october So El Monte
october So El Monte
JULY 2013 ❖ Published Monthly by the City of South El Monte Join us for the City of South El Monte’s Annual Fourth of July Celebration Thursday, July 4th 12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. New Temple Park, 1450 Lidcombe Ave. See page 12 for details New Homes Coming to South El Monte The City of South El Monte Community Development has approved a 116-town home residential development at 1181 Durfee Avenue, between the SR-60 Durfee Avenue off-ramp and South El Monte High School. The area was once the home of Golfland, a commercial recreational facility. Since the facility’s closure a couple years ago due to the economic downturn, the site has been vacant and deteriorating. “This residential development will help with the City’s immediate housing need and revitalize the area,” said one City Official. The project will include the development of 116 town homes in a safe and private gated community of 6.02 acres. The homes will be three-story with distinctive floor plans, size ranges, appearance, and a variety of features. The family themed community will have internal roadways, decorative pedestrian walkways, and two parks with amenities such as picnic tables, playground equipment, barbeque grills, overhead trellises, sitting areas, and complimentary landscaping. Construction for this high magnitude housing project initiated in April and will be completed tentatively in the Spring of 2016. Further updates on this project will be made available as soon as more information becomes available and will be published on the City’s newsletter, website, and social media outlets. In the meantime, community members who will be commuting around the project site are encouraged to leave a few minutes early to give themselves extra time in case of delays due construction activity. Currently, there is no trucking into and from the construction site between 7:00 am to 8:15 am and 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday when school is in session. For additional information, please contact the Community Development Department at 626.579.2043. City of South El Monte Launches New Website Holiday Closure RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS PERMIT #87 EL MONTE PAID City of South El Monte 1415 Santa Anita Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733 PRSRT. STD U.S. POSTAGE In observance of the Independence Holiday, all City facilities will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2013. The City of South El Monte recently launched its new website that is user-friendly and offers a variety of features that promote easy accessibility to city information, services, and events. A new website was a necessity, since the old site was outdated, slow, difficult to navigate, and technically difficult to update. The last time the website had gone through a major upgrade was 2007. The new website has a modern design, provides easy and fast accessibility, is adaptable to current and changing technology, and has a content management system that allows all city departments to easily update their own information. The homepage of the new site has a clean, organized, and visually appealing layout, categories for City departments and services, residents, visitors, and businesses, a rotating photo slideshow, navigation tools that allows visitors the ability to find information in a variety of ways, a community events calendar, enhanced online customer service center SEED (South El Monte Services Direct), and links to the City’s social media profiles. In addition to the new website being more user friendly for visitors, it also serves as a vital tool to highlight the City of South El Monte as a friendly place to live, a great place to do business and a pleasant place to visit. Children Attend 23rd Annual Deputy Day On June 6th, the City of South El Monte in conjunction with Temple Station (Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department) hosted the 23rd annual Deputy Day. Hundreds of kids from elementary schools and daycare centers from the community were the special guests of this fun, educational, and exclusive event held at New Temple Park. The goal of this event is for children to meet and interact with positive role models such as public safety personnel and cultivate a good rapport with them. “We want the community to know that we are here to serve and protect them,” said one public safety official. “When we show up somewhere it’s not always because there’s a problem but because we want to be involved in the community.” Children enjoyed visiting the various interactive booths and being able to see firsthand and explore public safety vehicles which included: patrol cars, motorcycles, mounted patrol horses, police transportation vehicles, the CERT mobile station, a fire engine truck, a life guard rescue boat and other vehicles as well. As a memento of this occasion, children received a Deputy Day themed shirt along with other free souvenirs. South El Monte News Page 2 South El Monte News South El Monte News is published monthly by the City of South El Monte. It is mailed to every business and residence in the City of South El Monte. South El Monte News is also mailed to all interested local, state and county officials. We welcome comments, press releases and community interest stories and will make every effort to include all appropriate information. For story ideas and translations, contact: Jennifer E. Vasquez Assistant City Manager City of South El Monte 1415 N. Santa Anita Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733 Telephone: (626) 579-6540 jvasquez@soelmonte.org MAYOR Luis “Louie” Aguiñaga MAYOR PRO-TEM Angelica R. Garcia COUNCILMAN Hector Delgado COUNCILMAN Joseph J. Gonzales COUNCILMAN Willhans Ili July 2013 City Council Meetings Upcoming City Council Meetings July 9th & 23rd The City Council holds regular meetings at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Agenda meetings are held in the Council Chambers inside City Hall. Special meetings are convened at other times as announced. You may now use your smartphone, iPad, or any mobile device to hear the audio of the City Council meetings as the meeting is in progress by going to the City’s website www.ci-south-el-monte.ca.us and clicking on the City Council agenda link. City Commission Meetings Planning Commission - Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Community Services Commission –Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Patriotic Commission - Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Please refer to the City website www.ci.south-el-monte.ca.us for further information on Agendas and Meeting Minutes City Council Presentations ◆◆◆◆◆ South El Monte News is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for product availability that may be advertised. Opinions expressed in columns, letters and guest editorials are those of the author. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. South El Monte High School students Carlos Ortega, Ronnie Soto and Julie Ortega were each presented with a Certificate of Recognition for their participation in Senator Ron Calderon’s Young Senators Program. Important Phone Numbers Animal Control SEAACA Anonymous Narcotics Tip Line Code Enforcement Message Hotline Chamber of Commerce Fair Housing Council Fire Department Graffiti Removal Hotline Hospital Library Los Angeles County Social Programs Los Angeles County Assessor (South El Monte Office) Los Angeles County Household Hazardous Waste Post Office Sheriff’s Temple Station Vector Control (562) 803-3301 (626) 292-3375 (626) 652-3119 (626) 443-0180 (626) 579-6868 (626) 444-2581 (626) 579-7418 (626) 579-7777 (626) 443-4158 211 (626) 258-6001 (888)CLEAN LA (800) 275-8777 (626) 285-7171 (562) 944-9656 UTILITY COMPANIES: Electricity — Edison Phone — AT&T Trash — Athens Services Water — San Gabriel Valley Water Gas — The Gas Company Time Warner Cable (800) 655-4555 (800) 310-2355 (626) 336-6100 (626) 448-6183 (800) 427-2000 (888) 255-5789 Local City Facilities City Hall 1415 N. Santa Anita Ave. (626) 579-6540 Monday – Thursday 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Community Center 1530 Central Ave. (626) 579-2043 Monday - Friday 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Corporation Yard 1900 Central Ave. (626) 444-3158 Monday – Thursday 6:00 am – 4:30 pm Mini Center 1824 Central Ave. (626) 652-3156 Monday - Friday 11:30 am - 6:30 pm Public Safety Center 1443 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 652.3111 Monday-Friday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm -7 pm Senior Center 1556 Central Ave. (626) 448-0131 Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Members of the South El Monte High School Pink Ribbon Club were each presented with a Certificate of Recognition for their participation in South El Monte’s Relay for Life. July 2013 South El Monte News Notices of Election Page 3 South El Monte News Page 4 More Low-Income SoCalGas Customers Eligible For Bill-Assistance Programs Updated Income Guidelines Expand Eligibility for Households in Need More low-income Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) customers are eligible to save 20 percent on their monthly natural gas bill and receive no-cost energy efficient home improvements as a result of updated income guidelines for the state-sponsored California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Energy Savings Assistance Program. The CARE program provides a 20-percent rate discount on the monthly natural gas bill for eligible households and has already enrolled about 1.6 million customers throughout the SoCalGas service area. Those who qualify and are approved within 90 days of starting new gas service will also receive a $15 discount on the Service Establishment Charge. The Energy Savings Assistance Program provides no-cost energy efficient home improvements to income-qualified renters and homeowners. Services include door weather-stripping and caulking to keep unwanted drafts out of the home; attic insulation to help the home stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter; low-flow showerheads that can save energy used to heat water; furnace replacement (owner occupied only); high-efficiency clothes washers and other minor home repairs. Customers may be automatically eligible if they or a household member currently receive benefits from any of the following programs: Medi-Cal/Medicaid, Healthy Families A & B, Women, Infants and Children (WIC), CalWORKs (TANF), Tribal TANF, Head Start Income Eligible (Tribal Only), The Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIAGA), CalFresh/SNAP (Food Stamps), National School Lunch Program, Supplemental Security Income (NSLP), Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). As of June 1, 2013, the new CARE and Energy Savings Assistance Program income guidelines, based on pre-tax annual income, are as follows: Persons in Household New Income Guidelines (2013-14) Prior Income Guidelines (2012-13) 1 $22,980 $22,340 2 $31,020 $30,260 3 $39,060 $38,180 4 $47,100 $46,100 5 $55,140 $54,020 6 $63,180 $61,940 7 $71,220 $69,860 8 $79,260 $77,780 (Add $8,040 for each additional household member) Customers can learn more and apply by visiting http://www.socalgas.com/for-yourhome/assistance-programs/ or by any of the following: • Apply for CARE online at https://carescgp.sempra.com/careappl.aspx . • Apply for Energy Savings Assistance Program online at http://www.socalgas.com/for-your-home/assistance-programs/esap/form/index.shtml • Call SoCalGas toll-free at (800) 427-2200 or (800) 342-4545 in Spanish. In addition to the CARE and Energy Savings Assistance Programs, SoCalGas also offers programs for customers who qualify through a limited income or special medical needs: • The Gas Assistance Fund helps provide a one-time grant to customers during the winter who are income qualified and unable to pay their bill. • The Medical Baseline Allowance program assists customers who have a person in the home with certain medical conditions that may require additional heating to sustain their health. There are no income requirements for the Medical Baseline program; however doctor certification is required to receive additional natural gas at the lowest baseline rate. South El Monte Online www.ci.south-el-monte.ca.us Service & Information 24/7 • • • • At your convenience Find answers to frequently asked questions Make a service request for City services Check the status of your request anytime day or night July 2013 South El Monte News July 2013 Dog Licensing Reminder California law requires all dogs over the age of four months be vaccinated against rabies and to have a current license. A valid license with current information identifies the pet’s owner and allows them to be reunited with their pet in case they ever get lost. The City of South El Monte contracts with SEAACA (South East Area Animal Control Authority) agency for animal control services including licensing compliance. Residents who fail to comply may result in citations and penalties. Funds received from dog licensing fees help the City continue to provide quality animal care and control services in the community. All dog licenses are valid for one year (July 1st - June 30th). Proof of rabies vaccination is required to obtain a dog license and must be valid for the entire licensing period. Dog License Fees Unaltered Dog $30 Regular Rate $15 Senior Rate Sterilized Dog (Spayed/Neutered) $15 Regular Rate $7.50 A prorated fee structure is in place for new residents who must register their dogs with the City and for residents with newly acquired dogs. Senior Discount: Seniors who are 60+; must provide proof of age to obtain discount. Sterilized (Spay/Neutered) Must provide original Certificate of Sterility Discount: to obtain discount Penalty Fees: Penalties fees are imposed on all delinquent dog licenses. Obtaining a Dog License Dog licenses may be obtained at City Hall, 1415 Santa Anita Avenue. Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. *Cashier Window is closed from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday – Thursday. Form of payment accepted: cash, check, money order, and credit card (Discover, Mastercard, & Visa) Licensing Renewal Courtesy Renewal Notices are sent to dog owners every June; they have a grace period of one month to pay their dues to avoid penalties. Dog licenses may be renewed in person at City Hall or by mail. For additional information, please call 626.579.6540. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Presents the 13th Annual STAR Golf Classic Tournament Monday, August 5, 2013 Registration: 9 a.m. Tee-Off Shotgun Start: 11a.m. Banquet & Awards: 4 p.m. Hacienda Golf Club 718 East Road, La Habra Heights Sponsorship & Donations: o o o o o o o o o Single Player Foursome Tee Sign Sponsorship Putting Contest Sponsorship Bronze Sponsorship Closest to Pin Sponsorship Silver Sponsorship Gold Sponsorship Platinum Sponsorship $160 $620 $200 $500 $500 $750 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 Fee includes: entry fee, goodie bag, range balls, lunch & dinner, awards banquet, all drinks on the course, and five raffle tickets. *All proceeds go to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s STAR (Success Through Awareness & Resistance) Program, which educates children on the dangers of drugs, gangs, and violence. To register or for additional information, call (562) 946-7263. Page 5 Page 6 South El Monte News July has been designated as Park and Recreation Month by the U.S. House of Representatives. Park and Recreation Month specifically highlights the vital role local parks and recreation programs such as the ones offered by the City of South El Monte, play in conservation, health and wellness, and social equality efforts in communities. Parks and recreation programs are an essential part of the City of South El Monte that benefits our community in many ways. Our parks and recreational programs keep our community healthy, promote active lifestyles and activities, and overall enhance the quality of life of citizens. 4th of July Celebration Celebrate America’s birthday at our annual Fourth of July festivity, Thursday, July 4th, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm., New Temple Park. This event is FREE. Total Fitness Class Get fit with the FREE Total Fitness class offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm at the Mary Van Dyke Park Recreation Center. Concerts in the Park Dance the night away under the stars during the summer “Concerts in the Park” series held at Mary Van Dyke Park from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The free entertaining concerts include performances from popular bands, great food vendors, and children activities. July 18th Suave August 1st Steel Rod August 15th Contra Band Soto August 29th Movies in the Park Join us for FREE family movie nights at Mary Van Dyke Park. Come early for fun pre-movie activities. Movies begin at dusk. July 25th Wreck-It Ralph August 8th Madagascar 3 August 22nd Cars July 2013 Celebrate Park and Recreation month this July by visiting our local parks and recreation areas to experience the many benefits they offer. Individuals and families are encouraged to join the City of South El Monte in celebrating by participating in some FREE or budget-friendly activities available this July and following month. For more information on recreation programs and facilities, visit the South El Monte Community Center at 1530 Central Avenue or call (626) 579-2043. Splish, Splash at the Aquatics Center This summer, make a splash at the South El Monte Aquatics Center! Recreation Swim Monday – Friday Saturday 1:00 - 3:15 pm 12:00 - 3:00 pm Night Recreation Swim Tuesday & Thursday 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm Only $1.00 Youth (17 and under)/ $1.50 Adult (18+) *See page 11 for additional aquatics programs. Bike Rides Join the Mayor and City Council on a fun community bike ride. Free refreshments will be provided after the bike ride. Saturday July 6th and August 3rd Meet at 9:30 am at City Hall, 1415 Santa Anita Avenue. South El Monte News July 2013 Page 7 Offer Taekwondo, Chen Taiji, private lesson, poomsae competition Certify 6th Dan in Taekwondo & Certify level 4 Taiji Instructor Tkd California State & U.S. National champion Taekwondo all level, Tuesday to Saturday, 5:30pm & 6:30pm Taiji all level, Saturday & Sunday, 4pm to 5pm 10138 East Garvey Ave. Suite F1, El Monte www.tkdwtc.com 626 235-8873 South El Monte News FREE Bicycle Safety Class Sponsored By Metro Stay Connected with City of South El Monte via Social Media Facebook: CityOfSouthElMonteGovernment Twitter: CITYSEM Bicycling on the Road Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:00 am – 1pm South El Monte Community Center 1556 Central Avenue South El Monte All cyclists can benefit from a working knowledge of the rules of the road. Register with Bike San Gabriel Valley by emailing info@bikesgv.org For more information, visit www.metro.net/bikes/bikes-metro/ South El Monte News Page 8 South El Monte High School Awarded Silver Medal from U. S. News and World Report by Anne Donofrio-Holter U. S. News and World Report, in its issue focusing on America's best high schools, has awarded a silver proficiency medal to South El Monte High School. Nearly 22,000 public high schools in 49 states and the District of Columbia were awarded gold, silver or bronze medals based on state proficiency standards, how well they prepare students for college and other factors. The research was based on key principles that a great high school must serve all its students well, not just those students bound for college, and that it must be able to produce measurable academic outcomes to show that the school is successfully educating its student body across a range of performance indicators. “South El Monte High School is very proud of this accomplishment,” said principal Angie Gonzales. “We are working hard to meet the needs of all our students.” Gonzales expressed pride in the school, staff and students on the accomplishment. El Monte Union High School District's Arroyo and Rosemead High Schools were also awarded silver medals. All three high schools received silver medals last year. South El Monte Library 2013 Summer Reading Program “Reading is So Delicious!” Children’s Reading Program Special programs will be held every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. The schedule is as follows: July 3 - July 10 - LEGO’s Are So-o-o Fun! Pre-registration required and limited to 40 participants (minimum age is 3) “Healthy Eating through Community Gardening” Presented by Earthworks Farm and Community Garden July 17 - “Reading is So Delicious!” Magic Show with Rafael & Katia July 24 - “My Mama’s Kitchen” Food-related songs with Ranger Jack July 31 - End of Summer Carnival Summer Teen Reading Program Special programs for teens will be held every Thursday at 3:00 p.m. The schedule is as follows: July 11 - “Recipe Index Cards” July 18 - “Grow Your Own Garden” July 25 - “Apron Painting” The Adult Summer Reading Program Club will meet once a month in July, and August 2013 at 5:30 in the evening on the following dates, and for the following activities indicated: Thursday, July 11 - Tablescapes Activity (Main Courses) Thursday, August 1 - Movie: “Julie & Julia” (Desserts) The South El Monte Library, which is part of the County of Los Angeles Public Library, is located at 1430 N. Central Ave. in the South El Monte Civic Center. For more information, please call us at: (626) 443-4158 and visit our website at: colapublib.org. Details and flyers on all programs will be available at the library throughout the summer. South El Monte Library Monique Fernandez holds "Nutter Butter" the bunny during South El Monte Library's Dia de los Ninos program. The program featured animal songs and a petting zoo that included lots of lovable farm animals and an alpaca named "Pippin." AYSO South El Monte/El Monte Region 908 Registration Dates July 4th 10 am to 2 pm Booth at the South El Monte 4th of July Celebration 1431 Lidcomb Ave $100 per player Final Registration & Player evals u-10 & above July 13th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Shively Park, 1431 Central Avenue $100 per player July 2013 South El Monte News July 2013 Page 9 Leisure Classes The City of South El Monte Community Services Department offers various leisure classes for residents and nonresidents to enjoy. Class registration is taken from the 1st to the 10th of the month unless noted otherwise, at the South El Monte Community Center, 1530 Central Avenue, Monday through Friday from 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Form of payment accepted: Cash & Check Residents must provide proof of residency (i.e. driver’s license & current utility bill). For additional information, please call (626) 579-2043. Ballet & Tap (Ages 3-12) Learn the fundamentals of ballet and tap while increasing strength, flexibility, and coordination. Kids will learn as they play in a fun and encouraging environment. The class will cover the basics of ballet and tap, classroom etiquette and working together with friends. Day: Times: Wednesday Ages 3-6 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Ages 7-12 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Bi-monthly July/August September/October November/December Community Center $35 residents/$40 non-residents Juanita Lopez Sessions: Location: Fee: Instructor: Folklorico (Ages 5 & Older) Learn the essentials of American Karate! Students will learn a variety of martial arts moves and applications, build balance and gain confidence. Days: Tuesday & Thursday Times & Fees: Children’s Beginner Ages 5-15 5:00 – 5:50 p.m. $40 residents/$45 nonresidents Fee: Family Class (Ages 15 & Older) Party yourself into shape with Zumba! It’s a fun, exhilaration, easy to follow, Latin inspired, calorie burning dance fitness-party. The dynamic workout routines feature interval-training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Days & Times: Monday – Thursday 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Saturday 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Session: Per Class Fee: $4 residents & nonresidents Location: Community Center Instructor: Delfina (Ages 3 & Older) Learn the beautiful cultural dances from Mexico. The class teaches dance warm-ups, footwork, body movement, skirt movement, choreography, and stage presence. Day: Wednesday Time: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Sessions: Bi-monthly July/August September/October November/December Location: Community Center Fee: $35 residents/$40 non-residents Instructor: Juanita Lopez Karate Zumba Fee: (2-4 people) Ages 5 & Older 6:00 – 6:50 p.m. $60 residents /$65 nonresidents Adult Beginner Ages Fee: Session: Location: Instructors: 16 & Older 7:00 – 7:50 p.m. $40 residents/$45 nonresidents Monthly Community Center Jason Carr & Judy Romero Yoga (Ages 18 & Older) Learn poses to increase and strength your flexibility and balance to promote a healthy body. Students will also learn relaxation exercises to reduce stress and tensions. Please bring a mat, towel, and water. Day: Monday Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Session: Per Class Fee: $5 residents & nonresidents Location: Mini Center Bungalow Instructor Ruby Rose Have an idea for a new class? Want to make extra money? The City of South El Monte Community Services Department is always looking for new ideas taught by qualified instructors. If you have a special skill or are particularly knowledgeable about a subject and would like to share it with others, we would be interested in receiving a proposal for a class. Please contact, Recreation Specialist Larry Cabral at 626.579.2043 or via email at lcabral@soelmonte.org for more information. Page 10 South El Monte News July 2013 South El Monte News July 2013 Page 11 South El Monte Senior Center 1556 Central Avenue, South El Monte 626.448.0131 Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Closed on major holidays Programs, events, and fees are subject to change. For additional information, please call 626.448.0131. Upcoming Senior Center Events Excursions 4th of July Luncheon Wednesday, July 3rd 11:30 a.m. Legal Assistance by Paralegal Alma Pena Wednesday, July 10th 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Haircuts Monday, July 29th 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Senior Market Day July 3rd & August 1st 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Nutrition Programs Lunch Monday – Friday 11:30 a.m. Saturday Summer Nutrition Program (July 6th – September 21st ) 11:30 a.m. $2.25 Suggested donation for senior residents $5 Non-seniors Meals on Wheels Monday – Friday 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Suggested donation $2.25 Senior Club Meetings • 3L Club 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. • Club Latino De Sur El Monte 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. • The Lovely Ladies in Red Hats 3rd Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Bingo Super Bingo Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. Bilingual Bingo 3rd Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Club Latino De Sur El Monte Reno – Virginia – Sparks – Lake Tahoe August 4th – 7th Price: $180 per person For more information, please call Maria Rodriguez at 626.641.6333 Page 12 South El Monte News July 2013
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october So El Monte - City of South El Monte
MAYOR Luis “Louie” Aguiñaga
MAYOR PRO-TEM Angelica R. Garcia
COUNCILMAN Hector Delgado
COUNCILMAN Joseph J. Gonzales