The Charismatic Lover: Journey, Wisdom and Meeting


The Charismatic Lover: Journey, Wisdom and Meeting
The Charismatic Lover:
Journey, Wisdom and Meeting
Women on Facebook
Disclaimer: This book contains sexual content and adult
This book is un-edited and in its entire original form. The
book is not perfectly edited. To edit this book in such a
way would have been to destroy the very essence of what
being a Charismatic Lover is all about.
There is perfection inside imperfection.
This book is split into three parts: My journey, the wisdom
(and insights) that I picked up along the way and my
guide on how to meet women on Facebook.
ISBN 978-1-4092-8978-4
Copyright © 2009 by Adam Taste. Printed in the United
Kingdom. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.
This book is dedicated to my father, the one person who never
gave up on me when I was going through hard times and to this
day, has never stopped believing in me. I am proud to call this
man my father.
Part One: Journey
Who Am I?
Your Legacy
The Day I Decided To Change
The One Girl Story
Stylelife Adventure
Facebook Girl Part 1
Facebook Girl Part 2
Blowjobs and Oreos
Part Two: Wisdom
The Gift
Express Yourself
Your Ideal Self
Vision Board
The Rejection Challenge
Honest Intentions
Lessons From a Rockstar
Lessons From a Motivational Speaker
The Ideal Date
Taking Liberty
Be Sexual Mindset
The Energy Orgasm Pattern
The Rose
Part Three: Meeting Women On Facebook
Why I choose Facebook
Setting up your Facebook Profile
Insight on Facebook
Meeting Women On Facebook: First Message
Meeting Women On Facebook: Response
Facebook Message Transcript
Women are waiting for an amazing guy like you to come
into their life and whisk them away on a beautiful
adventure. She craves that excitement that she cannot get
off any other guy. Her life is consumed by that one
beautiful and amazing moment, the moment that she'll be
one day swept off her feet by an amazing man. Her entire
identity, self esteem and happiness thrives on this one big
moment to take place in her life. She reads romantic
novels, watches romance films and TV shows to remind
herself that such a man does exist.
She is but a lonely soul in an abundance of useless men
who just don't get it. It isn't their fault that they don't get
it... after all they are blinded by society’s standards. There
does however come some blessings in disguise, but they
turn out to be an act and underneath their shell lays a frail,
needy man who just doesn't get it.
Then one day she is doing her ordinary thing, grabbing a
coffee... she's on her lunch break and she doesn't expect a
man like you to arrive. But then you see her and you see
her beauty and instantly you are curious to see if that
beauty lies on the inside too, it's an urge... a burning
desire... a voice that tells you “Go to her...” you can't resist
that urge. You go up to her and instantly... you both
recognize each other... you talk and share a beautiful
moment with each other... She instantly senses that you are
the guy she has been looking for all along... but because
she's been misled and disappointed by false prophets... she
has to test your willingness... after all a man who is willing
to create beautiful moments to share, is the guy she
dreams to be seduced by. The more she tests and
banters with you... the more she realizes that this is what
she has been waiting for... this one moment that she has
fantasized about for years... this is the moment for her to
indulge into the beauty of life... with a guy like you and
she can let go... she feels like a free bird... she can open up
and become a beautiful woman indulging in her fantasy...
finally letting go and being completely free... knowing that
in that moment... anything could happen... she can truly
open to you romantically and sexually... because she
desires to be released... she craves to release her beauty
within you... that ultimate connection that allows you to
go in unison with each other.... It’s in those moments in
which you begin to understand your true passion in life...
to meet beautiful women.... act on your intentions... share
amazing adventures and rescue them from a sea of needy
men... and it is in that moment you realize what you truly
are... a fucking adventurer... a charismatic lover.
The truth is... women are the real chasers... they chase the
perfection of a worthy man to come into their lives and
seduce them... It's a never ending cycle of searching for the
perfect soul mate... It's searching for beauty in its rawest
form... its gratification.
Worthy men are explorers of beauty... Consumed by the
images of perfection... Although it looks like we chase... we
never truly chase after women... we merely want to
explore the beauty of women... it's a never-ending
adventure with a thousand meanings and a thousand
moments... We seek to conquer beauty... to live in the
momentum of our legacy... the legacy that we will one day
pass down to our sons.
Who Am I?
Today I sat in college re-doing the GCSE’s that I didn’t pass
in my teens due to “not giving a fuck about” school. I’m 22
years old and I feel like I’m in high school again, only this
time to the left of me is my fake “learning disability
assistant” and to the right of me is a “hot girl with a
broken soul.”
No, I don’t have a disability, although I should have for the
stunts that I pull off.
I told my college that I’m learning impaired and that I
need an assistant to help me get through the day, when in
reality this is the girl that I take home at night to cum in
her asshole, a pretty unprofessional assistant if you ask
me. See, Claire is an American girl who I met through
Facebook and became sexually interested in, which
launched into phone sex and her buying a plane ticket to
come down to my place in the UK and have endless nights
of passionate sex.
What I love about Claire (my fake assistant girl) is the fact
that not only is she alluring but she is stinking rich. She is
this beautiful, exotic girl who has a millionaire daddy to
take care of her financially. The thing that drives me to
seduce this beautiful woman isn’t her money, but the way
she is passionate about everything in her life and that she
shares that with everyone around her. We are like two
souls seeking pleasure and passion, so we confide in each
other and enhance our lives like it was some kind of
magical kingdom of Narnia.
Even though I love this beautiful, rich and passionate girl,
I could never get into a relationship with her. I tell them all
at the beginning, truthfully, that I have a huge sexual
appetite that craves variety and even though we will have
all the moments of a healthy relationship, the love, the sex
and the comfort, the passion and the seduction, we can
never have the commitment. Of course there is always the
commitment of having a bi-sexual girlfriend who has
threesomes with you, which some of you may know better
under the term “Living the good life” but that is a different
I genuinely love women. A woman’s body to me is like an
art form that entices and teases your senses to test your
dominance and patience, only to then stimulate your mind
and open up to you in such a way that makes being a
seducer worth every minute. They call out to you, begging
you to fuck them as they open their bodies to you, to be
explored, desiring to feel that passion penetrating each
part of her body, softly but slowly anticipating the moment
of the warmth of your touch sliding over her soft beautiful
skin. To finish this amazing feat off by having her beg for
your dick inside her mouth, having her lips tightly
wrapped around your dick as she savors every last fucking
drop of your cum. To know that this beautiful moment
was all made possible, just by messaging her through
Then there is “hot girl with a broken soul.” She knows that
she is beautiful. She is surrounded by five desperate guys
who desire to fuck the hell out her. She’s here to study and
to become more successful, yet she uses these guys to get
her drinks and cigarettes simply because she can. She
draws in the attention of every man as she twiddles with
her hair and seductively opens her thighs, being
completely aware of the impact that this move has on all
the desperate guys in the room.
She looks at me with her “I can get anything I fucking
want” eyes, telling me in a commanding voice “Pass me
that pen.”
I look at her straight in the eyes with a smile on my face.
“Your mum.”
Her facial expression changes and she tests me “I beg your
Unfazed, I look at her cheek and tell her “You have a piece
of sauce on your cheek.”
Instantly she goes to the mirror and starts checking her
cheek for stains, “There is nothing there.”
I smile and pick up the pen and gently throw it to her
“That’ll cost you a tenner.”
She smiles, knowing that I have just done something that
no guy in the class room has ever done to her, I had
communicated to her emotions and not to her logic.
On the left, my beautiful fake assistant is conjuring up
plans to get my attention because she can sense that the
hot girl is into me. She gets closer and starts rubbing my
dick through my trousers, she wants my undivided
attention. The orbiters are getting antsy because all their
showering of soft drinks and cigarettes to the hot girl is
now rendered useless. The hot girl brings her “A” game by
stroking her hair and smiling at me. Other girls in the
classroom begin to notice this kind of sexual aura that I am
releasing and they start to entice me with their glancing
Within five minutes I have the entire room mesmerized.
You can tell the guys are analyzing me in their minds
asking themselves “How the fuck is this possible? All
these girls are attracted to him!” Maybe you are one of
them as well.
Within ten minutes, the hot girl and I go from bantering to
making out in the toilets. We go back into math class and
sit far at the back. Now, fake assistant girl comes back with
a sprite and the look on her face is priceless. It could be
because she knew what we had done or because I had
lipstick marks on my neck. Did this make her mad? No,
after lesson she dragged me to my house which is three
minutes away and fucked me as hard and aggressive as
she could.
“Your life is like a fucking soap opera, you should journal
this down.” she says, right after I make her fucking come
by triggering an orgasm on her palm sending her into a
sexual trance of pleasure.
This isn’t the first time I’m being told this and I’m starting
to truly believe it. My life has become so fucking insane, it
feels like I am the dude out of the Truman Show and the
world is out to make things interesting for me, otherwise
the ratings would bomb.
People say I have this type of gift that allows me to
experience extreme fun and happiness in my life. Guys
have been coming up to me and asking me “What do you
have that I don’t have?”
I wasn’t always like this. Go back to only four years ago
and you will see a completely different me.
I used to be a fat slump of shit wasting away on my couch,
jerking off to my Internet girlfriend who turned out to be a
man, constantly playing online games and eating roughly
fifteen doughnuts a day. My daily routine consisted of
avoiding anxiety and intense panic attacks and being
afraid of every little disease that I could ever catch. I never
left the house at any given moment. I was confined to my
bedroom wallowing in pain and anticipating pain. I would
constantly watch Friends episodes to keep me happy and
The worst part was I had a friend who always used to pull
the women and I would get sloppy seconds. I was the
Robin to his Batman and being his Robin meant that I got
laid too. The problem however was that I would always
get the fat ugly friend. I was a pawn in his game of chess.
My sole purpose was to just simply disarm the obstacle. I
would fuck the fat friend and actually feel great about it. It
even got to a point where I went to sex parties and fucked
older, uglier women.
When guys ask me how I got from where I was merely
four years ago, I tell them “I re-invented my entire life.”
I changed everything. I went from being fat, anxious about
going outside and not being able to look a girl straight in
the eyes, to being healthy, getting into trouble in
unpredictable adventures all over the world while
seducing the most amazing and beautiful high class
women. I started by using the Internet and meeting
women online because I was afraid to approach in real life
at the time. Meeting amazing women online enabled me to
go on all these crazy adventures with them and I would
meet new girls in the process. It gave me the confidence I
lacked at the time because women were coming all the
way to see me and I didn't have to worry if I was going to
fuck it up because they were already deeply attracted to
me from the connection we built through the net.
I know you are reading this because there is a hunger
inside of you, you have an inner force inside of you that
tells you “I deserve better.” A power that rebels against
any bullshit. You want to meet and attract amazingly
beautiful women and you want to learn new skills and
ways of thinking to re-invent your life to the way you
desire it. Whether you want to become a social rockstar
who has multiple relationships and one night stands or reinventing your life and becoming your best possible self
and to even having all the skills to attract an amazing
girlfriend into your life and to have her fall deeply in love
with you. Whatever it is that you desire, it is completely
We live in an age where it is possible to meet the most
amazing beautiful women effortlessly and even at a touch
of a button. Meeting women online is not a substitute to
the beauty of meeting and approaching women in the real
world but it's a powerful tool that when used can yield
amazing results, so why not use it?
Rather than teach you a scientific method on how to meet
and attract women, I'm here to teach you everything that I
have learnt from my own personal journey. I have learnt
from the major seduction gurus to naturals and rockstars
and people who have amazing skills with women and live
unpredictable and adventurous lives. I learnt from self
proclaimed online dating gurus who had mastered the art
of meeting women online. It has led me to a crazy journey
in which I have met and continue to meet the most
amazing women, through the internet and in real life.
I can promise you that anything I can do you can do too,
maybe even better. I had to face my problems and
overcome a lot of limiting beliefs in my life to truly get to
where I am now. I travelled the world in search of gurus
and mentors to take me under their wing to learn
everything I could to finally be happy with myself and
with my life.
In 2006 I decided it was time for me to take control of the
quality of women in my life and my social anxiety, so I
decided to enter into a challenge for men called the
Stylelife Challenge by Neil Strauss. It led me on some
crazy adventures that changed my life and I got enough
reputation to be voted for the winner of the Stylelife
Challenge. I then got to go to San Diego were I met the real
masters of hypnosis, Hypnotica and Steve P and my
transformation began to blossom like a beautiful flower.
So I guess you could say I create this adventurous,
dramatized and spontaneous life for myself. I was able to
shape and change who I was and bring out the best self
within me.
Now I’m at a point in my life where I want to share this
transformation and help others by using the skills I have
acquired to help people make life altering transformations
and changes within themselves and bring out the best in
them. I also grow a little each day and discover amazing
ways to achieve all of my desires.
It’s a beautiful thing.
This book is about my journey, all the wisdom (and
insights) that helped transformed me along the way and it
is also a guide on meeting women through Facebook. It is
a full guide on everything that I have learnt on how to
meet beautiful women through Facebook and what I did
to get success. This book is also about living life as an
adventure. Because life is a story that one day becomes
your legacy and which becomes your magnum opus to
pass down and inspire other people with your greatness.
This isn’t just about meeting and attracting women, it’s
about discovering the true beauty of a woman and
appreciating a woman for who she truly is. I like to bring
out the beauty in a woman and take her on a little
adventure with me, she deserves and desires it.
There is no knowing what will happen tomorrow, so I live
for today. When I wake up, I know that I could end up on
a boat to Mexico (Bring it on swine flu!) by the end of the
day, because when I get out of bed those cameras begin to
role and it is like
“Welcome to my world.”
I’m Adam Taste and I’m a Charismatic Lover.
Your Legacy
If you only had 10 years to live, how would you live your
life differently than you do now? What legacy would you
leave in the world that would inspire thousands?
Let’s face it most people aren’t doing something they want
to do. Most people live a routine life of, getting up, going
to work, watching TV and going to bed. However, we all
have passions and desires in life, yet we are more inclined
to be lazy and fall into a routine based life. Has life lost its
true meaning of ceasing the moment? We walk around in a
daze constantly worrying about the future and being
scarred by the past and we allow this infliction to ruin our
hopes, goals and dreams.
I once knew a talented guy who would create masterpieces
of art and he would share that with the world, he could
have been the next Van Gogh without the cutting of the
ear. But as he grew older and got a job, he lost his passion
and stopped doing art and settled for a mundane life. This
is not to say that routine jobs are bad, but maybe you
should question if your job is making you happy.
Does your job allow you the freedom and the opportunity
to be “You”?
Everything that you do in life is an expression of you,
which defines and determines what legacy you will leave
in the future. Every little action that you make can
determine the entire course of your life and influence
others around you. For example, when a drug addict
begins to take drugs, it begins to affect his whole
perception and outlook on life, the legacy that he will
leave will not be an inspiration to others but simply a
learning lesson of what not to do.
What makes our life amazing is the ability to inspire.
People are in love and also jealous with the people who
have a passion for something and take action on their
dreams. We all want a role model to be inspired by and to
help us get back in touch with our passions in life, yet with
all these role models and people creating and
accomplishing all these amazing feats, why are we still
Because we are told that it’s okay to be lazy and to settle
for less, we are told that it’s okay to be lazy as long as you
buy the latest DVD and pay your taxes. Society standards
aren’t a bad thing, they are there for a reason. The
standards are set to guide people into a safe routine based
life, society standards are there for the safety of your life
and not for your passions. So we have to look past society
and search within ourselves to bring our passions out and
motivate ourselves to accomplish them.
People who are stagnating are generally held back by fear
and lack of motivation. I use to be the most unmotivated
person I have ever met. I would spend all the hours of my
day, wishing I were out exploring life and denying myself
the right to live out my passions. What changed was that
one day I hit rock bottom, my girlfriend had left me, and I
had no money and no friends. I asked myself, “Is this how
you want to be remembered? Are you going to settle for a
mundane life? What legacy are you going to share and
inspire others with when you are gone?”
It wasn’t easy at first. No one said that setting out to follow
your dreams was easy. It requires motivating yourself and
pushing yourself to the limits to achieve that one-step
further to your goal. You have to realize that failures in life
are inevitable, you can strive for perfection, but you are
going to hit bumps and snags in the road along the way.
After all, even the universe is made of bumps and snags.
The difference between a successful person and a person,
who gives up and settles for a mundane life, is perception.
A successful person will perceive failure as feedback and
as an opportunity to get one step closer to their goals and
then failure to them simply becomes a motivator to
succeed. A person who gives up will want smooth sailing
and strive for perfection, only to then hit a few snags and
see a dead end road and then the end of their whole
Do you have something that you have always wanted to
do? Maybe it is a big goal, like re-inventing your life or
being a huge success with women. Or maybe it is a small
goal, like getting a cool haircut or joining a band. Ask
yourself what is stopping you from going out there and
taking action right now.
Motivation is a muscle. If you lack the motivation then
don’t be discouraged. Motivation is a muscle that needs to
be trained and strengthened. Start by motivating yourself
in small ways by doing little things and build yourself up
to do bigger things, the more little goals you do, the more
it adds up to the bigger picture. Life isn’t just one big goal
it’s got millions of small steps and directions that set the
entire course of your life.
You are only one small step away from fulfilling your
greatest desire. What is stopping you today from
accomplishing something that you have always wanted to
do? What if your life was to be over by tomorrow, what
actions would you take today? Every time you deny
yourself of your desires and dreams, you are denying
yourself of the joy and freedom of being you.
Look outside your window right now and take a deep
breath. How can you not be motivated with such a
beautiful world out there, waiting to be explored by you
and to challenge you to places you have never seen or
adventures that you have never experienced. Just knowing
that right now there is a woman out there waiting to be
approached by you, who is very warming to you and all
you have to do is take a small step by approaching her.
By setting your own standards and taking action towards
your goals and dreams, your legacy of all your greatest
accomplishments and your greatest feats, will be
remembered for generations and will inspire thousands of
people. That will be your legacy. Everything you do in life
should be an expression of who you truly are and the
beautiful thing is that you get to share that with the entire
Now, what is your legacy going to be?
Today I was looking for my old notes that I had written
almost 2 years ago and I stumbled upon my old Diary. As I
read some of the entries it felt like I was reliving history,
but there was one month that really stuck out like a sore
thumb. Back in December 2006 I was going through a
rough patch. I had been on a life changing journey and I
had all these dreams and goals and I created this character
that I just couldn’t live up to. I hit a rough patch and
started getting bitter about how my life wasn’t going the
way it should have been and I was pissed off because I
realized that for 19 years of my life I had lived in a fucking
social coma. I was angry at the fact that I had this amazing
gift of creativity and this amazing personality that was
irresistible to women but I was still in an environment that
was stopping me from achieving my desires.
I had no friends and the people in my life I did have were
keeping me from being the attractive guy I desired to be. It
was like on the inside I had my shit together but on the
outside, living in a crappy small town, having few people
to socialize, was restricting me.
I always felt like I was destined for greater things in life.
That the environment I was in was alien to me. I rarely
enjoyed going out and I never really liked anything that
my friends did. I was very American cultured and loved
everything about America. I would watch American TV
shows constantly and just wish that I was able to live there
one day. I always knew I was meant for bigger things than
living in a crappy fish town. The people here seemed very
fucking depressed, the weather just seemed to be always
miserable and no one here really strived for their dreams.
December 2006 was when it really hit me. You know those
bad luck days you seem to get where everyone seemed to
just be pissed off with you? And you think to yourself,
“Am I giving off bad vibes or what?” That’s how December
2006 felt to me. I was being constantly disappointed by the
people around me and the environment I was living in.
Here are some of my entries:
“December 15th 2006:
So it is 4 am and I am sat up thinking about my life and
how people have treated me just lately. Even my own
girlfriend has been treating me like shit. She lashed out on
me and attacked me like a crazy ninja today. I’m fucking
done with everyone. I’m sick of people back stabbing me
and turning their backs on me. I need to get rid of my own
girlfriend who has been emotionally crippling me. I need a
fresh start with new friends and new girls. This life right
now just doesn’t match up to the person I am on the
inside. I deserve and desire better. I am done with these
good for nothing bastard’s, all they do is drag me down in
the dirt.”
“December 20th 2006:
My cousin had a huge party today and he didn’t even
invite me. I only found out through a friend that he was
having it and invited everyone but me. He even invited
my old friend who I no longer speak to, what the fuck is
happening? Why is everyone fazing me out? Ever since I
have become a better person they just seem to not want to
know me. I did everything for my cousin, I looked after his
kids while he worked 2 nights of the week EVERY WEEK!
For a whole fucking year! When he was struggling in a
huge financial situation, I helped him and his girlfriend
out of it! I don’t even get a fucking invite and the fuckers
have the cheek to come round and ask to borrow money so
that they can get beer for their party. Fuck them. Fuck
everyone. I’m starting a new life, I don’t need these
So as you can see pretty negative stuff back then. I was
frustrated with the people who had let me down and the
environment that I was in. The reason I share this with
you, is because this was the turning point in my life that I
decided to no longer tolerate bullshit. From the pain and
disappointment came a great lesson that I will forever
I raised my standards of what I would tolerate in life. I
erased anything that didn’t align with my life and when I
did this it didn’t matter about my environment because
when I started to live life at a higher standard, no matter
where I was… an adventure was awaiting me.
I broke up with my negative and aggressive girlfriend and
I cut my focus from the people who were disappointing
me and filtered them out my life. I didn’t ignore them I just
didn’t hang with them and focus on them. I started to
focus on the people who truly appreciated me and enjoyed
being around me and started to search for more of those
No matter how bad you think your life is because of the
people around you. It isn’t an evil thing to cut them away
from your focus. Because when you do this, you are telling
the world that you demand respect and you don’t put up
with bullshit. When you do this, you are truly living a
higher standard life.
The Day I Decided To
I came from a background where I had hit rock bottom. I
was a complete loner with no friends, I was badly
overweight (22 stone), I had no career and no money, No
girlfriend, No motivation and I sat in all day long because
I had nothing to do. I had nadda, nothing.
It started when I was 16. I started to experience intense
fear and panic attacks. Every day I sat in my room fearful
and panicking about every possible thing that could
happen and I would experience weird and scary
sensations that convinced me that it was something life
threatening such as a heart attack or aneurysm.
Looking back I could see that it was because I learnt that
one day I had to die and that there was nothing I could do
about it and that at any moment you could get something
life threatening and that was your life over. It scared the
living shit out of me to the point that I didn’t want to risk
going out in case I would get beaten up or stabbed by
groups of chavs or incase a screaming man in an aeroplane
would kamikaze into me or something. I was fucked up by
the fear of dying and losing my life that in the process I
would hide myself in my bedroom where I felt safe in the
world. By doing that, I actually lost my life, oh the irony…
My social life was taking its toll as I was skipping school
until I just eventually stopped going all together. Back then
I had one friend “Parker” who I looked up too.
Everywhere we went all eyes would be on him and he had
so much confidence. I found myself living in his shadow,
following him everywhere he went, all the girls I crushed
on would get with him instead. Being overweight didn’t
stop me from getting girls, but being Parker’s friend meant
that he got all the hot girls and I got their ugly friend
instead. Whenever I did have an attractive girlfriend I
would hide her from Parker like she was some kind of da
vinci code that he could magically unravel.
Then when I was 17 I had conquered my anxiety and panic
attacks. I over came my fear of death but the old patterns
were still hard to shake off. I was still a recluse and fell
into the same old patterns but I didn’t have terrifying
panic attacks any more. I wanted to venture forth in life
and see what it had to offer but I just couldn’t motivate
myself. It felt like I was a prisoner in my own home and I
had been so disconnected from life for so long that I didn’t
even know where to begin. Life started to look hopeful for
me when I was given an inspirational book which was
written by Tony Robbins. The book ended up motivating
my entire life and changing the way I thought about
things. But the more I began to change and improve, the
more I drifted away from the one so-called friend that I
had. Parker thrived on the fact that he was better than me
so when my attitude in life changed, he didn’t like that one
Then I met the “Evil woman” and sold my soul for nights
of boring and predictable missionary sex. At the time I was
just happy to have someone in my life that seemed to love
me for who I was, boy was I wrong. It seemed to be going
perfect and I grew attached and fond for the she devil
whore but out of the blue she decided that she wanted to
move into a village away and live a quiet life. She wanted
me to join her and I wanted to be with her but my gut
feeling was telling me that it was not my destiny and that I
was destined for something much greater and beautiful.
But like all men who are stung by the tail of the she devil
whore, I decided to ignore my gut feeling and go with her
any way.
I guess deep down I just wanted to escape the bubble that I
had created and to have a fresh start in life. I lost contact
with Parker for my new friends John Smith and Jack
The village life was so boring and dull that the only way to
get through the day was to take up drinking which I
hated. However, it made the evil woman appear better
looking than she was so there was always that benefit. But
nothing could distract me from the boring nights of
missionary sex and the days of bitchy drama that would
even terrify the likes of Stephen King and Ghandi. After a
couple of months I found myself once again in a rut. Was
this my destiny? To barricade myself in a building where I
felt safe from the world, where I felt comfortable? To have
my room be a prosthetic womb which shielded me away
from the big scary world out there?
One day I just had enough. I got up and forced myself out
into the big scary world. I kissed the evil woman on the
cheek and ventured off. I ended up walking around the
village looking for any possible adventure that would
await me. I was like tin tin but all I was missing was
snowy and if I was to adventure out in this big world then
I definitely needed a snowy.
I received a text, “Just having Pizza with James.” I didn’t
get jealous because James was her gay best friend. I
walked around the village and into the shops, I decided to
make my own mini adventure and go by my own rules. I
went into shops bought weird combinations of food and
tested them out to see if I could be an inventor of some
kind of new food just like the Reggae Reggae man. I went
to the farmers markets and listened to all the old people
about their lives as a farmer and why it is important to
grow your own food. I laughed at the village idiot when
he fell on his drunken ass after flirting with the village
whore. I drank with my friend Jack Daniels and sang
along to gay boy bands on the karaoke. I made my own
entertainment up. It wasn’t the best thing in the world but
it passed the time, it still didn’t cut it though because my
gut feeling was telling me that there was still something
important that I was missing.
I decided to head back home. As I put my key into the
door and opened it, I heard a loud “OH MY GOD” coming
from the evil woman. I thought to myself maybe she was
just shocked that she got a celebrity to reply to her on
MySpace or maybe she finally owned her own copy of
High School Musical. “OHHHH OHH GOD” Okay maybe
she’s just praying? “OH MY FUCKING GOD! HARDER!
FASTER!” As I walk into the bedroom I see Mr gay giving
it to my girlfriend. I didn’t know what shocked me more,
the fact that the dude I saw kiss other men was now giving
it to my girlfriend or the fact that my girlfriend was sat
there getting fucked in front of me.
Disaster. A whole year of my life built with this evil
woman, gone down the drain for nothing. I was still in the
same rut as I was before, so after beating the shit out of her
gay friend with a candle (Don’t ask) and breaking up with
the devil whore, I decided to move back into my old rut.
Because I had left everyone behind, I had no one to talk
too and nothing to do again. Parker got back in touch with
me and we started hanging out.
All that progress I had made seemed like it was for
nothing but this time I had a better attitude towards life
and I wasn't going to settle for less.
Temporary happiness came when I met the most amazing
girl and I decided to host my first party and invited her
along. However, that was shortly lived when I found
Parker fucking her in my bed. I vowed to get back at him
and to find what really attracted women so that I could
steal his girlfriends and give him a taste of his own
medicine. It was in that moment that I decided to change
everything in my life. That I was going to do an
experiment, to see if that one man could actually go from
having nothing to getting everything that he desires. Was
it possible for one man to discover his dreams and
accomplish everything that he desired? Could one man
step out of his self created rut and live a life of adventure?
This was my project that would put transformation to the
I needed to find a way out of the rut. Most importantly, I
needed to find a way to re-invent myself and change my
life for the better. I wanted to learn how to meet and attract
women. I just didn’t exactly know where to start. I had
heard of inspirational people who had nothing and ended
up becoming rich and famous. So living in a rut, TV and
the internet being my only friend, I searched for the
history of famous and inspirational people who changed
their entire lives. I was shocked at how many famous
people went from living in a rut and having nothing at all
to living an awesome and successful life…
One inspirational story that I came across was the famous
actor Cary Grant, who transformed himself and changed
his entire life. He changed everything about himself, from
his attitude to the way he dressed and he even changed his
name. What was fascinating about Cary Grant is that he
started from scratch, he was poor and had no education
behind him and yet even in such a poor environment, it
didn’t stop him from making something beautiful of his
life. He became a success because deep down he couldn’t
accept settling for less, he knew that succeeding and
becoming famous was his destiny. He re-invented himself
and changed his entire life because deep down that was
truly who he was.
Just like Cary Grant, I knew the person who I was at the
time didn't match the person who I desired to be. I knew
that I was destined for something much greater and
beautiful. That life should be an adventure that is to be
explored and not to be observed. I was motivated to
transform my entire life and change every aspect to live
my ideal life and become the person who I truly desired to
be. There had always been a feeling in my gut that would
tell me deep down that I was destined for something much
greater. That the life I had was not in alignment with my
true destiny. I intended to create my own destiny and fill
my life with passion and beauty... The day I met “One girl”
from MySpace changed everything...
The One Girl Story
The one girl was the best girl that ever came into my life.
Everything about her and how we got together was almost
like the romantic film “You've got mail” or some shit.
Me and one girl met through MySpace when I was testing
what was working for me and what wasn't. She was a
mutual friend of a friend, but what I didn't realize was that
her dad knew my dad.
So when we found out about that, we spoke on the phone
and we had a fucking awesome conversation which led to
us adding each other on MSN.
I remember that I always assumed that one girl had a
boyfriend. She was just too beautiful to be single. She was
my ideal girl, the one. Every time we spoke, we got more
playful and things began to get a little flirty.
The night we met, was the craziest night I had ever had in
my entire life. That day, we were speaking on MSN and I
found out that she was actually single. She put the web
cam on and her beautiful face just glowed and radiated
this gentle warmth of lust and passion. I knew in that
moment that I had fell in love. “But how could it be
possible?” I thought to myself. I had never even met this
It was getting dark and I looked at the clock, it was 8 pm.
My dad just got in the house and asked me if anyone had
called. “Yeah, One girl's dad just called, something about
fishing.” I said. With that, my dad grabbed the phone and
called her dad up. It was a small exchange and then the
words of dread came out of my dad’s mouth. “Yeah, I will
come round and I'll bring Adam so he can meet One girl,
they speak all the time on the internet.”
But I wasn't ready to meet One girl. I had just gotten into
the art of seduction and was learning all these amazing
things on an internet community site. But I knew I was a
learner and I felt like I was far from ready to go out and
apply this stuff. I was frightened that she would reject me
because I wasn't exactly the best looking dude. I was in the
middle of losing weight, I needed more time and I didn't
feel like getting rejected by the girl of my dreams that
But my dad persuaded me and the members of the
internet community persuaded me to just go meet her.
They gave me all kinds of tips and tactics that gave me a
little more confidence.
Off on our journey we went and in the car I was starting to
get very fucking nervous. My hands trembled as I thought
about numerous worst case scenarios in my mind. I mean,
I was fat and she was very fucking beautiful, so the
insecurity in my mind was playing over and over again.
We turn up at her house and go to the door and I'm
greeted by her dad and then I heard someone coming
down the stairs. Almost frightened, I ducked for cover.
There she was the beautiful brunette a mix of a rock chick
and the looks of a fucking model. Her clothes barely
touched her skin, her beautiful scent inviting me to just
indulge. I wanted her right there but I felt so fucking
insecure. The only thing on my mind was “She thinks I'm
way too fat.”
But then she greeted me nervously and her smile made all
my worrying thoughts vanish. I felt as if I was given a new
life, I had no thoughts or worries and I was completely
aware of everything around me, especially this beautiful
girl. She took me upstairs and showed me her room.
Looking back, I realize that she actually wanted me to
seduce her on her bed.
She was all nervous and smiley. “You're very cute.” I look
into her eyes “You are fucking amazing.” In that moment
we kissed. It just felt natural to melt into her lips so slowly
and softly that it was almost like two soft petals barely
touching each other in such a forbidden kiss. Her breath
was taken away. However, as I was nervous I didn't go
further than that. I started to tease her about her hair. It
was something that I had learnt from the people of the
internet community. She started to giggle and held her
hand over her hair and playfully brushed it.
We didn't say a word. We didn't have too. We just looked
into each other’s eyes and smiled. This was the first time in
my entire life that I discovered passion. That was when I
truly knew what Don Juan Demarco meant by loving a
woman for who she truly is. I wanted to just ravage her
entire body, but at the same time I wanted to slowly
explore each part of her body. Her breasts so soft looking
made me think impure thoughts of desire and lust.
“Adam, we have to get going.” I had to go. But I didn't
want to leave this beautiful moment. I wanted to saviour
it. Without thinking or any nervousness, I rushly asked her
“Stay with me for the night.”
She looked at me and paused, I felt like this was the
rejection that was going to fuck up everything. She said, “I
want too, but I have Steve my best friend coming over.” I
felt heartbroken but I wasn't giving up. “Well just invite
Steve to my house, we'll play on the PS2.” She smiled at
me, “Okay, I'll phone him and tell him where to go.”
The ride home was magical. We kept looking into each
other’s eyes with such chemistry. We would look away and
into each other’s eyes again at the same time and she
would giggle “Stop it.”
We got home and Steve appeared. Now Steve was the kind
of guy that was in love with her. He was the “friend.” And
when he saw me and one girl together, he didn't fucking
like what he saw. You could see in his eyes that he was
jealous. We began playing the PS2 and Steve was out to get
me, like a fucking Taliban terrorist with no fucking justice.
He would jump over to me on the game and fucking try
and kill me and I was on his team! The tension was
unbearable. I left to go into the bathroom, as I left the door
I heard them speaking.
Steve: “I can't believe you are at this loser's house.”
One Girl: “His not a loser.”
Steve: “You said we were going to get together... We
shared a kiss remember.”
One Girl: “I know, I'm so confused... I like you but I just
don't know.”
I had read about this kind of situation before. I had to
disarm him by giving her to him but in a way that she
wanted me. But because I was a newbie, I mistakenly took
this to the extreme. Rather than just saying the classic line,
“Dude, I'll give you money to get her off my hands!” I
began to take it to the extreme by actually hooking them
up. This was stupid because I thought that I was actually
disarming Steve and making me more desirable to one
girl. Not true.
Me: “You guys should go out with each other.”
One Girl: Why?
Me: “Seriously, you guys would be amazing for each
One Girl: “Really?”
Me: “Face it, you've been friends for years and that's like
the most romantic thing to do is get with your friend.”
One Girl: “We have thought about it, but I'm not sure.”
Me: “Guys, life is way too short and you guys actually
have a chance to make something so special that no one
ever has.”
One Girl: “Okay...”
*Steve went to the bathroom in a happy go lucky mood*
Me: “He told me, that he found you incredibly amazing,
that whenever he saw you his heart skipped a beat and he
wouldn’t dare look away from you, afraid that your
beautiful sight would vanish from his eyes, that it would
just feel look looking away from the sun and staring into
the void of darkness... that all he ever wanted was to be
with you.”
One Girl: “Steve said that? You're lying.”
Me: “Believe me. He poured out his heart to you... He said
that when he stared into your eyes it was like you
captured his heart.”
One Girl: “OMG that's the most beautifuliest thing I've
ever heard... He said that?”
*Realising what I had done*
Him: “No NO NO NO He didn't!”
*Steve comes in and looks at One girl*
One Girl: “OMG I can't believe you said that to me, that
was so sweet Steve.”
Steve: “Uh... Yeah I did!”
With that the girl that I fell in love with, was all over the
Taliban terrorist wannabe and eventually they ended up
going home together. My heart sank and I almost choked
on my sickly stomach. From that moment on, they were
boyfriend and girlfriend. I felt like a stupid salesman who
just sold a jaguar for the price of a banana.
A week past and I felt complete shit that this girl who I
had fallen in love with was with such a douche bag.
However, we began messaging each other again and we
couldn't help being flirty and sexual. Steve found the
conversation log and banned her from speaking to me. But
she would send me texts while he was asleep and we
would trade flirts back and forth. We were slowly falling
in love with each other, but she didn't want to cheat on
Steve or leave him because she didn't want to fuck with his
I was invited to a party by one girl's friend. I think one girl
had asked her to invite me because she just wanted to be
with me. But Steve was furious when he heard this and in
a jealous rage, he forbid her to even go near me. So I went
to the party and I saw her there, she was fucking beautiful
but Steve was surrounding her like Kevin Costner in
bodyguard. He gave me the worst look you could ever
possibly give a person. I didn't trust the dude, I wouldn't
have been surprised if he had pulled out an Uzi and tried
to gun me down just from the cowboy stare down that we
Instantly I knew I had to make one girl a little jealous so
that she was thinking about me. So I instantly approached
two girls and got them flirting with me. I saw a jealous
glance from one girl and I just knew that she wanted me. I
wasn't going to let this girl get away. So I ran towards her
and grabbed her and she followed.
Steve came behind me and was like “What do you think
you're doing?” and I said “Taking my girl.” I walked off
with her and she was a little edgy and unsure. “What if
Steve gets hurt.” I then lost track of Steve and I pushed her
against a wall outside and looked her in the eyes and just
kissed her.
Me: “Those words I told you... It's what I felt for you... he
didn't say any of them.”
Her: “Why did you tell me he said them?”
Me: “Because I heard about the kiss and I was very drunk
and stupid.” (I was sober.)
Her: “What am I going to do about Steve?”
Me: “I'm falling for you... I want you to be mine... I claim
you as mine to the fucking world and I'll make you mine...
If you want to go... and go to Steve you can... But I'll
always come find you and take you away from him.”
With that we kissed. We walked home and I explored her
body and fucked her like she had never been fucked
Looking back, it was a beautiful memory that I will always
cherish. You will notice what I did was I took liberty and
grabbed her and claimed her to be mine. In every success
there is a variation of leading and taking liberty and
looking back its funny how I did this stuff without even
realizing it because the desire deep inside of me
outweighed the risk of getting my ass kicked who looked
dangerous enough to be part of a Mafia terrorist family. It's
about creating those memories that you one day look back
on and smile to yourself knowing that you at one point
made a woman feel so beautiful about herself and inspired
her by being a dominant man and taking charge of your
This girl became my girlfriend and it was a bad heartbreak
but I learnt so much from this. From one message on
MySpace to a life adventure. I was amazed at how you
could just meet a girl through the internet and it could
lead into something real and beautiful. This kick started
my life and I was more encouraged to meet more women
on the internet. With all the experience of meeting women
from the internet, I gained all my confidence to approach
women. Meeting women online became a bonus rather
than a substitute. I knew that if I ever did hit rock bottom
again that I could always re-build my life from scratch and
meet amazing women all from a click of a button, it was
just that easy.
Stylelife Adventure
Stylelife was a challenge that many men took to improve
their lives. It was a 30 day challenge in June 2006 in which
the goal was to get a date. The winner who got a date
would be determined by votes.
So when I received a phone call from Neil Strauss himself
congratulating me that I had won, I felt amazed. Summer
had just told me she heard the news too. For some reason I
knew I was going to win. The prize was kept a secret and
when it was revealed that I would be going to San Diego
to meet Hypnotica and Steve P the two famous hypnotists
from the game. I was almost panicking.
Here is what I wrote about the trip to San Diego:
A quick introduction: The name is Taste, I was the Stylelife
Challenge winner and I received the prize of Intensive
Inner Game training with Hypnotica but Steve P and
Cameron Teone joined in my journey. The flight cost and
hotel were included and all paid for by Neil Strauss.
This turned into a bigger journey then I had expected and
it continues to grow now…
This is going to take me a bit of thinking to properly place
most things. Also note that my personal stuff is left out,
because it doesn’t need to be discussed.
It was the night before San Diego, and I could feel the
nervous rush building up inside of me. I had never flown
before and it was one of the biggest fears I had to face.
Xtra and my family took me to the airport. I could feel the
thoughts in my head rushing back… “What happens if I
get lost?”
“What if…”
It was time to leave for my new journey. The first plane
ride was pretty nerve wrecking and it actually made me
lose my voice. I think taking off was the worst part and the
fact that I had a fear of heights.
When I got to Amsterdam I was nervous as hell. My
confidence was wrecked and this was when I realized that
I wasn’t an expert in my game. I was an expert at being
relaxed in my own town, in my own comfort zones… So to
push out of that took me a lot.
From being a recluse to doing something like this deserves
a lot of credit in my mind. I had to thank myself and this
was my reward for getting out there. I was becoming the
self that I always wanted to be.
When I was waiting for my second flight, I felt a strong
anxious feeling in my stomach and I wanted to go home. I
felt like crap and I didn’t want to go through with it. I felt
like a scared child, but something in my mind told me to
shut up and be a man. That I could no longer run away
and hide from life. It was now or never
France was up next and I have got to tell you, although a
very beautiful place, the French are very strict on flights. It
made me even more nervous being interrogated by a guy
who I could hardly understand. I felt like I was being
interrogated for having heroin lodged in my anus or
something. The man assured me that it was just a routine
check and that it was selected at random. The airport was
massive, and I had to use my new found social skills to get
myself from A to B.
My flight to Cincinnati was amazing! They had movies to
occupy me, although this was where I encountered jet leg.
I was hallucinating while reading “The Game” en route.
I had a lot of time to think on the plane journey. I knew I
was an expert in some areas of my life and that’s why I
wanted to help people…but I wasn’t an expert in myself. I
was focused on other people and I had neglected my own
self to help other people overcome the stuff I had
overcome in the past. But what I found out was that I was
not as confident as I thought I was. I had been going
through life with a “Fake it till you make it” attitude,
which temporarily did help me. However, as soon as
reality struck and I had to directly face life, the attitude
shattered. I was already shedding my old skin…
The San Diego flight was the ice breaker for me. My mind
was telling me, I am on the edge of the cliff ready to be
changed and all I had to do was jump off it and go with
the flow. Life was waiting for me to grab it and take it by
the nipples.
I finally got my ass to San Diego airport and stood around
waiting for my limo. I was getting cold, as time passed and
passed, I looked everywhere and maybe it was due to my
flight being a little delayed but the limo didn’t turn up so I
had to get to the hotel somehow.
So here I was in a different country and I had to pluck up
the courage to find some way of getting to where I needed
to go. Everything was new and I needed to get to the hotel
before I passed out from jet leg and got raped by bums.
I used my initiative and found a taxi. It was very different
from a British taxi and it took me awhile to discover that
the taxis were actually parked behind me the whole time.
As soon as I got to the hotel, I was tired. At the same time,
I wanted to stay up, yet I wanted to sleep. I wanted to go
home, yet I wanted to stay. With my head spinning from
all the mixed emotions, I decided to call it a night.
At 3 A.M. I got woken up to a phone call from my Dad
asking how I was. I told him I was great and he told me
that everyone was proud of me for going on my first plane
trip to a different country.
I started to really appreciate what Neil Strauss had done
for me. I mean the man practically gave me an opportunity
of a lifetime. It was like he gave me the key to a new
In the morning I noticed two things. I was thirsty and I
was sweating like a pig. I wasn’t use to this heat. I also
needed to cool down. This place was really hot for me and
sweat became like a form of clothing in this strange and
beautiful place. It didn’t matter if I took a shower because
within 10 minutes I would sweat again.
The phone rang… it was Eric (Hypnotica). He had a husky
American accent that spoke of wise words. I could tell this
guy had a strong sense of who he was. He asked, “How
are you doing buddy?” I stuttered as I didn’t know what
to say. My mind was in overload and I couldn’t think
properly about my words.
“I’m going to have a limo pick you up around 8 and we are
going to meet up. I’ll analyze your behaviour and find out
what you truly want to learn before we get into the deep
stuff.” He took his time to speak, and I noticed he really
thought about his words. I understood every word he said
and my first impression of Eric was that he was a guy who
spoke very clearly to you and had his shit together. You
could tell that he didn’t like to leave you confused.
The phone call gave me a boost of confidence. So I decided
to get my ass over to the mall and get some cool and weird
So I decided to check the plaza out. I had nowhere else to
go because I felt nervous just going out into a strange
place. I thought to myself that I could get lost easily.
So with my map and cigarettes, I embarked upon a
journey that involved beggars, pimps, prostitutes and
guys with knives. I was like the Christopher Columbus of
Yes you heard me, guys with knives! But they were
actually pretty cool. They seemed to be in some sort of
gang but they showed me the way to the plaza which was
nice of them. I gave them both a cigarette for taking me
there. On the way I encountered a lot of bums. This made
me sad to see, even if they were just merely junkies,
because where I come from we don’t have this. I sprinkled
a few dollars here and there to random homeless guys, I
felt like I was Bono.
The mall was amazing. It was so big, yet I didn’t recognize
any shop names that were of value to me… so I decided to
just go into random shops. I went into the cigar shop
looking for a lighter so I could smoke my cigarettes.
The people in there were very friendly. They recognized
my accent and we talked for awhile about how the UK is.
After that, the owner gave me a lighter for free and some
matches. He also recommended me some places to go,
which was pretty cool.
Then I decided to hit up Hot Topic so I could find my
items. It was my style of clothing. I was a rocker and I was
very welcome here. The Hot Topic chick stared at me,
giving me signs of interest. I knew I had to open her….
“Hey, how are you today?” Her eyes glowed and she
responded, “OMG you are not from around here, are
you?” This ended up in a discussion of how we British are
so reserved, yet people here are so friendly and open. I
decided to thumb wrestle her. At this point, I was just
purely teasing her. I then went on to do some palm
reading, which she loved. Then before I knew it she
wanted my email address and wanted to send me the
pictures that I took with her.
After my shopping, I headed back to the hotel. I decided to
go on the net and post about my journey to the Stylelife
guys. The hot topic chick was on MSN at the time and she
got off at work soon and wanted to come around to the
hotel and hang out, but I had plans with Eric. So I got
showered and prepared to meet one of the best.
It was 8:15 and I was waiting outside. Out of nowhere this
girl started talking to me. She looked like Carmen San
Diego! She had the hat, cloak and everything. I wanted to
tell everyone that I knew where Carmen San Diego was!
She was right here outside the Bristol Hotel, annoying the
fuck out of me. She was going on about how frustrating it
was in America that you have to tip everyone. I had no
intention of seducing her. Although it would have been
fun to say to my friends, “Dude, I fucked Carmen San
Diego!” I learned that it was just as fun to be sociable
without any expectations.
The limo turned up and the driver was one of the
friendliest guys I had ever met. We had a lot in common
and he told me about Eric and about his strip bar. We
pulled right outside his strip bar and the driver went to get
Eric. While I waited, I had a quick smoke outside and
noticed guys stumbling past me who looked pretty
satisfied and drunk out their fucking skulls. Eric came out
of the strip bar with the driver and greeted me with a
manly handshake. He was very confident and I could
immediately tell why he had the ability to inspire people.
We talked about my issues and problems that I wanted to
overcome while we were chilling in the limo. He listened
intently and understood were I was coming from. We
talked about my goals and desires. He also shared the
story of his transformation with me. This was when I
noticed he wasn’t just a guru but he was more of an
inspiration. He was just as human as everyone else and he
was still learning new stuff each and every day. He had
been where I had been and he had changed his whole life
around and made it beautiful.
We talked about my 3 years of depression, when I was
drinking too much and how I gained a lot of weight due to
He gave me a bit of his philosophy on women and how
that looks don’t matter. He actually gained weight and got
fat so that he could prove to himself that looks aren’t that
important. I learnt that it was more about how you present
yourself rather than how you look.
It was hard for me to analyze what I wanted because in my
mind I just wanted to be confident. He told me confidence
was a process, that deep down we are all confident about
something. We just get influenced by outer forces and
grow uncertain. I noticed that every time I doubted myself
or spoke negatively, Eric would use a pattern interrupt to
get me out of that frame of mind. He explained everything
in clear detail and he wanted me to be clear on what I
wanted. I was thinking about what I wanted to become
instead of usually thinking about what I wanted to get rid
of. I wanted to become the person who didn’t give a fuck
what other people thought. I wanted to live my life like an
adventure. I wanted crazy things to happen in my life so
that I had interesting things to say. I just wanted to live.
After coffee, the night ended. The next day was going to be
a big day. I was going to meet Steve P and a guy named
Sam. In Eric’s own words, Sam is a “dark mother fucker.”
I’m a dark mother fucker myself so I knew I would get
along with him.
I decided to write about all the things I wanted to become
and then I called it a night. The next day, Sam and Dean
(Eric’s roommate) picked me up in Eric’s car outside the
Bristol. He greeted me with a fucking massive bear hug.
You could tell these guys were definitely inspired by Eric
and Steve. Sam told me I needed to loosen up and relax,
because he could see my posture and how it was tense. He
was right I needed to chill the fuck out and enjoy the
moment. It was just nerve wrecking knowing that I was
going to meet the godfather of seduction.
Sam was a funny fucker, he would tell story after story and
he got me to loosen up and chillax. He bought some Bud
Lights and we drank on the way to Eric’s house. I thought
to myself, “Holy shit the dude is drinking and driving!”
But I figured if I was going to die in San Diego it would
probably be from some kind of forest fire, so I decided to
take a risk. As soon as we got near Eric’s house, they put a
shirt over my head like I was some kind of hostage. For a
minute, I actually thought that it was possible that they
could be kidnappers and ransom me off to my parents. But
they assured me that it was part of Eric’s plan. I didn’t
know what the fuck was going on. Before I knew it I was
stood on what felt like a really steep hill and with the
possibility that I was about to meet my future potential
They placed me in a room that had ambient music. It
sounded like birds whistling and then all of a sudden I
heard a deep voice say “What is your name?” I had my
face covered with what could only be described as a
fucking homemade turban.
“Adam,” I said in a stuttering voice. “What do you want to
learn?” he questioned. I felt pretty fucking nervous so
without thinking I said “To not be nervous, to be my best
self and to be confident.” I still had my beer in my hand.
He removed the shirt off my face and I saw that it was
Steve P. He looked like Indiana Jones. All he was missing
was a whip. Steve was pretty fucking intense. He cut
through the bullshit and got to the problems. Some were
very personal so I will not discuss them. Let’s just say he
used some techniques on me that changed how I
responded to my fears.
I felt completely hypnotized. His words were soothing. He
was talking in metaphors and I was out cold. While I
couldn’t remember much of it, what I do remember
though was Eric coming in the room and hypnotically
talking over Steve. It was some kind of dual induction.
I noticed they made up for each of their counterparts. Eric
would explain shit, were as Steve would cut through the
shit. They were different, but combined they were deadly.
I was nervous and Steve pretty much got rid of it within 5
minutes. He said “Now try and trace that feeling back”
and I couldn’t, even though I tried to get that feel back. “I
can’t,” I stuttered. “Pretty fucking cool, eh?” Steve was a
relaxed guy who knew his stuff. He enhanced people’s
lives and I could tell that this was his passion. They
weren’t gurus in my eyes, they were like big brothers,
teaching me and taking me under their wing.
My style of clothing didn’t match up to San Diego’s
standards. Where I come from, I pretty much dress punk
rock/casual. So Eric decided to get me set up.
Eric took me to a hair stylist, after which my hair no longer
was of Emo standards. Eric paid for it. I felt guilty that he
was paying for my improvements, but he smiled and said
“It’s your weekend.” Eric and Steve both had a way of
finding the good qualities in people and bringing them
out. I was already becoming the person I wanted to be.
After my haircut, Eric shocked me yet again. He bought
me some fucking cool clothes. The guys knew I wanted to
improve my weight. I was getting a deep understanding of
who I wanted to become. After taking a shower at Eric’s
(which I had a hard time to turn the fucking tap on his
shower and nearly had a “Ben Stiller moment”), I heard
his roommate playing the guitar.
I walked into the room like some kind of suave guitar
genius. I was like “Let me show you something.” I played
him a tune he loved it. He put it with drumbeats and I
could tell Eric’s roommate Dean had a passion that I had
After I finished, I was finally a new version of me looking
like a proper fucking stud rather than the punked up nerd
I was before. I was more confident in myself, I liked the
way I looked and I had Eric to thank for that. It was time
to leave, tomorrow was going to be an even bigger day.
Steve wanted to put me into a trance so he was going to
take me to the hotel and do some hypnosis on me.
Unfortunately the parking was so shit that me and Steve
found it hard to even find a suitable spot. The guy was
pretty fucking funny when he was angry though.
I got in the hotel where I noticed that people were looking
at me. Women approached me and complimented my
looks. It was amazing how a simple change could be so life
I no longer gave a shit about all the criticism I received
from winning the challenge or wanting validation. It was
petty. I was now in my own reality. This was a spiritual
fucking journey on a spiritual fucking level.
The next day was amazing. Steve took me to the Pow Wow
Festival of Indians. He felt kind of bad for not speaking to
me much while he did his own thing, but I couldn’t give a
fuck because I was checking out some hot Indian chicks.
This culture was so interesting to see that I was
mesmerized by it. I had always shared a liking to Indians
and their way of life.
Cameron Teone (The One) turned up. This guy had
fucking game, but it wasn’t just any game. It was natural
game. We talked a hell of a lot about the community and
he wanted to get a feel of where I was with women. I told
him about where I was and where I wanted to be.
So we went back to Eric’s place and they did some deep
trance stuff with me. Now I don’t mention any of this
because I can’t fucking remember any details. I am only
getting slight epiphanies of what happened, but they
spoke at the same time, each on different sides of me. It
was soothing. Now I used to be afraid of hypnosis,
because I got scammed for thousands of dollars by this
guy who claimed he was a hypnotist. But these guys were
the real fucking deal and I was under. It felt like only 2
minutes had gone by, but I was under for 4 hours.
After that, it was time to head to the California beach.
They wanted to see if I had approach anxiety and stuff.
Cameron Teone would send me over to some girls and
told me to use natural game. It was so much fucking
better. “Hey guys, I am not from around here, do you
know any cool places to party?” It didn’t matter what I
said. It was about being easy going and social.
This is where I changed completely. Cameron Teone
showed me the way to be natural, in as little as 2 hours.
This guy had so much fucking confidence and he was so
easy going. He was sociable and he didn’t give a fuck. If
there is one guy I wanted to learn from, it was this guy.
Eric and Steve kept smiling. They were plotting some kind
of evil plan. I just knew they had something crazy in store
for me. We had our lunch and got back to Eric’s place, it
was time to get ready. I knew we were going out, but I
didn’t exactly know were. Steve left and it was just me,
Eric and Cameron.
After we all got ready, we drove a long fucking distance
into what I would call the middle of nowhere. I thought to
myself don’t tell me you’re going to take me on a mountain
and do hypnosis and confidence building on me. I hate
fucking mountains and heights. Instead we ended up in
fucking Mexico!
We went to this bar that I can’t remember the name of. All
I know is that it was a strip bar beginning with the letter
This is where I thought to myself I need to meet some
women. There were so many fucking girls. Eric had a
smile on his face, he was plotting something wicked. We
had some beers and I was having a fucking awesome time.
All of a sudden, 3 girls came to sit on my lap. I started
flirting with them, teasing them, and being natural, they
loved it. Something happened and while I don’t want to be
a braggart so let’s just say one room + 3 girls at the same
time = nuts busted.
We got back to Eric’s place, and I was pretty fucking tired
after that. We had an awesome chat and I gained more
insight into what I needed to change. I felt I had changed
already. I knew who I wanted to be now. They had
awakened passion within me.
It was time to say our goodbyes but I felt it wasn’t going to
be forever. I have all their email addresses so I’m keeping
in touch, but I just want to say:
The Stylelife Challenge was an amazing experience. It was
something I needed to have in order to be awakened. It
changed my entire life. These guys were like brothers to
me. They cared about me, they enhanced my life and all I
can say is thank you to them. I am honoured to know such
amazing people. You guys are truly an inspiration. That’s
what this shit is all about, inspiring people and making the
world a better place. You guys changed my life for the
better and to repay you guys I am going to make
something amazing of my life.
Thanks to Eric and Steve. If it wasn’t for you guys I would
still be living my life in a box, unaware of all the
adventures that I could be having. Thanks for changing
my entire life.
Thanks to Neil Strauss, you helped make this happen man.
I loved it and it was an amazing experience. It changed my
outlook on life. I respect you not only as a person but as a
Thanks to Cameron aka The One. Buddy you helped me
change my whole game. It’s amazing how being a natural
can be so much better than just using pick up lines. You
inspired me as much as Eric and Steve. You have a gift
Four hours after the whole experience and after I got off
the plane, I hung out with Xtra. We went around to the
casinos and stuff, were I opened lots of girls with natural
conversation. It was beautiful.
That was back then. I hit some bumps and snags along the
way after that, but it was from that moment in which my
life completely changed for the better.
So Rich girl came down to see me because she was missing
the adventures that we always seem to have. I always
loved her coming down because we would do
unpredictable crazy shit, like renting out a limousine and
seeing if we could persuade the driver to go through
McDonald's Drive Thru or going on a late night road trip
and ending up getting on a boat to France. It was like we
had no limit on what kind of weird and unpredictable
trouble that we could get up too. There was something
about this girl that captivated me, maybe it was all the free
shit she would buy me or maybe it was because when I
looked into her eyes I just couldn't help but want to slam
her against the nearest wall and have my way with her.
As with any night before she came down, she would get
me on the phone and try to plan what we were going to do
for the week. But just as with any time that she made
plans, I would ignore her and tell her “Let's go with the
flow. Geez girl be in the moment!” We would have the
same argument with each other about how she should just
throw away her schedule and let me take charge. I would
tell her to just go with the flow and deal with it in the
moment. It felt like I was Eckhart Tolle trying to teach
Paris Hilton to chill the fuck out and live in the now. As
always, I would get my way and she would just talk about
how excited she was to come down and see me again. She
was right though, there was something exciting that we
would create every time we where together. It was those
moments that helped me truly understand the magic of
passion and freedom and how it acts almost like an
aphrodisiac to a woman and completely captivates her.
The next day I get a phone call from Parker.
Parker: “Hey dude, I haven't spoken to you in ages! I got
this girl and got that girl, blah blah blah.”
I began to tell him about Rich girl and how she is coming
down today and that she's super hot. He didn't believe me.
Parker: “Prove it! I'll come round tonight and I bet she
doesn't even turn up.”
After all these years he was still the same person who had
to prove that he was better than me. But I felt a slight case
of the revertigo and wanted to prove him wrong.
Me: “Oh it's on dude, come round and you'll see how
fucking beautiful she is. She is so beautiful that I bet when
she was born, the nurses had to put her away from all the
other babies because they didn't want her catching their
Parker: “Ha! You are attracted to babies?”
Me: “WTF? No that's not what I meant!”
Even after all these years, we were still trying to out-wit
each other and with me having a slight case of revertigo it
made me feel like it was a bad idea inviting him round. I
had nothing to prove, he had been my arch nemesis for
many years and I had already won that battle many times
over and surpassed him on so many levels, he was still
working at the same place and although he didn't want to
admit it I knew he was still with the same girl.
I started to get shit ready for when Rich girl arrived. I
cleverly stashed a bunch of condoms under my pillow and
shaved my hairy balls. After I had done everything, I laid
upon my bed and rested. After my dirty dream of fucking
her in the ass, it was time to pick her up. Just like every
time I would go to pick her up, the anticipation would get
the better of me and the excitement would fill my entire
stomach and from that feeling I would get all these crazy
and different ideas on to greet her. So I stopped at the shop
and grabbed a bunch of party poppers.
With party poppers stashed in my right pocket and a huge
devious smile on my face from the idea that I had in my
mind, I found my way to where she was waiting.
There she was, long silky black hair and exotic tanned
skin, wearing an AC/DC t-shirt that complimented her
fucking huge tits. She looked happy to see me. As our eyes
met and her face locked onto mine, we drew closer to each
other. She was about to give me the most biggest and
warmest hug in the world, but like the devious sneaky
bastard that I am, I went into my right pocket and I
launched the party poppers at her face and scared the
living shit out of her! She screamed, “You fucking
As soon we got back to my place, I threw her onto my bed
and teased her.
Me: “I'm not letting you have my dick until you beg for it.”
Rich girl: “I'm not going to b.... Oh god! Stop that!”
After 2 hours, 3 condoms later and two satisfied
customers, I get a knock on the door. I was hoping it was
the pizza man because after fucking a girl for 2 hours you
start to get the munchies, but unfortunately it was just
Parker: “Holy shit dude you were right, she's real!”
Me: “Of course she is, she wasn't going to be a fucking
Cylon was she?”
I wasn't even worried about Parker stealing my girls any
more. I had learnt everything I needed to know to deal
with that problem if it arrived, but it looked like I didn't
need to go to that length. While Parker was bragging about
his usual self and acting the class clown, Rich girl walked
out the room and called for me.
Rich girl: “Why is he trying to impress me?”
Me: (Sarcasm) “I'm not aware of that... his a nice guy
really. Give him a chance, you may just be the perfect
Rich girl: (Looking at me unimpressed) “I don't go for
guys that brag.”
It seemed that I didn't have to use reverse psychology
anymore because it seemed that Parker was losing his
touch. It didn't stop Parker from trying and I admired his
persistence. He would try anything to get really close to
her and she would awkwardly move away. In the end, he
eventually gave up and decided to invite his girlfriend
over and I couldn't help but think, “Poor bastard.”
When Parker's girlfriend arrived, he instantly began
making out with her and clinging onto her, like he was a
scared puppy looking for comfort. His girlfriend looked
very young, I felt like asking her what her favourite
Hannah Montana song was but instead I got a
spontaneous idea and just like with any spontaneous idea
that I got, I had to act on it.
Me: “Let's go to Scotland!”
Parker: “What the fuck. Isn't Scotland like eight hours
Me: “Who cares? Let's fucking go to Scotland and swim
with nessie.”
Parkers Girlfriend (PG... no pun intended): Yeah it's kind
of far away...
Me: When Christopher Columbus set out on a journey to
discover the world, did he turn around and say “You
know what? It's kind of too far away...” No!
Rich Girl: But you've only just mentioned that you want to
go to Scotland, I'm sure Columbus had planned it a long
time before he actually went.
Me: Oh there you go with your plans and rituals! Live in
the now Paris! Pack your bags bitches... Where going to
PG: I can't go to Scotland. I have course work to do!
Parker: And I can't because I have a job to go to.
I wasn't going to give up that easy on my new found
desire to go to Scotland. The images of bagpipes and loch
nessie greeting me with a “Welcome to Scotland” sign, was
enough to seduce me into wanting to go.
Me: So you’re not up for it?
Parker: Nah mate I got work and that.
I knew there and then that I had surpassed Parker. That I
no longer needed to feel like I had to prove myself to outsmart or out-do him. I grabbed Rich Girl and we packed
our shit and went on a road trip to Scotland. It was the
most spontaneous and adventurous thing I had ever done.
I had transcended.
Facebook Girl Part 1
So 9PM rolls up and it's Saint Patrick's Day. I should have
been out making things happen and making gravy.
Luckily Jason calls and he wants to make it up to me for
the other day when my ex gf pounced on my ass and
attacked me at his house. He asks me if I want to go to his
mini party, its low key and his gf has some friends round.
Plus it's Saint Patricks Day and any reason to drink is a
reason to party for Jason, so I am in. I decide to invite this
girl who I had been talking to on Facebook for awhile
because I knew she was in the area. I text her and she
agrees to meet me there, so I just chill out till she arrives.
9:30 rolls up and I hear the weakest knock on the door that
I have ever heard in my entire life. I open the door in
excitement expecting Facebook girl to show up. But to my
surprise, stood at the door with that big cute face and that
oversized jumper which almost fit her perfectly, her lip
gloss sparkling in my eyes creating an almost luminous
disco effect that would even blind a Japanese anime
addict. Seductively she lures me over with her eyes,
swirling her metallic hips as she glides to the music, beer
in one hand, cigarette in other. She was 300 pounds of pure
honey and tonight she was going to be my obstacle...
I am greeted by Jason and his girlfriend who are pretty
wrecked out their faces “Happy St Patrick's day!” We all
dance to a weird Irish song that is on and I do the
leprechaun dance, fun times.
Then almost like pure magic... I see Facebook girl outside
just about to knock on the door... Her tits were huge... Her
face was perfect... I was captivated. It was there and then I
knew why she was here. This beautiful ray of light was
sent down for one simple mission and one mission only
“Fuck Adam.”
I almost didn't see her, maybe it was because I was in the
zone and dancing to the future sex sounds of Justin
Timberlake. Or maybe it was because she was hiding
behind the 300 pound torso that was blocking the door
I approach her with a “Hey my name is Adam.” She is
super happy and tells me her name. (I'd rather call her
Facebook girl)
I get her to dance with me and I turn up the sexual amp by
slapping my dick through my trousers and onto her leg
while she grinds me “Slap her with a dick, Slap her with a
She is having fun but simply isn't hooking at this point.
The music track changes and she goes to have a cigarette
and I am greeted by the 300 pound and her beautiful wave
of smoke and tobacco stains on her shirt. She wants to
dance and why not? I am not fatist. After all I am
overweight and rein a Buddha belly myself. She is like a
sister from another mother. We are having fun and I feel
that she is attracted to me by the way she is kneeling down
and getting out of breath to make out she is sucking my
dick and when she rises up, gasping for breath, it is simply
Parker arrives and I greet him with a hug. He is my arch
nemesis from my ex gf's days but it seems he has hit rock
bottom with his girl cheating on him. I motivate him like
Tony Robbins by throwing in a few high fives and "You
can do it!" and he is up having fun. Fat chick comes in and
starts grinding on him, it's like a disturbed scene from an
Usher music video.... I go see were Facebook girl is.
Her smile is perfect and her energy is great. I can tell this
girl is high self esteemed, she isn't falling for my seduction
and I know what I have to do. I do the lying test on her,
basically it is where you hold their arms and when they
lie, their pulse beats faster than normal. She is hooked. I
make it all sexual by asking her questions like “Have you
ever had sex with another girl?” I made out that she was
lying and teased her. She was opening up more and the
passion was forming.
Parker seemed down and depressed so I went over to him
and we talked. I told him about my failed relationship, he
heard what she did to me and found it amusing. We hang
out for awhile, I am trying to be Mr Motivator but I am
captivated and I want to have Facebook girl, so I am
conflicted. But bro's come before ho's and we have fun.
Jason comes over and shows Parker a YouTube video.
I go back to the girl and she is playfully trying to take my
hat off. Fat girl sees this and she is like “Guys.....” I can tell
she was going to be an obstacle. So I bring fat girl into the
conversation and be-friend her. We talk about what it
would be like if Paris Hilton was bald and living in the
woods like Rambo. Now both of them are trying to get my
hat. I whisper to the obstacle that I think Facebook girl is
cute and that I want to kiss her. She tells me that she talked
to her and found out that she has a bf but doesn't like him
and likes me better, but will see what she can do. She asks
me to hook her up with Parker because she likes him.
FUCK! I am not doing that. I wouldn’t even wish that on
my worst enemy! I rub her hair and say “You’re cute, you
should go dance with him.” So I get them to dance and
have fun while I move in on Facebook girl.
The funny thing is Facebook girl hasn't even mentioned
her boyfriend at this point and she is giving me that sexual
look but I feel a little nervous and it's like I am not
attached to the outcome but I am drawn to her. So she asks
me what I do for a living, I tell her I’m training to be a
coach. I tell her about coaching and she is interested in
what I have to say. I show her a few tricks like, making her
feel dizzy with eye patterns and I show her how she can
have an orgasm just through the nerve fibres of her palm.
I am rubbing her palm and I tell her that every time she
breathes in to imagine that feeling expanding bigger and
bigger and every time that she breathes in she wouldn’t be
able to control it and it's just going to get bigger till it
explodes. She doesn't start orgasming but she starts
getting really horny and her eyes go all high and I can’t
help but say “Haha... you look fucking stoned.”
She looks at me and I look at her, our eyes sparkle and
almost in sync like out of some cheesy ass movie in where
the characters profess their never ending dying love for
each other.... we kiss. I put “the kiss” on her and she is
melting, her bottom lip shivers in excitement and I don't
want this moment to end, it is beautiful and poetic.
Everyone is having fun and we are holding each other in
our arms and having fun and kissing and rubbing each
other. I start calling her Twatface and Knucklehead and
she puts on this cute face. We whisper to each other and I
tell her that she should come to my house to watch this
funny video on YouTube, when deep down the only thing
that I'm going to show her is my dick.
I tell everyone that we are going and fat chick is all in love
for Parker while he is like ignoring her and we set off into
the night like Shrek and Fiona.
On the way to my place I bump her into lamp posts and
just literally tease her like the little retard that she is. We
get outside of my place and we make out and I look up to
the sky, it is a beautiful night. So I get an idea and I go
upstairs to get a cover and she gets confused. I take her out
to my backyard and lay the cover down and beckon her to
sit with me.
I start to look up to the stars with her and point to a star
and say things like "That's the penis because it's small and
it looks like mine." She laughs and says “I bet you haven't
got a small penis.” Now normally I would whip my dick
out, but I am enjoying the moment, so I just smile. But she
starts to undo my trousers and says “Prove it.” I tell her
that it is simply forbidden and that if she were to touch it
she would be a very bad girl. I try and pass my ring off as
a celibacy ring like I was a member of the Jonas Brother,
but it doesn't work. She gets hornier and I unleash my
inner animal instincts and I get my dick out and she starts
to play with it. I get her tits out but we are cold and my
dick feels like it's a fishing rod in the Antarctic so I move
this into my bedroom.
Then she starts to tell me how no guy has ever made her
cum and how that maybe I will be the one to make her
cum. She starts going all submissive and wants me to
control her. I ram her against the bed, whip on my condom
and start teasing her. I tell her to count to 10 and she will
feel my 5 inch dick penetrate her so fucking hard. She
counts to 10 and I tease her by getting up and leaving, but
she starts to pull me back and molests me.
I make her tight pussy cum so hard she feels like a fully
peaked sexual woman, the woman she desires and
deserves to be.
It gets to around 2 am and she gets a phone call and it's
her BF. This is shattering my mind the fact that girls will
sleep with you regardless of their BF, but I know that if
they had a great BF they wouldn't be cheating or that
makes her a shit person. But this girl is getting shit from
her BF and she is like “I will come on-line soon... I
Turns out her boyfriend lives in Oxford and comes down
like once a month. I find out that she is dating more than
just one guy and is a little bit of playerette. She tells me she
has to go but she wants my msn instead of just talking on
Facebook so that she can show me something cool.
So later on I get my ass on msn and she pops on and starts
sending me kinky ass pictures of her naked from her
webcam. Then she starts to tease me by putting her
webcam up and she wants me to dominate her. I am like
“Get your top off.” “Show me your tits!”
Great night! I am into this girl but I don’t know if I’ll go
out with her because simply I know as a man that I crave
variety and that I am destined for more girls.
Facebook Girl Part 2
I have already seduced and laid Facebook Girl (Karen), we
have had threesomes together and a lot of other great fun.
But she is a playerette and although we enjoy exploring
each other’s bodies and enjoy being captivated by each
other, she will always have other guys to fuck and I will
always have other girls to fuck. I suppose in a way that is
why we gravitated towards each other, because we are
pretty much similar.
I live around the block from Jason and always on a
weekend he invites people over to drink and have fun.
Jason’s girlfriend always brings her co-workers and friends
around to have a drink and a chat. She just got Karen a job
so she's a co-worker of hers now.
Word has gotten around that I am a player, because one by
one I am seducing all of Jason’s girlfriend's co-workers.
The player status has actually worked to my advantage
and now I have her co-workers curious about me from all
the passionate sex and fun that I have had with the rest.
Okay let’s begin. Let me paint a picture in your mind....
Tonight I get a call from Jason at around 7:30, asking if I
am still coming round.
Me: Sure buddy, I'll be over soon. You can tell the girls
they'll have to wait their turn!
Jason: Lucky twat!
I put my cologne on and proceed to walk to Jason’s. The
cold air brushes against my face, waking me up from a
distracting daze, reminding me that tonight my goal is to
mainly seduce Karen and to be in an open relationship
with her and to seduce her co-workers into falling for me.
I open the door to be welcomed by a rosemary perfumed
scent. I knew at that moment, tonight was going to be a
fucking blast. Not many people had turned up yet, but
Jason always invites me to these little gatherings really
early. Maybe it’s because he likes to show what level he is
now on World of Warcraft or maybe it's because he tries to
coax me into drinking dangerous amounts of alcohol. He
knows better, I don't drink anymore and not when I am on
a mission, tonight was about seducing Karen and seducing
her friends.
I chat with my Jason, his girlfriend (JGF) and this other
overweight retarded chick who I felt compassion for.
OGRE (overweight girl with a retarded education) was
constantly asking me questions, “You can hypnotise
people?” “You can dance?” “You are half Irish?” “You
don't even own a console?” “You don't drink?”
I break it off by telling her she would make a great game
show host but tonight I'm not drinking so she can't take
advantage of lil ol' me. She still tries anyway, just because
the cake is lying on the table and she knows it's bad for
her, doesn't mean she won’t be tempted to reach over to
eat it.
Finally a guy walks in with a Mohawk. I greet him and tell
him that he really has the coolest fucking hairstyle I have
ever seen. He smiles but you can tell the dude is kind of
socially inept.
In walks Karen, she is fucking beautiful. It was right there
and then that I wanted that girl. At closer inspection, I see
a guy following behind her with her bag in his hand. I call
these dudes frustrated servants (FS.) He grabs her hand
and holds her. I laugh inside knowing by the end of the
night that this girl was going to be mine. I can smell her
scent, begging to be explored with my nose and her eyes
telling me that right now she is craving for my touch. It
was in that moment I understood that I had no option but
to ignore her and focus on talking to JGF till others
After like 10 minutes of chatting to JGF about Jason’s
World of Warcraft addiction and her weight loss, the most
beautiful girl I had ever seen walks in. On a scale of 1 to
100 she is a fucking 98, no doubt about it.
JGF: Don't try shacking up with her, she is my boss... keep
away from her.
Me: (Smile) Come on you know me better than that.
JGF: I don't want to lose my job.
Me: If you’re good, I'll put a word in for your long overdue
She playfully punches my arm. I look Manager Girl right
in the eye and open her.
Me: Hey, I just wanted to say.... you are absolutely... (Pause
for the cause) capable of passing me a cup from over there.
MG: Oh.... hey... yeah, sure. (Passes cup)
Me: You’re adorable, what's your name?
MG: Manager Girl (Stacy but MG is more interesting)
I pour water from the sink and into the cup.
Me: Opinion... is this cup half full or half empty?
MG: Half empty, you can never have too much of
Me: I thought you were fucking beautiful... until you said
that you gold digger (Smiling)
I turn my back and see Karen grinding on FS dude, I want
to ravage her tight pussy right there, but she is playing a
game with me, thing is she doesn't know who she is
dealing with.
Manager girl opens me....
MG: Did I say something bad?
Me: Depends if you want to be spanked... would you class
yourself as a bad girl?
MG: What?
Me: On a scale of 1 to 10 how adventurous are you?
Then all of a sudden Mohawk dude comes in and
MD: Hey how are you?
MG: Fine, you?
MD: Super, what's a really sweet girl like you doing here?
I walk in the middle of them and just look up at the
Me: What the hell is that?
Naturally everyone starts to look up to the ceiling as well,
it's a reaction. Cleverly, I turn my back to the dude, while
he is looking up and cut him out of the conversation.
Me: I fucking hate you... (Smiling)
MG: Why??
Me: Because I feel like kissing you but your forbidden
fruit... besides you’re not adventurous enough!
MG: I am!
Me: Prove it!
MG: How?
Me: Close your eyes...
I kiss her on the lips and the feeling of her sort lips begin
to melt into mine with passion. This is what I live for and
this is what I die for. To be a seducer and to taste women is
one of my true pleasures in life. She melts like cold ice to a
burning stove. In that perfect moment, she feels like a true
woman, I know it and she knows it.
I pull her to the couch and this Mohawk dude is fucking
stunned. I see Karen in the corner of my eye and she seems
pretty pissed off. I give Manager Girl my undivided
attention and connect with her. We start to speak about her
job and how I bet it makes her feel great when she is in
charge. I am always sexually misinterpreting things she
says and she is playfully slapping me.
In front of our view, Karen comes over and calls out the FS
guy to hug her and she grinds on him. It is a ploy to get
me jealous. But I am a seducer and I have no time to be
chasing women without conviction and proceed to give
Manager Girl my undivided attention.
I show her the orgasm arm technique. A part of her arm
that responds very well to orgasms, I softly stroke her arm
and she is getting hotter and temptation to fuck each other
is getting higher. I tell her this story that really amuses me.
I curiosity gaze her and she is very confused and curious
and deeply attracted. After 20 more minutes of talking, I
simply lead her by the hand to upstairs. We climb up the
stairs and she is wondering where we're going. I tell her it
is a surprise. I kick open Jason’s bathroom and start
making out with her. I fondle with her breasts and get a
little resistance.
MG: I shouldn't do this, I have a boyfriend...
Me: Me too, maybe they can hook up together sometime.
I start kissing her and she kisses back even harder.
Me: I can only promise you one thing... ultimate pleasure.
So pleasuring you would only be the furthest it gets.
MG: Okay.
I start to kiss her neck and softly glide my hands over her
breasts. No resistance.
Me: We shouldn't do this.... it's forbidden.
I turn my head from her and she pushes me onto the
bathroom wall. She kisses me hard and I proceed to get a
condom out my pocket and lean her against the bathroom.
We make sweet slapping sounds... (That means “Sex” for
you under achievers)
After 15 minutes (Hey, that's all the time I need!) I hear
footsteps coming up the stairs and entering the toilet. The
thrill of being caught with the manager by my cousin’s
girlfriend gets the better of me and I knock on the toilet
Me: Who's there?
Karen: Go away.
FS: Yeah, go away... we want privacy!
I hear them laughing, clearly they are going to fuck.
Manager Girl gets a little freaked out and senses some
tension between me and Karen
MG: I should go downstairs...
I whip my dick out and point to it
Me: Really... how adventurous are you? (Smiling)
She starts to tug it like it is some kind of cheese making
machine. She felt weirded out but eventually she begins to
suck my dick. I can hear Karen and FS making out and
fondling each other, I get a little jealous and start to get a
little feisty to make Karen jealous.
Me to MG: (Making sure I can be heard) I really fucking
love it when you suck my dick like that... you’re so fucking
Karen unlocks the toilet door and MG quickly gets off her
knees and I unzip my pants. Karen storms right past me,
she is pissed. I high five the dude (Don't know why) and
walk down the stairs with MG on my arm.
JGF walks past us and sees me and her manager arm in
arm. She gives me this weird look and shakes her head,
smiling and walks off. She makes me laugh.
I can see Karens face. It is sad. I want to be with this girl, I
love holding her in my arms, but I can never have her as
my girlfriend. I made that mistake awhile ago with
another girl and plus I have a huge sexual appetite that
she would not be able to live up to.
I walk up to Karen and ask for a hug, she tells me to go
away and FS dude steps in.
FS: She said go away.
Me: Well... if you are taking notes down and delivering
messages to people, please tell my mum that I love her.
Karen smirks and I hug her and tickle her. She goes all
playful but tells me that she is upset because I am with
“that girl.” She wants to be the one in my arms.
Me: You are in my arms... You know I will always have a
soft spot for you.
Karen: I will always have a soft spot for you too.
The dude is talking shit behind me but I just totally ignore
him. Nothing can spoil this moment.
Me: You know about my appetite and you are the same
with all these guys... let's face it... we both know that we
couldn't settle down.
Karen: True...
We are players of the game. Opposite sides of the coin, but
we have similar desires and tastes. Passion... Comfort...
Variety... Sex. We both love the game that is why we are
drawn to one another. It's a beautiful thing.
Manager Girl gets a little jealous that I am hugging Karen,
but it just looks like I am comforting her. She walks up to
me, I can see in her face she is confused from kissing me (a
stranger at the time) and going upstairs to fuck me and
then being ignored. I need to connect with her some more.
I sit on the couch with her and we talk about each other.
We connect on a playful level and thumb wrestle. I teach
her a few different handshakes and we talk about
American culture. She starts to slide her hand over my
trousers. I love when a girl does that.
MG: So do you and Karen have a thing going on?
Me: Yes and about 3 other of your co-workers but they are
afraid to tell you, they don't want to get fired.
MG: Why would I fire them?
Me: The same reason why you haven't given Laura (JGF) a
promotion! (Smiling)
MG: You’re bad.
Me: Pfft... Your worse, I was only here for what... 10
minutes? And you end up seducing me! You kiss me,
whisper sweet nothings into my ear and take me upstairs
and have your way with me! I feel violated.... My life is
ruined... (Smiling)
She is laughing and having a great time. Here is the
important part, right here... I realise that seduction is
something that I am, not something that I do. After doing
the rejection challenge and understanding all the
principles of being a charismatic lover, it just became so
much simpler then I imagined.
I look over to Karen and can see she is having a crappy
time because all I can hear is FS dude asking her a million
of questions and bragging about his job. I get up and
Mohawk dude instantly zones in on Manager Girl. I go
over to Karen while FS is boring her with never ending
questions and I grab her hand and take her away, like her
cock blocking girlfriend would to the dance floor.
I take her outside and make out with her. I hold her in my
arms and keep her warm. She has my undivided attention,
but it isn't talk that she needs. She lacks passion, it is
something that we both crave and desire. Only problem is,
FS doesn't know how to give her that passion, so it is my
For 10 minutes we just hold each other and smile, looking
at the cloudy sky, covered in toxic pollution from the
factories of Britain, but nevertheless still beautiful. Her
eyes sparkle as my eyes look into hers, it's these moments
that I cherish with women, these moments in life that truly
make developing myself for the better, pay off.
I walk into the house and Jason tells me he is off to play
World of Warcraft and everyone is leaving.
Me: Dude, it's still early!
Jason: I know but I need to get to level bla bla (forgot now)
In other words that is code talk for, “I am going to bang
my girlfriend.”
At this very moment I am conflicted. I have two options... I
can take Karen home with me or Manager Girl. I didn't
want to pull for a threesome, because that would weird
Karen and her Manager out, because they work together
and it might be awkward for them in the long run. So I
had a decision to make.
Do I take the lovely Manager girl who is fun and playful,
not to mention 6 years older than me and sophisticated. Or
do I take home Karen, the girl who I am 100% captivated
by, the girl that shares my craving for passion and none of
the commitment.
Its moment’s like these that you realize how far you have
come. It's times like these that you really admire your
development and by pushing at it and making a
commitment to take action, it really pays off.
I am a seducer at heart and I know that I could have Karen
any time I want, so I decided I would take Manager Girl to
my house and let FS have a blast with Karen. Manager Girl
is the challenge for tonight. I want to ravage her entire
body and explore it slowly and it's hard to do that in a
bathroom. So for one night, Manager Girl gets my
undivided attention, tonight I make her feel like the
woman she is at the very core. Karen was kind of
disappointed, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
I walk home with Manager Girl on my arm and we are just
teasing each other on the way. I get her to my bedroom
and explore her entire body with my lips, I crave her scent
and she desires my hard dick. After all, passion is what
drives our senses. I can't help wonder whilst fucking this
beautiful woman, how it would be like if Karen was eating
her out while Manager Girl sucked my dick, sometimes
my mind surprises me.
Manager leaves after an hour of intense pleasure and we
exchange numbers and email. She had to get home
because her boyfriend is very strict or something.
Whatever... Fun times.
I sit on my couch basking in the beauty that had just
happened, fulfilled by passion, driven by pleasure. All of a
sudden I get a call from Karen.
Karen: I want you.
Me: I want you too... but what's the magic word?
Karen: Now...
Me: You know better than that.
Karen: I want to change... I want you, I want to change my
ways for you.
Me: Don't ever change for me, you are cool just the way
you are.
Karen: You going to let me in then?
I hang up the phone and go to look at my door. No way
was she outside right? But there she stood, shaking from
the cold. I hold her in my arms and kiss her. This is
unexpected... I start kissing her harder... I feel her breasts
and we move to the bedroom... I smell the scent of
Manager Girl on my bed, but it doesn't matter. What
matters is the moment I was in now, basking in this
woman's senses. I crave this woman's touch... we are
animals... she craves me and I crave her. But it could never
blossom into anything like love. We are animals seeking
pleasure, it is our drive and it is our addiction. We aren't in
love with people... we are in love with attraction.
Ultimately, it isn't our choice.
As you can see from my entry I was influenced by passion.
This is my driving force, this is what makes me write and
this is what I live for.
PS: I have no clue where I left the used condom at Jason’s. I
just hope he doesn't try to get in the bath!
Blowjobs and Oreos
Today was a beautiful day. After a night of mayhem and
drama with Facebook girl (Karen), I decided that it was
best to go our separate ways.
I Woke up to the screeching of nerdy chick
NC: Miss me?
Me: I dreamed that you were my sugar momma.
NC: hehe... I need a favour. You said that you help people
with goals right?
Me: Yes that is how I lure 13 year old boys into my
basement, playing on their hopes of setting goals to go to
NC: Well I have a friend who is struggling at getting
things done and she wants to learn how to set goals, could
you maybe help her?
Nerdy chick had always been there for me whenever I
needed her so I was up for helping her friend. So I told her
that I'll go over to her friend’s house and talk to her. She
phones her friend and let’s her know when I’m coming
I get my lunch, get dressed up and ready to meet this
mysterious woman (MW for future terms, what can I say I
like giving girls nicknames!)
“Don't shit were you eat, dude don't shit where you eat.”
“Don't fuck her, don't tease her and don't use your natural
charm on her.”
I arrive at her house and glance at this beautiful woman
with pure lust.
“Fuck this is going to be hard, oh yeah... it is hard.” I
thought to myself while trying to conceal my mini
Me: Hey I'm Adam.
I had my full fucking sexual stare on but I knew I couldn't
fuck this girl because on purpose I didn't bring a condom
with me. I wasn't going to fuck this up, this was business. I
wanted to be a coach and help people get to where they
want to go in life and although I wasn't a coach yet, I was
still going to practice good business ethics.
We talk about her problems and it turns out that she wants
to overcome procrastination and take action in life.
She smiles at me and touches my arm. I think to myself
“Maybe I can shit where I am at least munching.”
I go into how self improvement became a passion of mine
and how it has inspired me and shaped my own life. I give
her some insights on how to overcome procrastination.
I point to her curtains.
Me: I love those curtains in a totally non sarcastic way
MW: Thank you, I bought them at (Somewhere I can’t
remember what she said)
I go up to her curtains and start to lick them. I'm sure she
had a “WTF” face on but who cares, I have fun and she
was laughing.
Me: (Smiling) Do they match the drapes?
MW: You’re bad...
Me: I know, I sell hand grenades to kids in third world
counties... but enough about me, tell me about you?
MW: Hehe... (Nerdy chick) told me you were like this, you
make me smile.
So she tells me about how she became a nurse and how
she has a passion for reading and watching Lost. For the
first time in a week I feel like I have connected to another
female and spread my love seed of happiness to her. In
this moment I realise I don't have to tease, but it is fucking
I hug her and start to play with her.
Me: Can you cook?
MW: Yes I am a very good cook!
Me: Can you cook cookies??
MW: I can!
Me: Prove it!
MW: I'm not baking them now!
Me: If you can bake me cookies now, then I will put your
poster on my wall and devote 2 hours of sexual interest to
it a day.
She laughs like hell and we are just vibing, it's great. Then
she kind of gets up with a smile on her face.
Me: Ohh you're devious, you have a plan don't you!
MW: (Smiles) I made a batch for you earlier.
She comes back with fucking Oreo's. Man! I fucking love
Oreo's and they have been an underlining theme in every
sexual relation I have had... Maybe it's the Oreo's that lead
to sex?
We sit there eating Oreo's and I get an idea... It's a dumb
idea, but fuck it what do I have to lose?
I stick an Oreo on my lap (It's like I’m training her to suck
my dick or something)
Me: Eat it , Eat it, Eat it! (I do the whole “Eat it” thing like I
was singing on an avenged sevenfold song)
She eats it off my lap and kind of touches my dick through
my pants with her soft fingers. Her eyes go all cute and
I'm thinking “Kiss her goddamit! Fuck constipation! Let's
shit were we eat!”
I put the fucking “KISS” on her and she kind of puts her
head back and is frozen. It's like I know she loves it and
she is completely captivated. What do I have to lose? I do
it again! And this time she melts and starts to kiss me
heavily, she sucks at kissing but most girls do anyway. She
starts pushing my head down and I mean she is 29 but this
is like she hasn't been laid in years.
But I don't have a condom. I am not sticking my dick bare
boned in some girl that I hardly know, so what is the
option? How can I make this fun for both of us? Then it
came clear to me. I'll stick my dick bare boned in her
mouth instead.
Me: On a scale of 1 to 100 how great are you at giving blow
MW: Hmm... I don't know...
Me: Let me be the judge of that.
I whip my dick out and her mouth is wide open! She is
totally shocked and then smiles at me.
MW: Well I would say I am about a 70.... But I don't know.
Me: Prove it!
MW: But if I suck at doing this don't blame me.
Me: Well sucking is what I am hoping for... but you're
fucking beautiful and have all your teeth left, so I wouldn’t
She starts sucking on my dick and wow it is great! 13
seconds later I am done... Just kidding! She does this for
about 10 minutes and I finger her a little but she was on
her periods and I know I do stupid shit but I don't like
licking blood, so I'm not eating her out.
So we talk more and more about her goals and we
pinpoint that she is afraid because she doesn't know what
the future holds and she is nervous to take action.
So I do some hypnosis with her and get her relaxed. We do
a 10 minute session and delve into her problems and we
give her new meanings and new thought processes for
success and how it will feel wonderful to just be able to
succeed and enjoy it.
In the end she is so happy with it she kisses me and hugs
me. She tries to give me £30 but I resist because I am not
that kind of person to take money off people like that. But
she insists with it and eventually she slips it into my coat
pocket without me noticing.
So I pretty much got paid for getting a blowjob. I feel like a
dirty male escort.
I had to go meet Nerdy chick, so we exchanged numbers
and emails and I wished her the best. We hugged and I
rode off into the wind.
Life is fucking beautiful.
The Gift
The gift is inspired by Pook, a mentor who influenced and
motivated me while I was going through a tough time.
There was one article that he wrote that really stood out to
me and it gave me a sudden burst of creativity to write
The Gift.
Lying in your hands is... The gift. But what is the gift? The
gift cannot be described in words... It cannot be created
and nor can it be destroyed... it just IS... but no one really
knows what the gift is or what powers the gift can give to
those who understand it... They can only follow the
teaching of this most precious gift...
A young man sat with all his prized possessions... his
trophy girlfriends... his money and his power... yet there
was an empty feeling within him that just couldn't be
fulfilled... He began to ponder the next phase of life... “It is
time” he said, “What am I missing in life? How can I
achieve happiness?” He realized “If only there was some
way to achieve this happiness without having to obtain
more stuff.”
And then like some kind of magic, appeared The Gift!
The young man was speechless... The Gift who has many
faces decided to appear as an old wise man... He looked at
the young man “I will guide you... I will show you the
path to real happiness... you must come forth with me...
for your happiness doesn't lie in this god forsaken place.”
“But Gift!” The young man cried out. “If I follow you...
then I give up my most precious possessions... How could
I ever replace such valuable things?”
The Gift, slapped the young man, “No!” “For happiness
can never be achieved in the material world... You must
leave your golden palace in return to save your soul from a
life of pure unfulfillment.”
“But Gift... is it worth the risk to lose everything I have for
something that sounds too good to be true.”
The Gift replied, “Follow and see.”
The Gift led the hesitant young man through the portal of
Lesson One:
Out of the portal they went and right into the centre a
busy shopping mall in New York.
The young man stood in shock... as thousands of people
pushed through him to get to the nearest shop... The signs
reading “90% off on skin care products... Buy one get one
free Iphones.”
The Gift grinned, “Look at all those people... Rushing
around... Rushing to buy the latest skin care products to
stay young and beautiful... Foolish people.... In a rush to
buy the new Xbox 500 to bring another meaningless
amusement into their lives... Foolish people.”
“But Gift, why are they foolish?” Said the young man who
ran towards the free“900 Mega pixel camera phones” stall.
The Gift slapped the young man, “Foolish man... Your eyes
cannot see... Do you not see the purpose of all these
The young man pondered on the thought, “To make us
The Gift looked at the young man in pity, “Foolish man...
Do you not see that all these materials are just a
The young man began to open his mind, “A distraction?”
The Gift pointed to a shattered and depressed woman,
“Do you see this woman buying the latest Iphone? What
you don't see is that whenever a new gadget comes out
that is popular... she will be the first to get it... only to brag
to her friends of what she has in her life.”
“So.... deep down she feels the need to prove that she is
better than her friends... because there is a hole inside her
that can never be filled... She is always trying to fit in with
the cool people...This started from the very age when her
friends had my little ponies and she was all left alone to
play... So she tries to be the first of her friends to get the
cool gadgets... just so she isn't the last person to be left out
the loop... deep down it's a distraction... she seeks
approval from her friends... truly she isn't happy with her
Then appeared a young beautiful woman.
The Gift pointed at her, “Do you see her? That woman is
racing around the shops to fill her face with skin cream
and lavish herself with makeup.... She is unaware that she
is distracting herself from the fact that she isn't happy with
her life... No matter how beautiful she looks... when she
looks in the mirror she is always that ugly witch... So she
reads the magazines... observes and envies celebrities and
other beautiful women and tries to find how she can make
herself as beautiful as them... She is frustrated with her life
because she can never find the root to her happiness... In a
few years time she will settle down for a nice guy who will
always lavish her with attention that makes her feel
validated... only to cheat on him for a better guy... Her
perception will never allow her to see the true beauty.”
The young man began to realize, “I'm starting to realize
that... we wrongly seek happiness externally when
truthfully it is rooted internally within us.”
“The lesson here young man is that,” The Gift said...
“True happiness is found from within... not from
The young man now realizing the error of his ways. “We
look around to see what others are doing... to see if people
are better off... we compete with others... when someone is
doing better off... we perceive that because they have more
money, more relationships or more power... that in order
to be happy we have to do the same... when truly it's our
perception that gets tainted by the media... it plays on our
insecurities to gets us in a loop and distract us from the
real happiness.”
The Gift nodded.
And with that the young man realized.
“Material possessions are to add on to our happiness not
to define it.”
“Happiness is a state of mind.”
“Remember,” said The Gift “To go within and find
happiness... is to alter your perception and realize that
success starts in the mind... The person who thinks he
can... the person who believes in themselves and not what
is fed to them by society... will set a strong foundation to
the inner journey of happiness that will never fade or die
Lesson Two
The young man entered the portal wiser then before... with
the belief that he had it in him to achieve happiness from
within... The Gift led him into a room were an old man
was writing a book.
The old man put the antique pen to the soft paper and
began to write... However he got to only a few lines before
his frustrations got the better of him... The old man in a fit
of rage, scrunched up the paper and threw it in the bin,
were 500 other scrunched up paper balls was residing... He
put his hands to his head and mumbled, “What did the
great Charles Dickens have that I didn't have! What gave
Mozart the ability to write beautiful music! What did
Leonardo have that gave him the ability to create
The Gift cleared his voice, “You see a old man here... a
man who is blocked... wanting to write... but not having
the ability to have those words flow out... very painful...
yet most of us in some way have this problem in
everything we do... and that is why I brought you here...
for you see, the essence to what this man seeks... lies in
every person who has ever succeeded in their own
happiness and life... these men and women were admired
and remembered throughout history... they became
muses... they became an inspiration to other men and
The young man shrugged, “But... I'm not a writer... I help
people... What do I need to know this for?”
The Gift slapped the young man, “How can you help
others if you cannot find your own creativity... your own
inner happiness? Do you not know the flow?”
“The flow?”
The Gift sighed, “Have you ever looked at a woman and
explored her entire body with such passion that it
completely captivated you in the moment? Have you ever
tasted the essence of a woman's natural desire to make
love and tasted the ecstasy and desire from her lips?”
“Then you do not understand the flow... Most people go
through life with very little passion... At least this old man
discovered his passion for writing... let me show you this
lady.” The Gift pointed to a woman in her forties, crying
her eyes out.
The Gift cleared his throat, “You see this woman? All her
life she has been given the easy road... At 16 she gave birth
to a son... however instead of being a mother to this young
man... she decided that she would go out to bars... getting
drunk and hooking up with random men... while the
father of the child raised him all alone... while she had the
easy route in life... never once did the son or father
complain of her absence... yet she continued to turn her
back on them by going out more.. getting drunk and
sleeping with many men... yet after years of this and this
young child grew up into a man... she realized what she
had missed out in life... while she went out and got
drunk... she had no job... no passion in life... no empathy
for another human being... just a boyfriend who she could
walk all over on just like all the men she had done in her
life... yet even though she knew she did wrong... this
woman continued to feel sorry for herself... and as she
grew older... fatter... she slowly began to realize her charm
with men was fading... and soon the fake layer of
happiness she fooled herself into believing, faded too...”
“So she lacks passion in her life?”
“Passion isn't a simple thing... but once you have it in your
life... it makes EVERYTHING simple... but this woman
never had anything to really strive for... she missed out on
her son growing up... a big key in passion is connection
with other people and sharing that passion with them... for
without people in your life... your passion cannot grow...
this woman turned down the biggest key to reuniting with
her passions... but she turned that down for fake
happiness in disguise of what she thought made other
women happy, controlling men and getting drunk in loud
clubs... now here lies a shell of a broken woman... who will
never realize her passions... are you beginning to
understand?” questioned The Gift.
“I think so... but isn't it best to have a goal even without
The Gift nodded, “Yes... it's always better to do
something then nothing at all... But passion goes further
than that... See even though the old man's goal is to write a
beautiful book... he still cannot get to the flow of things...
he is trapped in his own logical mind... with no ideas on a
story... because he cannot turn his mind off and let the
words flow out... He cannot experience passion and the
flow of things.... They call it writers block... but really it's a
lack of ingredient.”
“Ingredient?” questioned the young man.
“Just like for a tree to grow... it needs sunlight and water...
to achieve such passion is to add the ingredients that make
that passion grow and flow within you... because we all
have passion... the first step is believing that everyone
has passion... even you... the difference is most people
have little passion and some people have a lot of passion.”
The young man said, “But I do not understand what
ingredients I need in order to have a lot of passion.”
With that, The Gift summoned Leonardo Da Vinci
“The Great Leonardo Da Vinci... please tell this young man
what a man must have to have the passion to lead a happy
and successful journey in life.”
The ghost of Leonardo smiled, “Well young man, you
must experience what it is like to fall in love... when you
have truly fell in love... then and only then can you ever
understand the true meaning of passion.”
And with that the ghost of the great Leonardo Da Vinci
vanished into thin air.
The young man began to understand, “I now realize the
true meaning of passion.”
“Passion is Love.”
“Within the flow of a lovers breath.... the flow of his
burning heart... the flow of the way he looks at the world
with beauty and love... is a man who feels such passion for
everything he observes... he doesn't let the logical mind get
in the way of his thinking... instead he just breathes... lets
out a big sigh... and becomes one with nature by being in
the presence of its beauty.... and you do the same with the
person you love... you relax with them and everything just
slows down and you forget the outside world... you are in
the momentum... and you are leading and in return she
follows... you draw into each other's beauty by being in the
presence of desire... by hearing each other’s voice and
letting it echo in your mind... by feeling that desire... by
watching a beautiful shooting star at night... it's in those
moments when you truly realize what passion is... because
those are the true moments in life in which you open
yourself up to... and everything slows down... you take in
the beauty... you become vulnerable to that moment and
you allow yourself to feel the happiness and the love... It’s
in those moments when you truly experience passion.”
smiled The Gift.
“So for the old man to truly be able to write... he must
begin to feel what love really is... to really feel the love for
writing... to indulge in other inspirational and beautiful
writing without being envious of such great characters in
history who wrote it... to take inspiration by falling in love
with their writing... to fall in love with the pen itself... to
take a deep breath and look at the sky and realize that the
universe is so much bigger then this tiny planet... and
what wonderful adventures could unfold if you were to
explore every part of that... and the final ingredient... is
that to have passion you have to get curious and
enthusiastic about life!”
The Gift smile, “That is the key to the flow... the flow is
love... and love is passion.”
Have you figured out yet what the gift is?
You have been lied to. You are told that women are only
attracted to looks, money and status. That in order to have
women you have to acquire all those things or die
miserable. That the way to win over a beautiful woman is
to demonstrate how much affection you can shower her
with or how very nice you are and well mannered you are
and how much you can prove your worthiness to her.
Just like me and many other people, you've have found
these idea's to be wrong. That's why you are here, you are
much wiser. There is a better and an easier way to have an
abundance of women in your life. This is what I want to
teach you. Whether you want to find a perfect girlfriend or
date multiple women, I want to teach you how to build
yourself a lifestyle so your life is filled with beautiful
women and adventure.
In your search for this journey, you may have come across
other teachings too. Teachings which are marketed and
flawed on purpose to make you fail and come back for
more. Promising you the magic pills and instant success.
Although with any teaching there is success, however
there is a huge secret that they don't want you to know,
because if you knew it, you wouldn't need their products
any more. I'm here to tell you that secret, because I too was
tooled into believing the bullshit. You are better than that,
you deserve better then to be given a flawed way of doing
things, designed to only give you half the truth.
There are two flawed teachings. One that focuses too much
on her and one that focuses too much on you.
Focusing too much on her:
I must use the perfect gimmick to attract her
I have to shower her with attention, gifts and niceties
I have to prove myself in front of her
I worry too much about what to say because I need to have
the perfect response
I have to be someone other than myself
I have to be very entertaining and keep her entertained
I have to chase her
Focusing too much on you:
I am higher value then her
Fuck her, it's her loss
I don't need to listen to her
I have to be in “that” state of mind
She needs to chase me
I am the prize to be won and have to play hard to get
The secret is... balance.
I spent 2 years tracking down and learning off every selfhelp teacher that I could find. Everything they taught, it all
pointed to balance. It is subtle but when you understand
this concept, everything you have ever learned or are
about to learn, will come to full circle. It will just click!
It boils down to ying and yang, the balance of you and her.
In every successful interaction that leads to attraction and
sex, it's because you are expressing yourself and allowing
her to express herself. You succeed because you are feeling
good and so is she!
You share yourself through expressing yourself and
making her smile. You give her space to express herself
and she shares herself too. There is no exact mathematical
balance, there is just two people feeling great in each
other’s presence and that is what it is all about. Although
with so many attachments and nervous energy that we all
possess we seem to forget this lesson. This has nothing to
do with who says the most words or who puts the most
energy into it, there doesn't need to be a perfect balance in
that, there just needs to be two people enjoying and
expressing themselves. When you do this, everything you
do or say will work much more powerfully and add to the
attractive aura.
You are not higher value then her and nor is she higher
value then you. When you share within each other and
create a connection, you have exactly the same value,
whether you believe or she believes otherwise. The value
you bring to the table is just as great as the value she does.
Granted there are always exceptions, but being a
Charismatic Lover is not about playing power games. It's
about feeling the passion from within and having that
passion flow out of you and sharing that with her.
The secret to life is balance... It is evidence in all of society.
Look around you and you will see it to be true.
Express yourself
Expressing yourself is the foundation of attraction, when
you express yourself fully as a Charismatic Lover it makes
everything you do work powerfully.
Your pick up is an expression of you. Everything you say
or do, you are. Your emotions dictate your state of mind
and your state of mind is an expression of you.
Everything in life is an expression of itself. You are an
expression of yourself. Through the way you weave your
words, your emotions, reactions and through the way you
act and decide upon things, you are always expressing
What is truly attractive about a musician or poet? Is it the
status and fame? Maybe a little, but what truly makes
them attractive is their ability to use creativity to express
themselves. They do this through songs and lyrics. It is
why rock stars are so attractive.
Put on a piece of your favourite music and notice the lyrics
and the beauty behind the music. How does it make you
feel? There is always a story behind a song and that story
is an expression of emotions.
Take Tommy Lee from Motley Crue as an example, the
guy’s attitude, lifestyle, music and image is one big
expression of himself. If you have watched Tommy Lee
Goes to College, you will see that in everything he does, he
is fully expressing himself completely and people get
sucked into his reality, it's a fun place to be and that's why
people want to be in his reality. This is why rock stars are
so attractive, because of the aura that they create when
they express themselves.
When you are nervous and in an uncomfortable situation,
you don't fully express yourself, if at all. Even if you are a
confident person, you can still be someone who doesn't
express themselves fully.
Expressing yourself means to fully give your all.
It’s truly an art form.
Characteristics of a fully expressing Charismatic
Positive aura that sucks people into their reality
Very expressive
Relaxed emotionally and physically
Fun, teasing and playful
Takes liberty and risks
States his intentions and isn't afraid to say what's on his
Not attached to any outcome, fully immersed in the
Here are a few exercises that can help you fully express
1. Start making more decisions. Start small like
deciding to make your bed and work your way up.
If you keep this up as a habit you'll be decisive in no
2. Practice a wide range of facial expressions in the
mirror. Practice feeling different emotions. Practice
a wide range of vocal tonalities with a tape
recorder. Smile at 5 people a day. Practice holding
eye contact with at least 5 people a day.
3. Start speaking what is on your mind more. Don't be
afraid to speak up for yourself and for others. State
your boundaries. Be honest with your intentions, if
you find a girl sexy, tell her she is sexy.
4. Start being the source of fun, do something fun and
unexpected every day. Start using your creativity
and trying different situations that you normally
would hold back on but would love to do.
5. Try being more playful and teasing in
conversations. Remember the balance concept, don’t
be too cocky, instead be more playful.
6. Remember it's never a big deal. Only become
attached to the outcome when you’re about to make
plans. Allow that vulnerability to sink in and
remember that if she doesn't respond well to you,
it's never a big deal. If you are rejected by a woman,
wish her a good day/night always leave on a good
note. Don't resent her and think “Wow well it's her
loss.” It's no one's loss because she can’t reject you
truly as a person. She can only reject her perception
of you.
Your Ideal Self
You have probably heard the phrase “Just be yourself.”
But what is just being yourself? If you have always been
shy and nervous, is sticking to what you have always
known being yourself?
I've come to find that being yourself is the person you
desire to be. As a person you are adapting and always
changing, the person you are now will probably not be the
person you are in ten years time. The guy you dream of
being, the guy who attracts the women and who is the life
of the party, the guy who is a Charismatic Lover, the guy
you visualize to be in your mind is who you truly are. So
rather than just be yourself, strive to be your ideal self.
When you fully express yourself you are bringing that
ideal self out of you.
Being a Charismatic Lover is about a man who is
magnetically attractive to women and appreciates their
beauty. He is a lover of women, he is loved by many
women and he fully expresses himself. He has many traits
and many positive emotions that attract women. He can be
deep and passionate one minute and the next playful and
We are told that women want guys with a good job and
money. On the surface it may look like women want that,
but on a shadow level the truth is that women desire a
man with passion. A hard-working, creative, successful
and goal-orientated man is driven by passion. Passion
allows you to express yourself with purpose and intention,
when a man is driven by passion and expresses his
interests and shares that with a woman, she starts to feel
Ever notice why women ask a lot of questions about what
you're interested in? She is simply curious about you to see
if you have passion or goals to strive for in life.
Passion determines whether you will lead a successful life
or an unsuccessful life. Passion is the life force that drives
you towards success. Passion lies within each and every
one of us.
When you live life without passion, you abandon
everything. Passion is the energy that motivates people
and changes their entire life.
Passion is the essence of a strong emotional connection.
When you speak about something you love, you feel those
good emotions and women will subtly pick up on those
emotions and feel them too. Women always want to be
around passionate people because they are a source of
pleasure that captivates them.
Feeling the passion from within you and having that flow
out of you is the real way to create a deep connection with
women. You share passion as if you are sharing a $10,000
bottle of wine, you know it’s forbidden to taste but the
more you drink it the more pleasure you get from it. Then
you savoir it and share this moment slowly with
anticipation and it burns a powerful image in your mind
that will live with you for the rest of your life. Passion is a
form of art that inspires creativity to come to life.
Creativity is the child of passion... and passion is the flow
of attracting things into your life.
You convey passion through how you feel emotions,
words and stories and share that with her in the
momentum. In the Facebook section I will teach you how
to convey passion into your words and stories.
Don Juan De Marco had passion. He saw the world
through the eyes of a lover. He saw women as an art form
to be explored. Don Juan would explore a woman like
Mozart played the piano. It's what every successful person
in history had in common, a strong passion and desire for
The trouble is, in our life due to restrictions we lose that
passion. When we are children we feel 100% free and the
reason is because nothing conditions our perceptions until
we get older. Fear is a great conditioning and acts like an
enemy of Passion.
Most of us fall into the “Social Conditioning” and we lose
the will to be 100% free. We are lost as a society, searching
for what we once had. We envy people with passion and
dreams. We become seekers of passion. We go through
products and books looking for that missing puzzle. When
you have passion in your life... it makes EVERYTHING in
your life interesting... You life doesn’t have to drastically
change to be interesting... just your perception.
The key to awakening your passion lies in perception,
beliefs and mindset. Studying people with passion I
noticed that nearly every successful passionate person in
history would have deeper and vivid dreams when they
went to sleep. Also I noticed that no matter what they did
in life, they enjoyed it... they saw beauty in everything and
they never gave up on their goals and desires.
When you awaken the passion within you, then
everything comes to a full balance and you experience the
flow. The flow is the essence of achieving anything that
you focus on and put your mind too. It’s the reason why
some people can just come up with creative ideas on the
spot. When you have a moment were you have a truly
creative idea or do something really creative then you are
experiencing the flow
We become blinded by the outer forces, when truly
everything you ever need comes from within.
What is the difference between you and someone like Brad
Pitt? The truth is only separated by one thing. He awoke
his passion.
Here are some exercises to help you become
1. Become goal-orientated and set goals for
yourself. Write down 5 goals that you would
love to accomplish and take small steps each
day to take action and accomplish your goals.
2. Remind yourself about the success you have had
in your life. When you go to bed think about 3
things in your life that you have successfully
achieved in your life and are proud of. Allow
those feelings to inspire you to achieve other
3. Fully immerse yourself in whatever you are
doing. If you are watching a TV show, get into it
fully and try and understand how the characters
feel. If you are just driving to work, feel what it
is like to be in control of a car and the freedom
you have of knowing you could just go
4. Put more time into the stuff you are passionate
about. Share your passions with friends and
family. For example if you are passionate about
golf then take a friend with you and share that
passion with them.
Having an abundant mindset is crucial in surrounding
yourself with beautiful women. The difference between a
guy who has women in his life and who doesn't have
women in is life is that the guy without women usually
lives in scarcity, while the other lives in abundance. To
truly live in abundance is to see the true beauty of the
world. It is to truly see that there is an endless supply of
anything you want. Most guys who aren't abundant
usually leave it to luck to get a girl and when that one girl
comes into his life, he'll cling onto her because it's his only
option. Neediness kills passion and is one of the main
causes of break ups and lonely men.
To truly live in abundance, you have to open your eyes to
the truth that there are women out there that are more
than ideal for you. There are women out there that desire
you and are willing to fuck you even if all else fails. There
is an unlimited supply of these women and if you were to
take action then you will meet new women every day.
When you live in abundance it won't be a big deal for you
if you get rejected or if a girl isn’t interested in you because
there are millions of other girls out there just waiting to
jump on you and seduce you.
How exciting is it right now to know that there isn’t just
one girl but thousands if not millions of girls that would
want to fuck you, if only you just took action to meet them.
That is why living in abundance is so exciting because
there is ALWAYS another better girl out there for you.
When you live in scarcity, you are blinded by needing a
girl in your life and you begin to lower your standards and
you tolerate a lot more bullshit. You blind yourself from
the fact that there is a never-ending supply of beautiful
women. Think of it this way, there are millions of girls
turning 18 everyday and there are millions of girls who
have just broke up with a loser and wanting a man like
you in their lives and on top of that there are millions of
other girls who are single and have no interest in anyone
else but you! When you think about it like that, how can
you not live in abundance?
The world works on attraction. If you're thinking about
attracting beautiful women then your perception is going
to fine tune itself to find a way to get beautiful women in
your life, through your action, opportunities and energy
that you put out there.
Perception is everything, it's why the rich get rich and the
poor get poor. Men who live in scarcity will miss
opportunities even if they are there. The secret of life is
that whatever you perceive you will achieve. See yourself
living in abundance of beautiful women and you will also
attract that into your life.
Women can sense if you are an abundant man. That's why
few men get a lot of women and some get a little. Society
has taught men to live in scarcity, that its survival of the
fittest and that we have to fight for every little thing in our
lives. The secret is that it's not a big deal if that girl rejects
you or dumps you because there is another million perfect
women out there just waiting for you.
Remember a scarce man sees women above him, a selfabsorbed man sees himself above women but an abundant
man see's a connection with women, he sees them on his
level because they share the same desire... The desire to
indulge in true beauty.
1. If you ever feel down or feel like you're in a
scarcity mentality. Remind yourself, that
beauty comes in abundance and so does
women and everything else that you desire.
You live on a world that generates unlimited
beauty, so don't allow yourself to fall for the
lie that there is a lack of supply.
2. Write down 10 affirmations and recite them
in the mirror every morning. Really feel the
words and the true meaning behind them
and what these personal affirmations mean
to you.
3. Take a day out of your life to surround
yourself in your passion. Indulge on the
things you love to do the most and spend a
full day feeling those great feelings. This will
help you realize that you already have an
abundance of good feelings within you that
you just need to tap into it more often.
Vision Board
Back in 2005 when I was searching for a cure for my
anxiety I had contacted a business man on how he
overcame his fear of public speaking. After two weeks of
eagerly awaiting his email he had replied and he
mentioned something called a “vision board” and how by
applying a photo shopped image of himself on a stage
looking positive and confident with hundreds of people
looking at him, he was able to overcome the fear of public
speaking. At first this seemed stupid, but little did I know
it was about to change my whole perspective on life for the
A vision board is a simple poster board in which you
apply images that help you visualize success in your life. It
is very similar to an “image goal map” which you apply
all kinds of images of what you want, who you want to
become, what you desire to have and places you want to
go to. When you start to visualize yourself in all these
scenarios and take time visualize the images being you
and succeeding, you will notice that your polarity of
negativity will shift to positivity quite easily and this will
begin to slowly change your outlook on life. It can be
images of a man surrounded by a huge social circle or it
could be a limousine you want to visualize having or even
a beautiful girl that you desire to have.
When I started my vision board I was very sceptical and I
didn't believe this would help, but after about two months
of visualizing I was so enthusiastic about it that I had
expanded my vision board into all areas of my life. I
wouldn't only just put images and quotes up about being
confident, I would put pictures of the quality women I
wanted in my life and then I would visualize myself
having fun with them in my two million dollar mansion. It
got to the point where I would spend three hours a day
just visualizing what my life would be like in the future.
Eventually I started to only visualize for ten minutes a day
and that was enough to charge my day and take action
towards my goals.
About September in 2007 I was sat in bed with my
girlfriend at the time, I looked at my wall in my office and
I noticed that I had a picture of a beautiful woman almost
resembling my girlfriend. So I took a look at the other
images and saw a fake check on my wall for ten thousand
dollars and realized I had earned just over ten thousand
dollars a month ago. I woke my girlfriend up to show her
all of these pictures and she agreed that I had
accomplished most of them. I had images of a guy’s smile
that I desired to have and my girlfriend said “You have
that smile!” We got excited about it and I explained to her
that over a year ago I had done a vision board to help me
achieve my goals and dreams. Although I hadn't
accomplished some of the big things on that vision board
(like a private jet or a mansion) I did at least accomplish
most of the things that I desired and the changes I wanted
to make without realizing it.
A vision board acts like a focus or a mental construct of
your goals and dreams, it can help you achieve and
transform yourself in ways you never thought were
possible. You may not even notice yourself changing for
the better, there are so many subtle things that you can
change without realizing (for example how my confident
body language is exactly the same as the desired images of
the posture that I wanted to have.)
Not only will a vision board help you achieve goals and
dreams, it will help you become more creative with your
goals and even help you visualize effectively. It will help
you become more in alignment with what you desire.
Some people tend to visualize in foggy images rather than
crystal clear images. When you have that crystal clear
image in front of you it can make an enormous difference
in attracting that desire into your life.
When you haven't trained your mind to visualize you'll
notice that when you imagine yourself succeeding in a
goal, you tend to see the visualization in third person
(from a distance) rather in the first person (seeing it as if
it’s happening.) When you imagine something negative
happening to you, the image will usually be seen in the
first person rather than the third person. To effectively
visualize great positive results you need to associate
yourself with the image and feelings of succeeding in first
person. Successful people tend to associate great things
happening to them and disassociate from bad things
happening to them and they mainly do this when they're
Vision boards have been useful to thousands of people in
business, for example in the DVD “The Secret” there was a
story by a man named John Assaraf about how he had
manifested his mansion with a vision board. John had
been visualizing his dream home for years. After a few
more years and a couple of house moves later he opens his
old boxes and finds his old vision board and realizes that
the image of the house on his vision board is the exact
house he is living in.
Vision boards are a great way of reducing anxiety, stress,
fears, worry and panic attacks. When you are in these
anxiety states you are focused on fear and worry. You
begin to filter out all the positive things and great
opportunities around you. When you start your vision
board, you shift your focus to positivity were you start to
apply your goals and dreams and they begin to manifest
and allow you to take action were before you normally
wouldn't of seen that opportunity because you was too
busy feeling anxious.
Shifting your focus away from negativity gets rid of 90% of
anxiety (this includes any anxiety, phobias and panic
When you apply what you desire to the vision board, your
mind will learn how to disassociate from negativity and
associate with positivity and greatness.
The way I do my vision board is a lot different and I find it
a lot better than most techniques out there. I will use my
actual picture of myself in situations such as in front of a
crowd. For example if your desire is to have a social circle
you could apply a picture of you in the middle of a large
circle of people. If your desire is to achieve positivity, take
a picture of yourself being positive and doing something
you desire to do. Use your creative mind and the rest will
Remember that if you wake up and see those images and
take time to visualize having what you desire then it is
going to have a much better effect on your day.
To create a vision board:
1. Simply use a wall or a board that you can
apply images on.
2. Think about all the things you want to
achieve and write them down.
3. Have a positive affirmation for every goal
or desire, for example if your goal is to
lose weight: “I am becoming healthier
everyday” or “Weight just drops off me, I
have a great metabolism.”
4. Then imagine what the image of that goal
would be like, for example if your
overweight you can get a picture of a
body with the ideal weight you desire to
5. Get your picture and make it personal for
clearer visualization and better accuracy.
6. Apply the picture to your board and
underneath or above apply a written or
printed out affirmation.
7. Now try this for 30 days, wake up and go
to your board and say the positive
affirmations out loud while looking at the
picture and for a moment visualize
greatness and then do this with all of
your images. Feel the positivity flowing
from your goals as you feel yourself one
step closer to achieving your desires.
This is a tool that can be used for profound changes. Try it
out for 30 days. You may just be surprised at the results.
The Rejection Challenge
I had a friend who used to struggle with a crippling fear of
being rejected. Every time I would go out to meet new
women, he would make an excuse on why he couldn't join
me. It got to the point where he just couldn't talk around
the women he really liked. The only time he would pluck
up the courage to go speak to a girl he liked was when he
was really drunk. He was like Rajesh off that show The Big
Bang Theory, not being able to speak to any woman unless
he was intoxicated with a lot of medical drugs and alcohol.
One day as he watched me get a hot blonde girl's number,
he stepped me aside and said, “Why can't I just be like
you, fearless around women.”
I use to be worse than him at one point. I remember the
first time I began to approach people during the day as a
personal social challenge. Every time I would go out to do
it, I would find someone to approach and would pussy out
and find an excuse on why I couldn't do it. The fear of a
woman rejecting me with her ice cold stare would send
feelings of dread to my stomach. I had already been
rejected once in my life and that was back when I was 14.
Back then I really liked this girl in history class and every
guy in my class liked her because she was so fucking
beautiful. I plucked up the courage to ask her out and she
laughed at me in front of everyone in the class. She told
me how stupid I was for liking her because there was no
chance of me and her ever going out, even if I was the last
guy on earth. After that, I began to even fear looking at a
woman, in case she looked back at me and rejected me.
I knew my friend was in the same position that I use to be
in, so I decided to share with him something that really
helped me conquer my fears, the Rejection Challenge.
Imagine as you are walking down the beach on a beautiful
day and the warmth of the sun is radiating down onto
your face and as you are walking along in a calm and
peaceful way, you see the most beautiful girl laid out on
the beach in her bikini and she is just laid there like the
beautiful temptress she is and soaking up the sun. You
stop for a moment and the feeling in your gut sends a
signal to your brain, you know that this signal is telling
you to act and to approach her. However, in the split
second of feeling that desire to approach, your mind starts
to visualize all of the possible worst case scenario's that
could occur. The feeling in your stomach quickly turns
from desire to fear and every time you want to approach
your mind gives you a fearful excuse on what would
happen if you did. Afraid that by acting on your desire
and approaching the beautiful woman it would land you
in a position where you will be rejected and humiliated, so
you begin to walk past her and with every step you take,
you already begin to feel the regret of not acting on your
Usually the biggest thing that stops a guy from
approaching a girl he desires is the extreme fear of
humiliation and rejection. In that moment it can feel like
your mind is split into two sides that are battling each
other out and as the war rages on in your mind, you can't
help but feel the anxiety of all the possible ways that the
interaction could go wrong.
No one wants to feel this way and get rejected on purpose,
but what if you did? What if your mission was to go out
there and your whole goal for the day was to get rejected
by women on purpose?
I created the rejection challenge because I was sick of not
being able to approach that beautiful girl because I was
literally frozen by the fear of rejection and humiliation. I
was fed up of walking past a girl that I wanted to
approach and regretting the fact that I didn't take action to
meet her and lead with my desire. So I decided to change
the way I thought about rejection, instead of worrying and
anticipating the worst, I decided to purposely bring out
the worst in every interaction I had during the challenge.
The rejection challenge is designed to challenge the way
you think about rejection and will help bring out an
attitude in you necessary to succeed with women. Not
only will it destroy your fears and help you put your skills
into action, but it will help you understand the secret to
The Rejection Challenge
Goal: 15 Rejections.
You have to be rejected 15 times while using any of the 5
openers below.
The Rejection Openers:
1. “Hey, I'm an idiot! Will you be my friend?”
2. “Have you seen my friend Super Mario jumping around
here? I swear the dude is on mushrooms.”
3. “I'm giving away free hugs, do you want a hug?”
4. “I am prince charming, at your service.”
5. “You know the guy who invented the toilet brush? That
was me!”
Once you have opened with one of the five openers, you
have to stay in the conversation as long as you can until
you get rejected. It won't be as easy as you think, most
girls will find you to be funny and admire your new
attitude. When she responds to your opening line, allow
your anxiety to take over and do not take the interaction
seriously. Your only expectations are to be rejected.
Only do the rejection challenge during the day. When you
do this on the night you don't feel the rejection as much
and there are too many distractions. When you do this
during the day, the rejection will hit you harder but it will
have a more rewarding effect on you and you will notice
that your confidence and attitude will grow from it. You
may already know the secret of rejection but when you do
the challenge, not only will you understand it but it'll
change you on every level.
It may seem really fucking stupid to say the lines and
that's exactly what it should feel like because the fear of
rejection is fucking stupid and you will notice that when
you do the challenge, that there was nothing to really fear
in the first place. After you have been rejected multiple
times in a row, it will become easier and you will begin to
feel calmness deep within you and you will begin to
understand the secret of rejection. You will learn it's not
about what could happen it's about enjoying what is
happening right now.
We worry too much about what will happen. In our minds
we are in a constant residue of anticipating the worst
possible scenario that could happen. As you know, it never
does happen the way you anticipate in your mind. That is
why when you do the rejection challenge you will find
that it will be hard for you to get all 15 rejections because
you will find that most girls are open and warm to your
new found confident attitude.
When we are anticipating rejection every time we want to
speak to a beautiful girl, then we tend to have our mindset
focused on scarcity. What the challenge will do is show
you that there is an abundance of beautiful women and
that it doesn't matter if a girl rejects you because there is
no such thing as rejection. The more you get rejected as
you do the challenge, the easier you will find it to
approach and the whole meaning of rejection will
completely change for you.
The rejection challenge is designed to bring out an attitude
in you that will help you convey a certain power that
attracts women. By doing this challenge you will be able to
understand what the power is by feeling it as you do it.
You will only understand the secret to rejection when you
have finished the challenge, not only will you understand
it but you will feel it and it will change you and make you
stronger for it.
Remember when doing the challenge the “Not giving a
fuck” attitude is not about being a total fucking douche
bag, it is about not giving a fuck about what could happen
and enjoying the moment for what it truly is. Not caring if
the worst possible scenario could happen because you
know the secret of rejection.
That all rejection is merely just feedback and that any pain
you feel just enables you to push yourself even harder to
achieve your desires faster.
In every beginning of a relationship, whether it's a fuck
buddy, open relationship, or an exclusive relationship,
there is a subtle battle being played out that most guys are
unaware of. It's the battle of the boundaries. At the very
beginning of a relationship, when you do not know each
other very well, you tend to test each other’s boundaries
and see how far you can push to the limit. For example,
when I tease a girl and banter with her, I am naturally
always pushing and testing how far I can go to see what
her limit is. This helps you discover what kind of person
she is and how much sense of humour she has. Like most
girls who are fun and have a good sense of humour, they
don't have a strict boundary on being teased or having a
laugh and you find that they are more enjoyable to interact
with. If you meet a girl who has really strict boundaries on
being teased and is too uptight about it, then you learn
that she isn't as enjoyable and not fun to be around.
Every guy as a set of boundaries that is important to him.
Although deep down he may not realize what those
boundaries are but when he meets a girl he likes and she
eventually does something to disrespect him then he feels
an emotion inside of his gut that tells him, “This is not
okay.” Just like a lot of relationships at the beginning,
there is probably going to be boundaries that are going to
be stepped on out of disrespect and ignorance. She may
not even know that these boundaries are being stepped on
at the beginning and that is why it is your job to state your
boundaries to her when she does step over them.
What most guys tend to do when girls step over their
boundaries, is they let it slide because they don't want to
ruin what they have. But by letting things slide and not
stating your boundaries, she will catch onto the fact that
she can get away with disrespecting you and will test you
even more to see how much further she can go. Eventually,
she feels like she can do as she pleases and will take you
for granted, which inevitably leads to her cheating on you
or breaking up with you.
Michael and Julie have been seeing each other on and off
for about a month. It isn't an exclusive relationship, but
they are beginning to fall in love with each other. Michael
decides to text Julie to see if she is free for tomorrow. She
texts him back that she is free and they arrange plans. He
is excited to finally get it off his chest that he wants to be
exclusive with her and plans everything out so it is perfect.
The night finally arrives and he gets in his car, a little
nervous but on the whole his excited that he will finally
get to tell her how he really feels. When he gets to the
restaurant, he makes sure everything is perfect and
prepared and waits for Julie to arrive.
20 minutes later, there is no sign of her. 40 minutes later,
he receives a text, it's from Julie. “Sorry baby but tonight I
can't make it, I have a lot of work to catch on and if I don't
finish it by the deadline then I'm in trouble, sorry again
baby xxx I'll make it up to you.”
He sits there angry and frustrated that she didn't text him
about it sooner. The one thing he really hates is when
someone lets him down and doesn't tell him before hand.
But he is afraid to tell her that he his pissed, so he lets it
slide and gives her a chance to make it up to him. “Okay
babes, it's not a big deal, we'll do something another time.
Are you free tomorrow? Text me please xxx” He decides to
act cool about it, like nothing ever happened and makes
plans for tomorrow.
Tomorrow arrives and this time before he plans anything,
he receives a text from Julie, “I can't go out tonight, my
family are coming round.” Although a little annoyed, he
cannot argue with her and texts her, “Okay we will plan it
for another day, whenever it is comfortable for you.”
Slowly the passion dies out and it becomes a struggle to
even make plans with her as he becomes her lowest
priority. Each time she steps over his boundaries, he keeps
it in because he doesn't want to lose her. Eventually she
loses interest in him because she realizes that not only can
she get away with anything and have him be okay with it,
but every time she flakes on him or disrespects his
boundaries, he becomes more emotionally invested and
The biggest fear that stops guys like Michael from stating
their boundaries is the fear of screwing it up and being
alone. The mind plays tricks and blinds you from the fact
that there is an abundance of girls out there who will
respect you and your boundaries. But if you are not stating
your boundaries when you feel that she disrespects you,
then over time she begins to lose attraction for you.
Women are looking for a dominant guy who knows what
he wants and states his boundaries if they are stepped on.
She wants a guy that isn't afraid to stand up for what he
believes in and is willing to walk away at any moment if
he feels disrespected. When a dominant guy states his
boundaries to a girl, she will respect him and become
more attracted to him for it.
When you state your boundaries, you must be willing to
walk away 100% and risk never seeing the woman again. It
may be that she disrespected you because deep down she
is a disrespectful person and you have to be willing to
follow your boundaries and standards and stick by them.
It also may be that you gave her another chance to respect
you and she stepped over your boundaries again.
For example, if she made plans with you and cancelled on
you beforehand it isn't necessarily stepping over a
boundary because things happen and plans get cancelled.
But if she doesn't have the decency to cancel before the
date or let’s say she flaked and cancelled on you multiple
times in a row, then that is disrespectful and you have to
state your boundaries and be willing to walk away. If you
don't state your boundaries, she will just keep doing the
same thing over and over again.
When guys get into conveying boundaries and setting
standards then it can be easy to become too uptight about
respect. It is all about balance, if you are too extreme with
stating your boundaries then you are going to look like a
tight ass and she's going to look for someone who is a little
more care free. But if you don't convey hardly any of your
boundaries and standards and be too care free, then she
will walk all over you and disrespect you. It can be hard to
find that balance of where you are not being too uptight
and where you are not being too carefree. It all depends on
what your boundaries and standards mean to you. For
example, one of my standards is that I do not allow a girl
to disrespect the things that I love and my passions in life.
But if she picks fun at my passions or things that I love
and is teasing me, then I'm not going to be offended by
that. If a girl however was to try and push me away from
my passions by trying to control what I can and can't do in
life, then I would be offended, I would state my
boundaries to her and be willing to walk away at any
given moment. If she gave me a hard time about my
boundaries and tried to control me further then I would
walk away.
I would only give her one more chance if she got back in
contact with me and understood that she couldn't control
what I love to do. If she understood and realized that she
couldn't stop me from what I wanted and never tried to
again, then I would give her the benefit of the doubt.
When you start to state your boundaries don't become
trigger happy with it. Stating your boundaries is attractive
but if you use it when you haven't had your boundaries
stepped over on then you will just look uptight. Some
guys will tend to learn this concept and go out and state
their boundaries to women straight away and by doing so
they turn women off. Not all women are going to step over
your boundaries and disrespect you. By applying
everything you learn in this book you will find that it is
very rare that a woman will disrespect you because she is
incredibly attracted and captivated by you.
It also depends on the relationship you have. No one is
perfect and if you are going to be in a relationship with a
girl, there is going to be times were she lets you down or it
appears she disrespects you, in these moments a
charismatic lover won't be such a hard ass on her. He will
give her the benefit of the doubt.
It is best to try and be as carefree as possible but when
your gut feeling tells you, “Hey, wait a minute... something
is wrong here.” Then it is best to listen to your gut feeling.
When guys are new to this, it can feel exciting for some of
them because they have been use to letting girls walk all
over them and stepping all over their boundaries. So when
they learn about this concept, it can be easy for them to get
drunk with power and go to an extreme with it. Ultimately
try and be as care free about your boundaries and
standards as you can, but never let a girl step over your
boundaries and standards.
Don't become reactive about it. Tell her how you feel and
show your strength of how strongly you feel towards it,
but never get angry about it. It's okay to be annoyed and a
little pissed off about it but never to the point where you
blow up in anger and you are shouting. Be willing to walk
away if she disrespects you even more for stating your
boundaries and standards.
Imagine you have been seeing this girl casually and she
invites you over to her house. However, as you are driving
down to see her and as you are just about to get to her
house, she texts you “I will be back in 5 minutes just wait
outside.” You begin to wonder that maybe she just hasn't
got back home yet or that she probably didn't realize that
it takes less than 5 minutes to get to her place. After 15
minutes passes by, it is clear to you that she is just taking
the piss and you naturally start to get a little pissed off.
You text her, “Where the fuck are you?” You can't but help
convey that you are a little pissed off. 5 minutes later you
get a text, “I have to stay at Sharon's house now... can we
do this later instead please? Sorry xxx”
In that scenario, she definitely screwed with your
boundaries. Even if you are care free and you aren't
attached to any outcome, you are still human and
naturally you feel a little pissed off. What would be the
right way to state your boundaries?
The doormat guy would text back to her, “No problem
hunny bun. It happens. Please call me or text me later so
that we can see each other again. I really like you xxx.”
The doormat guy feels pissed off but he hides it because he
feels lucky to have met the girl and he wouldn't want to do
anything to lose her because girls like her are so precious
and rare. He is afraid to tell her how he really feels and he
prefers to hide it. In his mind he thinks that by acting cool
with it then she will reward him and make it up to him.
He lets her walk all over him because he is afraid to be
alone and he was brought up to respect women
unconditionally. The more she disrespects him, the more
he chases her and gets more emotionally invested. As we
know, this usually ends up in a train wreck.
The reactive guy would text back to her, “WHO THE
The reactive guy feels even more pissed off and he doesn't
hide it well. The more he thinks about how she
disrespected him and made him wait, the angrier he gets.
Usually the reactive guy, use to be a doormat and is so use
to women disrespecting him that it isn't a surprise to him
anymore. He anticipates the moment when the girl is
going to disrespect him. It is like he is almost waiting for it
to happen. He lives his whole life in reaction and he is
growing tired of all the disrespect. The girl sends him
texts, apologizing to him of what she had done and how
she is going to make it up to him. Even after that ordeal, he
pretends to stay angry a while longer because he enjoys it
when she is apologizing to him and giving him attention.
Even after she steps over his uptight boundaries and
standards, he will stay with her because he enjoys the
power he gets from having her apologize and making it up
to him.
The Charismatic Lover wouldn't text back to her.
She let him down and made him wait and he doesn't want
to waste any more time on a girl who messes him around
like that. He doesn't waste time allowing one girl to fuck
up his night. He may be a little pissed off with her but he
isn't going to let that get to him. From where he is, he will
call up another girl close by and make plans with her.
He is smart, he knows that the girl will get in contact with
him soon and when she does, he will tell her, “It's not cool
to mess me around like that. I don't like that and I don't
like flaky people in my life. If you are going to mess me
around like that then I think it's best we go our separate
He tests her commitment but he is 100% willing to walk
away. However, he knows that no one is perfect and that
people screw up and he is willing to give her one more
chance if she is willing to commit to him and not
disrespect him like that again. He knows there may be
times when she lets him down in the future and he is
carefree about it, but he knows the balance of stating
boundaries and standards and if he feels disrespected he
acts accordingly to what his gut is telling him.
You do not react emotionally and get angry and you do
not raise your voice. You also do not act like a door mat
and let her walk all over on you either. You state your
boundaries in a calm but dominant way. You make sure
she knows that you aren't going to put up with her
Examples of stating your boundaries:
1. You go out to the club with her and she leaves you in
the club and goes home with her friends without saying
good bye.
Any girl that leaves you in the club without saying good
bye is not worth ruining your night for. So instead of
focusing on what she did, you start to focus on all the
opportunities that can act upon to make the night fun. You
don't know the full story, so you don't jump to any
conclusions. When she calls you the next day, she talks to
you like nothing has happened and that is when you state
your boundary to her because you don't accept disrespect.
“What you did last night wasn't cool, when you are out
with someone you should have the decency to let them
know that you are leaving. If you are going to be like that
then you are clearly not worth my time.”
2. She calls to invite you out but you tell her you already
have plans with your buddies and she tells you that you
shouldn't go out with your buddies and that if you do that
she will be very fucking annoyed with you.
Your friends are important to you and anyone who gets
between your friends is very disrespectful so you instantly
state your boundaries to her, “Whether you like it or not,
my friends are important to me. Tonight, I'm going out
and enjoying myself and if you don't like that then I think
you should leave because I live by my own rules
3. She flakes on you three times in a row, she had the
decency to cancel the plans but she keeps flaking on you
with lame excuses.
You understand when a girl cancels plans with you for a
legit reason. It doesn't matter because you have other girls
in your life so it's not like she completely stood you up.
When she cancels again, you give her the benefit of the
doubt because you know that shit happens and situations
occur. You don't let it ruin your night because you have
other girls to make plans with. When you make plans for a
third time and she flakes on you again, you know that
there is something up and that you can't allow her to keep
flaking on you, so you state your boundaries to her. “I
understand that shit happens and sometimes you can't
make it and it's no big deal, especially if something
important comes up. But I value my time and don't
appreciate being flaked on like that. If you are going to
commit to plans then you should at least follow them
through and I'm here to make real connections and if you
can’t commit yourself to that that then it's best for us to say
Honest Intentions
“This girl that I have been messing around with now
wants a relationship with me and how do I tell her that I
don’t want that?” This is the super-over used email that I
get from guys around the globe and my answer is always
the same, “Be honest with your intentions.”
In our western culture, we are socially conditioned to
believe that having fuck buddies or dating multiple
women is a bad thing. It is social norm to assume that
when you are dating a woman, then that has to be the only
woman that you are going to be dating and she will
believe this too. What this social belief does to you is it
simply puts the fear in you, the fear that by expressing
your intentions early on will result in a woman being
disgusted and leaving you. However even though that this
socially accepted belief is intact in our culture, many men
and women will still go and have multiple relationships
and fuck buddies. These men and women aren’t sluts
either. They are also the men and women who believe in
love and want to get married someday. However, they are
acting out a desire and fantasy of being sexually explored
and ravaged by a variety of different partners. As humans,
we are very adaptable to situations and can adapt our
standards to act out our drives.
At the beginning of any relationship or friendship there is
a process in which you create boundaries for each other
and test how far you can step over each other’s
boundaries. Naturally, the one with the stronger boundary
will have more power in the relationship.
There are mental category slots in your mind that you
place relationships with people in. For example, it
wouldn’t feel comfortable slotting a family member into a
sexual category slot and vice versa. When a woman feels
no attraction for you then she will be more inclined to
place you in the “friends” mental slot category.
What most guys do not know is that when you are at the
early stages with a girl, she is looking to place you in a
mental category slot. A woman is always pinging to
understand which mental category slot to place you in and
it can be quite emotionally painful for her when she
doesn’t know where to slot you. This is why women
constantly have the “Defining the relationship” talk or
constantly ask you “What are we?”
When you are not honest with your intentions and just go
with the motion, what happens is that society standards
take over and influences her to place you in a mental
category slot as relationship material or something more.
Society standards and beliefs are always default, so if you
do not lead or state your intentions, you risk having a
relationship on false pretences.
Women only cling on emotionally with false pretences and
when they feel that you “Led them on” because you didn’t
lead the relationship and state your intentions with her.
This is where the emotional drama kicks in and why her
negative emotions take over and make her do irrational
things because you conflicted with her mental category
When you are honest with your intentions at the
beginning and you tell her you want to see other people as
well as her, then she will place you in the “Fuck buddy” or
“Open relationship” slot and act accordingly with it.
A woman will accept your liking of variety and dating
other women if you state your intentions early and don’t
allow her to step over that boundary. If a woman is
attracted to you and you state your intentions early, she
may test your boundaries by logically arguing with it at
first but deep down she will be cool with it and may find it
interesting. When you state your intentions, you are
becoming more attractive to her because she knows she is
in the presence of a man who knows what he wants and
doesn’t fall back on his own beliefs.
A woman can never be clingy with a man who states his
intentions and doesn’t back down on his belief’s. When a
woman is in the presence of a man who clearly knows
what he wants with her, be it open relationship or fuck
buddy, then she will adapt to his standards to please her
sexual drives. This is also exciting and new for a woman to
explore and gives her the freedom to grow sexually and
enjoy a variety of sexual partners too.
A huge problem is that most men don’t even know what
they want, so they get into a relationship without stating
their intentions only to realize that all along they just
wanted a fuck buddy. When they get an emotionally upset
woman because she wanted more and he didn’t define the
relationship, then she gets bitchy and he writes it off as,
“Oh, she was low self esteem” or “She was so clingy and
needy anyways.” The man will see her as a clingy girl and
get scared, while the woman will perceive him to be a
creep who just wanted her for sex and had to lead her on
to get what he wanted. When you state your intentions
early, you do this at the very beginning and this can also
even be after you have had sex but it has to be when you
have shared something either emotional or physical with
her. This will normally happen after you have had sex and
you are getting to connect with her, because that is when
she will slot you in a mental category.
I always state my intentions like this. I will tell a woman “I
want you to know that you’re an awesome person and I
want to share more adventures with you, but I have to tell
you that I can never be in a relationship, I like variety and
like to have open relationships. We can have all the fun, all
the passion, all the adventures, we can hold each other in
our arms and do what lovers do but we can never have the
commitment of a relationship. So I can tell you that being
with me you will grow with me and we will grow fond of
each and it will evolve, but never to commitment because I
like open relationships and if you’re not cool with that
then I understand.”
Women thank and respect me for being honest and
become more attracted to me for saying this. We always
end up having more sex and she places me in the “Open
relationship” mental category slot. We end up as lovers
without the commitment and enjoy a variety of sexual
partners and it is new and interesting to her. I have not
had one woman who I stated my intentions to early that
became clingy and needy with me.
I had a friend who was finding it very hard to meet
women. He had broken up with his gf for almost a year
but it was still affecting his life because he couldn't let go.
He wanted to meet another amazing girl but he kept
telling himself that he wasn't going to and that women like
his ex were very rare.
In January 2009 he was to go to Miami University for a
foreign exchange program and he was looking forward to
it and I was telling him about how amazing it will be that
he'll get to meet all those beautiful girls. He agreed but he
saw women of quality as very rare.
When he arrived in Miami, he had messaged me, “The
weather is great, I'm in a hostel right now but I'm
surrounded by girls who aren't really that attractive and
they are stuck up bitches.” He carried on with the
negativity, “I met some people who were from my
University back at home but one girl has this really huge
nose and all of these people are just fazing me out,
whenever I go to talk to them, they walk away and
whenever I ask them if I can join them, they tell me that
they are busy.”
This was all based on what energy he was putting out, he
was judgemental and his focus was more about on what
he didn't like instead of what was good and positive in his
life. He told me that there were no beautiful women at all
and that most women were just bitchy. I asked him “Well
did you approach them?” He said, “No, most just keep
themselves to themselves and are cold.” and I said “Well
how do you know that they are cold and bitchy if you
haven't approached them? Why don't you go approach
some?” He tells me “There are no girls here that are my
type... they are just ugly.” I look at the photos he sent me
and see beautiful women in the background but instead of
being with those girls he was with a guy who didn't seem
too impressed to be in the picture with him and a girl who
looked miserable, however the whole picture was
surrounded by beautiful and exotic women smiling.
Things didn't get better for him when he moved into his
dorm room. He would complain that his roommate was
quiet and would never speak to him, that the people he
hung out with pretty much fazed him out and that there
was just no girls that he deemed attractive.
He was in Miami University surrounded by beautiful
women and he was telling me none of them were his type,
even though he had never approached a single one of
them. I was in the UK at the time and we were exchanging
contact through MSN so I couldn't help him as much as I
wanted to but I decided to coach him. I ordered him to
message 5 girls on Facebook and to message them that his
new to Miami and that his looking for cool friendly people
to meet and show him around. He did this and 5 hours
later he tells me “Only 3 replied and one told me to fuck
off.” He was still focused on the negative. I got him to
speak to the 2 other girls that responded well to him and
he added them to his messenger.
2 days later things were going well with the girls but there
was nothing happening, no meet and no plans. “I like
Melissa but the other one is a little boring.”
I said “That's fine, now tell Melissa that you are having a
mini dorm party and that she better bring friends and
arrive here by 8.”
He starts to give me excuses, “Oh no, I don't think she'll go
for that, can't you give me a better response, maybe I
should tease her a bit more.” I told him “Dude, the time is
now, if she doesn't go for it, it's not the end of the world.”
But the negativity and excuses began to flood in even
more, “What will my roommate think about bringing girls
into my dorm?” Again counter-acting his excuses, “Unless
he prefers men, I'm pretty sure it'll put a smile on his face
that there is hot girls in your dorm and I’m sure that
would make you a fucking legend.”
It still wasn’t enough to convince him, “But wouldn't it be
weird if she turns up with her friends and it's just me
“No and tell her It's this huge party and everyone is
coming and that there will be a DJ who plays all the major
clubs in Miami and that you have a personal bar that has
all this free alcohol and that you also have a monkey who
likes to play poker for shits and giggles and then when she
arrives, it's just you with a bottle of wine and you’ll be
like... SUPRISE! She will ask you were the hell are the
other people and the DJ. You will just smile and tell her
that when everyone saw her coming down the hall the
monkey got scared and caged itself back into the zoo to be
safe and everyone decided to run away from her because
she looked like a leprechaun looking for a pot of gold.” I
tried to tell him that it didn't matter what he said and it
didn't matter if it was just him and the girls, if he doesn't
make it into a big deal then neither will the girls.
The girls would find it funny and will just go with the flow
and enjoy getting to know him with a bottle of wine and
some kick ass music in the background. “It's about being
the leader of your life, are you ready to take charge and
show these girls that you don't need a fucking entourage
to be the coolest mother fucker in the world? When you
think about Robin Hood do you envision him hiding
behind his merry men or do you see him fiercely stood
alone with his bow and arrows?”
I started out with no friends and in a town where I barely
knew anyone and out of that I still managed to meet girls
and bring them back to my HUGE house party.
When they got there, they saw it was just an empty house
and they would question me on where everyone was and
every time I would tell them,”I am the party! Now who is
up for a dance off? “ I would then proceed to whip their
asses on the dance mat. The girls would go with the flow
and would tell me how much fun they were having.
I tried to reassure him, “If you are so insecure and worried
about what they will think when they just see you with a
bottle of wine, you can always tell them that no one has
arrived yet and as the night goes on they won't make it a
big deal because you will be in the momentum having
At first, I was worried that being in a new town and away
from home was going to be tough and that it was going to
be hard for me to go out to clubs on my own. When I
decided to go out and face the music, I would tell girls that
my friends were wandering around or I would randomly
point at people and tell them that I was out with them. The
thing was, no girl what so ever asked who I was out with
or judged me for it. It was my own insecurity that
pressured me into worrying what girls would think of me
if I was just out on my own.
When I was a little insecure but I wanted to get women
and her friends round, I would tell them that “I have some
friends hanging out with me tonight we are going to have
a movie marathon and get ourselves a big ass pizza... you
can bring your friends if you like.” If they brought friends
then I would feel a bit insecure when they asked were my
friends were but by the time we was watching the little
werewolf eat the girl on the TV it didn't matter because we
were all having fun and just messing with each other. It
was in that moment that I realized that it was only a big
deal if i made it a big deal and that it was just an issue that
was in my mind. I found that if I was having fun then girls
would just go with the flow of the moment.
“What if I can't find a shop open at this time that sells
wine and what if it's cheap wine.” My friend was still
resisting, he didn't realize that he was blocking himself
from having an awesome time.
“Look dude, it doesn't matter if you get 3 dollar wine, girls
don't care as long as they are having fun in the moment.
You can tell the most far fetch thing to them, like you have
a whole fucking carnival in your dorm and it doesn't
matter because not only do they find it funny, but they will
forget about it and have a good time because you are
having a good time and not taking things so serious.”
Again he wouldn't give up, “But a 3 dollar bottle of wine
would be cheap and they will find out that I am just
I sighed, “Dude, just tell them it's a 1000 dollar bottle of
wine from France and that it was washed up on the shores
of Paris and it was discovered that this old bottle of wine
was so rare that shaolin monks had to protect it from wine
thirsty ninjas... it doesn't matter just have fun with it.”
In the end I convinced him to go ahead and invite her. She
agreed to come to his mini dorm party. He then went out
to get a cheap dollar bottle of wine.
He came back online 8 hours after and said to me, “The
party was great, they arrived and was surprised it was just
me and they laughed and we all started to drink from the
wine and I told them it was like a 1000 dollar bottle of
wine... it made them feel guilty for drinking it because
they actually believed it, but we all sat there and talked all
night... Although I don't think that Melissa is really my
“Well did you do as I said? Did you have fun?”
He hesitates, “Well we started speaking about politics and
I found out that she was a republican and we had very
different views.”
Even though this guy had come from the same learning
background as me, he never succeeded because his
mindset was focused on negativity. It didn't matter if he
was in a positive situation, he would always find a way to
turn it around so that it became a negative. The problem
was he didn't take responsibility for his life, he was
focused on all the bad things that could happen and by
doing so it became a self fulfilling prophecy. He didn't
want success bad enough and he never gave any energy to
the positive things that he did desire.
All the 5 months that he was in University not once did he
approach a girl. His excuse was that he couldn’t find a girl
that was his type. He would go out to the bars and clubs
but not once did he ever initiate contact with a girl. He
would come home and tell me about all the negative
things that had happened. It wasn't that he didn't want a
positive life, it was that he didn't want it bad enough. His
energy was spent worrying about what could go wrong.
The opportunities where always there, but he just couldn't
see them and he couldn’t use his creativity to create
That's why I would go out alone to the clubs and bring
girls home to my one man parties and even though I didn't
have any friends at the time, I refused to surrender. Every
time a hurdle presents itself, a positive person will jump
over it, were as a negative person would stop and sit there
to analyze it.
There are two types of people, the observers and the
creators. Are you a creator or are you an observer? Are you
going to sit there and observe life or are you going to take
action and create something beautiful?
Those who don't take charge in life find that excuses and
problems come to them easy. They are the observers of life,
waiting for the right perfect moment but as we know that
perfect moment never comes.
You have to make a commitment to take charge and refuse
to settle for less.
When is a good time to start?
The moment is now.
Lessons from a Rockstar
He was just a complete natural with women. Wherever he
went, women would be all over him. He didn't even brag
about the fact he was in a well known band. He just
seemed to have this calmness about him that made him
charismatic. In an attempt to find out this Rockstars secret,
I sat him down and picked his brains. “If you could give
any insight on your philosophy of being an attractive
person what would it be?”
He smiled and nodded “Okay brother, listen closely
because I'm about to drop some knowledge here...”
Approaching is all about having good energy. No one is
off limits, be social with everyone. It's not about exactly
what you say, it's more about the energy behind what you
When you have that charismatic energy, women will begin
approaching you.
You have to be in the moment completely, you have to
enjoy her and let that desire consume you in order for it to
be passionate and good.
Don't be afraid to ask her about her fantasies. Be
enthusiastic about it and don't judge her for it. Be
adventurous, make them happen.
Music while fucking is sexy. Put on some music that
intensifies the mood, sexual music like Marilyn Manson or
Nine Inch Nails.
Have the eyes of a lover. Feel consumed by your desire for
her and project that with your eyes. A good example is
Russell Brand when he talks to girls, his eyes are filled
with passion and he is consumed by desire.
I wasn't born charismatic. I just woke up one day and
realized that I had to stop being angry at the world. I had
to stop feeling like the victim and I had to take
responsibility to make my own life awesome and not rely
on other people to make my life awesome. In that moment
my energy changed and I felt more at peace with myself. I
now feel this good energy radiating from me with
everything I do. People opened up to me in ways I had
never seen before. Women were coming up to me and
flirting with me.
Women sense desperate energy because they have been
surrounded by it all their lives from the boring and
desperate guys that approach her. When you have good
energy, women can sense that and in a way that turns
them on. It's in the essence of every first impression. You
don't have to be good looking to make a first impression
because it all comes down to your energy. When you have
good energy then women sense that and want to be
around that and they are naturally drawn to you because
of it. Energy is contagious, it's like how you can be in a
room with a negative person and you start to feel it too.
People want to be around other people who make them
feel good. When you have a good energy people want to
be around you because you make them feel good, women
are drawn to you because they are captivated by your
Misinterpret the things she says as sexual.
Energy is the driving force behind emotions. Energy is
ultimately attraction.
Drama can be a great way of keeping it passionate. Drama
is a way of releasing energy.
Be direct in what you want and be in the moment with it.
Don't be afraid to go for what you want and don't be
afraid to be direct and open about it. There is a strength in
being direct because it's comes from the core of who you
Always be willing to walk away. Don't use it against her
by telling her. Just be prepared to walk away and lose it all
at any moment.
Tell her how your desire for her consumes you. Tell her
how she makes you feel. When this comes from a place of
passion it is very fucking powerful.
Women are captivated by men who are captivated by
them. That desire just consumes you and you radiate this
energy between you. I remember the time I was in the club
with this girl and we got talking but we couldn't keep our
eyes off of each other. I would just look at her with desire
and lust and she would catch my eye and feel that lust and
desire too. And I would notice her doing it to me and we
would smile at each other, aware of what was going on. I
took her home that night and I have never fucked a
woman so hard in my entire life.
Curiosity is attractive. Don't reveal everything. Balance it
out with challenging her and changing the subject. Like if I
say to a girl, “Me and Michelle was doing that today.” and
she's all like, “Who is Michelle?” I would be like “Oh just
some girl... you don't know her... So what are you doing
Don't hide your desire for her, embrace it. Let it consume
you. It attracts her because it gives off that energy that is
irresistible to her.
We create our own reality. What society does is to try and
force you to live in someone else's reality. We have to let go
of society standards and go for what we truly desire, in
order for our reality to be beautiful.
It all comes down to your beliefs and convictions and
refusing to surrender. If you believe you are attractive then
you are going to create that and it's going to become true.
Love yourself and others will follow. Find your own
unique gifts in this world. Be curious and open to growing
and learning new things.
Don't take life too serious. I have a friend who worries
about everything and I'm the carefree guy who just doesn't
give a fuck. He will lecture me about the seriousness of a
situation and I would always wonder why he was so
serious. I was just living for the moment and enjoying it
for what it is. The way I see it... you can either be the
observer of life or the adventurer living life.
Finally, I hold the belief that I am a sex addict. That I am
addicted to sex because it is something so pure and
natural. Because I hold the belief that I'm a sex addict, I
become a sex addict and my desires take over.
Lessons from a
Motivational Speaker
In my quest to learn how to better myself and appreciate
more in life, I travelled all the way across the world to
Australia to meet a legendary motivational speaker. When
I met him in the flesh it was clear to me that the dude had
his shit together.
“What insight would you give to a guy who is learning
how to become better within himself and with women?”
He took a seat and prepared to give me invaluable insights
into becoming more of a Charismatic Lover.
Become inspired from within. Be original, unique and let
yourself shine from without. Don't conform to peer
pressure. Find your own original gifts and lead with those.
Believe in yourself. If you don't believe you can do it
you're already finished before you get started. Believe in
your own possibilities. Whatever you want in life,
whatever it is that you want if you are determined and
there is a fire of passion within you, you will achieve it.
Have a clear vision. Unleash that strong gut feeling.
Follow that strong gut feeling, to whatever it is that you
want to do.
Ask yourself if your life could look anyway that you
wanted it to be, if you could be, do and have anything you
ever wanted, what would that be?
We set all these rules that we need to do in order to get
started, “I first need to do this before I can do that” “I first
need to feel this way in order for me to get there.” But
when you tap into that strong gut feeling and you feel that
passion for what it is you truly want, you realize that the
only thing you ever need to get started is within you. Now
is the time to get started. Do something, Do anything. Go
out and start talking to that girl. Go out and get yourself
that ideal style that you've always wanted to have but felt
afraid to have. Do something. Get started. And when you
do, don't look back, keep going forward and when those
hurdles in life occur and you feel stuck and you have
fallen down, pick yourself back up and feel that gut feeling
inside of you even more determined to succeed and let
that power unleash inside of you. That is the power that
will change your entire life for the better. When you realize
you have the strength to achieve what you desire, you
realize that there are no limitations and that there is only
freedom and that feeling of freedom, is the greatest feeling
in the world.
Take inspired action and find role models. The reason why
Tony Robbins is so successful is because of the power and
the motivation behind his words and the conviction in his
energy that when you listen to him you become truly
inspired and you start to take action.
How badly do you want this? Become inspired by people,
surround yourself with people who enhance yourself and
help you become better in what you want. Find the people
who are better with women, who inspire you and
surround yourself with those people, surround yourself
with that energy every waking day.
What kind of women do you want? What qualities do you
like in a woman? Inspire yourself by visualizing that.
What kind of skills do you want with women? Find those
people who already have that. You have unlimited
potential inside of you.
I invented my life. I changed everything so I could get to
where I wanted. I used the pain when I fell down and I
when I stood back up I became even stronger and more
determined and that strength inside of me and that
passion was so strong, that I refused to settle for anything
less. That's what I want for you. I want you to access your
passion, to access your gut feeling, to connect to that flow
because those are the things that separate the successful
from the failures.
There were times I wanted to give up. There were times
when a girl would reject me and it would just tear me
apart. There were times everything was messed up, but it’s
what you decide to do with that pain that helps you get to
where you want. A failure would identify with that pain as
his story. The successful one will feel that pain and he will
refuse to settle and it will motivate him and push him even
What is your motivation? What is it that pushes you to
want to succeed with women and life? What is that force
deep inside of you that pushes you to meet the women
you desire? What is your motivation that strengthens you?
What is it? Why do you want it?
Your dreams are going to evolve. Your taste in women is
going to evolve as you meet more women. Your skills are
going to evolve, it is inevitable. Growth is a necessary part
of life. From reading this you are going to evolve and
become the best version of you. Every day, you are
expanding and your goals, whatever they are will get
bigger. Right now, you may only just want to meet one girl
and to be able to have all the necessary skills to not screw
it up, but as you evolve and expand into a better version of
you, then you may want to meet multiple high class girls
and have threesomes, you may want to learn certain skills
that you feel you lack. Whatever it is that you want, get
into the feeling mode that you can achieve it.
There is not much difference to you and a famous guy. The
only difference between you and say a celebrity is mindset
and mindset can be learnt. How amazing does it feel right
now to know that all there has to be is a shift in your
mindset and with just one little shift, it could change your
entire life. You could go from not being able to look at a
woman and being able to meet multiple women. The
evolution of you is always growing.
It's not always going to be easy. It requires your conviction
and your drive to build momentum and create those
beautiful memories. It's also this conviction and drive that
women find intoxicating. It's why they find musicians
sexy, it's why artists are sexy to women, it's the feelings
that they invoke in a woman because the man has a
What feels better? Feeling good about your life or feeling
shit about your life. You know that when you feel good
about your life you tend to attract more good things into
your life. When you feel bad about your life you can only
focus on the bad things and you become momentarily
blinded from the good things. You send out a bad energy
that repels people and you do this without knowing it.
People may not even be aware of it. They are also
gravitating towards good energy subconsciously. The
more you focus on the bad shit and the more scarcity you
feel and the more you'll just attract it.
Although I feel appreciation for everything that I have in
my life, I am always moving towards the things that I
desire. I am constantly growing and I don't settle for
anything less. I feel blessed to be who I am because not
only do I appreciate all the good things in my life but I'm
constantly taking action to achieve more great things and
to expand.
When you are in appreciation, you are connected to
abundance. Focusing on lack is why we feel scarce because
we feel like we need things. But with appreciation instead
of needing things we desire them because it's our purpose.
It's about having appreciation for your life and being
grateful for the things that you already have in your life
because when you do that you are radiating good energy
which is attractive to women. Good energy is contagious
This is about building a better life. Always have a hunger
for more but at the same time be grateful for what you
already have and give energy and appreciation to that.
Attracting women isn't going to satisfy you in the long run
unless you are grateful for all the things that you already
have in your life. This is how you become unattached to
anything happening. It is connected with abundance
because when you appreciate and feel good about the stuff
you already have in your life you already feel abundant.
This isn't some hippie shit. The balance is to feel grateful
about your life and to let that energy drive you to attract
more of what you desire into your life. The difference is
when you finally understand this you won’t feel that you
need it but you will desire it and strive for it.
Needy and boring guys butcher appreciation because they
do it to get something out of a woman. They come from
the wrong energy and they use it in a way that's not
genuine. It is always better to express your appreciation
when you genuinely feel it. Boring and needy guys go to
the extreme with appreciation and it loses its power. It
doesn't have any good energy behind it because there is no
true appreciation. Expressing true appreciation is about
feeling that good feelings in the moment and expressing it.
You don't do it to get anything from her, you give it to her
because you are sharing the good energy and sharing how
you genuinely feel.
Appreciation is not a chore or a way of impressing people.
This will just come off as needy because those guys are
attached to getting a reaction in return. I appreciate a
woman's beauty and my desire for her and I can't help but
express it to her because it's how I truly feel. I'm open and
vulnerable to that.
When I'm appreciating things in my life then I am feeling
good and because when I feel good I tend to attract good
things into my life. I attract women into my life because
they gravitate towards my good energy.
When I appreciate myself and the good things in my life
then I am respecting myself and showing others that I
value my life.
Always move towards beauty and abundance.
The Ideal Date
“Where are all the adventurous men? Why does he always
ask me what I want to do? Why do I have to be the one to
make the decision on where to go?” Those were all the
questions on the mind of the girl I was dating back in 2005.
She told me that if I was to get a girlfriend then I had to be
more creative and be more of a man. But how does one
become creative if he doesn't know where to start? What
defines becoming more of a man? I was confused. I was
doing everything that I could possibly do. It didn't matter
if I took girls on a date to the zoo, cinema, coffee, romantic
dinner, night in or even to a concert, they just didn't want
to know me. I thought maybe it was me, maybe I just
wasn't an attractive guy or maybe my personality just
didn't spark anything.
I remember the first time I ever really stopped to think
about this problem I was having. I asked another girl I was
dating and picked her brains. “You are an amazing guy
and you are totally funny but I feel like I have to make the
decisions all the time and when you do eventually pick a
date for us to go on, it just isn't fun.” I went to the
seduction community for guidance. I thought, maybe they
could recommend me better date idea's.
Here is the post that I had made 4 years ago:
Me: I'm currently dating this girl and she says I don't lead
and now that I know this, I got that part handled. But
when it comes to dates, I just don't have the creativity to
pick an ideal date. If you guys could recommend me some
ideal dates that would be awesome thanks.
Poster 1: Take her to the movies.
Poster 2: Take her to the movies on a Wednesday. Bowling
can be good but ends fast...
Poster 3: Take her to the planetarium or zoo :-)
Poster 4: ...your bedroom?
Poster 5: An effective date is to take her to a restaurant but
have her pay for her own meal. But make sure she tries
something with chocolate, as it is an aphrodisiac.
I was confused, I was doing most of those things but there
seemed to be something missing. I began to focus on
becoming my ideal self instead and I got results, but I still
felt like there was something missing about dates. There
was something girls were looking for that I just didn't pick
up on and no one seemed to be able to explain it to me.
Then when I was in London in 2007, I accidentally
stumbled upon it. I met this beautiful girl while I was
attending my friend's seminar. It was time for a lunch
break and I took the liberty to bring this girl along with me
for coffee. She told me about her goals and passions in life
and we shared stories. But I was in a spontaneous mood
and I felt like doing something different. I just never use to
have the balls to act on my spontaneity. Today was
different, here I was sat in an open door coffee shop with
all these people surrounding us and I whispered into her
ear, “Go along with this okay.” She looked at me all
curious, “What?” I smiled at her and grabbed some tin foil
and began moulding it into the shape of a ring. I got down
on one knee and said “Lisa, I haven't known you for that
long... But it feels like I have known you a life time. You
have touched me were no other girl could possibly touch
me and it makes my heart flutter just thinking about the
thought of you and me together. Even though it has been
pretty short... I feel like I have known you a life time, so
I'm going to do this... because it comes from the heart.”
Everyone looked at us in amazement and she was
laughing. I had only known her for an hour and she
clearly knew it was a joke but everyone around us took it
serious. I then placed the tin foil ring in front of her and
said, “Will you marry me?” Everyone stood in awe and
she looked at me and laughed and she played along like I
asked her too. “YES! Yes I will!” I put the ring on her
finger, hugged her and kissed her and everyone clapped!
Everyone came up to us and congratulated us and offered
us free drinks and wedding advice.
What had happened was like magic in front of my eyes, it
was an amazing moment that was just created out of pure
creativity. After the seminar, she told me “Never have I
had such an amazing day, it was so fun and amazing!”
That girl ended up becoming my girlfriend and even when
we broke up, to this day she will send me texts from time
to time and be all like “Remember the time we had our
fake marriage? That was so fun.” or “Hey fake husband
how is life?”
When I began hanging out with rock stars I noticed they
do exactly the same thing! No matter where they went or
what they did, it was always fun and spontaneous. When I
hung out with them it was so exciting because you could
never know what to expect or were you would end up
next. I felt like I was on the Truman show and cameras
were just following us at all times, that we where
inevitably part of a story that was our adventure.
Women are looking for the exact same thing. They are
looking for adventure and to be a part of a story. It's not
necessarily about being the romantic hero who sweeps her
off her feet. It's about creating an adventure that she gets
to be a part of. She longs and desires to be with a man who
can bring her out of everyday routine life and into an
emotionally driven and exciting world that she gets to be a
part of.
This is why women envy romance films and why
characters like Hugh Grant and Johnny Depp are
fantasized and idolized by so many women. They trigger a
passionate spark inside of a woman that she cannot get off
any other guy. She is but a lonely soul in an abundance of
indecisive men who just don't get it. She reads romantic
novels, watches romance films and TV shows because in
that moment she feels like she could be a part of that story
too. When she is in the presence of an adventurous man,
he generates huge attraction and sexual tension in a
woman but most of all, he creates an amazing connection
that all women desire and long for.
Most men tend to see dates as straight forward and logical.
They pick something they want to do, like going to the zoo
and ask if the girl wants to join them. When they get to the
zoo, they rely on the environment to keep things fun and
exciting and they treat it as an interview. Usually if
something cool happens in the environment they may get
lucky and use it to their advantage which makes the date
fun but this is very rare.
Women are use to these straight forward dates all the time.
We wait around for stimulus and fun to happen when we
should be going out there and making it happen. Even
guys that are attractive to women can fall short to this.
They will be straight forward and ask a woman out on a
date. Then they go on the date and he is funny and
charming and she is having a good time but there is just
no special bond there. She is attracted but there is just no
spark and no passion, it's the same old feeling that she is
use to.
Even though the guy was attractive and had all the right
personality traits, it wasn't compelling enough because
there was no adventure. She may give him a chance and
she may even sleep with him but she would easily trade
him for that adventurous guy who creates dates into
The strongest man is always the one who can adapt and be
creative because being around him gives her good feelings
that she soon becomes addicted to and he becomes the
source of great positivity and excitement in her life. She
never knows what to expect with him and that excites and
arouses her. He isn't afraid to just slam her against the wall
and fuck her and she knows that with him this could
happen at any moment, she feels its risk taking and
amazing to just be in the presence of him.
“It's not about being the most dominant guy. It's about
being the most creative guy and the most risk taking.
Creativity comes before dominance because the creative
guy can adapt to situations and make things fun and pull
people into an emotionally driven world. The creative guy
can create dominance by taking risks.”
- Firefly
Most men tend to see dates more as a battleground were
the battle of love is played out, in which we win the
woman over. She begins to play the role of the judge and
by the end of the night she gets to decide in which
direction it goes.
This makes men frustrated because even if they do
everything right personality wise they tend to screw up on
the date because it is programmed into them by society
and the media to act on stimulus rather than create it.
When you turn dates into adventures, there is no concept
of “You V them” It becomes about “We are having a fun
adventure.” You see the world as your oyster and you start
to create opportunities and seize the moments by taking
liberty. You literally feel free in that moment because there
are just tons of creative and inspired thoughts coming into
your head, waiting for you to act upon and the more you
act upon it the more emotionally driven and exciting the
adventure becomes.
She doesn't play the role of the judge with you because it
does not exist when she is around a guy who is
adventurous. She is the beautiful woman that you desire
and want to enjoy the moment with and she begins to play
along and makes it fun too.
You inspire her to be more risk taking and creative, she
begins to relax more and sexual tension starts to develop.
When you truly turn dates into adventures you don't
communicate to her “Judge” side you communicate to the
core of the woman, the person who she naturally is.
You open her up and as the night progresses and you
enjoy yourselves in the moment, she begins to blossom
like a beautiful flower. It no longer becomes about you
trying to win her over, if anything she fights for your
attention. It becomes more about the momentum and the
feelings associated with it. In that moment only you and
her will know what truly happens. This is truly attractive
to women.
Start treating dates as an adventure.
By treating dates as an adventure you no longer play the
bullshit roles of “You V Them” and it no longer becomes a
power play. When you do this, women can let go and be
wild with you. She will feel that she can be herself around
you and that all amazing possibilities can happen with
In essence turning dates into adventures is all
Treat dates as an adventure
Leading and making the decisions
Taking liberty
Creating a story that she gets to be a part of
The freedom to take risks and create opportunity
Creativity and generating fun
Creating deep attraction and
connection between you and her
When you create this magical adventure that she gets to be
a part of, you capture her heart. This is truly what girls are
looking for, that amazing date with that amazing guy that
she can tell all her friends about. Girls crave and desire to
be a part of an adventure. An adventure that you create
out of pure spontaneity and creativity. Girls will read
romance novels and watch romantic movies just wishing
to be a part of something of a story. This is the passionate
spark that is kept alive inside of her, waiting for the day
that amazing lover comes and leads her into an amazing
adventure that will capture her heart and be in her
memory forever.
Try this:
Go to a store with a girl. Tell her that you both have to buy
each other the best gifts ever on a budget of £2. You can
either hand her the £2 or get her to pay for it. And you
split up and go around buying each other a cool gift. But
you have to make it a surprise and hide it from each other
till the end of the date. This creates anticipation and
excitement and brings good feelings to the date. Get her
something girly and funny. Like a plastic fairy wand.
Taking Liberty
By nature women are naturally submissive and men are
naturally dominant. You may have heard women saying,
“There just aren't any REAL men around anymore.” That
saying is derived from the frustration of women meeting
men that are unable to lead and take liberties.
A man that takes liberty is a man who acts on his desire,
creates opportunity and makes the most out of every
situation. He realises that life is too short to make regrets
so he seizes every opportunity to make his life fun and
adventurous. Women find this incredibly attractive
because he demands more from them and gets more from
them in return.
In essence, taking liberty is all about:
Acting on your desire
Creating and seizing opportunities
Submissive men don't realize that if they just took more
liberty in life then they would actually get more success
with women. Submissive men tend to shoot themselves in
their own foot by over-thinking the situation and worrying
how a woman would react to him if he took liberty.
“You miss all the shots you never take.”
- Michael Jordan
Usually the worst thing stopping a man from succeeding
with women is his own mind because he never took the
liberty to act on what he wanted and allowed his fear to
get in the way of what he wanted.
So many times we do not approach that beautiful woman
simply because we become a prisoner in our own minds.
We begin to feel the worries and consequences of taking
liberty and we chicken out on yet another opportunity. It's
almost like there are invisible handcuffs constricting our
freedom and our right to take liberty. We become our own
worst enemies by being submissive with our own desires.
There is a motivational quote in School for Scoundrels that
pretty much sums up what taking liberty is all about.
“What does it take to be king of the jungle? Do you have to
be the fastest or the strongest? No. Do you know what the
lion’s most powerful weapon is? It's his roar. It's that roar
that enables the lion to take what is rightfully his. You
think a lion asks for his dinner? He takes it! Do you think a
lion asks for a promotion? He takes it! Does a lion wait for
approval? He takes it!”
- School for Scoundrels
A dominant man, who makes more demands, creates more
opportunities, acts on what he desires, who is free from his
worrying mind and is a little cheeky and direct about what
he wants, will find that women find him incredibly
attractive and generally give more to him then she would
ever give the submissive man.
She may say no to him or reject his demands but it doesn't
mean she is rejecting him. It simply means that she is
attracted to him and is flirting back and testing his
strength. This doesn't always happen and this will only
happen in cases were a woman is highly attracted to you
but doesn't want to come off as easy to get.
The dominant man who takes liberty is not an impatient
man. Because she is flirting and testing you then your
response to her “No” should always be a flirt. You want to
convey that it's not the end of the world and that you can
drop a demand but you will pick it back up later if you
desire it and be persistent. You are not being a pussy by
dropping your demand for the time being. You are simply
showing that you aren't attached to an outcome and that
it's never a big deal. The next time you take liberty, she will
comply positively, as she doesn't want to risk screwing up
her chances with such an attractive man.
Impatient (Frustration):
Him: “Come here and kiss me.”
Her: “No I won't.”
Him: “Come here and kiss me now!”
Him: “I'm making myself a sandwich... Show me were you
keep the bread.”
Her: “No you're not.”
Him: “I want a sandwich... So I'm making myself a
Patient (Flirting):
Him: “Come here and kiss me.”
Her: “No I won't.”
Him: *Smiling* “You will later.”
Him: I'm making myself a sandwich... Show me were you
keep the bread.”
Her: “No you're not.”
Him: “*Smiling* Ohhhhh I bet you ate all the bread didn't
you? It's okay, don't be embarrassed... It's okay to have the
munchies, but you should really do something about your
smoking weed problem.
It's not always about getting what you desire. It's about
ACTING on your desire, which means that you have more
demands and create more opportunities but you're never
attached to any outcome. It's always better to say
something then not to say anything at all.
Taking liberty is an art that you practice whenever you
have that gut feeling to do so or feel the desire to act. You
will find that when you do start to take more liberty in life,
that you will simply get more in return. Successful people
demand more from life and seize more opportunities,
usually the only difference between a successful and an
unsuccessful person is that the successful person
demanded more from people and life.
Don't become too demanding, the guy who asks for things
all the time. Taking liberty is something you use when you
have the gut feeling to act on a desire or seize an
opportunity or if you want to use it as a flirting tool to
increase attraction and sexual tension.
Taking liberty does not always have to be about “getting
something.” I only use “making myself a sandwich” as an
example. It can also be about conveying that dominant
cheekiness that women find incredibly attractive. You can
make farfetched demands and she will know you're not
being serious and she will still respond the same way she
would if you were acting on your desires.
Farfetched Examples:
*Through texting*
Him: “Come here and clean my kitchen.”
Her: “Pmsl.”
Him: “Also I like my coffee with just a little milk.”
Her: “Lol you are cheeky but cute.”
*In Person*
Him: “Okay that's it... I'm going to tickle you with my
Her: “Haha! No you’re not!”
Him: “Your right, I wouldn't be able to control myself.... I'd
probably end up cumming on your face or something.”
*Phone call*
Him: “I'm coming over to update my Facebook status.”
Her: “Why? Haha.”
Him: “Because it's super important... be there in 5.”
Her: “Ok Haha.”
The phone example is real phone call I had with a girl. I
barely knew her and only had met her the previous night.
In this case I actually did go round to change my Facebook
Girls will tell their friends these kinds of things. “OMG It
was so funny, that guy came round to my house to change
his Facebook status... he was like ITS SUPER IMPORTANT
and he comes round to change it to 'Adam is making sexy
time with Chloe at her house.' And then one thing led to
another and... It was so exciting!” It's attractive to be “that
I get asked why I can get away with taking liberty and the
reason is because I come from a place of self amusement
and cheekiness. It's the kind of cheekiness that is sexually
flirting with a girl in such a way that it's a little over the
top. But I get away with this because I stay true to what I
say and I don't flinch and I feel comfortable saying it. It's
not like I'm going to start tickling her with my penis and
she knows I'm flirting in a sexual way. It still conveys
taking liberty because it's still a cheeky flirt and a farfetched version of acting on my sexual desires. By doing
this I increase sexual tension.
You really can't go wrong with taking liberty if you're
doing it correctly but if you don't understand the concept
then it can shift from taking liberty to just plain rude. You
don't want to convey total rudeness. Instead convey
cheekiness. The difference between rude and cheeky is
that rude is insulting and hurtful, where cheeky is playful,
funny, dominant and flirty.
Examples of being rude:
Him: “Hey Whore! Come here!”
This was said by someone who will remain nameless
because deep down he is a good person. However, he
praised himself for using such dominance but from the
look of the girl you could see that she was turned off, she
looked genuinely scared for her life. She acted kind out of
fear and dodged his kiss. This was a bad way to initiate
conversation because it is just plain fucking rude and frat
boy style that turns women off. Its okay to call girls names
in the context of flirting. I even call some women “cunt”
but they know I'm teasing and I do it in a playful way.
However, this doesn't convey dominance nor flirting, it
conveys drunk and weird behaviour.
Him: “Suck my dick.”
A girl is not going to suck your dick just because you tell
her too. This is just plain rude to her. You can get away
with saying things like this if it's in the context of flirting
and role play, such as “We would go to Miami and chillax
on the beach and ride with dolphins... but in all fairness I
think you'd just end up sucking my dick.” It becomes a
cheeky flirt. This isn't a flirt because it doesn't convey the
right cheekiness nor is it really taking liberty. It's
behaviour that you would expect from a desperate drunk
Him: “Let's fuck.”
Her: “Let's not.” (Instant turn off)
This is an instant turn off for a girl. It's something you
would expect to hear from a drunken dude in a bar. This
does not convey flirting, only desperation. It might work
on an overly sexual girl but most probably she would have
fucked you before saying this.
When I was fifteen, I got invited to a small party at my
cousin’s house. I didn't feel very comfortable there because
I was a very submissive person back then. As I was
walking towards the house, I felt a feeling of anxiety fill
my body, I felt so constricted and out of place. As I entered
the house, I saw 3 beautiful girls, my cousin and my best
friend. They were all so relaxed and comfortable and just
generally rocking the fuck out. I sat in a small awkward
space sandwiched between a hot girl and my best friend
who was fully relaxed. I was offered a beer and started
slowly sipping it. I pretended to ignore the girls out of
aloofness but deep down I was extremely nervous.
However, I witnessed my best friend get up to see the girls
and he danced with them to the music, while I sat there
awkwardly watching it go down. “Ever had a three way
kiss? We are all going to kiss each other, 1, 2, 3 GO!” I saw
my best friend kiss two beautiful women at the same time.
I remember asking myself what made him so fucking
comfortable? As I finished my beer, I held onto the empty
beer can and then my friend looked at me with a relaxed
smile, “Dude, give us your empty can, I’ll get you another
beer.” He grabbed my empty can and reached into the
fridge and pulled out a beer for me. I couldn't believe how
comfortable he felt at my cousin’s house. I mean it wasn't
even his house and he was going into my cousins fridge
and acting like the host. It felt like he owned the place, my
cousin never seemed to mind. In fact my cousin
encouraged me to do the same. “Make yourself at home.”
I just couldn't do it. I was already feeling bummed out that
I couldn't approach these beautiful girls to save my life
and now I couldn't even feel comfortable in my own
family’s house. Then my friend went to the music player
and put in his own music CD in and everyone danced to it
even my cousin, which shocked me because he hated that
kind of music with a passion.
So I finally plucked up the courage to ask my friend why
he felt so comfortable in the house and why he took so
many liberties almost to the point where he was being
cheeky and he looked at me and said “Because I can.”
I remember asking myself, what did my friend have that I
simply didn't? I began to notice that my friend never
seemed to worry about the consequences and it was
almost like he did not give a fuck. The difference between
me and him was whenever we had the desire to do
something, I never took action and allowed my limiting
worries to take over were as he would just act and not give
a fuck. I was held back by my own self, almost as if there
were invisible handcuffs bounding me to my fears and
The reason we don't take liberty is because we don't
believe that we have the freedom to do so, we tend to
become affected by our most dominant worries and we
give ourselves excuses to why it's okay to not approach
that girl or to seize that opportunity.
When you break away from those invisible handcuffs, it's
in that moment you realize that deep down you was
always free to do anything you wanted to do and desire,
that the only thing stopping you was yourself.
Maybe you already broke free from those handcuffs, but
for those who haven't, I want you to make a promise to
yourself that today you break free.
The first time I broke free from those invisible handcuffs
and took more liberty was the first moment in my life that
I truly felt like a fucking rock star.
Today I break away from these invisible handcuffs and
from now on I act on every desire and seize every
opportunity because I take liberty!
I had a crush on this beautiful blonde girl, she was
everything I desired in a girl but I just didn't have the guts
to tell her that I liked her. So I sat awkwardly on her couch
and we watched Bridget Jones diary in complete silence. I
wasn't very good at the time with dates so she was doing
most of the leading. As she held onto me while watching
the film, she leaned over to me and as she did I smelt the
beautiful honey scent perfume that was radiating from her
neck. I realised that she wore that perfume because she
was expecting me to make a move on her. As the night
grew on I began to feel more and more frustrated that I
wasn't making the move. My mind was racing with
worries and fears, I just felt like I couldn't pluck up the
courage to kiss her and I wanted to so badly.
As the night winded on and I went into the kitchen to get a
drink, I could see that she was disappointed and that she
wanted me to make a move. I then had an inspired
thought and asked myself what would my friend do?
I knew I had to do something. I had to take liberty of this
situation. So I asked myself, what did I want right now? I
felt sweaty and nervous so I wanted a shower. Then out of
pure creativity and pure balls I decided to just get naked.
She looked in horror “What the fuck are you doing?” I
smiled at her “I'm getting a shower, come join me... I
promise I'll get you wet.” She scans my face for
seriousness and then just dived on top of me and we made
out. It was so passionate and exciting. I felt like a new man
inside with the ability to just be completely free. After I got
out the shower, I was feeling really hungry and desired a
Instead of kindly asking if I could have a sandwich I took
liberty just like my best friend would of if he wanted a
sandwich. “I'm going to make myself a sandwich, show
me where you keep the stuff.” I noticed that she began to
relax as I made myself at home. Biting on my victory
sandwich I realised that this was what it was like to take
liberty, that this is what it was like to act on your desire. I
swore from this day on that I would always act on my
desire and seize all opportunities and I would take more
liberty. It became more automatic as I went into her
bedroom and got into her bed, she followed and we
fucked again. The next day, I received a text and I will
never forget what it said “Last night was amazing, never
have I met such a guy that was completely relaxed and
adventurous, other guys are always so tensed around me
but you just made everything into an adventure and I
generally felt more relaxed with you... You're awesome.”
So that's when I started to see the results of how taking
liberty is an attractive dominant quality.
There is a social pressure that acts crippling to you, that
makes you think you are being TOO cheeky and generally
taking the piss. But ignore this feeling, as long as you
aren't taking this to the extreme and you are going for
what you desire then that cheekiness is what makes you
more irresistible to women.
As children, we naturally had these dominant qualities
inside us. Remember when you were a kid and you would
grab a cookie from the jar without even thinking about the
consequences? We had a cheekiness quality about us that
when we saw something we wanted, we took the liberty to
get it. However as we grew older, social conditioning took
over and we learnt manners and lost touch with most of
our natural dominant qualities.
A natural never lost his dominant qualities that women
find incredibly attractive. A natural doesn't exactly know
what his doing because his just doing what he did since he
was a child, he actually enjoys taking liberties because it's
a true expression of who he is and he feels that it is his
birth right.
Don't overdo taking liberty. It should flow when you feel
its right to do so. If you want to do something with her,
instead of asking, just take liberty. The difference between
asking and taking liberty is vast and powerful. When you
simply just ask, you aren't conveying that attractive
dominance. Don't take this to the extreme and think that
asking for things is submissive. But if you really want to
do something and you desire to do it, it's usually better to
take liberty then to ask.
The difference between asking and taking
liberty is this:
“Can I come round later so that we can watch a film?”
*Taking Liberty*
“I'm coming round later and watching a film with you”.
It is perfectly okay to simply ask to do something with a
girl. You should always mix it up and never be extreme
with one concept. However, it's usually always better to
take liberty if you really desire to do something with her
and want to make it more adventurous and flirty. When
you simply ask her she will usually give you a boring
logical answer, “Sure that sounds like fun.” or “I'm kind of
busy tonight.”
When you take liberty you also appeal to her emotions.
When you say you are coming round and watching a film
with her, all these emotions build up inside of her, “Oh
god I haven't put my make up on yet.” “His really cheeky
but I like him.” “My house is a mess!”
unpredictable! But it's exciting!”
“That was so
These moments create excitement and sexual tension in
her because she knows that she is in the presence of a guy
who takes charge and goes for what he desires. A girl is
naturally submissive so she wants you to take the
responsibility to create the adventure and the exciting
moments. You become the dominant man she dreams of
and desires because its guys like you who take liberty and
you get what you want because you feel deserving to do
so. You convey your dominant cheekiness and confidence
and she gets sucked into your passions and desires
because it's that unpredictable spark in life that she rarely
gets to be a part of and you possess it and you convey it
when you take liberty.
Phone/Text Examples of Taking Liberty:
Him: “I'm coming over to your house and eating your
food... you better have an Xbox too missy”
Her: “Come round then you cheeky bastard! I will beat
your ass on my lovely Xbox! Hehe.
Her: “What you doing today?
Him: “Well I'm coming over and making myself a
Him: “That's settles it... You're coming here and we're
going to go play guitar hero... then you can cook us your
best dish.”
Her: “What's your favourite dish? I can cook a great
Mexican dish.”
Him: “Do you have cereal at your house? Well I'm coming
over and I’m making myself a bowl of cereal and watching
the TV”
Her: “You’re coming over now? Haha okay! But you're not
stealing my coco pops... I love them! And now I have to
hide them!”
Him: “I'm going to sleep in your bed, you can have the
Her: “:O Cheeky man! I'm not having the couch! Can’t we
just share the bed?”
Taking Liberty on a Date Examples:
“Ever been to Charles Ice cream Parlour? Never? Well I'm
taking you now! You can buy me the double chocolate
chip ice cream... it's my favourite. *Smiling*”
“*Smiling* So when are you wining and dining me?”
“Pick me up tonight, around 8 and I suggest you wear
something classy because you’re taking me to that Sushi
place by the sea... I just hope you tip the waiter this time.
“*Smiling* so when are you going to get me drunk?”
“Okay, you can buy me a drink but not too much, I have a
weak bladder. *Smiling*”
“Let's go back to your place so that I can check my email.”
“Let's go to your house so I can update my twitter/face
book status.”
Smiling is crucial when you deliver liberty. It's the
cheekiness in taking liberty and smiling at the same time
that make it such a magical combination. Smiling conveys
you don't take yourself too seriously and that you are
always having fun, that even though you act on your
desires and you demand more, that it doesn't matter what
happens because you are also amusing yourself. It's also
charming and mischievous. It’s this magical combination
that creates more attraction and sexual tension.
“I'm calling you right now.”
“Come and massage me.”
“I'm coming over and using your shower.”
“I'm stopping by your house and making myself a
“Come here and pluck my eyebrows.”
“Come here and wash my car.”
“I'm coming round to check my email.”
“Call me now.”
“I'm coming over to watch a film with you.”
Your intentions are to flirt and be a little cheeky. Usually
she will flirt back and text something witty back or call
you cheeky. This is all good because this sets the flirting
theme. If you actually want to go round or have her come
round its usually best to add afterwards “Seriously
though, come round/I'm coming round now.”
Sometimes she will text you back and actually
acknowledge and expect you to come round to hers or to
go to yours. At worst it is a flirt that creates attraction and
sexual tension, so you can't go wrong either way.
Remember the difference between a want and a statement
is the power. A want doesn't have as much power in it
because it isn't dominant. Wanting something never
actually gets you the thing you want. When you say you
want something then you have to rely on her to make the
plans because you're not taking action dominantly like you
should be doing. This is why dominant guys get away
with more because they act on what they want and lead it
in the direction they want by stating their desire.
Him: “I want to see you.”
Her: “I can't today... I have plans.”
Who knows she might have plans but she probably
doesn't. She didn't want to feel the pressure of having to
make the decisions.
Guys tend to lose out big time because instead of taking
liberty they simply just say what they want to do and
expect an answer or a reaction from the girl. She rejects
him because he simply doesn't possess the dominant
qualities of leading and taking liberty.
Him: “I'm coming round right now and playing on your
guitar hero... I will kick your ass.”
Her: Oh really? Bring it big boy, I always win at guitar
Notice that when I stated what we were going to do, she
never rejected it. She flirted back and now all I have to do
is show up at her door with my guitar hero game face on
and it becomes an adventure.
Here are two examples that you can use to make endless
demands and desires:
“Come here and...”
This example is great because you can make endless
demands that range from being serious to being overly
“I'm coming over and...”
This is a fun example because it actually involves meeting
up and seizing opportunities, this can lead to all kinds of
crazy adventures. It also gets her thinking about you and
doing things together. These examples are great to use
when you are just starting out. Don't expect instant results
straight away, as you train yourself to take more liberty,
you will begin to notice the more freedom that you
actually have and the more freedom that people will give
you to express yourself.
Sometimes an opportunity to take liberty will open to you
and you'll need to be creative. These moments are what
make you spontaneous and unpredictable. My friend
Firefly has a really cool hairstyle and girl's would come up
to him and stroke his hair and say “I love your hair... I
want to touch it!” At first he didn't know how to respond
to this. So when he started taking liberty, he got a creative
idea on how to respond back. He would smile at her with
a mischievous look in his eye and say, “And I want to
spank your ass.”
Then he would spank her ass and would end up in an
instant make out session.
Another friend of mine Crash would use taking liberty in a
playful and teasing way that conveyed the right
One time there was this girl he was bantering and flirting
with in his business class. He had her kiss his pen, “Come
on, pen kisses.” She would flirt back playfully like
“Nooooo” Then he grabbed her pen out of her hands and
said “Hey let me see.” Teasing her even more and taking
more liberty and creating attraction. Then this became a
flirting theme and it all revolved around this pen because
he used his creativity to make the momentum fun. He
wasn't trying to get laid or get the girl. He was just
creating a fun moment and being creative about the
situation that he was in. Most guys tend to have a boring
situation in front of them and dwell in the negative energy.
But the dominant guy, who takes liberty, is the guy who
has the creativity to be in a boring situation and turn it
into an adventure and spread the positive and fun energy
all around him.
Two guys wait for their name to be called out at the
doctors. However, the doctor seems to be taking his time
and the moment drags on. There is a beautiful girl reading
a magazine and a children's book is resting on the
magazine rack. Two guys waiting there in the same
situation, yet two very different experiences.
The Submissive Guy:
He sits down and waits for his name to be called out. 10
minutes pass and he looks at the clock impatiently waiting
to be seen by the doctor. He starts to fidget and looks
around at random leaflets that are attached on the wall.
His whole body looks uneasy as time goes on. He keeps
looking at the clock every minute, just hoping that the time
will pass. Everyone can sense his uneasiness and
impatience. The doctor finally calls his name out and he
lets out a huge sigh of relief and follows the doctor.
The Dominant Guy:
He sits down and waits for his name to be called out. He
notices a beautiful girl with red hair and he knows in that
moment that he has to approach her. He starts to get
creative ideas on how to make the approach fun and
playful and within a split second he grabs the children's
book and says to the beautiful girl, “Read this to me, I can't
read and you look like you know what you're doing.” All
while possessing a cheeky smile. She begins to flirt with
him and he tells her “I have to confess I can actually read
but I just wanted to meet you because you seemed pretty
cool.” Then he begins to flirt and tease her some more,
they touch in a flirty manner and share stories. Everyone
can sense that this is a cool and fun guy.
All eyes are on him and this girl. The doctor finally calls
his name out and he exchanges phone numbers with the
girl and follows the doctor.
The situation was no different for either guy. The
difference was the dominant guy asked himself “How can
I make this fun?” He saw a beautiful girl and he just had to
approach her. He had the freedom to act on his desires and
create a fun moment for himself and the people around
him. While the submissive guy was wrapped up in his
own limiting mind, he knew she was a beautiful girl but
the limiting and self doubting mindset kicked in and he
felt he was out of her league and that she would never go
for a guy like him, so he never even dared to try.
The dominant guy could have been shot down but
acted on his desires and took charge, if he was to
rejected then he would simply find another way
generate fun. In essence, this is what taking liberty is
When you understand this then the world is truly your
Freedom isn't about being free from problems. They serve
you for a purpose.
Freedom isn't about being in the moment because being in
the moment is inevitable.
Freedom isn't about having no ego or no mind.
Freedom isn't about being free from life situations. In the
most difficult situation a man can still feel free.
Freedom is about having that dream, passion, creativity
and gut feeling, indulgence and desire.
Freedom to dream, freedom to indulge, freedom to desire
and the freedom to act on passion and creativity.
In order to feel free you have to realize that you already
are free.
We tend to live life with invisible handcuffs, imprisoned
by our worries and constraints.
Your job or your financial status does not dictate your
freedom. Only you dictate your freedom. When you don’t
feel free then you voluntarily put the invisible handcuffs
on yourself.
The first step is to realize that you are already free. That
nothing, not any situation can dictate your freedom, if you
were to only realize that you are already free.
When you truly realize that you are already free and that
nothing can change it, then that's when you start to act on
your passion and creativity. When you truly act on passion
and creativity without hesitation that is when you are free.
A man who lives in freedom knows that his environment
doesn't dictate his success.
A man of freedom is not affected by the environment. The
environment is affected by him.
Freedom is a choice.
What do you choose?
Be Sexual Mindset
Before we go any deeper I would like to get you familiar
with the mindset that will make your life a lot easier.
Having a strong sexual mindset will make it easier to set
the foundations to become that sexual man you desire to
When you tell yourself “I am becoming more confident.”
Your mind may dismiss it at first, but when you keep
telling yourself the same thing over and over again, your
mind will install that belief and eventually you will feel
Having this sexual mindset alone will increase your
success with not only how women react and respond to
you but how you respond and react to women.
Do this every morning for thirty days. Grab some paper.
1. Write every single affirmation down in this section.
2. Go to your mirror and smile at yourself, knowing that
each and every day you are growing in a much more
powerful and positive way.
3. Read the affirmations out loud with confidence, and
while you do that, take on a visualization of you already
becoming this new sexual self, for example:
“I am fucking irresistible to women. They just want to fuck
me.” Picture yourself walking down the street. You’re
being stared at by lots of women, they smile at you and as
you mind your own business, they stare at your ass while
they walk behind you. Women are the sexual deviants and
you know that this is their secret identity.
Make your own visualizations to get a better desired
result. You are not just shaping your own identity. You are
shaping your own reality.
Women love and enjoy sex much more than men.
She won’t want to tell you that because she doesn’t want to
come off as an easy slut.
You would be surprised if I told you that most of the
women out there think about sex constantly. I myself don’t
think about sex as much as the women I sleep with do. But
when you question a woman about this she will respond
with “I am not a slut.” Simply because she doesn’t want to
be perceived as one by herself and her social circle, that is
because social conditioning likes to believe that it’s only
men who are the sex driven chasers and the women are
merely just the aloof decision makers. If truth be told our
sex drive is pretty low compared to a healthy woman’s sex
Once you start to understand that women are sexual
creatures and are the chasers, you too can be the aloof
decision maker. Imagine how you would feel when you
have women calling you up telling you how horny they
are and you have the decision to pick which girl you want
to fuck.
If you want proof that women are also the sex driven
chasers then try this when you are next with a girl, tease
her and delay the sex. Tell her that she can’t have it and
that it is forbidden. You will see that the anticipation
consumes her and it creates chemicals inside of her that
make her explode with sexual excitement and that very
anticipation can increase how better your sex will be, she
will be very eager to jump on top of you. (No one likes a
boring missionary girl)
It will soon become evident to you that women are the sex
driven chasers.
Women want to fuck you!
The truth is that even if you are not getting laid, there is a
woman out there who is very attractive and wants to fuck
you. You just haven’t met her yet and the more you go out
and approach, the more of the women that you desire will
want to fuck you. Even if you aren’t successful with
women yet, this mindset alone will create tremendous
amounts of confidence. You will be less focused on the
outcome because no matter how much you approach, you
will always know that there are women out there who you
are totally attracted to and are attracted to you and want to
fuck you.
The only person who is stopping you from having that is
Kissing is a natural part of who you are.
A lot of guys are scared to go in for the kiss, even when the
gut feeling tells them too.
Imagine you’re interacting with a woman and you can tell
she is really attracted to you, she is laughing at your dumb
jokes and the more you are connecting with her, the more
your gut tells you to kiss her. But you are scared to go in
for the kiss incase you get rejected, yet these natural
feelings inside your stomach are saying “Fucking kiss
The night goes on and you still haven’t kissed her, so you
grab her number in hopes of seeing her next time. Problem
is because you didn’t make a move she is now not
returning your calls because you didn’t take action and
make a sexual connection. Without going in for the kiss or
sexualizing the interaction, you become just another guy
that she chatted too.
That is why kissing should be a natural part of who you
are. If it isn’t then women will be thinking “When is he
going to kiss me?” It will be killing her as much as it is
you. The only reason you don’t go with your gut feeling is
to avoid rejection. However, when kissing is naturally a
part of who you are, then you will take action on that gut
feeling and give her a moment to remember.
Being patient with sex gets a woman all wet!
When you have a woman in your bed, slow down and
enjoy the moment. Slow but sexy foreplay makes a girl
wetter than a rainy day in Britain. Your key goal is for her
to anticipate your actions and not be able to predict what
you will do to her next.
A guy who is nervous and rushing into things will turn a
woman off fast. A patient man is sexy and knows what a
woman wants, yet he makes it unpredictable and exciting
for her. Imagine how many lovers a woman has had were
the guy just sticks it in? Way too many!
The best sex is when a woman is so full of raw sexual
energy, that she is craving you and begging you to fuck
her good.
The best gift you can give a woman is an
Who needs flowers and teddy bears when you can give
women all kinds of addictive orgasms?
Here is a funny story…
I was chilling with my friend, her boyfriend and my
girlfriend at the time. My friend is the dominant type who
likes to order guys around and I kind of felt sorry for the
guy when I heard about this. She was telling me and my
girlfriend about how she was mad at him for not returning
one little call (This was spoken right in front of him) So she
said if he didn’t do something amazing for her then she
would break up with him. She looked at him and said to
me “He got me a teddy bear, a box of chocolates and a
single red rose… every single day for thirty days! How
sweet!?” That’s right I am not shitting you, this poor soul
had bought his girlfriend 30 teddy bears, 30 boxes of
chocolates and 30 red roses.
My friend looked at me and my girlfriend and said “What
is the most romantic thing you have ever given your
girlfriend?” I smiled and said “I gave her an orgasm.” My
girlfriend smiled at me, but my friend was shocked “That’s
not a very thoughtful present, Gary got me presents for 30
whole days and you couldn’t do that.” I smiled again “I
can do better that, I gave her 30 orgasms, more then what
you’re probably getting.”
2 hours after that me and my girlfriend had amazing sex.
Poor Gary and my friend at the time watched “The
The moral of the story is you don’t have to buy a woman
gifts to make her happy, give her an orgasm and she’ll
never complain.
You have a sexual aura that women can feel.
Whether you believe it or not guys that are successful with
women have a sexual aura that women can sense from a
mile away.
Notice how once you are getting laid, women are more
open and receptive to you? It isn’t because she can smell
sex on you. It’s because you are conveying that other
women find you attractive and have had sex with you. You
subtly convey this through your energy and she can sense
it. Notice how a guy who really wants to get laid appears
desperate and needy? Because he conveys it in his nervous
energy and because of that he doesn’t get laid and other
women don’t find him attractive.
When I had my first foursome in Mexico I came out a new
man. Women were staring at me, looking at my ass like a
sexual deviant. They would be more open and receptive to
me. That is because I was conveying through my aura that
I get with women and that other women find me
When you get laid you will start to convey this naturally. If
you don’t get laid then just having this mindset alone can
increase your success. Soon you will find that women will
be eyeing you down and eventually they will feel what it
is like to be in the presence of a man with raw sexual
You are not a slave to the pussy!
The worst mistake a man makes when he gets laid is that
he becomes enslaved by the pussy.
I once knew a guy who could go up to any woman and
within 3 minutes he would be making out with her and
she would literally beg him to take her phone number.
When he had sex it was a different story. After he had sex
with the woman he felt that he finally met a woman who
he could be with forever. He would have sex and then in
the morning he would cook a full English breakfast, with
heart shaped toast and then he would proceed to do her
daily errands. One time he even looked after a woman’s
child while she went shopping for new clothes. Now there
is nothing wrong with helping a woman out but if you
want to create a real connection then you can’t all of a
sudden cling onto her and turn into provider guy.
This guy would emotionally cling onto a woman right
after sex. He also felt that because she surrendered her
pussy to him he had to owe her favours. He would stick
around and provide for her until she dumped him. He
became a slave to the pussy because he was brought up to
believe if a woman has sex with you then you need to
make it up to her.
The above is a great example of what not to do! A woman
is more rewarded through sex then you could ever
imagine. Compared to your one big orgasm, she can get
ones, twos, threes and even twenty five big orgasms! Her
orgasms are so different and vast that she can experience
and enjoy sex much more on a raw level. You don’t have to
feel like you owe her something just because she fucked
you because two good lovers are as equally rewarded and
sex is ultimately one win/win situation.
From now on you only masturbate when you
have women in your life!
If you do not have women in your life one of the worst
things you can do is masturbate.
The reason is very simple. It lowers your sex drive and you
don’t feel the need to approach women. Most guys who
get into the whole seduction community have a huge
problem of not being able to approach. There are many
reasons why we fear the approach but some guys will not
motivate themselves to take action and get it handled. One
reason is because they masturbate to too much porn.
When I became anti social I started to download way too
much porn. In fact I would have like 20 CD’s entitled
“Adam Taste’s secret stash!” After repeating this process of
watching too much porn, I became more tired and even
worse I didn’t desire to approach any woman at all. Then
one day I changed, I set a goal for myself that would
change my entire life. I deleted my 30 gigabytes worth of
porn, I threw my CD’s out and I promised myself that I
would never masturbate until I have a women in my life.
After 30 days I was a new man, I approached women
constantly and I felt great doing it!
When you stop masturbating all of the time, you will feel
great within yourself because your instincts as a man who
seeks to reproduce start to work correctly and you know
that the only way you are going to get that is if you get
your ass out that door! Not only will you feel great but you
will enjoy sex much more with stronger orgasms.
Women can sense your dominance.
You really need to believe that women can sense your
dominance because when you do you will start to convey
it through your aura.
There is nothing worse for a woman then a guy who is a
door mat or is afraid to be dominant. In most cases guys
are afraid to be dominant because they feel that when they
try to be dominant that they are being overly cocky, rude
and will get rejected. I once went through this, I believed
that dominance and showing male strength was a turn off
because every male seemed to do it. But the truth is the
most guys come from a weak place and they rarely show
true dominance.
We also suppress our animalistic urges of playing the role
of the dominator simply due to social conditioning and
how being dominant is perceived. There is the fear that it
is classed as rude and that in order to get women you have
to treat a woman soft and gentle (Women love to be
touched softly and gently but they also love a guy to slam
them against the wall, carry them to the bed and fuck them
like a jack hammer.)
True dominance doesn’t equal being rude, it is an
expression of who you truly are and your passion. It is in
those moments that you are at the peak of your masculine
sexuality. A woman will follow your lead whilst being
turned on and ready to fuck your brains out.
When you truly understand dominance you will be able to
convey that through your aura and you will be
You have high sexual value.
This is something that I have discovered over the years.
Here is a story.
About a year ago I had met this girl Susan through my
friend Amber. We all hung out and we were enjoying a
game on the Nintendo Wii. Susan was sexy, she had been
on the cover of the UK nuts magazine and you could
clearly tell she had been use to having a lot of guys around
her due to her having such a aloof aura.
But Susan and I started to connect and I discovered under
that aloof aura was an insecure warm girl. I was
expressing myself, teasing her, touching her in a playful
way. But she wasn’t hooking and this got me really curious
and eventually I had to ask “Do you have a boyfriend?”
She nodded and I thought maybe she was one of those
rare girls who can be really fucking loyal to a guy even if
she’s in the room with a rock star.
So I started to connect with her even deeper and I found
out that although her boyfriend is a footballer and makes a
lot of money, he isn’t really that good in bed.
I felt like being a Samaritan “I’ll tell you what… If I give
you a guide on how to give women orgasms without
touching them for your boyfriend then you have to
introduce me to all your hot friends.” She was intrigued
and agreed. So I searched through all of my writings and
there I found it “The Energy Orgasm Pattern”
She started to read, her eyes became glued to it as they
lighted up with excitement. I left the room to get a drink
and she shouts me over and says, “Wow, could you do that
on me?” I was confused because I thought that this girl
was in a loving relationship.
“I want you to practice on me first, to see if it works.”
I had to question her about it and she told me “My
boyfriend never really tries anything new. No guy that I
have been with has really ever done anything to make me
orgasm. I’m curious about this and want to try it with
you.” We did the energy orgasm pattern and it was an
amazing experience. She is now studying to become a sex
therapist because her curiosity and her passion for good
sex led her to her ideal career.
Why is the story important? Because that was when I
found that the most powerful value that you have is your
sexual value.
When you know how to make a girl orgasm without
touching her, she discovers so many new things about her
body and it captivates her.
The Energy Orgasm
This pattern is a basic overview on how to give any
woman, powerful and mind blowing orgasms without
even having to touch her.
For the past few years, I have shaped and changed the
pattern to get an understandable, powerful and 100%
working technique on making a woman experience mind
blowing orgasms. To make it better I wanted to do it
without touching her.
I first created this pattern when I had a girl over at my
house, she was telling me how that no one had ever made
her orgasm and so I had the creative idea to make her
orgasm without touching her. First time I tried it, it
worked. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but there was
something missing and it took me another year to finally
grasp the key element of making a woman orgasm
through the mind.
I recommend that you use this after you have some kind of
sexual connection with her.
Image – Feeling – Sound:
For the pattern to be effective you need to have her
experience these 3 senses overlap.
Image = imagination, feeling = the orgasm and sound =
your sexual voice.
Energy Beads:
The idea is that an energy bead will shoot from one energy
spot to another energy spot, each time getting bigger in
size and producing stronger sensations. The energy bead
is a metaphor and is not related to anything new age. It is
a placebo for the mind to feel intense pleasure. It will start
from the crown and slowly work its way down, while
describing this you will not only make her feel it, but you
will be creating very high sexual tension that will be
released powerfully into an orgasm.
Sexual Energy Spots:
Energy spots on Males and Females have very different
purposes, for example…
The male has two sexual energy spots, the rest are known
as adrenaline spots, whereas the female has seven sexual
energy spots.
These are just some quick examples of how we stimulate
the 7 energy spots physically.
Crown Chakra – Energy spot above the head:
Notice how a girl loves her hair being tugged in a sexual
caveman way?
Third Eye Chakra – Energy spot in the middle of the
Powerful sexual spot, by gazing at this can turn her on or
by kissing her forehead slightly to the right or even by
softly stroking her forehead.
The Throat Chakra – Energy spot in the middle of the
This is a very powerful sexual spot. By gazing at her neck
or simply by touching her neck or even kissing her neck is
a real big turn on for most women.
The Heart Chakra – Energy spot in the middle of the chest:
Touching her breasts will make her hot, nibbling on the
nipples or even stroking around the chest area.
The Solar Plexus Chakra – Energy spot located between
the chest and the navel:
Running your lips around this area gets her sexually
stimulated and stroking around the belly button in circles
turns her on.
The Sacral Chakra – Energy spot on the lower belly:
Rubbing your nose around this area or even by slowly
tracing your fingers around the area will turn her on
The Root Chakra – Energy spot at the base of spine:
Well we all know this one, either massaging her lower
back or playing with her pussy, either way they are both
really stimulating.
To stimulate her with the energy orgasm pattern is to not
use physical stimulation at all. The mind is a powerful tool
and her most powerful G spot is in her mind.
Imagine – Feel it – Experience it
For her to feel something she needs to imagine it vividly
and then when she feels it slightly, she will experience it
powerfully. There will be various techniques in the
transcript that you will recognize such as NLP and
psychology. It is also essential to keep an open mind.
Remember, your voice should be soft, sensual, slow and
Energy Orgasm Pattern Transcript:
It’s not going to work all the time. However most of the
time with it does, you will find that it blows a woman’s
mind that she can experience explosive orgasms without
being touched. If you don’t get the results you want then
keep trying, but if you fail then it works both ways, you
taught her something new and at the very least you got
her turned on through imagination.
This is an exact transcript that I had with a woman. What
made this go smoother was that we both had a strong
sexual connection for each other and she was very sexual.
Me: You know something… I can tell that you’re a very
sensual person.
GIRL: Yeah…What makes you say that?
Me: The way your eyes sparkle and brighten up when you
are talking about feelings, it tells me that you are soft and
sensual... I bet you are also very sensitive to touch….
GIRL: My eyes gave it away then, I’m very sensitive to
touch, mainly my neck that gets me going.
Me: (Looking deeply into her eyes) If I were to touch you
in such a sexual way… not only would it excite you but
my touch would… really… make… your entire fucking
body… feel... completely... alive... but…
GIRL: (Intrigued) Sounds, sexy… but what?
Me: (Smiling) I’m not going to touch you because it’s
(I tease her by turning away.)
Me: Although me touching you is very forbidden… If I
told you I could make you orgasm without even touching
you, what would you say?
GIRL: (Curious) I would say… bring it on!
Remember this is a big indicator for sex, if she is willing to
go with this then she is pretty much willing to fuck you.
Me: Before we do this I’ll explain the history, It was an old
technique Indians use to do for their women, it was a gift
among the Indian tribes to give their woman amazing
everlasting pleasure through ritual, which now has been
changed and moulded into something more powerful. But
don’t expect naked rain dances.
GIRL: (laughs at joke.) Sounds interesting… what are you
waiting for?
(Now you need to explain Sexual energy spots to her,
women are into weird energy and the cosmos so most of
the time she will know what you are talking about.)
Me: You know what Sexual energy spots are right?
GIRL: Nope?
Me: Basically you have 7 energy spots on your body and if
stimulated… they can allow you to experience intense
pleasure… now… how does that sound?
GIRL: Interesting, carry on.
(As you can see she was very eager for me to do this.
Women love to experience new things so if you screw up
don’t worry at least you conveyed that you have
knowledge to pleasure her in new ways.)
Breathing Orgasm Imitation:
Simply put, this acts like an imitated orgasm. You use this
as an anchor so that when she is ready to orgasm you can
increase the realism and intensity.
Basically what you do is get her to remember what it was
like to feel that orgasm and what it was like to breathe
while she exploded, she will then feel it and then
experience it...
Me: Close your eyes and I want you to imagine the last
time you had a really fucking intense orgasm…now, inside
your mind as your just about to put yourself in that
scenario, allowing yourself… to go deeper and maybe you
can realize that by imagining… you can slowly start to feel
what it was like… and you can keep coming and coming
to the same image… in your mind… feeling how it felt
deep inside of you, how it felt as you were about to
explode and release that amazing feeling… now… as
you’re visualizing the last time you had an really fucking
intense orgasm, notice how it affected your breathing and
slowly… start to experience what that was like to just
breathe like you were fucking orgasming, knowing how
great you can feel… right now, just allow yourself to
breathe in a way… that was familiar to you… when you
came so fucking badly… you was just begging to be
fucked really deep and hard inside you... allow yourself to
breathe in deeply and feel it as if you are being penetrated
by my dick... knowing that as you breathe you will begin
feel it… now open your eyes and breathe like you are
experiencing it in that moment.
GIRL: (Breathing) Wow… I can slowly feel it.
Me: While you’re breathing, tap your finger and thumb
together, to allow yourself to remember how fucking good
you feel… now when you breathe that way.
(So remember that whenever you want to release that
orgasm you need to tell her to tap her finger and thumb
The 7 Deadly Sins of Pleasure:
This is where we stimulate all 7 of the sexual energy spots.
First you need to describe an ideal scenario for her to feel
Me: Now… describe the scenario in were you would want
to have the most amazing sex of your life, now… mine
would be on a hot day at the beach and knowing at any
moment you could get caught, it sends a rush down to my
spine, what would yours be?
GIRL: Mine would be… outside, when it’s cold and
windy… and dark at night… I don’t know why it just
turns me on.
(Now you can make her experience all of this in her ideal
scenario, which makes her feel even more turned on.)
Me: Awesome, Okay… now close your eyes and relax, I
want you to imagine that you are outside, it’s really
fucking cold and the wind is just brushing against your
soft legs, it is a dark night and you can see the full moon
shining down upon you and everything is really quiet… in
this moment... anything can happen…
Me: Now… as you breathe in, feeling more relaxed… and
as you breathe out feeling even deeply relaxed… your
mind can allow itself to wander off into the dark cold
night, were the cold softly brushes against your cheek,
knowing that in this moment… something exciting could
happen... Now while you’re thinking about that… imagine
a soft small colored bead of energy, tell me… what colour i
it is and what how it feels deep inside your stomach...
GIRL: Its pink and it feels really tingly.
Me: Now imagine yourself touching that pink bead that
really tingles and sends sensations and vibrations…
throughout your entire body and allow that bead to gentle
travel to the top of your head circling around your hair.
Me: Allow yourself to feel that sensation around the top of
your head, notice how the vibrations and sensations… feel
as if your hair is being gently tugged… it feels sexual…
now allowing that pink bead of energy to get bigger and
brighter… slowly circling to your forehead.
Me: Notice how this gentle tingling energy bead is slowly
changing colour… from pink to white… and as you
experience that you can feel a soft sexual… sensation
circling on your forehead, as if you are being gently kissed
on the forehead… allow that feeling to really fucking
intensify… now… as you breathe in and out… noticing
how when you breathe in the bead gets bigger and harder
to control and when you breathe out the bead gets brighter
as it slowly travels all the way down to the middle of your
Me: Now as the … white tingly energy bead circles your
neck, notice how it gets so big that it just completely
overwhelms you and as it changes from white to green,
noticing how that… the sensation travels to your neck as if
someone is slowly nibbling on your collar bone… as you
breathe in and out, that green energy bead getting bigger
and brighter… circling around your neck and throat… it
can feel as if you are being softly kissed all over your
neck… you feel this warm... soft... fuzzy... sensation...
penetrate you.... now as the green tingly bead of energy
travels all the way to your chest.
Me: Now from your chest notice how the green energy
bead circles all around your breasts… slowly circling
around your nipples and making you feel so fucking wet...
now feel the sensation and vibrations and change the
green energy bead into red… as it slowly turns to red…
notice how it gets bigger… and brighter… it feels like as if
someone is softly brushing their finger tips against your
breasts… now… as you feel that… as you breathe in and
breathe out, the red tingly energy bead getting even bigger
and brighter… slowly travelling all the way to your upper
Me: Allow yourself to breathe in and out as the red tingly
energy bead circles around your stomach, notice how the
red energy tingles and brushes against it… slowly sending
vibrations and sensations… softly brushing against your
stomach… it’s as if someone is slowly brushing their
tongue along the right side of your stomach and slowly
circling all the way around your belly button… now as
you feel that… feeling like you could just EXPLODE.... at
any moment... notice how the red tingly energy bead gets
bigger and brighter as it slowly turns to yellow… now feel
the yellow tingling energy bead slide all the way down to
your lower stomach…
Me: Now… as you breathe in and breathe out… this
huge… big… throbbing… tingling… yellow energy
bead… circling around the lower of your stomach…
sending chills… sensations and vibrations all the way
down to your thighs, it’s… as if someone is softly rubbing
their nose around your lower stomach… making you
feel… so fucking stimulated… and aroused as the yellow
energy gets bigger and brighter as it turns to purple…
notice how it circles around the lower part of your
stomach like fingers… slowly brushing against you…
now… as it slowly travels lower to your pussy…
Me: Now… as you breathe in and out… tap your finger
and thumb together… breathing as if you were having an
orgasm… as if my dick was DEEPLY PENETRATING
YOU... experiencing how that feels… as the big…
throbbing… tingling purple energy bead gets bigger and
brighter…deep inside you... as if fingers… are softly…
stroking your clit… all the way deep inside you... as you
feel that sensation… in your pussy… it’s as if the purple
energy bead is getting out of control… and as you breathe
in faster and breathe out faster… feeling that intense…
immense pleasure… getting bigger and brighter… (This is
where your tonality gets louder and faster) the purple
energy so big… so huge… about to explode… notice how
it feels as if your pussy is being penetrated so hard… so
soft… Exploding so fucking fast… getting faster as it gets
bigger and deep inside of you and it EXPLODES.... It’s just
SO FUCKING deep inside of you... you keep tapping your
thumb and finger together and you can notice how the
energy just seems to vibrate all over your body.... it feels
like your whole body is being explored... making you feel
so fucking good… it’s as if your pussy is being penetrated
hard… as you feel the waves of energy pulsating and
penetrating your tight wet pussy and as it gets faster and
faster as you breathe in and out, tapping your thumb and
finger together… you just want to fucking release... you
want to release and EXPLODE... making you feel
pleasured… very… fucking… turned on… now open your
GIRL: Oh my fucking god, fuck me!
Me: Now… I want you to give that feeling a symbol… for
example when I feel pleasured my symbol is a star…
GIRL: I would say mine is a star too!
Me: Okay… now picture this star… getting bigger and
brighter as you breathe in and out as if you were about to
just release that amazing orgasm and fucking explode…
looking into my eyes you can see this star getting bigger
and bigger, in between us... connecting us in some way...
noticing that the feelings are about to just... (Pause for the
cause) EXPLODE… and as you RELEASE that feeling...
the energy pulsating from that star goes deep inside you
and into me... making you feel so fucking pleasured and
turned on...
GIRL: (Orgasms) fuck me!
You can do the transcript word for word if you are good at
memorizing. If you read the transcript carefully, you'll see
all the principles behind the energy orgasm pattern.
I had a friend who asked me, why go through so much
bother to give her this? Because simply put it is powerful
and women tend to desire and crave powerful and sexual
men. It will increase her sexual arousal and desire for you,
making your sex life so much easier with her. She is
captivated and falls in love with guys who have high
sexual value.
As for the other benefits?
You will have to see for yourself.
The Rose
The rose is a poetic gift that I wrote and it was inspired by
The Rose Pattern. I give this to women that I am deeply
into. The reason why I share this with you is because The
Rose has helped me develop strong feelings in girls and
helped make stronger connections with them. It captures a
woman's imagination and it melts her heart.
The Rose Transcript:
You know I could buy you the world and it still wouldn't
be as exciting as the gift I can give you. Because this is
something that you already have, you just haven't
connected with it yet and no amount of money or objects
of affection can compare to it...
When I give a special gift to a girl, it has to mean
something from the heart... I don't go out and just buy a
simple gift that is meaningless... I give something much
greater because all that you have ever wanted lies within
your own emotions and imagination... And here is my gift
to you.
Imagine in your hand is a seed... it feels soft and tender in
your hand and you have to be really gentle with it... But
this isn't any ordinary seed... in this seed lies the essence of
great feelings of passion and excitement... that when held
in the hands of a beautiful and worthy person, will
blossom into the most beautiful rose and to whoever holds
such beauty... will share in its essence of passion and
As the wind brushes softly against your cheek... sending a
shiver down to your spine, the seed begins to dance in the
momentum with the wind... it moves slowly from side to
side in your palm... tickling the nerve endings in the centre
of your hand... it's really exciting because you know that
something amazing is about to happen... you hold the
essence of beauty in your palm...
The seed begins to open its outer shell and slowly...
emerges forth a bright shiny red beautiful light out of the
seed and covers your entire palm... the red light tingles
softly onto the skin of your hand... it feels like a soft brush
of fingers massaging your entire hand... it's so relaxing and
The bright shiny red beautiful light starts to spin slowly
with the wind... growing bigger each time it spins... and as
it gets bigger... it slowly starts to cover your entire arm...
you can feel the shiny red light trail slowly up your arm....
sending soft sensations and warmth... slowly back and
forth up your arm... this warm feeling sends a smile to
your face... and as the light gets bigger and bigger... now
covering your entire body... you can feel the warmth
around your entire body... this feeling is familiar, it's
warmth and love... it’s the same feeling when you are
hugged by your friends... and most of all by the one that
you love...
And out of the beautiful red shiny light emerges forth a
beautiful pristine red rose... You now hold the most
beautifuliest rose in your hand.... as you hold it from the
stem.... you are careful not to lay a heavy hand on it... This
feeling is peaceful... You softly stroke the petals with your
finger tips... the feeling sends a smile to your face and as
you stare into the center of the rose... you realize... this is
what beauty is all about... this is what passion feels like...
this is how excitement feels...
This rose is more special than any other rose a guy can buy
you... because those roses die and fade away with time...
but this beautiful rose that you hold in your mind... can
never die.... can never fade away... this rose stays with you
forever... sharing your passion for life... your beauty....
your love for your friends and family... and your love for
that ideal guy you long for and desire....
And that is my gift to you...
I was shocked. I knew Andy was a natural at getting
women but I had never seen anything like it. I just couldn't
believe how someone could go out to lunch and come back
to fifteen new messages from girls wanting to hook up. I
watched as he showed me his Facebook inbox, fifteen new
unopened messages and three new photo comments. I was
still sceptical, thinking that maybe those messages were
just rejections but as we looked at each message, “Sure I
can make Friday.” “Is Thursday okay for you?” “I can't
make Monday, but Tuesday sounds good!”
I had met girls online before but never like this. These
were some seriously hot fucking girls. He boasted about
how most guys complicate things and all he does is follow
a few simple principles. I wanted him to teach me like he
was Mr Miyagi and I was the karate kid. I wanted the
same success that he had.
It wasn't instant at first, but I started to get results too. I
would try new things and discard things that didn't work
until I eventually found myself having the same success as
Online dating is definitely a great way of meeting women.
I have met a lot of amazing girls from the social
networking sites. It is however, not a substitute for real
life. I see online dating as more of a side project that you
work on but don't invest a ton of your time into.
Online dating is a numbers game. Because it is a numbers
game the only factor we can improve is increasing the
odds that a girl will be receptive towards you and willing
to meet in person.
In real life there are factors that you can control that are
very hard to control online. The factor’s online that you
cannot control, such as her current mood and if she is
distracted or if she's busy, all affect how she responds to
you. In real life you can change her mood and change her
receptiveness towards you. You can captivate her in such a
way that she is 100% in the moment with you.
You can control all those factors in real life but online they
are out of your control. You cannot convey tone and body
language in the online world. So with only just your words
of text to work with, it is not as powerful and can easily be
In person:
You are on the phone with a girl and she is babbling on
about how annoying her co worker is. In a teasing and
dominant way you say “Oh shut up. You are such a whiny
bitch.” The words say one thing, but your tone says
another. The power behind your voice indicates that you
aren't taking it serious and that you are teasing her in a
playful tone.
Misinterpreted online:
You are on MSN and you are speaking to a girl and she is
babbling on about how annoying her co worker is.
Wanting to tease her about it and not listen to her babbling
on, you type, “Oh shut up. You are such a whiny bitch.”
But she doesn't take it too well. She thinks you are being
serious and gets offended.
This happens when you can't convey a playful tone. Her
interpretation is influenced by the current mood that she is
in and her sense of humour. If she is in a happy mood,
then it is more likely to be interpreted the right way.
However, there are some girls that no matter their mood
that they'll get offended because they don't really have a
good sense of humour. Guys become afraid to tease a girl
online just incase she misinterprets it and gets offended. It
becomes a real fear to him because even online he doesn't
want to feel rejection. Teasing and banter is a crucial and
powerful way to attract a woman, but if you do not know
how to convey it right then it can turn into a disaster.
Luckily, there is a substitute to conveying playful tone and
that is by using emoticons.
Without Emoticons:
Taste says:
Hey slut
Leila says:
I beg your pardon?
With Emoticons:
Taste says:
Hey slut :P
Leila says:
Hey asshole! :D
Without Emoticons:
Taste says:
Wow you really are useless aren't you?
Leila says:
With Emoticons:
Taste says:
Haha Wow, you really are useless aren't you :P
Leila says:
Shut up! lol
Misinterpretation all depends on your level of teasing. If
you are going to lightly tease her like, “You are very small,
like a smurf.” Then you wouldn't need to use emoticons
because it's obvious that you are teasing her. However, if
you are using an extreme tease like the above examples,
then it is always best to use emoticons. Sometimes even
with emoticons, she may misinterpret it your tease or even
be testing you and this is when most guys will apologize
or stop teasing them. The best thing to do in this situation
is to keep teasing and accuse her of having a bad sense of
humour. For example, “Geez not only are you small but
you have a bad sense of humour too :P”
Sometimes the girl who you think is more receptive
towards you, ends up being the least receptive and the one
who is the least receptive at first, ends up being the most
receptive and meeting up with you in person. Never take
it personally. If she gets offended when you clearly were
joking and she misinterpreted it, then tell her that you
were joking but never apologize for it. If you send a girl a
message and she replies back really interested in you but
the next day she doesn't reply to you then don't take it
personally. Even if a girl messages you back harshly, it is
best to not take it personally because it is not an attack on
you as a person. She doesn't know what you are like as a
person, so it isn't a personal attack on you, it's more about
a reflection of her current mood and her sense of humour.
The same girl that responds badly to you online could
easily be attracted to you in the real world.
My friend Firefly was talking to this girl online who he
met through his friend. He messaged her and because she
was in a mood, she said not to message her again and that
she wasn't interested in him and found him to be stupid.
Firefly really liked this girl and I told him that any girl
who talks like that to you isn't worth bothering with and
that there are plenty of amazing girls out there who are
waiting for a guy like him to seduce them. He didn't listen
and one night decided to go out with his friend, where he
knew she would be there. By the end of the night, they
ended up making out and going back to his place. When
he asked her why she acted harshly to his message, she
told him that she was in a mood because there was a guy
who she liked and was messing her around and he
happened to message her at the time and she took it out on
There are just factors out of your control that influence her
response towards you and it's something you can't predict.
It doesn't make her a bitch just because she messaged you
harshly, she could be in a really bad mood or something
bad may have happened to her like her cat jumped out her
bedroom window, so it's best to never take it too
personally because you can't predict what is going on in
her life. The more you invest your time into thinking about
why she rejected you, the more frustrated you will get
about meeting women online.
When you aren't attached to anything happening and you
aren't taking it as a big deal. It doesn't matter if you get a
couple of bad messages because there is an abundance of
women out there to message, who have a great sense of
humour and are willing to meet up with you.
Why I Choose Facebook
On dating sites such as Plentyoffish and, a girl
gets over at least 40 messages a day from needy and lonely
guys. Unfortunately those needy and lonely guys spoil it
for the rest of us because girls tend to associate any other
guy on that site as needy and lonely. I did have little
success with these sites but I was attracting the wrong
kind of girls. You can meet quality women on there but the
majority of attractive girls are on that site for a self esteem
boost or for fun. The harshest truth that I had to face when
I got too much into the online dating scene was that most
of the girls weren't even taking it that serious and that they
didn't expect to meet a guy from the internet. Most of my
girl buddies who were on online dating sites would gossip
about how pathetic men were on there. I became obsessed
in becoming successful with online dating sites and I
wasn't going to give up that easy.
The only girls that were willing to meet were girls who
worked weekly night shifts and had no time in the day to
themselves, girls that had kids and were stuck at home, the
crazy girls who wanted to get in a relationship with me
before we had even met or do something crazy to me,
negative girls who would constantly talk about how bad
life was and how ugly they are and the girls who were
social outcasts and had no friends.
At the same time that I was using online dating sites, I was
also using Facebook and MySpace. I seemed to be getting
all my success mostly from Facebook and some from
MySpace. I would meet lots of beautiful and high quality
women on the social networking sites but I was frustrated
and pissed off because I wasn't getting any success on
online dating. So I decided that I would ask every girl that
I met about their view on online dating. Most of them
would tell me they didn't like online dating sites because
they were all creepy and needy guys would message them
all the time. Other girls would tell me that the only girls
that signed up on dating sites were either desperate or low
self esteem in need of a boost from lonely and desperate
I asked them why meeting me from Facebook and
MySpace was any different and they would tell me that
the difference was, I wasn't a creepy and needy guy on an
online dating site desperately looking for love and that
they found me to be witty, sexy and intriguing. They
didn't think it was weird meeting up with me from a social
networking site but they felt that it was weird meeting up
with a guy from an online dating site and they would start
to tell me all of the bad online dating meet up stories that
their friends had gone through.
“I signed up on a dating site at first because a friend had
told me that she met the most amazing man on there. I
meet guys all the time but I never meet the right guy. So I
signed up to do this online dating thing and within ten
minutes I already had twenty messages. After about a
week of this I got fed up and deleted my account because
all men on those sites are desperate and needy.”
- My friend Lisa and her opinion of online dating
I stopped using online dating sites after I met a girl from
I had met a few girls from Plentyoffish before. The first
time I had a girl come over and we put a movie on and she
never spoke to me at all during the movie. After the movie
finished she decided that she would tell me about her
brother and how they fuck each other.
There was the other time that I met a girl who I was sure
was completely sane but that soon changed when I got her
naked and when we was about to fuck she started to get
her clothes back on because she had a phobia of being
naked and was so insecure of her body. She sat on the edge
of the bed and stared into the mirror, “I’m a fucking ugly
pig aren’t I?”
Then there was Sarah.
I was getting tired of online dating sites and I was having
so much more success and meeting better quality girls on
Facebook that I was ready to give up on online dating sites
all together. However, before I gave up there was one girl
from Plentyoffish that wanted to meet up with me and I
decided to give her a chance. Sarah was your typical Goth
girl who liked death and blood and that annoying vampire
movie, 'Twilight.' I have an extreme fetish for Goth girls
with tattoos and it was enough to ignore all the bad signs
that the girl was crazy as fuck.
We met at my place and she brought a DVD “Nightmare
before Christmas.” Which surprised me because it was
only July and Christmas was like five months away.
At the time I use to smoke so I offered her a cigarette and
she took it. She played with the tip of the cigarette with
her lips and tongue and told me that was how she was
going to suck my dick.
It turned me on so much and we started to kiss. She told
me about all the things she found that was sexy and that
she found pain to be a huge turn on. She wanted to show
me pain because I was a naughty boy. She kept telling me
over and over that she was going to give me pain and
make me suffer for it. I thought about the kind of sexy
things she would do and because she was Goth and liked
pain, she might want to bite my neck like a vampire or
something. She looked at me and said, “I want to make
you scream out in pain you bastard.”
She was getting really turned on by this and I sat there
egging her on, “Do it! Show me pain.” With that she
grabbed her burning cigarette and dotted it out on my
fucking arm! I was in pain alright, I was fucking burnt!
“Do you like that baby? Do you like when I give you
pain?” I told her to get the fuck out my house and she got
pissed off with me. She shouted at me for calling her a
crazy bitch and stormed out my house. I never saw her
After that ordeal I decided that I should leave the online
dating sites and stick to social networking sites like
Facebook and MySpace. I had come to the conclusion that
online dating sites wasn't for young, sociable guys like me
who were looking for attractive and high quality women.
It was for the older, lonely people who found it hard to
have a social life because they had kids, demanding jobs
and other things that put them in a situation where they
have to resort to online dating to meet their perfect match.
If you are an older guy and you are looking for the perfect
relationship then I think you will find a quality woman on
an online dating site. If you are like me and you want
multiple high quality women, then social networking sites
is the right place for you.
MySpace has been facing a decline with more users
switching to Facebook. In the span of two years, Facebook
has over taken MySpace in being the fastest growing social
networking site.
Although I do use MySpace and I have met some amazing
women from it in the past, I choose Facebook because:
More active (According to Facebook they have more than
200 million active users. An abundance of sexy ass
Clean and simple.
More functionality. (I can send and check messages from
my phone. I can also update my status to invite people to
More personal (Because it is more personal, a woman will
feel safer and more comfortable about you because she can
see your real name, she will also trust you because she can
see you have real friends that you hang out with just by
looking at your tagged photos or walls comments.)
Relaxed Atmosphere (Women are more receptive towards
you because they are more social and friendly.)
Personal reasons (I seem to meet better quality women
from Facebook. My friends who are successful with
meeting girls online also claim that Facebook is their
favourite because there are more mature, better quality
Although we are only going to cover Facebook, you can
easily apply it to any of the other social networking sites.
Setting up your
Facebook Profile
Getting started is very easy. If you do not have an account,
go to and enter your information in the sign
up section. Next, you will come to the getting started
section. Add everyone from your email account and go to
the next step. Then that will take you to step 2 in which it
tells you to fill your School information. This is a really
good idea because it helps you connect with your old
school mates. I once had a girl message me because she
remembered me from school and I use to have a big crush
on her. We ended up meeting and dating for awhile until I
kind of fucked it up by sleeping with her sister but the
point is, if I hadn't had put in my school information then I
wouldn't of had that experience.
Step 3 is very important because your network will be
your gateway to meeting an abundance of beautiful and
high quality women. Make sure that you choose your
network to your town/city or the nearest place to where
you live. When I lived in a little unknown town in the UK
and I couldn't find it as a network, I had to pick the nearest
network. Even though the network area was 20 miles
away, I still found girls who were living in my home town
because they had done the same thing.
If you are attending university then you can join the
university network as well as your area one. However, you
will need a university assigned email address. I will also
explain more in depth about networks in the network
Then you will have to confirm your account through your
email and then hey presto, you are now a confirmed
member of Facebook. Finally, find and add all the people
you know by typing their names into the search bar.
Privacy Settings:
Sometimes it can be very fucking annoying when your
friends are notified about everything that you do. I
remember one guy who had broken up with his girlfriend
and when she changed the relationship status on Facebook
then every one of his friends was notified. The poor guy
had twenty sympathetic comments about his breakup and
he felt even more humiliated about the whole thing.
If you want to change what people see you post then go to
privacy settings. At the top of the screen go onto the
setting tab, go to privacy settings and click the “News feed
and wall” tab. Maybe you don't want your mutual friends
seeing what you post to your other friends or maybe you
don't want people to know when you remove parts of your
profile information. Untick the boxes that you want to
keep private. I let people see when I comment on a note or
a photo because it gives people an excuse to comment back
and make conversation.
Profile Picture:
It's important to choose a profile picture of you doing
something adventurous and that you are really passionate
about. My friend Crash always wanted to do sky diving
and he also needed a great picture for his profile. So he
decided to go sky diving and not only did he go do
something he always wanted to do but now he had an
awesome picture of it. Photos are like the window to our
good memories and when you take a great passionate
picture, it naturally attracts attention towards it. When my
friend put his profile picture up of him sky diving, within
an hour he had 30 comments. I also have another friend
who really loves animals and he put his profile picture of
him feeding a baby lion in Kenya. He told me that a girl
who commented on it found him so intriguing that she
planned to meet up with him for lunch to talk more about
his trip to Kenya and love for animals. By the end of the
night he had fucked her and they got on so well that now
she was his girlfriend. If he didn't post that picture up then
they wouldn't have met. Passion is attractive to women
and they can sense when a guy has a love for things and
when you express your passion, they want to discover
more about it because it's captivating and infectious.
Photos should be an expression of who you are and not
about trying to impress women. It's awesome to have
pictures of you in a club surrounded by tons of people, but
if you are posting them up to only impress women and to
show that you are popular then you miss the whole point.
When you are passionate and put up pictures of you being
surrounded by tons of people, it's because you want to
share what an awesome night it was and how that energy
you bring is a part of you. When you are sharing pictures
of your cool night out then you are sharing a part of that
memory and your passion for it. You are sharing it because
it expresses who you are. The photos become more
attractive to women because they reflect who you are and
your passion. Its okay to intentionally take awesome
pictures even if it doesn't currently reflect your life, but the
only person you should be trying to impress is yourself.
Take pictures that inspire you and that you desire to be in.
If you have always wanted to have a picture with your
favourite celebrity and you are able to make that happen
then go out there and do it. If you have always wanted to
have a picture with two girls kissing your cheek then go
out there and get it. If you don't give a fuck about
impressing other people and take pictures because they
impress you then women are going to be attracted to that
as a by product because you are going to convey the right
energy and the passion and the right qualities of a
Charismatic Lover.
Go do something that you love doing or that you always
wanted to do. Something that really inspires you and that
you feel passion for. Take pictures that you are impressed
by and that make you feel good because not only do they
express who you are but when you look back on that
memory you can be proud to say that you did it.
Your tag line appears under your picture on your profile. I
usually put something witty and silly in there like:
Batteries not included.
Warning! May contain traces of small nuts.
Rocking you like a hurricane, Need we say more? ;)
Based on a true story.
Touch eyeballs to screen for cheap laser surgery.
Scratch here to reveal prize.
It is best to keep your tagline short and simple. If you are
looking for more creative tag lines then shows like
Futurama are a goldmine.
Your status messages should never be negative or boring. I
have seen too many people on Facebook use their status as
a way to complain about life and to attract attention. Your
status messages should never be focused on attracting a
woman's attention to impress her. Some guys get the idea
in their head that they have to create clever messages that
attract women's attention and demonstrate that they are
awesome. They try too hard because they want to have all
the perfect magical responses that will act like a code to
get into her pants. When it doesn't work and the women
don't take the bait, they feel the pain and frustration and
take it as a blow to their ego.
Status messages are about conveying that you are not
taking the whole thing too seriously and that you are
amusing yourself and just sharing that energy with
everyone else. You don't even think about how women are
going to respond to it because you don't give it much
thought. You just drop by to share some good energy and
go about your day. You don't take ten minutes to come up
with the perfect status message. You might look around
for some funny status message to share but you are doing
it mainly for your own amusement. The only thing you
want to convey to women is that you are not taking this
too seriously and that you are just sharing positive energy.
Women are attracted to guys who don't take life too
seriously and when you convey that, you are showing that
you are different. While other guys try to impress women
with their status messages, you merely share good energy
with yours by conveying that you have a sense of humour
and that you don't take life too seriously.
Your status message gives a woman an excuse to make
conversation and creates opportunity for them to get in
touch with you. You can also use your status as a way to
make plans with women, invite them to parties and clubs,
find out where the parties and events are at and get
recommendations etc.
If you are struggling to find some witty and funny
material, check out celebrities twitter pages such as Dane
Cook, Jason Segel and Russell Brand etc.
Here are a few examples of random and witty
status messages:
I don't trust dentists. Anyone who gives you a lollypop
after sticking their fingers down your throat has to have an
ulterior motive...
This is a life threat. Carry on living, have an ice cream,
look at a tree, go to the toilet. (Credit Russell Brand)
I've just heard that Wolverine is not even a real wolverine.
Is ET even a real ET? Also where are ET's genitals? I want
answers. (Credit Russell Brand)
Is wondering whether Dolphins are just Gay sharks?
Kissed a girl and (Then click the like it tab)
Is 80% waterproof
Is so Jesus, he shits miracles
Is like an Alzheimer's patient in a whorehouse
I touched her (ooh) She touched my (ahhh) It was the
craziest thing
Can wipe his own ass
Examples of using your status for
It's movie night. What's a really kick ass action movie that
you recommend?
Sushi or Pizza tonight? Decisions... Decisions...
Blue or Black? I'm trying to decide which power ranger I
would want to be.
Hannah Montana or High School Musical? Which one is
more humiliatingly painful to watch?
Examples of using your status for plans:
Sushi night tonight. Any of you goons want to join us?
Rock Bandathon at my place tonight. You are welcome to
join but be warned I am the Tommy Lee of drumming.
Out at the Phoenix tonight... come join me if you are out.
Is looking for a girly girl to be my queer eye for the
straight guy, who's up for shopping?
Basic Info:
My Birthday:
Put the day and month but leave out the year. Women like
to know things and if you keep some information left out
in your profile it creates a mystery and they become
curious about you. It also gives them an excuse to initiate
contact with you. I have had women message me because
they were curious about my age and it ended up in a
guessing game that led to us meeting up with each other.
Family Members:
This option can actually be useful if you know how to play
with it. I always put actors or famous people as my
parents. I have Ghandi and Mother Teresa as my parents.
Add fake profiles of actors and famous people, some
examples would be all of the 4 Musketeers, Jesus Christ,
Vin Diesel or Santa Claus. Then when you have added
them, add them into the section of parents.
I would get messages like, “No way is Ghandi your
father!” I would message her back like, “How dare you
speak of my father like that, he was a legendary icon! You
need healing child! Let the healing begin!”
Looking for:
Never show that you are looking for Dating or a
Relationship. There is nothing wrong with it but I leave it
out because I want to convey the fact that I'm not taking
this whole thing too seriously. You will find that most
socially savvy women almost never show the fact they are
looking for Dating or a Relationship. A better option is to
put Networking or to leave it blank.
If your religion is important to you then put it in and be
proud of it. If you're an atheist like me then you can have a
little fun with this section. I will use insider jokes from TV
shows like, Unagi (Friends), The Lords of Kobol (BSG),
The Intersect (Chuck), First Church of the Fonz (Family
Guy) and Oprahism (Futurama.)
Or you can make up your own religion names, Church of
awesomeness, Godzilla, The religion of facebooking your
mum or Lords of the dance etc. I got a lot of comments
from girls when I put Church of awesomeness as my
Political views:
If you are really passionate about politics, then express it.
If you are like me and don't really follow politics, then I
would either leave this blank or put something funny
instead. I usually leave this blank or I would put
something like “Marijuana Party of Canada.”
I leave activities, favourite books and quotations section
out because I feel that they just over junk your profile.
Your profile section should be about expressing yourself.
The majority of guys that don't know any better will put
facts about their lives and who they are.
Bad Profile Example:
“My name is Gary and I am 23 years old.
I am a normal guy honest genuine and trustworthy
I live in Leeds, work for the university and try to see the
world in my spare time.
My friends would describe me as, Caring, sensitive, loyal,
educated, lovely, handsome, interesting, ambitious, lively,
funny, trust worthy and trustable
I love football, (Go Leeds UTD!) and boxing.
I love travelling and I love going to new places as I have
seen so far more than 18 countries and there are more to
I like to read the Guardian every Saturday and the Daily
Star during the week (when I'm home in the U.K from
working abroad.)
That is pretty much it for now...”
This is a bad profile because it is too generic and boring.
He gave too much boring and predictable facts about
himself. There is nothing that stands out on this profile
that would catch a woman's attention. She will know
exactly what this guy is about just from reading his profile.
That he is just like all the other guys she meets, boring and
There is no mystery and excitement for a woman when she
knows everything about a guy before even meeting him.
Women love to feel curious about you and love to ask
questions to uncover more about you. When you rob her
of that curiosity by giving her too many boring facts then
she doesn't feel interested in meeting you. This profile just
doesn't stand out enough for her to be curious.
Another Example:
“I’m a Latin guy 27 y/o who likes to have fun, go to the
movies, bars, play soccer, anything that is fun.“
Again this is too generic and boring. This is not conveying
personality and it isn't going to capture her interest. There
is nothing for a woman to be curious about. There is no
mystery in knowing you like going to bars and movies like
everyone else. A woman wants to know what makes you
different from the rest of the generic and boring crowd.
She wants to have a taste of the different sides of your
personality without revealing everything about you.
High quality women are attracted to guys with personality
and the one who conveys the most personality through
their profile is usually the one who captures her interest.
It's the same reason why people get famous because they
have more personality and depth and it attracts attention.
It's the same reason why Russell Brand and George
Clooney are sex icons because they convey personality and
mystery. Rockstars are also attractive because they express
themselves more and are not trying to impress anyone by
doing so.
Your profile shouldn't be about trying to impress a woman
but more about conveying different sides of your
personality. Most generic and boring profiles are only
conveying the same needy personality. They try and
impress women because they are desperate to have a
woman in their lives. When you convey different sides to
your personality it should be about expressing yourself
and the fact that although you are attracting women, you
don't feel the need to impress them by being someone you
are not because you aren't desperate and needy.
Design your profile in a way that captures her imagination
and takes her on an emotional journey. What I mean by
this is convey your personality by injecting emotion,
creativity, humour and adventure into it. For example,
instead of saying “My favourite movies are the wizard of
oz, the yes man, fight club, freaky Friday, night at the
Instead, add some excitement and adventure into it like,
“If it can inspire me to take over the world with flying
monkeys, start saying YES to every situation in life, start
an underground fight club and have midgets fight to the
death, switch bodies with Lindsey Lohan and spend the
night in a museum were mummies and weird sex objects
come to life, then I like it :)”
This conveys a lot about your personality and sets you
apart from all the boring and generic guys. It shows her
that you are funny, witty and not taking this too seriously
etc. When you inject emotion and adventure into your
profile then you captivate her mind and take her on an
emotional journey. When she reads your profile not only is
she feeling all these different emotions but she is becoming
more curious about you because you are also not being
exactly direct or too serious about what you like.
The key is to express different sides of your personality
while capturing her imagination with the way you
describe words. The best way to lead her imagination and
inject emotion is to describe your passion and interests in a
vivid and creative way. For example, “I love when the hot
summer sun hits the waves of the ocean with a radiating
golden shine. And as you put on your scuba diving gear
you can't help but wonder what adventures await you in
this breathtaking play of vibrant colours and odd
creatures. And as you immerse yourself in the water you
suddenly feel this amazing rush of excitement and awe
that sends shivers down your spine, knowing that your
quest to find nemo has just begun... I’ll find that little
bastard one day ;)”
I capture her imagination with my passion and the way I
describe it while conveying different sides to my
personality. This shows her that I'm not just one sided and
that there are more layers and depth to my personality.
One moment I may write in a passionate and creative way
and the next I'll say something short and funny like, “My
ego is bigger than my dick.” This also shows that I'm not
trying to impress her. Or I will express myself in a more
positive direct way, “I'm easily influenced by my idols and
can never back down from a challenge. Life is too short to
give a fuck. I'd rather enjoy the moment and explore all the
fun it has to offer.” I mix it up and inject different emotions
into my profile and by doing this I convey many parts of
my personality without being boring or predictable. The
important thing is that you have fun with it.
I leave activities blank and just use interests because they
are pretty much the same thing. Interests are all about
your passion and what you love to do. Most guys will just
state facts on what they love to do but rarely do they
describe how they feel about it. Describe your passions
and inject emotions into it in a creative and vivid way. Try
and use imaginative words such as, “With the warmth of
the sun just radiating down upon your face.” “The
anticipation just making your entire body tremble in
excitement as you just let go and as you are screaming out
so fucking loud in excitement you shout WOHOOO!” “In
that moment you just feel completely alive.” “You step off
the plane and a cool breeze just brushes against your face.”
Describe your passion in almost a mini story format and
use words that describe feeling and emotion. Passion and
humour is a great combination that works well in
captivating a woman's imagination. When you blend
passion and humour, you are conveying that not only are
you not taking this too seriously but you are amusing
yourself as well.
Examples of interest sections:
“That spontaneous rush that sends you travelling the
entire fucking globe searching for the world’s greatest high
(which btw is located in Tijuana) or chasing after my
childhood true love "Ariel" or curing horrible diseases in
Africa with your hugs or stage diving at a Motley Crue
concert and sticking a big FUCK YOU to the world and
rocking the fuck out.
I guess I just crave variety :)”
“I love when the hot summer sun hits the waves of the
ocean with a radiating golden shine. And as you put on
your scuba diving gear you can't help but wonder what
adventures await you in this breathtaking play of vibrant
colours and odd creatures. And as you immerse yourself
in the water you suddenly feel this amazing rush of
excitement and awe that sends shivers down your spine,
knowing that your quest to find nemo has just begun... I’ll
find that little bastard one day ;)
Or sneaking out in the middle of the night to go on a road
trip to wherever the road takes me... ending up playing dr.
hitch for two midgets who are longing for love and
crashing the bar mitzvah of Hershel Rosenstein, getting
wasted as fuck and leaving with his older sister. Mazel
“Constantly seeking that “adrenaline high” That
unpredictable rush in life of not knowing what's going to
happen at any moment, like one minute sat at home
cooking biscuits in an easy bake oven and then the next
moment on a bike and letting the wind take you
anywhere... knowing an exciting adventure is awaiting
“One thing I really love is camping. There is nothing like
getting up at the crack of dawn and hearing the bird’s
whistle, while getting my fishing gear ready for an
exciting adventure... While the sun is barely beating down
onto the sea and I relax and catch mackerel. Then coming
back to your tent really excited to cook my fresh breakfast
and then fucking it up by burning it black! Oh well there
will be another day.”
“Also I’m a part time hand model.... you may have seen
my hands on QVC while wearing bracelets and kid's
watches... I'm nicknamed magic hands... I keep them
moisturised every hour.”
Take inspiration from the examples and use the same
principles of blending your passion and interests with
emotion and humour.
Try and use things with what you are passionate about
and interested in such as, sky diving, surfing and
travelling etc. If you need further inspiration then I
recommend watching stand up comedy or watching
comedy movies because most of their stories and plot lines
are based on adventures that infuse passion and humour.
For example, Dane Cook’s B & E story.
Favourite Music:
It’s best to state your favourite bands because it gives
women a reason to start conversation with you. “Oh you
like Slayer? I love Slayer too! I'm off to see them soon!
Which is your favourite song?” If a woman finds you
interesting and then sees that you like the same band as
her, it will deepen her connection and commitment
towards meeting you because she'll see that you have a lot
in common and that it was “Fate.” Even if you do not like
the same bands as her, she will admire you for your taste
and be interested to learn what music you like. Don't state
bands just to impress women, put your favourite bands
that you really like. It will still give her a reason to start
conversation with you. I had one girl who messaged me
that she heard a song from Buckcherry on the radio and
she couldn't remember the name and we ended up having
a conversation over the phone about it. She was really
intrigued with my taste of music and I introduced her to
some awesome bands.
Another good thing to do is to also list bands that are silly
and total opposite to your music taste. Women get curious
and find it funny when I list rock bands and then list
bands that are really cheesy and that my niece would
probably listen too. Here is what my music list looks like,
“Aerosmith, Buckcherry, Papa Roach, Nickel back, Hinder,
Avenged Sevenfold, Burn Halo, Miley Cyrus, Guns N
Roses, Jonas Brothers, Babylon Bombs, Kid Rock, High
School Musical.” I get messages all the time because they
were curious to know if I really liked Miley Cyrus or Jonas
Brothers etc. Not only am I amusing myself but women
are very curious about it and find it funny too. It is even
funnier if you like metal and you are listing bands like
Backstreet Boys and Kelly Clarkson.
Favourite TV:
I do the same thing with my TV shows as I do with my
favourite music because it gives women more topics to
connect on. My friend Chris received a message off of this
woman on Facebook who had seen that he liked Dr Who
and they started to connect because they were big Dr Who
fans. It was close to the season finale at the time and she
asked if he wanted to come round to her place and watch
the finale with her. They ended up creating a finale of their
own. If a woman is interested in you then she will try and
find topics to make conversation. When you list your
Favourite music and TV shows then it gives her an easier
way to create conversation. Sometimes women will
pretend to be interested in the things that you like just
because she's interested in you and wants to find more
about what you like.
I also list silly TV shows because I do it to amuse myself
and to convey that I'm not taking it too seriously. Women
will ask me if I'm being serious if I really like Power
Rangers and will tease me about it and flirt with me. Here
is what my TV show list looks like, Friends, Power
Rangers, Supernatural, Dora The Explorer, Sesame Street,
Chuck, Heroes, Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory.
Favourite Films:
If you are just stating too many of your favourite things
then you will overwhelm your profile with too many facts.
I find it best to be a little creative with your film list and
have fun with it. Instead of putting in my favourite films, I
will create a mini-adventure story out of them. This is my
list, “If it can inspire me to take over the world with flying
monkeys, start saying YES to every situation in life, start
an underground fight club and have midgets fight to the
death, switch bodies with Lindsey Lohan and spend a
night in a museum were mummies and weird sex objects
come to life, then I like it :)”
This is my friends list, “Movies that can inspire me to live
an adventurous life like, Throttling a bike and trying to
catch to a moving aeroplane with the love of your life in it
and picking the wrong plane or pulling random gadgets
out of your pocket that turn to huge jet packs to land into
an house party, with your only mission being to order
yourself a drink... shaken... not stirred or becoming the
lead anchorman for San Diego news and getting your ass
handed to you by a mountain lion... I swear he looked
worse off!”
Pick your favourite films and create them into a little witty
adventure that ties in together. Women find this extremely
funny and they usually get inspired to steal the idea and
put it on their profile too.
About me:
As we know, most guys will put in generic and boring
facts that are just depressing to look at. Inject a little bit of
seriousness by stating a few facts about your personality
but not facts about your life. You want your life to remain
a mystery and for your facts to be a taste of who you are
and what you believe in. Be truthful and a little serious
about it but never give away too much. Most guys who are
new to the mystery concept start to get worried that they
don't know if they are revealing too much or not and get
frustrated with themselves by constantly monitoring how
much they are revealing. Don't take it to the extreme and
get worried about this because it's not a big deal if you
reveal too much. The balance concept still applies but it is
best to not reveal any life facts such as “I work at a bar.” or
“I have 5 sisters.” Those are facts that you share when you
meet up with a woman and when she brings them up.
However it is perfectly fine to share facts about your
personality and what you are about. By doing this you
create a mystery and women will feel a natural curiosity
towards you. However, there may be times when you
message a girl where your gut is telling you to reveal your
life facts and that is perfectly okay too. It’s all about
knowing when to go with your gut.
Some examples of personality facts are, “I'm the rebel that
didn't grow up. The kid at heart.”
”I'm all about freedom and rocking the fuck out!”
“Life is too short to give a fuck, I'd rather enjoy the
moment and explore all the fun it has to offer.”
“I live my life the way I want and do what I want.”
You can also put funny and self amusing facts like,
“My ego is bigger than my dick.”
“I'm the guy who invented oxygen in a bottle.”
“I am the gang leader of a bunch of orphan kids who steal
Vagisil from gold diggers.”
Don't go over board and write too much into your about
me section. I find it is better to just have a few personality
facts and something funny and witty that conveys that I'm
not taking it too seriously. Something that amuses me like,
“I have excitement outbursts were I'll get this spontaneous
rush just to go on a road trip or burst out singing like right
AHH MMMMM!!! That song was made especially for
you, keep it and treasure it.”
Comedy shows have a great source of material to get
inspired from and are great to help you create your about
me section. For example, this is my about me section
which I created with inspiration from the TV show My
Name is Earl, “You know the kind of guy who does
nothing but awesome things like going undercover to help
Jack Bauer find the crazy terrorists who want to rule the
world or rescuing a panda from the zoo to try and take it
home to teach it Kung Fu and then wonders why his life is
in danger. Well, that was me, Every time something good
happened to me, something dangerous was awaiting me
around the corner like the time when me and my friend
Jason stayed up all night in a haunted house with Dereck
Acorah only to then be chased by a horny flamboyant
ghost who whispered sweet nothings into my ear. Karma,
that's when I realized that I had to change, so I made a list
of everything dangerous and awesome I've ever done and
one by one I'm going to sell them as stories to Oprah and
become a millionaire and use all my money to send all the
poor people to the moon, I'm just trying to be a better
person. My name is Adam.”
Remember don't over think this and have fun with it. Find
what works best for you and focus on what you are
amused by, not what you think will impress women. You
will attract women and capture their imagination as a side
effect of not taking it too seriously and amusing yourself.
When you have finished with your profile, it should
look something like this:
Interests: That spontaneous rush that sends you travelling the entire fucking globe
searching for the world’s greatest high (which btw is located in Tijuana) or chasing after
my childhood true love "Ariel" or curing horrible diseases in Africa with your hugs or
stage diving at a Motley Crue concert and sticking a big FUCK YOU to the world and
rocking the fuck out
I guess I just crave variety :)
Favourite Music: Aerosmith, Buck cherry, Papa Roach, Nickel back, Hinder, Avenged
Sevenfold, Burn Halo, Miley Cyrus, Guns N Roses, The Little Mermaid, Babylon Bombs,
Kid Rock, High School Musical
Favourite TV Programmes: Friends, Power Rangers, Supernatural, Hannah Montana,
Sesame Street, Chuck, Heroes, Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory
Favourite Films: If it can inspire me to take over the world with flying monkeys, start
saying YES to every situation in life, start an underground fight club and have midgets
fight to the death, switch bodies with Lindsey Lohan and spend a night in a museum
where mummies and weird sex objects come to life, then I like it :)
About me: You know the kind of guy who does nothing but awesome things like going
undercover to help Jack Bauer find the crazy terrorists who want to rule the world or
rescuing a panda from the zoo to try and take it home to teach it Kung Fu and then
wonders why his life is in danger.
Well, that was me, Every time something good happened to me, something dangerous
was awaiting me around the corner like the time when me and my friend Jason stayed
up all night in a haunted house with Dereck Acorah only to then be chased by a horny
flamboyant ghost who whispered sweet nothings into my ear. Karma, that's when I
realized that I had to change, so I made a list of everything dangerous and awesome I've
ever done and one by one I'm going to sell them as stories to Oprah and become a
millionaire and use all my money to send all the poor people to the moon, I'm just
trying to be a better person.
My name is Adam.
Don't become the problem, be part of the solution!
Applications can be annoying as fuck and they can clutter
up your profile and make it look ugly. However there is
one application that I find really fun and beneficial. The
living social application is a top 5 list in which you pick
your top 5 of a topic. Topics ranging from your 5 favourite
TV shows characters to your 5 things you are addicted too.
This is the only application I find useful because it doesn't
junk up your profile like most of the applications and it
also captures women's attention. I find that a lot of women
will comment on my list when I pick funny and silly
things. For example I will do the list “5 things I could grab
from where I'm sitting and I’ll pick Swine Flu, Jesus, Anal
Lube, Grenade Launcher and Ghandi.
If you are going to use applications make sure that they
don't clutter up your profile and spam your friends list.
Browsing Women:
Searching for women is fairly easy but hidden. Go into
account settings and click on the network tab, it should tell
you about your network and it will have a click-able blue
link with how many people are in that network, click that
and you'll come to the search bar. Once you are there you
get the option to fill in the search criteria to your liking. It
should allow you to preview a woman's profile depending
if she hasn't changed her privacy settings. When you hit
update, all kinds of women will appear and just browse
through the big abundant and never ending list of women.
Insights on Facebook
The truth is most women don't take the online world very
seriously. Not only do they not take it very seriously but
there are other factors involved such as current mood and
her sense of humour that all influence on how she will
respond to you. That is why meeting women online is
never a substitute for real life.
If there was such thing as coming up with the perfect
response then it would be so natural and in the moment
that you wouldn't have to analyse it and invest all your
time into coming up with it because it would just flow
from your passionate energy.
No poking. There is nothing to gain from poking (unless it
is done in real life of course.) Poking can also show the
wrong kind of interest because it conveys you aren't
confident enough to message her. Just because she pokes
you back doesn't mean she is interested in you, it's
meaningless to her. It won’t capture her attention to check
out your profile and message you. It is like how some guys
on online dating sites will wink at women to get their
attention but it just conveys that they are afraid to initiate
contact with her and women know that they are interested
because they winked at them but the guy is too afraid to
come out and express it. The same applies with poking. A
woman will know you are interested in her if you are
poking her. If you are poking each other back and forth
then it conveys that you aren't confident enough to initiate
contact and express your interest to her. I knew a girl who
was in an 8 month poking war with a guy and every time
she would log into Facebook she would receive a poke and
poke him back. She told me how annoying it was and that
even when she didn't poke back, he would re-initiate it.
She knew that the guy was interested in her but was afraid
to speak to her and he was even too shy to speak to her in
Don't be afraid to compliment her. I do recommend that if
you are new to this at first then you should stay a little
indirect about your interest but don't be afraid to
compliment her if your gut is telling you to do so. The
reason that many dating gurus teach you not to
compliment a girl early on is because if you don't know
what you are doing then it can show the wrong kind of
interest. When a generic and boring guy compliments a
woman he comes from a place of neediness and scarcity.
When a Charismatic Lover compliments a woman he
comes from a place of power and abundance. Most guys
will compliment a woman and expect her to be interested
and grateful for the compliment. They compliment her
because deep down they want something. When the
Charismatic Lover compliments a woman he will
compliment her with power and passion, he is the
exception to the rule because he knows exactly the right
way to compliment a woman and he does it and doesn't
need or expect anything in return. He does it because he
feels something in his gut and has to express it and when
you compliment women in that masterful way, you do that
from a place of passion and you captivate women. The
Charismatic Lover knows that there is a lot of power in a
compliment but that if you overdo it then it can have the
opposite effect.
Don't ask too many questions. Women are turned off and
confused by guys who ask way too many questions. It
disrupts the natural flow of conversation and shows the
wrong kind of interest that conveys neediness and scarcity.
A woman may be able to multi-task and talk about a wide
range of topics but it's only natural that she can only focus
on so much conversation at a time. Generic and boring
guys who ask way too many questions convey a strong
desperate need for connection and it gives off the wrong
energy because it comes from a place of scarcity.
Here is the kind of messages that my friend Amy receives,
“Hey Amy, How are you today? I was just browsing and
came past your profile, so thought I would message you,
hope I haven't bothered you. I see you are from London.
What do you do here in London? I like your photographs.
Are you a full time photographer? So what you up to on
this lush long sunny weekend we got coming up?
Anything awesome planned? I would love to get to know
you better. Please reply back xx” This message reeks of
neediness and scarcity. It conveys too much of the wrong
desperate interest that turns a woman off. Women won't
even bother replying back to these needy and desperate
Don't reveal your whole life story. Too many generic and
boring guys tend to tell a woman their whole life story in
one message. Take this message that was sent to my friend
Amy as an example, “hiii I am a pretty laid back guy who
likes to try new things. I have a good sense of humour and
am pretty down to earth. I treat my friends well and
expect the same in return. I don't like fake people, as I am
an honest and up-front type of guy. My work can keep me
out of Edmonton for exended periods of time, so I am
looking for a girl who can be trusted and is secure enough
to know that I can be trusted. I am looking for a girlfriend
and possibly marriage. If like me and feeling the same way
then message me back, I'm awaiting your reply soon so
please tell me yes or no, take care.” Don't be like this
needy guy and reveal your whole story. Not only did he
convey that he is needy and desperate but he revealed way
too much about himself. Women crave mystery and they
love feeling curious about you.
Don't always give straight answers to all her questions,
challenge her and keep the mystery. Black mail her in a
teasing way. Tell her that you will only tell her what she
wants to know if she buys you some Oreos or washes your
car. Remember the balance, don't be too mysterious and
challenging, there is nothing wrong in giving her straight
answers but it's always better to tease and challenge her
from time to time and not be so predictable.
Follow your passion and gut intuition. Just because you
learnt that complimenting a woman is bad doesn't mean
you have to follow that rule all the time. If your gut
intuition and passion is telling you to act on something
then do it! I was told by a well known seduction guru that
if I'm messaging back and forth with women and I'm not
getting the phone number then it is going nowhere. He
was completely right but what he failed to mention is that
you shouldn't follow it as a rule but more as a guideline. I
was messaging this woman and before I knew it we had
been sending each other a lot of messages back and forth
and I thought about the rule that the guru had told me but
my gut intuition was telling me that this circumstance was
different and to keep messaging.
We ended up sending a lot of messages back and forth
throughout the day because it just felt right and when I got
her phone number it felt a lot easier because we had
already connected and that girl ended up my girlfriend for
almost a year. I learnt more about women from that girl
then anything I had ever learnt from any expert. I am so
proud of that moment that I actually decided to share it in
this book. You can find the exact transcript of me and that
girl in the Facebook Message Transcript section.
My passion and gut intuition became the exception to the
rule. However, do make sure that the feeling is coming
from a place of good energy and not from a place of
scarcity and neediness. Sometimes we get impulses that
will tell us to do things that we know deep down is bad
for us and goes against our true gut intuition, but we do it
because we feel this bad energy and scarcity. For example,
when a guy breaks up with his girlfriend and although he
knows deep down that it's wrong to text her, he does it
because of the bad scarce feeling and uncertainty telling
him to do so. It is always best to follow the guidelines at
first until you develop a stronger gut intuition with
experience. The guys who are natural at attracting women
have a stronger developed gut intuition from experience.
I think the most important thing to know about messaging
women online is that there is no such thing as the perfect
line. My friend Crash would always ask me for the perfect
opener or perfect response for a message and he would
invest way too much time trying to think of the perfect
response. He would sit there and spend an hour just
thinking of the perfect message to reply back and he made
it a huge deal that it had to be perfect. However, usually
when he sent his message he didn't get a reply back or he
would get a short one line response. At this point he
would feel pissed off because he had spent all this time
thinking of the perfect response and he just couldn't
understand why they would hardly respond to it. He fell
into this pattern over and over again, analysing what he
did wrong and what he could do to perfect his response. I
would always give him the same advice, “Dude there is no
such thing as the perfect response.”
Don't focus too much of your time into this. It's not rocket
science, it's a side project that is no substitute for real life.
My friend would always take it way too seriously and
formed a belief that women online are bitter and nonresponsive. On the other hand I would always be meeting
women from Facebook and I formed a completely
different belief. I never took it seriously because I knew
that if a woman never responded then it couldn't be a
personal attack on me because she didn't know me in
Always remember how the balance concept applies. Just
because you aren't taking it seriously doesn't mean you
don't want to meet beautiful women. There is a huge
difference between desire and need because it derives
from a different kind of energy. Be the guy who can tell
her interesting stories, compliment her, tease her and do
all this because of his desire for her and at the same be
willing to walk away, not trying to impress her or need
something out of her or holding onto expectations. There
is nothing wrong in purposely conveying certain attractive
qualities or purposely telling her stories because you
desire her and want to meet up with her, as long as it
comes from good energy and not because you are trying to
impress her or desperately need something out of her.
Even if I'm teasing her or telling her a specific story on
purpose, I'm doing it to share good energy and to also
amuse myself.
Messaging Women on
First Message
Although you do want to meet women and have them
respond to your first message, you shouldn't focus on any
future possible outcome. The first message is really only
about intriguing women and attracting the attention of
high quality women. When opening women online, most
guys either go to the extreme of being too direct and
showing too much interest out of neediness or being too
indirect and showing no direct interest at all. Even though
the guy is still not conveying neediness in his message, she
will assume that he just isn't confident enough to express
his interest. Even by messaging her, he shows interest
because if he wasn't interested then he wouldn't have
messaged her.
When you try and act aloof and go too indirect when you
have just messaged her out of the blue then you are going
to convey weakness and that you have some kind of
ulterior motive. When you are too indirect you convey
exactly the same message as you would if you went too
direct like any other boring and needy guy. It doesn't feel
genuine to women because she knows it's just an act to get
into her pants. It's the same with the guy who is too direct
as well because she knows that the overly direct guy is
being nice because deep down he just wants to fuck her.
The guy who acts too direct doesn't understand how to
convey his desire and passion properly. There is no
strength radiating from his message because he is attached
on having it work to get the girl. He doesn't access his
inner passion and gut feeling. Even through the internet,
he radiates a needy energy that women can sense just
through his message.
It also conveys weakness when you are asking for her
opinion on something on the first message. Don't get me
wrong asking for her opinion on something is great and it
can be used in person with great success but with no other
factors to work with online then the only thing you are
conveying is that you are not confident enough to show
your interest and that you just secretly want to get into her
pants. Another really lame one that women see right
through is when guys pretend that they have met them
somewhere or that they know them when they really
don't. If you really haven't met them then you are just
conveying that you are too weak and don't have the balls
to tell her that you like her.
Deep down when a woman receives these kind of
messages she wonders, “Why can't guys just get to the
Women crave a guy who isn't afraid to show his interest
but at the same time isn't taking it all too seriously either.
Women want to meet guys that they can lose themselves in
the momentum with. They want to feel that sense of
complete freedom. Your first message to her is like a
glimpse into your personality. It doesn't say much about
you but it gives her a taste about who you are as a person
and it's enough to intrigue her. Ultimately that is what the
first message is all about, to intrigue her.
There are two ways to go with a first message, Direct or
Direct is extremely powerful and beautiful when it is done
correctly. It captivates a woman in a way that intrigues her.
The most beautiful thing about direct is that it puts a smile
on her face when done in the right way and gives her that
great feeling inside her stomach when she reads it. To the
average guy, he may not notice the difference between
direct and being too direct, but to women there is a huge
A Charismatic Lover may say, “You are fucking beautiful...
You look like someone I would want to get to know =)“ A
woman will see this and smile because it conveys passion
and power.
Swearing is a great way to make your words more intense
and passionate. It also shows that you are not trying to
impress her by being a well mannered guy and that you
are not taking it too seriously.
“You look like someone I would want to get to know.”
Shows a strength that says, “I go for what I desire and I
take action and I'm not afraid to show vulnerability
because I have nothing to fear.” It's not a miracle opener,
but it is enough to intrigue her. Here is a message I
received from a girl with this opener, “why thank you very
much! i love ur tattoos!”
While the too direct and needy guy may say, “Hey, you are
very beautiful baby x” This is usually the most generic,
over used message that a woman will receive. There is no
passion and he takes no liberty. He may just be stating that
he finds her very beautiful but what a woman sees is just
another loser who secretly wants to get in her pants but is
too afraid to tell her.
Direct is all about captivating a woman. It tells her that I
take liberty and go for what I desire and I'm not afraid to
take action to get it and that I'm also not trying to impress
That is why using swear words is a great way to convey
power and passion. There is a huge difference between
saying “You are beautiful.” and “You are fucking
beautiful.” It is hard to convey energy through words but
swearing manages to convey a passionate energy when
used right.
Most generic guys who compliment women are too afraid
to swear because they are afraid that they'll offend the
woman and lose her. When you give off a compliment that
comes from a place of passion and you are not afraid to
offend her because you aren't trying to impress her then
you instantly convey that you are attractive and you
intrigue her.
I don't ask too many questions. I'm not attached to it.
Although you can ask her questions, I never ask her many
questions on the opener because I'm conveying I'm not
attached to getting anything out of her and that I'm just
sharing good energy and showing interest.
If you are going to use Direct for your first message then I
recommend that you take inspiration from the film Don
Juan Demarco. He sees through the eyes of a lover and is
consumed by his desire. He captivates women with his
words because he expresses his passion and desire for
them. When you see a woman you want to message, then
look at her picture and see the beauty in her and feel that
desire and passion take over you. Let the flow of the
momentum take over you and express in your message
how you felt by stumbling across her profile. Take
inspiration from the examples below.
Examples of Direct Openers:
You are fucking beautiful... You look like someone I
would want to get to know =)
I stumbled upon your profile and was just totally
fucking captivated by you. I don't know why, all I
know is I'm curious about you and just had to
message you.
You are fucking sexy... I just had to message you...
There is just something about you that captivates
I just had to let you know that I found you
incredibly fucking cute.
Wow... I'm just captivated by the energy radiating
from your smile... Thanks for making my day.
Something intrigues me about you... I can't put my
finger on it... I mean you're incredibly beautiful but
there is just something interesting about you that
stands out... I bet you're secretly plotting to take
over the world :P
There is just something passionate about your smile
that captured my attention... I'm attracted to people
with amazing energy, so I just had to say hi.
You have amazing energy and passion for life... I bet
you spend all your day doing Yoga and becoming
one with nature, you hippie woman ;) lol.
Indirect on the other hand is a great way to convey your
humour, wit and non-seriousness in way that intrigues her
and captures her attention. A woman finds it sexy when a
guy can message her in a creative and fun way. It intrigues
her because not only are you creative and fun but you are
showing that you are not taking it as seriously like the rest
of the guys. When you go indirect you will find that she
will play along as well. There is a huge difference between
being indirect and too indirect and women understand it
as well.
A Charismatic Lover may say, “Just a message to let you
know that for the next 3 hours you are going to be my
personal maid. Your duties will include: Cleaning all of
my dirty underwear (even the pink coloured boxers that I
secretly love to wear), Purposely losing at Wii sports and
having to watch me do a dance of defeat around you like a
70's boogie dancer and watching romantic comedy films
with me so when my friends find out that I've been
watching the notebook I could just blame it on you for
being a sissy and making me watch it. You will be paid
worse than a McDonald's employee and undergo more
stress than an Asian hooker. No negotiations but I promise
that you will have the time of your life, lol :P”
It's powerful because its light hearted and you convey that
you are different from every other guy and that you are
merely just amusing yourself. It shows that you are not
trying to impress her and it shares good energy with her
that she can participate in.
While the too indirect guy may say, “Hello, I need a female
perspective on something... Do you think it's acceptable for
someone to stand you up during a date but they had a
reason?” When a woman receives that she becomes
confused because she wonders why you would pick her
out of the blue to say something like that and she will
think there is probably an ulterior motive and that you are
just probably too weak to convey you’re interested in her.
Let's face it, the mere fact you are messaging her shows
interest and when you ask her for her opinion over the net
it looks like a poor excuse to talk to her and to get into her
Being indirect is about capturing her imagination and
intriguing her with your sense of humour, wit and
attitude. It is about amusing yourself and not taking it too
seriously. You are sharing the good energy and creating a
playful bond between each other that you both get to play
a role in.
When I go indirect I do it because I'm attracting the
women who have a great sense of humour and filtering
out the women that don't. Usually the women that haven't
got a good sense of humour won’t respond. I don't want
women in my life who take things too seriously because in
the long run they are a pain in the ass. I want a woman
who has a great sense of humour and can share that with
If you are going to use indirect in your first message then I
recommend you take inspiration from comedy films and
stand up comedians. I have been inspired by comedians
such as Russell Brand and Dane Cook to come up with the
most far-fetched amusing thing that I can say to a woman.
I also watch a lot of comedy shows like The Big Bang
Theory and Two and a half men. What I find when I watch
these is that it gets me into that state were my sense of
humour and wit just flows from me. The most important
thing to know is that you should only amuse yourself and
don't worry too much about how silly you are coming off.
Take inspiration from the examples below.
Examples of Indirect Openers:
Just came across your profile and I have decided
that I'm going to hire you as my personal maid.
Your duties will include: Cleaning all of my dirty
underwear (even my lucky pink boxers), Purposely
losing at Wii sports and having to watch me do a
dance of defeat around you like a 70's boogie
dancer and Watching romantic comedy films with
me so when my friends find out that I've been
watching sappy chick flicks, I could just blame it on
you for being a sissy and making me watch it. You
will be paid worse than a McDonald's employee
and undergo more stress than an Asian hooker on
acid. Sense of humour Required. No negotiations
but I promise that you will have the time of your
life, lol :P
So I'm searching for my friend on Facebook and
every time I do your profile keeps popping up. So I
have come up with some possible theories to why
this keeps happening: You have kidnapped my
friend to stage a ransom (Which isn't worth much
because although my friend is the coolest person in
the world he has a missing eye and is a devoted
Scientology follower.) You and my friend are caught
in a government conspiracy that involves knowing
highly top secret knowledge and you're hiding your
tracks because the government is onto you. (If so,
then this message will self destruct in 5 seconds) OR
(And this is my favourite one) You really are my
friend and have undergone a secret sex operation
and are now under your new identity as a gorgeous
independent woman. I mean you do have the same
hair colour as him and I always thought he had a
beautiful smile which you seem to also possess and
he always did have very feminine eye lashes. So
which one out of three is it missy? A curious mind
wants to know lol :P
You have been randomly selected to feed me Oreos.
You will be doing one good deed for the world by
feeding starving children (I may not be a child but I
am fucking starving!) To do this wonderfully
generous deed for charity send Oreos in this
message and you can rest at ease knowing there is
one less starving person in this world ;)
Just came across your profile and I have the most
important thing to say to you, it's a matter of life or
death... Of course there is a catch, I'm going to say it
all in German so you can't understand a fucking
word of it lol unless you're smart like Einstein or
something “du bist ein nerd aber irgendwie süß”
Put that in your pipe and smoke it! :P
Every time I type Hannah Montana into the search
bar you come up! See you can't hide from me, I
know you secretly wear a blonde wig and sing
cheesy songs that kids jump around too! I have
uncovered your true identity Hannah and if you
want this to remain a secret then you will have to
pay me in Oreos. This is just payback for all the
times I was babysitting my nieces and having to
listen to your silly show for hours and hours but if
you comply then at least you will have the best of
both worlds :P
It's you! I seem to see your face everywhere on here!
You are like a real life version of Dora the Explorer
A Charismatic Lover never sticks to just one route, he is a
man of variety and will use both indirect and direct
depending on how he feels at the time. He may also blend
humour into the direct approach and direct interest into
the indirect approach.
When sending your first message your mindset should be
to “Send and go.” Send your message and then don't focus
on what the outcome might be. Most guys tend to send a
message to a girl and then will form all kinds of fantasies
on what the girl is like or anticipating when she will
respond. You will just set yourself up for disappointment
if you focus on the outcome because it is a numbers game
and there is no guarantee that she will even respond to
you. She may not even be your type and have no sense of
humour what so ever. You don't truly know what she is
like until she responds and even then it is merely a
glimpse of what she is like. That is why it is best to send
your message and then to put it out of your mind and
focus on other things.
Meeting women online is very unpredictable, you can get
tons of responses back one day and the next day you
might get hardly any and you have to be okay with that
because you can't take it too personally.
Messaging Women on
Because it is a numbers game, you won't be able to predict
what kind of response you get. Sometimes a woman will
reply to you straight away and other times she won’t reply
to you for days. I have seen guys who have taken it
seriously and become very bitter and angry towards
women because they didn't receive any replies. You just
can't predict which woman is going to respond and which
one isn't. The excitement of meeting women online is that
with each new woman that sends you a message, there is
no telling what she is going to respond to you. I have been
doing this nearly two years and every reply I get is very
unique from the other.
Some days I will just have women message me out of the
blue without even messaging them before hand and other
days it feels like I've hit a bad streak were women will
rarely message me and when they do they seem to have no
sense of humour. There is no way around having a bad
streak, it happens to the best of us but the more you apply
everything you have learnt in this book, the more lucky
streaks you will seem to have and you will be
overwhelmed with the amount of positive responses of
women who want to meet and hook up with you.
The usual first response to direct is some kind of
appreciation or for indirect, you will usually get a playful
response back.
Responses fall into three categories. Neutral and positive
being the usual response and negative being the rare
response. Every response is a form of intrigue and interest
on her part, even the negative responses. What most guys
don't realize is that most negative responses are just
challenges and tests from women to see if you really are
the guy you are conveying and that it isn't an act. It's
almost like a test to your strength to see if you aren't
pretending to be something you are not.
She is the sceptic swimming in the sea of generic and
boring men, so when a glimpse of something better and
beautiful comes along she gets sceptical and tests it to see
if it is not a mirage. She may not even realize logically that
she is testing for strength and authenticity because she is
just going on an emotional impulse that feels right in the
moment for her to go with. There are however those
negative responses that are just pure harsh and nasty and
that is just merely a reflection of who she is as a person
and has nothing to do with your message. You then have
to decide that, if she is really harsh and negative then is
she really worth knowing as a person? Usually the answer
is no, after all it is a numbers game and the good thing
about the numbers game is that there are many numbers
to choose from and you are not stuck with just one.
Most women respond neutrally or in a positive way. It
doesn't matter how little or disinterested her response
appears to you, what matters is that she responded to you.
It shows that she is still intrigued and interested. There is
no need to analyse her message because there are no
secretive or subtle meanings inside them. The only
meaning a message has is the one you give it. For example,
a guy emails a girl that he has liked for awhile but has
only just plucked up the courage to message her. He
messages her and impatiently awaits her reply. Six hours
later she responds to him and he reads the message
instantly it reads, “Just been shopping with Jodie, what are
you doing baby.” The guy begins to wonder “Baby! She
called me baby, she must like me.” The guy sees the word
baby to mean that she is showing interest but to her it's
just simply something she always says to people when she
is feeling in a good mood. Just because a woman responds
to you in a way that shows disinterest doesn't mean she
actually is disinterested. We tend to pass quick judgment
on the things we give meaning to and judge too quickly
without seeing the bigger picture. Judge her by her actions
not purely by her words. If she is messaging you then she
is most probably intrigued and interested. Usually women
do not message guys who they are not interested in.
Again, just because a woman sends you a basic and short
message does not mean she is not interested in you. I have
seen guys give up just because a woman appears to be
disinterested and cold on the first response. A neutral
message is basic and short but more of an expression of
curiosity on her part. If she is still sending basic neutral
messages after the first initial response, although she may
be showing a little interest and curiosity by replying to
you, at that point she isn't exactly showing effort.
Sometimes women just write messages in a basic and short
way because they don't take the online world too seriously.
This doesn't mean that they are not interested in meeting
up with you. It just means that they won’t seem as
enthusiastic and intrigued by your responses at first. Once
you push past that and you eventually speak on the phone
to her, it may be shocking to find that she is the most
enthusiastic and intrigued person in the world and is
extremely into you but it’s only online were she seems
neutral. It could also be a number of factors, distractions,
too impatient with the internet, not taking the online
world too seriously and many other things. What matters
is that you are judging her by her actions and not
primarily by her word content.
Neutral Examples:
thank you
haha your funny
I dont really like oreos though
yeah I do yoga
who is dora the explorer?
I dont understand german
may I ask who you are?
Although she is still showing interest by messaging you it
can make you feel lost for words when she sends you a
one liner basic message. Guys that are new to meeting
women online will find that they struggle coming up with
a response to her neutral message. This drives guys into
trying to find the perfect response to come up with. I have
found that the best way to respond to an initial neutral
message is to show curiosity in her.
When you show curiosity in her it is best for you to
connect with her as well. For example, she responds to you
by saying “haha funny.” Don't just act curious and say
“I'm curious about you... what is the funniest thing that
you have ever seen?” Be curious and go first by sharing
what you think is the funniest thing you have ever seen,
like “Yeah I'm funnier than a miniature Buddha with hair.
I'm curious about you though... What's the funniest thing
you have ever seen? I think for me it was the time I went to
sea world in California and as I was innocently just
walking by minding my own business, I look to the left of
me and there it was... And I shit you not! It was a fucking
monkey giving a blowjob. I couldn't stop laughing I was
going up to random people saying “OMG YOU HAVE TO
SEE THIS!” The monkey wasn't happy, he kind of looked
at me directly in the eye as if he was trying to tell me “Do
you fucking mind?!” When you share with her then she
will be more inclined to show effort with you.
Other Examples:
Her: Who are you?
Me: Someone who came across your profile and found you
to be quirky and intriguing. Now your turn... What would
you say is your best quality? Other then obviously being
nerdy :P
Her: Thank you
Me: I'm curious about you... What would you say is the
wildest thing you've ever done? I think for me it was the
time I went Sky diving in Miami. I was all excited to go,
telling everyone I knew “Whoo I'm going sky diving
biatches!!” But it's not till you actually get on the plane and
that you are in the air until you realize that you have to
jump out of a fucking plane! In that moment the fear just
hit me and everyone else was jumping out like they were
on fear factor or something... I was laid there looking
down towards my possible death. But knowing that down
was the only way out, I had to do it. Barely being able to
push myself out of the plane because my legs were
shaking like fuck, I eventually managed to jump with my
instructor and BOOM I was out there and it was scary at
first but in that moment I felt completely free and it felt
timeless even though it was over pretty fast but to this day
it has been the wildest thing I have ever done.
Her: how are u
Me: I'm great. Today I'm one step closer to achieving my
childhood dreams of becoming a spy like James Bond.
What about you... What did you want to be when you
were a kid?
Her: I don't really like Oreos though
Me: You don't like Oreos? That is madness! I fucking love
Oreos. I seriously cannot stop eating them. One time I had
to go to a Rehab clinic specially designed for people who
are addicted to Oreos. I can proudly say I am 13 days
sober and free of my Oreo addiction. Your turn to confess
your sins... What is something that you are really addicted
Most women show effort after the initial neutral message
and express more of their personality. They open up more
and show more effort as you go along. However you may
find that there are women who just won't show effort and
it isn't a personal attack on you. There could be many
reasons why she isn't showing effort. She may not take
online seriously at all, she may be boring and lack a
personality, she may be in a pissed off mood, she may
have distractions and there are many more reasons.
If after showing curiosity and sharing with her but she is
still giving me neutral responses like “I don't really have a
dream job.” or “I don't really know.” I tend to just leave a
short little teasing message, like “I bet you are just too
embarrassed to tell me that your ideal job is to work as a
manager at burger king :P” and then I move onto the next
woman. I personally find that I get turned off if she isn't
going to show effort with me because the other majority of
women out there will show effort.
Typically a positive message will consist of a woman
appreciating your direct message and being captivated by
you or amused by your indirect message and being
curious about you. You will find that most women will be
open and receptive towards you. I find that overall I
receive more positive responses than neutral and negative
responses. A positive response shows that she is curious
and captivated by you and that she is willing to make an
effort. Not only is she willing to make an effort but if she is
responding positively to you then it will be much easier
for you to make a real connection and meet in person.
When I receive a positive message not only is she open
and curious about me but it makes me open and curious
about her too.
There are a lot of factors that influence her receptiveness
towards you. You will find that the women who respond
positive towards you are usually high quality and have a
great sense of humour. Women may also respond positive
to you because they’re in a great mood or they have no
distractions or even because they are open to meeting
someone. With everything you learn you will just be able
to flow from your gut feeling and passion and know
exactly what to say to a woman who responds positive
because when she's open it makes it easier to do so. There
is nothing more beautiful than a woman who plays along
with your teasing and shares in that great energy. You will
find that the more you do this, the more you are attracted
to high quality women with a great sense of humour and
turned off by negative women who lack a sense of
Positive Examples:
Thank you x I absolutely love your sleeves <3 How are you
doing? xx
*grins the biggest I've grinned in a long time* You can
clean your own underwear mister! And I won't let you get
away that easy on wii sports! I am kick ass at bowling ^_^
So if I win then you have to do a dance of defeat in those
kinky pink boxers for me! One question though, if I
disobey you do I get punished for being a naughty girl?
Lol xx ;)
Thank you, you are very sexy yourself and you love
Avenged Sevenfold just like me :) What is your favourite
Cheeky git saying that I look like your friend lol The truth
is we are undercover agents who are running away from
the terrorists and now you have just blown our cover! But
I'll let you off because I like you lol it’s a change from all
the dull messages I get. So what's your story? X
You sure know how to make a woman smile :) I have to
say that I am also attracted to people with amazing energy
as well and you seem to have great energy too. I love your
Meeting women online is very unpredictable, the girl who
responds positively to you one minute can respond
negatively or not to you at all to you the next. Because it is
unpredictable some guys when they receive a positive
message will try to come up with the perfect message to
reply back to her and impress her with. They do this
because they live in a mentality were they think women
are rarely interested in them so when a woman responds
positively they feel they have to do everything they can to
not lose them or fuck it up.
There are many ways to respond to a positive message,
you can be curious and share and you can also show
interest in a playful way.
For example, “It is funny how I came across your profile
actually... Have you ever heard of the secret? Basically it's
about how we attract the things we think about into our
life... I was thinking about meeting a dorky fun girl and I
guess I did... you seem kinda dorky haha :P”
What that does is it shows that you are interested in her
but teases her at the same time. I'm showing to her that I'm
interested but that I'm still expressing my sense of
humour. It conveys that I'm not trying to impress her or be
someone I'm not to get something out of her and that I'm
not attached to any specific outcome.
Generic and boring guys tend to message women showing
their interest in a way that they are taking the whole
online world way too seriously and that they putting on an
act to get something out of them.
So when you show your interest and you also keep the
playful teasing going, you are conveying to her that you
are being your genuine self and that you are not trying to
impress her to get something out of her. You show that
you are amusing yourself and although you are interested
in her, you are still not taking it all too seriously because
you are here to share good energy and make a real
Examples of Playful Interest:
You're very cute... but your fiery eyes look very
sinister and like you're plotting world domination...
I don't know if I can trust you and with that kind of
devious mind ;)
You seem like the kind of girl that I like.... We're
going to go on risk taking adventures were we will
adopt new identities.... We'll be Mr and Mrs
Smith.... No one will fuck with us! Anyone who gets
in our way we'll throw ninja stars at their face like
*POW* *POW*“TAKE THAT!” And then to relax
from the life of crime we'll eat Oreos on the beach...
but I don't know I have a feeling that you're just
trying to get me fat :P lol
Wait... you’re not the girl who stalks me at night by
hiding in my tree right? I mean... you don't have to
stalk me to be with me... You could just ask me
out... You know... Wine and dine me... Movie of my
choice... Then maybe at the end of the night you get
a kiss on the cheek... But I get it, you're a sexually
perverted woman in need of her fix... go back to
stalking me, you sexy murderess :P
See you're feisty... I wouldn't be able to control you.
I bet as you read this, you are currently lubing up
your favourite 15 inch dildo collection and getting
the video camera ready. I mean you're incredibly
sexy but I don't want any part of your weird S + M
whipz n chainz sessions :P lol
You will find that when a woman responds positively to
you that you can get away with a lot more teasing and
being sexual with her.
For example, if I said “I would probably just end up
fucking you in the ass. :P” to a woman who responded
neutral to me, then she is most probably not going to take
it very well because she will misinterpret it to be vulgar
and serious.
But if I was to say that to a woman who responded
positive to me and we were teasing each other, then she
will understand that I'm not being serious and that I'm just
sexually bantering with her.
Although you should just go with your gut intuition, you
should also be aware that you can get away with teasing a
lot more and being more sexual with women that respond
positively to you. When she responds positively it speeds
things up and makes it easier for you to make a real bond
and meet her in person. Don't be afraid to tease her and be
sexual with her, as long as you are sharing good energy
and not doing it to impress her then that's all that matters.
It is important that you balance out the teasing with
passion and curiosity. If you are teasing all the time then
your conversations will lack depth and real connection. It
is best to show a genuine interest in her if she is
responding positively to you. Women are captivated and
attracted to guys who are able to one minute convey their
teasing and playful side and then the next minute they are
able to convey their passionate and deep side. When you
are responding back and forth with a woman who is open
and receptive to you, throw in some genuine interest about
her life, for example “I see that you like writing poetry...
what do you love the most about writing poetry?”
Instead of being curious and sharing funny stories, what
you are doing is being genuinely interest about her
personal life. You can add these into your messages
whenever your gut intuition tells you to do so. I will
usually get more genuinely interested about her after
around two positive messages because that’s when she is
normally showing effort and open to connecting with me.
That is when I feel like I want to genuinely get to know
more about her. You can find things to be curious about by
reading her profile and looking for things she listed, like if
she says she likes reading George Orwell books then you
can say, “I see that you like George Orwell... What would
you say is your favourite book he wrote?” I will also ask
her questions like, “What is something that you are really
passionate about in life?” This will create more of a real
connection with her and she will be captivated by your
ability to one minute be teasing her and the next to be
genuinely interested in her.
Reveal a bit more of yourself when she is curious about
you. Most guys tend to think they shouldn't reveal
anything at all in order to show they are a mystery and to
keep women on their feet but it is best to reveal some
things about yourself and be open to her, especially when
she has made effort and she has shared things about
herself to you. The key is just knowing when to stop and
to change the topic of the conversation when you feel it's
the right time to do so. Usually the best time to reveal
more about yourself is when you have been genuinely
interested in her and she has shared herself with you and
when she becomes curious about you and asks you about
your life.
Describing things with passion captivates and attracts
women. When you speak from a place of passion there is
something so compelling and beautiful about the emotions
invoked in the words that you describe and as a result it
captivates a woman's imagination and takes her on an
emotional adventure. I find that the best time to be
passionate is when you are connecting with her and
revealing a bit more about yourself.
If I’m talking to a girl about photography and because I
really love photography, I'll describe my passion for how I
feel towards it like, “I love photography, there's just
something about the beauty of capturing that picture in
the moment, like not knowing what your picture is going
to turn out like... and just by turning a certain angle you
get a whole new picture.. You capture the beauty and the
essence of the world by photography.” When you are
describing your passion and interests, describe it by
tapping into your emotions and gut feeling. Although you
are expressing your passion in a way that captivates her,
you shouldn't use it to impress her.
You are just sharing that passionate energy with her
because you are connecting with her and expressing who
you are to her. As a result of expressing your passion, you
will captivate her and attract her. In those moments you
learn to be un-attached to anything happening because
you are just opening up to her and going with your
emotional impulse.
Sometimes I will deliberately describe something
passionate to see if she is willing to open herself
emotionally to me. For example, “Have you ever had that
moment were you can just look into a person's eyes and it’s
like in that moment... time stands still... and you just know
that when you are with this person you are entirely safe
and you are understood... it's like this person gets who you
are on the inside, they look past the shadow of who you
convey on the outside and into who you really are... it's
like when you connect on that level... you have that deep
connection and when you are looking into their eyes and
they are smiling at you.... it's like that feeling that you are
stood on the edge of the world, staring down at the ocean,
with the moonlight shining down upon your face... In that
moment when you have your first kiss... it sends
butterflies deep inside your stomach.” I see these as gifts
that deepen your connection with her and give her a good
feeling when reading it.
Describe it like it's an emotional adventure were she is
experiencing that moment of attraction or feeling of desire
for someone. What you are doing is leading her
imagination with your words as if she is going through
those feelings herself and by doing so she reconnects with
her passion.
You can also deliberately compliment her with passion.
For example, “I can tell that you’re a very passionate
person who loves adventure... you have a look about you
that is fuelled by fire... that you will see what you want
and fucking take it and I'm instantly drawn to people like
that I can’t help it.“
It is important that when you deliberately compliment
through passion, that you are doing it because you want to
deepen the connection and make her feel good, not
because you are trying to impress her. To deliberately
compliment her with passion, tap into your desire and
describe it in a way that shows why you are captivated
and intrigued by her. Instead of saying “I like that you are
passionate.” Describe it passionately and inject emotion
and depth into it like, “You know what I like about you the
most? I really like how you're passionate about what you
do, like I can just sense that there i something inside of
you.... something that pushes you not to settle for anything
less... that feeling striving you to go for what you desire in
life... I can tell you're pretty strong and capable of putting
anything into action because you're independent and I
find that to be fucking beautiful in a person... I'm
captivated by you.” You will also find examples of me
using deliberate passion in the Facebook Message
Transcript section.
Another great thing to do is to ask fun questions like, “If
you could be any Heroes character, what would your
super power be? Would you be a hero or a villain?” These
little fun questions are just a good way to add to the
conversation. Whatever she answers to the question, I will
usually playfully tease her for it. If she tells me she would
be a hero, I will tease her about it “You a hero? Haha! You
don't fool me for one minute! I can tell by your really
devious smile and shifty eyes that you would be the bad
ass villain and use your powers to take over the world :P”
Examples of fun questions:
Which Lost character would you say that you are? Would
you stay on the island or go back to the real world?
If you could be any celebrity in the world, who would you
If you won the lottery right now, what would be the first
thing you spent your money on?
Would you rather be beautiful but completely bald or be
ugly but have sexy hair?
If you could star in a TV show, which would it be?
If you could be anywhere in the world right now where
would it be?
When I first began meeting women online it was a slow
start and I was use to getting neutral and negative
responses because I didn't have my profile right and I
didn't have any pictures up of me doing any of the things
that I loved. They were just bad angled head shots of me
because I didn't really give much thought to the whole
importance of showing passion through picture. However,
when I wrote a better profile of me expressing who I am
and conveyed that I wasn't taking it seriously and I put up
pictures of me doing passionate things that I loved to do
like, swimming with dolphins, scuba diving and playing
guitar in my band. When I changed my profile and my
pictures, I became overwhelmed by positive responses to
the messages I was sending out because I went from trying
to impress women to a sudden change of expressing my
passion and only impressing myself. Everything that you
learn in this book will amplify who you are and in the
process you will captivate and attract women. It can be
overwhelming at first when you suddenly change your
profile to express who you are because you will find
yourself having an abundance of positive messages from
women to reply too.
It's important not to worry about trying to come up with
the perfect response. You will even find that you can break
all the rules and it won't matter as long as you are going
with your passion and gut feeling. Women will have more
patience and show more effort with you when they see
that your profile expresses who you are and that you are
not taking the online world seriously like all the other
There are women out there that no matter how charismatic
you are, will just respond negatively towards you.
Remember, that it is not a personal attack on you when she
sends you a negative message. It could be that she's in a
really pissed off mood or it could even be that she lacks a
sense of humour. There is no guarantee that you will
receive positive messages all the time because meeting
women online is very unpredictable. The only certain
thing to know is that by having a profile that expresses
who you are then you will have an abundance of women
responding positively to you.
This however doesn't stop the fact that you will receive
negative messages. It is the inevitable side of meeting
women online. When I was on a quest to meet women
online, I found that I whenever I got a negative message
from a woman, I would take it to heart and feel frustrated
about it. There were good days and bad days but I seemed
to only focus on all the negative messages that I got. At
one point I had three days of bad luck and I was receiving
a never ending stream of negative messages from women
who seemed to hate my fucking guts. I took it really bad
and I vowed to quit trying to meet women online all
together. I decided to message twenty more women and
then I would quit all together. Within the next three days I
logged into my Facebook account just to see if my friend
was online and found eighteen messages awaiting me in
my inbox. Nearly every single woman that I messaged had
replied back to me positively. I was overwhelmed by all
the responses that I didn't have time to respond back to all
of them. In that moment I realized that there were good
days and bad days. If you ever find yourself having a day
of bad luck, just remember that in the long run you will
have an abundance of beautiful women who respond
positive to you and that are willing to meet you.
There are two types of negative messages. There is the
harsh negative message that goes like, “Fuck off.” or “Get
lost you cunt.” It is best to not waste your breath with
replying to these. I find that these women are either of low
quality and lack a sense of humour or that they get in
seriously pissed off moods and take it out on everyone.
Although deep down they wouldn't have messaged you if
they weren't slightly curious, it's usually not even worth
the hassle. She may not act like this in real life but it's not
something I wait around to find out.
A Charismatic Lover is repelled by negative women
because they suck the positive energy out of his life. He is
on a search for high quality women who have great energy
and a good sense of humour. To accept negative women
into his life would go against his own boundaries and
standards. I personally get turned off by these women that
I find myself compelled to delete their message and move
onto the women that are high quality and positive.
Then there is the challenging negative message that goes
like, “I wouldn't be your personal maid even if you paid
me a million dollars. I'm no guys fucking doormat.”
Although it can be interpreted as negative and it could be
that she is just being completely bitchy, it can also be that
she is a little sceptical and is challenging you to see if
you’re trying to be somebody that you’re not. It can be that
she is looking to see if you are authentic and to see if that
what you are saying is really a part of who you are and not
some act that you put on to get women. The best way to
respond to challenging negative messages is to tease her
about her message.
So in reply to her, “I wouldn't be your personal maid even
if you paid me a million dollars. I'm no guys fucking
doormat.” I would tease her about it by saying something
like, “We would fucking hate each other then because I
would probably get you to do tons of stuff for me like you
were some third world country under achiever... I would
get you to rub hot soothing oils into my feet, while I sat on
my ass just watching re-runs of friends all day long...
Although you wouldn't be my doormat, you would stand
by it so you could get your ass to the shop whenever I ran
out of Pringles... you nerd lol :P”
After I respond to her with a teasing message, I will move
onto talking to other women. I find that most women who
send challenging negative messages will drop their act and
respond positive to me after I have teased them. If she
carries on being negative then I will just stop messaging
her and focus on other women.
Transitioning to Phone:
Most guys tend to overcomplicate the situation of getting
her phone number because they feel that in order to obtain
it that they have to do it at the right time. The best time to
get her phone number is when your gut feeling tells you to
do so. For example, I will be talking to a woman and it will
be going great and I start to get this feeling in my stomach
that is telling me, “This is going great but it's time to get
her phone number.” As soon as I feel it in my gut to get
her number, I go with that feeling and act on it. There is no
perfect time to get her number. It is entirely up to you
when you feel that it is the right time to transition. The
only thing you should keep in mind is that it is best to
build a little connection online before you transition to
phone. When you have a built a connection with her
online it will be easier for her to trust you with the
I find that the more direct and straight forward you are
about getting her number, the easier it is. Getting her
phone number is as simple as saying, “I enjoy talking to
you... But I'm rarely on Facebook... I'm more of a texter...
hit me up with your phone number.” I tell her exactly how
I feel by telling her I'm enjoying talking to her and then I
give a reason to why I want to carry this on to the phone.
If she declines and doesn't give you her phone number
then do not give up. Most guys tend to think that it is
game over if she makes an excuse as to why she can’t give
him the number. If this happens to you then just focus on
building more of a connection with her and then ask her
again after a few more messages. I will usually just say
something like, “Well I'm going to go off Facebook... I
don't know when I will be back again... Hit me up with
your number and we'll text.” I say text because women feel
it is less intrusive to text then to talk on the phone and it
makes her more inclined to give you her number.
When she does give me her phone number I will usually
just send her a text saying, “I'm calling you now dorkface.”
Then I will just phone her up and speak to her.
There is no magical way of getting her to meet up with
you. Just call her up and tease her and take liberty by
inviting her out.
Remember that the more connection you have with her,
the easier it will be for her to trust you and the easier it
will be for her to want to meet up with you.
Facebook Message
This is a full transcript of a conversation that took place on
Facebook. This girl became my girlfriend for 5 months.
Just as like the entire book, this conversation is left in its
completely un-edited, raw and original form. There will be
Spelling mistakes and Grammar errors. To edit and clean it
up would have been to taint the very essence of the beauty
of the interaction.
Me: You are fucking sexy... I just had to message you....
There is just something about you that captivates me
Her: well thank you. i'm Alicia.
Me: That's a cute name, I'm Adam It's funny how I came
across your profile actually... Have you ever heard of the
secret? Basically it's about how we attract the things we
think about into our life...
I was thinking of meeting a dorky fun girl and I guess I
did... you seem kinda dorky haha
Her: Well adams a cute name too. And i guess i am dorky...
and yes i have heard about the secret.. i have watched the
movie. and i do believe in it.
Me: thank you =) That's awesome because even in like the
30 seconds of talking to you i feel this vibe about you, like
you strive to be positive and are very passionate about
life... i like that in a person.
what are you passionate about? I'm passionate about oreos
Her: haha thats whats up. I am definatly passionate about
oreos. but i also love... making movies (directing and
editing and screen writing !!) and i write short stories too,
hopefully one day a novel. I am in to photography. I paint.
I want to travel the world. I love marine life and i would
probably be happy just working in a zoo around animals.
Mostly the tigers. I also am a very organized person who
actually enjoys math (thats where the dork comes in) soo i
would love to open my own buisness, just not sure what
kind. I love the mountains and the ocean. I want to own a
horse. And theres a lot more... my problem is choosing one
thing to do with my life.... because i have soo many things
i am "passionate" about.. haha what about you? theres got
to be more then oreos... lol
Me: Wow it's rare to find such passion in a person. I can
relate to opening a business. I use to have panic attacks
and anxiety. I spent like 3 years trying to get over it, it was
hard because every night i would literally freak the fuck
out. But i found a way to get over it and completely
changed my entire life around but then i started to see
other people suffering with it. So i had this burning desire
to teach other people how to get rid of it and build
themselves a kick ass positive lifestyle and now i teach that
to people who need it. I love my job.
I love photography as well, theres just something about
the beauty of capturing that picture in the moment, like
not knowing what your picture is going to turn out like...
and just by turning a certain angle you get a whole new
picture.. you capture the beauty and the essence of the
world by photography i love that
I see that you like hazlenut coffee, haha that is such a deal
breaker... i HATE hazlenut cofee lol
Her: WHAT!! i'm sorry, but how can you HATE the
hazlenut! tisk tisk, you need to get new taste buds. haha..
but yea. That was beautiful how you described
photography, and I couldn't agree anymore. Well actually I
probably could have an hour long conversation about it...
thats how i am.. i just like to have long conversations with
people.. its like my favorite thing to do. haha
And i totally respect that you changed your life style
around like that. Where are you located right now? And
like how many people have you helped? how does one
start something like that?
All i can say is that i play the "motherly" role with my
friends. I am always the first one they call when something
fucked up happens to them. And like when they call I
usually will first agree with them on how they are feeling
and if they are angry I usually will get really pissed off
along with them. Then I settle them down. Then I tell them
my point of view. Then I tell them what the other person's
point of view might be. Then i give them my advice on
how they should handle the situation. haha wow until
now i had no idea that i actually had steps... maybe i
should be a physiologist.
Me: Yeah i just love talking to people and discovering their
passions in life, most people can't keep up but you're
doing a good job
i mean not only are you sexy but you're pretty intelligent
too, what's it like in lincoln? I'll be going over there in 2
days, i hear you have the best icecream
Right now i'm near you like 2 hours away from lincoln,
until i go back to miami and then im going to San diego
I can sense you have that motherly instinct, it could just be
the shifty eyes though haha
Her: Well your just a smooth talker aren't ya... well i'll go
along with it. And yes we have great ice cream... but, what
we really have the BEST of is Italian Bread. Supposivily its
the water here. And Lincoln is pretty straight. You learn
how to take care of yourself, when you live here. And
when you come I'll show you around. Where did you
grow up?
PS. I checked out our horoscope compatibilty on here for
"friendship" and for "love" it was pretty interseting..
Me: Ok it's settled, when i come over there you are taking
me to an italian resturant and getting me some bread,
don't worry i am a gentlemen... you can pay for the bread
and my drinks haha
You ever had that moment where you can just look into a
person's eyes and its like in that moment... time stands
still... and you just know that when you are with this
person you are entirely safe and you are understood... it's
like this person gets who you are on the inside, they look
past the shadow of the outside beauty and into who you
really are... it's like when you connect on that level... you
have that instant connection and when you are looking
into their eyes and they are smiling at you.... it's like that
feeling that you are on the edge of the world, staring into
the ocean and as the moonlight shines onto your face...
there comes that first kiss that sends butterflies into your
I say that because that's the type of girl you are. You're the
type of girl who you can connect with and have that with
and that's a special thing to have =)
Her: Well then, I am completly flattered. I don't know
whether your this amazing guy who i have finally met that
actually understands life. OR if your some guy that is
trying to mess with my head, and read that line
somewhere in a book. Non the less I'm definatly down
with that. And I will take you out. But not to a resturant.
See, in Lincoln there are pizza places and they are
definatly better then any resturant that your going to find.
Me: Well probably a bit of both, i'm evil
I can;t believe you thought that line was from a book... i
hired 15 african kids to come up with the most beautiful
unique words in the world... it took them 40 hours and
they had to sacrafice 10 virgins to come up with the most
beautiful crafted words and when they where.. finished
they where blinded by the light of beauty from the writing
and you say its from a book? fuck you! Haha
Her: hahahahaha omg!!
Me: yeah lol
Her: You never told me where you grew up. I'm thinking a
medium sized town. That only has one school. And it's
very pretty and relaxing. haha idk. do those places even
exsist anymore?
Me: Haha, only on smallville
well i grew up in a town called grimsby in the uk, when
the sun is out the atmosphere is fucking amazing... you go
outside and the heat just hits your face and everyone
comes out when there is sun, people are happy and we all
go to get icecream.. but if the sun isnt out then people tend
to be pissed off and keep themselves to themselves, and
we get sun like 3 times a month or something haha!
But i call my real home miami because thats where the
most amazing thing happened to me =)
How about you, what was it like growing up?
Her: I grew up in Manchester. But it wasn’t so much of
where I grew up that made my childhood what it was, but
the events that accrued in my life. At first life was grand. I
lived with my mom and my dad and my brother. We had a
pool in the back yard that I was obsessed with during the
summers. My dad drove motorcycles and would take me
out on rides. And when my mom was in the kitchen, I
would pop in from outside, through a big window and
pretend I was a weather woman. And during the winter,
Christmas was the shit and so were snow days. But then
when I was 5 my father passed away.
My mom stopped getting involved with school benefits,
and now looking back on it, I realize because she stopped
being one of those "social political mothers" all the other
mothers, that still were involved in sports and after school
programs, stopped inviting me to their daughter's b-day
parties. Making me a social out cast, a loner I suppose. I
began to gain weight, and I hated going to school. Luckily
I had a childhood best friend that lived right next door to
me. Her name was Kate, and she made everything fun
again. We use to sing to Madonna and the Spice Girls all
day long and play Barbie’s and swim in my pool. But
when I was about 9 she moved to America, which really
left me with no one.
It wasn’t until I got out of school before I would begin to
live a happy life again. The summer going into college I
took my first trip out to America. San Diego actually,
where my cousins live. I loved it!! The mountains and the
ocean. The palm trees. The people. The easy living, life
style every one possessed. What more can I say, it was
great! I then went home and was siked to start at a
performing arts college where I would take up FILM. But
unfortunately, it was the same as the other college. I was
shy and didn’t talk to anyone. The summer going into
another college, I went back out to California, but this time
with Kate, the childhood friend. Yep we still stayed in
touch. This time it was to Venice Beach. Which is different
from any other place I have ever been. The Art that you’re
surrounded by is crazy!! When I got back home I went on
a diet and lost all of my weight. When I began my college
course, I had more confidence in who I was. I met Jasmine
who became my friend. That’s when I began to explore
traveling. That’s when I began drinking and smoking.
That’s when I felt like I was normal.
So as college passed so did the parties. Eventually Jasmine
would have to move away, which fucking broke me. She
had become the sister I had never had. I would go back out
to California with Kate one more time. Although it would
be different because she had a car and we got to explore
LA. Then I graduated college. And now I am working at a
blockbuster. This fall I will be attending uni. And I am
trying to get my license and a car.
I know this was more like a short bio. And I am sorry if it
bored the shit out of you. But it was the only way I could
really express to you how I grew up. There is so much
more to be said, I just didn’t know if that’s what you really
wanted to hear or not. So yep that’s it I guess.
Me: That's really interesting, i have a buddy who lived in
manchester that say's the party life is kick ass... but how's
lincoln? Don't you have like a kick ass party life over there
too? I know how you guys roll, i hear lincoln is quite the
sex scene!
I really like after all the bad shit you've been through that
you really pushed yourself to strive for positivity and you
succeeded, you are an sexy and intelligent chick. how do
you like working at block busters?
But barbies girl! sheesh! my ken dolls would of owned
you! wait... i mean gi joes... i never use to play with ken
dolls =)
I know what you mean about being apart from a close
friend... my buddy moved to vienna and we use to do
everything together.. we where like that film "Dudes weres
my car" except i couldnt drive because i was retarded and
we didnt have hot twin gf's, we had the dude and sweet
tattoo though, but now its like i see the dude every 4
months, it gets annoying after awhile
You know, that deep connection with someone? Have you
ever felt like you could just do anything in the presence of
that person, a person who makes you feel completely free,
the person you desire and long to be
Her: I made that horrible accusation that it came from a
book, well that is what I think love should be. I asked my
mom one day how she knew she was in love with my
dad… and she simply replied “I felt like I was at home
with him.” And it’s always stuck with me. I mean your
always comfortable when your home. You’re always safe.
You’re always yourself. It makes perfect since.
Now I have had a few boyfriends. But they are never right.
I need that connection. It’s what I strive for. It's got to be on
that greater level. I need someone who understands me,
and I need someone who I can fight with and after
hanging up the phone, have the urge to call them right
back because I know that I can’t be with out them. And it’s
hard to find that. So yes I know what you mean. There was
one guy that I didn’t realize how much of a connection we
really had until it was gone. And it just taught me not to
let the next one go.
And yea it totally sucks when your best friend moves
away. Me and Jasmine only see each other about every 4
months too... and it’s for like 2 days, which really sucks.
But we still talk on the phone and chat on msn. It really
took a toll on me when she first left. It took me about 6
months to finally be ok with it all, and even after that it
still sucked.
I love how you’re really intellectual too. Its not often you
find someone to have these sort of chats with. But I
defiantly feel a connection. It’s very refreshing and nice to
Blockbuster is an alright job. It gets boring. Which I hate. I
like a challenge now and then. And we do have some dope
parties. Btw i see that you like entourage on your profile.
You're profile is so interesting and mysterious too! I got
entourage on season 1 by the way so i will check it out.
And my Barbie would have loved to be owned by your
Ken. Because I know you had a Ken. It’s ok. Haha. My
Barbie rode around in style, she had her own hot pink
convertible. Lol.
Me: That's sounds right, because to me love is passion and
it's about having that connection where you are both in the
momentum and you are like the main characters in the
universe.. like you know how people go to the coffee shop
for dates and it's all awkward? Fuck that lol. IT's about
being creative, like the difference between a awkward date
and a fun date is that one will go to the coffee shop and act
all nervous and shy while the other will go to the coffee
shop and get the girl to play along in his game.
Like for example, one time when i dated this girl and we
met at a seminar and went to the coffee shop i told her to
play along that im going to propose to her and that she is
in on this but everyone will think its serious, so i grab
some tin foil and get down on one knee and say something
like "i want you despite the fact of not knowing you that
long, i wanna be the lovingly couple that takes walks on
the beach and has never ending sex in public places... i
want you to be my wife... wil you marry me"
She's all like YES YES I WILL! and everyone claps! and
congratulated us, then we where offered free drinks and
we had our picture taken with our tin foil ring... lol but
what im saying is, that is the diffence when you have a
connection with someone... when you're nervous you cant
experience that... That's why i like you, i can tell you're the
kind of girl you can do that with
But yeah you made a horrible accusation... my african kids
are so pissed haha, you have to apologize in their native
language by saying HYIU GHJEI BEHG!
We wouldnt get on though... i'm too sexual, you would be
in public and i would just make out with you and grope
you in front of everyone, i would make everyone know
that you where mine, you would be so digusted by my
forwardness it would be toxic
but i feel a connection too, however i probably will just
end up fucking you really hard.
but as your job is boring i'm gonna come rescue you and
sweep you off your feet with my gi joe... and we'll grab
some french bread and we'll ride off into the sunset... then
we'll get married on top of a mountain... and there will be
flutes playing and trombones and flowers and garlands of
fresh herbs. And we will dance till the sun rises. And then
our children will form a family band. And we will tour the
Let's meet up, i'm in lincoln tommorow, 8pm, where gonna
have a fun time and do what lovers do, sex in public ;)
Her: AHHHHHHHH I HATE YOU!!!!! OMG !!!! why
would you tell me that!!!!! uh, and to think i was actually
going to apologize to those natives! haha
but yea I can not wait for the day you come and rescue me.
My manager will be like, "umm and where do you think
your going?" and before i can say anything, you'll take my
hand, kiss me and say, "we are getting married." Then will
be off to miami where we will go and have a crazy night
at a wild party. We will be the hottest couple there
ofcourse, and everyone will be blown away with the
passion that comes from the two of us.
The only thing is.. when i start to really like a boy, my
nerves go crazy and i shake terriably. Its really bad.
Hopefully i'll be able to relax and have fun on our date. I
don't know tho, who knows how much i'll like you by
then, or maybe just how comfortable I am. =) Did i just say
"Date" Woosh I am way to forward! Haha. That coffee
shop story is awesome! Why can't you live in Lincoln =(
Ok so i have a confession to make. Have yo ever seen
Moulin Rouge?? because i go through these phases where i
watch it like crazy and listen to the soundtrack like all the
time. I just think it is the most romantic zany movie you
could ask for. and the thing is, i usually hate musicals, but
not this one. And well i am going through that phase now,
and i wanted to know what your opinion on the movie
PS. I love sex in public!!!
Me: haha you're smart, HYIU GHJEI BEHG doesn't
actually mean an apology... i bet you can't guess what it
You know what though... theres one film i like.. Beauty
and the beast... I'll be the beast that dominates you and
explores your... entire body... although i have a 2 inch
penis.. but that's 2 seconds more pleasure then you'll ever
get from your average joe!
Come to think of it... beauty and the beast is a really sick
fucked up story.. think about it, a girl falls in love with a
animal! see how disney are so sick yet so subtle!
I'm coming to rescue you soon from the hell hole that you
work at, It was awesome talking to you on the phone last
night... i cant believe it got so sexual... actually i can, i
planned it all along haha ;)
But yeah everyone would be blown away by our passion,
you would shake nervously but that's ok because you're
with me and i'll make sure you have the time of your life,
but by then you could fucking hate me haha that would be
funny or you could fucking love me and that would be
sexy and cute... either way it'll be cool to see where fate
takes things... you could turn out to be the coolest gf ever
who has amazing sex and amazing moments in life or the
coolest friend, either way you're everything i like in a girl
But Moulin Rouge? HA! are you fucking kidding me... I'm
passionate.. not gay :P But yeah i've never really seen
moulin rouge. my favorite romantic film is don juan
demarco... the guy has a gift because he see's the real
beauty of women, he looks beyond the shadow of beauty
and into the heart of a natural woman, the woman who
loves to be explored.. that woman who loves to have her
body pressing against a charismatic lover... he is consumed
by beauty and that's the coolest thing... and its played by
Johnny Depp all the girls dig it... but as for muscials, for
some reason i like high school musical it's fucking
I'll see you tonight missy, don't forget to take an extra pair
of panties
Her: haha your such a guy. I hope you know that. by the
way I would dump you for prince charming in Sleeping
Beauty. Thats a real man, one that will go through dragons
to rescue his love. :)
I will tell you how a first date might be:
So we get together at my house. Its about 6 o'clock and no
one is home. We decide to make something to eat together.
This is the first time your in my kitchen, so you have no
idea where anything is. As you go through my cabinets,
trying to find where we keep the plates, I come over and
poke you saying, "would you stop going through
everything" then you put your hands on my shoulders,
look me straight in the eyes and say "i'm sorry... but I can't"
Then you go back to opening up everything. I of course
laugh, and try to stop you.. but you just continue. Finally I
just show you where the plates are kept. Then as we make
our ummm Peanut butter sandwiches, I put peanut butter
on your nose and the Flirtiness continues... when were
done making them, i sit on the counter top and you lean
on the stove, we have some good casual conversation.
We then decide to go toooo the ocean city boardwalk. We
hold each others hands, and go on rides. Then right
around 9 when it gets dark out, we decide to spend our
last 2 tickets on the fairest wheel. I am scared of heights, so
i'll sit close, and you put your arm around me. As it comes
to a stop at the top, I look out towards the ocean, your
thinking of how much you want to kiss me, and I know
thats what your thinking so I start rambling about
something stupid to break the perfect moment... making it
that much harder on you. When we get off the fairest
wheel we go to the beach and lay down. As we look up at
the stars I tell you something pretty deep. You roll to your
side to look at me and when I'm done my story, I roll over
to see your face expression. Then when I realize that you
do care, I give you the look that signifies its ok to kiss me.
And you do. Its an amazing first kiss. but because me and
you are so light hearted, it turns into us rolling around and
me getting up then running as you chase me. Every time
you catch me you'll smother me with short sweet kisses...
now you finish the story... and if there are any changes to
mine it better be good!!
And i'll see you tonight <3
Me: Well a real man wouldn't go out with a girl who is
dumb enough to hang around a big ass dragon! haha
I'm an insensitive dick remember ;)
Ok so you want my version, I call this "The Romantic
So we get together at your house. you say it's 6'o clock but
i dont trust ur sense of time, cos your a lil retarded lol. I
decide i'm fucking hungry. So i raid your kitchen thinking
"Where does this biatch keep her reeces buttercups. I go
through my cabinets and smash a few plates for fun. you
come over and poke me saying, "would you stop going
through everything and smashing things.. clean it up!"
then i bitch slap you because i'm your pimp daddy, look at
you straight in the eyes and say "Bitch better quieten down
and clean this shit up!" Then i go back to opening up
everything. you of course cry like a little girl, and wish i
was some prince but i just continue smashing shit. Finally
you get off your lazy stoned ass and make me peanut
butter sandwhiches. You put peanut butter on my nose
and i bitch slap you again "Bitch if you touch me you fuck
me"... when your done making them, you sit on the
counter top and you lean on the stove, and because im a
dick i grab your hand and burn it on the stove "Bitch what
did i tell you, fire burns!" You cry and start talking about
things... i just ignore.
You then decide it would be a good idea to go to the ocean
city boardwalk. You hold my hand and i bitch slap you
"Bitch holding hands is for fags!", and you cry and go on
rides. Then right around 9. although i dont trust your
sense of time... because i bitch slapped u too much.. when
it gets dark out, you decide to spend our last 2 tickets on
the fairest wheel. You tell me you’re scared of heights, so i l
mock you, and you put your arm around me. As it comes
to a stop at the top, I look at you while you're scared
shitless, your thinking of how much you want to kiss me,
and I know thats what your thinking cos your a loser
haha! So as you're about to kiss me, i push you out the
wheel and you fall and nearly die. I mock you while you
can barely breathe or walk. But you only have a snapped
ankle, you can walk it off i tell you As we look up at the
stars I tell you something pretty deep. "I'm gonna fuck you
in the ass" You roll to your side to look at me, I roll over to
see your face expression. Then I stick my dick right inside
your butt hole... its tight! I realize that you do like it in the
ass, I give you the look that signifies its ok to be fucked in
the ass. And you want it more. Its an amazing ass fuck. but
because me and you are so light hearted, it turns into us
rolling around and me getting it more into your ass. Every
time i put it in your ass catch you'll smother me with short
sweet kisses and then i tell you a secret... "Bitch... i have
HIV" then we live happily ever after.
See i told you i can be romantic when i want to be haha :D
See you tonight my whore :)
You are such an asshole!! U ruined my story!! Il see you
tonite! you will pay for this lol ... omg!
Looking back on my journey and everything I have learnt,
I can see that I grew tremendously. I couldn't have
succeeded without the amazing people that came into my
life and inspired me to live life like a fucking adventure. It
is those kick ass people who I give all my gratitude to.
This book is my thank you for helping me become the man
that I am today.
My Father. You’re a role model. Someone I look up to and
someone I hold close to my heart. I'm proud to say that you are
my father. Our bond can never be broken. Thank for making me
the man who I am today.
Hypnotica, Steve P, Neil Strauss and Cameron Teone. If it
wasn't for you guys I would still be rotting in my bedroom. We
are kindred spirits, seeking growth, knowledge and truth. You all
took me under your wing and taught me a deeper meaning to the
art of seduction and life. Check out I highly
recommend it.
Crash. If it wasn't for our late night talks, then most of the
content in my book wouldn't have existed. You motivated me to
write things down and to keep things organized and for that I
now have this beautiful book. You were always there for me
whenever I needed to talk. I am glad to call you a friend. I see
that you are improving each day and I have no doubt that you
will blossom into an amazing Charismatic Lover.
Alicia. You were only in my life for five months but in those five
months I learnt more about women then I ever did in my
lifetime. You intoxicated me with passion and captivated me
with your beauty. You have so much passion for life and you
inspire me to follow my dreams each and every day. I know that
you will become one of the most amazing film directors with the
passion that you have. I look forward to seeing your name on the
big screen.
Parker. You made me who I am today. You fuelled the fire
within in me to become the Charismatic Lover that I dreamt of
being. I remember back when I had a party at my house and I
had just kissed my first hot girl and you swept in like some kind
of member of Motley Crue and ended up fucking her in my bed.
While everyone was dancing and having a good time, I was sat
on my staircase crying my eyes out like the baby I was back then.
But it was in that moment that I made a true decision to get
good with women and it was the desire of stealing your girls that
motivated me to take action. You became my Arch Nemesis and
not long after I found your secret to attracting women and then I
used that against you to get your girlfriend. If it wasn't for
learning that secret, I wouldn't have been able to go from
meeting a woman and the next minute taking her into the
bathroom to fuck her. At first I became much like you and then I
found my own incredible gifts and passions and led with those.
You inspired me to push boundaries and take up my space in the
world. Although I don't see much of you now, always know that
you will always be a part of me wherever I go my friend.
Finally, to all the girls that I have met, broken their hearts and
slept with their friends. It was nothing personal.