Cool University


Cool University
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 1
Site Location ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Network Infrastructure ............................................................................................................................. 1
Hierarchical Model ................................................................................................................................1
Building Structure .................................................................................................................................2
Campus Backbone .................................................................................................................................2
Data Center ...........................................................................................................................................3
Internet Connection .................................................................................................................................. 3
Wireless Implementation: 802.11n-draft ................................................................................................... 4
Campus Security ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Identification and Authentication ...........................................................................................................4
Interoperable Communications ..............................................................................................................5
Communication and Collaboration............................................................................................................ 6
Voice over Internet Protocol ..................................................................................................................6
Real-Time Collaboration .......................................................................................................................6
Technology Services ................................................................................................................................ 6
Classroom Technologies ........................................................................................................................... 7
Library Automation .................................................................................................................................. 7
Distance Education ................................................................................................................................... 9
Environmental Responsible ...................................................................................................................... 9
Ergonomics .............................................................................................................................................10
Conclusion ..............................................................................................................................................10
Addendum A: Descriptions and Definitions ............................................................................................ A1
Section 1: Hierarchical Model............................................................................................................. A1
Section 2: Distribution Facilities ......................................................................................................... A1
Section 3: Optical Carrier ................................................................................................................... A1
Section 4: 802.11n-draft...................................................................................................................... A2
Section 5: Adaptive Technology Lab .................................................................................................. A3
Section 6: Radio Frequency Identification........................................................................................... A3
Section 7: Smart Dorms, Narrowband Radio Frequency...................................................................... A3
Addendum B: Hardware and Software Recommendations ...................................................................... B1
Section 1: Network Devices .................................................................................................................B1
Section 2: Fiber-Optic Cabling.............................................................................................................B2
Section 3: Data Center .........................................................................................................................B3
Section 4: Biometric Identification System ..........................................................................................B4
Section 5: Communication and Collaboration Tools.............................................................................B4
Section 6: Lab Technology ..................................................................................................................B5
Section 7: Wireless Devices .................................................................................................................B5
Section 8: RFID Systems .....................................................................................................................B6
Section 9: Distance Education..............................................................................................................B6
Addendum C: Diagrams ......................................................................................................................... C1
Figure C1 ............................................................................................................................................C1
Figure C2 ............................................................................................................................................C2
Figure C3 ............................................................................................................................................C3
Figure C4 ............................................................................................................................................C4
Figure C5 ............................................................................................................................................C5
Addendum D: Budget ............................................................................................................................. D1
Executive Summary
NetPro Consulting has put together a technology package that will establish Cool University as
a competitive higher education institution in the United States. The package was designed to achieve
three purposes: equip Cool University with cutting-edge technology, provide a desirable option for
prospective students and faculty, and implement a design with the fundamental needs in mind. The
recommendations provided in this paper focus on technologies that will make the campus manageable,
scalable, reliable and secure in correlation with emerging technologies. The package includes
recommendations on the network structure, wireless access, voice systems, data center, internet
connections, security, technology services, communications, distance education, classrooms, resident
halls and library automation. This package will enable Cool University to be a highly successful new
entrant in the higher education arena.
Site Location
Cool University’s campus contains 20 buildings covering 40 acres and is located in the
northeast portion of Mississippi. The campus is approximately 20 km west of Corinth and 11 km north
of Burnsville (Addendum C, Figure C5). The location was selected for two reasons. First, it is 13 km
east of the river putting it outside of any flood zones. Second, the campus is located within a
reasonable distance from a major fiber optic provider. Qwest has an OC-192 long haul connection that
runs from Memphis, Tennessee through Corinth and Burnsville, Mississippi.
Network Infrastructure
Hierarchical Model
The three layered hierarchical model for network design insures enhanced reliability,
manageability, scalability and security to a network structure. The hierarchical model consists of three
layers: access, distribution and core (Addendum A, Section 1). The model uses a layered, or tree
structure for the physical topology of a network. The network recommendations in this proposal are
structured around the hierarchical model to provide Cool University with a highly functional and
structured network (Addendum C, Figure C1).
Building Structure
The transmission media recommended between the intermediate distribution facilities (IDFs)
and end devices (aka horizontal cabling) is 100Base-TX. This provides every user with 100 Mbps of
dedicated bandwidth. The transmission media recommended between the main distribution facility
(MDFs) and the IDFs (aka vertical cabling) is 1000Base-SX. This will provide 1 Gbps between building
floors using multi-mode fiber (CCNA 1,327). All twenty facilities should follow the same building
structure in order to provide users with the dedicated bandwidth that will enable them to accomplish
projects without delays (Addendum C, Figure C2). (Distribution Facilities, Addendum A, Section 2).
Campus Backbone
Cool University’s campus spans approximately 40 acres. The recommendation is to split the
campus into four zones: North, East, South, and West. One core layer device should be placed in each
zone. Each of the four devices will have a 10 Gbps connection to the other three core devices,
establishing a fully-meshed network core. Two of the three links will be active and the remaining link
reserved for future growth. Redundant links between all core devices provide fault-tolerance and allow
for the implementation of load balancing. Subsequent buildings will connect to the core layer device
that is located in the same zone using one 1000BASE-LX single-mode fiber link with the exception of
the resident halls. The resident halls will contain two 1000BASE-LX single-mode fiber connections to
the core to accommodate additional bandwidth requirements (Addendum C, Figure C3).
There are approximately 5300 users on campus and even with bandwidth intensive
applications, such as gaming or audio and video streaming, implementing a 10 Gbps Ethernet core will
provide Cool University with a throughput that exceeds current requirements. It will enable the
university to expand beyond its current size without any loss of performance. Auburn Montgomery
University, which has equivalent campus population, is currently upgrading to a 10Gbps core (Fisher).
Data Center
Cool University will need a data center (server farm) to centralize the management of
resources. The data center will need to contain several types of servers. The primary server types
include web, database, file, application, authentication, communication, proxy, email, Domain Name
System (DNS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and
Network Address Translation (NAT). The data center is the point of presence (POP), which is the point
that the Local Area Network (LAN) or campus network connects to the Internet Service Provider
(ISP). A reliable firewall is required to prevent unauthorized access to the local network. The server
farm will also need a Virtual Private Network (VPN) concentrator and a communication server to
enable remote users to securely connect to the campus. The server farm connects to the primary core
device of the network (Addendum C, Figure C4).
The university can save a significant amount of money utilizing a private Internet Protocol (IP)
addressing scheme. This would eliminate the cost of purchasing large amounts of public IP addresses.
A Network Address Translation (NAT) server can be implemented and configured to map private IP
addresses to the public IP addresses. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can be used to
dynamically manage the private IP addresses.
It is vital that a backup generator be deployed to provide power redundancy to critical systems
in the event of a campus or building-wide outage. Another recommended precaution is to back-up and
store critical data in a different location other than the server farm.
Internet Connection
Cool University can sufficiently connect to the Internet with one Optical Carrier 1 (OC-1)
connection, (Addendum A, Section 3). The OC-1 connection is a dedicated line that will connect the
campus directly to the Telco’s central office. The campus is approximately 11 kms from the nearest
fiber network so the university will incur the cost of laying the fiber. It is recommended that expansion
fiber runs be laid during the initial install. This would allow for expansion without incurring additional
costs. The OC-1 has a bit rate of 51.84 Mbps and will adequately provide internet connectivity to Cool
University (CCNA 3, 408).
Wireless Implementation: 802.11n-draft
Cool University should implement wireless connectivity in the campus environment, providing
students and faculty access to the network from anywhere on the campus. By using the most recent
technology, Cool University will provide outstanding wireless performance and set Cool University
apart from the rest. The 802.11 wireless standards, referred to as Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), uses
unlicensed frequency ranges (2.4GHz or 5GHz). The recommendation is to deploy an 802.11n-draft
wireless network. The 802.11n standard provides higher performance and increased data rates
compared to previous standards (Addendum A, Section 4, Table S4.1), while maintaining backward
compatibility. The 802.11n standard increases data and performance using Multiple Input Multiple
Output (MIMO), packet aggregation and channel bonding (Addendum A, Section 4). The advantages
of the 802.11n protocol over previous versions include greater reliability, greater throughput and
greater coverage predictability (Cisco).
VoIP, video and audio streaming, gaming, and network and storage requirements are all driving
the need for higher throughput wireless networks. Implementing an 802.11n wireless network on the
Cool University campus will provide students, faculty and staff with the means to effectively and
efficiently communicate while utilizing current and emerging mobile technologies.
Campus Security
Identification and Authentication
Biometric Identification ensures unprecedented security by verifying and authenticating users
based on a unique physiological characteristic. The recommendation is to implement fingerprint
biometric identification for access to secure locations such as the resident halls and employee facilities.
Student and employees get an electronic finger print created for identification when they arrive at the
university, similar to the process of being photographed for identification. Biometric Identification
enables users to access locations without the hassle of remembering identification cards or access
codes. Student safety is enhanced by only permitting access to dorms to individuals that are residents
or individuals with permission from a resident.
All areas secured by biometric scanners would have a backup-generator in place to protect
against a building or campus power outage. All facilities would also contain keyed door locks.
Interoperable Communications
It is critical to have a system in place to effectively and efficiently inform individuals of
natural disasters, weather alerts or dangerous situations. NetPro Consulting suggests using a textmessaging system to distribute emergency information to students, faculty and staff. The
recommendation is to provide all freshmen with Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled mobile
phones that contain emergency text-messaging applications provided by Rave Wireless. The university
can notify students of campus emergencies by sending a broadcast message alert that reaches every
participating cell phone on campus. Students that find themselves in a dangerous situation can turn on
the GPS tracking mechanism and notify the police department of their location without ever making a
phone call.
Leading mobile providers offer services to universities at discounts to students. Rave Wireless
is the leader in the industry and works with leading software and content providers to provide
specialized applications to meet campus needs. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore and
Montclair State University have implemented Rave Wireless and even though the majority of student
had cell phones, 65% of students participated in the program (Rave Wireless). The current generation
of students has been raised with electronics and desire the technology that will quickly connect them to
their environment. Rave wireless provides not only safety and security features but programs that
enable students to communicate with friends, track campus buses, receive assignments and participate
in campus groups.
Communication and Collaboration
Voice over Internet Protocol
The Voice over Internet Protocol is recommended as the primary campus phone system. VoIP
allows people to send and receive voice calls over a data network instead of using traditional analog
lines. Cost is the primary advantage associated with implementing VoIP in the Cool University
network structure. Since there isn’t an existing telephone network in place it will be more economical
to build a single network to support both voice and data. There will also be a cost saving associated
with long distance charges. The remote location of Cool University will cause all calls leaving the
campus to be tagged with a long distance charge. In a VoIP network there are no long distance charges.
VoIP allows users to take their phone with them to geographically different locations and use their
phones as if they were local.
The limitation to VoIP is the lack of support for 911 emergency services so it is recommended
that three analog phone lines be purchased for emergency purposes only. The interoperable
communications recommendation would also provide emergency phone services.
Real-Time Collaboration
The necessity of providing students, faculty and staff with enhanced communication and
collaboration tools is a critical factor to consider when implementing a campus strategy. Providing data
storage, email and web space simply isn’t enough in today’s highly multifaceted mobile environment.
Students, faculty and staff need to be able to collaborate in real-time from dispersed locations.
Applications such as Microsoft SharePoint would provide sophisticated real-time communication and
collaboration tools and is a part of the recommended technology plan for Cool University.
Technology Services
A critical component to any technology package is to consider what technical related services
will be provided to students, faculty, and staff. Students will need to stay current with industry
standard software programs such as Microsoft, Adobe and Macromedia products in order to be
competitive in the market. Students will need to be able to enter the work force knowing the basics on
the industry standard operating systems such as Windows, Mac or the rapidly growing Linux systems.
Campus agreements with the distributors of these products will need to be established and the products
made available to students, faculty and staff at reasonable prices.
A minimum of one computer lab will be placed in each building. The labs should utilize a
variety of operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh and Linux complemented by other leading
software technologies. To accommodate handicapped students, an adaptive technology lab should be
available. There are a variety of adaptive technologies for students with mobility, hearing and vision
impairments that are included in this technology plan (Addendum A, Section 5).
Classroom Technologies
The classrooms of Cool University will be equipped to provide an optimal learning experience
for students. Five classrooms in each academic building will be outfitted with PCs and projectors to
allow teachers to present materials using electronic media. In addition, two classrooms per academic
building will be equipped with interactive whiteboards. These boards work in conjunction with the
projectors and allow the professor to interact with the display by touching the board, manually marking
on the presented materials, or using digital devices to alter the material directly from the display.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) allows the information displayed on the board to be emailed or
printed and distributed to the class.
Library Automation
Cool University has the opportunity to design a library automation system that improves the
usability of the library for its patrons. The first recommendation for library technology is to implement
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for inventory tracking and anti-theft security. RFID would
replace the Universal Product Code (UPC) labels currently used as the industry standard for inventory
tracking systems. It also replaces the Electro-Mechanical (EM) systems used to prevent theft. RFID
systems are capable of performing both functions (Savi Technology).
RFID can provide several advantages in the library environment. It eliminates the repetition
and time required to check-out books individually. Multiple RFID tags can be read simultaneously
without ever opening the cover of the books. The books can be scanned while in motion, enabling
automatic returns to be processed when books are deposited in the book-drop, placed on a cart or when
being stored back on the shelf. It enables inventories to be conducted without ever removing a book
from the shelf. It can also identify books that are not in the proper location. Staff and students can
accomplish everyday tasks faster and easier using RFID.
RFID can also be used as an anti-theft security system (Addendum A, Section 6). The readers
that are placed near the exits of the library are called sensors. When the RFID tag passes through the
field, the information stored on the chip is transmitted back to the management system. The RFID
system can then determine if the item has been verified for checkout when it passing through the antitheft device. RFID effectively addresses inventory and security issues.
The second recommendation for library automation is a self-checkout system. Reliable self
check-out stations can be deployed with RFID in place. Designated areas in the library can be
established so that students can simply set the desired books on a platform, enter their user information
and within seconds have a receipt printed. Cool University will join the increasing number of
university and public libraries already successfully utilizing RFID.
Distance Education
Second Life (SL) is a 3-D virtual world that “provides a unique and flexible platform for
educators interested in distance learning, computer supported cooperative work, simulation, new media
studies, and corporate training” (Second Life). SL contains islands (sites) for organizations
representing just about every industry or sector in the real world.
Second Life may appear to be an elegant video game, but it is not. It is a tool that can be used
to enhance the traditional classroom environments or bring students all over the world together. SL
contains islands from industry leaders in technology such as Cisco, Alcatel, IBM, Intel and Dell, to
name a few. There are islands from well known universities such as Harvard, Ball State, and Stanford
(Second Life).
Second Life is an ideal opportunity for distant learning programs. The remote location of Cool
University mandates the need for an effective way to deliver distance classes. SL is an innovative and
effective way to deliver classes to virtually anyone with a broadband connection in the world.
Smart Dorms
Providing automated lighting, climate, water, communication and access systems will enable
students to spend less time on frivolous tasks and more time on what’s important. Cool University will
save money by conserving energy and water resources. Automation technologies use narrowband
frequencies in the 200 kbps spectrum. These low requirements would not be suitable for Wireless
Fidelity (WiFi) because of the higher bandwidth associated with it. Radio Frequency technologies can
reliably control hundreds and even thousands of devices with minimum power consumption (CNet).
What this means for Cool University is long term cost saving (Addendum A, Section 7).
Environmental Responsible
It is recommended that Cool University adopt procedures that would be environmentally
responsible. The recommendations that will aide in protecting the environment include implementing
or utilizing the following methods: recycle material and buy recycled, buy Energy Star approved
heating and air conditioning units, irrigate efficiently, use hybrid or electrical vehicles for university
transportation, use low emission building materials, use mulch to minimize water loss, utilize
renewable energy sources (such as geothermal, biofuels, solar thermal, wind and solar photovoltaics),
practice sustainable landscaping (such as avoiding water pollution pesticides, noise pollution and air
pollution), prevent harm to biodiversity and limit consumption of natural resources (Harvard
Ergonomics is important to take into consideration when designing offices, labs, residence halls
or just about any facility that requires long hours of occupancy. The library is a prime example of one
of these facilities. The library should provide adequate lighting, while at the same time prevent glare
from monitors. Glare from monitors causes eye strain that can possibly lead to headaches. A library
should be designed so that noise doesn’t get amplified or reflected. Sound absorbing materials reduces
noise levels in rooms. Ergonomic keyboards and mice can be used to prevent fingers cramping after
long hours of use. When students are comfortable they are able to focus on learning, which can
ultimately lead to higher performance.
This package will enable Cool University to gain a reputation as a highly innovative and
technical institution. The network structure is designed using a hierarchical model so that it is
manageable, expandable, reliable and highly secure. The proposed design provides the bandwidth
necessary to be effective and efficient with current and evolving technologies. The proposal suggests
using a security mechanism that is becoming an integral part of the technology field. The Virginia
Tech shooting reiterates the relevance of an interoperable communications network that will ensure the
safety of all university members. Students, faculty and staff can be assured that they will be informed
immediately of emergency situation. Providing students with the communications tools which they are
most familiar will insure effective communications in normal and emergency situations. The proposed
solution to utilize RFID in the library environment will make a visit to the library considerably more
convenient, as well as increase productivity among university staff. Students will have the necessary
technology to compete in the increasingly technical job market. This proposal will enable Cool
University to be a highly competitive new entrant among the current 3500 higher education
institutions. Addendum B contains the hardware and software recommendations and specifications.
Addendum A: Descriptions and Definitions
Section 1: Hierarchical Model
The access layer is the entry point of a network. Authentication to the network and
permissions to resources are implemented at this layer. The access layer connects directly to the
distribution layer. The distribution layer is usually represented by the building switch(s), which
connect(s) directly to the core. The distribution layer switch filters traffic that crosses to the core,
and will define the policies for the network. The core layer is the root of the network. It function
is to route or switch traffic between distribution layer devices as efficiently as possible.
Section 2: Distribution Facilities
Distribution layer switches (building switches) are located in the Main Distribution
Facility (MDF) within each building. The MDF is the point at which traffic from the core enters
the building, or traffic from within the building exits to the core. The core layer device may or
may not be located in the same building. Intermediate Distribution Facilities (IDFs) contain the
access layer switches (floor switches). The IDFs connect directly to the MDF. There may be
multiple IDFs per floor depending on the size of the building and the number of end devices
Section 3: Optical Carrier
Synchronous optical network (SONET) is the standard for carrying traffic over fiber optic
lines. SONET allows multiple high level protocols to be carried over a single fiber optic
connection by multiplexing 64 kbps channels into data frames. The OC-1 has a data rate of 55.84
and is one of several levels defined by the SONET standard. The OC-1 has the capacity
equivalent to one Digital Subscriber 3 (DS3) lines. One DS3 can simultaneously carry 672 voice
calls at 64 kbps (CCNA 4, 653).
Section 4: 802.11n-draft
MIMO is an antenna technology that allows multiple antennas to send and receive
separate data streams simultaneously on both the transmitter and the receiver. Previous 802.11
protocols transmit and receive one data stream on a single antenna. In a wired network it
resembles serial transmission (one bit at a time) and parallel transmissions (8 bits
simultaneously). MIMO not only increases the throughput of data, but increases the range of a
transmission (Nortel).
Packet aggregation is the process of combining multiple packets into a single frame
(Broadcom). The amount of payload for each frame is the same regardless of the amount of
information it contains. The more information you can put into a single frame, the higher
throughput you will have on your network. If you have 10 lbs of copper in a 10lb bag then the
capacity (throughput) of the bag is 10 and the payload is 10. If you put 20 lbs in the same bag
then your capacity (throughput) increases to 20, but your payload remains at 10.
Channel Bonding combines two 20MHz Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) channels to make one 40MHz channel which increases the data rate. The 20MHz and
the 40MHz channel can be used together or separately, depending on the supported wireless
standards implemented on the network. OFDM is the modulation scheme used in the 802.11a and
802.11g standards. OFDM is the established modulation scheme for the 802.11n standard, but it
also supports Complimentary Code Keying (CCK) and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
(DDDS) as does 802.11g. CCK and DDDS are the modulation schemes used in the 802.11b
standard (Broadcom).
Table A.S4.1
IEEE WLAN Standard
Data Rate Maximum
248 Mbps
Data Rate Typical
Source: Comparison of different 802.11 Transfer Rates (Wilson)
5 GHz
2.4 GHz
Section 5: Adaptive Technology Lab
Recommendations for students with mobility impairments include technology that enables
users to navigate a computer using head movement or eye movement. There are also special
joystick pads for users with minimal mobility impairments. For the vision impaired, Braille
displayers and text readers are necessary. Braille displayers convert digital text to Braille. There
should also be scanners that read text in, and then convert it to Braille or to speech output.
Windows XP comes with preinstalled Accessibility Utilities for the visually impaired, which
include Magnifier, Narrator, On-Screen Keyboard, and Utility Manager (Microsoft). The Narrator
is a text-to-speech utility that allows users to interact on the Web. Windows XP will need to be
included on the computers in the Adaptive Technology Labs.
Section 6: Radio Frequency Identification
The RFID system consists of two components, a reader and a tag. The reader emits a radio
signal and initiates communication with a tag when the tag moves within range of the signal. The
tag performs two functions: it stores information such as serial numbers, book titles and authors in
small memory banks ranging from 16 bits to 512 Kbytes, and receives and transmits signals back
to the reader using a small antenna. The reader then transmits the information to a management
system, which may be a server or a host machine that interfaces with the RFID system. RFID uses
frequencies in the unlicensed spectrum including Low Frequency (LF), High Frequency (HF), and
Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) ranges. RFID tags can be read without direct line-of-site at
distances ranging from 2 feet to more than 320 feet (Department of Commerce).
Section 7: Smart Dorms, Narrowband Radio Frequency
The commonly used automation technology in the past has been X10, which uses wireline protocols. Three of the newer competitors of X10 use radio frequency (RF) technologies in
the unlicensed spectrum. They include Infeon, ZigBee and Z-Wave (Addendum A, Section 8).
ZigBee is the only open-source protocol technology among these. Using open-source protocols
provide more options when upgrading systems or purchasing equipment.
Emerging competitive technologies to the existing X10 technology include Insteon,
ZigBee and Z-Wave. ZigBee is the newest of the three technologies. The latter two are not
backward compatible with X10. The X10 technology uses bit patterns on the power-line to
transmit on and off commands to devices. Insteon uses both power-line and radio frequencies to
control devices. ZigBee and Z-Wave are wireless RF technologies and use data packets to signal
commands to devices. A major difference between ZigBee and Z-Wave is that Z-Wave is
proprietary and ZigBee is open-source (Hazen).
Addendum B: Hardware and Software Recommendations
Section 1: Network Devices
The campus network contains 20 buildings with 5300 students, faculty and staff. The
seven resident halls have the capacity to house 700 students each. The six story resident halls will
contain 175 units with each unit housing four students. Two 10/100 MB ports should be available
to each unit. The resident halls require approximately 350 ports per building for units and an
additional 20 ports for the lab located in each resident hall. The number of ports required for the
remaining thirteen buildings is calculated based on the number of floors per building, which is
averaged at three each containing 96 ports. This value would depend on the size of the building
and the number of rooms and offices. The total number of estimated ports is 6334 (Table S1.1).
This would theoretically provide every student, faculty and staff a dedicated port. The estimated
number of switches based on the port requirement is 132 switches.
Table S1.1
Switch and Port Estimations
Resident Halls
Student Occupancy
Number of Resident Halls
Students per Resident Hall
Students per room
Units per Resident Hall
Ports per Unit
Total Ports for Units per Building
Lab Ports per Building
Total Ports per Building
Port Total: Resident Halls
Academic Buildings &Facilities
Average Floors per Building
Total Floors
Estimated Ports per Floor
Port Total Academic/Facilities
Total Port Requirements
Ports per Switch
Switch Requirements
The access layer switches need to support Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE) as well as the
protocols necessary to implement VoIP. Modular components are recommended at the core and
distribution layer. The use of a modular device creates a centralized network operation while
retaining the separation of the layered approach. The core and distribution layer share a common
back plane, but operate and serve different functions. The recommended hardware for the main
core facility is as followed.
132 - C3560 48 port 10/100 Mb Managed Switch ( or equivalent) with two
1000Mb uplinks (Access Layer Switches)
1 - (C6509) 9 Slot Chassis or equivalent (Distribution and Core Modules)
 1 – (SUP720) Supervisor Engines
 1 – (X6704) 4 Port 10GbE Module (Core)
 2 – (X6148V) 48 Port 10/100/1000 Module (Data Center)
 2 - (X6724) 24 Port 1Gb Module (Distribution Layer)
The remaining three core devices will not require the processing or bandwidth capabilities that
the main core device needs. The devices will need to be highly reliable and provide expansion
capabilities. It is recommended that the following equipment or equivalent devices be used.
3 - (4500) 3 Slot Chassis or equivalent (Distribution and Core Modules)
 3- Supervisor Engine
 3 – 4 Port 10GbE Module (Core)
 2 – 24 Port 1GB Module (Building Distribution)
Section 2: Fiber-Optic Cable Estimates
The method used to calculate the cost on multi-mode fiber within the buildings is based on
an average floor height of 12 feet. The resident halls are six stories and require 2592 feet of fiber
(See Table S2.1). The remaining13 facilities are averaged at three stories each and require 1494
feet of fiber (See Table S2.2). The approximated multi-mode fiber needed for building structures
is 4086 feet.
Table S2.1
Resident Halls
Current Floor (ft)
Previous Floor (ft)
Previous Floor (ft)
Previous Floor (ft)
Previous Floor (ft)
Previous Floor (ft)
Table S2.1 Continued
Total per Floor (ft)
Number of Switches/Floor
Total Per Floor (ft)
Total Per Building (ft)
Number of Dorms
Total (ft)
Table S2.2
Current Floor (ft)
Previous Floor (ft)
Previous Floor (ft)
Total per Floor (ft)
Number of Switches/Floor
Total Per Floor (ft)
Total Per Building (ft)
Number of Dorms
Total (ft)
It is estimated that 10,200 feet of single-mode fiber will be required to connect the campus
buildings and the core devices (Table B.S2.3). The value was obtained by calculating the
maximum distance between core devices, which is estimated at 200 yards (600 feet). Between
buildings and core devices it was estimated at 100 yards (300 feet).
Table S2.3
Single Mode Fiber
Between Core Devices
Between Core & Buildings
Distance (yds)
Distance (yds)
Distance (ft)
Total (ft)
Section 3: Data Center
The data center will host the server equipment that provides resources to the network. A
minimum of 25 servers is required to effectively supply current needs. The Hewlett Packard
Proliant series or equivalent servers are recommended. Additional workgroup servers will need to
be placed on each floor resulting in a minimum of 80 servers. The workgroup servers will not
require the processing power that the data center servers require. The VoIP system requires a
Cisco Media Convergence Server, Cisco Call Manager, and Cisco IP Phones. The operating
systems recommended for the servers include Microsoft Enterprise Editions of Advanced Server
2003, Exchange Server 2007, and SharePoint Server 2007.
A hardened router or firewall system will need to be installed to protect the integrity of the
internal LAN. The Cisco Integrated Services Router Security Bundle (3845 edge router) is
recommended. According to Cisco Systems the 3845 router supports the following features:
Cisco Call Manager for VoIP networks
Secure VPN tunneling with support up 2500 concurrent connections
Small Network Management Protocol (SMNP) for monitoring and maintaining
network traffic.
Security through encryption, intrusion prevention, and antivirus protection.
Section 4: Biometric Identification System
The Biometric technology will require finger scanners at authorized facilities or offices.
The recommended client-server software is BioIdentity from Fingerprint.I.T. This is a complete
finger identity management system. The Biometric software is compatible with Windows
operating systems and can easily be integrated with Active Directory. Scanners can be standalone
devices or be integrated into keyboards.
Section 5: Communication and Collaboration Tools
Microsoft SharePoint is a web-based collaboration and document management utility that
enables teams to share documents, ideas and information by using web pages referred to by
Microsoft as portals. Teams can simultaneously work on projects from different locations.
“Users can create team workspaces, coordinate calendars, organize documents, and
receive important notifications and updates through communication features
including announcements and alerts, as well as the new templates for creating
blogs and wikis. While mobile, users can take advantage of convenient offline
synchronization capabilities” (Microsoft).
SharePoint Server 2007 and SharePoint Services 3.0 will provide a complete package for
collaboration and communication tools that will enable students, faculty and staff to effectively
coordinate projects.
Section 6: Lab Technology
It is recommended that one lab per resident hall be provided for student use, each
containing 20 computers. The other thirteen buildings should contain one lab with 40 computers
in each. The distribution of operating systems should be 25 Windows machines, 10 Macintosh
machines and 5 Linux boxes. The recommended models include: Gateway FX530, IMac and Suse
10.2 for the Linux boxes. The labs should have Adobe and Microsoft products installed. The labs
should have laser printers and scanners readily assessable. The recommended printers are HP
Laser Jet 9050 series. The printer supports up to 50,000 print jobs a month.
The adaptive technology lab will require a multitude of technologies for the visual,
hearing and mobility impaired students. The recommended hardware and software are listed
Vision Impaired
10 - Cicero Text Readers (Speech Output for digital Text)
2- Ovation Reading Machines (Scans documents converts to voice)
5 – Docu-Edge Scanner (Manual Document scanner)
1- Braille Embosser
2- Duxbury Brail Translator
Hearing Impaired
3 Windows Machines with Accessibility Utilities enabled
10- Turbo Amplifiers
Mobility Impaired
3 - QPointer Voice Recognition
2 – Quick Glance 3 (navigation in Windows XP with eye movement)
5 – Lazy Mouse Pro (Voice enabled mouse)
Section 7: Wireless Devices
The wireless network will require at least two wireless Access Points (APs) per floor. This
totals 176 access points for the entire campus. The APs will need to support the 802,11n-draft
protocol. The recommended model is the Cisco 802.11a/g/n-draft 2.024/5 GHz Modular Unified
Access Point. The CiscoWorks Wireless Solution Engine Express is recommended to manage the
wireless network.
Section 8: RFID Systems
The RFID system recommendations are for products made by Library Automation
Technologies Inc. The Flashscan 907 stations allow library customers to checkout materials
themselves. Flashscan is Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) compliant with Integrated Library
Systems (LA). It is recommended that three scanning stations be installed. Security RFID sensors
should be deployed at every exit location in the library to prevent theft.
Section 9: Distance Education
The recommendation is to build a virtual campus in the Second Life Grid for Cool
University. Educational institutions get 50 percent discounts on land prices. There is a monthly
land maintenance fee that accompanies the cost of the island. Second Life has a program that
allows universities to experiment or test the success of the program for one semester before
implementing a permanent presence in Second Life. Testing the program for one semester prior to
purchasing the land required for Cool University is recommended.
Addendum C: Diagrams
Figure C1
Figure C2
Building Design
10 Gbps Fiber
10 Gbps Fiber
Campus Core
10 Gbps Fiber
10 Gbps Fiber
Core Layer Switch
Modular Design
Located in the MDF
Shared Backplane
4th Floor
3rd Floor
2nd Floor
Distribution Layer Switch
Modular Design
Located in the MDF
Wireless AP
1st Floor
100 Mbps
Access Layer
Located in the IDF
Figure C3
Figure C4
Switch Block Design
Lines to North
Campus Facilities
Lines to East
Campus Facilities
Building Block
10 Gbps
Access Layer
10/100 Mb
1 Gb
10 Gbps
Access Layer
10/100 Mb
1 Gbps
Lines to West
Campus Facilities
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
Server Farm
Edge Router
Data Center
Figure C5
Addendum D: Budget
Cool University Budget
Building Access Layer Switches
48 Port 10/100 Managed Switch with 2 1000 Mb Uplink Slots
Building 1 Main (Core/Distribution/DataCenter)
9 Slot 6500 Chassis
Supervisor Engine (Important to Gb Ethernet)
4 Port 10 GbE Module (Core)
48 Port 10/100/1000 Module (Data Center Distribution)
24 Port 1 Gb Module (Building Distribution)
Buildings 2, 3, 4 (Core/Disribution)
3 Slot 4500 Chassis
Supervisor Engine II Plus
24 Port 1 Gb Module (Building Distribution)
Edge Router/Firewall
Cisco Integrated Services Router Security Bundle
VPN Advanced Integration Module
Cisco CallManager Cluster
Cisco Media Convergence Server 4835
Cisco CallManager 4.0 200 Client License package
Cisco IP Phones
RFID Library System
RFID Anti-Theft and Inventory Tracking System (Flashscan)
Self-Check Out Systems (Flashscan 907)
Workstations (Labs/Offices)
Gateway FX530 (395 for Labs, 700 for Offices)
Imac (195 for Labs, 100 for Employees)
Apple Imac
Unit Price
Linux SuSe 10.2 (65 for Labs)
Ovation Reading Machines
Docu-Edge Scanner
Duxbury Brail Translator
Braille Embosser
Turbo Ear
Lazee Mouse Pro
Quick Glance 3
Microsoft Advanced Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Client Access License
Web Server Edition
Microsfot Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition
Client Access License
Micrsoft Sharepoint Server 2007 Enterprise Edition
HP Proliant Servers (Server Farm)
HP Proliant (Workgroup)
Network Printers HP Laser Jet 9050 (Labs)
Network Printers HP Laser Jet 9050 (Offices)
Adaptive Technology
Cicero Text Readers
Wireless Network
Cisco 802.11a/g/n-draft (2.4/5GHz) Modular AP
Cisco CiscoWork Wireless solution Engine
Communication and Collaboration
Interoperable Communications
AT&T/Rave Phones
BioIdentiy Management System
Finger Print Terminal (Facility Authorization)
Classroom Technology
Projectors (JVC, Epson, Sharp, Dell, etc.)
Gateway FX530
Interactive Whiteboard
Software Package
Creative Suite Design Premium
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe Professional 8
Apple Final Cut Pro
Distance Education
Second Life (16 Acre Lots)
LAN Installation
Single-Mode, 8.5-Micron, Distribution-Style Fiber Optic
(Bulk 500ft for 666.95)
Multimode, 50-Micron, Breakout-Style Fiber Optic, 12 Wire
(Bulk 500ft for $1399.95)
Reoccurring Costs
Microsoft Campus Agreement
Second Life Land Maintenance Fees
OC1 Monthly Charge