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VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 Number 171** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Sunday 10-09-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. THIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl info@vlierodam.nl The 1967 built JANICE ANN REINAUER (2200 hp) seen in the port of New in the port of New York – Photo : Stuart Warmink © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 1 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: SmitWijs@SmitWijs.com EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Wall painting made last week at the harbour wall of Horta – Faial Island (Azores) by the crew of the SvitzerWijsmuller tug BATTLEAXE, the tug Battleaxe is at Faial since 1st of June and is one of the four tugs working on the salvage and removal operations of CP Valour . Photo : Miguel Nóia © Wall paintings on the harbour walls at the Azores Islands are made for many years, I remember myself when we were on salvage station with the SMIT LONDON (1975 during her maiden voyage) (Photo right : Piet Sinke) and later (1976) with the SMIT ROTTERDAM at Horta, the crew spend a lot of efforts to make the most beautiful paintings on the harbour wall. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 2 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 Left a simple wall painting made by the crew of the SMIT ROTTERDAM during 198? the crew included that moment Capt Henk Groen , Ch.Off George Zwager and second off Willem Goudswaard, the rest of the names is not readable at the picture. Photo : Tom Juin © More beautiful paintings can be found at the various naval bases around the world, special in or former British Commonwealth countries, like at the Simonstown naval base, with paintings going back for many years, but well maintained until now. Top : Wall paintings at the Simonstown Naval base drydock – Photo : Piet Sinke © Gasfornuis oorzaak ontploffing zeilschip Medemblik Een niet goed werkende thermische beveiliging van het gasfornuis is de oorzaak geweest van de gasexplosie die op donderdag 8 juni plaatsvond op een zeilschip in de haven van Medemblik. Bij deze explosie raakten acht mensen gewond. Uit zowel technisch als forensisch onderzoek is vast komen te staan dat de thermische beveiliging van het gasfornuis niet goed heeft gefunctioneerd. Deze beveiliging had ervoor moeten zorgen dat er geen gas uit de leiding stroomt wanneer de gasvlam niet brandt. Het uitgestroomde gas heeft zich onder de vloer verzameld en is daar ontploft. Op het zeilschip waren twintig mensen aanwezig. Zij maakten deel uit van een groep van 83 scholieren en leerkrachten uit Zwijndrecht die op zeilkamp waren. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 3 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft de onderzoeken van het KLPD en het NFI ontvangen. Aan de hand van het dossier zal het Openbaar Ministerie de mogelijke strafrechtelijke consequenties van het incident beoordelen. Het KLPD zal de branchevereniging voor de Bruine Vloot informeren. IMEC WARNS ON PHILIPPINE COMPENSATION RULINGS RECENT compensation rulings by the Philippine Supreme Court could lead to employers of Filipino seafarers “walking away” from what is currently the largest source of manpower for the world fleet, the International Maritime Employers Committee has warned. Speaking at a press briefing IMEC vice chairman Ian Sherwood of Delta Marine, said that three recent rulings were causing ship operators considerable concern. In these cases it was accepted that seafarers would be eligible for 100% permanent disability compensation, in the cases heard amounting to US$60,000 each, if they were unable to work for 120 days. Although the cases involved a now obsolete contract of employment the vessel operators fear that a principle has been established that is not well founded and would have major implications for the employers and ultimately for the future of the Philippines as a provider of manpower. IMEC contracts provide for compensation based on the nature of injuries sustained and in the case of officers under some contracts the sums can be considerably higher than US$60,000. The operators fear a bandwagon effect with large numbers claiming inability to work for more than 120. “This would not be sustainable,” said Mr Sherwood. He added that although with regard to officers the employers could not walk away “overnight” the move away from Filipino rating could much swifter. ATLANTIC KINGFISHER ARRIVED IN ROTTERDAM The ATLANTIC KINGFISHER arrived Saturday morning in Rotterdam. Photo : Piet Sinke © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 4 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 SOLAR I “COULD HAVE HIT CONTAINER” FILM taken by remotely operated vehicle of the sunken Philippine domestic trades tanker Solar I have led to speculation that the ship hit an object such a floating cargo container. According to local press reports the film shows a triangular hole in it is shell plating which could have allowed water to flood into an empty ballast tank. Meanwhile it appears attempts may be made to recover the remaining cargo from the tanker, lying in 640 metres. However it appears, according to reports, unlikely that the wreck will be raised, despite strong demands from environmental groups. Ivory coast ship probed for pollution The ship Probo Koala at the centre of the Ivory Coast toxic waste scandal, which killed at least three people and led to the government's resignation, is also under investigation by Dutch authorities over an incident here, the prosecutor's office said Thursday. In the Ivory Coast, the three people who died, including two children, and 1 500 others were poisoned after toxic chemicals were dumped three weeks ago in open-air garbage sites around the commercial capital, Abidjan, a city of four million people. The waste had been unloaded from the Probo Koala, a Panamanian-registered ship that docked at Abidjan on August 19 and left again on August 21, the city's port authority said. headaches, according to the French consulate in Abidjan. The waste contains hydrogen sulphide and organochloride, which are both poisonous and can cause nausea, rashes, fainting, diarrhoea and In early July the Probo Koala was in the Netherlands at the port of Amsterdam and tried to dispose of some waste but the operation caused complaints about the noxious smell and was called off. The waste was pumped back into the Probo Koala, according to Dutch authorities. The ship then left for Estonia. "The incident is being investigated by a regional environmental police team. The investigation is ongoing," the prosecutor's office said in a statement. "At this moment it cannot be established whether the waste dumped in Ivory Coast is the same waste that the ship tried to dispose of in Amsterdam," the Dutch authorities said. The Ivory Coast toxic waste scandal has more ties to the Netherlands as the Probo Koala was chartered by the Netherlands-registered oil trading company Trafigura. Although it is officially registered in the Netherlands most of its business is conducted from the company's headquarters in Lucerne, Switzerland, Dutch media said. Trafigura told AFP Wednesday that the discharge was legal and that an Ivorian company had been entrusted with handling the unloaded waste. Shipping Company Banned from U.S. for 3 Years The Sun Ace Shipping Company, based in Seoul, South Korea, has pleaded guilty to a one-count information for violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, in relation to the operation of a bulk carrier vessel the M/V Sun New, the Justice Department announced today. Sun Ace, which was the operator and manager of a fleet of five ships, is charged with failing to maintain an accurate Oil Record Book that fully recorded the disposal of oil residue and bilge into the ocean and then falsifying records to conceal illegal discharges. A joint factual statement filed in District Court in New Jersey stated that, on the night of Jan. 3, 2006, U.S. Coast Guard inspectors boarded the Sun New and discovered that members of the engine room crew has used bypass hoses to discharge oily wastes overboard into the ocean without using the vessel’s oil-water separator. Upon further investigation, inspectors discovered that the crew of PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 5 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 the Sun New had disposed of oil waste into the ocean at least twice during the voyage from South Korea to New Jersey. Engine room operations on board large oceangoing vessels such as the Sun New generate large amounts of waste oil. International and U.S. law prohibit the discharge of waste oil without treatment by an Oily Water Separator. The law also requires that all overboard discharges be recorded in an Oil Record Book, a required log which is regularly inspected by the Coast Guard. Per the terms of the plea agreement, the Sun Ace Shipping Company will pay a $400,000 penalty and a $100,000 community service payment to the National Fish and Wildlife Program, Delaware Estuary Grants Program, which will be used to protect and restore the natural resources of the Delaware Estuary and its watershed. The Sun Ace Shipping Company will also be subject to a three year term of probation, during which its vessels will be banned from U.S. ports and waters. Earlier this month, a grand jury in Newark, N.J., returned a three-count indictment charging the Chief Engineer and the Second Engineer of M/V Sun New with conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and a violation of the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships in connection with the use of two bypass hoses used to discharge sludge and oil contaminated bilge waste overboard into the ocean. The case was investigated by marine inspectors from Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay, and special agents from the Coast Guard Investigative Service and the Environmental Protection Agency Criminal Investigation Division. The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney David Kehoe in the Environmental Crimes Section in the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. Tax relief for coastal cruise liners The Government will allow the Hurtigruten Group to adopt a so-called "net pay" salary system from next July, according to the Industry Minister . Photo : Henk de Winde © This means that the Group will have to pay less tax for its employees than up to now, and will mean a tax relief worth NOK 100 million a year for the popular coastal cruise liners, NRK reports. This will give the Norwegian liners equal conditions with foreign competitors. Hurtigruten has up to now had wage bills twice that of competitors. This has led to major deficits for the Hurtigruten Group over the past years. Last year's deficit totalled more than NOK 200 million. 130 Touristen sitzen seit Tagen mit Schiff in Schleuse fest PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 6 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 230 Touristen aus Großbritannien und den USA warten seit Tagen darauf, dass ihre Schiffsreise auf der Seine weitergeht: Ihr Boot sitzt in einer Schleuse in Nordfrankreich fest. Wie die Reederei Viking River Cruises am Freitag in Le Havre mitteilte, wollte das Boot bei einer siebentägigen Reise die Seine hinauf am Dienstag die Schleuse von Tancarville passieren. Doch dabei sei eines der Tore der Schleuse kaputt gegangen. Wie zahlreiche Frachtschiffe stecke das Boot seitdem fest. "Die Passagiere sind nicht froh, auch wenn sie verstehen, dass wir nicht für den Vorfall verantwortlich sind", sagte ein Sprecher der Reederei. Sie wurden mit Busfahrten zu Sehenswürdigkeiten vertröstet. Die Verwaltung des Hafens von Le Havre, die für die Schleuse zuständig ist, konnte auch am Freitag nicht sagen, wann die Schleuse repariert sein würde. Suit accuses sunken ferry's crew of negligence Three crew members on the ill-fated Queen of the North are accused of negligence and recklessness that led to the sinking of the ferry in legal papers filed Thursday in B.C. Supreme Court. A lawsuit originally launched by a Nanaimo, B.C., couple was amended to include the names of captain Colin Henthorne, fourth officer Carl Lilgert and deckhand Karen Bricker. They join B.C. Ferry Services Inc., previously the only defendant listed. The 40-year-old ferry struck a rock off Gil Island on March 22, en route from Prince Rupert to Port Hardy, B.C., causing the vessel to sink to the bottom. Two passengers are missing and believed dead. Alexander and Maria Kotai lost all their possessions when the ferry sank. Lawyers David Varty and James Hanson are attempting to have the couple's case certified as a class-action suit, representing many of the 50 paying passengers on the ferry that night. That application will be heard next spring in Vancouver. Hanson said Wednesday that Lilgert and Bricker were on the bridge when the accident occurred. The suit does not allege what caused the accident. Hanson said the Marine Liability Act creates a presumption of negligence in the event of any ship sinking. Among other things, the amendment says the three crew members were negligent for failing to navigate the vessel safely through Wright Sound. B.C. Ferry Services spokeswoman Deborah Marshall said the corporation could not comment on a matter before the courts. The lawsuit claims unspecified punitive and aggravated damages against Henthorne, Lilgert and Bricker. CASUALTY REPORTING Ship Grounds in St. Lawrence Seaway The Motor Vessel Toro ran aground at Lighted Buoy 1 near Cornwall Island. The 585-ft., Greek registered vessel is laden with canola meal destined for Progresso, Mexico. There was a Canadian Pilot on board the Toro at the time of the grounding. There are no reports of injuries or pollution at this time. Responders were on scene at the vessel within a very short period of time. An initial dive survey has been completed to assess the damage to the vessel and provide the basic information necessary to develop a salvage plan to re-float the vessel. Representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard, the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) (U.S.), the Saint Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) (Canada), Transport Canada and the ship's owners and insurers will meet to assess the situation and discuss possible salvage options. The cause of the incident is under investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard and Transport Canada. The results will be made known upon conclusion of the investigation. Incidentally, local, state, and federal responders are currently holding an exercise in Alexandria Bay to test response procedures and equipment that would be needed for response to an oil spill. The U.S. Coast Guard, Canadian Coast Guard, SLSDC, SLSMC, State and local responders and Save the River have engaged in what has been a very successful exercise. NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 7 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : anglodutch@pandora.be MODERN MUTINIES The 20th century was no exception when it came to sailors uprising against their officers and/or regimes ….. from fleet-wide mutinies such as in Germany in 1917 and 1918, to single-ship episodes that achieved much notoriety and bloodshed….. In this issue of the “Maritime news clippings” the Mutiny onboard 2 Brazilian Battleships is highlighted in a few words. During the presidency of Marshal Hermes Rodrigues da Fonseca (1910-14), nephew of Deodoro da Fonseca, turmoil spread across Brazil. In 1910 the brand-new Brazilian battleship SAO PAULO and her sister ship MINAS GERIAS hoisted the red flag after their crews revolted, and to add emphasis to their demands for reform, bombarded Rio de Janeiro for two days. After many casualties the Brazilian government accepted the mutineer’s terms, Hermes da Fonseca was forced to grant the rebels their demands and to give them amnesty. Tomorrow the mutiny in 1946 onboard the Indian Naval vessel “Hindustan” HMS Clyde Named HMS Clyde, the first ship to be built in Portsmouth Naval Base for nearly 40 years, was named in a night ceremony at VT Shipbuilding’s facilities. The Royal Navy’s new 80m. Offshore Patrol Vessel (Helicopter) was named by Mrs Lesley Dunt, wife of Vice Admiral Peter Dunt, Director of Defence Estates. The VIP event was attended by leading figures from the RN and defence industry, along with around 1,000 specially invited guests and VT employees. Dunt smashed the champagne bottle against the hull of the new ship, starting a laser light and firework show. HMS Clyde is the first ship constructed in the Base since 1967 when the Leander Class frigate HMS Andromeda was built. The catalyst for this renaissance in shipbuilding was the move in 2003 of VT Shipbuilding to £50 million state-of-the-art facilities which are among the most advanced in Europe. VT is building sections of the Royal Navy’s new Type 45 destroyer at Portsmouth but HMS Clyde is the first complete ship to emerge from the giant assembly halls at the site. The new OPV(H) will be PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 8 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 the patrol ship for the Falkland Islands and will be officially accepted by the MOD next month before she is deployed to the South Atlantic next Spring – around the time of the 25th anniversary of the conflict. Dutch company to shipped 1st Russian nuclear submarine August 23rd Dutch company Dockwise to ship three discarded Russian submarines to dismantlement The first nuclear submarine of the total of three to be shipped was loaded on the Transshelf, semi-submersible ship of Dutch company Dockwise, at Polyarny shipyard on the Kola Peninsula and headed to Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region,. The operation is going as planned, as the first Victor-I class nuclear submarine was loaded onboard the Transshelf ship. In total two Victor-I class submarines will be shipped from the shipyard in Polyarny on the Kola Peninsula to Zvezdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk, in the Arkhangelsk Region, for dismantlement. The third submarine, The November class submarine, will be later transported from Gremikha, a former naval base on the eastern coast of the Kola Peninsula, to Polyarny shipyard for dismantlement. SHIPYARD NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : RENERGI COMBUSTION IMPROVER >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process. Before using RENERGI After using RENERGI RENERGI will effectively lead to: > Reduced fuel consumption. > Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. > Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. > Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. > Easy and simple dosing system. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 9 WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail : info@westmark.nl 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 The ADSTEAM SHIRLEY, built at the Damen yard in Haiphong (Vietnam), seen in Rotterdam, the final destination for the new tug is Felixstowe (UK) Photo : Michel Kodde © Launching of Lead Dry Cargo Ship for Palmali Group On September 10 Krasnoe Sormovo Shipyard launches the lead ship of RSD17 project for the Palmali Group. The 5 dry cargo vessels are being built undet the contract signed in 2005. The lead ship of the series "Mirzaga Khalilov" is to be delivered to the customer in November 2006, other ships are scheduled for delivery in October 2007. The 6,270-dwt dry cargo vessel is aimed for the transportation of all the cargo types including containers, metal, grain, timber and logs. The speed of the 121.7 meters long, 16.7 meters wide vessel is 11.5 knots. The vessel is 121.7 meters long, 16.7 meters wide, 5.06 meters draft. Another AHTS from Remontowa Remontowa shipyard in Poland reports that the christening took place on August 14th of the 120 tonnes bollard pull AHTS de Moulin Tide, which has since undertaken sea trials for customer Tidewater Marine Inc. In all, the Polish yard will deliver six similar vessels to the US-based operator with the programme due to be completed in 2008. So far three units have been delivered, including de Moulin Tide, however the two initial units were of a slightly smaller design with a bollard pull figure of 100 tonnes. ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 10 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : mail@workships.nl Website : www.workships.nl The BBC CHINA seen moored at JC Meijers in Rotterdam – Waalhaven Photo : Frans Bausch © CMA CGM in Huge Order CMA CGM of France has reacted swiftly to the launch three weeks ago by Maersk Line of its self-confessed largest containership in the world with a massive order for eight 11,400-teu units at Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). In a statement to the Korea Stock Exchange on Friday HHI said the order, valued at $1.2bn, is the largest single order it has received. Delivery of the vessels is scheduled to begin in the first half of 2009 and continue until June the following year. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 11 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 The order follows hard on the heels of an order in late August by the French company for four 6,500-teu units at South Korea's Hanjin Heavy Industries. The ships, which cost a combined total of $401m, are slated for delivery by September 2009. Earlier this year CMA CGM signed for six 4,300-teu ships at Hanjin's new Subic Bay yard in the Philippines, for delivery in 2008 and 2009. Shares in HHI are currently trading at KRW 118,000 ($123.48) a piece, a rise of 1.29%. Viking orders three more ERRVs North Sea emergency response and rescue services provider Viking Offshore Services is extending its multi-million pound new-build programme to nine vessels. It is exercising its option on the construction of a further three field support vessels at the Astilleros Zamakona shipyard in Spain, to bring the total value of the project to more than £55 million. The company announced details of its initial investment in six purpose-built ships last summer. The move both underlined its commitment to the North Sea and heralded its intention to seek business in the wider European offshore energy market. Chief Executive Graham Philip said: “Our decision to exercise the option re-affirms our confidence in the long-term strength of the European market and illustrates our resolve to remain the leading player in the sector. All nine vessels will carry a series of enhanced safety and operational features with fuel efficient diesel electric engines and state-ofthe-art crew facilities. It is imperative in this competitive market to innovate and to provide the best possible service offering to our customers, and those are the key drivers behind the investment programme.” IMT Marine Consultants of Montrose, Scotland, designed the new IMT 955 vessels. The first is to be delivered at the end of 2006 and will be called Viking Discovery with a rolling schedule of delivery that will now incorporate the three additional vessels in late 2008/early 2009. Philip added: “We may look to develop the capabilities of the later vessels even further to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our customer base with the highest possible standards of service. The new build programme will allow us to replace older vessels whilst at the same time considerably increasing the number of multi-role vessels and improving the fleet’s overall capabilities.” All the new vessels are being built to comply with the technical and operational specifications required to operate across the UK, Irish, Norwegian, Danish and Dutch sectors. Cosco lijdt verlies in Antwerpen Het belang van Cosco Pacific in Antwerp Gateway heeft het Chinese bedrijf in de eerste zes maanden van het jaar een verlies van ruim 1,3 miljoen euro opgeleverd. De containerterminal in het Deurganckdok bevindt zich nog is de ’start-up’-fase, aldus Cosco in zijn halfjaarbericht. Antwerp Gateway behandelde in de periode 242.000 teu. Cosco Pacific heeft een belang van 20 procent in de terminal. Technip lands big New Zealand job New Zealand's Origin Energy Resources Ltd. has hired France's Technip SA to develop a natural gas field off the island nation's coast. The $200 million project entails a six-well platform, pipeline and onshore processing facilities for the field, which is 18 miles off the west coast of North Island. Origin Energy Resources is the operator for a group comprised Genesis Energy, New Zealand Oil and Gas Ltd. and Mitsui E&P New Zealand Ltd. The offshore work is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2007 with the platform installation. The onshore processing facilities should commence commercial production no later than the first half of 2009. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 12 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 ER Schiffahrt Sold Container Ship Non-operating owner ER Schiffahrt of Hamburg sold to 2006-built, CMA CGM-operated 8,200 TEU "CMA CGM Parsifal" to undisclosed interests at a reported $102 mn, including a 108-month time charter at $35 th. a day. Ship purchases weigh on cruise line's credit Purchases of new ships by Star Cruises (0678) will weaken the cruise operator's liquidity position and its financial risk profile, two global credit ratings agencies said separately Friday. Standard & Poor's placed a BB corporate credit rating on Star Cruises and put its fully-owned subsidiary Norwegian Cruise Line on CreditWatch with negative implications. Moody's Investors Service downgraded Star Cruises Thursday to B1 from Ba3, with a negative outlook. The world's third largest cruise ship operator, with 22 ships, has placed orders to build two HK$14.7 billion cruise ships to beef up operations. Each will be able to carry more than 4,200 passengers. Star Cruises said it has also entered into an option agreement with Norwegian shipbuilder Aker Yards to build one more vessel for HK$6.98 billion. The option may be exercised any time on or before August 31, 2007. Star Cruises, a unit of Malaysian casino operator Genting listed in Hong Kong and Singapore, said it will use internal resources and arrange external financing to fund the two new vessels. This may involve bank loans, bond issues and asset disposals. "At the group level, the acquisitions are expected to increase Star Cruises' financial risk. Star Cruises' current financial measures, reflected in debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of eight times in 2005, were weaker than peers at a similar rating level," S&P said. The agency added the company's financial profile could weaken further and its credit rating will be under further pressure if it buys the third ship and uses substantial debt to finance the purchase. The two vessels are expected to be ready for delivery in the fourth quarter of 2009 and in the second quarter of 2010, respectively, S&P said. Shares of Star Cruises slipped 2.67 percent Friday to close at HK$1.46. Star Cruises reported a US$68.9 million (HK$537.4 million) loss for the six months to June this year. Nine ships waiting off Lebanon for goahead to dock Nine ships off Lebanon were awaiting UN clearance on Friday to dock in Beirut, while another sailing from Italy entered port after getting Israeli permission, according to authorities. Marine chamber of commerce offical Elie Zakhour said the ships were waiting 70 nautical miles offshore while they sought permission from the interim UN naval force that began patrolling Lebanese waters on Friday afternoon. Zakhia el-Koury, deputy port manager, said the Al-Waleed, carrying 64 containers of foodstuffs, household appliances and other goods, had arrived at 11:30 am (0830 GMT). He told AFP Israeli naval forces had earlier contacted the ship by radio and, after questioning the captain, had given him clearance to pass. Another source at the port said the Al-Waleed was registered in the Caribbean nation of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Israel announced early Friday afternoon that it was lifting its sea blockade of Lebanon, a day after an embargo on international air traffic was dropped. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 13 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 Italy has temporarily taken command of a flotilla that also includes French and Greek ships that began patroling Lebanese waters Friday under the mandate of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which led to the end of the 34-day war between Israel and the Shia group Hezbollah on August 14. Israel had kept up the embargo until it was sure that the UN forces were deployed to interdict any possible arms shipments to Hezbollah by sea. Richards Bay coal exports take a dip Hopes of seeing coal exports through Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) increase above the 70 million tonnes pa mark appear to have been dashed for 2006, following underperformance by the mines, Spoornet and the coal terminal. Analysts say the principal reasons why the ambitious targets are not going to be met this year are delays caused at the mines by bad weather and by a large number of derailments along the railway. Last month RBCT announced that it planned to increase throughput at the terminal from the current 72 million tonnes pa capacity to 91Mt/pa. The increased throughput would cater for emerging miners and the terminal was to embark on the much delayed phase five expansion programme to accommodate these aspirations. However, an annualised figure for 2006 based on exports up to and including August suggest that exports via RBCT is going to record one of its lowest turnovers in recent years of not much above 60 or 61 Mt, which is well below the target of 76 Mt set for this year. In 2005 the terminal exported 69.2 Mt. Although Spoornet has announced a programme of reinvestment of infrastructure for the Richards Bay Coal Line, including the acquisition of 110 new locomotives and additional wagons, it will be some years before these begin rolling off the factory floor. MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet commercial@multraship.nl http://www.multraship.nl PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 14 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 The CANADIAN NAVIGATOR seen entering lock no 3 in the Welland Canal Photo : Jan van der Doe © The CHOAPA seen outward bound from Rotterdam – Photo : Piet Sinke © OLDIE – FROM THE SHOEBOX PRINS WILLEM II PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 15 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 After opening my old photo albums, to search for the photo of the SMIT LONDON on salvage station Azores as mentioned above, I also noticed the pictures of the XENY in the album, the XENY was the former 1955 built PRINS WILLEM II of the Oranje Lijn, a large fire gutted through the vessel whilst the vessel was steaming through the Atlantic Ocean from Port Harcourt to Rotterdam. Photo’s : Piet Sinke December 24th 1975 the SMIT LONDON safely delivered the CONOCO BRITTANIA in the Portuguese port of Lisbon when we were instructed to proceed back to our salvage station Horta – Azores, en route we received the message to proceed to the XENY which was floating abandoned around for already 22 days and was now seen near Madeira, at that moment 360 nm from our position, we arrived the next day at the location and we stayed with the SMIT LONDON near the casualty until the tug ELBE arrived on location, The SMIT LONDON headed for the Azores whilst the ELBE took the XENY under tow to the Spanish port of Cadiz December 27th 1975, but unfortunately after arrival off Cadiz the XENY capsized January 2nd 1976 sank at the anchorage of Cadiz. AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Ruim 70 Nederlandse firma's in JSF Meer dan 70 Nederlandse bedrijven zijn nu betrokken bij het JSF-project. Dat heeft de belangrijkste ontvanger van de Nederlandse orders, Stork, laten weten. De gezamenlijke orders hebben een waarde van 700 miljoen dollar. Foto : Piet Sinke © De Nederlandse deelname aan het project voor een nieuw gevechtsvliegtuig, dat de naam F-35 Lightning II draagt, begon 4 jaar geleden. Stork verwacht op basis van de huidige orders dat Nederlandse bedrijven uiteindelijk 8 tot 10 miljard dollar productieopdrachten ontvangen. Daarvan schat Stork 4 tot 6 miljard dollar binnen te halen. Zo'n 1,3 miljard daarvan wil Stork dan uitbesteden. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 16 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : sposinfo@meteo.nl Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today. …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 17 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 The MSC SHANNON seen enroute Antwerp – Photo : Ricardo van Liere © KONINKLIJKE NEDERLANDSE REDDING MAATSCHAPPIJ De Redding Maatschappij is een dynamische organisatie met als statutaire doelstelling: “het om niet verlenen van hulp aan iedereen die langs de Nederlandse kust, Waddenzee, Zeeuwse stromen en het IJsselmeer in moeilijkheden is geraakt”. Organisatie: De KNRM beschikt over 40 reddingstations die 24 uur per dag en 365 dagen per jaar operationeel gereed zijn om bij alarm binnen 10 minuten uit te varen om opsporings- en reddingacties uit te voeren. De KNRM wordt met de inkomsten van 75.000 donateurs, schenkingen en nalatenschappen in stand gehouden en ontvangt geen subsidie van de overheid. Beroepspersoneel en vrijwilligers werken nauw samen, waarin het beroepspersoneel een ondersteunende rol heeft. Per 1 februari 2007 heeft de KNRM een vacature voor een Schipper reddingboot reddingstation Breskens Taken schipper: Draagt zorg voor de operationele inzetbaarheid van beide reddingboten en bemanning. Speciale aandacht gaat hierbij uit naar het opleiden van vrijwilligers, het onderhoud van de reddingboten, bemanningsverblijf en bergplaats. Profiel: • Leeftijd: tussen 30 en 40 jaar. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 18 9/9/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 171 • • • • • • Gevaren hebbend als schipper/gezagvoerder op een vissersvaartuig, rijksvaartuig of stuurman kleine handelsvaart of vergelijkbaar. In het bezit van goede contactuele eigenschappen, ervaring met vrijwilligerswerk is een pré. Bekend zijn met de regio en bij voorkeur woonachtig in de omgeving van het reddingstation Breskens. Eventueel bereid zijn te verhuizen. In staat tot het verrichten van onderhoudswerkzaamheden aan de reddingboot en haar installaties. Bereidheid tot het volgen van aanvullende cursussen en opleidingen, ook in het buitenland. Bereid tot 24 uur per dag beschikbaarheid (buiten verlof). Opleiding : Opleiding / denkniveau op MBO niveau Redelijke kennis van Engels Minimaal in het bezit van Theoretische kustnavigatie, Klein vaarbewijs II, MARCOM A en radarwaarnemer. Geboden: Passend salaris en goede secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden. Wij zien uw schriftelijke sollicitatie graag tegemoet voor 1 oktober 2006 onder vermelding van “vacature”. Het adres is Postbus 434, 1970 AK te IJmuiden. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met de heer J. van der Bent, operationeel inspecteur telefoonnummer 0653 29 67 27. 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