Transport Information Systems
Transport Information Systems
Design for movement case studies: transport information systems information + environments + identity. Steer Davies Gleave Design for movement Contact Phil Berczuk +44 (0)20 7910 5000 Steer Davies Gleave 28-32 Upper Ground London SE1 9PD United Kingdom The core areas that define our practice are movement, environment and identity. We combine our understanding of human experience, perception and behavior to deliver innovative, user-centered design which helps to make our cities, transport systems and public places understandable, accessible and enjoyable for all. Transantiago Santiago, Chile Visual identity, passenger information and interchange. 3 | 3.5.3 El archivo digital de esta pieza se encuentra en: Carpeta 3 / 3.5.3_Diagr-Rec Diagramas de Recorrido Manual de Normas Gráficas Transantiago Δ Tomando como base el Mapa de recorridos, se dispone una versión simplificada del contorno general y de las áreas, a fin de disponer de una pieza de apoyo que permita la descripción sintetizada del trazado de servicios troncales y locales. 1| Diagrama de ejemplo con retícula guía, servicio troncal Œ Diagrama Versión Servicios Troncales El Diagrama de recorridos troncales presenta una ampliación del Mapa de Recorridos, según se muestra en gráfico adjunto. Cada trazado dispone, al igual que los letreros de cortesía y cenefas interiores de los buses, 4 hitos correspondientes a intersecciones o puntos de transbordo, además de los puntos de origen y destino. A ésto se agregan las comunas de origen y destino, en mayúsculas. æ Esquema de recorte (prismado) del mapa, para la aplicación en recuadro de servicios troncales Por la escala, este diagrama no lleva mapa de referencia. Æ El diagrama cuenta con una retícula guía, para editar los trazados de recorrido. Para referencias de grosores de línea, valores cromáticos y elementos tipográficos, se debe revisar el archivo digital adjunto. Se debe verificar la actualización de esta pieza antes de su reproducción en cualquier medio. œ En el archivo digital, se encuentra desarrollado además un recorrido simulado para los servicios 101, 108, 301, 501, considerando cuatro casos modelo. Diagrama de ejemplo, servicio local 2| 101 Santo Tomás Santa Rosa San Francisco San Antonio Recoleta Pablo Neruda j12 i12 h12 g12 f12 e12 d12 c12 b12 P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † P. Central Oriente Camino Melipilla Av. Los Pajaritos Del Ferrocarril Alberto Llona Plaza Maipú † | Sistema de Información al Usuario del Transporte Público de Santiago Agosto 2006 Diagrama Versión Servicios Locales El Diagrama de recorridos locales presenta una adaptación especial del contorno del área de servicio. Cada trazado dispone, al igual que los letreros de cortesía y cenefas interiores de los buses, 4 hitos correspondientes a intersecciones o puntos de transbordo, además de los puntos de origen y destino. El diagrama cuenta con una retícula guía, para editar los trazados de recorrido. Para referencias de grosores de línea, valores cromáticos y elementos tipográficos, se debe revisar el archivo digital adjunto . En el archivo digital, se encuentra desarrollado además un recorrido simulado para servicios de las áreas b, c, d y f, considerando cuatro casos modelo. Manual de Normas Gráficas de Transantiago Número del servicio Diagramas de las distintas áreas de servicio Mapa de referencia Simbología Área de servicio Trayecto Agosto 2006 Steer Davies Gleave was commissioned to develop design guidelines for a comprehensive restructuring of the bus network in Santiago, Chile. The proposals were for a city wide network of partially segregated trunk corridors integrated with local feeder buses serving residential and industrial areas. We worked closely with local bus operators, architects and the client team to deliver proposals that took account of local requirements. »» Non interchange information specifications »» Schematic bus network map »» Sign and information guidelines for multi-modal interchanges. Core outputs covered by the design guides are: »» Bus livery design - feeder and trunk route services It was important to retain some degree of individuality for the operators who traditionally personalised their vehicles with decorations and designs. »» Interchange sign design manual El archivo digital de esta pieza se encuentra en: Archivos Seccion 4 / 4.4.2_EIM-Cenef-And-Tip-A.fh10 Archivos Seccion 4 / 4.4.3_EIM-Cenef-And-Tip-C.fh10 4 | 4.4.2 - 4.4.3 EIM - Estación de Intercambio Modal Cenefa andenes tipos A y C La Cenefa andenes tipo A se ubicará sólo en los andenes de Transantiago. El soporte disponible –Señalética Tipo A– tiene una cara visible de 660 x 88 cm., y está conformada por planchas de acero de 2 mm. Estas planchas deberán estar pintadas con tecnología electroestática, color negro, acabado mate. Sobre esta superficie se implementará la gráfica en vinilo adhesivo opaco troquelado. Bajo éstas, el proyecto de arquitectura considera la implementación de un letrero de información variable de tecnología LED. 1| A bespoke typeface was created that built on the sign writing and iconography used by local operators and space was provided inside vehicles to support driver personalisation. A clean, modern identity was developed with the vehicle livery distinguishing between trunk and feeder routes. The visual language was followed through in the design of signs and passenger information and integrated into the shelter designs creating a consistent and legible solution. Se ubicarán dos Cenefas andenes tipo C, en los andenes de Transantiago, en relación a su correspondiente Cenefa andenes tipo A. El soporte disponible –Señalética Tipo C– tiene una cara visible de 88 x 113 cm., y está conformada por planchas de acero de 2 mm. Estas planchas deberán estar pintadas con tecnología electroestática, color negro, acabado mate. Sobre esta superficie se implementará la gráfica en vinilo adhesivo opaco troquelado. 2| Cenefa andenes - tipo A Señalética Tipo A - EIM La Cisterna, según Plano No. 010-LC-PLA-956 Cenefa andenes - tipo C Señalética Tipo C - EIM La Cisterna, según Plano No. 010-LC-PLA-956 660 cm 42 52 42 32 4 80 80 88 cm 42 4 48 48 4 48 4 48 4 48 30 19 25 25 19 17 25 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 13 88 50 113 25 13 7,5 10 7,5 Manual de Normas Gráficas de Transantiago Los archivos digitales de estas piezas se encuentran en: Archivos Seccion 4 / 4.3.2_Panel-Inf-UEA-Nor.fh10 Archivos Seccion 4 / 4.3.3_Panel-Inf-UEA-Esp.fh10 4 | 4.3.4 Mapa “Usted Está Aquí” (U.E.A.) El mapa “Usted está aquí”, es una edición simplificada de la disposición de los paraderos y las calles, en un punto de transbordo, con el fin de que el usuario pueda identificar la parada que le sirve. Para ello se dispone de dos vistas; la vista normal para puntos de tranbordo ubicados ubicados en cruces simples y la vista especial para puntos de tranbordo más complejos. El mapa “Usted está aquí” normal y especial se encuentra dentro de los archivos del panel de información. Para la producción de este mapa se utilizan elementos prediseñados que vienen incluidos dentro del archivo. Ubicación de los números de las paradas La numeración de los paraderos se hace desde la parada que esté ubicada hacia el norte con el 1 y luego hacia la derecha (según las manecillas del reloj) el 2, 3 y 4. Posición del indicador “Usted está aquí” Agosto 2006 Nombres de las calles dispuestos en ángulos de 30 o -30 (herramienta de rotación del software). Las ns Av. B rd erna oO gi ’Hig Reja s Información ficticia Av. Av. Asignar el color de la zona que corresponda (colores suaves incluidos en el archivo digital) Be rnar do O’Hi gg po ne r no mbr e ins Señal estándar con pictograma de bus + información Av. Las Re Aquí se escribe el nombre de la parada usando TS Info Gruesa (180 pt). Evite usar la TS Info Abreviaturas Gruesa en lo posible, a menos que el nombre no quepa en el espacio. Set de elementos del mapa especial Flecha de ubicación del usuario Flecha de ubicación del usuario, con alternativas de disposición según la complejidad del mapa. Refugios simples Símbolos de las zonas locales Refugios estándar de Punto de Transbordo (máximo de 20 paradas) Símbolo entrada/salida de Metro Los nombres de las comunas se escriben en letras mayúsculas y centrado con respecto a las líneas horizontales. TS Info Gruesa (52 pt), interletrado de 8% em. Si el destino se conecta con un punto de transbordo y/o con una estación de metro, añadir los pictogramas correspondientes. Signo de punto de transbordo: Alt + t = † Logotipo del metro: Shift + 7= & Fuente tipográfica: TS Info Gruesa (teclado inglés) Refugios simples de Punto de Transbordo (máximo de 20 paradas) Símbolo de tarjeta de prepago Esta parte de la señal reemplaza a la sección “Combinaciones con otros servicios” de la cenefa que va en los refugios. Puede contener hasta 12 servicios como máximo. Se coloca la lista (de arriba a abajo) de todos los servicios -primero troncales y luego locales por cada parada- que transiten por el punto de transbordo. Igualmente se añade la información de la parada en la cual uno se encuentra (indicándola con una flecha blanca, TS Info Codigo: Alt + ‘ = æ). Los servicios locales tienen un parche blanco bajo la cápsula que indica la letra de la zona. Los nombres de las calles y los hitos se escriben con mayúscula inicial y el resto con minúsculas, en un máximo de dos líneas (véase la retícula en archivo digital*). Refugios simples Refugios simples de Punto de Transbordo Señal especial con número + información (sólo al reverso de la señal de parada especial) jas Set de elementos del mapa normal Símbolo entrada/salida de Metro Manual de Normas Gráficas de Transantiago Información de una señal de parada Retícula de 30º-60º para la disposición de los elementos (escala al doble del normal) Refugios estándar de Punto de Transbordo La flecha debe colocarse, dentro de lo posible, por encima del ícono del paradero, sin dejar espacio entre éstos. 4 | 4.1 Retícula de 30º-60º para la disposición de los elementos TS Info Codigo 60 pt Retícula en archivo digital Guías internas para las comunas (mayúsculas, 1 línea de texto) Símbolo de tarjeta de prepago Aquí se coloca el código que identifica la parada, este número es asignado por el SIAUT. Guías externas para calles e hitos (mayúsculas y minúsculas, 2 líneas de texto) Símbolos de las zonas locales Agosto 2006 TS Info Gruesa 60 pt Manual de Normas Gráficas de Transantiago Agosto 2006 TransMilenio Bogota, Columbia Station signing and passenger information design guidelines TransMilenio is the world’s most successful Bus Rapid Transit system, transporting upwards of 42,000 passengers per hour. In 2004 work commenced on the implementation of three new trunk corridors that would almost double the network coverage. To ensure passengers could continue to understand the increasingly complex network, TransMilenio commissioned Steer Davies Gleave to undertake a comprehensive review and re-design of the in-station passenger signing and information. Comprehensive stakeholder workshops and local user/non user focus groups formed the first stage of this challenging project and led to concept designs for two options corridor or zone based. Both options were realised as full scale designs and installed in one of the new stations to facilitate testing over a two day period with the zonal approach being the preferred option. Findings from the testing informed the completed designs and were translated into a system design guide that included: »» Zone based schematic, local area and station mapping »» information hierarchy »» Sign placement rules »» Graphic guidelines including dimensions, type, icons and colour palette »» On-bus audio visual information guidelines »» In-station dynamic departure display guidelines Metrolink Manchester Brand Strategy and visual identity; design guidelines for all 2D and 3D applications including system wide map and wayfinding; passenger environments; passenger information and marcomms Literature & Posters 11.8.28 Design specifications Double Royal poster (635×1016) samples Colours used denote the Metrolink ticket type. The ticket colour will be defined by GMPTE’s Marketing and communications team and is to be used consistently across all marketing materials for each ticket type. Please ensure the colour palette of any photography is sympathetic to the ticket type colour. Metrolink Bringing Greater Manchester to life Metrolink Getting you there and back again Metrolink Making it easy for all of you Metrolink Time to plan your next move Apply for a metrokey season ticket Apply for a metroyouth season ticket Apply for a metrofamily season ticket Apply for a metrosenior season ticket Make the most of Greater Manchester The cheapest way to travel on Metrolink Special discount offers with our partners Your passport to a world of adventure Make the most of Greater Manchester The cheapest way to travel on Metrolink Special discount offers with our partners Your passport to a world of adventure Make the most of Greater Manchester The cheapest way to travel on Metrolink Special discount offers with our partners Your passport to a world of adventure Make the most of Greater Manchester The cheapest way to travel on Metrolink Special discount offers with our partners Your passport to a world of adventure &217(176 METROLINK VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDELINES Version 2.0 Issue date: 22 December 2006 © GMPTE Metrolink 2007 | Prepared by Steer Davies Gleave + Duo Consultants Metrolink is Greater Manchester’s light rail system. Greater Manchester Public Transport Executive commissioned us to develop a comprehensive ten-year vision for the network, including a brand strategy with supporting design guidelines across all areas of service delivery. We started by undertaking a visual audit of the existing network and on-street intercept survey with local people to build a 360 degree picture of the service and local user perceptions of the brand. Network map Outputs included: »» Brand architecture and visual identity »» A new master network map »» System wide wayfinding and map design guidelines Rochdale We then developed a new wordmarque, and worked closely with the client to create M62 design guidelines for all 2D and 3D design applications. Railway station M66 »» Design proposals for three levels of station and platform refurbishment Kingsway Business Park Newbold Milnrow Bury Newhey Shaw and Crompton 160 Derker Oldham Mumps Oldham central Radcliffe King Street Manchester Street Whitefield M 60 Westwood Oldham Werneth M Besses o’th’ Barn 60 Prestwich M 61 Heaton Park Bowker Vale Monsall (for Manchester Hospital) Central Park M602 Victoria Ladywell Shudehill (for Hope Hospital) Langworthy New East rg le Ro 16,17,17A Towards Sale Golf Club Road Da ad ad l na St Werburgh’s Road Ca wa ge id ad d Br ad Ro mo Sy 60Harley ad 99 M 5.4 d ley Pla ce Lynwood Grove 99 ve ad Ro Worthington Park de Ho pe en nR hR d d Str eet Ma rlb oro ug hR oa d Bax d e Ro ad ld Roa Ro ad Bro om vill Playing Fields 160 eA ve Ho Original artwork isUavailable from GMPTE rb an Ro Marketing & Communications. ad ter War dl efie Os bo rn Holm pe Ke lsa ll S tre e t eT err ac e Era Zone 1 (City) Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 18,18A Zone 5 19,19A,19B,19C 41 Zone 6 Zone 7 Crav en Fri ug Terr ace d oa sR oro oa B Symbols P nue field © GMPTE Metrolink 2007 | Prepared by Steer Davies Gleave + Duo Consultants METROLINK VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDELINES First Contract issue Issue date: 15 December 2006 A 15 Ave High Hig &217(176 an Ro ad eld Norm hfi 1 Interchange for other zones Free disabled parking Free Park & Ride(spaces) Bus interchange Rail interchange Football stadiumAlexandra Road Walk link(minutes) Road The existing maps should be adapted and refined to reflect the new designs. rlb ar’ Ro ne r th Derbyshire La Ma 5 minutes n Drive Charlto 99 ad The map area should be square, with a panel at the bottom identifying bus services and landmarks. Walk distances should also be shown and a grid added to be cross refererenced to infomration in Ro eb the legend. u ck No gf Sp Wicken by Dr Wa s ks Sale Station rin ive 99 Sale Leisure Centre You are here ad Ro re He ay 99 d ua iel rd fo Sq re n Visit or call 0161 205 2000 for season2tickets and information oa 99 99 Th ie yf Ha Rd a To w Road Sale Town Centre ad d Ro Road ld t Broa 99,266,267 99,266 C D Landmarks ve ee all Str eM hn 99 Tesco d 41 The maps will be conventionally orientated, ie north to the top. The local 245,263 area maps build on GMPTE’s existing local area maps with added 86 detail and some modification to the colour palette. A draft is shown to the right for Sale station, with 264 Bro shown below. the existing GMPTE map ad hw Tatton Roa t re e 99 Irlam St Jo ands Ro d Dri igh nle Cra School Road Library Theatre Sale Town Hall Woodl Streets Open spaces Public facilities (eg hospitals, libraries) O Retail areas 99 ’Lands Dri Marks & ve Paypoints 3 for ticket purchases Spencer Bus stops/interchange Sib so Parking n Oldfield Road 99 Apply for a metrofamily season ticket • • • • • • • Ro Pri ory ad Tatton M56 ad stan Ro Ro ad el nt ad Wharf Road Sainsburys ap mo Ro re ld Cla ie Win Ch son hf Joyn As 99 Roa et ste Le The local area maps are to be appear on 4 side of the totems where the station/stop Bri ghto Navigation permit. Road They should also be nG installations rove installed Ashto at station exits where no totem Magistrates ninstalled. Lane The local area map has been Courtis Altrincham deigned to help customers continue their 16,17,17A,17, 19A,19B,19C, journey after leaving Metrolink. The map 252,266,267 will identify: ice Ro 99 Gro 99 ad oa Stre Ro rR ns sS os Cr n Yo rk Timperley no Ro d so ad Station local area maps kin ley oa At Lin rR Passenger Information Brooklands Ma Ro et 99 tre ad Ro Yo rk Park Road Sale Towards Northenden ue r en te Av nR Dane Road oa Pa rk Se 5 d 19C,266,267 lly Ro Chorlton-cum-Hardy 17,19A,19B Ho ey Dudley 60 TraffordTowards Bar Old Trafford rs Droylsden M60 (for Velodrome) Cornbrook M Firswood e Stretford Edge Lane St Peter’s Square Pomona Old Trafford N Piccadilly Cemetery Road Clayton Sportcity Holt Town fto E M Exchange Quay Road Pollard Street nue ST Salford Quays Trafford Centre Abbey G-Mex rd A ve AN The Lowry & Outlet Mall ad 15 E Piccadilly Gardens Anchorage Ro CANAL Southbound only Cran fo M CH Market Street Mosley Street Harbour City ne Broadway Da Weaste SHIP Failsworth Dean Lane Woodlands Road R 120 Hollinwood Crumpsall Eccles 15 Freehold South Chadderton E Bus Routes Bus Stop Sale Leisure Centre B3 18 The Trafford Centre - Altrincham Parking Library C3 18A Altrincham - Trafford Park Taxi rank Theatre C3 19 Manchester Airport - Altrincham Public Toilets Sale Town Hall & Council Offices C3 41 Altrincham - Manchester Cafe Sale Town Centre B3 86 Chorlton - Manchester Restaurant Tesco B3 99 Sale - Manchester Supermarket Marks & Spencer A3 245 Flixton - Altrincham Public Telephone Sainsbury’s B4 263 Altrincham - Manchester Theatre Magistrates Court A4 264 Altrincham - Manchester Worthington Park E3 266 Ashton upon Mersey - Altrincham 267 Partington - Altrincham 268 Trafford General Hospital - Wythenshawe 272 Woodhouse Park - Trafford Park »» Design guidelines for new stations and platforms »» New fascia designs for ticket vending machines »» Guidelines for marketing collateral and tone of voice »» Website development, including a review of on-line ticket purchasing Swindon Travel Choices Swindon Borough Council Website, multi-modal journey planner and multiplatform mapping Swindon Travel Choices is a £4.4 million, three and a half year project funded by the UK Department for Transport’s “Local Sustainable Transport Fund”. The project aims to support the regeneration and growth of Swindon by implementing a package of measures targeted at increasing the number of people who travel to work by sustainable modes (walking, cycling, public transport, car sharing or not travelling at all, such as working from home). Steer Davies Gleave is working closely with Swindon Borough Council to develop an integrated printed and online mapping resource for the project. The brief required consistent mapping across platforms and the client was keen to involve local people to ‘crowd source’ bike and walk routes in the Borough. To achieve this we selected Open Street Map, the Wikipedia of mapping, as our map database and trained Swindon Council staff in the basics of OSM data editing. We then facilitated workshops with the Council and the local public to add bike racks, cycle lanes, shops etc. The updated network has been used as the base for their new print and interactive cycle maps and also provides cycle routing data for journey planning. Modifications to the map will automatically update online (such as the addition of a new cycle lane), and the printed map will be updated and printed quarterly. The approach adopted for Swindon is groundbreaking in its use of open and crowd sourced data for both print and online information. The website will be launched in January 2013. Rome Public Transport Information System ATAC S.p.A. Travel information and mapping software development ‘This mapping solution well exceeds our expectations and completely changes the nature of our work...’ Steer Davies Gleave developed Rome’s first integrated public transport information system for ATAC, the local transport operator, in 1997. The original project delivered a suite of passenger information products, a new house style and support for the set up of an internal design department. However, with a growing product range and reduced budgets production times and costs were becoming significant. The complexity of the transport network and the frequency of service changes meant that maintaining the old products was an endless task. The new system constitutes a dramatic departure from the legacy processes without compromising on graphic quality or legibility. The new system links directly into the client’s geographic dataset to dynamically update the base mapping with data related to bus, rail, tram and Metro services is sourced directly from the operations department and overlaid on the base. This process almost entirely removes the need for manual intervention and has completely changed the way the department can operate. Producing an updated city bus map now takes minutes instead of hours or even days. The system is highly flexible, providing simple functions to support the production of bespoke and one-off outputs. Staff have been released from repetitive manual activities that dominated their time and can dedicate more energy to quality control and creating targeted information to better meet the needs of all passengers. Outputs include: »» Base map application and map templates for the full product suite at multiple scales from A4 leaflets to 900mm x 900mm panels in stations »» City wide map »» Schematic rail and metro map »» Local area plans for all Metro stations »» Local area plans for all main bus interchanges »» Service specific maps »» Staff training Public Transport Information System Dundee, Scotland Interactive mapping, journey planning, network mapping, at-stop information, stop flag, interactive kiosks, at stop audio, transport information portal, dynamic departure displays. Scottish Transport Award for Best Information - 2004 Project partners RSL Kiosks TravelInfo Systems Steer Davies Gleave led the development, supply and install of a ground breaking package of public transport information and related hardware for the City of Dundee as part of the Scottish Transport award winning Bringing Confidence into Public Transport project (BCPT). The Public Transport Information System (PTIS) forms the core of the BCPT project that includes bespoke shelter designs for city centre bus interchanges, dynamic bus departure displays, interactive on-street information kiosks with integrated interactive mapping and journey planning (also available through the internet), high quality printed information, city-wide real time information, mobile journey planning and departure information. The journey planner functionality was defined through comprehensive focus groups with the local population and designs were fine tuned through extensive local user testing. The vectorbased mapping delivered seamless and fully scalable exploration of the city. Bus stops or points of interest selected via the interactive map display information such as stop name , next three real time bus departures and stop facilities, allowing users direct access to real time information from their desktop. Information points on the interchange shelters are fitted with smart card triggered audio bus departure messages for local visually impaired users. A paper information strategy supports the online resources. A schematic map of the city’s bus network forms the basis of a comprehensive system of at-stop printed information implemented at all bus stops in Dundee. Dundee PTIS was awarded Best Information Project at the 2004 Scottish Transport Awards ceremony in Edinburgh and has since won a number of other prestigious national awards. London Borough of Southwark Camberwell Local area map, pocket guide and interactive map. The London Borough of Southwark, commissioned Steer Davies Gleave to design a map of the Camberwell area to promote increased walking and cycling. The map’s focus was on providing interesting and useful information about the area, its facilities and services. The solution was applied to both print and online media. 4 Elephant & Castle (35 mins) 6 7 7 d pton B Brunswick Park Camberwell Leisure Centre Je ph so n St re et 4 ve La Gro ale se Clo E Rd 3 k Wal Road th ad Ro Walk continues overleaf 3 Evesham ins ne ad orne Selb 5m s ew ce Pla Hill Ro Walk continues overleaf M nce Da nd Alle 40, 42 68, 176 185, 468 35 45 345 on Ribb d fiel Denmark ad Yd Ker Ro Love Walk 40 42 68 176 185 468 484 35, 45 345 ad Ro 7 Ke nn ing Walk continues overleaf au Rd lie uC Th lose eH am let Cla ph am Hill mark Road ill Cl hbor ough Park Springh rn Fe de Loug Den Brixton (20 mins) local area map Road Be College Club Underground Station Supermarket Bar/Pub Train Station Local Shop Restaurant Cycle Shop Café D Vale Bus Stop Playground Wildlife Walk st Ea Public Car Park e rov Grove Tennis Courts Hospital G ich ulw Cycle Stands 5 6 Coordinated by SEA/Renue, Project partners: Camberwell Travel Plan Group Walks developed by: Eleanor Margolies Designed by Steer Davies Gleave, Printed on 100% recycled paper, FSC certified. WHITECHAPEL CITY OF LONDON 4 in a house on Denmark Hill, Mendelssohn wrote ‘Camberwell Green’, a ‘song without words’ for the piano. The piece (later renamed ‘Spring Song’) was used widely in silent films to accompany scenes showing a ‘damsel in distress’. Wagner was another visitor. The Platanes, Champion Hill: The sole survivor of three grand mansions belonging to the Kleinworth merchant banking family. Now part of King’s College London. Love Walk: The old brick wall visible to the south is the boundary of the country estate of the De Crespigny family. They were French Protestants (known as Huguenots) who moved to England in 1685 to escape persecution. Denmark Road: Karl Marx stayed here briefly with German friends when he first arrived in London. Minet library: In 1770, Hughes Minet, of Huguenot origin, bought this estate. In 1889, his philanthropic descendant, William Minet, donated the land to create Myatt’s Fields. Local street names such as Calais and Cormont Road mark the family’s origins. A plaque on the wall at 325 Camberwell New Road records that Otto Benecke helped to raise subscriptions to reopen a public dispensary here in 1880. 1 km ½ mile HOLBORN Peckham Rye ill lH Theatre Post Office Immigration Walk et d shire Stre oa Wilt Hill Towards Clapham, Balham Wandsworth (50 mins) ham lle nd en R ne d oa Town Hall Chemist Takeaway en lR Launderette pio This mapping is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. London Borough of Southwark, (0)100019252. East Dulwich Station Hil Library am gK rne Cycle Route ill Church Hotel Ch EAST DULWICH l nC nH erto And Shakes peare Roa d ad owne Blanched h ort ew ng Be Nor Acla nd Rd ay Ro thw ad ne Kem erto ad ce Cres nt n Ro ad Ro d oa on Ro Railt nR Fin se Art Gallery/Studio 2 Towards Herne Hill (10 mins) Bank 3 Do He d Cash Machine/ATM Be ne ill oa ad Ro For an interactive version of this map please visit: or King’s College Hall Early immigration to Camberwell 1 Ruskin Park: While staying with the Benecke family 2 a ve L Gro ad h Ro nH ell R ill Use this map to find what you need locally, then maybe walk or cycle to get there. Wherever you visit we hope you enjoy the experience and discover some of Camberwell’s hidden gems. BRIXTON and lavender k nP 1 1 ne 6 Community Orchard: Fruit trees and bushes, rosemary Peckham High Street 7 Camberwell Green Ruskin Park La 5 Caspian Street allotments Peckham Pulse 1 Ro a d 2 m Cha Area covered by map overleaf pio am kn Bic eH rn There are many local restaurants, pubs and cafes to suit all tastes and other facilities include a mix of classic high street shops and services, and interesting small independent businesses. With the art college nearby, the area has a booming arts culture, supporting three galleries, two theatres and a season of open studios and arts festivals throughout the year. Ch Hill Road He Lovely Camberwell Green is well known, but the area also boasts a number of other attractive green spaces, including St Giles Churchyard, Sceaux Gardens and Ruskin Park. You can visit all of these through our nature walks. ur rbo ha ld Co Brixton Station Peck oug bor Denmark Sundial bria Cam Camberwell is a place with a vivid history and a varied and fascinating community. Everything you need is right on your doorstep and this map should help you find it. Why not take some time to visit some of the sights and sounds Camberwell has to offer or explore a new street? Wyck Gardens Peckha m Bellenden Road gh Lou d oa On this map you will find an abundance of interesting and useful information about Camberwell and the surrounding area. South London Gallery Warwick Gardens pio Loughborough Junction Station all over the world Lucas Gardens 3 Denmark Hill Station Bowling Green 1 and dozens of Sunday football games 3 Chumleigh Gardens: Walled gardens with plants from 4 Addington Square Hill aR bri Camberwell local area map 4 3 the route of the old canal between Rotherhithe docks and Walworth Road 2 Burgess Park: A large lake with diverse fish and wildfowl, 5 ve Gro m Ca SE5 AREA Walk B: Peckham to Camberwell Green via Burgess Park Lake 1 Peckham Square: The leafy Surrey Canal walk follows Camberwell College of Arts 6 CAMBERWELL K 8 5 1 Welcome to the Brunswick Park 7 Camb erwell Church Street Myatt Fields pion 6 Southam pto nW ay Camberwell Green am 5 6 7 6 Ch 4 Tennis Courts ad 4 Brixton Road Ro 3 et Southwark College Ro rm Herne Hill (30 mins) St re 5 Denmark uth we ll ad 2 rw ell N J ew e Ak 100 metres Mostyn Gardens Key to symbols on reverse Walk continues overleaf 1 Ro d 8 K So d 42, 68, 468 Ruskin Park ad an un ad Denmark Hill Station Ed m ner Ro Sum be ad el Ro Vass ad ce Pla 7 d oa oa This mapping is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. London Borough of Southwark, (0)100019252. Way Street Havil Ca m pi Cham er wy Bo d nR a gh rL rR rk on Pa 40 176 185 484 u Va ou rb ha Co ld ou Blue Elephant Theatre 40 176 484 rb St Georges I so King’s College Hospital J Ha alk rW 40, 176 185, 484 King’s College London Weston Education Centre Camberwell wildlife Walk A: Ruskin Park to Brunswick Park 1 Ruskin Park: Unusual trees, a pond with moorhens, mallards and geese, views over London 2 Canning Cross footpath: Between Sir George Canning pub and 142 and 144 Camberwell Grove 3 Churchyard Passage 4 St Giles Churchyard 5 Lucas Gardens 6 Footpath through ‘Voltaire’ block of flats to Sceaux Gardens 7 Brunswick Park Burgess Park Jo d Win d o ad Ro B d oa ee Str 4 oa nt R kR be rR me e ess Walks Ke t kin s Ru hn Camberwell Roa m tco Cu 35, 45 345 3 A&E Ro 2 Alb H Kennington Park Oval Station Camberwell ad The Oval Lake ad Ro any o bro low Wil an eti n Ve 9 35, 45 345 Maudsley Hospital 42, 68, 468 d oa Walk continues overleaf Pa rk ton S t ee Str ad ury d oa R nt ve Ba Old KENNINGTON Ro W ad King’s College E London Institute of Psychiatry 40, 42 68, 176 185, 468 484 Ro nb ld Co ur rbo ha Ke H ot ec yC re off Ge n La Towards Elephant & Castle (15mins) River Thames (40 mins) Trafalgar Ave R Kennington Station N ld Ca an e lose pi Cres Towards Peckham (‹5 mins) Nunhead (20 mins) rk Pa gny De Cl. ord Harb den e Road ark nm De Pl 35, 45 345 xm s ew k Love Wal Coldharbour G d oa F M ce’s Gra Fern hbull rd a orn w Lo F t Stree ar wfo Cra urt s Co me d M t scen C eus lm Va wel l Ga 4 Ro East Dulwich (15 mins) Knatc Cre ad le vil ne Da Arm d Road Baldwin Orph ad s Yd ners a Ro D St Giles Church Joi ilk Road ark Ro 345 M on Wils ve Gro ell berw Cam Denm E t Butte rfly Wal Shop k arca ping de 35 42 45 68 345 468 ld ion berw ell Cam Police Station 3 h Stree Road R 68 148 176 185 468 ad Ro arn W Pl Camberw ell Churc n Wre M cd ow all oa d 40 176 185 484 D Datche lor 12, 36 171, 345 436 35, 40 42, 45 l Glebe Camberwel St Giles Youth Centre Place 12, 36 171, 345 436 6 fie Stat Camberwell Green Artichoke 36 185 436 Ker 36 185 436 Peckham (20 mins) 12, 148 171, 176 468, 68 Vicarage Grove Camb ad rrac e er Vicarage Grove Road ell erw Ro Passag Kim e n Te Walk continues overleaf Road w Sta tio C 8 35, 40 42, 45 Ne d rw ell e lan Clos Don Phe Harvey be en well Gre Camber ove ty Gr Coun Ca m Roa well ber Cam S B A Close rd Roa D’eynsfo E Benhill Road chelor Mary Dat 1 Mornington Mews N W 8 Walk continues overleaf Camberwell Magistrates’ Court Medlar Street 36 185 436 on Rd Elmingt 5 Milkwoo Co m 2 t Stree Sansom Oval (15 mins) be rG 1 F rov e camberwell2/ POPLAR June 2007 Public Toilets SE5FFOR CAMBERWELL RUM SOUTHWARK DOCKLANDS LAMBETH PECKHAM STOCKWELL GREENWICH Camberwell E E S S W W N N Alde rton Road Thank you