this week`s bulletin - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
this week`s bulletin - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saint Nicholas Church + On the Web: 146 S. Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 + Church of the Assumption Email: Parish Staff Rev. Nicholas Dudo ................................................. Pastor Rev. Vincent Orum AJ ........................... Parochial Vicar Rev. Armando Rodriguez Montoya ...Hispanic Ministries Rev. Yvans Jazon ..................................Haian Ministry Mr. Frank Cerullo ............................ Permanent Deacon Mr. Michael Guerrieri.................... Permanent Deacon Kristy Torres .................................................... Bookkeeper Rebecca Moore ..................................... Parish Secretary Joe Picardi................................ Administrave Assistant Nancy Riddell................ Dir. of Youth Faith Formaon Terri Moncrief ............. Religious Educaon Secretary Rich Sooy..................................Maintenance Supervisor Donna Marie Berchtold................. .. ......Music Director Mass Schedule ASSUMPTION CHURCH 146 S. Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 Saturday Evening .............................................. 4:00 pm Sunday ...................................................8:30 & 11:00 am Holy Days...................... as announced in the bullen Weekdays Monday - Friday .............................................. 8:00 am Tuesday, Thursday ....................................... 12:15 pm ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH 525 St. Louis Ave. Egg Harbor, NJ 08215 Saturday Evening ............................. 4:30 pm (English) Sunday .................................................. 8:45 am (English) Sunday .............................................. 10:30 am (Spanish) Holy Days...................... as announced in the bullen Weekdays Monday, Wednesday, Friday...................... 7:00 am Spanish Mass ...................................Tuesdays, 6:30pm Religious Education Phone .........................................609-652-0008 ext. 208 Fax ................................................................ 609-652-0883 Email ........................ Hours Monday-Wednesday ................. 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Thursday ........................................ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Sacraments BAPTISMS: Arrangements must be made through the parish office. PRE-BAPTISM WORKSHOPS: Pre-registraon is required through the parish office. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:00 pm - Assumpon Church; Saturdays at 3:30 pm - St. Nicholas Church or by appointment with a priest. MATRIMONY: Arrangements must be made one year in advance. Please call the parish office to make an appointment with one of our parish priests. LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS ARE available at both of our parish's worship sites. Please see an usher 15 minutes before Mass for further instrucons. For your convenience, our parish now parcipates in ELECTRONIC GIVING – Visit our website and click on the “Parish Giving” logo on the le side for further informaon. SERVICIO PASTORAL A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Misa dominical a las 10:30 am en la iglesia. Ultreya de Cursillo todos los Martes a las 7:30 pm. Misa a las 6:30 pm en español. Confesión antes de la misa o por la cita con el sacerdote. PARISH CENTER 146 S. Pitney Road, Bldg 1, Galloway, NJ 08205 Phone ........... 609-652-0008 Fax ............. 609-652-0883 Hours ............................................................. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Assumption Regional Catholic School Information 146 S. Pitney Road, Galloway, NJ 08205 Mary Ellen Schurtz, Principal Phone ................................................................ 609-652-7134 Fax ...................................................................... 609-652-2544 On the Web Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY July 9, 2016 4:00 PM (A) Dorothy Mary Wiseman/ Son William Stella Moroz/ Bob & Tess Enterlante Mary Weddick/ Bob & Tess Enterlante Bernice Guerrieri/ Bucky & Betty Guerrieri Jennie Hahn/ Grentz & Vizthum Families Lou Barone/ Marge and Anthony Ingenito 4:30 PM (SN) Mary Agnes Roesch/ Perna Family SUNDAY July 10, 2016 8:30 AM (A) Harold (Randy) Hagar/ Le Family 8:45 AM (SN) Felicia Mazzola/ OLPH Music Ministry Leanora Bell/ Olivia Torres Mary Agnes Roesch/ St. Nicholas School Alumni Assoc. Sabrina Boyd/ Gary Haes & Family George Dudo/ Dorothy Berchtold Frank Cirillo/ George and Elaine Frick 10:30 AM (SN) People of the Parish 11:00 AM (A) Bernice Guerrieri/ Linda Shea 12:45 PM (A) Mass in Creole (Haitian Community) MONDAY July 11, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Rosina McGeary/ Terry Iaconelli 8:00 AM (A) Bernice Guerrieri/ Dorothy Lairdieson TUESDAY July 12, 2016 8:00 AM (A) George Dudo/ Ralph & Julie DeSimone 12:15 PM (A) Chi Fu Chan/ Fred Chan & Selina Seto 6:30 PM (SN) People of the Parish WEDNESDAY July 13, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Howard Francis/ Tom & Donna Meineke 8:00 AM (A) George Dudo/ M/M Patrick Orlando THURSDAY July 14, 2016 8:00 AM (A) George Dudo/ AnnaMarie & Jim Mahieu 12:15 PM (A)) John LaPelusa/ Family FRIDAY July 15, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Margaret Guercioni/ Emma & Sarah Snow 8:00 AM (A) Frank Dougherty/ Shannon Family SATURDAY July 16, 2016 4:00 PM (A) Frank Dougherty/ Dorothy Lairdieson Bernice Guerrieri/ Charles DiSanti,Toni Lynn, Charles & Elizabeth Guerrieri Jennie Hahn/ Mahieu, Nedohon, Carolyn DeRosa and families Phyllis Palmisano/ Catherine DelValle 4:30 PM (SN) Costa Family SUNDAY July 17, 2016 8:30 AM (A) Harold (Randy) Hagar/ Le Family 8:45 AM (SN) Costa Family David Bridge/ George & Elaine Frick Helen Schairer/ Mary Lou & George Mauroff Judy DeMore/ Marie Heffley Guisoon Lee/ Kaitlyn Torres Bob Hare/ Bob & Judy Guerrieri 10:30 AM (SN) Maria Vargas/ Angel & Alicia Vargas 11:00 AM (A) Bernice Guerrieri/ Kienzle Family 12:45 PM (A) Mass in Creole (Haitian Community) Altar Linens at St. Nicholas Church July: Connie Kuehner READINGS FOR SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016 GENESIS 18:1-10A (108C) COLOSSIANS 1:34-28 GOSPEL: LUKE 10:38-42 Pray For Our Sick Let us remember the sick of our community that they may receive healing of body, soul and spirit Andy Mahieu, Louisa Mazetis, Tom Iannaccio, Melvin Manning, Margaret Butler, Caroline McClure, Carmen Ramirez, Jessica Weeks George Link, Abel Pencheff, Joseph Banger, Carlos Rivera, Emil Cypra, Joanne Gazo, Joseph LoPiccolo, Luke Thomas Colluzzi, Dorothy Young, Roy Havelin, Sharon Armhold, Brennan Camp, Betty Ann Rundio, Ronald Clarke, Esther Frontuto, Judy Medrano, Ronnie Garbutt Jr, Mary Emma Sartorio, John Guerra, Jim Colaianni, Marcia Ireland, Blaise Verret, Nick DeMatteo, Peter Perry, Elizabeth Prichard, Gabriella Passarella, Thomas B. Jordan, Elizabeth Jones, Joy Olson, Pat Cushion, Maria Grecia Loracle, Louisa Mazetis, Maria & Charles Conrad, Donald & Patricia Venice, Nancy, Teddy and Arnie Cunningham, Donald Sandberg, Sharon Pritchard and baby, Allen Dumoff, Carol Ditmire, Irene Dingman, Emma Diegelman, Joseph Husta, Cecelia LeFevre, Leo Gaudette, Lillian Smith, Betty Zakopcsan, Debbie D’Olio, Sylvia DiIanni, Hannah Bonelli, Peter Perry, Gerry Campbell, Marilyn Ann Kahill, Jay Darcey, Flo Pagliuco & Jackie Bauman. COMMUNION SERVICE – Every Saturday at 8:00 am, St. Nicholas Church. All are welcomed. ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY – Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm, St. Nicholas Church Grotto to pray the rosary for the summer months. Please bring a lawn chair. GETTING MARRIED? – Important information is on the Diocesan website concerning Pre Cana Marriage Prep at This has important information that you will need in preparing for your wedding. CAP CLASSES – The schedule can be found on the Diocesan website: if you would like to attend a class or call 856-583-6165. ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT is held weekly on Wednesdays (A) from 8:30 am ending with Benediction at 6:00 pm. If you would like to volunteer, please call the parish office. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUPS – Meets every week at two locations. Monday’s at 7:30 pm, St. Nicholas Rectory and Wednesdays at 7:15 pm, Assumption’s Church Narthex. MONTHLY ROSARY - We invite everyone to come to our first Friday of the month Rosary at 7:00 pm, Assumption site Chapel Next rosary will be next Friday, July 1st. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD – ages 4 to 8 are invited at the 11:00 am Mass to come with Mrs. Stacey after the introductory Rite and return after the Prayer of Faithful. Will start again in September. Pastor’s Corner “Bear much fruit and…Be my Disciple! Be my Disciple and…Bear much fruit!” It seems as though there is a contradiction in the readings from Sacred Scripture that are given to us this Sunday. In the first reading from the book of Deuteronomy Moses tells the people "If only you would heed the voice of the Lord, your God, and keep his commandments and statutes that are written in this book of the law” – then you will know the blessing of God. Yet in the Gospel, Jesus tells the inquisitive legal scholar that practicing mercy is the way to find eternal life. By claiming mercy as the path to the Kingdom, is Jesus revoking the teaching of Moses which upheld following of the law as the means to salvation? No, what looks like an inconsistency in these texts is really just the dual reality of what discipleship is all about; namely we are called to follow (involving being passive) but invited to commitment (involving action). Jesus points out that it is not simply what we do (following the law) that leads to eternal life, but an incorporation of duty and intention – how & why we do things (being merciful, kind, compassionate, patient and loving). It is always easier to follow, to abide by the law; then it is to witness, to express our beliefs in lived experience. The scholar in the Gospel was asking Jesus to qualify who he was to consider his neighbor. He wanted to know where the boundaries were when it came to loving his brothers and sisters so that he could “justify himself.” Christ’s response shatters this imperfect human reasoning. He changes the question from “who is my neighbor?” to “How are you being a neighbor to others?” In doing so Christ highlights the weak, self-center perspective we humans share and demonstrates why we CANNOT justify ourselves; we need to accept Christ and His perfect sacrifice as the only means for our justification. Discipleship is accepting Christ and committing ourselves to following His commands with love and mercy. In our developing relationship with God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – we need to establish a deeper connection and stronger communication with the Lord to know His way, truth and life; and then “Go and do likewise!” Peace, Fr. Nick TWO WORKS OF MERCY SET A PERSON FREE: FORGIVE AND YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN, AND GIVE AND YOU WILL RECEIVE. - ST. AUGUSTINE AUGUSTINIAN APOSTOLATE FR. MICHAEL P. SULLIVAN, OSA, will be visiting OLPH parish for a four-night event, beginning October 22. Reflect on and reconnect with your faith with the help of this healing retreat focusing on the power of the spirit, forgiveness, commitment, and community. More details coming soon… – 652-7134 TEACHERS NEEDED - Assumption Regional Catholic School is currently accepting applications for a teacher to take on the responsibilities of educating our students in our school (preKindergarten through eighth). Subject areas include Religion, Math, Literacy Skills, and Social Studies, and Science. Qualifications include a practicing Catholic, who is willing to share the faith with children, BS/BA in education, a New Jersey Teaching Certificate, and a completed teacher application for the Diocese of Camden (available at Qualified Candidates may send resume along with copies of certifications and an application by Wednesday, July 13th to: MRS. MARY ELLEN SCHURTZ, PRINCIPAL 146 South Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 PLEASE TAKE NOTE! 2017 Mass books are now opened to take intentions. The parish office is opened 8:00 am/ 4:00 pm Monday through Thursday, half day on Friday. Mother Teresa Day of Service Celebrate Mother Teresa’s canonization and honor her legacy with a day of community service. 2 Communities, Dozens of Service Sites SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH starting with 9:00 am Mass 10:30 am – 3:00 pm at service sites. ATLANTIC CITY – The Parish of St. Monica’s/ Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, 2651 Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN – Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish/ St. Joseph Church, 809 Park Ave., Collingswood, NJ Day of service NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING (NFP) – Discover how to plan your family NATURALLY with Natural Family Planning. Classes will begin in August. Please check out their website:; email: or call 856-753-1906 with any questions you may have. Banns of Marriage Ariyibi Olanrewaju & Ayoola Moyosola Matilda BREVE COMENTARIO A LA LITURGIA DE HOY Anuncios Para La Comunidad Hispana Spanish Community News! BIENVENIDOS a todos de parte del Párroco Nick Dudo, Rev. Vincent Orum, AJ, Rev. Armando Rodríguez Montoya y todos los miembros de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro – OLPH. Iglesia San Nicolás. Gracias por su presencia. NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES: Rectoría: (609) 652-0008 -Favor de hacer cheques a “Our Lady of Perpetual Help” o simplemente: OLPH. 1. ATENCION: Todas las intenciones de misa serán aceptadas por una ofrenda mínima de $15.00 por cada tarjeta. Se pueden echar en la colecta con la información y dinero. Ponerle “Mass Card – Misa Hispana” afuera del sobre. Cheques a nombre de OLPH. Para más información llamen a la rectoría: 652-0008. Recuerden de notar si es para difunto, enfermo, o cumpleaños, NO se permitirán peticiones el mism día de las misas. Esto lleva todo un proceso. Para las misas de los Domingos y Martes, si tiene alguna intención, favor de enviarla por lo menos 3 semanas de anticipación, para que pueda salir en el boletín. Por favor escriba su numero de teléfono por si acaso necesitan comunicarse con ustedes. Gracias 2. LECTORES Y MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS: NO SE OLVIDEN, las reuniones serán, el tercer martes de mes después de la misa para ambos. Por favor traten de asistir a estas reuniones son bien instructivas. Necesitamos que todos asistan! Si NO pueden leer los días que están asignados o participar en la eucaristía, favor de ver a Yolanda! Es bien importante que todos tengamos comunicación! 3. HORA SANTA: Se celebra en el primer martes de mes después de la misa. 4. BAUTISMO: Todo aquel que este interesado en bautizar, tendremos las clases de catequesis para padres y padrinos el segundo martes de cada mes, comenzando a las 5:30pm y terminando con la Santa misa 5. FESTIVAL: Necesitamos voluntarios para el festival, que se celebrara en Septiembre 18, 2016. Las reuniones son el primer martes o miércoles de mes a las 7pm en la cafetería. Si estas interesado/a en pertenecer al comité, por favor vea a, Yolanda López o Denise Chávez. 6. VIAJE PARA VER LOS DELFINES: Aparten el día, será en Julio 23, 2016. Nos reuniremos en Atlantic City por el Inlet donde esta el Acuario. Abordamos a las 10am. Precio $30 adultos y $20 para los Niños 5 a 15 anos, menores de 4 son gratis, el almuerzo esta incluido. Para mas información vean a Kathy García o Yolanda López para las taquillas. 7. CAMISETAS: Tendremos las camisetas para la venta y son a $10, favor de ver a Yolanda o a Denise para la orden! 8. DOMING SOCIAL: Los esperamos a todos después de la misa en la cafetería, para compartir como comunidad y en familia! TRES ORACIONES Las más de las veces dedico estas reflexiones de acuerdo a lo que el Evangelio presenta cada domingo. He oído decir a algunas personas: ¿Para qué ir tanto a misa, si en todas las misas se dice lo mismo? Nada tan equivocado. En el 2013 había más de 415 mil sacerdotes en el mundo. Imagine usted todas estas misas en diferentes lenguas, con homilías diferentes; cada sacerdote con su propia personalidad y carismas. Por otra parte, nos pasa muchas veces que las oraciones que se dicen en la celebración se nos olvidan instantáneamente, casi en el mismo momento en que se están diciendo. La oración colecta es la que se dice al principio de la misa, después que el padre dice "oremos". Esta oración colecta expresa la petición central de la misa que se celebra. Por ejemplo, hoy pedimos en ella que los cristianos imitemos con fidelidad a Cristo y que evitemos lo que nos aparta de él. Muchas veces, si ponemos atención, nos daremos cuenta que esta oración parece adivinar con claridad el momento espiritual que estamos viviendo. Se le llama oración colecta, porque colecta (colecciona o recoge) las peticiones de toda la comunidad que asiste a la Misa. El sacerdote hace una breve pausa después de decir "oremos", para que cada quien presente en silencio su oración personal ante Dios. Después el sacerdote recoge (o colecta) todas esas peticiones en una sola. Si tan solo pusiéramos un poco de atención a las diferentes oraciones que se dicen a lo largo de la Misa, nos daría curiosidad de asistir a todas las misas posibles para preguntarnos qué es lo que en esta ocasión celebramos; qué es lo que ahora pedimos; cómo lo pedimos; a quién lo pedimos; a qué nos comprometemos. Muchas veces estas oraciones contienen elementos doctrinales de gran riqueza que nos sitúan en la línea de una fe fuerte, segura y saludable; porque muchas veces tenemos conceptos religiosos equivocados. Pongamos atención a estas oraciones durante la próxima vez que vayamos a misa y estudiemos cuidadosamente qué es lo que en esas oraciones pedimos; sus avances espirituales serán notables. MEN’S RETREAT – Weekend will be held from Friday evening, September 30 and ends with lunch on Sunday, October 2. The fee is $210 with a $50 non-refundable deposit. The theme for this year’s retreat is Mercy. Visit or call 732-2222731. SEMI-ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE The Villa Marie Knights of Columbus Council #6342 will be hosting, in association with the American Red Cross, a blood drive, Monday, July 25, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Assumption Regional School Gym, at 146 S. Pitney Rd. Galloway 08205. Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. That blood can only come from a volunteer donor, a person like you who makes the choice to donate. There is no substitute for your donation. When you make a blood donation, you join a very select group. Currently only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood. If you desire to make an appointment or for more information please call: Joe Nock (609) 404-0503. We’re looking for students 4th grade and up to join our ALTAR SERVER TEAM! Become an active part of the Mass Make new friends and work on a team Serve God and the church community. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 609-652-0008 or email: It is a commitment but helping to serve in your parish can be a good feeling. Wedding of the Sea THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DEPAUL is in dire need of cereal, peanut butter and jelly, soup, pasta sauce, tuna fish, macaroni and cheese & can macaroni. Right now we have an over abundance of pasta so we do not need that at this time. We thank you in advance for your generous donation. ANNOUNCING A NEW CATHOLIC RADIO STATION – WGYM 1580 AM! An EWTN affiliate radio station has recently come to our area! Please take a moment to tune into Domestic Church Media Catholic Radio WGYM 1580AM! They offer a variety of your favorite EWTN and local programs to strengthen, encourage, and enliven your faith! SOCIAL SUNDAY – After all Masses this weekend at both locations. Stop by and have a cup of coffee and treat along with some fellowship with other parishioners. THE SANCTUARY CANDLES THIS WEEK (ASSUMPTION – CHAPEL) In memory of Christine We are excited to announce that we are expanding its one day WEDDING OF THE SEA into a three day community event. The festivities will start at 12 noon with a mass being celebrated by Bishop Dennis Sullivan. After mass, there will be a procession with the statue of the Blessed Mother to the surf where Bishop Sullivan will toss the ceremonial wreath into the ocean. We are asking your help to spread the news of the special event by putting this information in your church bulletin. We thought you'd be interested in letting people know, especially those who have attended before or be a first time visitor. You have many parishioners who may like to join us for this fun event. Your help would be greatly appreciated. For updates and additional information, go to our Facebook page If you have a large that would like to attend, charter bus service will be available for you. Should you wish to speak to one of the event Coordinators’, or require additional information, I can be reached at 609-992-9230, or via email at William & Jeanne Smith Requested by: Patricia & Howard Liebenow (ASSUMPTION – CHURCH) In memory of Patrick McVey Requested by: Family Many Thanks – To the Rainbow Farms Nursery for donating flowers to St. Nicholas Church. We appreciate your donation and support. In addition, Many Thanks coming from Fr. Yvans and the “Hand to Hand Mission” for the donations of so many shoes for the Haitians. He was so overwhelmed when he arrived to see what the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help did for his children. God bless you all. He will remember you all in his prayers. FATHER YVANS JAZON “HAND TO HAND MISSION” - PORTABLE SOLAR LANTERNS The Mission team will be selling Solar Lanterns after Masses beginning the weekend of July 16that the Assumption Church. These portable lanterns will provide light for Haitian children in Father Yvans home village to study by after the sun goes down. The goal is to deliver 1500 lanterns. The cost is $10.00 to sponsor a lantern for a child. Hand to hand Mission Inc is.501 C3 non profit corporation. Tax ID #46-5340811. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - Looking for a new way to let your spouse know you love them in the midst of your jobs, carpooling the kids, and trying to keep up with your house, pool, and yard? Tell him or her they're still #1 in your life... share a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend with each other. The next weekend dates are Sep 30-Oct 2 and Dec 9-11, 2016. Call 609-741-8012 for information or email Visit our website: PLEASE TAKE NOTE! Mass book is now open for year 2017 July 2016 calendar winners If you are new to our parish and have not registered, there are registration forms in the Narthex or back of the Church. You can complete and return by way of the Offertory basket or stop in the parish office in Galloway. Registration form can also be found on our website. NAME DATE TICKET AMOUNT Mary Agnes & Tom Roesch 7-1 265 $30.00 Dudo Family 7-2 639 $30.00 Joanne Kennedy 7-3 360 $30.00 David Dragovich 7-4 317 $50.00 Carolyn DeRosa 7-5 531 $30.00 David Torres 7-6 702 $30.00 Matt Pinto 7-7 427 $30.00 Carrine Sparenberg 7-8 363 $30.00 Lynne Williams 7-9 044 $30.00 Matt Gross 7-10 620 $30.00 Nancy Reese 7-11 594 $30.00 Florence Barbetto 7-12 327 $30.00 Connie Kuehner 7-13 329 $30.00 Virginia Guimara 7-14 105 $30.00 Mark & Jackie Ferguson 7-15 91 $50.00 Alice Dudo 7-16 632 $30.00 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK – If you are going into the hospital and would like to receive the “Anointing of the Sick” before you go, please call the parish office to make arrangements. Brian Gay 7-17 480 $30.00 Wendy Guenther 7-18 605 $30.00 VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE ALTAR – Must be in to the Parish Office by Tuesday. Laurie Guerrieri 7-19 533 $30.00 Marcella Nicholes 7-20 158 $30.00 David Hall 7-21 390 $30.00 Gianna Fumando 7-22 420 $30.00 Matt Pinto 7-23 428 $30.00 Elizabeth Guerrieri 7-24 127 $30.00 MINISTRIES – If you are interested in learning more about any ministry or committee in our parish, please call the parish office and we will have someone get in touch with you. Tom & Karen Roesch 7-25 616 $30.00 Annette Shorosky 7-26 114 $30.00 RETROUVAILLE – A lifeline for troubled Marriages. Is your marriage tearing you apart? Are you considering separation or divorce? Do you have a sincere desire to build a stable loving marriage? Retrouvaille can help. For more information, call 800-470-2230 or visit the website Alice Dudo 7-27 632 $30.00 Leslie Sykes 7-28 162 $30.00 Drew Roesch 7-29 627 $30.00 Hank Meyreles 7-30 038 $30.00 Kathleen Cerebe 7-31 235 $100.00 LOW GLUTEN HOST - Anyone needing to receive a low gluten host is to inform an usher 15 minutes before Mass. The Usher will tell the sacristan and the deacon & priest. The host will be placed in a special pyx. At communion time, once the Extraordinary Ministers come up to the Altar, please make your way to the front of the pews to receive the low gluten host before anyone else receives. Thank you for your cooperation." BRINGING UP THE GIFTS – When Mass intentions are requested, the requesting family or friend is invited to bring up the gifts during the Offertory of the Mass. Please come 10 minutes prior to the Mass to inform the usher of your intention. PARISHIONERS & VISITORS – There are Welcome envelopes in the Narthex of the church, which you can use for the collections. Additionally, if you put a check in with no envelope, your donation is recorded. STAR HERALD NEWSPAPER – If you are receiving the paper and do not wish to, please contact the parish office. If you would like to start receiving the paper, please call the parish office and we will start it up for you. SANCTUARY CANDLE OR FLOWERS – If you wish to memorialize someone or honor someone by having the Sanctuary candle burn for a week, the suggested donation is $10. The suggested donation is $15 flowers by the Blessed Mother. Please contact the parish office to make the arrangements. MASS CARDS – Please note that you may request a Mass card by phone and have the card sent to you directly, mailed to the deceased family, pick up in the basket at the back of St Nicholas Church (if you are in the Egg Harbor area) or at the Assumption site Office. The donation of $15 which can be mailed to the parish office or deposited in the collection basket at either location, in an envelope clearly marked “Mass card” with a note. MISSALETTES – Booklets are available in the back of the church at the Assumption Site. We ask that you please return to the bookrack as you are leaving church. BUTTERHOF’S FARM & HOME SUPPLY Coming in August 965-1198 5715 WHITE HORSE PIKE OPEN 7 DAYS 609-646-3600 Galloway 6 Weeks Karate $69 with Uniform 626 S New York Rd • Galloway 609-226-2945 LIST & SAVE THOUSANDS IN COMMISSION!! Quality Professional & Full Service 2% 609-652-6690 Diversified Realty BHHSDIVERSIFIED.COM 28 S. New York Rd., Galloway PARSELS 155164 LIVESTOCK FEEDS & SUPPLIES DOG & CAT FOOD SUPPLIES LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES ECHO POWER EQUIPMENT Harold Turner 609-385-0126 ©2015 Allstate Insurance Co. THE SMITHVILLE INN SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 am - 1:30 pm LUNCH & DINNER SERVED DAILY Located Within The Smithville Village. 60 Shops & 7 Eateries Something For the Whole Family. 652-7777 Rt. 9 & Moss Mill Rd., Smithville, NJ 08205 324 N E W J E R S E Y A V E N U E • A B S E C O N , NJ 08201 (609) 641-0071 Our family proudly serving Absecon, Galloway and the surrounding communities for over 100 years. Providing Insurance and Financial Services ...and Wonderful ... Chocolates ! 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WHITE HORSE PIKE • HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 FREE ESTIMATES 609.561.5300 SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 027+(5·6'$<*,)76 &+2&2/$7(',33('675$:%(55,(6 %/8(%(55,(6%$1$1$6'$,/< &$5$0(/$33/(6Ã%((5-(//<%($16 6$/7:$7(57$))< -2+1621·6323&251 &2&21870$&$52216<80 :(6+,3(9(5<:+(5( Denise Irvin, Agent Bus 609-748-7888 • Fax 609-748-7805 Guaranteed Pre-arrangement Plans Available Shipping Available Local Delivery Available State Farm® Funeral Home Risley Square • 609-568-6020 Leeds Point Shoppes • 609-748-1600 +2856021'$<)5,'$<$030Ã6$785'$<$030 609.652.2888 THE VILLAGE GREENE • STORE 94 615 MOSS MILL ROAD · SMITHVILLE, NJ 08205 HOMEMADE ICE CREAM & WATER ICE Now with 2 Locations to serve you better SARACENO FUNERAL HOME Mom & Pop Shop Our 25th Year 1114 White Horse Pike • Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 We Make It All Right Here Ice Cream Cakes · Pizza & Cupcakes No Fat Yogurt Pies Fresh Baked Belgian Waffles 652-6020 J L &P R ·G IMMIE EEDS ITNEY OADS ALLOWAY 609-965-0381 LOWENSTEIN-SARACENO FUNERAL HOME 58 S. New York Road • Galloway, NJ 08205 609-652-8330 Claudia P. Saraceno, Manager.........N.J. Lic. # 4701 John A. Saraceno, Director.........N.J. Lic. # 4713 When honesty, trust, compassion and price matters most. ATTIC INSULATION SPECIAL 856-885-6677 Family owned and operated. O.L.P.H. Parish Member Licensed & Insured $500 OFF coupon for jobs over $5,000 coupon must be present at time of purchase - not valid with other offers or prior sales Keith Emmons, Owner expires 03/31/16 NJ#13VH01345700 PA#PA072374 Pre-Arrangement Counseling No matter what your choice is Burial or Cremation, we can help make a difficult time easier. We serve all faiths. DE#2012101056 C40235 (JR) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Galloway 926-6898 Timothy McGowan, B.S.B.M. McGowan Landscaping 303 2nd Avenue • Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 inside PICK-UPS DELIVERY OPEN 7 DAYS 11 AM-8 PM 742 Ohio Ave.645-0500 ASUNCION FAMILY DENTAL Patrick Einwechter 167 S. NEW YORK RD. / RTE. 9 / GALLOWAY GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS• ASE Certified SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE• Fully Insured COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS & ELECTRICAL• AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING• STATE EMISSION REPAIR FACILITY• Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. 1650 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225 5 North Second Street, Pleasantville, NJ 08232 CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. New Home Builder JOSEPH M. TRAMA Additions • Remodeling • Home Repair (609) 748-3933 (609) 965-1146 John J. Keating D.M.D. “A Family Business That Cares” DENNIS CONNELLY Realtor Associate Specialty Lic.#3012 529 New Jersey Avenue · Absecon 609-645-3311 (609) 652-2122 WE SELL OIL & PROPANE HASLETT CHIROPRACTIC CENTER From Pain Relief to Wellness Care Back, Neck & Headache Relief Non-Surgical Back Care · Auto Work Injuries Evening & Saturday Available 1 N. NEW YORK RD. GALLOWAY 609-231-8315 E-mail: RELOCATING TO HARBOR PLAZA (NEAR INCOLLINGO’S) 609-965-5084 Galloway * Between Pitney Rd. & Rt. 9 542 E. JIMMIE LEEDS RD., ABSECON We Install & Service Heating & Air Oil & Gas WHITE HORSE Auto Repair 24/7 TOWING • AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE 748-1444 SENN OIL CO. David N. Blyler, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3945 Buyers • Sellers • Renters PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Andrew P. Asuncion DMD Jill Longo Asuncion RDH 76 West Jimmie Leeds Road Suite 101 • Galloway, NJ Serving all of Atlantic County (609)-641-0065 Francis D. Perfect Founder Same Name, Same Service Extended Menu 637 W. White Horse Pk., Egg Harbor City WAFFLE HUT (609) 593-3913 965-0365 WE DELIVER SELF SERVE FROZEN YOGURT • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER • IdaAlice Thrift Store Galloway Diner Smithville Square Reopening in March 45 So. New York Road Smithville NJ 245 W. White Horse Pike • Galloway 609-593-6887 • 1000 Boardwalk at Taj Mahal 609-345-SUBS Mississippi & Arctic Avenue Atlantic City 609-345-8599 609-345-1564 / Pick Up ATLANTIC COUNTY CREMATION SERVICE We Come To You Personal WE DO PARTIES, FUNDRAISERS & MORE! BRIAN K. DALY, MGR. NJ LIC. NO. 3723 Arrangements may be made in the comfort of your home. 652-3321 MAIN OFFICE 206 LACEY RD FORKED RIVER, NJ 08731 RICHARD MARSHALL INSURANCE SERVICES A Trusted Name in Funeral Care for Three Generations Auto · Home · Life · Business · Investments · Flood Health · Annuities & IRA’s · Condo · Boat · Motorcycle · RV 1 N. New York Rd., Ste. 42 Galloway, NJ 08205 RICHARD M. POLHEMUS Owner/Manager 203 Main Street • • Mark A. Conover, PLS, PP, President NJ Lic. No. 4000 West Creek NJ 08092 *Convenient In-Home Appointments* 609-294-8000 Memorial Services • Advance Planning C40235 (JR) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Galloway 609-241-8177 % R.W. BROWN LANDSCAPING CO., LLC DESIGN & BUILD FIRM est. 1976 (609) 965-2297 Galloway Township, NJ (609) 748-2121 Family Parish Member FUNERAL HOME Locally Owned & Operated Lloyd A. Wimberg, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 3050 Diane Rhea-Collins, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4644 211 E. Great Creek Rd. Galloway Township 609-641-0001 400 Liverpool Ave. Egg Harbor City 609-965-0357 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 outside
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