Wind Speed (m/s
Wind Speed (m/s
Weathering properties at sea of the Fray crude, Lillefrigg condensate and the I[NO: 7525 blend of these products Final version Per Johan Brandvik Tove Strarm-Kristiansen Per S. Daling Weathering properties at sea of the F r ~ ycrude, the Lillefrigg condensate and the 75:25 blend of these products IKU Petroleumsforskninga.s IKU Petroleum Research N-7034 Trondheim, Norway Telephone: +47 73 59 11 00 Attn.: Torleif Norenes REG. NO. DATE PROJECT MANAGER 96.073 5 ~ u g u s t 1996 , Per Johan Brandvik NO. OF PAGES NO. OF APPENDICES LINE MANAGER 5 104 >s$~~d SIGN. SIGN. Ivar Singsaas & LS SUMMARY By combining results from laboratory investigations and IKU's Oil Weathering model, the weathering of the Frgy crude oil over time under different weather conditions is predicted. These predictions are presented in figures on standardised data sheets showing the different properties of the oil with increasing weathering. This manual is intended to be a contingency planning tool for "On-scene commanders" in ELF Petroleum Norge and for authorised oil spill personnel to facilitate decision making concerning the use of different countermeasure techniques during an oil spill combat with the Frgy crude. The following main conclusions were found for the weathering of the Frgy crude: Maximum water uptake is approximately 70 %. The Frgy crude is chemically dispersible up to a viscosity of approximately 6000 CP. Time window for use of dispersants is from 12 hours to several days depending on sea temperature and sea state. The following main conclusions were found for the weathering of the Lillefrigg condensate: Maximum water uptake is approximately 70 %, but the emulsions formed were very unstable and had a very high rate of natural dispersion. Mechanical recovery or dispersants are not expected to be used on this product due to a high tendency for natural dispersion and a high evaporative loss. KEYWORDS ENGLISH Oil spill Oil weathering Computer model KEYWORDS NORWEGIAN Oljesgl Forvitring av olje Modellering PREFACE As long as crude oils and petroleum products are transported across the seas by ships or pipelines there will be the risk of spillage with the potential to cause significant environmental damage. The "Braer" incident in Shetland and recent smaller ship accidents in Norway, have demonstrated the high level of public concern about the damaging effects of oil spills. These spills also demonstrated the need for a rapid decision-making process to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of difSerent countermeasure techniques such as mechanical recovery, burning or dispersants. New types of crudes are constantly being put into production from the Norwegian continental shelf: The large variations in the physico-chemical properties of the crude oils make their behaviour vary widely at a possible oil spill at sea. Weathering (principally evaporation and emulsification) will change the physico-chemical properties of the oils as a function of time, weather conditions and the original composition of the oil. Some of the weathering processes will tend to accelerate the disappearance of the oil from the surface, while others make the oil more persistent. A good knowledge of the weathering properties of different oil types is fundamental for: oil spill contingency planning for different oilfields. optimisation of a mechanical, chemical or a burning combat operation with a specific oil type. The changing properties of the oil or w/o-emulsion will grkatly influence the efficiency of a mechanical combat operation: containment operations depend on the spreading properties of the oil leakage of oil from booms depends on the viscosity of the oil or w/o-emulsion. pumping capacity of skimmer depends on the viscosity of the oil or w/o-emulsion effectiveness of an w/o-emulsion breaker depends on the w/o-emulsion stability which depends on the properties of the oil. The efficiency of a chemical combat operation depends on factors such as: the physicaUchemica1 properties of the oil (viscosity, war content, pour point etc.) the spreading properties of the oil the water content and w/o-emulsion formation properties the viscosity of the w/o-emulsion The aim of this manual is to be a tool in the contingency planning for the "On-Scene Commanders" in ELF Petroleum Norge and other oil spill personnel. It will facilitate decision making on the most appropriate use of different countermeasure techniques during oil spill combat operations to spills of Fr@ycrude or the Lillefrigg condensate. The manual also contains information of a more general nature, indicating the complexity of weathering of oil at sea. The laboratory testing of the weathering properties of the Fr@ycrude and the Lillefrigg condensate was carried out to a standardised laboratory procedure which has been developed at IKU. The experimental laboratory data has been used as input to the IKU Weathering Model. By combining the experimental data with the IKU Weathering Model, it is possible to predict the weathering properties of FrGy oil during different weather conditions. These predictions are presented as data sheets showing the different properties of the oil with increased weathering. The assistance from laboratory and office staff at IKU Lars Hovdahl, Anita Johansen and Oddveig Bakken (laboratory technicians), May Kristin Ditlevsen (secretary) and Tone Aas Heggenhougen (illustrator), are gratefully acknowledged. Trotzdheim, May 1996 Per Johatl Brandvik Project manager SIYTEF QROUP TABLE OF CONTENTS . Page 1 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF CRUDE OILS 7 1.1 Composition of crude oils ............................................................................................................ 7 1.1.1 Hydrocarbons ................................................................................................................ 7 1.1.2 Non-hydrocarbons ......................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Properties of crude oils ................................................................................................................ 8 1.2.1 Boiling point and boiling range (distillation properties)................................................ 8 1.2.2 Density ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.2.3 Viscosity ........................................................................................................................ 8 1.2.4 Pour point ...................................................................................................................... 9 1.2.5 Flash point ..................................................................................................................... 9 . .................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................... l1 2 THE BEHAVIOUR OF CRUDE OIL SPILT AT SEA 2.1 Evaporation................................................................................................................................ 12 2.1.1 Effect of evaporation on properties of remaining oil .................................................. 12 2.2 Water solubility (dissolution) of oil components ...................................................................... 13 2.3 Photo-oxidation .........................................................................................................................14 2.4 Biodegradation........................................................................................................................... 14 2.5 Sedimentation ............................................................................................................................ 14 2.6 Submerging................................................................................................................................14 2.7 Water-in-oil emulsification ........................................................................................................ 14 2.7.1 Formation of wlo-emulsions ........................................................................................ 14 2.7.2 Stability of wlo-emulsions ..........................................................................................16 2.7.3 Rheology (flow behaviour) of wlo-emulsions .............................................................. 17 2.7.4 Effect of water-in-oil emulsification on oil spill countermeasures ..............................17 2.8 Natural and chemical dispersion (oil-in water) ......................................................................17 2.9 Spreading ................................................................................................................................... 18 2.10 The drift of the oil spill ...........................................................................................................18 . ........................................................................................................... 3 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 19 3.1 Oils tested .................................................................................................................................. 19 3.2 Preparation of weathered residues ............................................................................................19 20 3.3 Physico-chemical analyses ......................................................................................................... 20 3.4 Emulsification studies ................................................................................................................ 3.4.1 Preparation of wlo-emulsions ...................................................................................... 20 3.4.2 Methods for testing of demulsifiers ............................................................................. 21 21 3.5 Chemical dispersability studies .................................................................................................. 3.5.1 Methods used ...............................................................................................................21 21 3.5.2 Dispersants used .......................................................................................................... 3.6 Meso-scale flume studies ........................................................................................................... 22 3.6.1 Description of the flume ..............................................................................................23 3.6.2 Flume test methodology ............................................................................................... 23 ............................................................... 4. WEATHERING PROPERTIES OF THE FR0Y CRUDE 25 4.1 Physico-chemical properties ...................................................................................................... 25 4.1.1 Chemical composition ................................................................................................. 25 26 4.2 Water-in-oil emulsification ........................................................................................................ 4.2.1 Rate of formation ......................................................................................................... 26 28 4.2.2 Viscosity ...................................................................................................................... 4.2.3 Stability of wlo-emulsions and effectiveness of emulsion breaker ..............................28 4.3 Chemical dispersability testing .................................................................................................. 31 4.3.1 Initial screening of dispersants .................................................................................... 31 32 4.3.2 Comprehensive dispersability testing of the Fray crude .............................................. SINTCC 4.3.3 Dispersability testing of the Lillefrigg condensate and blends of Fray crude and Lillefrigg condensate ............................................................................................. 33 34 4.4 The meso scale flume test .......................................................................................................... 4.4.1 Water uptake................................................................................................................ 34 34 4.4.2 Viscosity of wlo-emulsion ........................................................................................... 4.4.3 Emulsion stability and effectiveness of emulsion breaker ...........................................34 4.4.4 Natural and chemical dispersability of the Fray crude ................................................34 4.4.5 Evaporative loss ..........................................................................................................34 4.4.6 Mass balance .............................................................................................................. 35 . ....................................................................................... . ................................................................................................ 5 PREDICTION OF PROPERTIES AT SEA 37 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 37 5.1.1 Numerical weathering model ....................................................................................... 37 5.2 Criteria used for the predictions................................................................................................. 38 5.2.1 Discharge conditions and time-scale for predictions ................................................... 38 5.2.2 Oil film thickness........................................................................................................ 38 5.2.3 Wind and sea state conditions ..................................................................................... 38 5.2.4 Sea temperatures.......................................................................................................... 38 5.2.5 Fire and explosion hazard ............................................................................................ 38 5.2.6 Laboratory investigation............................................................................................. 38 5.2.7 Optimised mechanical recovery ................................................................................... 39 5.3 Prediction tables-user examples ................................................................................................. 39 41 5 PREDICTED PROPERTIES AT SEA 5.4 Fray crude. list of prediction tables (Blue pages): ..................................................................... 41 5.5 LilleFrigg condensate. list of prediction tables (Red pages): ..................................................... 41 5.6 Fray and LilleFrigg blend (75.25). list of prediction tables (Green pages): ..............................41 . 7. 6 SUMMARY OF THE WEATHERING PROPERTIES OF FRBY CRUDE AT SEA SUMMARY OF THE WEATHERING PROPERTIES CONDENSATE AT SEA OF ...................69 LILLEFRIGG ..............................................................................................................71 . 8 SUMMARY OF THE WEATHERING PROPERTIES OF THE FRBY LILLEFRIGG BLEND (7525) AT SEA ...............................................................................................................73 9. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................75 ...............................................................................................77 APPENDIX B: Emulsification (water uptake and stability) and demulsification results ..................87 APPENDIX C: Chemical dispersability results .....................................................................................91 y .............................95 APPENDIX D: Meso-scale flume results. (Only performed with the F r ~ crude) APPENDIX A: Physico-chemical results APPENDIX E: F r ~ y crude. Lille-Frigg condensate and the 50:50 and 7525 blend between them compared to other Norwegian sector crudes ...............................................................l01 QROUC 1. A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF CRUDE OILS A crude oil is not a uniform material. The chemical composition and therefore chemical and physical properties of different crudes vary over a very wide range. Hydrocarbons are divided into aliphates and aromatics and the two main groups of aliphates are paraffins and naphthenes. Paraffins 1.1 Composition of crude oils Crude oils are a complex mixture of thousands of chemical components. The relative composition will, however, vary greatly between different crudes, resulting in variations in the physico-chemical properties. Figure 1.1 shows schematically the division of the crude oil into the main chemical groups. This includes n-alkanes (straight chain) and isoalkanes (branched chain) aliphatic compounds. Waxes are an important sub-group of paraffins, containing more than 20 carbon atoms. The wax components of a crude oil will be present in solution at elevated temperatures. At low temperatures they may precipitate out of solution. These are principally n-alkanes. The wax content of crude oils can vary from 0.5 wt.% up to 40 or 50 wt.% in extreme cases, although the majority of the world's crude oils have wax contents of 2 - 15 wt.%. Naphthenes This group includes cycloalkanes containing one or more saturated rings. Each ring may have one or more paraffinic side chains. They are chiefly 5 and 6 membered rings. I l, A Aromatics Aromatics These are a spesific group of unsaturated, cyclic hydrocarbons. The presence of straight or branched chain paraffinic side chains produces a large number of isomers. Examples of low molecular weight aromatic components include benzene, toluene, xylenes. Figure l .l 1.1.1 The chemical composition of the crude oil. Division into chemical groups. Hydrocarbons The majority of compounds in crude oils are hydrocarbons, composed of hydrogen (10-15 wt.%) and carbon (85-90 wt.%). These range from simple, volatile gases, such as methane with only one carbon atom, up to large, complex molecules with more than 100 carbon atoms. The hydrocarbons in crude oils include saturated and unsaturated molecules in linear, branched and cyclic configurations. IKJ 1061 1 M \\Boss\ikd 1961 1 OO\Fr~v\KAPPORT?m~ter~.~iocLune\7U15 08.96 In addition to pure hydrocarbons, some organic compounds in crude oils also contain small amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, or sulphur, and some trace metals such as vanadium and nickel. The two most important groups of non-hydrocarbons are resins and asphaltenes. Resins Resins are relatively polar compared to the hydrocarbons, and often have surface active properties. Resins have molecular weights ranging from 700-1000. Carboxylic acids (naphthenic acids), sulphoxides and phenol-like compounds can be found in this group. Asphaltenes This is a complex group of poorly characterised chemical compounds. They consist of condensed polycyclic aromatic compounds. They are large molecules with 6 - 20 aromatic rings and side chains (molecular weight: 1000 - 10 000). Asphaltenes may be classified as "hard"' or "soft", on the basis of the method used to determine the asphaltene content. Crude oils can contain up to 6 wt.% "hard"' and 10 wt.% "soft" asphaltenes. 1.2 Properties of crude oils The physical and chemical properties exhibited by a crude oil are a result of the properties of its constituent chemical components. Because the chemical composition of different crude oils varies over a wide range, the physico-chemical properties also vary. 1.2.1 Boiling point and boiling (distillation properties) The distillation curve is an indicator of the relative amounts of different chemical components, principally as a function of molecular weight, but also determined by the chemical composition. Figure 1.2 shows the distillation curves of 6 Norwegian crude oils. 1.2.2 Density The density of crude oils ranges from approximately 0.780 to 1.000 kg/L (49.9 - 10.0 "API) at 15°C. Low density crudes are typically high in low molecular weight paraffinic components, whilst crudes rich in high molecular weight aromatic, naphthenic and asphaltenic components will have higher densities. In American literature the density of oil is often given as API gravity and expressed as "API, where: "API = 141.5 Specific gravity - 13 1.5 range The distillation curve indicates the relative distribution of volatile and heavier components in the oil. The distillation curve is obtained by measuring the vapour temperature as a function of amount of oil distilled. Specific gravity of a crude oil is defined as the ratio between the density of the crude at 15.5"C (60°F) and the density of distilled water at the same temperature. 1.2.3 Viscosity The viscosity of a crude oil defines its resistance to flow and is due to the viscosity of its constituent components. Low molecular weight compounds generally have lower viscosity than higher molecular weight compounds. The viscosity of crude oils world wide ranges from 3 - 2000 cP at 13°C. For most oils the viscosity is 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Boiling point ("C) Figure 1.2 Distillation curve (volume percent evaporated versus temperature) of 6 Nonvegian crude oils. given either at 15.5"C (60°F), 37.8"C (100°F) or at 50°C. Figure 1.3 shows the variation in viscosity as a function of temperature for typically Norwegian crude oils and oil products. Waxy or very viscous crudes can exhibit non-Newtonian behaviour (viscosity varies with shear rate), especially close to or below their pour point. 1.2.5 IF-30 Gullfaks Frey EkofisWla ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Temperature ('C) Figure 1.3 1.2.4 Variation in viscosity as a function of temperature for typically Norwegian crude oils and oil products. The figure may not be valid when the temperature is near the pour point of the oils. Pour point The pour point is the temperature at which an oil ceases to flow when subjected to a slight movement, when it is cooled without disturbance under specified laboratory conditions. It is not possible to accurately translate this into the temperature at which the oil will become semi-solid in other circumstances. (e.g. at the sea surface see 2.1.1). The pour point is related to the chemical composition of the oil, particularly the wax content. As a crude oil is cooled, small wax crystals can precipitate. Highly paraffinic crudes can have high pzur points due to high wax contents, in excess of 30 C for the more extreme paraffinic crudes. Naphthenic crude oils, especially Ifw viscosity crudes, can have pour points below -40 C. This is partly due to the absence of waxy components and also to the ability of the low molecular weight naphthenic components to maintain the wax in solution. Flash point The flash point is the lowest temperature at which the gas or vapour generated by heating an oil can be ignited by a flame. The flash point depends on the proportion of low molecular weight component. Fresh crude oils have a low flash point (from -40 to +30°C) because of the high proportion of low molecular weight components. From the viewpoint of safety, flash points are of most significance at or slightly above the maximum temperature that may be encountered in storage or transport. The flash point is an approximate indicator of the relative fire and explosion hazard of an oil. The oil's flash point will rise rapidly after the oil being discharged at sea because of the evaporation of the lightest components. Criteria for fire and explosion hazard connected to oil spills and oil spill combat at sea are given in section 5.2.5 (EPA, 1982). A rule of thumb says that staying in an oil spill where the flash point of the oil is close to or lower than the sea temperature implies fire and explosion hazard. Practically, this means a relatively short period of danger (less than 1-3 hours, depending on the weather conditions and discharge criteria) after discharge of a crude oil. It is important, however, to emphasise that the oils' flash point only is one of several parameters infl~encingthe flammability of the air over an oily surface. In the laboratory, the flash point is measured in a closed system where there is equilibrium between components in oil and gas. In the field, however, the weath-er situation will have great influence on the flammability of the air above the slick. For instance the gas concentration will be high just above the oil in calm weather and high temperature, whereas it will be rather low in cold and windy weather due to dilution and transport and a lower degree of evaporation. Therefore the criteria given in section 5.2.5 is very conservative from an operational point of view. Ka!l m n m ramour @ [IENI s ~ m m ar m o u r 2. THE BEHAVIOUR OF CRUDE OIL SPILT AT SEA When oil is spilt at sea, a number of weathering processes produce changes in the physical and chemical properties of the crude and in the oil's behaviour at sea. The main factors influencing the oil's degree of weathering at sea are: Original physical and chemical properties. Environmental conditions (waves, wind, sunlight. temperature). Figure 2.1 Propertie:; of the water (current, temperature, salinity, density oxygen, bacteria, nutrients, presence of particles etc.). Figures 2.1 and 2.2 show schematically the different processes and how their relative importance varies with time. Weathering processes of oil or1 water. Figure 2.2 (next page) illustrates the different weathering processes relative importance affecting the oil slick at sea. For example is evaporation most important the first days after the spill, while biodegradation is not a significant proc,ess (regarding oil spill contingency) before 1 to 2 weeks after the spill. (0- Hours 1 - p - 1 0 1 Day ' 0 0 Week 1000 Month - - Y e a r10000 Evaporation Dissolution Photo-oxidation Biodegradation Sedimentation Water-in-oil emulsification emulsion Oil-in-water dispersion Stable 'mousse' l Spreading I Drifting Figure 2.2 2.1 Weathering processes' relati\'e importance with titne. Evaporation As the oil spreads over the water, evaporation of the lightest components will occur. This is one of the most important weathering processes which removes oil from the water surface. The rate of evaporation will, in addition to the relative containment of lighter components in the crude, also be a function of wind speed, sea temperature and thickness of the oil film. The rate of evaporation will therefore vary from spill to spill. A commonly used generalisation is that all components with boiling points lower than 200°C (up to n-C1 1 ) will evaporate within 12 - 24 hours. while components with boiling points up to 270°C (less than n-C15) will disappear from the spill within several days. A large proportion of the volume of light crude oils will therefore evaporate rapidly. The proportion of heavier crudes that remains on the sea surface will be greater. Light refinery products like gasoline (boiling point range 30 - 180°C) and kerosene (130 - 250°C) u,ill totally evaporate after some hourslfew days at the water surface. Figure 2 . 3 shows the predicted evaporative loss for six North Sea crude oils, as a function of weathering at sea calculated under given weather conditions. 2.1.1 Effect of evaporation on properties of remaining oil An important consequence of the evaporation process is that the remaining oil at the surface has change physico-chemical characteristics compared to those of the original oil: Density The density of the oil is important for the spreading of the oil and for the degree of naturallchemical dispersion. Figure E6 in Appendix E shows the predicted density of oil-in-water emulsion as a function of weathering at sea for different crude oils under glven weather conditions. Viscosity The viscosity of the oil will increase, due to loss of the l i ~ h t e r , less viscous components and a consequently larger proportion of heavier, more viscous components in the remaining oil residue. For mo\t of the North sea crudes the increase in vihcosity Lvill t p i c a l l y be in the range from 5 to 2 0 c P for the fresh crude to few hundred c P for the residue. 5 10 15 20 Weathering time at sea (hours) Figure 2.3 Degree of evaporation as a function of time at sea. Calculated for 5 m/s wind, 15°C sea temperature andfilm thickness decreasing from 20 mm to 2 mm with a half-time of 1 hour. Pour point The pour point of the remaining oil will also be higher than that of the original oil because the !oss of the more volatile components will concentrate the wax in the remainder, leading to wax precipitation and a higher pour point. However, at the sea surface the oil may remain a liquid, and spread over the sea, at temperatures as low as 10 - 15 "C lower than the pour point of the oil (see also 4.1.2, pour point). In Figure E3 in Appendix E, the pour point is predicted for different crude oils under given weather conditions, and plotted as a function of time at sea. Flash point The flash point of the oil remaining on the surface will rapidly increase as the more volatile and inflammable components evaporate and are rapidly diluted into the air. As the volatile components evaporate and the flash point of the residue increases, the risk of fire and explosion will rapidly decrease. Higher wind speeds cause faster evaporation and diffusion of the vapour and therefore a more rapid increase in flash point. In Figure E2 in Appendix E the flash point is predicted for different crude oils under given weather conditions, and plotted as a function of time at sea. 2.2 Water soIubility (dissolution) of components oil The heavier hydrocarbon compounds in crude oils are essentially insoluble in water, while the smaller molecules (especially aromatics, such as benzene and toluene) dissolve to some extent. However, these compounds are volatile and also evaporate rapidly. Typically, the evaporation is 10 - 100 times quicker than the solubility into the water phase. The concentration of oil components dissolved in water under an oil spill will therefore be very low (less than 1 mg/L) and water solubility has only a very minor effect on the total removal of oil from the sea surface. If there is a high degree of natural dispersion, dissolution will become more important. 2.5 Sedimentation Under the influence of sunlight some of the oil components (especially aromatics) will slowly be oxidised to resins and eventually asphalthenes. This contributes to the stability of wlo-emulsions and therefore has a large influence on the oils persistence on the surface. The photo-oxidised components will stabilise the wlo-emulsions. After a long period of weathering at sea, tar-balls can be formed. Tar-balls are broken down very slowly both at sea and on beaches. Very few crude oils will have a density higher than sea water (1.024 kgL) even after extensive weathering or emulsification. Weathered crude oil residues will therefore not normally sink. In areas with high concentrations of sediment these may adhere to the oil and make it sink. Due to changes in oil processing, heavy fuel oil is becoming more dense and sinking and sedimentation may become an increasing problem in future spills with heavy bunker fuel oils. 2.4 2.6 Biodegradation Submerging Sea water contains many kinds of micro-organisms (e.g. bacteria), some of which may use oil components as an energy source. Even if the concentration of micro-organisms at an accidental oil spill at open sea is initially low, a rapid increase will happen if the conditions are favourable. Important factors influencing the rate of biodegradation are the concentration of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphate), oxygen and the temperature. It has been observed that highly weathered and dense oils can temporarily disappear from the surface, and later return to the surface. Recent research has shown that the degree of sub-merging of the oil is mainly a function of sea conditions and the density and viscosity of the oil or wlo-emulsion. The most easily broken down components are the straight chain saturated hydrocarbons (n-alkanes). Several kinds of organisms exist, each preferring their particular group of hydrocarbons. Principally, all types of oil components, except asphaltenes, can be broken down by microbial organisms. Water-in-oil emulsification is the most important weathering process that makes crude oils persistent on the water surface. The formation of wloemulsions may delay the evaporation and the natural dispersion processes by significantly increasing the viscosity. As these micro-organisms live in sea water, the biodegradation will only take place at the interface between oil and water. Oil that has stranded above the tide-zone will be degraded extremely slowly and may remain for many years. In the sea, the formation of oil droplets by natural or chemical dispersion will increase the biodegradation rate at least 10 - 100 times compared to surface oil, due to the increase in oiUwater interfacial area. Many factors influence the biodegradation, and even after many years of research it is very difficult to predict the rate of the microbial biodegradation of an oil spill. A rate of biodegradation of around 1-30 mg oil 3 pr m sea water per day has been reported. The rate in more chronically oil polluted areas might rise up to 0.5-6.0 g oil/m3 sea water per day. Oil trapped in the sediments will remain for much longer because the rate of biodegradation is much lower due to the lack of oxygen and nutritients. 2.7 2.7.1 Water-in-oil emulsification Formation of wlo-emulsions Almost all crude oils contain surface active compounds which cause them to form wlo-emulsions if the energy at the sea surface is sufficient. The presence of breaking waves (wind speed at more than 5 d s ) has been set as the lowest energy limit for water-in-oil emulsification, but a slower rate of water uptake can also happen in calmer conditions. Water-in-oil emulsification and natural (oil-in-water) dispersion (Section 2.8) will proceed simultaneously in the initial stages of a spill. As the oil viscosity increases due to weathering, water-in-oil emulsification usually becomes the dominant process. However, in extreme conditions of high wind speed, dispersion may be the dominating process compared to emulsification (e.g. Gullfaks crude in the Braer accident). Sture Blend o Oseberg feltsenter X Parent oil viscosity (cP) Figure 2.4 Correlation between the viscosity of crude oil residues/emulsions and water content. The rate of water-in-oil emulsification can vary greatly among different crudes. Figure 2.4 shows the correlation between the viscosity of crude oils and their ability to take up water and form water-in-oil emulsions. Direct incorporation of water droplets by wave-like instabilities at the oiltwater interface. Tests performed at IKU indicate that the maximum water volume incorporated into emulsions of different oils will be relatively independent of the weather conditions, provided that the lower energy barrier for water uptake is exceeded. Figure 2.5 illustrates how different wind speeds influence the rate of water-in-oil emulsification for a typical crude. Tests have shown that the chemical composition of crude oils greatly influences the water-in-oil emulsification rate. Wax rich crudes usually pick up water more rapidly than lower wax content oils. As the pour point of an oil is closely related to its wax content, an oil near or below its pour point is likely to produce w/o-emulsions quite rapidly. The mechanism of water-in-oil emulsification is not yet fully understood. Possible mechanisms include: Re-surfacing of unstable oil droplets, formed by natural dispersion, which may trap small water droplets in the oil slick. Breaking waves may form water filled "bubbles" of oil which will also re-combine with the slick. Time (hours) Figure 2.5 Example of the influence of rvirld speed on the rate of rvater-irz-oil emulsification. Figure 2.6 Water droplet size in a w/o-emulsion after I hour ( A ) and 24 hours ( B ) mixing. 2.7.2 Not all of the water droplets incorporated into the oil will be stable. The largest water droplets will sink through the oil film and will settle out of the wloemulsion. Larger water droplets may be reduced in size by the flexing, stretching and compressing motion of a slick due to wave action. The wloemulsion will eventually contain only small water droplets (1 - 10 pm diameter). Figure 2.6 illustrates the influence of mixing time on water droplet size in a wlo-emulsion. Stability of wlo-emulsions Resins, waxes and asphaltenes are very important components which influence the stability of wloemulsions, because they form an interfacial film between the oil and the water droplets (Figure 2.7). This interfacial film is a physical barrier which prevents coalescence to larger and more unstable water droplets in the oil. WATER PHASE kphaltene stabilized Water droplet - pm in diameter & wax OIL PHASE ss j--iig/j fJ ) stabilized OPrs ss l3 - Asphaltene "particles" a Wax crystals /' Resins Figure 2.7 Interfacial film stabilization of w/o-emulsions. )) F0 7o @ 2.7.3 Rheology (flow emulsions behaviour) of wlo- Wlo-emulsions are more viscous than the parent oil. Figure 2.8 shows an example of how the viscosity ratio increases drastically with increasing water content (Mackay et al., 1980). Wlo-emulsions exhibit shear-thinning behaviour. An emulsion may be quite liquid under turbulent conditions at sea, but can become much more viscous, or even semi-solid in calmer water conditions, or on beaches. Measurements of the viscosity of wlo-emulsions have therefore to be carried out under strictly controlled conditions (defined shear rates and thermal and mechanical history of the sample). At IKU a shear rate of 10 S-' is routinely used for expressing viscosity data on wlo-emulsions. wlo-emulsion is less than 1000 cP because low viscosity oils and emulsions may escape under the boom. If the viscosity is higher than 10 000 cP, some types of skimmers ( e.g. disc and mop skimmers) have reduced recovery efficiency (see also chapter 5.2.7). 2.8 Natural and chemical dispersion (oilin water) If sufficient energy is available on the sea surface, waves will start breaking up the oil into droplets with sizes ranging from 1 - 1000 pm in diameter. These will be mixed into the water column. This happens mainly when breaking waves are present (typically at wind speed higher than 5 mls). The largest droplets will resurface and form sheen behind the spill, as described in Section 2.9. Oil droplets less than 100 pm in diameter will have rise velocities of less than 1 - 2 meter per hour. The vertical and horizontal motion of these droplets will be dominated by turbulence in the water column and they may therefore be considered to be permanently dispersed. Water content (vol. %) Figure 2.8 2.7.4 Example of the viscosity ratio as a function of increasing water content (Mackay et al., 1980) Effect of water-in-oil emulsification o n oil spill countermeasures The properties of a wlo-emulsion (such as water content, viscosity and stability) are of great importance to the effectiveness of mechanical and chemical oil spill countermeasures. If mechanical recovery methods are to be used, the water content of the emulsion will be important. Water-in-oil emulsification vastly increases the volume of pollutant to be recovered. An emulsion containing 80 vol.% of water will have a volume of five times that of the original oil. Experience from Norwegian field trials (Nordvik et al., 1992) has shown that the effectiveness of many mechanical recovery methods is decreased if the viscosity of the The rate of natural dispersion, in moderate weather conditions, will be about 0.5 - 2 vol.% oil per hour in the initial stages of a spill. Natural dispersion is one of the most important processes that determines the lifetime of the oil at the sea surface. Gradually, this natural dispersion rate will decrease (see Figure 2.2) as evaporation and water-in-oil emulsification increases the viscosity of the oil or emulsion. Chemical dispersants enhance the natural dispersion rate by reducing the interfacial tension between the oil and water. Field trials have shown that chemical dispersion results in an increased oil concentration in the water column down to approximately 10 meters, shortly after dispersant application. This concentration rapidly drops due to dilution caused by vertical and horizontal mixing, and will be far below the general toxicity level for most organisms in the sea. The increase in pour point caused by evaporation can cause the oil to be very difficult to disperse. Laboratory investigations have shown that oils are chemically dispersable at 10 - 15°C below their pour point. If the pour point of the oil or emulsion exceeds the sea temperature by more than this, the oil may not be chemically dispersable. 2.9 Spreading Oil spilt at sea will spread on the sea surface. The spreading can be very fast and is frequently the dominant process in the initial stages of a spill, although its importance decreases with time. Tlck 011and water-~n-011 emulslon (mm) High density and viscosity of the oil will decrease the spreading. If the pour point becomes higher than the ambient sea water temperature, the spreading will decrease rapidly as the oil becomes semi-solid. Sheen (< lum) After the initial stage, the oceanographic conditions (current, waves and wind) will be the dominating effect on the spreading of oil. The oil slick will, because of the wind and waves, be broken into "windrows", which will align with the direction of the wind (Figure 2.9). he oil slick will spread mainly in the downwind direction, with large variations in the film thickness (by a factor of several thousands). A typical guide is that about 90% of oil will be as patches thick), covering approximately 10% of the spill area. The remaining 10% of the area cover about 90% of the in the form of "sheen" (< 1 Km thick). The average spill thickness will be about 0.1 mm. I Figure 2.10 Wind - 20 knots wlndmws "'s,,-A..-mnp. Figure 2.9 2.10 The spreading of oil and distribution within the oil spill The drift of the oil spill Simultaneous with the above weathering processes, the oil spill will be transported on the surface under the influence of wind a i d current. Wind and waves create a current in the water mass which, at the is about 3% of the wind 'peed. In the absence of wind, the oil spill drift is governed by the prevailing current. Figure 2.10 illustrates how the movement of the oil is influenced by wind and current. - - - - - l At1 example of horv the movement of the oil is influenced bp wind and currenl l:lm smunr a m o u r 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS All of the different weathering processes are influenced by several factors such as temperature, weather conditions and the properties and composition of the oil. To be able to predict how a particular type of oil will weather at sea under different conditions, it is necessary to know how the processes influence each other. Knowledge of the different weathering properties of the oil is therefore very important, both to be able to optimise an oil spill combat operation and in connection with contingency planning. Numerical models for calculating the weathering properties of oils at sea at different weather conditions have been developed. These models often combine theoretical and empirical considerations, and can be very useful tools in a real oil spill situation. However, the quality of the results from these models is very dependent on the quality of the available data put into the model. Good experimental weathering data for the actual oil type improves the accuracy of the predictions. This kind of exact data is so far, however, only available for a number of the Norwegian crude oils (the F r ~ ycrude and the Lillefrigg condensate among approx. 25-30 other). Laboratory data are therfore provided in this project as input to IKUs Weathering Model to predict the weathering properties of the F r ~ ycrude and the Lillefrigg condensate at sea. 3.1 Oils tested A sample of stabilised crude oil marked " F r ~ y 25/20" was delivered at IKU in January 1995 (IKU nr: H3 107). The sample of the Lillefrigg condensate was received in august 1995 (IKU nr: H3247). The samples were supplied by ELF Petroleum Norge afs. Two different blends were made from these product, a 5 0 5 0 (IKU nr: H3292) and a 75:25 (IKU nr: H3293) blend of Fr0y crude and Lillefrigg condensate. A full weathering study has been performed with the Fr0y crude while the Lillefrigg condensate and the two blends have been exposed to a full investigation. 3.2 Preparation of weathered residues T o isolate the influence of the different weathering processes (i.e. evaporative loss, photolysis and water-in-oil emulsification), the weathering of the oils were carried out using a systematic, step-wise procedure established first at IKU in 1987 and later on further developed (Daling et al., 1990). This is illustrated in Figure 3.1. The first step involved three different degrees of evaporative loss by a modified ASTM D86182 distillation (Stiver and Mackay, 1984): the oils were topped to 150°, 200' and 250°C+ vapour temperature. This will approximately simulate the evaporative loss that occurs at sea after 0.5-1 hour, 0.5-1 day and 2-5 days, respectively. Samples of the fresh crude were also placed on sea-water, allowed to spread into a thin film and photo-oxidised by artificial sunlight for 20 hours. This caused an evaporative loss corresponding to that of the 250°C+ residues. Each of the topped and photolysed oil residues were used to produce w/o-emulsions with three different water contents; 50 vol.% water, (WOR, volumetric water-to-oil ratio=l), 75 vol.% water (WOR=3) and maximum vol.% water (WOR=max) (see Section 3.4). Thus, 16 weathered oil residues and emulsions were prepared from the F r ~ ycrude oil. Every sample prepared in this way was subjected to physico-chemical analyses, water-in-oil emulsification studies (including the effectiveness of demulsifiers) and chemical dispersability testing. The fresh crude oils were tested for physico-chemical properties and chemical dispersability only. Only the 200°C+ residue and the corresponding 50 and 75% emulsions were prepared from the Lillefrigg condensate and the two blends. Evaporation Crude oil Figure 3.1 3.3 150% 20OoCt 250°C+ + Ph.ox Flow chart for weathering of a crude oil. Physico-chemical analyses The physico-chemical properties of the fresh, topped and photo oxidised oil residues were characterised by the analytical methods listed below: The fellowing analysis were performed both on the Fray crude. the Lillefrigg condensate and the blends. Density: ASTM-method D4052-8 1. Viscosity (dynamic): Haake Rotovisco RV20 or Bohlin Visco 88 BV. Pour point: ASTM-method D97-66 (IP-method 15/67). Wax content: Precipitation of deasphalted oil in 2-butanone/dichlorometane (1+1, voI.+vol.) at 10°C. (Bridit et al., 1980). "Hard" asphaltene content: IP-method 143184. The following analysis were only performed on the Fray crude. Interfacial tension: ASTM-method 97 1-82 (de Nouy ring method). Saturate, aromatic and resin content: Iatroscan TLCFID. Flash point: ASTM-method D93-80 (IP-34/85). The viscosity was measured on the oil residues and the w/o-emulsions at shear rate 100 and 10 s-l respectively. 3.4 Emulsification studies Definitions and symbols concerning the emulsification studies are given in Appendix B. The procedures are described in detail by Hokstad et al., 1993. Only the 200°C+ residue and the 50 and 75% emulsions were prepared from the Lillefrigg condensate and the two blends. 3.4.1 Preparation of w/o-emulsions The emulsifying properties of the four oil residues were tested by using a standard laboratory method (see Figure 3.2), which is a modified version of the rotating flask procedure developed by Mackay and Zagorski, 1982. The method uses cylindrical separating funnels (0.5 L) with oil and sea water rotated at 30 rpm for 24 hours and is simple and rapid. Emulsions were produced at 13'C with normal salinity (3.5%) sea-water. A comparison of the emulsification rate of Ekofisk and Oseberg crude oils, measured in both experimental field trials and in laboratory studies showed that the rotating flasks formed w/oemulsion six times quicker than with 10 m/s wind speed in the field. The following parameters were measured when preparing the maximum water content emulsions: Relative water-in-oil emulsification rate (kinetics, represented by the tin-value). Maximum water-in-oil emulsification ability (WOR max., volumetric water-to-oil ratio). 3.4.2 Methods for testing of demulsifiers 'The demulsifier was added to an existing wloemulsion, and its ability to break the emulsion was measured. The appropriate quantity (500 and 2000 ppm to oil) of demulsifier was added dropwise to the emulsion. After a soaking time of 5 minutes and a mixing time of another 5 minutes to mix the emulsion breaker into the emulsion, the treated emulsion was allowed to settle for 24 hours. The amount of water that settled out after 24 hours was recorded. These results were compared with those obtained in the absence of demulsifier. Before mlxing 24 hours mixing 24 hours mixing 24 hours settling Methods used There is no single laboratory method for testing the effectiveness of dispersants that is generally accepted as being a good simulation of all conditions at sea. Many different test methods have been devised. The results obtained from these methods vary due to different energy input. As no single method can adequately simulate the range of conditions at which the dispersion process can occur at sea, it is important to use at least two methods to assess the dispersability of oil residues and emulsions. The tests used in this study were: (Institute Francais du Pttrole test, Bocard et al., 1984), is the official method for French approval of dispersants. It is a low energy input test (compared to the MNS-test described below). It is probably a more realistic approach than some other test methods because of the use of continuous dilution. The sampling is dynamic (taking place continuously during the mixing period). m,(Mackay and Szeto, 1980) has been the approval method for Canada. The energy input in this system, applied by blowing air across the oillwater surface, producing a circular wave motion, has been estimated to correspond to a medium to high sea-state condition. The sample of the oily water is taken under dynamic conditions. 011 (30 ml) Seawater (330 ml) Figure 3.2 Principle of the rotating flask method (Mackay and Zagorski, 1982). 3.5 3.5.1 Chemical dispersability studies The purpose of testing the chemical dispersability of the oil residues and wlo-emulsions was to define how the effectiveness of different dispersants decreases as the oil weathers. This information is required to effectively model and predict the timewindow for use of dispersants on various crudes at different weather conditions (Daling et al. 1990). Only the Fray crude was exposed to the total dispersability testing, as described below. The Lillefrigg condensate and the blends were only tested with the IFP test. The two laboratory methods are schematically shown in Figure 3.3. The standard test conditions of 13°C and 3.5% salinity sea-water were used. The results from these test methods are mean values of three replicates. The general standard deviation for the IFP-test method is 4-6%. As the oil viscosity increases due to weathering, water-in-oil emulsification usually becomes the dominant process. However, at high wind speeds some oils may disperse instead of emulsify (e.g. Gullfaks crude in the Braer accident) 3.5.2 Dispersants used The screening testing was only performed on the Fray crude. At the initial stage of dispersability testing, eight different dispersants were tested with the IFP method, using the 200"C+ waterfree residues and their 50 vol.% emulsions . A. IFP Test 1. Experimental beaker 6. Electro-magnet B. Oil containment ring B. MNS Test I Orifice flow meter I Air outlet Water sampling tube 1 l Oil containment ring Figure 3.3 Laboratory apparatus for effectiveness testing of dispersants. Table 3.1 Dispersants included in the screening tests of the Fr@ycrude. Dispersants Approved in Norway Corexit-9500 Dasic-NS Dasic LTS Dispolene 36s Enersperse 1037 IKU-9 Inipol IPC OSR-5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO No Yes Different criteria were used in the selection of these products: Seven of these dispersants (not IKU-9) are commercially available, and six of the products are approved for use in Norway. Some of them have shown relatively high effectiveness in earlier investigations at IKU. Based on the results from the screening programme, only two of the dispersants, Corexit 9500 and Dasic NS, were used in further effectiveness testing using the IFP and MNS test methods. The chemical dispersability of the fresh oil, the four waterfree residues and residues emulsified with 5 0 vol.% water (WOR=l), 75 vol.% water (WOR =3) and maximum vol% (WOR=max) were tested. The dosage ratio (DER, dispersant w/o-emulsion volumetric ratio) was 1 :25. 3.6 Meso-scale flume studies When studying the weathering effects on different oils, it is important that the crudes are exposed to as realistic conditions as possible. In the step-wise small scale laboratory procedure, the oils are mmmr a m o u r evaporated (topped), photo-oxidised and emulsified in separate processes independently of each other. In an oil spill situation at sea, these processes will take place simultaneously and will influence each other. To study these weathering processes simultaneously, as in the field, but under controlled conditions, a meso-scale flume basin has recently been built at IKU (Singsaas et al., 1993). The flume acts as a link between the step-wise small scale weathering in the laboratory and field trials. This flume basin is an important supplement to the existing laboratory procedures to give experimental data input to numerical models used for predicting oils' behaviour at sea. Only the F r ~ ycrude was tested in the flume basin. 3.6.1 The evaporative loss was estimated by comparing the measured density of the waterfree surface oil from the flume with densities predicted using the IKU Oil Weathering Model assuming zero water uptake in the oil. In this situation the densitychange of the crude will only depend on evaporation. The estimated evaporative loss of some of the surface oil samples were also compared by examination of the GC chromatograms of the same samples. Description of the flume The 10 m long meso-scale basin (Figure 3.4), where approximately 1.7 m3 sea-water is circulated, is placed in a temperature controlled climate room ( -20°C to 50°C). Energy for the formation of wloemulsions and dispersion is supplied by a wave generator, and the degree of breaking waves can be altered. Various wind velocities can be produced by two fans placed in a wind tunnel. A sun-lamp is available to provide photo-oxidation. The test temperature was 13°C and the salinity of the sea water 3.5 wt.%. 3.6.2 Density. Emulsion stability. (Dehydration during settling, D) Effectiveness of emulsion breaker. Chemical dispersability. (Chemical dispersability using Dasic NS with the IFP test method.) Evaporative loss. Flume test methodology The meso-scale testing was only performed with the F r ~ ycrude. 9 litres of fresh, stabilised F r ~ ycrude were carefully released on the water surface, producing an average oil film thickness of approximately 2 mm. The water flow is created by a wave generator. The fans caused the oil to move around the full circuit of the flume in about 2 minutes. The oil was weathered for 72 hours. Sampling of surface oil residue and wlo-emulsion (containing different amounts of water) and subsurface water (containing different amounts of oil) was performed at the following time intervals after oil release: 0 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days and 3 days. The surface wlo-emulsions were subjected to the following analyses: Water content. Viscosity. Monitoring of the dispersed oil was performed using an in-situ UV fluorescence detector. Subsurface water samples were analysed by extracting the 1 L samples with DCM (dichloromethane). The amount of oil was quantified by using a W adsorption spectrophotometer. These resultss were used to calibrate the in-situ UV fluorescence detector. 1. Wave generator 2. Photolysis (sun-lamp) 3. Wind-tunnel 4. Sub-surface sampling Boss\ik41961100hegnertfig-enp/mesoflu~e.eps Figure 3.4 Schematic drawing of the meso-scaleflume (seenfrom above) 4. WEATHERING PROPERTIES OF THE F R 0 Y CRUDE The results of the full weathering study of the Fray crude are compared with the results from five other Norwegian crudes in this chapter. These crudes are: Heidrun, Statfiord, Gullfaks, Veslefrikk and Sture Blend. The results of a reduced study of the Lillefrigg condensate and the 75:25 and 5050 blends of Fray crude and Lillefrigg are mainly compared with the results from the pure Fray crude, and these figures are given i Appendix A. 4.1 Oil type nC,/pristane and nC,Jphytane Ratios of crudes tested by gas chromatographic analysis. nCI7/pristane Fray Heidrun Sture blend Statfjord Gullfaks Veslefrikk nCl$phytane 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.5 0.1 1.4 2.7 1.5 2.4 1.9 0.1 1.6 Physico-chemical properties The physical and chemical properties of the different residues (degrees of weathering) for the Fray crude, the Lillefrigg condensate and the blend are shown in Figure A1 - A9 and listed in Table A1 - A2 in Appendix A. In this chapter the physico-chemical properties of Fray and Lillefrigg are discussed. The corresponding properties of the 75:25 blend of these two products are rather similar to the properties of the pure Fray crude. 4.1.1 Table 4.1 Chemical composition The chemical composition of the Fray crude and the topped residues (150°C, 200°C and 250"C+), characterised by gas chromatography (GC), is shown in Figure A8. In the figure it can be seen that the photo-oxidised residue has a very similar GC chromatogram to the 250°C+ residue. The GC-chromatograms in figure A9 reveal an oil component composition which is very similar to other parafinic North Sea crudes e.g. Veslefrikk and Statfiord. Gas chromatography is an important tool in identifying the source of an oil spill. One of the screening identification parameter is the nCI7/pristane and nC18/phytane ratio. Expanded sections of the chromatograms are shown in Figures A8 and A9 for the fresh crudes. Table 4.1 lists the ratios, calculated of the peak areas of the crudes shown in figure A9. The combination of a relatively low nCI7/pristane and a high nC,$phytane ratios as observed with the Fray crude is very unusual compared to other paraffinic crudes e.g. Veslefrikk and Statfjord. These unique marker component ratios will facilitate the identification of the source in case of an oil spill with the Fray crude. Liquid chromatography analysis reveals a low content of resins in the Fray crude. The content of saturated components is relatively high. Photooxidation caused an increase in the resin content. This was expected because aromatic compounds are oxidised into more polar compounds during photooxidation (see section 2.3). Evaporative loss (Distillation) The volume of the Fray crude oil distilled at 150°C, 200°C and 250°C is listed in Table A2 in Appendix A. Fray crude contains a relatively high proportion of volatile components, and the extent of evaporative loss will therefore be relative high. The Lillefrigg condensate is a rather heavy condensate, compared to other North Sea condensates. After 6 hour at sea is almost 90 % of the two North Sea condensates Sleipned and Midgard evaporated, while only 35% from the Lillefrigg condensate. The volume lost at these distillation temperatures is related to the oil volume that would be lost by an oil slick at sea. The composition of the 150°C+ residue is similar to that of oil spilt on the sea surface after 30 minutes to 1 hour weather exposure, the 200°C+ residue is representative of oil exposed for 12 to 24 hours, and the 250°C+ residue resembles oil that has been on the surface for 2 to 5 days. These results indicate that, after several days at sea, the Fray crude will have lost up to 40% of its volume. Density The density of the fresh Fray crude (0.836 kglrnl) is amongst the lowest of the Norwegian crudes, but the density of both the fresh and weathered oil residues are similar to other paraffinic crudes like e.g Veslefrikk and Statfjord (see Figure A2). time. A pour point of 10-15°C higher than the sea temperature is considered to be reducing the effect of dispersants. The spreading rate of the oil will decrease as the pour point increases. The pourpoint of the Lillefrigg condensate is also high due to the high vax content. The pour point is 10°C for the fresh condensate and 19°C for the 200°C+ residue. Wax The density of the Lillefrigg condensate is rather high compared to other North Sea condensate (0.785 kgtl) due to its high amount of heavy components. Viscosity The viscosity of the water free oils and residues has an influence on the effectiveness of transfer operations, e.g. pumping of mechanically recovered oil after settling of water from the emulsion. Fresh Fray crude oil has a viscosity of 10 cP at 13°C. As the oil loses the more volatile components by evaporation, the viscosity of the remaining residue increases. The Fray crude has generally a high pour point and viscosity measurements is difficult when the waterfree residues becomes semi solid (250°C+ residue). The viscosity for both the fresh and the weathered residues is similar to other Norwegian oils, except from the 250°C+ residue were probably a too high viscosity was measured due to pour point problems. Fray crude has a very high wax content (5.1 wt% for the fresh crude) compared to most other North sea crudes (see Figures A5). There is a relatively good correlation between the wax content of the crude and the pour point results. High wax contents give high pour points. The wax content of the crude also correlates with the rate of water-in-oil emulsification (see Section 4.2). Crudes with a high wax content have usually rapid water uptakes. The vax content of the Lillefrigg condensate is also relatively high (4.9 wt. % for the fresh condensate). Asphaltenes The asphaltene content is generally low for the Norwegian crudes. This is also the case with the Fray crude ("hard asphaltenes: 0.20 wt% for the fresh crude) and the Lillefrigg condensate ("hard asphaltenes: 0.14 wt% for the fresh condensate). See Figures A6. The viscosity of the waterfree Lillefrigg condensate is very low (2 cP 13°C ). Flash point All North Sea crudes including Fray, have flash points higher than 60°C for the 200°C+ residues, which corresponds to 12-24 hours weathering at sea (see Figures A4). This is an important safety factor since mechanically recovered emulsion with a flash point lower than 60°C needs certified storage tanks due to explosion hazard. Flash points were not included in the limited study of the Lillefrigg condensate. Pour point The pour point of fresh Fray crude is very high (12°C) and in the same area as the test temperature (13°C) of the emulsion and dispersability tests. However, the pour point of the residues increases, mainly due to the increase in concentration of heavy waxes (see Figure A3). Fray residues have pour points around 18 - 27°C and after several days at sea, the oil may become semi-solid, particularly in winter Interfacial tension The interfacial tension between oil and sea water is ranging from 24 to 34 mN/m for the fresh Fray crude and residues. This is in the same range as other North Sea paraffinic crudes. The interfacial tension is lowered by photo-oxidation, and a drastic reduction is observed compared to the topped residues which is usual for the photo-oxidated oil samples. Interfacial tension was not measured as a part of the reduced study of the Lillefrigg condensate. 4.2 Water-in-oil emulsification 4.2.1 Rate of formation The water uptake of the emulsions versus rotation time at 13"C, is shown in Figure 4.2. The kinetics of emulsion formation, expressed as t,,2-values, are given in Figure 4.3. The water-in-oil emulsification for the Fray residues is very rapid, and is similar to other paraffinis crudes like Veslefrikkand Statfjord. C B ~ ~ mmr a m o u r Water content (~01%) Figure 4.1 Viscosity ratio between w/o-emulsion and water-free parent oiUresidue a s a function of water content of the FrQy crude. The maximum water uptake measured in the laboratory with the rotating flask apparatus (water content in emulsion after mixing for 24 hours) ranged from 77 to 90 vol.% for the different residues. This water content was as expected from the viscosity of the parent residues (see Figure 2.4). between Fray and Lillefrigg. These results shows that emulsions formed by the Lillefrigg condensate are very unstable and these emulsions will settle out all the water within 24 hours. The 75:25 blend has emulsification properties more similar with the pure Fray crude. Different from most North Sea condensates does the Lillefrigg condensate form wlo-emulsions. The water uptake is also rapid probably due to the high vax content, but the stability of the emulsions are very low. Water is completely settled out of the emulsion if energy is not applied to the emulsion (see chapter 4.2 and Appendx B). Emulsion breaking effectiveness was tested in this project. The conditions used were: 4.2.2 The breaking effectiveness of the demulsifier is given as fractional dehydration (D), as defined in Appendix B. Viscosity Not all of the Fray oil wlo-emulsions had viscosity ratios in accordance with the general curve developed by Mackay (Figure 4.1). This indicates that the Fray residues form less viscous emulsions than expected according to accepted theory. The maximum water emulsions with 150°C+ and 2W°C+ residues have a significant lower viscosity ratio than expected. The viscosities measured in the laboratory were used as input to IKUs Weathering Model instead of the theoretical Mackay equation used by most other oil spill models. 4.2.3 Stability of wlo-emulsions effectiveness of emulsion breaker The concentration of the demulsifier used was 500 and 2000 ppm of the oil volume. The emulsion breaker was Alcopol 0 60% and The stabilities expressed as the degree of natural dehydration during settling, of the wlo-emulsions of different crude oil residues are shown in Figure 4.4. Both the 150°C+ and the 200°C+ residue of Fray form relatively unstable emulsions and releases much of the water within 24 hours. This is most unusual for most paraffinic crudes (e.g. Veslefrikk and Statfjord). The napthenic Gullfaks shows similar behaviour as the Fray crude. The other more weathered residues form emulsions with higher stability. Corresponding results are given in Appendix B for the Lillefrigg condensate and the 75:25 blend The wlo-emulsions formed from the Fray residues as from most North Sea crudes, are relatively easy to break with Alcopol 0 60% (see figure 4.5). The figure shows that the effectiveness of the emulsion breaker depends upon the degree of weathering. For most practical purposes is the small effectiveness difference between 500 and 2000 ppm neglectible and a low dosage rate of 500 ppm should be selected during an oil spill recovery operation with the Fray crude. This is imprortant for calculating the storage capasity for mechanically recovered wlo-emulsion during an oilspill recovery operation. Figure 4.5 shows that upto 3-5 days of weathering (250°C+) most of the water (upto 80-90%) in recovered wloemulsion can be settled out by demulsifier treatment. This implies that the storage capasity of recovered emulsion can be increase up to 4 times by reducing the water content from 80 to 20% by demulsifier treatment and disharging the water being settled out of the emulsion. In common with most other crude oils, the wloemulsion of the photo-oxidised Fray oil is less effected by the emulsion breaker than the similar non-photo-oxidised residue (250°C+). 10 15 Rotation time (hours) Figure 4.2 Water content versus rotation time for the different weathered residues for the Fr@y crude. Temperature: 13°C. Oil residue Figure 4.3 Water-in-oil emulsification kinetics expressed as tm-values for the different weathered residues of the crudes at 13OC. Heidrun - o - Sture Blend -a - Statfjord - e- Gullfaks 15OoC+ 2OO0C+ 25OoC+ Oil residue Figure 4.4 Dehydration of the w/o-emulsions (settling-period of 24 hours). -...__ I - Fray 2000 ppm -Fray 500 ppm -+-Heidrun -.+-. Sture Blend - .. ..- Statfjord . --0-- .._ l ..., '.__ .. W. Gullfaks I -..a... Veslefrikk X I 2oO0C+ 250°C+ Olje residue Figure 4.5 Eficiency of Alcopol 0 60% (2000 ppm to the oil volume) in breaking do-emulsions (dehydration of the do-emulsion over a settling-period of 24 hours after treatment with demulsifier). 4.3 Chemical dispersability testing The effectiveness of the dispersants varies over a wide range with the IFP-method, a dispersability of 70-80% is considered to be a high effectiveness. The dispersability of the wlo-emulsion is much lower (337%) compered to the waterfree oil residue. Only the Fray crude was included in the screening testing. Dispersability testing of the Lillefrigg condensate and the 75:25 blend was perfomed only on the 200"C+ residues and with the IFP test. 4.3.1 It is strongly emphasised that this limited screening testing does not form any absolute ranking of dispersants, trying to find the optimum product for the Fray oil. However, it indicates of the variation in relative performance among the most common dispersants in contingency storage in Norway. Initial screening of dispersants Not all dispersants are equally effective against all types of oil. Earlier studies (e.g. Brandvik et al., 1990) have shown this. A screening study of effectiveness of eight different dispersants, using the IFP method on the 200"C+ residue of the Fray crude, and emulsion with 50 vol.% water prepared from this residue, was performed. Based on these results, Corexit 9500 and Dasic NS, two of the best products in the screening and also commercially available, were selected for the further dispersability testing of the Fray crude oil. The results from this screening are presented in Figure 4.6 and Table C1 in Appendix C. The results are the average of three parallels. 100 I W200°C+ waterfree residue 1 200°C 50% emulsion Dispolene Corexit Enersp 36s 9500 1037 IKU-9 lnipol IPC Dasic LTS Dasic NS OSR 5 Dispersants Figure 4.6 Chemical dispersability (%) measured with the IFP-test on Fr@y crude (the 200°C+ and 200°C+/50% water emulsion) at 13°C with 8 different dispersants. DOR = 1/25. 4.3.2 Comprehensive dispersability testing of the Fr0y crude above 2-3000 cP the Fray crude oil is badly dispersable, as assessed by the IFP method. The second stage of this dispersability study was to measure the effectiveness, by two different methods (IFP and MNS), of two dispersants (Corexit 9500 and Dasic NS) on all the samples prepared from the Fray crude oil (see figure 3.1). The dispersants also produced high effectiveness (90 - loo%), with the MNS test method. The limiting viscosity with the MNS test method was higher, which is due to higher turbulence on the surface. The effectiveness started to decrease when the viscosity exceeded 1000 cP, and became half of the maximum value when the viscosity was around 2-3000 CP. At viscosities above 6000 cP is the Fray crude expected to disperse very slowly and for practical purposes regarded as being not dispersable, as assessed by the MNS method. The results are presented in the Figure 4.7. To enable the trends to be seen more clearly, the IFP and MNS effectiveness results are presented as a function of the viscosity of the sample. The effectiveness results and the median droplet size values obtained for the dispersed residues, are also listed in Tables C2 and C3 in Appendix C. The results are the average of three (IFP) and two (MNS) replicate tests (parallels). Both dispersants gave a high effectiveness of about 60-70% (Figure 4.7) in the IFP tests, for residues and emulsions with viscosities up to 200 CP. As the viscosity increased the effectiveness dropped gradually, reaching about half of the maximum effectiveness at a viscosity of 1000 CP.At viscosities It is difficult to precisely relate the energy used in these laboratory test methods to windtwaveconditions at sea. However, it can be estimated that, in a wind velocity of 5 - 10 d s , the Fray oil will be dispersable up to a viscosity of about 6000 CP. Due to the low stability of the wlo-emulsion at low degree of weathering, the Fray crude is regarded as higly dispersable at sea. This is not typical for a crude with such a high vax content and also with asphaltenelresins present, which usually forms very stable wlo-emulsions and reduces the dispersebility. I 0 IFP, Corexit 9500 o - MNS, Dasic-NS P H - * I I r l . l , , , 100 1000 10000 100000 Viscosity (cP) Figure 4.7 Effectiveness of the dispersing a enrs Corexit 9500 and Dasic NS versus viscosity of the rvaterfree residues (shear rate 1 0 0 S- ) and emulsions of d.rfferent water content (shear rate I 0 S - ' ) f of the Fr@ycrude. C_ Dispersability testing of the Lillefrigg condensate and blends of F r ~ ycrude and Lillefrigg condensate the production from the Fray installation, while the 75:25 blend is more representative for a later level in the production. A limited dispersability testing of the Lillefrigg condensate and two blends between Fray crude and Lillefrigg condensate 5050 and 75:25 was performed. 'This dispersability testing was performed only on emulsion made from the 200"C+ residues, with the dispersant Corexit 9500, and with the IFP-test. The results are shown in figure 4.8 and follow the same trends as shown in figure 4.7. These results show that the Lillefrigg condensate and the blends of Fray and Lillefrigg have a dispersability which is equal or better than the Fray crude. 4.3.3 A blend of Fray and Lillefrigg is transported from the Frigg installations to the Oseberg field. The 5 0 5 0 blend is representative for the first phase of 100 1000 10000 Viscosity (cP) Figure 4.8 IF0 effectiveness of the dispersing agents Corexit 9500 versus viscosity of the water-free residues (shear rate 100 S - ] ) and emulsions of d8erent water content (shear rate 10 S - ] ) of the Fr#y crude, the Lillefrigg condensate and two blends (50:50 and 75:25) between these products. -.. s a m e onour 4.4 The meso scale flume test 4.4.1 Water uptake from the F r ~ ycrude are relativelly stable after approximattelly one day of weathering at sea. The results from the water uptake measurements in the meso-scale flume experiments are listed in Table D2 in Appendix D. The Fray crude oil emulsified fairly rapidly in the flume with the maximum water content of 60% after 1 - 2 hours. The rate of water-in-oil emulsification in the flume was however slower than the rate measured with the rotating flasks in the laboratory. The emulsions produced in the meso-scale flume are likely to be more representative of those produced at sea, in terms of their maximum water content and stability, than those produced in the small scale laboratory procedure. The rotating flask apparatus may be slightly too energetic to accurately simulate the emulsification process that occurs at the sea. The maximum water content obtained in the flume (60%) is therefore used to correct the maximum water content measured with the rotating flask apparatus (77-90%). A maximum wateruptake of 70 was therfore used as the input to the numerical model (Section 5). 4.4.2 Hovewer, figure D2 shows also that the demulsifier treatment is still very effective on the F r ~ yemulsions even after three days of weathering in the flume. This is also in agreement with the stepwise weathering observations (see figure 4.5). 4.4.4 Natural and chemical dispersability of the Frey crude The degree of natural dispersion for Fray crude is relatively high initially and decreases towards the end of the experiment. The results are displayed in Table D3 and Figure D3, Appendix D. Most oils show this decreasing degree of natural dispersion with time, as the evaporative loss, increasing water content and viscosity of the surface oil reduces the formation of small oil droplets (approx. 1-70 microns) into the sea water. HI L. m* The chemical dispersability of the emulsion samples were tested with Dasic NS using the IFP test. All the surface samples from the flume were chemically dispersable to some extent. In Figure D4, Appendix D, the effectiveness results are shown and compared to the results obtained from the stepwise weathering. After weathering in the flume the wlo-emulsion was dispersable at approximattelly the same viscosity (-1000 cP) as the stepwise weathering, when assesed with the IFP method. Emulsion stability and effectiveness of emulsion breaker 4.4.5 The emulsion stability (natural dehydration, D) and the breaking effectiveness of the demulsifier Alcopol 0 60% on the wlo-emulsions, as function of weathering time in the flume, are given in Figure D2. 'The results are also listed in the Table D2 in Appendix D. The results are presented as fractional dehydration of the emulsion, D (see Appendix B for definition). The emulsion samples of Fray taken after 1 - 5 hours of weathering are totally unstable (D natural 1). After this the emulsions became very stable (see figure D2). Samples taken after 24 hours are completely stable and do not loose any water after settling for 24 hours, (D natural 0). This aggrees with the observations from the stepwise weathering study (see figure 4.4) and shows that emulsions made - - --1 The results from the testing of natural and chemical dispersability are listed in Table D3 in Appendix D. The viscosities (at shear rate 10s-l) of the emulsions are also listed in the table. Viscosity of wlo-emulsion The viscosity data for wlo-emulsions (Table D2, Appendix D) are compared to predicted viscosity in Figure 4.9b. There is a relatively good agreement between measured viscosity and predicted viscosity at 2 to 10 mls wind speed for the first 2 hours. After that, the measured viscosities are lower than predicted. 4.4.3 +. Evaporative loss The evaporative loss was calculated from the density of the water free oil by using the IKU numerical weathering model to predict a density that was only dependant on evaporation. The evaporation results are given in table D1, Appendix D and compared to predicted evaporation in Figure 4.9a. From Figure 4.9.a it can be shown that the evaporation in the flume was in relatively good agreement with the predicted evaporation at 5 to 10 mls wind speed. r e W 4.4.6 Oil adsorbed to the flume walls. Oil removed by the sampling. Mass balance Figure 4.8 shows the mass balance for the Froy crude oil in the meso-scale flume test. The major elements of the mass balance for an oil spilt at sea are : The amounts of oil evaporated, dispersed and sampled were calculatell, while the oil adsorbed to the walls was estimated. At the end of the flume experiment (72 hours), ca. 35% of the oil was evaporated, ca. 1% was dispersed into the water column, ca. 27% was removed by sampling and ca. 13% was adsorbed to the flume walls. The amount of surface oil remaining at the end of the experiment was calculated to be ca. 25% which is ca. 2.3 litres of water-free oil, present as ca. 5.9 litres of w/oemulsion (based on a water content of 61%). Evaporative loss of volatile components. Oil remaining on the surface. Oil dispersed (natural dispersion) into the water column. As the initial oil volume in the flume experiments is relatively small (9 L), the following parameters also have to be considered: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (hours) Figure 4.8 Mass balance from the meso-scaleflume testing of the Fr@ycrude. Temperature: 13°C. 70 Wind Speed ( d s ) : 15 Wind Speed ( d s ) : 10 ------ Wind Speed ( d s ) : 5 Wind Speed ( d s ) : 2 Sea surface temperature: 13'C 50 I 1 !L Based on distillation data - 40 S -- - U 0) L. 2 I 30 > I - W I 20 -' 1 H D H H H H H H H 10 0.25 0.5 l 2 Hours Figure 4.9 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Predictions of evaporation ( A ) and viscosity ( B ) based on 'Step-wise" laboratory investigations, with a plot of the experimental values from the jlume experiments (FrQy crude). The predictions are calculated with 13°C temperature and 2 mm constant film thickness. -. S-- 5. PREDICTION OF PROPERTIES AT SEA 5.1 Introduction relevant for other properties, such as viscosity and pour-point. We have chosen a more direct empirical approach, where laboratory measurements are the basis for more accurate predictions (see section 5.1.1). The efficiency of various oil spill combat methods are known to depend to a large extent on the physical properties of the oil. This is particularly true for dispersant treatment, where increased viscosity due to evaporation and w/o-emulsion formation may make the oil resistant to dispersants within hours (or days) after the oil is spilled. Reliable predictions of the changing properties of the oil in variable sea conditions are of great value in determining the time window for efficient application of dispersants. Similar limitations exist also for the efficiency of other techniques such as e.g. burning and mechanical recovery. 5.1.1 Numerical weathering model The numerical weathering model developed at IKU and used in this project is described in more detail in Johansen, 1991 and Aamo et al. 1993 and in the users guide for the model. The method uses the properties of weathered oils subjected to a standardised laboratory investigation of the crude oil. This data is then used to predict evaporative loss and wlo-emulsion formation under a chosen set of sea conditions (sea state, sea temperature, oil film thickness). Different approaches to the oil property prediction problem have been established in the literature. One approach is to derive a set of mixing rules, where the various physical properties of the oils are derived on the basis of the changing composition of the weathered oil. Simple mixing rules may be relevant for the prediction of some of the properties such as the density of the oil, but this approach is less Figure 5.1 illustrates the experimental data input and the predicted properties produced by the model, which has been developed to run under Windows on an IBM compatible personal computer. IKU Oil Weathering Model Laboratory data of fresh and weathered oil samples: Distillation curve (TBP) Densities Viscosities Flash points Pour points Water uptake rates (to,s-values) Maximum water uptake ability Viscosity ratios (wlo-emulsionlparentoil) Viscosity limits for chemical dispersion Predicted oil properties by time at chosen environmental conditions: Evaporative loss Density Viscosity Flash point Pour point Water content Viscosity of wlo-emulsion Natural dispersion Total oil mass-balance 'Time window' for use of dispersants and U& burning B Criteria used in the model Environmental conditions (Wind speed, sea temperature, oil film thickness) I Figure 5. I Schematic diagram of the input data to the model and the predicted output oil properties. "-. nunr a m o u r This procedure has been used in this manual to predict the changing properties of weathered Fray crude oil. It includes graphical charts to describe the development of each property with time under a chosen set of sea conditions (wind speeds) at both summer (15°C) and winter (5°C) sea temperatures. 5.2 Criteria used for the predictions 5.2.1 Discharge conditions and time-scale for predictions window" where an oil spill combat operation is feasible: Windspeed=2m/s: Beaufort wind 2 (light breeze, 0.1 - 0.3 m wave height. Wind speed = 5 mJs: Beaufort wind 3 (gentle to moderate breeze), 0.5 - 0.8 m wave height. Windspeed=lOm/s: Beaufort wind 5 (fresh breeze), 1.5 - 2.5 m wave height. The graphical charts present the predictions of various physical properties of the oil over a period from 15 min. to 5 days after discharge. This covers potential spill situations where it may be possible to act within a very short response time such as spills close to terminals, but also includes offshore spills where the response may take several days. Wind speed = 15 mls: Beaufort wind 6 - 7 (strong breeze 1 moderate gale), 3 - 4 m wave height. 5.2.4 5.2.2 Realistic computations of the evaporative loss in various field conditions form the basis for the modelling of the oil parameters. The change of the evaporative loss with time depends on the original composition (i.e. distillation curve) of the oil, sea temperature, wind speed. It is also sensitive to the initial surface concentration of oil, and this change due to sprdading. This means that the change in oil properties shortly after discharge will depend on the discharge conditions e.g. sub-sea and surface blowouts, tanker spills, pipeline leakage etc. In this manual we have chosen a surface release scenario with exponential decay of the film thickness: 20 mm 2 mm l hour 5°C - sea temperature in the winter time. 15°C - sea temperature in the summer time. These are typical of sea temperatures that may be encountered in the North Sea and Haltenbanken. The lowest and highest surface water temperature measured at the Statfjord field from 1978 to 1986 were 5.4OC and 16S°C, respectively. Oil spill countermeasures will be more difficult at lower sea temperatures than at higher temperatures. 5.2.5 Open sea: If the flash point of the spilled oil is close to or below the ambient sea temperature, the oil will pose a fire hazard. Recovered oil in confined air space: If the flash point of the mechanically recovered oil or wloemulsion, is less than 60°C, explosion-proof recovery equipment I shipboard tankage will have to be used. Wind and sea state conditions The prevailing weather conditions will greatly influence the oil weathering rate. There is a close correlation between wind speed and significant wave heights. The predictions are based on four different wind speeds which represent a span of the "weather Fire and explosion hazard The flash point is the lowest temperature at which the gas or vapour generated by an oil can be ignited by a flame. The flash point criteria (EPA, 1982) chosen for the predictions are: This produces a time development which is highly comparable to that observed in an experimental field trial at Haltenbanken in 1989 (Johansen, 1991). The samples taken for assessment of physical properties were taken in the thicker part of the experimental oil slick. 5.2.3 Sea temperatures In these predictions, two different temperatures have been specified: Oil film thickness Initial film thickness: Terminal film thickness (wlo-emulsion): Half-time in film thickness reduction: I 5.2.6 Laboratory investigation The majority of the weathering properties of the crude used in the PC model were obtained using e small scale laboratory methodology. An exception is the maximum water uptake ability, where the small scale results have been adjusted with the results obtained in the meso-scale flume tests. The maximum water content of the emulsion produced by small scale testing was higher than that obtained from the meso-scale testing. The viscosity of the wlo-emulsion depends on the water content, as described in section 2.7.3. Using the water content obtained in the small scale testing, would have predicted unrealistically high emulsion viscosities. Criteria for the chemical dispersability of the oil: From the extensive testing of dispersability, the following criteria have been chosen for the dispersability of the Fray oil as a function of the viscosity of the oil or wlo-emulsion (measured at shear rate 10 S-'): Up to 1000 cP: m m The oil is easily dispersible used by the Norwegian oil companies (NOFO) have proved to be capable of coping with more viscous material even above 100 000 CP. 5.3 Examples of how the prediction tables may be used are given below: Scenario 1: An oil spill from the Fray field has drifted for about 24 hours. The weather conditions in this period have been the following: Wind: 2 to 3 m/s Sea temperature: approx. 15OC. Using the prediction tables, the properties of the oil after weathering for 24 hours will then approximately be: 1000 to 6000 cP: The oil has reduced dispersability Above 6000 cP: The oil is badlv/slowlv dispersible. m m m The pour point criteria were detected on the following basis: m Up to 5°C higher than sea temperature: The oil is disversible. m In the area 5°C to 15°C above the sea temperature: The oil has reduced dispersability. m 5.2.7 More than 15°C higher temperature: The oil is badlv dispersible. than the sea Optimised mechanical recovery Field exercises performed in Norway in recent years have revealed that the efficiency of a mechanical recovery operation increases if the viscosity of the oil or the oiltwlo-emulsion is higher than 1000 CP. This is due to the fact that low viscosity oil or emulsion leak under the booms. Therefore, 1000 cP has been used as a lower viscosity limit for an optimal mechanical oil spill combat operation. viscosity limit for mechanical recovery, The depends on the type of skimmer used. For some discskimmers, the recovery rate decreases significantly if the wlo-emulsion viscosity is higher than 10 000 cP (ITOPF, 1986). However, large "TransrecM-systems Prediction tables-user examples Degree of evaporation: Flash point: Pour point: Water content: The viscosity of the emulsion: 30% l 10°C 25-27°C 65 vol% 4000 CP. The wlo-emulsion has a reduced dispersability due to the high viscosity and pour point, but are still dispersabile. The viscosity is above the lower viscosity limit for optimum mechanical recovery (1000 cP) and most disc and rope skimmers will be expected to have a high effectiveness. Scenario 2: The Fray oil has drifted for about 6 hours. The weather conditions in this period have been the following: Wind: 10 m/s Sea temperature: approx. 15OC. The properties of the weathered oil will then approximately be: m m Degree of evaporation: Flash point: Pour point: Water content: The viscosity of the emulsion: 30% l 10°C 25°C 70 vol% 2000 CP. The wlo-emulsion may show reduced dispersability, but dispersants will probably be effective due to the wind speed. The viscosity for the oil-in-water emulsion is also above the lower limit for optimum mechanical recovery (1000 cP). Scenario 3: The Fray oil has drifted for about 24 hours. The weather conditions in this period have been the following: Wind: 15 to 18 m/s (Significant wave height >3m) Sea temperature: approx. 5OC. The properties of the oil will approximately be: a a Degree of evaporation: Flash point: Pour point: Water content: The viscosity of the emulsion: 39% 150°C 32°C 70 vol% 30 000 CP. The effectiveness of dispersants would be expected to be very low and dispersants should not be used due to the high viscosity and the high pour point of the emulsion. Application of dispersant in such high winds is also difficult due to wind drift of the dispersant and constantly overwashing of the surface oil with sea water. The waves may be so high that they cause problems to mechanical recovery on the other side will the high sea state increase the natural dispersion of the oil slick (as much as 50-60% of the oil could be expected to be naturally dispersed after 24 hours). The rate of natural dispersion will also be very dependant of the release conditions. L*,.A . ., mmr a m o u r 5. PREDICTED PROPERTIES AT SEA 5.4 Fray crude, list of prediction tables (pink pages): 5.5 Lillefrigg condensate, list of prediction tables (blue pages): 5.6 Fray and Lillefrigg blend (75:25), list of prediction tables (brown pages): Property: EVAPORATIVE LOSS Oil m e : FROY Description: North Sea crude from the Frsy field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (nun) : 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed --- Wind -- ----- -. - - Wind Wind 1.0 I (m/s): 1 5 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 ( m / ~: )2 Winter Conditions ( 5 OC) I Hours I Days Summer conditions (15 OC) - Based on distillation data 40 /GS-cc- - -@ccL / - c - h 8 p . - -.--- I~ c # V - *---- d 4<0 - -.-- 30 Mc / - C, Id & ; 20 3 W 0 / 0 0 A - 4 ' / I / 0 I _ -c-- - -_ - - - - 10 0 C . H # H r C c C _.---- C * * 0 I v 0 0 / H / C C *# 0 I *-- C c c e c 0 0.25 I I 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days 2 3 4 5 Property: WATER CONTENT Oil Type: FROY Description: North Sea crude from the Fray field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) 1 Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial ( m ): 20 Terminal (mm): 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): 1 Pred. date: May. 10 --- ---------a I I Wind Wind Wind Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed 1.0 (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 Winter Conditions (5 OC) Hours Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) I Hours Days Property: VISCOSITY OF EMULSION Oil Type: FROY Description: North Sea crude from the Fray field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: Aug. 1, Wind Speed (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): -- Wind Speed ----. Wind Speed - - - - - - Wind Speed 15 10 5 2 7- 1.0 Chemically dispersable (c1000 cP) Reduced chemical dispersability Not chemically dispersable (>6000 cP) Hours Based on viscosity measurements carried out at a shear rate of 10 reciprocal seconds. Chemical dispersability information based on experiments under standard laboratory conditions. Property: NATURAL DISPERSION Oil Type: FROY Descrigtion: North Sea crude from the Fray field (ELF) Data source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed --- Wind Wind - - - - - - Wind - - - - m 1.0 (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 Winter Conditions ( 5 OC) 70 60 n 50 ov U aQ) 40 E 30 9 -4 Q) n 20 // 10 0 - 00.25 ___ 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours I I I ----- -- C C 'C C C 1 2 I 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) Hours Days The algorithm for prediction of natural dispersion is preliminary and is currently under improvement. I Property: MASS BALANCE Oil Type: FROY ~escription: North Sea crude from the Frsy field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 BNaturally I 1.0 dispersed Temperature: 15 OC Hours Wind speed: 10 m/s Days I , Temperature: 15 OC I- Hours Wind speed: 1 5 m/s Days The algorithm for prediction of natural dispersion is preliminary and is currently under improvement. I Property: POUR POINT FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: FROY Description: North Sea crude from the Fray field (ELF) Data Source: II(U Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal ( m ): 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: Mzy. 10 --- ------ - - - - S Wind Wind Wind Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed 11- (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 1.0 Chemically disperable Reduced chemical dispersability ~ o chemically t dispersable m Winter Conditions (5 OC) - Based Hours Days Hours Days on pour point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. I I 1 I Property: FLASH POINT FOR WATER-FREE OIL oil Type: F m Description: North Sea crude from:the Fray field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Wind Wind Wind - - - - S - 0.25 I 1 Speed Speed Speed Speed (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 0.5 1 [ No I fire hazard 1- 2 Fire hazard in tankage (c60 O C ) Fire hazard at sea surface (below sea temper 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Days C I Summer Conditions (15 OC) 200 U 'I 1.0 0 - I I I Based on lab weathering data 150 - E: -G l0C P1 9Id I g 50 3 I I ! 0 0.25 II 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Based on flash point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. 2 3 4 5 Property: VISCOSITY FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: FROY Description: North Sea crude from the Frny field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Speed --- Wind Wind Speed Wind Speed - - - - - - Wind Speed - - - - - a (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 1.0 Chemically dispersable (<l000 cP) v] Reduced chemical dispersability ~ o chemically t dispersable (>G000 cp) Winter Conditions (5 OC) 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 10000 A Pc U 1000 U $1 L, -l4 U) 0 U -4 > 100 -g - -- c-- - H 0 - - C C C * C - - - 0 C / H/- H 0 0 0 *-** - -_-----' 10 , 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Based on viscosity measurements carried out at a shear rate of 100 reciprocal seconds. Chemical dispersability information based on experiments under standard laboratory conditions. Property: DENSITY OF EMULSION Oil Type: FROY Description: North Sea crude fr& the Fray field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 2 Half time in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 ---- . Wind Speed Wind Speed .I- - - - - - Wind Speed I I I 1-1 v (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 1.0 i Oil stays on surface ( 4 0 2 5 gm/l) oil sinks (>l025 gm/l) Winter Conditions ( 5 OC) I Summer Conditions (15 OC) I Hours Days I Property: EVAPORATIVE LOSS Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG ~escrigtion: Condensate from the LilleFrigg field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed --- Wind Wind - - - - - - Wind - - - - S 1.0 (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 p p p - P p - Winter Conditions (5 OC) I I Hours Days I Summer Conditions (15 OC) .- - I I I - Based on distillation data 60 * c. -_ -----/ I - )C*# 50 / 4- - 0 0 0 - 40 - .' 0 - 30 20 / 0 ' 0 I 0 0 - _----_ - - - - - -- - - - " cc- # F 0 0 # # # c- fl - 0 c - - - 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days 2 3 4 5 Property: WATER CONTENT Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Description: Condensate from the LilleFrigg field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Wind Wind Wind ------v - m - - - - Speed Speed Speed Speed 1.0 (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 Winter Conditions ( 5 OC) 80 I I I - Based on lab weathering data - - # , C 0 0 2 60 W - A /- L, / -, 0 0 - k - 3 0) 20 - I 0 0 0 / / 0 / 0 / d 40 U 0 0 / - L, g -_____-------..-------- # / 0 0 0 0 0 R / fi 0 0 0 0 R 0 ,-M d C C C -- e C _ * - - C 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 9 6 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 80 L C -- * # A d e V 60 - 4J 3 / / - # 0 - a, / g / / / 0 / / 0 / 0 0 0 / 0 0 - L, 0 0 0 20-; 4 - -- 0 0 0 0 E: 40 k 0 0 L, - ----- 0 B - 0 0 C 0 P C # --- C c - - 0 0.25 I 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Property: VISCOSITY OF EMULSION Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Description: Condensate from the LilleFrigg field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum. Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm) : 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: Aug. 1, 1.0 Wind Speed (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 --- Wind Speed -- - -. Wind Speed - - - - - - Wind Speed Winter Conditions (5 OC) 10000- I I - m R , -/cc- - H H * -g 0 -d - $( 100- m -- 3 10- m C L' e -- U --- ---, 1000- U L, Based on lab weathering data - P4 *r( I I 0 0 rl /V c ' _ :- ------- -_ - - - - - - .- C 1 / m e - - - C - 0 - C C H @ - - 1 0.25 I 0.5 1 2 6 3 9 12 1 Hours - I I I 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 1000- 2 Based on lab weathering data c c C - / - y&--,7 C - C C --L -c C ' h % V $( +1 -rl V1 0 0 m -rl 100- - 0 0 ' 10 3 0 ' # # - 0 - - - - - - # - - - - - C m - - - - - - m 1 0.25 I 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 I 4 t 5 Days Viscosities at 10 and 15 m/s are not meaningful after 12 and 6 hours due to expected lack of surface emulsion. This is caused by a high degree of evaporation and natural dispersion ( s e e mass balance sheets). Property: NATURAL DISPERSION Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Description: Condensate from the LilleFrigg field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed --- Wind Wind - - - - - - Wind - - - - S (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): 1.0 15 10 5 2 Winter Conditions (5 OC) 70 60 X 50 Y aQ) V1 & Q) Pr / / 40 0 0 4 - 0 0 30 / - V1 -rl / Q 20 10 ----- / - L 0.5 1 0 0 4 0 I r f l / M/ - 2 0 0 / I - 0.25 0 0 1 - 03- I - W - _ _ _ _ - - - m - - - - * 3 6 9 12 1 Hours 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 70 l I I - Based on preliminary algorithm 60 n X 50 - Y aQ) I 40 Q) 9 -rl n t / r I V1 & -- . C - - - - - - - / / 0 / 30 / 0 0 / - . 0 0 0 0 20 - / f / 0 0 0 10 / / 0 0.25 - 0.5 l 2 Hours 3 0 - - - W / --- - 6 9 12 l - - - , - - - - - - - - - 2 3 4 5 Days The algorithm for prediction of natural dispersion is preliminary and is currently under improvement. Property: MASS BALANCE Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Description: Condensate from the LilleFrigg field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 1.0 BEvaporated Surf ace Naturally dispersed Temperature: 15 "C 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 Wind speed: 10 m/e 6 9 12 Hours 0.5 1 2 Hours 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Temperature: 15 OC 0.25 1 3 Wind speed: 15 m/s 6 9 12 1 Days The algorithm for prediction of natural dispersion is preliminary and is currently under improvement. Property: POUR POINT FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Descriptions Condensate from the Lille~riggfield (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 ------ - - - v Wind Wind Wind Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed 1.0 7) Chemically disperable (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 1- Reduced chemical dispersability j- >.......... ........ ........ Not chemically dispersable 60 h U 0 V 40 U d -rl 0 P4 k =1 20 0 P4 0 0.25 0.5 2 1 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Hours Based on pour point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. I Propertyr FLASH POINT FOR WATER-IPREE OIL Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Description: Condensate from the ~ i l l e ~ r i gfield g (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 --- ------ - - - m Wind Wind Wind Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): 1.0 7) No fire hazard 15 10 mFire hazard in tankage (<G0 CC) mFire hazard at sea surface (below sea temper 5 2 Winter Conditions (5 OC) Hours Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Based on flash point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. 2 3 4 5 Property: VISCOSITY FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Description: Condensate from the ~ i l l e ~ r i gfield g (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed --- Wind Wind - - - - - - Wind - - - - S 1.0 (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 Winter Conditions (5 OC) 10000 I I - I Based on lab weathering data - --- ed ,H4 --- - C , C d C C 1000 C5 a( 0 U $1 U . V) 0 0 P1 -r( b - -. 100- - 0 J 10 e -L - - - - - - - - - - _-c-- 1 0.25 - H - --e- C - 0'-.' 0 I l 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 10000 I - h Pc U Y $1 I I Based on lab weathering data _ - - - -- ,---/ 1000 - C C - - 100- V) 0 0 V) rl * - / 10- -S-/-'--- ----__ _ - - ---c H - - - C _ _ - - - a - 1, 0.25 l 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 Days Based on viscosity measurements carried out at a s h ~ a rrate of 100 reciprocal seconds. 5 Property: DENSITY OF EMULSION Oil Type: LILLEFRIGG Description: Condensate from the LilleFrigg field (ELF) Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 0.2 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 --- ---------S Wind Wind Wind Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed 11- (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 1.0 Oil stays on surface ( 4 0 2 5 gm/l) oil sinks (,l025 gm/l) Winter Conditions (5 OC) 0.25 1 0.5 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) -82 5- 0 4 C C 0.25 0.5 * C 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days L Property: EVAPORATIVE LOSS Oil Type: IPR0Y:LILLEFRIGG 75:25 Description: Blend of Fr0y:LilleFrigg (75:25) transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 r Wind Speed (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): Wind Speed (m/s): --- Wind Speed Wind Speed ------ - - - w e 0.25 0.5 1.0 15 10 5 2 winter conditions (5 OC) 1 2 3 6 9 12 1 Hours Days Hours Days 2 3 4 Property: WATER CONTENT Oil Type: FR0Y:LILLEFRIGG 75:25 Description: Blend of Fr0y:LilleFrigg (75:25) transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed --- Wind Wind - - - - - - Wind ----a (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): 1.0 15 10 5 2 Winter Conditions (5 *C) 80 I - I I Based on lab weathering data / - 4~ C & & - d# - A 0 -- --- m-- 0 - 0 0 , 0 f / p-1 --r --'I e c---' 0 0 0 / d' / 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 d - 0 e # H H @ # e 0 - c _----- 0 0.25 e c-ce---- 1 0.5 6 3 2 9 1 12 Hours 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 80 I 1 I - Based on 1 8 m & # 60 - Y / 0 k Q) U g / / .- - / 0 - # / 0 f / 0 / 0 I 0 0 # / 0 e 0 H @ / - ---'-.---.c--- 0.5 0 0 0 / 0 0.25 0 0 0 / c 0 0 0 - 0 0 / / 20 0 / / - # - - - - - ,m- 0 0 0 - - * 0 e 0 0 2 1 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days 2 Property: VISCOSI'ICY OF EMULSION Oil Type: FR0Y:LILLEFRIGG 75:25 Description: Blend of Fr0y:LilleFrigg (75:25) transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Oil film thickness: Initial (nun): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): --- R Wind Wind Wind Wind ------ - - - a Speed Speed Speed Speed I Copyright 1996 Pred. date: May. 10 1.0 (m/s): 15 ( m / ~:) 10 (m/s): 5 (m/s): 2 Winter Conditioas (5 OC) 10000- r' -- - - $ I 1 --=- Based on lab weathering data - D U I .-0- I l000- - 0 I 4 0 r 0 0 I dP 0 0 0 0 I I I 0 I l00 , I I 3 0 0 0 0 @ H 0 ---- l0 0.25 C I -.--* - 0 0 0 - 0 . - 0.5 1 2 l II 0 00 JJ I m - - - - I 0 $1 b . I --.--,- D _ - 0 6 3 9 12 1 Hours 2 3 4 5 I Days I I W Suxnner Conditions (15 OC) h Pc U U h . L, m 0 U m .rl 3 I 1 - I Based on lab weathering data - / 1000 r 0 0 - # 0 4* - 0 0 0 - 0 - C 0 I 0 I' 100- - 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I I I I 0 @@cC M 0 -. 10 .-- - 0 . - 1 0.25 I 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 Days Based on viscosity measurements carried out at a shear rate of 10 reciprocal seconds. 5 Property: NATURAL DISPERSION Oil Type: FROYsLILLEFRIGG 75:25 Description: Blend of Fr0y:LilleFrigg (75:25) transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 -----------a Wind Wind Wind Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): 1.0 15 10 5 2 Winter Conditions (5 OC) 70 60 n 50 b V aQ) E Q) a U -4 / 40 / - / /p l 30 / #' 20 - ./ 1 10 ------- - M'4 0 0.25 / r l=------- 0. 5 1 2 3 6 9 12 C Hours # e C C - C - - 1 - 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 70 I 1 I - Based on preliminary algorithm 60 ic - n 8 V aQ) VI k Q) 9 -rl 50 - / /l 40 - // /l 30 - / / Q 20 c - 0 10 / - r @ c-@ 0 0.25 I 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days The algorithm for prediction of natural dispersion is preliminary and is currently under improvement. Property: MASS BALANCE Oil Type: FR0Y:LILLEFRIGG 75:25 ~escription: Blend of ~rey:~illeFrigg(75:25) transport Data Sourcer IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm) : 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 - 1.0 -pp Evaporated Surface BNaturally dispersed Temperature: 15 O C =Ours Wind speed: 10 m/s I Days d m I Temperature: 15 OC Hours Wind speed: 15 m/s Days The algorithm for prediction of natural dispersion is preliminary and is currently under improvement. I I I Property: POUR POINT FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: FR0Y:LILLEFRIGG 75:25 Description: Blend of Fr0y:LilleFrigg (75:25) transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Speed --- Wind Wind Speed Wind Speed ------ Wind Speed - - - - S 1- (m/s): 15 ( m / ~ ) 10 : (m/s): S (rn/s): 2 1.0 mChemically Reduced ~ disperable dispersability Not chemically dispersable ~ Winter Conditions (5 O C ) 40 h U 0 U U d -4 20 0 PI l4 g PI 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days 40 n U 0 U JJ E: -4 20 0 Pc k g PI - 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Based on pour point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. * Property: FLASH POINT FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: FR0Y:LILLEFRIGD 75:25 ~escrigtion: Blend of Fr0y:LilleFrigg (75:25) transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 1- Speed (m/s): 15 --- Wind Wind Speed (m/s) 10 - - - -. Wind Speed (m/s) 5 Wind Speed (m/s) 2 No fire hazard mFire hazard in tankage (<G0 : OC) Fire hazard at sea surface (below sea temper. : : - W - - - - 1.0 Winter Conditions (5 OC) Hours Days Summer Conditions (15 OC) 200 150 h U 0 U ,J 100 d .l4 0 PI 5rd 50 FI Crc 0 -50 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Based on flash point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. 2 3 4 5 Property: VISCOSITY FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: FR0Y:LILLEFRIGG 75:25 Description: Blend of Frsy:LilleFrigg (75:25) transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 Speed --- Wind Wind Speed ----. Wind Speed - - - - - - Wind Speed (m/s): (m/s): (m/s): (m/s) : 1.0 15 10 5 2 Winter Conditions (5 OC) 1000- I - I I Based on lab weathering data - -4 --. h V W - 4---CC---or.---- l00- - - h - U 0 .rl U1 - 3 - 0 .- ------ _..-- 1 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 @H*.-,---- - 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Hours S u m e r Conditions (15 OC) 1000- - I I I Based on lab weathering data h h C, 3 - - 1 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Based on viscosity measurements carried out at a shear rate of 100 reciprocal seconds. Property: DENSITY OF EMULSION Oil Type: FR0Y:LILLEFRIDG 75:25 Description: Blend of ~ r e y : ~ i l l e ~ r i g(75:25) g transport Data Source: IKU Petroleum Research (1996) Copyright 1996 Oil film thickness: Initial (mm): 20 Terminal (mm): 1 Halftime in thickness reduction (hrs): Pred. date: May. 10 --- - - - a - - - - m - Wind Wind Wind Wind Speed Speed Speed Speed 1 (m/s): 15 (m/s): 10 (rn/s): 5 (m/s): 2 1.0 7 1-1 Oil stays on surface (c1025 gm/l) Oil sinks (>l025 gm/l) Winter Conditions (5 OC) 0 -/ 875 4 -850iL--------- / / fl e / # I--- 825 0.25 0 W _----- # - - - C I 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days 2 3 4 5 SUMMARY OF THE WEATHERING PROPERTIES OF FR0Y CRUDE AT SEA These conclusion are based on the laboratory investigations described in Section 4 and on the modelling predictions from Section 5. Generally are the weathering values given for a temperature of 13OC and 5 mls wind. A. Chemical properties Frgy is a paraffinic crude with a high vax content (5.1 wt.% in the fresh crude). High saturate content (approx. 47 wt. % in the 250°C+ residue). Relatively high aromatic hydrocarbons content (approx. 43 wt. 5% in the 250°C+-residue). Low resin content (approx. 8 wt. 8)in the 2M°C+ residue. Low asphaltene content (0.2 wt. %) in the fresh crude oil. B. Physical properties with increased weathering Relatively high evaporative loss (25 - 35% evaporated after 1 day at sea, and 35-45 after 5 days). The fresh crude has a very high pour point even compared to other paraffinic crudes like e.g. Veslefrikk and Statfjord. Due to weathering the pour point will increase and e.g. the spreading of the oil at sea, the effectiveness of mechanical recovery and the effectiveness of dispersants use will be reduced. Low density (0.836 kgA) for the fresh crude due to high content of volatiles and saturated components. C. Water-in41 emnlsiation properties Very rapid water uptake, similar to other paraffinic crudes like e.g. Veslefrikk. High maximum water uptake (approx. 70%). This w/o-emulsion has a volume about 2-3 times that of the oil volume at the surface. Low initial emulsion ?ability (within approx. 24 hours) when the oil is spilt at sea, but the stability increases with increasing evaporation degree. The wh-emulsions recovered by mechanical recovery systems are easily broken by demulsifier (Alcopol 0 60%). D. Effectiveness of dispersant treatment Fmy has a relatively high chemical dispersability with the dispersants tested (Corexit 9500 and Dasic NS). "Time window" for offshore dispersant treatment similar to other paraEinic crudes Iike e.g. Veslefrikk and Statfjord. (e.g at 5 mls wind in the summer use of dispersant is expected the be an effective combat action at least until the oil has weathered for approx. 12 hours). However, at winter conditions the high pour point may be the limiting factor for effective dispersability of the Frey crude. The upper viscosity limit for dispersant treatment is ca. 6000 cP (shear rate 10 S-'). Relatively high degree of natural dispersion (approx. 20 and 60 % dispersed after 24 hours at 10 and 15 mls wind, respectively). E. Mechanical recovery The w/o-emulsion reaches a viscosity of 1000 cP suitable for enhanced mechanical recovery after about 1 hour in I5 m/s wind and after 3 hours in 5 rnls wind, SUMMARY OF THE WEATHERING PROPERTIES OF LILLEFRIGG CONDENSATE AT SEA 7. These conclusion are based on a reduced laboratory study the laboratory based on the 2W°C+residue and on the modelling predictions from Section 5. Generally are the weathering values given for a temperature of 13OC and 5 d s wind. A. Chemtcal properties LilleFrigg is a relatively heavy condensate with a larger content of heavier components than other North Sea condenstates. a Compared to the Frgy crude is the condensate relatively light (0.785 kgA) with a low viscosity (2 cP at shear 100 S-'. a Both the vax and asphaltene content is slightly lower than the Fby crude. B. Physical properties with increased weatbering The high amount of heavy components gives the LilleFrigg condensate a different evaporative loss than o h r North Sea condensates. Afier 6 hours at sea is almost 90 8 of the two Nort Sea condensates Sleipner and Midgard evaporated while only 35 % has evaporated from the LilleFrigg condensate. C Water-in-oil emulsification properties a a Rapid water uptake, similar to other paraffinic petroleum products like e.g. the Frgy and Veslefrikk crudes High maximum water uptake (approx. 70%), but forms very unstable emulsion with low viscosity and a foamy appearance. The emulsions formed breakes completely during settling or tktment with demulsifier. m -1 *.2 ' k D. Y Effectiveness of dispersant treatment a a a a a D E. Due to the low viscosity on the emulsion formed has the LilleFrigg condensate a very high natural dispersability. The high degree of natural dispersion tagether with evaporative loss could remove the oil slick Rom the sea surface within approximate 12 hours at 10 mls wind. Dispersants should only be used under low sea states when the natural dispersion is low. This condensate has a very high chemical dispersability with the dispersants tested (Corexit 9500). "Time window" for offshore dispersant treatment will be very long (several days) due to low viscosity and stability of the emulsion formed. Natural dispersion may, under winter conditions, be reduced due to the relatively high pour point of the condensate. Mechanical recovery a Due to removal of the oil spill from the sea surface by evaporative loss and natural dispersion is mechanical recovery operations expected to have limited value on this condensate. a At low sea states, where the natural dispersion rate is low, will the condensate form emulsions with very low viscosities (1000 cP after 3-5 days). Mechanical recovery equipment will have a reduced effectiveness on this low viscosity emulsion due to high leakage from the booms. 8. SUMMARY OF THE WEATHERING PROPERTIES OF THE FR0Y LILLEFRIGG BLEND (7525) AT SEA These conclusion are based on a reduced laboratory study on the 200"C+ residue of this blend and on the modelling predictions from Section 5. Generally are the weathering values given for a temperature of 13°C and 5 m/s wind. Since the Fray crude makes the majority of this blend, and the LilleFrigg condensate have a similar content of wax and asphaltene, it shows weathering properties rather similar to the pure Fray crude. A. Chemical properties The blend shows a behaviour like paraftinic crudes with a very high wax content (6.7 wt.% in 200°C+ residue). Relatively low asphaltene content (0.27 wt. %) in the 2WC+ residue. B. Physical properties with increased weathering Relatively high evaporative loss (25 - 35% evaporated after 1 day at sea, and 30-45 after 5 days). The blend has a very high pour point even compared to other paraffinic crudes like e.g. Veslefrikk and Statfjord. Due to weathering the pour point will increase e.g. the effectiveness of mechanical recovery and of dispersants use will be reduced. Low density (0.823 k@l) for the &sh blend due to high content of volatiles and saturated components. Very rapid water uptake, similar to other paraffinic crudes like e.g. Frgy and Veslefiikk. High maximum water uptake (approx. 7M). This wlo-emulsion has a volume about 2-3 times that of the oil volume at the surface. Low initial emulsion stability (within approx. 24 hours) when the oil is spilt at sea, but the stability increases with increasing evaporation degree. The wlo-emulsions recovered by mechanical recovery systems are easily broken by demulsifier (Alcopol 0 60%). D. Effectiveness of dispersant treatment ?his blend has a relatively high chemical dispersability with the dispersants tested (Corexit 9500). "Time window" for offshore dispersant treatment similar to o h r paraffinic crudes like e.g. Fmy crude, Veslefrikk and StatfJord. (0.5 to 3 days depending upon the weather conditions). However, at winter conditions the high pour point may be the limiting factor for effective dispersability of this blend after 1 to 4 hours at sea. The upper viscosity limit for dispersant treatment is expected to be like the Fray crude; ca. 6000 cP (shear rate 10s-1). Relatively high degree of natural dispersion (approx. 35 and 65 % dispersed after 24 hours at 10 an 15 m/s wind respectively). E. Mechanical recovery The wlo-emulsion reaches a viscosity of 1000 cP suitable for enhanced mechanical recovery efficiency after about 3 hour in 15 m/s wind and after 6 hours in 5 m/s wind. 9. REFERENCES AAMO O.M., REED M,, DALING P.S., JOHANSEN O., 1993: A laboratory-based weathering model: PC version for coupling to transport models. Proceedings of the 16. AMOP seminar, Environment Canada. BOCARD, C., CASTAING, G., GATELLIER, C. 1984: Chemical oil dispersion in trials at sea in laboratory tests: the key role of dilution processes. In: Oil Spill Chemical Dispersants: Research, Experience and Recommendations, STP 840, Tom E. Allen, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 125- 142. BRANDVIK P.J., DALING P.S. and AARESKJOLD K., 1990: "Chemical dispersability testing of fresh and weathered oils - an extended study with eight oil types" IKU-report no. 02.0786112190. DALING, P.S. and ALMAS, I.K., 1988: Description of laboratory methods in part 1 of the DIWO-project. IKU-report no. 02.078612188. IKU, Trondheim, Norway. DALING, P.S., BRANDVIK, P.J., MACKAY, D., JOHANSEN, 0. 1990: Characterisation of crude oils for environmental purposes. Paper at the 13th AMOP seminar, Edmonton, Canada, 1990. DIWO-report no. 8. IKU Report 02.0786.00108190. 22 p. Open. DALING, P.S., BRANDVIK, P.J., MACKAY, D., JOHANSEN, 0. 1990: Characterisation of crude oils for environmental purposes. Paper at the 13th AMOP seminar, Edmonton, Canada, 1990. DIWO-report no. 8. IKU Report 02.0786.00108190. 22 p. Open. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA), 1982: Manual of practice - Chemical Agents in Oil Spill Controll, EPA-report no. 60018-82-010, Washington DC, 1982. HOKSTAD, J.N., DALING, P:S, LEWIS, A and KRISTIANSEN, T.S., 1993: Methodology For Testing Wlo-emulsions And Demulsifiers. Description Of Laboratory Procedures. ITOPF, 1986: Fate of Marine Oil Spills. Technical information paper no. 11186. The International Tankers Owners Pollution Federation Ltd., London, England. JOHANSEN, 0. 1991: Numerical modelling of physical properties of weathered North Sea crude oils. DIWO-report no. 15. IKU-report 02.0786.00115191. Open. MACKAY, D., BUIST, I., MASCARENHAS, R., PATERSON, S., 1980: "Oil Spill Processes and Models". Report EE-8, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. MACKAY, D., SZETO, F. 1980: Effectiveness of oil spill dispersants - development of a laboratory method and results for selected commercial products. Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, Publ. no. EE-16. MACKAY, D. and ZAGORSKY, W., 1982: "Studies of W10 Emulsions". Report EE-34: Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. NORDVIK, A.B., DALING, P., ENGELHARDT, F.R. 1992: Problems in the interpretation of spill response technology studies. In: Proceedings of the 15 AMOP Technical Seminar, June 10- 12, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, pp.211-217. SINGSAAS, I., DALING, P.S., and JENSEN, H. 1993: Meso-scale laboratory weathering of oils. IKU Report 22.2042.00104193,IKU, Trondheim, Norway, 81 p. SPEIGHT, J.G. 1980: The chemistry and technology of petroleum. Corporate Research Laboratories. Exxon Research and Engineering Company Linden, New Jersey, 8 1-88. APPENDIX A Physico-chemical resurlts a U I . m. 4 4 4 . . 0 W 4 W . . q m P N N I m m 1 4 - m m o . . . . . I I 1 mwr-mm 1 l I -+ U X c. + + + . I:UUU.C N m 0 o o . Q w o o o !+memo a hh-INNN W El 4 0 U ! I 1 l I I I I m - I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 0 m W I I 1 1 l 1 W A a H I 1 I I I I I I I V1 V1 N I U p. V 1 l l l l l V1 W A a m a 0 1 rW I l I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I . . . . . I l . . O 4 mm 4 0 P .. . . l a m m m wr- I r - m l 4 4 r l N N O N O - w r - m 4 4 I I l -+ I -+ U m W N 0 0 U .. W X I: a + + + . 0 0 . 3 L - m 0 m 0 O h r l N N N ; l m o o o ; l L00 h C U U U C Y 4 V) U a 3 n 0 0 m N 0 X I : a I4 W A X 0 + + . ahrlNNN . A I X U U V C r Go 0 0 Q w o o o a !4momo 0 C + + . . h h 4 N N N N G o 0 0 ~ C ! O O O g L - m 0 m 0 I.CUUUL2 a W A A H A H 0 0 0 I I 1 I I 0 I I 1 U 0 0 m X 0 a C H + + . a a . WCUUUX A m 0 0 0 A m o o 0 H ! 4 m o m o A L 4 N N N .... 4mWW mmwrI .. r-m I l l r l 4 4 4 I 1 1 4 m S I W T E F PROUP @ omo m m W U C m U EoO 0 U m H W nli m h .am U K 2 W CJu E b 2 0 m U U-I a m m m m O V U m .d U u m 7 , u 4 X C 0 n U U .d m Par U c c 0 0 U L1 .A u K 0 m m c QJ m L1 U K .r( W .d d m a K C x U C U Z1m m 0 4 5 TaOle A2: I'llysicnl r~rrriablesfor 6 North Sea oils. Oil tn?e Boiling tsmp. liquid (OC) FR0Y CRUDE: Fresh LILLEFRIGG CONDENSATE: Fresh 150°C+ 2OO0C+ 250°C+ 2 0 . h. ph.ox ( 2 5 0 ° C + ) 255 FR0Y-LILLEFRIGG BLEND (50:50): Fresh PR0Y-LILLEFRIGG BLEND (75:25): Fresh 15O0C+ 2oo0c+ 250°C+ 2 0 . h. ph.ox ( 2 5 0 ° C + ) 251 - GULLFAKS CRUDE: Fresh 150°C+ 2OO0C+ 250°C+ 2 0 . h. ph.ox ( 2 5 0 ° C + ) 190 245 295 - Vol.% Topped Wt.% Residue ~snsity (15.S°C) Pour point (OC) 1) Viscosity (cP, 13OC) . Interf tens. (mN/m) Flash p. (OC) @ OErl SINTEF PROUP 0.82 Fersk 1WC+ 2OO0C+ Ph. ox. 250°C+ Oil residue Figure A I Density of the fresh crudes and residues. Temperature 15.5"C. high virovty due to pour point problems 500 400 ..." 300 200 ----Q *--------- 100 Fersk 150"C+ 2WC+ 250"C+ Ph. ox. Oil residue Figure A2 Viscosity measwed at shear rate 100 ssl of the fresh crltdes arid the \ ~ j o t e r f r ~ e residues. OEY SINTEF OROUP - Fmy LilleFrigg -.o-Fr~y-LilleFngg5050 Fmy-LilleFfigg7525 - - 0 - - Gullfaks Veslefrikk Fersk 15O0C+ 2WC+ 250°C+ ' Ph. ox. Oil residue Figure A3 Pour point of the fresh crudes and the residues. 1 1 Fersk I 150aC+ I 2WC+ Oil residue Figure A4 Flash point of the fresh crudes and the residites. l 25O0C+ I Ph. ox. ll - LilleFrigg -.*-. FmyCilleFrigg 50:50 -..m. .-Fmy-LilleFrigg75:25 --0-- Fersk 150°C+ 2WC+ 250°C+ Gullfaks Ph. ox. Oil residue War content of the fresh crudes and the residues. Figure A5 0.0 -I -.+-. Fray-LilleFrigg 50:50 --0-- Gullfaks , Fersk 150°C+ I , I 2WC+ 250°C+ Ph. ox. Oil residue Figrcre A6 "I-lard" osplialtet~escotlterlr of the fresh crlcdes and the residues. . a .I.~~'-,JIa Aromallcs I I t 250°C+ rs - l 20 h. ph. ox. - S i Polar A (Res~ns) - i - J a ' ' ! ~ ~ Figure A7 ~ 1 ' ~ ~ " ' ! ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.*c- Composition of the Fr0y crude analyzed a) 25O0C+-residue (topped) Photo-oxidised oil (20 hours, 250°C+j. bj by latroscan-TLC/FID. ' ~ ~ ' ~ Fray crude 1 1 1 1 I I 11; .F? Time (n1nure.l Time (mlnuresl I441513510-fray.3. I 800 Fray 1504 700: Tine lminucesl 1441513510-froy.5. I 700 Fray 250+ 600- Time (minutes) 1441513510-froy.4, I 700- Fray 2004 60C- Time Figrire A8 lmlnutesl Gas c/rrotnatogrotns of Froj crlide oil and residries. The rl-CI7, pristatle (Pr.) 11-Cl8 axd phjtntz (I'll.) area of the fr-esh crrcde is e.rpat~ded(UChl t ~ ~ c a t Utlseparated, ls Cot~rplexhlatcrinl) Ilrn SINTCF OROUP APPENDIX B Emulsification (water uptake and stability) and demulsification results .-S I N T I C QROUP Definitions of symbols concerning the emulsification studies: a) Formation and properties of wlo-emulsions tl12Expresses the relative rate of an oil's water-in-oil emulsification ability, i.e. the time needed for picking up half of the maximum water content (in vol.%). Volumetric water to oil ratio in the emulsion WOR WORmax Maximum volumetric water to oil ratio in the emulsion measured after a rotating time of 24 hours Stability of wlo-emulsions: An emulsion is defined to be totally stable if no water is separated out during a 24 hour settling period (no dehydration). T h e stability is thus expressed through the volumetric dehydration (D24h, see definitions below) of the emulsion. b) Breaking of wlo-emulsions by the use of demulsifiers: Volumetric water to oil ratio in the emulsion WOR WORref Volumetric water to oil ratio in the emulsion after 24 hours rotation WOR24h Water to oil ratio in the emulsion after 24 hours rotation + 24 hours settling - D= - W0R24h 1 D Fractional dehydration of emulsion. D24h D = 1 means a totally unstable, or broken, emulsion D = 0 means a totally stable emulsion Dehydration obtained after treatment with emulsion breaker and a 24 hour settling period % E M = % water in the emulsion after 24 hours mixing. Relative rate of water uptake: T h e experimental data from the water uptake of the oils is adapted to an exponential function (Mackay et al., 1980). This function is used to calculate a halflife time (tll2-value) for the maximum water uptake of the oil, i.e. the time needed for taking up half of the maximum water content. This half-life time is further used as a parameter measuring the relative rate of water uptake for the different residues. Maximum water uptake: The maximum water volume that can be incorporated into an emulsion made with the oil. It is measured after rotating a mixture of oil and water in the specified apparatus at 3 0 rpm for 24 hours. Dehydration: T h e dehydration of an w/o-emulsion is defined as the proportion of water that is separated out of the emulsion after 24 hours settling, relative to the initial water volume (before settling). The efficiency of the wlo-emulsion breaker: This is measured from the dehydration of an wloemulsion treated with emulsion breaker in comparison to an untreated w/o-emulsion. T h e ratio of w/o-emulsion breaker to parent oil is 2000 ppm.
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