- Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime

Transcription - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
Number 058 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 29-02-2008
News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.
wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings,
lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc.
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The JUNIOR seen at Brest to disembark 3, 2 tonnes of cocaïne.
The ship was intercepted by the French Navy 7 February on the coast of Guinée.
Photo : Jacques Carney ©
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North Korea releases seized Russian ship
A Russian cargo ship seized in the Sea of Japan over the weekend has been released and is on its way to Russia's
Pacific port of Vladivostok, Russian news agencies reported on Wednesday.
"We have constant communications with the ship, all 25 crew members are alive and well, and the ship will return to
its home port late today," Vladivostok rescue centre duty officer Captain Vladimir Yeroshkin was quoted as saying by a
Russian news agency.
The Lidia Demech cargo ship was heading from the Japanese port of Hamata to Vladivostok with a load of cars when
was boarded by North Korean coast guard vessels near the Cape of Musudan on Saturday and escorted to port.
According to Russian maritime rescue service, the Lidia Demech was boarded between three and five nautical miles
from the North Korean coast, well within the 12 nautical miles most countries claim as territorial waters.
A source in Russia's Pacific fleet told the news agency over the weekend that the ship probably strayed too close to a
North Korean missile-testing site. Source : timesofindia
The CAP AGULHAS seen in Rotterdam – Photo : John van der Linden ©
Search resumes for crew of missing ship
Three days after Turkey’s Marine Rescue Co-ordination Centre called off search for the Indian crew of cargo vessel M
V Rezzak that went missing in Black Sea on February 18, the Turkish coast guards have once again resumed their
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search and rescue operations, pressing boats and helicopters into action, according to new information from the
Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai.
The Indian authorities convinced the Turkish authorities for a fresh search operation, as no wreckage or other floating
parts belonging to the ill-fated ship was found except an empty life raft and a number of buoys, the Directorate
General of Shipping said.
It said the Indian Embassy in Ankara sent a diplomatic note to Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and they are now
constantly in touch with the Turkish Coast Guard. Panama, the flag state (where the ship is registered), has been
requested to convey the schedule and venue of the investigation to the Directorate General of Shipping’s office to
“expedite the nomination of their technical officer to attend the investigation”, it said.
As is the protocol, a report on the technical fitness of the ship and matters relating to crew manning has been
requested from the managers of the vessel immediately after the ship was reported missing.
The ship was manned by Mumbai-based agency Pelican Marine. According to its director Santosh Biswas, 25 Indian
sailors were on board the ship when it went missing. The International Maritime Bureau, Kuala Lumpur already has
ruled out the possibility of marine piracy.
The families of the missing sailors, meanwhile, continued to visit the office of Pelican Marine for any update, but
returned without any new information. Source : expressindia
The ELECTRA seen enroute Rotterdam – Photo : Jan Verhoog ©
Ships under survey
MANY ships operating in PNG coastal waters have some safety concerns for both freight and passenger travel.
Shipping companies were not maintaining their ships regularly and are failing to comply with maritime safety
Information obtained by the Post-Courier allege that some ships are used for human smuggling. These revelations
follow the report in this newspaper on the grounding of ships owned by Lutheran Shipping over safety issues.
The National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) confirmed it had ordered the grounding of four of Luship’s vessels.
NMSA also confirmed that two other shipping companies were under scrutiny and that surveys and checks would be
carried out on them for possible breaches of maritime safety regulations.
According to information provided by NMSA, two other shipping companies were operating vessels that breached these
safety laws.
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The ships, NMSA said, failed to follow standard shipping regulations, were not seaworthy and did not have proper
berthing facilities in the ports they served.
The reports revealed that the two companies (named) were to be investigated, however, concerns were that these
investigations may be made difficult because some members of NMSA were also heavily involved in the shipping
industry. Lutheran Shipping’s financial woes, according to sources, go back several years to when a decision was made
to lease two of its larger ships to two other shipping companies.
The sources said an agreement made then was for Lutheran Shipping to service the northern part of the country, while
the other party was to serve the southern. However, this understanding has lapsed, thus Luship’s revenue base was
being eroded, the sources said. Meanwhile, Lutheran Shipping yesterday brushed aside the reports that its ships had
been grounded.
Lutheran Shipping is operating and continues its community service obligations, it said. Executive manager Joe Inara
said in a statement that its ships were continuing their operations in the Mamose region and to West New Britain’s
west coast. The statement said MV Rita was enroute to Madang from Wewak, MV Umboi departed Wasu yesterday
enroute Finschhafen, Lae then Lablab, MV Talimbun in port in Madang; MV Mamose Express in port at Lae
awaiting survey then to depart tomorrow for Finschhafen and Lablab, MV Maneba on slipway for annual survey, MV
Kuder on charter to Steamships Shipping and not Consort as reported, MV Gejamsao in Madang docked for six
months awaiting new propellers due to log strikes outside the logging camp near Tamigidu and MV Wewak at
Madang waiting docking and International Maritime Organisation and National Maritime Safety Authority survey.
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Bizarre Coincidence
Other than the fact of their vanishing mysteriously at sea, there are a number of similarities between the tug Jupiter6 and the ship MV Rezzak. Both were manned by Pelican Marine. Both crews had a majority of Indians in them,
some from Kerala and Lakshadweep.
The Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIB), the advanced system in ships that sends a signal if the
ship sinks, didn’t work in both cases. And finally, the company’s indifferent attitude to the families of missing crew
members. MV Rezzak, the cargo vessel which disappeared in the Black Sea off the Turkey coast last Sunday, had a
Keralite as chief engineer - Mahendra Gopalakrishna Menon who belongs to Mananthawady in Wayanad district.
There were 10 sailors from Lakshadweep on the missing vessel. Jupiter-6 disappeared on September 5, 2005, 200
miles off Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Jose Mathew, a native of Alappuzha, was the electrical officer on Jupiter-6.
There were four Lakshadweep natives also on that ship.
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The company, Pelican Marine, claimed it received an EPIRB signal from Jupiter-6 on October 8 that year.
The relatives of the missing crew members anchor their suspicion on this point. If it actually sank on October 8, where
was it for 32 days? they ask. In a public interest litigation filed in the Supreme Court on November 12, 2006, Sabeeha
Faikage, wife of a missing sailor from Lakshadweep, prayed the court to issue directives to the Central Government to
conduct an inquiry into the mysterious disappearance of Jupiter-6.
“Our company alerted the relatives of the crew of MV Rezzak, within hours after we received the information that it
was missing. We are expecting a reply from the International Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre on Monday,” said
Biswas Santhosh, director, Pelican Marine.
He denied all allegations leveled against the company and said both the incidents were unfortunate accidents.
When asked about the denial of compensation to the relatives of the Jupiter- 6 crew Biswas said, “We insured the
vessel with a London based insurance company. Since there is a PIL in the SC, we can’t release the compensation till
its disposal. The company will award the compensation as soon as the case is settled.” Source : ShipTalk
A FLOATING university in a luxury
cruise liner docks in Cape Town.
The Scholar Ship, carrying 200 students from 35 countries, will sponsor five South African university students with a
R15 million bursary to join the other students on their 16-week international academic programme.
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Photo : Ian Shiffman ©
The ship will spend six days at Cape Town before departing for the Cape Verde islands on Monday. During this time
students will participate in academic field study, community service, shore excursions and independent travel as part
of a “port programme” that complements their studies onboard.
The cruising campus offers courses at both post- and undergraduate level, including international business, global
cultures and social change.
Its maiden voyage began in September last year in Greece, and ended in Hong Kong in December. The ship is now on
its second semester voyage, with the stop in the Mother City being the first in this run. The students who are already
aboard departed from Hong Kong on December 23 last year, and will continue their voyage across four continents with
the local students.
After Cape Verde, they dock in Barcelona, Spain; Istanbul, Turkey; and Lisbon, Portugal before disembarking in
Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Adrian Strydom, director of academic programmes at the University of Cape Town,
said the university would present a two-day HIV/Aids research workshop for the visiting students and their lecturers, in
partnership with the Scholar Ship.
He said the main objective of the programme was the exchange of research into global socio-economic issues,
including HIV/Aids. “One of the key discussions will be the comparison between how HIV/Aids has been approached
in India and South Africa. Postgraduate students pursuing Masters and PhD degrees have been invited to participate in
the workshop,” Strydom said.
Ashley Deiser, spokesperson for the Scholar Ship, said the selection criteria to get on the ship was based on academic
merit. Marcus Brewster Publicity, which facilitated the Scholar Ship visit, said the concept was a first for South
African tertiary education. The 16-week programme is meant to enhance students’ intercultural competence and
leadership qualities. Source :
Chopper makes emergency landing in
Brazil, 1 killed
A helicopter carrying Brazilian oil workers made an emergency landing in the ocean shortly after leaving an offshore oil
rig on Tuesday, killing one person and leaving four others missing, according to Brazil's state-controlled oil company,
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The helicopter, carrying 17 passengers and 3 crew members, was less than 100 kilometres (62 miles) from the coastal
city of Macae in Rio de Janeiro state when it was forced to land at sea for unknown reasons, Petrobras said in a
BHS Brazilian Helicopter Services, a subsidiary of Canada-based CHC Helicopter Corporation, was operating the
chopper for Petrobras, BHS spokeswoman Celia Moreno confirmed. BHS has served Brazil's oil industry for a decade,
according to its web site.
More than a dozen ships and three helicopters searched on Tuesday night for the four missing people.
DYT Completes First Voyage to Dubai
Dockwise Yacht Transport (DYT) recently delivered a shipment of pleasure yachts to Jebel Ali, Dubai on February 19,
in time for the Dubai International Boat Show, which begins March 11th. The operation took place aboard the Lady
Gloria, a ship supplied by BBC Chartering and Logistics, which partnered with DYT last October to expand global
shipping options for DYT customers and will now regularly service Dubai and other previously hard-to-reach
The same loading masters who manage DYT's float-on/float-off service for its fleet of four semi-submersible ships
managed the lift-on/lift-off service aboard the Lady Gloria, one of 140 BBC vessels in operation worldwide. On its
voyage from Port Everglades to Dubai via Genoa, Lady Gloria loaded an impressive set of yachts, including a new,
105-ft. Mangusta and a 30-ft. limousine tender from Royal Denship.
DYT President Clemens van der Werf said, "Dubai will be a regular stop for DYT, which now also services new ports of
call in Southampton, UK; Aarhus, Denmark; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Houston, Texas, in an effort to expand cruising
options to these exciting international playgrounds." Source : Dockwise Yacht Transport
Koopvaardij leeft veiligheidsregels iets
beter na
De Nederlandse koopvaardij leeft de internationale ISPS-beveiligingsregels (International Ship Port Security) iets beter
na dan voorheen. Dat stelt de Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat op grond van voorlopige uitkomsten van inspecties
tussen juli 2006 en juli 2007. De dienst constateert een lichte gedragsverbetering, al laten de toegangscontrole en de
oefeningen nog te wensen over.
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Een jaar eerder was het beveiligingsniveau nog ver onder de maat. Er werden toen negentig overtredingen
vastgesteld. Ruim één op de vijf schepen had de toegangscontrole niet op orde en 17 procent voldeed niet aan de
eisen voor beveiligingsoefeningen.
De Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat (IVW) erkent dat ze in 2006 zelf geen oefeningen specifiek op beveiligingsgebied
heeft gehouden. Nog steeds worden zulke oefeningen in het kader van het ISPS-systeem voor schepen en havens te
weinig gehouden.
De dienst stelt, in de Veiligheidsbalans 2007, ook vast dat de veiligheid op de kustwateren beter lijkt te worden. Op de
Noordzee deden zich in 2000 nog zestien grote ongevallen voor, in 2006 was dat er maar één. Maar misschien is het
optisch bedrog, zegt de IVW, omdat milieuongevallen slechter worden geregistreerd dan voorheen.
De IVW is verontrust over de binnenvaart. Sinds 2003 wordt een stijgende lijn gezien in het aantal dodelijke
ongevallen. In 2006 vielen er negen doden, het hoogste aantal in tien jaar tijd. Bron : Nieuwsblad Transport
In Liverpool the SMIT CANADA is renamed WELLINGTON and will depart soon to Gibraltar
Photo : Danny Plug ©
Riverdance refloat will take weeks - if at all
Plans to refloat the stricken ferry Riverdance will take several more weeks, officials today admitted.
The massive vessel now lying completely on her side off the Cleveleys coastline, is to be the subject of more
discussions by salvage teams over the next few days.
Crews were today locked in meetings talking over the future of the ship whose salvage mission has been dogged by
powerful tides and high winds. Hopes to refloat the Riverdance were dealt a major blow last weekend when she
listed fully onto her starboard side after weeks of uncertainty.
Questions are now being asked as to whether the ferry can be refloated at all or if other plans may now have to be put
into action. A spokesman for the Marine and Coastguard Agency (MCA) said: "The Riverdance will not be refloated in
the near future. It is likely that plans to refloat it will be put on hold.
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"It will not be a matter of days, more likely a few weeks before we put a refloating operation in to action. Salvagers
are at the ship and sealing up holes to help with their attempts to refloat her.
"Because the ship is now completely on her side, plans to refloat the Riverdance are now made more difficult. The
salvage teams are currently meeting to discuss the next plan of action. "At the moment there is no Plan B because the
plan is still to refloat her. When that fails, other plans will have to be put into operation."
The Dutch-based team has been based on the Fylde since the Riverdance ran aground at the start of the month.
She was hit by a freak wave on February 1 during a journey from Warren Point in Northern Ireland to Heysham.
Twenty three crew and passengers were airlifted to safety during a dramatic air and sea rescue.
It has become one of the Fylde's biggest tourist attraction with thousands of sightseers travelling to see the stricken
vessel. A 400m exclusion zone was set up around the Riverdance in the days after the vessel ran ashore in a bid to
stop people getting close to the ship.
Last weekend, eight people had to be stopped by officials after they attempted to board the ship. Source :
Court rejects California limits on ship
Appellate judges say the state needs federal approval for the regulation, which was designed to cut pollution
generated by ports. A federal appeals court Wednesday rejected a state regulation that reduced emissions from ships,
dealing a blow to California's attempt to combat one of the major sources of smog-forming pollution in the Los Angeles
The ruling means that the state must seek federal approval before imposing pollution limits on the thousands of cargo
ships, cruise ships and other marine vessels that visit its ports.
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that California's new regulation is preempted by federal
law. The Clean Air Act allows California to set its own standards for various vehicles and engines if it receives waivers
from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The state argued that in this case it didn't technically need a waiver,
but the judges disagreed.
Ships sailing into the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles are considered a major source of particulates, nitrogen
oxides and sulfur, pollutants that cause the region to frequently violate federal health standards. Microscopic soot from
diesel engines can lodge in lungs, triggering heart attacks, asthma and other cardiovascular and respiratory problems,
scientists say. Diesel exhaust has also been linked to lung cancer.
The ruling is the second setback in two months to California's efforts to combat air pollution rather than wait for
federal action. For four decades, the state has adopted its own regulations for cars, trucks, factories, consumer
products and other sources of air pollution, often prompting the federal government to set similar standards.
Since the 1970s, the EPA has granted California hundreds of waivers allowing it to set its own emission standards.
But in December, the agency denied the state's request to impose standards to reduce greenhouse gases from
automobiles. The EPA administrator has argued that, unlike smog and diesel fumes, climate change is a global
problem, not a state one.
The California Air Resources Board immediately stopped enforcing the ship rule Wednesday as its attorneys debated
their options. They will either appeal to the Supreme Court or seek a waiver from the EPA. Air board officials said the
court ruling will delay, but not stop, emission limits on the ships.
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"This is critical to protecting public health, particularly around ports," said air board spokeswoman Gennet Paauwe. "It
is part of our large plan to cut emissions, particularly for the ports and goods-movement sectors." The ship rule was
adopted by the air board in 2005 and implemented last year. It addressed the use of auxiliary diesel engines within 24
nautical miles of the coast. Such engines, which often run on highly polluting bunker fuel, provide power for onboard
The engines emit an estimated 1,400 tons a year of particulates in the L.A. Basin and account for about 15% of the
region's diesel emissions, according to a 2005 air board report. The Pacific Merchant Shipping Assn., a San Franciscobased group of shipping companies, filed suit to block enforcement of the rule. A federal district court sided with the
association in August, and Wednesday's ruling reaffirms that decision.
In June, the air board is scheduled to consider a separate regulation for the main engines that propel ships. The court
ruling could mean that California would first have to seek EPA authorization.
John McLaurin, president of the shipping association, said the industry prefers federal or international standards,
"which will ensure consistent application of air quality rules and meaningful emissions reductions throughout the
world." Some shipping companies have already complied with the rule by switching to low-sulfur fuels, lowering
speeds voluntarily or using shore-side electrical power. In 2004, nearly 10,000 oceangoing ships visited California
ports, half of them container ships.
"This lawsuit was not about whether emissions from vessels should be reduced but about who should have the
jurisdiction to impose and enforce requirements on international trade," McLaurin said. Attorneys for the air board
contended that the regulation applied only to old engines, not to new ones, so they argued that they did not need EPA
authorization because it was not an emissions standard.
Two environmental groups, the city of Long Beach and the South Coast Air Quality Management District intervened in
the case in support of the state board. "Our staff decided to go ahead and regulate because we felt we did have
regulatory authority," Paauwe said. The court rejected that argument, calling the regulation an emissions standard and
citing similar rulings by other courts.
State officials do not know whether the EPA is likely to approve a waiver for the ship rule. State and local control of air
pollution from ships, airplanes and railroads has long been controversial because of laws safeguarding interstate
commerce and concerns that such rules should be international. Source : Los Angeles Times
U.S. Coast Guard reports fishing boat on
fire off Alaska's Aleutian Islands
The U.S. Coast Guard says a fish processing boat is on fire in the Bering Sea off Alaska's Aleutian Islands.
No injuries have been reported on the 77-metre Pacific Glacier, located about 200 kilometres northeast of Dutch
Harbor. Ninety of the vessel's 106 crewmembers have been taken aboard nearby ships, while the remaining members
fight the fire.
A Coast Guard spokesman in Juneau says crews from as many as 10 nearby boats are helping fight the blaze.
There is no word on the extent of damage or potential pollution from the vessel, which is owned by Glacier Fish Co. of
Seattle, Wash. Source : CBC News
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Two vessels pushed aground by wind
and ice, Kamchatka
f/v Korsar and refrigerator Kurilsk pushed by wind and ice fields at coastal shallow, both vessels aground. No leak,
no danger to crews or vessels. With weather improve, two tugs will assist refloating attempts.
f/v Korsar – drift vessel, dwt 534, built 1996, IMO 9133161, flag Russia, owner Sisafico, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
m/v Kurilsk – fish refrigerator, dwt 495, built 1986, IMO 8724406, flag Russia, owner Sisafico, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Source : Mike Voitenko
The Philippine flagged ANG PANGULO is built in 1959 as part of Japan’s war reparations. The 83 mtr long vessel
sailed under the names TP 777, The President, Roxas and Lapu-Lapu, Initially employed as a presidential yacht
and command ship. Was in Hong Kong for sale in 1986 and remained away from the Philippines during the initial
period of former President Marcos’s exile. On return to Philippine waters was redesignated a troop transport, a role for
which she is not particularly well equipped. By May 1996, she was again being referred to as the presidential yacht.
Photo : Bridge team AMSTERDAM ©
D: 2,239 tons (2,727 fl) S: 18 kts Dim: 83.84 (78.50 pp) × 13.01 × 6.4
A: 2 single 20-mm 70-cal. Oerlikon Mk 10 AA—2 single 12.7-mm mg
Electronics: Radar: 2 . . . nav.
M: 2 Mitsui–Burmeister & Wain DE 642 VBF 75 diesels; 2 props; 5,000 bhp
Electric: 820 kw tot. Range: 6,900/15
Crew: 8 officers, 73 enlisted + 48 passengers
Germany hands over radar systems to
the Lebanese navy
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The director general for United Nations Affairs at the German Foreign Ministry, Peter Wittig, handed over Tuesday a
new state-of-the-art coastal radar system to the Lebanese Navy. "The reconstruction of the coastal radar system is
part of a comprehensive German commitment to support Lebanon in securing its own borders- as mandated by UN
Security Council Resolution 1701," said Wittig during a ceremony at Beirut port.
Under Resolution 1701, which ended the 33-day Israeli war on Lebanon in July 2006, Germany heads the UNIFIL
Maritime Task Force and its ships control the Lebanese coast and prevent arms from being smuggled to the Lebanese
Shiite Movement Hezbollah.
The coastal radar system was completely destroyed during the war on Lebanon. Since then, Germany has granted
about 1.6 million dollars to Lebanon to reconstruct the system and to train the Lebanese Navy. "This responsibility will
be transferred to the European Maritime Force (Italian Force) next Friday. However, even after the handing-over of the
lead function, Germany will continue to be the strongest contributor to the Maritime Task Force," Wittig said.
Germany has provided the financial means to reconstruct the radar system. It comprises of six radar stations along the
coastline, three relay stations as well as a command centre at the headquarters of the Lebanese Navy.
Apart from financial support, Germany helps train personnel working at the radar facilities. The idea is to train
Lebanese naval officers to become instructors themselves. "This is an important step towards an effective and selfreliant Lebanese border control system. One day, the Lebanese will be able to take over the tasks currently carried out
by the UNIFIL Maritime Task Force," Wittig said. The German official said that Germany "is strongly committed to a
stable, democratic and independent Lebanon. The capacity to exercise full control of its own borders is an essential
element of an independent state." Source :
U.S. Nuclear Submarine Docks in Busan
A U.S. Navy guided-missile submarine has arrived in Busan for a visit. The USS Ohio is now docked at the pier of the
South Korean Naval Operations Command in the southern port city. Capt. Andrew Hale, the sub's commanding officer,
appeared confident on Tuesday afternoon when he spoke to Korean and foreign journalists who were invited onboard
the giant vessel. It measures 170 m long with a beam of 12.8 m.
The Ohio (SSGN 726) arrived in Busan last Wednesday to participate in Exercise Key Resolve/Foal Eagle, an annual
combined/joint exercise involving forces from both the U.S. and South Korea, which will begin in early March.
It was the first time this submarine, which has formidable attack capabilities based on 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles,
has ever visited the Korean Peninsula. It was also the first time local journalists have ever been allowed onboard,
getting a rare opportunity for a first-hand peek at the inside of the nuclear-powered sub.
U.S. navy officers at a control room of a
U.S. submarine USS Ohio, pose for
photographers during a photo opportunity
at a Korean naval base in Busan on
Tuesday. The nuclear-powered and guidedmissile submarine which can carry 154
conventional cruise missiles is in Korea to
participate in a routine port visit in
conjunction with the Key Resolve/Foal Eagle
Exercise, an annual exercise between South
Korean and U.S. troops, according to the
U.S. Forces Korea. /REUTERS
In a press conference, Vice Adm. Doug
Crowder, the commander of the U.S. 7th
Fleet who will lead both South Korean and
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U.S. Navy fleets in the event of war on the Korean Peninsula, said the sub was shown to journalists to demonstrate its
combat capabilities, as Korea is one of the most important U.S. allies. He said it was the Ohio's first visit to a port
outside U.S. waters since it left its port in the state of Washington last fall.
The Ohio was commissioned in 1981, during the tensions of the Cold War, as an SSBN -- a nuclear-powered vessel
carrying 24 Trident submarine-launched nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles (SLBM) -- to counter the military threat of the
Soviet Union.
The former Trident-class vessel recently underwent a US$400 million conversion to become a nuclear-powered,
guided-missile, or SSGN-class sub, carrying conventional cruise missiles instead of nukes. The conversion was made to
suit the changing security environment and new U.S. strategies with the end of the Cold War, the U.S.-Soviet Strategic
Arms Reduction Talks, and the U.S. war on terror.
Military experts believe that the Ohio's visit to Busan as its first port of call outside the U.S. and its demonstration to
journalists is meant to be a strong message for North Korea and China. The 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles onboard
could play an important role in wartime, as they could strike strategic targets, including nuclear and missile bases and
facilities, air bases, command posts, and special warfare forces in North Korea.
TOS Rotterdam (+31)10 – 436 62 93
An Indian naval ship and a Maldivian national
defence force ship arrive at Colombo harbour
Indian Naval ship “Sukanya” and Maldivian National Defence Force Ship CGS “Huravee’ arrived at the Colombo
harbour in the morning today (27th February) on a good will mission.
INS ‘Suknaya’ is an offshore patrol vessel currently allocated to the Eastern Naval Command of the Indian Navy,
based at Viskhapatnam, .initially being commissioned at Mesan in South Korea. The ship is 101.95 metre long with 192
displacement and 11 metre beam. She is navigable at a speed of 22 knots on board which there are 100 officers and
sailors. She is capable of operating medium sized helicopters too. INS ‘Sukanya’ is tasked with patrolling and
protection of off shore assets, surveillance of the Indian exclusive economic zone and logistic support.
She has her own reminiscences of visiting Sri Lanka twice, once for Tsunami relief activities and operations from 27th
to 31st December 2004 when coastal areas of the island was devastated by the Boxing day Tsunami on 26th
December 2004, and the next time in 2006 on a goodwill mission.
MDNF naval Vessel CGS ‘Huravee’ is an offshore patrol vessel too which is 46 metre long having a beam of 7.5
metres. She too has visited Sri Lanka once before in October 2007. The visits of these naval and defence force vessels
will further strengthen the ties among the three nations and navies. Source :
Schippers klagen over laagvliegende Apaches
Schippers van binnenvaartschepen op de Waal hebben regelmatig last van laagvliegende Apache helikopters. De
schepen dienen soms zelf als oefenobjecten, stelt de schippersorganisatie Koninklijke Schuttevaer woensdag. De
organisatie heeft Defensie hierover deze week een brief gestuurd. Schuttevaer ontvangt naar eigen zeggen regelmatig
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klachten van binnenvaartschippers over hevige schrikeffecten door laagvliegende helikopters boven de Waal. ,,De
helikopers duiken soms plotseling op en vliegen laag over schepen. Soms vliegen ze zo laag dat een
schipper de piloot recht in het gezicht kan kijken'', aldus een woordvoerster van Schuttevaer. Volgens de club is het
niet denkbeeldig dat een laag vliegende helikopter tot een groot scheepsongeval leidt.
De schippersvereniging noemt dergelijke vluchten boven de drukst bevaren rivier van Europa onverstandig. In de brief
vraagt Schuttevaer minister Eimert van Middelkoop van Defensie om de vluchten niet langer boven de rivieren uit te
voeren en zeker niet in de nachtelijke uren. Bron : ANP
3 Japanese navy ships to visit Vietnam
next month
Three ships of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force will visit Vietnam's southern Ho Chi Minh City on March 3-7 to
strengthen bilateral navy ties, local newspaper Young People reported Wednesday.
The ships, named Yamayuki, Matsuyuki and Hamayuki will dock at the Saigon Port. The upcoming ship visit aims
at fostering exchange and understanding between the navies of Vietnam and Japan.
In another development, Vietnamese State President Nguyen Minh Triet met with visiting Admiral Sureesh Mehta, chief
of the Army Staff Committee of India, on Tuesday, the newspaper said. Source : xinhuanet
VN vraagt Nederlands fregat om hulp
tegen piraterij
Het Nederlandse marinefregat Hr. Ms. Evertsen staat op de nominatie om naar Oost-Afrika te worden gestuurd. Het
schip moet zeetransporten naar Somalië met humanitaire hulpgoederen van de Verenigde Naties beschermen tegen
De VN hebben de Nederlandse regering om de militaire bijstand gevraagd in het kader van haar
wereldvoedselprogramma. De ministers Van Middelkoop (defensie), Koenders (ontwikkelingssamenwerking) en
Verhagen (buitenlandse zaken) buigen zich over het verzoek. Van Middelkoop was gisteren in de haven van het
Griekse Souda Bay aan boord van de Evertsen en stelde de ruim 170-koppige bemanning van het luchtverdedigingsen commandofregat van de hulpvraag op de hoogte. Voor de Evertsen zijn de wateren rondom Afrika niet onbekend.
Het schip rondde vorig jaar het continent en bracht met een ander Navo-eskader onder meer de scheepvaart in kaart
in de Golf van Guinee en bij de Hoorn van Afrika, broeinesten van zeerovers. De beveiliging van VN-hulptransporten
tegen piraten is de afgelopen maanden verzorgd door Frankrijk en Denemarken.
SKorea's Hyundai wins $1.6 billion deal
in Nigeria
Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world's top shipbuilder, said Wednesday it had won a $1.6 billion deal to build a floating
oil rig for a French client in Nigeria. It said in a statement the FPSO (floating production storage and offloading)
platform will be completed by late 2011 for Elf Petroleum Nigeria, a unit of France's Total. The rig will be able to refine
160,000 barrels of crude oil and produce some five million tonnes of natural gas a day, while storing as much as two
million barrels of crude, it said. The rig will be built in an oilfield 100 kilometres (62 miles) southeast of Bonny Island,
Hyundai said.
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Hyundai has so far this year won deals totalling 6.7 billion dollars to build vessels and offshore plant and facilities.
Source : Indiatimes
Aker Yards Delivers Fast Day Ferry
Aker Yards delivered a superspeed day ferry for Color Line Transport AS. The vessel built at the Rauma yard is the first
in the series of two. The second will be delivered next summer. The contract for two Fast Passenger Day Ferries worth
approx. $370.5m was signed by Aker Yards and Color Line on December 15, 2005.
Speed and efficiency were the key requirements when the new concept was designed. The operational cruising speed
will be 27 knots, and the passage time from Kristiansand / Larvik in Norway to Hirtshals in Denmark will be from 3 to 4
hours. The ca. 211 m long and 26 m wide vessel has 2,000 lane metres of vehicle space and takes 1,900 passengers.
There are no passenger cabins in the day ferry.
Amersfoortseweg 12-E
3751 LK Bunschoten-Spakenburg
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 (0) 33 42 17 860 (24 hr)
Fax : +31 (0) 33 42 17 879 -
East African ports’ congestion woes
Ships can once again use the port of Mombasa for cargo bound for Dar es Salaam, after the Kenya Ports Authority
lifted a ban on trans-shipment cargoes destined for Tanzania.
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The container terminal's TEU count has been reduced from a high of 19 000 recorded at the peak of the post-election
violence to 13 000 TEUs.
However, the port of Dar es Salaam is itself facing severe congestion that has so far led to the imposition of a punitive
vessel delay surcharge (VDS). But this has had little impact on cargo off-take from the port - with ships having to wait
an average of 10-days before clearance. Source :
The COASTAL INSPIRATION arrived in Willemstad (Curacao) for bunkers
Photo : Kees Bustraan ©
DUBAI-based Gulf Energy Maritime (GEM) has ordered two high specification double-hulled aframax tankers, the first
in GEM’s growing fleet, (GEM), from South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries for US$160m.
The ships are to be delivered before end of 2011 and will be fully coated vessels with a capacity of 114,700 DWT each
are of Long Range 2 (LR2) specification – capable of carrying both clean petroleum products and dirty products such
as crude and fuel oil.
“This contract reflects GEM’s continued expansion and its extensive servicing of regional and international customers,
indicative of the company’s current fiscal strength,” said Ahmed Al Falahi, GEM’s CEO. “These tankers will be state-ofthe-art and fitted with the latest equipment and meet all international environment safety requirements of being
completely double-hulled.”
He added: “By 2012, many refineries in the Middle East will be up and running. The West is slowing down on building
new refineries and GEM will be ideally placed by then to transport either dirty or clean petroleum products to the West.
With these two aframax orders, GEM has invested for the future.”
The existing GEM fleet comprises 11 modern panamax and chemical/product tankers while another eight newbuildings
will be delivered before the end of 2009. The resulting 19 strong fleet will have all been built by either Hyundai Heavy
or Hyundai Mipo Dockyard. Source : Maritime Global Net
Queen Victoria owners praise Brisbane
despite difficulties
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The Queen Victoria has left the Port of Brisbane dock, heading for the final Australian stop on its maiden around-theworld trip. The cruise liner had to dock at a grains wharf in an industrial part of the port because it would not fit under
the Gateway Bridge.
The company that owns the ocean liner has praised the Port of Brisbane Authority, despite difficulties getting
passengers ashore. Passengers who wanted to visit Brisbane had to disembark into ankle-deep water and take a bus
to the city.
Carnival Australia CEO Anne Sherry says passengers will judge the experience for themselves. "You shouldn't
underestimate the passenger experience and the impact it has," she said.
"Our passengers give us good feedback when things go well and sharp feedback when it doesn't. "I have to say
though, the port has done a great job today, to make people feel welcome."
Despite bad weather, hundreds of onlookers went to Pinkenba to see the liner. The Queen Victoria is expected to
reach Port Douglas today, February 29. Source : ABC Online, Australia
The M.S.Statendam seen in Picton Harbour on the 25 of February 2008.
Photo : Max Brunet de Rochebrune taken from the interislander Kaitaki ©
JOHN Fredriksen-controlled offshore support company Deep Sea Supply says Q4 showed a strong financial
performance and high level of activity with revenues for up 37% on Q3 to US$53.4m and the highest in the company's
short history. EBITDA for Q4was $36.1m.
The company notes: “The revenues improved due to improved rates and increased fleet. The company's operating
expenses increased to $14.m due to increased fleet, drydocking of one vessel and higher than forecast operating
expenses on some vessels. EBITDA was $36.1m and EBIT was $31.5m. Net result before taxes was $25,6m. Taxes are
related to the transition tax which was imposed by Norwegian authorities recently and involves one Norwegian
subsidiary of the Company. The tax is payable over a 10 year period of which 1/3rd can be permanently waived if
spent on environmental investments.” Source : Maritime Global Net
'Aanleg Maasvlakte-2 begint in september'
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De eerste plons voor de aanleg van de Tweede Maasvlakte is in september. Dat bezwoeren woensdag de baggeraars
Van Oord en Boskalis en Havenbedrijf Rotterdam (HbR). Zij zijn niet bang dat milieuorganisaties en andere
tegenstanders roet in het eten gooien. De partijen ondertekenden woensdag het contract van 1,1 miljard euro dat met
de aanleg is gemoeid. De totale raming van de kosten bedraagt 2,9 miljard euro.
De aanleg begint met werkzaamheden aan een lang gestrekt eiland op ongeveer 3 kilometer uit de kust, zodat de
effecten op de scheepvaart minimaal zijn. De harde en zachte zeeweringen, de haventerreinen en het havenbassin,
wegen, sporen en kademuren komen allemaal voor hun rekening. De komende jaren worden er voor de kust 240
miljoen kubieke meter zand, 7 miljoen ton steen en 20.000 betonblokken aangebracht. De baggeraars hergebruiken
zoveel mogelijk puin van de oude zeeweringen. De aanleg duurt ongeveer vijf jaar. In 2013 moet de eerste container
over de kade.
In mei of juni moet de gemeenteraad van Rotterdam de bestemmingsplannen vaststellen. De beroepsperiode loopt
van juni tot september. De partijen zijn niet bang dat de Raad van State begin september in hun nadeel beslist. Alle
aspecten zijn volgens hen uitvoerig onderzocht. 'Nooit eerder is er zoveel studie gedaan naar alle denkbare
milieueffecten', zei directeur Hans Smits van het Havenbedrijf. De protesten hebben ze ingecalculeerd. Bron :
Nieuwsblad Transport
The Stanislav Yudin seen lifting the 2200 Tons Sumandak SUPG-B Topside for TLO, in the South China Sea
Photo : Adri Haasnoot ©
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Bourbon to build ten GPA IMR vessels
at Chinese shipyard
Seattle based naval architecture firm Guido Perla & Associates, Inc. has signed a contract with Paris-based Bourbon to
deliver the concept design, regulatory package, and final design for 10 GPA 696 IMR vessels.
At 100 m overall length and 21 m maximum breadth, the GPA 696 IMR (inspection, maintenance and repair) vessels
are currently the largest in the GPA-designed PSV fleet, which includes vessels measuring 58 m to 92 m ft in overall
Ten GPA 696 IMR multipurpose
vessels, which will be equipped with
two deck cranes and a helideck
designed for a Super Puma
Helicopter EC225, will be
constructed at China's Zhejiang
Shipyard. Eighteen GPA 670 PSVs
have been or are currently being
constructed for Bourbon at the
yard, including 4 GPA 670 PSV MKII
Special Products and 4 GPA 670
The Fifi-1 certified GPA 696 IMR has an environmentally friendly diesel-electric propulsion system that includes
Schottel Z-Drives, tunnel bow thrusters and azimuthing bow thrusters. The system is configured with fully redundant
engine rooms and thruster compartments. It is designed to provide reduced maintenance cost and improved stationkeeping at offshore installations, and to significantly increases crewmember safety. This has been GPA standard for all
the GPA 600 and 200 series of offshore support vessels.
With this order, the number of new GPA 600 and 200 series of offshore support vessels in service or currently or soon
to be under construction has increased to 134. Source : MarineLog
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Dutch owner takes delivery of first PSV
Rederij Groen of
Scheveningen, The
Netherlands, has taken
delivery of its first
newbuild PSV, yard
number SSS 150, from
Sealink Engineering and
Slipway in Miri/Sarawak Malaysia. The vessel was
handed over on February
The 53m, 3,600hp vessel
was christened Mare
Verde. After handover,
the vessel proceeded to
Singapore to start a long
term time charter.
Photo : Dirk Klok © - Source : offshore shipping online
Havyard Leirvik delivers first Havyard design
Havyard Leirvik shipyard in Norway has delivered Havila Saturn, a Havyard 842 AHTS to owner Havila Saturn KS.
This is the first vessel of Havyard design to be delivered, and the vessel is now ready to start operating for her owners.
Havila Saturn is designed for operation both in the North Sea and worldwide. The main criteria for the design
process was to develop a vessel which can execute 90 per cent of the AHTS work in the North Sea whilst also being
cost effective during operations and construction.
Since the vessel was ordered in November 2005, a further 12 vessels of Havyard 842 design have been ordered - four
at Havyard Leirvik, four in India and four in China for owners from Norway, India and Singapore. Source : offshore
Shipping Online
The executive committee of Euronav NV is pleased to announce that Maersk Oil Qatar AS has awarded two contracts
for the provision of Floating Storage and Offloading (‘FSO’) services on the Al Shaheen field off shore Qatar. The award
has been made in favor of a joint venture between
Euronav NV and Overseas Shipholding Group. Within the limits of its confidentiality obligations, the company can
disclose that the award of the contracts for eight years is to be performed by two vessels, the TI Asia (2002) and the
TI Africa (2002), both double hull tankers with 442,000 deadweight tones, the largest ships of this type in the world
and currently respectively in the ownership of Euronav and OSG.
The Contracts will call for extensive conversion and the vessels will commence the provision of FSO services in July
and September of 2009.
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The PRIDE OF YORK, which is at present temporarily replacing the PRIDE OF ROTTERDAM, which ferry is in
drydock in Amsterdam, seen arriving in Rotterdam-Europoort
Photo : Fred Vloo ©
Jupiterstraat 33
: + 31 2555 627 11
2132 HC Hoofddorp
: + 31 2355 718 96
The Netherlands
The 1989 built wood chip carrier SWEET BRIER seen in Rio Grande
Photo : Marcelo Vieira ©
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Wed the 27th of February, the Chevron Tahiti Project was wet towed from Corpus Christi (Port Aransas) Texas out
to the Gulf of Mexico (Green Canyon Area). The installation Contractor is Heerema Marine Contractors. The main
towing vessels will be the KELLY CANDIES & and SIDNEY CANDIES (supplied by OTTO CANDIES LLC). In the
next several days the Tahiti Spar will be Upended and Moored to the seabed. The topsides will be lifted into place
this Spring - Photo : Stephen Gorniak - London Offshore Consultants ©
Internet: Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail :
Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information &
voyage optimisation system, used on over 1000 vessels today.
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The TOLEDO seen departing from Cape Town
Photo : Glenn Kasner ©
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