meetings of the City’s Planning Commission and the El Rancho Unified School District Board of Education are now being shown on CTV3. Meetings will air live as well as be rebroadcast throughout the month. Programs can also be viewed online at www.pico-rivera.org. Planning Commission meetings are held on the first and third Monday of the month beginning at 6:00 p.m. The School Board meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month beginning at 6:30 p.m. For more information, search CTV3 on the City’s webpage or call the Media and Communications Office at 562.801.4217. 3 CT V P I C O RIVERA El Rancho School District Looking At Magnet High School New Name and Location, Same Great Service The City’s Public Information Office is now the Media and Communications Division of the Department of Parks and Recreation. For inquiries relating to the Profile newsletter or CTV3 video programming, visit us at the Department of Parks and Recreation office, 6767 Passons Boulevard. You can still reach us by phone at the same number, 562.801.4217. Editor Layout & Design Staff Writers Photographers Archive Photos Sandra J. Gonzalez Gabriel Daigle Gabriel Castorena Michael Maxfield Gabriel Castorena Robert Moreno Oscar Castillo The Pico Rivera Profile is produced by the City of Pico Rivera and is distributed to Pico Rivera residents and businesses as an educational service. For information about the Pico Rivera Profile contact the Marketing and Communications Division at 562.801.4217. Page 2 February 2015 PROFILE Sweeping of all residential and commercial streets is continuing on a weekly basis for 2015. Residents are reminded to keep parked vehicles off the street on their neighborhood’s assigned sweeping day every week. Cars parked on the street on sweeping days may be ticketed. Weekly street sweeping reduces the amount of pollutants that enters storm drains, helping keep local rivers and the ocean cleaner and healthier. It also improves the appearance of our local roadways. For questions regarding the weekly street sweeping schedule and any holidays that will be observed, log on to the City’s website at www. pico-rivera.org or call the City’s Public Safety Division at 562.801.4413. The establishment of a magnet high school by the El Rancho Unified School District is the issue being considered by an ad-hoc committee made up of parents, school district staff and representatives from the school board. The Magnet School Advisory Committee has begun meeting to discuss the formation of a new magnet high school. Plans are for the school to focus on Performing Arts and the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) Program. The IBD program is one that provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education, and is accepted by many universities worldwide. Creation of a magnet high school is being considered as part of the District’s efforts to prepare more students to be college and career ready. For updates on the magnet high school process, log on to the District’s website at www.erusd.org. For more information about the event or to volunteer, contact event chair Tony Garcia at garciatony41@yahoo.com. PROFILE Weekly Street Sweeping Continues City Hall Closed: Friday, February 13; Monday, February 16; Friday, February 27 This month on CTV City Council Meeting - Tu, February 10 & 24, 6 p.m. Planning Commission - Call 562.801.4332 for dates. Sister City Commission - Tu, Feb. 17, 6 p.m. February brings the newest episode of LA County News. Also catch Huell Howser, California Bountiful and The Garage. Watch live coverage of the Pico Rivera City Council meetings on February 10 & 24 at 6:00 p.m. Live coverage of both Planning Commission meetings and ERUSD Board Meetings begins this month as well. Complete schedule at www.pico-rivera.org. Parks & Recreation Commission - Th, February 12 , 6 p.m., Parks & Recreation Building, 6767 Passons Blvd. Time Warner Cable, Channel 3 Verizon FioS, Channel 33 AT&T U-Verse, Channel 99 Upcoming City Hall Meetings Sign up for City e-mails Now you can receive important City news, information, updates, special messages and alerts directly by email by subscribing to the City’s e-newsletter service. To subscribe, simply email us at gcastorena@pico-rivera.org. Kids’ Spring Science Camp Offered Transitional Kindergartners through 8th graders have the opportunity to the let their imaginations soar during the Spring Science Camp Program. Hosted by the City’s Parks and Recreation Department, the camp runs during the school spring break from Monday, April 6 through Friday, April 10. Camp will be held at Pico Park, 9528 Beverly Boulevard, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Spring Science Camp will be a funpacked, one-week day camp where kids get to have “Aha!” moments of creativity and discovery while building and playing with unique toys, astonishing gadgets, and fantastic gizmos. Also scheduled is a field trip to the California Science Center where they will be able to get up close with the Space Shuttle Endeavour. (Field trip subject to change) Fee for the camp is $99 with a resident discount available. Campers are required to wear a camp T-shirt every day. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided, however campers must bring a bag lunch daily. Registration packets are available at all park sites, the Recreation Department at 6767 Passons Boulevard and online at www.pico-rivera.org. Registration begins on Monday, February 23; completed registration packets will only be accepted at the Recreation Department and Pico Park. Space is limited, so register early. Indoor Soccer Comes Free Tax Assistance For Seniors to Pico Rivera The Pico Rivera Senior Center and AARP are once again partnering to provide free state and federal income tax assistance for residents age 60 years and older. AARP tax-aide volunteers, trained in cooperation with the IRS, will be avail able at the Pico Rivera Senior Center every Monday and Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m. beginning Take you and your family on fun local trips without the hassle of driving, fighting for parking or wasting gas by traveling with the City’s Parks and Recreation Department. Whale Watching in Newport Beach February 2 and continuing through April 13. Appointments are required. Residents who wish to take advan tage of this free service should bring a copy of last year’s tax returns along with all current W-2 and 1099 forms. For more information or to make an appointment, call the Senior Center at 562.948.4844. Join Us For Family Friendly TRIPS & TOURS Date & Time: Sat., March 14, 8:30AM - 4:00PM Fee: $5 (Ages 2 & under); $26 (3-12/60 & up) $32 (13-59) Deadline to Register: February 20 All trips depart from and return to the Pico Rivera Senior Center, 9200 Mines Ave. Registration is accepted at all City park sites, the Parks and Recreation Department Office, 6767 Passons Blvd., and online at pico-rivera.org. Register early to reserve your seat on one or all of these trips. Education Forum Scheduled at Rio Hondo College Pico Rivera’s Youth Sports Program is introducing a new indoor soccer program, FUTSAL, this spring at the Pico Park Gymnasium. This form of soccer is specially designed to be played on indoor hard court surfaces while maintaining the basic fundamentals of the game. The program emphasizes soccer fundamentals, teamwork, sportsmanship, safety, and fun. Volunteer coaches will lead the teams and teach basic techniques in passing, dribbling, and kicking. Games will be played on Fridays and Saturdays beginning March 16th. Practice schedules will be determined by coaches’ availability. Cost of the program is $55. Registrations are being accepted until Friday, February 20 for three age levels; U8, U10, and U12. Participants who register after the deadline will be placed on a standby list. A copy of participants’ birth certificates is required at time of registration. For more information, please call 562.801.4430. Recreation Class Registration Now Taken At City Hall Rio Hondo College is hosting a Community Educational Forum on Thursday, February 19 at the STEAM Academy at Burke Middle School, 8101 Orange Street, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The Forum will allow local parents, and students learn about Rio Hondo College’s Student Services, Transfer Center, Honors Program, Career Pathways, Athletics and more. The Forum will also allow for the opportunity to meet faculty from the school’s Nursing, Public Safety, Auto Tech, Kinesiology, Dance & Athletics divisions, and more. Light refreshments will be served and door prizes will be given away. For more information about the forum, call 562.908.3403 or email at outreach@riohondo.edu. Pico Rivera Dons Gremlins Team Earns Titles The Pico Rivera Dons Gremlins Division team was recognized by the City Council for capturing both the League Title and Conference Title in the San Gabriel Valley Jr. All American Football Conference. The team also enjoyed an undefeated season, finishing with a record of nine wins and no losses. City Hall has been added to the list of locations where residents can register for their favorite Parks and Recreation classes. Class registrations will continue to be accepted at all park sites, online, and at the Parks and Recreation Office. For more information on where and how to register for classes, call 562.801.4430. PROFILE February 2015 Page 3 PICO RIVERA GOING GREEN EL RANCHO Free Mulch Distribution UNIFIED NEWS The City will be distributing garden mulch on Saturday, February 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Whittier Fertilizer Company, 9441 Kruse Road. Residents can receive one 33-gallon container of mulch, free of charge. Additional containers are available for $1 each. Residents must bring their own containers as there will be none available at the site. The mulch distribution is part of the City’s green waste recycling program. For more information about mulch distributions as well as the City’s recycling program, call 562.801.4961. E-Waste/Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event The City of Pico Rivera, in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, is hosting a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Electronic Waste (E-waste) collection event on Saturday, March 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Southern California Gas Company, 8101 Rosemead Blvd. HHW is any leftover product labeled toxic, poison, corrosive, flammable, combustible or irritant that needs to be discarded. E-waste is any electronic product that has reached the end of its useful life. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished or recycled. Proper disposal of these items is important to prevent harmful toxins from entering our waste stream and endangering the community and the environment. Examples of HHW include fertilizer, pesticides, paints, automobile fluids, lead and acid batteries, medicines, beauty products, products in aerosol cans, cleaning sprays, fluorescent lights and pool chemicals. E-waste includes computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers and fax machines. The following items will not be accepted at the collection: explosives, ammunition, radioactive products, HHW/ E-waste from businesses, trash, tires or white goods (refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, etc.) Tips for the HHW/E-waste event: v Pack HHW in cardboard boxes so that it does not spill during transport. Be prepared to leave your containers and boxes. v v v v Put like chemicals together. Separate unlike chemicals. Label materials that are not in their original containers. Make sure containers are not leaking and lids are tightly sealed. Transport your boxes in the car trunk, away from passengers. Remove all other items from the trunk. For more information about this or future collections, call 562.801.4961. State Law Requires Businesses to Recycle City offers information on starting a recycling program Commercial operations in California generate nearly three fourths of the solid waste generated in the state, much of which is readily recyclable. By increasing the recovery of recyclable materials, the state hopes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. California’s Mandatory Commercial Recycling Law requires businesses that generate more than 4 cubic yards of waste per week, as well as apartment complexes with 5 or more units, to implement a recycling program. Business that meet the implementation requirements and do not yet have a recycling program in place can visit the City’s website for more information on getting a recycling program started. Visit www. pico-rivera.org and click on Environmental Programs under the About the City tab. This page includes information on a variety of recycling resources, including Hazardous Household Waste/E-Waste, Used Oil recycling, Sharps disposal and more. You can also call 562.801.4961 for more information. Rio Hondo Symphony To Perform The Rio Hondo Symphony will present its third free concert of the 2014-2015 season on Sunday, March 15 at 3:00 p.m. in the Vic Lopez Auditorium at Whittier High School, 12417 E. Philadelphia St., Whittier. The afternoon’s program, titled “Slavic Excursions,” features conduc tor Kimo Furumoto leading the Symphony through a musical journey of Eastern Europe. The program includes Bedrich Smetana’s Overture to the Bartered Bride, Pablo de Sarasante’s Zigeunerweisen (Gypsy Airs), Zoltan Kodaly’s Galanta Dances and Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No.9 from The New World. For further information, call 562.698.8626. Page 4 February 2015 PROFILE El Rancho High School Hosts Information Meeting For Incoming Students Students and parents/guardians of 9th graders preparing to enter El Rancho High School are invited to Future Don Night on Thursday, March 12 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the school’s main gym. The event is an opportunity for students and parents to become familiar with the school. Topics include high school graduation, college entrance requirements, activities, the arts, sports and extracurricular activities. There will also be a chance to meet teachers, counselors, coaches, administrators and other helpful staff. Future Don Night is the first in a series of activities designed to assist students and parents in making a successful transition from middle school to high school and beyond. For more information, contact El Rancho High School at 562.801.5355. School District Awarded $7Million in Grants The El Rancho Unified School District has been awarded $7.3 million from four major grant programs. The District applied for the grants as part of its ongoing commitment to creating active partnerships and accessing additional funding to provide much needed services to students throughout the district. The funds will be provided over the next two to five years as part of the following grants: v (Department of Education) - $398,126 per year for three years v Project Prevent Grant (Department of Education) - $832,601 per year for five years v School Climate Transformation Grant (Local Educational Agency Grants Program) $361,000 per year for five years v Project AWARE (Department of Health & Human Services) - $50,000 per year for two years Updates on District projects and school board meetings are available by logging on to the District’s website at www.erusd.org.
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