15 March newsletter 76.pub


15 March newsletter 76.pub
Dear parents & carers,
This term has been a mixture
of high and low points.
We were all deeply saddened
and shocked by Delores Jones'
untimely death.
Delores was a consummate
professional who cared passionately about the children,
and so it was fitting that our
farewell assembly was in essence a grateful celebration of
her life.
Her beautiful and radiant smile
shone over us throughout the
assembly from a photograph of
her which was projected onto
an interactive white board.
Children from every class
spoke movingly about how she
had helped them with their
phonics, with learning key
words, by bandaging their
knees and giving kind words
when needed.
We sang songs we thought she
would have loved.
Staff members Joana Sousa, Liz
Kempster and Sonia Austin had
us all smiling and laughing at
their various reminiscences
concerning Delores' characteristic wit.
The emotional event concluded
with a selection of texts designed for quiet contemplation
and reflection.
As we have come to expect,
the Dalmain School Community entered whole-heartedly
into the spirit of Comic Relief’s
Red Nose day and donated
with extreme generosity.
We certainly cheered up drivers on the South Circular as
we demonstrated our silly
walks and faces while bearing
aloft banners on which was
written 'Beep to support Red
Nose Day'.
The cake sale, mounted by
Friends of Dalmain, raised an
unprecedented total of £300.
Stalls selling book marks, shortbread, mocktails and a host of
other items also raised a substantial amount too.
The jar of sweets was won by
Caoilte Deakin who guessed, at
311, the closest number to the
correct number which was 310.
Maximum respect and thanks
go to our three teachers,
Wayne Roberts, Tom Bucher
and Katie Sharp for allowing
themselves to be bombarded
with wet sponges and balloons
full of water while being restrained in the stocks.
I was hugely impressed by the
manner in which, on such a
freezing cold day, they were
able to retain their smiles whilst
clearly shivering with cold.
The sight of our children, staff
and parents in red noses, pyjamas, red or silly costumes raising money for such an excellent
cause was hugely uplifting.
My thanks go out to all of you
for your seemingly limitless
generosity, resulting in Dalmain
being able to offer the fantastic
sum of just over £2000 towards
helping countless unfortunate
people who currently experience great hardship in their
lives both here in the UK and
across Africa.
It is always sad to say goodbye
to longstanding members of the
community. Jacquie Gleave has
given twelve years of exemplary
service, eight as Deputy Head,
to Dalmain.
Jacquie is an outstanding
teacher, coach and mentor,
who has been totally committed to improving the life
chances of children at
Dalmain. Personally, I’m tremendously grateful for her
loyalty and support as a colleague. Staff will miss her
guidance, humour and ability
for mimicry. We wish her
continued success in her new
post as Deputy Head in her
home town of Brighton.
Our thanks also go to parttime teacher, Rachel Hadfield,
who leaves us to take on a full
time leadership post in a
school in Greenwich.
This term we have enjoyed
some excellent results on the
sports field.
Our congratulations go to
Year 6 and Year 5 boys' football teams, both of which won
the Lewisham League.
Once again their wins are due
to excellent team work, especially in passing the ball and
I'm sure they would like me to
express, on their behalf, their
appreciation and gratitude for
the fantastic coaching they
receive from Graham Curtis
who demands and encourages
their best efforts.
See further news on Page 9.
The girls' football team also
did well but just lost in the
semi-final in the last minute of
extra time.
MARCH 2015
After a long day, I can think of few
experiences, as a Headteacher, I
find more gratifying than sitting in
the Broadway Theatre and The
Laban Theatre watching our Year 5
classes, Chin and Collins, totally
steal the show.
I think I can honestly claim that this
was not unjustified bias on my part.
Their performances were stunning
– they were easily the best.
Chin class were asked what they
considered to be 'City Sounds' and
this formed the basis of the soundscape created by Tom Stone and
choreographer Chloe Stone.
Our children's study of Street Art
clearly influenced their dance
movements which were derived
from parkour, bodies in urban
spaces and graffiti.
Collins' entirely different dance
performance was entitled 'Dancing
in Urban Spaces'.
All our children gave 100% commitment and energy to their movements within the dance. Well done
to them all!
We can't thank Chloe Stone choreographer enough - her stunningly
imaginative choreography and high
expectations enabled our children
to shine so brilliantly.
Profuse thanks also to Chin class
teacher, Wes Phillips, and Assistant
Head, Zosia Rumistrzewicz, for
accompanying the children.
I also feel very proud of our swimmers who swam so well at the
Swimming gala - many of them
getting through to the Finals. Well
done Emma Kerr who achieved
bronze medal positions in two
strokes, Breaststroke and Butterfly.
I sincerely hope that, after you've
enjoyed your Easter break, you will
find time to admire in the downstairs corridor our display of
'Peace' canvasses, all of which show
great imagination, originality and
Enjoy the Easter break.
My best wishes to you all.
Elizabeth Booth
Page 2
MARCH 2015
On Wednesday 28 January,
Year 5 went on a trip to the
British museum. In order to
get there, we had to travel on
three trains! They were very
As soon as we got inside the
museum, we were amazed by
the brilliant roof above us.
When we got into the Mummy
Gallery we looked around in
wonder. There were a lot of
Egyptian mummies – men,
women and even animals! Our
favourite one was the Gebelein Man – a naturally conserved mummy in a reconstructed pit grave. The man
died over 5,000 years ago
from a stab wound in his left
shoulder. It was very well preserved, which meant we understood why he died.
After that, we went into the
Egyptian Sculpture room
where the Rosetta stone is. A
lot of objects had hieroglyphics
on them so we couldn’t understand what
My favourite thing about the Horniman Museum was the jellyfish because they float
across the water and they are peaceful and quiet. I like them because they move
around the water. I like jellyfish because they are wiggly.
By Taiwo Opesade, Helseth Class
When we got to the Horniman Museum, I liked the garden in front of us. I especially
enjoyed looking at the instruments. I particularly loved the aquarium, full of sea creatures. I liked the place where we ate and I learnt that Mr Horniman collected hundreds of things for his collections.
By Narmir Huggins, Mayfield Class
they said.
After lunch, we sadly had to
leave. We had a lovely day at
the British Museum.
By Imogen Gutteridge
and Sufyan Islam,
Collins Class
Page 3
MARCH 2015
On Friday 6 March, Diabate class
went to Creekside Discovery
We caught the bus and then the
DLR before walking to Deptford
Creek. When we got there, two
members of staff showed us bottles of water from the River
Thames. They were very murky!
We learnt how to read a map and
use a compass. Then we went to
the river and did some sketches
around the local area.
Later on, we looked at some objects that had been found in the
river. The best part of the day was
going back to the river in the afternoon and seeing that the level
had risen!
By Nancy Brannan and Fatima Sesay
MAR CH 2015
On Tuesday 17 March,
Grosvenor class went to the
Creekside Discovery Centre
in Deptford. It took a very
long time to get there; first a
journey on the bus and then
the DLR!
As soon as we got there, we
watched a powerpoint about
the Creek River. We learnt
about low tide and high tide
and we watched a video about
what happens in the tides.
Afterwards, we looked at the
Eastenders credits. Lucy, our
tour guide, explained that in the
credits the Thames is blue but is
actually not that colour.
We were given creek water
in a bottle which we shook to
make it really
muddy! After
that, we went
out to explore the
creek, first
from Ha’Penny Hatch,
then the Laban building
where Chin
class were rehearsing their
Next, we went to the mouth
of the creek which is where
the Thames begins. Then we
went back to the discovery
centre. We read about and
held things that had been
found in the Creek River. As
soon as we were finished, we
headed back to school.
By Evan Dupres
On Friday 16 January, Chin
class performed a memorable
class composer assembly.
We hope it was a phenomenal
experience for everyone in the
The director (Mr Phillips) did
an extraordinary job in writing
the script. However, it was the
children who did the nervewracking job of performing to
Mrs Booth and hundreds of
children and teachers watching.
At the beginning, nine children
came on stage spelling out the
words: CHUNK IN US. But
guess what? This was an anagram of our composer’s
name, UNSUK CHIN. We
made an anagram because this
composer likes using anagrams and acrostics to compose her music.
As our very own Klara pointed out, it’s not music to hum
to on the way home. But despite this, Chin was growing
on her throughout the assembly (literally – her chin was
growing bigger!). But by far
the best part was the art. The
artworks were four-piece
portraits of Chin made out of
abstract shapes. The bright
colours reflected Chin’s own
description of her music,
which was fluently read aloud
by Ruby. The audience, whose
jaws were on the floor, went
They later found out that Chin
was born in Seoul, the capital
of South Korea. Did you know
that many of your favourite
electrical goods come from
this country?
Mrs Booth commented on the
serious performance of the
dancers, as well as Prof
Knowitall (also known as Samuel).
By Ben, Malachi, Paolo,
Samuel and Auden
Page 4
MARCH 2015
201 5
On Monday 26 January, Zimmermann class performed
our class assembly all about
our composer, violinist Frank
We had an orchestra on
stage that we recreated from
our visit to the Royal Festival
Hall to see the composer
himself. It included drums,
clarinets, cellos and violins,
and Otis gave a spectacular
performance as Zimmermann himself.
We also created a dance to
perform with Zimmermann's
version of a Tchaikovsky
symphony and made artwork
using charcoal pastels based
on how the music made us
Though we were a bit
nervous, we really enjoyed
giving our class assembly,
and hope the audience
thought it was good too!
By Holly Enstone and
British Mengi
On Friday 30 January
Grosvenor class took to the
We told the whole school
about our class composer
Benjamin Grosvenor, an amazing pianist.
With the PowerPoint presentation, dance, speaking parts
and entertainment covered,
nothing could be better!
There were some musicians:
Ny, Rio, Malachi, Javonte and
Ryan all thought that they
were Grosvenor. They mistakenly believed he was either in a boy band, a jazz
trumpeter or a cool rock
Also, six girls performed an
elegant dance by listening to
Grosvenor’s incredible music. I think we did a fabulous
job because at the end everyone…clapped!
By Tahlia Donovan and
Ellie Tucker
On Friday 27 February, Elgar
Class was really excited to
teach the school about the
composer our class is named
after. We told everyone all the
fun facts we had learned about
Edward Elgar. For example, did
you know his face used to be
on the twenty pound note?
We played some of his most
well-known music to the
school so they could hear
what it was like.
One of his most famous
pieces is known as the Enigma Variations and we explained that he wrote each
section about one of his
friends. In class we tried to
make some pieces of our
own about our friends and
some children performed
them in our assembly.
Some children, including me,
told the story of Elgar’s life. I
managed to say my line perfectly because I practised it
at home every day.
While we were telling his life
story, Teon dressed up as
Elgar and acted it out. Everybody laughed because he had
a big cardboard moustache!
By Guinnie Cooper
Above: Ellie, Edie and Maisie
meeting Benjamin Grosvenor
at the Royal Festival Hall
Page 5
MARCH 2015
M ARCH 2015
On 9 March Mrs Booth and Ms Sewani took the School Councillors to the Town Hall for the Commonwealth Day event with Sir
Steve Bullock, Mayor of Lewisham. The photo above on the left shows the School Councillors waving flags of various Commonwealth countries before the hoisting of the Commonwealth flag. After Sir Steve Bullock gave his speech, Tess Hall read out the
Queen’s message and Chandani, Christina and Isam read out parts of the Commonwealth Citation. Mrs Booth was very proud of the
children especially when the Mayor commented on the eloquence and good behaviour displayed.
On Friday 23 January we had the pleasure
of celebrating Robbie Burns Day (25 January) in a whole school assembly.
We are very grateful to Mr Dunsmore
(Max Dunsmore’s father) for playing the
bagpipes so magnificently and to Mr Roberts for his rendition of the Robbie Burns
poem ‘To a Mouse’ in a superb Scottish
accent—Och Aye!!
Friday 20 March saw a strange
sight in the Dalmain playground as
children gazed at the sky through
specially bought eclipse viewers
(thank you, Friends of Dalmain).
Unfortunately, the cloud cover
was such that direct viewing of the
sun was impossible. There was,
however, a distinct darkening of
the light, and those children outside at the peak of the eclipse noticed that the birds fell silent.
All the children managed to see
the eclipse on television, and some
of us in Year 6 were able to use
the viewers to observe the sun
later in the day. It was bright orange and seemed a lot smaller than
we thought it would be!
Apparently, there will be a transit of
Mercury – when Mercury passes
across the face of the Sun - on May
9th 2016. We hope to be watching!
Some budding young scientists in Years 4 and 5 are
currently taking part in an air quality project run by the
Lewisham Air Quality School Engagement team. So far
they have placed nitrogen diffusers in various places
around the school to measure the amount of NO₂
(nitrogen dioxide, an air pollutant) in the air; they have
also collected particulate matter (very small particles of
pollution) from windows near the road and the Pen and
carried out a survey of passing road traffic.
The children were particularly impressed- if that is the
word- by film of the great London smog of 1952 and
they have all enjoyed discussing and learning about the
project so far. It is scheduled for completion towards
the end of the summer term and will involve reviewing
the results of the pollutant analyses, further investigation of the historical aspects of air pollution, the creation of campaigning posters and artwork and will culminate with a whole school assembly organised and delivered by the children.
Further reports will follow in upcoming newsletters.
Page 6
MARCH 2015
- 17 MARCH 2015
Friends of Dalmain has had a fairly quiet term – but never
fear, it’s merely the calm before the storm!
On 17 March children from Year 1 took
part in free Scooter training provided by
For2feet Ltd on behalf of Lewisham
Scooter training is a great way to encourage children to scoot safely. The
training included balance, leg swapping,
scootering hazards and dangers, such as
scooting too quickly or vehicles crossing
the pavement, in and out of driveways
as well as the Green Cross Code—
practicing Stop, Look and Listen and
safe road crossing.
Joe Welsh from Helseth Class said:
“I learnt to do an emergency stop. I
went on an adventure around the
streets of Forest Hill and back.”
The Spring term is the only one in which we don’t have to
organise a fair, but we’ve still successfully raised cash for
the school and for charity, and enjoyed an excellent and
well-attended social evening.
Thanks to all of you for your baking and buying at the cake
sales, which raised £139 for the school and £300 for Comic
Relief. The money that we raise has been making a difference to the school all term. We’ve paid for iPads and other
school resources this term, including special glasses to view
the eclipse (sadly FoD doesn’t control the weather), and
have also put money towards children who would otherwise have missed out attending residential school trips.
Next term we will get planning in earnest for the Summer
Fair, which will be on Saturday June 20 – so do please get
thinking about possible themes, stalls and other ideas. We’ll
also be running a Disco for Years 3,&4 between 4-5pm and
Years 5&6 at 5.30-6.30pm on May 21st – so put that date in
your diaries.
Thanks so much
FoD Committee
ENT — 25 FEBRUARY 2015
On 25 February Miss Scanlan took Julia Atangana, Theodore Redford and me
to the 24 Game Maths competition.
We had to use our addition and subtraction skills to make target numbers as
many times as we could in three minutes.
Even though it was tricky we really enjoyed it and we managed to get 120
points! Unfortunately we didn’t make it to the finals but we did get certificates and chocolate biscuits.
Miss Scanlan said that she was very proud of our excellent behaviour on the
bus and at the competition.
We say that we are also proud of ourselves!
By Duncan McIntosh, Elgar Class
Right: Our budding gardeners getting
to grips with clearing the soil of weeds.
Left: Lego Club members have had fun
making a garage and motor vehicles.
Right: Sewing Club members proudly
showing the Easter chicks they made during the last term.
Page 7
MARCH 2015
On Wednesday 4 March the
sixteenth Lewisham dance
showcase commenced at the
Catford Broadway Theatre.
Schools from around Lewisham performed to celebrate
the creativity of the community during a 2 week period.
Groups danced in front of
audiences of 2,000 people to
show off the great skills of
The lights went dark, meaning
that the show was bound to
begin. The audience fell silent
and the 1st group moved into
their starting positions. Their
dance was a flurry of energy,
followed by individual talent
that was displayed throughout
the dance. Just before the
interval, a group of 7-8 year
olds told the tale of the Great
Fire of London using contemporary moves & dramatic
music. The crowd were given
15 minutes to prepare themselves for the 2nd half. No-one
knew what surprise Dalmain
would give them later on.
“Dancing in Urban Spaces!”
shouted the host into the
microphone that he was
holding. Collins class then
silently walked on. The lights
came on and the music started. The audience were put to
silence as they gaped at the
flowing moments that fitted
into the music. Although
many parts of this dance
were entertaining, the most
interesting part was when
every member of the dance
reached out to the crowd &
hit the stage when the music
died! The rest of the night
was filled with other dances
by other groups.
The director of Laban said
that Dalmain always add a bit
of class just after she’d seen
the routine. Laura - Masud’s
mum - said,” Collins class
were better than any other
group by far.”
The day will be remembered
as the best dance showcase
in Lewisham’s history.
By Masud Alao
Collins Class
On Tuesday 17 March, Chin
class performed an amazing
dance routine at the Trinity
Laban dance centre in Deptford. The evening turned out
to be an exciting wave of fun.
Many of the parents said that
we were by far the most powerful and entertaining. They
weren’t the only ones: the
Laban organisers themselves
admitted, “Dalmain stole the
show with their enthusiasm!”
A massive audience ­– including our parents, carers and
Mrs Booth – watched as we
tiptoed professionally on to
the third biggest stage in Europe (true!). Although our
hearts were pounding like a
symphony of drumrolls, we
still managed to blow away the
crowd with our effort. The
routine, which was expertly
choreographed by Chloe (our
dance teacher), was extremely
complex. It showed everyday
life in London: including trains,
landmarks, cars, commuters
and even Big Ben. Despite this
complexity, we accomplished
the task because we concentrated really hard.
When the lights came on at
the end, we took a sigh of
relief and celebrated our
achievement with a bow.
On the way home, we felt
exhausted because we had
used every last drop of effort in our performance.
We will remember this day
for our hard work and
teamwork. It was a wonderful time but we can’t help
feeling slightly disappointed
that it won’t happen again.
Or will it? By Chin Class
Having been together less than
a year, our String Ensemble has
certainly been kept busy in
such a short period of time.
Having previously played at the
Dalmain Music Concert in
November, Lewisham Live was
the first public outing for the
group, who had been rehearsing and working very hard for
the past term.
With rehearsals taking place
on Wednesdays after school in
our music room, it was wonderful to see everything finally
come together at the massed
rehearsal on the day before
the concert – Dalmain joined
with Fairlawn Primary and
Lewisham Music Service Saturday Centre Intermediate
Strings who were all directed
by Sarah Plummer from Lewisham Music Service.
Another rehearsal took place
on the day of the concert
where all ensembles and
groups from many different
schools and music education
providers squashed onto the
stage at the Blackheath Halls.
They began by playing the
massed finale with all groups,
including Rathfern choir and
drummers, Greenvale Rock
Band and Choir, and Sydenham School Swing Band to
perform a piece written especially for the concert,
‘Lewisham Highlife’.
Having eaten packed dinners
and donned bright t-shirts,
everyone was ready for the
Mrs Booth sat proudly in the
front row applauding all of
Dalmain’s contributions.
Dalmain was second on the
programme in a combined
schools String Ensemble and
played two pieces, ‘Round
Dance’ and ‘Chilaxing’ with
the latter of the two being
accompanied by a live band!
We all then had the opportunity to watch the other
ensembles and prepare for
the finale.
Everyone played extremely
well and enjoyed playing in
and being a part of Lewisham Live 2015. Well done
to everyone involved – players, members of staff, and
By Natalie Robinson
Page 8
MARCH 2015
The Easter Performance was one of
the best we’ve had in years! The highlight of the of performance was by far
the children’s excellent singing. Everyone was singing their hearts out and
projecting their voices around the
church. The children put a smile on
everyone’s faces: it was a breathtaking whole school effort.
Y1 and Y2 displayed a great sense of
harmony with their peace wishes.
Also, we would like to mention that
the doves they created looked peaceful and serene. We went on a magical
mystery tour around Great Britain/
The British Isles with the youngest
pupils in KS2! Y4 impressed us with
their world peace dance that made us
realise war does not solve our problems; it only makes them worse.
The story of Christ was told to us by
Y5 whose voices echoed dramtically
down every pew aisle. And last but
certainly not least, Year 6 who acted
out an egg-stremely entertaining
show: including egg-cellent facts with a humorous twist!
So, we can say without a doubt, that this year’s Easter performance has REALLY
been a great hit! We would really like to thank everyone who made this show such
a success and to the Parents and Carers who contributed to helping the children
learn their lines. Gladly, we would like to show our appreciation to the FoD for
supplying refreshments at the end of the celebration! Thank you for paying your
respects! By Gracie Wood and Tilly Wheeler, Feliciano Class
During 'World Book Week', Dalmain welcomed an author of 96 children's books,
Chris Powling, whose perfectly pitched and entertaining presentations to each year
group were equally stimulating to staff and children alike.
The stream of personal memories and anecdotes drawn from his experiences as
both a writer and a Headteacher proved very entertaining and informative.
Referring to his writing techniques he repeated our mantra ‘you get good at writing
by writing’.
He was also in agreement with author Anne Fine's definition of the creative process;
i.e. writing/redrafting/redrafting/redrafting/edit/review.
We are pleased to have a wide selection of Chris's books in the School Library, all of
which are available for loan.
Page 9
MARCH 2015
We are pleased to announce that
the total raised from all the fundraising events for Red Nose Day was
over £2,000. The Cake Sale alone
raised £300.
We have been amazed by the sponsorship amounts raised by the children. Jasmine Slater raised £84,
Olive de Peyer £77 and brothers
Inigo & Oscar Symes over £100.
As you can see from the photos, the
children and staff enjoyed every
minute of Red Nose Day.
Mrs Booth wearing false teeth took
great delight in receiving some very
inquisitive looks from the children!
We think she is such a good sport
for making Red Nose Day so memorable and so much fun.
Page 10
MARCH 2015
CUP — 28 JANUARY 2015
On Wednesday 28 January the
Year 5/6 boys’ football team took
part in the Football League Kids
Cup Tournament at The Lions
The boys played extremely well
and reached the semi final but
sadly lost on penalities.
Well done boys!
On Thursday29 January a group of children
from Years 1 and 2 took part in the Multi
Skills tournament at Forest Hill School.
Six primary schools attended and the children had the chance to experience skills
such as agility, balance and co-ordination.
The children had a lot of fun as you can see
from the photographs on the right.
201 5
On 5 March the Year 3/4 football team took part in a football festival at
Forest Hill School. The standard was amazing. The pace was fast and
every team had several attempts at scoring goals. Seven schools from the
Sydenham and Forest Hill cluster competed against each other in a round
robin competition.
The results were so close that the goals scored from each team had to be
added up as two teams scored 10 points, two teams 11 points and two
teams 15 points! The matches were only 7 minutes each so every team
had to score as many goals as possible in case there were teams with the
same points.
Dalmain came 5th scoring 11 points. Great effort boys!
LA — 20 MARCH 2015
On Friday 20 March our Dalmain swimmers set off for to the
Glass Mill Leisure Centre in Lewisham for the annual Lewisham
Primary Schools Swimming Gala.
Community Sports Co-ordinator Graham Curtis, who accompanied the children, said “All swimmers competed very well and
the races were really exciting”.
Many of the races were close finishes. Mya Martin and Tilly
Wheeler just missed out on places in the butterfly and backstroke finals respectively.
We must congratulate Imogen Gutteridge who reached the
finals in backstroke and butterfly, finishing 8th and 6th, and Emma Kerr who reached the finals in butterfly, breastroke and
backstroke finishing 3rd, 3rd and 5th respectively.
This makes them some of the fastest swimmers of their age in
Congratulations to all those who took part and showed such
good sportsmanship.
Page 11
MARCH 2015
Every autumn we invite children to take part in a spring
bulbs growing competition.
Children purchase bulbs and
grow them at home, then in
the Spring term they bring in
their flowers to be judged by
the London Children’s Flower
On 18 March, Mr John Glover
visited Dalmain and issued certificates to the children who
had grown flowers at home.
To the right is a list of children
that received certificates.
Edward Cheung
Thomas Cheung
Aydin Dogan x 3
Hava Dogan
Isabel Hearn x 2
Lily Holley
Louis Holley
Jonathan Konno
Nicole Konno
Otis Marshall-Harris
Ted Marshall-Harris x 2
Brenton Moore x 4
Connor Moore
Orla Moore
Teon Moore x 4
Amelia O’Shea x 2
Thomas O’Shea x 2
Ivy Ralston x 2
Ptolemy Reed
Shasvatha Satheyaseelan
Lily Siveter x2
Silas Tomlinson
Alexander Caseley
Emanuel Castillo
Sara Castillo
Lois Hogarth
Louis Holley
Nico Ixer
Otis Marshall-Harris
Jaina Ogiemwonyi x 3
Violeta Varela x 2
Tilly Wood
Leo Martin x 2
Violeta Varela
Congratulations to all the
children who took part.
DAY — 5 MARCH 2015
Children celebrated World Book Day on 5 March by dressing up as
their favourite literary character.
Thank you to parents and carers for taking the time to help children
with their costumes—we appreciate that it can sometimes be a challenge to find a suitable outfit, but when you see the children’s excitement it all seems worthwhile.
We hope you have all had a chance to spend your World Book Day
token on a free book, or a discount of £1 on a book of your choice.
Nursery children dressed up as The Gruffalo, Angelina Ballerina,
a Witch and Rapunzel! It must be World Book Day!
Reception children showing off their wonderful costumes.
Please remember to inform the school office of
any allergies that your child may have, so that
we can keep our records up-to-date.
Grove Close
Brockley Rise
London SE23 1AS
Phone: 020 8699 2675
Fax: 020 8291 4546
E-mail: info@dalmain.lewisham.sch.uk
Twitter: @dalmainschool
Friday 27 March
Monday 13 April
School closes for the Easter holiday
Start of summer term
Monday 20 April
School Councillors visit to the Houses of Parliament
Years 2 & 4 ‘Against Captain’s Orders’ National Maritime
Wednesday 29 April
Living Eggs arrive in Reception class
Year 3 ‘Against Captain’s Orders’ Natiional Maritime
Thursday 30 April
Storysacks filming with Neil Griffiths
Monday 4 May
May Bank Holiday
Mon 4—Friday 8 May
Global Road Safety Week
Mon 11—Fri 15 May
Year 6 SATs week
Wednesday 20 May
Year 5 Greenwich Cinema ‘Meet the Neighbours’ film
Thursday 21 May
Friday 22 May
High 5 netball tournament (Years 5 & 6)
Year 3/4 Disco
Year 5/6 Disco
Children break up for half term holiday
Mon 25—Fri 29 May
Monday 1 June
Tuesday 2 June
Wednesday 3 June
INSET day—children not in school
Children return to school
Mini tennis borough finals at Sydenham tennis club
Our whole school attendance for
this half term is 96% - this is
excellent. Attendance for the
whole year to date is 96.4%.
Congratulations to Currie class
who achieved 99.2% attendance
this half term. Well done!
Last year’s whole school attendance from September 2013 to
March 2014 was 97.1%. Our
attendance has suffered this year
due to a high level of sickness,
mainly in Reception and KS1.
Thank you for your continued
Clubs will run during the
weeks listed below:
Summer 1 (before half
Mon 8—Fri 12 June
My Money Week
20.04.15 - 24.04.14
Thursday 11 June
Year 5 ‘Against Captain’s Orders’ National Maritime
27.04.15 - 01.05.15
11.05.15 – 15.05.15
Mon 15—Fri 19 June
Naturesbase camping trip (Year 4)
Saturday 20 June
FoD Summer Fair
Mon 22—Fri 26 June
Year 6 school journey to Isle of Wight
Summer 2 (after half term)
Monday 22 June
Year 3 trip to Museum of London
08.06.15 - 12.06.15
Thursday 2 July
Kwik cricket tournament (Years 3 & 4)
Indoor football tournament (Years 1 & 2)
Friday 3 July
Sports Day
Tuesday 7 July
Open Afternoon and Music Concert
Thursday 9 July
Japanese Club visit to Japanese Embassy
Tuesday 14 July
Year 6 leavers’ performance
Thursday 16 July
Children break up for the summer holidays
18.05.15 - 22.05.15
15.06.15 - 19.06.15
29.06.15 - 03.07.15
06.07.15 - 10.07.15
Please would you make a
note of the weeks when
clubs are running, and of
the weeks when there will
be no clubs.