11/04/1911 - Atlantic County Library System
11/04/1911 - Atlantic County Library System
' Notice of Registry and Election! GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY. Tlie Presbyterian Church . was the scene of much rejoicing this week,—the occasion being their fiftieth anniversary. Services were held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, and the program as published was carried out with Why It |my» to Imiltl (/'Poiien-ie : but little variation. We Were particularly impressed First, it IHHIH; yt'coiul, It Kiilinlli'H; by the hearty good-fellowship, the Third, It IH modern ; excellent singing, and the pretty The oilier nhiPt.v six irnttona you decorations. The addresses and w i l l tlml if y o i r w l M e x i n i i i n c 11 greetings were pleasing, encourhaunt! n C l l i I x k l m l , or If you aging, and denoted a healthy spirwill <'!ill on the itual condition of the Church. On Thursday evening, their historian, Mr. Edwin Adams, gave a Hammonton Corcrotti Co. complete account of the Church, from its infancy to the present. To-morrow will be the crowning clay. Several former pastors will be present, and special anthem Into Eyesight" work by a large choir will aid in making it a day not lo be soon for.cotten. \V« congratulate them on this occasion, and hope that they may Your Eyca arc be able to report even greater | Your Most Valuable Possession j progress at their centennial jubilee j Do You Value Them? i in 1961. .... ' I'urnunnt to law, notice In horoby (rlvnn tlmt thu'Iionrdn of IIOBlBtry nml liloctlon in nnd lor every election district In tlio 9 wit' i "PITTSBURGH PERFECT PwStyaad Garden Fence Write for Catalogue s!icv>inir 73 diffcrcn': *lyfc» and «t.ri-!, ranpN cd to crcry FIELD. KA55M. RANCH. LAWN o, POULTRY ourpoio. or look up this beet c2eolcr iu your tovji— a;; of every man and woman whose c: ;;irr!crs are enclosed with this i!••ir. :?t;:fi:cl cr/iisfaclica can one desire? '-' "IV \ "•: V.I' 8oM by : 'f '\* !:i~.K r.vn!':*' Open Hcr.:lh v.-ire, lilro old George Ehrins; . ; ;/ 'nt-:-. in,S'./ iciniritjstny jLndttranti wirof Hy ft "PHt'.ourtili I'crjomc^t and molt tiio uli t-r.gect, Ladies, take advantage Ladies' Suits,—Long Coats made to order In tho County ol Atlantic; will meet ror tho nurposu ol maklna trntlonol votcruon / If you have friends visiting you, or yon are going away, just 4>hon0-350 nr l'';iiiul Kot'pi'^ and Ap|,rot>rl:itloii>! inr Ihe imlil Town, will be held on Tuesday. Nov. 7th. 1911 cmnmc-iicliiK at nix o'clock In the innriiliiir. and cluvlne at Kevi.n u.'elock In the evenlnc. Salil election will he held In the followlnt: places: First Olstrlet, In Town Hall: .Second District. In Firemen's Hall. Hellenic Avenue: Third District, hi li;i*cnu-iit of ITnloiHIall: I 'V."r."!i"yt!.l'tiUi_Uie--MaluJtn.idJ-1rcJloiiK<v_ W. II. SKUI.Y, Town Clerk. Dated, Ilainnionton, N. .1., ' . 214 Market Street We have a most excellent tissue in •-"fcooklerfownrf o irel ciiri n if* ^Si'iei "."""" A postal to Department "1?* will bring you one. AUE. 25, 1011. . . Notice of Begistry and Election. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES WITH rnrsuiini lo luw. iioilcn Is hereby clvcn Hint Uio-JJonrd of K e u i R t r y nntl Elections Itt und forevt-ry eh-clloit d l s l r f f t In complete for $18 FOLSOM BOEOUOH of voters, on •There's one or more cold rooms in every .house. Somehow or other these rooms can never be made comfortable on a cold day. There is a way to overcome this. Wse a Vulcan Gas Heater GUBER, the Tailor. License Application. HammoDt n A, Ec^ Harbor Citi ( / u s (iin;;.iir/ A. E. Phillips Co MONEY Loans. Inn,',. H,,|lnl!,,,il. /Iftrtlett I l u t l i l l i i K , Al.lnnlic Oity, N. J. Fire J u K i i m 1 on iv iV;-'. TJUi: ( ;. ; M TTi'iuuJ Fire '(uMU'ttuoo Go. *Wl\, m u n i " ) c i i i |ii<i|'"i l y ' i t It"-" I I I I H ! t l i n n ntlii-rn. IU-IIKIII : o i i n n i t l i i K i'K{iniii I'D l|||iii ; iin liini||ii)( nl |ni'iiilnni for jirullt" ; M u l v - i - i vn yi»:ii" ul - ilI'J'ndtiny »orvl''» Cnnli nuiplurt iiv, r if I (1(1, (Mill. Vat pnitlotilarn, mo Wayland DoPuy, Agt., 1 OormrMcnomt BIUI riiorrxHtrooli, Ifuminohtou. N. J. Tuesday, September 20, 1011 n t (hit lintir uf «n« (1) n'cinclc I n't he nftcrnoon j ii nil reuuiiti in M'KKIOI. u t n l l nine (10 o'clock I In Hit- e ven i n j.'. fur ili«* purpose or revalue i and corn'ctlnu' Hi** n-glNU-r*, ami juldtnjc ! tlif1 rrin t i l e ntiinoN «f n i l J.CIMMJH C ' l i U i t r d t t v I tin rtirlit. "f siillVnci- in ilu- ripped I vt> election ! iliKlrliTiHtii i tit> next ft fell mi who film 11 uppfiir I In pers'iii tii'Inre Iln MI uixl f M n h l i K h i < » 1 "ho ... f Mitlsfticil"" o f i l i e nnij - r l t y of Uu' Ixniril Mini t h e y iirc c n i l t t M l i < > \ole in i h u t i-Uc'lr--n di«I ilri at i Ixr next H< clUtn I in-iclii.nr \vltti t>hu I I I ty r-hr>\vn bv iho w rilU'" ullliluvli ol u vol«*r J i W t u l t i f ; ID t h n s:iinc c u c i i t ' i i tlUirlcl l o h u ; s.i i-iiiitlt'd In vi»u- ilvi'ii'ln, HIM! itlHn for Iho t1 pin p"t.c nf «ri'Siuj: I M I - I i-fiDin iiir l u i n i c K o r u n y P»T;>'H:H wli*», nfii-r u i»'|r oppori uiiliy In All sixes and styles. See samples-at my office. JOS. K. li^HOFF Eammonton. ^iH' l u - i t u l , S l i i t l l In- K l ) 0 \ V l l l i n t lo I MI (.'Dill It J ' VMM- t l i f i f l i i to or ! f.»M HiMrJ of I N ' t f i K t r n i l f U * i"ul Kli-ellon I u-Hl f i t i n MCMI:"I'H l l t i i l . T»vrli:h Mrt-«-l ami I M l i y ' s I . i l I K l i n f KM:M|, I I H ' ! I l l ' - < { « ( H T U l l'*.lL'CI H u l l \ V | | I '"• tl.'lli III I t l f K l I I I M ' P l l M ' C . ; A 'Deserved Criticism. !>>' ) c u M ( > n «>r iioiirt-shlcncc ! ulljiTU'lur. ^GENERAL ELECTION iiir t ' n t . t l l i t m » - K I D l i t ) l>'i>r llu> nnrpithf <tl Ilir r.llDWlllL-KlIll-rl. 'I think it nuar time that a stop slioulil bu put to malicious publications, such as appeared in the "Illuc and \Vliitu-," a paper pub)!)!!, l l i M I H f i l l ) e l u l o i M U l l t ' t l t I'l' tlll« lished by the "Haininonloii I l i - f h fu!lowing I'lci-linlilei'M : y. .\. l i n n . - m i n e , I'l..,.. , n i M l l l n i i n n d School Association." In the last issue, daU-d Oct. 1911, they Kay if 1 II. Ili-nxii, l.iiKu A vi . the- public have criticisms, please 11. r. I ' l i i i n , 1 ' i y i n i M i i h Kniiil. come and make them. Now we JIIKUP ' fi.iiiiriil"'. I'l.v inli liimil have a serious complaint to make, I). 'I O'lii.h.' i, r i y n n i l i i l i K.iii.l which is : do the lu-ads nf the AiiKeln A r c n n , I'lj i i i m i l l i liond II. Ii. S. A. treat all their friends, JiiluiTelJ, Viilli-y A vi-. after they leav the school, as they II./.In.Ii.I, I'li-iiHiint Mill.. Iliiinl !•'. (iilll'o.'l'llNIMIIII M l l l r . llniid have treated one of their o\vli gradl''ranlc l l n r t H l i o r n , I'leiiHiuii M i l l H l t o a d uates by publishing malicious re-: .liilui C, 111//...Hi-. I'liii- IdiM'l ports about h i m , to hold him up be ior." the public lo hatred, contempt, or ridicule '! I do not think it is Liconf.o rvleut.iri:'. I'iffht to belittle f.ny of the selu lurs, at any lime, as it doc:; not look N d l l l - O In Ill'M.'lii' l i l V l ' M I l l l l l I l l i ^ LIcc'iiMi1 (-'niiiiiillln 1 w i l l f l l In 'I'lixvn right for the paper or the pupils; <;onin'll K O O I I I O I I \Vi-iliirHi|nv i-vmliiir, and if tlmt kind ol" work is allowed Is'nv. IH|, I I I ! I. in I ' i u l i t o'l-loi-l;, In ln-nr to go on, it will put a black oyc on prOtl'HlH, ri<llllllll.ll'nlll-t-H, III' IITIIIIIiiiuiitliillnnti oil llio niU'llvtitlon u. tlie school. Tlie article published *in the last to keep nn Inn "ml tavern nl Funnel*' issue of "The Itlue and White" Hotel, nn J'lciiHinit M l l l H Kiiiul. is nothing more or less than a cn«e WIMOH .^. TlliiNKU, , Clinlliinili l,l(Tiift- ('oiniiiltlcc. of libel; and libel is a slander published. It is not necessary that the person libeled be charged with W. J. ll.l.lNtlWoltTll indictable offence ; it it) sufficient HollclU yntiriiatrilmE*1 if he is rendered ridiculous or conIn nil khi.l."f .MniiiiMieiilnl, Mai Mo A Oinliliii Work temptible in the public eye. AtMi rrl-ilifn^ «tnl |i-H,-rtiiK In (Vinrn-ry I think tile teachers or one of the iiiiilly ni«t Hiill"tiM'l,<lll> itulir, Hoard (.f Kdiicutioti should net as \'.KH ll.iil'ur llou I nnd I'micli'Sticol, Kditor in Chief, not just "Faculty llnllitniif'iTI, . N. J. Adviser," and look over the copy for said paper before it leaves the school and goes to press, anil cut out all t h a t is not lit to publinh. Hoping some one will attend to this mailer, and give it iinnu'dntle o u i or ii nil a o , n- c iilllilHHt the eiitaln of f l u ' mild deeeili-nt, w i t h i n a t t e n t i o n , ho il will not hnppeii nine inoiilliH limn t h i n ilnl«, or they will ho again, I inn very respectfully, luri'Vi'r Imnv.l iiuiu iirnnecullMir ur i e c n v < u l i i H tlii'i'iiine 'i'iiine iu-iilii>il t h e niihncrllier, niihncrlier, • A Render. .1 \ M I > M I. U'llllSNI-:!.!'. ' Adlilllllnll-aliir, ,*ii!(ilo MI.M.I'H lu-tiljon f.,|. 11 liriM]M\ to kc.-[I nn i i , u ami r:m-rn at ' ' K a r i m - i V l l o l e l , ' s l t i i K i i d ln.lmv JIIO'K Bri'lL'r, I'll IMi'iisaiil M i l l s l u i a i l . - i i n d u r datn Oct. -I. .1. A . Can be connected to any gas fixture. Heata quickly. Positively no odor. 9 Specially made—fully guaranteed—durable, cheaper than wood. Illlll.'II,Illl', |l|,-.IH,,nl M l l l H lU'lld riniihliei A l l i i i M i r l n o i i , l l a m m i m l o n , N, ,1, Mhilltle Cllv, N, -I, Mli)"n riui.llini. N. .1., (lrl,,l,, r III, l l l l l , G(;t in (hi; swhri.clnn 'IIMl l t | < | l i V I M Avr I'.r'.M" . I I I - '. :'-!. ( i l l t l l l l l l o l l t o l l , N, ,li I i i l ' l I ' l l , H i l l Td.'i PafTl your an buoriptioni* Conservatory «r Music 'J'li In I Htuiuoii OIICIIH Honlomlic-r II, l u l l Letter I'Uno uicit. Mr:'Mi:i. K a i i a i and Kipley, our popular "Union Theatre" picture men, sprang a surprise mi their friends, hint week, by becoming beui-dii'lM, Win, K a n . i r and Minn M a u d l l l r k m a i i were nun i icd del. I ' l l l i , al the bride's lionii- in CiloiiccMli-r. A l b e r t II. Kipley nml M iwi M n i | ; a n - l V a l e n t i n e w i r n u l l e d mi tin- ;t;iinr dale, i n A l l i i u l l r I ' l l y , They reside here, a n i l we lender them good wiiilien. I Mir llle good of Ihe I'ivic Club, which Is for the good of the town, buy your CliriiilnniM prenenls at the coming, I'alr, Nov. 17 and iH. There were unite heavy frotitu Wednesday ana Thursday iiiornlngu. Nliirlir. '.' A»H<>mli!viiii>ii, • ni.'»i-h This being the largest exclusively Shoe Store j ^ (.•(M.nic'iK, I Ciiiiiii'lliiiini — fnr'.'yiii I ('mil i rll mini — h»r 't yrui in South Jersey, we are enabled to l Irrin, w i l l lit' lie-Ill nn Tuesday, Kov. 7th, 1011, sliow a more complete assortment of A m i U n i t II,.' I ' l i - r l l i i n tillli-rri. w i l l i-U UK •^ \ • i M I I H ' U t l l l ' l l — I'lll il .VIMI 1 J l l h l H V 111 t i l l ' I ' l - l l l ' l — I I I I I I ! n H n i l l l l i > f l ^ l r r M O I I 111 t l x ' |lllll'l) I l l M i V O llll'll' t I n l i t ' l l (ill I hi* i i l K ' V n t l n > ' i c m l l l i H ' l l c l h K ul h l x Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's SHOES n'clock III l l i i > n u u n l i > i , ' i iiliil (lUii.lni: at Nt-vcll D ' l t l c i r k I n t i l t n v i ' l l l i (j. J. C. IJIIV. lliiniuiih C'lcrk. Wo Telephone?? It« cont In nlioc Icnltior Your |ir'o|icrty in oneo of II ro. Your Idl'K when you At prices to suit everyone. Anil all for loin tlmti tlio cont of ouo olgnr n day, on notnnl mist nf tlio BOIV'U'O. We wish to call especial attention to our line of Ladies' Comfort Shoes *. * Can you afford to bi uttftoul itt rfhall wo lintall a )iliono for you t A. J. niDEn, Vrnlcldhinmt Munuuer, tlammonton Tolophone ff Telegraph Co. Prices from #1.25 to $3.50 Cusliion inner soles and rubber heols. If you linvc ncVcr worn them, you do not know what tntc foot comfort i.s. Douglass Shoes For both ludie.s and {jrntfi Our lino of OROSSETTS is simppior than over With up-to-dato machinery, wo :iro turnmp; out tho boat of REPAIR WORK 011 short notice. SI In Atlnntlc County.. Kvontually,—Why Not Now t VOL. 49. PERSOWALS^AND OTHERWISE. HAMMONTON, N. J., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1911. Half-a-Cent-a-Word Advs. No charto less than ten cents. No 44 Ladies' Suits and Coats to order, by experienced tailors, at a saving of a. few dollars. Tailoring Dept. Men's Suits and Overcoats to your measure at a saving of $3 to $5. Tailoring Department. - Election next Tuesday. Real Estate. JoLn T., Ash. and family were i "Don Snlo or Kent.— seven room house on town over Sunday. ••• lioston HclBhtfL No rciuonablo offer refused. Apply 41 IJoal Kstato & Law U'ld'e Town Cpuncil meeting on nex Atlantic City, N. J. Wednesday evening. PQR Sale or Rent.—property nt Third and *• I'cncli Streets. A. L. JnckBon. Nathan Adams and -wife ra WANTED, n (arm. 25 to SO acres, unimproved * v and without hulldlucs preferred, ncnr down for over Sunday. Hammonton, and cheap. Addresw "llert," this office. Mrs. B. B. Filer.was up from Atlantic on Thursday. • Poultry\nd Livestock. James Palmer has closed his pic TX7H1TE Wyandotte Pullets, and one rooster ture show. It didn't pay. * * for sain at 1'Ino Lodee, Twelfth Street. SM.K \1 llano Comb White Wyalidotto D. C. Herbert's store and resi •port *• CockerclB, March hatched : also some deuce have been repainted. pullets : also few RliiKlo comb White Lcehom Cockerels, March hatched, and about 75 H. C. White Leghorn Pulleta, May and Juno hatch. A. P. Simpson has erected a nea All fine stock. If you need new blood In your iron fence for M. K. Boye'r. flock, come and look them over. Will bo sold at reasonable prlcts. J. K. Oerhart Poultry Yards, Bellovuo Ave. Frank Sutton and family T?OR Sale.—pony outflt.-fbur year old, Round Suits and Overcoats. moved onto Washington Street. A and broken. Apply to O. W. Swank, Fourth A Dellevuc. El wood P. Jones was down from $10 Men's Overcoats at $6.50. Made of all-wool Oxford gray For Ladies and Misses. Berlin on Tuesday, on business. material, lined with an extra good quality lining. Pneciultles Mrs. L. F. Home, Atlantic City $9 and $10 Men's Suits at $6.50,— mixed goods and plain Suits at $10, $12.50, and $15. Handsome ga'rmentS;\the f»RKAM ruft"« and Chocolate Kclalres every was up for the day, Wednesday. newest ideas from the centre of fashion, designed arid blue and dark mixed cassimeres. -^ .—• Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Naked beans and bro\vn bread, Saturdays, after 4.30. tailored by,the best men tailors, and marked Gunning season for" fab"bifs~7anc Special In candles.—caramels and assorted $7.50 and $8 Men's Suits at $5,—cas'sirner-es-aad-worsteds at 19. cents per pound. every Wednesday .this month fo chocolates at a saving of two-fifty on a suit. .-. Krlmmers Candy ICItchcn. $5 and $6 Men's Suits at $3.50 deer. /"»AI-I. at Robert Steel's Jewelry Store and Young men's $7.50 and $8 Suits at $5 Mrs. H. T. .Pressey returned las *•' eet sample Jar of silver polish. Polo Coats, Blanket Cloth Coats, Young men's $5 and $6 Suits at $3.50 of Ucautlfylnu your Homo? Saturday from an extended eastern Huve your pniierhaiiBlnK done now. before Men's Rain Coats at $3.50, 5, 6, 7.50, 10, and ij— — and Serge Coats, the holiday rush Is on. Samples cheerfully visit. , ", ; shown by , Ward Simons. Women's Rain Coats, $3.50 to 10 - .• at $10, $12.50, and $15. Many different models. The Workingmen's Loan and \miAT More Pleaslnir Christmas (jilt— tor vv The Polo coat collar and cuffs trimmed with contrastsame amount of money—can you Klvo Boys' and Girls' Rain Coats at $2.50 Building Association next Monday :lmnthe a dozen photos? Call at Swain's Studio, Boys' Suits at $1.50 and 1.95, — value two and two-fifty,—in iug colors. Hand-bag to match coat. .Some can be around the corner. evening. 1 deuble-breasted-eeat-and-^nickefbocker-pants worn onTboth sides, which means two coats in one, and bree heavy fiosls this week Chun. Simpson, Phono 1117. Boys' Suits at $2.50 and 3,—• that will stand rough wear and the prices are two-and-a-half dollars less than same and half-an-inch of ice yesterday to Hcciire unutmnl good valued In winter look right. Age, 8 to 16 years. quality,.is sold elsewhere. morning. • . • .— merchandise. Boys Suits at ^.50 to 5, in knickerbocker style, plain or 'one—at my home. Mrs. Kendall. • Mrs. Marten L,ock\vood, of Kan$10 and $12.60 Suits at $7.60, Orchard Street, near Third. Norfolk coat, in cassimeres. worsteds or blue .serge. sas City, Mo., visited Mr. and Mrs A" special lot, in sizes 32, 34, and 36,—colors . HILDUEN Couch Covers worth 75 cents,— v/ W.L. Bell. Men's .Corduroy Pants at 95"cts for XI ccntD. AtOendlcr's. gray, blue, and mixed goods. . About to open another Men's two dollar corduroy pants at $1.50 "*> . J. H. My rose has gone South *•r.VSTnrcTIOK. Dnlntlmr class, nny one wishing to Join Long Coats at $3.50, value $5. • hould notify Kdlth Dudley, to be away several weeks, on lum 'hone Dutchess Corduroy Trousers at $3 and 3.50,— made of best 63o. Corner Knlrvicw A Second St,. ber business. quality corduroy.- \Every pair has a written guarantee $10 Ladies'Coats at $5. \\TK Arc Maklnit Ladles' Suits and I/one vv CoatH, from men's cloth, and use guaranTown Clerk Seely has issued eed lliilnc. that entitles you to a new pair if they rip, and ten'cents for 818. Ouber, the Tailor. In blue, brown and garnet. Some are trimmed, and over two hundred gunning licenses OLAIN and Children's Sewlne: nlso nurslnc, if a button comes off. others made plain. r Mrs. M. H. Edwards, since Oct.-1st. Men's $3.50 Coats at 2.50. 'This is the kind of coat you will $1.76 Skirts at $1.25, in black and blue. tesldenco with Hov. W. u Shaw. Hammonton Trust Company has A UTOMOUlf.K to Hire, seven passenger, by need for cold weather. They are made of corduroy and day. .(nines nubortone. Jr., been made depository of Postal "• hour or Skirts at $2.60, value $3, Third and Ilellevue. Hammonton. blanket cloth lined. 3.50 quality at 2.50 "* Savings fund. 1)11-^8,— brlim your own material. "\Vo Nicely trimmed, in black and blue. will make you a HUH or lone coat for ten Mrs. Chas. Mearnes and daugh- dollars. Qubcr, tho Tailor. Gunning Coats at 75 c, 96 c, $1.20,1.46,1.96 Skirts at $2,76 and $3, ter, of North East, Md., are visit- CJ T T? to Now Subscribers, from Nov. 1st, and up to the vefy^best, guaranteed waterproof, at $, * * J • Av* 1011 to .Ian. 1st, 19IK, for tho price ol •5° ing Mr. and Mrs. Rider. That are worth $3.50 and $4. Made with panel front one year, Hniuplo free.. Gunning Leggings Gunning Caps and' back, nicely trimmed. Colors, black and blue. Regular meeting of Civic Club, Gunning Trousers ... Gunning. Footwear Wonted. in Trust Company's parlor, next Ladies' $5 Short Coats at $3.50 Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 2.30 p.m. blackberry plants. State SHOE SPECIALS. T ' Mrs. G. E. Chalfant is mourning VjyANTKD.-Wllson quantity and prlco. Michael N. llorio. Vlnelnnd. N. J. Children's Coats at Special Low Prices. Women's $2.50 Shoes at $1.50,—Goodyear welt, the death/of her mother, which DOARDERS Wanted,— room lor tour men. occurred on Thursday morning. Girls' Coats, age 6 to 14. lace, blucher and button ; Sizes 2^ to " Apply 208 Orchard Street. $3 Jfor Cqnts that are worth $4 3OARDKR.S Wanted.— ladles or fontlcmen, Men's $3 sample Shoes at $2. Mrs. B. P. Gray is recovering " home, porches, all convenience* from an operation performed this Mm.Pleasant Florence Yociim. Pratt A Second sts. $3.50 for Coats that are worth $4.50 week, at her home, by Drs. Burt ,— th» n>mc of anyone who $ 4 f o r Coats that aVe worth $5.50 • ' . ' . • does not take th» Itiipubllran. and Harley. Coats at $5,—of light material, collar and cuff trimmed little Ha-Ha Council have deMIscclliuicntlR. with black velvet; loose back. . cided to postpone indefinitely the A special purchase of Sweater Coats, Snucr Krout supper advertised for that Hiilarui'iiu'nt to-day, fur Coats sizes 2 to 5 years. ChrlHtnmB Bill, from Swain, rhui,, k -rii|,lii'i. consisting of a knitting mill's stock,— this evening. Around I h r r m n r r . Coats at $2, value $3 Men's, Ladies' and Boys' Sweater Coats, at SAI.K-.Solld oak nidi-hoard. al»« mhcr The three little sons of Mr. nml \V1II Hull very reiiximaliln Coats at $2.50 nnd $3, up to $4.50 •' Mra. Harvey E. King welcomed n •*• • 0.furniture. such low prices that will surprise you, comingW. Tllllnitlmnt, Chew Itimil nliuve M i l l . ulster Oct. 26, who will he known 1MI'ltllVK Ilin Aplxiaraiireof your l'riip ( -rly White Serge Coats $2.23 nnd .$3 ; value up to $4 <• by a in-lit prlviit neilu'K. Write UN fur prl<v« as it does thus early in the season.. ii* Margaret Elizabeth. \'i< almi luvnillo nhrnhH anil vhli-H. Mlehaiil N. lloruo, Vineland, N. .1. Dressing Sacques and Wrappers. Mrs. Capt. Kendall linn returned IVanutft—ahviiyM frenh—at MitiaH'H, Men's #i wool Coat Sweaters at 59 c, gray only J to Hninmonton, after several years iJAI/I'l''!) ft and Mv centM. Dressing Sacques at 23 cents Men's $a Sweater Coats at $i.5o,-in gray, brown and white absence. She in occupying her JO-AI. Pure, l-'niiil i-'lnviirn. l''<md Culiirn and Dressing Sacques at 39 c .t 45 c, of extra heavy material " I'erfilinen. Handy In line, bent imallly, Extra heavy Men's Coat Sweaters at 95 cents, in gray, navy own houne, on Orchard Street. •oiloinli-al. .Vdilri'KN Mr». All'erl llni-lfer, $i Wrappers at 75 cents ; all sixes and brown. Value up to $1.50 Mrs. George IHnglmin, of 1'liila \nent for llnnnniintim; I'.d. lion in, nr Utcnl $2.50 Men's Coat Sweaters $1.95, gi'ay, white, navy .t brown. delphia, known here HH Mins Eliz UT Hwnlti Krniuii thnt I'lcturn lor you. ,hmt nroiind tin, corner. $3.50 Men's Coat Sweaters at $2.50, in gray, white, navy and Children's Dresses and Night Gowns. abeth Anderson, wart delivered of Ofl.fHXi Tmi«. Tlimii trues nro troni tlio Htores A Children's Dresses at 23 cents ; sixes r to 4 years Htill-boni twin boys, Tuesday, brown A l l a n l N i i n Co., I'aliienvllie, Ohio i Tin-.1. '. Hale Niirntir.v Co,, Wlnchiinivr, Tiiiin.; 'I'liu #5 Men's Coat Sweaters at $3.75, all wool, navy nnd gray. ult. , Children's 75 cent Presses at 45 cents 'niillul Nurncry, Tonnkn, KitnnitH, nnd .1,11, ,v Honn, llorlin, Md. TIICHK nurnerlen Men's Sweaters at $5. Children's $1.25 Dresses at 95 cents Sunxhiuc \va» the rule thin week, larrlnon If you will compare ours at five wi h rominii'oltlui Inrni-nt and mont rollabln In uiilledHlnlcH. Tho "lock In ntrletly llrnt tit which all rejoiced. Two or three lui Children's outing-flannel Night Crowns, 23 cents. those sold elsewhere at six, you will find these to lasx and Iruo lo iminc. Cull niul n<>n It, neverc frosts, but beautiful, moderThe llniunxiiitoii Nuriwry Co., be still better. All colors. Outing-flannel Night Gowns for bigger girls, 39 and 45 Mouth Thlnl Hlrnel. ately cool dayn, —Indian Summer Boys' 75 c and 95 e Coat Sweaters at 39 c cents ; of good heavy material and nicely trimmed 7<»ll Halo., Will muirlllro Bixid-nln-il anwinlll, weather. eontalnlnu 10 h. 11. holler, and '.',1 h. p, with snme material. MirlMo i nlw. Ion «nw. All In mm,I condition, Hoys' ijii.25 Coat Sweaters at 95 c Hallowe'en wan olwcrved here at) t rcnmm*hhi iirlee. Henry lllntor, Boys! #1.75 Coat Sweaters at #1.25 Women'.s Outing-flannel Night Gown,s nt 45 cts. Kolnoul, N, ,1. HHUal, thirt year. Though we have Kxtra good Night Gowns for women at 7<: heard of but little mischief done, -Ji:N Mnllllle, lllMilit IKI hunhelH. \\'lll null #3 Ladies'all'wool Sweater Coats at #3, in white and trimmed 75 cc !and 95 c HtilUivuo Avnnue. their ifluHkn and gowim were fully with pink and blue. - T O I . I I I A Y IIIUIK'M, Clinriiilnit I'hlldreu'H #2 and $2.50 Ladies' Sweatep Coat at #1.25, in pain white up to the standard. I kn. Hi'lilllllnl eiiliirrd H I i i H l i a l l n i i n . I.'IVIMIUIIU lo llvn aueiifn. and trimmed with pink and bine. If any of our rcadciVneed, or any milli'lii, • AdilrcBB, lint iini, I'lcnniintvllhi. N. .1, know of partieti needing clothing, ?()HTY-l''oi)t li'lni Hlnff for nale, ready lor #3 Ladies' all wool Sweater Coat at #1.50, in white and blue line. I'tleiilXilKllviireil. A m i l y l o nlciiHO notify Mrn, Kider or Mi'H. juivf tin- ri^Iit kind, and marked with our usual low trimmed. \ H n i l T lllar.rr, l.'iilniiin, N. .1, Win. ItcriiHhoiiHu, of NVcdU-work N l-'nll and Wluler 1 Mllllni'ry,- (lundlcr'n Inr ifti-So Misses' Sweater Coals at fti.a. ), in red prices. Hu.v your Airs of us, and you will run • no chances. Guild, immediately. 'if n l y l u and nallnfiu!lnry prici-H, \Vi, I,.IIH,,I,,| n l i i n l i t Irlillniii'iml, ilnnilli'i'n. \ye giiurunU'f the quality, and. prices are lower than sain'u Hank Hrotlicm lusm-il a hiif>o circan lie duplicated. - ' Underwear for Men. cular thin week, calling attention Un-Clalmod Lnttors. Wi? can supply, your wants with fifteen,different kinds to upcclal vnlticrt offered in various Special. Ladies' and missus' sets, furs and muff _ dcpurtnientN. It wan printed ut I.lnt 1)1 nil nulloil-ror lottnin in il«o of underwear. Woolen from 95 cts. to the very Ix-.st all-wool the Republican oflicc, three dollar quality at £r.«jn, in black. ' at $2?5o, and thoso of lighter weight at 4/5 cents. [imiinnntoii 1'ont om,,,, ,,„ Wcilimmluy. PciiHiou day, Do you know that Thin wool and silk Underwear for men at 95 cts, prt:fony],1>y quitii a Hiiug mini of money corncii Mrn, A m n i u l n linker Mr. Daylon Millinery Reduced for- quick selling. many iu«u as they are thin and warm. into town once in three months, Mrn. l.lolu Iliiiuniiiu M*, .lanoli llnlli.i Waller Ki.Ilar (II) Mr, W, M. Hniiivrn under thlB head ? The bankx 110- Mr. MI»»Hau«irAraln Hnri.li Alwood <tleo It, aH well OH the Hlorc-keepei'H, Minn lloniKtrimiiciiiiii Mr», Mary Ciinann Ladies' 25 cent Bibbed Pants 60 cent Shoots at 30 coats, • " i k d l r ......(In l'..||.r.h»bmi (iood large .si/.c. A rear door and tilalrway have at 15 cents each, -fleeced. , ,bccn added to the Republican ollice iroltn- iliinriii r, IlKkm- M rM , n,,,,,,,,, Turkish Towels, six for 25 <•; value, 10 c each 75 ot white Shirt Waists at 45 c. All III IxinidiOliiVMinl III llairaoln ' htilMliiK,—which will afford ye edItorH a way of escane from Irate I'oraniiH anllliiK r»r nny ttl I l i n nliovo jjiiiiiK'iN, Come and we mi, iilk- Item will plnrtnn ntuto Unit It lm« inn itilviirtlaail, • Hiuue. MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITIES RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE .SEASON, SUCH AS ARE SELDOM OJFFERED 'AT THE CLOSE OF A SEASON. The stocks of several manufacturers which we secured through the ^ power of spot cash, bring you unparalleled values. Coat, Suit and Skirt Department Men's Furnishing Department. FURS I E.A.SIroul Company .'* «u •«•» twit in KoInK nit morn thntt 1500 during tlia next twelve inontlm. WotiM yon like lo life It cut your liiirn—mi tlio fiirni you don't w.inl nml tn k i u i w Hint Din ilnllnri • Din i l o l l n t r i you tlo \vnnt wt'l'o In I l i r r u v l n i / ' i liitnU i-ri'illloil In y m i r ji'irniiiil f M i i i l l l «i'll« flu HIM•• •i:Yi!rywln-rr| I li-1'iuu.i-llyoiirn. N'miilviiiiriifci-. '.Vi iln inn- ni'iifi-iit ii|{i<iit for friia |i"liii|( l i l n u k a , t:. A.,STROIIT COMPANY Ilin I'm Nnw Yorli I'lilliuloliilila r I'KUIiura Chloauo JI. W, MlI.tER.tlliumnonlon/N.'J ' jfv.a-3^EsrT, MONPORT'S SHOE STOKK N HOYT & SON, Publlshere and Printers. Tuesday, Oct. 24th. 1811. Eye Specialist Skinner Lining, guaranteed two seasons Two fittings, or more if necessary. Cyclone Galvanized Ornamental Fence And GATES. . reels- a nt thnhoHrnloncrtl) o'clock IntiicTnltcrnoon. nml remit n Iirscwilan until nlno (n) o'clock In tin: tvcMliiK for the imrpono ol revlKlnE mid. correcting tho 11-KlHtcni null of nctdlllR thereto, the iminuii of nil pciwmR entitled to Iho rluht olHiuirnceln the rospcctlre election districts nt tho next election \vhOKhiill appear In person livforotlicinniurcHtabllHii to tho witlmnctlon of the majority of tho hnnrd tlmt they nroentitled to vote In that election dlntrlct nt tho next election therein, nnd nlKo.for the purposenf eruHlnu' tliurvfroin the TUUIHH ol nny ycrHOIIM \vlio nflura fnlr opportunity to ho licJird,. sliMll lie Nlmwn not to l*> enlltled to voto flu-rein liy rviiKon ol nonrt'Sldeiieo or otherwise. And notice Is hcreliy Ktvcn tlml the Boards <il Hcrlslry nnd Kjrctlon will meet nt tho First DlKtrlel, In Town' i'lnll. Second IllKlrlet. In l-'livincu'fi ITall. Hellevm- Avenue. Third District In llns-enicnt ol Union Hall. Fourth District. In the Mnln llond . l-'Iro IIoiiHO. Notice IN herc'liy further Riven Hint the next, OHNKRAI, KJ.JiCTJON l-'oi' the purpo-'i'H of clcftlm: c.-tmlliluU'K for ' t h e foiiowlin: ritlin-K ; . 'lVuA.ssuiiihlynn-11.' One Sheriff, Two ('oroijerrt. Out' ('nnni'Iliiian at Luna— Mayor. Three Tii\vn(.'<)uni'llini>l>. Toivnrierk. 'Assessor, t.'hosen l-'rot-lmliU r, Om-.hittlj-r. "f Hie I'enrc. 1 wo CnnstnblfK r ftiMhrc't- yearn. One <.'"MNl;il»Ii f(ir tfro yearn. J. R. HUNTER Hammonton Threo C'c-ntK per Copy. A Good Place to Live I TOWN OF HAMMONTON Reasons 1-4 {l.£0 nr Ytnr In Advance. HA&IMONTON,— lloiiiii il, I'rowlirliliiH Iliillillnu 'I'.....i. 0. KI.VINW, I'.Mi S. J.R. & Now Idea $1.^5 BANK BROTHERS' STORE, FURS I Bellevue Ave., Hammonton, V From the crowd of staring children she hauled forth a girl about ten, and thrust her forward with voluble 'A widow—and one who trusted In God and continued In supplications commands. • The moat encouraging thing In In- and prayers day and night—was once It appeared that this child attended dia Is the present unrest, says Sher- brought Into circumstances of pecuthe public school and could speak wood Eddy. Cause for hope Is found liar stralghtnesB and trial. She had English. To her Mrs. Allen explainIn tho conflict of the new civilization two daughters, who exerted them"Poor people oughtn't to have fam- od the matter. Then came an exGrace. with the,old, the working of a now ' ;c'iveB"~wrtn'~needles"to"'earn''a livo'iiilies," said Mrs. Allen to herself, as "Which Is easier to say?" Jesus she leaned against the car window. cited consultation between the little principle, tho upheaving of a new life. , ho0(]j and nt that tlme thejr we>fe girl 'and her mother. You did not asks. But it is just as easy to say Five cau:K8 have led up to this, nameShe said It bitterly and defiantly. need the language to understand th» busily, engaged In trying to finish JESUS' POWER TO FORGIVE SINS. "Thy sins are forgiven," as to say, ly: Western, education, the nation's some work that had long been on "Arise, and take up thy bed, and go She was at the lowest ebb of courage commiseration the woman was exantipathy for foreign rulers, the pov- their hands they had neglected to to thy house'"—when Ho who speaks and endurance, and as for hope, that pressing. Then of a sudden, the chH.Jesus looks for faith, and faith erty of the masses leading to natural make provision for their ordinary was a minus quantity with her that dren scattered out of the bouse and „ , _ „ , , . „ has the power as well to forgive as to night. dissatisfaction, the agitation of the wants, until they found themselves look8 * Je8UB' The Savior's "Do ye were seen running down the street, educated Indians for self-government, one 'winter's day In the midst of a n°w believe?" and the sinner's "Lord, perform tho healing wonder. Back So many things had gone wrong. ' wn|le the two American ladles wero and the older order, both political and New England snow storm with food I believe," are the Savior's question of both those words, words of far- Tnere na b e i<=ui;m,,K Import, miijun. lies Hen the me power yuwci of <l « " some shopping jind hospitably dragged into the bouse Ui religious. mnrke "nB In town, and every article aild glven the best chairs. The girt England is doing much for India, and fuel almost exhausted, at a dls- an(i the sinner's saving answer. But Him who has authority on earth, "all had cost more than she had calcu- i that spoke English explained that her. authority" (Matt. 28). but the marvelous thing Is the awak- tance from neighbors and without &1, c '^ about tne theme o, the The children's under " mother had sent the children all ftver It Is marvellous to note, In the lated upon. ™ ening of that empire—an awakening, > was dearer, the cloth for the the settlement to see If any. one hfld study of the Gospels, how Christ hat- wear first, within the church; and second, rl B Bcho0 clothc8 Ed The daughters began to be alarmed "'ns? Not only the men of Jesus' own heard of the "child. Then she, too, ' ' ' sar's waists without the church In the leavening and were full of anxiety at the dis- day paused here In doubt. Practically ties to get men to 'turn to Him, to f her own gloves: even little Roland disappeared. The moments that folreceive Him, to know Him, to ask of the life of the people. It Is an lowed were dreadful ' to Mrs'. Allen. awakening Involving the reaction of mal prospect, but the good old moth- every one to whom sin has "become all of Him. "What think ye of Christ?" cost fifty cents more. Of course the child was not there. : Christianity upon the non-Christian er, a Salvation' Army soldier.—no exceedlng 8l nful" '(Rom. 7). every one the question resounds with ever Then she had been counting .- so con- She was only —- wasting .-. time. But - religions and upon the whole nation. doubt—or had the spirit and faith of i who can say with Paul, "Sin, finding mightier sqund adown through the ; Udentl on to the girls: ' ages Not only who He Is but also ' y Betting Mrs. Matthews, .whenever she looked'up, she found The empire Is surely becoming one—aald rst 8ewln e to do "Don't worry, girls, the Lord will occasions/through the, commandment, her hostess' dark eyes fixed upon . -. There would have Christian, "while during the last dec- provide. We have enough for to-day beguiled me, and through it slew what He can and will do,' and has « done arid still means to do, wherever been good pay for work that she her In comprehending ' pity."'"" Then ade the population has Increased two liked, even tnougff* it would haVe the children began to return. The and one-half per cent., the Jews, six and to-morrow may be pleasant;" and me," will face this utter test of the He may. His blessed Word of grace, wreach- crowded her already busy days. But little boy and girl had gone to houses per cent., the Mohammedans, eight In this hope the girls . settled down BIn.burderied soul: can Jesus forgive Blns, my sins? The text proclaims, as ed and sacramentally given, brings she was too late. The sewing had near at hand, and they brought Jio per cent., while the Protestant native to.their labors again. Another morning came and with it one'voice out of the great Scripture us Christ, Christ who has power to been given to some one else the day news. But visitors began to arrive. Christiana Increased sixty-three per Note how his Word before. A clerk in the shoe store had Some had a few words of English to cent., more than twenty times as fast no sunshine, but wind 'and snow In chorus: Jesus has the power, to for- forgive sins. abundance. ,The storm still raged, give Bins, In the text-story takes 'effect: He been rude. The conductor on tbo tell Mrs. Allen that they were "ver' as the population. suburban car was gruff, and her fel- sad" for her. but no one' came near the house and , • speaks, and things stand there. His • I. Witnessed by His Works. The great mass movements in Inlow passengers were boorish, AltoThen the fifth child arrived, and Exactly that Is the cross, of the gracious saving Word Is limited by gether she lived In a gloomy world dia are full of encouragement as .well all was dark and dismal without. , Noon came*- and the last morse] of text. "Certain of the scribes" were one thing only, unbelief refusing it! again Mrs. Allen understood without as full of danger. More than .half It Is In Itself, for Christ's sake, the without redeeming features. ' knowing the words. He had some alled when th ey beard His: "Thy a million have been gathered in from food was eaten. The food was gone She was going over her grievances: ore forgiven thee." It would no "power of God unto salvation." That the hard work that she always had i news, and It was not bad. The w'bthe out-castes of India, and fifty mil- and there was no token of any relief Is a thrilling announcement In this men laughed and chattered shrilly. been ,£„ SBme, had He lions of this class, are at the door for their necessities. The girls be- , U. . spiritually feeble • age. How much to do, the lack of little luxuries, the Tne p i u m p hostess seized-Mrs. Allen of the church today. The mass move- came much distressed and talked an- ° * ffl noBen flm to ,neal, then to ^ "words" today! How many books, seemingly impossibility of getting by . . . the . . . _hand, _ . . and started' oftV at an how clear the case ment IE occurring, not only among xlously of their present condition, but n hnnH It \vn« the tho llast n « t straw e t r n w that t h a t no nrt i ^^"*»-* ,-~ ' the good mother Bald: , addresses, newspapers, phonographs, ahead. It was amazing pace. H presumes to {orgive the outcaste class, but also among one w s yet what gigantic inability to achieve , ^ there to meet her when sho "Don't worry, the Lord win pro^ ^?J Vp e authority of God! They all crowded into a tiny cabin u B th the middle class, the great backbone got off the car. . So she piled her at the end of the street, and there »n _ „ . . „ ' ,. ! And it requires but little historical the greatest thing In the world: To of India, .. • . speak a sinner loose from sin and packages in her arms as compactly a bed in the coiner, carefully coverBut they had heard that story the lmag,natlon to plcture to our eye the There Is also manifest within the guilt! Not so when His authorita- as she could, and started to walk the ed and screened from the light, lay church a new missionary spirit In day before and they knew not tbo - BanctlmonlouB horror writhing upon tive word resounds. Then things hap- short distance to her home. i?*je little Roland asleep. , . •...; the pagoda, where, one hundred years strong foundation upon which that thc,r faceB as the 8U,clde writheB ln pen. The dead live. The burdened was very near to hysterical weeping. The mother shed a few joyous ago, Henry Martin went and prayed mothefs trust was builded, and they the agonles of t»e poisoned cup. Or Some one might have remembered —Henry Martin, who said that be could not shore the confidence she haU we ' a]BO g^m that there were are lightened. Consciences .come to that she would.be deadly tired,-and tears over her baby, and thisn she tried to tell ~theser her~ neighbors, ~ ,' , serious, legalistic hearts among these peace. Hope celestial kindles in the would as soon expect to see some one eye. Sin is conquered. God's will would bave a number of things to how grateful she was to them. The 'If wo get anything today, the scnbes who actually considered rise from the dead as to see a Brais done. His kingdom comes! And carry. As she turned the first cor- | children that could talk English told ham become a Christian—I saw con- Lord will have to bring It Himself, CnrlBt.B ^rds as blasphemy? Then all of this through faith's reception ner she met Grace, but so strange that the little stranger had joined verted Brahmans, converted Moham- for nobody--can get here If he tries," tney needed the light of instruction, of the saving word: "Thy sins are did the girl look that the mother had them when they were, gathering nuts said one of the daughters Impatientdlately causes to whlch Je8UB lmme medan's, men from every province of forgiven," and reception, of that word to take a second look before she on the hillside, and when they, would ! f all on the whole assembly. India, meet to organize a native mis- "y. .But the mother said: "Don't | AS Jesus knows their thoughts, He as the word of Christ who hath, truly, spoke. have left him h e ' cried, so ."they sionary society, under native manage"Child", what Is the matter?" brought him along, not knowing what ment and supported by native money. worry." So they sat down again to witnesses by a mighty healing, that "authority on earth to forgive sins." "Oh, mother, Roland Is lost!" This Is central, in preaching, in else to do with tflm. The foreign, Greater still is the effect of the their sewing, the daughters to muse | power Is given Him on earth, and by "Lost!" she repeated, stupidly. mother had taken him in, fed him awakening of the' Christian church. upon their necessitous condition, and God: "But that ye may know that the teaching, in hearing, and in doing. "How lost?" . All will be well with the Church, If with her little ones, and when he It Is resulting in a new ideal of life. the mother to roll her burden on the i son of man hath authority on earth "No one" has seen him since lunch cried for his mother she had hushed | to forgive sins"—and then He bids she fall not right here. AH Is lost to The changeless life of contemplation Everlasting Arm. time. The whole neighborhood is out "Now, mark the way the Lord came ! the palsied arise and walk. Christ's them who pass U)ls by. Here Is the him and rocked him to sleep. Is giving place to one of activity, of Oh, mother! Do • you When Mrs. Allen and her friends self-realization, of progress. There Is' to their rescuq. Just at this moment works were testimonies of His/Son- medicine of this sin-sick era. Oh, searching. a new national consciousness, a new of extremity He put It Into the- heart ship, of His authority to save, and God, help us to see this, and to be- think we will find him? Poor little were" ready to start, the hostess Koland! What will he do In the'" dark brought a shawl to wrap the child patriotism sweeping over the coun- of one of His children to go • and lot His willingness to redeem the lost, lieve this right heartily! Christ's true Church on earth Is I alone? Can't you tell us BomA place In, and there was a dark, beared try. There is a now attitude toward carry relief. Human nature at such J A n d so they still are. Or why should woman. The old caste system Is be- a time would never have ventured ; we twentieth century men and wo- God's hallelujah chorus In the world I'o look?" and- the sister began sob- man waiting to carry him. It looked as If there was a recepginning to crack like the old temples out Into such a storm, but would men busy about these miracle stories? V>f sin, to the perpetual praise of the blng wlldy. The first words had numbed the tion at the Allen home that night. that are crumbling. Thirty Brah- have waited for another day; but ill- If Christian Science _and Its mock Lamb that was slain, but now lives forevermore. Believe that your -s|ns mother's heart. But at the sight of The whole neighborhood came . In, mans, thirty Mohammedans and thirty vino wisdom and power made 'nlm "demonstrations" parade before a Christians recently mot to discuss the carry Just what was needed, In tbo spiritually gullible age, let the mighty can by Him be forgiven, and your the weeping girl, thought and feeling and Mr. and Mrs. Allen were trying began to flow back, and_ with them a voice will add Its strains to that of to utter some of the thanks they fc-lt Dow national unity. Five years ago face of adverse circumstances, and work of Jesus "demonstrate," witness, preach us Christ, full of grace and the mighty chorus, the chorus that realization of the blo'w that bad for all the help and sympathy. that would have meant tho loss of Just at the time It was needed. fallen. truth. He says just that In another faintly chants on earth, but with ceAs Mrs. Allen went from one1 to caste for the Brahmans. "Come, Grace," she said. "We lestial power In the world of the recontest w i t h t h e Jews: "If I do not Mr. Jones sat at his fireside about another of the children's beds that Best of all. there Is a new attitude won't spend any time In crying now. night she was saying: "It's a godd toward religion. Tho Brahmans have a mile away surrounded by every tho works of my Father, believe me deemed from enrth. ..TJils^hope makes life worth living, Help me with the bundles, and let world. How kind people are to me. But If I do them, though ye taken over from us tho Ideas of the bounty and comfort needed to cheer not. Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood his henrt. Ills only daughter wan believe mo not, believe tho works: nnd death a passage of triumph.— me hurry home and see what has. And how rich we are! Thoy are all been done. Then, perhaps, I can safe! safe!" "of man. They aro making desperate Bitting by. his side. For a long time that ye may know and understand A. H. think of something." not a word had (linen spoken and ho that the Father Is In me, nnd I In effort to regalvanlze Hinduism. And she didn't even remember that There were two or three neighbors she was contradicting her declaration All Asia is awakening, from Japan had seemed lost In silent meditation tho Father." (John 10: '37, 38.) Yet THE MERCIES OF THE LORD. In' her home. They told her not to mark, the point of this witnessing Is to India, from Korea to Persia, from until at length he said: of the afternoon,—Christian Standworry, that .the men were all out ard. China to Turkey. .When wo remem"Florence, I want you lo go nnd that It testifies to Hla blessed author_ „s ways are at tlme , , like , heavy , , ! searching, a n d that they wore sure t o ber that Asia was the cradle of the order the cattle yoko.1 and thon got ity to forgive fllns. There aro "demGod B h)m BQon Qne Q( race, the birthplace of our own civ- mo u bug. I muat go and carry some onstrations", and demonstrations! You wagon-trucks, and they cut deep Into ' • « % •had prepared supper for tho family, can make nil the demonstrations of ACCORDING AS A MAN HATH. Illtatlotu the teacher of the west, the wood and flour to Sister Hiiilth." our soula; yet they nro all of them and she was now moving about power you will, social, medical, charmother of nil tho great religions of "Why, father, It Is Impossible for mercy. Whether our dayn' trip along tho world, what have wo that/wo huvo you to go. There Is no track, nnd It itable, anil what not, but only JCBUS' Ilko the angola mounting on Jacob's quietly attending to tho wants of tho demonstration of hln God-given anj How much ought I give? How much not received from the cast? Asia, IH all of a mile tip there. You Would ladder to Heaven, or grind along like other children nt the table. tliorlty. aB the Son, to forgive nlns. tho wagons which Joseph sent for "Sit down and have n ctip of ton, ought I do? It does not do' much good • with more than twice tho population ulinont perish." htis tho mark of genuineness. Test Mrs. Allun," she said, persuasively. to ask the world these questions. Tho of Europe, six times that of Africa, The old man sat In alienee, n few Jacob, they are In each case ordered Iho times and Itq "religions" and ro- In mercy, "It'll help you." world does not know the answer. It more than half of the race, SGO.OOO.OOO momonts and imld: llelons loaders by this unfailing They reminded her of all tho hopeof our fellow men, Is awakening. What "Florence, 1 mum go.'1 She know method. All other tone.hluB nnd I Htund by th<) happy memories of ful things; that It was not 'yet cold probably would say you ought to give more than you have and do |mpre slmll bo the annwer nf the west to her father too well lo uuppoHo that n tried puHt, OB In summer weuthor enough for him to Buffer soveroly the call of the east?—Missionary He- \voriln would dotaln him, nnd HO com-, preaching la vain. I walk down a green lane; and IIH I being out, that an accident nt tnn than you can. For tho world IB not II. Acquired by Hla Redemption. able to lay loss and gain together, view of tho World. piled with his wishes. Wlilln she look nt tho deep ruts which God'n "The aon of man hath authority." providence made long ago, I HPO flow- railroad or rlvor could not pnan nn- to compute liabilities as well as 00hold the bag for him uhn felt .perI>'or thoy know that hor Hets;" It probably .estimates tbo NEVER M I N D THE HOW OF IT. haps a little uiionslnoHB to non tlio JOSIIH says. Lot UH remember, ut Ihln ers oP mercy growing In them. All noticed. mother thoughts How first to thoso Btrongth pretty accurately, but doubtHour HO llfiernlly dlnponed of and HtHKo, all thin authority to forgive tho crushing und the, crnnhlng WIIH In two danger polntH. IOBH known little of tho demands upon. "Oh," says a nmn, "tell mo about nil I d, "I wlHh yon would romomhor B|mi looks forward to tho redemption KoodnoHB. Surely goodneiin and mercy Sho drunk tho pup of tea to please that atrengh. thin thing; Hhow mo how thn now that I w a n t to givo a poor woman lo ho fully achieved through the aton- have followed mo all thn dayn of my Forunately for us Ono sits over lilrth works." Kxplaln tho dowdrop. mime Hour If It cloani off." Tho old ing blood nnd triumphant resurrec- llfo. YOB, "all tho duyii of my llfo," tlio woman that hoverotl about her Tell mo how the thunder and tho. man uniloistood Iho Intimation and tion. "I lay down my llfo for tho tho dark nnd the cloudy, tho utormy an tenderly. And nho hnd nlwuyii ngnlnst tho treasury who can balance lightning Hlumlior In It. You c'annnt mild; "Florence, Klvo all yon feel It iihnop" (John 10: l(i)—horo IH tlio In- and tho wintry, n« Hitroly n« In "tho thought Mrs. IttiBHull a cold, nvlf-eon- all our books; fortunately for us our tei-cd woman! analyze thn dowdrop, you cnnnot, but lu d u t y to Klve, and when thn Lord moHt tincrnt of the mitliorl(y (lod him dayn of Hoavon upon tho earth." hlndlnK tanks are assigned by tho Thon pushing hack tier cup, Him Krout ToBltmaator who knows both Klvon his Hon, <n forgive S|IIH, Ooil fathers It. Toll mo how Ho miyii stop, I will do BO." , Brethren, wo mny nliiR n HOUR of mild: 'HVlio nro i|omo of thono hlx thn stores and tho limits of our To proucli forRlvonoHii and pusn thn hinucM the little hit nf black onrth iinmlnglcd mercy, Tho imthn of Hod Moon all thliiKu worn ready, ami In your Riirdcn nnd limited a bunch tho p a t l n n t oxen took their way lo blood by In to proclaim futile nentl- have boon to nn nothing hut mercy. hoyH I h n t play football In thu field at HtronKth. In H!B Bight. If tho rendi(hn end of thn Ml reel? HoliimT hi al- tions Is them It IB acceptable accordmoiitatttlOH. '%) comfort nmn with of [irlmronefi bloom. ' Merny, niorcy, inoroy—"I will nliiK of to KO nnd watch thorn. Ing nn a man hath, not according an Toll mo how llo cnnio to my glpny tho wlilow'n homo, wnllowliiK IhrotiKh .Iniiuti' hiimiuiMfirhui lovn, In which tho morcloB of thn Lord forever."— wnys tho di I f l e d unow und drai(Kli>K tlio I'erhaim llo wuu llmro, and oome ono ho hnth not. Our chief concern altent whon thnro w«s not n Illhln be- load of flour and wood. About four ho tondorly coikdonon WPOIIK In mmi, llov. O. II. HpurKoon. may ronininhor which way IMI w t t n t , " ways should ho to any truthfully, hut tinny nnd ucorii and neglect (tin fore I nnuM npc,H my namn, boforo I Thoy told hot- irhVro "everal of llm ".Such an I Imvo (dvo I."—Pacific Hapdotith, IH to offer tlio conhnd over henrd of Him. Tnll tnn how o'clock In thn afternoon thn mother Iho work Unit nho nclonoo a drenm of ponco, nftor whlnli IK boyn lived, and "he ntartoil out. l i n t . He Rot hold of my fntlior, that nrnnd had rlMcn from l() llx ll10 lul KOREAN'S BAPTIZING T H E M "''"> " At Ihn very f l i n t honiiii nhe had :i thn awoBOtno ronllty of nwnkonliiK I"' old unlnt, whon ho .wmi ronnh nnd w a n oiiKiiK"d '» SELVES. luipnful rouponno. ' raw, drlnlilPK, HwonrlnR, wild nnd looklni; mil of Ihn w i n d o w , nho imvv ovltahly follown, nomnllmeii In Iho Iho oxon at tho door, and nlm know ELECTRIC WITH PRAYER, World of Knion, oftnnor In tlio nhndn "Yea." mild Iho blK boy who w a x llniilllin, Tnll nip limy Ooil In Ghrlnt ailed, "There wan a l i t t l e kid In a of tho lout Oh, preacher", or luiiirKOt hold of Him nnd won thn chil- t h a t Iho Lord had hoard her cry. Him vnlil not a word, Whyi'iin-uilld erii, piiniio nt t l i l n ! Horinoiiii hntlind At thn Htmlmil Volunteer Conven- «riiy iiwonlor lookltiK tltrotiKh tlio dren, mill nnvod UH nil, nnd rnndn HBV. F. Horron Hmltli him bo' oncn whllo we woro h a v l u K fool bull thoiio oyon- IhiMin Inner nyeit of my "he? Mho wan not mirpilnnd, lint In Iho ntonlliK hlooit (if Chrlnt, heart" tion In Toronto, Ur, II. (1. Underwood hieratliiK UIIIOIIK tho Jupniiouo In Kopronuiitly a heavy nlnp nt tho Ihrniirelated an Incident that came under Hint IOIIK for ll<o (lonpol of fm'Rlvc lirn.'llce. hi In t h a i kid t h a t ' l l l o m r life -non Him and know llo wan my roa and wrllon: »Th« ulr In Korea Havlour, Tnll m<> how, will yon? \ hold canned tho daiii;lilern to look u p iiei'ii IhrmiKh the ntonlliK lilood I h l n bin observation an niliiiilonury In Ko- Well, (hnl'ii loo bad, If I'd k n o w n iimotiK thn Chrlntlumi In olecirlo with w i t h anlouliiliment, an Mr. .lomm rea, nhowliiK Iho reudliieuii of (ho Ko In Iho nuiiremo need of t h n Church m'd run a w a y I'd Imvo nt»rt(Ml him pruyor. in tho H«oul Jnpiinoao Motlidn yd! Itnow how, hut I know Ho did lulu Dm today. reanii to accent tho t r u t h " of Iho (Ion mek homo, h u t he wont off toward inllHI Chiirch dally prnyor meetln K n It, »nil Ihnt In ciiotiKh lo go " M > w l t h , nl rode uiiceremoulonnly room, n u v l u i c pol, llo mild t h a t Homo ooplntt of Thn innnnon l>f Inraol hnllod n .lenun NnvVr hind Iho how of It, — Olpny I l i i n k o y l o w n , and I never IhoiiRht Imvo boon hunt up for moro than a "Tho Lord told mo, Hhitor llmllli. (if llm h l i n l u i i l l u r l a n lypn, but .lenun tho "Acln" had boon iienl (o u vll- my more about II." Bmltli, your, and on n i n n y mlonlon com- ASIA AWAKENING. TRY THE LAUGH CURE. tJ.06 RIBBON CORSET BAGS. Laughter Induces a mental exhilaration. The habit of frequent and hearty laughter will not only save you many a doctor's bill, but will also Save you years of your life, There is good philosophy as well as good health In the maxim, "Laugh and grow fat." Laughter is a foe tp pain and disease and a cure for the "blues," melancholy and worry. Laughter Is contagious. Be cheerful, and you make everybody around you happy, harmonious and healthful. Laughter and good cheer make love of life, and love of life Is half of health. Use laughter as a table sauce; It sets the organs to dancing, and thus stimulates the digestive processes. Laughter keeps the heart and face young, and enhances physical beauty. Laughter Is nature's device for exercising the Internal organs and giving us pleasure at the same time. It sends the blood bounding through the body, Increases the respiration and gives warmth and glow to the system. Address all orders to PATTERN DEPARTMENT 6OT-6O9 Sansom Street PHILADELPHIA Flowered ribbons, with the solid satin borders, are the moat popular 'or these bags. It takes four strips of tbo ribbon, 'eather stitched together. They are put together with the crochetted rings,- leaving a turnover at the top,—where the ribbons are cut In points and finished with sunflower bows. Tho hangers are of narrow ribbons with a big sunflower In the centre to conceal the nail upon which the bag Is hung. These bags hold two pairs of corsets and keep them free from dust. The sunflower rosettes are the sachets. 8916. »107-9106. A D I S T I N C T I V E L Y SMART COAT SUIT Composed of Ladies Coat Pattern MOT. and Ladles' Skirt Pattern H08.—These models—.are—cut- on graceful and fashionable lines, and express admirably the dressy Ideas of this season's styles. The collar Is new In shape, the coat la fitted by side front; back and underarm seams. The two-piece mannish sleeve Is finished with a straight1 cuff. The skirt shows the popular broad front, and panel back. Double faced cheviot was used for this suit. Tho coat pattern is cut in 6 sizes,, 32, 34, 86, 38, 40 and 42 Inches bust measure. The skirt in B sizes. 22, 24, 26, 28 and 80 Inches waist measure. It requires T yards of 44-inch material for a medium size. ' This illustration calls for TWO SEPARATE patterns which will be mailed to any address on receipt o'f 10 cents S"OR EACH In sliver or stamps. SIGNS OF EYE STRAIN. Here are a few: Watering of the eyes. " Aching of the eyeballs. Eyelids glued together In the morning. Numcrous'sorts of dread headache. Sleeplessness In not a few sad Instances. Other symptoms, from vertigo to dyspepsia. Naturally those who use their eyes mast take tho best care of them, consulting an eye specialist betimes. Every woman whether she has to do the work about the house or not will find use for a simple, practical work apron, such as the one here pictured. It allps on and off cwlly and la the simplest of garments to make. Besides, it is Infinitely attractive and becoming with Its long lines and square-cut neck. Tho usual apron materials are suitable for reproduction, such as llne^n, gingham, Holland arid percale. Th6 pattern Is cut in 3 sizes, small, medium and large. It requires 33-3 yards of 36- Inch material for the medium size. A pattern of this Illustration mulled to any address on receipt of 10 cents In stiver or stamps. 8903. A DAINTY INFANTS' SET. Comprising Bonnet. Coat. Dress and Wrapper.—Lawn or naln«ook, with lace or embroidery edging, will be suitable for the dresa. The wrapper will develop nicely In e l[deivlown, flannel, flannelette, casnmere or silk. The coat Is suitable for bedford cord, cashmere, bengallne, ellk or poplin, and th« cap may be made of lawn or silk. The pattern Is cut In one size and requires: For the dress, 2 3-i yards of 36-Inch material; for the coat, 41-4 yards of 27-Inch material; for the wrapper, 25-8 yards of 27-Inch material; for the cap, 1-2 yard of 24-Inch material. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents In silver or stamps. Fashion Catalogue, 1911 Illustrating over Four Hundred Designs of Ladies', Mines' and Children's GormentB in current Fashions. Also Newest Embroidery Designs. 90S7. A NKW MODICL 'FOR LITTLE HOY THE Hoy's Russian Suit With Knick erbockers and Shield.— Suit* of thi kind nro practical and service able. They make up well In was ' ON THE NURSERY MENU. 9105. A PRACTICAL MODEL STYLISH Ladles' Long Coat With Collar Three Sections.—Good style and KT.ICO Is revealod In this Rnrniont, w h i c h ' will n« r.>un/l comfortable, serviceable and <'iisy to make. Tho coat la fitted by front, undernrm an,l back sounin; 1^ IH ilouble-lirensted nnd HnlHh^d wltli a d«Mjp oollur. point607-609 Sansom St.. Phila, Pa. ed nt the bark, mid shaped cuftn over tbo two Heurn HlnevcH. The puttorn Id cut In 5 nlzea, 34, 30. .18, <IK nnd 44 InchcH bust meoaure. It rnqulroH d l - 4 RIBBON TRIMMINGS PREVAIL. yards of E4-lnoh mntcrlal for the 36Inch filze. Hllilion trlinmlnc under many differA pattern of thin llhiiitrutlon mulled ent forum la a noticeable feature In, to nny nddrens on receipt of W cents In silver or stnmpM. tho opening display of fall and wintor millinery ut Ilium nrothora. Ixmg looped knotn sot high on draped crowns figured on Dome otquen, cocky '-'-0 roHotteii with metal adjuncts decorated a row of thn smart walking hats and largo rlhlion hows appear r>n hnadgonr of a IOHH diminutive onlor. Homo of tlio two-toned rlbhon trim, nilngii aro offoctlvo. One lint of two-ton*"! lufTnta In blue and groen lian aVuunty how nf thn taffeta polled alinoHff on the n u i n m l l of the highp<'nlii'il crown. A iuor« elaborate model In purple laffntii In a point anil In rovitred w i t h liitnvy gold lnn>. At tho hack IH a IUCK"' how, thn loopn conilnt; out at tint nldi'ii oil thn orili'inf Hid pniiiiant bonnet. Thin In only mm of tint many nurplo liatti, for Iho r«Kul color In h a v i n g nn Inunciuin VOKIII) at t i n t iireiienl moment, A I I U I I I K Hut ilrapi'd liutn nnil t u r halm thoiie of iillky l'"reac|i beaver KIM thn i i r e t t l c n l . Olio r l i a n n l l i K lltlltt model In Ilihi kind nf liimvttr In iinft and brown and fu/./y Hint n rulibll anil ha" t w n Inni; mini nf v n l v n t I h n t i i t a i u l u p (in each Hide. It In tint noi't of hat t h a t a demure brown eyed fOrl could wear lo p()iT4M:tlnn, Manila of ( m l r l c l i featllern nro lined on iiotnn nf Mm lull" w i t h q u i t e plonaIni; reaiillh Illnln of paradliie In tint n a t u r a l U n t i l a n t employed n x t n m i l v n ly nn man; nf Hut moat expemilvo modeln. OIKI ii'lilliliMi hat of n t l f f b l i n k nllk f u l l , Ini'Kit, w i t h I l i n b r i m h u i i e d u p K l i a r p l y lit I hit liacli ban t w o Inuiu l l f u l blriln hit) r a l b n r l o w nlxnil t h n crown, Ilin hiiailn c n i n l n K l o K i t l h n r In thn f r o n l llreanlii of blrdii piir^'H larl.v . wblle mien, arn n f a v o r i t e form nf o r n a m e n t a l l o n t h i n aeaiinn Onn lilaek v e l v e t h a t him Dm wlniln Inn covered In lldn nnuiner. PRICE 10 CENTS Address all orders to PATTERN DEPARTMENT, ' " AN O U N C E OF P R E V E N T I O N . Now that high neck dresses aro coming Into Beason It Is time we remembered the, old warning about an Qlince of provontatlvo being worth a pound of cure, nnd by so doing foreatall tho yellow linos anil fine wrinkles In tho skin of tho nock, directly tho result of these same high collars. DronBlng the nock tjglifly Intorforca wllli the free circulation of the blood. Such BltiKglHhnoBii results In starved tlmon, and tho local muuclen at onco lincomo flabby. To prevent thin unnlfilitly mark on tho fair fnco of bounty, woar tho collar no that tbo ntidt tuny bo frooly movod ItiHldn the liunil. Do not. fall to attend to this ileliill when your now n n l n n m froclin urn IjchiK inndo, and r n m n n i h n r t h a t I hi' collar may bo mi high an yon Illio p m v l d l t i K t h e . iililu of t h e neck In Klvon breathing room. ihlmiaKlUK I" "lie of the excellent, wnyii lo prevent |lm apiieunince of Ihu < l l n l l i ; u r l l l K line, |.'or t h l H Irotitliunil Ihe n k l n nimit ho c a r e f u l l y w n n h od n v e r y n i g h t w i t h warm w n l o r and a pure noup. Let Ilin w u l e r remain on I I M l l l t h e porcil lire well opened, Unit rhinlni; a w a y all i h o iioup While tlin nlilii hi " t i l l nofl a p u r e cold cream or nil I" food of "nine norl In nihhed In, A p p l y I t w i t h a r o l n r y imivi-ninni., cii|)cchilly u n d e r t h e chin where t h o cnnlji Ural lone t h e i r alreni;lh. Never j;lvn u d o w n w a r d n l r o l i n on Ihn neclt, iihvnyn nn i i | i w a r d ami mil ward Thetin idnilii'ii n h i i i i l i l be linn, e»|inelnlly wlU'rc the l i n e n are moat pi'omlnoiil. Coiillinie t h e i n n n n a K o live m l u u t e n or |iiiii;i>r, nil a r o u n d t l i n n o r h , thon pill t h e I h r o a l w i t h a nofl piece of dry I l i u m or a b n i i r l i e n l collon. Til clone t h e pore" dip another ploco of llii'Mi I n t o v e r y cold water and lipply K o i i n n m n l y by p a l l i n g w i t h I ho chilli. Dry by p a l l l i i K , not by rulihlllK. A PRACTICAL KITCHEN APRON Little sicknesses due to unwise feeding sometimes develop Into troublesome maladies, and parents do well to watch, during tho autumn especially, -that Injudicious treatment does not give rise to stomach complications In the case of young children. Contrary • to . tho general Idea, too much milk Is not good, and should not bo given promiscuously; theroaro many occasions upon which water IK to bo preferred, hut cold water must not bo given to an overhputod child. A little hurley water In milk will make tho dlgentlon nanlmllato It more easily and prevent vomiting and biliousness, nnd many children like and can with benefit bo given buttermilk. 87^7 l,ITTl.E POINT" TO n C M E M O R H . V/hon Iho Imieheon K u e n l n urn Inillnii c u c l u n l v e l y Iho hoiilenn leadn Ihn n i l ) lo Ihn d l n l i i K room, wlinro plncnn arn clioiinn lit w i l l or urn fined by dnlllly plalo fuyorii w i t h I h n liftmen IniiiM'llied on onn n l d n mil:. liruwcrn. Dainty lliiRcrlc lAdliuT OtK-IMdoo Corset Cover ami One-1 IM olwnyn i d r n n h i K t" » woman, enpi.chilly If ,( "'l ciTcel Clio lie /{(lined Irltti I l l l l n lalior, The i n i t l n r i i n hern loiloidtl.-.l ur,, cany III develop and |n II idne us, »4, mi, ltatdn rnr nil l l n n e l l e fahi'li n, Thn l iall«m In 40, 43 lllclleN IlllHl Illclltmro. II iei|lliren I H U fiil'ilii of U S - I n c h llllllni l"l lor the nn.ilium ulr.e A p u l l e r i i of l l i l M l l l i i H I i u l l I linilli'd til a n y a d d r e n n all receipt of 10 •cnU In ellvn ur nliiin|»i. R M n n y lioiitcnnen prnparo fur an In fiirinnl munlcul and l l t m a r y program folliiwIliK luncheon OWIU) TO TMI^ UEli. Oh, ion hiiny hue! Von K"l lln'l" w i t h linlli wlni;n Von "linprove eiielr i d i l n l i i K liinil'." And now (inn fee In In follow yonr nxr inplit. And ai'nn'l Ilienn liniira well w n r l h Illlli'll hoi del n of ni|lllll w i d t h Oil l i n p r n v l i i K ? illnlliiiniry cmdii nro lined by llm whliuv an IOIIK n" nlm weurn mournII iinmiui n iioidllvn n l n In panii Ilium nil Indnnrn, liiK. (fdlll AN ATTIIAI'TIVI'! lluil you needed iionio wood and Hour," "llo told you tho t r u t h , " mild llm Nmv Jornoy linn n p p r o x l m n l n l y thn Bixtne number of pnnnin m, || AVI < ||,r widow, "und I w i l l prahm Mini for two Htnteii of MMilc mill Knnimii, ovor. What t h i n k you,' now, u l r l n V " Now 'leniey In » noluoil riilden H l n l e nhe continued mi nho turned In nol nml Miiltie ami Kaniniri Imvo no nnl- emu Joy Id hor n n h o M o v l i i i : d n i m h onnn. Now .lornny linn til,7ri!i n n - Inrn. 'I'liny were "iieechlciui Not a word hmneii; Minim ami K u n inicivped Iholr llpii, lint they ponderNew .litrimy linn 11,075 Inmuie nnil oil lluil now relation of llm prnvldeiiHal more)' of thn Lord u n t i l II madn Mnlnn iunl K:\IIIUIII Now .Icrnny (tan all nvrniKO nchool a t t e n d a n c e of upon Iholr mliulii un linproxiiloii n o v n r l'.HI),|n7; M n l n n and Knnnhu :iK4,:iR7. lo hn effaced. Krom t h a i hour t h o y Now .loriiny linn I) colleiten und mil. learned ,lo I r u m In Him who curen lor M l n needy In Ihoo hour of dlntrnim, n o n vernlllen w l l l i ;| iiltiilonli.; Mulno I ,„„, wll| , ,,. ,„ |,liuill||(m() „„„' Allil K a i i n n n huvo i n ccolleneii and Hill-o l l o i m mi ' Iho wiitttti I of ovoryono who vot'iilllnu itnd V , n t l 4 ntnilontii. Now i | rm i(,, ||, m m Jnntny Imn 11,1105 lh|imr dnalorn, In, | .,,,,,loy w h ( l ,'nlM „,„ ,,,„.,, n|,u,| -'•• Mulnn nml Knnimu rludli.K „,„,„ t|,,. ..,,,,,„ Y A CONTHAOT. H A C T K ' A L VVOIIK AI'llON. ||'in i i l m l l i i in' k l l d i c n , fin' n i l ImiiimlKilil or iilhor Million tmilnr whlnlt mm iiti|iilrivi i n n t i ' i ' l l o n for Ihu ilrimn, t h i n inulol will Im tiiinnl uimvunlcnt nnd effective. The bill imrtlon e x t e n d n nvnr thn hack, til t h u U i n l t unit Iho nldrt piirllini In fn.II. Illmibimi, (ilutinliiviy, Inwn or nlpiu'ii mny bo'unoil fill' thin miidiil, Tlio putli'i'ii In cut In tl BJiun, mnnll, niodlnm ami |IM'K«. It i-ni|iilr(<n I I D - 4 yiirilii of Illt-lniili material for the mndlum'nlin. A pitttnrn nf thin IllniilrnlUni mallixl to nny odilreun nn rtionlpt of ID <-eiit« In nllver or »tuiii|ia, , linvn fl.niK.- -Ohio Iniuift, It in these sinning, sobbing, aching times, when reforms fall to reform and every social panacea proves to be quackery. Men will have the blood, when sin once becomes "exceeding sinful." ML Given by His Bleated Word of T.HE LORD PROVIDED. tlio Hon of (lod, .IcHiui w i t h nnthorll)' lo fori;lvo id mi, mi. H i m limy would not. Tiling" iilniiil proelnoly IKI In thin c d i i u t r y of n u m . All thn url of modcm pulpit eloquence |l( I h r n w n , lllio\ n iminlle of purple and Kiilil, aluiut t i n ) .lenun of modern n i l l o i i a l l h m , w h i l e llm l U o u l l l K hlood mid fol'nlveuciin by ( h a t blimd naiineu(<Mi dm iminillrern of t l m day. A i n u , even III tlio r a i i K n of llm iilini'lili all loo f r n i | t i n n l l y . Thorofiiro, lot nn cry thn louder: "Tho Mini of man h u l h " by I I I " uloii; lilodd "power on r'lirlh |o for^lvo Minn."' I'dlmpn II "'III he mi In lOr.o klol'ii H K n i "Whollior ( l i n y w i l l hour, ill- w h e t h e r I hoy w i l l forbear" (|i>, I I ) , The piirlnlo to heaven upnii to hlnnern nflei nil only by t h e heiir ll>K nnd ImllnvllIK "f I h l n iiionnnKn, Oouiitlcnn cimiiclKiieen aro crying fur THE GREATEST POSSESSION. ht|[n t h a t had novor boon vhiltod by I l i i i i k n y l o w n wan Iho hoyn' name a mlunlnimry. Ono man'n heart wan 'or |hn ni|iialled foreign (iimrtdi that touched liy ( h o t r i i t h n , and hn u( OIUMI ay at llm foot (|f thn mill. Hut t l i l n lioKail lelllu,; dm K"(id Hewn to hln wan not nil of I h o l r kliulnonn. Tii., nolKhboi'ii and frlomlii. m o i h e i In t h e homo, an ontlro n l r m i Thuy "out to a mlmilou n l i i l l o n and Kof lo Mr". Allen, liiBlntnd on Kolnn milled t h a t iiiiino one be nent to loach w i t h her If "ho wan i;olii|; I n t o Urn them, h u t there, wan Im onn to iieud, fot'olK" n o t t l n i i i n n t . And Ihn bin hoy l.atei on limy noenred coplon of pnl on hl» cap, and nnoiinnd he'd ^o Mni'li'ii and Lnlto'n ( J n n p e l n nnd road aloni; and t a k o earn 1 of t h e m . and "(lulled them. In ilii dolnn t h e y The I l K h t n and uprour from Hie Inuriifld thivt thorn wmi a oorlaln kind iinliiim worn Iho M i n i thlni; to hn no of w n n h l i i H rltn lo IM. a h n o r v n d , hut I (|(.,,(1 )„ n,0 noltloimint. could not u i i d e r i i t u n d «hoiu II, They women c'lciiuiod on tho opiionlle nlde "tiullnil and prayod over It for a while, mid loolioil nnxlonnly around for and d u a l l y n e t t l e d ,die m a i l e r by each MIIIIII ono to aiiiiwor their liiiii!lrio». Kolnn lo hln own Umue and r o v n r o i i l l y ThroiiRh onn iinciirtalnod w l n d i i w wiinhlliK lilnmolr l n t l ( e aame of Ihn limy nuw A dnrh, plump matron mir l^nthor. nnd nf thn tlmr, nml of thn rmindod liy a brood of ohllilroii. Thoy Holy (llionl C h i l i i t l a n nml Mliinloii KilDcUod und nnltod her If, nhe l|;u| nry Alllnuro. iinnii A utruiiKo l l t t l o hoy (hivt. duy. poundH dally praynr innotlnKii urn hold. Many of tho .Inpancno offlclaln In Korou nro ClirlHtlami. In (hn .Id|iaii|o|*.Ml Korou llhihop M, o. HnrU In tho Kolietwcim tho JapmuiHo offtclaln on id,, olio liamt and tho nilniilmmrU.it nml Korean Chrliitlaiih on the other, and Is rendorlm; KICK! nervlco lo bolh portion, All ovor K«ir«ft t h o r n In a Rrnul o | i | n u t u n l l y for work amon K tho .lapaiieno, who aro flooliI I I H horn In meat numlicr-i, and t b n "Id tilirlnon, (ho old ciinioiiin ami Ihn old pr»jiiillenn nrn lat'Kely forKotlon. Hence thoy am poi'iillarly open lo Ilin (loHpnl. Tho Mliinliliiary Moclely of ( I m .Inpan M c t h o d l n l Church In on' di'iivorliiK to nnppljr In |>art tho nurd, but iho t;rnat Amorlrnii church inimt hol|i."C'hrlnllan Work nnd IdviinttnlInt. ^^^^'&fak^^e^^ Hammonton Poultry Association ' » *A Preserver than of provide food, clothing for a family. Independence their and * to independence and shelter, Local Phono 074 It preserves Have just unloaded a car of the finest self-respect. TIMOTHY HAY. support, or become the recipients of ch'arity. / Where quality counts. and They need not depend on others for Self-Respect Up-to-date Millinery vand^ Dry Goods. Stockwell Building Life Insurance does something more A cake sale will be held next Saturday afternoon, in the Ballard building, next to the Gas Office, T'htfre will be a Civil Service ex- for tile benefit of the Boy Scouts bminalioH in Philadelphia, next of America. Saturday, for clerk-carrier at Hacltlonfield. For blanks, address .the . Rev. H. P. Hoskins, of Reading, Secretary,, F. H. Boyer, Haddon- Peuiia., has accepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of the Hainfield, N. J. Miss Annie E. Crowell returned monton Baptist Church, to begin from her trip to Europe,'on Mon- his work December ist. To-morday night,—evidently well and hap- row, and until the pastor conies, py. She had a very enjoyable there will be regular services in the time all around. Her aunt, Miss church, with chosen supplies in the Sara Crowell, will remain abroad pulpit. all winter. We will, on Monday, have tags, Chief Adams found it necessary to ready addressed, for all those who divide the work of verifying the wish to ship barrels or boxes of registration list. He took the first produce, etc., to the Lutheran precinct himself; assigned the sec- Orphans' Home, at'Gennantown. ond to Justice Pfeil; third, James This is a worthy object, and should Palmer; fourth, Jos. H. Carton. be assisted by all who can. Goods Thus the work was thoroughly shipped early in the week will done, and completed within' legal reach their destination before Sunday following. time. John H. Young has taken his The Farmers' Institute. brother-in-law, A. G. Reading, as a partner in the milk business. is the programme for "Gus" had a good position with theFollowing to be held in Grange the Pennsy tf. R. Co., at Atlantic, HallInstitute on Wednesday, Nov. 8th : but resigned because of ill health. 10.30 a.m., slmrp. "Favorable and uniavorHe and his family will reside in ablo things In Atlantic County (arming the past Benson." John Huenkc. President their own bungalow, on Grape County Hoard. Street. 11.15. "Lime In relation to noil Improvem't nnd crop production." Franklin Noble, New York. Mrs. Isabella Lyons entered into 2.00 p.m. "Ten years' succesflful combat of rest on Tuesday evening, Oct. 3ist, the San JOKO Scale." Kdward VanAlstyne. at the residence of her sister; Mrs. 2.45. "Small Irult culture." C. C. Hulsort '7110 cost ol marketing and transportC. A. Wood. Third Street, Ham- 3.30. hie (arm produce." A. L. Clark. . monton, aged 78 years, after long 7.30. "Kconomlc value of birds." Heecher S. Bon-dish. See. N. J. Audubon Society. illness. Burial on Friday, at Mt. Illustrated wlthyitereoptlcon views. Mpriah Cemetery,,-Philadelphia,Pa. fl.30. " 1'ench production : requirements." 1'rof. M. A. Illake. State Horticulturist, Mr. and Mrs. Wood desire to tendtercoptlcon views. -er-thanks~for—iirany^sympatbetic words and kind acts. I'll have to buy some pretty gifts,—the holfdayH are near I On Sunday evening last, the Oh. dear I 1 dread the City shopplnc so! Chelsea Presbyterian Church, Rev. Then why not buy tho things you need In Hftmmonton. thlsyear? H. R. Randall, pastor, concluded The Civic Club'H nice fair's the placo to ffo. its series of anniversary services. The church has prospered, and has a promising outlook. Rev. Mr.Frfxh ami Hwect; Rundall was presented with a PasGood to ent! tor's individual communion set. Passengers on- the Reading down We are the Peary In the baker's profession. It WHS left to us to do what express, Monday noon, bad a very others failed tn do,—the making startling experience. Something of the have ninxt nutritious and palatable projected from a train which they bread yet niiide. met, raking the side of the train as as a boy runs a stick along a picket fence, breaking windows and sendSuve six ing glass, flying about, the care. I^ahelo, and Druggist S. T. Godfrey had four get pieces of glass taken from his eye, n Free Loaf. and his ear was cut. • It might have been serious. PERSONALS AND OTHERWISE. Gendler's Philada. Bargain House. Life Insurance means Independence. Watch for our great Bargains this week. - We give double trading stamps. « Odd 'Fellows' Bldg. Win. Gendler, Prop. Price Eight. Watch our advertisement. NEW Better let me repair your hot air heater before cold weather seta lu. THE PRUDENTIAL I CHAS. T. T H U R S T O N Plumber Steam and Gas Titter .. irr—' Dentist Cojtlejr BnildiDR, : Mnmtnnnr.on. N".J. The Peoples Bank South Jersey Republican Issued every Saturday morning Kntercd In Hnnimonton Post-Office as second-class matter by HOYT & SON, PUBLISHERS Orvllle K. Hoyt William f>. Iloyt Subscription Price : 81.25 per year, ?1.00 In Atlantic County, Three cents per copy. On sale at office, and at Klnc'irNDws Koom Advertising Itates on application. Local Phones.—532. 573, IDS!. OF Capital, . . . . . . . »50,000 Surplus and Undivided Profit*, . $45,000 Three per cent interest paid on time Deposits. Two pr. ot. interest aflowed on demand accounts baring dally balance of $1000 or more. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent M. I* JACKSON. President . W. J. SMITH, Vioe-Pres't. W. B. TH.TON. Cashier. DI&EOTOR8 M. L. Jackson J. A. Wans C. F. OsRood George Elvlns W^n. J. Smith J. C.', Anderson Saro'l Anderson W. R. Tlllon Wm. L. Black Lakeview GREENHOUSE Republican Ticket. For Assemblymen,—Carlton Godfrey. Emerson L. Richards, of Atlantic City. . For Sherifl,—Uobcrt II. Incersoll. of Atlantic City. • For Coroners,—Myrtllc Frank, of KZK Harbor CJty : Thomas D. TaRnart, Atlantic. — Ix>cal Ticket — For Councilman-nt-Large— Mayor.—Dr. Frederick C, Burt For Town Councllmen,—Charles F, Crowell. Swain T. Godfrey. Anton 1'ler. For Town Clerk,—w. Richard Seely. > For Assessor,—Edward W. Strickland. For Overseer of Highways.—Joseph S. Mart. For Chosen Freeholder,—John A. Iloyle. For Justice of the Peace.—Joseph II. Garton. For Constables, 3 years,—Antonio I'lnto, William II. Peterson. For Constable, 2 years,—Frank D'AKostlno. For Pound Keeper,—Frank D'ABostlno. Appropriations,— Town Purposes, SiOOO. Highways. £0000. Street Lights, {4000. Poor, 81000, Fire Iiepartment. f1000. 1'ark Inn>. & M't'ncc. KtOO. Memorial Day, fT)0. Drainage, f200. Hoard of Health, 5500. DO YOU NOT KNOW ? It you do nut, you can llml nut by tt vorj little InvcBtlgutlon tlmt The Hammontpn Faint ID Llia very linnt pulnt that was ovnr lined In lluaimniiton. There are noorox of bulltllnga that yon MBevory day, painted wllli the Hammnnton Paint elfflit to twelvo yeitrn BKO, nnd lookln); noil At tliu iiriinont llnin. The lluiuinonton Pulut la told fur loon thud uny oti;«r (lint-olunii Point. It lia» no equal, aa It woi ka nail, oovori well, and wenrn well. Bold by JOH. I. TAYj.Olt Motion, tfltfn und C'nrrfujjo Painter, Heoond mid Plouount Htn., llnmmniiton, N, J. Slices I Shoes I AT Til 10 Old Reliable 8)100 Store KntalillHlinl In IIIVH. Wlicru you w i l l llml n vnrlcty of Kond ninlum from.(hn lirni iniiUcni In Ilii' innrliil. Our Ropalrlng gives Sntlsfnctlon D. ,0. HERBERT 20 words (or tosM In Iho ll«|iublloan 10 c . Local Phone 657 N. J. For Lowest R^Jes, in the Best Companies,'see Fire Insurance Automobile Insurance Like illustration, $15 Other styles, $25, $40 These three popular-priced instruments make it easy for every one to own a genuine » Victor-Victrola.^ Sold on monthly payment plan. New Records every month. NOW ROBT. STEEL, Jeweler and Optician./ IS THE TIME to have your Hot-Air Furnace Eepaired. Altfo your PLUSH? I NO Before W^ler sets in. Walter J. Vernier for the office of 10 MAYOR . EDWARD H. WHITE Hammonton Trust The General Election. Polls will be open from 6.00 a.m. to 7,00 p.m., Tuesday. Did yon ever mtu an election ballot like- the sample you receiver this week ? However, it Isn't half bad in form or method of using. VV» have always contended for a limited educational qualification for voters that no man is properly qualified unless he i-im read the ballot which it placed In his hand,—and this would be a fine place lo enforce,that provision, lint the present laws allow a member of the Hoard to IIH;H who iiri-defective, and that imJudes him who cannot read, Voters are cautioned to mark their ballots with III.ACK I.KAD I-KNCM,, and I N Tine rijiuAiuW ut the right of the names. It will be noticed thai all the political pj»y,tiert:are on the same ballot,—tlu- parly designation coining after (lie nninci Make sure that you have marked your ballot correctly ; -but in case you have made an error in marking, ask for another one. \V«s are all wondering why Kdw. II. White's name is not on the sample official ballot as independent candidate for Mayor. It In thought that he complied with all legal requirements, and was entitled t-iitruiice in the race. It iti suggested that probably liiti petition did not reach the authorities in limr. .Attention In called lo the "picture gallery" on opposite page, of tinCounty candidates. We believe they are all woi;lhy men ; and the fact that they are lU-pnbllcaiiH nhoiild be no cxctim; for turning them down. Politics do not enter our local alfalni,—at least should not. We have several good men running for Town Council, uny of them would be satisfactory. Dr. Hurt JH the only candidate on th<< official ticket for Mayor. For Freeholder, John A. Hoyle (R) in running against C. F. O.sgood ( I ) ) , tin- mcMi'iit incumbent. Hither would give i-fficieui riei vice; but we do not believe in removing an officer if hr; proven satisfactory. Vbroe per cent, compounded pmnlannu ally, pnld on Time Accounts. Bute Drpoiilt Unxiifi for Itent. Truit and Kent Entitle I).-[mitmont. Act" an Kxi-oulor und Achniiilntrulor XKCIH for thu Hulii of Kuhl Kntuto. Bteainnlilp TlokeU mild. DOOR (joimnil Trunt'CNiiniiitiiy HintltipBn. OKFICKKH I'UOH. Bklnnor, Prtinliluiit. JOB. It. Imlioir, Vice- I'lcnldnnt. Wru. (,'olwcll, VIcn-I'idBldiint. Kolnirt Ploknn, doo. & Troun. C. P. Citmpnnnllit, Anxl. Hcu. Drun r<. Hniiwlok, Atliirnoy. Din KCTOIIH Jim. It. Imlinir ,1. [Volimn Ako H. K l i k rt|nit»r Andriuv KtbnrldKO ThoinuB HklliniT Win. I I . Jlmnnliouno Jolui A. l l . i y l n J. O. Hlrl.-r John T. Fronoli Iliinry Mimnloy Dm.lnl M, Ilitllurd .Inn H. Mart pli Tlinniii'iin Win. II. Parkhurnt William Oolwnll Oo(ir«o Jonaa Dunn H. null rroni UHI |od.<X)|i. in. I'loMnl |''I|I|H>'N rni|inriIfN AiiKiMlfil to. NuCi/llfdiliiiiH, N I I cimrici. r. o, lion vof) J. B. Small. Some have bought them, and are well pleased. They are the best to be bought for the money. NOW, Five births have been reported to UH thin week,—three boys and two girls: Oct. 26, to Mr. and Mm. II. 1C. King, daughter; ^,sth, to -Mr. and Mrrf. Antonio Scoglio," a son ; 241)1, to Mr, nnd Mrs.Harry Crulu, n't Klwood, a boy; mumdate, to Mr. and Mrs. Wcstley Shields, at Columbia, a HOII ; sint, to Mr. and Mrs. Nene Kizzoltc, iv daughter. One Continuous Show Starting 7 P.M. Come Early Admission, 10 c. A fine link, of Dress Shirts at 50 c., $r, and $1.50 Our Scratch-up Hats are nobby, and the prices are right, Otner Soft Hats at $1.89 and $2.39, and a. full line of Derbys at popular prices. E. L. RICHARDS, (or Assembly. CARLTON GODFREY, for Assembly A fine new line of Silk.Knit Ties at Fifty Cents. s KABBER & BIPLET'S THEATRE It in not (too late to congratulate the management of the Hiumiioiiton Telephone -Company on their excellent ncrvicc during the recent world series of base-ball, Kvery mibscriber who cared for it WHH furnished with the ncorc promptly at the end of eiich inning, whether the game wan in Philadelphia or New York. Such enterprise was appreciated alike by both uic-u and women. A KAN. For thcPrcHbytcrinti Church note the following : Morning worship at 10,30.; theme; "Our forctiiHte of Heavenly life." Sabbath School at noon. Chrltttlan Endeavor at 6.45 p. in., a meeting of voiiHccrutloii, led (by Miriam Wood; topic, "I,CHHOIW from the life of John," Kveuing worahlp, 7.30; theme, "Helping God." Comoi «lt at the feet of Clirittt and learn of him. Upon thin we rent both our claim V luul your need. ' I'AIITOK. • Twelve Family Medicine vLoolcors. To the first twelve persons returning forty coupons, we will give one locker. Aolc u s about, them. > ' THE RED CROSS PHARMACY A cordial welcome uwultti you at the m-vvlcoti In the M, K, Church, to-morrow. Morning CliiHH, <j,;jo. VrciichiniC by the pantor, Hcv. \V. I,. tShuw, ut 10.30 unil 7,30, The morning theme will be ''The; wonl'ii ' lover," Evening, "Changed by u look." lllblo Hchool ut noon. Jr. Hpworth I.cnguc nt 3 o'clock, and l.cagucduvotioual meeting ut f>..\5, led i>y CliuH. llobtil. Special meeting oiu-h night next WC-OK, 'ill Fall and Winter Suits: Our display is fine,—$10, $ir, $12, $15. Come in and examine them. A large and full line of all other goods for you men. Black's General Store ROBERT H. INGEBSOLI* for Sheriff \ Stoves-all kinds Hardware, Plumbing, Gas Fitting MYltTll.K KRANMC, for Corom-r T1IOH. 1>. TAddAHT, liirf'onuuir. Conveyancing, Commissioner of Deeds. $1.69,^1.89 $i, $t Miss BERTHA TWOMEY Itfotary Public Com. of Deeds Notary Public, \ 50 c, $1.50, $1.60, $1.75, $2, $2.26 Leonard's BAKERY Lowest Rates. see our FLANNEL SHJRT3. Union made, 36 inches long, full in all ways, at W. H., Bernshouse Fire Insurance B/fan Lives not by Broad Aloiio Koal Estate, Collections There will be a huge Republican ubric Rally to-night in Atlantic City, on the Million Dollar Pier. Ex. Govenor Stokes and others will address them. Train leaves Hnminontou on the Pennsy at 6.30 ; returning, leave Atlantic at u.oo. A dozen new ballot boxes have UuslucNit In tboHo linnn properly and been received from the County; promptly attended to. GiborHiin BuHilIng, Hammonlon. nnd now arises the question where to bestow nil our goods in this line. The vault is not large, enough ; no one wants to see them stored in the Hull, and-—well, we may have to tenr down and build greater, or as the Janitor suggests, "Store the 1 Strongest Companies Hall in the boxes." 15 PRIZES 15 UNION sayn tlie Ccxxl ilook ; l»tt he We believe there should be a Htop put to giuiiu-is discharging tbeir could if it >vatt our bread ; weapons near residences. ,So bold have some become t h a t they drive r or it is an nourishing and tilt) bunnies from under barns and door-yard wood p||e:lp nnd endangering human life. wholo.Momc as it is palatable, incl that is saying a lot. You Or. |(. 1C. never saw children go into WM. II. ROIUNHON >read and butter like those liiiiiiiiiiintiin, N, .1, DENTIST n houses served with our Dullard HiilldliiK, Iloiniiiiiiitoii, orrinn lloiirm B.iHiln I'J.iiti H.III >rcn<l. r^M^no ^1 *<>*Y 10 Company Stands.for the development of, and general advancement of the interests of ilnnimnnt'iii, N. J ' THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON GHpitnl. $100,(>00 • For the interest of the entire community and not the Surplus und undivided iirollln, 1 advantage of the few. o,ver $10,000 Fifty of the voters of the Town of Hamiiioiiton who did not vote at Two per cent interrat pnld (in ohecklnn ucconntB iivcincliiK n dally batunoe Primary, signed a petition asking me to run as an Independent of $101)0 or ovor. Candidate. • My name will appear on the official ballot. You have seen our advertisement, about Sweaters; >J North Pole Bread Fidelity Insurance Burglary Insurance Plumbing, II cut ing, and Ruu't;c Work. Phone 053 Hanunonton INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE Next Tuesday will l>e the culmination of this year's political activity. To he sure, Ilamnionton has seen hut little of tlje agitation in which Home communities have indulged for several weeks. 1'or our Central Avo., Huniminr.on, K. ,1. local offices we have quietly nominated satisfactory men, and are only waiting for the day to elect them: There irt so little difference i« the Large Bmioriment of Republican and Democratic list that there can lie little disappointment Cat FloworH. FiiiHintl I>«H!|;IIH at the result. No one cai) find serious fault with the nominees published above, and we will have good officials if they are all elected. In FreBh Flow.iro. Wa*, or Motnl. However, it is a free country, and each voter is privileged to put His little X opposite any name he chooses; and will do so. WATKIS &~NICHOLSON, FlorliU and LandBflnjie Gartlonora. Phono 1-W Hamrnonlon Avenue Hammonton, The Hammonton Trust Company SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1!>1T Hammonton, N. J. Victor - Victrola Republican. County Candidates. BANK-BROTHERS' STORE. H. McD. Little Clothing Department. Hnnimonton. Not the ordinary kind, but the product of America's lending manufacturers, at great saving. John Pratfall, Jr., Suits at $7.60 and $10, Correct in s t y l e ' a n d good in quality. The saving on Funeral Director these suits is two-fifty on a suit. All the newest weaves. and Embaimor Overcoats at $7.50 and $10. OEOEGE E. HTROUSK JTJeXIOB of thi"I»HA.OB I'rompt uttuntlon pnkl to Collections. Fire, Aoolilmit, Automobile, 1'lnlo Gliian Innnrunoe. Ofllou In ripour Itnlldlng. OEO. A. BLAKE Carpenter and Builder Work Finished M per Agreement. Plann, bluci prlntn, nnd estimates furnished. Jobbing attended to promptly. Ilox 6S!3. Local Phone 800. Cherry Btroet, Hnmmonton. rwnlltn Hi., hatnoen rnUroud*. We have the new loose-fitting buck and close-fitting colLoon) I'hona 1)01. Hall 47-n hirs, or with the continuation collar. By coni]mrisoi>, you will be convinced that \ve save you two-fifty on these,coats. . N. .T. U I I D I N A N f l 1 : KUIliH llui Mnll\rv ill * Town Chirk, — . liilriMluri'il di'lolMT I l l h , Hill. I'llHni^lllKlullur'.'.'MIl, IIIH, * Mc'dliin I. Mo II inilnltiiMl liy Tim Tnwn nl llninlluiiiloit III Cuunrll uwnitinlilnl, Umt tint Mnhiry nl (hit'I'tiwit I M c t K ilinll lio'llvo liunill'ril llui'fi it vrnr, pi\yiilih> inontlilv. .iclliiii t. Ami lie II onlnlni'il, thnl thin nrillni\iifn Nhiill tlll<r iilfi'iU on Din drill ituy nl llui your mm tliimmiiul iilno l i i i n i l i n l Iwi'lvc. niiil iiniiiiniin |n |nn<<> m u l l u illlliTKia ruin In ttil by nriltiinnri* til 'I'uwii Ciinni'll, Ki'lliinil, Anil ho II iinlnlhKil, Hint nil lliiiuifi'n mill iiitiiHul iinlliiniiriin liiiiiiiinlntout w i t h t h i n iirilliinnrii ln>, nml tlio HIUIUI nri> linriiliy rriii'Hli'il. Nlllllnil | J I I I I N M , A I ' H T I N , M n y n r , AtUmt ; W. II. Hl<l:l,v,' Tnwn Clink, fA W ()KI'lri,\l, NOTICi; in Mtnlllnn IIWIIITH III ^' A l l n n l l i i Ciiiinlv, 'I'lin luiirlli ninmnl puhlln i.xnmlimllnii nl nil Illllllliini, I.I(,|,-,I f i l l h i , r.llilH nul|Hi,n-, j l l l . V n . A N T I t l C I I I I N l V . N. .1.. w i l l 111' i H - l i f l U l l n i i l l i i n i i l i n i , nt till' l l n l i ' l Mlnhli'-,, nil ' I ' l l K M I I A Y . N O V I ' I M l l l ' l l t 14, I l l l l , nl 'I iri>lunk IMII, Till' M n l l l n i i |RW pruvlill'H I l i n l n i l i . h i l l l n u n lllll'll'lj IIIr imbllll llfrvli'll lu l l l l N Ilinll- n h l l l l III' iimiiniiiiii'ii mtuli »|,|ir, nii'l i'Vi'i'v iHimiiii, linn i»r iiiiniiMiiiy, 1,,11,-n l,v i i u l l l l n l I i ni'iit tlu.lr « nllloiiB Inr nut' i iinnniliuilliiii |,i.|,,r,' ||M, ' I x n i n l n l n u liimril, All |iiiilliii!.(.n, imillllcnti'H nl K'KlHtrnlliin. rniwlnin. inn mill HI !l.'i.ii»,, n ,rtlHi'nli.n innnl in im-Hniiliiil in l l i n M i M i r n l u r y nl \\\v li.mnl lnv InniiiMillnii nlul tiililllnllmi 1111 Umt ilnli,. l-iirmiiiH ilnnlilnii luilliiT liiliirnmtUiii hi r«r»riin<iii In nlmiili'i- JI'J ,,| ihi, l,uw« nl ImMl •liniilil lulilirui llui H*oiiilnry nt Ni'W lirmmwliik, l''lli;ni';illi:ic c. M I N K I . K I I , ci'inlmx nml Kti'imilvn oniivi' nl ilm H t n l l l l l l l l i M M I l l l l l l l l l 1111,1 J U - l l . l l l « l l ' . l l II',II,,I. Suits at $12.6O and $15. Kvcry one of these suits reflects the newest and smartest styles ; the w o r k m a n s h i p is t h e best. None bettor offered anywhere at two-fifty and three dollars more. Colors are grays, browns, blues, and mixed goods. Jackson's Home-made Sausage Overcoats at $12.50 and $15. At these popular prices,..,we arc prepared to show you matchless values. All the newest weaves and styles. They are equal in every detail to any overcoat sold at two-fifty or three dollars mon;. You w i l l find double-breasted, single breasted, doubll: o f ' p l a i n collar, loose or s e m i - l i l t e d backs. In oases, 20 cents Loose, 18 cents Suits at $18, 20, and 22.60. Hart Si'huffner & M a r x prodlict, acknowledged as A m e r i c a ' s best clothes. They arc made of all wool fabric by the best tailors. You needn't be in doubt as to y o u r u p p e n r anee if you wear one of these suits. Correct styles and e.x, • 1patients. ' ' elusive . . # • . . . , Overcoats at $18, 20, and 22.50. Thc.sc are the finest and best made, so t h a t yon will be admired by a)l who set: you with one of these overcoats on. We would like to show them to you, as we cannot p r i n t all the good features about them. Come! and see them. Jackson's Market. ••-*« that ho bail hoped to bo honored, bin prldo got a great fall. i And thai waa only Ihe beginning for on the evening of that very da W 'A Yankee waa dilating to some of ho was hanged on his own gallows FILLETS'MIQNONS. und MR position as chief adviser o These arc cut from the end of th 'his (rlonds on the splendid catches, ne | the king was given to Mordecai. fillet of beef. Have your butcher trin had mado at a certain lalco In ColoThis story IH a good illustration o them nentjy mid broil them over cleu rado, "Arc thoro any trout out there?" the old proverb "Man proposes, bu coalH, taking cnre not to burn o God disposes." Everything seemed scorch tlieni. When cooked to what i asked ono friend. "Thousands of thorn," replied the to be going in Hainan's favor, and ho known as the "medium" degree tak, For November 5, 1911. was quite sure ol being able to carry from the, broiler, rub well with butter man. Topic for Nov. 6, .1911. "Will they bite easily?" naked anout Ills wicked plans. He would have sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper TOPIC FOR NOVEMBER 5, 1911. Esther's Intercession. succeeded, no doubt, in Mordecal's sprinkle with a few drops of lemoi other friend." cnBe H it hud not been for the klng'u "Will they?" said the fisherman. HOW CAN WE BECOME CHRISTnice and minced parsley and send to THE APOSTLE JOHN. Esther 4:V, 5:3. LIKE? sleeplessness on the particular night "Why, they're absolutely vicious. A ne table. John 21: 20-25. which preceded the day on which the man has to bide behind a tree to bait GOLDEN TEXT—The Lord pre- crisis wan lo take place. Anu he Phil. 4: 8. a hook." SPICKD GRAPES. Wherein consisted John's great serveth all them t h a t love Him. would have succeeded in destroyln UHI> the wild fox grapes if you can ness? It Is worthy of remark that PsnlniftMS; 10. ABOUNDING |_IFE. all the .lews if Kather had not been A well-known Gorman, who Is There is no book In the world a Jewess. How was it that the fay we have scarcely any record of John's pet them; if not use Concords, whic All life is from God; -with Him Is probably, that contains BO great a orite wife of the Idng at tills time life, except that portion of It which ire rather under-ripe; Hteam and wash something or a wag, walked Into one Prom the variety of stories as the Bible. It happened to lie a Jewess? And .how lie spent in,, the society of Jesus, and ind eook slowly until soft; press of the public offices the other day. and "the fountain of life." would ' be difficult to imagine any | did It come that on the particular even during those three brief years, liroiif,'h a sieve; to each pound of grape from tho noise It was plain that he ever-living, the self-existent and eterkind of story of, which there are not 1 night which was supremely important more or less, we have only Incidental nilp add half pound of sugar; an even was wearing a pair of now shoes, or nal One flows all the tidea of angelic, references to John. Yet we know nbl.spoonfnl of cinnamon, heaping tea ones that had recently been repaired. human, animal, vegetable, mental and specimens in th the welfare of the .Jews the kim; that he was..a, very great man. ]ioonf\il of cloves and same of pepper One of the clerks remarked about moral life. "In Him we live, and are all sorts of historical narratives co And It In the" first place, he was one of the i nutmeg grated and two quarts of he shoes, and the German said: — move, and have our being." Over thethere are stories of angel visits about that th men selected by Jesus, who "knew inegar or less if very strong. Boil "I comes near selling dese shoes bosom of the mighty deep He.proto him happened to I(ght • nounced the word, "Let the waters quite as extraordinary as any fairy the particular story of the saving ot vhal was In man," to be His witness- :ontly until as thick as catsiip. This he other day." "How was that?" asked the clerk. bring forth abundantly, the movingtales. There Is also a witch s(ory the king's life by Mordecai? Were 's to the world, and no greater i delicious wjth.cold meat.. •espoifstbillty could be put on a "I had 'em half soled," said the creature that hath life," and it was., and there are different kinds of love mere accidental happenthese FUIKD GRAPE PIES. lumaw being than that of. giving the German, as he walked out of the of- done. Into the nostrils of man, formed stories. There are stories of false all ings? For the crust take one egg, half cup Ice. A deep groan was heard as he of the dUat of the ground. God breathvorld a true conception of the charlove as In the case of Samson and Any one may believe that they ed the breath of life, "and man beof David and there are stories of true were who is able to believe thai ac- ctor and work of Christ. In a meas- ijiur, half cup milk, pieco of Inrd or lipped through the door. came a living soul." But when man love as in the case of Jacob and of j^-idents just happen; but no one who re this responsibility devolves upon utter size of a small egg, a teaspoonful very disciple of Christ; but in a far f baking powder and enough Hour to Kuth. There are many lales of ad* Doctor—I want you to look after sinned against God and violated His V believes in the God of the Bible was condemned to die. venture and wars and heroic acts. I could ao believe. No one who real- ligher degree it was lal<I upon the iake a soft dough. Roll out about ny practice while I'm off on a holiday law, he postles, who had walked and talked "lith of an' inch 'thick and cut out rip to Scotland. "As1 the Father hath life in HimThere are also many parables, or i izes that God h a d ' a definite purpose vlth Him and who were to be the t large ns saucers. Put a tablespoonshort .suggestive, made-up stories, "But I've Just graduated, doctor, self, so hath He given to the Son to have life In Himself," and He glv-. fcoth in the Old Testament and in the m, c?atlnS tlie ,worl.l and Is deter- xponents of His religion to the world il of fresh-made grape jam on one lave had no experience." mined to accomplish His purpose will or all ^.ubsequentj ages. It Is quite de, leaving a margin of dough; fold eth it to whomsbver He will. The New Testament. There are stories "That's all right, my boy. My pracerrand of our Saviour Into this worldt of .traitors,and of heroes, of consplr- believe it.-!jNo one who realizes that afe to say therefore that all the ver and pinch the edges together so ce Is strictly fashionable. Tell the fruit will not escape. Place in was to bring life. "In Him was life, - acies whtch succeeded and conspir- | God is personally present in Ihe postles, with the exception of the world and takes a deep interesl in raitor, were choice spirits. And even pep hot fat, like doughnuts., and fry len to play golf, and order tho lady and the life, was the light of men." —- Bcies'ltiat failed. atlents oft to Monte Carlo." the affairs .of men, watching especialf Judas it seems safe to assert that He wao the way and the'truth and refully, turning them ns soon as they There are no more dramatic stories not crack in any literature than some of those ly, with tender care, over those who e must have had th^ capacity for se to surface so thev Ho bad cajoled her to allow him to the life, and He has said, "The words, love Him, will believe It. reatness, or he would scarcely have j open. Cook same .length of time that I speak unto you,-they are spirit recorded in the Bible—the story of Likely enough the sumptuous ban- een given the splendid chance that fruit- fritters, so the douph will be ake her to the seaside for a day, and and they are life." Job for instarlce, or that of Jonah or n the return Journey, emboldened quet which Esther bad prepared for vas given him. In the blood and flesh of tho sinthat of Joseph or of Daniel. done thoroughly), Eat liot or cold. y the privacy of the* compartment the king on the previous evening may But among the eleven choice spirits This story of Esther Is a very have nd the redness of her lips, he had less Son of God the penalty of death h ad '•Witty drama, looked at from a lUer-' , h f»«nethm B lo do with Keep- y whom Jesus was surrounded ^there olen a kiss. Then for some seconds was suffered, nnd men were redeemed! GRAPE SHORTCAKE. Iry point of view. It sets before us . ^ the king awake. There was ere three to whom He was especially e sat abashed until she murmured:— from the curse of the law; an* Sift together two cups of Hour, two a died-ln-the-wool villain, a weak ami' *°me _na_t,u_ralilc_aus_e' no _ i d . ou , bt '._ but ttached and to whom He granted tenspoonfuls of baking . powder, a "Oh, Mr. Jones, isn't it pecnjliar. through a crucified and living Christ foolish king, a strong, true man, and God works .through natural laws. pecial opportunities for Intimate fel- generous teaspoonful of sugar, a tealat your moustache Isn't half as the promise of eternal life was given He controls their operation and dl- owship with Himself—as on the to dying men. To those who followed courageous young woa. beautiful, vcauiiiui* *_w«i i*(3^.vu<j jvuu >• w l i i it_ tit. ilck as your brother's?" spoonful of salt. Mix woll nnd work r cts il to the of Him He said, "i am come that ther man. The villain plots for months to I j » accomplishment 16unt of Transfiguration and In the into tins'mixture quarter of a pound of ls destroy 'the good man and all Ms f'" P^poses. It was not Esther's 3arden of Gethsemane. And among Bath-house partitions are not sound- might have life, and that they might well-washed butter, using tips of the* people, becauee the good man will I ***w*t that caused the king's attiese three 'highly favored apostles fingers only; then gradually mix in a roof, and consequently a sweet have It more abundantly"; and that tendant to turn the not do homage to him, and he finally I "P forgotten here was one who was able to speak cup of cold boiled milk. Toss on a emale voice, full of'dismay, waa His^flock might have this abundant ootains authority from the king, to' 810 ^ ot tne P'ot that Mordecai had t himself as "the disciple whom board with a knife; divide in two lainly heard at a South Coast water- life, the gOooT'SHepherd "giveth His have the whole race of' Jews slaiigh-1 oilea -' esus loved." See John 19: 26 and parts, roll or pat out gently until half ng-plnce on a recent sunny morning. life for the sheep." We cann alwa tered on one day. | °t >'s see God's hand 0: 2. And It was this disciple, John, "Oh, Laura," cried the voice, evlThe life which the world now posAs soon as the good man hears of i in things,. because we do not know vhom. Jesus singled out from among an inch thick. Bake on two pie tins, enlly addressing her girl chum In sesses is ^ feeble and failing force: this decree he sends -word to m?, what His purposes in connection with he others to take'His place as a son well greased. When baked make an he adjoining . bathing-box, "I have but though this life Is slipping: incision around the edge with a sharp orgotten, my shoe-horn. Have you particular event or happening t Mary. (John 19: 27.) | beautiful neice, who has become the through ou.r-bantJsr-We~~m"ay by faith wife of the king, that she must in- are and we do not understand His We flnd, therafijre, that \ki the pointed knife and split the Kikes open. ot one thai you can lend me?" "lay hold upon eternal life," and say Kemove the seeds from Malaga or sweet ways of working. But He has. as"What's the matter?" queried a with the Apostle, "The life which I tercede fpr her people. She sends stlmatlon of Jesus John wts the red grapes nnd spread a layer of the deep bass voice a few yards away, be- now live In the flesh, I live by theback word that- it is as much as her sured us that all things work to- f.oicest of the band of choice men life is worth to feiiter the king's pres-j Sether for good to those that love .'horn He had.selected as His friends (.•rapes over the cake. Over the centre fore Laura could reply. "Can't you faith of the Son of God, who loved Him and ll s ence without having been sent for ( certain that He could nd companions, and we colild not ask layer of grapes put a layer of orange get your hobble skirt dn?" -•'••' mo and gave Himself for me." Theand he had not sent for her for a not say that unless all forces .were or any stronger ^proof of'greatnoss cream and on the top layer heap Gospel which Christ sent Into the I absolutely under His control. .whipped cream and serve'"cold. The Marquess of Is n brlc-a- world Is "the word of life," and thoselong time. iian that. brnc hunter, and once, killing time in who believe and taste thai word reHer >imcle replied that it was her John' Beems to have combined In ORAl'E FILLING. Northamptonshire, he found himself ceive "the powers of an endless Hie." duty to take risk, and she said she omo degree the Intensity and agNEVER TOO OLD. • irape jelly, us well hiT grape mar- In the shop of "n silversmith with To those who receive It "It Is a savor would If he would collect the Jews gressiveness of Peter with the gentle of life unlo life," to those who reject and fast for her. She did go to the "No, I have lived for 45 years with- ffcctlonateness of Mary of Bethany: i)ialado, ,i« Ronletiines lined for the filling three balls over his. door." Having asked the prldo of every- It IB Is" "a savor of death unlo death." king, and having been favorably ' re- out being married, and I don't believe }e was certainly nn lnt?T-'o charac- nf n cake pie, though perhaps less This Is Iho message, "Thai God! ceived she invited the king and his I'll risk It now. I'm afraid I,'m too er; for Jesus called him und his popularly. An excellent recipe to bake thing In Ihc shop window and finding friend .(who was the villain) to aup- old for any woman to reform or edu rother James "RDanergeH" (KOIIS of (ill \Viix.hiiifrton pie tins is as follown: nothing of Interest, ho Inquired If halh given to us eternal life, nnd this "Ho that be.per. The king accepted thtj Invita- cate along matrimonial lines." thunder.) • , Cream one-fourth cupful of butter, nnd there was any great collector In tho life Is In His Son." llovoth on tho Son hath .everlasting It was James and John who want- jidd gradually, while heating constantly, town. tion for both, and at supper asked "Oh, don't get such a foolish Idea ns The silversmith's wife, nald there life, arid ho that bellovoth not theher what she wanted. But she had that into your head. You Just try it ed to call down fire from Hcnven to one cupful of Mi^'iir; then add two eggs Son Bhnll not ace life; hut the wrath not the courage to speak out at once, Why, your wife would have you Jump burn up n city which had refused to .well heaten. Mix and sift one and was Mr. Sable. "I'rny," continued the Marquess, of God abldclh on him." There IH no so she begged him to come, again Ing Ihrough a hoop Inside of "i receive JCBUH (Luke 9: Iji.) And it two-thinlM eiipfuls of llniir with two nnd one-half teaspoonfiils of baking- "what doo« lie collect?" other source from which wo may dethe next day and bring his /friend, hours." _^»-i>. wan .Inmes and John who nsp'.ivd to powder, mid add alternately with one"Oh," replied the woman, "poor rive llio life, we need. And, If ns of sit on the highest scats when JCHUS promising to tell him Ihen what she rntcn. Blr!" old, our Lord'- propounds to us tho should beeonie Ulng (Matt^ZO: 21.' linlf cupful of milk tii Urst mixture. wanled She came near losing all by ! A GILDED FAD. i|iieiitloii, "\Vlll ye also go away?" These two lneldent.M, while they show that day's delay. thai Jolin had not at Unit tlrne gainVICAR ni.\iu.orri-:. "Mrs, Onswell, while you were in Iho nnttwer will como an II cnmo from The villain's prldo was greatly ox"Yea, papa Is going. to buy mo a ed a very correct conception of the I'cel mid core n ilo/.en p e a r s - i f s m a l l Venice did you sou cited by tho .honor of having boon the Bridge- of Ihe lips of Peter, "Lord, to whom whall *o go? Thou hast tho wordB of true character of the work for which Dues, cut (hem i n t o q u a r t e r n , dip t h e m Sighs?" invited by the queen In company with battleship." "Good gracious! I Iteg your pardon he was being prepared, show at least i n l n llnelv, powdered sugar, w i t h a l i t t l e the king. But ns ho left tho pnluco "Oh, you, I saw what they called eternal life." Clod would have our life nioro abunthat there was no luck of aggressive- ejiirilled b u t t e r , u n t i l t h e y are tender. that, hut, -good gracious, I've Been he mot the good man .who still re- what for?" "I want to UBO KB deck for a danc ness In his character. lie would havo our Cut three slices of hread nue-tliird of bridges (on limes Us ulzo wilhoiit go- dant than It In. fused to bow down deforo him. Thin life, even In thin world, broader midr Hut our real knowledge of John's n i l inch t h i c k . Line a p l a i n round ing out of England!" stirred up tho villain's wrath, nnd ho li)K parly." deeper nnd Btronger. Ho would havecharacter comes from his writings— i n i i u l d w i t h these, f l i n t c u t t i n g out. a went homo to tell of hlu triumph, nnd IIH In Hut enjdyment of that bodily ROUGH ON ALGY. his Gospel, hlii epliitles, and the book s m a l l r o u n d fur t h e h n t t n i n , a n d also of tho Insult which ho conaldof Revelation. In his (lonpel he gives c u l t ing t h e rest i n t o |i T ij,'crH, w h i c h •Did you hear what happened at Htrcngth nnd llfo which comen from ered that ho had received. Ho wnw "Kvor notice how far apart nlxftlonca to llln IIIWH. He \voulif DM a great deal niore of the teaching 11111*1 he placcil a r n i m i l Hie mould, over- Ilugloy'H?" advised to get rid of tho annoyance havo IIH poHiieiin thai mniitnl Houmlnf .lemin t h a n any of llui other evan- I n p p l i i K each o t h e r . D i p t h e bread i n t o at once by obtaining the king's per- earn nro?" "No; what wan II?" "Yen. mid I've noticed i l i u t ho Hoonm gelist gives. In fact, we urn depen- e l l i r l l l e i l l i l l l t e r liefore p u t t i n g i t i n t o "He look down an old plntol bo had IIIIHII which tho nplrll "of powor, and mlBBlon to hang tho good man. An the king had already given him leavo to have, l i t t l e or n o t h i n g lo 111! the dent upon him to a very lurge degree t h e i i i n u h l . K i l l t h e uiiaild w i t h I h e had ahoul (tin IKIIIHO for y<Mtrn, nnd of lov«, nnd of a ununil mind" Imfor our conception of the t r u e perto kill a whole nation ho had no HPIICO lielween llinni." "ked pears, coyer t h e t u p \ v j||| bread Playfully nnapped Iho trigger nl hla^ parlH; ami He would havo IIH HO filled and thrilled with "tho powerii of the sonality of .lesns. Tin 1 other eviin- d i p p e d i l l h l l t l c r doubt about gelling permission to t h e d i s h wife, Ihlnldng II waim't loaded." world to eoiim" Hint wo nmy work KcllslM tell us much morn or tun ill ii hrixk oven "(lood himvonn!" MUCH LABOR. hantf ono man. (He did not know lu-ciid is to Hlii worliliifi that worlioth In UK mlraelns of Jenus, hut much Inns nf • l i g h t l y In-owned, "Well, it wnim't." that (his man wnn tho qiieon'u undo; of the mightily. neither did Ihe king, for the ninttor Willie- What In thii nliail I n i l n o t r y .li'tiiin l l l n i h c l f t h i i t i .Inhn Iclln A m i i i i n i l h l c a r e f u l l y over with l,cl ihoHe who Know and prize- Hut l h l » nhiiwn t h a t .Inhn rcall/.nil more of that.)' h i i g u r over a l l . Chief Jiintlee Htory ntleinleil n pub- l i f e , that In In Chrlnt glvn thanUii for So Iho kliiK'n friend had a gllown Dad ( w h o hail dliiHoclitil a iihad m I linn any of Ihn others the impivnic lic dinner ill lloHton, at which ICdwiird Hint life which Ho him already given, built thai nlKlit, nnd Iho noxl day ho | d i n n e r ) - I'lelilni; t h e honi'ii out of I n i p n r l i i n c n of Ihn Icnchlni' iir .leniin u n t i l . K W I I K A T .MUFKINH. Mverelt WIIH pr<un*lit. Defilrlng to but let them nlno pray, nnd iieelt. 'niiipurnil w i t h HIM inlrnclnM. Thai went oarly to I h u palaco to g«t louvo i unit, my nun. S i f t I n g i ' t l i e i ii i j i i a r l uf whole wheat pay a doltouto eompllinimt to tho lat- nnd IOIIK, mid labor, t h a t they may lacl In liMcIf priiven Unit .Inhn wax a to hunt: Mordccal; no thai he might llolll-, I I l e i l n p o o i l f l l l , , f a|| „„,) | ter, Ihe loarnod Judge pnipoued, IIH a mini nf very grnnl l n n l K h l , an any l c i i " | i i n i i i f i i l s of l n i k l i i | ( - p i m i l e r . II, - n l volunteer loam: "Kanui follown inerll havo llfo "more a b u n d a n t l y ; thin lluKO to tho iiueen'it banquet with tho ON ONE FOOT. tide may r|nn higher, and How deeper, irillintry clear I h l n U e r w o u l d n a l n n i l pleannnt feeling t h a t ho WIIH rid of (mil ,•!•,•» H ^ l i t , add to t h e m ( h r e i i enps where Kverett ROCH." nnd roll nlroiiKor, iintU rlvera of liv)• liavn mailn iiinm of Mm nilraelnn an t h o ' m a n he haled. The brilliant m'lmlur roHo and mI k n o w a certain oltl/.on < m i l l . . M I ' l i h l c h p o o n f u l of n i e l l c i l h u t ing water uliiilh Haw f u r l b from nacli •vhlniicnn of the pnwnr of .Iminn. Hut itomethlni; bad (incurred which Id ''a |cas|,oonfii| of „„,,„,• l l ) 1 ( | (|,,, Hpondiiil: "To whatever holKhlii JudlId, Who lout bin le|;, oKiut; .Inhn ilnen nut i;lvn mi th" Hernion p r c p a r c i l II. nil • Meal v e i y h n n l , a d d i n g dial earning ">"Y a((al» liu-thlh coun- believer, and ntremnii of bl«niilii|( iihnll noun of the uctnra In tlilu Mriuna hud And mori' t h a n iinvnn tlmeii n l n c n limn Hprlng forth In thn denurl to nmlio ill Ihn iMiillllI |inr Illn prophncy eolloxiioctod, or conld poiuilbly have forIf Ih. It will never K«'t abovo »n« llui wllddrni'Mii rnjolco nnd Khulileii too t h i n , I,,,) t r y , I've nncn him hopping until. •nnilng the' ^Inntruction of .Inruniilnm, noon. On the very nli;hl when Hah m c II Ion - n t|||, Htory," the city of our Hod, ail linlh of Iheiie hail lienn rncnrdnil 1'niir I n l i . u i c a i ( inan WIIH preparing liln gallown for Thn iipiilailHO which followed IllHtdil M i l d healed n m l l l l i And when our mortal life, which 8TANDINQ ROOM ONLY. iv Mnlihnw hcrnre John wrote bin t i l l ' . I l l l l l I m l . r i n Morilccnl, (he klni; watt uniihlo to for twenty nilnuteii. Mnldy ovi-u, In but a ilreiHn and a vapor, iihall linipi'l, *"anil thnrn wan nn object In Mcop mid (old ono of hln m i o n d i u i l n piiiiii away, then iihall lim life O f (|(,,|. I'allehcn ncn I h n K t i r o p o i l l l a t c u m - npi'iitliiK tlii'iu, llut tin itnnn record, In rend to him. The mini read inimo hi m i l l , I n ; ; a I,nil,',I Not long IIKO III" K I n K happiined lo f u l l , rich, deep and n t n i n a l , open h,.inlaid warm the of tin' recorda of t h e lilng'ii reign, «rn am belli r r o w i l n d morn a n i l m n r n in Nn nihc-i' ''Viiniti'llnl ilnen, our 1 inllK liefme addfiiK I '-/(IC and Hiere ho vliillliiK »t a country lionno near fnrn un Ill Ihn lillllhtlioiiii nf llln mm.mil n l.'HrhhiK cniicerillllK Illlnnelf. nnd ono of thciin wan mi nccount ol OVIT)' year. M i l l he I..H.I ilall|(el nf I hl< eiHert t.wrn- the. linino of ono <»f (!romwnH"ii bin- ItiK worlil, when t h e crown of llfo I'all'lcr Veil, I nuppotln l l i t n r a w h l l i n comiplrncy w h i c h Mordoeal luiT ItiK t v n l e r y . ^ lorle find lim. HlrollliiK out <»'" ''"V filial! he heiitnwnd, mid the ondlniiii illiicovoreil mid roported In HIIKI lo t h e y ' l l h a v n l o l u l l - o i l m a n l l l n n l / i i - . . A DIALECT. by hlninelf, ho met Hie VllInK" black- llfn iihall nxiimid In all Un e v n r l a n t proveiil the «xeciillon of Ihe plot c a r n l n i p n o n I h n n l c m i i e r n . I f ( l u l l In w r a p p e d well In oiled paper iiinlth r i i t i i r i i l n p from a iilionliiH ex- lilK ftillni'iiii In i h n pnrndlnn of (lod. Tho king miked w h a t roward Mor"I M c v i ' i mm MlmiK," nald thn prnelHO II " i l l ' m i l I m p a r t a M a y o r or odor t o peilllloii. DEIMNITli INFOHMATION. doeal had received mill wan told t h a t VIIIIMI; woman "I -nay, my K<»»l f'>ll«w," mild H l n i i l h e r fnnil . i l u i r n l u t h e r e f r i g e r a t o r . bo bad not been rnwnrOeil at a l l . "Yon," n-plled llln liolf n i i l l l l f l n i l Majeiity, Ki'iiliiHy. "I iliiderutnud there A (leriiiiin a n i l alrolinllr Joiillial. l.awyni Von nnld t h a t prlno or hail Then Ihn kliiK auk nil who wan wallI ' l l I, "I t i o l l c n i l an noon un I lirai'd To tthlleu win.den llnnrn mid two wini u bl»; I m t l l n ' foiiKhl tiiiiiinwhern "Dnr Hut Inmpliir," rnlali'H Him two till; lu Ihn ciiiirl to neo h i m , and wna r c f u n e d for n o m e t i m e (,,0 n p c a k lo y o u h o n l i t h a t y o u r c o i i v n r i m l l o i u i l llliolll linre!" (lilrinimii who wern rrniinliiK (bo lohl I h a l H u m a n waa I hern. Tho y o u , ( > u t h e i l a > ,n i i u n i t l l o i i . i l i l h n m o i l i ' l w a n oiiii of i h n n n h i g h b r o w liilih-'ipmiiifiiln .if paialll|i lo the hoi, "Wiill • "K" iiliimnK'i'iid l i m bliieliixiMiilinuri; f r i i n l l n r declared to th'o Kiiii|,y wali'i imcil fin fvnnhliiK it Iliior,' v i l l a i n bad conm o n r l y Hint hn inlr,hl c u t y o u w i t h m a l l r n p i o p i ' t i n n ? i'ticoi:nl/.liii( nnd , iiiiliillnr, |l>" (liintoinii (illli'luln: dlllli'i I n " It "III elcanic tint' lioiiriln and will alnn mnllli, \Vllii'-nn No, n a i l ; wif a rii/ali, Mith. I t l u l hla vciiKi'iinco on Mordncnt an Klnit, "I did h a v n ii niiinil or I w u w | l h "Wn h n v n w i t h na Iliren botllea of . l r " l l n , V a n t ' I l i n e e l n t h a t . Illliy h e l l l l l ( l l i / ( noon an piiinilliln Hut Innl t h e n Iho Mill, lh|i, iiiilinmi, but I d l i l u ' l luiiiw red wltin each. How imieli In (hero M l l f l T K N O W N tlCUI.I'TOIIB. eriicks nf I he \vnild. '' king wan trying to t h i n k hotv ho Mollln K'"id l i n k had r i i l i l . < lo blm y i i t i r Mnjniily hud hniii'd of II." In |my?" would rnwm:d Mordccal for h a v i n g I n l i i i i i l n n i ' i i I h n l d a y . a m ) l n < f i ' l l an "Wlmro in It /" iiMhnil one, Hi'/.ah'i'l and A h o l l a l i wnrn Ihn Hull rmved hln lifo. Ho he iinkcil l l a m a i i I f he w a u l e d | o n l i m o I I w l l h o l l i i ' r i i . N O I I U M O n THERE, "Wnll, liialdd IIH." "Now," mild Ihn (H'l'l nali'iiliimi, Wllllt lie I h o u K l i I wollhl hn It i i l l l l l l h l n M o , w l i . ' i i lie r i ' i i c h c i l Inn- I n i i i i i n mid nclll|ilorn nn i c i - o i d . w l l l c l l Wllll III Tim olllelal u n i v n l y loohnil at liln I t ' l l II I' llrhllli.il rill vllllt III lltllll" nnn'iiiitli'ullVi ii" ho walled In p u t 1'owiird for a i i i a n whom t h e h u i f ! i l l i i i n l i M i . i l I I Inlloii hack w i t h Hn "'I'hn practical Jokeii (lleopiilnv plliy- luieli Ihn roll" nf chlleii, "emi't yun Im'irf.lxiiili mid read; and v s o i i i l . I hen., t w o a i ' l l n t i i dovtnod wnnti'il to honor, t w o norry liorncn, he I n y o i i n l v h a u i t n i l "Wll)n In riinlin. fli.DI); In ilunltnyn' ed on Anil'''''/ proved that nbn wnn Ihlnk nf iinmi'lliliift «ltm llutl I coulil lii'iiulirul u o i k n o| nnlil and nllver. Hainan n a t u r a l l y look for j'.imilr.J l l l n d l ' l v n r V Ml bldnii, frixi, (IniilInmen," he ndilnd, mil t|iillo wit bout, a aniiiui of humor." .tlinw you, Inmlmn?" Illlll ho hlmnclf wan to i r i - n l y c tin Tin' i l l I v,ii- I n n l i e i l a t I I "gullo no, That'll why 1 t h i n k ll , i "Yen," rnplli'd lim eniiliiiiinr; "but I Innlilili; ii|i, "you can no." honor mid iiuiud'ulod a r n w a r d Hint t h e n "I I h " M i n i i ' i l l I , Hoherly linn c n r l i t l n l y lim liniintil ealmnlly lo nay' t h a i who'u iliMi'l hiillvv" you hiivo I t . " Hi' Keep a few pleceii of camphor KIIIII would c,rntlfy hla nwolllii|< prliln vni v hcuacn, anil u r l l l i ' i i n mil l i i - t I c ntory. In \f»r l i m n cloMct i It \vlll nd! In Keep nlin npplliid Ih" H«rpe>it lo horrtnjf Hho, ,"WI|iil I" I I 7 " much, And whim hn wan comiiiiiiided llecoml C r i t i c Yen, ho nimlil to in''All 1'lnhl, liifl Ihe l i n e n w h i t e , "Mnrn eiiiirlt'iiy." ' ' lo honor Moideciil In llio imiliiior w n u t Y " •luile a liainlki'ii'lllef w i t h nnrli copy. iii'uriniiroil, 'HlmiB.'" • Ml -/> SUNDAY HOUSEHOLD RECIPES IIT JUU). EOIOR SCHOOL LESSON you've soli theml Why, man alive—" But hero tho agonized sharper flung the-telephone receiver madly from him, arid groaned aloud. LEAGUE ENDEAVOR D B wo ; share—JM—IH marked," purred the The spider sat in hla web (more Mplder gently (omitting to mention usually tern.td a "bucket-shop"), f-nd that their market value had now waited with n calm, serene confidence dropped to less than 60 cents per }25 for some more tpeculatlve flies to cn- share). "So a hundred shares will be rpCHh thflr silly selves in his silky Just J2DOO worth, won't It?" "Yia, sir. And thank ye for' expremises. He was.a small, hairy, swarthy mat., Plaining It all HO clear and Btralghtp this "spider," with fat. pulsing cheeks forward. And will you please to give that almost closc.1 the silt-like eyes ii'c a lecclpt for the money, sir? which peeped and glittered between Y'see, I daren't run no rinks about It, black lashes. And he had a prosper- because I've got a vvlddered ch'ld at look about him. Evidently he 'ome near at death's door, and this id the deluding of. Ignorant .specu- money Is the godsend that's going to lators was not only a safer, but mere- keep 'er alive, poor, suffering soul!" Mr. Playfalr took the bag of money ly vulgar method of knvklhe the victim down and violently abstracting his from hor. counted the coins, and runs ' and bit ono of them to test Its valuables. Also, Mr. Playfalr (hla real name was Rook, but; "Playfalr" sound- | goodness. After which h» gravely ed better for the business) enjoyed th<* handed her a receipt, bowed her to additional advantage of being a "gen- the door and courteously motioned his tlemAn," whereas a pickpocket Is al- office-boy lo lend a hand with the haoilnetto down the stairs. •' ways, more or less, disreputable. "Blesa Mm, but 'e'a a truo-'earteQ Into the web w|lked the fly. gentleman—that's what 'e Is!" oobbea She waa .a haggard little woman, charwoman, quite overcoir*, as sbf dressed like a charwoman on Sunday, the on the first landing to cast t» and she suffered from a nervous hu- paused look at the door whlc*. mility of manner thai was highly flat- worshipping was softly closing behind the triumphtering to the spider-like sharper as he ant spider. blandly motioned hla visitor, to a chair. The old woman perched herself on II. the extreme edge, and her washed-outblue eyes peered up at him shyly. Late that night Mr. Playfalr left "You Mr. Playfalr, sir? You the his, -office In high spirits, posted the stock and share broker, like It says on ; Queensland No. 3 shares to Mrs. Hookthe name-plate down there?" She I cr, and dashed into a wlno-shop to. pointed to the street below. buy a bottle of champagne wherewith "I am Mr. Plnyfalr, .and very much ' to celebrate his splendid day's work. nt your service," responded the bro- I Ho flung J5 on the counter In payker, softly and encouragingly. ' mcnt (J5 was cheap that day), and the "Might I bring my'bassinette In 'ere. shopma-n rung It mechanically. The ' air? It's In the office out there, and , next Insthnt both men were staring I'm n bit nfearod for It." i at each other In equal surprise. "Most certainly, madam." I Tho coin was bad! She hobbled away, and returned with i "Great Scott!" gasped Mr. Playfalr, :i I'l.*.-Incite In which was pil'.d high dropping Into a chair and staring stonA t trance assortment of dlrtv "wnph- ily at the opposite wall whilst the Ir.R." Mr. PlayfnT guanled :i voilli, cold truth slowly froze his numbed ,cloned the door again, and 'n.xiihl.-'j wits. That $5, he now rememberei. paved ihe way to business. I was one of the three with which he "I've 'ad a bit-*<f- luck," o« -i*incd' had replenished his- JS-purse-Just-bethe old woman keeping a v>a -hful foro leaving the office. And they had eye <m her precious washing. "Twen- all three come from the old charwomty-five hundred dollars." an's 12500. She coloied wltt pride as-sh> ma-.« .i With .alyery pale_f_ace,_Mr<_ElayfliiiL the imiiiunecrienl. Mr. Playfatr lirti.-i- I| extracted tho other two $5 from his r.\ d-.llsht. ' purse and rung them on the table. "Twenty-five hundred dollars—yes?" Both were bod! . encouraged the broker, squeezing his He groaned aloud, and staggered haiiiln together. "A legacy—eh, Mrs.— from the shop like a man Intoxicate!. <-r—Mrs. " His puffy checks were blanched, and " 'Ookcr. No, it ain't a legacy. It's his silt-like eyes were shining wltn [i tlnd." horror. A taxi ttjok him bock to hla "A nnd?" ' * office at breakneck speed. Up the stairs "Yls. I'm the party as chnn< fot he leapt, two at each bound, banged Kmp're Chambers, fllr—'Oxto'i, fir. Into his ofllcn, opened his safe, and Tiny little garret 'as been empty there • pulled .put tho charwoman's bag of for veiirn an' years. I>ust week the cold. , landlord como to me. . 'Mrs. 'Ooker,' I He rBmg every one of the remaining says 'e, 'clean out that little dirk :ittlc. four hundred and ninety-seven coins. Literary gentleman 'as taken It for i With ono solitary exception, every one ivd-slttlnK/room. 'Ave It rorvly by was counterfeit! Tcosd'y.' " I I "A miser's hoard!" frantically walled "Pear, ,:lehr! How extremely Intor- tho ml.ierabli, tiharpcr, shaking his csllnKV bleilted Mr. Plnyfnlr. si.illlns lists lielplcHsly at tho mocking heap of worthless metal, "It was no miI'Yls. Well, as I was naylm;. up I ner's hoard that the old woman founo Kr.es (e the attic, an' first tlilni? I done In tho irarrct. It was tho abandoned w n f - i i j r rip a thick wad or wnllpiper Htoek of nomo gang of coiners! And nff tile wnll. that was 'nnfflpjr uenrlv tho one good coin In the whole lot— to the floor. Out comes 'nrf< a brick -die one I rung und bit before her eyo-t that must 'n.ve been nflckliK; to the —must have been tho one she drew piper. An' about JM rolled on the .out of her poHt-oflli-o bank to comfloor after It." jpletc tho five hundred! Good Krloff At the magic word "dollars" Mr. To think that I—I above all mon— T'layfalr'H eyes quite disappeared be- sboiill have lost good money to n hind hlH flmlle, Mrn, Hooker smiled stupid old w^omnn who couldn't have In turn, and dashed ahead again: told the, difference between a Govern"lip I Koes on a chair like u nhot, ment security and QiirejiHlnnd No. 3 puking llko mad Into thn 'oln , where tntflh!" the brick como from. And tbV'ro waft He ground his teeth at such un1249.1. I looked for thn odd IS for speakable Indignity. Then he calmed nearly an hour; but nomeono must 'avo 11 llttlo. Mole It. Anyhow, It wuttn't there. Ho "Hut I'll got thoso aharcs back,'' I pllcil up the, money in th« bunnln- hn muttered, "uven If I havo to gaol fttr, covered It lip with wanning-, an 1 thn...old ulni|leton tor trying to pans went to llio pont-offlce. It munt 'av« l)ii.l cnln on to me. ISgad, I will! At been n mlncr'n hoard that I'd found, Iliu leant, tho. wretched tilings are iilr; In fact, (bey do nay IIH a miner wnrth iihnut 'jr> cents apiece, whereas lived In Hint a t t i c yearn ni?o." thin pllo nf rutililnh In worth nothltiK "I Her," better than penal servitude for who"Well, nlr, the punl'-offlcer 'n nearly ever in foul enough to bu fuiiud In 'nil a fit when 1 nald I wanted to put linnucHntiui of It." III J'-M'j;. at a mimck, aloiii(nlde thn He w a n In I l o x t o n an hour I n t e r , $M nn'I'd been tlircn yearn p u t t l i m lu - H c a r c h l i i K d'r M r n . Honkur. He f o u n d inonlly In Iwcnly-tlve cniitn w o r l h n t i n ' hnuiie n t h i n t , w i t h t h o i l n o r , a j u r ; An.1 'e nald It WIIH too much for the u n i t , pei'plliK l u , 1m nuvv Mm old ehar|.nnt-ntnco hank to t a k e earn of Tor mn w n u i a u t i l IcitrM, w i t h an elderly Ki"1they lining u hit nei-yoiin, 1 nxpec'. t l e m a i i H l m u l l u K lit Tier n t d n . "Ir. Ho 'n lulll me I'd belter put It In "AH m y p r e c l n i m uiniii'.v K i u i e ! " t t i n n depnnlt h u n k , or buy an a n n u i t y , or o l d e l i a r t v o i u m i w a n ^ v a l U n K h e u r t Invent It In Htockn mid nharen." liroheiily. Then, an Ihn liifurlatnil "All, yen; nliarcs would c e r t a i n l y lie Ihn nafest unit nionl f i l l l l a h l n l n y i . n l l u c u l for yon, Mrn. Hooker." u i u r n i u r •'0 Mr. I ' l a y r a l r p r o r n n n l i i i i a l l y . "That'll w h a t I Ihoimhi. I ilon'l I r u n t (hcne limikn Ijiafn n l w a y n Kolnn n m a n h , A n d mi fKr I l i c n n w h a t - y o i i ciill-'ein m i n i i l l l e n w h y , I n e v e r no niiieh a n iwrn n i t w n u n I n a l l m y l l f o . Ho I d r e w out }li from Ihn pom .often, Jllllt to IlllVie u p ' Hie WOO, mid ( h e l l ! I HIIW t b i i t i i m u e - i i l a l . ' of voiirn. 'Htn.'k iiu.1 n h a r n broker,' n i i y n I , ' W h y . i f n n prnvldcllcnl T h i n In J u n l t h e I'erv place I w a n t , a m i I iiHiiht 'aye lookc.l - • « • - - « • ' ' i ' W • An hour later a weary and spiritless man tapped meekly ut Mrs. Hooker's) door In Hoxtoii. "ThOBO—er«-Queuns|aiid .shares. Mrn. Hooker," he faltered. "I've come to— to tell you that I'm extri-mely norry I rnado that mistake with rcfinrd to them. It's true they're no better than waste paper, like your friend said; und so, rather than lone my reputation for honesty, I'll give you >100 for them." "Thank ye, but I've Just promlHcd to sell them for thn round $2500 to the old gentleman that was advt.sliiK me last night," retorted the charwoman blandly. "You see, you ain't .tho only "So be sul.l 1 was a polished genone that kno'.v.i what thuse shares aru tleman, din ue i" likely to be worth In a week or two, "Well, yes; It was tho same thing, Mr. Playfalr. And aa to the mistake— I suDtjose." well, you sold me bad shares, and I "Ah! What were the exact words?" gave you bad money, so we're quits. "Ho said you were a slippery felQuits. Jlr. Playfalr!" low." COMFORT F'bR ASTHMATICS. Among all physical Ilia asthma Is perhaps tho most Irritating. It la hari to endure and terrible to observe. Its victims die a thousand deaths as far Buffering: Is concernod, and yot are denied the. dignity of having a fatal disease, for It is one of the heartless axioms of experience that tho asthmatic sufferer Is quite likely to dle^ of old igo as of his dlaeaae. It has boon aaia that asthma Is not a disease but a atato of body, and If its victims aro able to extract any comfort from the knowledge that It la nervous 1n Its origin they are entitled to that alleviation. . Any ono looking on for the first time at a well pronounced athmatlc seizure Is convinced that he Is watching a death scene, and no wonder, so terrifying ore the symptoms. The patient fights plteously for breath, sometimes crouching for hours In one position, pallid, bathed In perspiration and apparently In the final stages of suffocation; but curiously enough, with all the'dlstfess, the patient does not seem to fool any real alarm as to tho outcome. ' The attack may pass off. either rapIdly or gradually. In many cases leaving no apparent after effect except a sense of greot^fatlgue. Asthma being a disease with a nervous origin, It follows that there are as many theories about It and remedies for It -as there are sufferers from It. With some persons tho attacks are apparently a "certain outcome of eating a certain kind of food, or breathing a certain kind of air. or reaching a certain day and month of the year. Many asthmatics claim tho power of cheatIng their enemy up to a certain point by moving to some other locality when the tragic date draws near: the asthmatics living In the valleys may pass In transit their fellow sufferers who habitually live on tbe hills. Those who trace their attacks to digestive dlnturbances learn to avoid the starchy food or tho fat foods or whatever food It Is thai upsets them. Home cannot llvo near a stable; others cannot be noar a certain shrub or flower. Indeed, the apcclaltlca of tljene unfortunate people aro without n u m ber. The asthmatic, -however, has two great sourcen of comfort. Ono Is the reiiMonablu hope of reaching a good old a«o; .the other In the fact- that great help Is to he found for him In u strictly hyglenle mode, of living. The better air bo breaths, both day nnd night, tho nlmpler his diet and thn nioro wisely ordered his exorcism the fewer will bo tho number of his attacks. THE PINK MARBLE PERSONAL. Whllo tho Jnpanesn iiro rapUly IIHHlmllatlng wcHtern bUHlnoHn notlonn they have not yot entirely dlveHted ihcmHcJven of Oriental oxtriivnirmico of expression In their iidvertlHcmentH eHpcclnlly tbone of it imrmiiml naluro a.i tbn followliiK,' which nonin time IIRO appnnrcil In n Toklo lioWHpapcr, .jvlll tcHltfy: •1 mn a beautiful woinnn. My iibiindmil, uiiiliilnlliiK h u l r i-nvnlopH mn mi u cloud. Hupple UN a willow Is my waliit. floft and lirlllhini In my vlnaKi. an tbn natlii of ilownrii. I nm endowed w i t h w e a l t h niilllcleiit t o H a u n t e r Ihiniih-h lire linn,I lu hand \ v l c h my hnlovcd. \Vei-<> I in meet a Krnclniis loiil, kindly, IntelllKnnl, well educated mid of tti'ii'l tunic. I wvuld unit., m y n e l f w i t h him Tor lire, mid Inlor idim-n w l i l i Illlll (tin pleasure nr Iii'lin; laid to rent ctoriml In a Imnli of p l u k i n a r l d e " sharper ininlinl liln \vuy lutn the i-nniii: "\\'h\. t b l n In Hie v e r y m a n l'\'e been t e l l l l l K >'nli a l i o i i l , n l r ! T h i n In ' I l l l n n n n h l inn t h e Hhltrcri!" "Ynll rnHU''t" I'l'lelt llln nhlerly lilllll. cleiiehlUK llln hauiln and nteruly faeliiK PLEA8INQ 8TORY, ANYHOW. (he nhnrper "Ynu etical ami liar, In l.aliii nfT itt $"fi apt'-ce nn thin nliiiple of,1 (be popular nniit iihitt'i'M in.t w n r t h HO |.|>u|n| \Vlim Krciili Voi-llleiuloii In-llof t h a t "a woman la nlwiiyn at do ynu " "4'lieltt 1 " Kiinped Ihe inli.eral.le Ml tho bottom of It" may be found In tluv I'liiyfalr, MllihliiK lull, a ehnlr. "I'heat! dlnpaleli of lim Star recently which \Q\\V, every ilnllm- i.he |.alil me. e x c c l i l told of Ihn Wrlidil l u o t h o r n , a v l a t o r n . live, tvitll fnlMC 1 " iiendlng a check to n ludy who had lilntaiitly all Hue,. l>i' K an ii|ienlilmr allied llicin w l l h aero lilcnn Thn iilory KcntlclllillliiH, nriinlliK. a t nnce Tlii'ii "I'rnvldenc cH" rn .nil ,iT ' t h e Imlii'l nun,. Ihr i.|,|,.rlt KOCH t h a t lu nelinol w i t h the \Vrlnhl t h i l n h i n l l c i l l l y n meed Mr. I'lnyfalr liliill'n nli.iidx' \nlce. I n i y n wna a l l l l l i ' |;||'| "who wan In lieamliiR, "It ii.-eliui n .'line ,'' Hit' hllcr till," III Iliolr confidence, hicorporiilod hor 1 An y e t , llln flv wan merely ten!lim null, rinilMni; "An,I I'niinlil.'i- !!!; tin Idi'iin I n t o driiw'liir.n, drow tho platin Ihn well. T h e nplder now IICHHII \vm-li Illlllllier nf pimr fn.iln \'ntl nilinl llll\i f i i i n i w l i l c l i lim hoyit worked, mid In 111 d i l u e n t , nil'lll'd III vnlir Illll", It'll It Innnmi fin 1 l i n l f mi l i n u r ' n c n i i v e r M a t l n o pnmici) l-lclllv ilenei-yn. nlr. An In tin- liml l i f t e r yearn annhdi'd I h n m In tho aaiiin lietweeii |he t w o ; M r . I ' l i i y f a i r f e r - tniiney. |i'.< ICMII \-iin r"iy nhinit It tin wiiy, and to whom they glvo credit v e n t l y c l i i i | i i e n t , M r n , llonl«.r i l r l n k l u i ; lii'ller for much of Ihcli' iiuccerrii." When a 'I'lie niillce inluhi !,,• In, ll III bin II niinu-luinltlicd. In ilnnlil |ln> \>.ird vf a n<"n v l t 1 ) i mail doea m i y i h l l i K liood or m n o u n t a " A n d . y i m ' l l r e c l v It.i u i n n v e Iliem l-enutiillnn Illte Vniirn Ami Mrn. llnnll lo i i u y l l i l n i ' , hliiiiinlf, propnr ncnrcli Q l t e c l i H l m i , ! Nn Kllllpeil ||in el1 l» "II, "I Hie .MU-r.l Mil.' nlinllh w i l l r n v i i i l i h a t a woman wan In noum charwniiiiiii, I. • Icltiilifed In rnnlraln ,.o| \'M f,,,. i l l , M I C l.Jlieetinlmi.1 Nn w a y concni lied I I I llio i i i ' h l n v c n i n n l her |(|en. "M Ihey'll lirlnit me In n hnren '1(1(10 fur llfn','" "(Ih, n l I n n n l a t l e a n t ! " M r . I'lny.. Ni"(t iiio'"li|i. a f e l l o w h r o h e r l"le l-'nlhiT i n c v e r i ' l y l Mra. d r i l l him fair wan alumni ncornrullv dmilnlv.v lilllltin.l In Mr, I ' l l i v f u ' r J u n l hnnii and told liln yon'vn hrokt.n "Yen, I ' l l l o n k e you n v e r a h u n d r e d »'JH "I'nlil nil, I,. Ilinf. Iliirell-liiiin Nn four pnin'ii of nil'"" III Ihn crennhoiian nliaren t i . n l n h l , Men l l n n k e r , l l e n l l f . (•linruM like iii'lin leiilll'" |K. iiilvlnn l l i i o i i K l i l i h t y l i i K "I crlekni la u yoil ' hud Inli'iidcd < n keen (liem an n n i u i t l l or M r n ( I r l U ' n hoy an doiin II? t'rlviile l i i v i ' K t i n e n t nf my o w n , ynu "Mill I I -I'M I1'" "-retell,.,! |'.|u.,n Him ( w h o him rend about <|coi K n k n o w : lull voile c a n e n r l i i l e r n n l i ..niv v r n l i ' i ' d i i v ! " I I I . . a l i - i l M r I'lnv, me, I fee) | nllollld l i k e lo In'tp y n u f u l l ' . W i i n l i l i i K l o n l Yen, f a l h n r , I did It I M r n , lloolier," "(Inlil llti'iii' ( l e e whin' W h y , ni"'\, cmiiiol Mn. "l ( "h. but 'ii"- iriind f i d h I n 1 " l e i i r - III" cnl'innuy Inix-e i-enMrn(>,1 nm. ,,f ||,,, I'lilhi'i' 1 No, and vnu won't hn ahlc f l l l l y n x i - l l t l l l l c i l Hie o v e r w h e l m e d n|,| .old inlorn, ""d plrtieli u vein thnl'n lo nil o l t h e r whoa I ' v e doiin w t l b you. ' v n i i i n u , w i p i n g her l i r l u i m l i i " c v n n , I nut Hie .ylinl" eonn«r>t mi l|n ),.„„ |i'<tlnh thin nlrap! "And llii'rn W I I M m o , i i n u , n i t c f i i l l l k o , n-llll. 'I'tio i"i|n.. nf l|mt<e r'nirr- l« t l t l n l i l i i i r I h n l If I w i t n u ' t citee'til, fnlU ..,,!.,- ..n I,,. !„,,„(, „„,!• |,,,,,,,,1« Vni, • l''or nvery Ion of Ki'ld |u clrcitla would be t r v t i l K I n roti t l i e l " i | "luin)v enn'l littv tlinm tnditv, ri'||c"*i "Vnu w i l l non t h a i llio V u l u o of nich 'lio ImcU at pnr vnliio lit n. month. An.l tlou Ilinro liln llflnoil loun of nllvnr. Thu Scottish iiilnlstcr found one oC I "Horses!" said the Yankee. '"Guess his elders, a farmer, coming out of a I you can't talk to me about horses. l~ public house, and told him he must haci an oi^ maro , ,Malzypop, who once give up whisky or It would land him n c k e j our best express by a couple of 0 gravemiles oh a thirty-mile run to Chl'".."I , "Thlnk so? asked tho farmer. "I am sure of it, farmer. And what i ' T h c t ' H nothing," said the CanaIs more, If you will stop drinking, I "You know," said a "smart" young am certain it will prolong your days," dian. "1 was CM on .my farm, one day, about fifty miles from the house. man to a girl, "someone has eold 'that added the minister. "Come to think about It, I believe when a frightful storm came up. I If you would make a lasting pair' of boots, take for the sole the tongue of you are right about that, minister," turned the pony's head for home, and, sold the farmer. "I went twenty-four do you know, he raced the storm soa woman!' "Yes," replied tho Klrl; "and for the hours without a drink about six close for the last ten miles that I uppers you ought to take the cheek of months ago, and I never put In such didn't feel a drop, while my dog..only an Infernally long day In my llfo." the man who said It." ten yards behind, had to swim the "I think Thlnnle Is about as mean whole distance." A gentleman asked an old negro what religious denomination he be- a man as I ever met." Race Horse Owner—William, yon longed to. He answered: ' ( "I thought he was rather a generous "Bless you, chile, it's this way. sort of fellow. He once purchased a are too heavy. Can't you take someThere arc threo roads leading from five-cent raffle ticket oft mo, but I thing oft? here to the town—a straight road, a | believe he forgot to pay for It." Jockey—I'm wearing my lightest, "That Is Just like him. Do you know suit and haven't tasted food all day. road that goes round In a sore of circle, and a road through the woods. what he has done now?" Owner—Then, for goodnesa^s^ke, "No; what?" When I go to the town with a load *Hls wiTe'ls very 111. and he has^0 and Ket ahavc(1* of grain they don't say, 'Uncle More, what road did jrou come by?' but 'Is removed to a ht)uso near the ceme-' tery, so that If she dies the funeral "' say, mamma," said little Tommy, your wheat gooa?' " oxpensss will be as low as possible." "is It true that when you first met —• ' papa you had fallen into the water Tho superintendent of streets In a Western city recently summonedo one Sailor—Want to buy a parrot, lady'; and .Jie Jumped in and saved you?" of his subordinates, skying: Lady—Does he swear? "Quite true, my dear," replied mam••Mike, there Is a deofl doe reported Sailor—No, this, one don't, but If ma, w)th a Rm ii e in the alley between Illinois and Blank yer want to pay Jl.25 more I kin, ..Th j wonder „ that.s why papa crf»r vflr-~ streets. I want you to look after Ita get yer aei vorv very r>nr\lnA choice >i*-t(/>la article nmt wot r\n do. won>t me to learn how to disposition." I swim *^" It was about an hour later that this A young man entered a tramcar and ' r, came over the 'phone: sat down opposite two young ladles, , '• • , , . —"I have^lnqulrefl-about-the dog,-and one-of-Tvhom was very talkatlvemw |—She-had-rlaen-fleveral-tlmes-to-letflnd that he had a very savage dispo- ery few minutes she would caress her a gentleman pass out. between the sition." side-combs and say, "I washed my I acts. RUSTIC—What be you flshln' for, hair last night, and It's all over tho "I am very^jorry to disturb you. mister? place!" madam," he remarked, apologetically, FISHERMAN—Oh—er—just for recShe repeated this so often that It as be went .out for the fourth tln;e. reation. got upon the young man's nerves, and] ..Qh don.t mentlon It."--she replied. | i ' j' ' i T r A h "< « """* **™ ' * RUSTIC—WelJ, you won't catch any. ^^ESLELST ana. a, morfea I>'—^ "Excuse me, la.3lea," he stammered; oblige you. My husband keeps the There be only minnows and eels there. refreshment bar." "but I washed my feet last night, "What're ye comln' home with your and they're all over the place!" milk pall empty for." demanded tho The railway trouble In Scotland has "I say, old man, whatever's the mat- recalled farmer. "Didn't the old cow give anystories respecting the thing?" "Yes," replied his boy; "nine quarts years ago. In the emergency an ama"How did It happen?" nnd one kick." "Why, yesterday I was walking teur engine driver had been put on It was more than awkward—It was along the streol when a workman car- duty on a branch line. At one staunkind—when the schoolmaster, wish- rying a pickaxe stumbled against me, tlon he ran his train a considerable ^ Ing to Illustrate tho meaning ot the hitting me In. tho mouth and knock- ay past the platform. Stopping at nst, ho '•'backed," and went as far word "slowly," walked very deliber- Ing, out a tooth." "Oh. I say, what a shame! That aeyond at the. other end. ately across the room, and ,on asking, "How did I walk?" received the prompt was.quite a dental operation," said The old porter, who had remained reply, "Please, sir, bow-legged, air!" Dooser, who will have his llttlo Joke. oynl, eyed the proceedings with oyn"No. Tho chap sal'J It was axe-1cal amusement. "Stop whaur ye are." ,• An old man-servant, who had been dental," 10 shouted, "and we'll shift the sta"Ha, ha! Oh, that's too thin!" found by his master to bo deficient In tion for ye." "No, It was tooth out!" Ills accounts, blamed tho butchnr for tampering with bin book. The genThe performing brown bear bad tleman of the house remonstrated by The late Sir W. 8. Gilbert wan talkescaped from the -menagerie, and he K to a friend about the stage.. "There saying: roamod eagerly nround tho country"But, Tom, figures don't lie." were two actresses In nn early play "No," answered- tho old man, "but Hldo In search of proy. Suddenly he, of mino." ho said, "bolh very beautlcHnlcd a sweet mnlden Mnndlns beside llora often flgEcr." 11 Stree, waiting for her sweetheart. 'ul; but the lending actress was thin. I..ITTMS WIL.LTE—Say, pa, doesn't Stealthily creeping up behind her, tho She quarreled ono day at rehearsal If get colder when the thermometer bear Bolzodlhcr In his tremendous wllh Iho olher lady, and she ended paws and nrrHsed her to him In n Ihe quarrel by saying haughUly: fallH? mighty hug. Fo Ivo mlnute.i ho held " 'Remember, please, that I nm tho PA—Yon, mv son. I..ITTI..K WILLIE—Woll. ourn baa her thim, and was Just about to drop stnr,' what bo thought was her lifeless body fallen. " 'Yea, I Jknow you're tho star,' Iho to tho ground when he beard her murPA—How far' olhor relorlcd, eyeing with an amused ' LJTTI..K WlTIjKIB—About five feet; mur:— "I don't thlali you are qulto BO smile tho leading actress' long, slim and whrn It struck tho hall floor It Htrong an you iisnd to bo, Hurry." figure; 'hut you'd look bettor, my broke. , That night a nilHcrablo bear cropt dear, If you worn a lltlle meteor.'" i An Intoxicated younff man, very back Into hln cage. The modern Klrl Diner—How cornea this dead fly in much battered about, wnnt Into an lin.1 broken hja spirit. hotel about mldnlKlU and nuked tbn my HOUP? It wan al a local crlckcl-mateli, ana clerk for Hnom 23. Wnitor—In fact, air, I havo no posi"Oali't Rlvo yon Hint one," roplle.1 lu the, Interval between ono lintHiiian'n t i v e Idea how thn poor thing camo by dlnnilHHiil mid iinothnr'n arrival at thn lh« clerk; It'n taken." |!H death. Perhaps it had not taken "Who'd Rot It?" anUnd the Intoxl- \vlcliet tho vIllaK" plumlior, who bad any food for a long tlmo, dashad upon been ptllMK up u Rood ncoro, left tbn cjitod ono, croane ami amhlcil to tint pavilion for tint Boup, ate, loo much of ll and con"A niftn limned Joiuvi." u drink. (In naiititertnpr back to the I ranted an Inflammation of tho stom"What JoiiPHT" wlckei he piiHHeil the vicar. ach thai brought on doalh. ' Tho fly "Mr. A. II. Jonon linn Itoom 21." "John," nakl t lio latter, "you could in nut havo had a weak coiiHtllutlon, "Thnl'n all right." ho nnld. "Tliiil'H have done without (fiat, you know, for when I nerved up tho Houp It me. I fell mil t h ' window." I ,nok at Ihat nil-earn" pointing to w h e r e t h e hrnok croHMfd thn men, low-- wan dnncliiK merrily on tho tturfaco. "I'm afraid ymir w i f e w i l l lone her "you "orlmpH—and tho Idea preiiontH Itself nhould he llko - " voice." "Yen, nlr," h i t r r r u p t c d John, hmittly, nly at thin moment— It midoavored T w l n l i I r n u l d rduicn y n u r f e a r n . "vou'ro rlKht. I'm Junt llkn Hint to invallow too largo a plooo of vegndnctiir." h l i - e i t i n ; I can't rim when I'm dry," l i i h l t t ; HilH, . romtilnlng fatit lu' ' t h o tliruat, riniHfid u choking In tho wind" Y n u r rof'Tclieen are p e r f e c t l y Mill • "I t o l l ynu you c a n ' t beat my w l f o pipe. Thin IH tho only ronnon 1 run I n f n e l o r y , " olinorveil u i i i n r c t i m i t . " V n u vn for Iho death of that poor Inaro f r n m tho c o u n t r y , I nco, Can ynu f n r pri...|eore of llllnd," niltd tbo Illlltl n l llio d u l l , t u m i d l y . " I J n t o i i t o ttiln. write >liorlhnn.l?" ".Yen, nlr," inmworrd m e e k l y all ap- I 'HO day h i n t week mi old Konnlp of ..Illl i c l K l i h n r l l i i i n l culli-il, and I led p l i c a n t f i n ll c l r r k n l l l p . "You u i K l e r n l a i i d doiildo entry mid her an. I wllle uloiin In tbo parlor. " A n h o u r I n t e r , | I I I V | O K llio I m p r o n • • n i l cnlTiinpnud In li'roneli mid ( l o r o i i t n , I liidli^.i?" l n i | i i l r o d tho uicr- n l n n t h a i n n r c n l l n r bad d e p i i r t c d , I lintlliced I n t o ' I h o room w i t h , 'Ho t h o cbmit. ' idd cm hn.-i K I . I I C . .Ih?' W e l l , ait I "Yen. nil" " ' . ' H u m p h ! Do you n l l l i i k o nr d l - l u l t ? " l i f t e d I l l y ryi'tl, t i l e r . " w n n t h e w n t l l a n l l e r n o l r III f l n l l t of nit'. H u t mv w i l e "Nn. nlr," wlin llio roMpnlitin; "tint I I l l r n n h e r Wllll l l l i ' l n \ \ l t h I h o Knodn. d a r e nay 1 could v . - r y rmnn learn, If -" ' Y e n , dear,' idle n n l d , c a l m l y , 'I rienl v i m w a u l m o In." I I I n I h e c u l t ' l i n l n o I I I a l i a n k c t Unit HilliK Ihln iiMHIllnn ' " N o r v n i i f t P a r t y The t r a i n nocimi t o h e I r n v c l l i i K n l n f e l t r f n l p a c n , nm'nm. • \ r t i ' i nil." n n l i l 111" C i i i i l t t i i l l i-i'fi'i-i.f Hldorly PVnmle Y u n . ain't H ? M y I t i l l i l M f i r iifi I l i u p i i l l r r i ' M i M M - | t < i l t i h n U I H ' n a d r l v l i i ' nf tho ' l o i i l n , u n ' bo I l l l n i n l h v a v c t n l ' i i i i , " I ' v e iml i l u i l n can m a k e her K'> w - h o i i lic'n u .Irop o' f i l i u i l l v I t ' f l t r i m i l i i ' v ' V K toi-n i i i > n r d r i n k In litltl ' l \ n i l i n > ' e l n t h i ' t i un* n n i l I I I I ' M I of mv Tho illniirr wnn nvor, mi<l th« li\nt n i m i I n l e n v n ttio rloitk -room nnw I ' i t t , t h o c i i n l n d l n i i n f I h o cimtn, l o n k l l l K yi'l'y l l l l n r r n t l l o . "Well. I ' n t , " lio nnld, "wlin.Cn Iho i n n l l o i T l l n v n n ' t tboy pnld yifn v r r y woll f u r InnkliiK « f t i M tlio I h l i i R n T " "Hiiro, nor," ropllod tho dojoclod ono, ' I I t n n ' t lluxt t h o y I t n v o n ' t pnld m o , lint h e m u r n , t b o y ' v o l i t k o i i I h n boU I put III llio p l a i n nn it t e e n y ' " .loiikliui 1 Ukotl tlio flat wo w«ro In a w f u l l y well, hul wo nlmply had lo luivo nioro room, Iliiuklmi ,AIi! Kumlly gotllng lurm-r'' ,l«iikliiH No; only my wlfo'tt ImlB. Tin. Mlnlitlnr'n Daughter- I'm glad lo f i n d y o u ' v e turned ovor a now loaf, MiiKKl'-it, mid don't wimto your moiloy ' l i t t be pnhlln houtio. MiiKKlei' Yen, mliin, | bavo It In by l i m bivrri'l now, nnd thai do oonio elloiipor. M m llayo Hho In nlmply mad on (be nubjoct of Hermit, mid ittorlllxna nr illtorn <werythlng In tbo hmmp. I " M o w donn idle got along with hor On n day tvhfli u rlno In th(. prlco f a m i l y ? " of bread tooli I'ffeet In London a ||| i "()b. o v n n hor riiliiHoiin an> Htralnt i n Klrl oi'tereil u liitknr'n nhop ami, plncliiH throo ronia on tbo rountor, linked for it liuif i "\V<>t'n titicomit df old tlaini'ny HllkT "Anotlior rent, my dnar, plcano," 1 ain't neon Mm nliuiit for qulto u long nald Iho baknr ! tlm.v" "Han It rnni>, l i m n ? " miked ( t i n Ill"Wol! Ain't you 'onrd? A two tort t i n Klrl liloclt of alone, fell ou hlu nhont mid "Yon, my iWr: broad wont up ||i|n . U l l l f t l 'Im." nioriiliiK," nnld Iho linker ' "All! I u l w n y n until hn'i\ ' n vo to bo " W o l l , ( h e l l , n l v o mo ono u( y e i t l o r - worry cnrotul with that Vyoult diiy'rt," w a n tho r e p l y . of liln'n." hull " I f I w n n I l i l i i I l k r I h n l . " rcmixilied Ih* lelr|;vnpli liny, HivlnK u f l r r llio rolrrnt 111); ll|(iiro nf a n l l m l u n n h o r , "I wniildn'l pay on 'lain f m n n i I'd f{rl In i\ dritu^hi mid blow down tho ntrcot," I'l'Ct. "III Illlll nil IniilMi-M llrlu'l " Illlll ||, i t I'll! I've p etty Kill "'V I ii'liirll r" - 'IT I . \\\ il \'>