annual newsletter - Fairfield University


annual newsletter - Fairfield University
Summer 2015
annual newsletter
From the Director of the Bennett Center
From the Director of
the Bennett Center........................... 1
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015
Highlights and Events.................... 2
From the Program Manager........ 2
Course Offerings – Fall 2015........4
Focus on Judaic
Studies Faculty................................. 5
Student Spotlight............................ 5
Looking Ahead..................................6
Lunch and Learn .............................6
Faculty & Staff Workshops..........6
A Year in the Making...................... 7
Honor Roll
July 2014 - June 2015.....................8
Judaic Studies
Faculty & Friends.............................8
his was a memorable year for the
Carl and Dorothy Bennett Center
for Judaic Studies. We sponsored
or co-sponsored nine outstanding lectures,
celebrated the Daniel Pearl World Music
Days with a concert by klezmer rock band,
Golem, and held our annual Holocaust
Remembrance Service with Campus
Ministry. We facilitated faculty and staff
lunch discussions with guest speakers,
co-sponsored with Campus Ministry five
Shabbat services and dinners, collaboratively
worked on a number of interfaith worship
services, and invited members of the campus
community to join us for lunch in the
sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot. Many
of these and other events are described in
greater detail in this newsletter.
We have a great deal to look forward to in
2015-2016. Our fall events are listed in this
newsletter and spring events are almost in
place. For a fuller description of fall events,
go to our website at
bennett. Among our spring events will be
the inaugural Diane Feigenson Lecture in
Jewish Literature, on Wednesday evening,
March 30, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Regina
A. Quick Center for the Arts. Made
possible through a generous endowment
by Diane’s sons, Andrew and Rob, with
additional contributions from family
members, friends, University faculty and
former students, Professor Feigenson taught
in the University’s English Department for
20 years and the Judaic Studies Program
since its inception in 1994. Given Diane’s
interests in Yiddish and American Jewish
literature, it is especially appropriate that our
inaugural lecturer will be world-renowned,
American-born Yiddishist, Dovid Katz,
who is coming to Fairfield from Vilnius,
Lithuania. His lecture is entitled “Exotic
Exploits and Contentious Chapters in
Modern Yiddish Literature.”
We are continuing to seek donations for the
Feigenson endowment, to build on what
Rob and Andrew Feigenson already have
created. Donations are also needed to help
support our other programs – no monetary
contribution is too small or too large! There
are, of course, additional ways in which you
can support the Bennett Center. For those
living in the area, come to our lectures and
other special events, all of which are open
to the public and most of which are free
of charge. Tell others about us. And send
us feedback (
or about the
programs you’ve attended and the kinds
of events you’d like to see.
My deepest thanks to Elaine Bowman, for
all she’s done for the Bennett Center these
past 19 years. I will greatly miss working
with her and look forward to seeing her
and her husband, Jonny, at University and
community events in the future.
Wishing all of you a wonderful summer.
~ Ellen M. Umansky, PhD
Summer 2015
annual newsletter
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
Program at American University
in Washington, D.C., traced the
development of the literary and figure
Yentl into a cinematic feminist icon
and medical syndrome. This lecture is
sponsored annually by the Adolph and
Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation.
Highlights and events…
September 11 – An Interfaith
Prayer Service: Remembering
9/11 – The Center for Faith and
Public Life, the Bennett Center,
Campus Ministry, Catholic Studies,
the Muslim Student Association, and
others sponsored this service marking
the 14th anniversary of the 9/11
October 6 & 7 Annual Judaic
Studies Scholar-in-Residence
– Dr. Debόrah Dwork, Rose
Professor of Holocaust History and
Director of the Strassler Center for
Holocaust and Genocide Studies at
Clark University, spent two days on
campus meeting with members of the
University and general communities.
Dr. Dwork’s presentations included:
“Flight from the Reich: Public
luncheon study session for clergy and
educators hosted by Congregation
Beth El in Fairfield. The Judaic
Studies Scholar-in-Residence is made
possible by a gift from David and
Edith Chaifetz.
Dr. Debórah Dwork (center) with David and
Edith Chaifetz.
Actions, Private Lives,” Jewish Forum
discussion, attended by faculty and
staff; “Creativity in the Midst of
Catastrophe: Jewish Youth in Nazi
Europe,” a public lecture; “After the
War: The Jewish Identity of Holocaust
Survivors” in Ellen Umansky’s
“Introduction to Judaism” class; and
“Choices and Decisions: Rescue and
Rescuers During the Holocaust,” a
From the Program
October 8–15 Sukkot
Experience – For the fourteenth
consecutive year, students in Ellen
Umansky’s “Introduction to Judaism”
class and members of KADIMA, the
Jewish student organization, erected
a sukkah on the plaza between
Donnarumma and Canisius Halls.
Throughout the week, members of
the University community enjoyed
having lunch and holding classes in the
Caryl Stern (top row, center) with David Zieff,
Dr. Philip Eliasoph, Fr. Jeffrey von Arx; and Yael
Eliasoph. Seated are Deborah Zeiff, Dr. Umansky,
and Julie Mughal
I look forward to seeing many of you at Center programs in the future.
~ Elaine Bowman
November 10 – “A World
without Jews: The Nazi
Imagination from Persecution
to Genocide” – The Judaic Studies
academic program sponsored this
talk by Dr. Alon Confino, author
and professor at the University of
October 9 – Jewish New Year
Get-Together – Faculty, staff,
and students gathered to welcome
the Jewish Year 5775. Sponsored by
the undergraduate Program in Judaic
s some of you may know, I will be retiring as
of the end of June. Working at the Bennett
Center has been most enjoyable and fulfilling,
and I will miss all of the wonderful people I have come
to know throughout the past 19 years. To be sure, this
is not a message of “good bye.” I will be staying in the area and fully intend
to remain actively involved in the community.
I want to thank everyone for their support and friendship. In particular, I
want to thank Ellen Umansky for giving me the opportunity to serve both
the University and general communities in such a meaningful way. The
Bennett Center will always be very special to me. It has been a privilege to
help it become the vital and important programing resource that it is today.
October 27 – Daniel Pearl
World Music Days Concert
– Golem, a Klezmer rock band,
performed traditional and modern
Yiddish and Eastern European music
which featured band leader and
accordionist Annette Kogan.
Dr. Pamela Nadell (second from left) with Fred and
Janet Plotkin of the Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher
Foundation and University President Fr. Jeffrey von
Arx, S.J.
October 29 – The 2014 Adolph
and Ruth Schnurmacher
Lecture in Judaic Studies
– “Yentl: From Yeshiva Boy
to Syndrome – Dr. Pamela S.
Nadell, Patrick Clendenen Professor
of Women’s and Gender History
and Director of the Jewish Studies
November 19 – Seventeenth
annual Jacoby-Lunin
Humanitarian Lecture –
“I Believe in Zero: Learning
from the World’s Children”
– This year’s program featured Caryl
M. Stern, president and CEO of the
U.S. Fund for UNICEF, who spoke
about the elimination of hunger in
the developing world. The program
was underwritten by the Frank Jacoby
Foundation in collaboration with the
Bennett Center and Fairfield’s Open
December 3 – Bennett Center
Lecture – “Whose Heroes?
Hollywood Portrayals of the
Bible” – Dr. Adele Reinhartz,
professor of Religious Studies and
Classics, University of Ottawa,
Canada, presented an illustrated
lecture focusing on the 1957 movie
The Ten Commandments and the
Christianization and Americanization
of biblical heroes.
February 12 – Bennett Center
Lecture – “Where Harry Met
Sally: The Jewish Deli in
America” – Dr. Ted Merwin,
associate professor of religion and
Judaic Studies at Dickinson College
in Carlisle, Penn., gave a talk on the
deli as a social and cultural meeting
place. Underwritten by Shayle Robins
of Stratford, Connecticut.
February 23 – “Artists,
Culture and Barbarism in Nazi
Germany and the Postwar
Period: Gray Zones, Difficult
Histories, and the Challenges
of Mastering the Past” –
Dr. Jonathan Petropoulos, John
V. Croul Professor of European
Art, Claremont McKenna College,
presented an illustrated lecture
focusing on the recovery of looted
works of art. Co-sponsored with the
Department of Visual and Performing
Arts and the Bellarmine Museum at
Fairfield University.
March 17 – Carl and Dorothy
Bennett Lecture in Judaic
Studies – “Anti-Semitism in
Europe Today” – More than 500
people filled the Quick Center to hear
David Harris, executive director
of the American Jewish Committee,
speak on this timely topic. This
annual lecture is made possible by a
gift from Carl Bennett of Greenwich,
Carl Bennett (seated) with (left to right) David and
Edith Chaifetz, Robin Kanarek, Dr. Ellen Umansky,
David Harris, Rhoda Pappenheimer, and Steven
March 24 – Ninth Annual
Lecture in Jewish-Christian
Engagement – “From Enemy
to Brother: The Revolution
in Catholic Teaching on
the Jews” – This special event,
sponsored by the Bennett Center
and the Center for Catholic Studies,
featured Dr. John Connelly author
and professor of history at the
University of California at Berkeley,
who focused on changing attitudes
towards Jews as ref lected in Nostra
April 1 – Passover Seder –
Sixty students, faculty, and staff
enjoyed this year’s Seder, led by
Dr. Gavriel Rosenfeld.
April 20 – Annual Holocaust
Commemoration – More than
80 students and members of the
University and general communities
gathered for a memorial service and
candle-lighting ceremony, led by
students, faculty, and staff. Our guest
speaker was Judith Altmann, a
Czech survivor of Bergen-Belsen and
Auschwitz. Also featured was local
poet, Stephen Herz. The Bennett
Center would like to extend a special
thank you to Campus Ministry for
co-sponsoring this event.
continued on pg. 4
Summer 2015
annual newsletter
Highlights and events
April 22 – Samuel and Bettie
Roberts Memorial Lecture in
Jewish Art – “Jewish Women
& American Art” – Dr. Gail
Levin, art historian, biographer
and professor of art history at City
University of New York, presented
this bi-annual lecture which focused
on works by Theresa Bernstein, Lee
Krasner, Judy Chicago and others. This
event was underwritten by the Samuel
and Bettie Roberts Endowment Fund
in Jewish Art at Fairfield University.
April 24 – Presentation by
IDF (Israeli Defense Forces)
Officers in Ellen Umansky’s
“History of the Jewish Experience”
class and a Faculty/Staff Lunch
Discussion, made possible through
the Tzahal Shalom Program of the
Stamford Jewish Community Center.
Focus on Judaic Studies Faculty
April 24 – Interfaith Memorial
Service in Honor of the 100th
Anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide was sponsored by Campus
Ministry, the Bennett Center, Catholic
Studies, the History Department,
and others.
May 14 – Friends of the
Bennett Center Reception –
Ellen Umansky presented graduating
senior Anna Edelman with the
Carl and Dorothy Bennett Student
Recognition Award at this reception
held at the home of University
President Jeffrey von Arx, S.J. (see
“Student Spotlight” announcement).
Dr. Umansky also presented Elaine
Bowman with the Bennett Center’s
Special Recognition Award for her
years of service to the Center and the
University’s Judaic Studies program.
Judaic Studies classes remain popular…
Monthly Kabbalat
Shabbat Services
& Dinners
This past year marked the
fourth year that the Bennett
Center for Judaic Studies
and Campus Ministry offered
Shabbat services for students
and University personnel,
led by Rabbi Suri Krieger. At
the April 24th service, Rabbi
Krieger offered a farewell
blessing to graduating seniors,
Anna Edelman, Paige Maloney,
and Kelsey Wallace; Trumbull
High School graduate Maytal
Bowman; Israeli emissaries
Yarden Bengio, Yuval
Hochman, and Lidor Osmo;
and Fr. George Collins, S.J.,
Jocelyn Collen, and Elaine
A total of 264 under-graduate students took Judaic
Studies classes throughout the 2014-15 academic year.
Undergraduate Courses – Fall 2015
Fairfield students will have the opportunity to select from the following undergraduate courses:
Introduction to Judaism – Dr. Ellen Umansky
Literature of the Holocaust – Prof. Gail Ostrow
Jewish Interpretations of Scriptures – Rabbi James Prosnit
People of the Book, Sacred Texts – Dr. Jason Gaines
Elementary Hebrew I – Elaine Chitrit
Faith After the Holocaust – Dr. Ellen Umansky
In March 2015, Dr. Patricia Behre presented
a paper, “Sephardic Louisiana: Hybrid
Fringe of the Colonial Diaspora,” at the
annual meeting of the Louisiana Historical
Association in Lafayette, La. She will
present a paper, “Finding Those Who Don’t
Want to be Found: The Artist as Guide to
Networks of Sephardic Sociability,” at the 2015 conference
of the Southern Jewish Historical Society.
Dr. Philip Eliasoph was featured as the
guest lecturer at the University of San
Francisco in March 2015 for a public event
with invited members of the local Jewish
community. The title of his presentation
was “From Idol Smashers to International
Icon Makers: The Myth of the Artless Jew.”
Dr. Jason Gaines, adjunct faculty member
in the Religious Studies Department, will
have his first book, The Poetic Priestly
Source, published in September 2015 by
Fortress Press. The book will focus on
narrative poetic material in the Torah and
will identify a complete poetic layer in the
text, running from the Book of Genesis through the Book
of Numbers.
Professor Gail Ostrow hosted a community
Yom Ha’Shoah event that showcased the
final projects of students in her “Literature
of the Holocaust” class. The program
featured music and dance, original and
“found” poems, as well as sculpture.
Rabbi James Prosnit concluded his 25th
year as an adjunct professor in Fairfield’s
Religious Studies Department. Rabbi
Prosnit estimates that throughout his
years at the University he has taught
approximately 1,400 students, and he
exclaims, “I love teaching at Fairfield,
and it has been a vital and much-appreciated part of my
rabbinate since arriving in 1990.” Rabbi Prosnit is the senior
spiritual leader of Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport.
Dr. Gavriel Rosenfeld’s new book, Hi Hitler!
How the Nazi Past is Being Normalized
in Contemporary Culture, was published
by Cambridge University Press in the
spring. The book has been profiled or
reviewed in noted publications such as
The New Republic and The Boston Globe.
His next book, What Ifs of Jewish History: From Abraham
to Zionism, will appear later this year with Cambridge
University Press.
Dr. Ellen Umansky began her two-year
term as President of the Southern Jewish
Historical Society. She also continued to
serve on the Board of Directors of Theta
Alpha Kappa, the national honor society of
Religious Studies and Theology.
Student Spotlight...
Anna Edelman was recipient of
both the 2014-15 Congregation
B’nai Israel Academic Achievement
Award (for her work in Judaic
Studies courses) and the Bennett
Center’s Student Recognition
Award (for her leadership of
Anna Edelman ’15
Anna states, “Having been raised
in a culturally Jewish home, I have always had a sense
of Jewish identity. However, coming to Fairfield, I began
to gain academic insight into the historic and religious
aspects of a Jewish identity that was searching for its
own existence. [My experience at Fairfield] helped me
find a personal connection to [my Jewish] heritage and
tradition. I began to find my own meaning in Jewish
holidays and to build upon classroom teachings, to
eventually make a trip to Israel, [where I found a] culture
that was at once familiar and unique. The invaluable
classes and experiences I have gained, the risks I have
taken, and the wonderful faculty whom I have met along
the way have helped me understand a part of myself
that I never knew was missing.”
In May, Anna graduated with a B.A. in psychology and a
minor in Judaic Studies. She will continue her education
as a nursing student at NYU this fall.
Summer 2015
annual newsletter
Looking Ahead… Fall 2015 Programs
A Year in the Making…
For details and locations, see or call the Bennett Center at (203) 254-4000, ext. 2066
Thursday, Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m. –
“American Jewry’s Historical and
Contemporary Scorecard”
– Dr. Jeffrey S. Gurock,
Monday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m. – “Making
America Harmonious: The Jewish
Contribution to Popular Music”
– Dr. Stephen J. Whitfield,
Brandeis University
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m. –
“An Evening of Middle Eastern
and Sephardic Music”
Galeet Darshati and Divahn
Daniel Pearl World Music Days Concert
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 8 p.m. – “Donors
Choose: Expanding the Possibilities
of Education”
– Charles Best, founder of
Jacoby-Lunin Humanitarian Lecture
Members of
Jewish cultural club co-sponsored the
annual Jewish New Year gathering,
built a sukkah, attended Shabbat
services and dinners, hosted the
annual Chanukah celebration, hosted
a Megillah reading and Purim party,
and took part in the annual Student
Activities Day and Holocaust
Remembrance Service.
Tuesday, Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m. –
“Germans Who Stood Up to Hitler:
The Resistance Movement in
Nazi Germany” – Anne Nelson, author
and lecturer, Columbia University
Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Lecture in
Judaic Studies
Guest Lecturer Judith Lerner taught
four workshops for faculty and staff
based on the theme of flawed biblical
heroes. Drawing on biblical and
rabbinic texts, sessions dealt with the
Past and present officers of KADIMA (left to right)
Anna Edelman, Dimitri Skuret, Jake Offermann,
Brooke Imbornone, Kelsey Wallace, Allison
Greenbaum, and Stephanie Galea (not pictured)
personalities of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
and Joseph.
For eight consecutive Fridays throughout the winter/spring semester, 34 adult learners from the greater
Fairfield area studied with Ellen Umansky. This year’s topic was “Movers and Shakers: Men and Women
Who Made a Difference in American Jewish Life - Part II.” Classes focused on religious leaders, political
activists, writers, educators, and communal organizers from the late 18th through the middle of the 20th
centuries, such as Gershom Seixas, Isaac Harby, Clara Lemlich [Shavelson], Lillian Wald, and Rabbi Joshua
Loth Liebman.
annual newsletter
STAFF 2014-15
July 2014 – June 2015
The Carl and Dorothy Bennett Center
for Judaic Studies was founded in
1993 by a gift from Carl and the late
Dorothy Bennett of Greenwich, Conn.
Endowments have funded: The
Carl and Dorothy Bennett Chair in
Judaic Studies, the Samuel and Bettie
Carl and Dorothy Bennett
Roberts Memorial Endowment in
Judaic Studies Fund, and the Diane Feigenson Lectureship in
Jewish Literature.
We wish to thank the following donors for their generous support of
the Bennett Center and the Judaic Studies Program from July 1, 2014 –
June 30, 2015:
Golden Benefactors:
$100,000 - $150,000
Carl Bennett
Special Benefactors:
$50,000 - $99,000
Adolph & Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation
Special Sponors:
$15,000 - $34,000
Frank Jacoby Foundation
Sponsors: $5,000 - $14,999
David and Edith Chaifetz
Andrew Feigenson*
Robert Feigenson*
Helane & Alan Smith*
Zhou Family*
Patron: $1,000 +
William Hulseman (’98)**
Henry Katz
Richard & Carol Jacobson***
Shayle Robins
Claudia Schechter*
John Wolfe*
Friend: $500 +
Seth and Judy Lerner
Carol & Stephen Landsman*
Susan & Joel Lichtenstein
Edith & Peter Robbins*
Supporter: $200 +
Richard & Shirley Becker
Stuart Belkin & Maureen Dewan**
Elaine & Jonathan Bowman
Cheryl Bundy
Cynthia & Peter Burnim
Bobbi & Barry Coller
David Ellenson
Hariette Hirsch
Milton Jacoby**
Ilse Levi
Lenore & Noel Robin
Elaine & Gerald Rosenberg
Ellen Umansky*
Marshall & Myra Watnick*
George Wolfe*
Irving & Andrea Kern*
Contributor: up to $199
Eileen Adams
Claire Baker*
Sandra Berkman
Marie-Dominique Boyce
Mark Edinberg*
Jackie Eskin
Kelly Falcone
Charles Heller*
C. Robert & Jane Hillman
Judith & Robert Jacobson
Jo-Anne Janesky
Edith Katzen
Herman Kleine
Shelley Kreiger
Beth Lazar
Muriel Lefsetz
Alice Madwed
Muriel Mann
Stephen & Jo Philis Michaelson
Linda Murray
Marlene Polansky
Joan Rosenbaum
Anita & Harold Rosnick
Stephanie & Stuart Ross
Lisbeth & George Ruderman
Alice Saperstein*
Amy Saperstein*
Leah Schechter*
Samuel Schulman*
Diane Schwartz
Edythe Siegel Estate
Robert Spaulding & Tova Clayman
Yvonne Waynik
Deborah Zuckerman
Ellen M. Umansky, PhD
Carl and Dorothy Bennett
Professor of Judaic Studies
and Professor of Judaic Studies:
Modern Jewish History and Thought,
Women’s Spirituality
Gavriel Rosenfeld, PhD
Professor of History:
Modern European History, Modern
Germany, Modern Jewish History,
The Holocaust
Patricia Behre, PhD
Associate Professor of History:
Early Modern France,
Medieval Europe
Cecelia Bucki, PhD
Associate Professor of History:
Labor and Immigration
Philip Eliasoph, PhD
Professor of Visual and Performing
Arts; American Arts Society:
Italian Renaissance Civilization,
Media and Propaganda in 20th
Century Europe
Jason Gaines, PhD
Department of Religious Studies
Hebrew Bible, Near Eastern Studies
Gail Ostrow, MS
Lecturer, Department of English:
Literature of the Holocaust, American Jewish Literature
Rabbi James Prosnit, DD
Lecturer, Department of
Religious Studies:
Classic Rabbinic Texts, Jewish Liturgy
Elaine Chetrit, MA
Department of Modern Languages
Elaine F. Bowman
Program Manager
Stephanie Galea ’17
Nola Caslin ’17
Student Assistants
Help the Bennett Center continue to offer undergraduate student
activities, host special lectures and events, and purchase Judaic DVDs
for the DiMenna-Nyselius Library and the Center’s resource room.
Golden Benefactor………$100,000+
Special Benefactor………..$50,000+
Special Sponsor...................$15,000+
Sponsor..................................... $5,000+
Patron......................................... $1,000+
Friend............................................. $500+
Supporter..................................... $200+
Contributor.........................up to $199
Phone number (_____)___________________ E-mail__________________________________
Amount enclosed $____________________
Gifts to the Bennett Center are tax-deductible.
*Diane Feigenson Lectureship Endowment Fund
**Bennett Center & Diane Feigenson Lectureship Endowment Fund
***David Felner Memorial Library Fund
Make checks payable to Bennett Center, Fairfield University.
Contributions to the Feigenson Endowment should be indicated as such
on the memo line of your check.
Gifts in Kind :
Mail check(s) and form to: Bennett Center for Judaic Studies, DMH 245,
Fairfield University, 1073 North Benson Road, Fairfield, CT 06824
Individuals interested in contributing books, documents, or other
items related to Judaic Studies may contact the Bennett Center
at (203) 254-4000, ext. 2066.
Thank you to Congregation Beth El for providing memorial candles
for the Holocaust Remembrance Service.
Maureen Dewan, MA, JD
Lecturer, Department of
Religious Studies:
Jewish History, Women in Judaism