St John`s Cathedral Community News


St John`s Cathedral Community News
St John’s Cathedral
Community News
Lord of heaven and earth,
whose Son came eating and
exposing the rivalry
that tears the world apart:
may we share his feast and
and lay our burdens
in his liberating arms;
through Jesus Christ,
Wisdom’s child,
Issue 66
July 2015
Cathedral Outreach July—Orange Sky Laundry
Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Inside this issue:
The Rev’d Canon Dr
Nigel Leaves
Become involved in Social Justice
Imaginary Parish
The Ministry of Intercession
Christmas in July—Cake Stall
Climate Change
Coffee on Wednesdays
Labyrinth Walk
Upcoming Events
Holy Trinity Parish Pantry
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Cathedral Coin Collection
Meditative Eucharist
Book Launch
The Jihad of Jesus
Book Review
Bishop Putney Memorial Lecture 13
Spire Apartments Update
Brisbane Contemporary Church
Music Festival—2015
Jacki’s on Leave
Orange Sky Laundry is Australia’s first mobile laundry service for the homeless. A
world first, started in Brisbane in July 2014
by two 20 year old friends Lucas Patchett
and Nicholas Marchesi, the organisation
has seven board members and relies on
volunteer labour. Their custom fitted vans
began a pilot service mid-2014, servicing
parks and drop in centres across Brisbane.
Having since added services to Cairns, Orange Sky plans to expand its services
across Queensland, and Australia-wide by the end of 2015.
The Orange Sky vision is to raise health standards, restore respect
and reduce strain on the resources of the homeless. The song
"Orange Sky" by Alexi Murdoch was a major inspiration for the project. The song is about helping our brothers and sisters, as indicated
in the lyrics "In your love, my salvation lies" and "I had a dream I
stood beneath an orange sky, with my brother standing by". These
values are central to the project.
By partnering with food vans and drop-in centres, they make it possible for people to have their clothes, blankets and other linen
washed and returned as quickly as possible, usually while meals are
being cooked and eaten. Each van holds two 10kg washers and dryers, which allow Orange Sky to finish 20kg of clean washing each
hour. They use linen bags and colour coordination system to keep
each person's belongings together. The service uses no powders or
toxic chemicals.
Orange Sky is run by volunteers, primarily harnessing the energy of
18-30 year olds who are keen but struggle to find simple ways to
help people in need. As well as needing our help to cover the costs
of the project, Orange Sky are keen to hear from potential volunteers who would like to help in practical
Each load of washing costs the service $6.
$600 provides the service for a week. Can
we find $1,200 to support an Orange Sky
Laundry van to provide this service for two
weeks to our brothers and sisters in need?
All our donations over $2 are tax deductible. If you require a receipt, please write
your name and address on the back of the
Outreach envelope for July.
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The Rev’d Canon Dr Nigel Leaves
The waves of shock, disbelief and sadness are still washing
through the cathedral community and beyond following Nigel’s death.
Nigel died as a result of a massive and unforeseen heart
attack on Monday 22nd June at 10:31am London time
(7:30pm Brisbane time). He was only 56 years old. Julie
was with him and writes: “I want to thank everyone who
has worked so hard to help us … both in Brisbane and in
London,” she writes. “You can’t know how much it means
to us.” Sebastian has since flown to England to be with Julie and the wider
Nigel’s funeral is most likely to take place during the last week of July. It will
be held in St John’s Cathedral.
The Westar Institute, of which Nigel was a Fellow, has posted the following
May Nigel rest in peace and rise in glory
The following resolution was passed with prayer by Diocesan Synod while it
was meeting in the Cathedral on Friday 26th June:
That this Synod
a) Notes with deep sadness that The Reverend Canon Dr Nigel Leaves died
suddenly on Monday 22nd June while on leave in the UK;
b) Expresses its thanks for the life and ministry of Nigel; his friendship, his
pastoral sensitivity, his enquiring mind and his passion for Christian education and formation;
c) Extends its deepest condolences to Nigel’s family; particularly to his
wife, Julie, and son, Sebastian, as together with them we mourn Nigel’s
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Are you interested in practical ways to be involved in social justice?
Many people have a passion for social justice, but don’t know how to get involved. Or maybe
you’re already involved, but would like to meet others with the same commitment to making
the world a better place, make some new connections or explore some new directions…? If
this sounds like you, join us for an afternoon of dialogue, exploration and good ideas when
we’ll ‘open some space’ to talk about:
‘How can we challenge unjust structures and care for creation? Engaging with the 4th and 5th
Marks of Mission in our parish and daily lives’
Friday 17 July 2015
Where: St Francis College, 233 Milton Rd, Milton
RSVP or more info:; 3838 7553 Leanne; 3838 7556 Jen
There is no cost for this event. Free parking. Lunch and afternoon tea provided.
No public speaking, role playing or prior knowledge of Open Space required!
The Imaginary Parish
Join us for an evening of wine, cheese and good conversation.
The ‘imaginary parish’: when expectation and reality don’t quite match
Some thoughts about complexity with Brendan McKeague and The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt.
In parish life, we grapple with some very complex issues. Some of these are
sensitive, deeply rooted in people’s experience and beliefs; while others are
practical, everyday problems that nevertheless invite many different viewpoints and multiple ‘solutions’.
Join us for wine and cheese as our guest speakers offer some thoughtful
perspectives on operating in complexity, and share in a conversation about
matters that concern us all, clergy and parishioners.
Brendan McKeague has been involved in adult education, group facilitation and nonviolent
social transformation for the past 30 years, and was a founding member of Pace e Bene Australia. He currently works as a consultant and facilitator in a variety of corporate, government, community and faith-based organisations. Brendan lives with his large family in Perth
WA, where he enjoys combining his Irish spirit with a passion for peace.
The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt is well known in the ACSQ as the Dean of St John’s Cathedral
and Chair of the Social Responsibilities Committee. As an Anglican priest, social justice advocate, environmentalist and scientist, he has given much thought to what it means to operate
in complex environments.
Friday 17 July 2015, 5.30pm-7.30pm
Where: St Francis College, 233 Milton Rd, Milton
RSVP or more info:; 3838 7553 Leanne; 3838 7556 Jen
Hosted by the Social Responsibilities Committee and the PMC.
There is no cost for this event. Free parking.
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The Ministry of Intercession
The 'Prayers of the People’ used on Sundays are most often the creation of
the person who offers them. Some use entirely their own words, others use
various resources to assist them.
The prayer book gives some guidance in that it suggests that prayers should
be offered for:
The World
The Church
The community
Those in need
The departed
Most times the prayer also chooses to weave into the prayers the Diocese,
parishes and schools that are identified by two ‘cycles’ of prayers. The first
‘cycle’ is the Anglican Communion cycle which sees every Diocese in the world
prayed for once each year. The second ‘cycle' is our Diocesan cycle which sees
every Diocese in Australia, every parish and school in the Diocese and some
other ministries prayed for once a month. Both cycles make suggestions for
every day of the week.
We hold workshops twice a year with those who have offered to be on the intercession roster so that they can come together to reflect on their ministry
and do some learning together.
If you are interested in joining this ministry team, please talk with the clergy.
Christmas in July—Cake & Plant Stall
When: 12 July 2015
Where: St John’s Cathedral
Why wait until December when the cool weather is perfect for Christmas
Choose from many delicious treats including:
Christmas Cakes
Jams and Preserves
Sticky Date Puddings
Christmas Brownies
…and a lot lot more!
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God of Creation,
who hears the crises of the earth.
Awaken in us a new reverence for life,
and the resolve to achieve sustainability.
Revive in us a thirst for justice
that all may be nurtured by creation.
May we actively embrace our role
as servants, stewards, protectors,
That we may safeguard the integrity of
and sustain and celebrate the life of the
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Coffee on Wednesdays COWS
Come along and join us for a free cup of coffee!
Every Wednesday in the Cathedral, 10am – 2pm
All welcome, spread the word!
COWS is followed by an informal English class
for those wanting to learn English
Labyrinth Walk
Please come and walk the labyrinth after the
9.30am Service on the first Sunday of each month.
Upcoming Events at Your Cathedral—July
Meditative Eucharist, Meditation 5.30pm-5.55pm meditation, then the Eucharist
Revolution Organ recital – David Briggs, 7pm (see back page)
Chamber Philharmonic concert, 8pm
Mary Magdalene Choral Eucharist, 6pm
Brisbane Contemporary Church Music Festival (see page 9)
Twilight Internation Organ recital, Michaewedl Richlynski, 6pm
Ex-Servicewomen’s Service, 11.30am
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Holy Trinity Parish Pantry
The Holy Trinity Pantry no longer receives emergency relief funding from the Federal Government. The new funding formula rates
Fortitude Valley as an area of significant advantage. The reality is
that it is also a service and social hub for many people who suffer
extreme disadvantage.
Given the change in circumstances Cathedral Council has resolved
to increase the support we give to The pantry.
Each week we will collect dry and tinned foods. Please place your gift in the basket in the
west end. Each week the basket that will become part of the offertory.
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
The new Tabernacle on the refurbished Blessed Sacrament Chapel altar
was dedicated at the 9.30am liturgy on May 17 by Bishop Ron.
It is a stunning piece of art.
We now need to consider the rest of the space. There is no doubt that
more is required to 'make' the space.
The question is what else? Is there a need for more colour? Candles
etc ? How will the altar be dressed? A piece of art? Furnishings?
You are invited to send your suggestions to The Cathedral Council.
or via the Cathedral Office.
On the Creation of the Tabernacle, Jack Barnes Carpenter and Artist
Inside I fabricated a stainless steel safe for its security and for easy cleaning.
Outside I used Queensland Silky Oak. It ties in nicely with its surroundings. I made the veneer from
short ends leftover from the joinery I made for the West Front Completion. The veneer is 0.6mm thick.
The lock was reused from the original Tabernacle. I wanted to respect the original tabernacle and all it
has meant over the years. A good way to tie the past with the future.
The light burst marquetry design was made from three different species of veneer; Sycamore, Poplar
and Cedar. Sycamore and Poplar were used for their quality in the dyeing process to create the different colours. The Cedar was used as the focal point for its age, potentially as old as Christ.
In the veneering process I used animal hide glue for its good conservation qualities, with future conservation in mind if required. The finish is a traditional varnish selected for its clarity and robustness;
hand finished with traditional methods. I would also formally like to thank Ron and Katie Williams and
the Cathedral for letting me make something so unique and interesting for all to enjoy.
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The Cathedral Coin Collection—The Venice Coin
Left the Australian Pavilion at
the 2015 Venice Biennale
(Image credit: John Gollings)
VENICE is not an ancient city.
When the barbarian invasions
occurred in northern Italy in
the 5th and 6th centuries people living near the coast fled to
the islands in the lagoon at the
north-west tip of the Adriatic Sea. Eventually the islands in the centre of the
lagoon became the city of Venice. The people had previously been converted
to Christianity and the city became a Christian centre. It was at first closely
related to the Byzantine Empire in the east, but by about 840 AD it had established an independent position. As the Republic of Venice it flourished as a
trading centre. Being isolated on an island the Venetians turned to the sea,
and soon their merchant ships were sailing all over the Mediterranean. The
merchants prospered, and Venice became a great cultural centre. It still is,
and that is why the Australia Council for the Arts built a pavilion in Venice for
the Venice Biennale. In the pavilion Australian art is on display for the many
visitors who come to Venice for the festival.
On this silver medallion issued by the
Cook Islands there is a miniature copy
of a painting by the Venetian painter,
Canaletto. Born in 1697 he made
many paintings of Venice, and for
some years he worked in England. He
died in 1768. This painting is entitled
The Bucintoro returning to the Molo on Ascension Day. The
Bucintoro was the state ceremonial barge on which the doge attended a ceremony called ‘Marriage to the Sea’. Venice ‘married’ the Adriatic Sea, and at the
junction of the lagoon and the sea the patriarch of Venice emptied a flask of
holy water into the turbulent waters. From the mast of the Bucintoro flies the
doge’s red flag on which is the winged lion of St Mark.
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The Cathedral Coin Collection—The Venice Coin
From the 14th to the 18th century
These 12 coins have been selected from the Cathedral Coin Collection as representative of Venetian coinage during this period.
Doge Giovanni Soranzo (1312-1328) This silver grosso shows the doge receiving a banner from St Mark on one side, and Christ enthroned on the other. In
1321 Dante Alighieri was in Venice as an emissary from Ravenna. He wrote
his Christian epic, The Divine Comedy, from about 1305 to 1321.
2. Doge Francesco Dandolo (1329-1339) This silver soldino shows the doge kneeling on one side, and the lion of St Mark on the other. The Dandolo family was influential in Venetian affairs. Doge Enrico Dandolo (1192-1205) supported and
went with the 4th Crusade, which captured Constantinople in 1204.
3. Doge Andrea Dandolo (1343-1354) This silver mezzanino shows the doge and
St Mark on one side, and Christ stepping out of a tomb on the other. Andrea was
a scholar and a friend of Petrarch, the greatest scholar of the age.
4. Doge Marco Corner (1365-1368) This gold ducat shows the doge
and St Mark on one side, and Christ in glory on the other. The gold
ducat had been introduced by Doge Giovanni Dandolo (1280-1298)
and it became one of the leading denominations in Europe. The
word ‘ducat’, which is short for ‘ducatus’ meaning ‘duchy’, occurs at
the end of the reverse legend. The legend in English is, “It is to
Thee, O Christ, that this duchy is entrusted, which Thou governest.”
5. Doge Antonio Venier (1382-1400) This grosso shows the doge
and St Mark on one side, and Christ enthroned on the other. Venice
prospered through trade. In 2014 archaeologists found one of
these coins at Bethsaida, just north of the Sea of Galilee, which
shows how extensively Venice traded at this time. A team from St
Francis’ Theological College excavates at Bethsaida every year.
6. Doge Leonardo Loredan (1501-1521) This silver ‘mocenigo o lira’
shows the doge and St Mark on one side, and Christ on the other.
The Reformation began with Martin Luther in Germany in 1517, but
it had little effect on Venice.
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Meditative Eucharist 10th June
8th July, 5.30pm
Meditation and 6pm Contemplative Eucharist
Go placidly amid the noise and haste
and remember what peace there may be in silence
Book Launch Lecture, Justice, Unity & The Hidden Christ
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Book Review—ANZAC Day Origins
Anzac Day Origins: Canon D J Garland and Trans-Tasman Commemoration.
By John A Moses and George F Davis (Barton, ACT: Barton Books, 2013)
Writing about the nation in Australia has been hobbled by an obsession with national identity.
Identity seems to be something that either exists or does not exist, which can make it a particularly unsubtle tool for historians. Anzac Day Origins, by Moses and Davis looks very much like a
breakthrough into richer territory. It is a very important book.
In describing the origins of Anzac Day commemoration in Australia ad New Zealand, from 1915
to the 1930’s, the book makes several substantial points. It shows how the senior Anglican
priest Canon David Garland designed most of the leading features of the Anzac ceremonial.
Much of the detail her is not new, but Moses and Davis give it narrative force (including New
Zealand) and thereby show its deeper significance.
The book also shows the ceremonies originating with Garland in Queensland were only gradually taken up among the states of the Commonwealth and in Canberra. In one footnote the authors remark on how much the “national’ was used for some years after the war to refer to
what we would refer to as state concerns. The idea that each state might be a nation lingered
long after federation. It clearly got in Garland’s way.
This leads to the third point. What did Anzac Day really mean? This question was a very lively
one for the whole period. Could it be celebrated on a Sunday? Was sport, if allowed in the
afternoon, inconsistent with its solemnity? Most important in the end, did the day belong first
of all to returned men or to the nation as whole and to its civilian leadership? So we come to
the most profound aspect of the book. Garland’s aim was to “sacralise the nation”. Here the
argument benefits enormously from the fact that John Moses is, like Garland, an Anglican
priest. His expertise as an historian extends to the theology of war as it evolved in both empires, British and German, from the late nineteenth century. The book also has much to say
about Garland’s superior, St Clair Donaldson, Archbishop of Brisbane; one of the main advocates in Australia of was as a holy cause. Garland himself was not highly educated, but he was
a dynamic organiser with a fine imagination and he gave tangibility and permanence to some
of the main threads in Donaldson’s high-pitched propaganda. With his common touch and his
genius for ritual, he entrenched them in ceremony. In that sense, Garland’s contribution to
Australian nationalism has something in common with Charles Bean’s.
Garlands agenda succeeded because the thought patterns of British Christianity were still habitual for most Australians. Anglicanism, in particular, was the old religion of national community, and it was easily reshaped for Garland’s great cause. On the one hand, Anzac Day was designed to celebrate as Garland himself said “the sacrifice of those bright young lives, our dearest and our best”. On the other hand it was a way of giving a sacred form to a new power, the
federated nation, a baptism following the birth of 1901. And Garland’s agenda has not been
properly understood because historians have been slow to realize how far religiosity informs
modern thought. The idea that a secular state such as ours might have its roots in Christianity
(as much, say, as France) must remain for a long time incomprehensible to many.
It is particularly bold of the authors to use theology to uncover the history of nationhood. This
is a big step in bringing the sacred to the centre of Australian self-understanding. Maybe future work will draw together such terms as “theology”, “mentalitie” and “subjectivity” in a single package. When that happened the possibilities will be endless.
Alan Atkinson, University of Sydney
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Brisbane Contemporary Church Music Festival – 2015
St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane
A Feast of Music Spread over Two Weekends
Festival Director—Graeme Morton
Now in its fourth year, the annual BCCMF allows the audience to savour sacred choral sounds within the
kind of sacred space for which they were written. It presents leading composers of the last one hundred
years beside some of the exciting unknowns.
Weekend One: Sunday July 26, 2015
1.00pm This Shining Night – American Composer Morten Lauridsen writes music of great inner peace and
spirituality. In this wonderful film meet the man behind the music, and get a glimpse into the soul of this
deeply reflective composer. No admission.
2.30pm Lux Aeterna – Featuring Lux Aeterna by Morten Lauridsen. Directed by Heather Buchanan.
Thrill to the sounds of seventy voices from the combined St John’s choirs, singing the wonderfully sonorous and soul-filled music by this master composer.
The prelude to this performance will be performed by the Brisbane Chamber Choir, and will feature music from their new CD Mass of the Dreaming, and organ music performed by Andrej Kouznetsov.
Admission $25 Concession $15
School students free on presentation of a student card
3.45pm Join us for a glass of wine after the performance
The Cathedral Chamber Choir also sings contemporary Australian music at the 9.30am choral Eucharist,
and the University of Queensland Chamber Singers sings Evensong at 6.00pm.
Weekend Two: Sunday August 2nd, 2015
1.30pm Presentation - Australian Voices
Graeme Morton explores the concept of an “Australian Voice” in sacred choral music.
Free Admission
2.30pm Kaleidoscope
Four of Brisbane’s expert choral ensembles perform a program of
contemporary music that will surprise and delight.
Canticum (Emily Cox), Fusion (Debra Shearer-Dirié), The Schola of St Stephen’s Cathedral (Ralph Morton),
the Cathedral (Brisbane) Chamber Choir (Graeme Morton)
Sunday 26th 2.00pm Admission $25 Concession $15
School students free on presentation of a student card
The Cathedral Choir sings contemporary Australian music at the 9.30am choral
Eucharist, and the Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Singers combine to sing Evensong at 6.00pm.
Now in its fourth year, the annual Brisbane Contemporary Church Music Festival allows the audience to
savour sacred choral sounds within the kind of sacred space for which they were written. It presents leading composers of the last one hundred years beside some of the exciting unknowns. In Kaleidoscope,
three of Brisbane’s wonderful choral ensembles will delight with choral colours and
contrasts in a wonderful concert. Canticum, Fusion Schola of St Stephen’s Cathedral,
and the Cathedral Chamber Choir will each bring a distinctive array of music to this
stellar afternoon of music.
Further details available at
You can book tickets through just search BCCMF
St John’s Cathedral, Ann Street (limited free parking available in the cathedral precinct).
St Martins House
Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm
Phone: 3835 2222
Fax: 3832 3173
Web Address:
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Contact Details:
The Dean
The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
Off: 3835 2239
(M) 0404 052 494
Honorary Deacon
The Rev’d Dr Ann Solari
(M) 0424 423 972
Director of Music
Graeme Morton
Cathedral Organist
Andrej Kouznetsov
Honorary Associate
John Gallimore
Cathedral Precinct and
Events Manager
Gerard Finn
Off: 3835 2231 (M) 0429 552 182
Cathedral Wardens
Helen Lancaster, Janet Lawrence
John Postle
Worship Times
Sunday Services
7.30am Holy Communion
with hymns
9.30am Choral Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
5.00pm Holy Communion
Southern Chapel
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Cathedral Choir or
Cathedral Singers
Regular Services
Monday to Saturday
7.00am Holy Communion
Monday to Friday
8.30am Morning Prayer
12.30pm Holy Communion
4.00pm Evening Prayer
Jacki’s on Leave
Just to let you know that Jacki (Guides Co-ordinator &
The Cathedral Shop Manager) is in America visiting friends.
Jacki will be back with us on 27th July.