VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 Number 100*** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Tuesday 23-05-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. THIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl info@vlierodam.nl The BONN EXPRESS seen departing from Amsterdam Photo : Joop Marechal © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 1 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: SmitWijs@SmitWijs.com EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS The NORMAND PIONEER seen departing from the river Tyne – Photo : Kevin Blair © Havenbezoek schepen joint Caribbean Lion In de afgelopen dagen is een aantal schepen aangekomen voor deelname aan de oefening Joint Caribbean Lion. Afgelopen donderdag en vrijdag liepen de al enige tijd in het Caraïbisch gebied verblijvende onderzeeboot Hr.Ms. Zeeleeuw, het multipurposefregat Hr.Ms. Van Nes en het bevoorradingsschip Hr.Ms. Zuiderkruis de haven van Willemstad binnen. Zaterdag 20 mei werden zij gevolgd door het Luchtverdedigingsen commandofregat Hr.Ms. De Ruyter en het Belgische marinefregat Westdiep die verwelkomd werden met wederzijdse ceremoniële saluutschoten. Op 22 mei komt de Amerikaanse amfibische helikoptercarrier USS Bataan aan bij Curaçao en tenslotte meert op 23 mei de FS Francis Garnier af in Willemstad. Naast deze varende eenheden is in de ochtend van 21 mei een grote hoeveelheid materieel afgeleverd voor de oefening Joint Caribbean Lion door de containerschepen MS Vegaland (United Kingdom) en de MS Hoburgen PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 2 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 (Bahamas). Het materieel bestaat onder andere uit tanks, rupsvoertuigen, jeeps en vrachtwagens. Onder begeleiding en in etappes wordt dit materieel over het eiland vervoerd. Achter elkaar opgesteld zou het materieel een lengte van in totaal 3,2 km hebben. In de middag van 21 mei hebben alle binnenliggende eenheden, te weten Hr.Ms. De Ruyter, Hr.Ms. Van Nes, Hr.Ms. Zuiderkruis, het Belgische fregat BNS Westdiep en de Nederlandse onderzeeboot Hr.Ms. Zeeleeuw, open huis gehouden die goed werd bezocht. Joint Caribbean Lion (JCL) is een oefening waarbij Nederland in een internationale omgeving met alle krijgsmachtdelen (Koninklijke Marine, Koninklijke Luchtmacht, Koninklijke Landmacht en Koninklijke Marechaussee) vanuit zee landoperaties uitvoert. Het expeditionaire vermogen, ofwel het opereren ver van de thuisbasis, wordt hiermee beoefend. De oefening duurt van 23 mei tot 14 juni. Er nemen ongeveer 4000 mensen deel aan deze oefening. De deelnemende landen, naast Nederland, zijn: de Verenigde Staten, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Canada, Frankrijk, België en Venezuela. Zij sturen troepen, vliegtuigen, varende eenheden of waarnemers. Fesco Sailor Killed A Russian seafarer on-board a Far-Eastern Shipping Co (FESCo) containership was killed by a falling cable in New Zealand on Sunday night. The 27-year-old sailor from Vladivostok was struck by the cable as the 1,016-teu “Yuriy Ostrovskiy” (built 1994) left its berth at the Port of Lyttelton outside Christchurch on the country’s South Island, reports Tradewinds. The vessel, which was bound for Manila, re-berthed after the incident. Local police and officials from Maritime New Zealand attended the scene and conducted interviews with the dead sailor’s colleagues in order to compile a report on the incident. No damage to the vessel or other crewmembers was reported. The Cyprus-flagged vessel and its crew of 17 were scheduled to leave the Port of Lyttleton on Monday afternoon local time. Cargo ship rescues stranded yachtie A lone yachtsman rescued last night off Fraser Island, in south-east Queensland, is resting on board a cargo ship. The yachtsman sent a mayday when his 10-metre sailing boat Sea Fury got into trouble off Indian Head about 7:00pm AEST last night. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 3 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 The captain of the bulk carrier Pacific Freedom says he responded to a distress flare and saw the man standing on the hull of his upturned yacht. The captain says he was taken on board the Pacific Freedom and he is now sleeping while the ship continues on to Gladstone. The captain says the man is in good condition apart from a few scratches on his hands and legs, but his boat and possessions could not be saved. The Pacific Freedom's captain says the yachtsman will be checked by a doctor on arrival in Gladstone. QM2 crewman remanded A Queen Mary 2 crewman has been remanded in custody in the UK charged with the murder of a fellow crew member. Rodolfo Detecio Juanga, 48, is accused of killing Joel Jagatin Tagaan, 39, who died earlier this month while the 150,000-gt Cunard liner (built 2003) was at sea. Juanga, of the Philippines, appeared before Southampton magistrates on Friday. His case was committed to Winchester Crown Court to be heard on 26 May. The ship, registered in Southampton, arrived in the city last Wednesday. Hampshire police took Juanga, an electrician, into custody under Section 105 of the Merchant Shipping Act when the vessel docked. His arrest came after British detectives boarded the ship in Norway to question staff following an alleged argument below decks in which Tagaan, also an electrician and from the Philippines, suffered serious head injuries Pirates attack Russian tanker Six heavily armed pirates robbed a PRISCO tanker in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Guinea, west Africa, Russian coast guards said Sunday. The pirates boarded the tanker and stole the contents of the till before making their escape in a motor boat, Russian news agency ITAR-TASS quoted the coast guards as saying. The captain handed over all the cash on board to safeguard the 20-strong crew, whose nationality was not stated in the report. The tanker, called the Shkotovo, was 55 kilometres (34 miles) from the coast of Guinea when the attack took place and was supplying fishermen in the area with fuel. Freak wave injures five Five passengers were injured when a ferry traveling from the UK to France was struck by a freak wave on Sunday night. Windows and berths on-board Brittany Ferries’ 41,800-gt flagship Pont-Aven (built 2004) were also damaged by the wave which struck as the ferry was on its way to Santander from Plymouth. The minor injuries to five of the ship’s 1,100 passengers included cuts and bruises. The ferry was diverted to the French port of Roscoff from where it is due to sail to Brest for a full damage assessment. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 4 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 Since the $182m vessel’s delivery from Meyer Werft in Germany, the Pont-Aven has already been to Brest Shipyard for repairs. In August 2004 Britanny Ferries was forced to cancel scheduled sailings when a cracked cooling valve led to more than 1,200 tonnes of seawater flooding the ship’s engine section while it was docked at Plymouth. After two days at the French repair yard the Pont-Aven was put back in to service. The vessel runs services between Plymouth and Santander and the southern Irish city of Cork and Roscoff. LATEST NEW 804 TEU VESSEL FOR SAMSKIP The TEU 804 SAMSKIP COURIER is the sister vessel of the SAMSKIP PIONEER, GEESTDIJK and GEESTROOM, built at the Damen yard in Galatz in 2006, owned by J.Kahrs Estorf and flying the Antigua flag. Photo : Jan van der Klooster – www.scheepvaarthoek.nl Wind hindert scheepvaart en verkeer De scheepvaart heeft veel last van de harde wind gehad. De Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij heeft het drie keer zo druk als normaal gehad de laatste paar dagen. In Lelystad werd door de harde wind een zeilschip tegen de kade aangedrukt. De dertig pasagiers bleven ongedeerd. Bij Schiermonnikoog, Marken, Urk en Breskens raakten schepen in ondiep water en op het Markermeer maakte een schip slagzij. Op het IJmeer bij het eiland Pampus moest de kustwacht vier opvarenden en een hond van een kruiser te hulp schieten. Zij vreesden dat hun schip zou kapseizen. Een in aanbouw zijnde detentieboot sloeg los van de kade in Zaandam. Aan boord waren op het moment van het incident alleen werklieden aanwezig. Zij konden het schip bijtijds verlaten. ABN Amro 1 wint dramatische zevende etappe De ABN AMRO 1 heeft ook de zevende etappe van de Volvo Ocean Race gewonnen. Het zeiljacht kwam als eerste over de finish in het Britse Portsmouth, negen dagen na het vertrek uit New York. Aanleiding tot grote vreugde over opnieuw een etappezege was er niet. Donderdag overleed het Nederlandse bemanningslid Hans Horrevoets van de PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 5 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 ABN Amro 2, nadat hij op de Atlantische Oceaan overboord was geslagen. De zeilrace om de wereld ging desondanks door. ABN Amro 1 kan de eindoverwinning in de Volvo Ocean Race al niet meer ontgaan, met nog een etappe voor de boeg. NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : anglodutch@pandora.be US Pacific Fleet lines up RP exercises Admiral Gary Roughead, commander of the United States Pacific Fleet of which the visiting American hospital ship USNS Mercy is a member, disclosed on Sunday the series of program exercises lined up in the Philippines including the antiterrorism exercises. A few days after docking in the coastal waters of Manila, the US Embassy allowed a tour of the ship for the media and members of nongovernmental organizations. During the ship’s visit, Roughead said, the US Pacific Fleet would be conducting military training exercises to their counterparts in the Philippines. The medical mission of the USNS Mercy is only one of the Fleet’s activities here. Roughead said the US Pacific Fleet of the US Navy will also hold a series of programs to train the Philippine Navy and Marines in advanced military exercises. "We have many activities in the Pacific Fleet that are focused on operating with our friends and partners in the region. There will also be a series of exercises that we call Carat, or the Cooperation for Afloat Readiness and Training. There will also be multinational exercise at the end of this month, a naval exercise, under the name of Seacat, or the Southeast Asian Cooperative for Antiterrorism," Roughead said. He said the US Navy is committed to initiate maritime security programs with their counterparts in different countries to ensure a common view against terrorism. "I think it’s very important, however, to point out that we are very mindful of the sovereignty of the nations in the region, of the interests that they have and the responsibilities that they have. And our exercise program, the cooperative efforts that we are involved in always take that into account. And we very much appreciate the opportunity to conduct these types of exercises in the region," Roughead said. The US Embassy said the Pacific Fleet and its hospital ship will also be in Mindanao to conduct humanitarian missions for Filipinos, in cooperation of various non government organizations. The embassy said the American floating hospital will be in the country tentatively until the end of the month to accomplish the series of military and humanitarian programs. USNS Mercy, a converted supertanker, was commissioned in 1986 and is one of two US Navy hospital ships. San Diego-based Mercy, like her Baltimore-based sister ship USNS Comfort, is usually kept in reduced operating status. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 6 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 When needed, Mercy can be activated and under way in five days. In reduced operating status, a cadre crew of 12 civil service mariners and 58 medical and non medical military members maintain Mercy in a high state of readiness. In full operating status, Mercy’s onboard contingent can expand to up to 61 civil service mariners and 1,214 military personnel. The ship is operated by civil service mariners from the US Navy’s Military Sealift Command, and the onboard medical treatment facility is staffed by military personnel from the Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. The ship is the third hospital ship to bear the name. Previous ships distinguished themselves in service in World War I, World War II and other military missions. The US Embassy said Mercy carries a US medical team made up of medical professionals from US Army, Navy and Air Force. The vessel also carries two H-60 helicopters from one of US’s helicopter squadrons in Guam. Navy construction engineers are also onboard from the US naval construction battalion in Guam. The ship has onboard representatives from the US public health service and several members of NGOs. SHIPYARD NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : RENERGI COMBUSTION IMPROVER >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process. Before using RENERGI After using RENERGI RENERGI will effectively lead to: > Reduced fuel consumption. > Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. > Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. > Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. > Easy and simple dosing system. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 7 WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail : info@westmark.nl 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 The SMIT JAMAICA seen here fitting out at the Damen yard in Gorinchem Photo : Maart Barnhoorn (c) Two Singapore shipyards fined for security breaches under strict new port security rules Two Singapore shipyards have been fined 3,000 Singapore dollars (US$1,885; euro1,480) each after suspected illegal immigrants were found aboard vessels in their ports, officials said Monday. Pandan Shipyard and Dundee Marine and Industrial Services were the first in Singapore to be charged under strict anti-terrorism port security regulations adopted internationally following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, said Simon Ang, spokesman for the city-state's Maritime and Port Authority. During late-night searches on fishing vessels in the two ports last year, immigration authorities found one Filipino without travel documents and two Filipinos whose travel documents had expired, according to an MPA statement. The MPA said that by "permitting" the Filipinos to "slip through (their) premises, (they) failed to ensure that the facilities were operated in compliance with the Port Facility Security Plan." PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 8 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 Both companies pleaded guilty to the charges in court last month and were fined 3,000 Singapore dollars (US$1,885; euro1,480) each, the statement said. They had faced a maximum penalty of S$10,000 (US$6,290; euro4,930). The statement said Singapore's MPA complies with the U.N.-endorsed rules of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, which went into force globally in 2004 in an effort to enhance ship and port security. The rules, backed by the U.N. International Maritime Organization, were drafted following the Sept. 11 attacks. Singapore, a major seaport city, lies along some of the world's most crucial shipping routes. Singapore's Straits Times newspaper said Monday that the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority checks port facilities daily for illegal passengers or items, such as weapons or drugs. Batam yard to build 180 m DSV Singapore based shipbuilder Pan-United Marine Limited has clinched a US $49.5 million contract to construct a specialized offshore support vessel with a 180-meter diving support at its Batam shipyard in Indonesia. The value of the vessel, expected to be delivered in 3Q08, is estimated at above US $130 million, including the cost of owner-furnished equipment. It is the yard's fourth contract from a repeat customer. The vessel, designed for diving operations, will be equipped with a 1,600-tonne revolving pedestal crane and two 100tonne revolving cranes for heavy lifting and pipe-laying projects in offshore support projects for the oil and gas sector. The Batam shipyard successfully completed the building of a 140-m DP3 diving support and construction vessel in January 2003. Executive Director Ng Sing Chan said: "As exploration and production venture into ever deeper waters, size does matter--this will be one of the biggest construction vessels with DP3 capabilities to be built in this part of the world. This contract shows that PUM is well-positioned to capture a good slice of the highend specialized vessel shipbuilding segment." Supply Vesels Hull For Aker Langsten On May 23 2006 Vyborg shipyard launches the hull of the supply vessel of VS 470 PSV Mk II project for Norwegian Aker Langsten, incorporated in Aker Group. The vessel is 73.4 meters long, 16.6 meters wide, 3.550 tons dwt. ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 9 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : mail@workships.nl Website : www.workships.nl The HARVEY PROVIDER seen operating in the Gulf of Mexico Photo : Roel Gersthuizen © The HARVEY PROVIDER with her sister ship HARVEY EXPLORER are 72 mtr long supplyvessels built at the Eastern Shipbuilding in Panama City, and operating in the Gulf of Mexico for Harvey Gulf International Marine Inc. Powered by 2 Caterpillar main engines with a total output of 4520 hp the vessels can achieve a top speed of 13.5 knots, the cruising speed is 11 knots. Besides the 2 Fixed pitch propellers connected to the main engines the vessels are equipped 2 bow thrusters of 900 hp each and 1 stern thruster of 540 hp which are of the controllable pitch type. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 10 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 The vessel is equipped with a Kongsberg DP 2 system for station keeping. Passengers fume over chaotic cruise ship It was mutiny cruise-ship style, with demands for refunds and threats of class-action lawsuits instead of setting the captain adrift on the high seas. Hundreds of disgruntled passengers trooped off a Celebrity cruise ship that docked Friday in Victoria, angry that two of the ship's nine ports of call were cancelled due to mechanical problems. For Alex and Lana Fridman, it meant the loss of a much-anticipated chance to visit relatives in Seattle not seen in 20 years. And the couple, who now live in Australia but are from Ukraine, also didn't get to see Sitka, Alaska, known for its Russian heritage. Photo : Debra Brash © "For my heart, it is important to see Seattle. Without Seattle, it is nothing for me," said Alex, who packed an extra suitcase filled with family photos, letters and Australian trinkets for his relatives. The couple said the airfare and cruise cost a total of $8,000. They, like many of the 1,900 people on board the 297-metre ship named the Summit, flew from around the world for the two-week cruise that left Los Angeles on May 7. Several of the passengers said they noticed vibration on the ship as soon as it left Los Angeles. Celebrity Cruise spokesman Michael Sheehan said "routine" maintenance was done on the ship in San Francisco on May 9. The next day, he said, the cruise line was notified by the manufacturer of the ship's starboard thrust bearing, which is in the ship's propulsion system, that the ship needed to reduce its 22.5-knot per hour speed to 17 knots to complete the trip. That meant two ports had to be cancelled, and the time spent in a couple of others, including near the Hubbard Glacier in Alaska, was reduced. Passengers were notified about 12 hours after the ship left San Francisco, and given compensation of $200 per stateroom. On Thursday, the company also said they could have 30 per cent off one future cruise taken within the next 18 months. But many passengers feel the company should have been aware of the problem earlier, and given them a choice then of refunding their money or carrying on with the reduced cruise. "We feel used," said Gordon Symons, who came on the cruise with his wife, Carol, in large part to see a glacier up close. Sheehan said passengers were notified as soon as the extent of the problem was known and that they've been fairly compensated. He said only a "small handful of people are having difficulty accepting the circumstances." But throngs of passengers greeted reporters after the ship docked in Victoria, complaining about the cancellation. Peter Webb, a British lawyer on board the ship, said he has a petition with 1,100 names on it from passengers upset at the way the situation was handled and that class-action suits are being considered against the company. Passengers began meeting daily in the ship foyer. Symons said there were about 600 people at Thursday's meeting. But passenger Karen Kirchschlager from Austria said not all the passengers were unhappy and she simply accepted the cancellations as part of the risk of a cruise holiday. "They let it ruin their holiday. I didn't," said Kirchschlager. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 11 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 NEW TUG FOR SVENDBORG BUGSER A/S Svendborg took delivery of her latest new tug BALTSUND, the vessel is the former MAGNI from Reykjavik Photo : Svendborg Bugser A/S © The BALTSUND is a tug of the STANTUG 1906 type built during 1996 at the Damen yard in Gorinchem, the tug is having a length of 19.6 mtr and a beam of 6.4 mtr, she is powered by 2 Cummins main engines of 640 hp each for an output of 18 tons BHP Harwich has surprise visitor The UK port of Harwich welcomed its biggest ever vessel when the 105,000gt Costa Magica (built 2004) cruiseship was diverted from Dover in bad weather. The ship docked on Friday with 2,400 mainly German and Italian passengers, who spend an unscheduled day at the port. The Costa Cruises ship had been unable to berth in Dover because of high winds. New Boxship of MISC PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 12 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 Malaysia-based shipping company MISC has just launched its largest container vessel, the 7920-TEU “Bunga Seroja Satu”, which has been placed on one of the line's Asia-Europe services. The newbuild began its maiden voyage from Northport Container Terminal earlier this month. MISC has ordered another similar sized vessel, the “Bunga Seroja Dua”, which the company expects to take delivery of in February 2007. The firm ordered both vessels from Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. Latest boxship delivery takes Evergreen back to its roots EVERGREEN Marine of Taiwan has gone back to its roots after calling its latest 7,024 teu containership newbuilding Ever Spring, the name of the company’s first full containership. The latest Ever Spring was launched last week by vice group chairman Chang Kuo-Cheng and his wife, Tseng Chiung-Hui, at the Mitsubishi shipyard at Kobe in Japan. The 300 m long, 78,700 dwt vessel is due to be delivered in August and join Evergreen’s WAE pendulum service linking the North American west coast with Asia and northern Europe. Ever Spring is the fifth in a series of 10 S-type vessels being built for the group by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for delivery by 2008. Three have already been delivered to Evergreen’s British offshoot Hatsu Marine and the fourth, Hatsu Smile, is due for delivery in early June. Evergreen is also due to take delivery of eight 8,063 teu C-class boxships by 2008. The first Ever Spring was launched in 1975. The 15,752 dwt vessel, later transferred to the Uni-Glory fleet to become Uni-Spring, inaugurated Evergreen’s first full container service in July 1975, on a voyage from Taiwan to the US east coast. MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet commercial@multraship.nl http://www.multraship.nl PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 13 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 The ATLANTIC CARTIER seen enroute the port of Antwerp Photo : Ricardo van Liere © The CSCL EUROPE seen outward bound at Maaspilot station Photo : Rik van Marle © AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Massaontslag kost Malaysia Airlines 130 miljoen euro Een grote reorganisatie bij Malaysia Airlines kost de luchtvaartmaatschappij zo’n 130 miljoen euro. Dat melden Maleisische media maandag (22 mei). Malaysia Airlines kondigde eind maart aan zo’n 6000 banen te schrappen. Voor personeel dat de luchtvaartmaatschappij moet verlaten is een compensatieregeling getroffen. De maatschappij kampt met grote verliezen en een kleiner personeelbestand en een ingedikt routenetwerk moeten Malaysia Airlines er weer bovenop brengen. Mogelijk kunnen ongeveer duizend werknemers in dienst treden van Qatar Airways, zo meldt Bloomberg. Eerder werd al bekend dat low cost carrier AirAsia 96 binnenlandse routes overneemt. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 14 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 NASA hopes shuttle's next move won't be its last NASA rolled the space shuttle Discovery onto a launch pad hoping to leave behind problems exposed by the 2003 Columbia disaster and begin a final round of flights before the shuttle fleet is retired. Discovery was being prepared for liftoff in July on NASA's second and final shuttle test-flight since the fatal accident, when Columbia disintegrated on reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. Left : The crew which will board the Discovery for the next flight assembled together. Photo : at Johnson Space Center Houston. A successful flight will allow NASA to resume construction of the halfbuilt International Space Station and possibly extend the life of the beloved Hubble Space Telescope, which has allowed humans to peer into far galaxies. But with the shuttle fleet due to retire in 2010, any serious problems during July's mission likely would bring a premature end to the shuttle program and disrupt NASA's plans to keep its skilled work force intact while a replacement spacecraft is being developed. Right : The cockpit of the Spaceshuttle Photo : Piet Sinke © "If we go and fly and have another accident that will be the end of the program," Wayne Hale, NASA's shuttle program manager, recently told reporters. NASA faces one major hurdle before Discovery is cleared for flight -- it must determine if the shuttle's newly redesigned fuel tank is safe to fly. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 15 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 The tank, which holds cryogenic propellants consumed by the shuttle's three main engines during the eight-minute climb to orbit, has been modified twice since the loss of Columbia and of its seven-member crew on February 1, 2003. Total repairs will cost the agency $2 billion. Ever since the shuttle first flew 25 years ago, pieces of the tanks' foam insulation have broken off during launch. The insulation is needed to prevent ice from building up on the tank, breaking off during liftoff and hitting the ship's delicate heat shield. Before Columbia, NASA never imagined that lightweight foam could be just as deadly. But it was. Columbia's wing was hit by a piece of falling foam during launch, and the ship broke apart as it flew into the Earth's atmosphere 16 days later for landing. Flyglobespan houdt Schiphol binnen drie maanden al voor gezien De Schotse luchtvaartmaatschappij Flyglobespan stopt haar lijndienst tussen Glasgow en Amsterdam. Op de website van de prijsvechter is te zien dat het bedrijf met ingang van maandag 5 juni geen vluchten meer op de route aanbiedt. Foto : Joop & Vera Looije (c) Verkoopagent Aviareps bevestigt maandag (22 mei) aan Luchtvaartnieuws.nl / Zakenreisnieuws.nl dat Flyglobespan ‘wegens tegenvallende vervoerscijfers’ een punt achter de nog jonge verbinding zet. Flyglobespan verlaagde de frequentie recentelijk al van een dagelijkse vlucht naar vier vluchten per week. De maatschappij zou de Boeing 737-800’s beter kunnen gebruiken op andere routes. Naar nu blijkt heeft de Schotse onderneming zo weinig hoop op een opleving van de vervoersaantallen, dat zelfs al voor de start van het drukke zomerseizoen een punt achter de verbinding gezet wordt. De low cost maatschappij voerde de eerste vlucht tussen Glasgow en Amsterdam op vrijdag 24 maart van dit jaar uit. Door de beslissing van Flyglobespan kan de route tussen beide steden op z’n minst tot één van Schiphol’s meest instabiele verbindingen worden gerekend. Het Britse easyJet begon in 2000 met twee dagelijkse vluchten tussen Glasgow en Amsterdam. De oranje prijsvechter deed dat aanvankelijk met veel succes, maar bracht twee jaar later de frequentie toch terug naar één rotatie per dag. EasyJet beëindigde de route eind oktober 2005 volledig, naar eigen zeggen als gevolg van de hoge luchthavengelden op het vliegveld van Glasgow. Air Scotland Begin 2005 meldde Air Scotland zich bij Schiphol. Die maatschappij - toen nog onderdeel van Greece Airways wilde graag twee keer per week met een Boeing 757 tussen Glasgow en Amsterdam vliegen. De verkoop van tickets ging weliswaar van start, maar tot een daadwerkelijke eerste vlucht kwam het nooit. Air Scotland liet weten over te weinig vliegtuigen te beschikken, en kondigde aan later dat jaar alsnog te willen beginnen met vijf vluchten per week. Ook die belofte werd niet ingelost. Door het vertrek van easyJet en het afhaken van Air Scotland bleef transavia.com als enige prijsvechter tussen Amsterdam en Glasgow over. Een situatie die zich begin juni herhaalt als ook Flyglobespan Schiphol voor het laatste PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 16 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 aandoet. In tegenstelling tot moederbedrijf KLM vliegt transavia.com echter naar de tweede luchthaven van Glasgow, Prestwick genaamd. De Nederlandse low cost carrier laat aan Luchtvaartnieuws.nl / Zakenreisnieuws.nl weten niet van Prestwick te willen vertrekken. Woordvoerster Petra van der Peijl: “We zijn tevreden over Prestwick. Het is daar veel goedkoper dan de andere luchthaven van Glasgow, en er zijn prima verbindingen naar de stad. Het wegvallen van Flyglobespan brengt ons wat dat betreft niet op andere gedachten.” MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : sposinfo@meteo.nl Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today. …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 17 23-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 100 Hornbeck’s EAGLE SERVICE seen in Port Fourchon Photo : Piet Sinke © The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 18 23-05-2006
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