sintef report
sintef report
SINTEF REPORT TITLE SINTEF Materials and Chemistry Address: Location: Telephone: Fax: Weathering properties of the Trestakk oil Final version NO-7465 Trondheim, NORWAY Brattørkaia 17B, 4. etg. +47 4000 3730 +47 930 70730 AUTHOR(S) Enterprise No.: NO 948 007 029 MVA Per Johan Brandvik and Frode Leirvik CLIENT(S) StatoilHydro REPORT NO. CLASSIFICATION CLIENTS REF. SINTEF A6809 Unrestricted Magnus Eriksen CLASS. THIS PAGE ISBN PROJECT NO. Unrestricted 978-82-14-04542-0 800849 ELECTRONIC FILE CODE NO. OF PAGES/APPENDICES 63 PROJECT MANAGER (NAME, SIGN.) CHECKED BY (NAME, SIGN.) ForvitringsHåndbok Trestakk final.doc Per Johan Brandvik Tove Strøm FILE CODE DATE APPROVED BY (NAME, POSITION, SIGN.) 2008-05-19 Tore Aunaas, Research Director ABSTRACT A study of the weathering properties of oil from the Trestakk field has been performed. The data from the laboratory study is used together with the SINTEF oil weathering modell to predict the behaviour of Trestakk crude at sea. The weathering properties are discussed in relation to oil spill response both based on mechanical recovery and chemical dispersion Use of dispersants: Laboratory testing has shown a high potential for use of chemical dispersants. The time window for using dispersants can be as wide as several days depending on weather condition. Mechanical recovery: Efficiency of mechanical recovery is expected to be high. Recovery efficiency of offshore weir skimmers (e.g. NOFOs Transrec Skimmers) will not be limited by viscous emulsions of Trestakk crude. Trestakk has a very low pour point and it is not likely for this oil to solidify in scenarios with calm sea and very high evaporative loss. KEYWORDS GROUP 1 GROUP 2 SELECTED BY AUTHOR ENGLISH Oil Weathering Trestakk Garn Spill NORWEGIAN Olje Forvitring Trestakk Garn Søl 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4 2 Executive summary ................................................................................................................ 5 3 The behaviour of crude oil on the sea surface ..................................................................... 6 3.1 The chemical composition of crude oils ......................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Hydrocarbons ...................................................................................................... 6 3.1.2 Heteroatomic organics ........................................................................................ 7 3.2 Physical properties of crude oils ..................................................................................... 7 3.2.1 Density ................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.2 Rheological properties ........................................................................................ 7 3.2.3 Pour point............................................................................................................ 8 3.2.4 Distillation curve................................................................................................. 8 3.2.5 Flash point........................................................................................................... 9 3.3 The behaviour of crude oil spilt at sea .......................................................................... 10 3.3.1 Evaporation ....................................................................................................... 11 3.3.2 Spreading .......................................................................................................... 12 3.3.3 Drift of an oil slick ............................................................................................ 12 3.3.4 Water-in-oil (w/o) emulsion.............................................................................. 13 3.3.5 Oil-in-water (o/w) dispersion............................................................................ 15 3.3.6 Water solubility................................................................................................. 16 3.3.7 Photo-oxidation................................................................................................. 16 3.3.8 Biodegradation .................................................................................................. 16 3.3.9 Sedimentation.................................................................................................... 16 3.3.10 Submersion........................................................................................................ 16 4 Experimental design of the bench scale testing ................................................................. 17 4.1 Oil Samples................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Test temperatures .......................................................................................................... 17 4.3 Bench-scale laboratory testing...................................................................................... 17 4.3.1 Evaporation ....................................................................................................... 17 4.3.2 Water-in-oil (w/o) emulsification ..................................................................... 17 4.3.3 Physical and chemical analysis ......................................................................... 19 4.3.4 Chemical dispersibility testing.......................................................................... 19 5 Meso-scale laboratory testing.............................................................................................. 21 5.1 Description of the meso-scale flume............................................................................. 21 5.1.1 Oil weathering in the meso-scale flume............................................................ 21 5.1.2 Sampling of surface oil ..................................................................................... 22 5.1.3 Collection of water samples .............................................................................. 23 5.2 Solar simulation in the meso scale flume ..................................................................... 23 6 Results from the bench scale weathering study................................................................. 25 6.1 Composition and physical properties............................................................................ 25 6.1.1 GC-FID characterization................................................................................... 25 6.1.2 Physical and chemical properties of fresh and weathered residues ..................28 6.2 Emulsifying properties of Trestakk crude oil ............................................................... 29 6.2.1 Water uptake and maximum water content....................................................... 29 6.2.2 Stability and efficiency of emulsion breaker ....................................................29 6.3 Dispersibility testing on Trestakk crude oil .................................................................. 30 6.3.1 Screening of dispersants.................................................................................... 30 6.3.2 Systematic dispersibility testing on Trestakk residues and emulsions ............. 31 3 6.3.3 Chemical dispersibility as a function of viscosity ............................................ 31 7 Results from the Meso-scale laboratory testing................................................................. 33 7.1 Evaporation ................................................................................................................... 33 7.2 W/o-emulsification ....................................................................................................... 34 7.3 In-situ chemical dispersion ........................................................................................... 35 7.4 Mass balance................................................................................................................. 35 7.5 Visual observations....................................................................................................... 37 8 SINTEF Oil Weathering Model – the model and input.................................................... 39 8.1 Input to SINTEFs Oil Weathering Model..................................................................... 40 8.2 Predictions of weathering properties ............................................................................ 42 8.2.1 Prediction charts for Trestakk ........................................................................... 42 8.2.2 How to use the prediction charts, an example .................................................. 42 2.3 Comparison with other oils........................................................................................... 52 9 Weathering properties related to response ........................................................................ 57 9.1 Oil properties ................................................................................................................ 57 9.2 Flash point – fire/explosion hazard............................................................................... 57 9.3 Emulsion formation and stability.................................................................................. 58 9.4 Mechanical recovery..................................................................................................... 58 9.5 Life time at sea – Natural dispersion and evaporation.................................................. 59 9.6 Use of chemical dispersants.......................................................................................... 61 10 References ............................................................................................................................. 62 4 1 Introduction New oil types are continuously coming into production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, and even Barents Sea oil is being prepared (for production). Because of large variations in the physical and chemical properties of the crude oils, their behaviour and fate if spilled at sea may vary greatly. The “Braer” accident at the Shetlands and the “Sea Empress” accident in Wales have shown how important it is to be able to predict the efficiency of different cleanup methods (mechanical, burning, dispersant treatment etc.). It is therefore important to have good knowledge about each oil’s expected behaviour at sea in case of an accidental spill. According to regulations from The Norwegian Pollution Control Authorities (SFT) and the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (Ptil) a characterisation of the oil or condensate with respect to weathering properties and fate in the marine environment should be performed for both exploration drilling and for all oil coming into production. An oil sample from the test production at the Trestakk field at Haltenbanken in 2001 (6406/3-2, DST 2, brønn 6) has been investigated in the laboratory at 5 and 13°C. The difference between the two temperatures are as expected (linear trends vs. temperature) and only the 13°C is presented in this report and used to predict the behaviour of Trestakk oil at sea at different weathering conditions. How the weathering properties influence on oil spill response, both mechanical recovery and chemical dispersibility are discussed. 5 2 Executive summary When weathered at the sea surface, the oil will encounter changes in physical properties that will affect oil spill countermeasures in different ways. This summary gives a brief overview of changes in the Trestakk oil on the sea surface, and limitations to countermeasures due to the changes. Trestakk is light and paraffinic, with a medium vax and asphaltene content. If spilt at sea, the oil will have a high evaporative loss, which will give rapid change in the physical properties of the oil spill. Stable emulsions are formed with high viscosity. However, in high sea the combination of high evaporative loss and natural dispersion will give a short lifetime on the sea surface similar to other Haltenbank oil. The flash point of Trestakk will change rapidly initially in a spill and will be above the ambient sea temperature within 15 minutes after a spill. Some ships have a minimum flash point requirement at 60°C for storage of liquids. Trestakk will reach this limit within a few hours after the spill, even at low wind speeds. Formation of viscous emulsions reduces problems with boom leakage initially in a recovery operation. Depending on the weather conditions boom leakage, due to low viscosity (< 1000 cP) will only be expected first 3-6 hours after release. Laboratory testing has shown a high potential for use of chemical dispersants. The time window for using dispersants can be as wide as several days depending on weather condition and emulsification. Efficiency of mechanical recovery is expected to be high. Recovery efficiency of offshore weir skimmers (e.g. NOFOs Transrec Skimmers) is not expected to be limited by viscous emulsions of Trestakk crude. The emulsion formed could have water content as high as 80%. This means 4 parts of the recovered fluid will be water. Recovered emulsion can easily be broken and a dosage of 500 ppm of emulsion breaker is probably sufficient to totally break the emulsion. 6 3 The behaviour of crude oil on the sea surface 3.1 The chemical composition of crude oils Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of chemical components. The relative compositions vary, giving rise to crude oils with different chemical and physical properties. The components found in crude oil are classified into two main chemical groups, these are hydrocarbons and heteroatomic organics, see Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1: The chemical composition of crude oil. 3.1.1 Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons The majority of compounds in crude oils are hydrocarbons, composed of hydrogen (10-15 wt. %) and carbon (85-90 wt. %). These range from simple, volatile gases, such as methane with only one carbon atom, up to large, complex molecules with more than 100 carbon atoms. The hydrocarbons in crude oils include saturated and unsaturated molecules in linear, branched and cyclic configurations. Hydrocarbons are further classified into aliphatic and aromatic compounds. The two main groups of aliphatics are paraffins and naphthalenes. Paraffins Paraffins include n-alkanes and iso-alkanes aliphatic compounds. Waxes are an important subgroup of paraffins, containing more than 20 carbon atoms. The wax components of a crude oil will be present in solution at elevated temperatures. At low temperatures they may precipitate out of solution. These are principally n-alkanes. The wax content of crude oils can vary from 0.5 wt. % up to 40 or 50 wt. % in extreme cases, although the majority of the world's crude oils have wax contents of 2 - 15 wt. %. 7 Naphthenes This group includes cycloalkanes containing one or more saturated rings. Each ring may have one or more paraffinic side chains. They are chiefly 5 and 6 membered rings. Aromatics Aromatics are a specific type of unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons. Benzene, toluene and xylenes are examples of mono-ring aromatics, naphthalenes are di-ring aromatics and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contain three or more aromatic rings. 3.1.2 Heteroatomic organics In addition to pure hydrocarbons, some organic compounds in crude oils also contain small amounts of oxygen, nitrogen or sulphur, and some trace metals such as vanadium and nickel. The two most important groups of heteroatomic organic compounds are resins and asphaltenes. Resins Resins are relatively polar compared to the hydrocarbons, and often have surface active properties. Resins have molecular weights ranging from 700-1000. Carboxylic acids (naphthenic acids), sulphoxides and phenol-like compounds can be found in this group. Asphaltenes This is a complex group of poorly characterised chemical compounds. They consist of condensed polycyclic aromatic compounds. They are large molecules with 6 - 20 aromatic rings and side chains (molecular weight: 1000 - 10 000). Asphaltenes may be classified as "hard" or "soft", on the basis of the method used to determine the asphaltene content. Crude oils can contain up to 6 wt. % "hard" and 10 wt. % "soft" asphaltenes. 3.2 Physical properties of crude oils The physical properties of specific oils are a result of their chemical compositions. The most important physical properties in oil spill scenarios are discussed below. 3.2.1 Density The density of crude oil normally lies between 0,78 to 0,95 g/mL at 15,5°C. Paraffinic oils have lower density values, while oils that contain large amounts of high molecular weight aromatic, naphthenes and asphaltenic compounds usually have higher density values. 3.2.2 Rheological properties Viscosity The viscosity of crude oil expresses its resistance to flow and is of special interest when pumping mechanically collected oil. The viscosity of crude oils can vary from 3 to 2000 cP at 13°C. In comparison water has a viscosity of 1 mPas and syrup a viscosity of 120000 mPas at 20°C. The viscosity is temperature dependent. For liquids the viscosity decreases with increasing temperatures. Viscous crude oils or crude oils that contain wax can exhibit non-Newtonian behaviour (viscosity varies with shear rate), especially close to or below their pour point. 8 The viscosity of an oil increases with evaporation since the heavier, more viscous components remain. The difference in viscosity for crude oils is approximately 3 to 2000 mPas for fresh crude oils and several hundred/thousand mPas for their residues. Water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions are generally more viscous than the parent crude oil, this is illustrated in Figure 3.2. B Viscosity ratio 1000 100 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Water content (vol. %) ik41911100\tegner\fig-eng\fig2-5.eps Figure 3.2: An example of the viscosity ratio as a function of increasing water content Mackay et al., 1980). 3.2.3 Pour point The temperature when an oil ceases to flow when cooled without disturbance under standardised conditions in the laboratory (ASTM-D97) is defined as the oils pour point. In oil spill clean up situations the pour point provides important information when determining the efficiency of various skimmers, pumping rates and the use of dispersion agents. The pour point of an oil with a high wax content will increase dramatically with weathering as the lower weight molecules that contribute in keeping the wax in solution evaporate. The pour point of oils with high wax contents can reach 30°C, while low viscous naphthenic oils can have pour points as low as –40°C. 3.2.4 Distillation curve Boiling point and boiling range (distillation properties) The distillation curve shows the relative distribution of volatile and heavier components in the oil. The distillation curve is obtained by measuring the vapour temperature as a function of amount of oil distilled. The boiling point of particular chemical component depends on its vapour pressure; which is a function of molecular weight and chemical structure. Low molecular weight oil components have higher vapour pressure, and therefore lower boiling points, than higher molecular weight components of a similar type. Aromatic compounds boils at a higher temperature than paraffins of the same molecular weight and iso-alkanes boils at lower temperature than the equivalent n-alkanes. The distillation curve is therefore an indicator of the relative amount of different chemical components, principally as a function of molecular weight, but also determined by the chemical composition. 9 100 Midgard condenstate Kristin Morvin Trestakk Åsgard Heidrun Export blend 90 80 Evaporated (vol%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature (°C) Figure 3.3: Distillation curves for various crude oils at Haltenbanken. 3.2.5 Flash point The flash point is the lowest temperature at which the gas or vapour generated by heating an oil can be ignited by a flame. The flash point depends on the proportion of low molecular weight components. Fresh crude oils normally have a low flash point (from –40°C to 30°C). From a safety point of view, flash points are of most significance at or slightly above the maximum temperature that may be encountered in storage or transport. The flash point is an approximate indicator of the relative fire and explosion hazard of an oil. A rule of thumb says that moving in an oil slick where the flash point of the oil is close to or lower than the sea temperature implies a fire and explosion hazard. Natural weathering processes like evaporation and emulsion formation contribute in reducing the potential hazard by increasing the flash point. There is therefore a relatively short fire and/or explosion danger in the initial stages of an oil spill. In the laboratory, the flash point is measured in a closed system with an equilibrium between the components in the oil and gas. In the field, however, the weather situation will influence the flammability of the air above the slick. For instance the gas concentration will be high just above the oil film in calm weather and high temperatures, whereas the concentration will be low in cold and windy weather due to dilution and transport and a lower degree of evaporation. 10 3.3 The behaviour of crude oil spilt at sea When a crude oil is spilt at sea a number of natural processes take place, which change the volume and the chemical properties of the oil. These natural processes are evaporation, water-inoil (w/o) emulsification, oil-in-water (o/w) dispersion, release of oil components into the water column, spreading, sedimentation, oxidation and biodegradation. A common term for all of these natural processes is weathering. The relative contribution of each process varies during the duration of the spill. Figure 3.4 illustrates the various weathering processes and Figure 3.5 shows their relative importance with time. Wind Photolysis Water-in-oil emulsion Drifting Resurfacing of larger oil droplets Oil-in-water dispersion Evaporation Spreading Dissolution of water soluble components Adsorption to particles Vertical diffusion Horizontal diffusion Microbiological degradation Uptake by biota Sedimentation Uptake and release from sediment Figure 3.4: The weathering processes that take place when an oil is spilt on the sea surface. 11 0 1 Hours 10 Day 100 Week 1000 Month 10000 Year Evaporation Dissolution Photo-oxidation Biodegradation Sedimentation Water-in-oil emulsification Unstable emulsion Oil-in-water dispersion Stable "mousse" Spreading Drifting 6621\handboker\grafiske\fig-eng\emulsion.eps Figure 3.5: Weathering processes’ relative importance with time. The weathering of oil depends on the oil type (chemical and physical properties), the weather conditions (wind, waves, temperature and sunlight) and the properties of the seawater (salinity, temperature, bacteria flora etc.). 3.3.1 Evaporation Evaporation is one of the natural processes that helps removing spilt oil from the sea surface. The evaporation process starts immediately after the oil is spilt and the evaporation rate decreases exponentially throughout the duration of the oil spill. The amount evaporated depends on the chemical composition of the oil in addition to the prevailing weather conditions, sea temperature and the oil film thickness. The rate of evaporation will vary for different oil types. Light refinery products (e.g. gasoline and kerosene) may completely evaporate after a few hours/days on the sea surface. Condensates and lighter crude oils can loose 50 % or more of their original volume during the first days after an oil spill. The most significant difference caused by evaporation is the loss of volatile and semi-volatile compounds increases the relative amounts of higher molecular weight compounds. The chemical and physical properties of the remaining oil change for example the density, viscosity, pour point and the relative wax and asphaltene contents will increase with increased evaporation. 12 3.3.2 Spreading Oil spilt at sea will spread on the sea surface. Spreading is often the dominating process in the initial stages of an oil spill.. The spreading decreases as the viscosity and density of the remaining oil increases. The spreading process is also retarded if the oil’s pour point is 10-15°C below the sea temperature. Oceanographic conditions (e. g. wind, waves and current) will affect the spreading process. The oil slick will be broken into windrows aligned in the wind direction, see Figure 3.6. The thickness of the oil slick will vary, often differing with a factor of several thousand. Past experience has shown that 90 vol% of the oil spilt will consist of patches of w/o-emulsion with a film thickness of 1 to 5 mm that often constitute for less than 10 % of the total oil slick area. The remaining 10 vol% will cover 90 % of the spill area in the form of a sheen (<1 μm oil thickness). Tick oil and water-in-oil emulsion (mm) Wind Sheen (< 1μm) Windrows ik41961100/tegner/fig-eng/sheen.eps Figure 3.6: The spreading of oil spilt on the sea surface and the distribution within the oil slick. 3.3.3 Drift of an oil slick The weather conditions cause the oil slick to drift, see Figure 3.7. The oil slick will drift as the weathering processes described in this chapter weather the oil. Waves and wind create a current in the water mass which amounts to approximately 3 % of the wind speed at the sea surface (Martinsen, 1994). 13 Wind - 20 knots 3% 100 % ik41961100/tegner/fig-eng./wind.eps Figure 3.7: An illustration showing how wind and current can influence the drift of an oil slick. 3.3.4 Water-in-oil (w/o) emulsion The formation of w/o-emulsions is the weathering process that contributes in keeping oil on the sea surface. A w/o-emulsion has a higher viscosity than the parent crude oil and the emulsification process will therefore retard/delay the evaporation and the natural dispersion process. The minimum criteria for the formation of w/o-emulsions is the presence of breaking waves (i. e. a wind speed of 5 m/s), however, a slow water uptake can also take place during calmer weather. Surface active compounds present in crude oil will promote the formation of w/o-emulsions and contribute in stabilising the emulsion. These components contain both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. The maximum water uptake will vary for different crude oils. Tests performed at SINTEF have shown that the maximum water uptake is fairly independent of the prevailing weather conditions as long as the lower energy barrier for the formation of w/o-emulsions is exceeded, however, the rate depends highly on the weather conditions. In the laboratory the t1/2-value, which is the time in hours it takes before the oil has taken up half of its maximum water content, is determined. Previous tests of asphaltenic oils performed at SINTEF show that the water uptake is in inverse ratio with the viscosity. The rate of formation of the w/o-emulsion varies for different oil types since it is dependent on the chemical composition if the oil. A large amount of wax will for instance increase the rate of formation. Another important factor that influences the rate of formation is the prevailing weather conditions. Figure 3.8 shows how the wind speed influences the rate of formation. 14 A 100 Windspeed = 10 m/s Water content (vol.%) 80 60 Windspeed = 5 m/s 40 20 0 0 6 12 18 24 Time (hours) ik41911100\tegner\fig-eng\fig2-3a.eps Figure 3.8: An example of how the prevailing weather conditions influence the rate of the w/o-emulsion formation for a typical crude oil. The stability of the w/o-emulsion depends on the water droplet size in the emulsion. Not all of the water droplets in the emulsion are stabile. The largest droplets may coalescence and are squeezed out of the w/o-emulsion. Larger water droplets may be reduced in size by the flexing, stretching and compressing motion of a slick due to wave action. After a period of time the emulsion may only contain small water droplets with a diameter of 1 to 10 μL. A B Figure 3.9: A picture taken with a microscope of the water droplet size in a w/o-emulsion after (A) 1 hour and (B) 24 hours in a rotating cylinder. Another factor that influences the w/o-emulsion’s stability is the amount of surface-active components present in the parent oil. Resins and asphaltenes have hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties and will concentrate at the interface between the water and oil thereby forming a layer that stabilises the water droplets. The hydrophobic properties can lead to the concentration of wax along the water droplets, which further stabilises the interfacial “skin” layer. The interfacial layer between the oil and water forms a physical barrier hindering coalescence and will stabilise the w/o-emulsion by hindering the fusion of water droplets. The stabilisation of the water droplets by asphaltenes and by asphaltenes and wax are shown in Figure 3.10. 15 WATER PHASE Asphaltene stabilized Wax stabilized Water droplet ~ 1 μm in diameter Asphaltene & wax stabilized Unstabilized OIL PHASE Asphaltene "particles" Wax crystals Resins ik41961100:tegner\fig_eng\interfac.eps Figure 3.10: Stabilization of the interfacial layer between the water and oil in a w/o-emulsion by wax and asphaltenes. Oils that contain a large amount of wax and little asphaltenes can form w/o-emulsions that may appear to be stabile. These w/o-emulsions appear to be stabled by the continual phase’s rheological strength (viscosity and elasticity). This strength is due to the wax structure formed by participated wax. Wax stabilised emulsions are characterised by large water droplets and are fairly stabile when stored, however, they may break when stress is applied and/or when the emulsion is heated to e. g. 40-50°C. 3.3.5 Oil-in-water (o/w) dispersion Natural o/w dispersion will take place if there is sufficient energy on the sea surface, i. e. if there are breaking waves present. The waves will break the slick into droplets typically with a diameter between 1 to1000 μm which are mixed into the water masses. The largest oil droplets will resurface forming a sheen behind the oil slick (see chapter 3.3.2). In addition to weather conditions the dispersion rate depends highly on the oil type and can be one of the main processes that determine the lifetime of an oil slick on the sea surface. The natural o/w dispersion will gradually decrease since evaporation of the lighter compounds will increase the viscosity of the remaining oil. The purpose of applying chemical dispersion agents is to increase the natural o/w dispersion rate. When effective chemical dispersion is achieved small oil droplets are formed with a diameter of 5 to 50 μm. The dispersion agent reduces the interfacial tension between the water and oil and promotes dispersion. 16 3.3.6 Water solubility The water solubility of saturated hydrocarbons (<C4) is very low, while lower molecular weight aromatic compounds are water-soluble. Within the various types of hydrocarbons the water solubility decreases from aromatics to naphthenes and from iso-paraffins to n-paraffins. In each series the water solubility decreases with increasing molecular weight. Evaporation and the release of oil components in to the water masses are competitive processes since most of the water-soluble components are also volatile. The evaporation process is approximately 10 to 100 times faster than the release in the water column. The concentration of soluble oil components in the water column during an oil spill is quite low (<1 mg/L). The dissolution of oil components into the water column does not contribute in removing the oil from the sea surface. However the water-soluble fraction (WSF) is of great interest since it has a high bioavailability and therefore the potential to cause acute toxic effects on marine organisms. 3.3.7 Photo-oxidation Under the influence of sunlight some of the oil components will slowly be oxidised to resins and eventually asphaltenes. This contributes to the stability of w/o-emulsions and therefore has a large influence on the oils persistence on the sea surface. The photo-oxidised components will stabilise the w/o-emulsions. After a long period of weathering at sea, tar-balls can be formed. Tar-balls are broken down very slowly both at sea and on beaches. 3.3.8 Biodegradation Theoretically, seawater contains microorganisms that can break down all types of oil components. The various microorganisms prefer specific oil components as an energy source. Several factors influence the biodegradation rate, among these are temperature, the supply of nutritive substances that contain nitrogen and phosphor, the oxygen supply, oil type and the degree of weathering. Bacteria can only degrade oil that is in contact with seawater and is dependent of the water/oil interface area. The interface area increases as the oil is spread over the sea surface as a thin layer or by chemical or natural dispersion of oil in the water masses. An area increase due to chemical and/or natural dispersion will increase the degradation rate in the water mass to 10 to 100 times the rate at the water/oil interface. It is difficult to estimate the microbial degradation rate, however rates of 1 to 30 mg/m3 seawater per day have been reported (FOH, 1984). The degradation rate can reach values of 500 to 600 mg/m3 seawater per day in chronic oil polluted areas (NRC, 1985). The biodegradation of oil present in sediment is much slower due to the lack of oxygen. 3.3.9 Sedimentation Crude oil and oil residues rarely sink into the water masses since there are few oils that have a density higher than water, even after extreme weathering. Oil can sink by sticking to particular material, which is present in the water masses. W/o-emulsions that have a higher density value can easier stick to particular material. 3.3.10 Submersion Highly weathered oils can temporarily submerge from the sea surface. This can greatly influence the effectiveness of combating oil pollution in the marine environment. The oil density and viscosity in addition to the weather conditions influence submersion. W/o-emulsions have a higher density value than the parent oil and can therefore submerge more easily. 17 4 Experimental design of the bench scale testing 4.1 Oil Samples A 2 x 20 litre crude oil sample of the Garn formation from the Trestakk field was received from Statoil in July 2007. The sample has got the SINTEF id: 2007-0402 and was originally marked, “Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Brønn 6”. 4.2 Test temperatures The testing of weathering properties was performed at 5 and 13°C which is regarded as a typical temperatures in Norskehavet. 4.3 Bench-scale laboratory testing In order to isolate and map the various weathering processes that take place when an oil is spilled on the sea surface, the weathering of the oils is carried out using a systematic, stepwise procedure developed at SINTEF (Daling et al., 1990). The weathering process is illustrated in Figure 3.1 Emulsification with water Evaporation WOR = 1 WOR = 3 WOR = max Figure 4.1: Flow chart for the bench-scale laboratory weathering of a crude oil WOR=1 (50% water), WOR=3 (75% water). 4.3.1 Evaporation Evaporation of the lighter compounds from the fresh crude oil is carried out according to a modified ASTM-D86/82 distillation procedure (Stiver and Mackay, 1984). The fresh crude oil is distilled, in a simple one step distillation, to a vapour temperature of 150, 200 and 250°C. This will give oil residues with an evaporation loss typically corresponding to 0,5-1 hour, 0,5-1 day and 2-5 days of weathering of an oil slick on the sea surface. These residues are referred to as 150°C+, 200°C+ and 250°C+ respectively. 4.3.2 Water-in-oil (w/o) emulsification The procedures used in the w/o-emulsification studies are described in detail by Hokstad et al., 1993. The w/o-emulsification of the fresh crude oil is carried out based on the rotating cylinder method developed by Mackay and Zagorski, 1982. Oil (30 mL) and seawater (300 mL) are rotated (30 18 rpm) in a separating funnel (0,5 L), see Figure 4.2.The emulsification kinetics are mapped by measuring the water content at fixed rotation times. The maximum water content is determined after 24 hours of rotation. 24 hours mixing Before mixing Oil (30 mL) WOR 02- Seawater (330 mL) 4- 24 hours mixing and 24 hours settling Axis of rotation (30 rpm) 68- 6621/handbøker/grafisk/fig-eng/3skilletrakter.eps Figure 4.2: Principle of the rotating cylinder method. To test the effectiveness of the emulsion breaker Alcopol O 60 %, two dosages (500 ppm and 2000 ppm relative to the oil volume) were added drop wise to the w/o-emulsion. After a contact period of 5 minutes and a rotation time of 5 minutes (30 rpm), the treated emulsion rested for 24 hours before the amount of water drained from the emulsion was determined. The distilled residues were emulsified with 50 vol% and 75 vol% water in addition to the maximum water content w/o-emulsion. Four parallel runs were performed to map the w/oemulsion kinetics and two parallel runs were performed with the addition of Alcopol O 60 %. Several physical and chemical properties of the twelve weathered samples (see Figure 4.1) were determined. A detailed description of the various analyses is given in chapter 4.3.3. 19 4.3.3 Physical and chemical analysis The viscosity, density, pour point and flash point of the water free residues and w/o emulsions will be determined. The analytical procedures that will be used are given in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: Summary of the analytical methods used in the determination of the physical properties. Physical property Analytical method Instrument Viscosity Density Pour Point Flash point McDonagh and Hokstad, 1995 ASTM method D4052-81 ASTM method D97 ASTM D 56-82 Physica MCR 300 Anton Paar, DMA 4500 Pensky-Martens, PMP1, SUR The wax content and “hard” asphaltene content will be determined using the analytical procedures given in Table 4.2 Table 4.2: Summary of the analytical methods used in the determination of the chemical properties. Chemical property Analytical method Wax content “hard” asphaltene Bridiè et al., 1980 IP 143/90 4.3.4 Chemical dispersibility testing There is a multitude of different tests for evaluating the effect of chemical dispersants. Energy input will differ in different tests, and the obtained efficiency will be representative for different wave energies. In the screening of different dispersants the IFP test is used. In the systematic testing of all residues and emulsions of the Trestakk oil, the IFP test is used. Screening of the chemical dispersants was performed with the IFP test. IFP (Institute Francais du Petrole test, Bocard et al, 1984) is a low energy test and is thought to be representative for low wave energies (2-5m/s wind speed). A ring beating up and down in the test vessel at a given frequency, gives energy input to the seawater column. The water column is continuously diluted, which gives a more realistic approach to field conditions compared to other tests. The test is shown in Figure 4.3. 20 IFP Test 7 6 2 3 8 5 1 1. Experimental beaker 2. Peristaltic pump 3. Storage water 4 4. Sampling bottle 5. Surge beater 6. Electro-magnet 7. Timer 8. Oil containment ring ik22206200\wp\tegner\ifp-c.eps Figure 4.3: IFP test apparatus MNS (Mackay and Szeto 1980) has been estimated to correspond to a medium to high sea-state condition. The energy input in this system, applied by streaming air across the oil/water surface, producing a circular wave motion,. The sample of the oily water is taken under dynamic conditions after a mixing period of 5 min. The test is shown in Figure 4.4. MNS Test Air outlet Thermometer Air flow Water sampling tube Manometer Air inlet Oil containment ring ik22206200\wp\tegner\mns-c.eps Figure 4.4: MNS test apparatus Air blower Cooling coil 21 5 Meso-scale laboratory testing In an oil spill situation at sea the weathering processes will occur simultaneously and affect each other. It is therefore important that the oils are weathered under realistic conditions when studying how the oils behaviour when spilled on the sea surface. A meso-scale flume basin (Singsaas et al., 1993) located at SINTEF is routinely used to study the weathering processes simultaneously under controlled conditions. A schematic drawing of the meso-scale flume basin is given in figure 3. A new flume with updated instrumentation was built in 2006 at SINTEF Sealab. The flume experiment with Trestakk were performed at 13°C. 5.1 Description of the meso-scale flume Approximately 4.8 m3 seawater circulated in the 10 meter long flume. The flume is located in a temperature controlled room (0°C – 20°C). Two fans placed in a covered wind-tunnel allow control of the wind speed. The wind is calibrated to simulate an evaporation rate corresponding to a wind speed of 5-10 m/s at the sea surface. A schematic drawing of the flume is given in Figure 5.1. Wave machine / breaking board Wind tunnel Breaking wave Fan 0.5m 2m Water sampling Irradiated area Solar simulator 4m Figure 5.1: A schematic drawing of the meso-scale flume. 5.1.1 Oil weathering in the meso-scale flume The oil sample (9 L) was carefully released on the water surface. The oil was weathered for a total of 3 days in the. Samples of the surface oil where taken frequently in the first hours of the experiment and then only once a day. Water samples are taken at a few times during the weathering part of the trial, and at a high frequency during the dispersant application part of the experiment. 22 Physical properties determined for all emulsion samples during the experiment were: - evaporative loss - density - water content - viscosity Analysis performed for a limited amount of samplings was: - Emulsion stability - Oil concentration in the water column (droplets and dissolved components) Methods for each analysis are described below. 5.1.2 Sampling of surface oil Samples of the surface oil/emulsion was taken by use of an Aluminum tray and transferred to a 0.5 L separating funnel. After settling for 10 minutes in the climate room, free water was removed. The oil phase was handled further for analysis of rheology, water content in emulsion and density. One sample is taken from the water surface. Evaporative loss As the light end components of the oil evaporates the density increases. The density of the oil was linearly dependent on the wt% evaporative loss. As the density of the water free residue was known (method described above) the evaporative loss can be calculated. Density Density was measured according to ASTM method D 4052-91 at an Anton Paar DMA 4500 densitometer. The density was measured on the water free sample. The water was removed as described above under the methodology for determination of water content. Water Content and stability The amount of water within the emulsion formed is determined by adding approximately 2000 ppm emulsion breaker to the sample and heating it in a vial. As the emulsion is broken the height of the water-oil interface and height of the total sample are measured in the vial. The relative amount of water compared to the total sample volume is calculated. Rheological measurements Rheological measurements were performed with a Physica MCR300 rheometer. Analyses done were stress-sweeps and viscosity measurements. From the stress-sweep elasticity modulus, and phase angel in the linear visco elastic area were obtained. Yield stress was calculated from the generated data. Viscosity is measured according to standard methodology described in McDonagh, 1995. Experimental setup for viscosity measurements: Measurement system : PP50 Gap : 1mm Shear rate : 1s-1, 5s-1, 10s-1, 50s-1,100s-1,200s-1,500s-1, and 1000s-1 All viscosities are reported at 10-1. 23 Experimental setup for stress-sweeps: Measurement system : PP50 Gap : 1mm Angular velocity : 10rad/s Stress interval : 0.05-1000 Pa (logarithmic increase) 5.1.3 Collection of water samples Water samples were taken at 50 cm depth through a tap in the basin wall, into a Pyrex glass bottle (1 L). The water sampled was acidified with some droplets of 10% HCl (pH lower than 2). The sampling position is shown in Figure 5.1. Samples were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction with dichloromethane and quantified by UV/spectrophotometry. 5.2 Solar simulation in the meso scale flume Natural sunlight is simulated with a solar simulator from Gmbh Steuernagel. The 4KW lamp emits a wavelength spectrum calibrated to fit natural sunlight at high noon and in the absence of skies. Figure 5.2 shows the measured spectrum from the solar simulator compared to one of the most widely used standard spectra for solar irradiance (CIE publication 85, 1989). 1000 W/m2 100 CIE publ 85 solarconstant 10 1 280-320 320-360 360-400 400-520 520-640 640-800 800-3000 w avelength interval Figure 5.2: Measured wavelength spectrum compared to standard spectrum suggested in CIE publication 85 The exact exposure of the oil in the meso scale flume is somehow hard to calculate. As the oil is moving it will only be within the irradiated area periodically. The exposure will be highly dependent on the distribution of the oil in the meso scale flume and the thickness of the emulsion on the surface. An estimated irradiation pr day is compared with the average irradiation pr day for some Norwegian cities in Figure 5.3. 24 6000 Trondheim Arendal Alta Solar simulator 5000 Irradiation (Wh/m2/day) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 5.3: Daily Irradiation for some Norwegian cities through the year compared with the estimated daily irradiation in the meso scale flume. The simulated irradiance seems to be approximately average to the daily irradiance throughout the year. It should, however, be noted that simulations are not taking clouds into consideration. The real irradiation will be lower than the predicted irradiation shown in the figure. 25 6 Results from the bench scale weathering study The results from the weathering study of the Trestakk crude are compared with similar data for five other Haltenbanken crudes. These are: • • • • • Trestakk crude Åsgard crude Heidrun export blend Midgard (condensate) Kristin (light oil) In figures all five oils are shown (crude/light oil/condensate), but in the tables only values for the crudes are shown. These oils are all previously tested at SINTEF. 6.1 Composition and physical properties The physical and chemical properties of the Trestakk crude are shown in Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2 and listed in Table 6.1 to Table 6.4. 6.1.1 GC-FID characterization The chemical composition of the Trestakk crude, characterised by gas chromatography (GC), is shown in Figure 6.2. GC-chromatograms for fresh Trestakk in comparison with Morvin, Åsgard and Heidrun export blend are shown in Figure 6.2. Trestakk is a typical light paraffinic oil with a medium content of waxes. The gas chromatograms show the n-alkanes as systematic narrow peaks. The first peaks represent components with the lowest boiling points. Some of the more complex components like resins (NSO compounds) and naphtenes are impossible to separate by this technique and are shown as broad and poorly defined peak below the sharp peaks. This is often described as UCM (Unseparated Complex Material). Gas chromatography is an important tool for identification of an oil spill. A common parameter used for identification is the nC17/Pristane and nC18/Phytane ratios. Table 6.1 shows these relations for Trestakk and the oils it is compared to. The values show that the relations vary for the different oil types. This is one of the parameters used in identification of oil spills. It can also be useful in determining the degree of biodegradation for weathered samples. Table 6.1: nC17/Pristane and nC18/Phytane relations for Trestakk compared to the other oils. Trestakk Morvin Åsgard Heidrun export blend Midgard condensate Kristin light oil nC17/Pristane 1,53 1,72 1,84 1,96 1,91 nC18/Phytane 1,68 2,98 2,32 2,63 2,54 -: Not performed The Trestakk oil has been evaporated in laboratory to 150°C, 200°C and 250°C and the residues represent oil evaporative loss corresponding to 0.5-1 hour, 0.5-1 day and 0.5-1 week of weathering. 26 Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Figure 6.1 GC-FID chromatograms of fresh, 150°C+, 200°C+ and 250°C+ residues of Trestakk crude oil. 27 Morvin, Fresh Trestakk, Fresh FID1 A, (HEIDRUN\03010700.D) 10000 nC-30 nC-25 15000 nC-20 nC-17 nC-15 20000 nC-18 Heidrun export blend, Fresh nC-13 25000 nC-11 nC-9 counts 5000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 min FID1 A, (I:\PROSJEKT\8016-M~1\HPCHEM\3\DATA\OLJE1105\0256FR.D) counts 140000 nC13 Kristin light oil, Fresh nC-17 100000 80000 nC-18 nC-15 120000 nC-20 nC-25 40000 Phytane Pristane 60000 nC-30 20000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 min 12500 nC-20 nC-17 nC-13 15000 nC-18 Åsgard, Fresh 17500 nC-15 counts 20000 nC-11 nC-9 FID1 A, (AASGARDA\FERSK000.D) 7500 nC-30 nC-25 10000 5000 2500 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 min Figure 6.2: GC chromatogram of fresh Trestakk in comparison with Morvin, Heidrun Export blend, Kristin light oil and Åsgard. 28 6.1.2 Physical and chemical properties of fresh and weathered residues Results from chemical analysis performed on the water free residues are shown in Table 6.2. Calculates and measured physical properties for the residues are shown in Table 6.3. Water content and viscosity for the emulsions tested are shown in Table 6.4. Table 6.2: Oil type Trestakk Morvin -: Wax and asphaltene content for the Trestakk and Morvin crudes. Residue Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Ph.Ox. Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Ph.Ox. Asphaltenes (wt. %) 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,09 - Wax (wt. %) 2,6 3,2 3,7 4,4 5,4 6,9 8,3 10,4 - Not performed Table 6.3: Physical parameters for different Haltenbanken crudes at 13°C. Viscosities are reported at a shear rate of 10s-1. Oiltype Trestakk Morvin Åsgard Heidrun Export bland -: Residue Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Ph.Ox. Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Ph.Ox. Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Ph.Ox. Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Ph.Ox. Evaporated (vol.%) 0 10,7 34,1 45,9 0 23,5 37,0 51,0 0,0 23.0 36.3 46.7 0,0 7.0 14.3 23.6 - Not performed Residue (wt. %) 100 80,5 68,8 58,9 100 78,5 37,0 52,0 100,0 78.2 65.5 54.7 100,0 94.4 87.8 79.2 - Density (g/mL) 0,8314 0,8624 0,8770 0,8902 0,8174 0,8440 0,8575 0,8710 0.814 0.848 0,864 0,875 0.892 0.905 0.914 0.924 - Flash Point (°C) 46 85 127 45 83 125 35 75 354 46 89 130 - Pour Point (°C) <-39 <-39 <-39 -15 -27 12 18 27 -36 -3 18 27 -48 -42 -39 -24 - Viscosity (mPas) 5 14 29 84 15 377 1456 10276 26 189 354 977 37 63 119 266 - 29 Table 6.4: Viscosity of Trestakk oil and water in oil emulsions at 13°C. Residue Water content Viscosity (cP) (vol.%) 10 s-1 100 s-1 Fresh 0 5 5 150°C+ 0 14 13 200°C+ 0 29 29 250°C+ 0 84 72 150°C+ 50 446 144 200°C+ 50 464 254 250°C+ 50 1050 580 150°C+ 75 200°C+ 75 2290 815 250°C+ 75 4430 1450 150°C+ 71 764 241 200°C+ 90 3800 668 250°C+ 85 9020 2010 -: ikke utført p.g.a maksimalt vannopptak lavere enn 75 vol. 6.2 Emulsifying properties of Trestakk crude oil 6.2.1 Water uptake and maximum water content The water uptake rate and maximum water uptake have been studied in rotating flasks. The water content in the emulsions as a function of time is shown in Table 6.5. The parameter reported as t1/2 is the halftime for the formation of a maximum-water emulsion. The parameters are derived from the data in Table 6.5, and are used as input to the Oil Weathering Model. The data from the 5°C experiments are presented and used for the evaluation of the water uptake levels and rates. Several replicate experiments were performed at 13 °C, but the results from these experiments were not conclusive and showed no systematic trends. Table 6.5: Water uptake and water uptake rate of 150°C+, 200°C+ and 250°C+ residues of Trestakk crude in rotating flasks at 5°C. Mixing time: Start 5 min 10min 15 min 30 min 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours 24 hours (max water) (t1/2) 150°C+ (Vol. % water) 200°C+ (Vol. % water) 250°C+ (Vol. % water) 0 41 55 65 76 91 91 90 91 91 0,02 0 49 60 69 91 91 91 91 91 88 0,19 0 33 79 83 85 85 86 86 86 85 0,45 6.2.2 Stability and efficiency of emulsion breaker Stability testing of emulsions formed from weathered residues of Trestakk crude and the efficiency of emulsion breaker (Alcopol O 60 %) has been evaluated. The results are shown in Table 6.6. 30 Table 6.6: Residue 150ºC+ 200ºC+ 250ºC+ 150ºC+ 200ºC+ 250ºC+ 150ºC+ 200ºC+ 250ºC+ Stability of emulsions (No emulsion breaker) formed of weathered Trestakk crude and efficiency of emulsion breaker (Alcopol O 60 %) at 13°C. Water in emulsion,13°C (vol. %) Reference 24 hours 91 91 88 87 85 81 91 25 88 40 85 43 91 14 88 21 85 51 Emulsion breaker No emulsion breaker No emulsion breaker No emulsion breaker Alc. O 60 % 500 ppm Alc. O 60 % 500 ppm Alc. O 60 % 500 ppm Alc. O 60 % 2000 ppm Alc. O 60 % 2000 ppm Alc. O 60 % 2000 ppm The Trestakk oil forms very stable emulsions. However, addition of emulsion breaker (500 or 2000 ppm) partly breaks and reduces the water content in the emulsions. 6.3 Dispersibility testing on Trestakk crude oil 6.3.1 Screening of dispersants A screening study was performed, to find the best dispersant for the Trestakk crude. The screening was performed on an emulsion made of a weathered sample of the Trestakk crude (200°C+/50%). Results from the screening and dosage study are listed in Table 6.7. Results show that the dispersants Dasic EW, Dassic NS and Corexit 9500 were the most promising in the test. Given the uncertainty in the test (3*StDev=7) it is hard to distinguish the effectiveness of between these dispersants. As Dasic NS is the dispersant most widely used in Norwegian oil spill contingency, Dasic NS is chosen for the continued testing on Trestakk to define the time window for using dispersants. Table 6.7: Screening and dosage testing of dispersants on the Trestakk crude. Dispersant Efficiency of dispersant on 200°C+/50% (%) Viscosity (mPas) shear rate 10s-1 Dasic NS (1:25) 86 426 Corexit 9500 (1:25) 88 426 Dasic EW (1:25) 87 426 Superdispersant 25 (1:25) 70 426 To study the dispersant effectiveness dependence on dosage, the two dispersants Dasic NS and Corexit 9500 were tested at different dosages (Figure 6.3). The figure shows that the effectiveness at ordinary dosage 1:25 (or 4%) and half dosage 1:50 is not very different. At lower dosages the effectiveness drops. A dosage rate of 1:25 (or 4%) is usually the operational target when applying dispersant on a marine oil spill (vessel or arial application). This testing indicates that this dosage is sufficient for a slightly weathered oil spill of the Trestakk crude. 31 100 Dasic NS 90 Corexit 9500 Dispersant effectiveness (IFP%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1:25 1:50 1:100 1:200 Dispersant dosage compared to oil emulsion Figure 6.3: Dispersant dosage testing on the Trestakk Crude 6.3.2 Systematic dispersibility testing on Trestakk residues and emulsions Results from the systematic dispersibility study are listed in Table 6.8. All the tests are performed with a dosage of 1:25 and with the dispersant Dasic NS. Table 6.8: Residue 150+ 200+ Efficiency of Dasic NS on weathered oil/emulsions of Trestakk crude at 13°C. IFP MNS Volume % Viscosity Efficiency Efficiency water (mPas) (%) (%) shear rate 10s-1 102 102 0 14 99 0 29 104 87 250+ 0 84 113 150+ 50 446 104 86 200+ 50 464 106 67 250+ 50 1050 104 150+ 75 76 200+ 75 2290 91 36 250+ 75 4430 85 100 150+ 81,1 1490 100 200+ 90,9 3800 77 63 250+ 84,8 9020 -: Not performed due to maximum water content lower than 50 or 75 %. 6.3.3 Chemical dispersibility as a function of viscosity The potential for use of chemical dispersants will fall as the viscosity of the weathered oil increases. Dispersant effectiveness for the two tests (IFP and MNS) is plotted versus viscosity in 32 Figure 6.4. The figure shows no significant decrease in effectiveness for the MNS test, which has the highest energy input of the two. In the IFP test a decrease in effectiveness can be shown. 120 Dispersant effectiveness (MNS%) 100 80 60 Limit between dispersible and reduced dispersibiliy 40 IFP MNS 20 Limit between reduced dispersibility and poorly/slowly chemical dispersible 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Viscosity (cP) Figure 6.4: Efficiency of dispersant on Trestakk crude and its weathered fractions. Different efficiency criteria are used in categorising the potential for use of chemical dispersants in the two tests. The criteria are listed in Table 6.9. Table 6.9: Criteria for definition of time window for effective use of dispersant. Disperibility Chemical dispersible Reduced chemical dispersibility Poorly/slowly chemical dispersible Criteria IFP-efficiency > 50 % MNS- efficiency > 70 to 80 % IFP- efficiency < 50 % MNS- efficiency > 5 % MNS- efficiency < 5 % In Figure 6.4 the results from the MNS test never reach any of the limits, and dispersibility is defined as good for all the tested emulsions. The tested emulsions had a viscosity range (up to 9000 cP) which were similar to the emulsions observed in the meso-scale testing (see Table 7.1 and Figure 7.3). A limit of 3000 and 10000 cP are used in the predictions to indicate that there is an upper limit for dispersant application (see Figure 8.6). 33 7 Results from the Meso-scale laboratory testing In this chapter the experimental results obtained for Trestakk in the meso-scale laboratory testing are presented. The experimental test temperature was 13°C. Table 7.1: Sampling and chemical analysis from the meso-scale weathering experiment. Sample no Time (Hours) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 4 6 12 24 48 72 11 12 13 5 10 30 Water Content (vol%) Evaporative Loss (vol%) Viscosity (mPas) 12 0,0 10 14,3 46 19,6 79 23,5 84 26,8 87 29,7 86 31,6 85 34,1 83 36,8 88 39,5 88 41,5 Application of 60g Dasic NS 78 41,2 69 41,2 - 0 10 76 73 146 498 521 1857 2195 5649 7259 899 722 - Dispersed oil in water (ppm) (% of init) 63 3,8 29 1,8 24 1,4 78 264 488 4,7 15,8 29,3 7.1 Evaporation The evaporation results obtained in the meso-scale laboratory testing of Trestakk are presented and compared with the predicted evaporation results from the SINTEF OWM in Figure 7.1. Property: EVAPORATIVE LOSS 15 m/s 10 m/s 5 m/s 2 m/s flume data 3.1b © 2008 Pred: febr. 10. 2008 Summer Conditions (13°C) 60 Evaporation (vol%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 7.1: The evaporation results obtained for Trestakk in the meso-scale laboratory testing and the predicted results from the SINTEF OWM. 34 7.2 W/o-emulsification The w/o-emulsification results obtained in the meso-scale laboratory testing are plotted with the predicted results from the SINTEF OWM in Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3. Property: WATER CONTENT 15 m/s 10 m/s 5 m/s 2 m/s flume data 3.1b © 2008 Pred: febr. 10. 2008 Summer Conditions (13°C) 100 90 Water Content (vol%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 7.2: Predicted water uptake for Trestakk and the results obtained from the meso-scale laboratory testing. Property: EMULSION VISCOSITY 15 m/s 10 m/s 5 m/s 2 m/s flume data 3.1b © 2008 Pred: febr. 10. 2008 Summer Conditions (13°C) 100000 Viscosity (mPas) 10000 1000 100 10 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 7.3: Predicted viscosity of the Trestakk w/o-emulsions and the results obtained from the meso-scale laboratory testing. 35 7.3 In-situ chemical dispersion After 72 hours of weathering in the flume the dispersion agent Corexit 9500 was sprayed onto the w/o-emulsion, see Table 7.2, where: - DOR is the dispersion agent to oil ratio - DER is the dispersion to w/o-emulsion ratio Table 7.2: The application time and amount of the dispersion agent Corexit 9500. Weathering [h] 72 Amount of Corexit 9500 applied [mL] 75 Cumulative DOR [%] 1.8 Cumulative DER [%] 0.3 Samples are taken 3, 10 and 30 minutes after the dispersant application. The residual surface emulsion was given a second treatment with Corexit 9500. 7.4 Mass balance The main elements in a mass balance for a crude oil spilt at sea are: - Evaporative loss - Surface oil - Dispersed oil However, the initial sample and water volume in the flume is reduced throughout the test, therefore the following parameters must be taken into consideration: - Amount of oil sampled - Amount of water sampled - Amount of oil clinging to the flume walls The amount of oil evaporated, dispersed and sampled was calculated, and the oil adsorbed to the flume walls was estimated. Table 7.3 shows the mass balance for Trestakk during weathering in the meso-scale flume at 13°C. Table 7.3: Mass balance (%) for Trestakk during the meso-scale laboratory test at 13°C. Evaporated Oil on water surface Dispersed Sampled amount of oil Amount of oil adsorbed to the flume walls After 72 hours of weathering 42 40 1.4 1.8 After application of dispersant (30 min) 42 29 29 1.8 15 15 36 Mass balance 13°C 100 % 90 % 80 % 70 % evap % surface % sampled % wall disp % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% 0,25 0,5 1 2 4 6 12 24 48 72 time (hours) Figure 7.4: Predicted mass balance for Trestakk in the meso-scale laboratory test at 13°C. 100 % 90 % 80 % % of available 70 % 60 % surface % dispersed 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% before disp 3 min after disp 10 min after disp 30 min after disp Figure 7.5: Predicted mass balance for Trestakk in the meso-scale laboratory test at 13°C. 37 7.5 Visual observations 1hour The emulsion has started to emulsify and has taken a light brown color. The fresh emulsion is foamy and unstable. Sampled emulsion is quantitatively broken within 30 minutes when stored. 6 hours The emulsion has reached its maximum water content and has turned brown or orange. Due to the volume increase following water uptake the slick thickness has increased. 1 day An orange thick slick is formed overnight. The viscous oil forms a thick an uniform slick. The image on next page is a close-up of the slick and shows the thickness (4-5mm). 38 3 days The area of the slick appears to be considerably smaller compared to the 1 day image. This is partly because the slick thickness has increased during the experiment. Underwater image shows the considerable increase in thickness of the emulsion, partly due to the high viscosity and the constrained environment. At sea the emulsion is expected to spread out an form thinner slicks After dispersion The image is taken 10 minutes after the second application of 75ml of the dispersant Dasic NS. Most of the surface oil (70%) is dispersed into the water. 10 minutes after 2nd dispersant application 39 8 SINTEF Oil Weathering Model – the model and input A laboratory study of the weathering properties of Trestakk at 13°C has been performed. The data is used as input to SINTEFs Oil Weathering Model (version 3.1beta). The SINTEF OWM relates oil properties to a chosen set of conditions (oil/emulsion film thickness, sea state and sea temperature) and predicts the rate in change of an oil’s properties and behaviour at the sea surface. The SINTEF OWM is schematically shown in Figure 8.1. SINTEF Oil Weathering Model Predicted oil properties by time at chosen environmental conditions: Laboratory data of fresh and weathered oil samples: Distillation curve (TBP) Densities Viscosities Flash points Pour points Water uptake rates (t0.5-values) Maximum water uptake ability Viscosity ratios (w/o-emulsion/parent oil) Viscosity limits for chemical dispersion Evaporative loss Density Viscosity Flash point Pour point Water content Viscosity of w/o-emulsion Natural dispersion Total oil mass-balance "Time window" for use of dispersants Criteria used in the model Environmental conditions (Wind speed, sea temperature, oil film thickness) 6621/håndbøker/grafisk/fig-eng/model-col.eps Figure 8.1: Schematic diagram of the input data to the SINTEF OWM and the predicted output oil properties. The predictions obtained from the SINTEF OWM are useful tools in Environmental Impact Assessment studies and for determining the most effective response. In this report the presented predictions span over a period of time from 15 minutes to 5 days after an oil spill has occurred. This covers all potential spill situations from where the response time is short (e. g. close to terminals) to offshore spills where the response time can be several days. The SINTEF OWM is described in more detail in Johansen, 1991 and in the user’s guide for the model. In the laboratory testing, a systematic stepwise procedure developed at SINTEF (Daling et al., 1990) is used to isolate and map the various weathering processes that take place when an oil is spilled on the sea surface. The experimental design for the study of Trestakk is described in chapter 4 and the results are presented in detail in chapter 6. The input data to the SINTEF OWM is given in chapter 8.1. The experimental weathering data are processed and used as input for the SINTEF OWM. The following physical and emulsification properties obtained in the testing are used in the model: • specific gravity • pour point • flash point • viscosities of fresh and the water-free residues (150°C+, 200°C+ and 250°C+) • viscosities of the 50% and 75 % w/o-emulsions • water uptake (maximum water content, stability and emulsification rate) • dispersibility limits 40 Spill scenario The spill and release rate chosen when using the SINTEF OWM is of importance. In this project a surface release at a rate of 1,33 metric tons per minute was chosen as the spill scenario. Oil film thickness In the SINTEF OWM the oils are categorised into condensates, emulsifying crudes, low emulsifying crudes, heavy bunker fuels or refined distillates based on experimental results obtained in the bench-scale testing. The terminal film thickness varies among these categories based on experimental field experience. Sea temperature The prevailing weather conditions greatly influence the weathering rate of oil on the sea surface. Two sets of predictions are given in this report, one at the average summer temperature the other at the average winter temperature for the area of interest. The temperatures chosen for Trestakk are 5 and 15°C. Wind speed The relationship between the wind speed and the significant wave heights used in the prediction charts obtained from the SINTEF OWM are shown in Table 8.1. Table 8.1: The relationship between the wind speed and the significant wave heights used in the SINTEF OWM. Wind speed [m/s] 2 5 10 15 Beaufort wind 2 3 5 6-7 Wind type Light breeze Gentle to moderate breeze Fresh breeze Strong breeze Wave height [m] 0,1-0,3 0,5-0,8 1,5-2,5 3-4 8.1 Input to SINTEFs Oil Weathering Model Geographical area: Initial oil film thickness: Terminal oil film thickness: Release rate: Norskehavet 20 mm 1 mm 1,33 metric tons/minute, totally 200 metric tons Sea temperature: Wind speed: 5°C and 15°C 2 m/s, 5 m/s, 10 m/s and 15 m/s The data used as input to the SINTEF OWM for Trestakk are given in Table 8.2 to Table 8.4. 41 Table 8.2: Physical and chemical data Properties of fresh oil: Specific Gravity (60 F/60 F) Pour Point (°C) Reference temperature #1 (°C) Viscosity at ref. temp.#1 (cP) Asphaltenes (wt. %) Flash Point (°C) Wax Content (wt. %) Dispersable for visc. < Not dispersable for visc. > Maximum water uptake (%) 0.8314 -39 13 6 0.13 <20 2.6 2000 9000 80 Table 8.3: The true boiling point (TBP) curve used for Trestakk Temperature (°C) 50 69 99 175 217 303 317 331 450 Volume (%) 8 12 18 34 43 58 61 63 83 Table 8.4: Lab weathering data at 13°C PROPERTY Fresh 150°C+ 200°C+ 250°C+ Boiling temp. (°C) 193 252 305 Volume topped (%) 0 10.7 34.1 45.9 Residue (wt. %) 100 80.5 68.8 58.9 Specific gravity (g/l) 0.8314 0.8624 0.8777 0.8902 Pour point (°C) -39 -39 -39 -15 Flash point (°C) <20 46 85 127 Viscosity at 13°C (cP) 6 31 64 188 Viscosity of 50% emulsion (cP) 446 464 1050 Viscosity of 75% emulsion (cP) 2290 4430 Viscosity of max water (cP) 1490 3800 9020 Max. water cont. (%) (Lab. data) 71 91 85 Halftime for water uptake (hrs) 0.02 0.19 0.45 Stability ratio 0 0.06 0.24 * Emulsion viscosities of the 150°C+ residue are not listed for 75% water content, due to a maximum water content of 71%. 42 8.2 Predictions of weathering properties 8.2.1 Prediction charts for Trestakk The predictions shown are: Figure 8.2: Evaporation Figure 8.3: Flash point Figure 8.4: Pour point Figure 8.5: Water content Figure 8.6: Viscosity of emulsion Figure 8.7 to Figure 8.10 : Mass balances 8.2.2 How to use the prediction charts, an example If Trestakk has drifted for a period of time on the sea surface the prediction charts can be used to determine the remaining oil’s chemical, physical and emulsifying properties. Table 8.5 shows examples for the following scenario: • Drift time: 24 hours • Sea temperature: 5°C/15°C • Wind speed: 10 m/s Table 8.5: Weathering properties for Morvin obtained from the prediction charts. Property Evaporation Pour point Water content Viscosity of the emulsion Winter temperature [5°C] 41 -24 80 8700 Summer temperature [15°C] 43 -25 80 6600 43 Property: EVAPORATIVE LOSS Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 15 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Wind Speed (m/s): 5 Wind Speed (m/s): 2 Winter Conditions (5 °C) 50 Evaporated (%) 40 30 20 10 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 °C) 60 50 Evaporated (%) 40 30 20 10 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Figure 8.2: Evaporation of Trestakk crude oil at sea temperatures 5°C and 15°C. 44 Property: FLASH POINT FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 15 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Wind Speed (m/s): 5 Wind Speed (m/s): 2 No fire hazard Fire hazard in tankage (<60 °C) Fire hazard at sea surface (below sea temperature) Winter Conditions (5 °C) 200 Flash Point (°C) 150 100 50 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 °C) 200 Flash Point (°C) 150 100 50 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 Days Based on flash point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. Figure 8.3: Flash point of Trestakk crude oil at sea temperatures 5°C and 15°C. 45 Property: POUR POINT FOR WATER-FREE OIL Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 15 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Wind Speed (m/s): 5 Wind Speed (m/s): 2 Chemically dispersible Reduced chemical dispersibility Poorly / slowly chemically dispersible Winter Conditions (5 °C) 40 Pour Point (°C) 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 °C) 40 Pour Point (°C) 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 Days Based on pour point measurements of weathered, water-free oil residues. Figure 8.4: Pour point of water free Trestakk crude oil at sea temperatures 5°C and 15°C. The operational window for chemical dispersability is larger than indicated on this figure due to low emulsion viscosity and stability. 46 Property: WATER CONTENT Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 15 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Wind Speed (m/s): 5 Wind Speed (m/s): 2 Winter Conditions (5 °C) 80 Water content (%) 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 °C) 80 Water content (%) 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Figure 8.5: Water content of Trestakk crude oil at sea temperatures 5°C and 15°C. 47 Property: VISCOSITY OF EMULSION Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 11, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 15 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Wind Speed (m/s): 5 Wind Speed (m/s): 2 Chemically dispersible (<3000 cP) Reduced chemical dispersibility Poorly / slowly chemically dispersible (>10000 cP) Winter Conditions (5 °C) 100000 Viscosity (cP) 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Summer Conditions (15 °C) 100000 Viscosity (cP) 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Based on viscosity measurements carried out at a shear rate of 10 reciprocal seconds. Chemical dispersability information based on experiments under standard laboratory conditions. Figure 8.6: Viscosity of emulsion of Trestakk crude oil at sea temperatures 5°C and 15°C. Viscosity is predicted based on measurements performed at shear rate 10s-1. 48 Property: MASS BALANCE Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Evaporated Surface Naturally dispersed Temperature: 5 °C Wind speed: 2 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Temperature: 5 °C Wind speed: 5 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Figure 8.7: Predicted mass balance for Trestakk at 5°C and wind speeds of 2 and 5 m/s. 49 Property: MASS BALANCE Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Evaporated Surface Naturally dispersed Temperature: 5 °C Wind speed: 10 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Temperature: 5 °C Wind speed: 15 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Figure 8.8: Predicted mass balance for Trestakk at 5°C and wind speeds of 10 and 15 m/s. 50 Property: MASS BALANCE Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Evaporated Surface Naturally dispersed Temperature: 15 °C Wind speed: 2 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Temperature: 15 °C Wind speed: 5 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days Figure 8.9: Predicted mass balance for Trestakk at 15°C and wind speeds of 2 and 5 m/s. 51 Property: MASS BALANCE Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 05, 2008 Evaporated Surface Naturally dispersed Temperature: 15 °C Wind speed: 10 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Days Temperature: 15 °C Wind speed: 15 m/s 100 Mass (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 Days The algorithm for prediction of natural dispersion is preliminary and is currently under improvement.Model predictions have been field-verified up to 4-5 days. Figure 8.10: Predicted mass balance for Trestakk at 15°C and wind speeds of 10 and 15 m/s. 52 2.3 Comparison with other oils The weathering predictions of Trestakk are compared with predictions of several other Haltenbanken crudes Trestakk, Kristin (lettolje), Heidrun export blend, Midgard (condensate) and Åsgard at 15°C and 10 m/s in Figure 8.11 to Figure 8.15 Evaporative Loss Trestakk is a relatively light crude resulting in an evaporative loss only slightly lower than most of the other Haltenbanken oils in the comparison (Kristin, Morvin and Åsgard). The Midgard condensate has the highest evaporative loss and the biodegraded, napthenic Heidrun has a lower evaporative loss. Property: Evaporative loss 3.1b © 2006 Pred: Febr. 10, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Trestakk Summer Conditions (15°C) 100 Morvin 90 Kristin 80 Heidrun export blend Evaporated (%) 70 Midgard 60 Åsgard 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 8.11: The predicted evaporative loss at 15°C and 10 m/s for Trestakk, Morvin, Kristin (lettolje), Heidrun export blend, Midgard (condensate) and Åsgard. 53 Flash point Due to the relatively high evaporative loss the weathered Trestakk has a medium flash point. Explosion hazard is only a problem during less than the first half hour at sea (Flash point similar to water temperature). Property: Flash Point 3.1b © 2006 Pred: Febr. 10, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Trestakk Summer Conditions (15°C) 180 Morvin 160 Kristin 140 Flash Point (°C) Heidrun export blend 120 Midgard 100 Åsgard 80 60 40 20 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 8.12: The predicted flash point at 15°C and 10 m/s for Trestakk, Morvin, Kristin (lettolje), Heidrun export blend, Midgard (condensate) and Åsgard. 54 Pour point The pour point is highly dependent on the wax content of the oil and the amount of light components able to keep the waxes dissolved in the oil. Despite the high evaporative loss the pour point of the Trestakk crude stays low due to the low initial high vax content and the medium content of asphaltenes helping to keep the waxes dissolved. There is no problem with solidification of the spilled oil on the surface, even at low temperature scenarios, with the Trestakk crude (pour point > sea temperature + 15). Property: Pour Point Wind Speed (m/s): 10 3.1b © 2006 Pred: Febr. 10, 2008 Trestakk Pour Point (°C) Summer Conditions (15°C) 50 Morvin 40 Kristin 30 Heidrun export blend 20 Midgard 10 Åsgard 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 8.13: The predicted pour point at 15°C and 10 m/s for Trestakk, Morvin, Kristin (lettolje), Heidrun export blend, Midgard (condensate) and Åsgard. 55 Water Content Trestakk and Morvin oils show both very rapid water uptakes. However while Morvin (high wax, very low asphaltenes) forms very unstable emulsions, Trestakk forms stable viscouse emulsion due to the balance between the vax and asphaltene content stabilising the water droplets in the oil phase. The midgard condensate doesn’t contain any natural components (e.g. waxes, asphaltenes or resins) stabilising the water droplets and show no water uptake (emulsification). Property: Water content Wind Speed (m/s): 10 3.1b © 2006 Pred: Febr. 10, 2008 Trestakk Water content (%) Summer Conditions (15°C) 90 Morvin 80 Kristin 70 Heidrun export blend 60 Midgard 50 Åsgard 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 8.14: The predicted water uptake at 15°C and 10 m/s for Trestakk, Morvin, Kristin (lettolje), Heidrun export blend, Midgard (condensate) and Åsgard. 56 Emulsion viscosity Due to the balanced content of vaxes and asphaltenes Trestakk forms very stable water-in-oil emulsions with small droplets and high viscosity. Figure 8.15 shows that Trestakk forms emulsions with very high viscosity compared to most of the other Haltenbanken crudes. Property: Viscosity of Emulsion Wind Speed (m/s): 10 3.1b © 2006 Pred: Febr. 10, 2008 Trestakk Summer Conditions (15°C) 100000 Morvin Kristin Viscosity (cP) 10000 Heidrun export blend Midgard 1000 Åsgard 100 10 1 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 8.15: The predicted emulsion viscosity at 15°C and 10 m/s for Trestakk, Morvin, Kristin (lettolje), Heidrun export blend, Midgard (condensate) and Åsgard. 57 9 Weathering properties related to response 9.1 Oil properties Trestakk is a light crude (0,831 mg/ml) with a low asphaltene content (0,13 wt%) and a medium wax content (2.6 wt%) compared to other Norwegian crudes. As most light paraffinic oils the initial evaporative loss is high. This high evaporation causes a rapid increase in the relative amount of wax and asphaltenes in the early stages of weathering. As the relative concentration of heavy end components increase the physical properties of the oil will change rapidly. 9.2 Flash point – fire/explosion hazard As oil is spilt on the sea surface the temperature of the oil will be cooled to ambient water temperature within a short time. The fire hazard will be at its greatest as long as the Flash Point of the oil is below the sea temperature. For the Trestakk crude the flash point will be above the sea temperature within 15 minutes, even at low sea states (2m/s wind). Some vessels have a Flash Point limit of 60°C for liquids to be stored onboard. At low wind speeds (2m/s) this limit will be reached in approximately 3 hours, and considerably faster at higher winds. Property: FLASH POINT 15 m/s 10 m/s 5 m/s 3.1b © 2007 Pred. Dato: Febr 10, 2008 2 m/s Summer Conditions (15°C) 180 160 Flash Point (°C) 140 120 100 80 Tank storage limit 60 40 20 Fire/explosion hazard 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 9.1: Flash point for different sea states of the Trestakk crude. 58 9.3 Emulsion formation and stability The Trestakk crude emulsifies rapidly on the sea surface and forms stable emulsion with relatively high water content (80%). The high stability is due to a balanced wax and asphaltenes content that help stabilising the emulsions. The water mixed into the oil makes the volume of the slick larger. As the total amount of oil on the sea surface is lowered due to evaporation and natural dispersion, the amount of emulsion is actually increasing in the initial stages of weathering. This is shown in Figure 9.2 Property: SURFACE OIL/EMULSION Wind Speed (m/s): 10 3.1b © 2007 Pred. Dato: febr 10, 2008 Surface emulsion Surface oil Summer Conditions (15°C) 180 Surface oil or emulsion (vol%) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 9.2: Changes in total slick volume due to emulsification. Decrease in total oil volume due to evaporation and natural volume (predicted at 10m/s wind, and 15°C). 9.4 Mechanical recovery Past experiences from Norwegian field trials have shown that the effectiveness of many mechanical clean up operations is reduced due to a high degree of leakage of the confined oil or w/o-emulsion from the oil spill boom (especially in high current). This leakage is especially pronounced if the viscosity of the oil or the w/o-emulsion is lower than 1000 cP (Nordvik et al., 1992). The lower viscosity limit for an optimal mechanical clean up operation has therefore been set to 1000 cP. As shown in Figure 9.3 the viscosity of Trestakk remain beneath this limit for only 5-12 hours in 5-10 m/s wind. Efficiency of mechanical recovery is expected to be high and is not reduced by highly viscous emulsions (10000 cP after 5 days 10 m/s). Offshore weir skimmers operated by NOFO (Transrec) have a high capacity within this viscosity range. Due to the low pour point, solidification on the sea surface would not be a likely scenario with the Trestakk oil. 59 Property: EMULSION VISCOSITY 15 m/s 10 m/s 5 m/s 2 m/s 3.1b © 2007 Pred. Dato: Febr 10, 2008 Summer Conditions (15°C) 100000 Viscosity (mPas) 10000 1000 Boom leakage 100 10 1 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 9.3: Predicted emulsion Viscosity for Trestakk at 15°C compared with expected viscosity limits for extensive boom leakage and poor flow to weir skimmers. 9.5 Life time at sea – Natural dispersion and evaporation Natural dispersion and evaporation are the main weathering processes removing an oil spill from the surface. This life time of an oil spill at sea is very dependant on the oil composition, the release conditions (e.g. at surface, underwater) and environmental conditions (temperature, wind, waves). Trestakk is a light crude with a relatively high evaporative loss, but it forms very stable emulsions when spilt at sea. Figure 9.4 shows the remaining surface oil as a function of time at different sea states. Trestakk has a similar life time at sea compared to several of the other Haltenbank crudes, see Figure 9.5. The graphs in these life-time figures are based on an instant surface release of 200 m3. Considerably larger spills (>1000 m3) is expected to give longer life times and individual modelling for such spills are needed. 60 Property: Remaining surface oil 2 m/s 5 m/s 10 m/s 15 m/s 3.1b © 2007 Pred. Dato: Febr. 10, 2008 Summer Conditions (15°C) 100 Surface oil (% of initial volume) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 9.4: Predicted remaining surface oil for Trestakk at 15°C for different sea states or wind strengths. Predictions are for an instant surface release of 200 m3. Property: Remaining surface oil Wind Speed (m/s): 10 3.1b © 2007 Pred. Dato: Febr. 10, 2008 Trestakk Surface oil (% of initial volume) Summer Conditions (15°C) 100 Morvin 90 Kristin 80 Heidrun export blend 70 Midgard kondensat 60 Åsgard 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,25 0,5 1 2 Hours 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 Days Figure 9.5: Predicted remaining surface oil for Trestakk and other Haltenbank oils at 15°C and 10 m/s wind. Predictions are for an instant surface release of 200 m3. 61 9.6 Use of chemical dispersants Trestakk has a very good potential for use of chemical dispersants even after several days of weathering. This is illustrated in Figure 9.6. The figure shows that dispersants can be used with expected good effectiveness to at least five days of weathering. In very rare cases, with very limited emulsification (very calm sea) and high evaporation, dispersant efficiency could be limited by solidification of the oil (high pour point of water free oil). Property: VISCOSITY OF EMULSION Oil Type: TRESTAKK 2007 Description: Trestakk Garn formation 6406/3-2 dst2 Data Source: SINTEF Applied Chemistry (2007), Weathering data OWModel 3.1beta Nov 30 200 © 2008 Surface release - Terminal Oil film thickness: 1 mm Release rate/duration: 20.00 metric tons/minute for 5 minute(s) Pred. date: Mar. 11, 2008 Wind Speed (m/s): 15 Wind Speed (m/s): 10 Wind Speed (m/s): 5 Wind Speed (m/s): 2 Chemically dispersible (<3000 cP) Reduced chemical dispersibility Poorly / slowly chemically dispersible (>10000 cP) Summer Conditions (15 °C) 100000 Viscosity (cP) 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 6 9 12 Hours Figure 9.6: Time window for use of chemical dispersants. 1 Days 2 3 4 5 62 10 References Bocard, C., Castaing, C. G. and Gatellier, C. 1984. Chemical oil dispersion in trials at sea and in laboratory tests: The key role of the dilution process. In: Oil spill chemical dispersants: Research Experience and recommendations, ASTM STP 840. (T. E. 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