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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 Number 132 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Wednesday 14-05-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. The AHTS De Hong preparing to tow the ORCA out of Cape Town back to the Agulhas Bank. Photo : Dennis Henwood IF YOU HAVE PICTURES OR OTHER SHIPPING RELATED INFORMATION FOR THE NEWS CLIPPINGS ?? PLEASE SEND THIS TO : Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 1 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 CONTENTS EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Weather halts search for woman who fell from cruise ship Nautical skills, a new class of education Dronken schipper veroorzaakt ophef Nieuwe reddingboot station Scheveningen wordt gekanteld in haven Scheveningen GROTE BELANGSTELLING OFFSHORE SYMPOSIUM TERSCHELLING Lifeboat called to three rescues MSC Napoli Report Adds Support to Cargo Mis-Declaration Shortage of Project Cargo Ships Kustwacht houdt verdachte aan Medische evacuatie van containerschip Disabled cruise ship limps into Auke Bay ATTEMPTED PIRATE ATTACK IN MALACCA STRAIT SCHULTE SLAMS ITF INSPECTOR Singapore shipping company pays thousands in penalty for fuel spill Clean fuel will double cost of shipping, says WSC Vermiste tiener bij Rockanje gevonden Alcohol caused the grounding of Wani Will • • At least 40 dead in Bangladesh ferry accident Storm drives liftboat ashore • New pipe locking system tried on Ambush • • • • • • • Austal Tasmania to build police boats Braemar to Undergo Lengthening at Blohm + Voss Repair China cuts steel on first deepwater semi Gdynia Shipyard May Go Bankrupt Sankt Petersburg’s key role in the Arctic Boskalis dredger URSA docks in Durban Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering completes second dry dock CASUALTY REPORTING NAVY NEWS SHIPYARD NEWS ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES Petrobras opens big order for service ships Inadequate cruise terminal leaves Brisbane high and dry ERRV market in North Sea remains tight China Shipping and IRISL to launch a joint Asia-Mediterranean service MISC Boosts Reports Q4 Profit Bocimar: Sells 3; Orders 4 Maiden visit for NYK car carrier New Container Ship for Maersk Paragon Shipping Inc. Fixes Kind Seas, Golden Seas and Crystal Seas On Three Year Time Charters Singapore shows 12.5% rise in Q1 throughput Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 2 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS SVITZER OCEAN TOWAGE Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11 2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96 The Netherlands E-mail: The Pentow Skua will be escorting the Orca convoy to the Mossel Bay area. Photo : Glenn Kasner © Weather halts search for woman who fell from cruise ship Foul weather Monday forced the U.S. Coast Guard to stop searching for a woman passenger who fell overboard from a cruise ship off the Atlantic City coast. The Norwegian Dawn was headed for Bermuda from New York City when the 46-year-old woman went overboard at about 7:50 p.m. Sunday, cruise officials said. In a statement, the cruise line said the ship immediately began a search and rescue operation, but did not provide further details. On Monday, the Coast Guard said continuing winds over 50 mph and heavy rain prevented it from resuming the search. Neither the cruise line nor the Coast Guard released the passenger's name or residence. "Our thoughts and prayers remain with the family and friends of the guest during this difficult time," said Norwegian Cruise Line spokeswoman AnneMarie Mathews. The Coast Guard said the ship was approximately 45 miles northeast of Atlantic City when the woman was reported overboard Sunday night. It departed from a pier in Manhattan at 4 p.m. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 3 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 The Coast Guard said it was initially notified Sunday night at approximately 8:21 p.m. A helicopter crew from Atlantic City launched at 9 p.m., and arrived on scene at about 9:43 p.m. The helicopter crew conducted search patterns until 10:53 p.m. Then a rescue helicopter crew from a Coast Guard station in Cape Cod, Mass. arrived at the scene at 12:05 a.m. Monday, and conducted search patterns until 3:05 a.m. when it returned to base due to inclement weather. The vessel was cleared to proceed on its scheduled itinerary and is set to arrive in Bermuda on Wednesday. Source : Newsday Nautical skills, a new class of education Under the guidance of naval sailors, school children from Shoreline Middle School’s Grade 7 class learned knot tying, line hurling and semaphore skills last Monday. Sailors set up education stations at Thrifty’s Admirals Walk to promote Thrifty Foods Tall Ships University, a new attraction for children that will take place during Tall Ship Festival June 2629. “Tall Ships-U expands the activities at the festival for youth and is the next level of training for graduates of the returning and ever-popular Pirate School for Kids,” said Bob Cross, Chair of the Victoria Tall Ships Society. Up to 50 sailors will teach the hands-on program at the festival, which will also feature navigation training and history lessons about the Tall Ships Festival and who sailed the historic ships. Following their training, youth will visit a number of tall ships at the festival, where they will demonstrate their newly acquired skills to on-board crew and receive a stamp in their Tall Ships-U passport. A completed passport earns them a diploma and commemorative photo. In addition to overseeing training at the Tall Ships-U, the Canadian Navy’s oldest serving vessel, tall ship HMCS Oriole, will once again be centre stage in the festival, as well as one of the navy’s newest Orca class training vessels. The navy is also supporting the Victoria Tall Ships Festival behind the scenes with safety boats and the use of the Naval Reserve Division HMCS Malahat for the festival operations centre. Tall ships will sail into Victoria’s Inner Harbour June 26, where they’ll stay at their moorings until June 29. There will more than two dozen ships on display at the festival, which is expected to draw up to 40,000 visitors. Source : The Lookout The BELUGA FANTASTIC seen in Mossel Bay Photo : Ronny Meyer © Dronken schipper veroorzaakt ophef Een schipper uit het Duitse Oer-Erkenschwick heeft door zijn gedrag maandagavond alle Arnhemse hulpdiensten en de traumahelikopter uit Nijmegen aan het werk gezet. In de haven bij Lathum in de buurt van Arnhem is de schipper van boord gehaald, aldus de politie. Hij bleek dronken te zijn. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 4 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 De Duitser maakte op de Rijnkade in Arnhem luidruchtig ruzie met een vrouw. Toch stapten zij met drie anderen aan boord en vertrokken in de richting van de IJssel. Toeschouwers op de overvolle terrassen hoorden een plons en meenden dat er iemand overboord was geslagen. Zij sloegen alarm, waarop de brandweer met duikers en boten ging zoeken, bijgelicht door de traumahelikopter, die op de Rijnkade was geland. Ondertussen achtervolgden getuigen in een bootje het schip van de Duitser. Die was daar niet van gediend en probeerde hen meermalen aan te varen. Bij Lathum stuitte hij op de waterpolitie. Die trof alle vijf personen aan boord aan en liet de zoekactie staken. De Duitser was flink onder invloed van alcohol en is in de cel gezet. VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Nijverheidsweg 21 3161 GJ RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail Nieuwe reddingboot station Scheveningen wordt gekanteld in haven Scheveningen Op zaterdag 17 mei is de haven van Scheveningen het decor voor een belangrijke zeewaardigheidstest van een nieuwe reddingboot van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM). Om 15.00 uur wordt de gloednieuwe Scheveningse reddingboot getest op haar ‘zelfrichtend’ vermogen d.m.v. een aantal kantelproeven. Frits Wester, onlangs te zien in de reclame van de KNRM, maakt samen met VVD-er Mark Rutte deel uit van de testbemanning. De nieuwe Scheveningse reddingboot, van het type Arie Visser, word met een grote kraan omgetrokken, waarna zij binnen enkele seconden als een tuimelaar weer terug kantelt. Wanneer de reddingboot zonder problemen terugkeert na de eerste kanteling, is het de beurt aan de toekomstige bemanning van het schip. Foto : Arie van Dijk © Het is voor de bemanningsleden van de KNRM niet ondenkbaar Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 5 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 in een situatie terecht te komen waarbij een reddingboot door metershoge golven omver wordt geslagen. De schepen van de KNRM worden gebouwd om alle denkbare weersomstandigheden te kunnen doorstaan. De bemanning wordt getraind om bekend te raken met een dergelijke situatie door tijdens de kantelproef aan boord van de reddingboot plaats te nemen. De test moet de bemanning ook vertrouwen geven in de zeewaardigheid van ‘hun’ schip. De kantelproef is één van de laatste tests alvorens de reddingboot in Scheveningen zal worden gestationeerd. Als de nieuwe boot de test goed doorstaat zal hij nog dezelfde dag weer terugkeren naar de werf in Hindeloopen, waar er verder wordt gegaan met de afbouw van de reddingboot. Een week later, op zaterdag 24 mei 2008, wordt de boot gedoopt. Technische gegevens Gewicht: 28 ton Afmetingen: 18,80 x 6,10 x 1,05 m (lengte x breedte x diepte) Motorvermogen: 2 x 1000 pk (735 kW) Max. snelheid: 35 knopen Actieradius: 16 uur (bij volle kracht) Brandstofcapaciteit: 6100 liter (gasolie) Capaciteit: 120 geredden Bemanning: 6 personen GROTE BELANGSTELLING OFFSHORE SYMPOSIUM TERSCHELLING De belangstelling voor het symposium “Ontwikkelingen in de Offshore sector “ dat door het Maritiem Instituut “Willem Barentsz” (MIWB) op 23 mei a.s. op Terschelling wordt georganiseerd, overtreft de verwachtingen. Tot nu toe kan het instituut rekenen minstens. 140 deelnemers/sters. Verwacht wordt dat in de laatste week ook nog een aantal inschrijvingen binnen zullen komen. Het symposium is een z.g. publiekssymposium, bedoeld voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in wat de Nederlandse bedrijven wereldwijd bij de opsporing en winning van energie op zee presteren. Het is een soort excursie op het droge naar deze spectaculaire en veelzijdige maritieme bedrijfstak. Acht grote Nederlandse bedrijven verlenen medewerking door sprekers af te vaardigen die met woord en beeld hun gevarieerde werk gaan belichten. Het symposium is zo georganiseerd dat belangstellenden ’s morgens met de eerste snelboot vanaf Harlingen tijdig op Terschelling kunnen zijn en aan het einde weer terug kunnen. De entree voor het symposium bedraagt slechts € 50 pp. Voor meer informatie kunt u terecht bij: G. van Leunen, directeur MIWB, tel. 0562 44 66 00 Drs. M.J. Kosters, voorzitter beroepenveld Commissie MIWB, tel. 0562 44 83 07 Lifeboat called to three rescues FLEETWOOD lifeboat crew were called into action three times at the weekend as pleasure boaters were tempted out and ran into trouble. The first call out for the lifeboat was on Saturday morning when motor cruiser Froggy Feat suffered engine failure at King's Scar buoy, about two miles offshore. The two men aboard were from Otley, Yorkshire and had their angling trip shortened when they were towed back to Fleetwood Marina in the afternoon. Soon after that, the 37ft yacht Patsy Anne broke down in front of the North Euston Hotel and the married couple aboard, from West Yorkshire, had to be helped back to the Marina. Monday at 10.05am the inshore rescue boat went to the aid of an angling boat with four men aboard who had lost power and the drifted aground, again at King's Scar. One man was taken ashore but the others remained on board to refloat their vessel on last night's high tide. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 6 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 Source : Fleetwood Weekly News MSC Napoli Report Adds Support to Cargo Mis-Declaration The UK’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) report into the MSC Napoli incident has shown that misdeclaration of the weight and contents of containers was a contributory factor to the accident. The detailed investigation also gave an insight into the accuracy of cargo declaration, particularly of dangerous goods. The most likely reason for incorrect placing of containers on deck is to accommodate declared dangerous goods. Source : MarineLink Shortage of Project Cargo Ships According to CNA, exporters of industrial products are being advised by international buyers they are missing opportunities in selling their goods abroad because of a shortage of suitable vessels to make deliveries on time. This is the sober assessment of a project cargo manager at Dependable Global Express (DGX), following a review of shipping conditions for over-sized, heavy-weight cargo. It is said that the demand for ships suitable to carry this kind of freight, known as project cargo, is at record levels. Source: CAN The GRIETJE seen departing from Rotterdam whilst ANNEGRET is seen enroute Rotterdam - Photo : Kees Helder © Kustwacht houdt verdachte aan De Kustwacht voor de Nederlandse Antillen & Aruba heeft op woensdag 30 april, Koninginnedag, op Bonaire een verdachte aangehouden die in Nederland werd gezocht omdat hij zijn gevangenisstraf niet volledig had uitgezeten. Het betrof de verdachte Ramon Janga, beter bekend als de rapper 'Gigo Loko' . Hij was aan boord van het vaartuig 'Alexis'. De Kustwacht had eerder die week strenge controles aangekondigd en was aanwezig met een SuperRhib en de cutter Jaguar. Bij controle van de boot Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 7 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 kwam via de Koninklijke Marechaussee, een internationaal signaleringsbevel in Nederland boven water waaruit bleek dat Janga als gevlucht geregistreerd stond.De verdachte werd door het Arrestatie Team van de Politie aangehouden. Medische evacuatie van containerschip Het Reddings -en Coördinatie Centrum (RCC) van de Kustwacht voor de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba ontving vandaag, maandag 12 mei, een melding met een verzoek voor een medische evacuatie van één van de crew leden. De melding kwam binnen rond 09:00 uur van het schip de M/V Mol Faithful. Deze bevond zich op dat moment op ongeveer 35 mijl ten westen van de ingang van de Annabaai op Curaçao. Het schip was onderweg naar Panama. De patiënt had heel veel pijn en had waarschijnlijk problemen met zijn nieren. Meteen is er contact opgenomen met de CITRO en de arts van CITRO Medico werd in contact gezet met de kapitein van het schip. Na zich op de hoogte te hebben gesteld van de situatie van de patiënt is er besloten om toch een medische evacuatie uit te voeren. Een eenheid van de CITRO, de 'Antje' voer rond 11:00 uur uit met de arts aan boord om de patiënt af te halen van de Mol Faithful en werd rond 12.00 uur overgedragen aan de CEMS die met een ambulance stonden te wachten op de Matheywerf. Disabled cruise ship limps into Auke Bay A cruise ship with 89 passengers lost power to both generators Saturday night but arrived safely at Juneau's Auke Bay on Sunday afternoon, escorted by a Coast Guard cutter. The Spirit of Columbia was two miles from Warm Springs Bay and 80 miles south of Juneau when both generators and one of two propeller engines stopped working at 8 p.m. Saturday, the Coast Guard reported. The ship made it to Juneau on its own power, accompanied by the Coast Guard cutter Liberty. A Coast Guard spokesman said the ship's crew was able to repair the generators, but one of the propeller engines remained disabled. The 143-foot ship is operated by Cruise West of Seattle. No injuries were reported. Source : Anchorage Daily News, AK ATTEMPTED PIRATE ATTACK IN MALACCA STRAIT DESPITE increased activity by Indonesian and Malaysian naval forces there has been a further attempted pirate attack in the Malacca Strait area, off North Sumatra, according to the ICC International Maritime Bureau. This follows two robberies of a chemical tanker underway close to Singapore Last Saturday, 10 May, pirates in military camouflage attempted to board a chemical tanker underway using a bamboo pole attached to a hook. The master raised the alarm and alerted ships in vicinity. The pirates aborted the attempt and escaped in their blue hull speedboat. Meanwhile although no ships are currently being held by Somali pirates reports of attempted boardings of vessels underway in the Gulf of Aden continue to come in. In the latest report, which occurred o 4 May, two speedboats chased a chemical tanker underway. The pirates opened fire on the tanker. The master took evasive manoeuvres and increased speed. Later, the boats aborted the chase. No injuries to crew were reported. Source : Maritime Global Net Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 8 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 The JANUS and URSUS seen moored in Rotterdam Photo : Hans Lingbeek © SCHULTE SLAMS ITF INSPECTOR MAJOR shipmanager Bernard Schulte has criticised the way the ITF has handled an alleged complaint by Filipino crew members of the 27,350 dwt, 1986-built Liberian-flag chemical tanker Chiara. The company has expressed concerns that instead of dealing with any complaints through agreed procedures an ITF inspector in the Republic of Ireland issued press releases claiming conditions aboard the vessel were “appalling” and that that European officers were enjoying relatively good food while the Filipino ratings were not. In particular it was alleged that the crew had no access to uncontaminated drinking water. The ITF official, Ken Fleming, also said in a widely distributed press release that the 12 ratings had not been paid in full. The ITF has now accepted that the case has not been handled properly. Graham Young, Assistant Secretary of the ITF's Special Seafarers' Department told Anderimar Shipping News: "Yes the company are right that something like this would normally be sorted out by IMEC, and I'm sorry that there was such understandable enthusiasm locally to get the case solved straight away that that didn't happen. I have explained this to the company and we are working to get the problems addressed." Holger Pittelkau, Managing Director of Bernard Schulte Shipmanagement (Cyprus) said that any complaint should have been dealt with in accordance with the procedures agreed between the ITF and the International Maritime Employment Committee (IMEC), of which Schulte is a member. He added that “we take our obligations as IMEC members very seriously”. Capt Pittelkau told Anderimar Shipping News: “We are very concerned about the attitude the ITF has taken in this case. As a company that operates for more than 35 years to the highest standard we would have expected that this issue would have been discussed with us first or at least we would have been given the chance to comment before the inspector went public. A report of this kind, unfounded or not, can seriously affect the operation of a shipping company, something especially the ITF should be acutely aware of.” “In order to ensure that this issue does not do further harm to our company,” he continued, “we have arranged for an independent surveyor to attend the vessel in Belfast. The [person] we have asked to attend is used by major oil companies for the assessment of vessel staff and procedures on board and is totally independent. His report will be made available to all those having an interest in the vessel.” Dealing with specific allegations Capt Pittelkau said: “To start with, the crew of the Lady Chiara is covered by an ITF agreement and is paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. There is every evidence on board that this is the case and if the ITF had bothered to check this or even to question the crew for any details they would have found that an allegation of wages not being paid in full is baseless. “The vessel has a problem with some corrosion in the freshwater tank and this will be attended to during the forthcoming drydock period. Repairs are Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 9 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 not possible to be carried out in service. The water is therefore slightly discoloured. However, the crew is provided with freshwater in bottles and there is no shortage of this. “The vessel had left South Asia a few weeks ago and was supplied with fresh provision when passing Suez. A three-months provision order was sent by the Master and was arranged to be delivered at Ringaskiddy [Ireland]. On the way to Ireland the vessel stopped over at Gibraltar for the boarding of a superintendent who sailed the vessel to Ringaskiddy. During his time on board there were no complaints voiced by the crew nor has there been any additional food request by the Master or the Chief cook. It would have been easy to deliver this at Gibraltar. “The superintendent has been around the provision stores as part of a routine inspection and found nothing unusual. Stores were running low on some items but that is not uncommon when a vessel is just about to receive their 3-months provision order. Certainly there was no wasted food in the stores. The deep freezers will of course contain goods that on paper are passed their sell-buy dates but these dates apply for storing in fridges. Every housewife or houseman can confirm that. “The allegations that the crew was living in appalling conditions is again totally unfounded. At the time of the ITF attendance on board we also had a CDI inspection. CDI is the body that carries out vessel assessments for suitability of vessels for charter and cargo operations and if the vessel accommodations and the living conditions would have been in a less than satisfactory condition this would have been commented on negatively. The result of the inspection was very good with only few minor observations, nothing relating to the crew or the living conditions on board.” Source : Maritime Global Net Singapore shipping company pays thousands in penalty for fuel spill Singapore-based shipping company has paid a $27,500 penalty for a bunker fuel spill in Seattle last year. According to a state Ecology Department news release, only 93 gallons of intermediate fuel oil leaked from an illrepaired valve on the Songa Hua but the cleanup took six days to complete. The vessel is owned by OSM Ship Management of Singapore. It was anchored off Smith Cove about half a mile south of Pier 91 in Elliott Bay at the time of the spill on Feb. 28, 2007. Last year the company paid $11,139 for the cleanup and investigation, and a $1,855 damage assessment. State investigators faulted the crew for failing to monitor the fueling operation, assuring that the equipment was working properly or reporting the spill immediately as required by state law. Source : The Associated Press TOS Rotterdam (+31)10 – 436 62 93 E-Mail Clean fuel will double cost of shipping, says WSC Environmental measures - like clean fuel - will double the cost of shipping, warns the World Shipping Council. "Fuel costs represent as much as 50-60 per cent of total ship operating costs. Bunker prices have risen 87 per cent since the beginning of 2007" said the WSC. The council said it can cost more than US$3.4 million to power a 7,750TEU ship on a 28-day transpacific voyage. "The cost of low-sulphur fuels to be used in Emission Control Areas will be roughly double the cost of bunker fuel, thus creating even more upward operating cost pressures going forward," said Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 10 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 the group. Crude oil prices have surpassed US$119 a barrel this week, resulting in bunker fuel going selling at $552 a ton, $26 more than on April 1. Source: Vermiste tiener bij Rockanje gevonden Het stoffelijk overschot van een 17-jarige jongen uit Rotterdam is dinsdagavond door reddingswerkers bij het ZuidHollandse Rockanje uit zee gevist. De jongen werd sinds zondagavond vermist. Hij lag op een luchtbed dat was omgeslagen. Volgens de politie is de jongen gevonden met behulp van sonar-apparatuur. Hij lag op de zeebodem. Een getuige zag de jongen en zijn broertje zondag op een luchtbed steeds verder van de kust afdrijven en plotseling omslaan. Met een bootje voer de getuige naar het luchtbed toe, maar hij kon alleen het 13-jarige broertje van het slachtoffer redden. Vorige week nog waarschuwde de Koninklijke Nederlandse Reddings Maatschappij dat mensen met luchtbedden moeten oppassen dat zij niet door de wind de zee opdrijven Bron : Novum Alcohol caused the grounding of Wani Will The mate on duty on the coaster Wani Will was heavily intoxicated on the voyage on February 24, 2008, that ended just south of the breakwater at Rønne on Bornholm. The second officer on duty was tested by police shortly after the grounding and had 0.66 permillage of alcohol in the blood. Calculations shows that he 8.5 hours before the accident had at least 1.55 permillage of alcohol in the blood when he went on watch, despite the company limit of 0.5. At the time of the grounding the second officer wasn’t on the bridge, he arrived 5 to 6 minutes after the accident. The captain and the chief mate arrived on the bridge before the second officer, who refused to give a statement to the investigation group of the Danish Maritime Authorities. Wani Will was taken off the ground after 24 hours with only minor damage to the bottom plates. CASUALTY REPORTING Tel: +31 115 645000 - At least 40 dead in Bangladesh ferry accident At least 40 people were killed and many are still missing in north Bangladesh after a ferry carrying between 150-200 people capsized during a tropical storm, national media reported according to RIA Novosti. The ferry sank in the Ghorautura river, nearly 180 km (115 miles) from the capital, Dhaka, late on Monday. About 25 passengers managed to swim ashore, but the others are believed to have been unable to escape from the boat before it sank. A rescue operation is underway. Storm drives liftboat ashore One of two captains crewing the liftboat Russell W. Peterson died today after both were taken off the vessel when the Coast Guard responded to an 8.46 a.m. distress call. According to local media reports, the vessel was being pounded by heavy weather about 14 miles off Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. It was trying to negotiate swells of 12 to 14 feet, in winds that were were blowing at 30 to 40 knots. The liftboat subsequently grounded on Bethany Beach, Delaware around noon. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 11 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 The 25 year old liftboat was christened as the RV Russell W. Peterson on March 29 in ceremonies to mark its deployment on what was to have been a 75 day assignment studying migratory bird activity in the area of Reheboth Beach. The vessel, owned by Aqua Survey, Inc., was making the studies on behalf of Bluewater Wind LLC, which hopes to build an offshore wind farm in the area. Source : MarineLog NAVY NEWS New pipe locking system tried on Ambush A SYSTEM of join pipes on submarines without costly welding is taking off. So far 800 pipe joins on the submarine Ambush have used the Lokring connecting system instead of welding, and 300 on the third of the Astute class submarine Artful. BAE says the system could mean big savings both for boats in build and in through life maintenance. The Lokring is a mechanical coupling involving a hydraulically driven vice tool that swages the fitting on to the pipe to form a permanent connection. BAE says it has already been proved in the oil and gas industry and in the US Navy surface ship fleet. The new joining system has been tested successfully at high pressure on one of the subs which has 5,000 pipe connections. Source : SHIPYARD NEWS Braemar to Undergo Lengthening at Blohm + Voss Repair The cruise ship Braemar entered the Elbe 17 Dock at Blohm + Voss Repair on May 13 for lengthening and other conversion work. The ship, which belongs to the Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines will be lengthened by 31.20 metres amidships at the Hamburg shipyard, which is part of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. Braemar is the second cruise ship from Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines to be lengthened at Blohm + Voss Repair. She follows the conversion of the BALMORAL between November 2007 and January of this year. In addition to getting a new midship section, 18 new balconies will be installed on the BRAEMAR and her Deck 8 restaurant will be completely renovated. Various other public areas will be rebuilt or renovated as well. Left : The new 31 mtr long midsection ready to be installed Photo : Piet Sinke © The new 31.20 metre-long, 22.50 metre-wide, 2,250 t midship section was built by Schichau Seebeck Shipyard in Bremerhaven under subcontract to Blohm + Voss Repair and floated into the Hamburg shipyard on April 6. It will Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 12 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 increase the passenger capacity of the cruise liner from 900 to 950. In early July, the converted Braemar will leave Blohm + Voss Repair for short sea trials prior to being handed over to Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines in Southampton, Great Britain. Austal Tasmania to build police boats Austal confirms an unconditional contract has been signed with a value of approximately AUD $12 million (US$11,36 million) with the Queensland Police Force for the construction of three 22 metre catamaran police boats. The vessels will be constructed at Austal's Tasmanian shipyard and are scheduled for delivery by mid 2009. China cuts steel on first deepwater semi Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corp., began construction on China's first deepwater semisubmersible drilling unit last month. The steel cutting ceremony on China's first semisubmersible was held on the afternoon of April 28 at the Chinese yard located in Pudong, Shanghai. The semisubmersible will be equipped with DP3 and the ability to drill up to 12,000 metres (39,000 ft) in water depths of up to 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). Delivery is scheduled for the second quarter of 2011. Shanghai Waigaoqiao was commissioned by CNOOC to build the semi last year. Construction of the semi also marks the country's move towards deepwater exploration following the discovery of Husky Oil's South China Sea Liwan 3-1 field in 2006. Gdynia Shipyard May Go Bankrupt Reports indicate that the economic situation of the Gdynia Shipyard on the Baltic Sea Coast has worsened recently. Trade unionists organized a rally in front of the prime minister's office in Warsaw. If there's no financial support from the state budget, the shipyard may go bankrupt soon. Some contracts were signed several years ago according to unfavorable financial conditions. The shipyard had to pay extra charges in connection with the production of each vessel ordered by contractors. Economic losses amounted to an equivalent of some $25m in 2005 and they doubled a year later. The Gdynia Shipyard is obliged to build seven vessels in coming years for its most important Israeli client, Rami Ungar, And there`s no money on the shipyard`s bank account to perform the task. Unofficial sources say that an equivalent of $250m is needed from the state budget to avoid the bankruptcy. Source: Polaskie Sankt Petersburg’s key role in the Arctic In his first official visit as prime minister, Vladimir Putin today visited the Admiralty Shipyard outside Sankt Petersburg. The visit comes as the shipyards in Sankt Petersburg are taking on a key role in the development of Russian shipping and the construction of offshore equipment In his meetings with the Admiralty Shipyard, Mr. Putin discussed questions regarding the development of the Russian ship building industry, the Russian government website reports. Mr. Putin’s visit comes few days after Deputy Chairman of Gazprom's Management Committee, Mr. Aleksandr Ananenkov, met with representatives of the city’s Northern Shipyard to discuss the yard’s role in the development of Arctic oil and gas projects. From before, the Vyborg Shipyard, located outside the same city, is going to construct two platforms for the project in the Barents Sea. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 13 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 According to newspaper Korabelnaya Storona, Gazprom in the meeting with the Nothern Shipyard discussed the construction of drilling rigs for the Shtokman and Prirazlomnoe fields, as well as for operations in the Ob and Tazov Bays. Also the construction of service ships and tankers was on the meeting agenda. Russia is in major need of new ships and equipment for its ambitious Arctic oil and gas projects. The shipyards in Sankt Petersburg look set to take on a key role in the development of the projects. Source : BarentsObserver Boskalis dredger URSA docks in Durban Photo : Willem Kruk © The Boskalis cutter dredger URSA docked on Eglin Brown & Hamer’s ELDOCK in Durban on Thursday (8 May). Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 14 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 The contract entails the removal and refitting of the Cutterladder which weighs in at 800 tonnes net. Ursa was built in 1986 by the German shipyard of Orenstein & Koppel and is a self-propelled heavy rock cutting dredger designed for operations in coastal and sheltered waters. The vessel has an overall length of 115 metres and a beam of 20m. Royal Boskalis Westminsiter nv Dredging and Earthmoving is one of the leading international dredging and construction companies and has worldwide interests. The Dutch company was founded in 1910 and began to make its name post World War I with the Zuider Zee project. Today the company operates a fleet of about 300 vessels including auxiliary equipment and is involved with projects all round the world. Source : Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering completes second dry dock A second VLCC-capacity dock at Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering (NACKS) has been completed. The yard, a joint venture between COSCO Group and Kawasaki Shipbuilding Corp, is building a 300,000 dwt VLOC in the new dock for COSCO. The dock is 500m long and 80m wide, with five cranes. Source: ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES REDWISE MARITME SERVICES B.V. Amersfoortseweg 12-E 3751 LK Bunschoten-Spakenburg The Netherlands Phone : +31 (0) 33 42 17 860 (24 hr) Fax : +31 (0) 33 42 17 879 - Petrobras opens big order for service ships Brazil's state-run oil company Petrobras said on Monday it opened a tender for 24 service ships, part of a bigger 146boat order that will run through 2014 in the local market. Petrobras, which is also planning to order drilling rigs from Brazil-based shipyards to stimulate the domestic industry, said in a statement that once built, shipyards will lease the vessels to the company. Supply ships account for almost half of the order, which also includes ships used in platform anchoring, tug boats and spill control boats. Petrobras, which has an ambitious $112 billion investment plan through 2012, is actively expanding and refurbishing its fleet. It has already contracted the construction of 23 tankers, and more orders are in the pipeline. Petrobras Chief Executive Jose Sergio Gabrielli said on Monday the company was planning to order two Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) supertankers, each capable of transporting 300,000 tonnes, but did not say when it may happen. The company plans to spend around $50 billion on new equipment purchases, including ships and refinery equipment. It did not provide the value of the service ship order. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 15 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 The plan to build new ships in Brazil is designed to revitalize the local ship-building industry and boost the coastal dry freight sector. Petrobras fleet consists of about 60 ships it owns and about the same number of chartered ships. In a similar drive to boost the local industry, Petrobras plans to make a big order of offshore drilling rigs, which are scarce in the market and are getting more and more expensive to buy or lease as world oil prices are charting new records, Gabrielli said. Petrobras, which last year made a huge discovery in the subsalt cluster in the offshore Santos basin, has 40 drilling rigs. The Tupi field and other lesser explored but potentially giant subsalt finds require a lot of drilling. "Because of the subsalt (exploration) we will need a considerable number of drilling rigs," Gabrielli said. Bill Herbert, an analyst with Simmons & Co Int'l, said last week cited industry sources as saying Petrobras was close to issuing letters of intent for as many as 17 new rigs, aiming to secure an additional eight to 10 rigs. A Petrobras spokesman said the oil company was analyzing rig needs, but currently there were no firm orders. Source : Thomson Reuters Inadequate cruise terminal leaves Brisbane high and dry BRISBANE needs a new cruise ship terminal on the bay side of the Gateway Bridge or risk being left behind the rest of the country, says the head of an Australian cruise ship agency. Ann Sherry, the chief executive of Carnival Australia, which represents cruise lines including P&O Cruises, Princess Cruises and Cunard, said cruise liners were getting bigger and Queensland would soon face major problems attracting business. She said plans for a cruise ship terminal at Townsville did not allow for the berthing of large ocean liners. "The proposed Townsville terminal is already too small," Ms Sherry said. "Given the growth of the industry, (Queensland is) planning for yesterday instead of the future." She said Brisbane needed another terminal at the bayside end of the Brisbane River so bigger ships would avoid the problem of being too high to go under the Gateway Bridge. In February, the Queen Victoria had to dock at a grains wharf in an industrial part of the Port of Brisbane because it could not go under the Gateway Bridge. Passengers who wanted to visit Brisbane had to walk in ankle-deep water and use portable toilets before boarding a bus to the city. Any new terminal should not be built near residential areas, Ms Sherry said. "The people who live around Portside Wharf are not enamoured with the noise associated with visiting cruise ships." Ms Sherry said Carnival Australia's costs at Portside, in Hamilton, are 30 per cent higher than in Sydney. "At Portside it's more expensive for us to turn around the Pacific Sun cruise ship than it is to turn around the Queen Mary in New York," she said. The approval process is underway for a cruise ship terminal at Townsville, but it will take at least two years for construction to begin. Townsville Enterprise tourism manager Brent Randall said he would like it to be approved more quickly but he realised the State Government had to adhere to all the necessary checks. He said because the city did not have a dedicated terminal, nine ships would have to anchor near Magnetic Island this year and the passengers ferried to shore. Source: The Sun-Herald ERRV market in North Sea remains tight Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 16 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd (OSL) says the ERRV market in the North Sea remains busy with the last month seeing a steady stream of term fixtures and requirements. "The spot market also remains busy, with numerous spot jobs having come to the market over the last few weeks fixing at rates between £12,500 and £18,500," said OSL in its latest monthly report on the market. "The situation doesn’t look like it will change much either with availability now looking extremely tight from June onwards for both the term and spot markets," said OSL. Source : offshore Shipping Online The newbuilding Rio de La Plata on her first call at Paranagua, Brazil. Photo : Carlos A. Calvo China Shipping and IRISL to launch a joint Asia-Mediterranean service Two unlikely bedfellows, China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL) and the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line (IRISL), have set up a joint Asia-Mediterranean service to be operated with eight panamax ships averaging around 6,000 TEUs and sailing on a weekly frequency. The service, launched this month, ranks among the top 10 services on this trade, in terms of capacity, and predominantly covers central and western Mediterranean. IRISL will eventually deploy four new 6,500 TEU vessels being built in South Korea on the route, while CSCL has transferred four similar-sized vessels that served the transpacific route. Importantly, the service turns in the Mediterranean at Malta, thereby offering important transhipment facilities into North Africa for IRISL, which is fast developing an important feeder market in this region, mostly over Libya. For IRISL, this will be the first direct Asia-Mediterranean service from China and Southeast Asia. For CSCL, the big plus point is that the new service replaces the previous Asia-Mediterranean Express 1 (AMX1) service which it ran alone initially with eight 4,250 TEU vessels a week. The service was cut back in December 2007 to a fortnightly frequency, and eventually phased out this month. The new joint Asia-Mediterranean service had its maiden voyage from Tianjin with the westbound sailing of the 6,500 TEU IRISL newbuilding, Fifth Ocean. The port rotation of the new service is Tianjin, Dalian, Pusan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Port Kelang, Suez, Malta, Valencia, Barcelona, Genoa, Da-mietta, Tianjin. Meanwhile, IRISL is also Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 17 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 restructuring its service known as the Europe Container Line that covers the Far East, Middle East, the Mediterranean and North Europe. While the North Europe-Far East leg will continue to be served through slots offered by CSCL's Asia Europe Express 1 (AEX1), the North Europe-Middle East sector will be served by a new loop deploying seven to eight vessels of around 2,700 TEU capacity on a weekly basis. Source: cargonewsasia The "Beluga Stimulation" seen moored in Zeebrugge Photo : Henk Claeys © MISC Boosts Reports Q4 Profit Malaysian liquefied natural gas shipper MISC Bhd reported a 10 percent jump in fourth-quarter net profit on Monday, boosted by its heavy-engineering unit and offshore businesses. But the firm, a unit of state oil company Petronas, painted a tough outlook, saying its results could be hurt by record crude oil prices, which were pushing up its bunker fuel costs, and by weaker markets for both LNG and containers. The firm made net profit of $241m for the three months ended March 31, compared with $219.5m a year earlier, largely thanks to continued growth of its heavy-engineering unit, which makes oil rigs. Its core energy-related shipping business reported an 11 percent fall in annual operating profit. Source: Reuters Bocimar: Sells 3; Orders 4 Bocimar International has sold the vessels CMB Aurélie (2007 – 76,588 dwt), CMB Laetitia (2007 – 75,991 dwt) and CMB Yangtze (2007 – 53,617 dwt) to subsidiaries of Genco Shipping and Trading (USA). The total net sale price amounts to $253 million. At the time of the delivery of these vessels, all scheduled to take place in the course of the third quarter, a total capital gain of more than $154m will be realized. In addition, Bocimar has ordered two 176,000 dwt Capesize newbuildings from Jinhaiwan (China). The purchase price amounts to $88.5m per vessel and the delivery is scheduled to take place in April 2009 and July 2010. Finally Bocimar, in joint venture with Wah Kwong (Hong Kong), has ordered two Postpanamax 93,000 dwt newbuildings from Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 18 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 Shanhaiguan (China). The newbuilding price amounts to $52.8m per vessel. The vessels will be delivered in December 2010 and February 2011. Source : MarineLink Maiden visit for NYK car carrier There has been no shortage of newbuilds making their maiden port call visits to Durban and other South African ports recently, with yet another due later this week (Thursday, 15 May) when the 48,425-gt LPG tanker THETIS GLORY calls at Durban to load bunkers. More of this particular visit in a later News Bulletin. In the past week (1 May) the NYK pure car carrier TRANS LEADER (43 810-gt) arrived in Durban to discharge 1,200 new motor cars and load another 2,500 new vehicles plus seven pieces of used construction machinery for North Africa and Northern Europe. Trans Leader has been deployed on the South Africa – Europe new car service. As is normal with a maiden call at the car terminal, a plaque commemorating the event is presented to the ship’s master, which is usually placed in a prominent position within the ship to remind seafarers of the welcome they received on their first visit to Durban. Source : New Container Ship for Maersk Odense Steel Shipyard presented its latest newbuilding, a 7,000 TEU container ship, for the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group, the press-service of Maersk reports. The ship named “Marchen Maersk”. She is the second ship in a series of six container ships. The ship is designed and built to meet the highest demands for safe, precise, environmentally friendly and economic transportation of goods all over the globe. Among other things, a waste heat recovery system is installed to optimize the use of the energy produced. “Marchen Maersk” will after delivery enter Maersk Line's worldwide liner service. Source : SeaNews Paragon Shipping Inc. Fixes Kind Seas, Golden Seas and Crystal Seas On Three Year Time Charters Paragon Shipping Inc. , a global shipping transportation company specializing in dry bulk cargoes, announced that it has recently concluded the following time charter fixtures: The Kind Seas (1999-built Panamax, 72,493 dwt) has been chartered to Deiulemar at $45,500 per day for a period of 34 to 37 months. This vessel is expected to be delivered to its new charterer between January 1, 2009 and April 30, 2009. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 19 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 The Golden Seas (2006-built Panamax, 74,475 dwt) has been chartered to Transfield Shipping Inc. at $48,000 per day for a period of 34 to 37 months. This vessel is expected to be delivered to its new charterer between October 26, 2008 and February 20, 2009. The Crystal Seas (1995-built Handymax, 43,222 dwt) has been chartered to Cosco Bulk at $33,000 per day for a period of 35 to 37 months. This vessel is expected to be delivered to its new charterer between July 10, 2008 and September 31, 2008. Singapore shows 12.5% rise in Q1 throughput Singapore port has continued to show growth in throughput this year with the first quarter figures showing a 12.5 percent rise over the same period last year. According to port operator PSA International, Singapore handled 9.58 million TEUs in the first four months of the year compared with 8.51 million TEUs a year ago. The port is US$1.45 billion to expand capacity by 40 percent in five years. Source: cargonewsasia MOVEMENTS The HATSU COURAGE seen arriving in Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Harry van den Berg © OLDIE – FROM THE SHOEBOX Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 20 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 Referring to the picture used some time ago of a heavy smoking VOLENDAM in the port of Willemstad (Curacao) and the several e-mails I received on the name of the HAL Passengerliner in the background visible at the photo, the correct name of that liner was the STATENDAM and not the ROTTERDAM as mentioned, the incident happened December 1981, the VOLENDAM was powered by 3 boilers which were distributed to 2 supplies, one of the boiler fans failed, with a result of no fresh air in 2 boilers which created some black smoke over Willemstad Photo : Willem Kappert © MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 21 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 1000 vessels today. …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. The VOLENDAM seen in dry-dock in Victoria Photo : Willem Kappert © Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 22 5/13/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 132 The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Distribution : daily 4225+ copies worldwide Page 23 5/13/2008
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