Drumheller Mail(6) - Transfield Asset Management


Drumheller Mail(6) - Transfield Asset Management
Translator is a bi-monthly newsletter for Transfield Asset Management Ser vices employees*
Efforts on Key Priorities
uncor recently announced the 2009 capital spending plan in light of the current market conditions. The major focus for 2009 will be on
operational excellence ensuring safe, reliable and efficient operations. What does that mean to Transfield Asset Management Services (TAMS)?
As an organization providing critical maintenance, turnaround and sustaining projects services for Suncor, we are in a strong position to assist our
client in achieving their goals. FT Services and its operating arm, TAMS, are committed to enhancing the efficiency, productivity and
reliability of Suncor’s operations. With the new spending plan, Suncor is enabling us to focus efforts on their top priorities, essentially
allowing us to do a better job on the work we do.
How will we do this? Simple: by focusing on our people. As one of our core values, we are building a dedicated workforce that cares for
each other. We are continually looking for ways to ensure our working environment promotes:
Personal safety and security;
Environment, Health & Safety
Well-being and recognition; and
Continual Improvement
Personal and professional development.
Site News: Sarnia
Site News: Main Site
Site News: Firebag
This issue of Translator is full of stories about how each of you has made a difference to our organization. You’ve helped Suncor save
money, improve working conditions, and exceeded schedule expectations on projects. Most important, you’ve done it safely and Lost Time
Injury free. Thank you for your continued dedication and I look forward to working with each of you in 2009.
FT Services Update
Field Support Services
David Videroni, VP Operations
Transfield Asset Management Services
In the Community
Openness and honesty;
We know there’s a lot of uncertainty out there and we want to assure you that your employment with us is highly valued. So are your opinions. How
do YOU think we can make this a better place to work? What are some of YOUR ideas for improvement? Please keep your ideas coming
forward through the Better Way program or by speaking with your supervisor. Let’s take advantage of the market and be efficient,
innovative and creative in our work.
Environment, Health & Safety
Brrr...Staying Warm in the Winter
inter is upon us and that means many of us can expect some brutally cold temperatures, sometimes accompanied by a brisk icy breeze.
Calgary has its Chinooks, but northerners have the Arctic Front and Sarnia has its snow! And no matter how many Canadian winters
you have survived (or embraced) you are still at risk of suffering injury from the cold.
Coldest Recorded Temperatures
Fort McMurray AB, February 1, 1947 -50.6˚C
Calgary AB, February 4, 1893
Exposure to the cold can be hazardous or even life-threatening. Your body’s extremities, such as your ears, nose, fingers and toes, lose heat
the fastest. Exposed skin may freeze, causing frostnip or frostbite. In extreme conditions or after prolonged exposure to the cold, your body
core can also lose heat, resulting in hypothermia. Environment Canada suggests some simple steps that can help you prevent cold injuries.
• Listen to the weather forecast before going out in the cold. If conditions are hazardous a wind chill warning will be issued. In wind chills of -40˚C
to -47˚C exposed skin can freeze in less than five minutes. In wind chills of -48 C or lower exposed skin can freeze in less than two minutes.
• Wear layers of warm clothing, with an outer jacket that is wind-resistant. Mittens, boots and a hat are also important. (We lose a large
Edmonton AB, December 28, 1938
Sarnia ON, January 18, 1976
portion of our body heat from the head.) Stay dry. Wet clothing chills the body rapidly. Remove outer layers of clothing or open your coat
if you are sweating.
• When the wind chill is cold, cover as much exposed skin as possible. Wear a scarf, neck tube or face mask. Check frequently for signs
Coldest temperature recorded in Canada:
Snag, Yukon Territory, February 3, 1947 -63˚C
Coldest Temperature recorded in Australia:
Charlotte Pass, New South Wales,
June 29, 1994
-23˚ C
of frostbite. When the wind chill is very cold, try to stay out of the wind.
• Walking, running and other physical activities will help keep you warm by generating body heat. And avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco
and certain medications which increase your susceptibility to cold.
And remember to bundle up your children when they go ice skating, tobogganing or just run outside to make snowmen and snow angels!
They may not notice the cold while they are having so much fun.
Working Outside in Winter
any of you will be exposed to cold temperatures while working
outdoors this winter. Feeling cold and uncomfortable should not
be ignored because these may be the early warning signs of frostbite
or hypothermia.
Take Regular Breaks
Your body functions most efficiently within a narrow temperature
range. At 2˚C above or below your body’s normal temperature of 37˚C,
additional stress is placed on you to regulate your body’s temperature.
This usually results in shivering, perspiring, reduced dexterity and
tactile functions or difficulty gripping. Skin exposed to frigid winter
air is also at risk of permanent or temporary frostbite. Lowering your
body temperature further can lead to the onset of hypothermia,
potentially resulting in death. That is why it is so important to work
safe in the winter. Here are some tips:
Use the Buddy System
Know the conditions
• Know the daily expected temperatures, wind chill and humidity.
Apply these temperatures to the chart in Transfield Work
Instruction Document (TSP-8354-SA-0007) to determine the
minimum breaks required. Consider shelter potential options (i.e.
hording). Consider your age, weight, fitness level, fatigue, lack of food
consumption and medication/alcohol/nicotine use as well because
these factors affect your body’s ability to regulate and retain heat.
• Take warm-up breaks at least 10 minutes in adequate shelters
for this purpose, relevant to the current conditions and as per your
Task Hazard Analysis (THA) and Field Level Risk Assessment (FLRA).
• Continually observing co-workers will help you identify early warning
signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Remind others of symptoms
(cold/pale/waxy skin, complaints of numbness or redness/swelling,
sudden signs of impairment/clumsiness, severe shivering, etc.).
Wear Appropriate Clothing
• Wear comfortable, durable and protective clothing. Three-layer,
moderately loose clothing works best as it allows a layer of air to
act as insulation within the layers. Keep clothing dry and ensure
it does not create additional risks, such as impaired vision,
restricted movement or slip/trip/snag hazards.
Perform the THA/FLRA
• It is critical you assess hazards associated with your tasks and the
work area. Potential hazards relating to line-of-fire, ergonomics
and tool use have a tendency to increase during colder months.
Continual Improvement
Sustaining Projects
Helps Improve
Working Conditions
in U2
Sustaining Projects recently completed
some much needed upgrading of the T200
A/B Amine Filter Vessels. These vessels are
used to filter Lean Amine, which is used
to absorb H2S from the Sour Gas, thereby
producing Fuel Gas. The vessels are located
in Plant 53 U2 Upgrader.
Upgrading these filter vessels was
considered a health and safety priority. The
ergonomic, operability and accessibility
issues surrounding the filter vessels had
been a constant source of employee
dissatisfaction and poor morale.
New Attendance Policy at Main Site
ransfield Asset Management Services (TAMS) is standardizing
its policy on absences and punctuality across Suncor’s Oil Sands
Main Site through a new Attendance Management Policy. This policy,
which takes effect on December 1, 2008, applies to craft employees
dispatched through the Alberta Building Trades Union Halls.
“We are implementing this new policy to help ensure the safety and
well-being of our people,” said David Reynolds, Labour Relations
General Manager. “If people don’t report for work or they report in
late, this places an extra burden on the remaining members of the
crew, resulting in safety challenges. Personal safety and security is
one of our core values.”
This policy also helps TAMS to better plan and prepare for work to
meet our client’s requirements. “Effective planning is integral to
completing work safely and efficiently and to delivering operational
excellence and business process optimization,” Reynolds said.
Finally, the policy builds consistency across Suncor’s Oil Sands Main
Site. At present, each operating area is implementing versions of
this policy. This policy will make it equitable for all craft employees
on-site, reinforcing our commitment to our people.
The key elements of the new policy are:
1 Punctuality
• Employees are required to swipe in and out each day. Swiping
in late, swiping out early, or failure to swipe will be treated as
a disciplinary infraction.
• Employees are required to be dressed and ready for work at
the commencement of their shift.
• Should the bus be delayed, employees will not be penalized for
being late for work. Other exceptions will be handled on a
case-by-case basis.
2 Absence Reporting
Employees are required to call the sick line, (866) 546-8022, at
least thirty (30) minutes prior to the commencement of their shift.
Employees are required to provide:
• Full Name
• Badge Number
• Time of call
• Work Area and Supervisor
• Reason for absence
3 Medical Certificates
• Employees are required to provide medical certification for each
absence of more than one (1) day or absences totalling more
than three (3) days in the aggregate in any twelve (12) month
4 Overtime Eligibility
• Failure to report absences in advance of the employee’s shift or
to provide medical certification in accordance with the
requirements of the policy will render the employee ineligible
for weekend overtime work and result in disciplinary action.
5 Eligibility for Leave
Employees are required to submit requests for leave in advance:
a At least seven (7) days in advance for periods of leave of two
days or less.
b At least fourteen (14) days in advance for periods of leave in
excess of two (2) days.
c During periods when a high volume of leave requests are
expected (e.g. Christmas) the employer reserves the right to
specify an earlier date by which leave requests must be
d The maximum period of leave which will be approved under
normal circumstances will be twenty-eight (28) calendar days.
e Employees returning from leave are required to return to work
at the commencement of their normal shift rotation.
Employees can download the full policy from the OSP or contact their
supervisor or manager. Similar policies will be rolled out shortly at Sarnia and
Firebag based on site specifications.
“The building was very congested and it
was cumbersome and labour intensive to
change out the filters,” said Harmanjit
Randhawa, One Integrated Team Project
Leader, Upgrading Projects, Suncor. “There
was a lot of piping in the building and many
tripping hazards.”
Space around the equipment was cramped
and congested which made the filter bag
change-out difficult to perform, and poor
accessibility to the valve compromised
safety. The filter disposal chute was in an
awkward location, and there was poor
ventilation and no building drainage. The
design of the vessel closures meant that
the lids had to be opened manually which
was labour intensive; a filter change out
would take an entire day.
In August, filtration was moved from the old
vessels to the new temporary vessels. “This
was a major project and a big success for
us, moving from the old vessels to the
temporary ones,” Harmanjit said.
But that was only the beginning. The entire
building housing the vessels was virtually
gutted. All piping was removed from under the
platforms and operating areas and re-routed,
new electrical and instrumentation was
installed, as well as exhaust fans for ventilation
and louvers. Access to the filter disposal
chute is now unobstructed. The vessel covers
are now opened using hydro push buttons.
“The building has been rebuilt ergonomically.
Congestion has been removed, there are no
more tripping hazards, and safety has been
improved. As a result, it will now take
about 30 minutes to change out filters as
opposed to the full day previously.”
The final step in the project will happen in
December when the temporary vessels are
closed off and filtration is moved to the
new permanent vessels.
Site News: Sarnia
Sarnia Site Launches
Essentials Training
Management Essentials training kicked off
with a bang for Sarnia’s front line leaders on
Oct. 15 and 16 to help them get engaged in
the fundamentals of leadership and better
understand the vision, mission and values of
the organization. This was the first of four
blocks of classroom workshops that are
designed to help create and shape the
organization’s culture, identity and way of
doing business.
“Management Essentials certainly adds value
and stimulates our personal and professional
growth,” said Victor Jones, Labour Relations
Advisor. “It also gives us new tools to look at
our personal values and the values that we
The training focused on topics that will assist
Sarnia’s frontline leaders with effective
management skills that they can use to help
perform their leadership roles more
confidently and capably.
“I look forward to the future training blocks
and the 360 feedback that we will be
receiving from our peers. It gives an
opportunity for future development,” said Victor.
Sarnia Refinery. Photos courtesy of Suncor Energy Inc.
Sarnia Site Embraces Change
hange can be challenging for any organization and Sarnia is no
exception. Since Transfield Asset Management Services (TAMS)
went live at the Sarnia site this summer, employees have done a
phenomenal job of embracing the One Team approach and new
integrated organizational structure.
“Standing at the brink of change, it’s important for our site to
evaluate where we are and where we are going in relation to the
organizational values,” said Vanessa Bell, Sarnia Maintenance and
Construction Manager. “I’m proud of our team for integrating our
organization’s values into our work environment on a daily basis.”
Here are a few ways Vanessa and some of her team members feel
this is being accomplished:
Assets: We deliver best in class results
• “TAMS is approachable to resolve day-to-day problems with
effective resolutions.”
People: We care for each other
• “The 360 assessment assigned to frontline leaders at the
Management Essentials Workshop is an open and honest way to
evaluate ourselves and our peers. By evaluating each other so
early in the transition, it gives us an honest starting point and will
aid us down the road in our personal and professional development.”
— Vanessa Bell
Solutions: We add value in everything we do
• “Recently, the Sarnia site has put together their Continual
Improvement Team. The team has a superb mixture of tradesmen,
supervisors, coordinators, planners and mangers, that can be
counted on to come up with innovative solutions to the creative
and challenging Better Ways that are being generated on-site.”
— Colleen Spadafora, Quality and Improvement Coordinator
— Mario Lafrate, General Area Labourer Foreman
Spotlight: Colleen Spadafora
Born in Sarnia, Ontario, Colleen Spadafora, Quality and Improvement Coordinator, has been
working at Suncor’s Sarnia Refinery for more than three years. But that’s only her day job...
Colleen is an accomplished singer by night (and also sometimes day).
“I love to sing! I've opened for Boyz-II-men, BB King and Patti Label,” said Colleen. “I have
also been on Canadian Idol twice... the furthest that I made it was top 100.”
Colleen’s favourite place to sing is Detroit but she travels all over Ontario and into the US to
perform for both public and private functions. She used to be part of a rap group and has some
of her work with that group captured on CD.
Prior to accepting her job in Maintenance in Sept. 2008, Colleen worked in the Operations
Program Group. “Just when I was starting to fully understand the operations end of refining,
I made the decision to jump into the Maintenance realm,” said Colleen. “I’m starting fresh
again but am definitely up for the challenge!”
Colleen is also the Coordinator for Sarnia’s Continual Improvement Team (CIT). “I am extremely enthusiastic to participate in the
continual improvement of the site. I think that by giving the employees a voice we can challenge each other to come up with creative
and innovative solutions,” she said.
Birthday: October 21 Favourite music: Soul, R&B and Hip-hop
Favourite quote: Thoughts become things. –The Secret
Favourite song: Dear Mama by Tupac Shakur
Site News: Main Site
Maintenance Team Busy But Safe
ean McGinn, Transfield Asset Management Services (TAMS)
Senior Maintenance Manager for U1 and U2, is proud of the work
performed by his maintenance crews, and rightly so. Since going live
at Suncor Main Site in November 2007, they have successfully
completed an enormous volume of work.
Sean said that since June 2008, TAMS has virtually rebuilt U1 and
U2. “The employees haven’t had much of a break since January.”
One of the largest and most critical jobs was the emergency repair
of the Plant 54 F101 Hydrogen Furnace, which was completed on Oct. 8.
Since June, Maintenance employees have been kept busy with a
number of projects including emergency and planned outages for
Sulphur Recovery Units (SRU) 2, 3, 4, and 5; work on Plant 5 furnaces
F2, F3, F4, and F6 (twice), naphtha hydro-treater (NHT) in U2,
replacement of major exchangers, repairing steam leaks in and
around U1 and U2, and the insulation program around the U1 and U2
“There were no procedures and protocols to follow, there was no
game plan. We started from scratch and learned as we went,”
Sean said. “We basically rebuilt the furnace from scratch.”
The crews worked flat out for two months, a total of 150,000
man-hours. Still, there were no lost time incidents (LTI) or medical
aids. Since taking over responsibility for Maintenance last year, more
than two-million man-hours have been logged without a single LTI.
Other major projects included the U2 Coker furnace program in Plant
52 F300, 301, and 302, and the Diesel Hydro Treater (DHT) planned
outage, which had a 100 per cent success rate.
“For the most part we have had to be reactive. These things have
been happening on an emergency basis. These are fairly high profile
projects which we have completed in a timely manner.”
Plant 25 Turnaround Preparations Underway
he Plant 25 Turnaround is only a few months away with a proposed
start date of March 1st. Despite the limited preparation time,
Darren Truscott, TAMS Turnaround Manager, is confident that his team
will be ready to go.
“Our management plan is in place, leaders have been assigned,
the site plot plan is complete, including plant and equipment
requirements, and a traffic management plan has been developed,”
Darren said.
A core team meets weekly to discuss progress and nip potential
challenges in the bud. Funding was approved and planners have
created all approved work packs, including requisitions.
Pre-turnaround work such as scaffolding and insulation is underway.
Although the Plant 25 Turnaround will be about one-quarter the size
of the U1 Turnaround, it still is significant in scope. Some hard
estimates have been made regarding man-hours: Pre-turnaround
33,890; Execution man-hours 60,993; Post-turnaround man-hours
26,488; total Turnaround man-hours 121,371.
The turnaround will mean new hires (Darren estimates 20 staff and
350 to 400 craft) and this means training and on-boarding must be
provided in a timely manner. The Turnaround group is working with
labour relations and human resources on a mobilization and training
Darren expects a totally integrated One Team approach to the Plant
25 Turnaround. On Darren’s wish list for the Plant 25 Turnaround is to
have the team located in one facility which would allow for more
face-to-face contact than with the U1 Turnaround. A strategy has
been developed to house all turnaround personal in UTC1 and two
dedicated plant 25 trailers.
“This should lead to better relationships between team members and
will help promote the feeling that we are all on the same team
working towards the same goal. Rather than sending someone an
impersonal email, you can walk over to their desk and have a chat
with them,” Darren said.
Spotlight: Verna Burton
Verna Burton is the Lead Senior
Environmental and Health Safety (EHS)
Coordinator for Turnarounds, and is
currently involved in the Plant 25
Turnaround at Main Site. She has been
with TAMS since March 2008.
Verna’s EHS career started in north
western British Columbia with British
Gas, where she worked for four years.
She then spent a year implementing a
provincial safety program for the BC
Ministry of Forests. Prior to EHS, she has
20 years of experience in the health,
education and human services fields.
In September, Verna earned her
Certificate in Health Safety and
Environmental Processes (CHSEP) from
the University of New Brunswick. She
completed the on-line course in 2 1/2
years while working full-time.
Verna was born in Didsbury Alberta, and
grew up in Drayton Valley, Alberta. She
has a home in Edgewood, in the west
Kootenay area of BC. She has three
children, a 25-year-old daughter who
manages a store in Calgary, a 24-year-old
son, who is a logistics coordinator and
part owner of a dive shop in Sidney, BC,
and a 17-year-old son who is a student at
NAIT in Edmonton.
Birthday: March 5
Favourite hobbies: Gardening & Cooking
Favourite saying: Smile and the world
smiles with you.
Site News: Firebag
Firebag Site. Photos courtesy of Suncor Energy Inc.
Plant 92 Planned Outage a Success
ero recordable injuries. Premium quality work. Reliable start-up.
These are just a few success indicators for the recent Plant 92
planned outage at Firebag.
Brandi Boily, Apprentice Welder, Firebag
The outage entailed installing a flow meter on the plant’s main flare line
to better calculate flaring rates and to satisfy an Energy Resources
Conservation Board requirement. With half of the plant shut down to
isolate the flare, it provided an opportunity to complete other work,
• Adding new tie-ins in steam production areas for future
expansions with no down time;
• Removing barriers and well caps at the soon-to-be commissioned
Pad 104 to prepare it for steam;
• Performing major maintenance at the disposal water treatment
plant and steam/production plants; and
• Completing the planned inspection of the on-site turbine jointly
with GE.
“It took a combined team effort by Maintenance, Sustaining
Projects, Operations, and Major Projects groups to make it such a
great success,” said Kirk Goobie, Transfield Asset Management
Services (TAMS) Maintenance Manager for Firebag.
Kirk noted that even though the entire outage was completed in 11
days, a full 16 hours ahead of schedule, it was done safely and with
no recordable injuries. They focused on quality and there were no
issues or leaks on start-up, nor were there any issues or concerns
with co-gen turbine start-up.
The TAMS Leadership Commitment Program measured and graded
the team on safety performance. The team excelled, receiving an
outstanding grade of 147 per cent.
The team submitted 58 Better Way ideas, an incredible number in
such a short time frame and indicative of the care, commitment, and
teamwork involved in the successful outage.
“We have been diligent in creating the One Team mentality at
Firebag and the Plant 92 outage proves how successful that approach
can be. The bar has been set very high at Firebag and we will
continue to work together to keep our efforts and successes at an
all-time high,” said Kirk.
Women in Welding
ccording to Statistics Canada, only between 9 per cent and 11
per cent of apprentices are female in Alberta. Brandi Boily, 24,
a third year apprentice welder, has the distinction of being the only
female welder for TAMS.
“It took a few years but I finally landed my dream job as a welder at
Firebag,” said Brandi. She has a structural ticket and can weld
anything that isn’t a pressure vessel or stainless steel.
TAMS values a diverse workforce and
encourages more women to get involved in
the trades. To find out what opportunities
there are for you or someone you know,
contact your local union.
When Brandi was a high school student, she completed a job profile
that indicated she had an aptitude for welding. She said she opted
not to follow that advice and joined the Kamitimakivak youth program
instead, travelling across Canada trying to figure out what she
wanted to do. Through this program she participated in various projects,
such as building exhibits for a museum. Shortly after, Brandi became an
embroidery technician in a sporting goods store in High Level.
Brandi came to Firebag just over two and a half years ago at the
behest of a friend, Amy Carr, who was an apprentice welder working
for Flint. “Amy wanted someone up here to keep her company,” she
explained. So Brandi moved to Firebag and worked as a welder’s helper
for about two months before applying for the apprenticeship program.
“I had the basic concept that welding was fusing metal together but
I didn’t know much else. When I got here and saw what welding was
and how rewarding it was, that is when I decided welding was for
me,” said Brandi.
What she likes most about the job is the sense of accomplishment
she has after completing a job. “One of my strengths as a welder is
that I have a 3D mind. I have the ability to visualize a project and I can
think outside of the box,” she said.
Brandi said she has experienced minimal prejudice on the job; a
testament to both her colleagues and her skills. She said sometimes
she feels that co-workers doubt her abilities at first but it doesn’t
take long before they accept that she can get the job done. “It makes
me feel good when I hear comments from co-workers such as: ‘If you
want to know how to do something, go ask Brandi.”
Organizational Update
FT Services Strategy
Road Show
Firebag Site – Eitan Sharir (Far Left) from Dynamic Achievement, led the cultural awareness portion of the FT Services strategy
session. Other presenters from the session in this photo (L-R) Andy Mackintosh, President and CEO; Peter Massey, CFO;
Kirk Goobie, Firebag Maintenance Manager; Kevin Hawco, VP Business Sustainability; and Karen Shutko, Training Manager.
uring October and November, FT Services team members
travelled across Canada to hold strategy sessions for staff.
Starting in Sarnia, they then travelled to Calgary and on to Fort
McMurray with a final stop at Firebag on Nov. 25. The purpose of
these sessions was to review strategic direction and share progress
to-date towards our vision and plans for the future growth of the
“Sharing our achievements and priorities with our team is
instrumental in moving FT Services from good to great,” said Andy
Mackintosh, President and CEO of FT Services.
The sessions also included a cultural awareness workshop for
participants. “As we work to achieve our vision, we need to
understand the impact that culture has on our individual, team and
overall organizational success,” said Andy. “Each one of us can
make a difference as we bring our values to life.”
The following achievements from 2007/08 were shared at the sessions:
• 12+ months LTI free
• Successful transition in Sarnia
• Firebag Plant 91 Turnaround and the Plant 92 outage
• Sustaining Projects commencement at Firebag and Main Site
• Ongoing improvements to Maintenance delivery at all
• Continuing drive for innovation and cost savings through the
Better Way program
• Early establishment of world-class Turnaround teams for all
• Winterization program
• Establishment of a phased Turnaround management process
• Continuing improvements within Maintenance and Field
Evaluating the
AMS Relationship
Support Services with demonstrable value add
In 2009, the organization will focus on these priorities:
Congratulations to everyone for contributing to the outstanding
achievements in 2007 and 2008! FT Services looks forward to
another busy year with many opportunities to help Suncor achieve
its goals.
• Serious Injury Free Operations
• Successful Plant 25 Upgrading 1 Turnaround
• Ramp-up of Sustaining Projects at Main Site
Field Support Services
Completes Winterization Hoardings
AMS is continually looking for more efficient and effective ways
to manage Suncor’s assets and to complete projects in a timely
and cost effective manner. Field Support Services (FSS), which
oversees TAMS managed contractors, plays an important role in
that process. Recently, FSS helped reduce cost and man-hours for
winterization hoardings, while still completing the project on time.
“We completed winterization on October 31–our target date–and
met our goal of completing hoardings before the first snowfall,”
Matt said.
“We took care of everything from planning through to completion,”
said Matt Handicott, FSS Manager. “Services were delivered on
time, under budget, under planned hours, and took less time than
last year’s hoardings.”
This was a pilot project for FSS, which typically delivers one
service at a time. For this project, FSS managed several services at once.
Let’s take a closer look at what was achieved:
Approx. 8,200,000
Actual Cost:
Approx. 7,500,000
Planned man-hours:
Actual man-hours:
In addition, scaffolding hours were reduced by 20 per cent from last
year, excluding Plant 68, which was brought online in 2008.
“Hoardings were finished well ahead of 2007 time frames, when
many hoardings were not erected until late December, “ said Corey
Smart, Planning and Scheduling Manager for Site Wide Services.
“FSS delivered a bundled service by bringing separate groups
together to form one single winterization unit,” Matt explained.
“Pipefitters were recruited from Lockerbie and Hole and electricians
from Laird. Our strategic partner, ThyssenKrupp Safway, took care
of the scaffolding and tarping, and TAMS and Suncor personnel
looked after the planning and scheduling,” he said.
“This is something we piloted and it had a great outcome,” said
Matt, who is looking forward to using the bundled services delivery
model to deliver plant reliability outcomes while allowing the
operating business units to focus on their oil producing assets.
The Strategic Development Board (SDB)
recently conducted a short survey to assess
the first 12 months of the Asset
Management Services relationship
between Suncor and FT Services and
“The purpose of the survey was to
measure and understand the impact of our
changing business climate on our team
members, to provide visibility into
team member feedback and complete
measurable action plans that will build
engagement and drive improvement into
the Strategic Relationship,” said David
Videroni, VP Operations.
Cara Danielson, GM Learning and
Organizational Development, said overall
participation in the survey was 64.52
per cent. “The feedback identified three
specific opportunities to concentrate on;
communication, leadership and tools and
processes,” said Cara. “We look forward to
finding effective and innovative ways to
address these issues and work towards our
vision of becoming Canada’s preferred
asset management services organization,”
she said.
Survey results and action plan information
will be disseminated throughout the
organization during the coming months.
In the Community
TAMS United Way
Campaign a
The TAMS 2008 United Way Campaign for
Suncor Oil Sands Main Site and Firebag was
a huge success. We raised $29,000 from
employees, exceeding the goal of $20,000.
TAMS will add an additional $15,000 to that
for a grand total of $44,000.
Coinciding with the two-week pledge drive,
we planned several fun activities to raise
money. These included a 50-50 raffle;
on-line auction; hat day; Firebag barbecue;
‘guess the first day of snow’ contest; and
random draws for donors. Dozens of people
contributed to the success of this year’s
campaign. Some donated money. Some
donated time. Some donated both. Thank
you to all.
In Remembrance
e would like to express our sincere condolences for the loss of two long-serving and well-loved
individuals from our organization.
Harold Lambert
Harold Lambert passed away on Oct. 6, 2008, after a short battle with cancer. Harold was the longest serving TAMS
employee at Firebag, celebrating his sixth anniversary with friends and colleagues this past July. Harold, a
journeyman pipefitter by trade, had the primary responsibility of running the Sustaining Projects tool cribs but as his
friends and co-workers will attest, his concern for the site and the people who worked there was his passion.
Two memorial services were held for Harold at Firebag, on Oct. 7 and Oct. 8. A donation drive was held at
Firebag and the money collected will be used to create a lasting legacy for Harold. Anyone who wishes to
contribute should contact Jason Veltri: jveltri@Suncor.com (780) 713-3240 (Desk) or (780) 792-4294 (Cell).
Colin Chadwick
It is with great sadness that we also mourn the passing of Colin Chadwick. Colin, who recently reached his
25th Anniversary with Transfield Services, passed away after a short battle with illness. Colin joined FT
Services in the first half of 2007 and worked at Suncor's Oil Sands Main Site before transitioning to the Sarnia
Refinery. During this time, Colin contributed greatly to establishing our operating procedures and brought
his more than 35 years of experience to the table time and time again.
Colin left Sarnia in August this year to return to Australia to be with his family. Our thoughts go out to Colin’s
wife Kathleen and his entire family.
The 2008 campaign was co-chaired by
Annie Lefebvre and Michael Becker.
Campaign Committee members included
Kelly Steele, Karen Dandie-Walks, Lisa
Molloy, Roxanne Milligan, Stacey Wells,
Sherry Johnson, Tarun Bhatt, Craig Graham,
Sherry Bassett, and Tina Doucette. We also
had the assistance of various people,
including Stephanie Moss, Wade Anderson,
Christa Teskey, Therisa Morrice, Tapti
Chaudhury, Jenelle Cox, Courteney Hynes,
Dana St. Croix, Erica Boutilier, Nicole
Leblanc, Joyce Ball, Cathy Wilson and Kim
In 2008, FT Services supported a number of
initiatives that will help grow Keyano
College to support an increasing demand of
students in the region. These initiatives
included the Keyano Golf Classic; the Keyano
Gala Carnivale; and a student scholarship.
Colin Chadwick
Spotlight: Cam Schussler
Cam Schussler is a Maintenance Foreman (Journeyman Millwright) at Firebag. He has been
at Firebag since May 2006. Cam was born in Kenora, Ontario, and still lives in that city with
his wife. He has two sons in their twenties; one who is a labourer at Firebag and one who is
a student at the University of St. Mary’s in Halifax.
Cam worked for the Abitibi newsprint mill in Kenora for 27 years until it closed down in 2005.
He then came west, first working at a refinery in Edmonton and then at McKay River
Petro-Canada for six months, before moving to Firebag.
One of the best things about working at Firebag, Cam noted, is the camaraderie he shares with
his co-workers. “A lot of the guys become like members of the family,” he said. But he also
offered a word of caution: “If you can’t get along with people, you’re not going to last.”He likes his job at Firebag far better than
working in the newsprint industry, which he said was very dirty and unsafe. “Here at Firebag there is an attitude of safety. Work
safe first then get the job done. It’s a better atmosphere.”
Cam also likes his work schedule. He works two weeks on and then flies home for two weeks off, which gives him plenty of time
to engage in his favourite hobby, fishing on Black Sturgeon Lake. For all you anglers out there, he once caught a 28 lb. muskie.
FT Services
Supports the Arts
World-renowned Canadian tenor Ben Heppner
delighted the audience on September 17
with his performance at the Keyano
Theatre’s A Night at the Opera. About 300
people attended the semi-formal event, and a
highlight for many was the opportunity to
chat with Ben Heppner in person at a wine and
cheese gathering after his performance. A
Night at the Opera, sponsored by FT Services,
raised approximately $10,000 for the Keyano
Harold Lambert
Birthday: September 12
Favourite music: Country
Favourite movie: 300
Favourite quote: Gone fishin’.
Letter from the Editor
t is with mixed emotions that I hand over the reigns of Translator to my colleagues, Michael Becker and Danielle Oberle, as I will be
pursuing another career opportunity in the oil sands. Since TAMS first went live at Main Site last August, our company has faced
many challenges and achieved many successes. I have been proud to work for such a dynamic organization and to get to know many of
you personally in the process. Thank you and I wish you all the best as you strive towards your vision and help Suncor achieve their
business goals.
As always, I encourage you to submit article ideas and comments about how this newsletter can better meet your information needs.
What type of information do you want to see? What successes have your teams accomplished that we should highlight? Please send
your suggestions to Michael Becker, Communications Coordinator at: beckerm@tam-services.com.
Ginger Rozmus
Translator is a bi-monthly newsletter for Transfield Asset Management Services employees. It is available on our web site at:
www.tamsil-serv.com as well as at a number of stands around Suncor’s Oil Sands Main Site, Firebag and Sarnia Refinery, and FT
Services locations throughout Alberta.
* Includes employees of Transfield Asset Management Services and Transfield Asset Management Services Integrated Limited; both of which are
wholly-owned subsidiaries of FT Services.