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VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Number 088*** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Wednesday 10-05-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. THIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl info@vlierodam.nl The SEABOARD EXPLORER seen sailing at the Mississippi River near New Orleans Photo : Piet Sinke © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 1 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: SmitWijs@SmitWijs.com DO YOU HAVE PICTURES OR OTHER SHIPPING RELATED INFORMATION FOR THE NEWS CLIPPINGS ?? PLEASE SEND THIS TO : newsclippings@gmail.com The steam powered stern wheeler NATCHEZ seen sailing along the Mississippi River Photo : Piet Sinke © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 2 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Last American Titanic Survivor Dies at 99 Lillian Gertrud Asplund, the last American survivor of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, has died, a funeral home said Sunday. She was 99. Asplund, who was just 5 years old, lost her father and three brothers — including a fraternal twin — when the "practically unsinkable" ship went down in the North Atlantic after hitting an iceberg. She died Saturday at her home in Shrewsbury, said Ronald E. Johnson, vice president of the Nordgren Memorial Chapel in Worcester, Mass. "She went to sleep peacefully," he said. Asplund's mother, Selma, and another brother, Felix, who was 3, also survived the Titanic sinking in the early morning of April 15, 1912. Asplund was the last Titanic survivor with actual memories of the sinking, but she shunned publicity and rarely spoke about the events. At least two other survivors are living, but they were too young to have memories of the disaster. Barbara Joyce West Dainton of Truro, England, was 10 months old and Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean of Southampton, England, was 2 months old. The Asplund family had boarded the ship in Southampton, England, as third-class passengers on their way back to Worcester from their ancestral homeland, Sweden, where they had spent several years. Asplund's mother described the sinking in an interview with the Worcester Telegram & Gazette newspaper shortly after she and her two children arrived in the city. Selma Asplund said the family went to the Titanic's upper deck after the ship struck the iceberg. "I could see the icebergs for a great distance around ... It was cold and the little ones were cuddling close to one another and trying to keep from under the feet of the many excited people ... My little girl, Lillie, accompanied me, and my husband said 'Go ahead, we will get into one of the other boats.' He smiled as he said it." Because they lost all of their possessions and money, the city of Worcester held a fundraiser and a benefit concert that together brought in about $2,000 for the surviving Asplunds. Lillian Asplund never married and worked at secretarial jobs in the Worcester area most of her life. She retired early to care for her mother, who was described as having never gotten over the tragedy. Selma Asplund died on the 52nd anniversary of the sinking in 1964 at age 91. Felix Asplund died on March 1, 1983, at age 73. A memorial service will be held Wednesday, Johnson said. Cruise ship towed ashore as 700 escape fire A cruise ship with more than 700 people on board was towed ashore after a fire in an engine room left it adrift in the English Channel. Hundreds of passengers were roused in their cabins when fire broke out early yesterday morning, only hours after the Calypso sailed from Tilbury, Essex, on its way to St Peter Port in Guernsey. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 3 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Rescue services were scrambled, and firefighters flew out to the ship as it drifted about 20 miles off Beachy Head. Lifeboats from Britain and France were sent to the stricken liner. No casualties were reported, but a coastguard spokesman said that a team of paramedics was also flown by helicopter to the ship. Left / Below : Fire fighters are lowered from the helicopter on deck of the The Calypso Photo’s : Marius Esman © "We think that some of the passengers might have had a pretty traumatic time this morning," he said. Many of the passengers were employees and guests of the Dutch travel company Cruise Travel. Corry Broere, a spokeswoman for the firm, told the BBC: "My family is on board and they phoned me, and of course they had been frightened, but when they called me everything was already very calm ... the fire was not [burning] for a long time." Several rescue vessel came on stand by during the incident Photo : Marius Esman © Passengers and crew boarded the ship's lifeboats, but the fire was put out before a full evacuation was ordered. "They smothered the engine room with CO2, which is normal procedure, and they have managed to extinguish the fire," said an official in Dover, where the rescue was co-ordinated. Joanne Groenenberg, of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, said rescuers decided it would be too risky to evacuate the ship before it returned to dock in Southampton. "It is quite a dangerous environment to be at sea in a lifeboat, so it was much safer to keep them on board," she said. Calypso arrived at Southampton at 7.40pm. The Cyprus-registered ship was carrying 246 crew and 462 passengers, among them 454 Dutch, one Briton and one American. The cause of the fire is still unknown. A spokesman for Louis Cruise Line, which owns Calypso, said: "The passengers are disappointed that their cruise has been cut short by two days but otherwise impressed by how smoothly the operation has been carried out." PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 4 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Left : under tow of the ANGLIAN MONARCH enroute Southampton photo : Marius Esman © Six fire investigators were lifted by helicopter on to the 38-year-old vessel, in the first deployment by the new Maritime Incident Response Group. Launched last month, the unit is the UK's first specialised fire and rescue service for incidents at sea. Last night, 18 firefighters from East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service were still on board the ship, cooling the blaze area. The CALYPSO seen arriving in Southampton – Photo : Gary Davies – www.maritimephotographic.co.uk Calypso had 30 defects A recent port state control inspection of a Louis Cruise Lines vessel at the centre of a fire drama this weekend found 30 deficiencies on the 39 years old vessel. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 5 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Safety inspectors from the UK and Spain spent three days examining The Calypso at Seville, just 11 days before the fire and found many defects, including issues relating to fire safety and the propulsion machinery. The 11,162-gt The Calypso (built 1967) suffered an engine room fire 20 miles off the UK south coast. Both propulsion and lighting were lost during the early morning crisis and passengers were told to don lifejackets and board lifeboats, that were swung out for evacuation of the ship. The fire was however extinguished and the lifeboats were not lowered, although The Calypso had to be towed by the UK coastguard tug, Anglian Monarch, to Southampton, where the passengers were disembarked. Left : Newsclippings reader Marius Esman and his wife Gonny were onboard the The Calypso during the incident, at the picture Gonny is seen mustered on deck with the lifeboats ready to be launched. The blaze was brought under control by crewmembers, although 18 UK fire fighters were airlifted to the stricken vessel. None of the 462 mostly Dutch passengers or the 246 crew members were injured. George Stathopoulos, managing director of Louis Hellenic Cruises tells TradeWinds that an investigation into the cause of the fire in the starboard main engine casing is still underway and it is not possible at this stage to indicate the extent of the damage, or whether The Calypso can go ahead with its next cruise due to begin on 10 May. Louis port captain, George Koumbenas, said the 30 deficiencies found at Seville were all relatively minor and had been corrected by the time a further port state control inspection took place at the UK port of Tilbury the day before the fire. Koumbenas said Louis had requested an extensive port state control inspection by both the UK and Spain at Seville and as a result got a very detailed examination of every aspect of the vessel. Inspectors listed four deficiencies relating to fire safety, three related to propulsion and auxiliary machinery, three relating to safety of navigation and eight relating to structural safety at Seville. Koumbenas said there had been a clean sheet at the Tilbury inspection and none of the issues noted at Seville had any bearing on the fire. The Calypso was acquired by Louis for $14m in 2000. The Cyprus flag vessel is classed by Lloyd’s Register and has protection and indemnity cover from the West of England Club. Spratly ship remains a phantom THE military is still clueless on the identity of the vessel that attacked a Chinese fishing boat in the disputed reefs known as the Spratlys. The Chinese government believes that a “Philippine ship” could be behind the attack on Jinghai, a Chinese fishing boat, more than a week ago. The attack killed four of its crewmen. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 6 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Col. Tristan Kison, military public information officer, said Saturday that the Western Command under Rear Adm. Tirso Danga is looking into the attack. A Chinese newspaper, the Southern Daily, reported that a “Philippine ship” could be behind the attack. It said the attack occurred somewhere near the Philippine coast and that the rogue vessel looked like a “Filipino” ship. The Spratlys comprises a number of islets. It is generally believed the area holds huge quantities of oil. It is therefore understandable that, apart from the Philippines, a number of other countries, among them China, Malaysia and Vietnam, claim all or parts of it. Of these countries, China is apparently the most belligerent. Some years back, the Chinese Navy fired on and sank a Vietnamese ship in the area disputed by both countries. All crewmen were killed. The Philippines maintains a military presence in one of the larger islets, bringing settlers there. Militarily, like the other claimants, it is no match to the Chinese. It is thus pursuing its claims through negotiation. So far the military cannot make a definite statement on the identity of the ship. “We still don’t have an update,” Tristan said. Military officials said the ship could be a pirate boat. They did not explain why pirates would have the capability to fire on a ship and why they would leave immediately after. There is no report of the fishing boat being boarded and its crew robbed of any valuables. The investigation, some observers note, is being conducted to mollify the Chinese. 13e open dag KNRM Hoek van Holland trok veel belangstelling Door : Ron Zegers KNRM Hoek van Holland De Nationale Reddingbootdag die op 6 mei voor de 13e keer werd gehouden op alle 40 reddingstations van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij werd op reddingstation Hoek van Holland goed bezocht. Mede door het rustige zonnige weer en temperaturen van 25 graden waren vele geïnteresseerden in het KNRM materieel naar Hoek van Holland gekomen. De mensen namen ruim de gelegenheid om vele vragen aan de redders zelf te stellen en het merendeel heeft genoten van een vaartochtje met het nieuwste paradeschip van de KNRM, de Jeanine Parqui. Ieder die na de vaartocht aan wal stapte was diep onder de indruk van de prestaties en uitrusting van dit schip. De “oude” reddingboot Koningin Juliana (Hoek van Holland van 1964 tot 1991) van het Havenmuseum heeft verspreid over de dag met ruim 250 belangstellenden een vaartochtje gemaakt. De Jeanine Parqui heeft deze dag ruim 450 mensen met een vaartochtje mogen verblijden. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 7 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Donateurs kwamen echt bewust uit het hele land naar Hoek van Holland, toch hebben zich op deze dag 30 mensen laten inschrijven als donateur van de KNRM, in 2005 waren dat er 20. De reddingwinkel heeft een omzet van 1.706 Euro mogen bedragen, 150 Euro minder dan in 2005. De actie “oud geld”, onder donateurs van de KNRM heeft een bedrag opgeleverd van 7.216,60 gulden, dat is ruim 3280 Euro. Opmerkelijk was een enorme gift van duizenden guldens papiergeld van 1 persoon en de vele zakjes met kwartjes, dubbeltjes en stuivers. Er werd ook nog voor 3 kilo munten buitenlands geld gebracht uit alle uithoeken van de wereld. De retourovertocht met de Stena Discovery, beschikbaar gesteld door Stena Line bv, is bestemd voor een nieuwe donateur uit Hoek van Holland, en is door de voorzitter van plaatselijke commissie van de KNRM Hoek van Holland Dhr. J.B. Troost getrokken als winnaar uit 140 deelnemers, dit waren er vorig jaar 90. Zowel de bezoekers, de vrijwillige redders en zeker ook de vrouwen van de redders hebben een aangename dag achter de rug. Met vragen kunt U contact opnemen met Ron Zegers, PR-Coördinator, en bemanning reddingboot "Jeanine Parqui" Van Spilbergenstraat 50. 3151 BZ Hoek van Holland. Tel. 0174-385490 E-mail: ron.zegers@chello.nl De Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij wordt uitsluitend door vrijwillige bijdragen in stand gehouden Warship Due Back in France after Asbestos Row A decommissioned, asbestos-laden French aircraft carrier is due to dock in a western French port in two weeks’ time after being turned around en route to India because of a row over the hazard it posed. Clemenceau, currently off the coast of Mauritania, is expected to arrive in the harbor of Brest between May 15 and 20, defense ministry spokesman Jean-Francois Bureau told reporters. The aircraft carrier, which was decommissioned in 1997 after 36 years of service, was ordered back to France in February by President Jacques Chirac after a high court blocked its transfer to an Indian shipbuilding yard over pollution fears. Environmental groups, which had accused France of trying to dump a dangerous rust bucket on the Third World, welcomed the decision. Nothing remains of the warship except its hull, which contains a large amount of asbestos — 45 tons, according to the French government, and 500 to 1,000 tons according to a firm which helped with its initial decontamination. Bureau said the ship may be moored for up to two years in Brest while it undergoes a series of studies ahead of its dismantlement. CASUALTY REPORTING Dodelijke val op werf in Harlingen Bij een bedrijfsongeval op de werf de Volharding in Harlingen is een 63-jarige man uit Mijdrecht omgekomen. De werknemer van het bedrijf Liebherr was bezig met de montage van een kraan, toen hij ten val kwam. ,,Hij is zo'n 6 meter naar beneden gevallen'', aldus een verslagen Feike Hoogeveen van de Volharding. De hulp van een traumahelikopter werd ingeroepen, maar het team kon niets meer uitrichten. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 8 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : anglodutch@pandora.be The Norwegian Surveillance cutter KV 1 TITRAN – Photo : Henk de Winde © The TITRAN is one of the 7 vessels in service operated by the “INNER COASTAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM” An organization formed on 1-1-1997 to provide closer-in patrol of Norwegian offshore interests. Its unarmed ships and craft carry the word Kystvakt on their sides, and the organization is subordinate to the main coast guard. Russian, Japanese Border Guards Hold Joint Maritime Exercise Maritime border guards from Japan and Russia held a joint exercise May 4 in the Sea of Japan aimed at combating terrorist attacks on shipping, the border guard office for Russia’s Primorsky region said. ”The aim of these exercises was to develop our cooperation in search and interception during attacks by terrorists on shipping, freeing of hostages and providing aid to victims,” the office’s spokeswoman, Natalya Rondoleva, told AFP. The exercise involved vessels and helicopters from the two countries, she said. Border officials from the two countries were to meet in Vladivostok on Friday to plan their further cooperation. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 9 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Relations between Russia and Japan continue to be marred by a territorial dispute over four of the Kuril Islands. Requests For Tender for $2 Billion Amphibious Ships Released to Australian Industry The Requests for Tender for the $2 billion large amphibious ships project have been released . The two ships, to be named HMAS Canberra and Adelaide, are scheduled to enter service with the Royal Australian Navy from 2012. This is a major milestone in the process that will lead to final project approval and ship builder and design selection early next year. It comes after an intensive design development effort by Defence and the two competing designers, in which the designs have been adapted to meet specific Australian legislative and regulatory requirements. Two Australian companies - ADI and Tenix - will team with the designers to compete for the contract to supply the ships. ADI will team with the French designer Armaris, and Tenix with the Spanish designer Navantia. The Tenix-Navantia team will propose a variation of the Navantia 27,000 tonne design, while ADI-Armaris will propose a variation of the Armaris 22,000-tonne Mistral class. Both prospective designs offer a quantum leap over our current capability and satisfy Government's strategic guidance. Selection of the preferred consortium to construct the ships will be determined on value for money grounds. The tender documentation will allow bidding companies to: -- Submit fixed price bids; -- Bid through life support solutions, and; -- Provide innovative solutions to improve price and schedule. Australian industry stands to benefit considerably from this project of national significance. Each ship will have the ability to transport up to 1000 personnel, have six helicopter landing spots and a provision for a mix of troop lift and armed reconnaissance helicopters. It will also be able to transport up to 150 vehicles including the new M1A1 Abrams tank and other elements of the Hardened and Networked Army. Each ship will also be equipped with medical facilities, including two operating theatres and a hospital ward. The project will allow the Australian Defence Force to perform a range of tasks, including regional disaster relief, delivering humanitarian aid, support for peace operations, and assistance to policing or military operations. This investment part of the Howard Government's commitment of $28.5 billion in increased spending on Defence capability over the 10-year period to 2010, building on the 2000 White Paper commitment to increase Defence funding by three per cent annually, in real terms, until 2010/11. New Royal Australian Navy Patrol Boats named "Maitland" and "Ararat" The Naming Ceremony for the sixth and seventh Armidale Class Patrol Boats to be launched was held today at the Austal shipyard in Henderson, Western Australia. Fourteen patrol boats in total are to be delivered to the Royal Australian Navy. The 56 metre, all-aluminium monohull vessels were named “Maitland” by Mrs Jacqueline Rice, daughter of ex crew member Mr Jack Breddin, and “Ararat” by Mrs Jennifer O’Malley, daughter of Lieutenant PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 10 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Commander Norman Muzzell, Commanding Officer, HMAS Ararat. The ceremony was attended by senior figures from the Royal Australian Navy, Department of Defence, Government and industry including Senator David Johnston, as representative of the Minister for Defence and Chief of the Royal Australian Navy, Vice Admiral Russ Shalders. Speaking at the ceremony, Austal’s Executive Chairman, John Rothwell, marked the significant halfway point in the delivery of the new patrol boats: “With a further seven patrol boats still to deliver it is pleasing to see that the on-time delivery of these vessels is already making an impact in active service. The first, “HMAS Armidale”, has already been involved in frontline search, rescue and interdiction operations in Australia’s northern waters reinforcing the benefits of the Government’s decision to invest in the upgraded design and enhanced capabilities of the new Armidale Class patrol boat fleet.” Austal teamed with Defence Maritime Services (DMS), the Prime Contractor, to win in 2003 the A$553 million “output specified” contract to provide and support through their service lives a fleet of patrol boats to replace the ageing Fremantle Class, which have patrolled Australia’s maritime zones for the past quarter century. Austal is responsible for the design and construction of the Armidale Class vessels. DMS is managing the overall project requirements, including establishment of a fleet management organisation that will provide integrated maintenance, logistic and crew-training support to the vessels throughout their operational lives. The Chairman of Defence Maritime Services, Adrian Kloeden reinforced the successful partnership forged between customer and contractor: "I am happy to report the Armidale programme is on track, delivering six Armidales this year, including the two we name today, with the remaining boats scheduled for on-time delivery in 2007. The success of the programme so far, can be attributed largely to the innovative ‘performance-based contract’ developed by the Defence Materiel Organisation. The concurrent naming of the two boats “Maitland” and “Ararat”, demonstrates the speed of delivery being achieved by the shipbuilder Austal as part of this progressive Defence-Industry contract.” To be based in the ports of Darwin and Cairns, the Armidale Class fleet will primarily operate within Australia’s Marine Jurisdictional Zones carrying out surveillance, interception, investigation, apprehension and the escort to port of vessels suspected of illegal fisheries, quarantine, customs or immigration offences. The ships will also be utilised to protect our valuable offshore oil and gas installations. The patrol boat “Maitland” is the first to take the name of the New South Wales town that provided war time Navy support as a transit depot, port war signal station, port examination service, general security and convoy support. The original HMAS Ararat was named after the Victorian regional centre and was one of sixty Australian Minesweepers (commonly known as Corvettes). Commissioned on 16 June 1943, she became known by her crew as “the Ark” because of Mount Ararat’s association with Noah’s Ark which was displayed on her crest. HMAS Ararat served mainly on patrol and escort duties in New Guinea, with occasional bombardments on enemy held positions and post war she cleared minefields. She steamed a total of 109,000 miles before eventually being sold. In 1961 HMAS Ararat towed a floating crane to Japan and was later broken up in that country. Coast Guard Secures Japanese Naval Vessels The Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Team (MSST) Anchorage is providing waterside and shoreside security for the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force vessels moored at the Port of Anchorage this week. The three Japanese vessels departed Homer Tuesday morning and three MSST small boats escorted them from Fire Island to the Port of Anchorage. They arrived just before 9 a.m. The MSST will be providing round the clock security for the vessels until they depart Friday. The three Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force vessels are the 470-foot flagship Kashima, the 450-foot Amagiri and the 450-foot PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 11 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Yamagiri. The vessels are a training squadron manned by newley graduate midshipmen. They are on a five month goodwill and training cruise. Anchorage is their first port call. Rear Adm. Takanobu Sasaki is commanding the trianing squadron. He and his officials will call on various military and elected officials this week. The crews of the ships will take part in sports events, cultural exchanges and participate in a concert at the Performing Arts Center on Thursday. SHIPYARD NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : RENERGI COMBUSTION IMPROVER >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process. Before using RENERGI After using RENERGI RENERGI will effectively lead to: > Reduced fuel consumption. > Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. > Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. > Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. > Easy and simple dosing system. WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail : info@westmark.nl ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 12 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : mail@workships.nl Website : www.workships.nl Nice picture made at the NUTEC trainings facility in Rotterdam – Europoort of the launch from the free fall lifeboat. Photo : Jacco van de Nieuwenhuyzen © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 13 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Yang Ming Launches New Service Yang Ming has announced launching a new TIX (Turkey – Israel Express Service) by rationalizing the current LEX service to link Egyptian, Turkish and Israeli ports. The new service starts w.e.f. May 17 with the m/v “YM Haiphong” sailing from Port Said. The port rotation is as follows: Port Said – Mersin – Izmir – Istanbul – Gemlik – Port Said – Ashdod – Haifa – Port Said. Nieuwe KW 145 Catharina in IJmuiden Door : Jack van der Valk – Velsen Zuid (c) Afgelopen zaterdagmiddag liep de nieuw gebouwde kotter Catharina voor ’t eerst de IJmuidense vissershaven binnen. IJmuiden is niet de thuishaven, want de KW 145 is ingeschreven in Katwijk en dat is dus officieel haar thuishaven. Donderdag 27 april kwam de KW 145 aan bij het Straal- en Schilderwerken Teerenstra B.V. in Den Helder. De nieuwe kotter is bij dat bedrijf gestraald en daar in de gewenste rederijkleuren van de Vof N. van der Plas & Zoon uit Katwijk gezet. Doordat de firma Teerenstra de kotter in een dichte loods behandeld en dus geen hinder heeft van het vochtige weer, kon de kotter afgelopen zaterdagmorgen de loods reeds verlaten en zette daarna gelijk koers naar IJmuiden. De KW 145 Catharina liep afgelopen zaterdagmiddag voor ’t eerst de haven IJmuiden binnen Foto: F. Aalderink (c) Hier zal de kotter verder worden uitgerust voor de boomkorvisserij. Doordat de kotter te veel diepgang heeft voor de haven van Urk en ondieptes in het IJssselmeer, worden de vislijnen, zware visserijuitrusting en stookolie en water pas nu aan boord gedaan. Dit is om de diepgang, tijdens de vaart naar Kornwerderzand zo min mogelijk te laten zijn. Van deze kotter, ontwikkeld door het Scheepsbouwkundigbureau Herman Jansen B.V. uit Monnickendam en Hoekman Shipbuilding B.V. uit Urk, werd de bouw van het casco uitbesteed aan een scheepswerf in het Poolse Gdansk. Na een moeilijk verlopen sleepreis arriveerde de toekomstige KW 145 op 5 januari dit jaar in Urk aan de afbouwkade van PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 14 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Hoekman Shipbuilding B.V. In grote lijnen lijkt de 41,20 meter lange en 9 meter brede kotter op de laatste nieuwbouw kotter Elisabeth Christina TX 19, die de Firma Hoekman eerder afleverde aan de familie Krijnen op Texel, maar is alleen drie spanten korter. Ook de indeling van accommodaties, nettenruim, enzovoort is ook anders. Door de ontwikkeling van de olieprijzen op de wereldmarkt, besloot reder N. van der Plas de hoofdmotor, een Wärtsilä 26 motor van 1471 pk (2000 pk), te laten inrichten voor het varen op zware olie. De nieuwe kotter is verder uitgerust met twee Mitsubishi hulpmotoren van 325 pk en één van 110 pk. Het is de bedoeling dat deze nieuwe kotter morgen haar technische proefvaart gaat maken. De officiële overdracht is gepland op aanstaande zaterdag. Na het weekend zal deze nieuwe kotter KW 145 naar de visgronden vertrekken en is een dan belangrijke aanwinst van de IJmuidense visafslag. Traffic of seagoing ships resumed The traffic of maritime vessels along the Danube was resumed on Saturday, after a three-week halt ordered on April 14. According to director of the Galati Lower Danube River Administration Mihai Ochialbescu, the decision was reached following the improvement of the hydrological conditions. In order to prevent potential problems, the navigation will be allowed exclusively by daytime and fast and high-speed hydrofoil watercraft is further banned from traffic. A speed restriction also continues to stay in force, with the vessels required to keep below the wave-producing speed and observe a distance of at least 5 miles from one another MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet commercial@multraship.nl http://www.multraship.nl PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 15 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 The OOCL NEW YORK seen enroute Amsterdam Photo : Joop Marechal © The HAVILA FAME seen in the IJmuiden Locks Photo : Willem Koper © The SANTA ISABELLA seen enroute Rotterdam Photo : Jan Labree © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 16 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS KLM en Boeing in onderhandeling over 777-300ER's De KLM en Boeing onderhandelen over de conversie van 777-200ER-orders naar 777-300ER’s. Op de Boeing-site wordt zelfs al gemeld dat KLM al drie firm orders voor drie van deze long-haul toestellen zou hebben geplaatst, maar dit blijkt op een misverstand te berusten, “Er zijn bij mijn weten nog geen definitieve contracten getekend”, aldus een woordvoerster. KLM heeft bij het plaatsen van de order voor 777-200ER's de optie bedongen om indien gewenst de order om te zetten in -300ER’s. Het valt te verwachten dat de orderconversie binnenkort officieel bekend wordt gemaakt. De lange -300ER (bijna 74 meter) heeft een maximum vliegbereik van 14.495 kilometer - tegen 14.316 kilometer voor de -200ER. Het grootste verschil tussen beide toestellen zit in de capaciteit. De 777-300ER kan met 378 stoelen aanzienlijk meer passagiers vervoeren dan de 777-200ER, die in KLM-uitvoering 327 stoelen heeft. In april meer passagiers en vracht Air France-KLM Air France-KLM meldt over april een toename van zowel het vracht- als passagiersvervoer in vergelijking met april vorig jaar. Het vrachtvervoer groeide met 1,1 procent, terwijl het passagiersvervoer met tien procent in de lift zat. De passagiersbezettingsgraad groeide met bijna vier procentpunten naar 83,1 procent. Het totaalaantal vervoerde passagiers bedroeg 6,2 miljoen (+7,3 procent). Het passagiersvervoer naar Azië was in april met 14,9 procent meer passagierskilometers de grote stijger. Maar ook op routes naar Noord-/Zuid-Amerika (9,9 procent), Afrika/Midden-Oosten (13,8 procent) en het Caribisch Gebied/Indische Oceaan (1 procent) groeide het passagiersvervoer. Op het Europese routenetwerk was sprake van een groei van 8,1 procent. De bezettingsgraad op de Europa-routes steeg met 3,8 procentpunten naar 73,4 procent. MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : sposinfo@meteo.nl PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 17 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today. …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. The VB ARTICO Photo : Willem Koper © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 18 10-05-2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 088 The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 19 10-05-2006
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