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VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 Number 140** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Tuesday 08-08-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. THIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl info@vlierodam.nl The Svitzer tug “Oakgarth” 452gt/ 1984 seen from the tug Shannon while heading North in a moderate swell after leaving the North Wales port of Holyhead bound back home to Liverpool. Photo : Dan Cross © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 1 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: SmitWijs@SmitWijs.com DO YOU HAVE PICTURES OR OTHER SHIPPING RELATED INFORMATION FOR THE NEWS CLIPPINGS ?? PLEASE SEND THIS TO : newsclippings@gmail.com EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS The HUSKY seen departing with the loaded H-541 from Flushing, the BritSats jacket loaded onboard the H-541 is the largest ever built at the Heerema yard in Flushing Photo : Wim Kosten - www.maritimephoto.com Marinehelicopter evacueert opvarende veerboot In de nacht van 7 op 8 augustus heeft een helicopter van de Koninklijke Marine op verzoek van de Kustwacht een medische evacuatie uitgevoerd. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 2 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 Aan boord van de veerboot Pride of Hull, varend tussen Rotterdam en Hull, bevond zich een vrouwelijke passagier die op verzoek van de Engelse scheepsarts aan boord medisch geëvacueerd moest worden. Daarop is de helicopter Pedro 2 van de Koninklijke Marine met een marinearts richting de veerboot gegaan. De patiënte is afgeleverd bij het Dijkzigt ziekenhuis te Rotterdam. Harvey Spirit Christened in Allanton: Prepare for Launch As some Eastern Shipbuilding Group workers gathered under tents assembled around the Harvey Spirit, others posed for pictures next to the mammoth vessel, held up on seven skids, before Friday's launch at the company's Allanton facility. For co-workers and friends snapping photos, it was hard to miss the ship. Photo : Harvey Gulf © A 280-foot offshore supply vessel, the Harvey Spirit spans almost the length of a football field and took more than 11 months to build. Hundreds of Eastern Shipbuilding workers and their family members witnessed the ship's launch, held Friday afternoon. Right before the launch, Dicky Guidry thanked the employees for their work in producing the ship, the fourth built by Eastern Shipbuilding for Louisiana-based Harvey Gulf International. "If we're as happy with this one as the past three, we'll be more than satisfied," said Guidry, a member of the family that owns Harvey Gulf International. Chuck Brahier, an Eastern Shipbuilding welding supervisor, said the Harvey Spirit was one of the biggest supply boats ever built at the facility. It is designed to transport materials needed for gas and mineral mining, and the Harvey Spirit can hold up to 500,000 gallons of liquid mud, 1,550 long tons of deck cargo, diesel fuel, potable water and methanol to clear well pipes. Brahier said the ship will be used in the Gulf of Mexico to service the offshore oil industry but also is rated for international use. "Everyone on the yard has done a little bit on this boat at one time," Brahier said. He said it was the second Eastern Shipbuilding launch this year for a ship of that size. The company also has launched several smaller tugboats, including the Energy Hercules. The Energy Hercules launched July 14 and is the first in a series of five vessels that was built for Seabulk Towing Services of Fort Lauderdale. Before Friday's launch, Brahier said that once the Harvey Spirit hit the water, it still would be months before employees finished work on the ship. Eastern Shipbuilding also is building another ship, the Harvey Supplier, for the Louisiana company. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 3 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 Photo : Harvey Gulf © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 4 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 Urkers redden Haagse scouts van het IJsselmeer De mannen van het Urker KNRM-station zijn vrijdagavond urenlang in de weer geweest om Haagse waterscouts van het IJsselmeer te halen. De scouts bevonden zich in drie stalen vletten die werden voortgetrokken door de Stormvogel. Die schuit had slechts een motortje van 25 pk aan boord. Niet handig als je daarmee van wal steekt, zelfs niet bij mooi weer, concluderen de Urkers op hun website. De schipper waagde het toch, ondanks de stevige wind en de soms zware buien. En dus raakte hij zijn sleep kwijt, tussen de Ketelbrug en Flevo Marina (bij Lelystad). De schipper besloot de dijk af te gaan zoeken, samen met een schout. Links : De Koningin Beatrix Foto : Ritske Brouwer © De Urker redders: ‘Hij droeg het commando over aan één van de overige waterscouts’, die zo slim was de hulpdiensten te alarmeren. Zware buien belemmerden het zoeken. Pas tegen middernacht meerden de Urker reddingboten weer aan op Urk, met de scouts aan boord. Die werden onthaald op frikadellen. NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : anglodutch@pandora.be Old navy ship to be sunk as dive attraction The retired navy frigate HMNZS Canterbury will be sunk as a dive attraction in Deepwater Cove at Cape Brett in the Bay of Islands. Defence Minister Phil Goff said today the Government had looked at selling the ship for scrap but the country would get greater economic benefit if it was sunk as a dive wreck. The 3000 tonne, 36-year-old warship, the last steam ship in the navy, would become the third navy ship to be sunk off the Northland coast as a dive attraction. The research ship Tui was sunk north of Tutukaka and the Leander class frigate Waikato, a sister ship to Canterbury, was sunk off Nunguru, slightly south of Tutukaka. The Bay of Islands Trust won the right to sink the ship ahead of several other organisations. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 5 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 "The Bay of Islands Trust's proposal was seen as having the best potential to deliver the greatest overall economic benefit to the community and the country," Mr Goff said in a statement. However when the ship was sunk, its name would live on. The navy's new multi-role vessel, due to enter service early next year, would be called HMNZS Canterbury, Mr Goff said. The frigate Canterbury was commissioned in October 1971 and de-commissioned in March 2005. It had been alongside at the Devonport naval base in Auckland since then. The main 4.5-inch gun was removed and would go to the new naval museum in Auckland. The ship was connected to the base's power supply to power pumps and internal lights. SHIPYARD NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : RENERGI COMBUSTION IMPROVER >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process. Before using RENERGI After using RENERGI RENERGI will effectively lead to: > Reduced fuel consumption. > Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. > Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. > Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. > Easy and simple dosing system. WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail : info@westmark.nl HEESEN YACHTS DELIVERED ANOTHER ONE PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 6 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 In the port of Hellevoetsluis the nieuwe Heesen build yacht (series 3700) named G-FORCE was spotted, this yacht is powered by 2 MTU diesels (16V4000M90) for a top speed of 32 knots. Photo : Jan Labree © General Dynamics signs $1 bln tanker ship deal General Dynamics Corp. said on Monday its NASSCO shipbuilding unit finalized a $1 billion contract to build nine product carrier tankers for U.S. Shipping Partners L.P. The contract, which includes options for five additional ships, calls for construction of the first tanker in the third quarter of 2007, with delivery by the second quarter of 2009. Vyborg Shipyard Delivers Tanker On August 10 after the seatrials Vyborg Shipyard delivers the oil tanker "Aktau" to Raiffaisen Leasing Kazakhstan. The technical draft was made by Vympel construction bureau. The vessel is aimed for the crude oil and oil products transportation in the Caspian region. The tanker is 149.3 meters long. 17.3 metres wide, 12 th.tons dwt. The speed of the tanker is 10 knots. "Aktau" tanker is the fourth of the series built by Vyborg Shipyard to the Kazakhstan customers in 2005-2006. ASRY Expands Slipway Development ASRY completed the final design and specification for the new slipway, to be launched in the last quarter of 2007. The original design called for a single slipway, some 26m wide and 226m long with the capability of being able to handle three vessels at the same time with two side transfer bays. This capability has now been enhanced to accommodate four vessels at any one time using twin slipways. The enhanced designed now includes two parallel slipways, which are now 255m long. This new configuration is designed to be capable of handling four vessels. The way the new slipways have been configured is of the vertical curve design, allowing two vessels to be simultaneously berthed, end to end on each slipway. Both slipways are in parallel with a total width of the slipway being some 64m. The overall standing area for the vessel is now 275m. The limiting sizes for vessels will remain the same for this new figuration with the maximum length of vessels will remain the same for this new figuration with the maximum length of vessels being 140m, the maximum breadth 20m with the extreme draft of 6m and a displacement of 5,000 tons maximum per vessel. ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 7 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : mail@workships.nl Website : www.workships.nl The tug TAFRAOUT seen in the Moroccan port of Agadir Photo : Leon van Leeuwen © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 8 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 FARSTAD CHARTERS THE current buoyant offshore support market has been reflected by a spate of new charters for Norwegian owner Farstad. Five contracts recently agreed or extended have all been fixed at “improved rates”, the company says. The contracts are worth in total some NKr575m. The Lady Guro charter has been extended for 10 years with Shell Exploration in the Philippines supporting the Malampaya gas field The Lady Cynthia’s charter has been renewed by JVPC on a 1 year (plus 1 year option) charter from September 2006. The vessel will continue to support JVPC's drilling program off the southern coast of Vietnam. The newbuilding Far Spirit has been chartered by Woodside Energy Ltd for 9-12 months from October 2006 to support the DP drill ship Chikyu. The drill ship will be used for deepwater drill offshore north-west Australia and Kenya. The Lady Grete will act as a front runner for the new vessel being built by West Contractors in Norway and due for delivery in January 2007. The Far Grip has been awarded charter contracts by New Zealand Overseas Petroleum and Santos for about 20 months. This will carry the vessel through to mid 2008. The vessel will continue to support the semi submersible rig Ocean Patriot in water off New Zealand and south-eastern Australia. The Lady Elizabeth’s charter has been extended by ASCO UK 6 months, which means that the vessel is now fixed firm until 31.12.06 with 2 x 1 month options thereafter. The vessel will continue to do supply duties in the North Sea. ASCO UK has also extended the charter of the Far by 2 years in direct continuation of its current charter which expires on 18.08.06. In Brazil Petrobras has extended the charter of the Far Sea by 2 years from 15.06.06. New Tanker for Novoship Delivered On July 27, 2006 HHI Offshore (Ulsan, Korea) delivered the 105 th.tons capacity tanker "NS Commander" to the Novoship JSC. "NS Commander" is the last Aframax tanker of the series of 10. The tanker was chartered by Morgan Stanly to carry diesel fuel. The ports of loading are Onsan (Korea) and Maliao (Taiwan). Roterdam is the port of debarkation. DEEP SEA SUPPLY BUYS BOURBON VESSEL JOHN Fredriksen-controlled offshore support company Deep Sea Supply is buying Bourbon Charisma, a KMAR 404 design Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel built at by Kværner Kleven in 1999, from Bourbon Offshore to for NKr273m (US$44m). Top : The BOURBON CHARISMA – Photo : Frits Janse © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 9 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 A Deep Sea Supply statement says that the vessel will on the Norwegian Offshore Ship Register. It will operate in the North Sea spot market. Bourbon Charisma has 187 tonne bollard pull, 16,000 BHP and DP2. Grand Cayman to Build Cruise Ship Dock The island of Grand Cayman, which has long resisted building a cruise ship dock out of concern about environmental damage that would result from dredging a channel into George Town Harbor, has now decided to start development of a dock for four ships, according to Cruise Ship Report. The initial phase, an environmental impact assessment, has just started. Currently, cruise ships anchor off George Town, and tenders ferry their thousands of passengers back and forth to town. At some times of year, cruise ships are forced to skip scheduled visits to the island because the shallow waters off Grand Cayman are too rough for tendering. This is seen as inconvenient by major cruise lines whose ships visit Grand Cayman and prefer to be able to tie up at a dock, where their passengers could simply walk off a ship straight onto land. Until now, environmentalists- concerned over damage to the coral reefs that surround the island of Grand Caymansuccessfully blocked consideration of dredging a channel to build a dock for cruise ships. On July 26, the government committed to building a cruise ship dock. The environmental impact assessment would address environment and hazard vulnerability, potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures, and monitoring. A public consultation process would begin in September, at which time more information will be provided. Danis delivered to Siem Offshore Norwegian shipowners Siem Rovde AS took delivery of its newbuild VS 470 MK II Siem Danis in July. Photo : Jan Plug © The PSV was built at the Aker Aukra yard in Norway. The vessel is a DP 2 ship, and is 73.4m overall, has a deck area of 680m2, and full underdecks. Seabrokers says Technip has term chartered the vessel for various duties so the PSV will not be available on the spot market until October this year. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 10 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 Superfast sale for $144m Attica Holdings is to overhaul its Scotland-Belgium ferry service for the second time in a year following the sale of the remaining vessel on the route. The Greek ferry group confirmed today it had reached agreement to sell the 30,300-gt Superfast X (built 2002) to Paris-based Veolia Transport for EUR 112m ($144m) in a transaction that will take place at the end of the year. Top : The SUPERFAST X seen departing from Zeebrugge - Photo : Piet Sinke © Attica has operated the ship between the Scottish port of Rosyth and Zeebrugge in Belgium since its delivery from Germany’s HDW shipyard four years ago. Uncertainty now hangs over the future composition of the service. Though the service was launched with two vessels the first, the Superfast IX (built 2002), was taken off the route in November and redeployed in the Baltic. A statement from Attica today confirmed it would not shut down Rosyth-Zeebrugge and said the company intended to replace the Superfast X when it was handed over in January 2007. However there were no indications whether the company intended to redeploy an existing vessel, or buy another ferry of smaller capacity. Attica execs could not be reached for comment. The group will book a handsome capital gain of EUR 14m from the sale, while its cash balances will be boosted by EUR 45m after settling the EUR 65m debt on the ferry. Attica said it would use these cash balances to acquire more tonnage but was ambiguous about whether this meant on the Scotland-Belgium run. Meanwhile Veolia Transport parent Veolia Environnement is involved in a consortium bid with Butler Capital Partners to buy French ferry line Societe National Corse Mediterranee (SNCM). The controversial deal, which sparked the hijacking of an SNCM ship by protesting union members last year, was approved by the European Commission in May. SIPG may buy stake in Zeebrugge terminal Shanghai International Port (Group) is likely to buy a minority stake in a container terminal in Zeebrugge, Belgium, company officials said yesterday. AP Moeller-Maersk has agreed in principle to sell a stake in the terminal, but the size and price are under negotiation, said Shi Jingcun, director of the policy research department for the board of SIPG's PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 11 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 listed unit. 'We have a project in mind and there's an 80 per cent probability that we will buy into the project,' SIPG president Chen Xuyuan told a shareholder meeting. GEM, Hyundai Sign Contract for Five Tankers Gulf Energy Maritime (GEM) awarded South Korea's Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co. Ltd. a contract for five high specification double hulled product/chemical tankers for delivery during 2006/2007. The contract, valued at approximately $180m, is for three tankers each with a 37,000 ton capacity and two with a 47,000 ton capacity. They will be fitted with the latest deep well pumps and meet international environmental safety requirements by being completely double-hulled. Hyundai Mipo was selected following extensive consultations with a number of international shipbuilders. The five new vessels will join a GEM fleet which currently comprises two, four-year-old panamax coated tankers and four additional panamax tankers which are scheduled for delivery from Hyundai Heavy Industries next year. MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet commercial@multraship.nl http://www.multraship.nl Yesterday the new STENA TRADER changed from the Swedish to the Dutch flag and departed from Rissa with destination Killingholm for berthing trials, Wednesday August 9th early in the morning the STENA TRADER is to depart from Killingholm and is expected to arrive in Hoek van Holland around 19:30 hrs for berthing trials, after completion of this trials the ferry will proceed to the Damen Shipyard where the vessel will enter the Wilton Harbour in Schiedam at 05:30 (tidal restrictions). The GOLDEN PRINCESS departed Monday evening from the port of Rotterdam as seen above (Photo : Rob de Visser ) and on Tuesday morning an other (smaller) passengerliner arrived in Rotterdam, the SEVEN SEAS NAVIGATOR as seen below (Photo : Frits Janse) which departed late afternoon again. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 12 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 The tug BAY PROTECTOR departed with the barge E1704 from Rotterdam Photo : Nico Ouwehand © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 13 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 The Wagenborg tug WATERMAN arrived with the newbuilding hull HARNS inIjmuiden Photo : Joop Marechal © AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Explosieve groei geweld in vliegtuigen De eerste helft van dit jaar is het aantal gewelddadige incidenten in vliegtuigen explosief gestegen. Uit cijfers van de Koninklijke Marechaussee blijkt dat de politiedienst op Schiphol dit jaar hiervoor al 28 keer is ingeschakeld. Vorig jaar was dat nog zeventien keer. "Je kunt zeker spreken van een enorme toename van geweldsincidenten. Dat is zorgwekkend. De oorzaak hiervan hebben we nog niet kunnen achterhalen", concludeert een woordvoerder van de marechaussee op Schiphol. "Wel is duidelijk dat het meestal om dronken passagiers gaat, die zich aan agressie schuldig maken." Dit jaar pakte de marechaussee in totaal negen mensen op die problemen in het vliegtuig maakten. In 2005 werden om deze reden in totaal acht passagiers gearresteerd. De politiedienst treedt op als de gezagvoerder van een vliegtuig om hulp vraagt. Dat er niet altijd arrestaties volgen, komt omdat er lang niet altijd aangifte wordt gedaan. "Dan zijn er bijvoorbeeld geen verklaringen, die een aanhouding kunnen rechtvaardigen", verduidelijkt de zegsman van de marechaussee. "Wij zijn er natuurlijk in de lucht niet bij, dus we kunnen zelf niet constateren wat daar is gebeurd." Nu de problemen in vliegtuigen flink toenemen, hoopt de marechaussee dat er een "hoge aangiftebereidheid" bij de luchtvaartmaatschappijen en passagiers komt. Dit is nodig om de agressie goed te kunnen aanpakken. Om de drempel te verlagen liggen er inmiddels in de Nederlandse vliegtuigen formuleren waarin cabinepersoneel versneld aangifte kan doen. De documenten kunnen indien mogelijk al in de lucht worden ingevuld. De betrokkenen hoeven dan niet direct na een lange vlucht ook nog eens uitgebreid een verklaring af te leggen. Dat mogen ze later doen. De afgelopen weken zijn er drie flinke incidenten geweest. Zaterdag moesten ongeveer twintig marechaussees ingrijpen bij een massale vechtpartij in een toestel van de Turkse maatschappij Corendon Air tijdens een tussenstop. De gezagvoerder wilde een passagier verwijderen, vanwege de overlast die hij bezorgde. Deze man weigerde echter van boord te gaan. De situatie escaleerde uiteindelijk zo dat de overige passagiers erg agressief werden en om zich heen begonnen te slaan. De situatie ontaardde volgens de marechaussee in een totale chaos. De passagier die met de stampij begon, is met zijn gevolg van boord gehaald. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 14 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 Vrijdag maakte een beschonken Rus amok tijdens een KLM-vlucht van Curaçao naar Schiphol. De man gedroeg zich agressief naar een stewardess. De gezagvoerder van dit toestel schakelde een oud-agent in die de man na een worsteling overmeesterde en in de boeien sloeg. De aangehouden man kreeg vervolgens nog ruzie met een andere Rus die zijn geketende landgenoot probeerde te slaan. Ook deze man is uiteindelijk met behulp van de oud-agent opgepakt. Eind juli was de Nederlandse ex-voetballer Wim Kieft betrokken bij een incident tijdens een vlucht vanuit Madrid naar Schiphol. Hij wordt verdacht van bedreiging en belediging. KLM-ticket duurder door brandstof KLM verhoogt de brandstoftoeslag op al zijn vluchten. Dat liet de luchtvaartmaatschappij dinsdag weten. De hogere prijs voor een vliegticket gaat donderdag in. De verhoging op intercontinentale vluchten bedraagt 5 euro, waarmee de toeslag voor klanten in Nederland uitkomt op 65 euro per vliegreis. Voor een vlucht binnen Europa wordt 1 euro meer gevraagd, wat de brandstoftoeslag tilt naar 24 euro. Foto : Piet Sinke © De verhoging hangt samen met de stijging van de olieprijs. KLM verlaagt de tarieven pas weer als de prijs per vat olie (van 159 liter) dertig dagen achtereen tot onder de 70 Amerikaanse dollar is gezakt. De luchtvaartmaatschappij Air France, het moederbedrijf van KLM, kondigde in Parijs tegelijkertijd een verhoging aan van de brandstoftoeslagen. Bij de Fransen gaat de prijs op binnenlandse prijzen omhoog met 1 euro, op middellange vluchten met 2 euro en met 7 euro op lange vluchten. Air France schroeft de tarieven pas weer omlaag als de olieprijs gedurende dertig dagen onder de 65 dollar is. De prijs voor een vat Amerikaanse ruwe olie bedroeg dinsdag bijna 77 dollar. MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : sposinfo@meteo.nl PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 15 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today. …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 16 8/8/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 140 The STEVNS ARCTIC at Maaspilot station – Photo : Frans Sanderse © The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or exense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 17 8/8/2006
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