- Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
Transcription - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Number 044 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 15-02-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. The PACIFIC SUN seen departing from Brisbane Photo : Jeroen Anneveld © IF YOU HAVE PICTURES OR OTHER SHIPPING RELATED INFORMATION FOR THE NEWS CLIPPINGS ?? PLEASE SEND THIS TO : Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 1 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS SVITZER OCEAN TOWAGE Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11 2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96 The Netherlands E-mail: Ocean Tankers ELEOUSA TRIKOUKIOTISA seen moored at the Wartsila premises in the Wilhelmina harbour in Schiedam - Photo : Henk Wadman © Gedenkplaat ‘Maassluis’ krijgt plaats in Groote Kerk te Maassluis Door : Rinus van de Ree - oud-directeur Nedlloyd Tankers Het motorschip ‘Maassluis’ was de eerste van een serie van vier chemicaliën- producttankers, met een draagvermogen van 38.000 ton. De schepen werden gebouwd door Van der Giessen de Noord in Krimpen. In 1982 werd de ‘Maassluis’ overgedragen aan de rederij Nedlloyd Tankers. Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 2 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Deze gebeurtenis ging niet onopgemerkt voorbij aan enkele Maassluizers. Want gedurende de overdracht vroeg de vader van Jan Steehouwer het woord en overhandigde een aandenken aan de kapitein. Het aandenken was een standaard waaraan de vier seinvlaggen van het internationale naamsein PFRA van de ‘Maassluis’ waren gehesen. Het schip heeft ruim zes jaren gelukkig gevaren totdat het noodlot toesloeg. De ‘Maassluis’ vertrok in februari 1989 in ballast van New York. Er was nog geen volgende lading voor haar. We spraken af dat het schip koers zou zetten naar Europa – meer in het bijzonder richting Lissabon – want dan kon, in geval van een volgend emplooi zonder veel omvaren, koers worden gezet naar het noordwestelijk continent of naar de Middellandse Zee. Eén dag voor de afgesproken positie ter hoogte van Lissabon spraken we met de kapitein. Op dat moment hadden we nog geen lading voor het schip, maar enkele uren later konden we een contract afsluiten voor een partij gasolie, te laden in Skikda, een haven op de noordkust van Algerije. Foto’s : Jan Steehouwer © Op 14 februari 1989 om 18.38 uur meldde het schip aan de autoriteiten van de haven van Skikda dat het gereed was om te laden. Omdat even moest worden gewacht werd op de rede geankerd. Om 03.00 ’s nachts op de 15e februari ging de telefoon bij mij thuis in Maassluis. Peter aan de lijn. Peter Korsen, de eerste stuurman, sprak heel kalm en begon met de mededeling dat we de lading vanuit Skikda konden vergeten. Bovendien moesten we voorlopig niet aan een volgende lading denken. Op onze vraag hoe de toestand was vertelde hij het volgende: In de loop van de avond was het steeds harder gaan waaien. Er werd besloten zee te kiezen, maar ankerop gaan lukte niet. Met krabbend anker was het schip aan de buitenkant van de havenpier geraakt en lag nu op de buitenkant van de uit ‘betonnen tetrapods’ opgebouwde pier. Alle ladingtanks aan bakboord en de dubbele- bodemtanks waren lek. Om dat te repareren zouden enkele weken nodig zijn. Er stond niet veel water onder de kiel dus als het schip eenmaal aan de grond zou zitten zou het wellicht iets rustiger liggen en was het wellicht mogelijk om verbinding met de pier te maken zodat de bemanning het schip zou kunnen verlaten. De inrichting om een lijn over te schieten was al klaargemaakt. Direct na het beëindigen van het telefoongesprek ben ik, mijn vrouw in onzekerheid achterlatend, naar het Nedlloydgebouw ‘Willemswerf’ aan de Boompjes gegaan. Enkele collega’s hadden zich hier reeds verzameld. We vernamen dat sleepboten uit Skikda zonder succes hadden geprobeerd om vast te maken. Ze waren onverrichter zake weer naar binnen gegaan omdat wind en zee vastmaken onmogelijk maakte. Ook een verzoek om helikopters uit te sturen om de bemanning van het schip te halen was op niets uitgelopen. De ‘Maassluis’ is nooit aan de grond gekomen. De waterdichte indeling, inherent aan een tanker, is zodanig dat er lange tijd voldoende drijfvermogen overblijft. We besloten om een snel klein vliegtuig te huren en naar Skikda te gaan. Toen we omstreeks vier uur in de middag boven Skikda aankwamen was geen spoor van het schip te zien. Omdat we dat niet konden geloven vroegen we de piloot om over de stukgoedhaven te vliegen. We konden daar eigenlijk niets verwachten, maar toch... ook daar was niets te zien. Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 3 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 We zijn geland, de piloten bleven op het vliegveld en wij zijn met z’n vieren naar Skikda gegaan. Toen we daar aankwamen bevestigden de autoriteiten ons vermoeden: van het schip zou niets meer te zien zijn. Twee leden van de bemanning waren ‘s nachts van het schip gespoeld en over de pier op de ernaast liggende weg terechtgekomen, waar zij door het personeel van de haven waren opgevangen. Het was inmiddels donker en de autoriteiten vonden het niet verantwoord dat we de pier opgingen. Er lag een weg aan de binnenkant van de pier op een lager niveau, maar het was niet bekend of die weg nog begaanbaar was. Omdat de pier zelf opgebouwd was uit tetrapods kon daar in het donker ook niet over gelopen worden. De volgende dag moesten we constateren dat er maar heel weinig van het schip was overgebleven. De tetrapods hadden de 10.000 ton staal bijna geheel vermalen. Een stukje voorschip, drijvend op de voorpiek en een stukje achterschip, drijvend op de achterpiek, was al wat we zagen. De stuurboordsankerketting stond dwars op in zee en van de schroef was alleen de knoop overgebleven: alle bladen waren weg. Het gesprek met de twee overlevenden kwam heel langzaam op gang. Aanvankelijk werden slechts vier lichamen teruggevonden. Na identificatie zijn de lichamen door de nabestaanden opgehaald en naar Nederland gevlogen. De aankomst op Schiphol was een aangrijpende gebeurtenis. Onder de dragers van de kisten bevond zich de kapitein die bij de overdracht het naamsein in ontvangst had genomen. Later werden nog vijf slachtoffers geborgen, waarvan twee lichamen naar Nederland en drie lichamen naar Indonesië werden gebracht. We beseffen dat onze gevoelens niets zijn in vergelijking met wat de nabestaanden doormaakten en nog doormaken. Onder de slachtoffers was de stuurmansleerling die zijn eerste reis maakte. Zijn ouders hebben het verdriet over het verlies van hun enige kind nooit kunnen verwerken. Zij zijn beiden overleden. Veel jonge mensen zijn gebleven waarvan sommigen een vrouw en jonge kinderen achterlieten. Anderen verloren hun enige kind. Twee echtparen vonden de dood. De lichamen van één echtpaar zijn gevonden en konden in Nederland worden begraven. Het andere echtpaar is, zoals vele anderen, nooit gevonden. Hun drie dochters bleven alleen achter. Veertien van de zevenentwintig slachtoffers hadden de Indonesische nationaliteit. Tot op deze dag is er iedere dag een moment dat flarden van die dagen bij me langskomen. Een maand later, op 14 maart 1989, vond een geweldige explosie plaats op de ‘Maasgusar’, een schip dat we op time charter hadden en op het fatale moment bijna volgeladen ten zuiden van Japan voer. Het schip brandde geheel uit en zonk. De gehele Engelse bemanning ging mee in de golven. Van meet af aan heeft de rederij contacten onderhouden met de nabestaanden van de ‘Maassluis’. Elk jaar op 15 februari bij de gedenkplaat in de ‘Willemswerf’ en tijdens de jaarlijkse koopvaardijdienst in de Laurenskerk in Rotterdam. Vandaag, vrijdag 15 februari 2008, 19 jaar later, zijn we bij elkaar om de gedenkplaat een tweede plaats te geven in de Groote Kerk van Maassluis. REDWISE MARITME SERVICES B.V. Amersfoortseweg 12-E 3751 LK Bunschoten-Spakenburg The Netherlands Phone : +31 (0) 33 42 17 860 (24 hr) Fax : +31 (0) 33 42 17 879 - Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 4 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 "Hanni Theresa" to be Cleared Off The salvage operation to set afloat the m/v "Hanni Theresa" most likely will be started today, told SeaNews director of Baltic basin salvage administration Leonid Hasiev. The "Hanni Theresa" was making a voyage from Saint-Petersburg to Vyborg to load liquid mineral fertilizers, when it grounded early in the morning on February 11 north off the Vysotsk island in the Vyborg gulf. The incident occurred under the conditions of poor visibility because of the thick fog. The vessel was pilotaged. The attempts of the vessel's master to float off ended in failure. According to the North-West regional center of the Emergency ministry, the crew of the vessel, which consists of 11 people, was not harmed. The spillage of oil products (there was 90 t. of fuel aboard the vessel) was avoided. The SVITZER CELINE seen anchored off Singapore Photo : John Bruinsma © RWS Zuid Holland neemt Observer in de vaart Op 31 januari jl. heeft Rijkswaterstaat formeel de snelle Rigid Inflatable “RWS OBSERVER” in gebruik genomen. Met het vaartuig wordt een nieuwe weg ingeslagen voor wat betreft ‘geel op het water’. De snelle boot (maximumsnelheid 80 km per uur) is al enige maanden in de vaart en in die tijd is veel ervaring opgedaan met de inzet van het vaartuig. De kracht van het vaartuig ligt in de grote snelheid waardoor de vaartijd aanmerkelijk bekort wordt. Rijkswaterstaat Zuid-Holland slaat hiermee een nieuwe weg in aangaande het nautisch toezicht. Martin van Dijk, voorzitter van afdeling Drechtsteden van Koninklijke Schuttevaer, was getuige van de doop van het nieuwe vaartuig. Bij de plechtigheid overhandigde hij zowel een “Schuttevaer vaantje” voor het nieuwe vaartuig, als de PR-award 2007 aan het Waterdistrict Merwede en Maas. Het vaantje symboliseert het feit dat Koninklijke Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 5 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Schuttevaer veel belang hecht aan het inzetten van vaartuigen als de RWS Observer ten bate van de veiligheid. De vereniging waardeert de medewerking van de medewerkers van het Waterdistrict Merwede Maas zeer bij de promotie van de binnenvaart, daarom kregen zij de PR-award 2007. Source : Koninklijke Schuttevaer RNLI's oldest lifeboat coming to Hastings By : Richard Morris The Queen Victoria, an oar and sail powered lifeboat, will join the ex-Hastings lifeboat Fairlight in a spectacular display of historic boats in celebrating the 150th anniversary of the RNLI in Hastings. The historic Victoria spent her working life at Bembridge on the Isle of White. Built in 1887 she was named in honour of Queen Victoria on the occasion of her Silver Jubilee. The Queen had been asked to choose a place for a new boat to be stationed and she selected Bembridge. After 16 years service she was sold in 1902 to one of the lifeboat crew, and renamed The Ark, eventually becoming a houseboat in Bembridge Harbour. Abandoned and in a derelict condition, she was purchased in 1989 by Martin Woodward, the ex-Coxswain of the Bembridge Lifeboat. After nine years of fund raising and almost a year of hard work the Queen Victoria emerged in 1998 looking absolutely superb, lovingly restored to her original condition and preserved in the Bembridge Maritime Museum. RNLI lifeboats had already been operating for nearly 30 years in Hastings by the time the Queen Victoria was built. The boat in Hastings at that time was the Charles Arkcoll which arrived in 1881, at a cost of £363, looking exactly like the Queen Victoria does today. The Charles Arkcoll served at Hatings for twenty years between 1881 and 1901. Commenting on the eagerly anticipated arrival of the Queen Victoria, the present Hastings lifeboat coxswain Martin Phillips said: "It's absolutely fantastic to have this unique piece of lifeboat history in Hastings for our 150th celebrations. "The boat reminds us of the generations of volunteers who have put to sea to save the lives of others, and I hope the public will take the opportunity to come and see her." Hastings RNLI 150th celebrations will run from April 5th until April 13. A series of events are planned in and around the lifeboat house and a full programme will be published in March. Keep an eye on the Observer and the website, , for regular updates. In the Shipping newsclippings 036 the newbuilding TOR CORONA was mentioned, alert reader, Aart van der Lelij, spotted Tor line latest newbuilding during yard trials in China Photo : Aart van der Lelij © Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 6 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Bid to shift stranded lifeboat Salvage experts are to use a barge fitted with crane in a bid to hoist the stranded Portrush Lifeboat off the rocks at Rathlin Island, it was revealed tonight. The roll-on roll-off Terra Marique from Ellesmere Port, south of Liverpool has been brought in as part of plans to mount a new rescue operation on Friday. The #2m lifeboat has been stuck on the rocks since January 29 when it went to the aid of a ferryman whose boat got into trouble close to the harbour entrance during gale force winds. The top part of the lifeboat as well as the two engines and gear box have already been removed as part of the preparations for Friday`s lift. There have been a number of failed attempts to free the vessel, and a major investigation is under way to find out what happened the night it was blown unto the rocks by a freak wave. Some lifeboat men fear the vessel is already a virtual write off, but officials from the RNLI Ireland believe there is still a chance of it being made seaworthy again. A spokesperson said: "Obviously the hull is badly damaged, but until we get the lifeboat in place and have a proper look we will not know what the future holds. "Its still too early to say if it`s a write-off. The superstructure is still intact and who knows, it may still be possible to rebuild. But until the marine and technical people have a good look, we don`t know." Source : Carnival in ‘slavery’ spat Life onboard a cruiseship has proved to be far from plain sailing for one disgruntled Carnival Corp employee who has filed a lawsuit against her employer – for “forced labour, slavery and human trafficking”. Reshma Harilal, a 33-year-old South African, claims she was given a position and salary below what she signed up for and has been force to stay onboard ship “against her will”. Cruise giant Carnival has laughed off the claims as “completely false” and “baffling". In papers filed to a court in Miami, Florida, Harilal is demanding the return of her passport so she can return home as she “refuses to work in a lower position at a lower rate of pay”. Harilal’s legal team said: “Forcing someone to work under terms they did not agree to – we believe these circumstances give rise to violation of federal statutes that prohibit forced labor, human trafficking and slavery." "It's our belief this happens to a lot more people than you would think. We're doing this for people who can't stand up for themselves,” it added. Carnival counters that Harilal has worked for the company since 2000 and has signed several contracts in that time. “The allegations contained within the suit are not only completely false, but baffling, and the company looks forward to vigorously defending itself," Carnival said. Harilal previously had a spat with the company after developing a rash from cleaning chemicals used onboard a vessel. Source : Tradewinds Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 7 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 The newbuilding hull Nan Tong 0701 seen getting lifted by the sheerlegs MATADOR 1 and MATADOR 2 in Rotterdam-Waalhaven Photo : Frans Sanderse © Greek bulker rescues 14 A Greek bulk-carrier rescued 14 passengers after their vessel capsized in heavy seas off the Philippines. The crew of the 51,600-dwt Ioannis K (built 2002) spotted six people in the water in the Sulu Archipelago in the southwest of the country on Monday. After the master and crew of the Cyprus-flagged supramax, which is operated by Marmaras Navigation of Piraeus, had plucked the six from the water they launched a rescue operation in which eight others were picked up. A statement from the US Coast Guard Amver Centre, whom crew had informed of the rescue operation, said the 14 were the only surviving passengers of a vessel which capsized with 95 onboard. However, other media reports indicated that the Philippines Coastguard and police service rescued a further 13 people after the unidentified vessel capsized in bad weather off Sibuto, Tawi Tawi province. The wooden vessel was en route to Tawi Tawi from Malaysia. Source : Tradewinds Wandkleden ss Rotterdam in Maritiem Museum Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 8 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Het Maritiem Museum Rotterdam stelt vier nieuwe wandkleden tentoon die in het voormalige cruiseschip ss Rotterdam komen te hangen. De oorspronkelijke wandkleden uit het beroemde stoomschip uit 1959 werden in 2004 tijdens werkzaamheden gestolen. De nieuwe, die vanaf maandag in het museum hangen, zijn gebaseerd op de ontwerpen uit 1959. Het schip komt deze zomer uit Duitsland terug naar Rotterdam. Vanaf 1 september dient het als onder meer hotel, restaurant en vergaderuimte. Bron : PZC Computer problem blamed in LNG tanker power loss An AP report is quoting unnamed Coast Guard sources as saying "a problem with the computers that control a tanker's boilers" caused the loss of power that left the LNG tanker Catalunya Spirit drifting off Cape Cod. Yesterday, a Unified Command statement said only that technicians on the ship restored full electrical power to the vessel's switchboards Tuesday night and had continued to make progress toward resuming the ship's propulsion. The ship is at the future site of the Neptune Offshore LNG facility off Eastern Point Light near Gloucester, Mass. The Coast Guard Cutter Escanaba remains with the Catalunya Spirit enforcing a safety zone around the tanker. The Unified Command at Coast Guard Sector Boston is monitoring and managing the tanker's safety and ongoing repairs. The vessel has not suffered any structural damage or released any product. The Maine Responder, currently on scene with the Catalunya Spirit, has 2,640 feet of boom on board. The New Jersey Responder is en route carrying an additional 2,640 feet of boom. There are 17 additional spill-response boats in the area that could respond to a fuel oil leak in three to four hours. Another 150 spill-response boats could be on scene in eight to 10 hours. The Catalunya Spirit regularly delivers LNG to Boston. The Coast Guard is overseeing the vessel's repairs that will be certified and approved by the Captain of the Port of Boston prior to any future deliveries to Boston Harbor. Every LNG ship that enters the Port of Boston undergoes an extensive pre-arrival check by a Coast Guard marine inspector. State, local and Coast Guard security boats meet the ship at the harbor entrance and ensure safe passage to the LNG terminal in Everett, Mass. Source : MarineLog CASUALTY REPORTING Schip vlotgetrokken bij Saeftinghe Het containerschip MSC Eyra, dat woensdagmiddag vastliep aan de oostkant van het Land van Saeftinghe, is vlotgetrokken. Vier sleepboten van de Unie van Redding en Sleepdienst trokken het schip, dat door dichte mist vastliep, rond vier uur los. Het schip de MSC Eyra is geladen met veertienhonderd containers waarvan veertien gevaarlijke stoffen bevatten. Hulpdiensten waren 's middags in staat van paraatheid gebracht. In Middelburg was een regionaal beleidsteam ingericht onder leiding van de Hulster burgemeester J.F. Mulder. De MSC Eyra - varend onder Panamese vlag - wordt door twee slepers van de reddingsunie via de Berendrechtsluis naar Antwerpen begeleid. Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 9 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 NAVY NEWS Kitty Hawk leads list of ships going away The Navy plans to say goodbye to an aircraft carrier and three amphibious ships in the next fiscal year. The Austin-class amphibious transport dock ships (LPDs) Juneau and Nashville, amphibious assault ship Tarawa (LHA 1) and the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk are slated to leave the fleet in fiscal 2009. Based in Yokosuka, Japan, Kitty Hawk was built by New York Shipbuilding Corp. in New Jersey and commissioned in April 1962. The carrier was the first of three super carriers and is the last conventionally-powered carrier in the fleet. The Japan-based Juneau was constructed by Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Co. in Seattle and commissioned in 1969. The ship went on five separate deployments to Vietnam in the early 1970s and earned five battle stars for efforts during the Vietnam War, according to the ship's Web site. The "Mighty J" was the first ship on station after the Exxon Valdez oil spill off the coast of Alaska, supported the deployment of Marines to Somalia, made multiple Persian Gulf deployments and helped in cyclone relief efforts in Bangladesh. The Norfolk, Va.,-based Nashville was also built by Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction. The ship was commissioned in 1970. The Navy is now building San Antonio-class ships to eventually replace the older LPD ships. The Tarawa was built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries in Pascagoula, Miss., and was commissioned in 1976. The amphibious assault ship has spent its life in the Pacific Ocean and in the Middle East, where the ship is currently operating in the 5th Fleet area of operations. MSC Ships Deliver Supplies to Antarctic Research Station Military Sealift Command dry cargo ship MV American Tern transfers fuel to Swedish icebreaker Oden at McMurdo Station in Antarctica Feb. 11. One of two MSC ships to travel to McMurdo this month, American Tern arrived at the research station's ice pier Feb. 8 and delivered 12m lbs. of equipment and supplies. Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 10 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 The AMERICAN TERN (T-AK 4729) seen moored at McMurdo station MSC ice-strengthened tanker USNS Lawrence H. Gianella was at McMurdo Jan. 28 - Feb. 3 delivering nearly 6 million gallons of fuel to power the station's generators, vehicles, helicopters and research boats. MSC ships deliver more than 70 percent of the supplies and equipment and 100 percent of the fuel that the station receives each year. Military Sealift Command (MSC) dry cargo ship MV American Tern left the National Science Foundation’s McMurdo Station in Antarctica after delivering a year’s worth of equipment and stores as part of Operation Deep Freeze, the research station’s annual replenishment of supplies. MSC ice-strengthened tanker USNS Lawrence H. Gianella also participated in the operation. Gianella arrived at McMurdo’s ice pier Jan. 28 and delivered nearly 6 million gallons of fuel to power the station’s generators, vehicles, helicopters and research boats before departing Feb. 3. American Tern arrived Feb. 8 and, as soon as its brow dropped, 59 Sailors from a Navy cargo handling battalion began working around the clock to offload 12 million pounds of equipment and supplies for the 1,500 researchers and support personnel who work on the continent each year. MSC delivers more than 70 percent of the dry cargo and 100 percent of fuel that is taken to the continent each year. Equally important, however, is the cargo that MSC takes off of the continent. This year nearly 5 million pounds of items ranging from precious ice core samples to all the waste that McMurdo Station has accumulated over the past year were loaded onto American Tern before it departed. On its last day in port, American Tern successfully transferred fuel to the Swedish icebreaker Oden, which arrived in the area in advance of the two MSC ships and broke a channel through about 18 miles of ice that blocked the ships’ access to McMurdo. New generation nuclear sub put on the water The first vessel of Russia’s fourth generation of nuclear submarines, the “Yuri Dolgorukii”, was 12-02-2008 night put on the water at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast. The submarine was taken out of the dock at the Sevmash construction plant in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, the company reports in a press note The launch of the new sub marks the opening of a new chapter in Russian submarine history. The vessel is the first in the of the Project 955 “Borey” class, the most hi-tech of all Russian subs. The planning of the vessel was initiated in 1978 and construction started in 1996. The vessel will be equipped with “Bulava” missile system. It remains not clear, however, whether the vessel already now will carry the new missiles. The “Yuri Dolgorukii was last April taken out of the construction hall in the presence of First Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ivanov. Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 11 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 The "Yuri Dolgorukii", which takes its name from a Slavic prince who is credited with founding Moscow, can descend to a depth of 450 meters and carry 107 sailors. The new submarine is part of a plan approved by President Vladimir Putin to upgrade the core of the country's undersea nuclear attack forces, the Moscow Times reports. Currently, another two Borey-class subs are under construction at Sevmash, the "Vladimir Monomakh" and the "Aleksandr Nevskii". Navy Cargo Ship Assists at-Sea Rescue Military Sealift Command large, medium-speed, RoRo ship USNS Seay conducted an at-sea rescue operation February 9 in the Straits of Gibraltar. At 12:50 a.m. the 950-ft. military cargo ship was notified by the Tarifa Rescue Coordination Center in Tarifa, Spain, that a small craft in their vicinity had issued a distress signal and needed assistance. With 12-ft. seas and winds blowing up to 30 knots, Seay’s master Capt. Tom Madden and the ship’s crew began the search. Twelve minutes later, they spotted the 25-foot wooden fishing vessel and its four passengers – three adults and one child. For the next hour, Seay maneuvered to shield the vessel from high winds until a rescue craft from the Tarifa Rescue Coordination Center arrived on-scene to pick up the fishing vessel’s four passengers. The following day Seay arrived in port in Rota, Spain, to load helicopters and equipment used by the U.S. Army’s 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade in Afghanistan. The equipment is being redeployed to the United States. USNS Seay is under long-term charter to the U.S. government and is crewed by U.S. merchant mariners. Source : MarineLink Ark Royal makes special visit to Poole in support of the RNLI The Royal Navy's fleet flagship HMS Ark Royal has made a special visit to Poole to celebrate its support for the RNLI's Train one, save many campaign. The crew of the famous aircraft carrier have been raising funds for the campaign, which aims to raise £10M in 5 years to support the training of the RNLI's volunteer lifeboat crews. The Ark Royal met lifeboat crews on a training exercise at the entrance to Poole bay. The Trent class all-weather lifeboat and B class and D class inshore lifeboats practised their techniques while RNLI National Campaigns and Events Manager Andy Whyte went onboard the Ark Royal to be presented with the funds raised. Andy says: ‘We're absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to carry out our training exercise alongside HMS Ark Royal and feel very privileged that its crew continue to support the RNLI and its Train one, save many campaign.' Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 12 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Ark Royal's crew started fundraising for the RNLI last year. Captain Mike Mansergh says: ‘HMS Ark Royal greatly values the close link between the RNLI and Royal Navy in the safety of life at sea. The fleet flagship is a strong advocate of the RNLI's Train one, save many campaign. We welcomed the opportunity to train together with volunteer RNLI lifeboat crews as we passed Poole harbour on the ship's return from training in the North Sea, testing the boat handling skills of the brave RNLI coxswains.' Source : BYM Marine & Maritime News SHIPYARD NEWS Birds eye view of the Keppel-Verolme shipyard in Rotterdam-Botlek Photo Elmer Bosma © Shipbuilding Company Returns to New Orleans United States Marine Inc., a shipbuilding company that moved its headquarters to Gulfport, Miss. after Hurricane Katrina, has returned to the New Orleans. In November 2007, the company leased space along the Industrial Canal in New Orleans from Trinity Yachts Inc. The company now is using the New Orleans yard to construct a line of military vessels bound for the Middle East nation of Bahrain. United States Marine's headquarters will remain in Mississippi while its new Industrial Canal space will serve as a second location. The company shares Trinity's equipment and work force, which it is using to complete a $22m contract with the U.S. Navy to build two vessels that will ultimately be used by Bahrain. However, the company plans by the end of the year to build its own shipbuilding operation on the Trinity Yachts land and hire between 50 and 75 employees to work on the Navy ships and other watercraft, Dreyfus said. The two companies share a co-owner, John Dane III. Source: AP Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 13 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Nijverheidsweg 21 3161 GJ RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail Seen from the top the test barge CT-UB of Heerema Marine Contractors completely rigged to execute the test lift for both cranes onboard the BALDER, The test barges are having an empty weight of 521 short tonnes and fully loaded a weight of 4400 short tons. Photo : Willem Poot (c) Damen Dredging Equipment delivers new automation system for Mercator Lines Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 14 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Damen Dredging Equipment reports that it delivered a new dredging automation system for the 5,400m3 trailing suction hopper dredger Triloki Prem in just three weeks. The vessel, owned by Mercator Lines, was built in China in 2006, and had been fitted with dredging automation entirely in the Chinese language. The new owner chose a completely new software package as it could be delivered far quicker than the existing package could be translated. Mercator Lines, the new Indian owner of the vessel, provides marine transportation services and has recently taken up dredging activities. Triloki Prem is the company's first hopper dredger. It is currently at work dredging the main shipping route between India and Sri Lanka. Source : Dredging news online ALHATRON MARINE NEW SUBSIDIARY ALPHATECHNIQUE Alphatechnique BV is Alphatron Marine’s new subsidiary. The new company is formed by former employees of Progress technique, the Dutch specialist in cargo monitoring and bulk handling systems for the Marine Industry. Alphatron Marine is a solid and successful producer and system integrator of navigation, communication and integrated automation solutions for deepsea, megayachting and inland vessels. Alphatron Marine is part of the Alphatron Group which has 28 years of experience in professional electronics and employs over 200 people divided over 14 subsidiaries around the world. The combined expertise of former Progress Technique and Alphatron Marine can now be used in order to extend their business outlet from navigation, communication and dynamic positioning systems to alarm monitoring and cargo control systems. This cooperation provides one-stop shopping bridge concept solutions for all kinds of vessels, including the engineering and service back-up during the lifetime of the vessel. Luuk Vroombout, Director of Alphatron Marine BV said: “We are very excited about the formation of Alphatechnique, this will be a huge step forward for the complete bridge concept solutions that we deliver.” The new company will be able to provide a full concept, all from one source, with exciting new integrated products for offshore, sea and river vessels. For more information about the new subsidiary, please contact Alphatron Marine at +31(0)10 453 4000 or e-mail Alphatron at or contact Alphatechnique at +31 (0) 181-454609 or e-mail Alphatechnique at HOLLAND AMERICA LINE OFFERS EXCLUSIVE AUSTRALASIA CRUISE ITINERARIES IN 2009 Holland America Line is set to travel Down Under in 2009 with nine select voyages throughout Australia and New Zealand aboard the 1,432-passenger ms Volendam, a ship new to this region. Iconic landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House and Auckland’s Sky Tower will greet guests as the ship explores the varied landscapes and exotic cultures of Australia and the North and South islands of New Zealand through several unique ports of call. Departing from Auckland, New Zealand; Sydney, Australia, or Singapore, the exclusive 14- to 19-day sailings bring guests to striking locales and allow for spectacular scenic cruising and pre- and post-cruise tours to some of world’s most renowned destinations. “For many of our guests, a cruise to Australia and New Zealand is a dream come true,” said Richard D. Meadows, CTC, executive vice president, marketing, sales and guest programs for Holland America Line. “The itineraries we offer are unlike any others, and that ensures we’re giving our guests the most extraordinary experiences possible.” Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 15 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 15- and 19-day itineraries sail the Great Barrier Reef and Asia Volendam’s two new Great Barrier Reef itineraries are firsts of their kind among major cruise lines in the region. On these select sailings, guests enjoy four days of cruising the Great Barrier Reef, including two days of daylight cruising through the world’s largest coral reef system. Scenic highlights in the reef include viewing the sunrise or sunset — depending on itinerary — while anchored off Lizard and Bobby Islands, an overnight anchorage in the reef near Sherrard Island and cruising Torres Strait. Several interesting ports also will be visited in Indonesia, including Komodo Island, part of the Komodo National Park; Padang Bai, Bali, with its abundance of shopping opportunities, and Semarang, a bustling city teeming with ancient temples. The 19-day itinerary from Auckland to Singapore departs March 16, 2009, and the 15-day Singapore-to-Sydney cruise departs Nov. 21, 2009. Discover the many wonders of New Zealand on a 14- or 16-day cruise Guests are treated to a picturesque backdrop and extraordinary ports of call on 14-day voyages throughout Australia and New Zealand. Volendam brings cruisers from Sydney’s famous harbor to Auckland’s bustling city with calls along the way at Burnie, Australia; and Christchurch, Tauranga, Dunedin and Picton, New Zealand. The verdant landscape of New Zealand welcomes guests as they encounter breathtaking sights while cruising through Fiordland National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The lush forests and enchanting waterways will continue to charm guests, even as they sample the region’s many culinary delights including Picton’s wine country, Tauranga’s kiwi farms and Burnie’s Lactos Cheese Factory. Additional adventures can be experienced on Picton’s waterways, which are perfect for kayaking, and Tauranga’s bubbling hot springs. Itineraries between Sydney and Auckland depart January through March, and December 2009, and a special 16-day holiday sailing departs Dec. 20, 2009. Starting fares (per person, double occupancy) for the 14-day cruises are $1,999 and for the 16-day holiday voyage, $2,999; also, $2,249 for the 15-day Great Barrier Reef journey, and $2,599 for the 19-day Great Barrier Reef experience. Guests can make the most of their time down under by adding a pre- or post-cruise tour to further explore sites such as the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock or the Waitomo Caves. Lectures in Holland America’s Explorations Speaker Series further enhance the experience by providing guests the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the region. When in port, guests can choose from a multitude of diverse shore excursions including the exclusive Medallion Collection featuring Overland Adventures; Signature Collection private-car touring; visits to natural, architectural and technical masterpieces from the Wonders of the World Collection; and rare and unusual experiences with the Encore Collection excursions. Holland America Line also will feature a selection of unique voyages to the Asia Pacific region in 2009, including a new round-trip Hong Kong itinerary. For the first time next fall through spring of 2009, Volendam will sail to destinations throughout the Pacific, calling at exotic locales in China, Southeast Asia, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam and Russia. For a 2009 Australia/New Zealand and Asia/Pacific cruise brochure or for more information, consult a professional travel agent, visit Offshore Runner Vessel Launched The Offshore Runner vessel (Yard No 358) for Raj Shipping Agencies Ltd, Mumbai was launched on February 11 at Dempo Shipbuilding and Engineering Pvt Ltd, Old Goa. Among the dignitaries present were, Mr Naushir Mehta, director of Raj Shipping Agencies Ltd, Ms Mehta, Mr Dilip Sawant, design consultant, Mr Yatish S Dempo, director, Mr Sanjeev A Kanekar, general manager (works), Mr Vivek Phadte, works manager and other members of staff and contractors. source: Navhind Times Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 16 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Seen on the Clyde the tidy little Dutch tug EN AVANT 7 with the STEMAT crane barge DINA-M in tow for work in the Clyde area. Photo : Tommy Bryceland. SCOTLAND © Höegh Autoliners moves to Norway Höegh Autoliners will relocate its ship-owning activity to Norway. Following the move, 43 car carriers will be held by its Norwegian ship-owning entity. By 2012 Höegh Autoliners plans to have at least 61 car carriers under Norwegian ownership. Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 17 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 The new Norwegian shipping tax regime announced at the end of 2007 introduces general conditions in line with those in the EU. This will provide internationally competitive tax rules for Norwegian shipping. Höegh Autoliners has therefore decided to move its ship-owning activities from Bermuda to Norway. "We have decided to move to Norway because the new Norwegian tax scheme is attractive and will provide an even more efficient base for our global business" says Thor Jørgen Guttormsen, CEO of Höegh Autoliners. Key commercial and technical management activities are already located in Oslo with 268 employees. Another 320 employees operate from 30 locations world-wide. "The Norwegian maritime cluster provides a unique base for collaboration with experienced resources in all maritime related fields," says Guttormsen. "Maritime competency of a very high standard is available here." 22 vessels in Höegh Autoliners' fleet are registered in the Norwegian International Ship Registry (NIS). All newbuildings are entered into NIS when they are delivered from the yard. While the new Norwegian shipping tax regime is attractive as outlined, the Government has proposed a scheme for terminating the existing regime which will seriously affect the industry negatively. By forcing payments of tax retroactively calculated on earnings since 1996, Norwegian shipping companies have been told to pay a huge bill in accumulated tax. The legality of this demand has been disputed by the industry. "It is a paradox that companies established outside Norway will be better off than those who remained within the Norwegian shipping tax regime introduced in 1996," says Guttormsen. "We will also be affected because we have maintained a presence in Norway all along. However, our evaluation of the new scheme is independent of these termination rules." Under the provisions for terminating the existing tax regime Höegh will be liable for around NOK 1.3 billion (about USD 240 million). In January Höegh Autoliners announced that it acquires a fleet of car carriers from A.P.Moller-Maersk and that the Danish company will become a shareholder in the Norway based company. With A.P.Moller-Maersk as a partner, Höegh Autoliners has further strengthened its platform for broad based growth and enhanced customer service. Höegh Autoliners started its Ro/Ro car carrier operation in 1969 and now deploys some 67 vessels in its global trade systems. Vessels already ordered will grow the Company's carrying capacity by 45 per cent to 85 ships in 2012. Main customers are major manufacturers of new cars, heavy machinery and rolling goods. In 2008 Höegh Autoliners expect to carry about 2.2 million car equivalent units (CEU) making close to 3 000 port calls. The Company estimates 2008 revenues of about USD 1.4 billion and a balance sheet of close to USD 3 billion. Source : Höegh Pipavav Shipyard Wins $1.06b Order Pipavav Shipyard has won an order worth $1.06bn to build 26 Panamax bulk carriers, making it India's largest shipbuilding order to date. The orders are from Golden Ocean Group, Norway; SETAF, France; and AVGI Maritime, Greece. Source: Money Control Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 18 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Seaway Heavy Lifting Offshore installation • • • Platform installations and removals Globally available 5000 mt crane capacity Seaway Heavy Lifting c/o Chroomstraat 30, 2718 RR Zoetermeer Mechel to Build New Port? Mechel Group is planning to build a port for coal handling in the Russian Far East, reports Interfax with a reference to a source in the company. The exact location of the port, the stage of the project realization and the volume of investment are not reported. Currently an appropriate site is being selected and the feasibility study of the project is being prepared. It is assumed that the new port will be used for coal export to the countries of Asian-Pacific Ring. Source : SeaNews Port of Savannah receives super-sized cranes Four new environmentally friendly cranes that can handle the larger cargo ships of the future have made it to the Port of Savannah, where they will help the port's Garden City Terminal more than double its capacity by 2015. The super post-Panamax cranes from Konecranes are about 480 feet long, weigh 1,369 tons and rise 367 feet above the water with a 34-degree incline -- they are the largest of their kind in the world. The cranes can handle super postPanamax vessels the size of 22 containers wide. Electric, they will cut the use of 500,000 gallons of diesel, the emission of 690 tons of nitrogen oxide, four tons of particulate matter and 12 tons of hydrocarbons every year. "The new cranes will play a major role in enhancing productivity and capacity necessary to handle the growing volume of cargo at Savannah," said Doug J. Marchand, Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) executive director. "They represent the promise of future growth and opportunity for our community and the state of Georgia." Source : Atlanta Business Chronicle Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 19 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 Above seen Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System m/v Kennicott, laid up in Ketchikan for the winter. Photo : Robert Kuikhoven © Swire Orders New Offshore Vessels Swire Pacific Offshore Holdings (SPO) has signed an agreement with Qingdao Qianjin Shipyard, Qingdao, to build eight new "P" Class Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels (AHTS) for delivery in 2010 and 2011. The agreement was signed on 24th January by SPO's Managing Director. The new 4,800 hp, IMT957-design vessels will be 57 metres long, with a bollard pull of 60 metric tons; the first pair of AHTS is scheduled for delivery in August 2010, with the remaining pairs of vessels delivering at four-monthly intervals thereafter. The contract, which is worth in the region of US$100 million, completes the major part of an ongoing fleet replacement program, and when the last of these eight new vessels is delivered in 2011, the wholly owned Swire Pacific subsidiary will have replaced 24 of its older vessels, and increased its fleet size to 86 vessels, with an average age of 11. Source : MarineLink Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 20 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 The ELEKTRA seen passing the Caland Bridge enroute the Brittanie harbour Photo : Henk Dekker © MOVEMENTS Inbound on the sunny River Clyde in Scotland was the PETUJA a fine example of the modern day feeder style containership. Photo : Tommy Bryceland. SCOTLAND Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 21 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. For the third time Curacao's biggest bank MCB (Maduro& Curiel's Bank) organized a trip on the clipper Stad Amsterdam to say thank you to the local media. General manager Lionel -Chicu- Caprilles welcomed more than one hundred TV and radio makers, journalists and photographers on board for a five hour sunset trip to the western part of the island. Clipper Stad Amsterdam was build by Damen Oranjewerf in Amsterdam in 2000. The full rigged three mast clipper has a tonnage of 698 GT. Photo : Els Kroon © Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 22 2/14/2008 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 044 The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. If you want to no longer receive this bulletin kindly reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Distribution : daily 3800+ copies worldwide Page 23 2/14/2008
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