Competition Paper - Ball State University
Competition Paper - Ball State University
2008 Technology Solution Cool University By: Ball State University Center for Information and Communication Sciences Iben Yaich, Khalid Jayaswethavanagopal, Visakan Lucas, Patricia G Lunsford, Stephen O Winn, Adam J “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke (1917 - ), "Profiles of the Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law) Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1 Assumptions ........................................................................................................................ 2 Three Goals .......................................................................................................................... 2 Two Tales: The Student....................................................................................................... 3 Two Tales: The Professor ................................................................................................... 4 Technology: Life, Learning, and Everything in Between .................................................. 5 Life ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Security: Radio Frequency Identification Cards ................................................................. 5 Automated Library with Radio Frequency Identification Chips ........................................... 5 Smart Dorms ..................................................................................................................... 5 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephony .................................................................. 5 Multimedia Services .......................................................................................................... 6 Interoperable Communications: Emergency Alert Systems & Wireless Phones ................ 6 Learning ............................................................................................................................... 6 Classroom Technologies: Interactive Whiteboards & Projectors ........................................ 6 3D Virtual Campus: ........................................................................................................... 7 Real-Time Collaboration .................................................................................................... 7 Access to Technology: Computer Labs, Software, and Adaptive Resources ..................... 7 Everything in Between ........................................................................................................ 7 Kiosk: Campus Maps and Shuttle Tracking System .......................................................... 7 Network Architecture ......................................................................................................... 8 Internet Connectivity .......................................................................................................... 8 Wireless Network .............................................................................................................. 8 Server Farm ...................................................................................................................... 9 Storage ............................................................................................................................. 9 Network Security & Reliability ............................................................................................ 9 Budget .................................................................................................................................10 Summary .............................................................................................................................10 Appendices ........................................................................................................................... i Appendix A: Descriptions and Definitions ............................................................................ i Appendix B: Hardware and Software Recommendations .................................................... i Appendix C: Diagrams......................................................................................................... i Appendix D: Budget ............................................................................................................ i Glossary ................................................................................................................................. i 6 Introduction For decades, Cool Drink has been the beverage of choice for young trendsetters and now continues its legacy of reaching out to youth through the creation of Cool University. Thanks to the generous contributions from the’ Cool Foundation’ and Cool family, a state of-theart, cutting-edge facility can be developed that will draw from the rich, cultural tradition of the Cool Drink Corporation. Cool University will be a private, for-profit university that will need to compete with 3,500 other competitive higher education institutions in the United States. We are presented with a unique challenge to build an entire technology infrastructure for a university campus from scratch. To attract and serve its student and faculty populations, Cool University will need to emerge as one of the most technologically advanced universities in the entire country. Cool University must also have the flexibility to advance, or “refresh” as technology becomes increasingly more sophisticated. We believe that in order to appeal to the student population, the core of Cool University’s technology package must be student oriented and integrated with traditional education. Technology is worthless without content and should be used as a tool to enhance the educational process in the classroom, not replace it. As Cool Drink “refreshes” its approach to every new generation, the infrastructure that is laid down at Cool University must be capable of performing the same task. “Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify,” said Henry David Thoreau. The following pages describe a technology plan that takes care of the details - letting Cool University’s students and employees become the envy of their peers. This technology solution addresses life, learning, and everything in between. With your approval, Cool University will become one of the most exciting, responsible, and talked about universities in the country. We present to you the Cool University technology proposal, where leading-edge technology and cost-effective planning are complimentary. 1 Assumptions Although it owns land in three states, Cool University will be situated on the west side of Pickwick Lake. More than just an inspiring view, this location’s proximity to Qwest’s SONET fiber optic line running between Huntsville, Alabama and Memphis, Tennessee makes it an ideal spot for a college campus. We recognize Cool University will neither be fully staffed nor hosting a full student body when it first opens its doors. As a result, in order to be accurate, our budget presumes the rate of its growth and states a final, “maximum cost” assuming full capacity. (Please see Appendix D. Budget) To embrace the benefits of the digital age, we must be able to rely on its lifeblood – electricity. We assume Cool University agrees and will build redundant power supplies that provide backup power for the entire campus. The campus will use environmentally-friendly construction techniques and purchase energy-saving heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) units and other power consuming utilities that can be controlled via internet protocol. Three Goals Link Lives Over two thousand years ago, in a grove of olive trees outside Athens’ city walls, Plato gathered a group of curious thinkers, and began discussing life, love, and the universe. The Akademia was born. In keeping with the same spirit, Cool University should be a place where people share ideas, question the world, and explore…together. Whether it’s collaborating on an Art History paper in a 3D virtual community, discussing politics in a videoconference with Indonesian students, or laughing at a YouTube video in the middle of the quad with a friend, our budget-friendly solutions are designed to quietly work in the background - building communities where they didn’t exist. Launch Revolutionary Learning Cool University will make full use of the digital tools that give its community opportunities to learn in exciting new ways. Interactive visual services, a virtual 3D campus, and media-savvy ways to collaborate on projects are some of the reasons a small campus in Mississippi will become a world-famous think tank. Build a Budget-Friendly & Reliable “Everything in Between” If a new technology makes a bold promise, it better live up to it. This package is an assembly of affordable innovations that keep their promises. A well-designed network architecture, ground-breaking emergency alert system, and “green” approach to energy consumption are just three of the many things that will make Cool University the envy of its peer institutions. 2 Two Tales: The Student There, in the front row – just to the left, is Stew Dent. He’s nervous and shoots a quick glance around the classroom. A girl he met earlier today, a prospective student, smiles at him, and he smiles back. In a few minutes, he will stand in front of this room and deliver his rebuttal to the British team lit up on the projector screen. For a brief moment, he wonders, “How did today go so fast?” Morning Slapping the alarm’s off button, Stew rolls out of bed and into his computer chair. He blasts through video clips of last 1 night’s game on a sports website, scans some emails, and sends electronic invitations to tonight’s debate . Fifteen minutes later, equipped with a fully loaded tray of food, Stew greets the cashier and continues to the dining area. Stew appreciates not having to carry cash or wait in lines and wonders how students at other schools can live without 2 radio frequency identification (RFID) cards. After breakfast, Stew pulls out his personal wireless device, sees the shuttle is still on the other side of campus, and takes the time to check for voice messages. His class, Ancient Literature 201, is located in a lecture hall in the Icabod Building. On the door, a flyer reads: “Get Classy This Saturday: Casablanca. 8PM. Bring a date.” Stew comments to a classmate how much he loves that this lecture hall doubles as a campus movie theater for special screenings. Realizing he forgot his laptop in his room, Stew sits at one of the desks with a built in computer. He takes notes from the professor’s lecture, “Greek tragedies to The Godfather,” and saves it to his network storage drive when class finishes. He invites his favorite professor to his debate. Afternoon After having lunch with a girl touring campus, Stew heads to a computer lab and calls up one of his electronic 3 textbooks for review before the next class. Just as he finishes the chapter Stew receives another message 4 indicating : (1) A severe storm could be headed their way; (2) Lists class cancellations and emergency instructions if the storm hits. His clothes are soaked when he reaches his residence hall, so he throws them in the laundry machines upstairs and checks their status from his computer from time-to-time. His freshman roommate, Oliver Sutton, all of a sudden enters the room and exclaims, “The Health Center website is amazing! Did you know you can see the wait time before you walk over there?” Stew says, “Yes.” Oliver says, “I 5 had time to watch the end of that on-demand documentary we were watching yesterday. I love this place. Hey, check your device.” Stew laughs and sees the message: The storm has passed. Evening His roommate gives him the thumbs-up and his favorite professor waves from the audience. The British student finishes his final argument. It’s showtime. Stew stands up and delivers a rousing speech describing the benefits of “green” buildings. He uses Cool University’s simple, integrated approach as a prime example. He concludes, sits down, and hears the verdict: Cool University wins. 1 2 3 4 5 The students will have both wireless and Ethernet access to high speed Internet virtually everywhere on campus. (see ) . RFID makes life simpler and more seamless: Access to buildings, meal ordering, private parking lots, attendance, buy books (see) The student will have access to a full-options distance learning website. The phones will serve as campus-wide alert systems in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies. (see ) The Cool University library will offer their movie collection in an on-demand format for students. 3 Two Tales: The Professor Dr. Hugh Mann, Ph.D. parks his car in the private faculty lot – accessible only by employees with faculty RFID cards. On the way to his office, he meets a prospective Vocal Performance major, Carrie Oakey, taking a campus tour with her mother. They look frustrated and ask him where the Admissions office is located. He points the general direction of the building and motions to a nearby kiosk, explaining, “If you get lost, those have very helpful map information.” Before heading off, he invites her to his Ancient Literature 201 class in an hour. Morning He walks into the office and makes some quick changes to a flyer for the “Classic Film Club” and posts them to the 6 3D Virtual Campus. The student members will plaster the invitation to Casablanca all over campus later that day. On the way to a faculty-administration meeting, it rains. He's so glad he doesn't have to carry papers. At the meeting 7 he opens his network storage drive from the computer, loads the presentation, and away they go. Afternoon Heading to class, a colleague at a rival university, Dr. Ed Jude Cater, calls his office phone which forwards the call to his personal wireless device and begins venting, “Students won't participate. They don't read the handouts! They cheat! Half the time, I forget how I taught the same class a year ago! What do you do?” Unfortunately, Dr. Hugh 8 Mann can't empathize. Why? His students help author the notes with Interactive Whiteboard Technology and seem to enjoy the collaborative process a lot. Even better, additional notes he adds to the process are never lost because his computer is part of the university’s full backup and recovery plan. The colleague sneezes and laments how no one at his university understands how terrible it is to teach with a cold. Dr. Hugh Mann asks, "Why don't you have your class go online and watch the lecture you recorded last year?" Colleague cries, "Et tu, Brute?" and hangs up. After a hearty discussion about Greek tragedies, Dr. Hugh Mann shows a clip of The Godfather to illustrate motifs common in both Greek and modern dramas. He projects on the screen a website he created with short video clips that further illustrate his point. At the end of class, Stew Dent, his best student invites him to the “2008 International Videoconference Debate” saying, “It would mean a lot to me if were there.” Dr. Hugh Mann sees Carrie Oakey listening to their conversation and introduces her to Stew. Evening Later that night, after Stew Dent wins the debate, he spots Carrie and Stew chatting and asks her what she thought about Cool University. Her brow furrows, and she says, "I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about this place. It feels like home." Putting on his hat, he winks and says, "See you two in the Fall. 6 A 3D virtual campus will go along with the distance learning website and enhance the Student affinity. 7 For different purposes, any faculty member or student would be able to access an online storage space. As they can remotely access and use university computers. 8 A Cool University classroom will provide all standard equipment as well as some innovative technologies that enhance the “education experience”. 4 Technology: Life, Learning, and Everything in Between Life Security: Radio Frequency Identification Cards Cool University will use a Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) to keep Cool University, its students, faculty and staff secure. Each member of Cool University’s campus will be issued an identification card that is embedded with a RFID chip. In order for students, faculty and staff to obtain access to residence halls, computer labs, recreational centers and various other areas of campus, they will need to be in possession of their identification card. Guests of Cool University’s population will be issued visiting passes embedded with a RFID chips and will be issued when identity is verified by a security officer. The pass will grant them access to areas for which they have been authorized. (For details on RFID see Appendix A, Section. I) Automated Library with Radio Frequency Identification Chips Cool University has the opportunity to design a library automation system that improves the usability of the library for its patrons. The first recommendation for library technology is to implement Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for inventory tracking and anti-theft security. RFID would replace the Universal Product Code (UPC) labels currently used as the industry standard for inventory tracking systems. It also replaces the Electro-Mechanical (EM) systems used to prevent theft. RFID systems are capable of performing both functions. (Savi Technology) RFID can provide several advantages in the library environment. It eliminates the repetition and time required to check-out books individually. Multiple RFID tags can be read simultaneously without ever opening the cover of the books. The books can be scanned while in motion, enabling automatic returns to be processed when books are deposited in the book-drop, placed on a cart or when being stored back on the shelf. It enables inventories to be conducted without ever removing a book from the shelf. It can also identify books that are not in the proper location. RFID can also be used as an anti-theft security system. The readers that are placed near the exits of the library are called sensors. When the RFID tag passes through the field, the information stored on the chip is transmitted back to the management system. The RFID system can then determine if the item has been verified for checkout when it passing through the anti-theft device. RFID effectively addresses inventory and security issues. Smart Dorms Providing automated lighting, climate, water, communication and access systems will enable students to spend less time giving thought to trivial matters and more time on what’s important. Cool University will save money by conserving energy and water resources through the use of these technologies. Automation technologies use narrowband frequencies in the 200 kbps spectrum. These low requirements would not be suitable for Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) because of the higher bandwidth associated with it. Radio Frequency technologies can reliably control hundreds and even thousands of devices with minimum power consumption (CNet). What this means for Cool University is long term cost saving; what it means for the students is less worry about the small things. (For technology details see Appendix A, Section X). Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephony With the network of Cool University being IP based, Voice over Internet Protocol will be implemented for the campus phone system. Using the same network for transmission of both voice and data provides the University an advantage with regard to cost factor, making long distance phone calls far more affordable. With help of VoIP, users will be able to take their phone instruments to different geographic locations, thus enabling more flexibility in phone use. To provide redundancy for the VoIP and support for emergency services, three analog phone lines would be installed. What this means for the students, faculty, and staff is that there would be no decipherable difference in the operation or quality of the phone systems, and keeping in touch with friends and loved ones from the remote location of Cool University will be more versatile and affordable than ever. 5 Multimedia Services In a converged network, the main objective is using the same network for all of the applications including voice, video, and data. That is why we need specialized servers for managing each different application. For maintenance and implementation ease, these servers will be together in a “Multimedia Center”: IP multimedia subsystemi (IMS) or Communication server: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) support, IP telephony, Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) capabilities, voice mailbox and advanced Web Services. Hosting Messaging server for the housing complex. A full up-to-date campus directory. If not built-in a security firewall protecting the multimedia devices. For IP telephony, each office will be equipped by an IP phone. Mobile VoIP handsets use could be made available on campus allowing the convenience of a cell phone without the cost. The communication server deals with call processing, provides basic call routing and queuing, meet-me conferencing, paging, intercom. The network is IP video-conferencing ready. Interoperable Communications: Emergency Alert Systems & Wireless Phones It is critical to have a system in place to effectively and efficiently inform individuals of natural disasters, weather alerts, and other potentially dangerous situations. An emergency text-messaging system will be used to distribute emergency information to students, faculty and staff. The recommendation is to provide all freshmen with Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled mobile phones that contain emergency text-messaging applications provided by Rave Wireless. The university could notify students of campus emergencies by sending a broadcast message alert that reaches every participating cell phone on campus. Students that find themselves in a dangerous situation can turn on the GPS tracking mechanism and notify the police department of their location without ever making a phone call. (For more on GPS see Appendix A, Section VIII) Leading mobile providers offer services to universities at discounts to students. Rave Wireless is the leader in the industry and works with leading software and content providers to provide specialized applications to meet campus needs. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore and Montclair State University have implemented Rave Wireless and even though the majority of student had cell phones, 65% of students participated in the program (Rave Wireless). The current generation of students has been raised with electronics and desire the technology that will quickly connect them to their environment. Rave wireless provides not only safety and security features, but programs that enable students to communicate with friends, track campus buses, receive assignments and participate in campus groups. The Rave devices will be optional, but all students should be protected in life threatening situations; therefore students that do not wish to participate in the Rave Wireless program can still receive emergency text messages on their personally owned cell devices. Learning Classroom Technologies: Interactive Whiteboards & Projectors The classrooms of Cool University will be equipped to provide an optimal learning experience for students. Five classrooms in each academic building will be outfitted with PCs and projectors to allow teachers to present materials using electronic media. In addition, two classrooms per academic building will be equipped with interactive whiteboards. These boards work in conjunction with the projectors and allow the professor to interact with the display by touching the board, manually marking on the presented materials, or using digital devices to alter the material directly from the display. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) allows the information displayed on the board to be emailed or printed and distributed to the class. For instructors, it allows interaction with electronic media so that markups can be made on diagrams or pictures, additional notes can be made on PowerPoint slides, and all notes can be easily made available to students. 6 3D Virtual Campus: Cool University will implement a virtual campus that provides easy access for students and faculty for the many components that are involved in the world of higher education. For students, this means that campus information ranging from the health center, to the bursar’s office, to scheduling appointments at the health center, to viewing classes that they may have missed or may wish to review to study for finals. From the faculty standpoint, the virtual campus will allow them to review attendance records, record grades, administer tests and conduct class with distanced students. (For details see Appendix A, Section VII) The benefit that this provides is a central point to tie together all of these necessary parts of the college experience to one central application that provides capabilities well outside the standard web-based interface that the vast majority of colleges use. Logging into this application provides any student or faculty nearly any information that they might need from anywhere on the Cool University campus. Real-Time Collaboration Collaboration is yet another aspect that has to be kept in mind with regard to enhanced learning experience for students and teaching experience for faculty and staff. Students must be able to collaborate with each other even when they are distributed in time and space. We suggest the use of a program such as or similar to Microsoft Share Point tool as the solution for this purpose. Share Point is web based collaboration and document management tool that helps groups of people to use web pages or portals to share information, ideas and documents. Access to Technology: Computer Labs, Software, and Adaptive Resources A critical component to any technology package is to consider what technical related services will be provided to students, faculty, and staff. Students will need to stay current with industry standard software programs such as Microsoft, Adobe and Macromedia products in order to be competitive in the market. Students will need to be able to enter the work force knowing the basics on the industry standard operating systems such as Windows, Mac or the rapidly growing Linux systems. Campus agreements with the distributors of these products will need to be established and the products made available to students, faculty and staff at reasonable prices. A minimum of one computer lab will be placed in each building. The labs should utilize a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh and Linux complemented by other leading software technologies. The computer labs can be remotely accessible, which gives students a higher degree of liberty and enable them to work anytime, anywhere. To accommodate handicapped students, adaptive technology portions of each lab should be available. There are a variety of adaptive technologies for students with mobility, hearing and vision impairments that are included in this technology plan. (For details see Appendix A, Section IV) Computer labs are necessary to provide students with the tools to be academically successful at Cool University. Not all students own personal computers or can afford the expensive software that may be required to complete course work. Some applications can run into the thousands of dollars, which is simply not feasible for students to purchase, but is necessary to be competitive in a highly technical job market. Laptops can enhance the student experience by enabling them to integrate seamlessly with the virtual environment at Cool University. Educational institutions get discounted prices on computers and can pass the savings onto students. Everything in Between Kiosk: Campus Maps and Shuttle Tracking System Kiosks will be located in all of the buildings around campus to allow students access to information about Cool University. These Kiosks will provide students and visitors with a variety of information about the campus such as maps and activities 7 information. It will also function in a way similar to the interoperable communications in that they will be capable of providing information such as weather alerts, and location of shuttles, and after logging in, information that would regularly be available to any of the students through the virtual campus application. Network Architecture The three layered hierarchical model for network design insures enhanced reliability, manageability, scalability and security to a network structure. The hierarchical model consists of three layers: access, distribution and core (Appendix A, Section IV). The model uses a layered, or tree structure for the physical topology of a network. The network recommendations in this proposal are structured around the hierarchical model to provide Cool University with a highly functional and structured network (For diagram see Appendix C, Figure C1). The transmission media recommended between the intermediate distribution facilities (IDFs) and end devices (aka horizontal cabling) is 100Base-TX. This provides every user with 100 Mbps of dedicated bandwidth. The transmission media recommended between the main distribution facility (MDFs) and the IDFs (aka vertical cabling) is 1000Base-SX. This will provide 1 Gbps between building floors using multi-mode fiber (CCNA 1,327). All twenty facilities should follow the same building structure in order to provide users with the sufficient bandwidth (For diagram see Appendix C, Figure C2). (For more on MDFs and IDFs see Appendix A, Section V). Cool University’s campus spans approximately 40 acres. The recommendation is to split the campus into four zones: North, East, South, and West. One core layer device should be placed in each zone. Each of the four devices will have a 10 Gbps connection to the other three core devices, establishing a fully-meshed network core. Two of the three links will be active and the remaining link reserved for future growth. Redundant links between all core devices provide fault-tolerance and allow for the implementation of load balancing. Subsequent buildings will connect to the core layer device that is located in the same zone using one 1000BASE-LX single-mode fiber link with the exception of the resident halls. The resident halls will contain two 1000BASE-LX single-mode fiber connections to the core to accommodate additional bandwidth requirements. The most substantial benefit to this layout is that it is a fully meshed redundant core providing reliability, availability, and room for growth (For diagram see Appendix C, Figure C3). There will approximately 5300 users on campus and even with bandwidth intensive applications, such as gaming or audio and video streaming, implementing a 10 Gbps Ethernet core will provide Cool University with a throughput that exceeds current requirements. It will enable the university to expand beyond its current size without any loss of performance. Internet Connectivity Thanks to recent developments in optical component technology, ILECs are now deploying dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) passive-optical-network (PON) overlay technology, or DPO. This technology offers a considerable costreduction and a high degree of scalability. Besides DPO technology is protocol independent, it enables PONs to carry native data traffic such as Gigabit Ethernet, packet-over-Synchronous Optical Network (SONET/SDH) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The bit-rates offered by this technology go from 1Mbps to 2.5Gbps, which means that Cool University can subscribe to the speed that reflects the actual need, and upgrade (with virtually no infrastructure modification) whenever needed. (For more on PONs see Appendix A, Section VI) Wireless Network Cool University should implement wireless connectivity in the campus environment, providing students and faculty access to the network from anywhere on the campus. By using the most recent technology, Cool University will provide outstanding wireless performance and set Cool University apart from the rest. The recommendation is to deploy an 802.11n-draft wireless network. The 802.11n standard provides higher performance and increased data rates compared to previous standards (Appendix A, Section II, Table 1), while maintaining backward compatibility. (For details see Appendix A, Section II) 8 VoIP, video and audio streaming, gaming, and network and storage requirements are all driving the need for higher throughput wireless networks. Implementing an 802.11n wireless network on the Cool University campus will provide students, faculty and staff with the means to effectively and efficiently communicate while utilizing current and emerging mobile technologies. This 802.11n wireless network will allow the students and faculty to access the Cool University network from anywhere on campus to collaborate, communicate, play games, stream music and video, or simply surf the web at outstanding speeds. Server Farm Cool University will need a server farm to centralize the management of resources and provide services to the campus environment. The server farm will need to contain several types of servers (For types see Appendix A, Section IX). The data center is the point of presence (POP), which is the point that the Local Area Network (LAN) or campus network connects to the Internet Service Provider (ISP). A reliable firewall is required to prevent unauthorized access to the local network. The server farm will also need a Virtual Private Network (VPN) concentrator and a communication server to enable remote users to securely connect to the campus. (For diagram see Appendix C, Figure C4). The university can save a significant amount of money utilizing a private Internet Protocol (IP) addressing scheme. This would eliminate the cost of purchasing large amounts of public IP addresses. A Network Address Translation (NAT) server can be implemented and configured to map private IP addresses to the public IP addresses. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can be used to dynamically manage the private IP addresses. Cool University should go with blade servers because of the expandability, reliability and ease of use that they provide. Blade servers have the ability to have a large number of independent servers operating in a relatively compact space. Hundreds of computers can be committed to a single rack. Another advantage to blade servers is the scalability. Processing, memory and input/output bandwidth can be upgraded as the workload requirements increase. This can be done without significant impact to resource functionality. Storage The objective is providing a decent storage space to each member of the University, and a highly secured space for the administrative and the research data. The storage servers will have: Fabric storage topology where many devices connect with each other via switches providing high-speed interconnects. Data replication services, for backup and recovery. Every computer in the university has a centralized system and content backup-snapshots in regular basis. Data virtualization features, which help achieve location independence by abstracting the physical location of the data. Each student or faculty should be able to connect to any PC using his user account and have direct access to his settings and directories, emulated as local directories. The blade servers will be contained in the server farm while the standalone servers will be located in buildings. The maximum capacity of the university is approximately 10Tbs. Network Security & Reliability Today's networks must be able to respond to attacks while maintaining availability and reliability. Networks must be able to remain operational, for that they should include the following elements (Infobawn): Endpoint Protection: Viruses and worms detection, and preventing them from propagating across a network. Access Control: determine what level of network access can be granted to an endpoint depending on its security status. 9 Intelligent Correlation and Incident Response: it is the ability to decide what action to take, and the ability to identify how to implement a response, and that by using correlation of events, and quick assessment of the security impact of an event. These functionalities must be integrated in the ordered network equipment, and assuring and end-to-end integrity imply having one equipment provider for the whole network. The first security section of our network will be a demilitarized zone interfacing with the exterior WAN. It will have a Backbone Link Node Router connected to the 2 OC-3 fibers, an intrusion sensor, a switched firewall, and a VPN router (For Diagram see Appendix C, Figure 5). Budget The budget for this project was targeted to be between 2.5 and 3% of the total budget for Cool University of $300 million which establishes a range of $7.5 to 9 million for the entire technology package. Based on our preliminary figures for the features listed our estimate is an outstanding value slightly over $7.5 million. In a project of this magnitude, it is impossible to estimate all potential costs and we recommend a discretionary budget add-on of one million dollars to help cover any unforeseen costs and additional needs. All portions of the budget will be documented with the goal of finishing with the discretionary portion intact. This leaves an effective total budget cost of $8,519,336.19 for the implementation of this technology package. The solution will be planned for a two year rollout that will anticipates the technology will be in completely at the close of the nd 2 year with 80% of the implementation occurring in year one. Total Capital Cost Total Annual Recurring Costs Forecasted Rollout Budget Year One Cost (80% Capital Cost + Recurring) Year Two Cost (20% Capital Cost + Recurring Year Three and After (Recurring Only) $8,519,336.19 $123,000.00 Annually $6,938,468.95 $1,826,867.24 $123,000.00 Summary With all these technologies put to work, the vision for Cool University waits to become reality, and has potential to meet the criteria that were envisioned when the this project began. This plan provides all of the elements of technology to facilitate learning, to allow students to live in ways they’ve never before experienced, and to use technology for the purpose of leisure and simply having fun in their college experience. The technology used is progressive, but overcomes the challenge of being advanced while being both applicable and simple to use. It allows the students and faculty to communicate like never before and sheds the restrictions of wires from one corner of the campus to the other. The network is cutting-edge and leaves room to expand for years to come. Building a new university from the ground up is no small undertaking, and without differentiating factors faces a very slippery slope on its quest for sustainability. Implementing our vision for Cool University achieves that differentiation and provides an impressive start for an educational institution which we hope to propel on its way to a very bright future. 10 Appendices Appendix A: Descriptions and Definitions I. RFID The RFID system consists of two components, a reader and a tag. The reader emits a radio signal and initiates communication with a tag when the tag moves within range of the signal. The tag performs two functions: it stores information such as serial numbers, book titles and authors in small memory banks ranging from 16 bits to 512 Kbytes, and receives and transmits signals back to the reader using a small antenna. The reader then transmits the information to a management system, which may be a server or a host machine that interfaces with the RFID system. RFID uses frequencies in the unlicensed spectrum including Low Frequency (LF), High Frequency (HF), and UltraHigh Frequency (UHF) ranges. RFID tags can be read without direct line-of-site at distances ranging from 2 feet to more than 320 feet (Department of Commerce). II. Wireless: 802.11n Draft MIMO is an antenna technology that allows multiple antennas to send and receive separate data streams simultaneously on both the transmitter and the receiver. Previous 802.11 protocols transmit and receive one data stream on a single antenna. In a wired network it resembles serial transmission (one bit at a time) and parallel transmissions (8 bits simultaneously). MIMO not only increases the throughput of data, but increases the range of a transmission (Nortel). Packet aggregation is the process of combining multiple packets into a single frame (Broadcom). The amount of payload for each frame is the same regardless of the amount of information it contains. The more information you can put into a single frame, the higher throughput you will have on your network. If you have 10 lbs of copper in a 10lb bag then the capacity (throughput) of the bag is 10 and the payload is 10. If you put 20 lbs in the same bag then your capacity (throughput) increases to 20, but your payload remains at 10. Channel Bonding combines two 20MHz Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) channels to make one 40MHz channel which increases the data rate. The 20MHz and the 40MHz channel can be used together or separately, depending on the supported wireless standards implemented on the network. OFDM is the modulation scheme used in the 802.11a and 802.11g standards. OFDM is the established modulation scheme for the 802.11n standard, but it also supports Complimentary Code Keying (CCK) and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DDDS) as does 802.11g. CCK and DDDS are the modulation schemes used in the 802.11b standard (Broadcom). Table 1 IEEE WLAN Data Rate Data Rate Frequency 802.11b Standard 802.11a 11Mbps Maximum 54Mbps 5Mbps Typical 25Mbps 2.4GHz 802.11g 54Mbps 25Mbps 2.4 GHz 802.11n 248 Mbps 74Mbps 5GHz 5 GHz Source: Comparison of different 802.11 Transfer Rates (Wilson) i III. Adaptive Technology Lab Recommendations for students with mobility impairments include technology that enables users to navigate a computer using head movement or eye movement. There are also special joystick pads for users with minimal mobility impairments. For the vision impaired, Braille displayers and text readers are necessary. Braille displayers convert digital text to Braille. There should also be scanners that read text in, and then convert it to Braille or to speech output. Windows XP comes with preinstalled Accessibility Utilities for the visually impaired, which include Magnifier, Narrator, On-Screen Keyboard, and Utility Manager (Microsoft). The Narrator is a text-to-speech utility that allows users to interact on the Web. Windows XP will need to be included on the computers in the Adaptive Technology Labs. IV. Hierarchical Model The access layer is the entry point of a network. Authentication to the network and permissions to resources are implemented at this layer. The access layer connects directly to the distribution layer. The distribution layer is usually represented by the building switch(s), which connect(s) directly to the core. The distribution layer switch filters traffic that crosses to the core, and will define the policies for the network. The core layer is the root of the network. It function is to route or switch traffic between distribution layer devices as efficiently as possible. V. Distribution Facilities Distribution layer switches (building switches) are located in the Main Distribution Facility (MDF) within each building. The MDF is the point at which traffic from the core enters the building, or traffic from within the building exits to the core. The core layer device may or may not be located in the same building. Intermediate Distribution Facilities (IDFs) contain the access layer switches (floor switches). The IDFs connect directly to the MDF. There may be multiple IDFs per floor depending on the size of the building and the number of end devices. VI. Passive Optical Network Passive Optical Networks use a point-to-multipoint structure starting at the central office and splitting off to multiple customers, which originates from a single fiber connection at the Central Office (CO). It contains an optical line terminator (OTL) located at the CO and multiple optical network units (MTUs), located near or on the customer’s location. The Traffic is broadcast from the Central Office to the customer (downstream) and multiplexed upstream using Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). Time slots are dedicated to a specific customer and only that customer can use that slot. When traffic is broadcast downstream it is encrypted to protect against eavesdropping (Kramer). VII. 3D Virtual Campus Instead of a “Current Students” section on the Cool University website, students enrolled in Cool University will have a web-based 3D virtual campus application they can use to do what would otherwise be done on the “Current Students” section of a university website. The application will be easily scalable for future upgrades. It will have the following features: Virtual library: Users can check out e-books or other media, access the library scholarly journals database, ask a virtual librarian questions, search and loan materials from other libraries, reserve hard copies of books, renew currently loaned books, and collaborate on projects using library resources. They will also be able to access statistics on various books such as how often they are borrowed and borrower’s reviews on them. Virtual classroom: Students unable to attend class in person can go to the virtual classroom in which their class is being held and remotely interact with the people physically in the classroom using video conferencing equipment. ii Virtual office: Professors can interact with many students at the same time in their virtual offices rather than have just one at a time in their physical offices. They can also hold video conferences with several students at the same time if should the situation require, such as academic advising and Virtual food services: Students can browse menus and order food from the catering services and have it delivered to their dorm rooms. Virtual computer lab: Students can access university-owned licensed software remotely without having to install it on their computer and purchasing an individual license. Virtual student center: Students can interact, post online profiles, chat using instant messenger or with VoIP, post entertainment information and reviews, and play online or network games. Virtual health center: Students can consult health professionals via video conferencing and get diagnosis on their illness from the comfort of their home or dorm room. Virtual bursar: Students can consult financial advisors, search for scholarships and loans, and pay fees online. Banks can be invited to set up online profiles here as well. Virtual career center: Students can get advice on majors, careers, internships, and other employment related activities here. Resume and interview workshops can also be conducted. VIII. GPS Global Positioning Systems is a worldwide radio-navigational system consisting of 24 satellites that orbit the earth and make it possible to locate and determine the speed, direction, and time of any device containing a GPS receiver. IX. Server Types The primary server types needed in a server farm include web, database, file, application, authentication, communication, proxy, email, Domain Name System (DNS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and Network Address Translation (NAT). A server will be dedicated to distancelearning, using a Web-based course management system (like Blackboard, Moodle or Acolad) and the 3D virtual campus which allows students and faculty to share documents, collaborate, monitor and assess their activities. The servers can be used by the administration and the faculty for official uses, as they can provide personal space for the students, associations, and clubs. X. Smart Dorms The commonly used automation technology in the past has been X10, which uses wire-line protocols. Three of the newer competitors of X10 use radio frequency (RF) technologies in the unlicensed spectrum. They include Infeon, ZigBee and Z-Wave (Addendum A, Section 8). ZigBee is the only open-source protocol technology among these. Using open-source protocols provide more options when upgrading systems or purchasing equipment. Emerging competitive technologies to the existing X10 technology include Insteon, ZigBee and Z-Wave. ZigBee is the newest of the three technologies. The latter two are not backward compatible with X10. The X10 technology uses bit patterns on the power-line to transmit on and off commands to devices. Insteon uses both power-line and radio frequencies to control devices. ZigBee and Z-Wave are wireless RF technologies and use data packets to signal commands to devices. A major difference between ZigBee and Z-Wave is that Z-Wave is proprietary and ZigBee is open-source (Hazen). iii Appendix B: Hardware and Software Recommendations I. Network Devices This setup is designed to serve 5300 users located in 20 buildings. Of the buildings, the seven resident halls will have capacities of 700 students. Each six storey building will have 175 units per storey and four users per unit. Hence, two 10/100MB ports will be provided for every unit. This works out to 350 ports for rooms in each building. Twenty more ports will have to be provided for the computer lab in each building. For the other buildings, port count is estimated based on users per floor per building. Thus, the count will depend on the size and layout of the building. The calculations (Table 1.1) gives a total of 6334 ports for all buildings including the resident halls with dedicated ports serving every student, faculty, and staff. For this setup, approximately 132 switches are needed. Table 1.1 Switch and Port Estimations Resident Halls Student Occupancy Academic Buildings &Facilities 4900 Number of Resident Halls Students per Resident Hall 7 700 Students per room Units per Resident Hall 4 175 Ports per Unit Total Ports for Units per Building Average Floors per Building 13 3 Total Floors 39 Estimated Ports per Floor 96 Port Total Academic/Facilities 3744 Total Port Requirements 6334 2 350 Lab Ports per Building 20 Total Ports per Building 370 Port Total: Resident Halls Buildings 2590 Ports per Switch Switch Requirements 48 132 To support VoIP, the access layer switches should have Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE) capability. For scalability, the core and distribution layer will be modular, which also allows for a centralized network operating of separated layers. Thus, although the core will not operate and serve in the same way as the distribution layer, they will share a common back plane. The following hardware is recommended for the main core facility. 132 - C3560 48 port 10/100 Mb Managed Switch ( or equivalent) with two 1000Mb uplinks (Access Layer Switches) 1 - (C6509) 9 Slot Chassis or equivalent (Distribution and Core Modules) 1 – (SUP720) Supervisor Engines 1 – (X6704) 4 Port 10GbE Module (Core) 2 – (X6148V) 48 Port 10/100/1000 Module (Data Center) 2 - (X6724) 24 Port 1Gb Module (Distribution Layer) i Because of the reduced processing and bandwidth requirements for the remaining core devices, the following hardware configuration is recommended. 3 - (4500) 3 Slot Chassis or equivalent (Distribution and Core Modules) 3- Supervisor Engine 3 – 4 Port 10GbE Module (Core) 2 – 24 Port 1GB Module (Building Distribution) II. Sever Farm The IBM BladeCenter LS 41 is recommended for the 12 servers of the server farm. This blade server runs on a 2.4GHz Opteron processor and 8GB of SD RAM. It is able to deliver high density for the data center and has various tools and functions that allow for easy administration such as remote access and the IBM Predictive Failure Analysis. It is also easily swappable which minimizes disruption on upgrades and hardware failures. Most importantly, it is upgradeable to incorporate various communications ports to accommodate various communications media such as optical fiber and myrinet (IBM). The server farm will host all the equipment that provides resources to the network. Standalone servers will be required for workgroup servers, which are located within buildings. This prevents unnecessary traffic across the core. Hewlett Packard Proliant m310 series or equivalent servers are recommended for this purpose. One workgroup server per building is recommended. There are 13 buildings that contain offices therefore it is recommended that 13 standalone severs be provided. The VoIP system requires a Cisco Media Convergence Server, Cisco Call Manager, and Cisco IP Phones. The operating systems recommended for the servers include Microsoft Enterprise Editions of Advanced Server 2003, Exchange Server 2007, and SharePoint Server 2007. A hardened router or firewall system will need to be installed to protect the integrity of the internal LAN. The Cisco Integrated Services Router Security Bundle (3845 edge router) is recommended. According to Cisco Systems the 3845 router supports the following features: Cisco Call Manager for VoIP networks. Secure VPN tunneling with support up 2500 concurrent connections. Small Network Management Protocol (SMNP) for monitoring and maintaining network traffic. Security through encryption, intrusion prevention, and antivirus protection. III. Fiber Optic Estimates The calculations of the cost of multi-mode fiber here assume an average floor height of 12 feet. Therefore, the sixstorey resident halls require 2592 feet of fiber (Table 2.1) and the other approximately three-storey buildings require 1494 feet of fiber (Table 2.2). The estimated total length of fiber is 4086 feet for all buildings. Table 2.1 Resident Halls Current Floor (ft) Previous Floor (ft) Previous Floor (ft) Previous Floor (ft) Previous Floor (ft) Previous Floor (ft) 1 st Floor 6 nd 2 Floor rd th th th 3 Floor 4 Floor 5 Floor 6 Floor 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Table S2.1 Continued ii Total per Floor (ft) 6 18 30 42 54 66 Number of Switches/Floor 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 36 60 84 108 132 Total Per Floor (ft) Total Per Building (ft) 432 Number of Dorms Total (ft) 6 2592 Table 2.2 Facilities/Academics 1st Floor Current Floor (ft) 2 nd Floor 6 Previous Floor (ft) 3 rd Floor 6 6 12 12 Previous Floor (ft) 12 Total per Floor (ft) 6 18 30 Number of Switches/Floor 2 2 2 12 36 60 Total Per Floor (ft) Total Per Building (ft) Number of Dorms Total (ft) 108 13 1404 Single-mode fiber required to wire between buildings will be calculated based on maximum distance between core devices and between each core device and the buildings they serve. The estimated length between core devices is 200 yards (600 ft) and between core devices and buildings is 100 yards (300 feet). Table 2.3 Single Mode Fiber Links Estimated Distance (yds) Total Distance (yds) Total Distance (ft) Between Core Devices 4 200 800 2400 Between Core & Buildings 22 100 2200 6600 Total (ft) 9000 V. Communication and Collaboration Tools Microsoft Share Point will be used for web-based collaboration and document management. It is able to allow team members to work simultaneously on remotely from various locations while sharing documents and web information. “Users can create team workspaces, coordinate calendars, organize documents, and receive important notifications and updates through communication features including announcements and alerts, as well as the new templates for iii creating blogs and wikis. While mobile, users can take advantage of convenient offline synchronization capabilities” (Microsoft). VI. Lab Technology One computer lab containing twenty computers will be provided for each resident hall. One computer lab containing forty computers will be provided for each of the other buildings. Types of machines provided in each lab are as follows. 25 Gateway FX 530 (Windows) 10 IMac (Mac OS) 5 Suse 10.2 (Linux) A HP LaserJet 9050 Series printer will be deployed in each lab that can print up to 50,000 jobs per month. The adaptive technology lab will incorporate the necessary technology for visual, hearing, and mobility impaired students. The recommended systems are as follows. Vision Impaired 10 - Cicero Text Readers (Speech Output for digital Text) 2- Ovation Reading Machines (Scans documents converts to voice) 5 – Docu-Edge Scanner (Manual Document scanner) Braille Embosser Duxbury Brail Translator Hearing Impaired 3 Windows Machines with Accessibility Utilities enabled 10- Turbo Amplifiers Mobility Impaired 3 - QPointer Voice Recognition 2 – Quick Glance 3 (navigation in Windows XP with eye movement) 5 – Lazy Mouse Pro (Voice enabled mouse) VII. Wireless Wireless Ethernet will be implemented by installing two wireless Access Points (APs) per floor. These will have to be 802.11n-draft enabled and the Cisco 802.11n-draft 2.024/5GHz Modular Unified Access Point is recommended. An estimate of 176 of these is required for the whole campus. These will be administered using the CiscoWorks Wireless Solution Engine Express. VIII. RFID Systems The RIFD suite will consist of products of Library Automation Technologies Inc. Three Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) compliant Flashscan 907 station will be installed for users to check out books. RFID sensors will be installed at all exits to prevent unauthorized removal of library property. iv Appendix C: Diagrams Figure C1: i Figure C2: ii Figure C3: iii Figure C4: iv Figure C5: Passive Optical Network v Appendix D: Budget Cool University Budget Description Qty Unit Price Totals Building Access Layer Switches 48 Port 10/100 Managed Switch with 2 1000 Mb Uplink Slots 132 $5,029.99 $663,958.68 Blade Center H Chassis – 12 slot 3 $4,000.00 $12,000.00 IBM Blade Center LS41 ($9,200) 12 $9,200.00 $110,400.00 146GB 15K 3.5" Hot-Swap SAS 18 $549.00 $9,882.00 Proliant M310 Server:4-160Gb 13 $3,300.00 $42,900.00 9 Slot 6500 Chassis 1 $5,849.95 $5,849.95 Supervisor Engine (Important to Gb Ethernet) 1 $22,961.19 $22,961.19 4 Port 10 GbE Module (Core) 1 $14,634.99 $14,634.99 48 Port 10/100/1000 Module (Data Center Distribution) 2 $6,478.99 $12,957.98 24 Port 1 Gb Module (Building Distribution) 2 $10,975.99 $21,951.98 3 3 6 $722.99 $2,168.97 $3,239.99 $9,719.97 $5,762.99 $34,577.94 Cisco Integrated Services Router Security Bundle 2 $11,000.00 $22,000.00 VPN Advanced Integration Module 1 $2,309.99 $2,309.99 Cisco Media Convergence Server 4835 2 $12,349.00 $24,698.00 Cisco CallManager 4.0 200 Client License package 5 $2,400.00 $12,000.00 $134.95 $134,950.00 Servers Building 1 Main (Core/Distribution/DataCenter) Buildings 2, 3, 4 (Core/Disribution) 3 Slot 4500 Chassis Supervisor Engine II Plus 24 Port 1 Gb Module (Building Distribution) Edge Router/Firewall Cisco CallManager Cluster Cisco IP Phones 1000 RFID System RFID Anti-Theft and Inventory Tracking System (Flashscan) $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.40 $100,000.00 3 $20,000.00 $60,000.00 Gateway FX530 (395 for Labs, 700 for Offices) 1095 $1,500.00 $1,642,500.00 Imac (195 for Labs, 100 for Employees) 295 $1,500.00 $442,500.00 Linux SuSe 10.2 (65 for Labs) 65 $800.00 $52,000.00 Network Printers HP Laser Jet 9050 (Labs) 20 $3,400.00 $68,000.00 Network Printers HP Laser Jet 9050 (Offices) 50 $3,400.00 $170,000.00 50 $3,000.00 $150,000.00 RFID Tags Self-Check Out Systems (Flashscan 907) 1 250000 Workstations (Labs/Offices) Campus Guide Kiosks Campus Guide Kiosks i Adaptive Technology Cicero Text Readers 10 $495.00 $4,950.00 Ovation Reading Machines 2 $2,795.00 $5,590.00 Docu-Edge Scanner 5 $249.00 $1,245.00 Duxbury Brail Translator 2 $569.00 $1,138.00 Braille Embosser 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Turbo Ear 10 $30.00 $300.00 Qpointer 2 $175.00 $350.00 Lazee Mouse Pro 3 $800.00 $2,400.00 Quick Glance 3 3 $10,000.00 $30,000.00 $886.00 $155,936.00 1 $1,700.00 $1,700.00 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $67.00 $368,500.00 Wireless Network Cisco 802.11a/g/n-draft (2.4/5GHz) Modular AP Cisco CiscoWork Wireless solution Engine 176 Communication and Collaboration Microsoft Advanced Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Client Access License Web Server Edition Microsfot Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition Client Access License 5500 1 $400.00 $400.00 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $67.00 $368,500.00 5500 Micrsoft Sharepoint Server 2007 Enterprise Edition 1 $57,670.00 $57,670.00 HP Proliant Servers (Server Farm) 25 $10,000.00 $250,000.00 HP Proliant (Workgroup) 80 $2,500.00 $200,000.00 $200.00 $300,000.00 $62,000.00 $62,000.00 $350.00 $525,000.00 Interoperable Communications AT&T/Rave Phones 1500 Security RFID System 1 RFID Readers 1500 Classroom Technology Projectors (JVC, Epson, Sharp, Dell, etc.) 25 $4,000.00 $100,000.00 Gateway FX530 25 $1,500.00 $37,500.00 Interactive Whiteboard 10 $6,353.00 $63,530.00 Creative Suite Design Premium 250 $1,800.00 $450,000.00 Adobe Photoshop CS3 250 $700.00 $175,000.00 Adobe Professional 8 250 $450.00 $112,500.00 Apple Final Cut Pro 250 $1,200.00 $300,000.00 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 21 $666.95 $14,005.95 Software Package Distance Education Virtual Campus Support LAN Installation Single-Mode, 8.5-Micron, Distribution-Style Fiber Optic (Bulk 500ft for 666.95) ii Multimode, 50-Micron, Breakout-Style Fiber Optic, 12 Wire (Bulk 500ft for $1399.95) 8 $1,399.95 $11,199.60 1 $1,000,000.00 $`100,000.00 Discretionary Budget Contengency Total Capital Cost $ 7,619,336.19 Reoccurring Costs Monthly Annually Microsoft Campus Agreement 1 $6,250.00 $75,000.00 PON Monthly Charge 1 $30,000.00 $360,000.00 Total Recurring Costs $435,000.00 Forecasted Rollout Budget Annually Year One Cost (80% Capital Cost + Recurring) Year Two Cost (20% Capital Cost + Recurring Year Three and After (Recurring Only) $7,250,468.95 $2,138,867.24 $435,000.00 iii Glossary Ethernet: is a large, diverse family of frame-based computer networking technologies that operate at many speeds for local area networks (LANs). WiFi: also unofficially known as Wireless Fidelity, is a wireless technology brand owned by the Wi-Fi Alliance intended to improve the interoperability of wireless local area network products Wireless access point (WAP or AP): is a device that connects wireless communication devices together to form a wireless network. Server: is "an application program that accepts connections in order to service requests by sending back responses." Firewall: is a hardware or software device which is configured to permit, deny, or proxy data through a computer network which has different levels of trust. Router: A router is a device that determines the proper path for data to travel between different networks, and forwards data packets to the next device along this path. Switch: A network switch is a computer networking device that connects network segments. i References Websites: [1] What is the best WiFi antenna for me?. Retrieved October 24, 2007, from Radioabs Web site: [2] Wireless mesh network. Retrieved October 24, 2007, from Wikipedia Web site: [3] WiMax Vs WiFi. Retrieved October 24, 2007, from techwarelabs Web site: [4] Fleishman, G. Intel Says Embedded Wimax Laptop Cards This Year. Retrieved October 24, 2007, from Wimax netnews Web site: [5] Kantner, B. Active Ethernet vs. PON . Retrieved October 24, 2007, from Lightwave Web site: LICATION_ID=13&ARTICLE_ID=207692 [6] (2006). Retrieved January 15, 2008, from - Press Top 10 2006 Web site: [7] (2007). Retro Plate Concrete Polishing Systems. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from RETRO PLATE Web site: [8] (2007). Gateway. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from Gateway Computers : Store - Product Details for Gateway One ZX190 Web site: [9] (2007). Polycom. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from Products- RMX 2000 Web site: [10] (2007). ELMO The Presentation Destination. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from ELMO USA Web site: [11] (2007). Retrieved January 15, 2008, from NEC VT491 2000 Lumen, SVGA LCD Projector Web site: White papers: [6] Understanding Wi-Fi and WiMAX as Metro-Access Solutions. Intel [7] Hens, F. Copper vs. Fibre: The Dilemma of the Access Network. TrendCommunications Books: [8] Holden, G (2004). guide to firewalls and network security. Thomson -1- [9]Teare, D. designing cisco networks. Cisco press. [10]Breyer, R (2002). Switched, Fast and Gigabit Ethernet. New Riders. [11](2001). Internetworking Technologies Handbook. Cisco press. Websites used for miscellaneous needs: [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] Works Cited: Broadcom. "802.11n Next Generation Wireless Technology." April 2006. Broadcom Connecting Everything. <>. Cisco Systems. CCNA 1 & 2 Companion Guide. Indianapolis: Cisco Press, 2005. Cisco Systems. CCNA 3 & 4 Companion Guide. Indianapolis: Cisco Press, 2005. Cisco. “802.11n Wireless Technology Overview” 25 September 200. <>. Path: Cisco Aironet 1250 Series Access Point; 802.11n Wireless Technology Overview CNet. "Take Control of Your Home." 2007. <>. Department of Commerce. "Radio Frequency Identification." April 2005. Technology Administration. <>. Electronic Fronteer Foundation.” RFID”. 2007.<>. Fisher, J. (2007, November 15). Network Adminstrator, Auburn Montgomery University. (P. Lucas, Interviewer) Harvard University. "Summary of Programs." 2007. Harvard Green Campus Initiative. <>. Home Seer. "Z-Wave." 2007. Home Automation Systems. <>. Hazen, Mark E. "Z-Wave vs. ZigBee - What's the Difference." 25 July 2006. RFDesign . <>. Infobawn Inc. “Research Information,” 2007. Infobahn, Inc. <>. Janowski, David G. "The Battle for your Automated Home." March 2005. BNET Research Center. <>. Cool University: Technology Solution Kramer, Glenn, Biswanath Mukherjee, Aria Maislos. "Ethernet Passive Optical Networks." UC Davis University of California. 30 January 2008. Microsoft. 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campus into four zones: North, East, South, and West. One core layer device should be placed in each
zone. Each of the four devices will have a 10 Gbps connection to the other three core devices,