EAGLE FLYER - Fowler Schools


EAGLE FLYER - Fowler Schools
Fowler Public Schools
October 2015
Volume 15, Issue 1
Fowler Homecoming festivities were held on October 2. Even though the weather was chilly,
it didn’t dampen the spirits of the students or the community.
The activities began with a Wacky Walk fundraiser, held at Waldron. The homecoming parade followed the walk, featuring our Local VFW Post 3477 honor guard, class floats and the
Fowler Eagle Marching Band.
Fowler hosted Bath the Fowler football team was victorious. At halftime, Michael Despres and
Gabrielle Horak were crowned homecoming king and queen. The game was then followed up
by the homecoming dance.
Thank you to all who contributed to the success of the
homecoming weekend!!
Fowler Public Schools
Waldron Buzz
Waldron School Wacky Walk – HUGE Success!
In conjunction with the Fowler homecoming activities, Waldron School held a fundraising “Wacky
Walk” in on Friday, October 2. The dash had over 330 runners participate including students, parents, teachers, grandparents, friends, etc. It took place on school grounds just before the homecoming parade. Our goal was to promote good health, school spirit, community pride, and to
raise much needed donations for our school. All goals were met and the dash was a huge success! We are so proud to announce that the Waldron Wacky Walk broke an all-time school
fundraising record of $20,000--thanks to the generous donations collected by our students! We
would also like to thank area business for their monetary donations as well as the following
groups who helped to organize this event in support of Waldron School.
Becker’s Bridal
Becker’s Furniture
Complete Color
Dutch Meadows Dair
Fowler Education Assn
FPS Ed. Foundation
Goodrich Brothers
Greenstone FCS
K-13 Physical Therapy
Loomis Law Firm
Mid-Michigan Orthopedic Rich-Ro Dairy
Sandy’s Family Salon
Schmitz Service
Sierra Homes
Spicer Counseling Services
TH Dairy
Wieber Lumber
Berlyn Acres
Fowler Community PTA
Integrity Marketing Products
Mathews Elevator Co
Meemic Insurance/Kingsley
Schueller Trucking
Stony Creek Dairy LLC
Becker’s Men’s Wear
What will we do with the money raised? Each year we hold an annual funding event. Without this event, Waldron School would not be able to supply many of basic items needed in (and
out) of the classroom during the course of the school year. Monies raised in the past have been
used for necessities such as school supplies (paper, pens, pencils, batteries, clocks, crayons,
cardstock, glue, folders, markers, tape, scissors, etc.--too numerous to list). It is also used for student planners, rolls of lamination, playground maintenance, assemblies, rewards, classroom furnishing/equipment, teaching supplies, right down to tissues, cleaning wipes and bandaids, and
much, much more! All of the money raised goes directly back into YOUR school…and we are so
proud of the support we received! The Fowler PTA and the Waldron Positive Behavior Committee
Fowler Public Schools
Waldron Buzz
Halloween Celebration is October 30!
Halloween schedule:
Class parties will be announced by individual teachers
Halloween parade is at 1:00 pm
Light show by HS band is at 2:30
Silly string shoot-out immediately following light show
Just a reminder on costumes: Although Halloween is a fun time for everyone, please keep in
mind we still need to follow the dress code rules. No weapon or weapon looking accessories are
allowed, no excessive gore and costumes need to be age appropriate (nothing short or plunging
Waldron Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are coming soon. Students will be dismissed at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday & Thursday, November 11 & 12. There will be no school for students on Friday, November 13.
Conferences will take place at the following times:
Wed., November 11
2:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Thurs., November 12
2:30-5:00 p.m. & 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Fri., November 13
No School
Elementary teachers will be sending home conference notices to parents with pre-scheduled conference times. If you have a problem with your scheduled time, please call the Waldron office and
we will work out a solution. Middle school conferences (grades 5-8) will be held on a drop-in basis.
Feel free to visit during conference hours and drop in on whichever teachers you would like to see.
We hope to see you there! Please know that you are welcome to contact your child’s teacher any
time of the school year, and you are not just limited to parent teacher conference days.
Box Tops for Education Logos & Tyson A+
Waldron School is once again participating in the Box Top for Education program. Look for the Box
Top for Education logos on many brand name items including: Big G Cereals, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Yoplait, Hamburger Helper, etc. Each logo is worth ten cents!. Kids are encouraged to bring
the logos to school where we collect and
them for cash. Also, we are collecting Tyson A+
Are your children safe while online? Michigan families, especially minors, are becoming inundated with advertisements from alcohol, tobacco, pornography and gambling marketers through
different internet and cell phone inboxes. Texting their advertisements is the newest marketing
effort that many of these companies are using. Thankfully, the State of Michigan offers a free
program to stop adult advertisements from reaching e-mails, mobile phones (text messaging
ads) and instant messenger IDs. The Michigan Child Protection Registry, like the federal Do Not
Call List, is a free do-not-contact service for Michigan’s families and can be located
at www.ProtectMIChild.com.
Fowler Public Schools
FHS News and Information
Fowler’s Inaugural Salute to Veterans Game
On September 25, Fowler hosted Dansville High School. Apart from being a great CMAC football
contest, the game was also a tribute to servicemen and women, past and present. These veterans
were given free admission to the game, and recognized at halftime of the game. Players also dedicated their efforts for the night to a veteran close to their lives. The team wore unique “camo” uniforms to commemorate the cause as well. This event was planned in unison with similar events
occurring in both the Fulton and Pewamo-Westphalia communities. Thank you to the students and
community for participating in this event to honor our veterans! See the list of honorees on the
next page.
Fowler Public Schools
Fowler Public Schools
FHS News and Information
FHS - LCC Partnership Expands
In its second year, the Fowler High School Enhanced Dual Enrollment Program has transitioned into
a full time partnership with Lansing Community College. In its first year, during the 2014-15 school
year, the Enhanced Dual Enrollment Program featured seven courses offered by Central Michigan
University and one offered by LCC. We had 48 students, representing over half of our junior and
senior classes, participate in LCC/CMU dual enrollment classes last year. As a group they earned
282 college credits, saving their families over $215,000 in tuition and textbooks.
For the 2015-16 school year, we have transitioned our FHS Enhanced Dual Enrollment Program to
a full partnership with LCC built around the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA). It will allow students to substantially complete the MTA during their last two years at FHS. The MTA is recognized
by virtually all colleges and universities across the state as the equivalent of their general education
requirements, making it even more transferable than the CMU courses. Most, if not all, of the classes
taken by students this year will transition into the MTA.
In almost every way, this is actually a stronger program as the agreement is directly between FPS
and LCC. It is not a pilot but an ongoing agreement, the courses cost less, the credits are more
transferable, and we actually have more students head to LCC after high school than any other institution. Further, current juniors who may choose to continue taking courses that fulfill the CMU general education requirements will be able to do so.
Projections for this year include 50 juniors and seniors choosing from nine available courses to earn
400 college credits, saving their families over $110,000 in tuition and textbook costs. Students work
on the courses primarily during their school day as the majority of the course consists of online instruction. The online instruction is supplemented with three face-to-face teacher sessions taught by
the LCC instructors locally. Like last year, early reports from the LCC instructors indicate that our
Fowler High School students are succeeding in their course work and achieving at a high level.
Congratulations Eagle Marching Band!!
The FHS Marching Band is having a great season highlighted by a wonderful performance at the
Grand Ledge Invitational and fantastic ratings at the DeWitt Marching Band Invite consisting of 1st
place in marching, 2nd place in drum line, and 3rd place overall! Go band!!
Fowler Public Schools
Superintendent’s Note
Great Instruction Getting Even Better!
Neil Hufnagel, Superintendent
In its most recent Top to Bottom rankings of schools in the over 700 public school districts and public
school academies for the 2014-15 school year, the State of Michigan ranked Waldron Elementary
and Middle School at the 93rd percentile, and Fowler High School at the 85th percentile. This ranking looks at both the overall achievement of students in those schools and the relative performance
of the lowest achieving 30% and highest achieving 30% to assure there is not an unreasonable performance gap for those students. I am very proud to say that we in the Fowler Public Schools are
one of just ten districts in the state that can say that every student in their district attends a school
ranked in the top 15%! This is a great testament to the commitment and performance of all members of our Fowler Public Schools family, including students, parents, staff, and community members. This level of success is especially noteworthy given that our district is funded in the lowest
20% of these same districts and academies based on the state’s funding formula, which is outside of
our local control.
While rightfully proud of the quality education we are currently
providing our students, I want parents and community members to know that we continue to strive to do even better. Our
entire teaching staff and building principals are entering the
second year of a three year professional development initiative
to improve instructional practice and assure that all students
succeed. Our principals and a group of teacher leaders from
both buildings are taking part in an eight-day professional development series coordinated by CCRESA and based on implementing a systematic Multiple Tiered System of Supports
(MTSS). This district-wide MTSS approach is an extension of
the Response to Intervention (RTI) process that was initially
implemented in Waldron School over the last three years.
Our entire teaching staff participated in a full day professional
development program just prior to the school year to identify
and be trained in some of the instructional practices that we
will be implementing in our classrooms. This work will continue over the course of the next two years as coordinated by our
district implementation team mentioned above, and will eventually serve as the ongoing school improvement process for
our district and schools.
(Continued on page 8)
Fowler Public Schools
Superintendent’s Note
(continued from page 7)
The MTSS approach implements research based best practices in what is typically recognized as
a three tier approach. Tier 1 focuses on classroom instruction provided for all students. As a district, we have identified content area literacy as our first goal with specific research based instructional practices for vocabulary development, comprehension and explicit instruction being developed for implementation in our classrooms this year. Tier 2 seeks to build in extra instructional
time and systems for those students (typically 10-20%) who do not master those skills at the same
rate as their peers as identified through a progress monitoring process. Tier 3 support consists of
individual plans for those students (typically less than 5%) who continue to struggle to keep pace
with their peers even after the Tier 1 and 2 instruction has been provided with fidelity. These include individualized intervention plans up to and including special education support.
I am grateful for the leadership of Waldron Principal Paul Minns, teachers Taylor Hansen, Nate
Goerge, Becky Rotary, Sarah Lewis, Anne Pierson, Beth Hughey and school psychologist Paula
Schenck who are putting in extra time and effort in addition to their already extensive responsibilities to continue to improve instruction for all of our students. I am equally grateful to our entire
teaching staff for investing in this work, and refining their professional practice even in an environment where the financial and political support for their efforts is not what we would like it to be. I
am confident that given this level of commitment by our Fowler Public Schools educators, we will
remain a top ten district in service to our kids and community.
As the new 2015-16 school year
kicked off, we were without veteran kindergarten teacher Kathy
Jackson. Kathy retired at the
end of the 2014-15 school year
with 36 years of loyal service.
Kathy was not only our steady
kindergarten teacher, but also
taught preschool/parent night
classes, summer school , and
was active in several Waldron
committees and activities, We
wish Kathy well in her retirement . The community is grateful for your many years of dedication to our students!
Fowler Public Schools
Fowler Public Schools
2015-16 School Calendar
Friday, Nov. 6
11:30 Dismissal– End 1st marking period
Wednesday, Nov. 11
1:30 Dismissal—Parent-Teacher Conf (2:30-5:00)
Thursday, Nov. 12
1:30 Dismissal- Parent-Teacher Conf. (2:30-5 & 6-8 pm)
Friday, Nov. 13
No School
Thursday, Nov. 26 & Friday, Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Recess – No School
Friday, Dec. 18
Christmas Break Begins at 3:10 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 4
Classes Resume
Thursday, Jan. 28 & Fri., Jan. 29
11:30 Dismissal - End of 1st Semester
(Exam Schedule & Conferences as Needed)
Friday, Feb. 12
No School for Students - Staff Prof. Development
Monday, Feb. 15
No School—Presidents’ Day
Friday, Mar. 25
No School—Good Friday
Friday, Apr. 1
11:30 Dismissal—End 3rd marking period—Spring Break
Monday, Apr. 11
Classes Resume
Monday, May 30
No School—Memorial Day
Wednesday, June8
11:30 Dismissal - Exam Schedule
Thursday, June 9
11:30 Dismissal - Last Day of School
In the event that a snow day falls on a half-day, the following school day shall be scheduled as a half-day and
the rest of the calendar will be adjusted accordingly. Additional days may be added after Thursday, June 9, if
make-up time is needed.
Colleen Hoffman, reading and language arts teacher at
Waldron Middle School, retired from full time teaching
at the end of the 2012-13 school year. However, she
returned to teach a reduced schedule for the past two
school years and completed her teaching career at the
end of the 2014-15 year. She has a passion for reading
and books that has been contagious. It is hard to imagine the number of students and the degree of influence
Mrs. Hoffman has had not only on their academic development, but also their development as young men
and women. We thank Colleen for her 39 years of
teaching and wish her well in her retirement!
Fowler Public Schools
Legal Notices
Public Law 93.390 states: “An education agency or institution may disclose
personally identifiable information from
the educational records of a student
who is in attendance at the institution
or agency if that information has been
designated as directory information.”
(45CFR 99.37(a))
Accordingly, the following is designated
as directory information with respect to
all past and present students of the
Fowler Public Schools:
1. Name
2. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports.
3. Dates of attendance.
4. Honors and rewards received.
5. The most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.
6. Yearbook pictures and school related photographs.
If you as a parent do not want this type
of personally identifiable information
made part of publicity, newsletters,
yearbooks, and newspaper publications, please send a letter of notification designating the specific categories
of directory information you do not
want released with respect to your
1. Site evaluation
2. Inspection
3. Monitoring
4. Determine pest biology
5. Consider all available methods
6. Take action steps
Over the course of the school year,
during appropriate application times,
the maintenance department may apply a variety of pest control methods. If
you live in close proximity of the school
and wish to be notified of any applications, contact the superintendent’s office at 593-2296 as soon as possible.
The Board of Education has established a program of instruction in sex
education. As a component of the sex
education program, reproductive health
is offered in identified courses.
According to law (PA 226 of 1977),
parents have the right to review the
materials to be used in these courses.
The local board of education, in compliance with state statute, will make the
materials available for parents to review. Any parent who wishes to do so
may contact the high school at 5932250 or Waldron at 593-2160 to make
arrangements for review of the materiIn accordance with this law, a parent of als.
a student currently in attendance in the
Fowler Public Schools has ten (10) Students in grades 4-9 will be eligible
days from the date of this notice to to participate in these courses. By law,
notify the school district in writing.
parents have the right to excuse their
children from participation in the reproINTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT ductive health portion of the class.
Any parent wishing to exercise his/her
The use of pesticides in schools must right to excuse a student without penalbe done in accordance with an Inte- ty from instruction in reproductive
grated Pest Management Program health should please send written nowhich complies with Regulation 637, tice to Waldron Elementary or Fowler
Rule 14 of the Michigan Pesticide Act, High School, PO Box 408, Fowler, MI
PA 171. The Fowler district IPM plan 48835 before the scheduled instruction
is in accordance with the state law and time.
available to the public by requesting a
copy from the superintendent’s office.
Each school building has a copy for
reference for interested staff and stu- Michigan law prohibits smoking in all
buildings owned by public schools
around the state. This includes not
In brief, the IPM plan clearly defines only the classroom buildings, but also
the procedures necessary to apply pest any other buildings such as bus garagcontrol methods of school. The appli- es, maintenance buildings, or adminiscant must use the following checklist:
trative buildings.
In addition to the buildings, the grounds
also have restrictions.
USE IS PROHIBITED on the grounds
at all times, 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. This law applies to students, staff and visitors. Violators will
be subject to a criminal misdemeanor
penalty, punishable by a fine up to $50.
As required by the federal government,
the following notices are given to the
community of Fowler Public Schools:
Civil Rights Compliance – The
Fowler Public Schools, located at
11214 W Kent, Fowler, MI 48835, will
receive and use federal funds and
USDA donated foods. No person, because of race, color, national origin,
sex, age or handicap, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be otherwise subject to
discrimination in our United States Department of Agriculture donated food
and child nutrition programs.
Non-Discrimination Policy – It is the
policy of Fowler Public Schools that no
person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry,
sex, age, disability, height, weight, or
marital status, be excluded from participation in, or be subjected to discrimination during any program, activity, or
The federal government has made
provisions to ensure that no person is
discriminated against on the basis of
sex, religion, race, color, national
origin, age, height, weight, marital status or handicap. In order to protect
these rights and assure compliance,
the Fowler Public Schools has appointed Neil Hufnagel as Coordinator of
Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 .
Fowler Public Schools
Grievance/Complaint Procedures of the
Title VI and Title IX of the Education
Amendment Act of 1972 and Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
still have questions after talking with the
Step 2: Questions or concerns should
be directed to the administrator or director who has responsibility in the area of
Step 3: A conference with the superintendent is most appropriately held if
questions or concerns have not been
adequately addressed at earlier levels.
Step 4: The final level of contact with
the district about a question or concern
is the Board of Education.
If any person believes that the Fowler
Public School District, or any part of the
school, has inadequately applied the
principles and/or regulations of (1) Title
VI of the Education Amendment Act of
1972, and (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, he/she may bring
forward a complaint, to the local Civil
Rights Coordinator, Neil Hufnagel,
Fowler Public Schools, 11214 W Kent,
Fowler, MI 48835.
The following is a description of the
immunization requirements as set by
The person who believes he/she has a
the Department of Education and the
valid basis for the complaint shall disSee
cuss the complaint informally with the Department of Public Health.
local Civil Rights Coordinator. If unresolved, he/she may initiate formal pro- SS_School_Requirements.pdf
cedures according to the following 1. Ages 4-6: 4 doses of DTP or DTap
(one dose must be on or after age
Step 1: A written statement of the com4); 4 doses of polio vaccine; 2 dosplaint signed by the complainant shall
es MMR vaccine on or after 12
be submitted to the local Civil Rights
months of age; 2 doses of varicella
(chickenpox) vaccine on or after 12
Step 2: The coordinator shall further
months of age OR reliable history
investigate the complaint and reply in
of disease.
writing to the complainant .
Step 3: If the complainant wishes to 2. Ages 7-18, including all 6th gradappeal the decision of the local Civil
ers: 4 doses D and T OR 3 doses
Rights Coordinator, he/she may submit
Td if one given on or after age 7; 1
a signed statement of appeal to the
dose Tdap for ages 11-18 IF 5
superintendent within (10) calendar
years since the last dose of tetadays after receipt of the coordinator’s
nus/diphtheria vaccine; 2 doses
MMR; 3 doses Hepatitis B; 1 dose
Step 4: The superintendent shall affirm
meningococcal for ages 11 or older
or reverse the Civil Right’s Coordinator’s decision and, if warranted, impleupon entry into 7th grade or higher;
ment the Civil Rights Coordinator’s pro2 doses of varicella (chickenpox)
posed resolution or a modification there
vaccine OR reliable history of disof.
Step 5: If the complainant remains unCurrent laboratory evidence of immunity
satisfied, he/she may appeal to the Ofis acceptable instead of immunization
fice for Civil Rights, Department of Eduwith antigen. All doses must be given
cation, Washington, DC 20202.
with appropriate spacing and at appropriate ages. Tdap is required at 11
years of age or older regardless of
Questions, concerns and ideas routinely arise during the school year. This
When presented with anything but a
outline is provided to assist in communimedical or religious exemption from
cation with the appropriate person.
immunization requirements, the adminStep 1: Questions or concerns regardistrator must obtain the consent of the
ing instructional practices should go to
director of local public health office to
the teacher first. A discussion should
recognize the exemption and admit the
be scheduled with the principal if you
student. All parents are encouraged to
review their child’s immunization record.
If records do not meet the requirements, please contact your family physician or the local department of public
Before any medication or treatment
may be administered to any student
during school hours, the board shall
require the written prescription from the
child’s physician accompanied by the
written authorization of the parent. In
cases where non-prescribed medication
is necessary, the school may dispense
such medication only upon proper authorization by the parent. These documents shall be on file in the principal’s
Only medication in its original prescription bottle, labeled with the date of the
prescription, student’s name, and exact
dosage will be administered. Staff of
students authorized in writing by their
physician and parents may administer
medication or treatment, but only in the
presence of another adult.
In cases where non-prescribed medications are necessary, the school may
dispense such medication only upon
the proper authorization by the parents.
Staff members are to administer medication or treatment only in the presence
of another adult, except in the case of
an emergency that threatens the life or
health of the student.
Free and reduced lunch and milk applications are available in the school offices or online at Lunchapp.com.. You will
be notified if you qualify. If you have
any further questions, please contact
Lauri Grace, Food Service Director, 989
Fowler Public Schools
Fowler Public Schools
Fowler Board of
Education 2014
Jeff Thelen
Vice President
Dan Bengel
Lynne Feldpausch
Ryan O’Rourke
Lori Miller
Mary Kay George
Dave Feldpausch
Fowler Board
Regular Meeting
Neil Hufnagel ……………..…...593-2250
High School Media Elementary & Middle School Principal
Center, 7:00 PM
Paul Minns…….………….……..593-2160
November 9, 2015
December 14, 2015
January 11, 2016
Mike Schmitt….………………...593-2360
Athletic Director
Kris Ernst…………...……………..593-225.
Building & Grounds Supervisor
Mike Schmitt………………..…..593-2250
Director of Food Services
Lauri Grace…….….….………..593-2160
Business Manager
Teresa Pline………..…………....593-2296
Fowler Public Schools
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
700 S Main Street
Permit Number 5
PO Box 408
Fowler, MI 48835
Fowler Public School District Mission Statement
Fowler Public Schools, in partnership with the surrounding community, will work to provide all students and staff with a safe educational environment that focuses on a well-rounded, technology-oriented curriculum. Our staff will help create responsible citizen by giving all students the opportunity to develop the skills for success in family, life, work, and community.