Edition Internship


Edition Internship
2015, September. Edition 21
During the summer holiday I did my internship At Eneco Wind BV.
I’ve chosen to do my internship at Eneco because with Eneco I had
the opportunity to interview at two locations. (UK and Holland) In my
opinion it is very interesting to see the differences between two
countries even though it’s an international business.
The first part of my internship would be in the Netherlands, my job
here was to interview a few international employees and doing some
administrational work. The office was in Rotterdam, it was very big
and it could fit around 2200 employees in there. I was shown around
the call centre and other office floors.
The second part of my internship would be in the UK, in Warwick. I
went there by plane and stayed in a hotel. The office in the UK was
very small, there worked around 20 employees there. My job was to interview employees, I interviewed around 8
people there. I also had some administrational tasks to do and in my free time I worked on my report.
I really liked doing my internship. my English and social skills have improved a lot, and I’ve met a lot of fun people.
Roos den Toom
Edition Internship
• for students from students
• for students from TTOgroup
• for parents
• for teachers
I have been to England for my TTO internship to go to a Summer School called St. John’s located in Sidmouth. It was a great
experience because it’s something you don’t do everyday and because it was very expensive, I won’t be going there again I’m
affraid. I was quite nervous at the start because I was there all by my self but I thaught there would be more children in the
same situation as I was. However, most people came with their whole class from other countries. I’ve met groups from The
Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Spain and Russia so most people were talking Spanish.
I had two problems: I knew nobody and a lot of people
talked Spanish of which no word made sense to me at
all. At the beginning it was therefor quite lonely but the
next day after my arrival I had to find some friends so I
started socializing with a couple of guys from Costa Rica
and Russia. It was a great way to break the ice which
helped to have conversations with those people who I
soon started to call friends. I still have contact with them
so that’s a big advantage. The Summer School offered
me a course in the mornings and activities in the
afternoon. The lessons were quite allright and the
activities were a lot of fun because we did many things
such as: playing football, going into town, playing other
sports, laser gaming, music etc.
All in all it was a great experience and I definitely recommend it to everybody else because you don’t need to be perfect at
English. I was one of the best and I’m not perfect at all so everybody should be fine however I do recommend you to go with at
least 1 more person you know because otherwise it’s difficult to make friends, at least, that’s my experience.
Mark van Zuuren
Naar de Verenigde Staten op stage?
Als je op stage gaat naar de Verenigde Staten dan moet je een ESTA-reistoestemming
aanvragen. Doe dit minimaal 14 dagen voor je vertrekt. De ESTA-reistoestemming vervangt
het groene I-94-formulier dat u voorheen aan boord van uw vlucht naar de Verenigde Staten
moest invullen. Het aanvragen van een ESTA-reistoestemming kost USD 14, ongeveer EUR
10,50. U hoeft dit bedrag alleen voor uw ESTA-aanvraag te betalen als u een nieuw paspoort
heeft, of als uw vorige ESTA-reistoestemming verlopen is.
Ga naar www.esta.cbp.dhs.gov
Last summer break I went to Spring Hill, Florida for my
internship. I chose to go to Florida because I have relatives
that live there. Since they also grew up in the US and barely
speak Dutch at all, I figured it would be smart to stay with
them during my internship because I would be able to
practice my English after work as well.
After receiving a confirmation from them that I could stay there,
I started searching for a suitable organisation to work at and
finally ended up at the local YMCA. The YMCA is an organisation
with multiple locations throughout the US. It was initially
founded as a place where people from the community could
come together for leisure but later became more like a sports
The relatives I stayed with were my Uncle Emanuel, Aunt
Shamain and their son Jason. My uncle used to be a crew
member on a containership from New York but moved to Florida with his wife and son after he retired. My aunt is still
working at a government office. Jason used to live on his own in Tampa but has decided to do a career switch and has
moved back in with my uncle and aunt to attend the police academy, which was near their house.
I expected to be able to practice a lot of everyday English on my internship, because of the fact that I was staying at a
house were everyone was talking English and working at an organisation were interaction with people was one of my
most important tasks. This would also mean that I would most certainly get to learn a lot about the norms and values
in the community. I figured that my experience with the visitors of the YMCA would also be a very good
representation for the rest of the community since there was a huge variety in ages, social classes and races coming
in, and I was able to have interesting conversations with all of them. I was very happy to find that all of my
expectations came true and I learned a lot about the American culture and language. The most shocking discovery for
me personally was the fact that most Americans did not know anything about countries outside the US, for instance
nobody I spoke to seemed to know that the national language of Holland was called "Dutch".
I already mentioned that I have been working at a YMCA facility in Florida. This facility was basically just a big sports
centre. People could visit a special gym or pool area or participate in one of the workshops that were regularly given.
My task was to welcome guests and register their names from behind a reception counter. This task was pretty easy
so I usually also handed out coffee to the members and talked with them if they had to wait in the hallway. These
small conversations were very interesting of course because I would get to know more about everyday life and culture
in Florida, while at the same time I would also tell them something about Europe and Holland.
My trip to Florida has taught me a lot about American culture and forming a clearer view on everyday life in the US. I
think I have had a very representative experience because I have encountered a huge variety of Americans during my
internship. Even though I only was there for about two weeks I still managed to encounter rich and poor, young and
old and black and white people.
I think you can say that the ymca has a certain degree of social influence in the area. There are a lot of people that
visit the ymca, some fitter than others, and I think that if there would not be a ymca over there, the average weight
would be much higher. The influence of the ymca is mainly caused by its role in the community. People from the area
tend to experience a visit to the ymca as an entertaining, social way to spend their time. Apart from being a sports
centre, the ymca is also a place where people meet and interact with each other. This makes it more attractive for
people to visit the facility and while being there also do some exercises. This has a lot to do with the origins of the
organisation because the ymca was of course founded on the vision of bringing people together and strengthening
social bonds.
Sebastian van Berkum
This summer holiday I have been to the United Kingdom to do my internship in Southampton. It has been a wonderful
time in which I have experienced, learned and done a lot.
The ability to stay at my cousin’s house was great. My cousin Roelie is living in England now for about seven years of
which four in Exeter and thus already three years in Southampton. For this reason, we did not really know each other
that well so we were both really excited to see and get on with each other for those two weeks.
The first weekend we went to see the centre of the city and
did some shopping. We decided to not plan too much for
the first two days. After all we had to save some energy for
the work at the university of course. Monday was my first
workday. The office of Roelie was located at the third floor
of the Psychology department of the University of
Southampton. Pretty nice to know now how this quite
popular university looks like!
The two weeks of my internship have made that I now know
the ins and outs of how a survey at a university is being set
up and realized. My job was to help Roelie with her survey by doing the data entry, but also to do some administrative
tasks such as filing, copying and printing. Together with some other people she is working on a study that tests the
efficiency of a new type of treatment for depressed patients, especially for those with chronic depression that is hard to
treat. They are working on it for a year now and have already recruited many patients.
Although the work I had to do was not that challenging, it was still very interesting to do and meeting colleagues of
Roelie was pretty nice. During lunchtime we often went to the ‘Secret Garden’, which is a little park next to the building,
and ate with several colleagues who either came from England, Germany or Indonesia. It was very nice to converse with
Reflectieverslag na je stage
Van je stage maak je een reflectieverslag. Daarin beschrijf je je ervaringen met betrekking tot je leervraag.
What should be in your report?
Start with an introduction in which you explain why you
chose this traineeship, and you thank the people you
worked with.
Introduce the reader to the company you stayed with
(what kind of company)
Write down what you had expected from your
traineeship and mention whether these expectations
came true. Adequately asses your researchquestion.
Describe what you did and how successful you were in
your work. Provide evidence of your work if possible. Say
what you learned about the company and the type of
work you did.
Say to what extent you have benefited from the
Take notice of:
This report will also be forwarded to the people you
worked with.
The report must be in English. It must be between two
and four pages long.
Your report must be handed in six weeks at the latest
after having ended your traineeship and should be
assessed as sufficient. In case the assessment is
insufficient the school may provide you with an
alternative or complimentary assignment. This will
happen after consultation between your mentor, the
team leader and the coordinator TTO upper school.
Besides the internship at the university it was great to see more of the English landscape and the English culture. The
second weekend we went to the New Forest, which is a lovely national park, and we went to the coast and to the old
town of Winchester. Driving on the left when cycling was for example something I had to get used to and also the hills
made it quite challenging to get from one place to another, but it was great to do!
All in all, I would love to go there once again. I am sure I will never forget this internship with all the experiences and
memories. I want to thank everyone who made it possible for me to go there and hopefully I get another chance to see
more of the beautiful England!
Anne-Wil Hempel
Helsinki - Finland
This summer I have been to Helsinki, the capital of
Finland, to do my international traineeship. Why
Finland, you ask? Well, Since childhood I have always
wanted to go to Finland at least once more in my life. I
have been there once before, but I was only one year
old at that time, and I can’t remember anything about
it of course, but the things that I have been told about
made me want to go to Finland again, and this
traineeship was a great opportunity to do this.
I went to a company named Skywheel Helsinki Oy,
which is an touristic attraction in one of the harbours
of Helsinki. The attraction is a forty metres high Ferris
wheel from which you overlook the harbour. I did
various tasks during my work there; I started my first working day with selling tickets, but I also helped customers enter
and exit the cabins and scanned their tickets. However, the task I did most was selling ice cream, which was a pretty
difficult job in the beginning, because I didn’t (and I still don’t, except for counting till four) know any Finnish words, so
also not the Finnish words for all the different flavours of ice cream. But at the end I got used to asking customers if
they could maybe speak English.
During my visit to Helsinki, I stayed at a hostel about ten minutes walking from the Skywheel. It was a typical hostel
where people would stay only for a few days and then continue their journey, because of this I met a lot of people from
all over the world
I did like my traineeship very much, although I had to work long days, a few days even eleven hours a day. In contrary to
this, I had two days off per week, so I only worked five days. On my free days, I did everything that everybody does if
they are abroad; sightseeing and relaxing. It was a pity that I went to Finland in July this year, because according to the
people I met in Finland, this was the worst summer they could remember.
Despite these long working hours and some rainy days, I did enjoy my stay in Finland very much, and I did gain a lot of
experience in working at a touristic company. I am considering going there again next year, but then as summer job.
Tom van der Linden
It was the 20th of July. Super enthusiastic and a little nervous was I, Nikki Batenburg, standing in Schiphol, ready to
catch my flight. After weeks of preparations such as getting a visa, packing my suitcase and gathering as much
information as needed. My adventure was about to happen. My plane was ready for take-off at 9 am. My destination?
Honolulu Airport, Hawaii.
My internship has been a little different than other internships from bilingual students at our school. Instead of working
for a company, I was allowed to take part in an international youth exchange. This exchange was organized by an
international organisation called Lions Club. Every year, they organize youth exchange programs throughout the world.
Their aim is to let youth come into contact with other cultures. I got into contact with this organisation because my dad
is a member of the Lions Club Hoeksche Waard. As preparation I had to write a letter to my host family, in order for
them to see if I was suitable for them and the project. After this process I had to choose the destination I wanted to go
to... Of course I chose Hawaii!
After a tiring journey which lasted for more than 22 hours, I finally arrived at Honolulu Airport. My internship in Hawaii
was divided into two parts, which lead to me staying in a host family for the first 4 days. My host mom picked me up at
the airport, along with a girl from Hungary who also stayed at their house. During my time at the host family I got to see
the most beautiful places of Oahu. My host family taught us a lot about the Hawaiian nature, politics and business. I had
a great time staying at their beautiful house in Manoa Valley, but after 4 days of nature, politics, culture and fun, the
Hungarian girl and I had to leave our host family in order to go to the Lions Youth Camp.
26 campers from 18 different countries came together at
Oahu, Hawaii, for the Lions International Youth Camp. Youth
from for example Mexico, Israel, Sweden, Norway, Poland,
Canada, United Kingdom along with many other countries!
We stayed for 2 days at a camp down in Puu Kahea where
we did some team building games to get to know each
other. The other 14 days we stayed at Kokokahi. For those
who thought that my internship eventually turned out to be
a holiday: it didn’t. We had a schedule for each day which
included waking up at 6:30. We had breakfast together, and
discussed what we were going to do during the day. The
program was mostly divided in an activity after breakfast,
lunch, another activity, before dinner and after dinner back
to the camp house where we would practice some typical Hawaiian dances followed by our ethnic presentations. A
good thing to know is that our lunch and dinner where mostly sponsored by one of the local Lions Clubs, which meant
that we had the opportunity to learn more about the Hawaiian culture by talking to these local people.
We did a lot of daytime activities mainly volunteering including painting a school, cleaning up a graveyard and making
table decorations for a children’s hospital. Which was actually really nice work as we could make the locals very happy
with our help. Furthermore we visited different cultural centers, such as Polynesian Japanese and Chinese. We’ve had a
tour around an university, and have met Uncle Bobby, who blesses people and is seen as the most important healer of
Oahu. The Lions club also arranged a meeting with the governor of Hawaii, which was of course an honor. We didn’t
have a lot of free time, but if we had we mostly went to Waikiki beach to surf, tan and have fun with the whole group.
We’ve seen a few different beaches with breathtaking beauty, were we could swim and rest for a few hours.
The evenings were very special. Every evening, one of the youth campers had to give their ethnic presentation. This is a
presentation where you tell as much as you can about your own country. Together with my Dutch travelling partner
Max, we gave a funny but good presentation about the Netherlands. Due to all those ethnic presentations, I learned a
lot about the other countries and their respective cultures.
After the ethnic presentations, we had dance lessons. They taught us how to dance the Hula, which is an ancient
Hawaiian dance. We were also taught some Hawaiian songs, in the original Hawaiian language. After this we had some
free time to play games or just sit together to have some fun and talk.
After those amazing two and a half weeks at the camp, we had a ‘farewelldinner’ for all the Lions clubs who sponsored us and all the different host
families. I was chosen to be the host of the evening, together with the boy from
Norway. Together with the group we danced the Hula and some other dances,
and we sang different songs. When we headed back to the camp, where we
started realizing that it would be the last night being together. We stayed up all
night to say goodbye to the first group, which left at 4am. It was really hard to
say goodbye, because we built a very strong friendship in just a short amount of
I think that this internship to Hawaii was life changing. Not only did I learn a lot
about the different cultures on Hawaii, but also about the Hawaiian culture. The youth from different countries did not
only teach me what other cultures are like, but also that it can take a very short amount of time to built such strong
friendships. Because of the fact that everyone was from different countries, we spoke English ‘24/7’, which definitely
improved my English. I still have daily contact with all the youth campers, and I can surely say that I made friends from
all around the world. As they say in Hawaii, our group from the youth camp turned into one big Ohana. Ohana means
family, and family means that nobody gets left behind or forgotten!
Nikki Batenburg
In the week of Monday the 6th of July until Friday the 10th of July I went to The International School Of Breda for my
internship. This international school is very new, it was build in 2012 and I was the first one to visit it for an internship.
During this week I was sleeping home and I went by bus and train to the school every morning.
Talking about the journey, it wasn’t a success. Due to special time schedules for the busses in Breda and road works, it
was quite hard to get to the school. All together it took me about 1,5 hour. The school started at 8:45 AM.
My first day at the school went very well. I met the teacher, Louise Hudson, and she was very kind and helpful. There
were about 12 kids in the classroom. The children we’re very enthusiastic and excited and that gave a real energy boost
but at the same time, that was very tiring. My tasks were mainly to set up games, reading to the kids and taking care of
them when the teacher wasn’t in the classroom. In a very short time the children really liked me and asked me every
day to play with them outside.
The teacher also asked me to come up with an art assignment that we
could do in class. I made them decorate a butterfly with color pencils,
glitters and pompoms. With this exercise they had to think about the
symmetry of the butterfly; when there is a red spot on the right wing,
there has to be a red spot on the same place on the left wing. They
really enjoyed this assignment and were proud of the result. There were
really some big differences with our regular primary schools. Namely the
fact that each teacher had their specific subject. When they had to go,
for example, learning to calculate, they had to go to a different
classroom. The same happened for the Dutch lessons. They had to go to
a different classroom when learning the Dutch language. Also the
children were at school all day instead of in the Netherlands, where they can go home to eat a sandwich and then go
back to school again.
Also in behaving I found some differences. Due to all the different nationalities in the school, the children were more
accepting and open than regular pupils. Also it was really great to see for myself how the world without racism and
judgment could still exist in the lives of those children. The teachers were international as well. My teacher came from
England and there was also a teacher from Greece, and other European countries.This internship has definitely gave me
some great working experience. I do know now that this is not what I want to do the rest of my life, but it was fun for a
week. I also realized therefore that being a teacher is a lot more work than some people might think. In contrast to
some other jobs, the workplace is very tiring and there is a lot of work to do after the children go home. This is also the
experience the teachers told me. You do get a lot of happy faces and joy in return and that’s what makes this job worth
Maudy Sluimer
Do’s and Don’ts
Begin op tijd met het zoeken naar
een stage!
Praat veel met familie, kennissen
en vrienden over je stage. De
ervaring leert dat er iemand
binnen je kennissenkring wel
weer iemand kent die wellicht
belangrijk voor het vinden van
een stage adres kan zijn.
Aandachtspunten tijdens de reis
Tijdens de stage kom je in
contact met bedrijven en
instellingen. Wees je er van
bewust dat je op dat moment
het visitekaartje van de school
bent. School en leerlingen
hebben alle belang bij een
positief beeld naar buiten toe in
Gedraag je op het vliegveld en
bij de douane. Sinds de
aanslagen van 11 september
2001 zijn de veiligheidsmaatregelingen verscherpt en
verzwaard. Het zou zeer
vervelend zijn als jouw gevoel
voor humor jou en je
medereizigers in vervelende
situaties zou brengen.
Vaak hebben personen die
connecties met een bepaald
bedrijf hebben, een stageplaats
voor je gezocht. Ook naar deze
personen toe, heb je een zekere
verantwoordelijkheid. Zij blijven
in de toekomst zaken doen met
deze bedrijven.
Let altijd goed op je bagage als
je reist, verlies het niet uit het
Vanzelfsprekend drink je geen
alcohol en rook je niet.
Vergeet je paspoort en je
verzekeringspapieren niet!
Belangrijke data
voor inleveren
Maak een kopie van je
paspoort en
verzekeringspapieren en
noteer pasnummers
(handig bij verlies).
Zorg dat je belangrijke
telefoonnummers altijd bij
de hand hebt.
Verder is het belangrijk dat
het paspoort (of ID) nog
geldig is!
Aandachtspunten tijdens het
Pas je aan bij de regels die
binnen het stagebedrijf gelden
en maak goede afspraken over
bijvoorbeeld werktijden en
Probeer van tevoren aan de
weet te komen wat er van je
verwacht wordt met betrekking
tot de kleding die je draagt.
Let op je taalgebruik. De directe
manier waarop in Nederland
vaak dingen gezegd worden,
wordt in het buitenland niet
altijd gewaardeerd.
buitenlanders als grof wordt
Breng nooit vertrouwelijke
informatie naar buiten van het
bedrijf waar je stage loopt.
Stel je positief op en bedenk dat
zelfverzekerdheid een goede
eigenschap is; eigenwijsheid
Je stageplan dient uiterlijk 6 weken voordat de vakantie begint, waarin je stage wilt gaan
lopen, ingeleverd te zijn bij het stagebureau. Je mag het natuurlijk ook veel eerder inleveren!
Raadpleeg voor de vakanties van dit schooljaar onderstaande vakantietabel
Eerste dag
Laatste dag
Zaterdag 17-10-2015
Zondag 25-10-2015
Zaterdag 19-12-2015
Zondag 03-01-2016
Zaterdag 20-02-2016
Zondag 28-02-2016
Zaterdag 23-04-2016
Zondag 08-05-2016
Zaterdag 9 juli 2016
Zondag 21 augustus 2016
I am Kjeld Kemperman and I am currently in VWO TTO year 5. This year, an internship is obligatory and so I tried to plan
one. My parents had some contacts in various countries and the one they trusted the most, and who was the most
enthusiastic, was located in China. The person in question was someone who worked at the same company as my
mother and he lived there because of his work. He searched for chances for me to work somewhere and found a place
at a company led by a friend of his.
After a lot of emailing it was finally made clear that I was welcome to work at their company. Because of the strict laws I
am not allowed to name the company but I can tell that they produced parts for BMW cars like the radiators. When this
was arranged, I had to go through a list with everything what had to be done before I was allowed to enter China. These
things include: A visa (which was particularly hard to get), various injections so I would not get sick and several cards
which had to be filled in with personal data.
When I finally finished all the precautions before going to China (thanks to my parents and school), I was finally ready to
go to China. When I arrived I was picked up by the person who also took care of my internship spot, this was also the
person where I was staying for the 2 weeks. After an introduction to China, I was shown my working place for the
following 2 weeks. My task was to translate orders and safety regulations from German to English. This was because the
company was originally from Germany, but the people working over there in China couldn’t speak or understand
The weeks that I worked were very different from my normal schedule so it is
really strange at first, but after two to three days you will adapt to this. In the
week days, it was a normal working schedule but in the weekends the host family
where I was staying at and I set out to visit special places in China around the
area. I have been to an old Chinese town, a temple and much more.
After all, it was an experience to never forget, the country and also the culture. It
was a strange feeling when I had to go back, because although I had only been
there for two weeks, it felt like I had been there for several months. This was
because of all the new experiences, even though it was only the tip of the
iceberg. The work was eventually a bit boring but even though it was, it was still a
good experience because I had the opportunity to see how Chinese people
behave. Also it was a good opportunity to get some working experience, as well
as better my German/English.
If you have to go on an internship too, I have a few tips. First of all, try to find a
suitable country with a good place to stay. If this is available, then you can look for
a place to work. Second, really plan everything before you are too late. It is better
to finish early than to stress because you don’t think you will make it. Thirdly and last, pick the right time to go. When
the weeks you are going away are full of exams, you will have to catch up to that when you return. This will take a lot of
Kjeld Kemperman
My internship – England 2015
In the summer holiday, I went to England for my international internship. It was quite hard to find a place where I could
do my internship, so my father contacted an old friend of him. This is the place where I did my internship. I went there
for a week.
However my internship was quite different from the ones of most students,
this is because I didn’t just get to see one company/clinic, but I got to see three
of them. The first one was an osteopathy practice owned by a friend of my
host, it was interesting to see how she worked and what the patients thought
about their treatment.
The second company I visited was a rehabilitation centre for elderly people
who had been in an accident or just had a surgery like a hip replacement. The
company was a private clinic so the facilities were great. For example they had
a pool in which there were all kinds of equipment to let the patients recover
more quickly.
The third company I got to see was a private clinic aswell. It was a
physiotherapy clinic, the woman I got to work with was specialised in the
pelvis. This was interesting because I am considering to become a
physiotherapist myself.
It was a very nice experience because of all the people I got to meet, and the family I got to stay with was very kind and
welcoming. However I didn’t get to actually ‘work’ myself, this was because you need to have a diploma before you can
work with a patient, so I only got to watch. I really enjoyed my stay though.
Charlotte Doude van Troostwijk
New Zealand!!!
Past summer holiday I went to New Zealand for my internship as i have got family over there. I had wanted to go there
and visit my uncle and cousin since I was a little girl and say my internship as a chance to go. Before I went I was, of
course, quite nervous, being alone for more than 26 hours, flying to the other side of the world and transferring to
another plane in Malaysia was quite scary. Luckily my transfer on Malaysia wasn’t that long, I was only there for an hour
so that wasn’t that bad. When I finally arrived in Auckland and passed the enormous amount of custom checks (New
Zealand is really strict with foreigners so everything had to be checked multiple times) my uncle and cousin were
already waiting to pick me up. It was already very late when we arrived home so I could go straight to sleep.
I started my internship a few days after I arrived, my uncle Harald has his own driving school
called A1 Driving School in New Zealand so I could do my internship at his company.
Harald’s driving school is quite different from Dutch driving schools. When you want to start
having driving lessons here you have a lot of choice between different driving schools, you
ask people who already have or had driving lessons and you search around the internet.
When a Kiwi (New-Zealand people are called Kiwis) wants to start driving lessons the
choices are quite different because almost all driving schools work together to divide the
work. When you want to start having your driving lessons there you have a choice between
the AA which is like the Dutch ANWB or you can choose for A1 Driving School. Harald
started his driving school 10 years ago the company is organized in a very special way
because all the driving instructors share the work. All the instructors work for themselves
under the same name which is A1 Driving School. As the manager of A1 Driving School
Harald has to make sure that all the instructors have the same amount of work and that they don’t have to travel to
much to get to the people the have to teach. Next to arranging all the work for the driving instructors Harald gives
lessons for learner licenses and lessons in defensive driving himself too.
Before I went to New-Zealand I didn’t really have a clear view of what I was exactly going to
do, however I trusted all the people there completely and knew that everything was going
to be okay. I thought I would only do some office work during the days I was working,
however they had planned a lot more for me. Next to the office work I had to do Harald
took me to all kinds of places, I went with him on several driving lessons to see exactly how
and what they did, he took me to Dream Au Pair which is a company in which they teach
German girls how to be an au pair. At this company I could see what Harald told the girls
and how different the driving actually was, I even went to Dream Au Pair a second day by
myself because Harald did not really have a lot of work for me and he wanted to show me
more of what his friends at Dream Au Pair did. Next to those things we went to the person
who made the signs on top of the car which was an Asian guy who needed his wife as an
interpreter because his English was as good as my Chinese, which is very bad. He also took
me to a school in which he taught the kids about the traffic rules and all other kinds of things you need to know to get
your driving license. I had never expected to do so many other things then only the work in the office.
Next to the work I did I did a lot of other fun things. They took me to the beach several times and out for dinner on top
of a tower. Together with my cousin I did a lot to for example we went zip lining, had a mud bath, rolled down a hill in a
giant ball and we went shopping at the most expensive street of Auckland. I’ve had the most amazing time in New
Zealand and can’t wait to go back there one day!
Anouk de Koning
TTO NEWS is een uitgave
van het stagebureau van De Willem.
Stagebureau De Willem
Randweg 2
3263 RA Oud-Beijerland
Wim Merjenburgh
Bezoek onze website
Edition 21 – 2015, September
Het wordt druk op Schiphol. Onderstaande leerlingen gaan in de zomervakantie hun internationale stage
Noortje Romeijn
Femke Boogaard
Vivanne Streefkerk
Lizzy Fillekes
Anne Preesman
Floor Lucas
Rozemarijn Bijl
Caroline van den Brule