Friendship for life - CSG Willem van Oranje
Friendship for life - CSG Willem van Oranje
2012, September Edition 9 Friendship for life Hello students of De Willem Van Oranje, I recently took part in an exchange program between my school Appleby Grammar School and your school De Willem Van Oranje. It all started back in the late summer of 2011 when we found out who our pen pal would be, Maaike and I emailed each other over the summer holidays and we also used social network sites like twitter to keep in contact , it made getting to know each other a lot easier. When we finally met In November 2011 it was like we had known each other for years it wasn’t awkward at all which made the whole experience a lot easier. It was also really good to meet all the other exchange students I never knew we’d all become such close friends. The 3 days that the students where all here for was filled with parties, cultural visits and many games of Twister! This year in July the students from Appleby visited Holland to stay with their pen pals I was so happy to see every one again. It was my first time in Holland and the first thing that I noticed was that it was so flat not a hill in sight, but the country side was so pretty. The week was jammed pack full of things to do and I loved every minute of it! I really enjoyed seeing how you all lived and one thing I did notice was the number of bikes I’ve never seen so many before. Luckily for us the weather was lovely, it was so hot and sunny, not like England. The week was filled with new experiences like pool parties, a trip to Amsterdam and Anne Frank’s house and also riding on the back of a bike which I have never done before. Overall I loved every minute of the exchange program and I hope to stay in contact with all the people I have met. Me and Maaike’s friendship has developed throughout the year and still is growing I tell her about all the exciting things that have happened to me recently and she tells me about all her holidays she’s been on. If anyone is thinking about doing an exchange I say go for it, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done I have made some friends for life and I have stories to tell people. It’s a brilliant way to meet someone new and visit a different country. Sarah Mason, 16 year old Appleby Grammar Student Special Edition Internship • for students from students • for students from TTO-group • for parents • for teachers In the summer of 2011, I received my first email from Sarah. I was immediately very excited and we’ve actually been in contact quite much since then; first getting to know each other by email, but later on via social network (twitter, facebook) and whatsapp as well. Sarah and I had had a lot of contact before I first visited her in October last year. This made are first meeting so much less awkward, it felt like we had seen each other a million times before and I really enjoyed staying over with her and her family. After our trip to England, Sarah and I stayed in contact and we talked quite often about school and the things going on in our lives. I was really looking forward to Sarah visiting me and when I finally saw her again in June this year, it felt like it had only been a couple of days since I last saw her. While Sarah was staying with us, we showed her around some highlights in Rotterdam and went out for dinner. We also visited Amsterdam and organised a pool party with some other English and Dutch students. Sarah and I had so much fun together, not only laughing about all the stories we told each other, but also serious talks about everything and nothing. Now, a couple of months after we’ve last seen each other, we’re still in contact, telling each other about our friends, work and school. I think this exchange programme didn’t only give me a lot of beautiful memories and experiences, but also people I’ll never forget and friends for life! Maaike Beemsterboer, 16 year old Willem van Oranje student TTO News Page 2 of 10 Special News Welkom Lia! Mijn naam is Lia van Gilst-van Tiggelen, ik ben 42 jaar oud. Getrouwd met Dick van Gilst en moeder van Mark (15 jaar), hij zit in 4 TTO; Bart (13 jaar), hij zit in 2 MAVO en Jort (10 jaar), hij zit in groep 7 van de Willibrordusschool in Oud-Beijerland. Ik ben al sinds 22 jaar werkzaam op een reisbureau, heb dus veel ervaring met reizen. Ik vind het heel leuk dat ik gevraagd ben om zitting te nemen in de stage commissie omdat ik het leuk vind betrokken te zijn bij hetgeen er gebeurt op de school van onze zonen. De eerste vergadering hebben we reeds gehad en ik was verrast over de stageplannen die we besproken hebben. Ik vond het heel interessant te lezen wat voor stages er gelopen gaan worden en ik ben dan ook heel nieuwsgierig naar de volgende stageplannen. Lia van Gilst Olympische uitreiking van IB certificaten Op 14 september zijn de IB certificaten aan de tto-6 leerlingen van afgelopen jaar uitgereikt. Alle tto-leerlingen hebben het felbegeerde certificaat gehaald op Higher Level. Wij hebben dit jaar onze oud leerling Lennart Stekelenburg bereid gevonden om de certificaten uit te reiken. Lennart heeft in augustus deelgenomen aan de Olympische Spelen in Londen en wellicht heeft u hem op televisie gezien. Lennart heeft veel goede herinneringen aan De Willem en hij heeft ook altijd veel hulp van diverse docenten gekregen die het mogelijk hebben gemaakt dat hij de trainingen en wedstrijden kon volgen. Good results of the CAE-exams Op vrijdagavond 21 september jl. is tijdens een feestelijke bijeenkomst door docent N. Young het certificaat Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) uitgereikt aan de groep leerlingen die vorig jaar aan deze studie hebben meegedaan. De groep geslaagden bestond uit leerlingen uit tto-4 en tto-5 en enkele docenten die zich bekwamen in het geven van tweetalig onderwijs. Sinds enkele jaren bieden wij deze mogelijkheid aan tweetalig vwo-leerlingen die naast hun studie voor het IB-certificaat (International Baccalaureate) gedurende één schooljaar onderwijs krijgen op het gebied van Cambridge Advanced English. Deze éénjarige studie wordt dit schooljaar door docent O’Donovan gegeven en wordt afgesloten met een examen. Van harte gefeliciteerd met dit resultaat. Fly away in October Onderstaande leerlingen gaan in oktober het internationale avontuur beleven. Emma Breeman Maaike Beemsterboer Jasper Bergsen Indah Hijmans Marissa Kooij Ellen Vellekoop Engeland Canada Zuid-Afrika Indonesië Engeland Engeland Jip Siebenheller Jur Timmerman Joris Rozemeijer Lente Lerink Koen Kuiper Ierland Zweden Canada België Curaçao Page 3 of 10 TTO News Bangkok, here I come! Location: Bangkok, Japan and Thailand Period: Summer holidays 2012 On the 16th of August, 2012, I went on my international internship. This internship was originally supposed to take me to Thailand. However, I decided to have a short stop in Japan. I lived in Japan for 5 years, so I spent a weekend with my old friends. On Sunday night at 12:20, my friend Alex and I flew from Haneda airport to Bangkok together, where her family’s driver was waiting for us at the airport. I was going to be staying with Alex’s family, the Buckley family, for two weeks. Her dad, Darren, is the CEO of CitiBank Thailand. Therefore, it was easy for him to arrange a short internship at CitiBank for me. During these two weeks I spent lots of time with my host family. I have known this family since I moved to Japan. We spent several holidays with them, and their oldest daughter, Alex, is one of my best friends. As the three children had to go to school, their mum, Jane, mostly showed me around. Since they had only been living there for about 3 weeks, a lot of stuff was still new to them as well. I got to see what it was like to live in Bangkok as an expat, and work at an international office for several days. I didn’t spend as much time working at Citi as I had planned, since there was not too much for me to do at the office. Since I did not have a work permit, I wasn’t even allowed to use the computer, for security reasons. I was mostly shown around, and got to see what it is exactly that they do at this bank. They showed me around all the different departments, explained the structure of the bank, gave me brief overviews of both marketing and HR, and had me do a few small jobs. To my surprise, not a lot of people spoke English at the office, and there were nearly no foreigners working there. Overall, this was an amazing experience! My research question was: What’s it like to live in Bangkok as an expat and how is this different from other countries. I found answers to this question throughout my entire internship, even in places I didn’t necessarily expect to find them. Big part of this question was answered at my host family’s house. The Buckley family lives in the house of the former Czech ambassador. This is a huge house with a pool in the garden. They have two drivers that simply wait around all day until somebody needs a ride. They also have a maid that lives with them. She cleans the house, does the washing, makes the beds, cooks the meals, babysit if she’s asked, and pretty much does anything you ask her to do. She goes home on Sundays to see her family, who live in a small town somewhere far away from Bangkok. This all may sound extremely luxurious and exclusive, but it’s really quite normal in Bangkok. Most expats live in fancy apartments or big houses, have drivers who take them around, because it’s simply very dangerous to drive yourself, and have a maid if they can afford one. I also found that this was quite different to a lot of other countries. For example, I was able to compare this to Japan, where expats live luxurious live as well. However, Bangkok was a lot more extreme than what I was used to. Overall, this was an amazing experience! It was both educational and fun. I got to see my old friends, meet lots of new people, and see a whole new part of the world. After not having spoken this much English in a while, it took me some time to get used to it again, but after a couple of days, it was completely natural again. I’m so glad I got the opportunity to do this internship, and I definitely hope to go back to Bangkok some time again! Annabelle van der Maarel TTO News Page 4 of 10 Farming in Canada Location: Vancouver, Canada Period: Summer holidays 2012 On the 28th of June it was finally the day that I went on internship. I already planned everything in January (which is very very early for me) and I was really looking forward to go to Canada, as that was the country where I had to fulfil my internship. So I left with the plane and this was maybe the worst part of my internship as the women I sat next to came from India ( or something similar) and couldn’t speak a word of English or Dutch, my legs had no space and the food is not really good. But I arrived save and probably that’s the most important part. When I arrived there I stayed with a niece of me who lives in Vancouver downtown. After a few days over there we drove to the farm (which was a six hour drive), where I would stay for 4 weeks to work on the farm. So on the farm I met my aunt. When it was Monday I had to work there for the first time. I had to milk the cows and clean the pens. The work itself was not that heavy the only thing, as it only took an hour and a half but I had to get up at 5:20, which was pretty early. But during my 4 weeks I think I only had to get up 7 times. Every day was a different day, There was not one single day that I did the same thing as my family always tried to come up with different things to do. My days consisted out of: a little bit of working, and the rest of the day just fun things, like driving with the quad, going to the cinema, playing golf, fishing and a lot of other things. So I wasn’t bored at all and it was a pity that I had to leave again. But this was not the end of my trip, because I also went to the other side of Canada, to Toronto. Because I also had my family reunion over there. Over there we first had the family reunion and after that I stayed with some other family. Over there I ended my trip with relaxing in the pool and seeing the CN tower and the Niagara falls and more. After 5 ½ weeks it was time for me to go back to the Netherlands. It felt like only 2 weeks. I almost missed my flight (as I heard them saying Mr. Gijsbert de Regt is delaying the flight, immediate boarding please), but I was still on time. I really enjoyed staying with my family and they were all very nice to me. I think this was an amazing experience and if it’s possible I will go to Canada next year again. Gertjan de Regt De Willem helpt je graag een handje. Naast je eigen sollicitatiebrief is het vaak gewenst dat vanuit de school een brief meegestuurd wordt naar een potentieel stageadres. Vanuit de school hebben we een concept gemaakt welke je kunt gebruiken. Het directiesecretariaat van De Willem zal de brief op briefpapier van de Willem printen en inscannen voorzien van jouw gegevens en verdere variabelen. Neem hiervoor contact op met In deze brief wordt er een persoonlijke toelichting gegeven op de doelstelling van de stage en wat extra informatie gegeven over de strategie van het tweetalig onderwijs. Page 5 of 10 TTO News Ozzies, Kangaroos and a Dutchman Location: Perth, Australia Period: Summer Holidays 2012 This would be the first time in my life boarding a plane, not just for an ordinary trip but one which would take me to the other side of the world: Australia. Full of excitement, my parents and I sat in the train to Amsterdam where I would eventually catch a plane which would take me first to Dubai (UAE) and then onto Perth. As this was my first time flying I was quite excited and slighlty nervous too. Fortunately, everything went alright and after a seven hour flight I finally landed in Dubai. After waiting for three hours, the ten and a half hour trip to Perth would begin. I finally landed at about 17:30 local time (there is a six hour difference!). “ More sheep than people” So, there I was finally in Australia, a country bigger than Europe and that has more sheep than people. I did my internship with two lovely, kind people; Brian and Sheila Samsworth, who own their own gas service company. Brian does all the servicing and Sheila does all the company administration at home. Although servicing machines which operate by gas ( such as gas heaters, cookers etc.) is his main occupation, Brian was actually handy with everything from installing airco to plumbing. Even though it was winter in Australia, it was still around 18 degrees °C , we were mainly occupied with repairing and installing gas operated heaters. Even though the Australian summers can be very hot, almost the whole year round it is warm, so most people don't have central heating like we do. Instead they use a gas heater to warm up the room. Also, the boiler in which water is heated often had to be repaired. So this is basically what my day looked like. I got up at around quarter past seven, had breakfast with Sheila and Brian, petted their dog, Link, and went to work. Because I didn’t have the correct work permits, I wasn’t legally allowed to do what Brian was doing. That's why I was only allowed to do small tasks such as handing over tools , sometimes welding pipes together and of course speaking to the customers to practice my English!. Mainly they were older than I was, but most of the people were really nice and also very friendly and interested in me. They couldn’t believe that I was still only 16 and had travelled on my own all the way from the cold north to sunny Australia. Brian (Sheila was still recovering from an operation) tried to show me as much as possible as when we were working we drove through a large part of Perth ( which was in my eyes a massive city).I’ve been to the Indian ocean which is really beautiful and I went to a zoo where they had exotic animals. Sometimes we saw some of the exotic birds in the city and of course the famous kangaroo. I thought the kangaroos where fantastic creatures and I even petted some of them as well. All in all, I had the time of my life and a huge life experience as well. I saw a lot during my stay in Perth and met loads of nice people with whom I was able to talk with in English of course. I could only speak English even though there are many immigrants living in Australia but this wasn't hard and I got used to it quickly. If I get the chance to go back I will certainly go and I definitely would recommend Australia as a holiday destination! Alex Gravendeel Tips: Afhankelijk waar uw kind naartoe reist, kan het raadzaam zijn uw ziektekostenverzekering te raadplegen. Voor een aantal landen kunt u op een European Healthcard Insurance Card aanvragen. Controleer vooraf bij uw bank of de pas van uw kind geschikt is voor geldopname in het buitenland. TTO News Page 6 of 10 America for me! Location: Lititz PA, USA Period: Summer Holidays 2012 About two and a half years ago I started corresponding with my somehow related cousin Amanda. Before, I never even knew of her existence but apparently we had a lot in common, listened to the same music, were of the same age and both very into sports. Once I heard about the international internship I knew where I wanted to go! I mentioned the internship to her and she seemed very excited about it, so at the end of the summer of 2011 we started arranging and a few months later my parents bought the plane tickets. I decided to go in the summer holidays because I was determined to stay in Pennsylvania for at least three weeks, and I didn’t want to spend my Christmas break away from home. My English teacher was slightly worried about the fact that I had my plane-tickets before I got my internship approved. As a matter of fact I didn’t even have an internship yet, but I knew it wasn’t a problem because Amanda’s mother Lori was going to help me. I found it very convenient to have someone helping me from ‘inside America’, because she had lot’s of connections. This way I didn’t have to approach any companies myself. Eventually I ended up choosing to do work at the eye doctor in Lancaster where Lori worked herself. I think this also has a lot to do with the size of the country and the big difference within it. For example the first day a horse and buggy surprised me because I didn’t know that Pennsylvania was the home of the Amish people! They actually speak German! In my opinion a very important factor for the whole internship is to stay with someone you get along with well. It really helped me to have my friend Amanda to guide me, because being so far from home for three weeks is not easy! I really enjoyed all the fun stuff Amanda and her mum did with me. We went roller-skating, glamping (glamorous camping), on a safari and the best of all: We went to a traditional American Baseball game! That is definitely one of the highlight of my holiday. 1) “Do I want to be an eye doctor?’ 2) “Would I like to work abroad?’ During my stay in America I wrote a blog on I copied some posts of my blog and combined them as a report. Going to ‘The States’ all by myself was a big step and a great experience. It was my first time flying and I was all on my own! It made me feel very independent. For me America was quite of a cultural shock. It wasn’t at all what I expected, because we never really get a clear view of what America is about. Did I get to answer my internship questions? Well, I do not want to be an eyedoctor for certain and the answer to my second question is: I might want to work in a foreign country some time but definitely not in America. Their health regulation is shockingly bad and I couldn’t stand the food for longer than a month. Also I wouldn’t want to leave my family and friends behind. As a conclusion I don’t think answering those questions is the main goal of the internship. The experience itself is priceless and very hard to compromise into a few words or into answers of some thought up questions. Anne de Weerdt, V5 Amish people, roller-skating, glamping and American Baseball game Page 7 of 10 TTO News MUNO News Model United Nations Oud-Beijerland 2012 C.S.G De Willem van Oranje Oud-Beijerland Something new is coming up, MUNO! Model United Nations Oud-Beijerland. Three days of debating in the most formal way. All over the world, Model United Nations are organised. Each year a few students of our school go to Zoetermeer for MUNA, Model United Nations Alfrink. This year we had a very enthusiastic team and, together with Mr. Bouhuijs and Mrs. Manukiley, we decided to start up a MUN-event at our school. This November it will happen. Each student will represent a country and will be placed in a debate group with a certain subject. They will have to know what their country thinks about the subject but also what the relation between the different countries is. Maybe their country doesn't agree with the resolution, but one of their most important economic relations does agree. Then they have to decide what is most important. Besides the new knowledge about politics, they will also be challenged to improve their debating skills. Last year at MUNA we represented Pakistan and one of our female team members had to convince other people that woman are not allowed to get a drivers licence or even leave the house. That is difficult. You are forced to look at things from a different point of view which is challenging. It wouldn’t be referred to as Model United Nations if it wasn’t filled with formal things. There will be an opening and a closing ceremony, local press, formal dress code but most importantly formal language. Altogether we are very excited and we look forward to the MUNO event! Esmeé Vermolen MUNO Staff: Secretary General Head of Press team Board Members Esmée Vermolen Jeroen Revelman Wilger Andeweg, Amy van Groot-Battave, Lisa van Delft, Rianne Rompen, Fleur Wellen and Marit Rijndorp Naar de Verenigde Staten op stage? Als je op stage gaat naar de Verenigde Staten dan moet je een ESTA-reistoestemming aanvragen. Doe dit minimaal 14 dagen voor je vertrekt. De ESTA-reistoestemming vervangt het groene I-94-formulier dat u voorheen aan boord van uw vlucht naar de Verenigde Staten moest invullen. Het aanvragen van een ESTA-reistoestemming kost USD 14, ongeveer EUR 10,50. U hoeft dit bedrag alleen voor uw ESTA-aanvraag te betalen als u een nieuw paspoort heeft, of als uw vorige ESTA-reistoestemming verlopen is. Ga naar Page 8 of 10 TTO News Do’s and Don’ts Begin op tijd met het zoeken naar een stage! Praat veel met familie, kennissen en vrienden over je stage. De ervaring leert dat er iemand binnen je kennissenkring wel weer iemand kent die wellicht belangrijk voor het vinden van een stage adres kan zijn. TIPS Maak een kopie van je paspoort en verzekeringspapieren en noteer pasnummers (handig bij verlies). Zorg dat je belangrijke telefoonnummers altijd bij de hand hebt. Verder is het belangrijk dat het paspoort (of ID) nog geldig is! Gedragsregels Aandachtspunten tijdens de reis Tijdens de stage kom je in contact met bedrijven en instellingen. Wees je er van bewust dat je op dat moment het visitekaartje van de school bent. School en leerlingen hebben alle belang bij een positief beeld naar buiten toe in verband met toekomstige stageplaatsen. Gedraag je op het vliegveld en bij de douane. Sinds de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 zijn de veiligheidsmaatregelen verscherpt en verzwaard. Het zou zeer vervelend zijn als jouw gevoel voor humor jou en je medereizigers in vervelende situaties zou brengen. Vaak hebben personen die connecties met een bepaald bedrijf hebben, een stageplaats voor je gezocht. Ook naar deze personen toe, heb je een zekere verantwoordelijkheid. Zij blijven in de toekomst zaken doen met deze bedrijven. Let altijd goed op je bagage als je reist, verlies het niet uit het oog! Vanzelfsprekend drink je geen alcohol en rook je niet. Vergeet je paspoort en je verzekeringspapieren niet! Belangrijke data voor inleveren stageplan Aandachtspunten tijdens het verblijf Pas je aan bij de regels die binnen het stagebedrijf gelden en maak goede afspraken over bijvoorbeeld werktijden en (koffie-)pauzes. Probeer van tevoren aan de weet te komen wat er van je verwacht wordt met betrekking tot de kleding die je draagt. Let op je taalgebruik. De directe manier waarop in Nederland vaak dingen gezegd worden, wordt in het buitenland niet altijd gewaardeerd. Vermijd taal die door buitenlanders als grof wordt ervaren. Breng nooit vertrouwelijke informatie naar buiten van het bedrijf waar je stage loopt. Stel je positief op en bedenk dat zelfverzekerdheid een goede eigenschap is; eigenwijsheid niet! Je stageplan dient uiterlijk 6 weken voordat de vakantie begint, waarin je stage wilt gaan lopen, ingeleverd te zijn bij het stagebureau. Je mag het natuurlijk ook veel eerder inleveren! Raadpleeg voor de vakanties van dit schooljaar onderstaande vakantietabel: Weeknummer Vakantie Eerste dag Laatste dag 43 Herfstvakantie Zaterdag 20-10-2012 Zondag 28-10-2012 52-1 Kerstvakantie Zaterdag 22-12-2012 Zondag 06-01-2013 9 Voorjaarsvakantie Zaterdag 23-02-2013 Zondag 03-03-2013 18-19 Meivakantie Zaterdag 27-4-2013 Zondag 12-05-2013 29-35 Zomervakantie Zaterdag 13-07-2013 Zondag 01-09-2013 Page 9 of 10 TTO News News for parents Het vinden van een stageplaats is voor de een zo geregeld, voor de ander lijkt het een zeer moeilijke opgave. Als een 16-jarige schrijft naar een bedrijf of organisatie levert dat vaak geen reactie op. De ervaring leert dat het rondvragen op uw eigen werk, bij familie (in het buitenland), vrienden of buren uiteindelijk meestal wel een stageadres oplevert. Uw kind gaat in het 5e leerjaar van het TTO voor 2 weken op stage. De uiterste mogelijkheid is hiervoor de schoolvakantie na het 5e leerjaar, mits het ingeleverde stageplan voor het einde van het schooljaar volledig is ingevuld en goedgekeurd! Uw kind moet zelf, eventueel met hulp van u als ouder, actief op zoek gaan naar een mogelijke stageplaats. Voorop staat dat u achter de keuze van uw kind staat; school kan hiervoor geen verantwoordelijkheid nemen. Als er een adres gevonden is kan begonnen worden met het invullen van het plan, hierbij moet o.a. rekening gehouden worden met de periode, er mag immers maar 5 dagen school verzuimd worden en de uiterste inleverdatum, 6 weken voor vertrek. Het is de bedoeling dat uw kind het stageplan ook even laat zien aan zijn/haar mentor voordat het wordt ingeleverd, zodat deze ook op de hoogte is. Voor eventuele vragen, zoals bijvoorbeeld het formuleren van de onderzoeksvraag, kan hij/zij ook bij de mentor terecht. De mentor speelt echter geen actieve rol bij het vinden van een stageplaats. Een volledig ingevuld stageplan kan worden ingeleverd bij het Stagebureau. Zij fungeert als spreekbuis namens school en toetst het plan aan de gestelde criteria. Na bespreking van het plan neemt een van de leden van het Stagebureau contact op met uw kind, om eventuele opmerkingen of benodigde aanvullingen met hem/haar te bespreken. En wat als het nu helemaal niet lukt om een stageplaats te vinden? Laat uw kind dan contact opnemen met het Stagebureau, dan kunnen we samen verder zoeken of een suggestie doen. Echter, het initiatief hiervoor moet wel vanuit uw kind komen! En als u de indruk krijgt dat uw kind niet zo heel erg actief bezig is met vinden? Probeer hem/haar te blijven stimuleren of helpen, want het zou toch zonde zijn als ineens blijkt dat het te laat is om nog op stage te gaan en hij/zij niet over kan naar TTO-6? Op zoek naar een stage! Zie erop toe dat uw kind op tijd begint Verken samen met uw kind de mogelijkheden en kies daarbij een periode Denk met uw kind mee; u bent en blijft verantwoordelijk voor de reis, het stageadres, het logeeradres waar uw kind naartoe gaat. Zorg dat uw kind realistisch blijft over de bestemming. U kunt anderen helpen als u beschikt over mogelijke stageplaatsen Als u uw ervaringen met anderen wilt delen, kunnen we daar van leren voor de toekomst. Het is van belang dat zowel u als uw kind de stage als een positieve uitdaging ziet. Tip: Verzekeringen: Afhankelijk waar uw kind naartoe reist, kan het raadzaam zijn uw ziektekostenverzekering te raadplegen. School beschikt over een doorlopende reis- en schoolongevallenverzekering. De precieze dekking/voorwaarden kunt u opvragen bij de heer G. van Ruiswijk Voor een aantal landen kunt u op een European Healthcard Insurance Card aanvragen. Verder is het handig de voorwaarden van u eventuele eigen (doorlopende) reisverzekering nog eens door te nemen, alvorens u een verzekering afsluit. Controleer vooraf bij uw bank of de pas van uw kind geschikt is voor geldopname in het buitenland. TTO News Page 10 of 10 Wist u dat! TTO NEWS is een uitgave van het stagebureau van De Willem. Stagebureau De Willem Randweg 2 3263 RA Oud-Beijerland Redactie Marjan Rozemeijer Petra Verhagen Bezoek onze website Edition 9 – September 2012 New teacher Bryan O’Donovan Greetings everyone! Allow me to introduce myself – my name is Bryan O’Donovan, and I have the pleasure of preparing this year’s group of TTO pupils for the Cambridge Advanced English exam in June 2013. As my name perhaps tells you, I am from Ireland originally. I have been living in Rotterdam since 2005, but my life has been quite pan-European in general. I lived in Germany between the ages of 13 and 21, before returning to Ireland for my Bachelors degree in Law, Politics and Economics. The move to the Netherlands came when I started my Masters degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at Leiden University. When people ask why I live here, the answer is easy: “I came here to study, and I liked it, so I stayed.” My career as an English teacher began soon after my graduation from Leiden, and I’m delighted to say it has gone from strength to strength. Over the past few years, I have taught Cambridge exam preparation classes – such as I am with the TTO pupils – general English, Business English, Academic English and Medical English. To add to the variety of classes, I have had the pleasure of teaching at an array of locations: the Centre for British English (Rotterdam), Willem de Kooning Academy (Rotterdam), Rotterdam Business School, the International Criminal Court (Den Haag) and Leiden University. And now I am delighted to add Willem van Oranje to that list! When I’m not teaching, I like to unwind by reading books – historical and (auto-)biographical – and watching movies. I go running 2-3 times a week, as well as boxing twice a week. As a spectator, rugby is my favourite sport.I think that covers everything. Let my wrap up by wishing all readers a happy and rewarding 2012-13 school-year. Maandag 14 januari 2013 Informatie avond stage voor 4e jaars TTO e Op maandag 14 januari, 19.30 uur is er een informatieavond voor alle 4 jaars TTO-leerlingen de en hun ouders over alle in- en outs van de stage in het 5 jaar. Op deze avond zal de voorzitter van de toetsingscommissie, de voorlichting geven. U kunt op deze avond ook meteen kennismaken met de overige leden van de commissie en vragen stellen. Daarnaast zullen een aantal leerlingen, die al op stage zijn geweest, een presentatie houden over hun ervaringen. Mis deze avond niet. Reserveer deze avond alvast in uw agenda.
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