council meeting - City of North Battleford
council meeting - City of North Battleford
CITY OF NORTH BATTLEFORD AGENDA for COUNCIL MEETING No. 70/16 Monday, February 22, 2016 8:00 p.m. North Battleford COUNCIL MEETING NO. 70/16 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MONDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2016 8:00 p.m. AGENDA AGENDA : Approval MINUTES : Council Meeting No. 69/16 dated February 8, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE : PUBLIC HEARING : PRESENTATION : DELEGATIONS : JOHN HALLIDAY, CANADIAN RED CROSS Re: Pink Shirt Day – Anti-bullying : HERB SUTTON, COMMUNITY SAFETY COORDINATOR Re: February 2016 Monitor Report : INSPECTOR JOHN SUTHERLAND, RCMP Re: Excellent Policing for the Communities of the Battlefords CORRESPONDENCE : REFERRALS TO COMMITTEES : ANNOUNCEMENTS/INQUIRIES : PROCLAMATIONS REPORTS : CITY MANAGER Re: Letter to the Editor – Correction to Erroneous Information : COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Re: Snow Angel Program : CITY OF NORTH BATTLEFORD HISTORIC ARCHIVES Re: Archives Week 2016 : COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES – UNADOPTED Re: Planning Committee Meeting #14/16 UNFINISHED BUSINESS : NEW BUSINESS : PLANNING COMMITTEE – RECOMMENDATION Re: Battlefords Humane Society – Additional Funding Request : EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – RECOMMENDATION Re: Recommendation from Meeting No. 54/16 Council Meeting No. 70/16 : PLANNER 1 Re: Public Transit Expansion : CITY PLANNER Re: Discretionary Land Use Application – 832 104th Street BYLAWS : NOTICE OF MOTION : ADJOURNMENT : COUNCIL MEETING NO. 69/16 Minutes of Council Meeting No. 69/16 held Monday February 8, 2016, Council Chambers, City Hall, commencing at 8:00 p.m. , MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor: I.Hamilton Councillors: D. Buglas R Bater . R Fox . K Hawtin . G . Lightfoot C Richardson . ADMINISTRATION PRESENT: City Manager City Clerk City Engineer Communications Coordinator Director of Finance Director of Leisure Services Director of Operations Fire Chief His Worship Mayor I. Hamilton in the Chair. AGENDA 1154) BE IT RESOLVED that the Agenda as presented for February 8 2016, be approved. , Moved by Coun. R. Bater and K. Hawtin , CARRIED. MINUTES 1155) BE IT RESOLVED that minutes of Council Meeting No. 68/16 dated January 25 2016, be adopted as circulated. Moved by Coun. K. Hawtin and R. Bater , CARRIED. PUBLIC NOTICE None , Council Mtg. #69 February 8, 2016 2 PUBLIC HEARING None PRESENTATION None DELEGATIONS None CORRESPONDENCE MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Re: Approval of Amending Bylaw to Official Community Plan 1156) BE IT RESOLVED that correspondence from Ministry of Government Relations Community Planning dated January 22 2016, regarding approval of the bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan be received. , , Moved by Coun. K. Hawtin and R. Bater, CARRIED. REFERRALS TO COMMITTEES None ANNOUNCEMENTS/INQUIRIES Fire Chief Introduced newly hired CSO Supervisor Mr. Robert Gillan. Coun. Lightfoot Again addressed the danger on the edge of Territorial Drive east at the curve location, suggesting plans for permanent widening. Also requested review of the turning lane onto Douglas Avenue from , Territorial Drive. Dir of Operations To review and progress with changes. Coun. Bater Addressed the illegal actions of those driving motorized vehicles ruining the ski trails on North Shore Trail with an appeal for this activity to stop. , Council Mtg. #69 February 8, 2016 3 REPORTS 1157) BE IT RESOLVED that the following reports be received: DIRECTOR OF LEISURE SERVICES Re: 2018 Winter Games Re: 2nd Annual Wintertainment Week NORTH BATTLEFORD LIBRARY/LAKELAND LIBRARY REGION Re: 2015 Annual Report DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Re: Permit to Operate a Waste Disposal Ground Re: Permit to Operate a Sewage Works COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - UNADOPTED Re: Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting #9/16 Moved by Coun. R. Bater and C. Richardson, CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Re: Parks Operations Front End Loader Purchase 1158) BE IT RESOLVED that the purchase of the John Deere 444K front end loader from Brandt Equipment of Saskatoon for the tendered priced of $200,194.20 plus GST be approved. Moved by Coun. C. Richardson and R. Bater , CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS CITY ENGINEER Re: Flat Fee for UPAR Sewer and Water Lateral Replacement 1159) BE IT RESOLVED that a flat fee of $1 000.00 be charged to those single family home owners who request replacement of the privately owned portion of their sewer and water lateral pipes when done as part of a UPAR underground project. , Moved by Coun. C. Richardson and G. Lightfoot, CARRIED UNANIMOUS. Council Mtg. #69 February 8. 2016 4 Administration to investigate imposing mandatory lead line replacement when UPAR projects are undertaken. This information to be provided as early as possible, either for next Planning Committee meeting or Council. BYLAWS None NOTICE OF MOTION None Prior to adjournment, His Worship welcomed the new Communications Coordinator, Susanne Abe to the City as well as acknowledged the members of the media who provide coverage of the Council meetings and events. ADJOURNMENT 1160) BE IT RESOLVED that the meeting do adjourn. Moved by Coun. R. Bater. CARRIED. MAYOR CITY CLERK February 2016 Monitor Report Building A Safer Community Five Primary Objectives 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . Creating Opportunities Helping Individuals and Complex Families Co-ordinating Existing Programs and Seeking New Programs Preventing and Suppressing Crime Engaging People Within the Regional Community "Thinking About Upstream Solutions For Downstream Benefits" Community Safety Coordinator City of North Battleford February 22, 2016 February, 2016 Monitor Report - Community Safety Coordinator Work Closely With RCMP Proactive Measures . Citizens on Patrol (COPP) o Working with City Communications manager to finalize the logo, application form and promotion o Have had a few inquiries from citizens in the community so expect to generate some , interest in this . o RCMP will be responsible for training new recruits o Work still to be done around targeting areas for the COPP members to patrol RCMP Liaison Officer o . Meeting is being planned for March Crime Free Multi-Housing o Working with RCMP to complete written reports of the Phase 2 inspections o Finalizing logo, signage, certificates for participants who have completed Phase 2 Use Research-Based Strategies to Reduce Crime (CPTED) . CPTED training - hosted here in North Battleford - excellent training for City workers o 4 projects underway with City employees involved in each project. These are to be completed by March 17/18 (next training session) . " " CPTED Review Committee - looking at creation of safety brochures for distribution to businesses and residents - safety tips Create and Implement a Community Safety Plan . Completing the written document required by Public Safety Canada to complete their work with us . Completed 2 visual representations of some of our work so far: (1) vision; (2) historical scan . These will be used as we continue the engagement of the community - gathering feedback , incorporating that into existing Community Safety Plan and then taking the revised plan back to , the community . Working on a Communications Plan - both within the SAGE members as well as to the broader , community February, 2016 Monitor Report - Community Safety Coordinator policeandFrstNaioncmuites,andohretwokbeingdo NrthBaleford Build Positive Relations with Surrounding First Nation Communities . Continue to work with Saulteaux and Moosomin First Nation communities , as they work on their community safety plans. This work requires patience, as it involves community development this can take a long time to build and develop. Strong leadership is required. Each community has that leadership, however, some times those people don't emerge right away . Continuing to attend Police Management Board meetings to discuss partnerships between Promote a Positive Image of North Battleford . Our work to promote the Lighthouse and highlight the funding challenges has captured some media attention . See " Food For Thought" at the end of the report - international attention for North Battleford ' on Greg Saville s blog site . Battlefords NOW - has contacted City Manager Communications Manager and I to meet and , gather information on the work around community safety Support and Assist the Hub Table and Hub Steering Committee . The provincial body overseeing the work of the Hub - Building Partnerships To Reduce Crime (BPRC) is undergoing an internal review right now, so we have had little contact with them. The E-Learning . However , has stalled as a result due to strong leadership within our Hub Table and Steering Committee, our groups continue to move forward . Hub Table continues to have situations brought forward and they are working hard to connect individuals and families to necessary services Support the Work of the Early Childhood Planning Network (Early Intervention) . Teddy Bear Clinic - being planned for May 27 in the Library Park o This is an important function to bring families together, and share with them the many services that are available in the community for them Work with Agencies/Organizations to Address Issues Housing Security and Homelessness . Funding for North Battleford Lighthouse - still not secure o Recent reports from Saskatoon suggest that the Ministry of Social Services has intervened with some funding, and more importantly with a commitment to look for long term, sustainable solutions for the resource issue February, 2016 Monitor Report - Community Safety Coordinator o As of last week, the manager of the North Battleford Lighthouse indicated to me that none of that funding provided in Saskatoon was earmarked for this community. She has not heard anything further regarding the funding o We do know that the Community Development Corporation has provided interim funding that will allow the Lighthouse to operate until the end of March, but nothing is in place right now to take them beyond that time frame. Without a solid plan for sustainable funding, the future of the North Battleford Lighthouse is still in jeopardy . The Battlefords Friendship Center is nearing completion of its work around the homelessness count - a report will be released in March. This will help us better understand the extent of the challenges in this area. It is important to note that the work done on this project aligns with the Federal "Point in Time (PIT)" count, and so the data in the report has a high level of fidelity and reliability. We will look for ways to leverage this and use the data for more than just creating a report o The Lighthouse will be an important part of a continuum of a broader response to issues around poverty and homelessness Justice . February 26 is the next scheduled meeting to discuss mental health and addictions issues and the Justice system o Prairie North Health has indicated that they will attempt to devote some resources specifically to this project - very encouraging! Food Security . Nothing further to report at this time Teen Center . Meeting with Executive Director and Board Chair of Concern For Youth and City officials , February 18. The purpose was to begin discussions about the use of a temporary facility to allow for some programming for teens to be started . Highlight the work of Leisure Services - some excellent programming available for teens at the Aquatic Center and Field House - transportation provided from the 3 high schools. Great work to reach out to teens who wouldn't normally have access to this kind of programming February, 2016 Monitor Report - Community Safety Coordinator Implementation of the Emergency Responder High School Credit Program . Next meeting scheduled for February 24 Create a Community Connections Guide Annually . On-going Other Initiatives . Regional Intersectoral Committee (RIC) - Poverty Reduction Strategy o Meeting was held February 8. Strong support for moving forward with a number of initiatives to address poverty in our community o Next steps are to form sub-committees and begin work within those smaller groups o Will require strong community champions to assume leadership roles on these subcommittees Food For Thought North Battleford Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) training: Please go to: "SafeGrowth Moves North" on that page NOTE: this is a blog managed by Greg Saville - one of the CPTED trainers working with our cohort here in North Battleford. His blog is followed by people all over the world Excellent Policing for the Communities of the Battlefords The Battlefords Detachment Strategic Vision for 2015/2016 calls for us to move towards Intelligence Led Policing to begin to address two key areas of policing that will impact Detachment employees and our contracting partners; decrease calls for service/employee workload and assurance of a valuable and sustainable service delivery. We are currently working on our 2015-2016 year-end report to our Community Partners. Some of the highlights of this to date are: • • • • • • • • • 4th Watch Sgt – We have successfully had one of our Rural Cpl positions transitioned to a Sgt. position and are awaiting the staffing of the same; Add an office manager – Staffing action is completed to convert a Public Service position to that of an office manager who will supervise both the PS and Municipal Employees. We are currently working with PS Staffing in regards to filling this position. More effective supervision by watch NCO’s through introduction of Case Management Early Closure (CMECC) – The implementation took place in September and to date we have been able to successfully deal with 3,261 files through this process. Increase patrol and intelligence gathering time for members through time savings using PROS Data Centre (PDC). Members are increasing their use of PDC and this is being monitored monthly; Use of North Battleford HUB to work with partners to address long term social, mental health and addictions issues; Use of the Battlefords RCMP, fire and provincial Liquor Inspector to monitor the sale and consumption of alcohol. Increase community contact by members through involvement in initiatives such as Crime Free Multi-Housing, Community Safety Audits, Neighbourhood Watch and Citizens on Patrol; Funding by the City for 50% of a research assistant. Introduction of this position has the potential to be one of the single most important steps to drive modernization of our service delivery that we could make. Introduction of a Community Constable funded by the RCMP. We are once again hosting a Community Partners Planning meeting which will be held on Thursday, February 25, 2016 at the Western Development Museum in regards to our 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan. Mayor Ian Hamilton and City Planner, Jim Puffalt will be in attendance. 1 Proclamation Whereas, bullying affects every community and can have a devastating effect on children, youth, families, and communities, and, Whereas, people can put a stop to bullying when they know how to recognize it, how to stand up for themselves and others, and where to go for help, and, Whereas, Red Cross Pink Day brings attention to the need to stand up to bullying and shows support for people who are bullied, and, Whereas, by participating in Red Cross Pink Day and learning about bullying prevention we show our support and help to put a stop to bullying in our province, and, Whereas, the Canadian Red Cross works with schools and communities across Saskatchewan and Canada through the respected violence and abuse prevention program to build capacity to address bullying, and, Whereas, Red Cross Pink Day, along with Canadian Red Cross bullying prevention training, will raise awareness of bullying and help children, youth and adults in our community to stand up for each other and create a safer community for all. Therefore, the City of North Battleford hereby proclaims February 24, 2016, as Red Cross Pink Day. We urge all residents of North Battleford to participate in Red Cross Pink Day and to support the Canadian Red Cross by volunteering their time or by financially supporting the Red Cross bullying prevention program. Ian Hamilton, Mayor Proclamation By the powers vested in me, I, Ian Hamilton, Mayor of the City of North Battleford, do hereby declare March 7-11, 2016 as Francophonie Week in the City of North Battleford, in union with cities and municipalities across Canada during national Francophonie week celebrations. The City will raise the Fransaskois flag on Monday, March 7, 2016. Ian Hamilton, Mayor North Battleford Memorandum TO: Mayor Ian Hamilton and Members of City Council FROM: James Puffalt, City Manager DATE: February 18, 2016 SUBJECT: Battlefords News Optimist - Letter to the Editor - erroneous information In the February 11, 2016 edition of the Battleford News-Optimist, a letter to the Editor erroneously stated the City of North Battleford and Town of North Battleford is billing the Battlefords Minor Hockey Association (BMHA) for kids and coaches going onto the ice early, such as 4:15 pm, if it was available before a 4:30 pm regularly scheduled ice time. We are pleased to advise Council that the City of North Battleford has never charged extra for this ice time in the past nor does it plan to do so in the future. If the ice is ready, the lights are on and the staff are in the building, we encourage the coaches and players to use the ice at the Civic Centre and Don Ross Arena as there is no additional cost to the City and it gives Minor Hockey some free ice time. The City of North Battleford takes our responsibility to provide opportunities for youth and our entire Community Safety Program very seriously. This does seem to be an issue at the Battleford Arena as we checked with Battlefords Minor Hockey and were assured that we have not billed Minor Hockey for this ice time in error. The Town of Battleford is a separate jurisdiction from the City of North Battleford and we of course will not comment on another Municipalities policies and procedures. However we wanted to provide the correctly information to the community. ' Respectfully submitted, City Manager North Battleford Memorandum TO: Mayor Ian Hamilton and Members of City Council FROM: Susanne Abe, Communications Coordinator DATE: February 18, 2016 SUBJECT: Snow Angel Program Dear Mayor and Council, February brought winter back - and North Battleford's Snow Angels. As of February 18 2016 we have 19 nominations for the Snow Angel Program. , . Ron Francoeur . Homer Corbeil . Kevin and Vicki Guttormson . . Ann Chudyk Orest Mysko . Paul McAlister . George Nachtegaele . Gordon Znack . Nat Jurgens . Chris Nolin . Loralee Cawood . Mike Shumlick . Bruce Higashi . Des Power . Pam Knowles . . George Plews Jim Wright . Brian Haaland . Brianna Forsyth & Shawn Russell , Rhett and Jay Every snow angel will receive a Certificate signed by Mayor Ian Hamilton, and will enter into a monthly prize draw. I suggest to have His Worship draw February s winner. The winner will , ' receive a $50 Visa Card. Respectfully submitted , Susanne Abe Communications Coordinator City of North Battleford Archives Week 2016 The City of North Battleford Historic Archives celebrated our 81h annual Archives week at Discovery CO-OP - Territorial Place Mall in North Battleford on February 41h (Thursday) from noon until 6 p.m. and then on February 61h (Saturday) from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. This year our display was entitled "Aerial Views" of the Battlefords and surrounding area. There were approximately 123 photographs that had been labelled and highlighted showing areas in North Battleford Battleford, Saskatchewan Hospital Government Ridge, Cochin, Turtleford, Edam, Loon Lake, Hamelin and rural areas along Highway 16. These photographs were chosen out of a group of negatives that we had recently discovered in the Lome Cooper Collection that was donated to the archives in 1996. These aerial views have provided a great source of conversation and interest from , , our volunteers and visitors at the archives. We had tried something new this year to give our visitors a more hands on approach as we arranged and enlarged the photographs (8x10 and 11x17) and adhered them to coroplast so that the image could be picked up and viewed. Many visitors were interested in finding out "where their house was" in the early 1960's to 1970's and spent time looking at historical landmarks. A PowerPoint with 30 images was also set up and running throughout the course of the day. Finally we had a computer set up with a research list and help from a volunteer - for anyone who was interested in accessing historical records such as Census , records, Land Grants, Homestead records , Historical newspapers, Saskatchewan Cemeteries, Saskatchewan Settlement records and Ancestry search. This was by far the most successful display we have ever had with approximately 600 people viewing the display over the two days. Comments recorded include statements such as: " - Found our house" " - - Thank you. Very interesting and nice visit" "Great Display do this again!" "Epic , " - " - Awesome" It must be noted that members from Lome Cooper's family were also in attendance. His daughter Wendy Rawlyk travelled to North Battleford to see the display and said "It is truly an honour to have the Lome Cooper Collection on display for Archives Week in Saskatchewan. The photographs on display reflect how important Lome Cooper felt it was to preserve the history of the Battlefords." His son Lome Cooper Jr. stated that "Dad would be extremely proud of this presentation. , " There were members of the community who took this opportunity to bring to the display historical photographs and documents, to become part of the City of North Battleford Historic Archives permanent collection and we would like to say "Thank You" for donating this material. , Thank you to the Discovery CO-OP - Territorial Place Mall Thank you to Andrew Friesen for providing the 2015 Aerial View of the City Thank you to Ultraprint for donation of the coraplast for the backing of the photographs Thank you to everyone who visited our display and a special Thank you to the Saskatchewan Council of Archives and Archivists (SCAA) for funding this , , , event. We look forward to next year's 91h Annual event with a new and exciting theme. City of North Battleford Historic Volunteers: Harvey Cashmore Terry Lumsdon Larry Kulyk, Ken Sanders, Bill Wells, Leola Macdonald, Val Fitzgerald, DawneTokaryk Archivist: Tammy Donahue Buziak , , CARfcfcH lb »*W\ ' . ST skrvTcks " ORl> HISTORIC ÿ Pnotog, L°r"*CoopZ North Battlcford CITY OF NORTH BATTLEFORD HISTORIC ARCHIVES " AERIAL VIEWS OF THE BATTLEFORDS1 Featuring Photographs from the Lome Cooper Collection lorne cooper PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 14/16 Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting No. 14/16 held Tuesday February 16, 2016, Council Chambers, City Hall, commencing at 6:00 p.m. , MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor I. Hamilton Councillors R. Bater D . w' " Buglas (7:15 p.m. left meeting) K Hawtitt . G Lightfoot C Richardson . # MEMBER ABSENT: CouncilloGJr R. r&x ADMINISTRATION PRESENT: City Manager City Clerk W City Planner Communications Coordinator Director of Business Development Director of Human Resources Director of Leisure Services Director of Operations Fire Chief Planner 1 Deputy Mayor Coun. " % AGENDA W-S x " N .. M ~ - . 85) BE IT RESOLVED that Agenda No. 14/16 for February 16 2016, be approved , W&.. 4ÿ \ Moved by Coun. D. Buglas , CARRIED. MINUTES " " x x-x - 86) RESOLVED that minutes of Planning Committee Meeting No. 13/16 held January 18, 2016, be adopted as circulated. Moved by Coun. G. Lightfoot, CARRIED. Planning Committee Mtg. No. 14/16 February 16, 2016 _ DELEGATIONS None ÿ ÿ CORRESPONDENCE p M None M M Mm %# REPORTS # W& M ' W , Jffi 87) BE IT RESOLVED that the following reports be received: NORTH BATTLEFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT - JANUARY, 2016 Re: Fire Fighting Activities Statistical JjP ÿl|| Re: Fire Prevention Activities Statistical Re: CSO Statistical Analysis Overview PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY Re: Building Permits - January, 2016 Re: Business Licences - January 2016 , DIRECTOR OF LEISURE SERVICES Re: Leisure Services Highlights - January, 2016 DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Re Re Operations Department Activities - January, 2016 Treatment Plant Operator Publication - Lystek System Re Snow Ploughing Notifications ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER Re: January 2016 Water Report Moved by Coun. D. Buglas, CARRIED. Administration to investigate adding parking restriction alerts to the "Recollect" app. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None Planning Committee Mtg. No. 14/16 February 16, 2016 _ NEW BUSINESS None #1 Jw INQUIRIES ... None . M Jr ---- - - M NEXT MEETING DATE M M Jl ;W Monday, March 21, 2016 <# ÿ FREEDOM OF INFORMATION & PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT Part III Exemptions 88) BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Subsections 5(a) (c) & 6(d) of Part III of the , Freedom of information & Protection of Privacy Act, Committee meet in camera. Moved byCoun. R. Bater, CARRIED. Session commenced at 7:00 p.m. Session adjourned at 9;3| p.m. ADJOURNMENT 89) BEIT RESOLVED that the meeting do adjourn. Moved by Coun. G. Lightfoot. : , 53:- CARRIED. m,. CHAIR SECRETARY North Battleford Memorandum TO: Mayor Ian Hamilton and Members of City Council FROM: Debbie Wohlberg City Clerk DATE: February 17, 2016 SUBJECT: Planning Committee Meeting No. 14/16 , At the meeting held February 16 2016, the following resolution was passed: , Re: Battlefords Humane Society - Additional Funding Request RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL that an additional $2 000.00 in funding be provided to the , Battlefords Humane Society for 2016. CARRIED UNANIMOUS. Respectfully submitted , Debbie Wohlberg \ City Clerk Director of Legislative Services North Battleford DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Memorandum February 17 2016 Mayor Ian Hamilton and Members of Council Devin MacAulay Planner I Transit Expansion , , Background Information Over the past several years Administration has been working closely with Mr. Al Love Transit Manager, on expanding services of the current Transit System. Public Transit is not a service that a City provides for profit but rather to improve City residents" quality of life. Public Transit accomplishes this by providing an alternative means of travel beyond vehicle ownership. It is also critical to provide opportunity for those with limited choices such as the young, elderly, disabled and lower-income residents. By having Public Transit in North Battleford it allows for equitable and essential access to employment, education, commercial retailers and recreation facilities. , , , The current Public Transit System is a single-bus system running a circular route through the City Core. This system was fully implemented in 2012 and has since tripled in ridership surpassing 21,000 riders last year. This system has reached its capacity as the route s success has led to difficulty for the drivers completing the route in the allotted time. Other issues plaguing the existing route include losing fares to taxis as a result of long travel times and not providing service to the neighbourhoods of Killdeer Park and Fairview Heights-both of which have a large number of apartment dwellings. , , ' , Discussion and Comment Administration is recommending a two-bus single route system where buses run opposite directions. The route will meet back at the CO-OP every hour. Once there one bus will take riders to Killdeer Park and Fairview Heights; providing a much needed break for one of the drivers. When the bus returns from Killdeer Park and Fairview Heights riders will be able to transfer to the bus that provides the most efficient direction for their journey and the route will continue. This twobus system would provide far better service to most riders while deviating very little from the existing route (attached map and spreadsheet for details). , , , , , The new system will provide better service to the public: > Shorter ride times. > 1A hour service at stops rather than 1 hour. > Flexible and more options for riders as they can take one bus to destination and return on the other bus back. > Bus route relatively the same as original so easy to understand. > Bus travels down collector streets rather than residential streets. > > > > Fixed Schedule at stops. Provides service to Killdeer Park and Fairview Heights. Increases trips into Commercial Areas and Downtown. This system has the ability to expand with relative ease. > > > > Transfer point at Discovery Co-Op Mall Able to retain nearly 80% of existing stops Increased trips to the CUplex with focus on partnerships in the future New locations to sell the bus passes, with more fare options available to the public , The public transit expansion will provide the City with a better service to the residents of North Battleford. Transit should not solely be measured by revenue and ridership-as it provides an essential service to many residents and businesses. For example, providing mobility to those who would otherwise not be able to access certain services, or fully participate in the city s economy. " Public transit is a major contributor to the three pillars of success: increasing economic prosperity, social equality and environmental sustainability. However Administration is expecting to see the following targets to be met with expansion: , 1) overall increase of ridership of 30% 2) increase in advertising revenue of 50% for capital replacement 3) increase in riders to the downtown by 30% 4) increase riders to the CUplex by 30% 5) generate new riders from Fairview Heights and Killdeer Park with a target of 15% of new riders 6) increase rider satisfaction 7) reduce ride times for most by 50% 8) formulate strategic partnerships with leisure services to promote future events for the City These targets will be measured closely by Administration and the Transit Manager. A report will be created prior to the 2017 budget outlining the effectiveness of the expansion which will also include public surveys and consultations of resident's opinion on the service. , The single ride fares are proposed to remain the same but a slight increase in monthly passes is recommended. There is also the addition of a Senior Pass and Eight Ticket Pass. The breakdown of fares is shown below. Adult Single Fare Adult Monthly Fare Adult Eight Ticket Pass $3.00 (no change) $60.00 (was $50.00) $20.00 (new) Senior (60+) Monthly Fare $50.00 (new) Youth Single Fare Youth Monthly Pass $2.00 (no change) $40.00 (was $35.00) Through the public engagement and consultation on this project the general feedback from the public has been extremely positive. Current riders are excited to see change and use a more efficient service, while many non-riders support the idea and were more willing to entertain the concept of using transit in the City, following the changes. , Although the engagement was successful, the following items were identified by the public: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) shorter ride times service to the Town of Battleford create a stop at Caleb Village (on their property) service to Killdeer Park and Fairview Heights neighbourhoods provide longer hours of operation The proposed expansion meets these needs, with the exceptions of servicing the Town and longer hours. The conversation with the Town had occurred in late October 2015, with little interest shown at that time. Given the change in Administration, we have tried to make contact to continue this discussion. In regards to longer hours, it is not feasible at this time with current staff, but will be monitored and considered as proof of concept is shown. The Transit Bus Stop locations were chosen carefully in an attempt to maximize coverage, connect neighborhoods and areas, and cover the City with a 1,000-meter maximum distance for walkability. The proposed location of the bus stops is attached as a spreadsheet, indicating approximately where they are and why they were chosen. These stops were chosen as they match the criteria the best along the route. The criteria when choosing stops was: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Not to take up a parking stall if possible Not locate in resident's home front when possible Located near sidewalks Located near lighting Located away from intersections for the purpose of snow clearing Options 1 . 2 . 3 . Council may approve Transit Expansion as presented. Council may deny Transit Expansion as presented. Council may authorize administration to proceed with an alternative offer and/or terms. Budget Issues An increase in operating expenses is required for this service and has been included in the 2016 Budget Deliberations. An expected 50% increase to accommodate the April expansion is required, with an anticipated 30% increase in revenue generated from fares. The inclusion of a second bus on the route also allows for more advertising space to be sold. The increased advertising revenue will go directly to capital cost replacement. The Transit Manager and Administration have already been hard at work generating more interest in advertising on the bus, and have sold to several prominent North Battleford businesses. Public Notice and Communication No Public notice is required, however, Administration has been engaging with the public throughout this process. To date three different public surveys were conducted, two Public Open Houses and several media releases. If approved Administration will proceed with a strong campaign to ensure current and potential transit riders are aware of changes. This will be done through media releases another Open House, advertising on and off the bus (bus stops) and hosting an event in the spring. We are also proposing to offer the public FREE transit rides on Friday April 1st and Saturday April 2nd. This is an attempt to introduce the service to regular users and potential riders that may not normally , utilize transit. Recommendationfs) Your Administration recommends that: Council approve the Public Transit Expansion as presented. Respectfully submitted, Devin MacAulay Planner I Planning and Development CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Concur on a trial basis with a full report included in the 2017 Budget as there are achievable targets that can be measured to determine the effectiveness and provide rationale to continue or discontinue the expanded service. Jim Puffalt, City Manager – 18/02/16 February 22, 2016 Council Meeting Green Route Stop Number 1 Approximate Location Descriptions Gamex Bingo- South Railway 2 6th Avenue-Just Past 104 3 6th Avenue-Just past 101st 4 8th Avenue and 99th Street 5 6 Allen Sapp Corner of 101st and 11th Avenue (Before Craigs Building) 7 1222 101st Street 8 1281100th Street 9 Valley View Tower #2 10 Valley View Tower #1 11 1302 99th Street 12 99th at corner of 15th Ave, Fire hydrant 13 15th Avenue and 97th Street 14 15th Avenue and 94th Street 15 15th Avenue between 93rd and 92nd Street 16 1592 91st Street 17 1702 91st Street 18 Corner of 91st and 19th, in front of 1892 91st 19 on 19th at the park at the end of 95th Street 20 In parking lot of church on 98th and 19th 21 23 On 20th Avenue before back alley between 98th and 99th Street Walking Path near 9811 21st Avenue Walking Path near 9707 97th Street 24 Post Between 9025 + 9027 Abbott 25 Side yard of8916 Thomas on Abbott 26 Side yard of 8992 Panton on Abbott 27 9006 Panton Ave 28 9038 Panton 22 29 2232 95th Street 30 Territorial Place Mall 31 2002 101st Street 32 2108 101st Street 33 Corner of 101st and MacDonald Drive, in front of 2154 101st 34 2178 Douglas Avenue 35 Corner of Douglas and Scott, 2196 Douglas 2238 Douglas Avenue 36 37 1949 St. Laurent 38 1901 St. Laurent 39 near mail boxes beside 1625 St. Laurent 40 1607 St Laurent 41 In front of 1401110th Street 42 Davidson Manor 43 1502 107th Street 44 Diefenbaker Drive and 107th Green Route Stop Number 45 Approximate Location Descriptions Caleb Village 46 18th Ave and 106 47 18th Ave and 103 48 1761101st Street 49 1501101st Street 50 101st and 14th Avenue 51 1321101st Street 52 Side yard of 1291 104th on 13th Avenue 53 1191104th Street 54 55 Side yard of 1092 104th on 11th Avenue 11th Avenue and 107th Street (BUH) 56 11th Avenue and 109th Street 57 981110th Street 58 8th Avenue and 110th Street 59 8th Avenue and 113th Street 60 Western Rear Entrance to Frontier Mall 61 Eastern rear entrance to Frontier Mall 62 Heritage way near Gold Eagle Casino 63 Cuplex 64 Walmart 65 491114th Street 66 11204 Railway Ave E Blue Route Stop Number 67 Approximate Location Descriptions Near Gamex Bingo on South Railway 68 In front of Mr. Ribs 69 114th in front of Hydrant 70 Frontier Mall 1 71 Frontier Mall 2 72 73 Gold Eagle Cuplex 74 Walmart 75 Near 11313 8th Avenue near hydrant Near Ray,s Electric 8th Ave 76 77 78 79 80 110th close to hydrant across from other stop Right across from other on 11th 11th in front of Wally's Food Basket Side yard of 1102 104th Ave 81 104th in front of Notre Dame Church 82 1301104th street on 13th Avenue 83 13th Avenue before 101st 84 101 and 14th street 85 McKitrick School 86 89 on 18th avenue in the side yard of 1741 18th Avenue right across, before 103 on 18th Avenue in park across existing Caleb Village 90 18th Avenue near 1702 106th 91 On 15th Avenue, in the side yard of 1492 107th 92 Davidson Manor 87 88 93 1502 110th Street 94 On St Laurent, side yard of 1591 Mackenzie King Cres on St. Laurent, side yard of 1639 Mackenzie King Cres 95 96 1902 St. Laurent 97 1952 St. Laurent 98 103 On Douglas avenue on pole in front of 2233 2199 Douglas Avenue 2179 Douglas Between 2157 and 2155 Douglas on Crosswalk pole In walking path between 2109 and 2111 Douglas 20th Avenue anywhere, new pole 104 COOP 105 108 Panton right after turn off 95th, new pole Panton 9035 near fire hydrant new pole Panton 9005 Hydrant new pole In walking path between 8985 and 8898 Abbot 109 In side yard of 8916 Thomas on Abbot 110 new pole at 9032 Abbott 111 ceep existing stop at 9702 97th 112 Keep existing stop on 99th 20th Avenue near walking path near River Heights Cottages 99 100 101 102 106 107 113 12 Sideyarof149 thSreton15hAvenu Blue Route Stop Number 114 Approximate Location Descriptions Keep existing on 19th Avenue between back alleys of 98th and 97th 115 On 19th at the corner of 19th and 95th by Hydrant 116 117 Side yard of 9102 Walker Drive on 19th Avenue 170191st new pole in front of Potters House 118 160191st at the corner of 91st and 16th Ave W 119 Side yard of 1491 92nd Street on 15th Avenue 120 121 15th ave directly across of existing before 94th 15th and 97th no parking post after 97th 123 1301 99th Street on 99th 124 Tower 1 125 Tower 2 126 Side of 1291100th Street on 13th Avenue 127 1291101st on 13th Avenue , 128 In front of 1191101st Street 129 In front of the Don Ross Centre 130 6th Avenue between 100 and 101st 131 6th Avenue between 103 and 104th Killdeer Park and Fairview Heights Route Stop Number Approximate Location Descriptions 133 2522 100th Street by Hydrant 2691 Campbell Crescent on 27th Street 134 2591 Clements Drive 135 10209 Ross Crescent on Clements 132 136 Walking path between 2431 and 2421 Clements 137 2321 Clements at corner of Ross 138 2342 Killdeer at the Hydrant 2412 Killdeer at the Hydrant 2452 Killdeer at the hydrant south end of 2441 Meadow Lark Lane new pole Walking path between 9302 and 9212 Meadow Lark 139 140 141 142 Proposed Transit Sandpiper Road Expansion - Crescvnl Cardinal Ross Crescent Crescent Bunco 25th Avenue Robin Place Maher Dnve Crescent Buhler Bay Hock Avenue 24th Avenue p . Amos Drive Henderson Drive Borden Crescent f J? Laurier Crescent ÿ venu* Drive Walker Drive Centennial Park Pearson Avenue Civic Centre Centennial ifa lehjyjilaoc Crescent " Thompson Crescent 17th Avenue 16th Avenue Winder Crescent 1bih Avenu* Doanscroft Avenue Asquith Avenue Don Ross Centre Chapoi Gallery 7th Avenue fyth Avenue LEGEND Clockwise - Counter Clockwise Fairview & Killdeer- Gold Eagle Casino North 4**ÿ Battleford For Council Resolve File: 832-1041h Street TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Ian Hamilton and Members of City Council Ryan Mackrell, City Planner February 17 2016 SUBJECT: Discretionary Use Application- 832-1041h Street - Public Garage , Background Information We have received an application to establish a Public Garage at 832-1041h Street. The applicant is wanting to open a Speedy Collision Centre and Enterprise Rent-A-Car at the above location. These uses are defined under a Public Garage in the Mixed Use Zoning District and is permitted at Council,s discretion. Discussion and Comment The property is located along Railway Avenue and 104th Street and has an existing building on site. Favorable consideration should be given to the site being located on a comer lot with similar uses in the neighborhood. One of the prior uses for the existing building was an Auto Body Shop. The redevelopment of this property would eliminate an empty property that has been underutilized in the City for several years. Any potential impacts of noise odour, smoke, fumes and/or vibration of the operation are not seen to be of issue due to the site location and that the existing neighborhood already consists of similar uses including auto body shops. Given that the neighborhood consists of similar uses this development is not expected to have any negative impacts on the surrounding , businesses. The land has been optioned by the developer on a private sale pending the approval of this discretionary land use application. Upon approval a building and development permit will be required to ensure all City Bylaws are met with the redevelopment of this property. Options Approve the discretionary land use application as presented. Deny the discretionary land use application. Budget Issues None the $500 Discretionary Land Use Fee has been collected to cover costs of this application. , Public Notice and Communication Land owners within a 75-meter radius of the proposal have been advised of the application. The site has been posted as well as the City website and bulletin board and at the time of writing, no objection has been received. , Recommendation(s) Administration does not foresee any land use conflicts associated with this application and recommends the application to develop a Public Garage at 832-104th Street be approved. illw *-»i ik»v\i++/-v/-J Ryan Mackrell City Planner , To whom it may concern , As VP in charge of business development for Speedy Collision I would like to present to you our plans for a location In the city of North Battleford. We have identified a location in which we desire to run our operation out of the building that is located at 832 104th ST East in North Battleford. This location and the building that occupies that property fits very well with our needs as it is currently configured, and would need very little changes to be made to the current layout of the building for our organization to run our operations from, it also has been chosen due to its close proximity to the SGI claim center, its street visibility, as well as the ease of access it has for our future customers. With that being said there will be various renovations that will take place both to the interior and exterior of the building to bring it up to our companies standards to help us be recognized as the premier provider of collision repairs in your area. Enterprise rent a car is also one of our national partners and we have an agreement in place for them to operate out of our facility as well which will bring another national company into your community, and all the economic spinoffs that will come from them, as well as providing a new service in your community for your residents. Speedy Collision plans on providing first class collision repairs to your community as well as, Spray in Boxliners, Glass replacement, vehicle detailing, vehicle accessories and installation, custom painting, and full mechanical services making us a one stop shop for our customers needs. This opportunity will provide 3-4 immediate jobs and our expectation is that within the first 18 months our staff will increase to between 10-12 depending on community support. Thank you for your consideration, Pat Quinney VP of Business Development Speedy Collision North Battleford APPLICATION FOR BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS CLASS OF WORK Note: Do not fill in grey highlighted boxes (for office use only) Relocation ÿ New ÿ Alterations ÿ Addition ÿ Demolition ÿ Removal ÿ Repair ÿ Commercial ÿ Residential ÿ Garage ÿ Industrial ÿ Institutional ÿ Sign | Building Address A . . Value of Project 303Iqqoc>o Ir-.n OlocV. 3 L Roil Nwaux-;; s iscr iplion sorption ÿ /. j< FMiniated Stad Date Size of Bu it ding / /)) flpplt (e-l»w /or £>C-C<ÿJ> fappro->cÿ\ flxr Co _ SL,.t. n± /ÿ ofc/y Height tt of otofioa ÿ onmt i O* * opn»c t Omw , j Company Name (if applicable) Contact :onl8cl Name /ÿ vor* tr \ In**.* ÿAddress -' // 4 / 3 9 < SV. Jc rJps ' City ÿCtrl Postal Code Province 5ol /3 Q 7ÿiy°t r ax Number iinw find /moo Area uuuu; Code) ia iNumuej iPhone Number (Ind Area Codo) S06 E-Mail Address . Uh\'k>(>/0 7 IConlaÿJJÿarne Company Name (if applicable) ~ Ro * lU C Kyrÿ tryuf ) Postal Code Provwco City Address S/<- x Pax Number (Incl Area Cofle) Phone Number (Ind Area Coda) ZOO~ HbO ~s 95~y . So i /3 o E-MaiJ Address su-< r. /(1clls'Cu 3ou- H63 " (>6/0 . / \ / Company Name (if applicable) ~ Province Address City Phone Number (Incl Area Code) Fa* Number (Inc, Area Code) APPLICATION INFORMATION 1 SUBMITTED? (2 sets of drawigns required} Postal Code E-Mail Address hereby acknowledge thai I have read (his application and stale thai the is correct and agree to comply w uh ail City By-Laws and/or I aws reguialmg building ÿ oonig oxpressly understood lhal the issuing ol a permit doe$ nol relieve s applicant from complying with nil By-Laws though nol called 'or in the Floor Plans,'Elevations/Cross Sections or shown on plans and/or application submitted Mechanical/Eleclrica! Venlilnbgn Deeitjn, Sh<els (Residential Only) Date Shop Draw rigs Professional Design (sealed drawings) RETURN TO THE CITY OF NORTH BATTLEFORD, BUILDING AND LICENSING DEPARTMENT 1291 -101 STREET, NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK, S9A 2Y6 _ Phone: (306)445-1733 Fax: (306)445-1739 _ \ Plan 101488866 cu . 10 O a m 30.576 (plon) . - U"5 w \ 6 096 ±1.86 tt 11 ÿ cd 2 77 1 ? ~ L©_ . 0 CM QQ CD - 13 L - _ 1 J - 00 Z _ 14 36 12 J 10.28 Roof Overhang over ± 43 . Fdn CI fi or . 04 Siding over ±,26 10 x.10 Typical Pillars Roof Overhonn :tl ffa i - c + -, LO o 42 BLOCK 26 oo Concrete hall @ corner o Z ro CO 5 ÿ lO CL "" I " O CO " cn I (U CO cn V / 832 104TH STREET NORTH 13ATTLEFORD, SK , 5k*j> s.aso $r Speed -j Co/h5iv.-> prtixi. faif-o. Ccÿ oFpcej MEZZANINE Sfo SlV&OitjPf'<»000«| cL 1 500 SF . be " W>V debSrtif/* STORAGE ' 2 S24 5F FLOOR PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) " ÿ Pfl ÿ SUBJECT PROPERTY North Office Downtown Office Regina Office 840 48th Street E 100 - 261 1st Ave N 374 Albert Street Saskatoon, SK S7N 1X2 Regina, SK S4R 2N7 306.933.2929 306.664.6116 306.721.6116 Email: Email; Email: regina@icrcommercial com Saskatoon, SK S7K 3Y4 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable information. Core/P. {08/15) IND/INV , but we make no representation or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of North Battleford City of North Battleford 1291-101st Street P O Box 460 . . North Battleford Saskatchewan Canada S9A2Y6 PH: (306) 445-1700 FAX: (306) 445-0411 NOTICE CITY OF NORTH BATTLEFORD DISCRETIONARY LAND USE APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that the City of North Battleford has received an application to establish a public garage at 832 104th Street. The proposed land use may be approved at the discretion of Council. City Council will consider the application at their regularly scheduled meeting at 8:00 p.m. February 22nd, 2016, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (1291 -101 st Street). If you have any objections to the proposed development you may through written submission inform City Council of such objection. The Council will consider all submissions in making their decision respecting the proposed development. , , , Please direct any submission you wish to make to the attention of Ryan Mackrell City Planner, c/o City of North Battleford PO Box 460, North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Y6. All submissions received on or before 4:00 p.m. February 17th, 2016 will be , , , considered. Issued at North Battleford this 2nt day of February 2016. , Devin MacAulay Planner I (306) 445-1798