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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 Number 215 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Tuesday 19-08-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. HIGH DEEP HEAVY EURO DEMOLITION BV Lijndenweg 5, NL 1948 ND BEVERWIJK The AHTS NADIA ADIB – Photo : Capt. Jelle de Vries © IF YOU HAVE PICTURES OR OTHER SHIPPING RELATED INFORMATION FOR THE NEWS CLIPPINGS ?? PLEASE SEND THIS TO : Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 1 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 CONTENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Sail-spektakel in Den Helder met 76 Tall Ships Den Helder klaar voor zeilspektakel Coast Guard Responds to Freighter Aground Canada to launch search for missing explorer ships ITF CHALLENGES WAR RISKS DECISION Fire on car deck forces ferry back to port Lack Of People Crew rescued as trawler sinks LANE VICTORY departs Los Angeles NAVY NEWS US Coast Guard ship in Malta for SAR simulation exercise Visit to Cape Town of the Portuguese Navy tall ship “N.R.P. Sagres” Aussie sailors set sail for Gulf Belgisch fregat Leopold I op missie naar Libanon Admiral defends SA’s subforce SHIPYARD NEWS SKorea's STX takes control of Norway's Aker Yards STX Hits Sales Record ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kongsberg and Zhenjiang Form New JV Maersk Contractors names jackup at Jurong SUBSEA 7 ANNOUNCES $100M CONTRACT WITH STATOILHYDRO IN NORWAY Maersk Israel: New TEU 1800 feeder vessel to serve Port Said - Ashdod French shipping firm to enter public equity market S.S. Badger back in service Port operators and shippers’ wish list Tui closer to firmer price for container unit Crude Affair Ends China plans to reach 100 million TEU mark this year Singapore crosses one billion shipping tonnage mark early Lindblad Expeditions' Newest Expedition Vessel, The National Geographic Explorer, Sets Sail Eerste EVT-boot naar Terschelling 'Port Scaldis' beste plek voor grotere jachthaven Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 2 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Nijverheidsweg 21 3161 GJ RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail Sail-spektakel in Den Helder met 76 Tall Ships De driemasters komen naar Nederland... Vanuit Noorwegen naderen ze Den Helder, dit jaar de finishhaven van de fameuze Tall Ships’ Races. Woensdag 20 augustus barst Europa’s grootste Sail-evenement los aan de kaden van het Nieuwediep en de Marinehaven. Vier dagen lang zinderend & spetterend feest. De SEDOV arriveert in Den Helder - Photo : Willem Hoogendijk © Meer dan 75 Tall Ships uit Europa, Azië en Zuid-Amerika leggen van 20 t/m 23 augustus hun loopplanken uit in Den Helder. Onder hen 45 (!) dwarsgetuigde zeilschepen van de A- en B-klasse, de "Zwanen van de Oceaan". Operationeel directeur Evert van den Broek: "Nooit sinds de Gouden Eeuw verzamelde zich een grotere armada Tall Ships in Nederlands water. Ook de diversiteit is enorm. Van majestueuze 4-masters tot gaffelschoeners, barken, yawls, briks, brigantijnen en andere varende unica. Tegen de achtergrond van het Napoleontische Willemsoord en de Marinehaven een eenmalig tableau. We hebben meer dan 1500 meter kade nodig om zoveel prachtige schepen optimaal aan het publiek te presenteren! " Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 3 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 Race update, maandag 18/8, 06.00 GMT: De eerste schepen zijn gefinisht! De grote Tall Ships naderen de finishlijn circa 65 mijl ten noorden van Den Helder! Flink wat kleinere schepen zijn de finish al gepasseerd, en aantal (8) liep zondag Den Helder binnen. Door een wind shift naar ZZO konden de grote 'windjammers' hun voorsprong uit het begin van de Race niet vasthouden. Aan de wind zijn de moderne, sloepgetuigde jachten sneller. Op line hours ging zaterdagnacht het Russische jacht Akela als eerste over de meet. Zondagavond waren 15 schepen gefinisht, waaronder o.a. Thermopylae Clipper (UK), John Laing (UK), Esprit (D), Antwerp Flyer (B) en Lietuva (LT). Als eerste 3-master ging over de streep de Russische Mir (110m), van wie bekend is dat ze hoog aan de wind kan zeilen. Van de grote A- en B-klasse schepen leidt op handicap Christian Radich (73m), gevolgd door Statsraad Lehmkuhl (100m) en Sörlandet (65m). Een Noorse drieklapper! De Lehmkuhl liep maandagmiddag als eerste Tall Ship de Helderse haven binnen, ook de SEDOV arriveerde (zie boven). De Mexicaanse Cuauhtémoc (91m) en de Braziliaanse Cisne Branco ('Witte Zwaan', 79m) naderen Den Helder. Cuauhtémoc gaat spectaculair Den Helder binnenlopen, maar wanneer...? The Tall Ships' Races starten dit jaar in Liverpool en finishen via het Noorse Måløy en Bergen in Den Helder. Aan het evenement nemen vrijwel alle traditionele zeilopleidingsschepen in Europa deel. Maar ook uit andere werelddelen sluiten windjammers aan bij dit maritieme evenement. Meer dan 2000 trainees en bemanningsleden zorgen voor een unieke sfeer in de haven. Ruim 500 vrijwilligers uit het hele land leiden het evenement in goede banen. Rond de internationale Sailvloot is het 4 dagen feest aan de kaden en in binnenstad van Den Helder, met elke dag nieuwe hoogtepunten. Het evenement is voor iedereen die houdt van een gezellige dag. Het programma is hoogst gevarieerd. Niet alleen op nautisch gebied maar ook cultureel, sportief en qua entertainment is er van alles te beleven. U kunt bijvoorbeeld een rondvlucht maken boven de haven, een gratis bezoek brengen aan het Marinemuseum, genieten van de spectaculaire openingsact met de Franse theatergroep Transe Express en nog veel meer. Zie ook : Den Helder klaar voor zeilspektakel Den Helder is helemaal klaar voor de finish van The Tall Ships' Races en alle festiviteiten daaromheen. De marinestad staat van woensdag 20 tot en met zaterdag 23 augustus volledig in het teken van een van Europa's bekendste zeilevenementen. De organisatie verwacht tussen de 300.000 en 400.000 bezoekers. In totaal leggen 75 grote zeilschepen, waaronder 45 gedwarstuigde schepen uit de A- en B-klasse, aan de Helderse kades aan. Het is honderden jaren geleden dat zo veel driemasters in een Nederlandse plaats bij elkaar lagen. De totale lengte van de schepen bedraagt 2700 meter. Aan het bezoek van de zeilschepen heeft Den Helder een vierdaags evenement gekoppeld. Bezoekers kunnen er onder meer terecht voor diverse podiumoptredens, demonstraties en grote havenvuurwerken. Als afsluiting varen alle boten zaterdag 23 augustus de haven uit tijdens de Parade of Sail. Prins Maurits, de beschermheer van The Tall Ships' Races 2008, neemt deze parade af. Coast Guard Responds to Freighter Aground Coast Guard Sector Miami personnel are responding to a St. Vincent and Grenadines flagged cargo freighter aground at the entrance of Government Cut in Miami last week Wednesday. The 279 ft. cargo freighter, Atlantic Intrepid, was transiting Government Cut en route to Port of Miami, when it reportedly suffered a steering casualty and ran aground. There are no reports of any injuries or pollution at this time. Mariners transiting the area are requested to keep a sharp lookout and pass with a minimum wake. Source : MarineLink Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 4 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 Canada to launch search for missing explorer ships Canada said on Friday it will search for two fabled British explorer ships that disappeared in the Arctic more 160 years ago, fearing melting ice caused by global warming could entice others to find and plunder the underwater tombs. Environment Minister John Baird announced the Parks Canada-led search for British Arctic explorer Sir John Franklin's ships. The HMS Erebus and HMS Terror were last seen in the late-1840s. Franklin and 128 hand-picked officers and men vanished mysteriously on an expedition that began in 1845 to find the fabled Northwest Passage. Franklin's disappearance prompted one of history's largest rescue searches, from 1848 to 1859, which resulted in the discovery of the passage. The route runs from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Arctic archipelago. European explorers sought the passage as a shorter route to Asia, but found it rendered inhospitable by ice and weather. Robert Grenier, a senior underwater archaeologist with Parks Canada, will lead the search for Franklin's ships aboard the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Sir Wilfrid Laurier. “It's very exciting. It's like an Indiana Jones adventure. It's searching for a lost under water tomb,'' Baird said. The mission comes as Canada moves to assert sovereignty over the Northwest Passage, where melting ice has unlocked the very shipping John Torrington, who was 20 when he died, in an ice-filled coffin in 1984. The ships have never been located. Experts believe the ships came to grief in 1848 after they became locked in the ice near King William Island and that the crews abandoned them in a hopeless bid to reach safety. Grenier and his team will use sonar to cover the search area and send teams to nearby islands to look for clues. Inuit researcher Louie Kamoukak will aid the team in their search with accounts passed down from 19th-century ancestors who witnessed the lost Franklin crew's forlorn end. “For the first time in over 160 years, I feel that the witnesses of (the) Franklin tragedy events have a chance to really contribute to an important search party,'' he said. Author Dorothy Harley Eber gathered Inuit oral accounts in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, while researching an upcoming book on the Northwest Passage. Inuit lore tells of “white men who were starving'' as late as the winter of 1850 on the Royal Geographical Society Island, she said, meaning some of Franklin's crew may have survived longer than previously thought. Inuit elders believe greasy patches on the islands' shores mark the spots where the stranded crew used seal oil blubber for cooking and warmth, she said. The search for a passage to Asia frustrated explorers for centuries, beginning with John Cabot's voyage in 1497. Eventually it became clear that a passage did exist, but was too far north for practical use. Cabot died in 1498 while trying to find it and the shortcut eluded other famous explorers including Henry Hudson and Francis Drake. No sea crossing was successful until Roald Amundsen of Norway, who took three seasons to complete his trip from 1903-1906. Source : Times of India Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 5 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 ITF CHALLENGES WAR RISKS DECISION RESPONDING to the Joint Negotiating Group’s rejection of the proposal to declare Georgian coastal waters a warlike operations area, International Transport Workers' Federation General Secretary David Cockroft said: “It’s an understandable decision, given the declaration of a ceasefire and the hope we all feel that this conflict will end – but that doesn’t mean that it’s the right one. The situation in Georgia is dangerous and unstable. Unless it clearly and quickly improves we will have to challenge the decision’s validity.” Mr Cockroft also addressed the issue of different war risk areas applying to seafarers on different ITF collective agreements. He said: “This issue and the sheer number of conflict zones have thrown a spotlight on how we determine these areas. The current Lloyd's Risk war zone list for non-IBF agreement ships is out of date and rarely enforced, and we intend to initiate a dialogue with the wider shipping industry about the whole question of war risk which clearly should apply to all ships, whichever agreement they are covered by.” Source : Maritime Global Net Fire on car deck forces ferry back to port Hundreds of ferry travellers were stranded for hours Friday when a small moving truck on the car deck of the Coastal Inspiration caught fire shortly after the new ferry pulled out of Tsawwassen. The Nanaimo-bound passengers were herded into the lounge and cafeteria when the fire was spotted and the 12:45 p.m. sailing was cut short by a quick return to the mainland terminal. The blaze was contained without injuries and finally extinguished by Delta firefighters after riders were sent ashore by foot. All pets on the vehicle deck were retrieved safely. Shortly before 6 p.m., Transport Canada inspectors gave the all-clear and sailings resumed. The fire, the cause of which has yet to be determined, put a serious dent in travel plans on one of B.C. Ferries' busiest weekends of the summer. Seattle's Michelle Thoreson was with family and friends heading to Vancouver Island for a week of kayaking and was sleeping in her car when the fire broke out nearby. She said she awoke with the noise as the sprinklers flipped on immediately. "There was a lot of smoke," Thoreson said, adding that crew and passengers kept their cool as the fire forced them to flee the area. "People were very calm and very friendly," she said, but frustrated by the long wait to reboard. B.C. Ferries officials said the blaze caused about a one-sailing wait in the system. The fire came at the end of a bad week for the first of the company's new German-built ferries, coming into service this year on the main routes. The Coastal Renaissance, launched in April on the Horseshoe Bay-Nanaimo run, was pulled from service Wednesday to have a propeller seal fixed. It was drydocked days earlier for repair of a propeller seal Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 6 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 that was leaking oil into the water. All repairs are covered by a two-year warranty and will be paid for by the Flensburger yard in Germany. The Coastal Inspiration was launched on the Tsawwassen-Nanaimo route in June. A third ferry, the Coastal Celebration, is due into service this fall between Swartz Bay and Tsawwassen. The three new vessels cost a total of $542 million. BC Ferries' Coastal Inspiration is back in service after the fire on the main car deck forced the ship to turn back Friday afternoon. Lack Of People The scarcity of qualified personnel to man maritime position is alarming, said government and key players of the maritime industry in the Davao Region, The Philippines. But Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE XI) assistant regional director Ofelia Domingo during the Kapihan sa PIA held last Friday said there is also lack of competencies among the graduates even as she cited that the Philippines ranked 14 in the competency ranking of 15 countries in the Asia Pacific. "We are at the bottom and we need to double our efforts to upgrade the standard," she said. She said the demand for workforce in the maritime industry is high and this should be an opportunity that the country should grab. With the launching of "Handog sa Kabataan Career Caravan for the Maritime Sector" Domingo said there would be career and employment counseling for high school graduates of 2008, jobs fair for maritime occupations and direct counseling of graduates of Maritime School who are not employed or working in non-maritime occupations. Davao Merchant Marine Academy of Southern Philippines President Lorenzo Edwin Eusebio said there is a big shortage of ship officers with the entry of new ships in 2010 numbering about 5,650 which will increase in 2012 to 7,300. He said shipping companies continue to build new ships, but he said with the number of new vessel that is build in six months, this could not be matched with the making of an officer which entail four years and in the case a chief engineer which is about six years. The Davao Region has four maritime schools and all are accredited by the International Maritime Organizations. Dr. Eduardo Aquino, assistant chief of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED XI) said there is really a need to expose such courses even to those in the elementary levels because unlike in other courses that are oversubscribed, not many are taking these courses. He said it is a challenged for those in the academe to produce quality graduates that are readily employable on day one after graduation. Carlo Magno Dequito, crewing branch manager of Reyna Shipping Services said that their principals require stringent qualifications of workers. Although they are able to employ graduates but they are limited. "Because many could not met the criteria that is why many are left out," he said. Reyna Shipping, he said recruits workers to man 21 vessels with port of destinations to Japan and in other countries in North America. He said most of these workers are desk officers and are able bodied seamen. Captain Rogelio Edwin A. Curayag, desk surveyor of Reyna Shipping said 65 percent of their crew are from Mindanao and the rest are those hired from other countries and 35 percent of them are officers. He said not one of the officers are Filipinos also because of the problem of competencies and the educational background. Although their principals prefer Filipino seafarers because they could adjust easily and could speak the English language they lack the enthusiasm to learn management skills. "Marami sa kanila ayaw ng malaking responsibility considering that there is a small margin of their pay to the next higher position. They would rather go home to their family rather than enlist themselves in training for higher position," he said. Source : ShipTalk Crew rescued as trawler sinks FURLONGTHREE FISHERMEN were rescued from their trawler off the southeast coast early yesterday just moments before the vessel sank. The three men rescued from the fishing trawler Caoimh Uala by Rosslare lifeboat were the Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 7 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 skipper and owner of the vessel, Denis Whelan, from Castletownbere, and crew members Declan O'Shea, Portnagee, and Ryszard Rozenko, a Polish national living in Castletownbere. The fishing vessel was on passage from Howth to Castletownbere when the drama unfolded. The 23m long, 130-tonne vessel was southeast of Carnsore Point when the call was made to the emergency services. Rosslare Harbour lifeboat received a call at 5.20am that the trawler was taking on water rapidly. The lifeboat was launched at 5.20am, arriving on the scene at 5.40am. David Moloney of Rosslare Harbour lifeboat services said the three crew members were rescued off the fishing vessel at 5.49am. "The alarm was raised after crew members went to the engine room to carry out a check. The engine room was halffull of water. As a result the rescue services were alerted. Rosslare Harbour lifeboat, along with the Waterford rescue helicopter, arrived on the scene, while there were two merchant vessels also standing by. "The three men were taken from the vessel. Within seconds the vessel sank, much more rapidly than expected. The three crew members were taken to Rosslare Harbour." Local fishermen said the three rescued crewmen were very fortunate that the rescue services were on the scene so quickly. Although shaken by their experience, the trawler's rescued crewmen were uninjured. Source : The Irish Times LANE VICTORY DEPARTS LOS ANGELES The SS Lane Victory steams out of Los Angeles Harbor, California, on one of her six annual cruises. Photo : Robert Duckson © The LANE VICTORY is one of the VC2-AP2 Victory Ship type and was launched May 31, 1945 at the California Shipbuilding Corp., Los Angeles, California Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 8 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 SS Lane Victory began her first wartime journey on June 27, 1945, in the closing stages of World War II. She delivered munitions, loaded in Port Hueneme, California to Admiralty Island in the Pacific. She went on to serve with distinction in both the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. During the Korean War, Lane Victory's moment of glory came in December 1950, during the evacuation of Korean civilians and United Nations personnel from Wonsan. As the cruiser Saint Paul and destroyers laid down a covering fire, Lane Victory offloaded troops, vehicles and cargo. She then evacuated 7,010 men, women and children, taking them south to safety. When they arrived, 7,011 got off the ship....a baby had been born during the voyage. In September 1966, Lane Victory joined the Vietnam War effort. She was returned to the Ready Reserve Fleet in 1970. In 1982, the U.S. Merchant Marine Veterans of World War II commenced efforts to acquire her. Their objective was twofold: to have her serve as a living memorial to the men and women of the U.S. Merchant Marine and U.S. Navy Armed Guard; and to operate her as a working museum dedicated to the maritime trades. She was towed from San Francisco to San Pedro in June 1989. Lane Victory is now fully operational and is supported by 6 'Victory at Sea' WWII-Cruises each summer off Catalina Island. She has also been used as a set for many motion pictures and television productions. Address: Email: NAVY NEWS US Coast Guard ship in Malta for SAR simulation exercise US Ambassador Molly Bordonaro has declared the AFM’s Search and Rescue Training Centre (SAR-TC) as a Training Centre of Excellence, and army officers got more training from US Coast Guard personnel in a SAR simulation exercise on Thursday. The US Coast Guard Cutter Dallas – which visited Malta specifically for the SAR simulation and left for a port call to Libya yesterday – is mainly involved in the fight against drug trafficking in the Caribbean. The superb coordination and interoperability of Dallas crew members, graduates from the AFM’s SAR-TC, and personnel from the army’s Maritime Squadron and Air Wing, made for a great SAR simulation exercise at sea, and on the ship’s flight deck. The craft used in the exercise, apart from the Dallas, were the AFM patrol boat P-52, an Italian Military Mission AB 212 helicopter, the AFM’s Pilatus Britten Norman Islander, and an AFM Alouette helicopter. Dallas commander Captain Robert P. Wagner explained that sea conditions on that particular day were ideal for a SAR exercise since the aircraft could cover more ground. The AB 212 helicopter hovered low over the water as a man jumped into the sea for the first simulation exercise. A few minutes later, the helicopter returned to “rescue” the man from the sea. He was then winched down onto the P-52 and “rescued” by the Alouette helicopter. Dallas crewmembers then gave a demonstration of a “Crash on Deck” fire-fighting simulation on the flight deck. It was the second time that personnel from the AFM’s Maritime Squadron received such specialised fire-fighting training. Source : The Malta Independent Visit to Cape Town of the Portuguese Navy tall ship “N.R.P. Sagres” 13 – 21 August 2008 Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 9 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 Photo : Bob Johnston © The tall ship "N.R.P. Sagres", a sail training ship of the Portuguese Navy, is calling at Cape Town from 13 to 21 August 2008 on a Naval Academy sea training cruise. The “N.R.P. Sagres” sailed from Lisbon on 7 June and should return on 13 November 2008, after a trip where she will also take part in operation “Open Sea”, an initiative in the scope of the Portuguese technical and military cooperation with the Portuguese-speaking African countries. The ship is berthed at the V&A Waterfront (jetty 2) and is open to the public from 14 to 19 August. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 10 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 TOS Rotterdam (+31)10 – 436 62 93 E-Mail Aussie sailors set sail for Gulf THE Anzac frigate HMAS Parramatta has left Australia, bound for a six-month tour of duty in the Persian Gulf. Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon farewelled the ship and its crew of 185 at Fleet Base East in Sydney today. A large gathering of the crew's family and friends were present to see the frigate depart. Mr Fitzgibbon congratulated Parramatta captain Commander Jonathan Sadleir for his crew's rigorous training in preparation for the deployment. Parramatta will be stationed in the Persian Gulf until February 2009 as part of Operation Catalyst, Australia's ongoing commitment to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Iraq. The frigate will help protect Iraq's vital offshore assets, by conducting security checks of all vessels approaching oil platforms, as well as providing training for Iraqi Navy personnel. This will be Parramatta's second mission to the Gulf and the 19th rotation of Australian warships to the region since September 2001. HMAS Parramatta will replace HMAS Stuart, scheduled to return to Australia in late September. Source : The Australian Contact : Ad de Kock M: +31 .653.813178 Belgisch fregat Leopold I op missie naar Libanon Het nieuwe fregat F 930 "Leopold I" van de marinecomponent van het Belgische leger vertrekt woensdag op zijn eerste operationele missie. Het schip zal drie maanden deel uitmaken van de UNIFIL-vredesmacht in Libanon. De Leopold I zal voor de Libanese kust patrouilleren om wapensmokkel tegen te gaan, zo meldden militaire bronnen vandaag. Het Belgische fregat trekt twee jaar na het einde van het conflict tussen Israël en de sjiitische beweging Hezbollah naar Libanon. Het schip telt 158 bemanningsleden (alle componenten van het leger zijn vertegenwoordigd) en zal deel uitmaken van de "Maritime Task Force" (MTF) van de VN-Vredesmacht. In samenwerking met het Libanese leger moet het schip verhinderen dat wapenleveringen over zee de Hezbollah gesteund door Iran en Syrië - bereiken. Het fregat verlaat woensdag Zeebrugge om 10.00 uur. Na een tussenstop in het Cypriotische Limassol vat het op 1 september de missie aan. Die duurt tot begin december. Op 19 december wordt de Leopold I terug in Zeebrugge verwacht, meldde de kapitein van het schip, fregatkapitein Wim Robberecht. "Met negen andere schepen - van verschillende NAVO-lidstaten zoals Frankrijk, Griekenland, Spanje en Turkije - moeten we wapenleveringen Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 11 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 verhinderen", luidde het. De missie bestaat voornamelijk uit "monitoring" maar "fysieke controle" aan boord van verdachte schepen op vraag van de Libanese autoriteiten is eveneens mogelijk. Het schip zal bovendien aan oefeningen deelnemen gericht op het versterken van de competenties van de Libanese marine. Voor de eerste maal zal een Belgisch fregat ook een helikopter mee op missie hebben (Alouette III). Het schip dat tweedehands gekocht werd van Nederland heeft in tegenstelling tot de vorige fregatten van de marinecomponent wel een vliegdek. Op de ministerraad van 6 juni gaf de Belgische regering zijn fiat voor de missie, samen met de verlenging van het mandaat van de ongeveer 350 Belgische blauwhelmen in Zuid-Libanon. Source : belga/ka Admiral defends SA’s subforce The submarines acquired by the SA Navy are what the maritime arm of the SA National Defence Force asked for. Rear Admiral Bernard Teuteberg, chief director maritime strategy, said in an open letter to all Navy members and employees the force always acted responsibly in the utilisation of its capabilities, including submarine operations. “All are conducted in a professional and accountable manner.” He was responding to allegations of mismanagement and poor maintenance that have raised the ire of many opposition politicians, but to date have not been responded to by the ruling party. Teuteberg said the Navy’s type 209 German manufactured submarines were inspected by Germanischer Lloyd, an internationally recognised vessel classification system. “Our submarines were the first ever in the world to undergo this classification.” Regarding the technical integrity of the SAS Manthatisi, currently in drydock in Simon’s Town, he said it was there for routine maintenance and also formed part of the “core growth one force” concept. This sees two of the three submarines deployed with the third in harbour for maintenance and training. Training is also done using a containerised submarine simulator that connects to sensors of the reserve submarine. Teuteberg admits, as does his chief vice Admiral Refiloe Mudimu, the navy struggles to retain submariners. “Most submariners are technically qualified and when seen in the light of national, continental and international shortages of technical skills they are a much wanted commodity.” SHIPYARD NEWS ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 12 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 JUMBO’s latest newbuilding FAIRPLAYER seen at the Damen Galati Yard in Rumania Photo : JUMBO – Rumania © SKorea's STX takes control of Norway's Aker Yards South Korean shipbuilding group STX said Monday it had secured full management control of Norway's Aker Yards by raising its stake in Europe's biggest shipyard to 88.4 percent. STX said it had acquired an additional 48 percent for 660 billion won (632 million dollars), more than doubling its stake. "We have fully secured management control of Aker," a group spokesman told AFP, adding the transaction would be completed on August 29. "It will help STX make inroads into cruise line construction," he said. The spokesman said Aker would be renamed STX Europa at a shareholders' meeting in early September. "We will make Aker in Norway into a specialised offshore vessel manufacturing base while its yard in France will specialise in cruise ships and defence business." Aker Yards said earlier this month that the South Korean offer underrates its potential, but advised shareholders to accept against a background of weak results. The Norwegian group reported a temporary slowdown in cruise-liner construction and downgraded its profit margins for the full year. STX Hits Sales Record STX Group has had its biggest ever first-half sales thanks to strong performances by its two affiliates ( STX Shipbuilding and STX Pan Ocean. The group reaped 13.2 trillion won in sales for the first half of the year including contributions from its overseas operations. Operating profit during the January-June period was 990 billion won, it said Sunday Domestically, revenue was 9.1 trillion won over the period, while operating profit was 880 billion won ) an increase of 138 percent year-on-year. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 13 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 "The group's two key flagships ( shipbuilding and shipping) have lifted total sales," spokesman Lee Sung-hee said. The shipbuilding unit grabbed 1.33 trillion won in sales during the first half, while profit soared 29-fold to reach 77.4 billion won. STX Pan Ocean realized 4.22 trillion won in sales. STX Shipbuilding made a surprise move for Norwaybased Aker Yards in June fewer than 10 days after group chairman Kang Duk-soo said its existing holdings, worth $800 million, were enough. Kang then didn't rule out a hunt for further stock "sometime in the future." Simultaneously, the company has also been in talks with the French government regarding the sale of a stake in Aker Yards France, in which STX has no direct holding, according to sources. Oslo-listed Aker is critical of STX's valuation of the company and also hints at a frosty relationship with the South Korean group. But Europe’s largest shipbuilder urged shareholders to accept the bid as STX’s offer of $11.96 per share is currently adequate considering the financial climate. Despite some leveling-off of dry bulk rates in the last month, STX Pan Ocean, the nation's biggest dry bulk shipping company, is confident that there will be a resurgence in demand from China in the fourth quarter that will hold rates at their present high level through 2009. The group's shipping line expanded its fleet by 13 vessels (nine bulk carriers, two tankers and two containerships) during the first half of the year. The company is currently in the market for two additional bulk carriers that it wants delivered in 2010 and 2011, according to the spokesman. Source: Korea Times ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES REDWISE MARITME SERVICES B.V. Amersfoortseweg 12-E 3751 LK Bunschoten-Spakenburg The Netherlands Phone : +31 (0) 33 42 17 860 (24 hr) Fax : +31 (0) 33 42 17 879 - Kongsberg and Zhenjiang Form New JV Kongsberg Maritime has formed a new joint venture with the Chinese company Zhenjiang Marine Electrical Appliances. The new company, Kongsberg Maritime China Zhenjiang Ltd., is focused on the delivery of electrical control & distribution units to the marine industry.Zhenjiang Marine Electrical Appliances specializes in electrical equipment for commercial and naval ships, such as low-voltage switchboards, bridge consoles, multiform control cabinets, dry transformers and battery charger/UPS power devices. In addition, the company supplies navigation-aid apparatus such as navigation light/signal light controller, whistle controller, emergency telegraph and combined audio/light alarm systems. Zhenjiang Marine Electrical Appliances' product range will constitute a valuable addition to Kongsberg Maritime's existing portfolio, providing an entry into new areas of the Chinese market through the possibility of delivering more complete packages of integrated systems. The major shareholder and President of Zhenjiang Marine Electrical Appliances, Wu expects that joining forces with Kongsberg Maritime will provide increased possibilities world wide. Source : MarineLink Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 14 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 The MAERSK STEPNICA seen departing from Rotterdam – Europoort - Photo : Fred Vloo © Maersk Contractors names jackup at Jurong Just two days after naming MAERSK RESOLUTE at Singapore's Keppel FELS, Maersk Contractors has named a further newbuilding jackup drilling rig in Singapore, this time at Sembcorp Marine's Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd. Mrs. Beth Allen, accompanied by her husband, Mr. William S. Allen, Senior VP, A.P. Moller - Maersk, named the MAERSK CONVINCER. The second of two identical jack-up rigs acquired by the A. P. Moller Ð Maersk Group in July 2006, it is a Baker Marine Pacific Class 375 capable of operating in water depths up to 375 feet in most parts of the world including the harsh environment of the central and southern parts of the North Sea. "The delivery of the MAERSK CONVINCER will cement Maersk Contractors' position as a drilling contractor on the forefront of the market within high-performance drilling," says Claus V. Hemmingsen, CEO of Maersk Contractors "Our fleet's average rig-age of 9 years is amongst the lowest in the industry. " The first assignment for the MAERSK CONVINCER is a one-year drilling contract with an option to extend the contract by two times one year, with Brunei Shell Petroleum offshore Brunei. Source : MarineLog SUBSEA 7 ANNOUNCES $100M CONTRACT WITH STATOILHYDRO IN NORWAY Subsea 7 Inc, one of the world’s leading subsea engineering and construction companies, announced today that it has been awarded a US$ 100m contract from StatoilHydro for engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the Troll B Gas Injection project in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The Troll B Gas Injection project will be developed with two separate subsea satellite wells, located respectively 3.5 km and 6.5 km south of the Troll B platform. The wells will be connected to the Troll B platform by a single gas injection pipeline and a control umbilical. Subsea 7’s scope is to engineer, procure, fabricate and install a 6.5 km long 12” rigid pipeline, incorporating in-line and end structures for the connection to the satellite wells, in addition to the control umbilicals. Furthermore, Subsea 7 will install two off 200 tonne satellite structures utilising the heavy lift capabilities of one of its new vessels. Engineering and procurement activities will commence immediately and will be performed at Subsea 7’s offices in Stavanger, Norway. Fabrication of the pipeline will be carried out in early 2009 at Subsea 7’s new North Sea Spoolbase at Vigra on the north-west coast of Norway. Pipelay operations are due to take place in 2009 and will utilise one of Subsea 7’s specialised reeled pipelay vessels. The remainder of the offshore installation scope, which also Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 15 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 involves burial of the umbilical and pre-commissioning activities on the complete pipeline system, will be performed in 2010. Tor Espedal, Subsea 7’s Norway Vice President stated, “This contract builds on Subsea 7’s successful and longstanding partnership with StatoilHydro on the Vega and Troll developments, which continues to create sustainable value for both parties through integrated working and alignment of interests and expertise. We are pleased StatoilHydro has selected us to work with them on this latest development.” The contract is a call-off of an option under Subsea 7’s existing Troll O2 contract with StatoilHydro. The Troll field is located in the Norwegian Continental Shelf, approx. 70 km north-west of Bergen, in water depths between 300 and 340 m. The Panama flagged 1997 built bulk carrier Jupiter Applause sailing from Lyttelton,New Zealand 17.08.08. In the foreground can be seen the local inshore trawler Frontier. Jupiter Applause loaded 60000 tonnes of coal fo Japan while in Lyttelton. Photo : Alan Calvert © Maersk Israel: New TEU 1800 feeder vessel to serve Port Said - Ashdod The new ship will overcome capacity shortage due to recent changes in East West sailing schedule of several competing shipping companies Maersk Israel announced last week that a new and larger feeder vessel will soon replace the present TEU 1200 capacity feeder vessel M/V Sirius serving the Port Said – Ashdod route. In a press release issued by the company it was noted that the new ship will overcome capacity shortage due to recent changes in East West sailing schedule of several competing shipping companies. The company also noted that the new vessel will increase capacity to Ashdod by 50% on average. Source: Port2Port Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 16 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 French shipping firm to enter public equity market There are major moves happening in the shipping industry in the recent past with France’s CMA CGM, the world’s third largest container shipping line, is set to make its entry in public equity market. As part of this, it has decided to merge its Global Ship Lease arm with a listed shell company, which will value the resulting company at about $1 billion. The shares’ performance will provide a rare sign of market sentiment towards container carriers, as few are listed. The sector – whose most important sources of traffic are exports of consumer goods from Asia to other Asian countries, Europe and North America – faces falling demand and rising costs. GSL is to merge with Marathon Acquisition Corp, a shell company that listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006 after raising $309m from investors. It has since been looking for suitable maritime assets to buy. CMA CGM will hold 23 per cent of the resulting company, which will be named Global Ship Lease. Under the deal, GSL would repay CMA CGM $170m of loans that it had made to it. The merged company will also take over loans associated with the GSL fleet. The transaction will help CMA CGM, which operates 300 ships, to pay for its ambitious fleet expansion programme. CMA CGM has agreed to charter vessels owned by the merged company for between five and 15 years. GSL will become the third leading listed owner of container ships, after Vancouver-based Seaspan and Athens-based Danaos Corporation. The merged company has said it plans to charter vessels to other container lines as well as CMA CGM. Source: Commodity Online S.S. Badger back in service S.S. Badger is back in service on its twice-daily Lake Michigan service between Manitowoc, Wisconsin and Ludington, Michigan. The much loved veteran coal-fired, steam engine powered passenger and vehicle ferry was pulled from service after experiencing a stern bearing failure on August 9. The vessel went to Bay Shipbuilding, Sturgeon Bay, Wisc., under quite literally its own steam. With no dry dock being available, "Lake Michigan Carferry found a team of six specialist divers from California to put the bearing back in place, rebolting it with new eight-inch bolts made at the shipyard," according to the Luddington Daily News. The ship returned to Manitowoc Thursday and recommenced service Friday, August 15. Source : MarineLog Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 17 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 ITC’s BLUSTER departed Friday evening from Morgan City - Louisiana with the barge "MWB-403" loaded with a jacket for the 'Toucan' platform. (142 meter long x 59 meter height @ 4500 ton). The destination of the transport is an offhsore field East of Trinidad, the installation of the jacket will be done by Heerema’s THIALF. Photo : Capt Leen van Dijk – Master BLUSTER © Port operators and shippers’ wish list OIL and gas (O&G) support services companies that own and operate offshore supports vessels (OSVs) hope that the Government will consider more fiscal incentives for the industry in the upcoming Budget 2009. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 18 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 The initiatives that the industry wants include tax exemption for income derived from OSVs as well as tax exemption for crew income. Currently, some sophisticated OSVs used in the O&G industry such as platform supply vessels, anchor-handling tug supply vessels, work barges and fast crew boats are put in the same category with smaller and less sophisticated vessels such as tugs and barges, crew boats and supply boats. Omar Khalid Tanjung Offshore Bhd managing director Omar Khalid hoped the Government would introduce the tax exemptions to reduce the industry’s burden. “I hope the budget for next year will give OSVs the long overdue recognition they deserve. “We have been seeking corporate tax exemptions for the operations of these OSVs in terms of revenue derived and tax incentives for vessels constructed locally for some time. “But we have yet to see the outcome of our request,” he said, adding that the capital commitment in the OSV business was very heavy. Khalid said OSVs for the O&G industry should be granted more tax incentives to encourage local service providers to participate further in the industry. “Otherwise, they will always be reliant on foreign support companies that supply drilling rigs, OSVs or other engineering equipment which will be very expensive in the long run,” he added. On the current incentives that the industry has been enjoying, Omar said industry players were given initial and annual tax allowance for newly constructed offshore vessels but this was only for a short period. In addition, Omar said the Government should undertake various “pump priming” efforts for economic sustainability in view of the economic slowdown and implement projects in the most effective and efficient manner. “This is the time to be accountable and responsible for expenses and costs incurred due to the difficult economic environment,” he said. Omar added that various provisions in the existing Shipping Ordinance were obsolete and did not take into consideration the technological advances made within the fast evolving O&G industry. Azmi Ahmad “There are various types of new marine assets that were none existent 20 years ago. These assets such as production platforms, large barges and new types of vessels are not easily categorised in the definitions of the existing shipping ordinance,” he said. Alam Maritim Resources Bhd managing director Azmi Ahmad also echoed the request for more tax incentives for the OSV business in the upcoming budget but was in doubt as to whether there would be any goodies for the industry. “For the OSV business, one would expect more incentives such as tax breaks to be given to the companies as purchasing vessels involves heavy capital investment. “Tax breaks would enable offshore companies to plough back their profits into buying more vessels to support local O&G activities,” he said. Azmi added that the deficit in the country’s current account would never be addressed if foreign vessels were still dominating local vessel requirements. “About 55% to 60% of OSV demand in Malaysia is being filled up by foreign companies,” he said. Azmi said the current incentives given by the Government to the industry was still insufficient. “For example, the cabotage policy is not an incentive but it helps to protect local vessel owners whereby preference is given to Malaysian-flagged vessels to work in Malaysian waters. “But the Government has to also allow foreign vessels to work in Malaysia to a certain extend due to shortage of vessels,” he said. He added that incentives such as the shipping fund were only enjoyed by some and due to the unattractiveness of its pricing and strict terms, many were not able to gain from it. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 19 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 “Seafarers working on offshore vessels should also enjoy tax free status. A containership berthed at Port of Tanjung Pelepas. The operator hopes the budget will create a more conducive environment for local ports to grow effectively “Tax free vessel spares should cover all types and not only selected items,” he said. On the port industry, Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) hopes for a more conducive environment to support the growth of the industry. “Ports play a strategic role that is extremely crucial to the nation’s economic well-being. They are economic drivers and have an important role in facilitating Malaysia’s trade with the global market. “In this current period where global fuel price is expensive and forecast to increase even further, competition is getting stiffer for Malaysian ports due to escalating operational costs. “Therefore, we hope the budget will create a more conducive environment for ports to grow effectively,” said a company spokesman. He said PTP looked forward to new fiscal policies that can help Malaysian ports reduce their operating costs and sustain themselves in the long term. “The Government could allocate special funds in the form of grants or soft loans for the future development of local ports,” he said. On current incentives, the spokesman said Malaysian ports benefited from grants for capital dredging. The Government also provided common user infrastructure (road and rail) connecting to the ports, he added. Source : The Star Tui closer to firmer price for container unit Germany’s Tui has strengthened its chances of achieving a good price for Hapag-Lloyd after the container shipping business announced the average price it received for shipping a container was 30 per cent up in the first half over last year. The strong performance helped the container shipping division report underlying first-half pre-tax profits – adjusted for the effects of disposals, costs of purchases and other one-off transactions – of €133m ($196.7m) against a €31m loss last year, on turnover up marginally to €2.96bn, from €2.9bn in the first half last year. Hapag-Lloyd’s profits helped to offset pre-tax losses for the group, which also operates substantial tourism operations, that deepened to €682m for the first half, against last year’s loss of €338m, on turnover of €8.38bn, up 31 per cent. Under pressure from shareholders, Michael Frenzel, chief executive, earlier this year launched a strategic review of Hapag-Lloyd’s future in Tui. According to people involved, Tui is holding talks with two potential buyers – Singapore’s Neptune Orient Lines and a group of Hamburg-based businessmen. Mr Frenzel had been the leading champion of Tui’s “two pillar” strategy of investing in both tourism and shipping. Container lines, which depend heavily on moving consumer goods from Asian manufacturing centres to consumers in Asia, North America and Europe, had been expected to suffer during the economic slowdown. NOL last week announced second-quarter profits shar¬ply down on last year’s. The holding-up of Hapag-Lloyd’s prices in such a difficult environment is likely to underline the argument Tui has made to potential purchasers that the business is unusually strong and resilient to economic shocks. The higher rates were struck by Hapag-Lloyd while container traffic saw a relatively modest increase, with traffic on some key routes declining. Hapag-Lloyd carried 1.43m 20-ft equivalent units (teu) of containers in the first half, 3.7 per cent up from 1.38m in the first half of 2007. In most years recently, container volumes for many shipping companies have shown double-digit percentage point increases. The main tourism operation – London-listed Tui Travel, of which Tui owns 51 per cent – reported underlying losses, adjusted for the same factors as the shipping business’s figures, of €169m for the first half on €213m last year. Turnover rose to €8.05bn from €6.06bn last time. The increase resulted largely from last year’s merger between the business and the UK’s First Choice. Source: Financial Times Crude Affair Ends The 14 Filipino seafarers who were accused of stealing crude oil in Nigeria returned to Manila on Friday (15 Aug). A joint Nigerian military taskforce had arrested the seafarers on July 11 aboard MT Lina, a ship flying under a Panamanian flag of convenience that was found to be carrying barrels of crude oil allegedly stolen at Brass, in southern Nigeria. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 20 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 The Filipinos were detained there and were even presented to media in Nigeria. BBC News Network had quoted Rey Chavez, the ship captain, as saying that they “didn’t know about the stolen crude, and [that] they were the victims of piracy; and had been locked up in the bridge of the ship by youth who boarded the boat.” Foreign Affairs spokesman Claro Cristobal said the seamen were reportedly unable to account for the origin of the crude oil onboard their vessel. An independent newspaper called The Nation also showed a picture of the Filipino seafarers and quoted Chavez as saying they were on their way to Angola from Cotonou, the capital of Benin, when they were attacked. Besides Chavez, the other Filipino crew are Chief Mate Nelson Corpin, Antonio Longino, Jun Garcenila, Judel Garcenila, Eugenio Mediano, Jose Palmero, Tirzo Olaivar, Jerome Competente, Joselito Gabion, Rito Bajoyo, Rexy Aldovino, Louie Gillesania and Mark Dimaano. They arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila aboard Philippine Airlines Flight 301. Executive Director Crescente Relacion of the Foreign Affairs’ Migrant Workers Affairs welcomed the Filipinos. It remains unclear, however, if the seafarers were able to prove that they were innocent of the charges raised against them. BBC News reported that the Filipino crew would be handed over to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission when the military’s investigations are complete. Nigeria is one of the world’s top oil producers whose internal troubles impact on the global prices of oil. Source : ShipTalk ITC’s BLIZZARD seen stand-by in het NW Hutton field Photo : Capt. Jan Berghuis © Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 21 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 China plans to reach 100 million TEU mark this year China will reach the magic 100 million TEU mark this year. (For the record a TEU is a Twenty foot Equivalent Unit or a sort of standard container. One 40 ft. Container (FEU) is equal to two TEU’s.) It recorded 72 million TEUs in the first eight months of this year. Last year it was 93 million TEUs. Wang Qingyun, director general of the Communications and Transport Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said, ‘There is no doubt that the total China container throughput will exceed the 100 million TEU mark this year.’ He said ‘China container cargo is still in the fast lane due to strong demand’. Leading port in rate of growth, not overall size, was Guangzhou, which in the first eight months had a throughput of 5.97 million TEUs, up 42.2%. Ningbo came second in container cargo growth. It handled 6.11 million TEUs in the first eight months, up 36.2%. Shanghai came in third in growth rate with throughput at 17.09 million TEUs, up 22.4%. This year it expects it will reach 25 million TEUs this year. The port has already overtaken Hong Kong in size. In the first eight months China’s 23% growth rate was much lower than in previous years. General cargo throughput was up 15.7% in the eight-month period compared with 18.5%. Wang Qingyun said, ‘We’re no longer looking for highspeed growth, instead we are going after moderate growth that is sustainable and ecologically healthy.’ Source: The NORMANDIE seen arriving in Portsmouth - Photo : Rienier Jansen © Singapore crosses one billion shipping tonnage mark early THE Singapore maritime industry has crossed the one billion gross tonne shipping tonnage mark way ahead than usual compared with previous years. The mark was achieved four months ahead compared to four years ago when the shipping tonnage surpassed the billionth figure in December in 2004, the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore said. In a statement, MPA said the vessel which had the honour of crossing the one billionth mark was APL Australia, a container ship of 50,243 gross tonnes (GT) which arrived at the port last Thursday. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 22 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 MPA Group director (hub port) Capt M. Segar said over the past few years, vessel arrivals in terms of shipping tonnage had registered double-digit increase. “This new high in terms of timescale for the one billion breakthrough signals that 2008 may very well be another record breaking year for the Singapore port,” he said. All these achievements were possible because of the efforts put in the port and maritime community in ensuring that Singapore port continued to add value and provide quality services to the global shipping community, he added. In 2004, the billionth shipping tonnage record was achieved in the month of December. Subsequently, the billionth mark for 2005, 2006, and 2007 was achieved in November, October and September respectively. Vessel arrivals in terms of shipping tonnage have been increasing over the past few years: 1.042 billion GT in 2004, 1.152 billion GT in 2005, 1.315 billion GT in 2006, and 1.459 billion GT in 2007. Source : Bernama The SMIT MERSEY seen getting ready to assist the arriving GJERTRUD MAERSK in Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Fred Vloo © Lindblad Expeditions' Newest Expedition Vessel, The National Geographic Explorer, Sets Sail State of the Art Expedition Vessel Travels Through Arctic Waters With Its First Guests Lindblad Expeditions , the NY-based expedition travel pioneer that works in partnership with the National Geographic Society to inspire people to explore and care about the planet, recently launched the seventh ship in its fleet -- the National Geographic Explorer. This ice-class polar expedition vessel, which holds 148 guests in 81 outside facing cabins, is the best-equipped expedition ship in the world. With state of the art tools and technology for the ultimate experience in exploring life above and below the sea, the National Geographic Explorer is currently carrying its first group of guests on a 14-day voyage from Iceland to Greenland. While onboard, Lindblad guests will have the opportunity to experience a myriad of exceptional accoutrements which make the National Geographic Explorer an unparalleled base for exploring the seas. Some of these features, which create Lindblad's hallmark intimate and educational environment include: -- A Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) that can explore the ocean at depths to 1000ft.; -- A Reinforced Ice Belt ensuring the ability to go further with the greatest safety in polar regions; Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 23 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 -- The Observation Lounge, a glassed enclosed venue with exceptional views, providing panoramic vistas of scenic destinations; -- A Chart Room with nautical maps and other navigational information; -- A Remote Controlled Crow's Nest Camera with real-time footage broadcast on high definition LCD video screens within each cabin; -- An Electronic Chart System that broadcasts as a channel in the cabins; -- 14 Zodiacs with an internal boarding mechanism that allows guests to disembark quickly and seamlessly from the ship; -- 36 Kayaks that allows guests to kayak in remote and pristine environments -- a unique ability of Lindblad in the Arctic and Antarctica. "The National Geographic Explorer is a magnificent ship. With the tools and technology housed onboard, she is the ultimate 21st century expedition vessel. She is also a beautiful ship that has been built with careful attention to detail and comfort," said Sven Lindblad, founder and president of Lindblad Expeditions. "I am certain that our guests are going to enjoying exploring remote and pristine places of beauty while traveling on the National Geographic Explorer and I am excited by this newest chapter in our company's development." This full complement of expedition enhancing shipbased amenities reinforces Lindblad Expeditions' commitment to continually set the industry standard for active exploration and engaged learning through expedition travel. Since its inception in 1979, Lindblad Expeditions has always focused on finding creative ways to explore the places already "discovered." The National Geographic Explorer will allow the company to bring more guests to explore these places with a view toward 21st century exploration -under the guidance of exceptional staff and with a view towards long term conservation. Lindblad guests have raised more than $5 million as part of the company's renowned travel philanthropy programs. Details about the National Geographic Explorer as well as upcoming itineraries can be found at 'Port Scaldis' beste plek voor grotere jachthaven De locatie oostelijk van Port Scaldis in Breskens is op basis van gezond verstand de enige realistische optie voor de uitbreiding van de jachthaven met vijfhonderd ligplaatsen. De investeringskosten voor de drie andere opties (handelshaven, veerhaven en het Eerste Strange) zijn te hoog voor een rendabele exploitatie. Ook de stroming van het water is op die plekken te sterk. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 24 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 Dat zijn de belangrijkste conclusies van het rapport 'Locatiekeuze Uitbreiding Jachthaven Breskens' van Jachthaven Breskens bv, de initiatiefnemer van de uitbreiding. Jachthaven Breskens bv kiest voor uitbreiding, omdat de behoefte aan ligplaatsen stijgt en de huidige jachthaven volledig bezet is. De vier beoogde locaties zijn getoetst op het rendabel exploiteren van een jachthaven, passend in de natuurlijke omgeving. De handelshaven, veerhaven en het gebied tussen de veerhaven en de handelshaven (het Eerste Strange) vallen wat Jachthaven Breskens bv betreft af. Het aantal te creëren ligplaatsen in de handelshaven is te beperkt en de kosten voor het geschikt maken van de veerhaven zijn te hoog. Om hoge golven bij storm tegen te houden, moet de westelijke havendam in diep vaarwater met honderd meter worden verlengd. Tevens belemmert het fiets-voetveer de inrichting van de jachthaven. Het Eerste Strange ligt te ongunstig ten opzichte van de windrichting. Daarnaast speelt dit strand een rol in de kustversterking. Alleen het gebied ten oosten van Port Scaldis voldoet. Het gebied ligt in de luwte van de (storm)windrichting en de exploitatiekosten voor deze haven te overzien. Aantasting van natuurwaarden wordt elders gecompenseerd. Bron : BN/De Stem Eerste EVT-boot naar Terschelling Terschelling heeft een tweede veerdienst. In de haven van Harlingen is vanmorgen de eerste boot uitgevaren van EVT, Eigen Veerdienst Terschelling. Het initiatief is van ondernemers die de veerdienst van Doeksen te duur vinden. De boot moet drie maal per dag gaan varen. De eerste twee weken zet de EVT mensen gratis over. De boot die nu wordt gebruikt is de Stortemelk. Later wordt dat de reserveboot, als er wordt gevaren met de Willem Barentsz, een catamaran die binnen een uur het wad overvaart en 250 mensen kan vervoeren. Texelaren hebben ook een eigen dienst. Ze zijn eigenaar van rederij TESO. Source : NOS Photo : Luut Bolt © Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 25 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 MOVEMENTS SVITZER OCEAN TOWAGE Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11 2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96 The Netherlands E-mail: The 310 meters long floating dock of Le Havre has been sold to Grand Bahama Shipyard Ltd. of Freeport early this year. After few repairs on site of Le Havre and a preparation for a sea towage to Freeport, she left Le Havre 5 August with the assistance of four tugs of SNRH, KOTUG's French subsidiary. Many spectators came along the quay side and along the coast to enjoy a nice spectacle or to claim the end of French ship's repair industry in Le Havre. The ocean going tug DE DA, secured her towing line outside the port with the assistance of the SD Loire, RT Pioneer, SD Seine and RT Stéphanie. Source : KOTUG …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. Van Oord’s TSHD Rotterdam & TSHD HAM 318 operating in Dubai. Photo : Bridge Crew of TSHD Rotterdam © Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 26 8/19/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 215 The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Distribution : daily 4675 copies worldwide Page 27 8/19/2008
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