PROFILE Vol. 41 · No. 1 FEBRUARY 2014 CITY COUNCIL Mayor Brent A. Tercero Mayor Pro Tem Gregory Salcido Councilmembers Bob J. Archuleta · David W. Armenta · Gustavo V. Camacho CITY TO PLANT 2,000 NEW TREES Volunteers invited to help at Community Planting Day T he City will be planting two thousand new trees throughout the city over the next few months thanks to a “Green Trees for the Golden State” grant from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The City applied for the grant last year and was awarded $100,000 to purchase and plant 2,000 trees along residential and commercial streets. Planting trees in urban areas has a number of positive impacts, including the reduction of noise and air pollution as well as beautifying the community. One of the requirements of the grant is that the City utilize community volunteers and non-profit organizations to help plant the trees. A Community Planting Day is scheduled for Saturday, February 8 from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Volunteers will meet at Streamland Park, 3539 Durfee Avenue, and be assigned to tree planting zones within walking distance of the park. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own shovels and gloves. Residents interested in having a tree planted in their parkway are encouraged to request one in advance by contacting the City’s Public Works Department at 562.801.4415. Requests should be submitted as soon as possible as the number of trees is limited. For more information or to volunteer for the Community Planting Day, you may call 562.801.4430. Volunteer applications are also available on the City’s website at CITY TO RECEIVE THIRD KaBOOM! PLAYGROUND Park Build Day set for February 13 NEW CHAPTER INSIDE THIS ISSUE The City’s new state-of-the-art Library is now open to the public. The new library has over 16,000 square feet of space with an expanded book collection, additional meeting rooms and an increase in the availability of public computers with internet access. The Pico Rivera Library is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Pico Rivera Library is closed on Friday, Sunday and Monday. PUBLIC WORKS HONORED SPRING TRAINING CAMP FOR KIDS Department awarded for Rivera Park and Passons Underpass Projects. Sports, cooking and arts & crafts to be offered for youth in grades K-8. p2 p3 MIDGET DONS WIN CONFERENCE TITLE Conference Championship is the first for the group since 2002, The City is proud to receive its third KaBOOM! playground, this time at Pio Pico Elementary school. Volunteers are being sought to help build the playground at a park Build Day on Thursday, February 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The school is located at 4211 Columbia Avenue. Like all KaBOOM! playgrounds, this playground’s design is based on ideas generated by area children during a Design Day, where the children took markers in hand and put their ideas for an ideal playground on paper. KaBOOM! staff then took the kids’ ideas, combined them with input provided by local adults during their own workshop and came up with designs for the playground. No experience is necessary to assist with the Build Day, and volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gloves, rakes, brooms and shovels. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Funding for the project is being provided by Avery-Dennison, which is partnering with KaBOOM!, a national non-profit organization, and the City to build the playground. Over the past 15 years, KaBOOM! has built more than 2,000 playgrounds across the country, including two playgrounds here in Pico Rivera. Their mission is to participate with communities to create great play spaces, with the ultimate goal of having places to play within walking distance of every child in America. For more information, or to volunteer for the Build Day event, call 562.801.4430. PROFILE PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2244 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA P. O. Box 1016 · 6615 Passons Blvd. · Pico Rivera, CA · 90660-1016 POSTAL PATRON PICO RIVERA, CA 90660 p4 Distributed to Pico Rivera residents and businesses as an educational service. For information, contact Public Information at 562.801.4217. City of Pico Rivera to Assume Local Control for Sewer Maintenance from LA County City-requested transfer ensures local control and accountability of City’s taxpayer funds, with no increase in rates. City Public Works Projects Honored The Passons Boulevard Underpass Project and the Rivera Park Renovation Project have been selected as 2013 Projects of the Year by the American Public Works Association Southern California Chapter. Both projects were recognized for their innovative features, positive impacts on quality of life and outstanding project performance and execution. The Underpass Project received the award in the Transportation category while the Rivera Park project won in the Recreation and Athletic Facilities category. Pico Rivera competed against other agencies serving populations of 50,001 to 100,000 people. While innovation and project performance were important factors in evaluating these projects, City officials believe the quality of life criteria are the most significant in terms of the projects’ overall impact on the community. Receiving these awards validates the City’s efforts to improve the quality of life for all City residents through high quality capital improvement projects. Benefits of the Passons Underpass include making the railroad crossing much safer for pedestrians and motorists, improving traffic flow and reducing noise and air pollution in the area. Landscaped slopes, using drought tolerant plants and new trees, along with the use of a rock and leaf design in the fencing, significantly improve the look of the neighborhood as well as provide a historical connection to the City’s agricultural history. Total cost of the project was $43 million, all of which was provided through state and federal funding sources. Improvements to Rivera Park have resulted in a facility that meets the needs of the wide range of park users—from sports groups to casual visitors—while making better use of the available space. The Rivera Park Renovation Project was part of the City’s Parks Master Plan, an extensive effort to renovate aging park facilities throughout the community. Total cost of the project was $6.7 million with funding coming from the Vital Services Bond. PROFILE Editor Mike Matsumoto Layout & Design Gabriel Daigle Staff Writers Gabriel Castorena Michael Maxfield Photographer Oscar Castillo The Pico Rivera Profile is produced by the City of Pico Rivera and is distributed to Pico Rivera residents and businesses as an educational service. For information about the Pico Rivera Profile contact Public Information at 562.801.4217. Sign up for City e-mails Page 2 February 2014 PROFILE To ensure local control and fiscal accountability over local taxpayer funds currently collected by Los Angeles County for sewer maintenance in the City of Pico Rivera, the City is proceeding with its efforts to assume responsibility for all sewer service from the County, said City Manager Ron Bates. “Proper sewer maintenance is vital in ensuring the health and safety of the Pico Rivera community,” said Public Works Director Art Cervantes. “We seek to ensure that all taxpayer funds paid by our residents for local sewer maintenance, upgrades and improvements are controlled locally and not by an outside agency,” said Cervantes. “Doing so will ensure the highest standards of fiscal accountability and transparency as all fees paid for by our residents would be guaranteed to be spent locally to protect our residents’ health and safety - not those of another community.” Transfer of sewer maintenance to Pico Rivera would allow existing funds for sewer system main- tenance to be spent locally solely for the benefit of Pico Rivera residents. Transfer of maintenance would simply ensure existing sewer maintenance funds are spent locally--it would not increase rates. Transfer of sewer maintenance is subject to a Proposition 218 sewer fee process and is expected to be completed by early July 2014. For more information, visit Community Emergency Response Team Program Offered Residents interested in being certified as a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member are encouraged to enroll in the next training session, which starts in mid-February. CERT members learn how to assist their families and neighbors during emergencies and disasters such as earthquakes, fires and floods. Topics covered during the multi-week training program include fire safety, basic medical/first aid, home preparation and methods of communication. Skills learned in the program prepare residents to deal with situations that may occur in their neighborhoods while fire and law enforcement personnel are working elsewhere during the critical hours immediately following a disaster. Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina is pleased to be working in partnership with the Los Angeles County Fire Department and the Pico Rivera City Hall Closed: Fri, Feb. 14; Mon, Feb. 17 and Fri, Feb. 28 Upcoming City Hall Meetings City Council Meeting - Tu, Feb. 11 & 25, 6 p.m. Planning Commission - Mon, Feb. 3 & 17, 6 p.m. Sister City Commission - Mon, Feb. 17, 6 p.m. Parks & Recreation Commission - Th, Feb. 13, 6 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Building, 6767 Passons Blvd. Neighborhood Watch to provide the CERT program to Pico Rivera residents. “I am proud of Pico Rivera’s first CERT class, which graduated in 2013, and look forward to more residents becoming CERT trained,” said Molina. “Being trained on how to respond to emergency situations in our own communities is one of the most important things residents can do.” Sheriff ’s from the Pico Rivera Station who assist locally with the CERT program, encourage Pico Rivera residents and all Neighborhood Watch Captains to participate in this lifesaving program. For more information or to enroll, contact Suzanne Manriquez at 626.350.4500 or email the Pico Rivera CERT Class at This month on CTV3 Watch this month’s Pico Rivera News. February also brings the LA County News, the Vintage Vehicle Show and Live at the Ford - Traditional Dance of Korea. Finally, watch live coverage of the Pico Rivera City Council meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 11 & Feb. 25 at 6:00 p.m. Complete schedule at Time Warner Cable, Channel 3 Verizon FioS, Channel 33 AT&T U-Verse, Channel 99 Now you can receive important City news, information and updates directly by email by subscribing to the City’s e-newsletter service. The e-newsletter service is designed to keep you up to speed on all city events, activities and issues with special email messages and alerts. To subscribe, simply email us at Holiday Decorating Contest Winners 1st Place Duran Family 2nd Place Scianni Family 3rd Place Mendoza Family Once again Pico Rivera residents proved to have plenty of holiday spirit - and creativity - as evidenced by the outstanding job they did decorating their homes and businesses for the season. While their creativity made it fun for residents to see, the members of the Parks and Recreation Commission had a difficult time determining the winners of the 2013 Home Holiday Decorating Contest. However, after careful consideration of all the entries and several trips around the city, the commission reached a decision. The winners are pictured. Congratulations to them all! Sweepstakes Winner Lopez Family Frosty’s Favorite TELACU Fun Run to Support High School Track Program Elf ’s Excellent Decorations Collaro Apartments Join Us For Hassle Free TRIPS & TOURS Take you and your family on fun local trips without the hassle of driving, fighting for parking or wasting gas by traveling with the City’s Parks and Recreation Department. “My Fair Lady” at the Candlelight Pavilion Date & Time: Saturday, March 15; 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fee: $65 for ages 13 & up and $38 for ages 12 & under Deadline to Register: Saturday, February 22 “Book of Mormon” at the Pantages Theater Date & Time: Thursday, February 27; 5:00 to 11:30 p.m. Fee: $72 for ages 6 & up EXTENDED Deadline to Register: Saturday, February 22 Runners, joggers and walkers are invited to participate in the 5th Annual Pico Rivera Fun Run on the morning of Saturday, February 22. Proceeds from the event go to benefit the El Rancho High School Track and Field program. The event gets under way with pre-race registration at 6:00 a.m., followed by the 5K Run, Jog and Walk for all ages at 7:30 a.m. A special 1K Kids Run for children age 12 and under starts at 8:30 a.m. In addition to the races, there will be refreshments, awards and a raffle immediately following the 5K event. Medals will be presented to the top two male and female finishers in each division of the 5K race. The top 100 1K runners will receive a medal. You can register at the Parks and Recreation Department Office, 6767 Passons Boulevard, or online at Early Bird registration fees are $10 for the Kids Run and $20 for the 5K race. Fees increase by $5 on February 10 and by $10 if you register the day of the event. All preregistered runners will receive a Fun Run tee-shirt. Those who do not wish to run but would still like to support the Track and Field program are welcome to make a donation. For information on registration and event information, including the Fun Run route, call 562.801.5355 ext. 171 or send an email to All trips depart from and return to the Pico Rivera Senior Center, 9200 Mines Ave. Registration is accepted at all City park sites, the Parks and Recreation Department Office at 6767 Passons Blvd. and online at Register early to reserve your seat on one or all of these trips. For more information, please call the Department of Parks and Recreation at 562.801.4430. Free Tax Assistance The Pico Rivera Senior Center and AARP are once again partnering to provide free state and federal income tax preparation assistance for residents age 50 years and older. AARP tax-aide volunteers, trained in cooperation with the IRS, will be available at the Pico Rivera Senior Center every Monday and Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m. beginning February 4 and continuing through April 14. Residents who wish to take advantage of this free service should bring a copy of last year’s tax returns, copies of all W-2 and 1099 forms, and the 2013 preparation booklet. Appointments are required, and assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, call the Senior Center at 562.948.4844. Kids’ Spring Training Camp The City will offer a Spring Training Camp Program over the school spring break for grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade. The camp runs from Monday, April 14 through Friday, April 18. Camp will be held at Pico Park, 9528 Beverly Boulevard, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Campers will participate in sports such as baseball, basketball and soccer. Other daily activities include arts & crafts, cooking and indoor/outdoor play. Also scheduled is a field trip to Dodger Stadium to take a tour of the home of the Los Angeles Dodgers. (Field trip subject to change.) Fee for the camp is $99. Campers are required to wear a camp T-shirt every day, which can be purchased for $6 at the time of registration. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided, however campers must bring a bag lunch daily. Registration packets are available at all park sites, the Recreation Department at 6767 Passons Boulevard and online at All registration will be done on a walk-in basis beginning Monday, March 3 at the Recreation Department. Space is limited, so register early. For more information, call 562.801.4430. Indoor Soccer comes to Pico Rivera The Pico Rivera Youth Sports Program is offering a new indoor soccer (Futsal) program beginning Monday, March 17. The 11-week program meets at the Pico Park gymnasium and will emphasize soccer fundamentals, teamwork, sportsmanship, safety and fun. Volunteer coaches will concentrate on basic techniques in passing, dribbling and kicking. Registrations are being accepted through Friday, February 14 in four age divisions: Under 8, Under 10, Under 12 and Under 14. Participants who register after the deadline will be placed on a standby list. Participants must provide a copy of their birth certificate at time of registration. Practice schedules are determined by volunteer coach availability. For more information, call 562.801.4430. PROFILE February 2014 Page 3 PICO RIVERA GOING G PICO RIVERA GOING GREEN Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event Congratulations to the Pico Rivera Dons Midget Division for winning the 2013 San Gabriel Valley Jr. All American Football Conference Championship. This is the team’s first Conference Championship since 2002. The team also won the So Cal Best of the Best football tournament in Fontana. This team scored an average of 38 points per game while scoring a Conferenceleading season total of 376 points. City and School District working together for Safe Routes to School The City of Pico Rivera and the El Rancho Unified School District began to coordinate the Safe Routes to School Program this past fall. The Pico Rivera Safe Routes to School project serves all eight elementary schools and three middle schools in the District. Safe Routes to School is a national movement that supports children and families in walking and bicycling to school by creating safer traffic conditions around schools, reducing traffic congestion during drop-off and pick-up times, educating parents about safe driving behaviors and improving the health of students through increased physical activity. Currently, the City is looking for volunteers interested in serving on program teams at each participating school. They will assist the City in developing and implementing efforts focusing on the program’s four different components: education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation. The education component will teach parents and children how to bike and walk to school safely through skills trainings, brochures and maps. Encouragement programs will promote biking and walking using incentive campaigns. The Los Angeles Sheriff ’s Department will lead enforcement efforts by focusing on behaviors that make it unsafe for students to bike and walk, such as speeding and failing to yield to pedestrians. Success of the program will be determined through the evaluation component, which will measure changes in student biking and walking rates. An interactive web map has been set up to solicit input about recommended walking routes to school, and traffic hazards and barriers near schools. We invite parents and community members to view the map and add their thoughts at this website: If you are interested in being a part of this effort to improve biking and walking around your school, please contact the Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Jessie Holzer, via email at PicoRiveraSRTS@ or phone at 949.292.2615. Page 4 February 2014 PROFILE Pico Rivera reminds residents to properly dispose of used Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and electronic waste (e-waste). To provide a convenient way to properly recycle HHW and e-waste, the City and County Department of Public works are partnering to host a local HHW/e-waste collection event on Saturday, March 8 at the Southern California Gas Company, 8101 Rosemead Boulevard, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All HHW/e-waste collection events hosted by the County are free of charge. HHW is any leftover product labeled toxic, poison, corrosive, flammable, combustible or irritant that you want to discard. This includes used motor oil and filters, paint and thinners, pesticides, household cleaners, and expired or unused medications. E-waste includes batteries, cell phones, computers, fluorescent light bulbs, monitors and most other types of electronics. For more information, call 562.801.4961. Green Waste Recycling Program Free mulch available NASA now accepting E-Waste for proper disposal Millions of tons of electronic waste (e-waste), including outdated and unwanted TVs, computers and cell phones, end up in American landfills or incinerators every year. Electronics are made with a sizable amount of lead, cadmium and other materials that can leak toxins into the environment, making the proper collection and recycling of e-waste a priority for everyone. The good news is awareness of the potential ecological impact of e-waste is rising, and there are ways to make a difference, especially at the end of these products’ usefulness. NASA Services, Inc., and the City of Pico Rivera have teamed up to help residents responsibly collect and recycle e-waste. Here are a few ways you can prevent e-waste from being improperly disposed. Curbside Collection for Residents: Residents can place all acceptable E-waste at the curb as part of each household’s 10 free annual bulky item pick-ups. To schedule an e-waste or bulky item pick up, please call NASA Services at 1-888-888-0388 one day prior to your collection day. Drop-off for Residents and Businesses: Residential and commercial clients can drop-off all acceptable e-waste free of charge at the NASA Services, Inc. service yard located at 1100 S Maple Avenue in Montebello. Participate in a local HHW/E-waste Collection Event: For a complete listing of acceptable items or information on upcoming events, contact 1-888-CLEAN-LA or visit Spring is almost here and composted mulch is a great way to improve the fertility and health of the soil, protect plants from heat exhaustion and reduce weed growth. Residents can receive one 33-gallon container of mulch, free of charge, on Saturday, February 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Whittier Fertilizer Company, 9441 Kruse Road in Pico Rivera. Additional containers are available for $1 each. Residents must bring their own containers as there will be none available at the site. Mulch distribution events are a part of the City’s green waste recycling program. It is important to remember that these events are directly related to the amount and quality of the green waste our residents produce. If a residents’ green waste is contaminated with trash and other items it cannot be used for our mulch distribution events. Green waste bin inspections To help increase the effectiveness of the green waste recycling effort, the City is conducting random inspections to ensure residents are recycling correctly. Green bins should contain the following in order for the contents to be properly recycled: garden trimmings, flowers, weeds, grass clippings, leaves and small branches. These items should not be placed in green bins: palm branches, yucca trees, ice plant clusters, dirt, rock, sod, concrete, treated or painted wood, animal waste, large tree stumps more than 4 inches in diameter or 2 inches in length, glass, metal, plastic bags or household garbage. If a green bin is found to contain debris other than what should be inside, that bin will not be picked up. Please remember to recycle correctly. More information on what can go into each container and how to properly recycle is available on the City’s webpage at For more information about the recycling program as well as mulch distributions, call 562.801.4961. Upcoming Chamber Event Mark your calendars for this upcoming event from the Pico Rivera Chamber of Commerce Thursday, February 13 Valentine Casino Night & $10,000 Raffle A Mi Hacienda, 9613 Whittier Boulevard Join the Pico Rivera Chamber and friends from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. for a great evening of Casino Games, Food and Fun. Partial proceeds to benefit the Pico Rivera Sheriff’s P.R.I.D.E. Program. Call the Chamber office for more information regarding sponsor opportunities or to purchase a Raffle Ticket. Purchase of a raffle ticket includes entrance into event, casino money and one drink ticket. For more information about this and other Chamber events throughout the year, call the Chamber at 562.949.2473 or email
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