Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013


Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
You gave me my life back...
Report on Giving
July 2012 – June 2013
and now I am prepared to soar.
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
A Great Need
Research has been a part of the Menninger
the creation of research data in the Research
have done for cancer. The numbers on the
tradition since the early years. Important
section of this year’s Report on Giving. The
next page speak to the great need for our
research initiatives guided the institution’s
data’s potential for comprehensive study
climb in reputation for its treatment and
and improvement in patient care and
commitment to putting patients first. That
treatment modalities, as well as preventing
I thank each of you who has provided support
strong institutional commitment to research
illness, is limitless.
for the strong momentum we have built, and
I am pleased to share with you the exciting
was buoyed throughout the decades by
visionary philanthropists from all walks of life.
as a leader in psychiatry. The increasing
trajectory of brain science has skyrocketed,
incidence of mental illness and the obstacle
advancing our research strategy to a new
to treatment created by shame and stigma
level. In November 2012, with generous
require the marshaling of resources at
gifts from a number of organizations,
The Mental Health Epicenter. We have a
Baylor College of Medicine and Menninger
compelling obligation to our patients, our
began blazing the trail that we envisioned
founders, our supporters, our community,
by launching the McNair Initiative for
and our faculty and staff to do for mental
Neuroscience Discovery. You can read about
illness what our counterparts in bioscience
We have a compelling obligation to our patients, our founders,
our supporters, our community, and our faculty and staff to do
for mental illness what our counterparts in bioscience have
done for cancer.
In our short 10 years in Houston, the
progress that follows.
establishes a course for growing our capacity
Ian Aitken
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Our strategic plan, updated last year,
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
A Crisis in Mental Health
Houston/Harris County
• Due to stigma and lack of access to treatment, only 59
• 153,000 of 552,000 Harris County adults with mental illness
children and adolescents than adults get the treatment
disorder and schizophrenia)
they need.
• 83,525 of the 86,000 Harris County children with mental
illness had a SMI.
Source: Mental Health Needs Council, Inc., 2009
• 488,520 adults had a serious mental illness (SMI).
Source: State of Texas Department of Health Services, 2010
• 154,724 children and adolescents had a serious mental illness.
Source: State of Texas Department of Health Services, 2010
• Nearly 3,000 Texans die by suicide annually.
Source: American Association of Suicidology, 2010
• 1 in 5 adults (20 percent) had a diagnosable mental illness in
the past year.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Service Administration, 2012
• 11.5 million adults (5 percent) had a serious mental illness
in the past year. Serious mental illness results in serious
functional impairment, which substantially interferes with or
limits one or more major life activities.
percent of adults with a SMI received treatment. Fewer
had a serious mental illness. (SMI = major depression, bipolar
Source: 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health and U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Service Administration, 2012
Health Care Spending in U.S.
• In the U.S., approximately $2.6 trillion is spent each year
on direct health care costs while less than $113 billion is
spent on direct mental health care (therapy, hospitalization,
Of $2.6 Trillion
in Health Care
Only $113 Billion
Spent on Mental
Health Care
Source: New York Times, September 27, 2013
• 8 of the top 25 causes of disability in the world are
mental ilnesses
2. Major depression
16. Schizophrenia
7. Anxiety disorders
18. Bipolar disorder
12. Drug use disorders
19. Dysthymia
15. Alcohol use disorders
24. Alzheimer’s disease
Source: Global Burden of Disease, 2010
Annual Luncheon
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Robertson Family Leads Luncheon to Record Year
The Menninger Annual Signature Luncheon,
Hilton Americas-Houston. The event raised
encouraging response to Maureen and her
our flagship fundraising event, features
more than $560,000 and honored Barbara
life experiences signaled that the time has
and honors mental health champions,
and Corby Robertson, Jr., true champions
come when the stigma of mental illness no
advocates and leaders. The event draws
and philanthropic supporters of mental health.
longer needs to prevent anyone from telling
new friends and supporters, educates the
(From left) Bess Wilson, Menninger
Clinic Board Chair Robert C.
Wilson, III, Maureen McCormick,
Corby and Barbara Robertson,
Menninger President and CEO Ian
Aitken, Beth Robertson
his or her personal story or seeking help.
community, and helps toward eliminating
Maureen McCormick bravely shared her
shame and stigma.
personal story of triumph over depression
We give special thanks to our Signature
and substance abuse with an audience of
Sponsor, The John M. O’Quinn Foundation,
Luncheon Co-chairs Beth Robertson and
more than 600 guests. We salute her honest
and our sincere gratitude to Joan and
Bess and Rob Wilson, III, hosted The
and heartfelt presentation that illustrated
Stanford Alexander for providing Stamp Out
Menninger 2013 Annual Signature Luncheon
the emotional pain and struggle that often
Stigma postage for this event.
with Maureen McCormick on May 10 at the
come with mental illness. The audience’s
Annual Luncheon
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Maureen McCormick’s Personal Triumph
Boosts Awareness and Battles Stigma
Many Houstonians braved the monsoon that
In the best scenario, the doctor and patient
manage these brain diseases, but do we really
descended just before Menninger’s annual
are both in agreement about such a decision
trust our clients to use them?
luncheon to take part in the celebration
and are aware of the potential pitfalls. The
honoring Corby and Barbara Robertson. We
literature supports a trial off meds after a
got to hear Maureen McCormick, aka “Marcia,
year or two of full recovery from moderate
Marcia, Marcia” of “The Brady Bunch,” give
depression, and consideration of long-term
her first presentation ever about her struggles
use after a second relapse.
where her desire to be chemical free and the
strong support she has with her husband and
Susan J. Hardesty, MD
Not much has been studied about what to
family have allowed her to trust her hard-won
It was a touching story with some humor, a lot
do 10 to 12 years down the road when a
knowledge, believe in the skills she learned
Vice President and
Medical Director
of courage, a little pathos, a little dish and a
client has matured, has fewer stresses, more
in her years of treatment and believe in her
little controversy, all woven together to tell her
coping skills and better support systems.
ability to apply these skills after coming off
very real experience with drug use, depression
There are many opinions and Internet stories,
and a descent into misery, followed by the
but in the end, it is not completely known
life-changing experience of getting help and
how and when to taper medications after
ultimately regaining her voice.
years of use. So the fear of upsetting the
with severe depression and addiction.
In her talk she made a somewhat provocative
statement that she felt she had reached the
point in treatment where she could finally
taper and discontinue taking medications and
apple cart and experiencing relapse, and the
relative skill of the patient in using other skills,
often dissuades the client and physician from
Maureen followed her heart, believed in
her own voice and wisdom, and came off
medication. She has come to the place
This may not (and perhaps should not) be
the path for everyone, but for Maureen, it is
working and is the path to her goals. So brava
and thanks to her for sharing her journey to
good mental health.
partnering in the process.
use the skills she had learned in therapy and
There is also this unanswered question: Do
treatment to manage her thoughts and her
we as practitioners believe in the therapies
mood. And she has to date done so. As she
we offer? We teach cognitive behavioral
related this decision and experience, I noticed
therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy and
there was some head-shaking in the audience.
many other sets of skills to help our patients
Annual Luncheon
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
1. Maureen McCormick (center)
with Signature Sponsor John M.
O’Quinn Foundation trustees
(from left) David Ott, MD, Anette
T. Edens, PhD, Robert C. Wilson,
III, Corbin J. Robertson, III
2. Luncheon Honoree and
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Director Corbin J.
Robertson, Jr.
3. Former First Lady of Texas
Linda Gale White, Regina Rogers,
Jack and Ginger Blanton, Evelyn
4. Menninger Chief of Staff John
M. Oldham, MD, MS, Menninger
Clinic Foundation Board Chair
Maureen O. Hackett, BCM
psychiatrist Beth K. Yudofsky,
MD, Chair of the Menninger
Department of Psychiatry &
Behavioral Sciences at Baylor
College of Medicine Stuart C.
Yudofsky, MD
Annual Luncheon
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
1. Ann G. Trammell, Pene Moore,
Julia Thompson
2. Nancy Pustka, Evelyn Fasnacht,
Mindy Hildebrand
3. Charlie and Jan Talbert
4. Shannon Swyka, Sheila Reese
5. Raleigh and Marjorie Johnson,
Beverly and Dan Arnold
6. Luncheon Co-chair Beth
7. Tom Brown, Jana Mullins
8. Nancy, Ellen and Bill Drushel
9. Harris County Judge Ed Emmett
Annual Luncheon
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
1. Grier and Camille Patton
2. June Waggoner, Jennie Hull
3. Bud Frazier, MD, Joanne Herring,
Billy Cohn, MD
4. Carolyn and John Young
5. John and Sara Jennings
6. Menninger Clinic Board Director
Linda D. Jones
7. Joanie Haley
8. Vivie Knapp O’Sullivan
9. Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Director Elaine Finger,
Leila Gilbert
10. Sue Trammell Whitfield, Dr.
W. Walter Menninger, Dr. Carlos
Hamilton, Dr. Ralph Berkeley
Annual Luncheon
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
1. JoAnn and Gary Levering,
Nancy Gordon
2. Brooke and Corby Robertson, III,
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Directors Barbara and
Corby Robertson, Jr., Laura and
Will Robertson
3. Bobby Moses, Jr., Bert Campbell,
Woody Scott
4. Mary Catherine Sears, Chip and
Tetine Werlein
5. Malcolm and Mollie Pettigrew
6. Carol Harper, Maureen
McCormick, Menninger Clinic
Foundation Board Director Anette
T. Edens, PhD, Kate Scott
I thought you may like to know how I am doing
after going back to my family. Without too much
stress , I went back to college and, despite the
amount of study involved, I’ve kept up with my
NA meetings and even two friends I made on the
unit. My sponsor and my psychiatrist have both
been a tremendous support to me.
Looking back, my time at Menninger interrupted
what I know now was a destructive path to
nowhere. Everyone there – from the nurses to
the docs – helped me turn things around. I’m
certain you saved my life.
Dear Menninger,
Menninger truly is a special place. After my meds
kicked in and I got out of the funk, I couldn’t help
but notice all of the names on the wall outside
the cafeteria who made this wonderful place
possible. I’m so lucky they believe people like me
deserve another chance.
A former patient
Ian Aitken
President and Chief Executive Officer
Houstonians have embraced Menninger from the start, shared our vision
for mental health and supported us. On our tenth anniversary in Texas, we
call this community home and say ‘thank you’ to our faculty and staff for
their dedication. To our patients and families, we thank you for entrusting
us with your care.
Patient Care
Creating Value
In the health care marketplace, growing
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule
evidence is available to the public about the
effectiveness of medical procedures and
treatment protocols. In psychiatry, however,
empirical evidence of treatment effectiveness
Severe Disability
Moderate Disability
has not been readily available.
Nationally, seven of every ten people suffering
from a severe mental illness have multiple
diagnoses. At Menninger the incidence of coexisting disorders in our patient population is
Mild Disability
The scale measures 12 areas
of difficulties in daily living,
physical activities and social
relationships from admission to
discharge. The level of disability,
shown in the figure for 600
patients, dropped dramatically
as they progressed in treatment.
The lower the percentage, the less
disabling the effects of mental
illness were for the patients.
The World Health Organization
Disability Assessment Schedule is
a widely accepted, standardized
tool for measuring the severity of
mental illness.
higher – eight of every ten patients.
Normal Functioning
Co-existing disorders contribute to a high level
of disability. Menninger patients commonly
have difficulty taking good care of themselves
or their loved ones; maintaining healthy
relationships; routinely working, attending
2 Weeks
4 Weeks
school; or living safely on their own.
Our treatment outcomes study demonstrates a
Our Compass, Hope and Professionals in
emotions may still be raw,” said Chris Fowler,
significant improvement in the rate of disability
Crisis inpatient programs integrate results to
PhD, associate director of Clinical Research.
experienced by patients who complete their
determine the effectiveness of treatment in
course of treatment. The data scientifically
reducing symptoms. “The data (received every
“This is compelling evidence of the value of our
represent the high value of Menninger’s
two weeks) allow our treatment teams to adjust
six-week treatment,” James Flack, MD, said
approach to intensive, individualized, multi-
the course of treatment or to illustrate for the
about the outcomes study results. Dr. Flack is
modal treatment.
patient the progress he or she is making while
Menninger’s associate medical director.
Patient Care
Who We Help
Menninger specializes in
diagnosing and treating patients
affected by:
• Mood disorders, including
depression and bipolar
• Anxiety disorders, including
panic, social anxiety,
generalized anxiety and
posttraumatic stress disorders
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Patients Always Come First at Menninger
In 1953, the founders, Drs. C.F., Karl and Will
through a recommendation from a former
Menninger, prepared a letter to the Trustees
patient, friend or family member, or from
Comprehensive Psychiatric
Assessment Service
and the future employees of the organization.
reputable guides such as U.S. News & World
Alternative to typical acute programs features
It remained in the organization’s safe, sealed
Report’s annual ranking of America’s Best
stabilization as well as thorough diagnostic
away until 1991 following the death of Dr. Karl,
Hospitals. (Menninger has been ranked in
workup and recommendations for treatment
who had been the last surviving founder.
the top 10 for the 24 consecutive years the
and support
survey has existed.)
Outpatient care includes:
The document outlined the guiding principles
• Outpatient assessments – Team addresses
• Personality disorders
for the organization based on the premise that
Adolescent Treatment Program
• Eating disorders
the needs of patients must come first.
Comprehensive assessment and treatment
medical, genetic, psychological and social
plans for adolescents experiencing complex
issues of concern by the patient
• Substance abuse, including
alcohol, narcotics and
• Other addictive disorders,
including gambling and
compulsive spending
• Self-injury and other traumarelated conditions
• Psychotic disorders
• Autism Spectrum Disorder
and Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder
• Other issues that seriously
impair daily living
Our Boards of Directors, leaders, faculty and
and emerging issues, substance abuse or
employees continue to follow that course
other co-existing conditions
daily. Patients are the most important member
day program resulting in clients’ mastery of
real-world experiences for living a healthy,
of the treatment team, with the patient and
Compass Program for Young Adults
clinicians collaborating on treatment goals
Specializes in patients having difficulty making
and measuring progress. Each shift and each
the transition from adolescence to adulthood
business day involves the careful review of
or who cannot negotiate college, employment
patients’ progress. All faculty and employees
and adult relationships
independent life
• Outpatient therapy – Individual, group,
family and couples therapy on the
Menninger campus
• The Gathering Place – A psychosocial
have a responsibility for continuing to improve
the healing environment through safety,
Hope Program for Adults
clubhouse supports members gaining their
respect, communication and courtesy. We
Rekindles hope through psychotherapy
believe the Drs. Menninger would be proud.
and rehabilitation for persons who have
• Collaborative outpatient services for
long-standing and severe mood, anxiety or
adolescents and adults at various
What Our Hospital Offers
personality disorders that often coexist with
community locations
Adolescents and adults from across the
additional conditions
country seeking the best possible treatment
for psychiatric and accompanying conditions
Professionals in Crisis Program
find their way to Menninger through their
Strong emphasis on the peers in the program
personal health or mental health professional,
adds vital component to treatment as does
the treatment team
• Pathfinder for adults – An urban-based
Patient Care
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Building a Patient-Centered Caring Model
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations awarded
members’ perspective which fosters clinician
in a relationship that promotes the patient’s
Menninger a significant two-year grant for a
empathy and patient and family engagement
recovery. The Patient-Centered Caring model
new clinical training initiative named Patient-
in treatment. The third and final level is based
has systemic possibilities because it will be
Centered Caring. The grant will support
on trauma-informed care, which includes
transferable to all health care settings.
Menninger’s unique approach to patient
ways to prevent hospital-related trauma and
treatment, which uses mental health principles
assure the patient and family that their care
The Menninger leadership team dedicated
to engage the care team and patients in
is safe. Enhanced relationship building and
to the design and implementation of the
recovery. The Patient-Centered Caring model
communication skills are foundational to all
program includes Jane Mahoney, PhD, RN,
incorporates recent research in patient care
three levels of the model. The first year of the
PMHCNS-BC, co-principal investigator; Susan
into a program that can be adopted in other
Patient-Centered Caring program will focus on
J. Hardesty, MD, co-principal investigator;
health care settings.
delivering the training and the second year will
B. Christopher Frueh, PhD, co-principal
involve publishing peer-reviewed articles and
investigator; and Jon G. Allen, PhD, co-
presenting the model at national conferences.
of training. The first level is service excellence
According to Dr. Jane Mahoney, director of
“As a leading mental health hospital, we
that pinpoints how to meet the concerns
Nursing Practice and Research at Menninger,
understand the power of the mind to heal and
and comfort needs of patients and families.
the overall goal of this hospital-wide initiative
create well-being,” said Susan J. Hardesty, MD,
The second level includes understanding the
is to create a healing environment where the
Menninger vice president and medical director.
illness experience from the patients’ and family
patient and the mental health care team work
All clinicians will receive the training.
Almost 200 clinical personnel will be educated
in the concepts using three separate levels
Susan J. Hardesty, MD
Vice President and Medical Director
As a leading mental health hospital, we understand the power of the
mind to heal and create well-being.
Patient Care
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
More Patients Entering Treatment
If it seems like you hear more about mental
health, it is true. The number of people
affected by brain disorders continues to
rise, according to the National Institute
of Mental Health and the World Health
Increasing the access to treatment and
transforming lives is the charge we have
from our governing board and our founders’
legacy. In the past year, services to all of
our clients increased 23 percent from
2,646 to 3,438.
Serving More in Our Community
Services & Venues
Inpatient programs on campus
The Gathering Place
Outpatient Assessments
Windsor Village United Methodist Church
3 Texas Children’s Pediatric Associates’ medical homes
3 Federally Qualified Health Clinics
Outpatients at Menninger
Veterans’ Professional Development Series
Total 4K
FY 14 goal
Serve 15% more people
region and the nation in FY 2014.
FY 2012
We have set out to serve 15 percent more
adolescents and adults from Houston, the
FY12 FY 2013
FY 2014
Increasing the access to treatment
and transforming lives is the charge we
have from our governing board and
our founders’ legacy. In the past year,
services to all of our clients increased
23 percent.
Ian Aitken
President and Chief Executive Officer
Disease of any other organ is met with sympathy
and support, but when the afflicted organ is the
brain and the resulting symptoms are behavioral,
the illness is met with judgment and ostracism. The
research Menninger has initiated with Baylor College
of Medicine holds the potential to clarify the disease
mechanisms, propel treatment and increase
prevention into new levels of effectiveness and, in
doing so, de-stigmatize brain disorders.
The prevalence of mental illness and substance
abuse has been escalating over my lifetime to
what is now an epidemic, currently costing the U.S.
$7,191 per household annually. I am committed to
supporting Menninger in any way that I possibly can.
Anette Edens, PhD, MBA
Director, The Menninger Clinic Foundation Board
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Building a Landmark Study in Neuroscience & Psychiatry
The McNair Initiative for Neuroscience
genomics from Baylor College of Medicine.
be conducted using the databank, leading
Discovery at Menninger and Baylor College
This multi-year research program is named
to answers about the origin, treatment and
of Medicine is a translational research project
MIND-MB. It is establishing a vast pool of
prevention of mental illness.
that melds the expertise of Menninger’s
scientific data based on thousands of patients
renowned psychiatry staff with that of
with multiple diagnoses and control subjects.
The research team is developing a manuscript
collaborators in neurology, neuroimaging and
Many studies of psychiatric diseases will
characterizing the MIND-MB program as a
prototype of the Research Domain Criteria
(RDoC) initiative of the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH).
“RDoC is an initiative to classify and organize
psychopathology according to dimensions
of observable behavior and neurobiological
measures,” said John M. Oldham, MD, MS,
Recruitment of leading
researchers is made possible
in part by McNair Scholar
funding from the Robert and
Janice McNair Foundation. The
Foundation’s Charles Neblett,
MD, left, works closely with
current McNair Scholar Alok
Madan, PhD, MPA, and former
McNair Scholar B. Christopher
Frueh, PhD. Dr. Madan, center,
recently joined the staff. In
addition to his research work, he
serves as a senior psychologist
for The Clinic and is an associate
professor at Baylor College
of Medicine. Dr. Frueh is
Menninger’s Clinical Research
director whose work has been
widely published.
chief of staff and senior vice president of
Menninger and the Barbara and Corbin J.
Robertson, Jr. Chair for Personality Disorders,
professor and executive vice chair at Baylor
College of Medicine.
Real-time and structural
brain scans reveal a wealth of
information to researchers.
These images were captured
using diffusion tensor imaging.
Researchers study the complex
network of nerve fibers
connecting different areas
of the brain.
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
McNair Scholar
In addition to their generous support of the
MIND-MB research program, the Robert and
Janice McNair Scholars in Neuroscience
Research program was established to identify
and recruit rising stars in the field of brain
research. Alok Madan, PhD, MPH, is the
second McNair Scholar named to the five-year
post at Menninger. B. Christopher Frueh, PhD,
director of Clinical Research at Menninger,
was the first McNair Scholar named at
Dr. Madan recently joined Menninger as a
researcher and senior psychologist. His areas
of expertise include statistics, neuroscience,
said Dr. Madan about his decision to join
neuroscience all together for analysis and
clinical outcomes and behavioral medicine.
Menninger. He continues, “My challenge is to
study. There are a lot of moving parts, and I
“It’s hard to say ‘no’ to fascinating projects,”
bring quality of care, clinical outcomes and
enjoy the fast pace and diverse components.”
D. Troy Derouen
Executive Director, George and
Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation
The Houston community is fortunate to have The Menninger Clinic in our
area to meet the critical needs of those suffering from mental illness. The
George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation is honored to support
programs such as the McNair Initiative for Neuroscience Discovery
research project and The Menninger Clinic accomplishments in
research, treatment and advocacy for mental health issues.
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Private Funding Holds Key to Suicide Prevention Research
More people die by suicide worldwide than by homicide and war
combined (nearly 1 million annually), yet public funds devoted to suicide
research are a mere trickle compared to that devoted to conditions
that take fewer lives. It is well past time that we emerge fully from
those dark times when sufferers and their families were judged and
condemned; we must go about the business of understanding and
preventing the loss of many, many lives.
Private Grants for Research
Excerpt from the Houston Chronicle editorial page, August 20, 2013,
written by Thomas E. Ellis, PsyD, ABPP
Suicide is not a one-person event; it leaves
provides an excellent opportunity to observe
devoted much of his career to the study and
a wake of victims to grieve, to question and
the impact of a new advanced therapy.
treatment of suicide, is leading the Suicide
to seek understanding. These tragic deaths
Research findings are beginning to generate
Prevention Research program. Internationally
are heartbreaking because they are mostly
hope and this is the only path for discovering
recognized suicidologist, David A. Jobes,
preventable. The Suicide Prevention Research
how to effectively treat suicidal thinking.
PhD, ABPP, consults with Menninger.
program is underway at Menninger to reverse
MIND–MB Research
The Gordon A. Cain Foundation
Ray C. Fish Foundation
George and Mary Josephine
Hamman Foundation
Huffington Foundation
The Henderson-Wessendorff Foundation
Wacker Family Fund of The Dallas
McNair Scholar
Robert and Janice McNair Foundation
Suicide Prevention Research
Bernice Peltier Huber Charitable Trust
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Outcomes & General Research
Fraternal Order of Eagles Memorial
Dr. Ellis, co-investigator Chris Fowler, PhD,
the trend of increasing suicide rates, which
Thomas E. Ellis, PsyD, ABPP, is the principal
and members of the research team analyze
most psychiatric professionals believe can be
investigator for the Suicide Prevention
and report their findings; and lecture nationally
reduced with proper intervention.
Research program. He is the director of
and internationally to spread effective
Psychology at Menninger and a professor of
treatment practices. Dr. Fowler is associate
Approximately half of the adult patients at
psychiatry in the Menninger Department of
director of Menninger Research and a staff
Menninger are suicidal upon admission and
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Baylor
the longer-than-typical length of their stay
College of Medicine. Dr. Ellis, who has
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Emerging Mental Illness in Adolescents
Adolescent mental illness is a tremendous
University College London, and chief
As the first study to explore the effect of
public health concern because it affects
executive, The Anna Freud Centre, London.
oxytocin on these aspects in adolescents,
nearly half of American adolescents and
this study is laying the groundwork for better
accounts for nearly $9 billion dollars in
Dr. Sharp is looking for answers that will help
understanding the neurobiology of trust and
mental health expenses in the U.S. annually.
our children and she is making advances.
attachment in this age group and will inform
Clinical research with adolescents highlights
Dr. Sharp is director of Research for
future research evaluating the clinical value of
the importance of trust, social cognition
Menninger’s Adolescent Treatment Program
oxytocin by determining for whom this therapy
and attachment security in the parent-child
and an associate professor in the University
may be beneficial.
relationship as essential components of
of Houston’s Department of Psychology
adolescent well-being.
as well as the director of its Developmental
This project has direct relevance for the
Psychopathology Lab. Her research aims
mission of the National Institute of Mental
The Adolescent Treatment Program (ATP)
to refine and further develop the practice
Health (NIMH) to support multi-faceted
of The Menninger Clinic provides inpatient
of assessment and diagnosis of childhood
research exploring mental illness as well as
therapeutic services for adolescents from ages
psychopathology to speed the early
reflecting the aim of the Eunice Kennedy
12 through 17. Elizabeth W. Newlin, MD, is
identification and treatment of mental illness
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and
the ATP program and medical director as well
in children and adolescents.
Human Development (NICHD) to emphasize
as an assistant professor in the Menninger
the social context of adolescent mental health.
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Dr. Sharp is conducting an important study
Both organizations have granted funds to
Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine.
with adolescent patients at Menninger.
support the oxytocin research.
Dr. Newlin is passionate about helping
Sometimes referred to as the “love hormone,”
adolescents and is committed to working on
oxytocin has recently emerged as a biological
promising new research.
correlate of the feelings of trust and well-
Adolescents Volunteer to
Participate in Research
being. As a result, widespread speculation
Additional clinical research is underway
Research studies for ATP are directed by
has pointed to its potential role as a clinical
with adolescents, studying neurobiology
Carla Sharp, PhD, with consultation from
intervention. Our research at ATP seeks to
and the growing brain. This work is focused
world renowned expert in child and family
explore the effect of oxytocin on adolescents’
on gaining information about emotional
attachment, Peter Fonagy, PhD, Freud
capacity to trust others.
behavior, depression and emerging
Memorial Professor of Psychoanalysis,
Adolescent patients at Menninger
receive access to the latest
evidence-based treatments
and have the opportunity to
participate in research that
informs their treatment. The
Adolescent Treatment Program’s
Medical Director Elizabeth
Newlin, MD, left, and Research
Director Carla Sharp, PhD, lead
these efforts.
personality disorders. Adolescent patients are
participating in the clinical outcomes study
and the MIND-MB research program.
The Epicenter’s next phase of construction will house
research and outpatient programs of The Menninger Clinic
and Baylor College of Medicine’s Menninger Department
of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences. The rendering shows
this institute building, right, with The Menninger Clinic
Commons in the background.
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Fulfilling Our Shared Vision for Mental Health
Robert C. Wilson, III
Maureen O. Hackett
Stuart Yudofsky, MD
Ian Aitken
Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
Chair, The Menninger Clinic Board
Chair, The Menninger Clinic
Foundation Board
D.C. and Irene Ellwood Professor and
Chairman, Menninger Department
of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences;
Drs. Beth K. and Stuart C. Yudofsky
Presidential Chair in Neuropsychiatry
and Distinguished Service Professor,
Baylor College of Medicine
President and Chief Executive
Officer, The Menninger Clinic
many others shy away from.
Director, The Menninger Clinic
Foundation Board, and former
Chair, Baylor College of Medicine
Board of Directors for the
Menninger and Baylor College of
Medicine affiliation in 2003
So many people are dedicated to
the vision we had in mind when
I am a passionate advocate for a
You could say it’s in our DNA
Menninger and Baylor College
more vigorous discussion of mental
of Medicine became affiliated 10
health, because I see it as the
years ago. We have healthy, strong
only way to eliminate the stigma
The Epicenter is the most recent
Now that Menninger is sailing
boards, management teams,
that keeps so many sufferers from
The opening of the extraordinary
example of that. Constructed while
forward smoothly in its new home,
researchers and caregivers at these
healing. We have taken baby steps,
Mental Health Epicenter with its
many people and organizations
we need to consolidate it with
institutions. We are grateful for the
in our community and nation, but The
outstanding Menninger inpatient
were feeling the effects of the
the Department of Psychiatry and
generous and substantial support
Mental Health Epicenter represents a
treatment programs and other
economic downturn, this campus
Behavioral Sciences at Baylor
we have in Greater Houston and
giant step in the right direction. The
services has nearly filled the ‘hole in
and the new hospital finished on
College of Medicine. Building a
elsewhere, people who made it
partnership of Menninger and Baylor
the heart of the Texas Medical Center’
time and on budget. We are so
home for research, outpatient
possible to establish The Epicenter
College of Medicine combines world-
identified by Dr. Michael E. DeBakey
fortunate to have the counsel of
services and teaching activities is
for Mental Health. With all of these
class know-how in neuroscience
almost three decades ago. One more
our Boards of Directors and many
essential to this country’s mental
forces working together we will
and behavioral health to deliver new
vital piece remains: development of
of you. The result is a mandate
health. Both organizations are all
expand to serve more people
prestige and academic standing to
a clinical, research and educational
for mental health. To realize that
in. Our supporters have already
who suffer from brain disorders
the combined effort. The result is
psychiatric institute at The Epicenter
goal, we will follow our strategic
recognized The Epicenter’s
and forever change the field of
a powerful platform for advocating
to enable scientists, educators
plan to expand The Epicenter.
potential in providing support
psychiatry and integrated care.
for patients and eliminating stigma,
and clinicians to work side by side.
for building the beautiful healing
and I am proud and grateful that it
Together these talented professionals
environment. Let’s make the next
happened here and happened now.
will provide the best available care
step a reality, too.
to rise to the challenge that
for our patients; optimal learning
experiences for the next generation
of mental health professionals
in all disciplines at all stages of
their training; and advancement
of knowledge and therapeutic
potency in our field through research
discovery. Now is psychiatry’s
moment, and we must seize it.
John M. Oldham, MD, MS
Chief of Staff and Senior Vice
President, The Menninger
Clinic; Past President, American
Psychiatric Association;
Professor, Executive Vice Chair
and the Barbara and Corbin J.
Robertson, Jr. Endowed Chair
in Personality Disorders, Baylor
College of Medicine
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Research Guided by Collaborative Group
Research Advisors
Relocation of The Menninger Clinic to The
the future of mental health here at Menninger
Mental Health Epicenter campus in 2012
and Baylor College of Medicine,” said John
brought us closer in proximity to our affiliate,
M. Oldham, MD, MS, Menninger chief of staff
Baylor College of Medicine. In the past year,
and senior vice president, and Baylor College
the two institutions expanded joint research
of Medicine professor and Barbara and
projects, making collaboration more effective
Corbin J. Robertson, Jr. Chair for Personality
for the researchers and for delivering the
Disorders and executive vice chair of the
latest evidence-based treatments to
Menninger Department of Psychiatry and
Menninger patients.
Behavioral Sciences.
“We are grateful for the strong relationships
Dr. Oldham is among the list of leading experts
we have and the support of so many talented
who collaborate with the Research Advisors
and dedicated researchers who are shaping
who are overseeing the research strategy.
Jon G. Allen, PhD
Menninger and Baylor College
of Medicine
Philip Baldwin, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine
Thomas Ellis, PsyD, ABPP
Menninger and Baylor College
of Medicine
Peter Fonagy, PhD, FBA
University College London and
Menninger consultant
Chris Fowler, PhD
Menninger and Baylor College
of Medicine
B. Christopher Frueh, PhD
Menninger and Baylor College
of Medicine
Thomas Kosten, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
Sanjay Mathew, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
Charles Neblett, MD
The Robert and Janice McNair
David Nielsen, PhD
DeBakey VA Medical Center and
Baylor College of Medicine
John M. Oldham, MD, MS
Menninger and Baylor College
of Medicine
The research assistant helps
each patient participating in the
neuroimaging portion of the
MIND-MB study feel at ease
with the process of scanning the
brain’s structure and functioning.
Ramiro Salas, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine
Carla Sharp, PhD
University of Houston and Menninger
Stuart Yudofsky, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
John M. Oldham, MD, MS
The Menninger Clinic and Baylor College of Medicine
Our goal for MIND-MB is to learn more
about the specific connectivity of an
individual’s brain and its relationship to
genetics and clinical diagnosis. The study
is an ambitious one, involving multiple brain
imaging techniques, genomic sequencing
and a rich clinical database all made
possible by the collaboration between
Menninger and Baylor College of Medicine.
Charlie H. Read
President, The Hamill Foundation
When Ian Aitken and Shawna Morris, fresh from
Kansas, presented their vision for The Epicenter,
the timing was good as our Board was very
interested in increasing The Hamill Foundation’s
involvement in the mental health area. We
saw Menninger as the answer to some of our
concerns. Our Founders, Claud and Marie
Hamill, would have loved what Menninger has
done for their beloved Houston. Our support for
your year ended June 30, 2013, was an easy
decision, considering how you performed even
during some tough economic climates. We
salute you, Menninger, and look forward to
what you will accomplish in the future.
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Addressing a Dire Shortage of Psychiatric Nurses
Betty Ann Stedman and the Stedman West
result is that we are experiencing an infusion
treatment alliance with patients and provide a
Foundation wanted to make a difference, not
of a new generation of nurse leaders in this
safe, supportive therapeutic environment for
just for one year but for the long term. The
specialty field.”
patients with complex mental illness.
of nurses to care for psychiatric patients. This
Each year Menninger receives over 100
By carefully blending the wishes of a loyal
desire resulted in the 2009 decision in to help
applications for the six Nurse Residency
donor with the Menninger mission, the Betty
Menninger establish the Betty Ann Stedman
slots. The applications come from across
Ann Stedman Psychiatric Nurse Residency
Psychiatric Nurse Residency program.
the United States and from both private and
program is continuing to impact the quality
public universities. The large applicant pool
of patient care as well as provide bright,
According to Pam Greene, PhD, RN, senior
gives Menninger the opportunity to select the
promising students with an opportunity to
vice president of Patient Care Services and
brightest new nurses for the program.
prepare for a rewarding career.
Foundation wanted to address a dire shortage
These four nurses completed
their specialized training in
psychiatric nursing at Menninger
before joining The Clinic’s staff.
The Stedman West Foundation
graciously funded the Betty
Ann Stedman Psychiatric Nurse
Residency program for the
registered nurses, from left,
Kristina Bullard, Prashant Bhagat,
Amy Williams and Chioma
chief nursing officer, “This program is one
Nurse residents, like trainees in other mental
programs in the United States for nurses
health disciplines at Menninger, learn to work
entering the field of psychiatric nursing. The
as members of treatment teams, develop a
The length of the program, the structured learning environment
and curriculum, and the top-notch staff of The Menninger Clinic
make this the best training for nurses interested in mental health.
Prashant Bhagat, BSN, RN
of the few, perhaps the only true, residency
Staff Nurse, Professionals in Crisis Program
Spring Symposium
Attracts National Clinical
More than 230 mental health
professionals from across
the nation participated in
the scientific symposium on
mentalization as a framework for
psychotherapy in March 2013.
Co-sponsored by Menninger
and Baylor College of Medicine,
the all-day event was followed
by weekend workshops for 100
clinicians who received hands-on
training in the evidence-based
therapy for trauma-related
psychiatric disorders.
Leading mentalization experts
Anthony Bateman, MD,
FRCPsych, and Peter Fonagy,
PhD, FBA, both consultants
to Menninger from the
United Kingdom, headlined
a distinguished faculty from
Menninger, Baylor College of
Medicine and Yale University.
The third annual Menninger
spring symposium, March 28,
2014, will feature a stellar faculty,
focusing on the problem of
suicide in America.
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Grant Funding Keeps Training a Hallmark of Menninger
Since the 1930s training has been a high
Psychiatry Residency Training Program,
Psychology Internships are also available
priority at The Menninger Clinic. As an
which demonstrates the program’s appeal
at Menninger, providing a substantial
innovator of treatment and a specialty hospital,
and selective enrollment.
emphasis on patient care while incorporating
Menninger has depended on the training
the scholarly and scientific background of
programs for developing experienced clinical
This program is producing outstanding
professionals, some who join its own treatment
psychiatrists to meet the real-world demands
teams and others who take the Menninger
of patients with complex psychiatric
On its own, The Menninger Clinic offers a
approach into patient care locally and across
disorders. Eighty percent of patients cared
Post-master’s Fellowship program for licensed
the country.
for at Menninger have multiple psychiatric
clinical social workers. Fellows receive
conditions. Residents often report that this
supervised instruction, which imparts the
After World War II, the Menninger School
rotation was one of the most important in
knowledge, skills and perspective necessary
of Psychiatry, then in Topeka, Kansas, and
their medical training because they
to be fully integrated members of the patient
the local Veterans Administration Hospital
encountered patients of the same socio-
treatment team. The Social Worker Fellowship
represented the center of a psychiatric
economic level as they are, they saw patients
Program encompasses diagnosis, treatment,
education revolution. The faculty prepared
apply treatments and regain health, and they
family assessments, family therapy, individual
the clinical trainees to attend to the physical,
gained a true appreciation of the universality
therapy and group therapy for adolescents,
emotional and social needs of their patients.
of mental illness.
adults and geriatric adults.
The long tradition of training excellence
Baylor’s Postdoctoral Training Program for
In addition, Menninger offers a six-month
continues today, made possible with our
Clinical Psychology provides Fellows with an
program to bachelor of science in nursing
affiliation with one of the leaders in medical
opportunity to work on one of Menninger’s
graduates who have chosen a career in the
education, Baylor College of Medicine.
specialty adult treatment units. As a member
field of psychiatry. Nurse graduates learn to
Serving as one of the primary training sites
of an interdisciplinary treatment team,
work as members of treatment teams like
for psychiatry residents of BCM has proven
Fellows integrate diagnostic formulations
all other clinical trainees. The story on
to be a dynamic arrangement for training
into treatment planning, participate as active
the previous page spotlights some of our
the psychiatric doctors of the future. This
members of the clinical team, and provide
nurse residents.
year there were 450 applicants to the
individual evaluation and therapy.
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Private Grants for Training
Trainees by the Numbers
Graduate nursing students 2
Psychiatry residents from second
and fourth years of study 15
Betty Ann Stedman
Nurse Residents
Child psychiatry fellows
Practicum students
Medical students
Bachelor of science
degree students
Nursing students at
The Gathering Place SUBTOTAL 24
TOTAL Trainees
a 59% Increase
Social Workers
Psychology interns
(graduate students) 2
Postdoctoral clinical
psychology fellows
Psychology research fellow 1
Post-master’s clinical social
work fellows 4
Graduate student interns 2
Betty Ann Stedman Psychiatric
Nurse Residency
Stedman West Foundation
Social Work Training
The Hamill Foundation
Psychiatric Nurse Training
John P. McGovern Foundation
Stedman West Foundation
The Hamill Foundation
The Mosbacher Foundation
Resident Training
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis
Patient-Centered Caring
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Senior Mental Health and Wellness
Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust
FY 2012
FY 2013
Financial Health
2013 Total
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Salaries and Benefits
Medical Staff Expenses
Other than Salaries
Depreciation & Amortization
Interest Expense
The Menninger Clinic
For the years ending June 30, 2012 & 2013
FY 2012
FY 2013
Average Daily Patient Census
Faculty and Staff
Gross Patient Revenue
Net Patient Revenue
Grant & Other Revenue
Salaries and Benefits
Medical Staff Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income
$ (71,000)
Other than Salaries & Medical Staff Expenses
Depreciation & Amortization
Net Income
Interest Expense
FY 2012
FY 2013
Financial Health
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
The Menninger Clinic Foundation
For the years ending June 30, 2012 & 2013
FY 2012
FY 2013
Foundation Balance
Endowment funds
Non-endowed funds
Non-Capital Giving
Foundation Grants
Grant to Clinic for research
Grant to Clinic for training
Grant to Clinic for Foundation expenses
Grant to Clinic for operations
Total Grants
FY 2012
FY 2013
Donor Appreciation
Donor Appreciation
2013 Luncheon
Signature Sponsor
The John M. O’Quinn Foundation
Future in Mind Sponsors
Barbara & Corby Robertson, Jr.
Beth Robertson / Carroll Ray/
Lillie Robertson
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
Leading Mind Sponsors
Mary Ann & Bert Campbell/
Carol & Tommy Harper/
Kate & Woody Scott, Jr.
Don & Susie Evans
Fran & Weldon Granger
C. James & Carole Walter Looke
Family Fund
Texas Children’s Hospital
Sue Trammell Whitfield
Healthy Mind Sponsors
Burguières Family Foundation
Central Bank/ Carolyn & John Young
Renee & Hill A. Feinberg
The Hackett Family
Locke Lord LLP/ The Kayser Foundation/
Jeff B. & Katherine B. Love Foundation
Peace of Mind Sponsors
Joan and Stanford Alexander/
Shirley Toomim
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Carole & Ken Bailey/ Sheila & Jerry
Reese/ Shannon & Nick Swyka/
JoAnn & Gary Levering
BBVA Compass
Elizabeth Brueggeman/ Barbara McCelvey
Bud Light/ Silver Eagle Distributors
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Drushel, Jr.
Marvy & Elaine Finger
Ann & Peter Fluor
Pam & Chris Gilbert/ Cindy & Dick Snell/
Suzi & Doug Swanson/ Jan and Charlie
Talbert/ Gaile & Ed Withers
James & Nancy Gordon
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Kirksey/ Haynes Whaley Associates
Mark Lanier & Professor T. Gerald Treece
David & Carolyn Light
John P. McGovern Foundation
The Methodist Hospital System
Mischer Investments, LP
Walter Negley
Vivie & Chris O’Sullivan
Susie Peake & Friends
Nancy & David Pustka
William J. Resnick, MD, MBA
Regina Rogers
Marolyn Russell
Shadywood Foundation
Jeri & Marc Shapiro
Law Office of Diane St. Yves
Suzi & Doug Swanson
Ann G. Trammell
The Marek Family
The University of Texas Health Science
Center at Houston
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Bess & Rob Wilson, III
Mindful Friend
Les & Linda Allison
Peggy & Bill Barnett
Debner + Company
Brenda & John Duncan
Kathy & Tommy Ferguson
Jennifer & Michael Hanson
Kay & Ned Holmes
Tim Horan
JBD Foundation
Marjorie & Raleigh Johnson
Richard & Kathy Kimbrough
Mr. & Mrs. Granville Knight, Jr.
Legacy Community Health Services/
Chree Boydstun/ Katy Caldwell
Martha Turner Properties
Poppi Massey
Memorial Hermann
Newfield Exploration Company
OFS Energy Fund LLC/ Bruce Ross
Camille & Grier Patton
Petrello Family Foundation
Mollie & Malcolm Pettigrew
Lucy Schimmel
South Texas College of Law
C. David Towery
Betty Tutor
Tetine & Chip Werlein
Luncheon Donors
Joan & Stanford Alexander
Katy & Craig Bade
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker, III
Karen & Ned Becker/ Megan Becker Kilis
Lan and Adele Bentsen
Ginger & Jack Blanton
Lannie & Bill Bluethmann
Cathy and Gary Brock
Lacey and Ross Brunner
Kay and Kevin Chapman
Cockrell Family Fund
Betty and Bill Conner
Kristi Cooper
Flo Crady
Doug Craig
Joann Crassas
Julie B. Crosswell
Kathy & Doug Dalton
Patricia Daza, PhD
Karen & Dwight Dunlap
Laura A. Easton, LMSW
Anette T. Edens, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Gus K. Eifler
Tom & Bev Fritsch
Leila Gilbert
Richard K. Gordon
Jerry Grammer
Pam Greene, PhD, RN
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Gregg
Anthony Greisinger, PhD
Laurie Gutierrez
Carolyn & Peter Hartley
Graham C. Hartley
Mindy Hildebrand
Jolie M. Howard
Rev. Kern & Becky Huff
Jennie & Ralph Hull
Beverly & Blake Jackson
Evelyn & Bob Jewell
John W. & Ann K. Johnson
Foundation, Inc.
Linda D. Jones
Lisa Kennedy
Killeen & Stern, PC
Carolyn Kirklin
Carla Knobloch
Karen Liedtke
Kristy Liedtke
Laurie & Blake Liedtke
Mimi Liedtke
Taylor & Devon Liedtke
Lummis Transportation
Kay & Bob MacIntyre
Shannon MacIntyre
Cathy Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney H. Margolis
Blake H. Mark
Caroline T. Mark
Griffith Mark
Peter M. Mark, Jr.
Kathie & Ray Marshall, Jr.
Flo McGee
Sandra & Adams McHenry
Elizabeth Moffett
Jessica Moffett-Rose
Sabine Moffett
Charles Mohan
Denise Monteleone
Pene Moore
William M. Moore
Christine & Shea Morenz
Stamp Out Stigma postage
provided by Joan & Stanford
Donor Appreciation
Shawna Morris
Katy D. Moser
Robert P. Moser
Gwen & Don Mullins
Charles B. Musslewhite
Kristen C. Nix
Pam & David Ott
Michael Padon
Roger & Sandra Perez
Christi Peters
Anne & Robert Pullen
Pyle Family
Jim L. Revis Laura & Will Robertson
Nancy & Clive Runnells Foundation
Mary Jane & David Samuelson
Mary Catherine & Brad Sears
Carson Seeligson
Rabbi Jack Segal
Stephen P. Smith
Roland & Elizabeth Sledge
Bo & Pat Sturdivant
Taub Foundation, Marcy E. Taub,
Henry J.N. Taub II, H. Ben Taub
The Terry Family Foundation
Chantel C. Van Reit
Meg & Dick Weekley
Randa Weiner
Margaret Alkek Williams and
Randa & Charles Williams
Julia & Dwight Wolf
Premier Seats
Menninger Clinic Board Chair
Robert C. Wilson, III and Baylor
College of Medicine President and
CEO Paul Klotman, MD
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Directors Eliza Duncan,
LCSW, and Jesse Viner, MD
Leslie Barry Davidson & W. Robins Brice
DePelchin Children’s Center
Nancy Wilson Hargrove &
Thompson Knight, LLP
Linda D. Jones
The Kinkaid School
Karen Liedtke
Flo McGee
Pat Breen
The Council on Alcohol and Drugs Houston
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
J.P. Morgan
Barbara & Rusty Schlattman
The Spirit Golf Association
Priority Seats
Amergy Bank of Texas
Jennifer & Johnny Brock
May & Paul Chu
Bruce & Laura Crawford
Liza Easton
Anne Frischkorn
Hope & Healing Center
Patti & Buddy Hopson
Victoria Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow
Northern Trust
Judson W. Robinson
Texas Southern University
UH Athletics
University of St. Thomas
Steve Vallone
Gifts in HONOR of
Philip Burguières
Carole & Ken Bailey/
Sheila & Jerry Reese/
Shannon & Nick Swyka/
JoAnn & Gary Levering
Michael Padon
Katherine Chapman
Kay & Kevin Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. William Drushel
Kathy & Doug Dalton
Laura Easton & Anette Edens
Anne & Robert Pullen
Mary & Elaine Finger
Leila Gilbert
Lashyra Granitz
Kristi Cooper
Maureen Hackett &
Molly Hackett LaFauci
Joann Crassas
Edyth Harvey
Randa Weiner
Marjorie & Bill Johnson
Beverly & Blake Jackson
Caroline T. Mark
Karen Liedtke
Kristy Liedtke
Shawna Morris
Anthony Greisinger, PhD
Susie Peake
Carson Seeligson
Barbara & Corby Robertson, Jr.
Cathy & Gary Brock
Cockrell Family Fund
Betty and Bill Conner
Kristi Cooper
Laura A. Easton, LMSW
Jerry Grammer
Paul B. & Francis Lenora
Locke Lord LLP/ The Kayser Foundation/
Jeff B. & Katherine B. Love Foundation
Cathy Malone
Sandra & Adams McHenry
Denise Monteleone
Christine and Shea Morenz
Pam & David Ott
Laura & Will Robertson
Carroll Ray/ Beth Robertson/
Lillie Robertson
Stephen P. Smith
Taub Foundation, Marcy E. Taub,
Henry J.N. Taub II, H. Ben Taub
The John M. O’Quinn Foundation
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
The Terry Family Foundation
Betty Tutor
Bess & Rob Wilson, III
Beth Robertson
Jerry Grammer
Sandra & Adams McHenry
Taub Foundation, Marcy E. Taub,
Henry J.N. Taub II, H. Ben Taub
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
Betty Tutor
Bess & Rob Wilson, III
Cockrell Family Fund
Flo Crady
Pam & David Ott
Mary Catherine & Brad Sears
The Terry Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney H. Margolis
Kathy Jewell Wommack
Evelyn & Bob Jewell
Stuart Yudofsky
Peggy & Bill Barnett
gifts in MEMORY OF
Patrick Ross Davidson
Leslie Barry Davidson & W. Robins Brice
Chris Huff
Rev. Kern & Becky Huff
Donor Appreciation
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Peter Michael Mark, Sr.
Katy & Craig Bade
Karen & Ned Becker and Megan
Becker Kilis
Lacey & Ross Brunner
Carolyn & Peter Hartley
Graham C. Hartley
Carolyn Kirklin
Karen Liedtke
Kristy Liedtke
Laurie & Blake Liedtke
Mimi Liedtke
Taylor & Devon Liedtke
Kay & Bob MacIntyre
Shannon MacIntyre
Blake H. Mark
Caroline T. Mark
Griffith Mark
Peter M. Mark, Jr.
Elizabeth Moffett
Sabine Moffett
Jessica Moffett Rose
Charles Mohan
William M. Moore
Katy D. Moser
Robert P. Moser
Kristen C. Nix
James Graham Moses
Corbin Robertson, Sr.
Gwen and Don Mullins
Mr. Ben Taub, Mr. Henry J.N. Taub
and wife, Carol J. Taub
Taub Foundation, Marcy E. Taub,
Henry J.N. Taub II, H. Ben Taub
Bonnie Jean Woods
Julia & Dwight Wolf
MIND–MB Research
Barry Beal, Jr.
The Gordon A. Cain Foundation
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Ms. Edith Funk
George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation
Brittnee E. Henry
Huffington Foundation
Ms. Lisa Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kinnear
Jennifer Anne Richie
Kedren and Joe Scales
Douglas Scharbauer
Cherida Collins Smith
The Henderson-Wessendorff Foundation
Michelle Toltz
Wacker Family Fund of The Dallas
Patient-Centered Caring
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
McNair Scholar
Robert and Janice McNair Foundation
Professionals in Crisis Program
Diane McMaster
Betty Ann Stedman Psychiatric
Nurse Residency
Stedman West Foundation
Donor Appreciation Fund
Van and Pam Greene
Susan J. Hardesty, MD
Kenneth J. & Connie Klein and Family
Andrew and Shawna Morris
John M. Oldham, MD and
Karen P. Oldham, MD
grants, major gifts
& designated funds
Psychiatric Nurse Training
John P. McGovern Foundation
Stedman West Foundation
The Hamill Foundation
The Mosbacher Foundation
General Operating
The Hamill Foundation
Suicide Prevention Research
Bernice Peltier Huber Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bijou
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Anne F. Farish
Social Work Training
The Hamill Foundation
Outpatient Support
Miss Barbara H. Benda
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley I. Raffle
Outcomes & General Research
Anette T. Edens
Fraternal Order of Eagles Memorial Foundation
Poppi Massey
Resident Training
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis Foundation
Senior Mental Health and Wellness
Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust
Adolescent Treatment Program
Alice S. Davies
Amy and David H. Rosenberg
Mrs. Tammy T. Wardermann
Epicenter Donors in FY13
James and Dawn Beckley
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bergman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Coe
Danielle L. Collins, BS, RN
Collins Holding Company
Maribeth W. Collins
Leslie Barry Davidson and W. Robins Brice
Ms. Dorothea Drayton
Jerry and Nanette Finger Foundation
Marvy Finger Family Foundation
Jerry and Dianne Grammer
Bruno and Margaret Jonikas
Ms. Elise Judkins
Lt. Col. Daniel W. King and Dr. Bonnie M. King
Kenneth J. & Connie Klein and Family
Jo Ann Klemmer, MA
Maurice M. Langston, Jr. Trust
Vicki J. Lovin
Dr. Lynne McClure
Brenda K. McDonald
John F. McGovern, DO
M. D. Anderson Foundation
W. Walter Menninger, MD
Andrew and Shawna Morris
Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Flynn O’Malley
Natalie and Charles O’Roark
Sandra Padgett
Ms. Christi M. Peters
Ms. Janice L. Poplack, LCSW
Mr. Steven C. Raihl
Barbara and Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
Bronwyn and Ron Schielke
Norman C. Schultz
Mary Catherine and Brad Sears
Strake Foundation
The Cullen Foundation
The John M. O’Quinn Foundation
Ann G. Trammell
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Verdon
Robin and Chris Webb
Rebecca Wright
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Directors Betty S. Tutor,
Sally Schillaci, Anette Edens and
Susie Peake
Donor Appreciation
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Contributions to the Annual Fund
are especially valuable and timely as
they can be applied immediately for
Menninger’s highest priorities.
Our Annual Fund donors are
champions of the work we do;
your participation is a daily
inspiration to us all.
C.F. Menninger Society
Annual Fund
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Director Peter D. Kinnear
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Director Barbara
Robertson, Chair of the
Menninger Department of
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
at Baylor College of Medicine
Stuart C. Yudofsky, MD
Benefactors $10,000+
Brenda and Alan Abramson and Family
Anonymous BBVA Compass Mr. and Mrs. Hill A. Feinberg Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hackett Bill and Mary Hughes Carl Jacobs Foundation
Knobloch Family Foundation
Stedman West Foundation
The Marek Family Foundation
Tower Council $5,000+
The Reverend Carl F. Buechner and
Mrs. Judith F. Buechner
Ms. Nancy J. Corbet and
Mr. Charles S. Willits
Friedman Industries, Inc. Ms. Sandra G. Gilmer
John C. Kerr
Harvey and Barbara Kurzweil
Mrs. Julia J. Matthews
Norman C. Schultz
Jack and Donna Vanier
Yellowbrick Foundation
Founders’ Council $2,500+
Mark and Deborah Brooker
Ms. Eva Condon
Ms. Nancy G. Dickenson
The Frontline Group
The Heffner Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn N. Klein
Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Leckenby
Andrew and Shawna Morris
Myriad Genetics, Inc.
Ms. Jane Schleicher
The Cartwright Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilson III 1215 Fund of the Jewish Community
Foundation of Greater Kansas City
President’s Council $1,000+
Mr. Edward R. Allen III and
Ms. Chinhui Juhn
William J. and R. Jean Beard
Blum-Kovler Foundation
Carolyn Curry Elbel Memorial Foundation
Conner Foundation
Ms. Bonnie Cord and
Mr. Stephen Melton
Reverend Margaret G. Crandall and
Mr. Richard Crandall
Elizabeth H. David, MD
Leslie Barry Davidson and
W. Robins Brice
Ruth Davis and Ian Aitken Dr. Carl W. Eberbach and Elisabeth
Falk Eberbach Fund
Ms. Ellen M. Feldman
Mr. Robert B. Gordon
Holly Hayes and Carl W. Stern Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hays III
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Holtzman
Tim Horan
Alan and Nancy Kaniss
Dr. and Mrs. Dean G. Kilpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.
Granville Knight, Jr.
Harvey and Barbara Kurzweil
James O. Lide
W. Walter Menninger, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian L. Morrison
Morse Family Foundation
Richard L. Munich, MD and
Adrienne A. Munich, PhD
Chris Nunes
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie D. Osborne
Anand Pandya & Weston Milliken
Partnership for Cures
Donald and Jo Anne Petersen Fund
Barbara Friedman Rakoover
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ravenscroft
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Schaub
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Schillaci
Elizabeth D. Taylor
The Brown Foundation, Inc. (Travis Mathis)
The Bugas Fund
The Horwitz Family Memorial Foundation
The Lucy Rosenberry Jones Charitable Trust
Mr. J. C. Walter III
Mrs. Randa S. Weiner
Sponsors $500+
Barbara J. Amelio
Mr. Robert R. Ammarell
Michele Arnold
Phil and Jan Barnes
Mr. John B. Bean
Ms. Jillian B. Beverstock
Edward M. Colbach, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Corson
Lucy C. Daniels, PhD
Ms. Amy DeHart
Helen Runnells DuBois
Jackie and Fred Dunlop
John and Barbara Fibiger Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Francis
Donor Appreciation
The Reverend Thomas E.
Dr. Nancy and Mr. Samuel Gary
Rosa M. Johnson, ARNP, MN
Elizabeth Winston Jones and
Sam M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.
Brian and Sue Loncar
Virginia Love
Joan B. Malick, PhD
Ms. Melissa L. Mong
Constance Hoguet Neel
Newfield Exploration Company
Mr. Michael F. Padon
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Paine, Jr.
Susie Peake
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph L. Pullin
Mr. Paul J. Regan, Jr.
Karen J. Scharbauer
Wendy and Derry Seldin
Jane Reppert Jenks Small
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stinus
Nancy and Marc Trowbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Wells, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Yoke
Patrons $250+
Anonymous – 3 donors
Joan and Stanford Alexander
Sara J. Aversa
Marcella Baird, MSW
G. Barrett
Donald H. and Barbara K. Bernstein
Family Foundation
Berta and James Blecke
Block Family
Charles and Kathleen Cannon
Ms. Elizabeth W. Carswell
Letty Casazza
Maria Il-Cha Choe, MD Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coleman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio de la Maza
Mr. and Mrs. George DuBois
Laura A. Easton
Mrs. Anne F. Farish
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Kim Foard, CPA.CITP
Pete and Beckie Geren
Carolyn Gibbs Van and Pam Greene
Sheldon Hooper
Elizabeth Hornberger
Mr. Greg Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Dana G. Kirk
Stephen and Marilyn Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. LaFauci Maurice M. Langston, Jr. Trust
Susan H. Leaverton
Ms. Barbara J. Leonard
Velva G. and H. Fred Levine
Mr. Steven J. Livengood
Craig T. Mason
John A. Menninger, MD and
Claire Zilber, MD
Ms. Francine Miller
Ruth R. Money Mr. Robert E. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Nydick
Roger and Sandra Perez
Rocky Mountain Psychotherapy PC.
L. Mark Russakoff, MD
Dorothy and George Saxe
Ms. Lucy Schimmel
Mary Catherine and Brad Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg A. Stapleton
Bert Subrin
Wm. G. Woodford
Friends $125+
Mr. Warren R. Allen
Anonymous – 5 donors
Mr. Robert G. Armstrong
The Reverend Bernard Blasich
Elizabeth Brantley
Gordon W. Braudaway
Burguières Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Vern R. Campbell
Ralph E. Click, PhD
Mrs. Miriam A. Cunningham
Ms. Janet E. Davis
Mr. Jason A. Denby
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Dundon
Mr. Stephen P. Farish III
Ronald K. Filippi, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fillipoff
Mrs. Ivelisse Garcia de Rodriguez
Jerry and Dianne Grammer
Ms. Audrey Grant
Mariah Chisholm Hasker
Mrs. Margaret J. Hoffman
Mary and Carl Holvik Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hong
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jordan
Allan and Joan Kmetz
Ms. Carla Knobloch
Mr. Paul Mahon
Ms. Leah G. McDonald
John and Carolyn McKelvey
Mr. Kent B. Mickelson
Ms. Lucy H. Molinaro
Carol Moller Mr. Kirk A. Mooney
Mr. Robert J. Opdyke
Ms. Marilyn Ratner
Ms. Violet M. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. Schneider
Jack and Sharon Schwille
The Reverend Malcolm K. Shields and
Mrs. Carol Shields
Arline Ruth Siegel
Murray R. and Joan Socolof
John and Judy Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Guido H. Stempel III
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stewart
The Davidow Charitable Fund
Margery M. Tonks
Bruce W. and Marjorie A. Walton
Mr. Patrick Way
Supporters under $125
Anonymous – 28 donors
Mr. Michael J. Adam
Thomas H. and Barbara J. Adams
Carol Adderley
Mr. James L. Agnew
Mr. James R. Ahrenholz
Allflex Packaging Products, Inc.
Mrs. Karen Angelini
Eduardo C. Armenteros, LMHC
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn E. Arnold
Mr. Chance Bahadur
Ms. Vivian L. W. Balis
Ms. Jo Anne J. Balthazor
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bange
Dianna and Joe Barber
Kathleen E. Barrett
Lieutenant Colonel Richard A. Beach
Mrs. Katrina H. Becker
Stephen and Michele Beck-von-Peccoz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Belko
Ms. Lucille Benevides
Andrew Berger, PhD and
Mrs. Susan A. Pasarow
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Bergerson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Bernstein
Dr. and Mrs. Norton J. Bloch
Charles B. Musslewhite,
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Director Lucy Schimmel
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Director Molly Hackett,
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Chair Maureen O.
Hackett, Kelly Hackett
Donor Appreciation
Robert G. Bluhm
Mrs. Isabel M. Boardman
Lynn Bodenhamer
Ms. Ethel K. Bowman
Dr. and Mrs. Major W. Bradshaw
Ms. Karen M. Brady
Mrs. Breunig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bright
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold F. Brookstone
Mr. Daniel L. Buckfire
Ms. Barbara J. Burris
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Bush
Nan Byas
Dr. Frederick A. Camp
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carey
Ms. Carol V. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Vito A. Catalfio
Ms. Patricia A. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Champagne
Ronald and Lynda Charfoos
Casey Christensen
Mr. Nicholas A. Ciotola
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cleary
Mr. Steve T. Cochran
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon B. Cohen
Ms. Carol P. Colby
Mr. and Mrs. James Coleman
Ms. Deborah Comay
Ann G. Trammell, Menninger
Clinic Foundation Board Director
Michael E. Hanson, Jr.
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Directors Rev. Dr. Doug
Richnow and John Kerr (San
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Mr. Ralph A. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd B. Covey
Mark and Angela Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Davenport
Deborah Davies, PhD
David M. Davis, MD
Mr. and Mrs. George De Cecco
Ms. Jacqueline de Weever
Kathleen M. Dennish
Suzanne Dinsmore Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Dobbs
Mrs. Patricia Doemer
Malcolm Dole, Jr., MD
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Drane
Mrs. Israel Drukaroff
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eckerd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Eilbott
Mr. Craig Elton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Endres
Suzanne and Allan Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Severo Esquivel
Mrs. Rosemary Hall Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Farr
Robert S. Fay
Bernice R. Feld
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Field
David Gaffin
Ms. Laurel B. Gilbert
Mark and Patty Gilgus
Clarence R. Gillett
Mr. Orlando N. Gonzalez
Robert E. Goodfellow
Mr. Irwin F. Goodman, PE
Ms. Rosemarie Goodnough
Patricia Green, CFRE
Ricardo Grillo-Paris, MD, FAAP
Thomas and Elizabeth Grubaugh The Reverend Alfred D. Hager and
Mrs. Dorothy Hager
Ms. Josephine J. Haibeck
Richard C. Hardes
Mrs. Ann M. Harrington
Mr. Peter Harriott
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Harris
Bob and Sandi Harris
Mr. John K. Harrison II
Ms. Maria S. Hartoularos
Emilie G. Haugh
Ms. Harriet Hausman
Antonia and George Helland
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Helms
Barbara and Ernest Henley
Mrs. Bonnie E. Hibbert
Jack R. Hicks, Jr.
Quincy and Claudette Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hoffmire
Ms. Elizabeth M. Holsten
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mitchell Hough
Beth and George Hower
Mr. Vester T. Hughes, Jr.
Mrs. Joyce W. Humbert
Ms. Diane S. Humphrey
Christine Jaynes-Bell, PhD
Dr. Carol K. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Johnson
Donald C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kelley
Mr. Thomas X. Kelley
Eugene and Barbara Kidder
Robert J. Killeen, Jr.
Carolyn Dineen King and Thomas M. Reavley
Mr. and Mrs. Dana G. Kirk
Dr. Paul A. Klinger
Deanna and Al Knickerbocker
Mrs. Marjorie E. Kniep
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Koenig
Ms. Marian B. Kohlstedt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Koomey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kostyrka
Mrs. Esther Kramer
Renée E. Krinsky, PhD
Mr. Edmund A. Landau III
Sharon Lasman
Kathleen Emery Laux, MSW
Ms. Erica F. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Lee
Mr. Robert Leeks, Jr.
Mr. William F. Leyser
Warren and Gail Kamer Lieberfarb
Eve L. Lipschitz, MD
Mrs. Dorothy Lochmann
Jim and Nancy Lomax
Ms. Marcia H. Macdonald
Paula Mahler
Mr. Martin Maltz
Ms. Alexandra M. Martindale
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Martorelli
The Reverend David C. Marx and
Mrs. Diane Marx
Dr. and Mrs. Milton L. Masur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Matthaei
Mr. Sam T. Mauro
Mr. Kevin L. McCaffery
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McCullough
Mr. Alonzo L. McDonald
Stewart and Carra McKnight
Diane McMaster
Dr. Selma G. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Milnes
Peggy G. Mong
Ms. Alba N. Morales
Kassie Moronko
Mr. Frederick W. Morton, Jr.
Mr. John C. Moser
Mr. William J. Mostler
Mr. and Mrs. George Nakamura
Eleanor G. Nasser
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Newey
Mrs. Charlotte S. Noshpitz
Mrs. Rita Ohlson
Ms. Patricia E. Olsen
Ms. Eleanor M. O’Neill
Mr. George A. Orellana
Dr. Rose Marie G. Oster
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Parsonnet
Joey Perez
Leroy and Mary Joyce Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Bill D. Powell
Ms. Belinda Price
Ms. Helen L. Price
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Price
Ms. Linda J. Punch
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Rafail
Ms. Martha A. Railey, MS
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Redington
Ms. Alice C. Redmond, MSW
Ms. Esther F. Richwine
George W. Roark, MD Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Roeth
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickson Rogers
Ms. Annette R. Roiphe
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Rothschild, Jr.
Jean Rowland
June C. Roy
Elliot P. Royston, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Sacco
Mrs. Mozelle Sammell
Stan Sawyer
Mrs. Elaine G. Schepps
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
We believe that the research and treatment of mental
illness by The Menninger Clinic is of critical importance
for current and future generations. It is especially
important to us because mental illness has been
experienced by at least three consecutive
generations of our family.
Leroy and Mary Joyce Pickett
Annual Fund donors for 49 years
Downers Grove, Illinois
Dr. and Mrs. Herman J. Schultz
Jane and Jerry Schultz
Paul and Judith Schwartz
Lawrence and Michelle Schwartz
Rabbi Jack Segal
Jack and Susan Sell
Christine S. Seno
Mr. Pearce Henry Shanks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shaw Larry and Barbara Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shipman
Donald and Irma Shull
Mr. Michael D. Sidell
Ms. Kim Sieren
Richard C. Simons, MD Joan B. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Slan
Margaret and F. Ames Smith
Johanna L. Smith
May Soll
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Spatzek
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spencer
Reverend Jeremiah L. Spencer
Ms. Kathleen B. Spizziri
Marcia J. Squire
Mr. Herman P. Steele
Mr. David J. Stencel
Diane Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Stoeber
Mrs. Doris H. Strong
Col. Warren R. Stumpe, USA (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sturm
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Suden
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Sutcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. Swain, Sr.
Ms. Susan P. Swartz
Mrs. Grace D. Talkington
Ean Choo M. A. Tham
The Moran Foundation
Howard F. Thompson Ms. Brenda Booth Thornton
Mr. William G. Tollefson
Ann G. Trammell
Diana and Michael Turner
Jill C. Valenti
William W. Van Stone, MD
Robert S. Wallerstein, MD
Elizabeth C. Walter
Willa P. Warr
Dr. Douglas and Ms. Susan Warsett
Mr. Jerry T. Webb
Fred and Sally Williams
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Wilson, Jr.
Donor Appreciation
Melissa L. Wingfield
Nicole and Leslie Wish
Ms. Mary J. Wolf
Mr. Norman A. Zilber, Esq.
Matching Gift
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Menninger Clinic Board Director
Emeritus Wayne H. Holtzman,
PhD, and his wife, Joan (Austin)
Kelly Hackett, Sarah Hurt
Donor Appreciation
The Gathering Place
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Director Nancy Corbet,
Menninger Senior VP and COO
Shawna Morris, Menninger Clinic
Foundation Board Director
Elaine Finger
Judy Ley Allen, Bobby Moses, Jr.
Kemal Anbarci
Ms. Shirley J. Coster
Mr. Clay E. Crawford
Helen Runnells DuBois
Emerson Unitarian Church
Mr. Clay Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Goodwin
Mrs. Ruth F. Klinger
Ruth Jones MacDonald Charitable
Ms. Suzanne K. Morris
Joseph J. and Laura J. Rigano
Marvin M. Rolnick and
Marilyn Y. Dellano
Safeway Inc.
The Ellwood Foundation
The Hamill Foundation
Weldon D. and Charlotte B. Wegner
Mr. Andrew Wooley and
Ms. Lee Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Zinn
gifts made In Honor Of
Laura A. Adderley
Carol Adderley
Ian Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. Hill A. Feinberg
Ms. Diane McMaster
Richard and Deb Allison
Lieutenant Colonel Richard A. Beach
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Daniel C. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Hill A. Feinberg
Melba Bechtel
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Hower
Natalie Beckley
Dr. & Mrs. James Beckley
Debby and Mark Brooker
Alan & Nancy Kaniss
Philip J. Burguières
Carole & Ken Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Levering
Mr. & Mrs. H. Fred Levine
Ms. Melissa L. Mong
Mr. Michael F. Padon
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Reese III
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Swyka
Katherine Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Chapman
Heather Dole
Malcolm Dole, Jr., MD
Ellen Drushel
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. William Drushel
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Dalton
Laura A. Easton
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Jones
Roger & Sandra Perez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pullen
Anette T. Edens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pullen
Marvy and Elaine Finger
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Gilbert
Bill Fredrickson
Mrs. Ann M. Harrington
Harold Friedman
Friedman Industries, Inc.
Jack Friedman
Friedman Industries, Inc.
Barbara F. Rakoover
Lashyra Granitz
Ms. Kristi Cooper
Michael Groat, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bijou
Maureen and Jim Hackett
Pete and Beckie Geren
Maureen O. Hackett
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Crassas
Edythe Harvey, MD
Mrs. Randa S. Weiner
Marjorie & Bill Johnson
Beverly & Blake Jackson
Neil Kaplan
Renée E. Krinsky, PhD
Robert Kuldell and Etienne Angly
Ms. Dorothea Drayton
Molly Hackett LaFauci
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Crassas
Mrs. Candi Strong Lapides
Ms. Josephine J. Haibeck
Jeremy Lasman
Ms. Sharon Lasman
Vicki Lovin
Mr. Steven C. Raihl
Caroline T. Mark
Karen Liedtke
Ms. Kristy Liedtke
Karl A. Menninger, MD
Andrew Berger, PhD &
Mrs. Susan A. Pasarow
W. Walter Menninger, MD
John F. McGovern, DO
John A. Menninger, MD & Claire Zilber, MD
Mr. Norman A. Zilber, Esq.
Melissa L. Mong
Peggy G. Mong
Andrew and Shawna Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Hill A. Feinberg
Anthony Greisinger, PhD
Charles H. O’Roark
Ms. Diane McMaster
Anand Pandya, MD
Mr. Weston Milliken
Susie Peake
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Seeligson
Roger and Sandra Perez
Joey Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Pruett
Ms. Josephine J. Haibeck
Nancy Pustka
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery D. Hildebrand
William J. Resnick, MD, MBA
Mr. Jason A. Denby
Doug Richwine
Ms. Esther F. Richwine
Mrs. Mildred Riveness
Ms. Josephine J. Haibeck
Mrs. Doris H. Strong
Barbara and Corby Robertson, Jr.
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
Ms. Catherine Brock
The Cockrell Family Fund
Ms. Eva Condon
Betty & Bill Conner
Ms. Kristi Cooper
Jackie and Fred Dunlop
Laura A. Easton, LMSW
Jerry R. Grammer, PhD
The Kayser Foundation
Locke Lord LLP
Jeff B. and Katherine B. Love Foundation
Ms. Catherine C. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Adams C. McHenry, Jr.
Mrs. Denise D. Monteleone
Mr. & Mrs. Shea Morenz
The John M. O’Quinn Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. David Ott
Paul B. & Frances Lenora Terry Jr.
Family Foundation
Carroll & Hugh M. Ray
Ms. Lillie T. Robertson
Ms. Wilhelmina E. Robertson
Donor Appreciation
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Smith
Marcy E. Taub
Henry J.N. Taub II
H. Ben Taub
Taub Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse B. Tutor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wilson, III
Wilhelmina E. Robertson
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
The Cockrell Family Fund
Jerry R. Grammer, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Adams C. McHenry, Jr.
Marcy E. Taub
Henry J.N. Taub II
H. Ben Taub
Taub Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse B. Tutor
Steve Ruderman
Ms. Diane McMaster
Nancy and Clive Runnells
Helen Runnells DuBois
Kelsi J. Squire
Ms. Marcia J. Squire
ATP Staff
Mr. Andrew Block
The Menninger Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Kelley
Mr. Michael D. Sidell
Betty Ann Stedman
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph L. Pullin
Mrs. Doris Strong
Ms. Josephine J. Haibeck
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Ken Toltz
Michelle Toltz
Ruth Toltz
Michelle Toltz
Amy Toltz-Miller
Michelle Toltz
Marci Waldman
Michelle Toltz
Bess and Rob Wilson, III
The Cockrell Family Fund
Mrs. Flo Crady
Jerry R. Grammer, PhD
Dr. & Mrs. David Ott
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Sears
Paul B. & Frances Lenora Terry Jr.
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse B. Tutor
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wise
The Rodney H. and Judy E. Margolis
Kathy Jewell Wommack
Mrs. Evelyn Jewell
Stuart C. Yudofsky, MD
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Barnett
gifts made In memory Of
Dr. Raphael Adler
Mr. Daniel L. Buckfire
Ms. Erica F. Lawson
Madeleine M. Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III
Craig William Arnold
Michele Arnold
Terry E. Aversa
Sara J. Aversa
Ann Baker
Laura A. Easton, LMSW
William K. Benda
Miss Barbara H. Benda
Bruce Campbell Bowman
Ms. Ethel K. Bowman
Paul C. Bundy
Robert E. Goodfellow
Phyllis R. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin H. Cohen
Albert Coneway
Mrs. Anne F. Farish
Mr. Stephen P. Farish III
David A. Craddock
Ken and Lynn Bodenhamer
Mrs. E. Stanley Crawford
Mr. Clay E. Crawford
Patrick Ross Davidson, Jr.
Ms. Leslie Barry Davidson and
Mr. W. Robins Brice
Shira Dellano
Marvin M. Rolnick & Marilyn Y. Dellano
Ziggy Easton
Laura A. Easton, LMSW
Ms. Brittnee E. Henry
Roger & Sandra Perez
Robert “Anson” Eeds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wilson, III
Dr. Casimir Firlit
Sara J. Aversa
Jim Fox
Kathleen E. Barrett
Norma Green
Ms. Nancy G. Dickenson
William D. Horton, MD
Susan H. Leaverton
Chris Huff
Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Corson
Reverend Kern Huff & Mrs. Rebecca Huff
Karl Erik Johnson
Carol K. Johnson, PhD
Jane Catto Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Francis
Bernard Kaplan
Ms. Carol P. Colby
Christine Kohlstedt
Ms. Marian B. Kohlstedt
George LaFrentz
Sara J. Aversa
Alicia Marie Lannes
Ms. Leslie A. Wish & Ms. Nicole Wish
Ervin Lipschitz, MD
Eve L. Lipschitz, MD
Donald J. Lohmar
Sara J. Aversa
Peter Michael Mark, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Y. Bade
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Becker
& Megan Becker Kilis
Ross & Lacey Brunner
Graham C. Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Hartley
Ms. Carolyn M. Kirklin
Mr. & Mrs. Blake T. Liedtke
Karen Liedtke
Ms. Kristy Liedtke
Margaret Liedtke
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Liedtke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. MacIntyre, Jr.
Ms. Shannon MacIntyre
Mr. Blake H. Mark
Ms. Caroline T. Mark
Griffith Mark
Peter M. Mark, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Moffett
Ms. Sabine Moffett
Jessica Moffett-Rose
Mr. Charles M. Mohan
Mr. William Moffett Moore
Kathryn Dirickson Moser
Mr. Robert P. Moser
Kristen C. Nix
Jeannette Masraff
Ms. Ann G. Trammell
Mary Matesi
Sara J. Aversa
Menninger Clinic Board
Chair Robert C. Wilson, III,
Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board Chair Maureen O.
Hackett, Menninger Clinic
President and CEO Ian Aitken
Menninger Clinic Board
Director Alan J. Abramson
(California), Menninger
Senior VP and CFO
Kenny Klein
Donor Appreciation
Menninger Clinic Board
Director Judson Robinson
and his wife, Cora
Felix Mavec
Sara J. Aversa
Dorothy B. Jones Melton
Mr. Maurice M. Langston, Jr.
Preston Mills
Margaret and F. Ames Smith
Doris Mitrovich
Sara J. Aversa
Megan Alane Mong
Peggy G. Mong
James Graham Moses
Laura A. Easton, LMSW
Daniella Moshe-Romano
Mrs. Tammy T. Wardermann
Ruth E. Painter
Mrs. Margaret J. Hoffman
Beth Pollak
Sara J. Aversa
Corbin Robertson, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Mullins
Manuel A. Rodriguez-Perez, MD
Mrs. Ivelisse Garcia de Rodriguez
Jeffrey T. Schaub
Dr. & Mrs. George A. Schaub
Arthur Schwartz
Lawrence & Michelle Schwartz
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Elaine Senkel
Ms. Carol V. Carter
Amber Sieren
Ms. Kim Sieren
Dorothy Susman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Burguières
G. Thomas Swenson
Mr. J. C. Walter III
Mr. Ben Taub, Mr. Henry J.N. Taub
and wife, Carol J. Taub
Marcy E. Taub
Henry J.N. Taub II
H. Ben Taub
Taub Foundation
Ruth Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd L. Brantley
Bonnie Jean Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Wolf
Scott F. Zarrow
Joan & Stanford Alexander
Hugo J. Zee
Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon B. Cohen
Tatiana J. Zylik
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Rafail
Mr. David J. Stencel
Estate gifts
Frank Brill
Richard F. Chapman, MD
Howard P. Dallas
Sadie Danciger Trust
Alice S. Davies
Clayton E. Elliott
Marilyn J. Hodge
Irene Jakab, MD, PhD
Peter J. Laraia
William C. Madlener
Cora A. Martin
Ruben B. Resnik & Helga M.
Resnik Trust
Barbara A. Schneider
Charles I. Schneider
Gertrude W. Stone
Lee Ward
The Heritage Society was
formed many years ago as
a way to honor those who
remember The Menninger Clinic in
their will. Some of these gifts have
had a transformational impact on the
organization’s development. A planned
gift often helps provide much-needed
funding for the innovative work that is
a tradition at Menninger. I invite you to
consider Menninger in your estate plans
and join me in The Heritage Society.
The power of your gift will be magnified
many times over, playing a quiet, yet
vital role in helping people who suffer
from mental illness and their families
find hope for a better future. The
legacy of my family can become
your legacy, too.
Planned Giving
Heritage Society
Miss Agnes C. Adams and Miss Joan Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Adams
Geraldine C. Allen, MSW
Anonymous – 6 donors
Mrs. William R. Anderson, Jr.
Maxine J. Anton
Sylvia Brody Axelrad, PhD
Jerry Baker
Ronald P. Baker
Beatrice Balaban
Cynthia T. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Barrett
William J. and R. Jean Beard
Mrs. Neale M. Bearden
Dr. and Mrs. Kedar N. Bhasker
G. Madeline Boudegen
Carolyn V. Bourne
Don Brady, PhD
Lorena R. Brock
Jean E. Brower
Mr. and Mrs. David Brown
Rice E. Brown
Carolyn J. Bunker
Walter L. Burroughs
F. Robert Burrows
Willem and Jacquelin Bynagte
Agatha L. Calkins
Patricia T. Carlson
Letty Casazza
Herbert Cattenberg
Joan Cavally
Maria Il-Cha Choe, MD
Norton Clapp
Mary J. Clements
Jack and Candy Clevenger
Catherine W. Cockburn
Mr. Alvin H. Cohen
Rosalie Cohen
Donna “Missie” Coneybeer
Loretta Connolly
Maynard G. Cox
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Denault
Dr. Carl W. Eberbach and Elisabeth Falk
Eberbach Fund
Mrs. Evelyn Eber
Carol L. Elsaesser
Zenna Bonnie Emerson
Dr. Ermaleen B. Etter
Robert S. Fay
Ronald K. Filippi, MD
Dr. Virginia O. Fine
Jeanne Flierl
Donald S. Frederick
Beverly and Harold Friedman
Naomi and Jack B. Friedman
Barbara R. Furlow
John R. Gambill, MD
Sara Jean Gamble
Binford W. Gilbert, PhD and
Mrs. Lois H. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Gilbert
Harry B. Gordon, Jr.
Richard J. Gough
John R. Grayson
Robert Hanft
Julia H. Harms
Layton Dean Hector and
Adele Arico Hector
Mary D. Hooper
Homer Jefferson
Professor E. Winston Jones
Marilyn B. Jury
Jean Ann Kesler
Jo Ann Klemmer, MA
David S. Kruidenier, Jr.
Katherine E. Laiolo
Nick and Rosella Lalich
Mr. James O. Lide
Nina Marilyn Liff
Louise R. Lord
Marcia B. Lustig
Edward Macauley IV
Todd May, Jr.
Lorna Lindsay Mayer
Harris C. McClaskey, PhD
Marian McPartland
Roberta V. Meek
Laura and Edwin A. Menninger, Jr.
Philip B. Menninger
Richard M. Menninger
W. Walt Menninger, MD
Barbara J. Moore
Verna Motto
Larry Movsovitz
Charles T. Nevels, MD
Linda Norman, DO and Robert Ryan, LCSW
Dorothy Nuttall, MSW
Roberta Ossi
Tom C. and Melinda J. Peters
Susan R. Philbin
Jack Pinard
Selma Putman
Mrs. Jack Rieger
George W. Roark, MD
Dr. Janice Roberts
Margaret Robertson
William H. Robinson III, MD
R. Rodriguez
Mr. John W. Roeth
Cassandra L. Ruden
Robert L. Ruden
Sadie Danciger Trust
Shulamith Salem
Terry H. Sales
Dorothy R. Saxe
Michael Schinagel
Marilyn G. Schnitz
Sidney Z. Searles
Wendy and Derry Seldin
Arline Ruth Siegel
Cynthia S. Simons
Johanna L. Smith
Stephen B. Sofro
Jeannette P. Spotts
Marcia J. Squire
Caren A. Staley
Gale Steinberg
Alfred P. Stern
Elizabeth D. Taylor
Jane R. Terry
Donald N. Test, Jr.
George A. Thatcher, Jr.
Ann G. Trammell
Drs. Charlotte Trautman
and William Cannon
Jacque D. Vallier
Donna L. Vanier
Betty Vincent-Karl
Jerry K. Wardrip
John W. Weber
Ginia Wexler
Jeannie R. Williams
Margarett M. Williams
John H. Wilms, MD, LFAPA
Robert C. Winkler
Marie and William Wise
Gertrude Wittenberg
August R. Woods, Jr.
Arthur P. Young
Rose P. Young, PhD
W. Walter Menninger, MD
Chairman Emeritus
This report lists gifts made between
July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. In
compiling this report, we have made
every effort to ensure the donor
listings are accurate and complete.
If you made a gift during this period
and your name has been omitted,
misspelled or listed incorrectly, please
accept our sincere apologies and
advise us of the error by contacting
us at
or 713-275-5174
Husband of a former patient
From the bottom of my heart, I thank
you all for bringing my wife back to
me from the brink. Now I feel our best
years are ahead of us.
Menninger Leadership
Menninger Executive
Ian Aitken
President and
Chief Executive Officer
John M. Oldham, MD, MS
Senior Vice President and
Chief of Staff
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
The Menninger Clinic
Board of Directors
The Menninger Clinic Foundation
Board of Directors
Robert C. Wilson, III
Anand Pandya, MD
Maureen O. Hackett
Nancy Corbet
Bradley I. Raffle
Houston, Texas
Los Angeles, California
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Harvey Kurzweil
Elizabeth C. Poster,
Elaine W. Finger
Eliza Duncan, LCSW
Committee Chair
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
The Reverend
Dr. Douglas Richnow
Committee Chair
New York, New York
Michael E. Hanson, Jr.
Anette T. Edens, PhD
Committee Chair
New York, New York
William J. Resnick,
Committee Co-chair
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Norman C. Schultz
West Hollywood, California
John C. Kerr
Timothy Horan, Jr.
Committee Chair
Yountville, California
Judson W. Robinson, III
Committee Chair
San Antonio, Texas
Houston, Texas
Alan I. Abramson
Houston, Texas
Peter D. Kinnear
Lisa Kennedy
Kenny Klein, CPA
Beverly Hills, California
Marc J. Shapiro
Committee Chair
The Woodlands, Texas
Houston, Texas
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Alberta B. Blecke
Houston, Texas
Molly H. LaFauci
Dean G. Kilpatrick, PhD
Miami, Florida
Philip J. Burguières
Committee Co-chair
Houston, Texas
Charleston, South Carolina
Jerry R. Grammer, PhD
Houston, Texas
Saranne Abbott
Poppi Massey
Austin, Texas
Wayne H. Holtzman, PhD
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Maureen O. Hackett
Austin, Texas
T. Craig Benson
Louis B. Paine, Jr.
John McKelvey
Austin, Texas
Houston, Texas
Pastor Kirbyjon
H. Caldwell
Susie Peake
Pam Greene, PhD, RN
Senior Vice President and
Chief Nursing Officer
Shawna Morris,
Senior Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer
Laura A. Easton, LMSW
Vice President and
Chief Development Officer
Richard L. Munich, MD
Arlington, Texas
Chair, The Menninger
Clinic Foundation
Houston, Texas
Linda D. Jones
Susan J. Hardesty, MD
Vice President and
Medical Director
Houston, Texas
Leawood, Kansas
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Barbara M. Robertson
Houston, Texas
Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
Houston, Texas
Sally G. Schillaci
Houston, Texas
Lucy Schimmel
Houston, Texas
Orgena L. Singleton
Houston, Texas
Betty S. Tutor
Houston, Texas
Jesse Viner, MD
Evanston, Illinois
Menninger Friends
Report on Giving July 2012 – June 2013
An Unlikely Ally
A&T Taxi Service
and when to speak, and as a result, a good
onto campus with soothing talk, cool bottles
as family.
connection is made.
of water and packs of gum.
He came to America from Turkey and currently
New patients and their families talk to him
He likes to survey patients returning home
owns a Houston taxi service called A&T.
about disappointments at other facilities.
with a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being excellent. He
Menninger’s incoming patients and their family
“I have observed much apprehension,
hears nines all the time about the “delicious
members call on John regularly to pick them
nervousness and concern,” he says. “Family
food at the cafeteria, the gym, the beautiful
up from the airport and to drive them back
members have cried during transport. When
and tasteful decor of the rooms, landscaping
to the airport after their stay. John has been
we pull up to The Clinic, the Reception and
and lobby area. One man said Menninger was
among the regular drivers for 10 years, much
Admissions staff put the patients and families
like a five-star hotel!”
to our patients’ benefit.
at ease.”
John also hears discharged patients talk
You see John has a natural aptitude for
He’s dealt successfully with patients who
about their future, saying things like, “My life is
making connections. He listens carefully to
climb into his car in various states of angst,
starting now,” and that makes the 4 am pick-
what our patients tell him on their rides. Some
including a few who tried to jump out while
ups worthwhile.
have talked about their depression, anxiety,
the car was in motion. Some have asked for
substance abuse and previous attempts at
reinforcement before getting to campus and
suicide. John knows when to simply listen
John skillfully drives past liquor stores and
Family members have cried during transport. When we pull
up to The Clinic, the Reception and Admissions staff put the
patients and families at ease.
John Telfah
John Telfah
John Telfah thinks of his Menninger passengers
You have generously supported Menninger in all that we do to improve lives through treatment of mental illness.
Today, we stand
ready to soar
to new heights in making new discoveries, educating clinicians and the community, and, of course, providing
the best possible care for our patients. Please be part of this exciting journey.