CLIPPER - Netherlands Maritime Technology
CLIPPER - Netherlands Maritime Technology
CLIPPER #13_2016 12 augustus 2016 TENDERS (OPENBARE AANBESTEDINGEN) ..................................................................................... 5 GENERAL NEWS ................................................................................................................................... 6 REGULATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 6 NECA-aanvraag Noord- en Oostzee ingediend ............................................................................... 6 HUMAN RESOURCES / LABOUR CONDITIONS / EDUCATION .................................................... 7 Kruisbestuiving tussen studenten en maritieme bedrijven ........................................................... 7 SUSTAINABILITY (MARINE ENVIRONMENT) ................................................................................. 8 IMO lanceert site met goed overzicht energie efficiënte technieken ............................................ 8 World's first ballast water port solution successfully completes tests .......................................... 8 Bigger picture suggests effects of IMO emission efforts are counter productive.......................... 9 TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION ........................................................................................................ 11 DW: Autonomous Sub Market to Grow by 50 Percent ................................................................ 11 LNG .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Schoon en stil tanken op zee ........................................................................................................ 12 Sembcorp Marine targets large scale LNG carrier construction .................................................. 13 Stolt-Nielsen chooses Keppel for a pair of new LNG tankers ....................................................... 15 Engie and NYK tap yards for second LNG bunker vessel .............................................................. 15 PROPULSION, STEERING, POWER .............................................................................................. 15 Dieselelektrisch varen tussen Hengelo en Rotterdam ................................................................. 15 MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT & SERVICES (EXCL. ENGINES & STEEL) ........................................ 16 DBR Doen distributorship ............................................................................................................. 16 UniBallast launches online Ballast Water Treatment Finder App ................................................ 16 Inmarsat Returns to Growth......................................................................................................... 17 Kongsberg Gets EPCI Deal for ICG’s RoPax Ferry .......................................................................... 17 SHIPBUILDING & DESIGN, SHIPYARD NEWS ............................................................................. 17 Kooiman Groep bouwt RPA 8 ....................................................................................................... 17 Vard confirms four contracts with Ponant ................................................................................... 18 Japan to overtake Korea in global shipbuilding industry.............................................................. 18 DSME’s 2015 loss ‘$2.8bn bigger than reported’ ......................................................................... 19 Yangzijiang – A private Chinese yard navigating adverse market conditions .............................. 20 Cosco wins order for three containerships .................................................................................. 21 Engie and NYK tap yards for second LNG bunker vessel .............................................................. 22 How many ships will still emerge from STX O&S? ........................................................................ 23 BMT Nigel Gee to design LNG fueled Doeksen duo ..................................................................... 24 1 Sale of STX France expected to resume this month ..................................................................... 25 Amidst the ordering downturn, South Korea has a new shipbuilder ........................................... 25 Miti unveils incentives for shipbuilders ........................................................................................ 25 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries wins $180 million order to build 2 VLCC’s .............................. 25 New Chinese icebreaker with more power .................................................................................. 25 Russia invites China to invest in its shipyards .............................................................................. 25 Asenav currently builds ferries for Chilean and Canadian customers.......................................... 25 Pemex could sell Spanish yard stake ............................................................................................ 25 CoscoCS signs $18bn newbuilding finance deal ........................................................................... 25 DSME’s liquidity shortage set to worsen ...................................................................................... 25 Order downturn bites into Japan’s big shipbuilders .................................................................... 25 Eimskip to order new ferry ........................................................................................................... 25 Yangzijiang stays profitable in difficult shipbuilding market ........................................................ 25 'Several' yards mulled for Matson order ...................................................................................... 25 SHIP MAINTENANCE, REPAIR & CONVERSION .......................................................................... 26 De scheepsbouw is in Noord (nog) een springlevende bedrijfstak .............................................. 26 Silversea Presents USD 170 Mn Fleet Refurbishment Plan .......................................................... 27 NAVAL .............................................................................................................................................. 28 Kangnam To Build Minesweepers Ships in India .......................................................................... 28 POSCO Daewoo supplies parts to Indonesian shipbuilder ........................................................... 28 SUPER & MEGA YACHTS .............................................................................................................. 29 SeaXplorer 65 Destined for 2019 Delivery ................................................................................... 29 OIL & GAS, OFFSHORE ENERGY, DEEP SEA MINING ............................................................... 30 SBM Offshore uit het dal .............................................................................................................. 30 OOS International orders two SSCV’s in China ............................................................................. 32 OSV orderbook totals ‘$5.5bn’ ..................................................................................................... 33 INLAND SHIPPING (BINNENVAART) ............................................................................................. 35 Dieselelektrisch varen tussen Hengelo en Rotterdam ................................................................. 35 SHIPPING, PORTS, FINANCE, OTHER GENERAL NEWS ........................................................... 37 It’s high summer for cruise business ............................................................................................ 37 Alphaliner: Boxship Orderbook Ratio Drops Like It’s 1999 .......................................................... 38 Cruise Ships a Beacon for Germany’s KfW in Dire Shipping Market ............................................ 38 EUROPE (INCL. TURKEY & RUSSIA) ................................................................................................ 39 NEDERLAND (THE NETHERLANDS) ............................................................................................. 39 Nieuwenhuijsen branchewinnaar in categorie Scheepsbouw van de Business Succes Award 2016 ...................................................................................................................................................... 39 Vakbonden: scheepsbouwer Royal IHC bereidt nieuwe reorganisaties voor .............................. 39 Royal IHC announces change to board of directors ..................................................................... 41 OOS International orders two SSCV’s in China ............................................................................. 41 DUITSLAND (GERMANY) ............................................................................................................... 41 Cruise Ships a Beacon for Germany’s KfW in Dire Shipping Market ............................................ 41 Kongsberg Gets EPCI Deal for ICG’s RoPax Ferry .......................................................................... 43 FRANKRIJK (FRANCE) ................................................................................................................... 43 Sale of STX France expected to resume this month ..................................................................... 43 Vard confirms four contracts with Ponant ................................................................................... 43 2 Engie and NYK tap yards for second LNG bunker vessel .............................................................. 44 GRIEKENLAND (GREECE) ............................................................................................................. 44 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries wins $180 million order to build 2 VLCC’s .............................. 44 SPANJE (SPAIN) ............................................................................................................................. 44 Pemex could sell Spanish yard stake ............................................................................................ 44 VERENIGD KONINKRIJK (UK) ........................................................................................................ 44 BMT Nigel Gee to design LNG fueled Doeksen duo ..................................................................... 44 Kongsberg Wins EPCI Contract for New Ferry Builds ................................................................... 44 IJSLAND (ICELAND) ........................................................................................................................ 45 Eimskip to order new ferry ........................................................................................................... 45 NOORWEGEN (NORWAY) ............................................................................................................. 45 Kongsberg Gets EPCI Deal for ICG’s RoPax Ferry .......................................................................... 45 Kongsberg Wins EPCI Contract for New Ferry Builds ................................................................... 46 Vard confirms four contracts with Ponant ................................................................................... 46 Stolt-Nielsen chooses Keppel for a pair of new LNG tankers ....................................................... 46 RUSLAND (RUSSIA)........................................................................................................................ 47 Russia invites China to invest in its shipyards .............................................................................. 47 ASIA, PACIFIC, AUSTRALIA ............................................................................................................... 47 CHINA .............................................................................................................................................. 47 New Chinese icebreaker with more power .................................................................................. 47 CoscoCS signs $18bn newbuilding finance deal ........................................................................... 48 Yangzijiang stays profitable in difficult shipbuilding market ........................................................ 48 OOS International orders two SSCV’s in China ............................................................................. 49 Russia invites China to invest in its shipyards .............................................................................. 49 Cruise Ships a Beacon for Germany’s KfW in Dire Shipping Market ............................................ 49 Cosco wins order for three containerships .................................................................................. 49 INDIA ................................................................................................................................................ 49 Kangnam To Build Minesweepers Ships in India .......................................................................... 49 INDONESIË (INDONESIA) .............................................................................................................. 49 POSCO Daewoo supplies parts to Indonesian shipbuilder ........................................................... 49 JAPAN .............................................................................................................................................. 50 Order downturn bites into Japan’s big shipbuilders .................................................................... 50 Japan to overtake Korea in global shipbuilding industry.............................................................. 51 Engie and NYK tap yards for second LNG bunker vessel .............................................................. 51 KOREA ............................................................................................................................................. 51 Amidst the ordering downturn, South Korea has a new shipbuilder ........................................... 51 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries wins $180 million order to build 2 VLCC’s .............................. 52 DSME’s liquidity shortage set to worsen ...................................................................................... 53 Japan to overtake Korea in global shipbuilding industry.............................................................. 53 DSME’s 2015 loss ‘$2.8bn bigger than reported’ ......................................................................... 53 POSCO Daewoo supplies parts to Indonesian shipbuilder ........................................................... 53 Kangnam To Build Minesweepers Ships in India .......................................................................... 53 How many ships will still emerge from STX O&S? ........................................................................ 53 MALEISIË (MALAYSIA) ................................................................................................................... 54 NEW RADIO HOLLAND OFFICE IN JOHOR, MALAYSIA .................................................................. 54 3 Miti unveils incentives for shipbuilders ........................................................................................ 54 SINGAPORE .................................................................................................................................... 56 Stolt-Nielsen chooses Keppel for a pair of new LNG tankers ....................................................... 56 Sembcorp Marine targets large scale LNG carrier construction .................................................. 56 AMERICA’S........................................................................................................................................... 56 BRAZILIË (BRAZIL).......................................................................................................................... 56 Vard ups stake in Brazil yard ........................................................................................................ 56 CHILI (CHILE) .................................................................................................................................. 57 Asenav currently builds ferries for Chilean and Canadian customers.......................................... 57 MEXICO ........................................................................................................................................... 57 Pemex could sell Spanish yard stake ............................................................................................ 57 USA .................................................................................................................................................. 57 'Several' yards mulled for Matson order ...................................................................................... 57 COLOFON ............................................................................................................................................. 58 4 TENDERS (OPENBARE AANBESTEDINGEN) DOC.NR. 281750-2016 281210-2016 281009-2016 280402-2016 278297-2016 276205-2016 270265-2016 DESCRIPTION France-Toulon: Repair and maintenance services of warships GermanyCoblenz: Electronic and electrical spare parts for warships Greece-Athens: Engines and engine parts for warships United KingdomAberdeen: Installation services of marine engines ZwitserlandFrauenfeld: Schepen DuitslandHamburg: Boten voor bijzondere doeleinden GriekenlandPiraeus: Schepen en gelijksoortige vaartuigen voor personen- of goederenvervoer COUNTRY PUBLICATION DATE DEADLINE FR 12-08-2016 13-09-2016 DE 12-08-2016 GR 12-08-2016 27-09-2016 UK 12-08-2016 13-09-2016 CH 10-08-2016 16-09-2016 DE 09-08-2016 04-10-2016 GR 04-08-2016 30-09-2016 [Bron: selecties door Netherlands Maritime Technology uit Tenders European Daily] – gebruikte CPV-codes: 34500000; 34930000; 35500000; 50240000; 50640000; 60600000; 63720000 5 GENERAL NEWS REGULATIONS NECA-AANVRAAG NOORD- EN OOSTZEE INGEDIEND 2 augustus 2016 Twee jaar heeft Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) gelobbyd voor het behoud van de mogelijkheid om alle soorten schepen te kunnen blijven bouwen en onderhouden in een toekomstige NOx zone op de Noordzee. Deze week is een ‘NECA’ voor zowel de Noordzee als de Oostzee aangevraagd bij de International Maritime Organization (IMO). De door NMT gevraagde mogelijkheid is in deze aanvraag verwerkt. Een mooi resultaat van een lange maar succesvolle lobby. Wanneer de IMO in oktober 2016 akkoord gaat met de aanvraag en de door NMT gewenste tekstvoorstellen ongemoeid laat, dan geldt vanaf 1 januari 2021 een nieuwe uitstootnorm voor NOx voor nieuwe schepen. Door de lobby van NMT en de ondersteuning daarin door de Nederlandse overheid zal het echter mogelijk blijven om nieuwe schepen, die niet in de Noordzee te werk worden gesteld, in Nederland te bouwen of te repareren. Gevolgen voor Nederlandse scheepsbouw De Noordzee- en Oostzeelanden hebben de IMO gevraagd om op de Noord- en Oostzee een NOx (stikstofoxiden) Emission Control Area (NECA) in te stellen. Uit de eerste versie van deze plannen van ruim twee jaar geleden, bleek dat er voor de scheepsbouw en -reparatie in Nederland grote ongewenste en onvoorziene gevolgen aan deze NECA zouden zitten. Kortweg kwam het er op neer dat álle schepen die na invoering van deze NECA in Nederland gebouwd worden aan de strengere NOx eisen moeten voldoen. En dat dit ook zou gelden voor nieuwe schepen die in Nederland (terug)komen voor onderhoud, reparatie of claimafhandeling. In Nederland worden jaarlijks diverse schepen gebouwd die hun werkzaamheden niet op de Noord- of Oostzee uitvoeren en daarom niet aan de strengere NOx-eisen hoeven te voldoen. De invoering van een NECA zou echter inhouden dat deze schepen op de Noordzee niet op eigen kracht mogen varen. Praktisch zou het er op neer komen dat schepen voor proefvaarten, na oplevering of bij aankomst voor onderhoud door de NECA gesleept moeten worden. Dit is een onwerkbare situatie waar men bij het opstellen van de plannen twee jaar geleden niet aan had gedacht. NMT op de bres voor Nederlandse markt NMT heeft dit probleem vroegtijdig gesignaleerd en in eerste instantie aangekaart bij de Nederlandse overheid. Deze onderkende het probleem en heeft NMT vervolgens bijgestaan in haar lobby naar de overige Noordzeelanden en ook naar de Oostzeelanden die gelijktijdig een NECA aanvragen. Twee jaar lang heeft NMT het probleem op allerlei manieren internationaal aangekaart. Gaandeweg zijn steeds meer landen het probleem gaan onderkennen en bereid gevonden om te zoeken naar een oplossing. Deze oplossing lijkt er nu gekomen en wordt gedragen door alle landen rondom de Noordzee en de Oostzee. Uiteraard informeert NMT u wanneer de IMO officieel akkoord is met een NECA op de Noordzee. Tot slot is nog van belang om te melden dat een 6 NECA enkel van toepassing zal zijn op nieuwe schepen gebouwd na de ingangsdatum van 1 januari 2021. SOURCE HUMAN RESOURCES / LABOUR CONDITIONS / EDUCATION KRUISBESTUIVING TUSSEN STUDENTEN EN MARITIEME BEDRIJVEN 10.08 Maritiem-technische bedrijven en studenten kunnen op een laagdrempelige manier met elkaar in contact komen op de Maritime Innovation Experience. Dit evenement staat in het teken van ontmoetingen, inspiratie en kennisuitwisseling. De vijfde editie vindt plaats op donderdag 3 november in de Duurzaamheidsfabriek in Dordrecht. Met een plek op de Centrale Markt kunnen bedrijven zichzelf promoten met vacatures, stageen afstudeermogelijkheden, succesvolle innovaties delen met 250 tot 300 toekomstige werk- nemers en hen enthousiasmeren voor de maritieme sector. Voor een beperkt aantal deelnemers aan de Centrale Markt is er gelegenheid om een workshop te verzorgen. De aanwezige opleidingen zijn: Middenkader engineering (mbo & Associate Degree), Werktuigbouwkunde (mbo), Mechatronica (mbo en hbo), Maritieme techniek (hbo), Logistics Engineering (hbo), Scheeps- en jachtbouw (mbo), Algemene operationele techniek – offshore (mbo). SOURCE 7 SUSTAINABILITY (MARINE ENVIRONMENT) IMO LANCEERT SITE MET GOED OVERZICHT ENERGIE EFFICIËNTE TECHNIEKEN De International Maritime Organization (IMO) heeft een site gepubliceerd met een goed overzicht van alle energie efficiënte technieken. Naast een toelichting op de technieken is er per techniek ook een overzicht van de beschikbare en betrouwbare studies die zijn verricht naar deze technieken. Bij sommige technieken is zelfs een indicatie van de te verwachten kosten gegeven. Kortom, een handig overzicht van beschikbare duurzame technieken. technieken zijn onderverdeeld. Per categorie zijn alle technieken en systemen overzichtelijk geordend, ook is aangegeven wat de technical maturity is en op welk type schepen het toepasbaar is. Naast een algemene uitleg per techniek, zijn ook diverse onderzoeken en studies beschikbaar. De site is onderdeel van het Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships (GloMEEP) project. GloMEEP is een GEF-UNDP-IMO project dat tot doel heeft om het gebruik van energie efficiente technieken aan boord van schepen te ondersteunen en zodoende de uitstoot van broeikasgassen door de scheepvaart te verminderen. SOURCE Op deze site staan vijf categorieën waarin de WORLD'S FIRST BALLAST WATER PORT SOLUTION SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETES TESTS water. It can even serve as a port-based alternative for those ship owners that may not want to retrofit an on board treatment system or be deployed in a port with a sudden outbreak of marine pests. 10 August 2016 Damen Green Solutions is proud to announce that the InvaSave technology has completed shipboard testing onboard the Henrike Schepers. During the shipboard tests, ballast water was taken in untreated and the efficacy of the technology was validated upon discharge. These tests have shown that the InvaSave is capable of providing an IMO type approved backup in a port in the event of a failure in a vessel’s on board treatment systems to uptake or discharge ballast “More and more countries are ratifying the IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) and it could enter into force in 2017; in any case, it is only a matter of time. Damen is cooperating with the service providers in the ports to provide this ballast water treatment service. This is also relevant for all port authorities, who could face congestion problems if they don’t have a contingency/emergency service in place,” said Damen Green Solutions Product Manager Matthijs Schuiten. Groningen Seaports is the first port to provide this ballast water treatment service. “Our location on the Wadden Sea means that we have a responsibility to push forward the progress of sustainable shipping,” comments Groningen Se8 aports Sustainability Coordinator Bart van der Kolk. “We are fully prepared for the ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention. This project wouldn’t have been possible without the effort of some frontrunners like Royal Wagenborg, Van Gansewinkel, Imares, MEA-nl and Damen.” The innovative solution could is likely to appeal to other ports as well as ship owners, operating close to sensitive locations such as World Heritage Sites and Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas. Standard of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention on all aspects. This includes the test series conducted with the high sediment waters of the River Hull and the River Thames, UK. An overall and important principle is that the system is robust, and works under all relevant circumstances, regardless of the composition of the ballast water. Test protocols are in line with IMO BWMC test guidelines and additional requirements of the Dutch flag state. All testing was conducted by MEA-nl. Damen can deliver the InvaSave technology in a self-sufficient mobile container, which can be put onboard a service barge or moved around the port on a trailer or a pontoon. The system uses innovative filtering and UV technology and does not contain chemicals or hazardous substances. IMO type approval is expected to be obtained 2016 and a patent is pending. SOURCE The results of the InvaSave test meet the D2- BIGGER PICTURE SUGGESTS EFFECTS OF IMO EMISSION EFFORTS ARE COUNTER PRODUCTIVE Today, emissions from maritime transport account for 10% to 15% of global, human-related sulphur-oxide (SOx) and nitrogen-oxide (NOx) emissions, and about 3% of global carbondioxide (CO2) emissions. Current maritime emission regulations set limits for SOx and NOx specifically for health and environmental reasons, and for CO2 in order to mitigate global warming. Reducing SOx and NOx emissions results in increased CO2 to the air, and this paradox needs to be addressed by regulators, writes Dr Haakon-Elizabeth Lindstad of the Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute (Marintek) The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is currently working on extending locally and regionally motivated emissions regulations — the emission control areas (ECAs) in North America and Northern Europe — to a globalised (0.5% sulphur) scheme from 2020/2025 that applies even on the high seas. August 4th, 2016 There are several reasons to question this. 9 First, the emissions of NOx and the SOx now targeted for reduction actually ‘mitigate’ global warming (they have a cooling effect), whereas emissions of black carbon (BC) and methane (CH4) — remaining unrestricted — ‘contribute’ to global warming. Second, the present approach to NOx emissions through IMO technical standards neglects the fact that the reductions tend come at the cost of higher fuel consumption and, consequently, CO2 emissions. Third, stricter SOx rules also tend to raise fuel consumption on a well-to-propeller basis, either when refineries remove sulphur from heavy fuel oils (HFO) or when scrubbers clean the exhaust gas from combustion at sea. In a recent study by myself and Professor Gunnar S Eskeland of the Norwegian School of Economics — published in the scientific journal Transportation Research — we assessed the cost, climate and environmental impact of the fuels and technologies that satisfy the stricter global regulations from 2020/2025. The study shows that continued use of HFO, in combination with seawater scrubbers (open loop), will outcompete distillate and alternative fuels. This is due to the price differential between HFO and distillates, which far exceeds the additional capital-expenditure cost of installing scrubbers. For NOx, engine ‘tuning’ of fuel injection to satisfy the threshold requirements might become a dominant response due to its low cost compared to the other options. On the high seas, the use of scrubbers implies that the sulphur currently emitted to air, which contributes to cloud building and hence cooling, will be washed out directly into the sea, where today, in any case, it is mostly deposited by rain. While the acidifying changes in the oceans due to nitrogen and sulphur compounds are only a fraction of the effects from CO2, the effects compounded in coastal waters are likely more damaging and undesirable in general. This acidification effect in coastal areas will increase from 2020 due to the increased use of scrubbers, instead of distillates commonly used by ships in ECAs today. It is therefore worth considering policies that are more careful about the role of local environmental benefits, as such policies can deliver greater greenhouse-gas mitigation and come at a lower cost. An alternative scheme — expanding the current ECA regime (0.1% sulphur fuels) to a global scheme only in ports and close to coasts worldwide but allowing the continued use of HFO (maximum 3.5% sulphur) in all other sea areas — would give the following benefits: a reduction of sulphur emitted in the sensitive coastal areas, since investment in scrubbers on deepsea vessels cannot be paid back by their savings in coastal areas alone. This implies that oceangoing vessels will use 0.1% sulphur fuels in coastal areas and ports, and HFO on the high seas. If low-NOx zones are implemented in coastal areas globally, the NOx regulation should require new vessels to operate in the strictest NOx mode (IMO Tier III) only in these low-NOx zones, while they can run in a more energy-efficient mode on the high seas. Distinguishing local environmental benefits from global ones is important in general, and in the case of shipping, this distinction better serves the needs of the local environment, the global climate and conserves on abatement costs. Dr Haakon-Elizabeth Linstad is senior research scientist (sustainable ship design and operations) at Marintek in Trondheim. SOURCE 10 TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION DW: AUTONOMOUS SUB MARKET TO GROW BY 50 PERCENT val exercise included nearly 80 AUV evolutions. The Fraunhofer DEDAVE (company file image) By MarEx 2016-08-05 In a report published Friday, analysts DouglasWestwood said that they expect the demand for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to grow by nearly 50 percent by the end of the decade, reaching demand of over 900 units per year. AUVs are self-driving submersibles, designed and tasked with conducting subsea missions without input from the surface. They differ from remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in that they run without a tether to a surface platform and without direct supervision, and they are generally smaller. While their human-controlled counterparts are a common component of commercial subsea oil and gas operations, where they perform manual tasks comparable to the work completed by divers at shallower depths, the majority of AUVs are deployed on military missions. They are an established component of many navies' reconnaissance and mine countermeasures toolkits; as an example, mine countermeasures training during the multinational RIMPAC 2016 na- DW finds that military usage will continue to lead the market, with nearly three quarters of demand coming from the defense sector. But the same R&D effort that goes into AUV technology for defense applications also readies the devices for civilian uses like offshore surveying and environmental monitoring; commercially available, off-the-shelf models like the Remus 100, the HUGIN series and the Bluefin have been available for some time. DW expects that the highest rate of growth will be in the commercial sector, mainly in oil and gas. "There has been substantial interest from oil & gas companies in the technology, as operators have begun to understand cost saving potentials," DW finds. "However, low oil prices have reduced budgets and stymied investment in research and development – presenting a barrier to growth." German research organization Fraunhofer IOSB is planning to capitalize on market growth by taking a production-line approach. Fraunhofer is building what it describes as "the world's first autonomous underwater vehicle to be developed from the outset with a view to series production." Its DEDAVE is intended to be built from standardized parts, and to be cheaper, lighter and easier to service than existing competitors – created from the outset for wider demand. SOURCE 11 LNG SCHOON EN STIL TANKEN OP ZEE Milieuvriendelijker varen De Rotterdamse haven viert de komst van het eerste zeeschip dat vloeibaar aardgas (LNG) tankt. Het is nog pril en bescheiden, maar LNG heeft de toekomst, weten ze in de haven. Mark Duursma 9 augustus 2016 olie en chemicaliën in Noord-Europa gaat vervoeren, volgen nog drie dezelfde producttankers van 147 meter lengte. Volgens Buchhave lopen we rond op de „tanker van de toekomst”. Of, zoals iemand anders hem noemt: de elektrische auto onder de schepen. Milieuvriendelijk alternatief Ook het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam is blij met de Ternsund. Volgens de havenbeheerder is LNG de „brandstof van de toekomst”. De scheepvaart moet afscheid nemen van vervuilende stookolie en diesel als brandstof en overstappen op een veel milieuvriendelijker alternatief. LNG is weliswaar een fossiele brandstof, maar voldoet aan de in 2015 verscherpte milieu-eisen voor scheepvaart in de Noordzee en Oostzee. Foto Jerry Lampen/ANP De metalen buizen in de machinekamer glimmen, net als de houten vloer van de brug. De rustkamer van de kapitein oogt nog ongebruikt. De kleine tanker Ternsund van de Zweeds/Deense rederij Terntank is net opgeleverd door een Chinese werf en ligt nu in de haven van Rotterdam. Dinsdag heeft het schip een primeur: de Ternsund is het eerste zeeschip dat in Rotterdam LNG tankt (bunkert, in haventaal). Het gaat varen op liquefied natural gas, vloeibaar aardgas. Maandag verzorgden het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en de rederij een rondleiding op de Ternsund, met veel blije Scandinavische gezichten. Het opvallendste zijn de twee grote LNGtanks op het dek, samen goed voor 600 kubieke meter brandstof, ofwel drie weken varen. Jens Buchhave, directeur van Terntank, heeft een „goed buikgevoel” bij de grootste investering ooit van het bedrijf. Na de Ternsund, die vooral In vergelijking met diesel zorgt LNG voor bijna 100 procent minder uitstoot van zwaveldioxide (SOx) en fijnstof. De uitstoot van koolstofdioxide (CO2) ligt circa 20 procent lager, die van stikstofoxide (NOx) 85 procent lager. Schepen die op LNG varen zijn ook nog eens 40 procent stiller dan dieselschepen. Geen wonder dus dat de Rotterdamse haven fors investeert in vloeibaar aardgas. Een Europees knooppunt voor LNG is een van de speerpunten van de energietransitie, de grootste uitdaging voor de haven in de komende periode. Voorlopig loopt Rotterdam in Europa voorop bij de introductie van LNG als brandstof voor schepen. De Rotterdamse strategie bestaat uit drie sporen, zegt Roland van Assche, bij het Havenbedrijf verantwoordelijk voor het commercieel succesvol maken van LNG. De nieuwe brandstof moet beschikbaar zijn, toegestaan zijn en gebruik ervan moet worden aangemoedigd. Beschikbaarheid is vooral een kwestie van infrastructuur: goede voorzieningen. Sinds eind 2011 12 exploiteren tankopslagbedrijf Vopak en Gasunie de Gate terminal op de Maasvlakte, waar LNG wordt aan- en afgevoerd. LNG-tankers uit onder meer Qatar, Algerije en West-Afrika lossen hier hun lading in drie enorme opslagtanks. Het vloeibaar gemaakte aardgas wordt per binnenvaarttanker of vrachtwagen verder vervoerd of weer tot gas gemaakt en via Europese pijpleidingen verspreid. pen krijgen in Rotterdam flinke kortingen op het havengeld, tot 20 procent. De Ternsund ontvangt de eerste ‘LNG bunkerincentive’, 10 procent korting op het zeehavengeld. Aanmoediging komt ook uit Brussel: Rotterdam ontvangt tientallen miljoenen voor de LNG-projecten. Een plaquette in de machinekamer van de Ternsund meldt: ‘Co-financed by the European Union'. Lage olieprijs De Gate terminal – de afkorting staat voor Gas Acces To Europe – is nog niet toegerust voor het bunkeren van schepen als de Ternsund, die LNG als brandstof gebruiken. De twee brandstoftanks van de Ternsund moeten worden gevuld door dertien vrachtwagens. Uitbreiding van de infrastructuur komt eraan. Eind november opent een breakbulkterminal naast Gate, voor kleinere schepen. Volgend jaar komt Shell met een bunkerschip dat andere schepen van LNG kan voorzien. En Rotterdam werkt aan depots elders in het land waar binnenvaartschepen kunnen tanken. Naast voorzieningen zijn er regels nodig. De veiligheidsnormen rond LNG zijn strikt en moeten voor alle havens gelijk zijn. Havens in België, Denemarken en Singapore proberen onderling tot overeenstemming te komen. Ze zijn concurrenten, maar hebben elkaar ook nodig voor een LNG-netwerk. Alle inspanningen om LNG te promoten lijken succesvol. Tot voor kort althans. In 2015 steeg de overslag van LNG met maar liefst 91,4 procent, ook al zijn de absolute aantallen nog bescheiden. In de eerste helft van dit jaar daalde de overslag echter met ruim 24 procent. Van Assche kan die daling niet helemaal verklaren, maar noemt de prijs van LNG als grootste obstakel voor verdere groei. „De grootste stoorzender op dit moment is de lage olieprijs, die aardgas minder concurrerend maakt.” Met instemming hoorde Van Assche vorige week in Houston dat er vier fabrieken voor het vloeibaar maken van aardgas komen in de Verenigde Staten, en dat dat land ook LNG gaat exporteren. „Meer beschikbaarheid betekent een lagere prijs. Meerdere aanvoerkanalen voor LNG zien we graag in de haven.” SOURCE Ten slotte is er de aanmoediging. Schone sche- SEMBCORP MARINE TARGETS LARGE SCALE LNG CARRIER CONSTRUCTION Singaporean yard sees opportune moment to target full-size LNG carriers and smaller niche units August 4th, 2016 by Lucy Hine in London Sembcorp employees look at the modules on the main deck of Tullow Oil's newly completed Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) Prof. John Evans Atta Mills at Sembcorp Marine's Jurong Shipyard in Singapore January 20, 2016. REUTERS/Edgar Su/File Photo Singapore ship repairer Sembcorp Marine is planning to take a leap and shift into building LNG carriers. 13 Industry sources reveal that the yard has started the process to become licensed to build French designer GTT’s Mark III-type cargo containment systems. They indicate that Sembcorp is hoping to complete this process, which will include the construction of a system mock-up, by the end of the year. They divulge that while the shipyard is looking to tap into Singapore and the region’s upcoming demand for small and midsize LNG tonnage, the company also has its sights set on the construction of full-size 170,000-cbm LNG carriers. In response to TradeWinds’ questions, a spokesman for the company said: “Sembcorp Marine is actively exploring opportunities in the offshore LNG business. As and when ready, we will make the necessary announcement on any new projects and initiatives.” He details that the yard handled 34 LNG carriers in 2015 for repair and upgrade work, which he says ranks the facility as “currently the number one player” globally in this sector. Sembcorp is an established destination for LNG carriers with big-name operators. The facility’s customers last year included China LNG Shipping (International) Co, Hoegh LNG, Nigeria LNG, GasLog, Teekay, Shell, Chevron, Northwest Shelf Shipping Services Co and Japan’s big three shipowners Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), NYK and K Line. versify further along the LNG chain. Earlier this year, Sembcorp Marine upped its stake in near-shore LNG terminal solution Gravifloat to 56% with the intention of buying out the entire shareholding. The shipyard’s interest to tap into anticipated demand for small-scale LNG shipping is likely to be seen as a logical move. However, its intention to look at full-size LNG carriers has raised some eyebrows with observers questioning how the Singapore facility could be competitive against the currently order-starved South Korean shipyards. Singapore has been moving to transform itself into an LNG importing and trading hub since the island state opened its LNG receiving terminal in May 2013. The six-million tonnes per annum (mtpa), two-jetty facility is now undergoing a phase three expansion that will see a fourth giant storage tank added by 2018. The intention is to see large shipments split into break-bulk parcels for distribution regionally but also to grow an LNG fuelling business. Keppel Corp, which controls rival Keppel Shipyard, and Shell have formed a joint venture to provide LNG bunkering services in Singapore, as the Maritime and Ports Authority (MPA) extends its green shipping incentive to LNG-fuelled vessels. Keppel Shipyard has produced designs for LNG vessels ranging from 3,000 cbm to 30,000 cbm. Diversifying in LNG SOURCE The yard has already signalled its interest to di- 14 STOLT-NIELSEN CHOOSES KEPPEL FOR A PAIR OF NEW LNG TANKERS vessels tailor made to serve a developing LNG terminal onshore in the Italian port of Oristano, Sardinia. The ship order was subject to the release of the final approval on the project from the Sardinia region which came just yesterday thus allowing the project to go ahead. In the next few days Stolt-Nielsen is therefore expected to proceed signing the shipbuilding contract with Keppel. One of Stolt’s existing chemical tankers. AUGUST 4TH, 2016 NICOLA CAPUZZO Oslo-listed Stolt-Nielsen has decided to award the construction of two (with options for further two) LNG tankers with 7,500 cu m capacity to the Singapore-based Keppel Offshore & Marine, sources close to the deal tell Splash. The investment for both those vessels will be over $50m and the deliveries are scheduled from 2018 onwards. A few weeks ago Stolt-Nielsen’s top managers revealed that there were in advanced discussions with one shipyard based in Asia for two Higas is the company in charge for studying, projecting and building up the onshore terminal controlled by two Italian companies, Gas&Heat and CPL Concordia. In October last year StoltNielsen purchased a 10% stake in Higas, with an option to acquire up to 80% of the Sardinian company. The LNG is to be shipped to the terminal in Oristano by LNG tankers and distributed to customers via pipeline, trucks and also from ship to ship. For Keppel, which has downsized dramatically this year on the back of the offshore slump, the order is an enormous fillip. Demand for small LNG tankers is set to be large in the coming years and could become a real revenue base for the troubled yard. SOURCE ENGIE AND NYK TAP YARDS FOR SECOND LNG BUNKER VESSEL Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen PROPULSION, STEERING, POWER DIESELELEKTRISCH VAREN TUSSEN HENGELO EN ROTTERDAM Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 15 MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT & SERVICES (EXCL. ENGINES & STEEL) DBR DOEN DISTRIBUTORSHIP 11 Aug 2016 Recently Netherlands company DBR signed the contract with Australian waterjet manufacturer Doen to serve the Dutch and Belgium market for the Doen Waterjets. This axial flow waterjet delivers compact and efficient performance at speeds up to 45+ knots. The design and construction allow to be easily configured to meet BV, DNV, Lloyds, Rina or other marine standards on customer specification. “We are very proud to combine our assembly facilities and knowledge with this high performance waterjet to serve our customers for a total solution, especially for the DJ200 & DJ300 range” Mr Hafkamp of DBR said. All Doen Pre-Fabricated Intake Waterjets can be supplied in Direct Thrust Arrangement. According to Doen the Integrated Waterjet IWJ method provides the simplest and most cost effective method for installing waterjets into fibreglass vessels. “We selected DBR based on good recommendations from people in the marine industry, and because of their capabilities for delivering complete jet propulsion packages, consisting of engines, gearboxes and jet drives, into the market. This will give them a big advantage compared to the other jet suppliers.” Mr Stephan Jørgensen from DOEN explained. By Jake Frith SOURCE UNIBALLAST LAUNCHES ONLINE BALLAST WATER TREATMENT FINDER APP etc. the app will filter the treatment systems that match these criteria. An easy way to make a first selection of possible suitable systems on the market. The Ballast Water Treatment Finder App is a free service from UniBallast for anyone looking for the most suitable ballast water treatment system for their vessel(s). This free web application contains all systems on the market in various configurations. Via a set of selection criteria like flow capacity, working principle, type approvals, The app is available on our company website under the blue water drop in the middle at the top. Please try out our app, it will help you clear things up. If you have any questions, wish to make inquiries or have remarks or ideas about how to improve our app, please contact us at SOURCE 16 INMARSAT RETURNS TO GROWTH August 4, 2016 by Reuters percent rise in core earnings to $202.2 million on Thursday, and reiterated its target for full-year revenue. “It a very solid performance, despite the market being quite challenging,” Chief Executive Rupert Pearce said in an interview on Thursday. Image: Inmarsat “Many of our markets are in recession, but ironically there’s some counter-cyclicality here because people are investing in communications to improve their efficiency and effectiveness, that’s certainly true in energy, it’s certainly true in maritime.” LONDON, Aug 4 (Reuters) – British satellite operator Inmarsat reported a rise in revenue in the second quarter, more than reversing a dip in the first quarter, as its customers used its broadband terminals to improve efficiency in tough shipping and energy markets. Shares in Inmarsat, which have languished since it downgraded its full-year revenue forecast range by $50 million to $1.175-$1.250 billion in May, were trading up 1.6 percent at 793 pence by 0817 GMT. (Reporting by Paul Sandle; Editing by Mark Potter) The company reported a 6 percent rise in second-quarter revenue to $330.4 million and a 22 SOURCE KONGSBERG GETS EPCI DEAL FOR ICG’S ROPAX FERRY Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen SHIPBUILDING & DESIGN, SHIPYARD NEWS KOOIMAN GROEP BOUWT RPA 8 ROTTERDAM, 12 augustus 2016 Havenbedrijf Rotterdam heeft De Kooiman Groep opdracht gegeven om de RPA 8 te bouwen. Dit is een nieuw inspectievaartuig met hybride voortstuwing. De belangrijkste aandachtspunten in de aanbesteding waren de totale kosten over de hele levenscyclus van het schip, het verminderen van de uitstoot en het terugdringen van de golfslag. Een artist's impression van de nieuwe RPA 8. (Havenbedrijf Rotterdam) Het nieuwe schip past in het beleid van hetHavenbedrijf, dat streeft naar een duurzame haven. De RPA 8 vervangt de RPA 3. Die was aan 17 het eind van zijn technische en economische levensduur. Verwachting is dat de RPA 8 in de loop van 2017 in de vaart wordt genomen. De bouw vindt plaats bij Scheepswerf Gebr. Kooiman in Zwijndrecht. Naast de RPA 8 zal er binnenkort ook een aanbesteding plaatsvinden voor de aanpassing van de incidentbestrijdingsvaartuigen RPA 10, 11, 12, 13 en 16. (MdV) SOURCE VARD CONFIRMS FOUR CONTRACTS WITH PONANT AUGUST 11, 2016 factory financing. At the end of June, Vard and Ponant had entered into shipbuilding contracts. All conditions have now been fulfilled and the contracts have become effective. The ice-class expedition cruise vessels will be approximately 10,000 gross tons, about 131 metres long, 18 metres wide and will have a cruise speed of 15 knots. Each vessel can accommodate 180 passengers (92 cabins) and a crew of 110. Singapore - Vard Holdings Limited, one of the major global designers and shipbuilders of offshore and specialized vessels, announces that contracts for four luxury expedition cruise vessels with French cruise company Ponant have been confirmed. The vessels will be arranged with high class of luxury facilities on board, fulfilling the highest demands for environmentally friendly and safe operations. The hulls will be built at Vard Tulcea in Romania. Delivery is scheduled from Vard Søviknes in Norway in the period summer 2018 to summer 2019. SOURCE A Letter of Intent with respect to the contracts had been announced on 16 March 2016, subject to several conditions being met, including satis- JAPAN TO OVERTAKE KOREA IN GLOBAL SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY 2016-08-10 By Jhoo Dong-chan Japanese shipyards are on the verge of overtaking Korean shipyards in remaining order backlogs and market share, while the latter has suffered multitrillion won operating losses for the past several years due to an industry slump and subsequent decline in demand. According to U.K.-based shipping and offshore gas industries analyst Clarkson Research, Wed- nesday, the shipbuilding order backlog held by Korean shipyards stood at 23.87 million compensated gross tons (CGTs) as of the end of July, the lowest level since January 2004. In the meantime, Japanese shipyards had an order backlog of 22.13 CGTs, narrowing the gap between the two countries' shipyards to 1.74 CGTs. This is the narrowest gap since March 2003, when the comparable gap was 1.58 million CGTs. 18 The gap was the widest ― as much as 31.6 million CGTs ― during the boom in 2008, under which Korean shipyards boasted a 71.7 million CGT order backlog. The gap between the two countries' shares in order backlogs has also narrowed to 1.8 percent as of early-August while recording 4.8 percent in January, 4.2 percent in March and 3.7 percent in May. An industry observer said that it is "almost certain" that Japanese shipyards will overtake Korean shipyards in market share and order backlogs within this year, because Korean shipyards have suffered a huge loss in receiving orders while delivering more than 1 million CGTs worth of shipbuilding orders every month this year. Japanese shipyards have delivered around 550,000 CGTs monthly in the same period. Korean shipbuilders clinched a total of 800,000 CGTs worth of new orders in the first half of the year, dropping 88 percent from last year's figure. Meanwhile, Japanese shipbuilders are maintaining their sales performance thanks to strong domestic demand. They clinched a total of 440,000 CGTs, or 11 ship orders, in July alone, the best sales performance among rival shipbuilding countries. Japanese NYK received a shipbuilding order for five containers from JMU while another Japanese shipbuilder MOL clinched orders from Honda Zosen to build three multipurpose vessels. Korea's top three shipbuilders ― Hyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering and Samsung Heavy Industries ― suffered a combined operating loss of 8.5 trillion won ($7.4 billion) last year because of an industrywide slump and a delay in the construction of offshore facilities. They have recently drawn up a sweeping 11 trillion won self-rescue program in a bid to overcome the prolonged slump and subsequent losses. SOURCE DSME’S 2015 LOSS ‘$2.8BN BIGGER THAN REPORTED’ Politician reveals investigation has uncovered more red ink at struggling shipbuilder. August 9th, 2016 by Gary Dixon Shipbuilder DSME’s operating loss was much bigger than first reported for the first half of 2015, a politician has revealed. Sim Sang-jung, head of the opposition Justice Party, told the Yonhap news agency that financial authorities had found an additional deficit of KRW 3.1 trillion ($2.8bn) for the period. The struggling Korean yard reported a loss of KRW 3.2 trillion at the time. shipbuilder has spearheaded an accounting fraud, but they extended a large amount of financial aid. "They should explain why such a large amount of aid was extended to Daewoo Shipbuilding." She added that up to KRW 2.4 trillion had been necessary to put the shipbuilder back on track, but the government announced a sum of KRW 4.2 trillion in October. A string of former and current DSME executives have either been charged or questioned as part of an ongoing probe into alleged accounting fraud. SOURCE Sim said: "Financial authorities found that the 19 YANGZIJIANG – A PRIVATE CHINESE YARD NAVIGATING ADVERSE MARKET CONDITIONS ally zero orders for bulk carriers, and only a handful of orders for feeder boxships. “The bulk vessel segment is witnessing a lot of cancellations and deferments, especially for the 64,000-82,000 dwt capacity range,” Ren said. He admited that the yard is not immune from the increase in order cancellations on the market, but it has managed to arrange for resale of most of the cancelled orders and minimise the impact. Ren Yuanlin, executive chairman of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding By Lee Hong Liang from Singapore As the crisis in China’s shipbuilding industry deepens, Beijing is in two minds on whether to continue funding state-owned yards while almost all private enterprises have been wiped out, according to Ren Yuanlin, executive chairman of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding. Privately-owned Yangzijiang has managed to stay profitable, which it attributes to cost cutting measures of lay-offs, business diversification, and rationalisation. Ren observed that the road ahead will be a challenging one as the protracted recession of China’s shipbuilding market is expected to continue until at least 2017, and there are yet no positive signs of a sustainable upturn. In order to tackle the tough market, Yangzijiang has taken the tough decision to axe around 4,000 employees over the course of this year. The retrenched employees represented 20% of its approximate 20,000 workforce. Among the laid off staff, 90% are yard workers and the rest included office workers and some senior staff, according to Ren. “We have also asked about 500 workers to stay at home and accept a reduction in salaries while the company tries to tide through the crisis,” he said. The Chinese shipbuilder, which mainly builds dry bulk vessels and containerships, is seeing virtu- The dearth of newbuilding orders due to vessel tonnage glut and cash-strapped owners has sent a wave of bankruptcy sweeping across privatelyowned Chinese yards over the past few years. Last year alone, more than 20 shipbuilding enterprises of large to medium sizes have declared bankrupt. The survival of Yangzijiang is by no means left to chance, thanks to shrewd businessman Ren who has steered the company in the right direction amid adverse market conditions over the past several years. Today, Ren believed that privately-owned yards still winning new orders in the past year are left with only Yangzijiang and New Century Shipbuilding. “The privately-owned shipyards are finding it difficult to get a refund guarantee from the bank and without it, it is not possible to land a new shipbuilding order. In addition, newbuilding prices are way too low for yards to have a healthy margin, not to mention the higher risks of payment defaults by owners,” he told Seatrade Maritime News. In essence, the days whereby yards accept orders, even if loss-making for the sake of maintaining daily operations, are over, and shutting down is the only option. While there could be around 300 Chinese yards in operation today, less than 40 of them have active day-to-day operations, according to Ren, and most of them are subsidiary yards of state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corp (CSSC) and China Shipbuilding 20 Industry Corp (CSIC). ty comes from state-owned yards. The survival of yards under CSSC and CSIC largely depends on state funds, as Beijing has been subsidising state-owned enterprises (SOE), not just in shipbuilding but in other industry sectors as well. The problem of continuing to ease the liquidity crunch at state-owned yards and not letting them fail, Ren explained, also means the market will not be able to overcome the excess yard capacity problem, where the bulk of capaci- "There is a split decision in Beijing on whether to continue subsidising the state yards. The government recognised that by doing so the overcapacity problem will not be resolved but it needs to take some forms of responsibility in ensuring the survival of SOEs. This creates a dilemma," he said. SOURCE COSCO WINS ORDER FOR THREE CONTAINERSHIPS buyer or the contract price, citing terms of confidentiality. An unnamed European buyer will build vessel trio at Cosco Guangdong yard. August 8th, 2016 by Nick Roumpis Cosco Corp has won a contract that will add the first containerships currently under construction at its Guangdong facility. The Singapore-listed company said its subsidiary Cosco Guangdong has put pen to paper with a European buyer for three 1,750-teu boxships. Cosco Guangdong will deliver the vessels in the second and third quarter of 2019. According to Clarksons, Cosco’s shipyard at Guangdong is currently building 13 platform supply vessels (PSVs), one emergency response and rescue vessel, one dredger and two research ships. Cosco Corp reported a fivefold increase in second quarter deficit last week and said the shipbuilding industry continues to falter due to overcapacity. Revenue from its shipyard operations was SGD 754.6m ($559.9m), against SGD 843.4m. The last boxship order won by Cosco Corp was in early June, when it sealed a deal with CMA CGM for a quartet of 3,300-teu vessels to be built at Zhoushan. SOURCE The company has not disclosed the name of the 21 ENGIE AND NYK TAP YARDS FOR SECOND LNG BUNKER VESSEL PURPOSE-BUILT: Rendering of an LNG bunker newbuilding being worked on by NYK and Engie. Photo: NYK Duo’s initial unit will become world’s first purpose-built vessel on delivery in October August 4th, 2016 by Lucy Hine in London French energy giant Engie and its shipping partner NYK have gone out to tender with shipyards for a second purpose-built LNG bunker vessel (LNGBV). Those following the business say yards have been invited to submit their proposals within August for one vessel. They have been asked to offer in on two sizes — one for a ship of over 5,000 cbm and a second vessel below this size. The companies, which are also working in partnership with Japanese trader Mitsubishi Corp on LNG bunkering, are understood to be looking a Type C tank cargo solution but have not given any detailed specifications or explained where and how the vessel will be utilised. Shipyards have been asked to give their best offers on delivery dates. Engie and NYK are believed to have approached yards in South Korea, China and Europe on the new business. A spokeswoman for Engie said: “We do not wish at this stage to comment on this.” The new tender comes just three months before Korea’s Hanjin Heavy Industries is scheduled to handover what looks set to become the world’s first purpose-built seagoing LNG bunker vessel to the trio of Engie, NYK and Mitsubishi Corp. The 5,100-cbm vessel, which was contracted in 2014, was launched in July and is scheduled for delivery in October. The LNGBV will use flexible cryogenic hoses for cargo transfer operations and is fitted with Type C cargo tanks. It will be managed out of NYK Energy Transport (Atlantic)’s London office. The vessel will be based at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal in Belgium from where it will supply LNG to foundation customer, United European Car Carriers (UECC), which is in the process of taking delivery of a number of LNG-fuelled vessels. Zeebrugge’s operator Fluxys took an ownership stake in the ship last year. But the UECC business is expected to account for only around 10% of the LNGBV’s capacity. So last year, the original owning trio set up Brusselsbased Marine LNG Zeebrugge to offer bunkering services and tie up the rest of the vessel’s capacity. LNG bunkering commitment Early movers Engie, NYK and Mitsubishi have previously indicated that they are in LNG bunkering for the long haul and intend to look at other potential business opportunities in and outside the Atlantic region. The current tender would appear to indicate the trio see fresh business for a second LNGBV. Shipbuilders report active enquiry for LNG bunkering tonnage at present. They indicate the 22 demand centres on vessels of between 5,000 cbm and 7,000 cbm with individual specifications dependent on terminal compatibilities and project requirements. very, Clean Marine Energy’s US-built LNG bunker barge is due to emerge in the US later this year. But several also detail that the bulk of enquiries are proving slow moving at present. Two more dedicated vessels are scheduled for delivery in 2017, one 6,500-cbm unit for Shell and a second contracted by Anthony Veder against project business. Aside from October’s anticipated LNGBV deli- SOURCE HOW MANY SHIPS WILL STILL EMERGE FROM STX O&S? But other brokers also indicate that signals from owners with tonnage on order at the yard suggest that just shy of 20 vessels appear to be at risk of cancellation. One puts this figure at 18 ships. However, most stress that the negotiations on these will depend on the details of each individual contract. Fears also expressed that troubled shipbuilder may be saved, adding to ongoing overcapacity August 4th, 2016 by Lucy Hine in London A large chunk of the newbuildings on order at South Korea’s bankrupt STX Offshore & Shipbuilding (O&S) may end up being built simply because their construction is physically far advanced and substantial down payments have already been made on the ships. Some believe this could mean the prospect of resales emerging from the yard as the shipbuilder moves to mitigate its losses. Brokers say that to date only three 73,500-dwt panamax products tankers for Greek owner Pleiades Shipping have been confirmed as cancelled, with Frontline widely thought to have ditched its four VLCCs. Question marks remain over orders backed by other owners such as BP Shipping, BW Group and Navig8, which have multiple ships contracted with the yard. Brokers following the moves at the cashstrapped shipbuilder, who filed for bankruptcy in early last month amid mounting debts and no further leeway from its creditors, suggest that at least 30 of the vessels in the yard’s 40-plus ship orderbook are likely to be completed. A stripped-down version of STX O&S, which laid off a chunk of its workforce, was one of the few Korean yards working this week, with the company opting to take its summer break earlier than its larger competitors. They detail that steel has been cut on these newbuildings and large-scale equipment ordered for them. Former DSME senior marketing director YK Jang has started his role as receiver for STX O&S. But market watchers say attention is now focused on an upcoming report from EY, which has been 23 tasked to produce a restructuring plan for the yard by next month. yard’s key subcontractors, STX Heavy Industries Co, which makes engines and plant for STX O&S. There are now concerns being voiced in shipbuilding circles that this could open the possibility of the yard surviving, albeit under court protection, compounding fears of yard overcapacity in Korea during this period of newbuilding order drought. Reports in the Korean media say the court plans to hire an accounting firm to carry out due diligence on the company. The results of this are due in by the end of September. The engine manufacturer, which has been hit hard by its group shipyard’s woes, has a deadline of 28 October to file its rehabilitation plan. On Monday, Seoul Central District Court started the debt-restructuring programme for one of the SOURCE BMT NIGEL GEE TO DESIGN LNG FUELED DOEKSEN DUO powered vessels, with at least a 30% reduction in CO2 and 100% reduction in NOX/SOX. AUGUST 3, 2016 — Triyards subsidiary Strategic Marine has chosen Southampton, U.K., based BMT Nigel Gee to design the two 70 m LNGfueled RoPax ferries that its Vung Tau, Vietnam, shipyard is to build for Harlingen, Netherlands, headquartered Rederij Doeksen under a EUR 44 million contracted awarded in April (see earlier story).] BMT will be responsible for concept through to production design of the aluminum hull catamarans. The exterior and interior styling is being performed by Netherlands designer Vripack. The vessels are single fuel LNG, with both main engines and generators running off the LNG supply. The vessels will offer significantly lower emissions than conventional steel and diesel Ed Dudson, Technical Director of BMT Nigel Gee says: "Winning this project with Strategic Marine from an international tender process is excellent. This is an incredibly exciting project for us to be working on - to develop these vessels with such low emissions to operate in the Wadensee is a fantastic opportunity. The vessels will be built in aluminum to minimize weight, thereby further reducing emissions. They will be the first passenger vessels to have the new MTU 4000 series gas engine installed. Bow thrusters will be run from stored power, recharged from shore power. At 70 m long with a 17 m beam, the vessels will also have a very low operating draft of 2.5 m to facilitate operating in the Waddenzee, an area of particularly shallow water. Maneuverability will be excellent with the use of azimuthing thrusters." With the capacity to accommodate over 60 cars and 600 passengers, the vessels will be designed to interface with existing port facilities, withwind generators and solar panels reinforcing their environmentally friendly credentials. SOURCE 24 SALE OF STX FRANCE EXPECTED TO RESUME THIS MONTH Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen AMIDST THE ORDERING DOWNTURN, SOUTH KOREA HAS A NEW SHIPBUILDER Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen MITI UNVEILS INCENTIVES FOR SHIPBUILDERS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen HYUNDAI SAMHO HEAVY INDUSTRIES WINS $180 MILLION ORDER TO BUILD 2 VLCC’S Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen NEW CHINESE ICEBREAKER WITH MORE POWER Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen RUSSIA INVITES CHINA TO INVEST IN ITS SHIPYARDS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen ASENAV CURRENTLY BUILDS FERRIES FOR CHILEAN AND CANADIAN CUSTOMERS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen PEMEX COULD SELL SPANISH YARD STAKE Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen COSCOCS SIGNS $18BN NEWBUILDING FINANCE DEAL Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen DSME’S LIQUIDITY SHORTAGE SET TO WORSEN Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen ORDER DOWNTURN BITES INTO JAPAN’S BIG SHIPBUILDERS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen EIMSKIP TO ORDER NEW FERRY Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen YANGZIJIANG STAYS PROFITABLE IN DIFFICULT SHIPBUILDING MARKET Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 'SEVERAL' YARDS MULLED FOR MATSON ORDER Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 25 SHIP MAINTENANCE, REPAIR & CONVERSION DE SCHEEPSBOUW IS IN NOORD (NOG) EEN SPRINGLEVENDE BEDRIJFSTAK wordt om windmolens op zee te plaatsen. Vorig jaar werd er door Damen nog een nieuw heliplatform op geplaatst. Canadese meren Damen Shipyard op het NDSM terrein in Amsterdam Noord © Marc Driessen De woningnood in Amsterdam is hoog. Daarom wil de gemeente door de hele stad 50.000 nieuwe huizen bouwen - de plannen zijn vastgelegd in 'Koers 2025'. Wat moet daarvoor wijken? Een dagelijkse serie. DOOR: LEX BOON 10 AUGUSTUS 2016, 12:20 Op de bodem van het acht meter diepe droogdok van Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam kun je onder de schroef van de Northsea Rational doorlopen. Op de NDSM-werf mag de scheepsbouwhistorie van Amsterdam dan tot leven komen, maar ga iets verder de haven in en je ziet een nog springlevende bedrijfstak. Op het terrein van Damen, dat tot 2013 bekendstond als Shipdock, wordt zestien uur per dag aan schepen gewerkt, in ploegendiensten. En als het moet, gaat het 24 uur per dag door. De werkdruk op de scheepswerf fluctueert sterk. Gemiddeld werken er tussen 200 en 250 personen, van wie 125 in vaste dienst. Een deel van de medewerkers komt uit het buitenland. "Iemand die bereid is met een lastangetje in een dubbele bodem te gaan liggen, is lastig te vinden in Nederland," zegt Schulting. Vanuit deze hoek oogt de chemicaliëntanker als een elegant geheel: de sierlijke lijnen van het rood geverfde staal lijken eindeloos. En je weet dat het zo is, maar toch lijkt het een klein wonder dat deze honderd meter lange tanker met vier schroefbladen de wereldzeeën kan bevaren. Een deel van het werk wordt gedaan in een grote, naar staal ruikende loods. Hier staan platenpersen, freesmachines en zijn overal lassers aan het werk. Op dit moment wordt er elke twee weken 280.000 kilo staal verwerkt tot gigantische elementen. Later dit jaar worden die in de Canadese meren gebruikt om een nieuw olieplatform op zijn plek te krijgen. Benzinehaven Pijnlijke vraag Tjeerd Schulting kwam hier achttien jaar geleden als stagiair binnenlopen, nu is hij directeur. Tijdens een wandeling over de werf vertelt hij hoe de Northsea Rational hier binnen twee weken helemaal wordt opgeknapt. Hij wijst op de 144 meter lange Harbour First, die verderop ligt. Het leven van een directeur bestaat uit veel praten, bellen en e-mailen, maar elke week probeert Schulting wel een rondje over de werf te lopen: "Mooier wordt het toch niet." Die chemicaliëntanker - Amsterdam is de grootste benzinehaven ter wereld - is al helemaal in de verf gezet. Daarnaast ligt de GMS Endeavor, een 71 meter lang hefplatform dat gebruikt Hij geniet, wandelend over de bodem van Dok 4, het 250 meter lange en 36 meter brede reuzendok van Damen. Zou de scheepswerf ooit plaatsmaken voor woningen, een optie die in Koers 2025 wordt opgeworpen? "Dat is een pijnlijke vraag," zegt Schulting. 26 Hij vertelt over de historische banden van Amsterdam-Noord met de scheepsindustrie - ooit was dit eventjes de grootste scheepswerf ter wereld - maar hij zegt ook dat in 2028 een erfpachttermijn afloopt en de bestemming 'zware industrie' dan komt te vervallen. Cargill, aan de overkant van het IJ. Zolang dat bedrijf er zit, is hier geen woningbouw mogelijk. Schulting hoopt een eventuele verhuizing in elk geval zo lang mogelijk uit te stellen. "Ik snap dat er grond nodig is om huizen te bouwen. En zo'n bedrijf binnen de Ring van Amsterdam, je weet dat het niet voor eeuwig is." Met alle betrokken partijen wordt nu gesproken. SOURCE Van invloed is ook wat er met de buren gebeurt: SILVERSEA PRESENTS USD 170 MN FLEET REFURBISHMENT PLAN year. With its gross tonnage of 28,258 tons, the cruise ship has a length of 186 meters and a width of 24.9 meters. It can accommodate 382 passengers and 302 crew. Image Courtesy: Silversea Cruises Monaco-based cruise company Silversea Cruises has revealed a USD 170 million refurbishment plan of its fleet, scheduled to start in 2016. The refurbishment program includes three of the company’s cruise ships, Silver Whisper, Silver Wind and Silver Discoverer. The second cruise ship is scheduled to enter dry dock in October 2016 is Silver Wind. The 1995built ship has an accommodation space for 296 guests and 222 crew. Featuring a length of 156.7 meters and a width of 21.5 meters, this cruise ship was last refurbished in 2013. Silver Discoverer is the third ship scheduled to undergo a transformation in October this year. The cruise ship was also refurbished two years ago. Silver Discoverer can accommodate 120 guests and has a gross tonnage of 5,218 tons. SOURCE Built in 2001, Silver Whisper will undergo a makeover that will take place by the end of this 27 NAVAL KANGNAM TO BUILD MINESWEEPERS SHIPS IN INDIA By Aiswarya Lakshmi Sunday, August 07, 2016 capability. Its existing mine counter-measures force consists of six vessels bought from the erstwhile Soviet Union in the late 1970s. It requires 24 minesweepers. Mital said infrastructure was being scaled up swiftly at the shipyard to kick off the construction of the ships. RAdm Shekhar Mital NM, CMD, GSL explaining "Make in India vision of GSL" to the PM. Photo: Goa Shipyard Limited South Korea's Kangnam Corporation will jointly build 12 mine countermeasure vessels (MCMV) in India in collaboration with India's state-owned Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL), reports Hindustan Times. Kangnam will transfer technology and help in the production of the MCMVs. However, no details of the business arrangement between the South Korean company and GSL is known. After absorption of technology from Kangnam, the shipyard will be able to build these MCMVs on its own at a later stage, a GSL source said. The project comes under under the Modi government’s Make in India programme and is likely to cost more than Rs 32,000 crore ($4.8 billion). MCMVs use specialized composite material and high grade steel and are equipped to detect all kinds of underwater mines. The Indian Navy operates around six aging Russian made MCMVs. “We are in the final stage of concluding the contract. It should be done in three to four weeks,” Hindustan Times quoted GSL chairman Rear Admiral Shekhar Mital as saying. Indian Navy has a total requirement of 24 MCMVs and there will be an additional order of 12 MCMVs to top the current order of 12 MCMVs. The navy needs to fill gaps in its mine warfare SOURCE POSCO DAEWOO SUPPLIES PARTS TO INDONESIAN SHIPBUILDER Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 28 SUPER & MEGA YACHTS SEAXPLORER 65 DESTINED FOR 2019 DELIVERY Lloyds Polar Class 6, making it capable of breaking ice. (Note that there’s a difference between actually breaking and navigating through ice. Most expedition yachts meant for ice travels are only intended to push away thin, already broken surfaces.) Furthermore, the SeaXplorer 65 will meet a new regulatory standard, the IMO Polar Code. Going into effect next January, the Polar Code protects vessels and their passengers as much as the environment. AUGUST 4, 2016 DIANE M. BYRNE Less than a year after the Damen SeaXplorer range became public, hull number one has an owner. A SeaXplorer 65, measuring 216 feet (65.9 meters), will start cruising in about three years’ time. The SeaXplorer line is for those who yearn to visit much more than the typical megayacht destinations. (Damen markets and sells the range via Amels, since it’s the parent company of the yacht builder.) The yachts, which range up to 328 feet (100 meters), are true expedition yachts, for venturing into both polar and extreme tropical locales. In fact, with styling by Azure Yacht Design, the SeaExplorer employs a hull that Damen uses for the offshore energy industry. The hull further meets In keeping with the expedition idea, the SeaXplorer 65 will be able to stay self-reliant up to 40 days. She’ll treat the owner and guests to superyacht style, too, of course. No information is yet available on the general arrangement and decor for hull number one. Generally, however, the SeaXplorer 65 accommodates 12 in the owner’s party and 20 crewmembers. Buyers can arrange the rooms as they so wish, with their choice of designer as well. For shore spotting, whale watching, and more, Damen and Amels encourage including an observation lounge. It’s an ideal complement to the included crow’s nest. A variety of toys and support craft, ranging from helicopters to personal subs, can stow aboard, too. SOURCE 29 OIL & GAS, OFFSHORE ENERGY, DEEP SEA MINING SBM OFFSHORE UIT HET DAL Door Nico Inberg op 11 aug 2016 afgevallen is. Ruim drie weken geleden verblijdden de Schiedammers, of zullen we zeggen Monegasken, de achterban met de boodschap dat de smeergeldaffaire in Brazilie definitief achter de rug was. Terug in de doofpot De halfjaarcijfers van SBM werden lijdzaam afgewacht vandaag. De koers sloot onveranderd op bijzonder laag volume. Nabeurs zat ik zo eens te zoeken op headlines inzake de cijfers en wat ik tegenkwam zag er niet best uit. Schreeuwende koppen als 'Omzet gekelderd' en 'Fors minder winst' leken een sombere boodschap uit te dragen. Nadere bestudering van het persbericht stemt mij echter een stuk vrolijker. Er kan zelfs 150 miljoen euro vanaf voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen. De punten uit de goednieuwsshow maar even op een rijtje. Houdt u vast: Aandeleninkoopprogramma van 150 miljoen euro Kostenbesparingen van 270 miljoen dollar Omzet volgens verwachtingen Nettoschuld verlaagd naar 3,1 miljard dollar 2 schepen afgeleverd en derde onderweg Winst per aandeel van 0,31 dollar Er komt een nieuwe CFO Het mocht wat kosten, maar voor de lieve som van 274,8 miljoen dollar wordt de hele zaak weer terug in de doofpot gestopt. Euforie bij beleggers, en voor een deel terecht, want de smeergeldaffaire hing natuurlijk als een donkere wolk boven het aandeel. Je weet nooit welke kant het balletje uiteindelijk oprolt, en nu weten we in ieder geval wat de maximale schade is. Terug naar de realiteit dus. Nieuwe opdrachten voor de bouw van FPSO's zullen voorlopig nog wel even uitblijven bij olieprijzen van rond de 40 dollar, maar de bestaande schepen brengen genoeg geld in het laatje om de zeven magere jaren uit te zitten. Belangrijk voor SBM Offshore is dat de nettoschuld binnen de perken blijft. In dat kader is het gewaagd om 150 miljoen euro voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen opzij te zetten, maar dit douceurtje wordt goedgepraat om reden dat 'beleggers een moeilijke tijd hebben gehad' bij SBM Offshore de afgelopen jaren. (Geen) Nieuwe orders Het aantal nieuw ontvangen orders dat binnenkwam in het eerste halfjaar is zo goed als nihil. Bij de FPSO's was er een backlog (orderboek) van 18,9 miljard dollar eind 2015. Minus de omzet dit eerste half jaar (939 miljoen dollar) staat de backlog nu op 18 miljard dollar. Niets bijgekomen dus. Uiteraard ben ik wat schertsend maar je merkt aan alles dat met het bereiken van de schikking er een enorme last (letterlijk) van de schouders 30 Die laatste zin is mooi hé. SBM remains disciplined in its commercial approach to new projects. Geen enveloppen met geld meer via smoezelige tussenpersonen dus. Benieuwd of het zo ook lukt opdrachten te scoren. Voorlopig nog niet zo te zien. Nettoschuld Bij de Turnkey-projecten gaat het al even beroerd. Backlog was daar eind 2015 0,5 miljard dollar, en een half jaar later nog 0,3 miljard dollar. Waarde van de nieuwe orders: 48 miljoen dollar. Het wordt een uitgekauwd verhaal, maar niet minder relevant voor SBM Offshore. Iedereen stelt zijn opdrachten en investeringen uit zolang de olieprijs niet significant boven de 50 dollar uitkomt. Waarom zo positief? Waarom dan toch zo positief? De huidige contracten voor de uitgeleende FPSO's zorgen vanaf medio 2016 voor een positieve cashflow. Op velerlei gebied zijn kostenbesparingen doorgevoerd, personeel is afgevloeid en gaat afvloeien, waardoor de druk voorlopig zo goed als van de ketel is. SBM vertrouwt verder op haar solide reputatie en is niet van plan die opnieuw op het spel te zetten. CEO Chabas hierover: "In addition, we are building on our proven track record of on time delivery through investments in our Fast4ward initiative actively positioning the Company to remain the provider of choice in the floating solutions business. The importance of experienced and reliable contractors takes center stage. SBM Offshore remains disciplined in its commercial approach to new projects in order to mitigate risks which could adversely impact the Company in the years ahead.” Als laatste nog even een blik op de schuldpositie. Ik schreef drie weken geleden al dat SBM vrij veel bewegingsruimte kreeg van haar financiers. Het verschil in boekhouden tussen directional en IFRS komt ook hier weer duidelijk naar voren. Volgens de door SBM gehanteerde directionalmethode is er een nettoschuld (rentedragende schulden minus kaspositie) van 3,1 miljard dollar. Op basis van IFRS is die nettoschuld echter 5,2 miljard dollar. Ligt de waarheid in het midden? Ik denk het. Nadere bestudering leert dat er voor 5,2 miljard dollar aan rentedragende schulden uitstaan, dat SBM een kaspositie heeft van 1,039 miljard dollar en nog een kredietruimte heeft van 1,082 miljard dollar bij de banken. De gemiddelde rentevoet bedraagt 4,5%. Het aandeleninkoopprogramma gaat morgen meteen beginnen en moet tegen het einde van het jaar afgerond zijn. SBM koopt voor 150 miljoen euro aandelen in, gedurende een periode van 4,5 maanden. Dat zijn ruim 100 handelsdagen, dus per dag betekent het dat er voor 1,5 miljoen euro aan aandelen worden gekocht. Dat is een aardig steuntje in de rug. Mijn gedachten zouden toch in eerste instantie uitgaan naar het terugbrengen van de schulden, al is zo'n 150 miljoen euro slechts een druppel op de gloeiende plaat. Ik bedoel, er komt geen order binnen en de kostenbesparingen en ontslagen zijn aan de orde van de dag. Maar kennelijk is er het management veel aan gelegen de beleggers nu eens flink in de watten te leggen. Waarvan akte. SOURCE 31 OOS INTERNATIONAL ORDERS TWO SSCV’S IN CHINA N.B. totale investering richting de 1 miljard Euro (RD) Between projects the vessels will have a transit speed up to 12 knots. They will provide hotel services for 750 people, in mainly single and twin cabin. These hotel services will be utilized during the preparation work prior to the execution of actual heavy lifting projects AUGUST 4, 2016 — In what it calls a "quantum leap within the offshore & heavy lift industry," Serooskerke, Netherlands, headquartered Holding OOS International Group B.V. yesterday confirmed that it has signed a fixed contract for the engineering and construction of two new semi-submersible heavy lift & accommodation vessels —OOS Serooskerke and OOS Walcheren— with China Merchant Industry Holdings. They will be built at the CMHI (Jiangsu) shipyard in Haimen, China, and will be similar to the company's 138 m x 81 m DP3 Semi-submersible Crane/Construction/ Accommodation Vessel OOS Gretha, delivered by CIMC Raffles in 2012. "Today's Oil & Gas economic situation does not hold us back," said Leon Overdulve, founder and owner of Holding OOS International Group BV. "The fact that we decided to continue with our plans by introducing niche products to the Oil & Gas/Wind Industry in the current market situation, shows our strong long-term commitment, as well our trust in this great novel concept." OOS says that by proving both hotel and heavy lift capability simultaneously, the vessels offer a new turnkey solution for the oil & gas/offshore wind market and that their technical and commercial benefits have been demonstrated by its first SSCV, OOS Gretha, presently working for Petrobras, in Brazil. The SSCVs will be equipped with a state-of-theart enhanced dynamic positioning class 3 (DP3) system from Kongsberg. Kongsberg will also provide system switchboards, frequency converters, automation, navigation & DP systems, radio and satellite communications, networking and on board entertainment, safety technology and monitoring components such as the advanced helideck system. Separately, Kongsberg Maritime reported today that it had signed EPC contracts with China Merchants Heavy Industries (CMHI) relati worth more than NOK 520 million, covering deliveries to the two vessels. Kongsberg Maritime together with its wholly owned subsidiary Kongsberg Maritime Engineering (KME) will execute the project. OOS will equip the new SSCVs with two Huisman heavy lift cranes, with a total dual lifting capacity of 4,400 tons per vessel. KME will provide all engineering, procurement and project management while Kongsberg Maritime will supply a "Full picture system" delivery. The cranes can be utilized for the (de) commissioning of subsea structures, foundations, moorings, floating and heavy lift platforms for offshore wind structures in deep water. The Kongsberg contracts include supply and integration of the electrical, telecom and integrated control systems, project management, interface management and engineering services at all stages. In addition, a significant technology sco32 pe of supply includes; switchboards, frequency converters, automation, navigation & DP systems, radio and satellite communications, networking and on board entertainment, safety technology and monitoring systems such as the advanced environmental monitoring system. Maritime. The engineering and construction phase is estimated to be three years for the first vessel with the delivery of the second vessel coming nine months later." We are very pleased that we can supply a tailor made EIT (Electrical, Instrument and Telecom) solution for the shipyard and owner with a large scope of both in-house and procured technology," says Egil Haugsdal, President, Kongsberg OOS Prometheus & OOS Gretha in Brazil SOURCE OSV ORDERBOOK TOTALS ‘$5.5BN’ “Big data” says the answer is $6.8bn. But this is in terms of market value, not original yard prices, and only if willing sellers could actually find willing buyers to flip the ships after delivery. The estimate is according to the algorithms at UK-based VesselsValue, which is the maritime data-provider and counterpart to sale-andpurchase (S&P) specialist Seasure Shipbroking. Subsea 7 newbuilds fitting out at HHI yard in Ulsan, 10/11/’15. Source: Getty Images Even the experts cannot predict how many of the hundreds of offshore orders will be delivered on time this year — but one daring analyst has pegged their current market value August 4th, 2016 by Darrin Griggs in Oslo This year’s huge global orderbook of 500 offshore support vessels (OSVs) has been casting a dark shadow over the oil-services industry. The sector is already struggling mightily with oversupply, but what are all these newbuildings actually worth in today’s harsh downturn? So far in 2016, offshore shipowners have taken delivery of 93 OSVs with an estimated market value of about $1.33bn, while the 407 ships still scheduled for delivery this year alone are said to be worth $5.5bn, according to VesselsValue. Again, these are market values and not original yard prices when the ships were ordered about two years ago or more. Apart from the 500 ships, a further 107 newbuildings now estimated to be worth $1.9bn are due for delivery in 2017. The 2016 ships are made up of anchor handling tugs (AHTs), anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels and platform supply vessels (PSVs), so other specialised assets, such as subsea ships, 33 are excluded. Of the 407 ships still to be delivered this year, there are 11 AHTs worth $206m, 177 AHTS vessels worth $1.8bn and 219 PSVs worth $3.5bn, analysts at the data specialist tell TradeWinds. In terms of the overall decline in offshore vessel values, the estimates tend to vary widely in the market from 30% to 70%, depending on time frame, the OSV type, and the source of the estimate. VesselsValue — which has made its name in valuing commercial vessels such as LNG, boxships, tankers, dry cargo and so on — tells TradeWinds it is unable to estimate a percentage value decline for 2016’s 500 ships, as it does not track original yard prices to make an accurate comparison. considered “options” with a “refund” of $31m in payments pending. This makes six committed ships, seven optional and four already delivered, which would account for the 17 figure. VesselsValue lists the 17 vessels as having a current market value of $269m. However, for a stark contrast, this should be compared with Tidewater’s filing, which says just six deepwater PSVs represent a total commitment of $251m with the builders. It should also be noted that newbuilding “slippage” has traditionally been a major factor in the offshore market. This has been true in good times, when overstretched yards have been unable to meet deadlines, and also now in bad times, when shipowners’ financing is highly problematic. Fall in newbuildings ‘Bumper year’ However, based on data provided as historical orderbooks (see table 1, far right), TradeWinds has compared the orderbook for 2014’s scheduled deliveries with the 2016 orderbook by ignoring the vessel count and by dividing the suggested values by total gross tons (gt). Some analysts, like those at DVB Bank, have been expecting a slippage rate in the OSV orderbook of about 50% from this year onward, so it is questionable how many of the remaining 407 ships, scheduled to come out in 2016, will end up in the hands of their original clients or on the water. This rough estimate resulted in a decline of about 15% in two years for newbuildings — from $2,747 per gt in 2014 to $2,344 per gt in 2016, these values are again only figures for AHTs, AHTS vessels and PSVs. In terms of value and not vessel number, among the top shipowners to take delivery this year are Vroon Offshore Services with six ships, Tidewater with four, Edison Chouest Offshore with three and Bourbon Offshore with one (see table 2, far right). VesselsValue lists the world’s largest OSV owner, Tidewater, with 17 orders associated with 2016 deliveries. According to its latest earnings filings, Tidewater lists capital “commitments” on just six ships but it points out in footnotes that seven orders are Miles Cole, head of offshore for VesselsValue, tells TradeWinds that 2016 is a “bumper year” for scheduled OSV deliveries but he agrees that some of the remaining 407 are likely to be delayed or some may be laid up immediately upon delivery. “There will of course be slippage for the vessels that are due to be delivered later this year, and we can only wait and see when these vessels turn up on the water,” said Cole. “In terms of value, of course, every sector is a delicate balance between supply and demand. “With the winter months looming ahead for the offshore industry, during which production typically falls, an additional 407 vessels would increase the number of idle OSV vessels, push down 34 rates and in turn lead to a further decrease in OSV market values.” SOURCE INLAND SHIPPING (BINNENVAART) DIESELELEKTRISCH VAREN TUSSEN HENGELO EN ROTTERDAM voor rekening van de ondernemers zelf. Naast de bij de bouw in 2009 reeds geïnstalleerde 1.250 kW sterke Mitsubishi hoofdmotor, is op de schroefas een elektromotor van 350 kW geïnstalleerd. Het betreft een holle-as permanentmagneetmotor van de Finse firma Visedo. Daarnaast staan na de ombouw op het voorschip twee generatorsets met Volvo Penta D13dieselmotoren, één generatorset van 280 kW en één van 350 kW. Binnenvaartschip Borelli voert dieselektrische containerlijndienst. © The Blue World Jan Spoelstra dinsdag 9 augustus 2016 Twee generatorsets 18 % besparing Dieselelektrische voortstuwing is niet langer alleen een efficiënte en schone technologie voor grote cruiseschepen, offshore schepen of baggerschepen die toch al een groot hotelbedrijf of andere apparatuur van stroom moeten voorzien. Sinds enkele weken biedt het ook een uitkomst voor een binnenvaartschip dat met zo’n honderd containers heen en weer pendelt over Nederlandse binnenwateren. Het betreft de Borelli (110 x 11,45 m), die sinds kort dieselelektrisch op zijn containerlijndienst tussen Hengelo en Rotterdam vaart, nadat ze dit voorjaar in Sliedrecht door Visscher Scheepsreparatie, Koedood Scheepsmotoren en eL-Tec Elektrotechnologie een uitgebreide refit onderging. Deze innovatie is voor een deel tot stand gekomen door een subsidie van de provincie Overijssel en het EICB (Expertise en Innovatie Centrum Binnenvaart), maar het grootste deel van de ruim € 500.000 kostende ombouw kwam De Borelli heeft een dieselelektrische aandrijving met twee generators. Wellicht gaat het hybride binnenvaartschip in de toekomst ook weer op de Rijn varen. ‘Wanneer we rustig over het niet-stromende water van het Twentekanaal varen, draait alleen de 280 kW-generatorset’, legt mede-eigenaar van het schip Patrick Hut uit. ‘Daarmee voorzien we de elektrische voortstuwing, het hotelbedrijf aan boord, de boegschroef en de koelcontainers aan boord van stroom.’ Flink manoeuvreren Het is indrukwekkend dat de Borelli met een motor op basis van een gemiddelde vrachtwagenmotor ruim 100 TEU (100 twintigvoetscontai35 ners) kan verplaatsen. ‘Wanneer we echter flink moeten manoeuvreren en de boegschroef moeten gebruiken om een rivier op te draaien, schakelen we de 350 kW-genset bij voor de boegschroef’, aldus Hut. ‘Stroomafwaarts richting Rotterdam varen we weer op de kleine genset en over de rivieren naar Hengelo toe varen we op de 350 kW-genset stroomopwaarts.’ De Borelli bespaart zo brandstof, omdat het schip altijd op één motor vaart die op zijn meest efficiënte toerental draait. Wanneer je de hoofdmotor afwisselend bij verschillende en te lage toerentallen laat draaien, is dat niet efficient. Volgens Remko Leinenga, manager maritiem bij el-Tec elektrotechnologie uit Hattem, is bij het uitleggen van de elektrotechnische installatie en de vermogens van de generatorsets heel nauwkeurig gekeken naar het diverse vaarprofiel tussen Hengelo en Rotterdam. Daarom heeft het schip nu ook een elektrische, 440 kW sterke boegschroef. ‘In de Rotterdamse haven moet het schip veel wachten, maar het is wel vereist om de boegschroef stand-by te houden. Vroeger liet je dan een grote dieselmotor die de boegschroef aandrijft stationair draaien, nu haalt deze zijn stroom van een kleine generator. Wanneer het schip afgemeerd ligt, haalt ze stroom voor het hotelbedrijf uit een accupakket.’ Valt na drie weken varen al iets te zeggen over de beoogde 18 % brandstofbesparing? ‘We zijn verbaasd over het lage vermogen dat we nodig hebben’, vertelt Hut. ‘Tot nu toe hebben we echter nog maar één keer gebunkerd, dus ik kan nog geen harde cijfers noemen. Ook waren de rivieren nogal onrustig met de grote hoeveelheden regen die in juni en juli zijn gevallen. Een goede vergelijking met de oude situatie valt nog niet te maken.’ Het schip vaart nu tussen Hengelo en Rotterdam met maximaal 1.500 ton lading verdeeld over 100 TEU (twee lagen) tot maximaal 150 TEU (drie lagen). Het Twentekanaal zorgt voor de nodige restricties in mate van belading. Het schip is echter ooit ontworpen om met vijf lagen containers en 3.000 ton lading de Rijn op en af te varen. Dat is volgens Hut ook de reden waarom de grote hoofdmotor binnenboord is gebleven. ‘Het valt niet uit te sluiten dat we dat in de toekomst weer gaan doen.’ Hut besluit met een laatste configuratie waarin het schip kan varen. ‘Als we met 3.000 ton de Rijn op varen, staat de hoofdmotor ingeschakeld, drijft diesel-direct de schroef aan en fungeert de elektromotor als dynamo voor alle elektrische installaties aan boord.’ SOURCE Opvallend laag vermogen 36 SHIPPING, PORTS, FINANCE, OTHER GENERAL NEWS IT’S HIGH SUMMER FOR CRUISE BUSINESS There is no surplus of yard capacity to push asset values down. In cruise, there are only a handful of active yards that can build vessels to the standard required, and any owner wanting to take delivery of a new cruiseship will have to wait until after 2020. The AIDAPRIMA on her maiden call to Rotterdam, 19/4/’16. The only way shipping executives are going to get even close to a booming market this year is through a cruise August 4th, 2016 by Adam Corbett in London Shipowners and operators who want to experience a successful shipping sector might consider taking on a long, lazy cruise vacation this summer. Any executive holidaying on a ship like the stateof-the-art Aidaprima — sipping cocktails in its patio bar where customers can while away the hours enjoying the same view as the master — could not help but think there is a lot to be envious of in this business. The dry bulk and containership sectors continue to be mired in recession, and now even tankers are teetering on the brink of a downturn for the foreseeable future. But cruise is where it’s all happening. In terms of capital expenditure, it is the most active market. Cruiseship ordering is up 172% this year compared to 2015. In the main merchantshipping markets, investment is down 63%, according to figures from broker Clarksons. And it is also in cruise where there is cash to apply the environmental technology of tomorrow — from air lubrication systems, LNG-powered propulsion to waste-heat recovery systems. New contracting in the sector is generally planned, structured and strategic — and aimed at a market where there is a potential avalanche of new business to be tapped from the 280 million ‘affluent’ Chinese population expected to emerge by 2020. Niche areas such as Polar cruising are also emerging. In the unlikely event that demand slips, fresh business can always be drummed up through marketing and consumer-oriented innovation. Compare that to merchant shipping, where ownership is fragmented and recent investment is opportunistic, simply taking advantage of a glut of yard capacity and discounting. The Chinese factor in cargo transport has largely peaked, leaving owners and operators with no influence on demand, which is largely dictated by global economic factors. The cruise business is certainly giving merchant ship operators a lot to reflect on. Let’s hope it does not spoil their summer holidays. SOURCE 37 ALPHALINER: BOXSHIP ORDERBOOK RATIO DROPS LIKE IT’S 1999 4 aug 2016 dered, compared to the 2.3 million TEU ordered during the whole of 2015. The decline was in part attributed to the IMO NOx Tier III requirements, which apply to all vessels with a keel-laying date on or after 1 January 2016. This deadline has promted many owners to rush and place orders last year, just before the new regulations took effect. Image Courtesy: MSC The containership orderbook, measured as a percentage of the existing fleet, has fallen to its lowest level since 1999, and is expected to slide further in the near term, according to Alphaliner. Namely, the current orderbook-to-fleet ratio plunged to 17.1% from the peak of 64% recorded at the end of 2007, when the booming container shipping market triggered an ordering binge. The orderbook ratio has been in steady decline since 2008, although the placement of orders for 18,000+ TEU ships by Danish shipping giant Maersk sparked off several minor waves of competing orders by rival carriers, Alphaliner said. While low in relation to the overall container fleet, the ratio is largely imbalanced, depending on vessel category. It reaches 56% for ships over 10,000 TEU, against only 4.5% for ships below that size. SOURCE In the first seven months of 2016, only 202,000 TEU of new containership capacity were or- CRUISE SHIPS A BEACON FOR GERMANY’S KFW IN DIRE SHIPPING MARKET Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 38 EUROPE (INCL. TURKEY & RUSSIA) NEDERLAND (THE NETHERLANDS) NIEUWENHUIJSEN BRANCHEWINNAAR IN CATEGORIE SCHEEPSBOUW VAN DE BUSINESS SUCCES AWARD 2016 03.08.2016 Nieuwenhuijsen Scheepsbouw is door het Business Succes Award-instituut verkozen tot branchewinnaar van de categorie “Scheepsbouw 2016” op basis van bevindingen als “meest innovatieve onderneming, beste in bouw en beste in zakelijke dienstverlening.” In totaal zijn er 10 verschillende branchewinnaars genomineerd die in januari 2017 strijden om de hoofdprijs: de Nationale Business Succes Award 2016. Nieuwenhuijsen uit haar dank aan alle relaties en roept u alvast op, wanneer het moment daar is, om eventueel te stemmen. is aan het team en, ten tweede, het ontwikkelde Operational Excellence. Hierin staat de gehele verslaglegging van alle uren en materialen vermeld, die dagelijks de onderneming up-to-date houden. In veel bladen, zoals De Telegraaf, Elsevier, Algemeen Dagblad, Financieel Dagblad, en Quote is aandacht besteed aan de landelijke bekendmaking van de prestatie. Zondag 31 juli jl. is op RTL 7 een uitzending geweest over de verkiezing. U bekijkt hieronder het uitgebreidere interview met Nieuwenhuijsen. VIDEO Nieuwenhuijsen stelt dat het succes te danken VAKBONDEN: SCHEEPSBOUWER ROYAL IHC BEREIDT NIEUWE REORGANISATIES VOOR Tjabel Daling Scheepsbouwer Royal IHC bereidt nieuwe reorganisaties voor. De orderintake over 2016 verloopt zo teleurstellend dat het bedrijf tal van nieuwe maatregelen heeft aangekondigd, waaronder nieuwe reorganisaties bij diverse bedrijfsonderdelen. Daarbij lijken zeker meer dan honderd arbeidsplaatsen te zullen verdwijnen, stellen de vakbonden. Royal IHC gaat alle externe adviseurs wegsturen, openstaande vacatures niet vervullen, en de overheadkosten terugdringen. Dat laatste duidt erop dat ook kantoorpersoneel en managers mogelijk voor hun baan moeten vrezen. reorganiseren. Duizend flexbanen werden geschrapt, plus 487 vaste banen, al is die laatste reorganisatie nog niet helemaal voltooid. ‘Ik verwacht dat IHC nog meer handjes gaat vervangen en het accent zal leggen op het doorvoeren van kostenbesparingen’, zegt bestuurder Marry van der Stel van FNV Metaal. ‘Het wordt een roerige tijd.’ Maandag maakte de op een na grootste Nederlandse scheepsbouwer bekend dat topman Bram Roelse per 1 september terug zal treden. Roelse was pas in april 2014 begonnen als ceo. Het heeft er alle schijn van dat zijn vertrek niet vrijwillig is. Ingrijpen aan kosten- en uitgavenkant Vorig jaar moest het concern ook al ingrijpend 39 Door de crisis in de olie- en offshoresector viel de nettowinst vorig jaar terug van €123 mln (2014) naar €29 mln. In een interne mededeling aan het personeel kondigde Royal IHC kondigde begin juli zelf aan dat ingegrepen moet worden aan de kosten- en uitgavenkant om te voorkomen dat 2016 met verlies wordt afgesloten. De reformatorische vakbond RMU, FNV Metaal en CNV Vakmensen verklaren desgevraagd tegenover het FD dat er nieuwe reorganisaties op stapel staan bij Sas Offshore, bij machinefabriek Fabrication in Kinderdijk en bij IHC Hytop in Sliedrecht. Het laatste bedrijf levert hydraulische aandrijfsystemen voor de sectoren bagger, offshore, scheepsbouw, petrochemie en de industrie. Voorts vreest RMU dat de productie van Beavers, standaard-baggerschepen, naar het buitenland gaat verdwijnen. Zeer matige orderintake Op 4 juli heeft Royal IHC het personeel uitgelegd hoe ernstig de situatie is. De orderintake blijft stevig achter bij de verwachtingen. Tot begin juli waren er voor €225 mln aan nieuwe orders binnengekomen, terwijl het concern uit Sliedrecht van €650 mln was uitgegaan. De scheepsbouwer stelde in een brief aan het personeel dat de gedaalde olieprijs het concern nog steeds parten speelt. Oliemultinationals investeren daarom niet in nieuwe bagger- en offshore-schepen. ‘Aan de baggerkant merken we dat het langer duurt voordat klanten een order plaatsen. Ook is er sprake van stevige concurrentie’, aldus Royal IHC. Vakantiedagen Verplaatsing naar buitenland Ook zijn de vakbonden bevreesd dat (andere) bedrijfsonderdelen naar het buitenland worden verplaatst of werkzaamheden worden uitbesteed. Royal IHC wil niet reageren op de zorgen van de vakbonden. Volgende week en de week daarop hebben bonden en concern overleg over de situatie. Bij SAS Offshore, gevestigd in Alphen aan den Rijn, staan volgens de vakbonden enkele tientallen banen op het spel. SAS Offshore was tot voor kort onderdeel van het Braziliaanse technologiebedrijf Brastec, maar is begin 2015 in handen gekomen van Royal IHC. Volgens bestuurder Chris Baggerman van vakbond RMU heeft de scheepsbouwer en leverancier van gespecialiseerd baggermaterieel de eigen medewerkers meegedeeld dat de activiteiten van Fabrication sterk worden afgebouwd. Hoogstens 15 van de 75 medewerkers zouden hun baan behouden. Het maritieme concern uit Sliedrecht gaat het personeel vragen zoveel mogelijk adv- en vakantiedagen op te nemen. Het aantal ingeleenden en zzp’ers wordt tot een maximum beperkt, evenals de uitgaven voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling (r&d). Niet-urgente investeringen worden stopgezet en per afdeling wordt in kaart gebracht welke uitgaven kunnen worden teruggeschroefd. Chris Baggerman van vakbond RMU maakt zich zorgen over de situatie bij Royal IHC. Van sommige nieuwe maatregelen ziet hij de noodzaak in, maar op sommige punten zijn er ook twijfels. ‘Het vertrek van externe adviseurs en het terugdringen van de overheadkosten zijn belangrijke stappen voorwaarts. Maar een besparing op het r&d-budget is het paard achter de wagen spannen. Continue investeringen in onderzoek en ontwikkeling zijn juist voor een dynamisch bedrijf als IHC een absolute must.’ SOURCE 40 ROYAL IHC ANNOUNCES CHANGE TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS sory Board is extremely grateful for this and his enormous contribution to IHC over the past 16 years. Bram Roelse. Source: Royal IHC Dave Vander Heyde. Source: Royal IHC 08 August 2016 Royal IHC has announced that on 1 September 2016 Bram Roelse will step down as CEO. On that date Mr Dave Vander Heyde will be appointed by the Supervisory Board as the company’s new CEO. During his time in this role, Mr Roelse has used his in-depth knowledge and experience to determine and roll out the IHC2020 strategy under difficult market conditions. The Supervi- For the sake of continuity in policy and execution, Mr Dave Vander Heyde will start as CEO on 1 September. He has been CFO at IHC since 2011. Accustomed to the challenges the company is facing, his experience will be an invaluable asset in his new role. SOURCE OOS INTERNATIONAL ORDERS TWO SSCV’S IN CHINA Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen. DUITSLAND (GERMANY) CRUISE SHIPS A BEACON FOR GERMANY’S KFW IN DIRE SHIPPING MARKET Nicholas Brautlecht August 3, 2016 Cruise vessels make up half of No. 3 ship lender’s book China banks entering European shipping with ‘unbeatable terms’ The call of the Caribbean is proving irresistible for Germany’s KfW IPEX, the development bank that funds the shipbuilding industry. After lending 1.1 billion euros ($1.2 billion) to finance pleasure ships last year, including part of the funding for two new Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. vessels built in Germany, KfW IPEX is preparing to fund yet more cruise liners, earmarking a total 2.8 billion euros in new shipping loans this year. More than half of its 16 billioneuro maritime loan book is now devoted to crui41 se ships. With passenger numbers rising at an annual rate of 4.5 percent, the global cruise industry is one of the few bright spots in a shipping market awash with debris after eight years of crisis in the container segment. It also offers European shipbuilders an opportunity to steal a march on Chinese competitors, who are still several years behind technologically in this corner of the market, Carsten Wiebers, the global head of KfW IPEX’s maritime industries business, said in an interview. “We don’t expect the Chinese to reach a standard in the next five to six years that can rival international cruise ship companies in existing markets,” said Wiebers, 53, who has led KfW’s maritime funding for 18 years. “There’s little risk that the cruise industry will see overcapacity, which is a very heavy burden for other shipping segments.” 10 percent over the past seven years, cruise ships accounted for 30 percent of new shipping loans last year. Commitments included two new liners for Miami, Florida-based Royal Caribbean, which controls about one-quarter of vessel capacity in the North American and European markets. Those contracts are for 12-year terms with a “considerable portion” syndicated with an international banking consortium, according to Frankfurt-based KfW, which declined to disclose further details. Industry Booming The industry is booming in Europe, where top shipyards including Germany’s Meyer Werft GmbH and Italy’s Fincantieri SpA are working to capacity to fill orders similar to Royal Caribbean’s $1 billion Ovation of the Seas that has been cruising around Asia, Australia and Europe since its delivery in April. To lure as many as 4,180 passengers on board, the super-cruiser boasts a capsule on a swivel arm from which guests can view the ship from 300 feet in the air, while others can try the world’s first simulated skydiving experience offered at sea. KLIK OP PLAATJE VOOR GROTERE AFBEELDING KfW IPEX’s large exposure to the cruise industry is unique among German shipping lenders, which have traditionally focused on container ships and bulk carriers. By the end of March, Wiebers had increased the cruise share of the bank’s maritime-loan book to 51 percent from 32 percent in 2009, when the global financial crisis had sent the shipping market into a slump from which it has yet to recover. By contrast, at Norddeutsche Landesbank, which is seeking to diversify while shrinking its 18 billion-euro shipping loan book, cruise ships and ferries have just a 1 percent-share. “Investment activity has shrunk drastically in all segments of shipping except the cruise industry,” said Wiebers, who is set to take up a new role as KfW’s head of aviation and rail financing next month. Much of the wider industry’s demise stems from the fact that ship financiers ignored technological advances, lending clients too much money too long for vessels that aged rapidly, Wiebers said. With this in mind, KfW has changed its focus to companies with bigger fleets and corporate structures. “We practically don’t take any asset risks,” Wiebers said. Almost two-thirds of KfW shipping loans are covered by export credit insurers like Euler Hermes Group, he said. Chinese Competition At KfW, which boosted its maritime loan book by 42 Still, competition for new business from top-tier clients like Danish shipping giant A.P. MoellerMaersk A/S is getting stiffer, with Chinese peers including Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. and Bank of China entering the fray, he said. “The Chinese are financing with terms that are unbeatable for European banks,” in some cases offering loan-to-value ratios of 90 percent and above and repayment periods as long as 18 years to large maritime companies, said Wiebers. European banks typically grant loans with a maturity of 10 years. Norwegian tanker operator Frontline Ltd., which counts billionaire John Fredriksen as its largest shareholder, secured $328 million from China EXIM Bank in the first quarter to finance eight new vessels with the Asian lender, the company said in May. With funding opportunities for banks in the wider shipping market still scarce, KfW’s 2016 financing target is ambitious, Wiebers said. “The industry is undergoing massive structural changes on the shipping and the financing side,” said Wiebers. “All clients are very cautious, even in segments doing well like car carriers.” SOURCE KONGSBERG GETS EPCI DEAL FOR ICG’S ROPAX FERRY Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen FRANKRIJK (FRANCE) SALE OF STX FRANCE EXPECTED TO RESUME THIS MONTH Saint-Nazaire and Leroux Naval in Lorient and has a history of cruiseship construction. AUGUST 12TH, 2016 SAM CHAMBERS STX Offshore & Shipbuilding will mount a third attempt to sell of its French subsidiary as early as next week. The South Korean shipbuilder is going through a huge restructuring and is selling off non-core assets. Previous sale attempts of STX France fell through in 2014 and 2015. Last year, fellow Korean yard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) conducted due diligence on STX France but did not pursue the sale as its own financial difficulties surfaced. As part of its own restructuring DSME is itself now looking for a buyer of its European yard, DSME Mangalia, the largest shipyard in Romania. SOURCE STX France controls Chantiers de l’Atlantique in VARD CONFIRMS FOUR CONTRACTS WITH PONANT Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 43 ENGIE AND NYK TAP YARDS FOR SECOND LNG BUNKER VESSEL Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen GRIEKENLAND (GREECE) HYUNDAI SAMHO HEAVY INDUSTRIES WINS $180 MILLION ORDER TO BUILD 2 VLCC’S Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen SPANJE (SPAIN) PEMEX COULD SELL SPANISH YARD STAKE N.B. tweede schip is in aanbouw bij Navantia, niet bij Barreras (RD) 51% stake in Spanish shipyard Hijos de J Barreras. It wants to raise money and reduce debt, the Spanish daily Vozpopuli said. Pemex bought into the Vigo yard in 2013, paying EUR 5.1m ($5.65m). The floatel REFORMA PEMEX on trials at Vigo, 4/8/’16. Source: It is also reportedly looking to offload two floatels it ordered at the yard. Mexican oil company also reportedly looking to offload two floatels it ordered at Barreras. They will be ready for delivery by the end of this year. August 8th, 2016 by Gary Dixon SOURCE Mexican state oil company Pemex could sell its VERENIGD KONINKRIJK (UK) BMT NIGEL GEE TO DESIGN LNG FUELED DOEKSEN DUO Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen. KONGSBERG WINS EPCI CONTRACT FOR NEW FERRY BUILDS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen. 44 IJSLAND (ICELAND) EIMSKIP TO ORDER NEW FERRY serve the Vestman Islands from mainland Iceland. Design is provided by Norwegian company Polarkonsult. Operator will be Eimskip and shipyard will be appointed in September 2016. SOURCE: Ferryvolution Facebook page Iceland has finalized the design of New Herjolfur ferry. The ferry will be delivered in 2018 and will NOORWEGEN (NORWAY) KONGSBERG GETS EPCI DEAL FOR ICG’S ROPAX FERRY million), will be executed by Kongsberg Maritime and its wholly owned subsidiary Kongsberg Maritime Engineering (KME). Source: Posted on Aug 4, 2016 Norwegian company Kongsberg Maritime has been awarded an Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) contract with German shipbuilder Flensburger SchiffbauGesselschaft that includes engineering and maritime technology deliveries to a RoPax ferry for Irish Continental Group (ICG). The contract covers supply and integration of the electrical, telecom and integrated control systems, project management, interface management and engineering services at all stages. The engineering and construction phase is estimated to be two years. The RoPax ferry will have a 194.8 meters length overall and 31.6 meters beam with a cargo capacity of 2,800 lane meters and an additional dedicated car deck for 300 cars. The ship will be able to accommodate 1,900 passengers. SOURCE The project, worth NOK 120 million (USD 14.16 45 KONGSBERG WINS EPCI CONTRACT FOR NEW FERRY BUILDS Kongsberg Maritime, together with its wholly owned subsidiary Kongsberg Maritime Engineering (KME), will execute the project; KME will provide all engineering, procurement and project management while Kongsberg Maritime will supply a ‘Full Picture’ system delivery. Source: Posted by Eric Haun Wednesday, August 03, 2016 Kongsberg Maritime informs it has been awarded engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contracts worth more than NOK 160 million with the Glasgow based shipbuilder and marine fabricator Ferguson Marine Engineering Limited (FMEL) for two new 100-meter ferries for Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL). The ferries will be dual-fuel vessels so they can operate on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and marine diesel, and are designed to carry 127 cars or 16 HGVs, or a combination of both and up to 1,000 passengers. The contracts include supply and integration of the electrical, telecom and integrated control systems, project management, interface management and engineering services at all stages. Cables, installation and installation materials for the above systems are also included. In addition, a significant technology scope of supply includes switchboards, automation, propulsion control, navigation systems and radio/satellite communications. The engineering and construction phase is estimated to be two years. Egil Haugsdal, President, Kongsberg Maritime, said, “We have put more focus on electrical, instrument and telecom (EIT) packages for merchant vessels. Our tailor-made solutions, with in-house and procured technology provide tangible efficiencies for both yards and owners, and are ideally suited to ferries and RoPax vessels.” SOURCE VARD CONFIRMS FOUR CONTRACTS WITH PONANT Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen STOLT-NIELSEN CHOOSES KEPPEL FOR A PAIR OF NEW LNG TANKERS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 46 RUSLAND (RUSSIA) RUSSIA INVITES CHINA TO INVEST IN ITS SHIPYARDS told Sputnik. Denisov said the Zvezda shipyard, located in the town of Bolshoy Kamen in Far East Russia, is a prime candidate for Chinese investment. “If the Chinese side expresses interest in the reconstruction and modernization of production at the Russian Zvezda shipyard, then we will consider options, whether it would be investments or the purchase of a stake,” he continued. AUGUST 9TH, 2016 HOLLY BIRKETT Russia has invited China to invest in shipbuilding facilities in the Far East of the country, reports say. “We are proposing our Chinese colleagues to contribute to the development of our shipbuilding in the [Russian] Far East. We are interested in attracting Chinese partners,” Andrei Denisov, Russia’s ambassador to China, Plans to modernise the shipyard were announced in the late 2000s and were revived again in June, when Russia’s deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin called the expansion project was one of the most important construction projects in the country. Modernisation of the yard will also speed Russia’s Arctic development plans, Sputnik reports. SOURCE ASIA, PACIFIC, AUSTRALIA CHINA NEW CHINESE ICEBREAKER WITH MORE POWER Wednesday, 10 Aug 2016 Shanghai-based Jiangnan Shipyard has confirmed that construction of a new ice breaker for the Chinese government will start by the end of this year. The new vessel will replace the Xuelong, or Dragon Snow, which is currently China’s largest polar icebreaker and which was bought from a Ukrainian company in 1993. China refitted it into a polar research vessel at a cost of US$4.6 milli- on and put it into service in 1994. The Xuelong has completed 32 expeditions in Antarctica and is now on its 7th Arctic expedition. With a length of 122.5m, the new vessel will be smaller than the Xuelong but with stronger icebreaking power. Xuelong can continuously break ice as thick as 1.2m at a sailing speed of 1.5 knots. While the new vessel is designed to break 1.5m-thick ice at 2 to 3 knots sailing speed. SOURCE 47 COSCOCS SIGNS $18BN NEWBUILDING FINANCE DEAL These will include VLCCs, VLOCs and 19,000-teu containerships. China Exim Bank to support merged state shipowner's 50-plus vessel programme. August 8th, 2016 by Gary Dixon Giant state shipowner CoscoCS has signed a new CNY 120bn ($18bn) finance deal to fund its big newbuilding book. The cooperation with the Import-Export Bank of China (China Exim Bank) will see more than 50 vessels financed. The bank also said it will offer a package of financial services including consultancy, merger and acquisition work and support for overseas investment. The aim is to consolidate the newly merged Cosco and China Shipping Group entity as the world's largest shipowner. China Exim Bank has provided CNY 706bn of finance to the shipbuilding industry since 1994, it added. SOURCE YANGZIJIANG STAYS PROFITABLE IN DIFFICULT SHIPBUILDING MARKET Friday, 05 August 2016 me period of last year. First half revenue also dipped by 35% year-onyear to RMB5.7bn due mainly to decline in contributions from shipbuilding related segment. “Sentiments on the shipbuilding market remained weak, new orders diminished further, and global outstanding orderbook decreased to the lowest level since June 2013,” commented Ren Yuanlin, executive chairman of Yangzijiang. By Lee Hong Liang from Singapore China’s privately-owned Yangzijiang Shipbuilding has stayed profitable in the first half despite weaker results, a feat that is no longer easily achievable by many shipyards in view of the severe slump of the shipbuilding segment. Net profit in the six months ended 30 June 2016 was registered at RMB863.38m ($130.05m), a sharp plunge of 50% from RMB1.74bn in the sa- The prolonged downturn in the shipbuilding market has led to widespread bankruptcies particularly among privately-owned Chinese yards which do not enjoy direct state funding. Amid the sector’s recession, Yangzijiang managed to secure new orders for 10 vessels with a total contract value of about $600m year-todate. The orders comprised of four 1,800-teu container vessels and six 400,000 dwt VLOCs. As at end-June, the shipbuilder sat on an order48 book of $4.7bn comprising of 89 ships, with progressive deliveries up to 2019. during the second quarter, while the remaining order has yet to start construction. New orders side, Yangzijiang had also faced order cancellations by cash-strapped owners. During the second quarter this year, three shipbuilding orders were terminated, but the production of all these three vessels has not started yet. “While we were not immune from the wave of order cancellation on the market, Yangzijiang’s reputation, vessel quality and client network have enabled us to arrange for the resale of most of the vessels whose orders were terminated earlier, and minimise the impact,” Ren said. During the first quarter, seven out of eight orders that were cancelled have found new buyers SOURCE OOS INTERNATIONAL ORDERS TWO SSCV’S IN CHINA Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen. RUSSIA INVITES CHINA TO INVEST IN ITS SHIPYARDS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen CRUISE SHIPS A BEACON FOR GERMANY’S KFW IN DIRE SHIPPING MARKET Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen COSCO WINS ORDER FOR THREE CONTAINERSHIPS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen INDIA KANGNAM TO BUILD MINESWEEPERS SHIPS IN INDIA Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen INDONESIË (INDONESIA) POSCO DAEWOO SUPPLIES PARTS TO INDONESIAN SHIPBUILDER POSCO Daewoo CEO Kim Young-sang, left, poses with PT PAL CEO Firmansyah Arifin after signing a memorandum of agreement in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday. Under the $150 million deal, POSCO Daewoo will supply engines and other parts to PT PAL, Indonesia's state-run shipbuilder, for the latter's patrol boats and other naval vessels. / Courtesy of POSCO Daewoo By Lee Hyo-sik 2016-08-04 49 POSCO Daewoo has signed a $150 million contract with PT PAL, Indonesia's state-run shipbuilder, to supply engines and other parts for the latter's patrol boats and other naval vessels. earned a great deal of trust from our partners there," Kim said. "We will expand our reach to other areas of shipbuilding, such as offshore oil rigs, fishing vessels and cruise ships." The trading arm of steelmaker POSCO held a ceremony, Wednesday, in Jakarta, where CEO Kim Young-sang signed a memorandum of agreement with PT PAL CEO Firmansyah Arifin. In 2003, the company also signed a contract with PT PAL to supply engines and other parts for two landing platform docks (LPD). Between 2006 and 2010, POSCO Daewoo supplied tools and materials to the Indonesian shipbuilder for construction of LPDs, while sharing its knowhow with local partners. Under the deal, POSCO Daewoo will provide the Indonesian shipbuilder with various components necessary for building 10 patrol boats and one combat support ship over the next few years. Once completed, the ships will be delivered to the Indonesian Navy. "The latest contract shows that we have been successful in doing business in Indonesia and The trading firm is also seeking to sign parts supply contracts with shipbuilders in Brazil and other South American nations. SOURCE JAPAN ORDER DOWNTURN BITES INTO JAPAN’S BIG SHIPBUILDERS sign for the country’s shipbuilders. The Tokyo-headquartered company announced a loss of ¥12.1bn ($118.8m) in the first quarter of this fiscal year. Mitsubishi’s Koyagi dock in Nagasaki Heavy industry giants show signs of market strain, slipping into the red as reduced sales and currency appreciation hit the bottom line August 4th, 2016 by Adam Corbett in London Japan’s premier engineering company, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), has tumbled into its first quarterly loss in seven years in a worrying Financial problems at affiliate Mitsubishi Motors have been cited as a factor in the loss. As a major shareholder, MHI has to include losses by affiliates in its overall earnings. But the appreciating yen is also hitting its earnings hard, with MHI recording a ¥14.1bn currency loss over the period. Its transport systems sector, which includes ship sales, also showed reduced revenue and profitability. Sales reached ¥120.5bn in the first quarter compared to ¥145.7bn in the same period of 2015. Operating profit in transport fell from ¥22.8bn to ¥1.1bn. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding (MES), which 50 derives about 50% of its earnings from shipbuilding, recorded a ¥456m net loss in the first quarter of 2016. Its ship and ocean sales fell by 21.5% versus the same period a year earlier. Its operating loss in the ship and ocean division increased from ¥1.4bn in the first quarter of 2015 to ¥4.4bn this time around. Earnings have been hit by a ¥5.5bn extraordinary loss from the late delivery of a series of offshore vessels. Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) saw orders received fall 14.9% in its ship and offshore division. But it at least managed to turn around a ¥500m operating loss in the sector in the first quarter of last year to a ¥600m profit this year. KHI attributed the slump to “a decrease in demand for [newbuildings]”. It adds that hope for an improvement in its shipbuilding unit come from the prospect of an order for a submarine from the Japanese ministry of defence rather than from merchant shipbuilding. TradeWinds reported last week how a combination of the appreciating yen and low contracting are starting to hit Japanese yard prospects in the market. There are indications that some of the country’s smaller and more specialised shipbuilders might be faring better than their larger industrial conglomerate compatriots. Namura Zosen, which acquired Sasebo Heavy Industries last year, logged sales of ¥111.4bn in fiscal 2015 (ending on 31 March 2016). It says it made a profit of ¥5.7bn from shipbuilding during the year. SOURCE JAPAN TO OVERTAKE KOREA IN GLOBAL SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen ENGIE AND NYK TAP YARDS FOR SECOND LNG BUNKER VESSEL Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen KOREA AMIDST THE ORDERING DOWNTURN, SOUTH KOREA HAS A NEW SHIPBUILDER SAM CHAMBERS While all around it are struggling to get any orders, one South Korean yard is celebrating its first ever ship order. Samkang M&T, previously a block manufacturer, has won a debut ship order for three 6,600 dwt chemical tankers from compatriot Woomin Shipping worth a combined $47m. The three ships will deliver from the Goseongheadquartered yard in 2018. AUGUST 11TH, 2016 51 Woomin has a track record of seeking out niche, alternative shipyards when it comes to ordering. In general, South Korean shipbuilders have been going through a period of unprecedented contraction in the past 18 months on the back of the shipping downturn. Samkang’s emergence marks the country’s first new shipbuilder for more than five years. SOURCE HYUNDAI SAMHO HEAVY INDUSTRIES WINS $180 MILLION ORDER TO BUILD 2 VLCC’S 2016.08.10 Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., the world’s fourth-largest shipbuilder affiliated with the largest shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., won a $180 million order from an Athens-based ship management company to build two very large crude carriers (VLCC). The order comes amid a drought of new orders in the overall shipbuilding industry. According to multiple sources from the shipbuilding industry on Tuesday, Greek ship owner Almi Tankers S.A. has recently placed an order to Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries to build two 317,000-ton VLCCs. The shipbuilder is known to have received the order at a relatively higher price than the current market price that hovers between $86 million and $87 million per VLCC. Still, the price is considered lower compared to what shipbuilders had received in the past. Even until late last year, Korean shipbuilders built VLCCs at about $95 million per unit, but with the protracted slump in the shipbuilding industry, the price of single VLCC has fallen to a record low level since 2004. In particular, the price of VLCC has halved in almost eight years from $162 million marked in September 2008. Last month, another Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. also won an order from Singapore-based BW Group to build two VLCCs at the price between $89 million and $90 million per ship. Industry observers forecast that the VLCC price will remain weak for a while as Chinese shipbuilders continue to dump vessels at a single price in the low $80 million range. According to global research firm Clarkson Research Services, the volume of global shipbuilding orders from January to July was 7.25 million compensated gross tonnage (CGT) - only one third of 22.82 million CGT during the same period last year. By country, Chinese shipbuilders accounted for 38.3 percent of the overall market with 2.77 million CGT, followed by Japanese shipbuilders with 13.6 percent (990,000 CGT), and Korean shipbuilders with 11.9 percent (860,000 CGT). The order backlog held by Korean shipbuilders reached 23.87 million CGT, marking the lowest in almost 13 years. SOURCE 52 DSME’S LIQUIDITY SHORTAGE SET TO WORSEN Creditors have recently pumped KRW4.2trn into the shipbuilding major, which has been hit by the slowdown in global ordering as well as a massive accounting fraud. Samjong KPMG predicts DSME’s cash shortage will hit KRW2.34trn this year and KRW3.64trn in 2017. It suggests 2018 will the be the worst on the back of declining orders and maturing debts. AUGUST 5TH, 2016 SAM CHAMBERS The next few years will prove incredibly hard for Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering’s (DSME) balance sheet, a new due diligence report warns. Separately, in the on running fraud investigation that saw more than $4bn pilfered from the yard in recent years, prosecutors today summoned the current CFO of the yard, alleging he also cooked the books. Two former CEOs and a former CFO have been indicted while the former head of lead creditor Korea Development Bank (KDB) is also under investigation. Auditor Samjong KPMG is projecting a 2018 liquidity shortage at the restructuring Korean yard of KRW4.55trn ($4.08bn). SOURCE JAPAN TO OVERTAKE KOREA IN GLOBAL SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen DSME’S 2015 LOSS ‘$2.8BN BIGGER THAN REPORTED’ Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen POSCO DAEWOO SUPPLIES PARTS TO INDONESIAN SHIPBUILDER Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen KANGNAM TO BUILD MINESWEEPERS SHIPS IN INDIA Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen HOW MANY SHIPS WILL STILL EMERGE FROM STX O&S? Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen 53 MALEISIË (MALAYSIA) NEW RADIO HOLLAND OFFICE IN JOHOR, MALAYSIA 11 August 2016 Photo: From left: Agnesmary Selvam, Nourlinaeim Bin Ramlee, Mohd Rashidi Bin Ramli, Mohd Hanafiah Bin Mohamad, Rajalingam A/L Raman (Branch Manager), Uvarajan S/O Goval (Assistant Manager), Mohd Ariff Rezuan Bin Roslan and Vickneswari Periasamy. On 29th June 2016, Radio Holland Malaysia opened a new office in Johor, Malaysia to support shipping in the ports of Johor and the vicinity. Over the years, Radio Holland Malaysia has expanded its business to the Southern Region of Malaysia known as Gelang Patah, Johor. The official opening ceremony was held in Jen Puteri Hotel, Johor. With this new office, Radio Holland Malaysia is always closeby to perform service in the ports of Johor. Radio Holland already has an office in Port Klang. The new office is located near Malaysia’s container terminal, The Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP). PTP is strategically located at the confluence of the main east-west shipping lanes. One of PTP's key advantages is that it is approximately 45 minutes from the world's busiest shipping lanes. Easily accessible from the Straits of Malacca, PTP is situated on the eastern side of the mouth of the Pulai River in South-West Johor. PTP is a naturally sheltered deep water port and is near the Malaysia-Singapore Second Crossing. Nearly 3000 vessels call at PTP yearly. Paul Smulders, CEO of Radio Holland says: “With the addition of our new office in Johor to our already extensive network of offices worldwide, we will be able to bring our support and services faster to our clients. With yet another new office, the meaning of our Radio Holland slogan – “Always There. Everywhere” is further reinforced.” SOURCE MITI UNVEILS INCENTIVES FOR SHIPBUILDERS Wednesday, 10 August 2016 Encouraging growth: Malaysia Marine and Heavy Enginee- 54 ring is one of the six large shipyards in the country which have repairing capabilities of more than 600 tonnes displacement. PETALING JAYA: Existing and upcoming shipbuilding and ship repair companies in the country are expected to enjoy huge incentives in the form of a new tax exemption introduced by the International Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti). According to Miti, new companies will be able to enjoy either pioneer status with a 70% income tax exemption on their statutory income for a period of five years, or an investment tax allowance of 60% on the qualifying capital expenditure (capex) incurred within five years from the date the first qualifying capex is incurred. For existing shipbuilding and ship repair companies, they will be given an investment tax allowance of 60% on the additional qualifying capex incurred within a period of five years. All applications will be evaluated by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority. There are six large shipyards in the country which have repairing capabilities of more than 600 tonnes displacement, namely, Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Bhd, Boustead Naval Shipyard, Sabah Shipyard, SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd, Nam Cheong and Muhibbah Marine Engineering. Collectively, there are 100 registered shipyards in Malaysia, of which 39 are located in Peninsular Malaysia and 61 in Sabah and Sarawak. In Peninsular Malaysia, the main shipyards are in Lumut (Perak), Port Klang (Selangor), Kemaman (Terengganu) and Pasir Gudang (Johor). In Sabah and Sarawak, Sibu (Sarawak) is the main shipbuilding hub with a total of 40 small to mediumsized companies. Previously, the incentives for shipbuilding and ship repair were for projects located in the Eastern Corridor, Sabah, Sarawak, Perlis, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and the district of Mersing in Johor. Companies were eligible for Pioneer Status with an income tax exemption of 100% of their statutory income for a period of five years, or an investment tax allowance of 100% on the qualifying capex incurred within a period of five years. The incentives ended in 2010. These new incentives are applicable to all areas in Malaysia, with the objective of boosting the growth of the industry in line with the Malaysian Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry Strategic Plan 2020 and the 11th Malaysia Plan. “I strongly urge both local and foreign investors to capitalise on these new incentives. Despite the sluggish momentum in the offshore oil and gas industry, which has suppressed demand for ships and offshore structures, Malaysia has the pull factor to become the leading nation in the shipbuilding and ship repair industry. “The country is the right choice to invest in, as it has a promising future based on its strategic location, competitive cost, a skilled and talented workforce, advanced infrastructure and extensive trade agreements regionally and globally. “We want to encourage the industry players to further build their capabilities and capacities to meet the challenges in the competitive global landscape. Local players, especially, should enhance their value add offering by strengthening their innovation capacity in developing new products and production methods. This includes employing local design engineering capability either in-house or outsourcing from the available design house providers,” said Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed in a statement yesterday. Miti said the shipbuilding and ship repair industry has been identified as one of the sectors to support Malaysia’s economic growth and is expected to generate RM6.35bil in gross national income and provide 55,000 jobs by 2020. Focus areas include the production of small vessels for recreation, sports and leisure boats, the production of vessels of 30,000 deadweight tonnes and below for coastal shipping, the fabrication of off-shore structures and the production of tugs and pusher crafts for export. Under the sixth entry point project of the Eco55 nomic Transformation Programme, the Government aims to develop in-country design capabilities for offshore support vessels by training up to 160 engineers and technicians in shipbuilding and ship repair through Boustead Heavy Indu- stries Corp Bhd and Boustead Naval Shipyard. SOURCE SINGAPORE STOLT-NIELSEN CHOOSES KEPPEL FOR A PAIR OF NEW LNG TANKERS Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen SEMBCORP MARINE TARGETS LARGE SCALE LNG CARRIER CONSTRUCTION Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen AMERICA’S BRAZILIË (BRAZIL) VARD UPS STAKE IN BRAZIL YARD wholly-owned subsidiary, Vard Group, and 49.5% by a local partner, PJMR Empreendimentos (PJMR), is the newest shipyard asset in the Vard portfolio. Following the recent closure of the Vard Niterói shipyard, the group will concentrate all its Brazilian shipbuilding activities on the new yard, located in the Suape industrial area, in the state of Pernambuco. AUGUST 5TH, 2016 SAM CHAMBERS Vard Holdings has increased its ownership stake in its indirect subsidiary in Brazil, Vard Promar, to 95.15%. The shipyard, built between 2011 and 2013, has so far delivered one LPG carrier for Transpetro, and is in the final stages of construction of a second one. Furthermore, the yard has two more LPG carriers in the order book, in addition to two pipelay support vessels (PLSVs) for a joint venture between DOF and Technip. SOURCE Vard Promar, previously held 50.5% by Vard’s 56 CHILI (CHILE) ASENAV CURRENTLY BUILDS FERRIES FOR CHILEAN AND CANADIAN CUSTOMERS Tuesday, 09 Aug 2016 Chilean shipyard Asenav currently has two ferries under construction and is hoping to win more contracts for this vessel type. The first order comes from Chilean operator Cruceros Australis. The new vessel will be delivered by Asenav by the end of October 2017. With capacity for 210 passengers in 100 passenger cabins, the vessel will be 89m long and 14.6m wide. Its propulsion consists of two 1,400bhp engines. The vessel for Cruceros Australis follows three passenger ferries this customer has previously ordered from Asenav. The yard, which is situated on the Calle-Calle River in Valdivia, also has under construction a roro passenger ferry for the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Canada. The ropax ferry that Asenav is building for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation will be 66.7m long, 14.8m wide and carry 399 passengers and 34 vehicles, or 16 cars and four long trucks. Its speed will be 13 knots. It will connect Pelee Island and ports on Lake Erie, and is slated for delivery in the first months of 2018. SOURCE MEXICO PEMEX COULD SELL SPANISH YARD STAKE Kruisverwijzing, 1x klikken om te openen USA 'SEVERAL' YARDS MULLED FOR MATSON ORDER US containership owner's chief executive confirms it's looking at more than Philly Shipyard; duo to cost more than $418m. August 3rd, 2016 by Eric Martin Matson's chief executive said his company is in talks with several US yards to place an order for two ships that he estimates will cost more than $209m apiece. His comments, made during the US containership owner's earnings briefing, confirm that Matson is looking at more than Philly Shipyard for the long-mooted newbuilding plans. Matson had been sitting on a pair of options at the yard. Responding to a question from Wells Fargo Securities analyst Michael Webber, Cox said there are three or four yards that can build the container ro-ros (conros) that the Hawaii-based owner is seeking to build. Though he did not give the names of any yards, that list would likely include General Dynamics Nassco in San Diego and VT Halter, the only two other active US shipyards that build full-size commercial ships. Matson is expected to order two vessels to replace ageing ships. 57 In the conference call, Webber asked how Matson was thinking about potential financial stress in the shipyard sector, since the company's current newbuildings were among the last orders in a now dwindling wave of US ship construction, and about the likelihood of placing an order elsewhere. vered in 2018. The shipowner is paying $209m for each vessel. "The financial health of a shipyard is always a factor in our decisionmaking and in building this or other ships," Cox responded. "But we feel like we can reach the right decision and find a yard or yards." TradeWInds reported earlier that Matson reported $18m in second-quarter profit, up from $9.9m a year earlier. Oslo-listed Philly Shipyard, part of Kjell Inge Rokke's Aker group, is building two 3,600-teu containerships for Matson, with the first to be deli- Cox said the conros, which will allow Matson to phase out similar vessels after 2020, will likely cost more because of design differences with the boxships. The $0.42 in earnings per share was in line with analyst expecations. SOURCE 58 COLOFON De Clipper wordt verzorgd door: Netherlands Maritime Technology Ralph Dazert T: +31 (0)88 445 10 23 E: I : i.s.m. BRL Shipping Consultants One Plumstead Road Woolwich, London SE18 7BZ T : +44 (0) 20 8316 2005 F : +44 (0) 20 8854 4917 E: I : Deze nieuwsbrief beoogt scheepsbouw- en marine equipment nieuws uit zowel opkomende als traditionele markten te verzamelen, waar mogelijk ingaand op de achtergronden van het nieuws. 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